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I re l a n d ’s   Favourite    Baby       Magazine

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Yummy                                                                    Baby
 PAMPER YOURSELF                                                         Bliss
 DURING PREGNANCY                                                         THE ART OF
                                                                       BABY MASSAGE

Labour                                                                   HEALTHY
                                                                    THE FACTS ABOUT
                                                     TS ● CHIL DCAR E ● FASH ION


  Shoes, Glorious Shoes!

       f you are looking for fun,   Acceptance in support of their
       fashionable and functional   beneficial attributes for your
       baby and children’s shoes    child’s feet. So now you are
  then is       safe in the knowledge that            BABY DIOR BLUE FOUR PIECE GIFT SET,
  your one-stop-shop. Ranging       your little ones’ feet can look        €89.73, WWW.CHILDRENSALON.COM
  from super soft newborn           stylish and protected.
  slippers to black leather
  school shoes, this
                                                                         Did you know?
  Westmeath-based                                                        The top 5 baby names in Ireland
  website stocks all of the
                                                                         are Jack, Sean, Conor, Daniel and
  major brands in kids’
  shoes, including Crocs,                                                James for boys, and Sarah, Emma,
  Pediped, Buckle My                                                     Ella, Katie and Sophie for girls.
  Shoe and Skechers.
  Many of the shoes
  listed on the Little                                                      Hello Sunshine!
  Scamps website have
                                                                            A recent UK study has revealed that
  been awarded the
                                                                            children born in late summer or early
  American Podiatric
                                                                            autumn are often taller and less prone to
  Medical Association
  prestigious Seal of                                                       osteoporosis in later life than those born
                                                                            during the months of spring and winter. The
                                                                            Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and
                                                                            Children (ALSPAC), also known as the
                                       Down on the Farm                     Children of the 90s, involved almost 7,000
                                       If you’re in and around              children born in 1991 and 1992. Researchers
                                       the Long Mile Road area              from the University of Bristol studied
                                       of Dublin 12, pop into               meteorological data from those years to
                                       Baby Farm to pick up a               determine the mothers’ likely sun exposure
                                        few bits for the new                during the last three months of the
                                        arrival. With a wide                pregnancy. They concluded that children
                                        range of products from              born to mothers with the highest sun
      cots and buggies to organic baby clothes, maternity wear              exposure were, on average, a half centimetre
      and books, Baby Farm is the ideal place to spend an                   taller and had stronger bones than those
      afternoon for expectant and new parents. If the thought               born in the darkest months of the year. This
      of traffic doesn’t appeal to you, check out Baby Farm’s               increase is believed to be attributed to the
      online shop at Pictured: Cosatto Oki                 levels of Vitamin D (the sunshine vitamin)
      Doki Three-Piece Bedroom Set, €1,199.99, Baby Farm.                   the baby is exposed to in the womb.

         Mammy Knows Best For straight forward advice on pregnancy and parenthood log onto
         Whether your little one is still in the womb or starting school, this site is packed full of useful information about
         being a parent from conception through to birth and beyond. Easy to navigate, there’s lots of articles from
        worldwide sources, including the US, and top tips on everything from fertility to childcare for your toddler. Just so
dads aren’t left out, there are some good articles dedicated to new and expectant fathers about supporting their partner
during pregnancy and coping with their new role as a daddy.

                                                                                                                maternity 7

      WITH BABY                                        Did you know?
         Fifty years ago, Johnson’s baby brand         Taking good care of your teeth while
         developed a new set of safety                 pregnant may help to reduce the
         standards to mark the quality and             incidence of some complications in
         gentleness of Johnson’s baby mild-
                                                       pregnancy and newborn babies,
         cleansing soap free shampoo with the
                                                       according to researchers in the UK.                       Shhh!
         No More Tears formulation. A favourite
         with mums the world over, No More                                                                       Newborns sleep almost 16 hours
                Tears products are formulated to                                                                 a day, and are often difficult to
                exceptionally high standards and         SAFETY FIRST               Looking after the            settle as they adjust to their new
                   rigorously tested to ensure they      health and safety of your new baby can be a             world. That’s why Amby have
                     are mild and gentle so you          daunting experience. That’s why Clap                    designed the Natures Nest, a
                       don’t have to worry about         Handies have joined forces with Responder               baby hammock that creates a
                        protecting your baby’s           Training to bring you a practical up-to-date            womb like effect in which your
                           delicate eyes during          paediatric first aid training course for                baby can enjoy a snug tactile
                           bathtime. Nothing should      parents and carers of babies and young                  environment with a gentle
                           come between you and          children. The aim of the course is to teach             vertical bouncing motion. Once
                           your baby enjoying bath       you how to respond confidently in an                    placed in the Natures Nest, it is
                           time, that’s why Johnson      emergency, and includes training in CPR,                virtually impossible for your
                           & Johnson have spent 50       temperature management and dealing with                 newborn to turn onto his tummy
                           years making it their         accidents around the home. For                          keeping baby in the
                           responsibility to know as     information about courses in your area log              recommended supine position
                           much as possible about        onto,                               (on the back). For more
                           your baby's         , or call Liza on               information about the Natures
                           precious eyes.                (087) 919 6042.                                         Nest log onto

                                                       REST EASY
WIN!                                                   New research
maternity, in conjunction with Baby Farm on the                                                                                      Natures Nest,
Longmile Road (, are offering          from Trinity
                                                                                                                                    £164.99, Amby
one lucky reader the chance to win this fantastic      College, Dublin                                                              UK (www.amby.
Jeep Candy Duo Set Stroller. Retailing at              has found that                                                         
€199.99, this lightweight stroller comes complete      using a
with a matching soft carrycot that can be used         Clevamama
from birth. It has three positions and has a five-
point baby harness, so you know you’re little one
                                                       foam mattress or pillow
is in safe hands.
    To be in with a chance to win this prize, pop      instead of a standard mattress can significantly
your name, address and telephone number on             reduce ‘flat head syndrome’ common in young
the back of a postcard                                 babies. The study found that the Clevamama
and send to Editor,                                    pillow reduced the pressure on the baby’s
maternity, Ashville Media                              cranium by almost 50 per cent, while
Group, 57-59 Sir John                                  providing over 80 per cent more contact with
Rogerson’s Quay,
                                                       the head. The tests also found that the pillow’s
Dublin 2.
                                                       profile is sufficiently low and the material is not too
Draw date: December 12th
2009 We regret if this date                            stiff, so the baby’s head will be allowed to rest in a
precedes your receipt of                               natural position that does not restrict the airways.
this issue.                                            The Clevamama memory foam range is
                                                       available online at

    8 maternity
                                                                                                  Some women suffer from morning
                                                                                                  sickness, especially during the first
                                                                                                  few months of pregnancy. It can occur
                                                                                                  anytime during the day or night but is
                                                                                                  always worse on an empty stomach.
                                                                                                  To avoid morning sickness:
                                                                                                     Have some tea and dry toast or a
                                                                                                     biscuit before getting up each
                                                                                                     Get up slowly.
                                                                                                     Rest on the side of the bed for a
                                                                                                     few minutes.
                                                                                                     Eat small frequent snacks.
                                                                                                     Avoid fatty foods that may make
                                                                                                     the nausea worse.
                                                                                                     Avoid strong smells that are likely to
                                                                                                     make you feel sick.

