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            @Santander – 21 July, 2011

          Model-Driven Engineering:
a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving
            software development

               Juan M. Vara

           Kybele Research Group
          University Rey Juan Carlos
               (Madrid - Spain)




    Putting MDE to work


2    Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                                  Software Complexity

    • Many modern software systems are reaching levels of complexity
      encountered in biological systems
       – Systems of systems each of which may include of millions of lines of code
       – … any one of which might be the culprit that brings down the entire system

                                         Mariner (1962)
                     • 18.5$ millions
                     • Programmer incorrectly transcribed a handwritten
                       formula (period instead of comma in FORTRAN loop)
    • Furthermore, we can only see an increase in complexity of
      software systems due to:
       – Growing demand for greater and more sophisticated functionality
    • Given our current track record, how will we cope with this rise in
3                      Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                                  Software Complexity

       Essential                                                                                            Accidental
                         First, distinguising what can be simplified
      Complexity                                                                                            Complexity

    • Essential complexity: we have a hard problem
      – Inherent to the problem
      – Cannot be sidestepped or eliminated by technology or method
      – E.g., geospatial applications are inherently more “complex” than standard
         “forms over data” applications
    • Accidental complexity: we have made a problem hard
      – Due to the use of inappropriate technologies or methods
      – It happens because someone didn't find the simplest way to implement a
        specified set of features
      – Might be eliminated by good design, or good redesign.
      – E.g., banks legacy systems programmed in COBOL
4                      Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                     Software Complexity

    Modern software development
     suffers from an excess of
      accidental complexity

    How can we deal with this rise
          in complexity?

5         Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                          Software Complexity

    Can you see the

6                 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                          Software Complexity

    Can you see the

               Much better,
                isn’t it???

7                 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                  Software Complexity

      Clearly, models help on
        simplifying software
     development by raising the
    level of abstraction at which
        software is conceived

8         Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                    Modeling in other disciplines
    • Modeling has been widely
      used in Engineering
      – Whith specification
          Structure and behavior                                                                      Architecture
          Interacting with stakeholders
      – For reasoning about the                                   Avionics
          Detecting design errors
          Infer and test properties
          Prototyping (simulation)
      – As a guide towards
        implementation …
9                    Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
              What happens with models in Software Engineering??

           Used (at best) with documentation purposes

               There is a big gap between the models and the
                         underlying implementation

       Models are not                    No way of ensuring                                          No tools or
     updated with design             programmers followed the
      changes made by               design decissions captured in                                   languages to
        programmers                            models                                              handle models

           Are we really doing Software Engineering??

10                    Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                                                                                                              Let’s put models to work in Software Engineering
                                                                                                                                             The Remarkable Thing About Software
                                “Software has the rare property that it allows us to
                                     directly evolve models into full-fledged
                                implementations without changing the engineering
                                            medium, tools, or methods”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           [John Hogg, 2003]

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                                                        Imágenes                Imágenes               Obtenidos


                                                                                                                                                        “from (models) human-readable to
                                                                        Realizar Procesamiento
                                                                             de Imágenes

                                Registrar Pago               Seleccionar Imágenes
                                                                                                 Mostrar Resultados
                                                                                                                       Guardar Resultado


             Validar Usuario                                                                     Del Procesamiento
                                Validar Tarjeta
                                 de Crédito                               Recibir Criterios

                                                                           de Búsqueda

                                                                               Criterios                                                                                                            [J. Bézivin]
                                                   Recibir Imágenes

                                                                        Obtener Imágenes

                                                      Imágenes                Imágenes               Obtenidos

                                                                      Realizar Procesamiento
                                                                           de Imágenes

        11                                                                                                                                  Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                       Model-Driven Engineering (and related disciplines)

          MDA      DSL ADM                                                                         Boost the role of models and
                                                                                                     modelling activities at the
               MIC       MDSD                                                                             different steps of the
                     MSE                                                                                     development cycle

