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america’s first brigade
est 1917
AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 2
no mission too difficult. no sacrifice too great. duty first.
								 devil 6
Devil Brigade,
What a great day to be a Soldier in OUR Army’s First Brigade, established back in 1917,
founded on our Nations best. I am proud and honored to be part of YOUR formation. We have
been conducting platoon level gunnery over the last 45 days, and the Dreadnaughts will close out
our summer gunnery. Well done by the entire team, my salute to the BCT top crews! I am proud
of you.
I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight some of the focus areas of the Brigade. We
recently made contact with some of our Soldiers located at our Nation’s hospitals. We certainly
enjoyed talking to them and being able to share our experiences and linage. As part of America’s
First Brigade, all of us are united in a special bond. In addition, our Brigade is part of the Army’s
effort to open positions of specific occupational specialties to our women at the battalion and bri-
gade level. To date we have had over 300 women working in the Brigade, helping us win for our
One of the first things I pushed is Force Protection. I want to emphasize that we as an Army
of professionals, need to take care of ourselves. The dangers of driving vehicles while under the
influence of alcohol or drugs and the potential to cause harm or death are not worth a soldier not
making a plan for a designated driver. I also pushed a plan that spoke to a no tolerance for
discrimination based off race, gender, ethnicity, or rank. The Army Values provide the foundation.
Help me pass the word.
	 Again, great month at gunnery, bless you all.
Take Care
Devil 6
John Reynolds
COL John Reynolds
AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 3
Spiritual Resilience Thoughts from 1st BDE Unit Ministry Team:
A study by the National Parent-Teachers Organization (PTO) revealed that in the average public school the
ratio of negative comments from teachers to students is about 18:1. Think about that, for every 19 comments
from teachers to students, 18 of them were negative. No wonder studies show that when kids start first grade
80% of students feel pretty good about themselves, but by the time they reach 6th grade, only about 10% of kids
feel good about themselves. And this is from a profession that is probably above the rest of society in bringing
positive into a negative world.
But listen to the communication around our homes on a daily basis. In another study of two-year old children
researchers estimate that two-year olds hear over 400 negative statements directed at them a day, from teachers,
aides, childcare workers, parents and siblings. “Don’t touch that!” “No, it is done this way.” “No, you are not
big enough.”
Are you a leader of Soldiers? Listen to the words out of your mouth on a daily basis that you direct towards
them. I wonder if we even come close to the dismal rate of 18:1 negative comments to every one positive com-
ment. We have Soldiers who rarely hear any positive words out of their leader’s mouths about them or their
performance. We hear the praise in the media about the heroic actions of our Soldiers, we hear the commanders
on high talk about the awesome American Soldier…but ask the average Soldier when was the last time someone
gave them some good words…I think we’d surprised at how rarely it happens. Here are a few free phrases lead-
ers can use with their Soldiers to infuse some positive energy into the Soldier’s daily routine:
1. Hey Soldier, I like the way you handled that.
2. (Insert name) I appreciate what you did.
3. You are a valuable part of the team.
4. How can we turn this into a positive?
5. I’m proud of you.
	 Spiritual resilience is when we rely upon a source that strengthens our spirit and sustains us during try-
ing times. Positive communication is something that we can do to help others develop their spiritual resilience
and by helping others we often find we help our self. Think about it.
Chaplain Don Carrothers
Office: (785) 239-2513
Cell: (785)307-0514
Chaplain’s Corner
Unit Chaplains Contact Information
BDE	 CH (MAJ) Carrothers: 785-239-2513
BSTB	 CH (CPT) Ball: 785-279-6836
BSB	 CH (CPT) Adriatico: 785-239-9530
1-16	 CH (CPT) Ball: 785-240-3111
2-34	 CH (CPT) Parks: 785-240-2444
1-5	 CH (CPT) Jung ---- No Number
4-4	 CH (CPT) Remy ---- No Number
1 ENBN	 CH (1LT) Sanders: 785-240-5972
AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 4
‘Dreadnaughts’ mortarmen launch into M120 training
Sgt. Kerry Lawson, 1st ABCT
TOP: “Staying fresh and proficient with our skills as mortarmen will enable us to be
ready when the unit deploys next year,”1st Lt. William Osilaja, Mortar Platoon Leader,
HHC, 2nd Bn., 34th Armor Regt.
BOTTOM: Soldiers with Mortar Platoon, HHC, 2nd Bn, 34th Armor Regt. conduct
preventive maintenance and service checks to their M298 cannon tube July 30 during
the unit’s three-day-long training exercise at Fort Riley.
By Sgt. Kerry Lawson, 1st ABCT
Soldiers with the 2nd Battalion,
34th Armor Regiment, 1st Armored
Brigade Combat Team, 1st
Infantry Division conducted a
live-fire exercise with their M120
mortar system from July 29 to 31 at
Fort Riley.
“This training exercise was to
register our ’guns‘ as we do with
our M4s,” said Sgt. Anthony
Gromley, squad leader,
Headquarters and Headquarters
Company, 2nd Bn., 34th Armor
Regt. “We need to ensure that our
mortars fire straight and true now,
so that there is less of a chance of a
mistake later.”
On the first day of the exercise,
the teams concentrated on crew
drills, which build precision, speed
and team work.
During the second day, the
mortarmen fired high-explosive,
illumination and full-range training
rounds from the dismounted
positions with the mortar system.
The crews practiced firing a
direct lay mission, which is when
they fire without using the fire
direction center, and the mortars are
given a point they can see to shoot
the targets.
“This is very exciting because the
direct lay mission is the only time
you get to see what you are
shooting at,” said 1st Lt. William
Osilaja, mortar platoon leader,
HHC, 2nd Bn., 34th Armor Regt.
The final day of the exercise, the
mortar men cleaned and turned in
their equipment, and departed the
field. The goal is to shoot once a
quarter and to work on crew drills
every other quarter, Osilaja said.
“The unit had previously
conducted dry-fire and live-fire
exercises from late spring to early
summer,” Osilaja said. “This
included the two-weeklong,
battalion-level situational
training exercise in May. Last week,
the teams completed their written
exams. Staying fresh and proficient
with our skills as mortar men will
enable us to be ready when the unit
deploys next year.”
