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Media Revision AS
Theories:- Propp’s characters
Propp claimed that narrative contains 7 key archetypes:-
1)The hero/heroine- the individual whom restores equilibrium +conquers villain
2)Villian- individual whom seeks vengeance + causes disturbance + enigmatic
3)The dispatcher - places hero on journey, usually older individual
4)Helper-accompany hero on quest + efforts contribute to victory
5)Princess/damsel in distress- acts as an award + need of saving
6)father/rewarder- can be the dispatcher + grant reward to hero (usually the princess)
7)Anti-hero- Acts heroic throughout though isn’t the hero of the narrative + complex
Todorov Narrative theory
Suggested the conventional narrative was constructed
in 5 stages:
3)Quest to restore equilibrium
Barthe’s codes of narrative
Suggested specific codes allow the development and
unfolding of narrative within conventional films/tv
1)Action- foreshadows events + resolution is
produced through action
2)Enigmatic- mystery +teases audience
3)Cultural- gangster connotations reflect mafia culture
4)Symbolism- iconography + camera shots +colour
Binary of opposites in narrative
Strauses suggested conventional narrative has conflicting aspects through
divergence of archetypes/themes/ideas/setting
e.g Good vs Evil
Human vs Nature
Summer vs Winter
Hypodermic needle model theory (outdated)
The ideology that the media injects into a presumed passive audience whom will act as
Two-step flow theory + Opinion Leaders
a mass audience isn’t passive but are individuals whom may or may not be influenced by
an opinion leader of a media text
Step one:- Mass media gain input of an opinion leader
Step 2:- Audience response and how they choose to use information supplied
Dyer Star Theory
The submitting of an A-list celebrity either for:-
. Financial Gain
.Recognition and expectation
Stuart Hall’s theory of positioning
Suggested the encoding and decoding of a media text in 3 different ways
1)Preferred Reading- audience accept the reading the producer intended
2)Negotiation reading- partly accepts reading yet questions it
3)Oppositional reading- draws conflict with culture/ideologies/identity +reject it
Mulvey’s Gaze theory
Ideology that women were submitted within a media text for the atheistical
gratification of men/ females devalued/ can be reversed to victimise males
Mirror Stage theory
A physio-analytical theory by Jacques Lacan, It could be intertwined with a character within a
narrative that reflects the yearnings of an individual and who they wish to be eg Heroic figure-
young boy wants to obtain this when he gets older
Pick ‘N’ Mix Theory
Audiences select aspects of a media text that are of reivance to them and
discards the rest
e.g may reader aspects of magazine that associates with their
intrests/fashion and discards the rest
Uses and gratification
Blumer and Katz suggested audiences manipulate
and use the media
2) Social interaction/discussion
Bell Hooks colour codes
Lighter-skinned female is sought as more desirable that
western ideology of beauty
maslow's hierarchy of needs
motivational theory in psychology comprising a five tier model of human needs,
often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid.
Maslow stated that people are motivated to achieve certain needs and that some
needs take precedence over others. Our most basic need is for physical survival,
this will be the first thing that motivates our behaviour. Once that level is fulfilled
next level up is what motivates us, and so on.
1. Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep,
2. Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order, law, stability, etc.
3. Love and belongingness needs - friendship, intimacy, trust and acceptance,
receiving and giving affection and love. Affiliating, being part of a group (family,
friends, work).
4. Esteem needs - self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status,
dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility, etc.
5. Cognitive needs - knowledge and understanding, curiosity, exploration, need for
meaning and predictability.
6. Aesthetic needs - appreciation and search for beauty, balance, form, etc.
7. Self-Actualization needs - realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking
personal growth and peak experiences.
8. Transcendence needs - helping others to achieve self actualization.
Question 1 of exam is an audio-visual:-
In this section of the exam you will be expected to deconstruct a moving image piece through identifying the
purpose and significance of audio,visual and technical codes
Frank Buys Mostly Comfortable Clothes For Playing Games
.F- Facial expressions
.B-Body language
.M-Mode en scene (Setting)
.F- Famous People
Victor Doesn’t mind AS
.V- voice over
.D-Diegetic sound
.S-Sound effect
Clare Can Make Light Scrumptious Eggs
.C-Camera shots
.C-camera movement
.M-mode of address
.S-special effect
What alludes genre:-
.codes (Barthes)
.Celebrity chose
.Camera and lighting
Camera shots and movements
Point of view shot
.Places you in character's
.expiernece narrative
Establishing Shot
.Conveys setting
Wide shot
.full figure/appearance
Medium Shot
.Focus on Body language
.Dress codes
Close up shot
of object
Close up
Over the
shoulder shot
Audience feel
long shot
.Sense of
High Angle
.over seeing
Tracking shot
.Following subject
.On journey with
.caught up in the
action eg car chase
Low angle shot
.audience feel
significance and
dominance in narrative
.up to knees
.body language
Hand held
Caught up in
.place of
Canted angle
.Destruction eg
Lighting Backlighting
.Halo effect
Soft Lighting
.Soft shadows
3 point lighting
.Fill- side
.Back-won’t be
absorbed in
High Key Lighting
.Signify time of day
.saturated=state of
Low Key
.time of day
Rembrandt lighting
.emphasise on
.Connotes good and
bad side to character
.sense of darkness
due to accent light
and shadow
.morbid reflection
.emphasise of
Genre:- deprived from the French term
for “type”
.Used to divide texts into easily identifiable categories
classifying of a media text due to its conventions
.Aspects audiences recognise in association
to a specific genre and helps them to
identify its genre
Sub Genre:
.Combination of genre conventions
.Hybrid text
.Complex text that fits into range of
Representation:- Females
.All media texts undergo the process of mediation through the selection of certain audio-visual and technical
codes in efforts to obtain the preferred reading (Stuart Hall) in reflection to the producer’s own bias to what they
think is important, proposing not a window of the world (Barbara O’Connell) but someone else’s.
The selection process involved alludes there are aspects left out of the final cut, giving audience only partial truths.
In editing and constructing of a text, producers rely upon their own ideology to construct their own reality that they
wish to inject into a mass audience, them being the prominent opinion leader of the text. Stereotypes therefore
are often simplified to associate with the genre conventions and portrayal of the text in reflection to producer’s
own bias of a subject.
Cosmopolitan: Case study one
.The media has been critised in recent years due to its modernised stereotypes that feminists claim to undermined the good work of
.Fearne Cotton-Purposely selected-Richard Dyer’s star a-list celebrity- appeal to young aspirers and used as commodity
.Dominant image –conciliated image of perfection-airbrush of flawless skin and thighs-unattainable to ordinary-cult of thinness
.Employs Direct mode of address +hand on thigh-exclusive group/involvement-sexual connotations/confidence in self-female empowerment
.Silk-wealth-green associates with culture (anchored by title) wealth +jealousy- to obtain this you must be wealthy-sophistication –emphasise
cult of thinness
.Majority of written codes exemplify women to be primilarly associated with beauty,sex and consumerism
.Plug-”Sex Quiz”-Women are sexual objectified- lack of self respect- comfortable in body and conduct in active sexual relations
.Sell Line-”Fearne on being in love and dressing for new man”-dependent on men + care about appearance for the gratification of male
desire (Mulvey’s gaze theory) – shallow fashionistas and obsessive beauty bunnies
.Sell Line-”Confessions of a love rat”-Metaphor-Women are shallow and gossip indulged
.Dominant plug-”It has to be shoes!”- associated with fashion/ consumers – stereotypical –Exclamatory sentence
.Quick fix problem solving-”82 miracle beauty buys”-hyperbolical lexis-allusion that buying mag you’ll be alike Fearne and will uphold image
of perfection- false advertising to victimise aspires to feel they need the tips provided (Mirror stage theory)
.Cover= dominant ideology of purchasing the given product –obtain image of perfection-feel beautiful-mirror the dominant image (mirror stage
.Fairy tale- “little red riding hood”-intertextuality allows narrative to unfold– trigger familiarity- enigmatic-fictional story symbolic of a fictional image of
perfection that is unattainable-Challenges prop’s character theory-domiante rather than submissive- anchored by iconography of wolf tale and axe
.Advertisers set out to associate product- dominant femininity-anchored by “neither timid or shy”-sexual connotations
.Side Long shot-action coding-enigmatic as we don’t know where she is going- women to be mischievous yet dominate subjects within a narrative text
.Iconography of dress codes- overly sexualised- red=danger/blood (females are violent) also red=passion and lust- not dependent upon men yet
portrayed as physcotic and emotionally irrational
.Leather boots/clothes-emphasies cult of thinness-sexual connotations- control of own body and self
.Diamond Brooch-wealth to obtain this image of perfection-reinforces fashion aspects-sophistication-committing an act in style
.Facial expression-direct mode of address-confidence/intimidation-sexual appeal-pace against black and red-mediated-ideology of perfection-
supernatural connotations –reinforces fictional aspect-red lips=sexually alluring (Mulvey’s gaze theory)
.Shiny hair-mediated-result of product- by purchasing this you’ll have hair alike dominant image
.Slogan –”you can do anything”- pronoun involves aspires- motivate-allusion the dominant image is attainable
.The advertising concept is ambiguous and complex- challenging conventions of feminity yet reinforcing them- women are sexual objects yet have
control of their body and how they wish to be portrayed
We Found Love. Video is constructed-montage of images-toxic relationship-tackles audience with featured female-is subservant,sexualised+
dependent whilst still upholding image of perfection
.Begins with-non diegetic narrative-reminising (subject’s state of mind revealed)-”without you I feel like nothing”-dependency on men-”have the bad so
you could have the good”- women are oblivious of what is good or bad for them-overlooking abuse-sexual activity=objects of sex/ only time they feel
wanted or important to partner-blinds her to give into a toxic relationship
.Simile-”Like you’re screaming and nobody can hear”- females internal yearning for partner-cry out for help-submissive in relationship-reinforces prop’s
character theory
.The primary audience-young aspiers/strugglers-attracted to the notion of being in love-exciting and essential in growing up
.Close up shot-bath scene-place of reflection +personal space- facial expression/makeup anchored crying-women are emotionally irrational-symbolic of
messy/fragmented relationship-sympathy established- messy hair reflects carefree and adventures nature of youth
.both in tub-lack of space-still in her mind-dependency on them even in thought
.Long shot of shadow-”when your shadow crosses mine”- he is apart of her even now they are strangers-unity of relationship-hysteria=due to drugs
.Long shot of Rihanna dancing in field-overly sexualised-content and carefree- mulvey’s gaze theory- cult of thinness-anchored my medium shot oh her
on male lap-every movement stimulates sex-main aspect of relationship
.Gambling-life is a game- relationship is win/loss-gambling own health and moral ground for male partner-relationship is only desirable under influence
of drugs-”Yellow diamond in the sky”
.Tattoo-”mine” branded alike animal-possession of his –”Yours” allows self to be devalued and objectified- sparks reflect temporary satisfaction alike
drugs- relationship started off powerful and intimate
.Medium shot of fighting in car-women are argumentative and stubborn
.Conclusion-walks out-independent and realisation of self worth- corner-vunerable and depressed- reflects her state of mind
Male representation
Same intro as female!