                                     FROM CODING to

                                                                                         Component-based                     Engineering
                                                                                        Software Engineering
                                                        Programming         Object-Oriented                       Aspect-Oriented
                                                                             Programming                           Programming
         Raising the abstraction               Languages
     level in Software Development

12                              Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                       Model-Driven Engineering (and related disciplines)

          MDA      DSL ADM                                                                         Boost the role of models and
                                                                                                     modelling activities at the
               MIC       MDSD                                                                             different steps of the
                     MSE                                                                                     development cycle

                               ROLE CODING to
                                FROM of         LEVEL of
                               MODELS         AUTOMATION

                                                                                         Component-based                     Engineering
                                                                                        Software Engineering
                                                        Programming         Object-Oriented                       Aspect-Oriented
                                                                             Programming                           Programming
         Raising the abstraction               Languages
     level in Software Development

13                              Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011




     Putting MDE to work


14    Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                                 What’s in a model?
     • What is a model?
       – A model is a simplification of a system
         built with an intended goal in mind.
       – A model is a description of a system
         written in a well-defined language
           It should be able to answer questions in place of the actual system
           It allows us to use something that is simpler, safer or cheaper than
            reality instead of reality for some purpose.
           Thus, it allows us to deal with the world in a simplified manner, avoiding
            the complexity, danger and irreversibility of reality
           A model represents reality for the given purpose; the model is an
            abstraction of reality in the sense that it cannot represent all aspects of

15                     Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                              What’s in a model?
     • A model is the simplified image of a system
        – MDE is recent but the idea of modeling is old

              System                                  repOf                                   Model

        – Plato (427-347 before JC), in Timeus compares
          vertebras to door hinges (74a) or blood vessels to
          irrigation channels
16                  Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
         How are models understood, interpreted, defined … ??

            Every map has a legend
             (implicit or explicit)

                       We cannot “get” the
                       map without its legend

     The legend is the

17                 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
         How are models understood, interpreted, defined … ??

            Every map has a legend
             (implicit or explicit)

        A model has no meaning when
        separated from its metamodel,
               We cannot “get” the
         that acts asitsthe filter for the
              map without legend
            reality to be modelled

     The legend is the

18                 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
            Metamodels act as filters for reality

      A (very simplistic )
     for modelling Meetings

19            Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
     Metamodels act as filters for reality

20     Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
          The OMG modelling stack (abstract)

                           A metamodel is the model of a modelling
                           language: it makes statements about what
                            can be expressed in the valid models of a
                                  certain modelling language.

                                             c2                                          Terminology
                                        (Terminal Model)

21           Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
          The OMG modelling stack (abstract)



                                                                                         Being a model, a
                                             c2                                          metamodel has to
                                                                                          conform to its
     c2                                                                                   corresponding
                                          Model                                            metamodel
                                        (Terminal Model)

22           Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
          The OMG modelling stack (abstract)



                                                                                     The metamodel
                                                                                   might be expressed
                                                                                     using the same
                                                                                   modelling language
                                          Model                                      that it defines.
                                        (Terminal Model)                             Then it’s called

23           Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                       Don't confuse the model and the system
     •   Principle of limited substitutability.
          – A model M is said to be a representation of a system S for a given set of questions Q
             if, for each question of this set Q, the model M will provide exactly the same answer
             that the system S would have provided in answering the same question.
                           e.g. the globe is a model of the
                                       earth ….                                                    What is the temperature at the
                                                                                                bottom if I dig a 100 km deep hole at
                                                                                                      the surface of the earth ?