POC SSG Lashleyleidner, Bernhard: 785-240-0523
AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 5
Hamilton’s Own Battalion
procedures. I am so proud of what
our Soldiers are doing every day to
prepare for current and future op-
erations. As a battery we completed
convoy simulation training at the
CCTT focusing on convoy opera-
tions, radar and medical training in
preparation for EFMB in October
of this year. For the month of Au-
gust, our biggest focus is to support
our sister battalions in executing
their Table XII gunnery
certification. Also in August, we
will have our FRG meeting on 06
Aug and I look forward to seeing
our Hellfighters family.
July turned out to be a busy
month for members of Alpha
Battery. It started with the ASPT
and Gunner’s test and ended with
Table VI certifications and RRF
recertification. Hopefully all the
training will pay off when 1st
Platoon goes out and shoots the
CALFX for 1-16 IN and shows the
rest of the brigade what artillery is
really made of. The Father’s Day
Chili cook off was a positive and
successful event. It allowed some
Soldiers in Alpha the chance to
show off some culinary prowess as
well as showcase unknown talents
outside of shooting artillery.
Everyone that came said the event
was great and that future
“cook-offs” would prove to be
future successes if they were added
to the FRG calendar.
July was a great month for our
Delta Battery Family. We
celebrated many promotions and
July marked our return to field
operations as we began to support
maneuver platoon training for 4-4
CAV, 1-16 IN, and 2-34 AR this
summer. The Soldiers have trained
this past month on their artillery
proficiencies to enable the
outstanding field artillery support
we provide from Hamilton’s Own.
In July, we also celebrated our
Battalion Organizational Day at
Milford Lake with Delta Battery
taking home the BN ORG DAY
streamer for their guidon.
Congratulations to the Delta Dogs!
It was great to see all the families
out enjoying a beautiful day at
Milford Lake! During the month
of August, we will continue our
field training and artillery live fire
exercises. We will also celebrate
Molly Pitcher Day on August 9th in
the Motorpool.
Be safe as you continue to enjoy
this summer weather with outdoor
activities such as boating and
fishing on Milford Lake. I tell all
Soldiers to stay hydrated during the
summer heat and look out for each
Stay Brave, Responsible, and On
point! Keep up the great teamwork!
I want to thank all Soldiers and
families for all you do every day
for this great battalion. Hamilton’s
Own! --LTC Scott P. Nolan
Last month was a very busy
month for Hellfighter battery as
we welcome the new Brigade
commander’s latest poli- cies and
awards as well as having a Battery
and Battalion Organizational Day.
During the Battalion ORG day the
Dogs showed who the best Battery
in the Battalion was by winning the
BN ORG Day Streamer. Delta
Battery ran away with the
competition by winning all but 2
events (Dominos and Corn hole).
Looking forward to August we
will have an opportunity to get
back out to the field and support
the maneuver units with fires.
Starting the first week of August,
2nd platoon will support 4-4 CAV’s
STX lanes and at the end of the
month 1st platoon will be
supporting 2-34 AR. This will
allow soldiers to get back to their
Artillery tasks and enable us to
keep our skills honed and practice
for next years Yuma shoot.
POC 1LT Brown, Carl: 678-994-3608
AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 6
Iron Rangers Battalion
Soldiers with 1st Battalion, 16th
Infantry Regiment, 1st Armored
Brigade Combat Team spent
August 6-16 in the field during the
recent Gunnery Table XII and
Platoon Situational Training
Exercise (STX). The “Iron Ranger”
Battalion conducted the exercise
incorporating A-10’s, OH-58s,
155mm Artillery, 120mm Mortars,
Shadow UAV and sapper squads.
Infantry and armor platoons
conducted a Live fire Exercise
(LFX) while companies controlled
and integrated indirect fires. The
battalion exercised mission
command from the TOC and TAC
while the field and combat trains
sustained operations over the 11
day period.
The TBL XII Gunnery gives
each platoon in the Line Company
(supported by HHC, scouts, and
E Company FSC) the time and
resource to stress all aspects of the
Battalions War fighting functions.
This type of training is essential
to Further enhancing the Soldiers’
abilities to perform as an
effective fighting unit. Unique
training was developed for the
Infantry and Armor platoons. Each
Table XII scenario was developed
to enhance and develop skills
needed for each platoon to perform
their perspective jobs. “We have
defiantly stressed all systems (OF
the Battalion). Everybody is
involved in the fight from the
Battalion Commander down to the
lowest Private everybody has to do
their part” Said 1LT Jackson 1st
PLT Charlie 1-16th IN. The use
of close combat aviation (OH-58
Kiowa’s, A-10 Thunderbolt),
mortars, and field artillery
throughout the exercise enabled
platoons to effectively manage
multiple assets in a full spectrum
operation setting.
TOP: C31 from 3rd Platoon, Company C, 1-16th IN“Iron Rangers”engages targets during a
defensive engagement of Gunnery Table XII. The“Iron Rangers”conducted Gunnery Table
XII from 06 – 16 August.
BOTTOM: D11 from 1st Platoon, Company D, 1-16th Infantry egages targets during GT XII
warning signs, resources available,
and to encourage intervention.
These areas highlight the
importance of fellow soldiers in the
effort to maintain combat power.
This type of training is essential
in the Battalions train up for an
NTC rotation next spring. It allows
the Soldiers to perform realistic
training and helps Soldiers grow
greater confidence in their
equipment, but improves the
Battalions ability to employ direct
fire. This increases the Battalions
combat power and increases its
ability to close with and destroy
the enemy. “Iron Rangers” Semper
Paratus (always ready)
In the second half of
August the Battalion focused on
recovery which included cleaning
and repairing equipment, and
conducting Annual services
ensuring its vehicles are always
ready to perform their war f
ighting function. The Battalion also
maintained combat power by fo-
cusing on Force Protection, CSF2
and fellow soldiers. Leaders
focused on barracks checks,
helping maintain a safe and secure
environment for soldiers. Battle
buddy teams reinforce giving
soldiers a support system, on and
off duty. The BN closed out the
month with ACE training to
increase awareness of risk factors,
POC 1LT Liebrenz, James: 785-240-2432
AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 7
Pale Rider Squadron
1LT Dirks, third from left, leads Apache Troop to victory during Operation Beltran as
part of 4-4 CAV’s Org Day, August 16.