How males are presented:-
.The media has been heavily critised in recent years due to their constructed ideology of how males should appear and aspire to be like.
.Traditionally =macho characters alike James Bond- modernisation alludes some feminity characteristics in male portrayals- uphold image of perfection
.Male mascunity continues to be exaggerated-reinforce conventional male stereotype-prop’s heroic figure- what audiences expect to see
Men's Health
.Primary case study conveys many convectional male portrayals that propagate the media today-overly sexualised yet admirable subject
.Dominant image-dominant mascunity- medium shot reinforces the image of perfection for male aspires- confirms prop’s heroic figure
.Black and white filter-absence of fill light- dramatized to reflect dramatic reveal-mediated image(unattainable)- blemishes removed in final cut and enhanced-unrealistic
standard for males to look up to and aspire to be in reflection to the Mirror Stage Theory
.Males alluded to be body obsessed-perfectionists- not only in looks biut ambitions to succeed- men are business orientated and seek their body as a project –self absorbed
yet care about how they look perhaps to intrigue the sexual gratification of females (reversed Mulvey’s Gaze)
.Indirect mode of address-polysomic illustration-men shows emotion-challenges conventions- victimised for sexual appeal – looking down emphasises thinness of jaw-cult of
thinness-admiring own figure/efforts
.Iconograpthy-lifting shirt- revealing new self-pressured by desirable sex
.Plug-”7 steps to more sex”- look like this and you’ll obtain a more active sex life-sexually objectified-men are obsessive sexual individuals
.Sell line-”One mouth + 2 moves= these abs!”-quick fix problem solving-false advertisement to strugglers and aspires-hyperbolical lexis
.Personal pronoun-sell line-”Your gut gone”- exclusive group-involvement-motivating audience to purchase magazine
We found love .It is made coherent we are presented with a male who is alive, destructive and carefree
.Range of list shots-living life to fullest-non diegetic narrative- suggests prop’s character typical fairytale-both genders have found love
in a hopeless place
.Variety of long shots-female dancing for male gratification- Mulvey’s gaze- passionate shots-males have upper hand within
relationship-male dominance yet can be passionate within in
.Male consuming drugs and engaging in anti-social behaviour-fast pace cuts and images- anchored by “yellow diamonds in the sky”-
camera movement mimics intoxication- males are vulnerable to peer pressure and reckless
.Violent-medium shots and close up shots –male taking on aggressive role- hitting co star reflects domestic abuse conducted by male-
normalised-how men reassert their authority-close up shot of male tattooing "mine”- making female a product of his desire
.When co-star leaves he grabs on to her- ironic- male dependency/also his belonging-long shot of her crying- male is ultimately the
one in control
Casino Royale
Made rather conspicuous that the use of Richard Dyer’s star theory- Daniel Craig- Attractive male suitable to male and
female audiences
.Dominant image-predictable bond-prop’s heroic figure-stance alludes confidence, power and admiration-Stereotypical
bond=cashing in on a successful franchise
.Dress code of suit-superiority and successful male-conventional ideology –unbuttoned bow tie- stimulates sexual appeal to
his character-rebellion connotations (lack of conforming)-relaxed- what he does best
.Dominant image is superimposed to take up 2/3rds of page- male dominance over women and his significance in the
narrative-confirms trinity syndrome theory-prop’s characters as female is employing a submissive role where male is the
.Iconography of gun-action code-man in control of actions-hegemonic representation- dominance is sought through
.Indirect mode of address/serious facial expression-enigmatic-polysomic- relaxed and prepared for anything/caught up in
.High Contrast lighting-emphasise on masculine features-sense of vulnerability due to blue filter- also reinforces
domineering mascunity –males are reckless and emotive (challenging the norm)
.Absence of fill light on Bond’s face- shadow acts as an enigma code-males are complex and have a good and bad side
As the norm changes in society so does the representations of gender within the media
Youth representation
how they are presented
.The media has been heavily critised in recent years due to the modern stereotypes that have emerged
.The topic youths being controversial as they are stereotypically portrayed as troublesome and starry eyed
.devalues teens rather than glorify them
.It encourages anti-social mannerisms and misconduct as young strugglers and aspires seek this as the role they need to conform to to be the idealised youth
.Presents peer-pressure/ as they are still under the process of self-discovery/ who they want to be and what they are capable of
.The media is simply an institution that’s formulates texts that are simply a constructed reality to anchor a specific ideology to obtain the preferred reading
Daily Express article of 2011, Flaming morons
.Alludes youths under a controversial light due to them being represented in a stereotypical way; this being starry-eyed
brainless adrenaline junkies individuals who part take in anti social behaviour
.Written and visual codes propose ideology that youths should be feared- endangerment to society and the community’s
.Iconography of dominant image – male associated with the riot- they are the ones to blame- takes up 2/3rds of page-
dominate narrative of text-car in flames- elements of death, violence and destruction- youths associated with such things
.Direct mode of address- intimidation/threatening to audiences to reflect producers bias- almost want audience to see
what they are doing as a revolutionary statement- they are not submissive and shouldn’t be messed with
.Main splash line-”Flaming morons”- pun due to flames behind subject-young people are unworthy of consideration due
to their mindless conduct
.Strapline-”thugs and terrorists terrorising Britain's streets”- emotive and repetition of terror- highlights criminality and
violent nature –intimidation to a general public
.”Mindless violence”- no rational reason –mere propaganda gimic-attention seeking
.”hooded yobs”- stereotypical
.wide shot of youth wearing tracksuit-enigmatic-universalism of youths to be all like this- represents ideology rather than a
specific suspect- tracksuit= symbol of urban decay and criminal tendencies
.Overall a shallow representation
We found Love
.Presents audiences with a constructed view of a teenage reality due to the artists star appeal as
confirmed by Richard Dyer’s star theory-overriding portrayal of youths being carefree and living life
without limits
.Drug abuse is glamorised-doesn’t want to alienate teen aspires and reinforces rebellious nature
.Iconography of council flats collapsing- youths being forced to look for opportunities-escape reality-
do this through drugs and gambling- conveyed as the idealised reality youths should yearn to conform
.Long shot of Rhianna dancing in field- females overly sexualised- female youth aspires feel they must
be alike the dominate antagonist to obtain sexual gratification form desirable sex- youths =vulnerable
as they are still finding themselves- unrealistic beauty standers and sexual classification from a young
.Variety of medium shots- passionate- youths to be sexually active and vulnerable to experimentation-
more inclined to give into peer pressure to fit social constructs
.Medium and close up shots of male hitting female- aggressive role in relationship- for young males to
seek authority they must do so through violence – normalises young people in abusive relationships
.Criminality- long shot of Rhianna shop lifting- consequence (awareness to youths) – reinforced by
close up shot of sirens- not only with the law but how others would perceive you
.Narrative codes undergo a process of change as it is synchronically and becomes distrupted-Todorv’s
narrative theory- young people associated with dysfunctional behaviour and relationships as they are
blinded by the notion of being in love- encourages for youths to be in love even when it isn’t good for
.Lack of independence and insecure- tattoo "mine” and “yours”
Men’s Health
.places young males under pressure to obtain a career and physical
perfection-dominant image- males to be active and body obsessed- body of
perfection for young male aspires-Mirror stage theory
.Overly sexualised –reversed Mulvey’s gaze theory-pressure
.Absence of fill light- mediated +unattainable
.Medium long shot of male-indirect mode of address-vulnerability and
emotive- its ok for males to express emotions and to be fragile- adds to sexual
.Colour scheme- masculine- young male to be strong, dominant +powerful
.”7 Steps to more sex”- young males prominently engaged in sexual
relationships and manipulation- be alike dominant image- sex made priority
for young males to fit society’s social construct and to feel accepted
.”100 sexiest tips lead to a longer life”- shallow minded- alliterative lexis
.”wake up.. Double your stamina”- pronoun- exclusive group- under immense
pressure from young age-sexually objectified alike females
Age Representation
How they are represented
.Within contemporary media texts older people are illustrated in a varied way; as although the majority conform to common ideologies (frail, of poor hearing, vulnerable and
stubborn/traditionalist) many illuminate their wisdom (Prop’s giver) as they direct younger community.