                                                                                                you will be conscious of your breasts
                                                                                                enlarging. They have a firm, tense feeling,
                                                                                                may have a prickling, tingling sensation and
                                                                                                are sometimes tender. The growth of the
                                                                                                breasts continues throughout pregnancy to
                                                                                                2lbs/900g, so good support is essential.
                                                                                                The nipples also become darker in colour
                                                                                                and more prominent.

                                                                                                BACK PAIN

                                                                                                Back pain, especially in the lower back,
                                                                                                occurs during pregnancy. The reasons are
                                                                                                numerous, including ligaments softening and
                                                                                                stretching and posture changing as your
                                                                                                baby grows.

Pregnancy should be a time of great joy, but often it can
                                                                                                For back pain:
                                                                                                   Good posture is vital. Stand tall, shoulders
                                                                                                   relaxed, buttocks tucked in and weight
                                                                                                  spread evenly on both feet.
                                                                                                  Footwear should be low-heeled.
                                                                                                  Sit with your lower back well-supported
seem spoiled by common pregnancy ailments. However,                                               by pillows.
                                                                                                  Lie on your side on a firm mattress with
these shouldn’t mar the time for a mum-to-be.                                                     your knees drawn up.
MARGARET FANAGAN explains how to alleviate those                                                  Avoid lifting heavy objects.
                                                                                                  Do some exercise – swimming may ease
niggling pregnancy complaints.                                                                    back pain.
                                                                                                  Consult your doctor if your back pain is
   TIREDNESS                                        and remember nothing is more important        severe or persists.
   Tiredness is common, especially during the       than the health of you and your baby.
   early months of pregnancy, when your baby        Talk to your doctor to check if you         CONSTIPATION
   is developing, and again during the last few     are anaemic.                                Constipation occurs during pregnancy due
   months, when your body is adjusting to your      Do not take sleeping pills unless advised   to hormonal changes and extra pressure
   growing baby. The problem is clearly more        to do so by your doctor.                    from your growing baby.
   severe if your routine is inflexible.                                                        To combat constipation:
   When feeling overtired:                        BREAST CHANGES                                  Drink plenty of water (7-8 glasses daily).
     Relax and take naps when possible.           Breast changes may be the first sign of         Eat a well-balanced diet – including lots
     Don’t be a superwoman – ask for help         pregnancy and, as early as the sixth week,      of fruit, vegetables and fibre.

    28 maternity

  Take regular exercise, such as walking         When dealing with                                  and the action of pregnancy hormones.
  and swimming.                                  haemorrhoids:                                      For varicose veins:
  Consult your doctor if you feel you need         Follow tips for constipation.                      Follow advice for swollen joints in the
  a mild laxative.                                 Consult your doctor.                                lower limbs.
                                                                                                       Avoid crossing your legs when seated.
SWOLLEN JOINTS                                   VARICOSE VEINS                                        Consult your doctor.
Swollen joints, especially in the ankles and     Swollen veins usually occur in the lower leg
hands, are fairly common. However, sudden        and may extend to the pelvic area. These           Remember: pregnancy is not an illness, try
or severe swelling should be reported to         are due to increased pressure in the vein          to enjoy it – it’s a special time!
your doctor immediately.
To fight swollen joints:
  Raise your feet whenever possible.
  Avoid wearing anything tight.
                                                   Coping with birth: HYPNOBIRTHING
  Wear well-supported shoes and                    Midwife CARMEL FLAHERTY on dealing with labour and
  support stockings.
                                                   birth by HypnoBirthing.
  Avoid standing or sitting for long periods.
  Remove rings from fingers if tight.              The HypnoBirthing Childbirth method is as            Hypnosis is a naturally occurring
                                                   much a philosophy of birth as it is a technique      phenomenon, a little like daydreaming. Any
HEARTBURN                                          for achieving a satisfying, relaxing and stress-     time we redirect or narrow our focus, such as
Heartburn is a form of indigestion and is          free method of birthing. HypnoBirthing               when engrossed in a good book, or watching
common during pregnancy, especially                teaches you, along with your birthing                the flickering flame of a fire we are said to be
during the latter months. It is experienced as     companion, the art and joy of experiencing           in a state of hypnosis. We are fully in control
a burning sensation in the stomach and             birth in a more comfortable manner.                  and aware of what is happening to us and
throat and is due to the hormone                     Based on the theories and writings of Dr           around us.
progesterone combined with pressure from           Grantly Dick-Read, one of the pioneers of               In a HypnoBirthing class the mother will
the growing baby.                                  natural childbirth. In his book Childbirth           learn a programme of deep relaxation, self-
To beat heartburn:                                 Without Fear he explains that: “There is no          hypnosis, breathing techniques, birth positions
   Avoid fatty and spicy foods.                    physiological function that gives rise to pain in    and the basic physiology of birth and much
  Eat five or six small meals a day.               the normal course of health.” He also states “In     more. It will teach her to release all prior
  Eat slowly and in a stress-                      no other animal species is the process of birth      programming about birth, how to trust her
  free atmosphere.                                 apparently associated with any suffering, pain       own body and work with it, as well as how to
  If possible, rest for a few hours after you      or agony, except where pathology exists or in        free herself of harmful emotions that lead to
  have eaten.                                      an unnatural state, such as captivity”. When         pain – causing fear and unyielding muscles.
  Sleep propped up on pillows.                     we are afraid, our body diverts blood and            HypnoBirthing will teach her the art of using
  Try to drink fluids separate to eating.          oxygen from non-essential organs (like the           her own natural birthing instincts. Gentle
                                                   uterus) to large muscle groups in our                birthing techniques are used to allow her to
HAEMORRHOIDS                                       extremities. Our face drains of blood and we         breathe her baby into the world without hard
Haemorrhoids are varicose veins in the             are said to be ‘white with fear’. He termed this     physical pushing. She is totally conscious, a
back passage. They are caused by                   phenomenon ‘fear-tension syndrome of                 consenting participant, fully in control,
constipation, the increased pressure of your       childbirth’, and said it occurred in 95 per cent     comfortably relaxed and fully aware of what
growing baby and hormonal changes.                 of women during labour.                              is happening.
                                                     He believed that by eliminating the fear,             Fathers have a big role to play in the birth
                                                   women could return the uterus to its normal          experience, guiding the mother into deeper
LEG CRAMPS                                         function, thereby eliminating the pain.              states of relaxation and protecting her. As a
Leg cramps can sometimes occur during                Hypnosis’ main objective in labour and birth       result they feel closer to mother and baby
the latter months of pregnancy,                    is to reduce the ‘fear- tension response’ in         resulting in better bonding.
particularly at night. The exact cause is          labour which can trigger:                               When the mother is properly prepared for
unknown, but they are more frequent                   Excessive fear/anxiety                            birth physically, mentally and spiritually, she
when the muscle is tired.                             Activation of stress hormones                     can give birth in an easier, more comfortable,
To avoid leg cramps:                                  Inhibition of oxytocin/endorphins                 shorter time and as a result many mothers
   Increase your calcium intake from milk,            Sympathetic system initiated                      find birth empowering and life-changing.
   green leafy vegetables and the mineral             Uterine muscle conflict                              HypnoBirthing classes are held in four
  potassium from bananas.                             Lactic acid build-up                              sessions or over a weekend. A book and
  Gently exercise the foot by rotating in a           Excessive pain.                                   relaxation CD is an accompaniment to the
  clockwise and anti-clockwise direction.          When a woman is properly prepared for                course and mum needs to listen to CD daily
  Stretch your legs just before bedtime and        childbirth and when mind and body are in             for maximum benefits.
  massage them in warm water.                      harmony, nature is free to function in the same
  Avoid pointing toes, as this seems to            well designed manner that it does with all           Carmel Flaherty
  encourage spasm.                                 other creatures.                                     CMM2/Yoga/HypnoBirthing instructor