To the Friends, Families, and
Troopers of the Pale Riders,
We’re finally back and
finishing our services from seven
weeks of hard training and I could
not be more proud of the way
everyone performed. Very well
The Pale Riders spent the month
of July conducting Bradley and
Wheeled Gunnery, a Platoon
Maneuver Training Exercise,
and Platoon Live Fires. These
training events proved to be very
challenging and very rewarding.
Comanche Troop defended its
place of honor earning the highest
overall Troop score, repeating their
strong performance from the winter
gunnery. Platoon Gunnery tested
our skills at an even higher level,
and our Troopers performed well,
employing direct fires in
complement with mortar, artillery,
and aviation fires.
Following our extensive field
training, the Pale Riders conducted
recovery operations through the
month of August. The attention to
detail and long hours spent
servicing, repairing, and accounting
for our equipment and ourselves
will ensure we are ready for future
As part of our recovery period,
we conducted a Squadron
Organizational Day. Troopers spent
time with their Families and with
each other to strengthen the Pale
Rider Team. It was the perfect time
to initiate our inaugural Memorial
Physical Training Event to honor
fallen Pale Riders. The first event
honored SGT Beltran of Blackheart
Troop, who died recently after a
long recovery following wounds he
suffered while serving in
Afghanistan. Operation Beltran
was a team based physical training
event that was physically tough for
the teams competing.
Operation Beltran was the first of
nine memorial events planned in
honor of fallen Pale Riders.
Overall, our Organizational Day
was a great time to relax after a
stressful month of training out in
the Field.
Upcoming events to put on your
calendar are:
27 SEP will be the next Pale
Rider Triathlon. We need you to
come out and show your support to
the Troopers as they negotiate this
arduous event. The best place to
watch is at the lake as they exit the
05 OCT Ft Riley Fall
Festival – 4-4 CAV will be doing
the setup and running the static
displays. We will be selling corn
dogs and chicken nuggets and
could always use some motivated
19 OCT Spurette Ride. This is
going to be a great event and we
welcome all spouses to come earn
their spurs.
Lastly, it’s with a heavy heart
that we must bid farewell to CSM
Kenny. He was selected to a
Brigade Level Command Sergeant
Major position in Kuwait and
will be leaving us in the next two
weeks! Talk about short notice.
Please come show your support at
the 05 SEP Change of
Responsibility Ceremony to say
goodbye to him and to welcome
SGM Whetstone.
Smile and stay motivated – Pale
Rider 6.
POC 1LT Nelson, Jeffrey: 785-240-4646
AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 8
Dreadnaughts Battalion
Anyone who has ever been
stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas
could tell you the weather can be
unpredictable. This day was no
different. A record rainfall fell on
Fort Riley and neighboring com-
munities on Thursday, 15 August
2013, the same day the Dread-
naught Battalion began the execu-
tion of their biggest field exercise
since redeploying from Afghanistan
in the Spring of 2012. For weeks
the Dreadnaughts have been
diligently preparing for the
culminating training event of their
summer, Gunnery Table XII, and
the Kansas weather was not go-
ing to extinguish the fire inside the
mighty Dreadnaughts.
Table XII Gunnery was designed
to validate platoon live fire
proficiency and to prepare
maneuver platoon leaders for
live-fire decisive action operations.
What does that mean exactly?
Alpha Company Commander, CPT
James Cerrone explains;
“Gunnery Table XII (Platoon Live
Fire) was the first time Platoon
Leaders, even their drivers and
dismounted soldiers, were able to
see the combat power they bring to
bear as a platoon. It allowed the
individual soldier all the way
through Company Commander
and Battalion Staff to train their
systems, identify shortcomings,
and provide the ruthless repetition
necessary to fix those shortcomings
without leaving training.”
This two-week long, all
encompassing training event,
included TOC operations,
concurrent training, Troop
Leading Procedures, Dry Fire, and
Live Fire Days in which companies
incorporated a variety of assets not
organic to their companies during
the tactical portion of the exercise.
The use of close combat aviation
(OH-58 Kiowas), mortars, and field
artillery throughout the exercise
enabled platoons to effectively
manage multiple assets in a full
spectrum operation setting. “Table
XII enabled me as a PL to see and
execute a platoon mission in which
Company and Battalion level assets
were utilized and maximized.
Being able to see the
synchronization of these assets was
beneficial not just to me, but to the
soldiers in the platoon as well. The
soldiers identified and executed
their task and purpose during the
platoon mission…they were able to
see their piece of the pie.” Said 1LT
Michael Benoit, Platoon Leader for
The Dreadnaughts concluded
this two week exercise having
expended 126 rounds of 155mm,
125 rounds of 120mm, and
countless small arms and direct fire
rounds. The Dreadnaught Battalion
exits Gunnery Table XII a stronger,
more capable and better prepared
force ready to fight and win
America’s wars as a true team of
teams. Fear God..Dreadnaught!
POC 1LT Sheffield, Ryan: 785-240-2080
AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 9
Guardians Battalion
The Battalion continues to work and train hard for success during our upcoming rotation at the National
Training Center at Fort Irwin, CA in April 2014 and deployment to Kuwait next summer. It’s an action packed
summer, executing another round of Convoy Protection Platform Gunnery (CPPG) consisting of three Gates
to success. Gate I began early this summer with Guardian Soldiers qualifying on their assigned M2 and the
M240B crew served machine guns. In June each Company created vehicle crew assignments and completed
Gate II, with simulated crew and convoy training. Gate III in August was the culminating event, executed in
three phases; Static Shoot, Shoot on the Move, and Convoy Situational Exercises.
Phase I of Gate III qualified individual crews to fire live rounds with their machine guns from stationary
platform at 1000 meter targets. That is over 10 football fields long! Gate III, Shoot on the Move Gunnery,
consisted of each crew driving through a course and engaging targets that would pop up. An evaluation criteri-
on is based on their timely ability to use the proper commands to identify and engage targets as they maneuver.
The last phase of Gate III was the culminating event syncing all the crews’ skills to execute a mounted patrol.