.All case studies examined challenge social conventions of age
Women and house
.title- older women are likely to be retired and remain at home- house wife- stereotypical
.Dominant image of Joanne Lumley- a list celebrity for older female audience (absolutely fabulous)-unattaible image of perfection
.Post production techniques- Photoshop- to diminish any blemishes and to conceal wrinkles- allusion of younger model
.Stance- overly sexualised- confidence in age and doesn’t prohibit being sexy- cult of thinness for older aspires and strugglers
.Direct mode of address- victimised sexually- submissive prop’s character- exclusive group-confidence-motivational
.Sell line- “turn back time”-alliterative lexis- older women aren’t content on growing old gracefully-beauty devalues with age- “skin secrets”-
buy magazine to be alike dominant image-false advertising as the image is mediated not a reality
.”all for the grown up girls”- youthful connotations
.”The issue has been branded “ageless”- how to appear younger rather than glorify and embrace natures ageing process- “breaking the rules”
of nature
.Narrowing the gap and celebrate the beauty of age anchored by the plug- “dating after 40”
Casino Royale
.Richard dyer’s star theory- Daniel Craig- cashing in on a stereotypical bond for a successful franchise
.Iconography of gun-action code- older audiences need weapons to feel empowered- older audiences more familiar with bon series so
have higher expectations
.Male is older than female- superior as takes up 2/3rds of page-older generation are domineering due to their ability to exert influence-
more expiernced
.Against Prop’s character theory- heroic figure rather than quest giver
.Suit- completive and successful- unbuttoned tie- sexual connotations/rebellion- symbolic of older generation encouraging aspires
young and old to break through conventions alike bond
.Female superimposed beneath male- older generation more in control- aware of consequence of actions and takes risks to protect
.High contrast lighting- masculine features emphasised –blue filter alludes denotations of regret, sorrow- older people have more
regrets etc – diverse character challenging conventions for young males and older males
Gran Torino
.Richard Dyer theory- Clint Eastwood- recognisable to old and young audiences
.Challenging representation of older males and their traditional values-introduction
to strong, dominant and powerful older male- contrasts from the frail, deaf and
grumpy portrayal
.Collage of images (montage)-Eastwood involved in conflict- older males are
intolerant- action code- involved in violence- enigma as we don’t know how it comes
about- military experience or own defence
.Denotation of long shot-his superiority in the narrative/characterisation-
gesture implies preparing for confrontation
.Direct mode of address- confidence authoritive power as an older male – military
.He is not weak but physically fit- motivational to male aspiers the image of
.Iconography of classical ,muscle car- older generation value the importance of
quality and style-older males have classical and expensive taste
.Dominate representation-revolutionary and unpredictable
National and regional representation
Unless you have visited another country or met a lot of inhabitants our views of a nation is based upon the
producers own ideologies
Daily mirror coverage
.Dominant image –William and Kate kissing- romantic connotations- marry for love as well as alliance- challenging traditional ideals- class
mixing as Kate is beneath William’s class- deconstruction of Britain's rigid class system-facial expressions allude the happiest day of their life-
Britain rejoice in their happiness- anchored by “One great day to be British”- Britain as a romantic nation
.medium close up shot reveals integrate details of wealth-crown
.Conveys an image of britishness that reinforces the uk is still a country that has a distinct class system and proud of its arm forces
.Icon of crown situated at corners- royalty is dominant narrative and institution in Britain
.colour scheme of magazine- allusion to British flag- “by God”- allusion to national anthem
.”pomp”-stereotypical people having an obsession with class and its trapping- Britain is snobbish and obsessed with ceremonial events
Hello magazine coverage
.Long shot- Kate and William-emphasise on clothing and gesture of unity- prop’s fairytale characterisation (hero and princess)-anchored by
William’s army uniform-symbolic as the army is a place of priotisim and wanting ti renew their country- marriage elevates his status and allows
him to do so in a royal manner
.Secondary images of celebrities and snapshots of the day itself-hits as narrative events- Victoria Beckham- fashion icon of Britain
.”souvenir issue”- nation collects British objects to elevate their regional identity and are obsessed with such events
.”untold stories”- enigmatic-gossip-wedding is a topic of gossip for British and national identities
2011 rugby world cup trailer
. Held in New Zealand- long shots of excited crowds-national pride- lively and animate alike the culture
itself-sense of commotional and missing of nations
.quick shots-adds to atmosphere of excitement as the voice-over-”be there for glory”-direct mode of
address- anchor for the previous scenes
.sense of national competition-an exhilarating experience-close up shots of crowds faces and flags
.sense of competition in a friendly approach- careful selection of image to construct a positive outlook-
how it brings nations together alike a family-purpose was to promote a a major sporting event-reflected
BBC’s cross-cultural ideology in positive representation
.National iconography-spectator with welsh flag-pride
.Montage of shots-New Zealand’s monuments and national beauty- culture and history of setting of
sporting event
Issues Heat magazine/body image/2011
.Dominant plug- “Body survey”- anchors surrounding images in bold text-ideology that all women should body obessed – encourages
eating disorders- points out celebrities behind the camera- mocking them due to them not fulfilling the cult of thinness as conveyed
in the mediated portrayal-realistic-they are not deemed beautiful here
.”what 2000 men really think!”-women striving for male gaze play on theory- their bodies should be products of male gratification in
order to be desired
.Range of secondary images-stages of undress-medium long shots to draw focus on their figure –target audience are shallow and
obsessed with gossip- magazine industry largely responsible for creating the notion that females should be white, thin and perfectly
formed-they are determined beautiful in reflection to Bill Hooks colour theory
.Bright yellow font- bold-exotic-intimidating alike the narrative events within
.Richard Dyer’s star theory- cellulite, hair extensions- fakery- reflection to binary of opposites (natural vs unnatural) main source of
conflict and underlining them of the magazine
.oppositional reading for a selection readers whom recognise the issue-some accept it and conform to the stereotypical audience
.Narrow ideology of 21st century female-dangerous stereotype on body image and degradation- natural self isn’t deemed beautiful
Dove”For real beauty” campaign
.”Beauty comes in all sizes”-slogan anchorages propaganda and ideology aswelll as the visual codes-visual
codes-6 women whom represent different body types- contrasting in size/ethnicity/age-relaxed stance in
underwear-confidence in own body- alludes naked truth of body image and its diversity –feminist approach in
.Challenges stereotypes promoting self-confidence and awareness of variety of body types-direct mode of
address- exclusive group-”the most important thing a girl wears is her confidence”- blurb text-campaign’s
website further reinforces message “We want to.. Free ourselves and the next generation from beauty
Drugs/alcohol in teens/BBC News report
.Issues are often dramatized-producers establish an irresponsible approach in reporting the issue as a topic of
entertainment-BBC website coverage on Hardwell incident-they have the ideology to “educate, entertain and inform”-
.contains first hand witness accounts-many underage drinkers turned up at event intoxicated-interviews with police
and paramedics are employed to allude consequence and alert of the dangers on intake
.Long shot of ambulance= consequence to health rather than just the law
.Stuart Hall’s oppositional reading- sub headings have been carefully selected to dramatize issue-”major
incident..Shocking..great issue”-threatening and serious
.Caused moral panic as parents rushed down to venue- only 15/3000 were treated in hospital for minor
issues/hyperbolical- panic caused by report was ultimately counter productive in attempts to raise issue of drug
intake and its consequences to a young audience
We found love: drugs/abuse
.Glorification of drugs and alcohol-narrative of couple who conduct in drug activity as a means of escape and
experimentation- wide range of shots of youths being explorative and rebellious – long shot of shoplifting and
medium shot of cannabis intake (couple helping each other in taking it)
.fast pace cuts-excitement and mimics influence of hard drugs-”yellow diamonds in the sky”-direct reference to
cocaine- beautiful reality under influence and almost influences it on a young and vulnerable audience
.Upbeat music-celebration/party=overshadows the issue –close up shots of sirens- consequence on boy and health as
a result
.Final stages of video’s narrative-warning- long shot of male lying on ground helpless as female leaves him-drugs
have degraded him and the value of their relationship
.extreme close up of eye- pupil enlarging-drug effect- new and more exotic
View point
.extreme close up of cigarette-colour illuminates delusion under drugs
.Medium shot of Rhianna in bath crying- without drugs and alludes sense of
Dependency not only on male figure in reflection to Prop’s but on drugs-
Messy hair connotes recklessness and messy makeup reflects messy
Relationship and due to being emotionally irrational fuels her part take in
Drug use as a means of escape from a “hopeless” relationship
.Snapshot of collapsing building-symbolic of effects on body + morals
Through the media we become informed of events that have occurred upon a global scale-if we haven’t taken part or witnessed an event first hand we become
reliant upon the media’s depiction of it , seeking the institution as our main opinion leader in selection to the two step flow theory. In editing and constructing of
texts media producers select specific codes to reflect own bias, only presenting us with partial truths due to the selection process involved- doesn’t present us with
a window of the world but someone else's
See royal wedding coverages in national and
regional representation!!!!