                                                                                                                                     maternity 29

Breastfeeding will give your baby the best possible start to
life and can be an enjoyable and beneficial experience for
explain how to master the technique and make
breastfeeding successful for you and your little one.

                         hether you’re expecting        The Advantages
                         or have just given birth,      Breastfeeding has many advantages for babies,
                       the decision of how to           their mothers, society and the environment.
                       feed your new baby is an         Remember, your breast milk is perfect for your
    important one. While modern formula milks           baby and it adapts to meet your baby’s
    are always improving, they will never replicate     changing needs.
    the essential mix of nutrients and immunities
    that breast milk contains. Breastfeeding is         Benefits for baby:
    healthy, easy and economical yet, according         k Strengthens your baby’s immature digestive
    to a recent national survey, only 47 per cent         system and helps to kick start their immune
    of Irish women breastfeed their newborn               system.
    babies with this rate falling precipitously to 24   k Lowers your baby’s risk of SIDS (Sudden
    per cent in the weeks following the birth.            Infant Death Syndrome) and childhood
    These figures are astonishing when you                illnesses.
    consider that every major health group,             k Ensures a baby’s optimum growth and brain
    including the World Heath Organisation and            development and contains antibodies to
    UNICEF recommends that babies be fed
              ,                                           protect your baby from infection.
    breast milk exclusively for the first six months    k Helps prevent illnesses such as asthma,
    of life, and that breastfeeding should continue       eczema, bacterial meningitis and allergies
    as long as possible after the introduction of         caused by certain foods in infancy
    solid food.                                           and adolescence.
       Although breastfeeding is the natural            k Children who are breastfed as babies tend to
    choice, it is not always easy. Breastfeeding is       have lower blood pressure than those who
    a skill that needs to be learned by a mother          are bottle fed.
    and her baby and attending a breastfeeding          k Children who have breast milk for seven
    class before the birth can make a huge                months or more have higher IQ scores and
    difference, both in knowledge and                     have been shown to perform better at
    confidence. All pregnant mothers have the             school than babies who have been fed
    opportunity to attend antenatal classes               formula milk.
    which will include a breastfeeding class. In        k Helps prevent diarrhoea and vomiting, as
    addition to these, some hospitals run                 well as respiratory, urinary and ear infections.
    breastfeeding skills workshops which offer          k Breast milk is particularly important for
    more specific information on breastfeeding            babies who are preterm or ill as your preterm
    and teach the skills necessary to help get            milk is especially designed for your
    breastfeeding off to a good start.                    premature baby.

    80 maternity

k Breastfed babies take less time to settle
  when they wake at night. This means night
  feeds are shorter and new mums and dads
  can get more sleep.
k Breastfed babies have less tooth decay and
  tend to have straighter teeth than bottle fed
   babies who suckle from artificial nipples.

Benefits for mum:
k Breastfeeding right after childbirth reduces
  the risk of excessive bleeding after birth and
  anaemia. It also stimulates the womb to
  contract and return to the pre-
  pregnancy state.
k Reduces the risk of breast and ovarian
  cancer, as well as osteoporosis.
k Women with diabetes have a reduced need
   for insulin when breastfeeding.
k Breastfeeding burns 600 calories per day.
  This helps new mums lose the weight
  gained during pregnancy.
k Breastfeeding mums tend to suffer less from
  postpartum depression.
k A breastfeeding woman releases a chemical
  called beta-endorphin in response to
   suckling. This helps the woman to relax and
   adjust to mothering and helps with the
   bonding process between mother and child.
k Women who breastfeed report having a
  sense of satisfaction at being able to feed
  their babies with their own milk.
k Breast milk is always free and at the ready
  wherever you and your baby go. There is no
  shopping for expensive formula, no bottles
  to carry around, no preparation, no sterilising
  or heating, and breast milk is always fresh
  and free from contamination.
k Employers benefit too, as research shows
  that women who continue to breastfeed
   when they return to work are three times
   less likely to be absent from work to care for
   their ill children, as breastfed children are
   much healthier.