                            … allowing to ask
                           certain questions …
                     Could I travel from Paris to New York
                        without using a boat or a plane?                                             … but not others …

24                            Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
             Aspects of a system represented by models

              Ma Mb                                                                       A given system may

     M1                                                Mc                                    have plenty of
                                                                                           different models

                                                                                            Each model
                                                                                         represents a given
                                                                                        aspect of the system
25                     Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                 Different Models ↔ Different Languages

     Plumber's                                                                                         Electrician's
       view                                                                                               view

      Carpenter's                                                                                  view
                                                Phone Installer's
26                   Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                       Domain Specific Languages (DSLs)

     • Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) are
                                                                                     SELECT  soh.[SalesOrderID]
       languages tailored to a specific                                                           ,soh.[OrderDate]
       application domain                                                                        ,sod.[ProductID]
        – They offer substantial gains in expressiveness                                         ,soh.[CustomerID]
                                                                                     FROM [Sales].[SalesOrderHeader] AS soh
          and ease of use compared with general-                                     JOIN [Sales].[SalesOrderDetail] AS sod
                                                                                     ON soh.[SalesOrderID] =
          purpose programming languages in their                                                 sod.[SalesOrderID]
                                                                                     WHERE soh.[CustomerID] = 29559;
          domain of application
        – Higher-level abstraction than general
          purpose languages
        – Closer to the problem domain than
          to the implementation domain
        – Closer to domain experts

       Metamodels define (partially) Domain Specific Languages (DSLs)

27                       Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                   Abstract syntax VS Concrete Syntax

        Same Model                    Same Abstractions                                      sat_on(John, c1)
     Different notations              Different syntaxes                                     sat_on(Peter, c2)

28                   Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                          Abstract Syntax VS Concrete Syntax

                                                                                Abstract Syntax
                                                  • There are two types of objects: Furniture and
                                                  • In turn, each Furniture object could be a Chair or a
                                                    Desk and each Person an Attendant or a Speaker
                                                  • Each Person can be sat on one (and only one) piece
                                                    of Furniture

                       Concrete Syntax
     – A box represents each Furniture or Person object
     – The name of the object is included into an inner box
     – Each occurrence of the relationship between
       Furniture and Person objects is represented by an
       arrow pointing to the Person object

29                           Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                        Abstract Syntax VS Concrete Syntax

                                                                             Abstract Syntax
                                               • There are two types of objects: Furniture and
                                               • In turn, each Furniture object could be a Chair or a
                                                 Desk and each Person an Attendant or a Speaker
                                               • Each Person can be sat on one (and only one) piece
                                                 of Furniture

                (Another) Concrete Syntax                                                    Speaker(Mary)
     – Each object is represented by the reserved word                                       Attendant(John)
       that designates the type of the object plus the name                                  Attendant(Peter)
       of the object between brackets
     – Each occurrence of the sat_on relationship is
       represented by the reserved work sat_on plus the
       name of the objects between brackets and                                              sat_on(John, c1)
       separated by commas                                                                   sat_on(John, c2)

30                        Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011




     Putting MDE to work


31    Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                                   A way of doing MDE

               Sometimes MDA is referred to as
                   “MDE with standards”
      Role of models                      MDE principles                                                Automation

     Standards to formalize                                                   Categorization of
        MDE principles                                                        Abstraction Levels


32                     Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                   Categorization of Abstraction Levels: CIM
                                                                                                                CIM      •Computer Independent Model

     • System requirements are modelled by Computer                                                             PIM      •Platform Independent Model

       Independent Models (CIMs)                                                                               CODE
                                                                                                                         •Platform Specific Model

                                                                                                                         •Running system

        – The CIM model is a view of the business processes
        – … ellaborated by domain experts
        – … is not always mandatory, it depends on the specific domain
                              Requirements Model
                        (use case and activity diagrams)

     • … serve as a bridge between domain experts
       and business analysts

33                        Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
                     Categorization of Abstraction Levels: PIM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CIM                                                      •Computer Independent Model

     • The PIM models the system without considering                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              PIM                                                     •Platform Independent Model

       specific platform technological details                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CODE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          •Platform Specific Model

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          •Running system

        – … allows the mapping to any technological platform
        – … think of a neutral virtual machine where each operation will be later implemented
          in the targetted platform
        – … is always mandatory and may result into one or more PSMs


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Huge gap between CIM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and PIM levels
                                                                                                                                                                                Requirements Model                                                                                                                                                                             ↓
                                                                                                                                                                           (use case and activity diagrams)                                                                                                                                                             Traces at best
            PIM                   <<Interface>>
                                                                                                                                                                                 : Consumer