Daily Mirror: Hardwell incident
.not as serious as the bbc report online- anchorage text “hardwell was at the venue”-dominant image of him performing
.this institution has the tendency to mix news with entertainment-reflected here
.Dominate image-alludes to readers the concert was enjoyable and engaging and that’s the event in its positive outlook is
reinforce- overshadowing the minor incident that took place
.they do feature a “major incident” to convey awareness but do not dwell on it as the BBC report had done-reports only few
were treated- realistic and not dramatized for awareness of issue
See issue representation of case study, it’s the same!
.Improved portrayals yet still raise concern to modern audiences
.Stuart hall "the secrets fascination of otherness”- when he commented on how audiences are fascinated by those divergentance to us
.the media can sometimes present us with mere “tokenism”- limited portrayals of ethnical groups/racial stereotypes
.Many are not accustomed to ethic groups and so become reliant upon the media as an opinion leader on their culture, reflecting their own bias and only giving us a partial
and limited insight on them
Sun report on Mark Duggan
.Black male whom died at 29 on the 4th of August 2011-newspaper’s ideology tends to be anti-immigration and pro-white britishness-
stereotypes black victim as a “mug”- written codes anchor this” gangsta”- racial condemning of victim in stereotypical light
.Medium close up shot of victim upholding a gesture associated with recklessness and urban decay (gun sign)
.Later found him to be unarmed/ innocent yet the sun tend to conduct a report on incident with out clarified investigation=entertainment
and negative portrayal of an ethical group emerging in the uk- fear in community of such groups
.narrow and negative representation-establishes prejudice in a multi-cultural society-limited biographical info alludes his lack of purpose
due to his ethnical origin- lack of concern on victim but the misconduct and violent image the group stereotypically illuminate- audience
made more concerned on incident that on the victim and who he is as an individual
We found love
.Main focus is on mixed race relationship-provides us with negative aspects thus negative stereotyping
.The a-list feature female presents us with an example of how someone from a minority ethic group can elevate
themselves into a wide world successor- possible ethic remodel
.Mode en scene- run down and grounds of anti-social activity-drug activity- where black community is stereotypically
associated with- ghettos of a city life
.”yellow diamonds in the sky”- reference to cocaine- stereotypical drug association
.Close up shots of Rhianna arguing in car and male hitting female- domestic abuse and aggressive nature of a
supposed ethnic community
.Gives us an oppositional reading (Stuart Hall) drawing conflict with the ethnic group on how they are presented
.Challenges Ben Hook’s colour theory- darker skin female is deemed beautiful and sexually alluring
Asian Women Magazine cover
.Title suggest its target audience is Asian women based in the uk as it is published by a british industry-
inevitable stereotypes to emerge through uk bias- definite title symbolic of minority being placed in a box
on their origin-”Asian women”
.”For the woman who wants the world”-alliterative lexis-plug- yearn to be noticed/dominance in females in
minority groups whom are usually under religious coding to remain submissive and superordinate to men-
positive reading
.Dominant image is superimposed over title- confidence in institution and reflecting the confidence in a
majority group in the uk
.Dominant image employs direct mode of address- make a minority feel apart of an exclusive group/they are
not alone and shouldn't allow their ethnical origin to affect how they present themselves-sexual
connotations-challenges Bill Hook’s colour theory as western beauty dominates the white here
.Long shot- emphasise clothing and colour-gold props-wealth and valuable alike the culture itself- exotic
and vibrant colours symbolically illustrates the culture to be alive and exciting –intrigues British women to
read and become accustomed to a minority group
.A list celebrity that Asian women would recognise-anchored by the tagline “Alesha Dixon”-mixed raced-
iconography of her Asian dress- promising,virant and attractive
.Tagline-”Should I marry Asian men?”-connotes inter-racial marriage-challenging ethic conventions-sense of
modernisation and revolution
.Stereotypical in feminity-”spring fashion”- reflects colour scheme of magazine-normalises Asian women to
be fashionistas alike the British woman- balance in preferred reading and that regardless of ethical identity
they have the same interests
.”Bollywood style, Arabic chic, Asian music awards "gives outside audience to become informed in their
culture and activities-similar to theirs-normalises them –appearing exciting and promising
..mediated image due to flawless skin and shiny hair- clothing/colour saturated to appear more exotic-cult of
thinness reinforced- stance seems sexually alluring- object of male desire (mulvey’s gaze theory)
.controversial issues on ethical religion eg “Same-sex desire”
What you need to know:-
.The ways in which audiences can be categorised and described
.Their response and positioning
.how they use and interprets a text
.how it appeals to them
.relationship between the media text
.audience isn’t passive (Two step flow)
Theories with audience that have
already been discussed
.Stuart hall’s audience
positioning- how they respond
and are not passive
.Two step flow
.Pick n mix
.Uses and gratification
.Mirror stage theory
.hypodermic needle model theory
. maslow's hierarchy of needs
Why are audiences important?
1)Without them there would be no media
2)No profit for a creative industry
Types of audiences
Audience positioning
When the producer wants you to react a certain way by encoding the texts with signs and messages, audience decodes them
.Concerns the relationship between the text and the responses
.media texts positions audiences through technical codes-camera shots and angles to place audience I position for a deliberant effect eg point of view shot
.Through language and mode of address eg colloquialism associates with young audience
Active audience:- respond and interpret text in different ways, alludes individualism and how they have a personal response
Passive Audience:- accept message and react as one , accept preferred reading
Respond in different ways due to:-
Audience Categories:-
audience and
to advertise
on a specific
Glossary of media terms
Anchorage – how meaning is fixed, as in how a caption fixes the meaning of a picture
Archetype – A universal type or model of character that is found in many different texts, e.g. ingenue, anti-hero, wise old woman, hero-as-lover, hero-as-
warrior, shadow trickster, mentor, loyal friend, temptress
Audience – viewers, listeners and readers of a media text. A lot of media studies is concerned with how audience use texts and the effects a text may have on
them. Also identified in demographic socio-economic categories.
Binary Opposites – the way opposites are used to create interest in media texts, such as good/bad, coward/hero, youth/age, black/white. By Barthes and Levi-
Strauss who also noticed another important feature of these ‘binary opposites’: that one side of the binary pair is always seen by a particular society or culture
as more valued over the other.
Catharsis – the idea that violent and and sexual content in media texts serves the function of releasing ‘pent up’ tension aggression/desire in audiences.
Censorship – Control over the content of a media text – sometimes by the government, but usually by a regulatory body like the British Board of Film censors.
Code – a sign or convention through which the media communicates meaning to us because we have learned to read it. Technical codes – all to do with the
way a text is technically constructed – camera angles, framing, typography, lighting etc. Visual codes – codes that are decoded on a mainly connotation level –
things that draw on our experience and understanding of other media texts, this includes Iconography – which is concerned with the use of visual images and
how they trigger the audiences expectations of a particular genre, such as a knife in slasher horror films.
Consumer – purchaser, listener, viewer or reader of media products.
Context – time, place or mind-set in which we consume media products.
Conventions – the widely recognised way of doing things in particular genre.
Mediation- process of editing and photo-shop
Intertextuality- when one media text references a different one within it
Pressure groups
are groups within society that have a specific agenda, often to do with one sector of society, and continually try to exert pressure on the government and/or
media etc to change behaviour or policy and/or penalties to conform to their specific view/values.
Mise en Scene – literally ‘what’s in the shot’ everything that appears on the screen in a single frame and how this helps the audience to decode what’s
going on.
Mode of Address – The way a media product ‘speaks’ to it’s audience. In order to communicate, a producer of any text must make some assumptions
about an intended audience; reflections of such assumptions may be discerned in the text (advertisements offer particularly clear examples of this).
Montage – putting together of visual images to form a sequence. Made famous by Russian film maker Eisenstein in his famous film Battleship
Moral Panic – is the intensity of feeling stirred up by the media about an issue that appears to threaten the social order, such as against Muslims
after 9/11, or against immigrants, or against ‘video nasties’ following the Jamie Bulger murder.
Multi-media – computer technology that allows text, sound, graphic and video images to be combined into one programme.
Myth – a complex idea by Roland Barthes that myth is a second order signifying system ie when a sign becomes the signifier of a new sign (2nd years
only this one!)
Narrative code – The way a story is put together within a text, traditionally equilibrium- disequilibrium, new equilibrium, but some text are fractured
or non liner, eg Pulp Fiction.
Patriarchy – The structural, systematic and historical domination and exploitation of women.
Popular Culture – the study of cultural artefacts of the mass media such as cinema, TV, advertising.
Post Modernism – Anything that challenges the traditional way of doing things, rejecting boundaries between high and low forms of art, rejecting
rigid genre distinctions, emphasizing pastiche, parody, intertextuality, irony, and playfulness. Postmodernism favours reflexivity and self-
consciousness, fragmentation and discontinuity (especially in narrative structures), ambiguity, simultaneity, and an emphasis on the destructured,
decentered, dehumanized subjects! This is tricky!