Getting Started
The first hour after birth is a very special time
for the new family and a good time to initiate
breastfeeding. Regardless of the way your baby
is born, there is no reason why you cannot
breastfeed as soon as you have given birth.
The midwife may ask you if you would like your
baby placed on your tummy after he/she is
born and it is this skin-to-skin contact that has
been highlighted as very beneficial when

                                     maternity 81

initiating breastfeeding. Babies usually                                                           both mother and child are adjusting to the
experience a time of quiet alertness in the        It is important that your baby is latched       new circumstances, it may take up a lot of
first hour or two after the birth. They are        on properly to the areola and is                your time. Sleeping when baby sleeps and
awake, but not crying, and seem to be              “breast” feeding and not just “nipple”          putting aside things like housekeeping will
primed to take in new experiences – such           feeding; otherwise, your baby may not           conserve energy. Don’t be afraid to ask for
as actively seeking their mother’s breast.         get all the milk he/she wants during a          help and support from your partner or
This skin-to-skin contact also facilitates the     feed and your nipples may become                family and friends. Another thing to
bonding process and it is important that           sore. If the baby has latched on well:          recognise is that babies are ‘night-time
new mums use these first few hours and             k She will cover more of the areola             people’ for the first three weeks and they
days in hospital to become familiar with              with her lower lip than her upper lip.       can feed more at night than during the day.
your baby’s needs and the way he/she               k Her chin should be touching the               Night feeds (between 1am and 5am),
communicates with you.                                breast.                                      however, remain a priority for baby. This
                                                   k Her mouth should be wide open                 settles down after a few weeks so you will
Positioning and                                      with a big mouthful of breast.                then be able to get more sleep.
Attachment                                         k Her sucking pattern changes from                When you get the hang of breastfeeding,
Before you commence a feed, take time to             short sucks to long deep ones.                though, it will not stop you and your baby
position your baby well at the breast to                                                           from going out and enjoying life. You can
avoid becoming sore and to ensure the                                                              breastfeed almost anywhere. With practise
baby is milking the breast effectively. Start    Breastfeeding should not be painful.              and the right clothing, most people won’t
by getting comfortable. There are various        However, during the initial days of learning      even notice that you are breastfeeding.
ways to hold your baby when breastfeeding        you may feel some pain or discomfort when            There are a number of support structures
and it doesn’t matter which position you use     your baby first latches onto your breast.         in place to help you through your
as long as the baby is well attached. Most       This feeling should fade quickly. If the pain     breastfeeding experience. Many hospitals
mothers feed their baby in a traditional         continues, your baby may not be latched on        offer breastfeeding support clinics for the
cradle hold. Lying down with your baby is        correctly to your breast and you should try       first six weeks following delivery.
another position and many mothers find this      to reposition him/her. It is important that you   Alternatively, ask your GP or public health
position very relaxing and it’s a great          continue to receive the support of your           nurse for help and about breastfeeding
position to learn for night-time feeds. Other    midwife during this learning phase so that        clinics in your area. Voluntary groups like La
positions are the cross cradle hold and the      you become confident in ensuring baby             Leche and Cuidiú have experienced
rugby hold. Your midwife will help you with      latches on correctly.                             breastfeeding mothers who can assist you
different positions until you find one that                                                        in learning how to read your baby’s needs
is comfortable.                                  When You Get Home                                 and guide you as a mother.
   To get your baby in a good position for       from Hospital
feeding, ensure baby is facing you with her      Many mothers are concerned when they go           Returning to Work
head, neck and back in a straight line. Her      home about how often their baby should be         Working mothers in Ireland now have the
head should not have to turn to reach the        feeding. It is important to note that baby’s      right to paid breastfeeding/lactation breaks
nipple as this would make it                                                                       where the employer provides facilities or a
difficult for her to swallow. She   “The first hour after birth is a                               reduction in working hours without loss of
needs to be positioned so that                                                                     pay for breastfeeding where no facilities are
her nose is in line with your       very special time for the new                                  provided. The law in Ireland defines “an
nipple with her body tucked in                                                                                 employee who is
close to you. It is important to make sure       family and a good time                                        breastfeeding” as any
baby’s mouth is wide open so she can take                                                                      employee who is breastfeeding
a large mouthful of breast, with her tongue      to initiate breastfeeding”                                     within six months of birth and
down. The baby can then be moved swiftly                                                                        has informed her employer
towards your breast and allowed to latch on.     feeding patterns vary enormously. The             accordingly. Lactation breaks are breaks
Sometimes a gentle brush of baby’s lower         feeds may be very frequent and quite long         taken to express milk or breastfeed babies.
lip with your nipple may encourage her to        at first, particularly in the first few weeks.    These breaks are essential if a mother is to
open her mouth wide. Always move your            This is quite normal. If you feed your baby       maintain her supply and comfort during
baby to the breast rather than moving the        whenever they seem to be hungry, you will         working hours.
breast to the baby. The baby should come         produce enough milk to meet his/her
onto the breast at an angle so that your         needs. This is because every time the baby        Expressing Breast Milk
nipple points towards the roof of her mouth.     feeds, messages are sent to your breast to        The expression of breast milk may be an
The easiest way to remember this is:             produce more milk.                                option you choose to ensure that your baby
k Tummy to mummy                                   A very important note about                     continues to receive the benefits of breast
k Nipple to nose                                 breastfeeding is that if your new baby feeds      milk even on your return to work. There are
k Baby to breast                                 a lot, particularly in the first few weeks when   three main methods of expressing:

                                                                                                                                    maternity 83

                                                                                                       Breastfeeding is the best method of infant
                                                                                                       feeding for you and your baby. If you
                                                                                                       experience any kind of difficulties when you
                                                                                                       start breastfeeding, seek professional
                                                                                                       assistance as soon as possible. He/she will
                                                                                                       be more than happy to advise you on how
                                                                                                       to successfully establish a mutually
                                                                                                       rewarding feeding pattern and will know
                                                                                                       that you and your baby will benefit
                                                                                                       enormously from doing so.

                                                                                                       Lorraine O’Hagan and Denise McGuinness are
                                                                                                       Clinical Midwife Specialists in Lactation at the
                                                                                                       National Maternity Hospital.

                                                                                                           Getting Help
                                                                                                           Breastfeeding clinics, hospital
                                                                                                           support & advice

                                                                                                           National Maternity Hospital
                                                                                                           Breastfeeding support service: Monday,
                                                                                                           Wednesday and Friday, 10am-12.30pm by
                                                                                                           appointment, Tel: (01) 637 3251. Antenatal
                                                                                                           breastfeeding skills workshop are held on
                                                                                                           the first Friday of the month, 12.45pm-
                                                                                                           1.45pm and on the third Tuesday of the
                                                                                                           month, 6pm-7pm. No appointment
                                                                                                           necessary. A breastfeeding support
                                                                                                           phoneline operates from Monday to Friday,
                                                                                                           from 8.30am-3.30pm, Tel: (01) 637 3100.