                                                                                                                                                                                                1. Create payment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   : ConsumerFrontEnd

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1.1. Enter payment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   : XmlConnector              : PaymentService

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Sequence Diagram: InteliWorks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Consumer: Payment Realizations /
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Consumer: Payment - Enter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     : FinancialTransactionService

                                                                                  resubmitPaymentExtended()                                                                                   1.2. Display confirmation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CreationData
                                                                                  reversePaymentExtended()                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        +creationData

                                  <<Interface>>                                                                                   <<Interface>>                                                                                                                                            Sequence Diagram: InteliWorks
                                                                                                                                  PaymentEvent                                                         2. Ok                                                                               Consumer: Financial Transaction
                                    Payment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Realizations / Consumer: Financial                                                                                                          FinancialTransactionConsumerData
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  +displayStatus         DisplayStatus
                                                                                                                              processPayments()                                                                                 2.1. addPaymentRq
                            handlePayeeChange()                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Transaction - Add                                                                                                                                                                  1                1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2.1.1. addPayment( )
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    addFinancialTransaction( )
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           FinancialTransactionData           +processingData          ProcessingData
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      financialTransaction                                                                                                                                            1                    1

                               Notification                                                                                         FinancialTransactionCommon                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   0..1
                             (from eMessenger)                                             PaymentService                           (from Financial Transaction Service)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       +status   1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       payment                                                                               <<enumeration>>
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         FinancialTransactionTypeCode                    FinancialTransaction            FinancialTransactionExtended                                  ProcessingStatus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2.1.2. addPaymentRs                                                                                                                                                            0..1                                0..1           0..1                                  +status   1
                                                                                                                                    FinancialTransactionUtility                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           +transactionType                                                                                             +previousStep
                            SchedulingEvent                                                                                        (from Financial Transaction Service)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1    +specification                 *    +note                        *
                             (from Scheduler)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         CurrencyAmount                            FinancialTransactionSpecification                 Note                                               ProcessingStep
                                                                                                                                                                                                   3. Close view                                       Sequence Diagram: InteliWorks                                                                                          1         0..1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              3.1. View payments       Consumer: Payment Realizations /
                                                                                                                                     FinancialTransaction                                                                                              Consumer: Payment - View Payments
                                                                                                                               (from Financial Transaction Service)


                                                (from Operational Directory Service)

                                                                             PaymentRead                FinancialTransactionRead


                    Navigation Maps                User Interface                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Conceptual Data Model
           (Class diagrams + Activity diagrams) (Sequence diagrams)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (E/R diagrams)

34                                Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
MDE first glance
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MDE first glance
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MDE first glance