Lieutenants patrol consisting of four gun trucks, wrecker and ambulance. Each leader negotiated improvised
explosive devises, obstacles, mortar fire; recovered battle damaged non-mission capable vehicles, treated and
evacuated wounded Warriors. Top Gun went to a Bravo Company crew two years running. Highly motivated
Soldiers, with ample resources and ambitious leaders developed qualified Guardian crews capable of mission
execution with outstanding results.
Remember, for information on all the great Family and Solider friendly events in the Flint Hills area and
on Fort Riley, don’t forget to check out (and please ‘Like’) the GUARDIAN and DEVIL Brigade Facebook
pages at:
(Guardians) and (Devil Brigade).
Continue to have safe summer as we transition to the fall. Remember to practice solid Force Protection, se-
cure yourself and Family first and continue to be BRAVE; Be RESPONSIBLE and Be ON POINT (BRO- Big
Red One) for our nation. Thanks for all you do to Carry the Burden and provide uncompromised support to the
Devil Brigade. GUARDIANS!
Guardian 6
POC SFC Say, Adrian: 785-239-4233
AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 10
Defiant Battalion
August provided another exceptional month of training for Team Defiant as its Soldiers continued to hone
their collective and individual skills while integrating the Devil Brigade’s critical enablers into a full month of
gunnery and combined arms training. Looking beyond the horizon toward the National Training Center, our
warriors already demonstrate their ability as combat multipliers. Maximizing a steady stream of training
opportunities, Defiant Soldiers continue their ever-increasing levels of proficiency and confidence on their
Military Intelligence, Signal, Combat Engineer, and area security systems and lethal capabilities. This month
Team Defiant increased its focus on Force Protection, while strengthening trust and teamwork through a mix of
fun/challenging Family Readiness, community support, and competitive events.
Looking ahead to next month, Team Defiant will continue its high pace of training as it prepares and postures
for next quarter’s Engineer Qualification Tables, WIN-T Certification, and a month-long Integrated Intelligence
Training event, a first on Fort Riley.
Team Defiant began the month of August with the integration of Signal, Military Intelligence and Engineer
assets in support of 4-4 CAV, 1-16 IN, 2-34 AR, and 101 BSB as they conducted Gunnery Table XII and
multiple Situational Training Exercises (STX). In parallel, twenty-nine Defiant Soldiers completed valuable
Combat Life Saver training in order to help ensure the safety and well being of fellow Soldiers. Chaos
Company completed recovery, following their highly successful July gunnery, which included an FRG Family
Day followed by some well deserved leave. The last week of August culminated with completion of Un-stabi-
lized gunnery for all Defiant Military Police and NBC Recon Crews; a challenging two week training event.
Upcoming Events
- 3 Sep, Battalion Hosted Fort Riley Red Cross Blood Drive in building 7270
- 20 Sep, Combined Federal Campaign Begins
- 21 Sep, Topeka KS Tough Mudder
- Save the Date: 6 December 2013, Defiant Holiday Ball
POC SPC Fields, Sarah: 785-240-3804
AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 11
S-1 / Retention
Congratulations to SFC Glenn J. Schneider and SFC Henry B. Favre for being promoted to the rank of
Sergeant 1st Class, effective August 1, 2013.
Congratulations to the 27 1LT’s who were recently viewed and selected to the rank of CPT for the Fiscal Year
2014 AMEDD and Army Competitive Category Selection Board.
Congratulations to the 15 SPC’s that were promoted to the rank of Sergeant.
Congratulations to the 7 SGT’s that were promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant.
There were 19 Soldiers that re-enlisted with the Devil Brigade.
POC SSG Keith, Phonique: 785-239-6047
AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 12
Army Community Service: 785-239-9435
Military & Family Lie Consultants:
785-329-1883 / 785-213-1627
EmergencyHealth Care Pets
POC Mrs. Day, Helen:
Fire Department
Military Police
Victim Advocate Page
24 Hour Response
American Red Cross
Suicide & Crisis Hotline
1-800-273-8255 (TALK)
Poison Control
Post Operator
Military Operator
Appointment Line
785-239-3627 (DOCS)
Nurse Advice Line
785-239-3627 (DOCS)
Patient Representative
785-239-7739 / 7103
785-239-7872 / 7871
Dental Care
United Concordia
Dental Clinic (IACH)
Dental Command Human Resource
Irwin Army Community Hospital (IACH)
Information Line
Immunization Clinic
Alcohol Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)
Mental Health
Social Work Services (SWS)
785-240-7471 / 7472
Family Advocacy Program in IACH
1-888-874-9378 (TRIWEST)
Military Police
Sexual Assault
Prevention / Response
785-239-2991 / 6086 / 9435
Kansas Social and Rehabilitation Services
Junction City 785-762-5445
Manhattan 785-776-7722
Veterinary Needs
785-239-3868 / 2732
MWR Website
Military Police
Basic Needs
Abuse / Neglect
ID Cards and AG ID Cards
1st ID Website
Newcomers Sponsorship
Animal Poison Control Center
Legal Assistance
Staff Judge Advocate
Immigration and Naturalization
785-239-3830 / 2633
Army Emergency Relief (AER)
Financial Questions
Financial Resilience Education
Enrichment Program
Finance Office
Thrift Savings Plan FAQ
AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 13
Stay Connected with America’s Best
Call your unit FRG’s and S-1’s
Barb Stanley
Helen Day
Helen Day
Barb Stanley
Helen Day
101st BSB FRSA
Barb Stanley
1-16 IN FRSA
Helen Day
2-34 AR FRSA
Helen Day
MAJ Hopkins, Michael D
MSG Fraser, Michel
785-239-6827 / 6833
1st ENG S-1
CPT Tipado, Rose
SSG Commander, Verner
785-240-3250 /239-8753
1-1 BSTB S-1
CPT Deters, Heather
SFC Austin, Derek
1-5 FA S-1
CPT Nuusa, Solomona
SSG Garza, Eduardo
785-240-1079 / 6184
101st BSB S-1
CPT Burdin, Mianah
SFC Say, Adrian
785-240-9046 / 6057
2-34 AR S-1
CPT Williams, Danella
SFC Mejia, Iliana
785-240-1642 / 1789
4-4 CAV S-1
CPT Woolery, Timothy
SFC Rever, Bryan
785-240-6671 / 2431
1-16 IN S-1
CPT Leverett, David
SSG Figueroa, Teresa
785-239-6827 / 4566

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August 2013 bde monthly newsletter

  • 1. america’s first brigade est 1917 devils AUGUST 2013 EDITION 1stABCT,1stInfantrydiision POC: CPT Mike BARry 240-3515