Genre Conventions- Elements that texts belonging to same genre have in common. What audiences expect to see in genre eg ghosts in supernatural
Hybrid/sub-genre-a text with a combination of conventions and eg horror film yet a comedy as a sub-genre
iconography-visual codes
stereotype- a typical “image” that is exaggerated on a particular group, established through repetition of them and submitting of them is seen as a
quick way in communicating information

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Media revision as

  • 1. Media Revision AS BY CAITLIN COOGAN
  • 2. Theories:- Propp’s characters Propp claimed that narrative contains 7 key archetypes:- 1)The hero/heroine- the individual whom restores equilibrium +conquers villain 2)Villian- individual whom seeks vengeance + causes disturbance + enigmatic 3)The dispatcher - places hero on journey, usually older individual 4)Helper-accompany hero on quest + efforts contribute to victory 5)Princess/damsel in distress- acts as an award + need of saving 6)father/rewarder- can be the dispatcher + grant reward to hero (usually the princess) 7)Anti-hero- Acts heroic throughout though isn’t the hero of the narrative + complex individual Todorov Narrative theory Suggested the conventional narrative was constructed in 5 stages: 1)Equilibrium/introduction 2)Disruption/imbalance 3)Quest to restore equilibrium 4)Confrontation/Climax 5)Restored/Balance Barthe’s codes of narrative Suggested specific codes allow the development and unfolding of narrative within conventional films/tv 1)Action- foreshadows events + resolution is produced through action 2)Enigmatic- mystery +teases audience 3)Cultural- gangster connotations reflect mafia culture 4)Symbolism- iconography + camera shots +colour +audio
  • 3. Binary of opposites in narrative Strauses suggested conventional narrative has conflicting aspects through divergence of archetypes/themes/ideas/setting e.g Good vs Evil Human vs Nature Summer vs Winter Hypodermic needle model theory (outdated) The ideology that the media injects into a presumed passive audience whom will act as one Two-step flow theory + Opinion Leaders a mass audience isn’t passive but are individuals whom may or may not be influenced by an opinion leader of a media text Step one:- Mass media gain input of an opinion leader Step 2:- Audience response and how they choose to use information supplied
  • 4. Dyer Star Theory The submitting of an A-list celebrity either for:- . Financial Gain .Entertainment .Recognition and expectation .association Stuart Hall’s theory of positioning Suggested the encoding and decoding of a media text in 3 different ways 1)Preferred Reading- audience accept the reading the producer intended 2)Negotiation reading- partly accepts reading yet questions it 3)Oppositional reading- draws conflict with culture/ideologies/identity +reject it Mulvey’s Gaze theory Ideology that women were submitted within a media text for the atheistical gratification of men/ females devalued/ can be reversed to victimise males
  • 5. Mirror Stage theory A physio-analytical theory by Jacques Lacan, It could be intertwined with a character within a narrative that reflects the yearnings of an individual and who they wish to be eg Heroic figure- young boy wants to obtain this when he gets older Pick ‘N’ Mix Theory Audiences select aspects of a media text that are of reivance to them and discards the rest e.g may reader aspects of magazine that associates with their intrests/fashion and discards the rest Uses and gratification Blumer and Katz suggested audiences manipulate and use the media 1)Information 2) Social interaction/discussion 3)Identity 4)Escapism Bell Hooks colour codes Lighter-skinned female is sought as more desirable that western ideology of beauty
  • 6. maslow's hierarchy of needs motivational theory in psychology comprising a five tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. Maslow stated that people are motivated to achieve certain needs and that some needs take precedence over others. Our most basic need is for physical survival, this will be the first thing that motivates our behaviour. Once that level is fulfilled next level up is what motivates us, and so on. 1. Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc. 2. Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order, law, stability, etc. 3. Love and belongingness needs - friendship, intimacy, trust and acceptance, receiving and giving affection and love. Affiliating, being part of a group (family, friends, work). 4. Esteem needs - self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility, etc. 5. Cognitive needs - knowledge and understanding, curiosity, exploration, need for meaning and predictability. 6. Aesthetic needs - appreciation and search for beauty, balance, form, etc. 7. Self-Actualization needs - realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. 8. Transcendence needs - helping others to achieve self actualization.
  • 7. Question 1 of exam is an audio-visual:- In this section of the exam you will be expected to deconstruct a moving image piece through identifying the purpose and significance of audio,visual and technical codes .Visual Frank Buys Mostly Comfortable Clothes For Playing Games .F- Facial expressions .B-Body language .M-Mode en scene (Setting) .C-Colours .C-Clothing .F- Famous People .P-Props .G-Graphics Audio Victor Doesn’t mind AS .V- voice over .D-Diegetic sound .M-music .A-Accent .S-Sound effect Technical Clare Can Make Light Scrumptious Eggs .C-Camera shots .C-camera movement .M-mode of address .L-lighting .S-special effect .E-editing What alludes genre:- .codes (Barthes) .Celebrity chose .sound .Iconography .Lighting .setting .Camera and lighting .props
  • 8. Camera shots and movements Point of view shot .Places you in character's position .expiernece narrative .empathy Establishing Shot .Conveys setting .time/season Wide shot .full figure/appearance .Power/dominance .Location Medium Shot .Focus on Body language .Dress codes .Gestures Close up shot .Facial expression .Significance of object Extreme Close up .Detail .Emotion .Dramatic Over the shoulder shot .Character's reaction Audience feel involved .Conflict Extreme long shot .Setting .Sense of journey High Angle Shot .Intimidation .Vulnerable .over seeing action Tracking shot .Following subject .On journey with character .caught up in the action eg car chase Low angle shot .Intimidation .audience feel vulnerable .Character’s significance and dominance in narrative Medium longshot .up to knees .body language Hand held .irregular movement Caught up in action .place of character Canted angle .Distortion .Fragmented .Destruction eg Explosion (damage) .intoxication .hysteria
  • 9. Lighting Backlighting .Halo effect .mystery .intensity Soft Lighting .Sensitive .Emotive .Soft shadows Hard Lighting .Dramatic .Intense .Emphasise .direct 3 point lighting .Fill- side .Back-won’t be absorbed in background .Key High Key Lighting .Signify time of day .saturated=state of confusion/hysteria .positive Low Key lighting .Enigma .Horror .Intense .intiment .time of day Rembrandt lighting .emphasise on subject .Connotes good and bad side to character .sense of darkness due to accent light and shadow .morbid reflection Silhouette .enigmatic .emphasise of character .universalism
  • 10. Genre:- deprived from the French term for “type” .Used to divide texts into easily identifiable categories classifying of a media text due to its conventions Conventions: .Aspects audiences recognise in association to a specific genre and helps them to identify its genre Sub Genre: .Combination of genre conventions .Hybrid text .Complex text that fits into range of categories
  • 11. Representation:- Females Introduction .All media texts undergo the process of mediation through the selection of certain audio-visual and technical codes in efforts to obtain the preferred reading (Stuart Hall) in reflection to the producer’s own bias to what they think is important, proposing not a window of the world (Barbara O’Connell) but someone else’s. The selection process involved alludes there are aspects left out of the final cut, giving audience only partial truths. In editing and constructing of a text, producers rely upon their own ideology to construct their own reality that they wish to inject into a mass audience, them being the prominent opinion leader of the text. Stereotypes therefore are often simplified to associate with the genre conventions and portrayal of the text in reflection to producer’s own bias of a subject. Cosmopolitan: Case study one .The media has been critised in recent years due to its modernised stereotypes that feminists claim to undermined the good work of feminism. .Fearne Cotton-Purposely selected-Richard Dyer’s star a-list celebrity- appeal to young aspirers and used as commodity .Dominant image –conciliated image of perfection-airbrush of flawless skin and thighs-unattainable to ordinary-cult of thinness .Employs Direct mode of address +hand on thigh-exclusive group/involvement-sexual connotations/confidence in self-female empowerment .Silk-wealth-green associates with culture (anchored by title) wealth +jealousy- to obtain this you must be wealthy-sophistication –emphasise cult of thinness .Majority of written codes exemplify women to be primilarly associated with beauty,sex and consumerism .Plug-”Sex Quiz”-Women are sexual objectified- lack of self respect- comfortable in body and conduct in active sexual relations .Sell Line-”Fearne on being in love and dressing for new man”-dependent on men + care about appearance for the gratification of male desire (Mulvey’s gaze theory) – shallow fashionistas and obsessive beauty bunnies .Sell Line-”Confessions of a love rat”-Metaphor-Women are shallow and gossip indulged .Dominant plug-”It has to be shoes!”- associated with fashion/ consumers – stereotypical –Exclamatory sentence .Quick fix problem solving-”82 miracle beauty buys”-hyperbolical lexis-allusion that buying mag you’ll be alike Fearne and will uphold image of perfection- false advertising to victimise aspires to feel they need the tips provided (Mirror stage theory)
  • 12. GHD .Cover= dominant ideology of purchasing the given product –obtain image of perfection-feel beautiful-mirror the dominant image (mirror stage theory) .Fairy tale- “little red riding hood”-intertextuality allows narrative to unfold– trigger familiarity- enigmatic-fictional story symbolic of a fictional image of perfection that is unattainable-Challenges prop’s character theory-domiante rather than submissive- anchored by iconography of wolf tale and axe .Advertisers set out to associate product- dominant femininity-anchored by “neither timid or shy”-sexual connotations .Side Long shot-action coding-enigmatic as we don’t know where she is going- women to be mischievous yet dominate subjects within a narrative text .Iconography of dress codes- overly sexualised- red=danger/blood (females are violent) also red=passion and lust- not dependent upon men yet portrayed as physcotic and emotionally irrational .Leather boots/clothes-emphasies cult of thinness-sexual connotations- control of own body and self .Diamond Brooch-wealth to obtain this image of perfection-reinforces fashion aspects-sophistication-committing an act in style .Facial expression-direct mode of address-confidence/intimidation-sexual appeal-pace against black and red-mediated-ideology of perfection- supernatural connotations –reinforces fictional aspect-red lips=sexually alluring (Mulvey’s gaze theory) .Shiny hair-mediated-result of product- by purchasing this you’ll have hair alike dominant image .Slogan –”you can do anything”- pronoun involves aspires- motivate-allusion the dominant image is attainable .The advertising concept is ambiguous and complex- challenging conventions of feminity yet reinforcing them- women are sexual objects yet have control of their body and how they wish to be portrayed We Found Love. Video is constructed-montage of images-toxic relationship-tackles audience with featured female-is subservant,sexualised+ dependent whilst still upholding image of perfection .Begins with-non diegetic narrative-reminising (subject’s state of mind revealed)-”without you I feel like nothing”-dependency on men-”have the bad so you could have the good”- women are oblivious of what is good or bad for them-overlooking abuse-sexual activity=objects of sex/ only time they feel wanted or important to partner-blinds her to give into a toxic relationship .Simile-”Like you’re screaming and nobody can hear”- females internal yearning for partner-cry out for help-submissive in relationship-reinforces prop’s character theory .The primary audience-young aspiers/strugglers-attracted to the notion of being in love-exciting and essential in growing up .Close up shot-bath scene-place of reflection +personal space- facial expression/makeup anchored crying-women are emotionally irrational-symbolic of messy/fragmented relationship-sympathy established- messy hair reflects carefree and adventures nature of youth .both in tub-lack of space-still in her mind-dependency on them even in thought .Long shot of shadow-”when your shadow crosses mine”- he is apart of her even now they are strangers-unity of relationship-hysteria=due to drugs .Long shot of Rihanna dancing in field-overly sexualised-content and carefree- mulvey’s gaze theory- cult of thinness-anchored my medium shot oh her on male lap-every movement stimulates sex-main aspect of relationship .Gambling-life is a game- relationship is win/loss-gambling own health and moral ground for male partner-relationship is only desirable under influence of drugs-”Yellow diamond in the sky” .Tattoo-”mine” branded alike animal-possession of his –”Yours” allows self to be devalued and objectified- sparks reflect temporary satisfaction alike drugs- relationship started off powerful and intimate .Medium shot of fighting in car-women are argumentative and stubborn .Conclusion-walks out-independent and realisation of self worth- corner-vunerable and depressed- reflects her state of mind