  • 1. Gestión Avanzada de Datos @Santander – 21 July, 2011 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development Juan M. Vara Kybele Research Group University Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid - Spain)
  • 2. Agenda Motivation (Meta)Modeling MDA Putting MDE to work Conclusion 2 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 3. Motivation Software Complexity • Many modern software systems are reaching levels of complexity encountered in biological systems – Systems of systems each of which may include of millions of lines of code – … any one of which might be the culprit that brings down the entire system Mariner (1962) • 18.5$ millions • Programmer incorrectly transcribed a handwritten formula (period instead of comma in FORTRAN loop) • Furthermore, we can only see an increase in complexity of software systems due to: – Growing demand for greater and more sophisticated functionality • Given our current track record, how will we cope with this rise in complexity? 3 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 4. Motivation Software Complexity Essential Accidental First, distinguising what can be simplified Complexity Complexity • Essential complexity: we have a hard problem – Inherent to the problem – Cannot be sidestepped or eliminated by technology or method – E.g., geospatial applications are inherently more “complex” than standard “forms over data” applications • Accidental complexity: we have made a problem hard – Due to the use of inappropriate technologies or methods – It happens because someone didn't find the simplest way to implement a specified set of features – Might be eliminated by good design, or good redesign. – E.g., banks legacy systems programmed in COBOL 4 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 5. Motivation Software Complexity Modern software development suffers from an excess of accidental complexity How can we deal with this rise in complexity? 5 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 6. Motivation Software Complexity Can you see the underlying structure??? 6 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 7. Motivation Software Complexity Can you see the underlying structure??? Much better, isn’t it??? 7 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 8. Motivation Software Complexity Clearly, models help on simplifying software development by raising the level of abstraction at which software is conceived 8 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 9. Motivation Modeling in other disciplines • Modeling has been widely used in Engineering – Whith specification purposes  Structure and behavior Architecture  Interacting with stakeholders – For reasoning about the Avionics system  Detecting design errors  Infer and test properties  Prototyping (simulation) – As a guide towards implementation … 9 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 10. Motivation What happens with models in Software Engineering?? Used (at best) with documentation purposes There is a big gap between the models and the underlying implementation Models are not No way of ensuring No tools or updated with design programmers followed the changes made by design decissions captured in languages to programmers models handle models Are we really doing Software Engineering?? 10 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 11. Motivation Let’s put models to work in Software Engineering The Remarkable Thing About Software “Software has the rare property that it allows us to directly evolve models into full-fledged implementations without changing the engineering medium, tools, or methods” [John Hogg, 2003] Registrar Pago Seleccionar Imágenes Guardar Resultado Mostrar Resultados (SIW) LAIM Validar Usuario <<WS>> Del Procesamiento Validar Tarjeta Recibir Criterios de Crédito de Búsqueda Imágenes Criterios <<WS>> SACim Recibir Imágenes <<WS>> Obtener Imágenes Resultados Imágenes Imágenes Obtenidos <<<WS>> SPim “from (models) human-readable to Realizar Procesamiento de Imágenes Registrar Pago Seleccionar Imágenes Mostrar Resultados Guardar Resultado computer-understandable” (SIW) LAIM Validar Usuario Del Procesamiento Validar Tarjeta de Crédito Recibir Criterios Imágenes de Búsqueda Criterios [J. Bézivin] Recibir Imágenes SACim Obtener Imágenes Resultados Imágenes Imágenes Obtenidos SPim Realizar Procesamiento de Imágenes 11 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 12. Motivation Model-Driven Engineering (and related disciplines) MDA DSL ADM Boost the role of models and modelling activities at the MIC MDSD different steps of the MSE development cycle FROM CODING to MODELLING Model-Driven Component-based Engineering Software Engineering Structured Programming Object-Oriented Aspect-Oriented Programming Programming Assembly Raising the abstraction Languages level in Software Development 12 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 13. Motivation Model-Driven Engineering (and related disciplines) MDA DSL ADM Boost the role of models and modelling activities at the MIC MDSD different steps of the MSE development cycle ROLE CODING to FROM of LEVEL of MODELLING MODELS AUTOMATION Model-Driven Component-based Engineering Software Engineering Structured Programming Object-Oriented Aspect-Oriented Programming Programming Assembly Raising the abstraction Languages level in Software Development 13 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 14. Agenda Motivation (Meta)Modeling MDA Putting MDE to work Conclusion 14 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 15. Modeling What’s in a model? • What is a model? – A model is a simplification of a system built with an intended goal in mind. – A model is a description of a system written in a well-defined language  It should be able to answer questions in place of the actual system  It allows us to use something that is simpler, safer or cheaper than reality instead of reality for some purpose.  