   “Breastfeeding is the best method of                                                                    Coombe Women & Infants
                                                                                                           University Hospital
              infant feeding for you and your baby”                                                        For information, call (01) 408 5761.

   k by hand                                        straightaway; this can be kept in the ice              The Rotunda Hospital
   k by hand pump                                   section of a fridge for one week and a freezer         Breastfeeding support group meets
   k by electric pump                               for up to three months.                                Thursday, 11.30am-12.30pm. You should call
      You should discuss all of the above              When defrosting expressed breast milk you           in advance to book a place, (01) 873 0700.
   options with your midwife. Regardless of         should do so slowly, in a fridge or at room            Lactation midwives available to take calls
   which method you choose, it is vital that you    temperature. Defrosted milk can be stored in           from Monday to Friday, 8.00am-3.30pm.
   maintain strict hand hygiene and all             a fridge but must be used within 24 hours. It is
   equipment for pumping and storage is             important to note that once milk has been              University College Hospital Galway
   washed and sterilised before use. When           warmed to room temperature it must be used             24-hour breastfeeding helpline, call
   storing breast milk you must ensure that it is   or discarded. It may be useful to keep this in         (091) 544 210.
   placed in a sterile container with an airtight   mind so you only warm the amount you think
   seal with the date and time of expression        you are going to use. It is vital that you never       Cork University Maternity Hospital
   recorded. Refrigerated (2-4oC) breast milk       refreeze breast milk. Microwaves are not               Noreen Connolly, Breastfeeding
   can be kept for three to five days, ensuring     suitable for thawing breast milk as they may           Co-ordinator; Rebecca O’Donovan,
   that you do not place the milk in the fridge     cause uneven temperatures, which place the             Lactation Consultant, 087 662 3874;
   door where the temperature varies. You           baby at risk of burns. Once the expressed              087 050 6928.
   should freeze any expressed breast milk          breast milk is defrosted and at room
   you do not intend to use within 24 hours         temperature, you are ready to feed.