  • 2. AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 2 no mission too difficult. no sacrifice too great. duty first. devil 6 1stABCT,1stInfantrydiision Devil Brigade, What a great day to be a Soldier in OUR Army’s First Brigade, established back in 1917, founded on our Nations best. I am proud and honored to be part of YOUR formation. We have been conducting platoon level gunnery over the last 45 days, and the Dreadnaughts will close out our summer gunnery. Well done by the entire team, my salute to the BCT top crews! I am proud of you. I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight some of the focus areas of the Brigade. We recently made contact with some of our Soldiers located at our Nation’s hospitals. We certainly enjoyed talking to them and being able to share our experiences and linage. As part of America’s First Brigade, all of us are united in a special bond. In addition, our Brigade is part of the Army’s effort to open positions of specific occupational specialties to our women at the battalion and bri- gade level. To date we have had over 300 women working in the Brigade, helping us win for our nation. One of the first things I pushed is Force Protection. I want to emphasize that we as an Army of professionals, need to take care of ourselves. The dangers of driving vehicles while under the influence of alcohol or drugs and the potential to cause harm or death are not worth a soldier not making a plan for a designated driver. I also pushed a plan that spoke to a no tolerance for discrimination based off race, gender, ethnicity, or rank. The Army Values provide the foundation. Help me pass the word. Again, great month at gunnery, bless you all. Take Care Devil 6 John Reynolds COL John Reynolds
  • 3. AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 3 Spiritual Resilience Thoughts from 1st BDE Unit Ministry Team: A study by the National Parent-Teachers Organization (PTO) revealed that in the average public school the ratio of negative comments from teachers to students is about 18:1. Think about that, for every 19 comments from teachers to students, 18 of them were negative. No wonder studies show that when kids start first grade 80% of students feel pretty good about themselves, but by the time they reach 6th grade, only about 10% of kids feel good about themselves. And this is from a profession that is probably above the rest of society in bringing positive into a negative world. But listen to the communication around our homes on a daily basis. In another study of two-year old children researchers estimate that two-year olds hear over 400 negative statements directed at them a day, from teachers, aides, childcare workers, parents and siblings. “Don’t touch that!” “No, it is done this way.” “No, you are not big enough.” Are you a leader of Soldiers? Listen to the words out of your mouth on a daily basis that you direct towards them. I wonder if we even come close to the dismal rate of 18:1 negative comments to every one positive com- ment. We have Soldiers who rarely hear any positive words out of their leader’s mouths about them or their performance. We hear the praise in the media about the heroic actions of our Soldiers, we hear the commanders on high talk about the awesome American Soldier…but ask the average Soldier when was the last time someone gave them some good words…I think we’d surprised at how rarely it happens. Here are a few free phrases lead- ers can use with their Soldiers to infuse some positive energy into the Soldier’s daily routine: 1. Hey Soldier, I like the way you handled that. 2. (Insert name) I appreciate what you did. 3. You are a valuable part of the team. 4. How can we turn this into a positive? 5. I’m proud of you. Spiritual resilience is when we rely upon a source that strengthens our spirit and sustains us during try- ing times. Positive communication is something that we can do to help others develop their spiritual resilience and by helping others we often find we help our self. Think about it. Peace, Chaplain Don Carrothers Office: (785) 239-2513 Cell: (785)307-0514 Chaplain’s Corner Unit Chaplains Contact Information BDE CH (MAJ) Carrothers: 785-239-2513 BSTB CH (CPT) Ball: 785-279-6836 BSB CH (CPT) Adriatico: 785-239-9530 1-16 CH (CPT) Ball: 785-240-3111 2-34 CH (CPT) Parks: 785-240-2444 1-5 CH (CPT) Jung ---- No Number 4-4 CH (CPT) Remy ---- No Number 1 ENBN CH (1LT) Sanders: 785-240-5972
  • 4. AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 4 ‘Dreadnaughts’ mortarmen launch into M120 training Sgt. Kerry Lawson, 1st ABCT TOP: “Staying fresh and proficient with our skills as mortarmen will enable us to be ready when the unit deploys next year,”1st Lt. William Osilaja, Mortar Platoon Leader, HHC, 2nd Bn., 34th Armor Regt. BOTTOM: Soldiers with Mortar Platoon, HHC, 2nd Bn, 34th Armor Regt. conduct preventive maintenance and service checks to their M298 cannon tube July 30 during the unit’s three-day-long training exercise at Fort Riley. By Sgt. Kerry Lawson, 1st ABCT Soldiers with the 2nd Battalion, 34th Armor Regiment, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division conducted a live-fire exercise with their M120 mortar system from July 29 to 31 at Fort Riley. “This training exercise was to register our ’guns‘ as we do with our M4s,” said Sgt. Anthony Gromley, squad leader, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Bn., 34th Armor Regt. “We need to ensure that our mortars fire straight and true now, so that there is less of a chance of a mistake later.” On the first day of the exercise, the teams concentrated on crew drills, which build precision, speed and team work. During the second day, the mortarmen fired high-explosive, illumination and full-range training rounds from the dismounted positions with the mortar system. The crews practiced firing a direct lay mission, which is when they fire without using the fire direction center, and the mortars are given a point they can see to shoot the targets. “This is very exciting because the direct lay mission is the only time you get to see what you are shooting at,” said 1st Lt. William Osilaja, mortar platoon leader, HHC, 2nd Bn., 34th Armor Regt. The final day of the exercise, the mortar men cleaned and turned in their equipment, and departed the field. The goal is to shoot once a quarter and to work on crew drills every other quarter, Osilaja said. “The unit had previously conducted dry-fire and live-fire exercises from late spring to early summer,” Osilaja said. “This included the two-weeklong, battalion-level situational training exercise in May. Last week, the teams completed their written exams. Staying fresh and proficient with our skills as mortar men will enable us to be ready when the unit deploys next year.” PAO POC SSG Lashleyleidner, Bernhard: 785-240-0523