  • 13. Male representation Same intro as female! How males are presented:- .The media has been heavily critised in recent years due to their constructed ideology of how males should appear and aspire to be like. .Traditionally =macho characters alike James Bond- modernisation alludes some feminity characteristics in male portrayals- uphold image of perfection .Male mascunity continues to be exaggerated-reinforce conventional male stereotype-prop’s heroic figure- what audiences expect to see Men's Health .Primary case study conveys many convectional male portrayals that propagate the media today-overly sexualised yet admirable subject .Dominant image-dominant mascunity- medium shot reinforces the image of perfection for male aspires- confirms prop’s heroic figure .Black and white filter-absence of fill light- dramatized to reflect dramatic reveal-mediated image(unattainable)- blemishes removed in final cut and enhanced-unrealistic standard for males to look up to and aspire to be in reflection to the Mirror Stage Theory .Males alluded to be body obsessed-perfectionists- not only in looks biut ambitions to succeed- men are business orientated and seek their body as a project –self absorbed yet care about how they look perhaps to intrigue the sexual gratification of females (reversed Mulvey’s Gaze) .Indirect mode of address-polysomic illustration-men shows emotion-challenges conventions- victimised for sexual appeal – looking down emphasises thinness of jaw-cult of thinness-admiring own figure/efforts .Iconograpthy-lifting shirt- revealing new self-pressured by desirable sex .Plug-”7 steps to more sex”- look like this and you’ll obtain a more active sex life-sexually objectified-men are obsessive sexual individuals .Sell line-”One mouth + 2 moves= these abs!”-quick fix problem solving-false advertisement to strugglers and aspires-hyperbolical lexis .Personal pronoun-sell line-”Your gut gone”- exclusive group-involvement-motivating audience to purchase magazine We found love .It is made coherent we are presented with a male who is alive, destructive and carefree .Range of list shots-living life to fullest-non diegetic narrative- suggests prop’s character typical fairytale-both genders have found love in a hopeless place .Variety of long shots-female dancing for male gratification- Mulvey’s gaze- passionate shots-males have upper hand within relationship-male dominance yet can be passionate within in .Male consuming drugs and engaging in anti-social behaviour-fast pace cuts and images- anchored by “yellow diamonds in the sky”- camera movement mimics intoxication- males are vulnerable to peer pressure and reckless .Violent-medium shots and close up shots –male taking on aggressive role- hitting co star reflects domestic abuse conducted by male- normalised-how men reassert their authority-close up shot of male tattooing "mine”- making female a product of his desire .When co-star leaves he grabs on to her- ironic- male dependency/also his belonging-long shot of her crying- male is ultimately the one in control
  • 14. Casino Royale Made rather conspicuous that the use of Richard Dyer’s star theory- Daniel Craig- Attractive male suitable to male and female audiences .Dominant image-predictable bond-prop’s heroic figure-stance alludes confidence, power and admiration-Stereotypical bond=cashing in on a successful franchise .Dress code of suit-superiority and successful male-conventional ideology –unbuttoned bow tie- stimulates sexual appeal to his character-rebellion connotations (lack of conforming)-relaxed- what he does best .Dominant image is superimposed to take up 2/3rds of page- male dominance over women and his significance in the narrative-confirms trinity syndrome theory-prop’s characters as female is employing a submissive role where male is the hero .Iconography of gun-action code-man in control of actions-hegemonic representation- dominance is sought through violence .Indirect mode of address/serious facial expression-enigmatic-polysomic- relaxed and prepared for anything/caught up in action .High Contrast lighting-emphasise on masculine features-sense of vulnerability due to blue filter- also reinforces domineering mascunity –males are reckless and emotive (challenging the norm) .Absence of fill light on Bond’s face- shadow acts as an enigma code-males are complex and have a good and bad side As the norm changes in society so does the representations of gender within the media
  • 15. Youth representation how they are presented .The media has been heavily critised in recent years due to the modern stereotypes that have emerged .The topic youths being controversial as they are stereotypically portrayed as troublesome and starry eyed .devalues teens rather than glorify them .It encourages anti-social mannerisms and misconduct as young strugglers and aspires seek this as the role they need to conform to to be the idealised youth .Presents peer-pressure/ as they are still under the process of self-discovery/ who they want to be and what they are capable of .The media is simply an institution that’s formulates texts that are simply a constructed reality to anchor a specific ideology to obtain the preferred reading Daily Express article of 2011, Flaming morons .Alludes youths under a controversial light due to them being represented in a stereotypical way; this being starry-eyed brainless adrenaline junkies individuals who part take in anti social behaviour .Written and visual codes propose ideology that youths should be feared- endangerment to society and the community’s reputation .Iconography of dominant image – male associated with the riot- they are the ones to blame- takes up 2/3rds of page- dominate narrative of text-car in flames- elements of death, violence and destruction- youths associated with such things .Direct mode of address- intimidation/threatening to audiences to reflect producers bias- almost want audience to see what they are doing as a revolutionary statement- they are not submissive and shouldn’t be messed with .Main splash line-”Flaming morons”- pun due to flames behind subject-young people are unworthy of consideration due to their mindless conduct .Strapline-”thugs and terrorists terrorising Britain's streets”- emotive and repetition of terror- highlights criminality and violent nature –intimidation to a general public .”Mindless violence”- no rational reason –mere propaganda gimic-attention seeking .”hooded yobs”- stereotypical .wide shot of youth wearing tracksuit-enigmatic-universalism of youths to be all like this- represents ideology rather than a specific suspect- tracksuit= symbol of urban decay and criminal tendencies .Overall a shallow representation
  • 16. We found Love .Presents audiences with a constructed view of a teenage reality due to the artists star appeal as confirmed by Richard Dyer’s star theory-overriding portrayal of youths being carefree and living life without limits .Drug abuse is glamorised-doesn’t want to alienate teen aspires and reinforces rebellious nature .Iconography of council flats collapsing- youths being forced to look for opportunities-escape reality- do this through drugs and gambling- conveyed as the idealised reality youths should yearn to conform to .Long shot of Rhianna dancing in field- females overly sexualised- female youth aspires feel they must be alike the dominate antagonist to obtain sexual gratification form desirable sex- youths =vulnerable as they are still finding themselves- unrealistic beauty standers and sexual classification from a young age .Variety of medium shots- passionate- youths to be sexually active and vulnerable to experimentation- more inclined to give into peer pressure to fit social constructs .Medium and close up shots of male hitting female- aggressive role in relationship- for young males to seek authority they must do so through violence – normalises young people in abusive relationships .Criminality- long shot of Rhianna shop lifting- consequence (awareness to youths) – reinforced by close up shot of sirens- not only with the law but how others would perceive you .Narrative codes undergo a process of change as it is synchronically and becomes distrupted-Todorv’s narrative theory- young people associated with dysfunctional behaviour and relationships as they are blinded by the notion of being in love- encourages for youths to be in love even when it isn’t good for them .Lack of independence and insecure- tattoo "mine” and “yours” Men’s Health .places young males under pressure to obtain a career and physical perfection-dominant image- males to be active and body obsessed- body of perfection for young male aspires-Mirror stage theory .Overly sexualised –reversed Mulvey’s gaze theory-pressure .Absence of fill light- mediated +unattainable .Medium long shot of male-indirect mode of address-vulnerability and emotive- its ok for males to express emotions and to be fragile- adds to sexual appeal .Colour scheme- masculine- young male to be strong, dominant +powerful .”7 Steps to more sex”- young males prominently engaged in sexual relationships and manipulation- be alike dominant image- sex made priority for young males to fit society’s social construct and to feel accepted .”100 sexiest tips lead to a longer life”- shallow minded- alliterative lexis .”wake up.. Double your stamina”- pronoun- exclusive group- under immense pressure from young age-sexually objectified alike females
  • 17. Age Representation How they are represented .Within contemporary media texts older people are illustrated in a varied way; as although the majority conform to common ideologies (frail, of poor hearing, vulnerable and stubborn/traditionalist) many illuminate their wisdom (Prop’s giver) as they direct younger community. .All case studies examined challenge social conventions of age Women and house .title- older women are likely to be retired and remain at home- house wife- stereotypical .Dominant image of Joanne Lumley- a list celebrity for older female audience (absolutely fabulous)-unattaible image of perfection .Post production techniques- Photoshop- to diminish any blemishes and to conceal wrinkles- allusion of younger model .Stance- overly sexualised- confidence in age and doesn’t prohibit being sexy- cult of thinness for older aspires and strugglers .Direct mode of address- victimised sexually- submissive prop’s character- exclusive group-confidence-motivational .Sell line- “turn back time”-alliterative lexis- older women aren’t content on growing old gracefully-beauty devalues with age- “skin secrets”- buy magazine to be alike dominant image-false advertising as the image is mediated not a reality .”all for the grown up girls”- youthful connotations .”The issue has been branded “ageless”- how to appear younger rather than glorify and embrace natures ageing process- “breaking the rules” of nature .Narrowing the gap and celebrate the beauty of age anchored by the plug- “dating after 40” Casino Royale .Richard dyer’s star theory- Daniel Craig- cashing in on a stereotypical bond for a successful franchise .Iconography of gun-action code- older audiences need weapons to feel empowered- older audiences more familiar with bon series so have higher expectations .Male is older than female- superior as takes up 2/3rds of page-older generation are domineering due to their ability to exert influence- more expiernced .Against Prop’s character theory- heroic figure rather than quest giver .Suit- completive and successful- unbuttoned tie- sexual connotations/rebellion- symbolic of older generation encouraging aspires young and old to break through conventions alike bond .Female superimposed beneath male- older generation more in control- aware of consequence of actions and takes risks to protect youths .High contrast lighting- masculine features emphasised –blue filter alludes denotations of regret, sorrow- older people have more regrets etc – diverse character challenging conventions for young males and older males .