   84 maternity

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  • 2. NEWS REGULARS SMALLtalk HOT TOPICS FOR MUMS-TO-BE Shoes, Glorious Shoes! I f you are looking for fun, Acceptance in support of their fashionable and functional beneficial attributes for your baby and children’s shoes child’s feet. So now you are then is safe in the knowledge that BABY DIOR BLUE FOUR PIECE GIFT SET, your one-stop-shop. Ranging your little ones’ feet can look €89.73, WWW.CHILDRENSALON.COM from super soft newborn stylish and protected. slippers to black leather school shoes, this Did you know? Westmeath-based The top 5 baby names in Ireland website stocks all of the are Jack, Sean, Conor, Daniel and major brands in kids’ shoes, including Crocs, James for boys, and Sarah, Emma, Pediped, Buckle My Ella, Katie and Sophie for girls. Shoe and Skechers. Many of the shoes listed on the Little Hello Sunshine! Scamps website have A recent UK study has revealed that been awarded the children born in late summer or early American Podiatric autumn are often taller and less prone to Medical Association prestigious Seal of osteoporosis in later life than those born during the months of spring and winter. The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), also known as the Down on the Farm Children of the 90s, involved almost 7,000 If you’re in and around children born in 1991 and 1992. Researchers the Long Mile Road area from the University of Bristol studied of Dublin 12, pop into meteorological data from those years to Baby Farm to pick up a determine the mothers’ likely sun exposure few bits for the new during the last three months of the arrival. With a wide pregnancy. They concluded that children range of products from born to mothers with the highest sun cots and buggies to organic baby clothes, maternity wear exposure were, on average, a half centimetre and books, Baby Farm is the ideal place to spend an taller and had stronger bones than those afternoon for expectant and new parents. If the thought born in the darkest months of the year. This of traffic doesn’t appeal to you, check out Baby Farm’s increase is believed to be attributed to the online shop at Pictured: Cosatto Oki levels of Vitamin D (the sunshine vitamin) Doki Three-Piece Bedroom Set, €1,199.99, Baby Farm. the baby is exposed to in the womb. Mammy Knows Best For straight forward advice on pregnancy and parenthood log onto Whether your little one is still in the womb or starting school, this site is packed full of useful information about being a parent from conception through to birth and beyond. Easy to navigate, there’s lots of articles from worldwide sources, including the US, and top tips on everything from fertility to childcare for your toddler. Just so dads aren’t left out, there are some good articles dedicated to new and expectant fathers about supporting their partner during pregnancy and coping with their new role as a daddy. maternity 7
  • 3. NEWS REGULARS SMALLtalk BATH TIME WITH BABY Did you know? Fifty years ago, Johnson’s baby brand Taking good care of your teeth while developed a new set of safety pregnant may help to reduce the standards to mark the quality and incidence of some complications in gentleness of Johnson’s baby mild- pregnancy and newborn babies, cleansing soap free shampoo with the according to researchers in the UK. Shhh! No More Tears formulation. A favourite with mums the world over, No More Newborns sleep almost 16 hours Tears products are formulated to a day, and are often difficult to exceptionally high standards and SAFETY FIRST Looking after the settle as they adjust to their new rigorously tested to ensure they health and safety of your new baby can be a world. That’s why Amby have are mild and gentle so you daunting experience. That’s why Clap designed the Natures Nest, a don’t have to worry about Handies have joined forces with Responder baby hammock that creates a protecting your baby’s Training to bring you a practical up-to-date womb like effect in which your delicate eyes during paediatric first aid training course for baby can enjoy a snug tactile bathtime. Nothing should parents and carers of babies and young environment with a gentle come between you and children. The aim of the course is to teach vertical bouncing motion. Once your baby enjoying bath you how to respond confidently in an placed in the Natures Nest, it is time, that’s why Johnson emergency, and includes training in CPR, virtually impossible for your & Johnson have spent 50 temperature management and dealing with newborn to turn onto his tummy years making it their accidents around the home. For keeping baby in the responsibility to know as information about courses in your area log recommended supine position much as possible about onto, (on the back). For more your baby's, or call Liza on information about the Natures precious eyes. (087) 919 6042. Nest log onto or REST EASY WIN! New research maternity, in conjunction with Baby Farm on the Natures Nest, Longmile Road (, are offering from Trinity £164.99, Amby one lucky reader the chance to win this fantastic College, Dublin UK (www.amby. Jeep Candy Duo Set Stroller. Retailing at has found that €199.99, this lightweight stroller comes complete using a with a matching soft carrycot that can be used Clevamama from birth. It has three positions and has a five- memory point baby harness, so you know you’re little one foam mattress or pillow is in safe hands. To be in with a chance to win this prize, pop instead of a standard mattress can significantly your name, address and telephone number on reduce ‘flat head syndrome’ common in young the back of a postcard babies. The study found that the Clevamama and send to Editor, pillow reduced the pressure on the baby’s maternity, Ashville Media cranium by almost 50 per cent, while Group, 57-59 Sir John providing over 80 per cent more contact with Rogerson’s Quay, the head. The tests also found that the pillow’s Dublin 2. profile is sufficiently low and the material is not too Draw date: December 12th 2009 We regret if this date stiff, so the baby’s head will be allowed to rest in a precedes your receipt of natural position that does not restrict the airways. this issue. The Clevamama memory foam range is available online at 8 maternity
  • 4. MORNING SICKNESS Some women suffer from morning sickness, especially during the first few months of pregnancy. It can occur anytime during the day or night but is always worse on an empty stomach. To avoid morning sickness: Have some tea and dry toast or a biscuit before getting up each morning. Get up slowly. Rest on the side of the bed for a few minutes. Eat small frequent snacks. Avoid fatty foods that may make the nausea worse. Avoid strong smells that are likely to make you feel sick. you will be conscious of your breasts enlarging. They have a firm, tense feeling, may have a prickling, tingling sensation and are sometimes tender. The growth of the breasts continues throughout pregnancy to 2lbs/900g, so good support is essential. The nipples also become darker in colour and more prominent. BACK PAIN Getting Back pain, especially in the lower back, occurs during pregnancy. The reasons are numerous, including ligaments softening and stretching and posture changing as your baby grows. Comfortable Pregnancy should be a time of great joy, but often it can For back pain: Good posture is vital. Stand tall, shoulders relaxed, buttocks tucked in and weight spread evenly on both feet. Footwear should be low-heeled. Sit with your lower back well-supported seem spoiled by common pregnancy ailments. However, by pillows. Lie on your side on a firm mattress with these shouldn’t mar the time for a mum-to-be. your knees drawn up. MARGARET FANAGAN explains how to alleviate those Avoid lifting heavy objects. Do some exercise – swimming may ease niggling pregnancy complaints. back pain. Consult your doctor if your back pain is TIREDNESS and remember nothing is more important severe or persists. Tiredness is common, especially during the than the health of you and your baby. early months of pregnancy, when your baby Talk to your doctor to check if you CONSTIPATION is developing, and again during the last few are anaemic. Constipation occurs during pregnancy due months, when your body is adjusting to your Do not take sleeping pills unless advised to hormonal changes and extra pressure growing baby. The problem is clearly more to do so by your doctor. from your growing baby. severe if your routine is inflexible. To combat constipation: When feeling overtired: BREAST CHANGES Drink plenty of water (7-8 glasses daily). Relax and take naps when possible. Breast changes may be the first sign of Eat a well-balanced diet – including lots Don’t be a superwoman – ask for help pregnancy and, as early as the sixth week, of fruit, vegetables and fibre. 28 maternity