  • 5. AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 5 Hamilton’s Own Battalion procedures. I am so proud of what our Soldiers are doing every day to prepare for current and future op- erations. As a battery we completed convoy simulation training at the CCTT focusing on convoy opera- tions, radar and medical training in preparation for EFMB in October of this year. For the month of Au- gust, our biggest focus is to support our sister battalions in executing their Table XII gunnery certification. Also in August, we will have our FRG meeting on 06 Aug and I look forward to seeing our Hellfighters family. July turned out to be a busy month for members of Alpha Battery. It started with the ASPT and Gunner’s test and ended with Table VI certifications and RRF recertification. Hopefully all the training will pay off when 1st Platoon goes out and shoots the CALFX for 1-16 IN and shows the rest of the brigade what artillery is really made of. The Father’s Day Chili cook off was a positive and successful event. It allowed some Soldiers in Alpha the chance to show off some culinary prowess as well as showcase unknown talents outside of shooting artillery. Everyone that came said the event was great and that future “cook-offs” would prove to be future successes if they were added to the FRG calendar. July was a great month for our Delta Battery Family. We celebrated many promotions and July marked our return to field operations as we began to support maneuver platoon training for 4-4 CAV, 1-16 IN, and 2-34 AR this summer. The Soldiers have trained this past month on their artillery proficiencies to enable the outstanding field artillery support we provide from Hamilton’s Own. In July, we also celebrated our Battalion Organizational Day at Milford Lake with Delta Battery taking home the BN ORG DAY streamer for their guidon. Congratulations to the Delta Dogs! It was great to see all the families out enjoying a beautiful day at Milford Lake! During the month of August, we will continue our field training and artillery live fire exercises. We will also celebrate Molly Pitcher Day on August 9th in the Motorpool. Be safe as you continue to enjoy this summer weather with outdoor activities such as boating and fishing on Milford Lake. I tell all Soldiers to stay hydrated during the summer heat and look out for each other. Stay Brave, Responsible, and On point! Keep up the great teamwork! I want to thank all Soldiers and families for all you do every day for this great battalion. Hamilton’s Own! --LTC Scott P. Nolan Last month was a very busy month for Hellfighter battery as we welcome the new Brigade commander’s latest poli- cies and awards as well as having a Battery and Battalion Organizational Day. During the Battalion ORG day the Dogs showed who the best Battery in the Battalion was by winning the BN ORG Day Streamer. Delta Battery ran away with the competition by winning all but 2 events (Dominos and Corn hole). Looking forward to August we will have an opportunity to get back out to the field and support the maneuver units with fires. Starting the first week of August, 2nd platoon will support 4-4 CAV’s STX lanes and at the end of the month 1st platoon will be supporting 2-34 AR. This will allow soldiers to get back to their Artillery tasks and enable us to keep our skills honed and practice for next years Yuma shoot. POC 1LT Brown, Carl: 678-994-3608
  • 6. AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 6 Iron Rangers Battalion Soldiers with 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team spent August 6-16 in the field during the recent Gunnery Table XII and Platoon Situational Training Exercise (STX). The “Iron Ranger” Battalion conducted the exercise incorporating A-10’s, OH-58s, 155mm Artillery, 120mm Mortars, Shadow UAV and sapper squads. Infantry and armor platoons conducted a Live fire Exercise (LFX) while companies controlled and integrated indirect fires. The battalion exercised mission command from the TOC and TAC while the field and combat trains sustained operations over the 11 day period. The TBL XII Gunnery gives each platoon in the Line Company (supported by HHC, scouts, and E Company FSC) the time and resource to stress all aspects of the Battalions War fighting functions. This type of training is essential to Further enhancing the Soldiers’ abilities to perform as an effective fighting unit. Unique training was developed for the Infantry and Armor platoons. Each Table XII scenario was developed to enhance and develop skills needed for each platoon to perform their perspective jobs. “We have defiantly stressed all systems (OF the Battalion). Everybody is involved in the fight from the Battalion Commander down to the lowest Private everybody has to do their part” Said 1LT Jackson 1st PLT Charlie 1-16th IN. The use of close combat aviation (OH-58 Kiowa’s, A-10 Thunderbolt), mortars, and field artillery throughout the exercise enabled platoons to effectively manage multiple assets in a full spectrum operation setting. TOP: C31 from 3rd Platoon, Company C, 1-16th IN“Iron Rangers”engages targets during a defensive engagement of Gunnery Table XII. The“Iron Rangers”conducted Gunnery Table XII from 06 – 16 August. BOTTOM: D11 from 1st Platoon, Company D, 1-16th Infantry egages targets during GT XII warning signs, resources available, and to encourage intervention. These areas highlight the importance of fellow soldiers in the effort to maintain combat power. This type of training is essential in the Battalions train up for an NTC rotation next spring. It allows the Soldiers to perform realistic training and helps Soldiers grow greater confidence in their equipment, but improves the Battalions ability to employ direct fire. This increases the Battalions combat power and increases its ability to close with and destroy the enemy. “Iron Rangers” Semper Paratus (always ready) In the second half of August the Battalion focused on recovery which included cleaning and repairing equipment, and conducting Annual services ensuring its vehicles are always ready to perform their war f ighting function. The Battalion also maintained combat power by fo- cusing on Force Protection, CSF2 and fellow soldiers. Leaders focused on barracks checks, helping maintain a safe and secure environment for soldiers. Battle buddy teams reinforce giving soldiers a support system, on and off duty. The BN closed out the month with ACE training to increase awareness of risk factors, POC 1LT Liebrenz, James: 785-240-2432