Thus, it allows us to deal with the world in a simplified manner, avoiding the complexity, danger and irreversibility of reality  A model represents reality for the given purpose; the model is an abstraction of reality in the sense that it cannot represent all aspects of reality 15 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 16. Modeling What’s in a model? • A model is the simplified image of a system – MDE is recent but the idea of modeling is old System repOf Model – Plato (427-347 before JC), in Timeus compares vertebras to door hinges (74a) or blood vessels to irrigation channels 16 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 17. Modelling How are models understood, interpreted, defined … ?? Every map has a legend (implicit or explicit) We cannot “get” the map without its legend The legend is the metamodel 17 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 18. Modelling How are models understood, interpreted, defined … ?? Every map has a legend (implicit or explicit) A model has no meaning when separated from its metamodel, We cannot “get” the that acts asitsthe filter for the map without legend reality to be modelled The legend is the metamodel 18 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 19. Modelling Metamodels act as filters for reality A (very simplistic ) metamodel for modelling Meetings 19 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 20. Modelling Metamodels act as filters for reality 20 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 21. Modelling The OMG modelling stack (abstract) A metamodel is the model of a modelling language: it makes statements about what can be expressed in the valid models of a certain modelling language. Metamodel c2 Terminology c2 Assertions Model (Terminal Model) 21 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 22. Modelling The OMG modelling stack (abstract) c2 Metamodel c2 Metamodel Being a model, a c2 metamodel has to conform to its c2 corresponding Model metamodel (Terminal Model) 22 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 23. Modelling The OMG modelling stack (abstract) c2 c2 Metamodel Metametamodel c2 Metamodel The metamodel might be expressed c2 using the same c2 modelling language Model that it defines. (Terminal Model) Then it’s called metametamodel 23 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 24. Modelling Don't confuse the model and the system • Principle of limited substitutability. – A model M is said to be a representation of a system S for a given set of questions Q if, for each question of this set Q, the model M will provide exactly the same answer that the system S would have provided in answering the same question. e.g. the globe is a model of the earth …. What is the temperature at the bottom if I dig a 100 km deep hole at the surface of the earth ? repOf … allowing to ask certain questions … Could I travel from Paris to New York without using a boat or a plane? … but not others … 24 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 25. Modelling Aspects of a system represented by models Ma Mb A given system may M1 Mc have plenty of different models Each model isRepresentedBy represents a given aspect of the system M0 S 25 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 26. Modelling Different Models ↔ Different Languages Plumber's Electrician's view view Architect's view Decorator's Carpenter's view view Phone Installer's view 26 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 27. Modelling Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) • Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) are SELECT soh.[SalesOrderID] languages tailored to a specific ,soh.[OrderDate] ,soh.[ShipDate] application domain ,sod.[ProductID] ,sod.[OrderQty] ,sod.[UnitPrice] – They offer substantial gains in expressiveness ,soh.[CustomerID] FROM [Sales].[SalesOrderHeader] AS soh and ease of use compared with general- JOIN [Sales].[SalesOrderDetail] AS sod ON soh.[SalesOrderID] = purpose programming languages in their sod.[SalesOrderID] WHERE soh.