  • 18. Gran Torino .Richard Dyer theory- Clint Eastwood- recognisable to old and young audiences .Challenging representation of older males and their traditional values-introduction to strong, dominant and powerful older male- contrasts from the frail, deaf and grumpy portrayal .Collage of images (montage)-Eastwood involved in conflict- older males are intolerant- action code- involved in violence- enigma as we don’t know how it comes about- military experience or own defence .Denotation of long shot-his superiority in the narrative/characterisation- gesture implies preparing for confrontation .Direct mode of address- confidence authoritive power as an older male – military past .He is not weak but physically fit- motivational to male aspiers the image of perfection- .Iconography of classical ,muscle car- older generation value the importance of quality and style-older males have classical and expensive taste .Dominate representation-revolutionary and unpredictable
  • 19. National and regional representation Unless you have visited another country or met a lot of inhabitants our views of a nation is based upon the producers own ideologies Daily mirror coverage .Dominant image –William and Kate kissing- romantic connotations- marry for love as well as alliance- challenging traditional ideals- class mixing as Kate is beneath William’s class- deconstruction of Britain's rigid class system-facial expressions allude the happiest day of their life- Britain rejoice in their happiness- anchored by “One great day to be British”- Britain as a romantic nation .medium close up shot reveals integrate details of wealth-crown .Conveys an image of britishness that reinforces the uk is still a country that has a distinct class system and proud of its arm forces .Icon of crown situated at corners- royalty is dominant narrative and institution in Britain .colour scheme of magazine- allusion to British flag- “by God”- allusion to national anthem .”pomp”-stereotypical people having an obsession with class and its trapping- Britain is snobbish and obsessed with ceremonial events Hello magazine coverage .Long shot- Kate and William-emphasise on clothing and gesture of unity- prop’s fairytale characterisation (hero and princess)-anchored by William’s army uniform-symbolic as the army is a place of priotisim and wanting ti renew their country- marriage elevates his status and allows him to do so in a royal manner .Secondary images of celebrities and snapshots of the day itself-hits as narrative events- Victoria Beckham- fashion icon of Britain .”souvenir issue”- nation collects British objects to elevate their regional identity and are obsessed with such events .”untold stories”- enigmatic-gossip-wedding is a topic of gossip for British and national identities 2011 rugby world cup trailer . Held in New Zealand- long shots of excited crowds-national pride- lively and animate alike the culture itself-sense of commotional and missing of nations .quick shots-adds to atmosphere of excitement as the voice-over-”be there for glory”-direct mode of address- anchor for the previous scenes .sense of national competition-an exhilarating experience-close up shots of crowds faces and flags .sense of competition in a friendly approach- careful selection of image to construct a positive outlook- how it brings nations together alike a family-purpose was to promote a a major sporting event-reflected BBC’s cross-cultural ideology in positive representation .National iconography-spectator with welsh flag-pride .Montage of shots-New Zealand’s monuments and national beauty- culture and history of setting of sporting event
  • 20. Issues Heat magazine/body image/2011 .Dominant plug- “Body survey”- anchors surrounding images in bold text-ideology that all women should body obessed – encourages eating disorders- points out celebrities behind the camera- mocking them due to them not fulfilling the cult of thinness as conveyed in the mediated portrayal-realistic-they are not deemed beautiful here .”what 2000 men really think!”-women striving for male gaze play on theory- their bodies should be products of male gratification in order to be desired .Range of secondary images-stages of undress-medium long shots to draw focus on their figure –target audience are shallow and obsessed with gossip- magazine industry largely responsible for creating the notion that females should be white, thin and perfectly formed-they are determined beautiful in reflection to Bill Hooks colour theory .Bright yellow font- bold-exotic-intimidating alike the narrative events within .Richard Dyer’s star theory- cellulite, hair extensions- fakery- reflection to binary of opposites (natural vs unnatural) main source of conflict and underlining them of the magazine .oppositional reading for a selection readers whom recognise the issue-some accept it and conform to the stereotypical audience .Narrow ideology of 21st century female-dangerous stereotype on body image and degradation- natural self isn’t deemed beautiful 1 Dove”For real beauty” campaign .”Beauty comes in all sizes”-slogan anchorages propaganda and ideology aswelll as the visual codes-visual codes-6 women whom represent different body types- contrasting in size/ethnicity/age-relaxed stance in underwear-confidence in own body- alludes naked truth of body image and its diversity –feminist approach in glorification .Challenges stereotypes promoting self-confidence and awareness of variety of body types-direct mode of address- exclusive group-”the most important thing a girl wears is her confidence”- blurb text-campaign’s website further reinforces message “We want to.. Free ourselves and the next generation from beauty stereotypes” .
  • 21. Drugs/alcohol in teens/BBC News report .Issues are often dramatized-producers establish an irresponsible approach in reporting the issue as a topic of entertainment-BBC website coverage on Hardwell incident-they have the ideology to “educate, entertain and inform”- alliteration .contains first hand witness accounts-many underage drinkers turned up at event intoxicated-interviews with police and paramedics are employed to allude consequence and alert of the dangers on intake .Long shot of ambulance= consequence to health rather than just the law .Stuart Hall’s oppositional reading- sub headings have been carefully selected to dramatize issue-”major incident..Shocking..great issue”-threatening and serious .Caused moral panic as parents rushed down to venue- only 15/3000 were treated in hospital for minor issues/hyperbolical- panic caused by report was ultimately counter productive in attempts to raise issue of drug intake and its consequences to a young audience We found love: drugs/abuse .Glorification of drugs and alcohol-narrative of couple who conduct in drug activity as a means of escape and experimentation- wide range of shots of youths being explorative and rebellious – long shot of shoplifting and medium shot of cannabis intake (couple helping each other in taking it) .fast pace cuts-excitement and mimics influence of hard drugs-”yellow diamonds in the sky”-direct reference to cocaine- beautiful reality under influence and almost influences it on a young and vulnerable audience .Upbeat music-celebration/party=overshadows the issue –close up shots of sirens- consequence on boy and health as a result .Final stages of video’s narrative-warning- long shot of male lying on ground helpless as female leaves him-drugs have degraded him and the value of their relationship .extreme close up of eye- pupil enlarging-drug effect- new and more exotic View point .extreme close up of cigarette-colour illuminates delusion under drugs .Medium shot of Rhianna in bath crying- without drugs and alludes sense of Dependency not only on male figure in reflection to Prop’s but on drugs- Messy hair connotes recklessness and messy makeup reflects messy Relationship and due to being emotionally irrational fuels her part take in Drug use as a means of escape from a “hopeless” relationship .Snapshot of collapsing building-symbolic of effects on body + morals
  • 22. Events Introduction:- Through the media we become informed of events that have occurred upon a global scale-if we haven’t taken part or witnessed an event first hand we become reliant upon the media’s depiction of it , seeking the institution as our main opinion leader in selection to the two step flow theory. In editing and constructing of texts media producers select specific codes to reflect own bias, only presenting us with partial truths due to the selection process involved- doesn’t present us with a window of the world but someone else's See royal wedding coverages in national and regional representation!!!! Daily Mirror: Hardwell incident .not as serious as the bbc report online- anchorage text “hardwell was at the venue”-dominant image of him performing .this institution has the tendency to mix news with entertainment-reflected here .Dominate image-alludes to readers the concert was enjoyable and engaging and that’s the event in its positive outlook is reinforce- overshadowing the minor incident that took place .they do feature a “major incident” to convey awareness but do not dwell on it as the BBC report had done-reports only few were treated- realistic and not dramatized for awareness of issue See issue representation of case study, it’s the same!