  • 7. AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 7 Pale Rider Squadron 1LT Dirks, third from left, leads Apache Troop to victory during Operation Beltran as part of 4-4 CAV’s Org Day, August 16. To the Friends, Families, and Troopers of the Pale Riders, We’re finally back and finishing our services from seven weeks of hard training and I could not be more proud of the way everyone performed. Very well done! The Pale Riders spent the month of July conducting Bradley and Wheeled Gunnery, a Platoon Maneuver Training Exercise, and Platoon Live Fires. These training events proved to be very challenging and very rewarding. Comanche Troop defended its place of honor earning the highest overall Troop score, repeating their strong performance from the winter gunnery. Platoon Gunnery tested our skills at an even higher level, and our Troopers performed well, employing direct fires in complement with mortar, artillery, and aviation fires. Following our extensive field training, the Pale Riders conducted recovery operations through the month of August. The attention to detail and long hours spent servicing, repairing, and accounting for our equipment and ourselves will ensure we are ready for future challenges. As part of our recovery period, we conducted a Squadron Organizational Day. Troopers spent time with their Families and with each other to strengthen the Pale Rider Team. It was the perfect time to initiate our inaugural Memorial Physical Training Event to honor fallen Pale Riders. The first event honored SGT Beltran of Blackheart Troop, who died recently after a long recovery following wounds he suffered while serving in Afghanistan. Operation Beltran was a team based physical training event that was physically tough for the teams competing. Operation Beltran was the first of nine memorial events planned in honor of fallen Pale Riders. Overall, our Organizational Day was a great time to relax after a stressful month of training out in the Field. Upcoming events to put on your calendar are: 27 SEP will be the next Pale Rider Triathlon. We need you to come out and show your support to the Troopers as they negotiate this arduous event. The best place to watch is at the lake as they exit the swim. 05 OCT Ft Riley Fall Festival – 4-4 CAV will be doing the setup and running the static displays. We will be selling corn dogs and chicken nuggets and could always use some motivated volunteers. 19 OCT Spurette Ride. This is going to be a great event and we welcome all spouses to come earn their spurs. Lastly, it’s with a heavy heart that we must bid farewell to CSM Kenny. He was selected to a Brigade Level Command Sergeant Major position in Kuwait and will be leaving us in the next two weeks! Talk about short notice. Please come show your support at the 05 SEP Change of Responsibility Ceremony to say goodbye to him and to welcome SGM Whetstone. Smile and stay motivated – Pale Rider 6. POC 1LT Nelson, Jeffrey: 785-240-4646
  • 8. AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 8 Dreadnaughts Battalion Anyone who has ever been stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas could tell you the weather can be unpredictable. This day was no different. A record rainfall fell on Fort Riley and neighboring com- munities on Thursday, 15 August 2013, the same day the Dread- naught Battalion began the execu- tion of their biggest field exercise since redeploying from Afghanistan in the Spring of 2012. For weeks the Dreadnaughts have been diligently preparing for the culminating training event of their summer, Gunnery Table XII, and the Kansas weather was not go- ing to extinguish the fire inside the mighty Dreadnaughts. Table XII Gunnery was designed to validate platoon live fire proficiency and to prepare maneuver platoon leaders for live-fire decisive action operations. What does that mean exactly? Alpha Company Commander, CPT James Cerrone explains; “Gunnery Table XII (Platoon Live Fire) was the first time Platoon Leaders, even their drivers and dismounted soldiers, were able to see the combat power they bring to bear as a platoon. It allowed the individual soldier all the way through Company Commander and Battalion Staff to train their systems, identify shortcomings, and provide the ruthless repetition necessary to fix those shortcomings without leaving training.” This two-week long, all encompassing training event, included TOC operations, concurrent training, Troop Leading Procedures, Dry Fire, and Live Fire Days in which companies incorporated a variety of assets not organic to their companies during the tactical portion of the exercise. The use of close combat aviation (OH-58 Kiowas), mortars, and field artillery throughout the exercise enabled platoons to effectively manage multiple assets in a full spectrum operation setting. “Table XII enabled me as a PL to see and execute a platoon mission in which Company and Battalion level assets were utilized and maximized. Being able to see the synchronization of these assets was beneficial not just to me, but to the soldiers in the platoon as well. The soldiers identified and executed their task and purpose during the platoon mission…they were able to see their piece of the pie.” Said 1LT Michael Benoit, Platoon Leader for 1/B/2-34AR. The Dreadnaughts concluded this two week exercise having expended 126 rounds of 155mm, 125 rounds of 120mm, and countless small arms and direct fire rounds. The Dreadnaught Battalion exits Gunnery Table XII a stronger, more capable and better prepared force ready to fight and win America’s wars as a true team of teams. Fear God..Dreadnaught! POC 1LT Sheffield, Ryan: 785-240-2080
  • 9. AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 9 Guardians Battalion Guardians, The Battalion continues to work and train hard for success during our upcoming rotation at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, CA in April 2014 and deployment to Kuwait next summer. It’s an action packed summer, executing another round of Convoy Protection Platform Gunnery (CPPG) consisting of three Gates to success. Gate I began early this summer with Guardian Soldiers qualifying on their assigned M2 and the M240B crew served machine guns. In June each Company created vehicle crew assignments and completed Gate II, with simulated crew and convoy training. Gate III in August was the culminating event, executed in three phases; Static Shoot, Shoot on the Move, and Convoy Situational Exercises. Phase I of Gate III qualified individual crews to fire live rounds with their machine guns from stationary platform at 1000 meter targets. That is over 10 football fields long! Gate III, Shoot on the Move Gunnery, consisted of each crew driving through a course and engaging targets that would pop up. An evaluation criteri- on is based on their timely ability to use the proper commands to identify and engage targets as they maneuver. The last phase of Gate III was the culminating event syncing all the crews’ skills to execute a mounted patrol. Lieutenants patrol consisting of four gun trucks, wrecker and ambulance. Each leader negotiated improvised explosive devises, obstacles, mortar fire; recovered battle damaged non-mission capable vehicles, treated and evacuated wounded Warriors. Top Gun went to a Bravo Company crew two years running. Highly motivated Soldiers, with ample resources and ambitious leaders developed qualified Guardian crews capable of mission execution with outstanding results. Remember, for information on all the great Family and Solider friendly events in the Flint Hills area and on Fort Riley, don’t forget to check out (and please ‘Like’) the GUARDIAN and DEVIL Brigade Facebook pages at: (Guardians) and (Devil Brigade). Continue to have safe summer as we transition to the fall. Remember to practice solid Force Protection, se- cure yourself and Family first and continue to be BRAVE; Be RESPONSIBLE and Be ON POINT (BRO- Big Red One) for our nation. Thanks for all you do to Carry the Burden and provide uncompromised support to the Devil Brigade. GUARDIANS! Guardian 6 POC SFC Say, Adrian: 785-239-4233