[CustomerID] = 29559; domain of application – Higher-level abstraction than general purpose languages – Closer to the problem domain than to the implementation domain – Closer to domain experts Metamodels define (partially) Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) 27 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 28. Modelling Abstract syntax VS Concrete Syntax Speaker(Mary) Attendant(John) Attendant(Peter) Chair(c1) Chair(c2) Same Model Same Abstractions sat_on(John, c1) Different notations Different syntaxes sat_on(Peter, c2) 28 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 29. Modelling Abstract Syntax VS Concrete Syntax Abstract Syntax • There are two types of objects: Furniture and Person • In turn, each Furniture object could be a Chair or a Desk and each Person an Attendant or a Speaker • Each Person can be sat on one (and only one) piece of Furniture Concrete Syntax – A box represents each Furniture or Person object – The name of the object is included into an inner box – Each occurrence of the relationship between Furniture and Person objects is represented by an arrow pointing to the Person object 29 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 30. Modelling Abstract Syntax VS Concrete Syntax Abstract Syntax • There are two types of objects: Furniture and Person • In turn, each Furniture object could be a Chair or a Desk and each Person an Attendant or a Speaker • Each Person can be sat on one (and only one) piece of Furniture (Another) Concrete Syntax Speaker(Mary) – Each object is represented by the reserved word Attendant(John) that designates the type of the object plus the name Attendant(Peter) of the object between brackets Chair(c1) – Each occurrence of the sat_on relationship is represented by the reserved work sat_on plus the Chair(c2) name of the objects between brackets and sat_on(John, c1) separated by commas sat_on(John, c2) 30 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 31. Agenda Motivation (Meta)Modeling MDA Putting MDE to work Conclusion 31 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 32. MDA A way of doing MDE Sometimes MDA is referred to as “MDE with standards” Role of models MDE principles Automation Standards to formalize Categorization of MDE principles Abstraction Levels QVT OCL SPEM KDM … 32 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 33. MDA Categorization of Abstraction Levels: CIM CIM •Computer Independent Model • System requirements are modelled by Computer PIM •Platform Independent Model PSM Independent Models (CIMs) CODE •Platform Specific Model •Running system – The CIM model is a view of the business processes – … ellaborated by domain experts – … is not always mandatory, it depends on the specific domain addressed Requirements Model (use case and activity diagrams) • … serve as a bridge between domain experts and business analysts 33 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011
  • 34. MDA Categorization of Abstraction Levels: PIM CIM •Computer Independent Model • The PIM models the system without considering PIM •Platform Independent Model PSM specific platform technological details CODE •Platform Specific Model •Running system – … allows the mapping to any technological platform – … think of a neutral virtual machine where each operation will be later implemented in the targetted platform – … is always mandatory and may result into one or more PSMs CIM Huge gap between CIM and PIM levels Requirements Model ↓ (use case and activity diagrams) Traces at best PIM <<Interface>> PaymentFe addPayment() cancelPayment() getPayments() getPaymentActivity() updatePayment() <<Interface>> PaymentFeExtended addPaymentNoteExtended() completePaymentExtended() failPaymentExtended() getPaymentsExtended() pendPaymentExtended() <<Interface>> PaymentUtility prepare() getRouting() checkForDuplicate() : Consumer 1. Create payment : ConsumerFrontEnd 1.1. Enter payment : XmlConnector : PaymentService Sequence Diagram: InteliWorks Consumer: Payment Realizations / Consumer: Payment - Enter : FinancialTransactionService resubmitPaymentExtended() 1.2. Display confirmation CreationData FinancialTransactionBase reversePaymentExtended() +creationData 1 <<Interface>> <<Interface>> Sequence Diagram: InteliWorks PaymentEvent 2. Ok Consumer: Financial Transaction Payment Realizations / Consumer: Financial FinancialTransactionConsumerData +displayStatus DisplayStatus processPayments() 2.1. addPaymentRq handlePayeeChange() Transaction - Add 1 1 2.1.1. addPayment( ) addFinancialTransaction( ) FinancialTransactionData +processingData ProcessingData financialTransaction 1 1 Notification FinancialTransactionCommon 0..1 (from eMessenger) PaymentService (from Financial Transaction Service) +status 1 payment <<enumeration>> FinancialTransactionTypeCode FinancialTransaction FinancialTransactionExtended ProcessingStatus PAYMENT FUNDS_TRANSFER 2.1.2. addPaymentRs 0..1 0..1 0..1 +status 1 FinancialTransactionUtility 1 +transactionType +previousStep SchedulingEvent (from Financial Transaction Service) 0..1 1 +specification * +note * (from Scheduler) {ordered} +amount CurrencyAmount FinancialTransactionSpecification Note ProcessingStep 3. Close view Sequence Diagram: InteliWorks 1 0..1 3.1. View payments Consumer: Payment Realizations / FinancialTransaction Consumer: Payment - View Payments (from Financial Transaction Service) PayeeUtility AccountUtility OperationalDirectory (from Operational Directory Service) PaymentRead FinancialTransactionRead FinancialTransactionWrite Navigation Maps User Interface Conceptual Data Model (Class diagrams + Activity diagrams) (Sequence diagrams) (E/R diagrams) 34 Model-Driven Engineering: a first glance at a ¿new? way of conceiving software development @Santander ~ 21 July, 2011