  • 5. PREGNANCY GETTING COMFORTABLE Take regular exercise, such as walking When dealing with and the action of pregnancy hormones. and swimming. haemorrhoids: For varicose veins: Consult your doctor if you feel you need Follow tips for constipation. Follow advice for swollen joints in the a mild laxative. Consult your doctor. lower limbs. Avoid crossing your legs when seated. SWOLLEN JOINTS VARICOSE VEINS Consult your doctor. Swollen joints, especially in the ankles and Swollen veins usually occur in the lower leg hands, are fairly common. However, sudden and may extend to the pelvic area. These Remember: pregnancy is not an illness, try or severe swelling should be reported to are due to increased pressure in the vein to enjoy it – it’s a special time! your doctor immediately. To fight swollen joints: Raise your feet whenever possible. Avoid wearing anything tight. Coping with birth: HYPNOBIRTHING Wear well-supported shoes and Midwife CARMEL FLAHERTY on dealing with labour and support stockings. birth by HypnoBirthing. Avoid standing or sitting for long periods. Remove rings from fingers if tight. The HypnoBirthing Childbirth method is as Hypnosis is a naturally occurring much a philosophy of birth as it is a technique phenomenon, a little like daydreaming. Any HEARTBURN for achieving a satisfying, relaxing and stress- time we redirect or narrow our focus, such as Heartburn is a form of indigestion and is free method of birthing. HypnoBirthing when engrossed in a good book, or watching common during pregnancy, especially teaches you, along with your birthing the flickering flame of a fire we are said to be during the latter months. It is experienced as companion, the art and joy of experiencing in a state of hypnosis. We are fully in control a burning sensation in the stomach and birth in a more comfortable manner. and aware of what is happening to us and throat and is due to the hormone Based on the theories and writings of Dr around us. progesterone combined with pressure from Grantly Dick-Read, one of the pioneers of In a HypnoBirthing class the mother will the growing baby. natural childbirth. In his book Childbirth learn a programme of deep relaxation, self- To beat heartburn: Without Fear he explains that: “There is no hypnosis, breathing techniques, birth positions Avoid fatty and spicy foods. physiological function that gives rise to pain in and the basic physiology of birth and much Eat five or six small meals a day. the normal course of health.” He also states “In more. It will teach her to release all prior Eat slowly and in a stress- no other animal species is the process of birth programming about birth, how to trust her free atmosphere. apparently associated with any suffering, pain own body and work with it, as well as how to If possible, rest for a few hours after you or agony, except where pathology exists or in free herself of harmful emotions that lead to have eaten. an unnatural state, such as captivity”. When pain – causing fear and unyielding muscles. Sleep propped up on pillows. we are afraid, our body diverts blood and HypnoBirthing will teach her the art of using Try to drink fluids separate to eating. oxygen from non-essential organs (like the her own natural birthing instincts. Gentle uterus) to large muscle groups in our birthing techniques are used to allow her to HAEMORRHOIDS extremities. Our face drains of blood and we breathe her baby into the world without hard Haemorrhoids are varicose veins in the are said to be ‘white with fear’. He termed this physical pushing. She is totally conscious, a back passage. They are caused by phenomenon ‘fear-tension syndrome of consenting participant, fully in control, constipation, the increased pressure of your childbirth’, and said it occurred in 95 per cent comfortably relaxed and fully aware of what growing baby and hormonal changes. of women during labour. is happening. He believed that by eliminating the fear, Fathers have a big role to play in the birth women could return the uterus to its normal experience, guiding the mother into deeper LEG CRAMPS function, thereby eliminating the pain. states of relaxation and protecting her. As a Leg cramps can sometimes occur during Hypnosis’ main objective in labour and birth result they feel closer to mother and baby the latter months of pregnancy, is to reduce the ‘fear- tension response’ in resulting in better bonding. particularly at night. The exact cause is labour which can trigger: When the mother is properly prepared for unknown, but they are more frequent Excessive fear/anxiety birth physically, mentally and spiritually, she when the muscle is tired. Activation of stress hormones can give birth in an easier, more comfortable, To avoid leg cramps: Inhibition of oxytocin/endorphins shorter time and as a result many mothers Increase your calcium intake from milk, Sympathetic system initiated find birth empowering and life-changing. green leafy vegetables and the mineral Uterine muscle conflict HypnoBirthing classes are held in four potassium from bananas. Lactic acid build-up sessions or over a weekend. A book and Gently exercise the foot by rotating in a Excessive pain. relaxation CD is an accompaniment to the clockwise and anti-clockwise direction. When a woman is properly prepared for course and mum needs to listen to CD daily Stretch your legs just before bedtime and childbirth and when mind and body are in for maximum benefits. massage them in warm water. harmony, nature is free to function in the same Avoid pointing toes, as this seems to well designed manner that it does with all Carmel Flaherty encourage spasm. other creatures. CMM2/Yoga/HypnoBirthing instructor maternity 29
  • 6. SIMPLY THE Breast Breastfeeding will give your baby the best possible start to life and can be an enjoyable and beneficial experience for you too. LORRAINE O’HAGAN and DENISE MCGUINNESS explain how to master the technique and make breastfeeding successful for you and your little one. W hether you’re expecting The Advantages or have just given birth, Breastfeeding has many advantages for babies, the decision of how to their mothers, society and the environment. feed your new baby is an Remember, your breast milk is perfect for your important one. While modern formula milks baby and it adapts to meet your baby’s are always improving, they will never replicate changing needs. the essential mix of nutrients and immunities that breast milk contains. Breastfeeding is Benefits for baby: healthy, easy and economical yet, according k Strengthens your baby’s immature digestive to a recent national survey, only 47 per cent system and helps to kick start their immune of Irish women breastfeed their newborn system. babies with this rate falling precipitously to 24 k Lowers your baby’s risk of SIDS (Sudden per cent in the weeks following the birth. Infant Death Syndrome) and childhood These figures are astonishing when you illnesses. consider that every major health group, k Ensures a baby’s optimum growth and brain including the World Heath Organisation and development and contains antibodies to UNICEF recommends that babies be fed , protect your baby from infection. breast milk exclusively for the first six months k Helps prevent illnesses such as asthma, of life, and that breastfeeding should continue eczema, bacterial meningitis and allergies as long as possible after the introduction of caused by certain foods in infancy solid food. and adolescence. Although breastfeeding is the natural k Children who are breastfed as babies tend to choice, it is not always easy. Breastfeeding is have lower blood pressure than those who a skill that needs to be learned by a mother are bottle fed. and her baby and attending a breastfeeding k Children who have breast milk for seven class before the birth can make a huge months or more have higher IQ scores and difference, both in knowledge and have been shown to perform better at confidence. All pregnant mothers have the school than babies who have been fed opportunity to attend antenatal classes formula milk. which will include a breastfeeding class. In k Helps prevent diarrhoea and vomiting, as addition to these, some hospitals run well as respiratory, urinary and ear infections. breastfeeding skills workshops which offer k Breast milk is particularly important for more specific information on breastfeeding babies who are preterm or ill as your preterm and teach the skills necessary to help get milk is especially designed for your breastfeeding off to a good start. premature baby. 80 maternity
  • 7. BABY TALK BREASTFEEDING k Breastfed babies take less time to settle when they wake at night. This means night feeds are shorter and new mums and dads can get more sleep. k Breastfed babies have less tooth decay and tend to have straighter teeth than bottle fed babies who suckle from artificial nipples. Benefits for mum: k Breastfeeding right after childbirth reduces the risk of excessive bleeding after birth and anaemia. It also stimulates the womb to contract and return to the pre- pregnancy state. k Reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, as well as osteoporosis. k Women with diabetes have a reduced need for insulin when breastfeeding. k Breastfeeding burns 600 calories per day. This helps new mums lose the weight gained during pregnancy. k Breastfeeding mums tend to suffer less from postpartum depression. k A breastfeeding woman releases a chemical called beta-endorphin in response to suckling. This helps the woman to relax and adjust to mothering and helps with the bonding process between mother and child. k Women who breastfeed report having a sense of satisfaction at being able to feed their babies with their own milk. k Breast milk is always free and at the ready wherever you and your baby go. There is no shopping for expensive formula, no bottles to carry around, no preparation, no sterilising or heating, and breast milk is always fresh and free from contamination. k Employers benefit too, as research shows that women who continue to breastfeed when they return to work are three times less likely to be absent from work to care for their ill children, as breastfed children are much healthier. Getting Started The first hour after birth is a very special time for the new family and a good time to initiate breastfeeding. Regardless of the way your baby is born, there is no reason why you cannot breastfeed as soon as you have given birth. The midwife may ask you if you would like your baby placed on your tummy after he/she is born and it is this skin-to-skin contact that has been highlighted as very beneficial when maternity 81