  • 10. AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 10 Defiant Battalion August provided another exceptional month of training for Team Defiant as its Soldiers continued to hone their collective and individual skills while integrating the Devil Brigade’s critical enablers into a full month of gunnery and combined arms training. Looking beyond the horizon toward the National Training Center, our warriors already demonstrate their ability as combat multipliers. Maximizing a steady stream of training opportunities, Defiant Soldiers continue their ever-increasing levels of proficiency and confidence on their Military Intelligence, Signal, Combat Engineer, and area security systems and lethal capabilities. This month Team Defiant increased its focus on Force Protection, while strengthening trust and teamwork through a mix of fun/challenging Family Readiness, community support, and competitive events. Looking ahead to next month, Team Defiant will continue its high pace of training as it prepares and postures for next quarter’s Engineer Qualification Tables, WIN-T Certification, and a month-long Integrated Intelligence Training event, a first on Fort Riley. Team Defiant began the month of August with the integration of Signal, Military Intelligence and Engineer assets in support of 4-4 CAV, 1-16 IN, 2-34 AR, and 101 BSB as they conducted Gunnery Table XII and multiple Situational Training Exercises (STX). In parallel, twenty-nine Defiant Soldiers completed valuable Combat Life Saver training in order to help ensure the safety and well being of fellow Soldiers. Chaos Company completed recovery, following their highly successful July gunnery, which included an FRG Family Day followed by some well deserved leave. The last week of August culminated with completion of Un-stabi- lized gunnery for all Defiant Military Police and NBC Recon Crews; a challenging two week training event. Upcoming Events - 3 Sep, Battalion Hosted Fort Riley Red Cross Blood Drive in building 7270 - 20 Sep, Combined Federal Campaign Begins - 21 Sep, Topeka KS Tough Mudder - Save the Date: 6 December 2013, Defiant Holiday Ball POC SPC Fields, Sarah: 785-240-3804
  • 11. AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 11 S-1 / Retention Congratulations to SFC Glenn J. Schneider and SFC Henry B. Favre for being promoted to the rank of Sergeant 1st Class, effective August 1, 2013. Congratulations to the 27 1LT’s who were recently viewed and selected to the rank of CPT for the Fiscal Year 2014 AMEDD and Army Competitive Category Selection Board. Congratulations to the 15 SPC’s that were promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Congratulations to the 7 SGT’s that were promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant. Retention: There were 19 Soldiers that re-enlisted with the Devil Brigade. POC SSG Keith, Phonique: 785-239-6047
  • 12. AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 12 FRSA/FRG Army Community Service: 785-239-9435 Military & Family Lie Consultants: 785-329-1883 / 785-213-1627 EmergencyHealth Care Pets Legal Financial POC Mrs. Day, Helen: 785-240-4818 Fire Department 911 785-239-4257 Military Police 785-239-6767 Victim Advocate Page 24 Hour Response 785-307-1373 American Red Cross 785-239-1887 1-877-272-7337 Suicide & Crisis Hotline 1-800-784-2433 1-800-273-8255 (TALK) Poison Control 1-800-222-1222 Post Operator 785-239-3911 Military Operator IACH Appointment Line 785-239-3627 (DOCS) IACH Nurse Advice Line 785-239-3627 (DOCS) IACH Patient Representative 785-239-7739 / 7103 IACH Chaplain 785-239-7872 / 7871 Dental Care United Concordia Dental Clinic (IACH) 785-239-7955 Dental Command Human Resource 785-239-7226 Irwin Army Community Hospital (IACH) Information Line 785-239-7000 Immunization Clinic 785-239-7972 Alcohol Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) 785-239-7311 Mental Health 785-239-7291 Social Work Services (SWS) 785-240-7471 / 7472 Family Advocacy Program in IACH 785-239-7060 TRICARE 1-888-874-9378 (TRIWEST) Military Police 785-239-6767 Sexual Assault Prevention / Response 785-239-2991 / 6086 / 9435 Kansas Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS) Junction City 785-762-5445 Manhattan 785-776-7722 Veterinary Needs 785-239-3868 / 2732 MWR Website Military Police 785-239-6767 Basic Needs Abuse / Neglect DEERS ID Cards and AG ID Cards 785-239-3654 1st ID Website Newcomers Sponsorship Newcomers/Sponsorship.aspx Animal Poison Control Center 1-888-426-4435 Legal Assistance 785-239-3117 Staff Judge Advocate 785-239-2217 Immigration and Naturalization 785-239-3117 Administration 785-239-2217 Claims 785-239-3830 / 2633 Army Emergency Relief (AER) 785-239-9450 Financial Questions ACS 785-239-5775 Financial Resilience Education Enrichment Program 785-239-5744 Finance Office 785-239-6189 Thrift Savings Plan FAQ 1-877-968-3778
  • 13. AUGUST 2013 the Devil’s Corner 13 Stay Connected with America’s Best Call your unit FRG’s and S-1’s 1-5 FA FRSA Barb Stanley 785-239-9288 1ABCT FRSA Helen Day 785-240-4818  1-1 BSTB FRSA Helen Day 785-240-4818 1st ENG FRSA Barb Stanley 785-239-4783 4-4 CAV FRSA Helen Day 785-240-4337 101st BSB FRSA Barb Stanley 785-239-1772 1-16 IN FRSA Helen Day 785-240-4818 2-34 AR FRSA Helen Day 785-240-4818 FRSA/FRG 1ABCT S-1 MAJ Hopkins, Michael D MSG Fraser, Michel 785-239-6827 / 6833 1st ENG S-1 CPT Tipado, Rose SSG Commander, Verner 785-240-3250 /239-8753 1-1 BSTB S-1 CPT Deters, Heather SFC Austin, Derek 785-240-5440 1-5 FA S-1 CPT Nuusa, Solomona SSG Garza, Eduardo 785-240-1079 / 6184 101st BSB S-1 CPT Burdin, Mianah SFC Say, Adrian 785-240-9046 / 6057 2-34 AR S-1 CPT Williams, Danella SFC Mejia, Iliana 785-240-1642 / 1789 4-4 CAV S-1 CPT Woolery, Timothy SFC Rever, Bryan 785-240-6671 / 2431 1-16 IN S-1 CPT Leverett, David SSG Figueroa, Teresa 785-239-6827 / 4566