  • 23. Ethnicity Introduction: .Improved portrayals yet still raise concern to modern audiences .Stuart hall "the secrets fascination of otherness”- when he commented on how audiences are fascinated by those divergentance to us .the media can sometimes present us with mere “tokenism”- limited portrayals of ethnical groups/racial stereotypes .Many are not accustomed to ethic groups and so become reliant upon the media as an opinion leader on their culture, reflecting their own bias and only giving us a partial and limited insight on them Sun report on Mark Duggan .Black male whom died at 29 on the 4th of August 2011-newspaper’s ideology tends to be anti-immigration and pro-white britishness- stereotypes black victim as a “mug”- written codes anchor this” gangsta”- racial condemning of victim in stereotypical light .Medium close up shot of victim upholding a gesture associated with recklessness and urban decay (gun sign) .Later found him to be unarmed/ innocent yet the sun tend to conduct a report on incident with out clarified investigation=entertainment and negative portrayal of an ethical group emerging in the uk- fear in community of such groups .narrow and negative representation-establishes prejudice in a multi-cultural society-limited biographical info alludes his lack of purpose due to his ethnical origin- lack of concern on victim but the misconduct and violent image the group stereotypically illuminate- audience made more concerned on incident that on the victim and who he is as an individual . We found love .Main focus is on mixed race relationship-provides us with negative aspects thus negative stereotyping .The a-list feature female presents us with an example of how someone from a minority ethic group can elevate themselves into a wide world successor- possible ethic remodel .Mode en scene- run down and grounds of anti-social activity-drug activity- where black community is stereotypically associated with- ghettos of a city life .”yellow diamonds in the sky”- reference to cocaine- stereotypical drug association .Close up shots of Rhianna arguing in car and male hitting female- domestic abuse and aggressive nature of a supposed ethnic community .Gives us an oppositional reading (Stuart Hall) drawing conflict with the ethnic group on how they are presented .Challenges Ben Hook’s colour theory- darker skin female is deemed beautiful and sexually alluring
  • 24. Asian Women Magazine cover .Title suggest its target audience is Asian women based in the uk as it is published by a british industry- inevitable stereotypes to emerge through uk bias- definite title symbolic of minority being placed in a box on their origin-”Asian women” .”For the woman who wants the world”-alliterative lexis-plug- yearn to be noticed/dominance in females in minority groups whom are usually under religious coding to remain submissive and superordinate to men- positive reading .Dominant image is superimposed over title- confidence in institution and reflecting the confidence in a majority group in the uk .Dominant image employs direct mode of address- make a minority feel apart of an exclusive group/they are not alone and shouldn't allow their ethnical origin to affect how they present themselves-sexual connotations-challenges Bill Hook’s colour theory as western beauty dominates the white here .Long shot- emphasise clothing and colour-gold props-wealth and valuable alike the culture itself- exotic and vibrant colours symbolically illustrates the culture to be alive and exciting –intrigues British women to read and become accustomed to a minority group .A list celebrity that Asian women would recognise-anchored by the tagline “Alesha Dixon”-mixed raced- iconography of her Asian dress- promising,virant and attractive .Tagline-”Should I marry Asian men?”-connotes inter-racial marriage-challenging ethic conventions-sense of modernisation and revolution .Stereotypical in feminity-”spring fashion”- reflects colour scheme of magazine-normalises Asian women to be fashionistas alike the British woman- balance in preferred reading and that regardless of ethical identity they have the same interests .”Bollywood style, Arabic chic, Asian music awards "gives outside audience to become informed in their culture and activities-similar to theirs-normalises them –appearing exciting and promising HOWEVER!! ..mediated image due to flawless skin and shiny hair- clothing/colour saturated to appear more exotic-cult of thinness reinforced- stance seems sexually alluring- object of male desire (mulvey’s gaze theory) .controversial issues on ethical religion eg “Same-sex desire”
  • 25. Audience What you need to know:- .The ways in which audiences can be categorised and described .Their response and positioning .how they use and interprets a text .how it appeals to them .relationship between the media text .audience isn’t passive (Two step flow) Theories with audience that have already been discussed .Stuart hall’s audience positioning- how they respond and are not passive .Two step flow .Pick n mix .Uses and gratification .Mirror stage theory .hypodermic needle model theory (outdated) . maslow's hierarchy of needs
  • 26. Why are audiences important? 1)Without them there would be no media 2)No profit for a creative industry Types of audiences 1)
  • 27. Audience positioning When the producer wants you to react a certain way by encoding the texts with signs and messages, audience decodes them .Concerns the relationship between the text and the responses .media texts positions audiences through technical codes-camera shots and angles to place audience I position for a deliberant effect eg point of view shot .Through language and mode of address eg colloquialism associates with young audience Active audience:- respond and interpret text in different ways, alludes individualism and how they have a personal response Passive Audience:- accept message and react as one , accept preferred reading Respond in different ways due to:- 1)Gender 2)Age 3)Culture 4)Ethnicity Audience Categories:- .Demographic profiling -information helps advertisers determine target audience and to advertise on a specific demographic
  • 28. Glossary of media terms Anchorage – how meaning is fixed, as in how a caption fixes the meaning of a picture Archetype – A universal type or model of character that is found in many different texts, e.g. ingenue, anti-hero, wise old woman, hero-as-lover, hero-as- warrior, shadow trickster, mentor, loyal friend, temptress Audience – viewers, listeners and readers of a media text. A lot of media studies is concerned with how audience use texts and the effects a text may have on them. Also identified in demographic socio-economic categories. Binary Opposites – the way opposites are used to create interest in media texts, such as good/bad, coward/hero, youth/age, black/white. By Barthes and Levi- Strauss who also noticed another important feature of these ‘binary opposites’: that one side of the binary pair is always seen by a particular society or culture as more valued over the other. Catharsis – the idea that violent and and sexual content in media texts serves the function of releasing ‘pent up’ tension aggression/desire in audiences. Censorship – Control over the content of a media text – sometimes by the government, but usually by a regulatory body like the British Board of Film censors. Code – a sign or convention through which the media communicates meaning to us because we have learned to read it. Technical codes – all to do with the way a text is technically constructed – camera angles, framing, typography, lighting etc. Visual codes – codes that are decoded on a mainly connotation level – things that draw on our experience and understanding of other media texts, this includes Iconography – which is concerned with the use of visual images and how they trigger the audiences expectations of a particular genre, such as a knife in slasher horror films. Consumer – purchaser, listener, viewer or reader of media products. Context – time, place or mind-set in which we consume media products. Conventions – the widely recognised way of doing things in particular genre. Mediation- process of editing and photo-shop Intertextuality- when one media text references a different one within it Pressure groups are groups within society that have a specific agenda, often to do with one sector of society, and continually try to exert pressure on the government and/or media etc to change behaviour or policy and/or penalties to conform to their specific view/values.
  • 29. Mise en Scene – literally ‘what’s in the shot’ everything that appears on the screen in a single frame and how this helps the audience to decode what’s going on. Mode of Address – The way a media product ‘speaks’ to it’s audience. In order to communicate, a producer of any text must make some assumptions about an intended audience; reflections of such assumptions may be discerned in the text (advertisements offer particularly clear examples of this). Montage – putting together of visual images to form a sequence. Made famous by Russian film maker Eisenstein in his famous film Battleship Potemkin. Moral Panic – is the intensity of feeling stirred up by the media about an issue that appears to threaten the social order, such as against Muslims after 9/11, or against immigrants, or against ‘video nasties’ following the Jamie Bulger murder. Multi-media – computer technology that allows text, sound, graphic and video images to be combined into one programme. Myth – a complex idea by Roland Barthes that myth is a second order signifying system ie when a sign becomes the signifier of a new sign (2nd years only this one!) Narrative code – The way a story is put together within a text, traditionally equilibrium- disequilibrium, new equilibrium, but some text are fractured or non liner, eg Pulp Fiction. Patriarchy – The structural, systematic and historical domination and exploitation of women. Popular Culture – the study of cultural artefacts of the mass media such as cinema, TV, advertising. Post Modernism – Anything that challenges the traditional way of doing things, rejecting boundaries between high and low forms of art, rejecting rigid genre distinctions, emphasizing pastiche, parody, intertextuality, irony, and playfulness. Postmodernism favours reflexivity and self- consciousness, fragmentation and discontinuity (especially in narrative structures), ambiguity, simultaneity, and an emphasis on the destructured, decentered, dehumanized subjects! This is tricky! Genre Conventions- Elements that texts belonging to same genre have in common. What audiences expect to see in genre eg ghosts in supernatural films Hybrid/sub-genre-a text with a combination of conventions and eg horror film yet a comedy as a sub-genre iconography-visual codes stereotype- a typical “image” that is exaggerated on a particular group, established through repetition of them and submitting of them is seen as a quick way in communicating information