  • 8.
  • 9. BABY TALK BREASTFEEDING initiating breastfeeding. Babies usually both mother and child are adjusting to the experience a time of quiet alertness in the It is important that your baby is latched new circumstances, it may take up a lot of first hour or two after the birth. They are on properly to the areola and is your time. Sleeping when baby sleeps and awake, but not crying, and seem to be “breast” feeding and not just “nipple” putting aside things like housekeeping will primed to take in new experiences – such feeding; otherwise, your baby may not conserve energy. Don’t be afraid to ask for as actively seeking their mother’s breast. get all the milk he/she wants during a help and support from your partner or This skin-to-skin contact also facilitates the feed and your nipples may become family and friends. Another thing to bonding process and it is important that sore. If the baby has latched on well: recognise is that babies are ‘night-time new mums use these first few hours and k She will cover more of the areola people’ for the first three weeks and they days in hospital to become familiar with with her lower lip than her upper lip. can feed more at night than during the day. your baby’s needs and the way he/she k Her chin should be touching the Night feeds (between 1am and 5am), communicates with you. breast. however, remain a priority for baby. This k Her mouth should be wide open settles down after a few weeks so you will Positioning and with a big mouthful of breast. then be able to get more sleep. Attachment k Her sucking pattern changes from When you get the hang of breastfeeding, Before you commence a feed, take time to short sucks to long deep ones. though, it will not stop you and your baby position your baby well at the breast to from going out and enjoying life. You can avoid becoming sore and to ensure the breastfeed almost anywhere. With practise baby is milking the breast effectively. Start Breastfeeding should not be painful. and the right clothing, most people won’t by getting comfortable. There are various However, during the initial days of learning even notice that you are breastfeeding. ways to hold your baby when breastfeeding you may feel some pain or discomfort when There are a number of support structures and it doesn’t matter which position you use your baby first latches onto your breast. in place to help you through your as long as the baby is well attached. Most This feeling should fade quickly. If the pain breastfeeding experience. Many hospitals mothers feed their baby in a traditional continues, your baby may not be latched on offer breastfeeding support clinics for the cradle hold. Lying down with your baby is correctly to your breast and you should try first six weeks following delivery. another position and many mothers find this to reposition him/her. It is important that you Alternatively, ask your GP or public health position very relaxing and it’s a great continue to receive the support of your nurse for help and about breastfeeding position to learn for night-time feeds. Other midwife during this learning phase so that clinics in your area. Voluntary groups like La positions are the cross cradle hold and the you become confident in ensuring baby Leche and Cuidiú have experienced rugby hold. Your midwife will help you with latches on correctly. breastfeeding mothers who can assist you different positions until you find one that in learning how to read your baby’s needs is comfortable. When You Get Home and guide you as a mother. To get your baby in a good position for from Hospital feeding, ensure baby is facing you with her Many mothers are concerned when they go Returning to Work head, neck and back in a straight line. Her home about how often their baby should be Working mothers in Ireland now have the head should not have to turn to reach the feeding. It is important to note that baby’s right to paid breastfeeding/lactation breaks nipple as this would make it where the employer provides facilities or a difficult for her to swallow. She “The first hour after birth is a reduction in working hours without loss of needs to be positioned so that pay for breastfeeding where no facilities are her nose is in line with your very special time for the new provided. The law in Ireland defines “an nipple with her body tucked in employee who is close to you. It is important to make sure family and a good time breastfeeding” as any baby’s mouth is wide open so she can take employee who is breastfeeding a large mouthful of breast, with her tongue to initiate breastfeeding” within six months of birth and down. The baby can then be moved swiftly has informed her employer towards your breast and allowed to latch on. feeding patterns vary enormously. The accordingly. Lactation breaks are breaks Sometimes a gentle brush of baby’s lower feeds may be very frequent and quite long taken to express milk or breastfeed babies. lip with your nipple may encourage her to at first, particularly in the first few weeks. These breaks are essential if a mother is to open her mouth wide. Always move your This is quite normal. If you feed your baby maintain her supply and comfort during baby to the breast rather than moving the whenever they seem to be hungry, you will working hours. breast to the baby. The baby should come produce enough milk to meet his/her onto the breast at an angle so that your needs. This is because every time the baby Expressing Breast Milk nipple points towards the roof of her mouth. feeds, messages are sent to your breast to The expression of breast milk may be an The easiest way to remember this is: produce more milk. option you choose to ensure that your baby k Tummy to mummy A very important note about continues to receive the benefits of breast k Nipple to nose breastfeeding is that if your new baby feeds milk even on your return to work. There are k Baby to breast a lot, particularly in the first few weeks when three main methods of expressing: maternity 83
  • 10. BABY TALK BREASTFEEDING Breastfeeding is the best method of infant feeding for you and your baby. If you experience any kind of difficulties when you start breastfeeding, seek professional assistance as soon as possible. He/she will be more than happy to advise you on how to successfully establish a mutually rewarding feeding pattern and will know that you and your baby will benefit enormously from doing so. Lorraine O’Hagan and Denise McGuinness are Clinical Midwife Specialists in Lactation at the National Maternity Hospital. Getting Help Breastfeeding clinics, hospital support & advice National Maternity Hospital Breastfeeding support service: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10am-12.30pm by appointment, Tel: (01) 637 3251. Antenatal breastfeeding skills workshop are held on the first Friday of the month, 12.45pm- 1.45pm and on the third Tuesday of the month, 6pm-7pm. No appointment necessary. A breastfeeding support phoneline operates from Monday to Friday, from 8.30am-3.30pm, Tel: (01) 637 3100. “Breastfeeding is the best method of Coombe Women & Infants University Hospital infant feeding for you and your baby” For information, call (01) 408 5761. k by hand straightaway; this can be kept in the ice The Rotunda Hospital k by hand pump section of a fridge for one week and a freezer Breastfeeding support group meets k by electric pump for up to three months. Thursday, 11.30am-12.30pm. You should call You should discuss all of the above When defrosting expressed breast milk you in advance to book a place, (01) 873 0700. options with your midwife. Regardless of should do so slowly, in a fridge or at room Lactation midwives available to take calls which method you choose, it is vital that you temperature. Defrosted milk can be stored in from Monday to Friday, 8.00am-3.30pm. maintain strict hand hygiene and all a fridge but must be used within 24 hours. It is equipment for pumping and storage is important to note that once milk has been University College Hospital Galway washed and sterilised before use. When warmed to room temperature it must be used 24-hour breastfeeding helpline, call storing breast milk you must ensure that it is or discarded. It may be useful to keep this in (091) 544 210. placed in a sterile container with an airtight mind so you only warm the amount you think seal with the date and time of expression you are going to use. It is vital that you never Cork University Maternity Hospital recorded. Refrigerated (2-4oC) breast milk refreeze breast milk. Microwaves are not Noreen Connolly, Breastfeeding can be kept for three to five days, ensuring suitable for thawing breast milk as they may Co-ordinator; Rebecca O’Donovan, that you do not place the milk in the fridge cause uneven temperatures, which place the Lactation Consultant, 087 662 3874; door where the temperature varies. You baby at risk of burns. Once the expressed 087 050 6928. should freeze any expressed breast milk breast milk is defrosted and at room you do not intend to use within 24 hours temperature, you are ready to feed. 84 maternity