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Master Guide
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Zoho One is the best bang for your
buck in business software. By far.
We regularly see businesses cut their software costs by ~80%
while adding 40+ new powerful apps.
However, understanding and implementing Zoho One can be
tricky. The app list is as long as a Tolstoy novel (and easily as
tear-jerking — it’s so beautiful!)
We’re here to help.
We’ve been developing on Zoho since 2016 — we were at Zoho
HQ when Zoho announced Zoho One in May 2017. Since that
fateful day, we’ve set up dozens of companies on Zoho One
and have gotten pretty good at teaching companies how to
squeeze the most value from this crazy-good offer.
Need help? We give all Zoho questions personal answers. Go
1 2
3 4
Productivity &
Operations Apps
What is
Zoho One?
Sales &
Marketing Apps
Other Zoho
One Apps
What is
Zoho One?
What is Zoho One?
Buckle up.
Zoho One is 40+ business apps for the breathtakingly low price
of $35/employee/month. You’ll get software for:
•CRM and Email/Marketing Automation
•Bookkeeping and Inventory/ERP
•Dashboarding + Analytics
•HR + Recruiting
•Customer Service
•30+ more
Who Competes w/Zoho?
A sample of Zoho competitors:
Explain Zoho One Pricing
No up-sells, just value.
Zoho is breaking all the rules of software — Zoho One doesn’t
have any up-sells.
No “Enterprise Plan” that costs 3x. No itemized “Sales Suite”,
“Marketing Suite” + “Support Suite” to run up the bill.
What’s the Catch?
One Small Catch (Small!)
This pricing is on a PER EMPLOYEE, not per user basis, and
If you have 10 employees, you have to pay for all 10
employees. If you’d like to pay for individual users, the price
goes up to $90/user/month (or $75, if you pay annually).
Have questions? Reach out, we’re happy to talk through it.
Why is Zoho One a big deal?
Price Many companies we work with save over 80%
on software costs.
Integration Zoho apps connect well together right
out of the box. No more siloed data!
Power With 20+ years spent creating the suite,
Zoho’s built multimple world-class apps.
What apps are included?
We’re glad you asked.
The majority of this guide is out thoughts and rating of each
Zoho One app. Keep reading for more.
App Rating Tiers
A Can go toe-to-toe with
anything on the market,
irrespective of price. B Powerful, but may lack a
couple nice features. Great
for the price.
Covers most of the bases,
but a competitor product
may be worth using if you
have highly-specific needs. D
Fun to play around with, lots
of potential, but probably
not worth implementing in
your business.
Click the icons below to view
more information on the apps
App Rating Tiers
Analytics Desk Sign Cliq Connect
Marketing Hub
Meeting Workplace Flow
Survey SalesIQ Forms Social Projects Books Inventory People Recruit
Sales &
Marketing Apps
The hub of the entire Zoho One suite, CRM is a highly-customizable
database for organizing your customer info and automating your
sales, marketing, and operations.
1 Centralize customer data from many platforms
2 Organize and automate sales, marketing, &
operations processes
3 Streamline and simplify employees’ day-to-day
Zoho CRM A
How it stacks up
Zoho CRM is truly world-class. It provides a similar feature set as
Salesforce (at an astronomically lower price point), while its customizability,
integrations, and automation dominate Hubspot, Infusionsoft, and an
endless sea of more basic CRMs.
Zoho CRM
What sets it apart?
Insanely customizable
Fits almost any business model perfectly
Enterprise-level automation
Granular filtering, powerful actions
Integrates with everything
Open API, great Zapier link, syncs with all Zoho apps
Zoho CRM
The email marketing sidekick to Zoho CRM, Zoho Campaigns
provides a solid email campaign management tool with a powerful
and seamless integration with CRM.
1 Manage and send to your newsletter list.
2 Trigger email drip campaigns
3 Segment subscribers based off Zoho CRM data
Zoho Campaigns B
How it stacks up
Perfect for Zoho One, not the best on its own. Zoho Campaigns shines with
its easy Zoho CRM integration, and checks most of the boxes you need from
an email marketing platform. It loses points for lacking A) good eCommerce
integrations, B) a few design widgets, and C) the polish of its competitors.
Zoho Campaigns
What sets it apart?
Very granular segmentation
Pull in Zoho CRM data and segment accordingly
Easy-to-use email builder
Drag-and-drop, easy to teach
Integrated with CRM
Use Campaigns as part of your greater sales effort
Zoho Campaigns
Zoho’s marketing automation engine, MarketingHub has a
menagerie of user-action-based segmentation options that allow
for powerful segmentation.
1 Gather lead data from multiple sources
2 Send leads on automated marketing journeys
3 Lead scoring — when a lead is engaged enough,
push them to a salesperson in CRM
Zoho MarketingHub D
How it stacks up
Lots of potential, too many roadblocks to implementation. Our only
MarketingHub implementations have usually been fraught with issues.
Journey entry and exit is confusing, bugs abound, the API is limited, and
migrating from similar products is nigh-on impossible.
Zoho MarketingHub
What sets it apart?
Very granular segmentation
Pull in Zoho CRM data and segment accordingly
Easy-to-use email builder
Drag-and-drop, easy to teach
Integrated with CRM
Use Campaigns as part of your greater sales effort
Zoho MarketingHub
Dashboarding software that integrates immediately and
seamlessly with other Zoho apps. Get an immediate, visual
snapshot into a potentially limitless # of KPIs.
Zoho Analytics
1 Integrate instantly with almost every Zoho app
2 Create and share visual dashboards
3 Combine data from multiple sources into a few
comprehensive snapshots of your business
How it stacks up
Highly polished, very powerful, simple-to-use. Analytics is a fantastic data
visualization platform that perfectly integrates with the rest of the Zoho
Suite and other external apps. It can take a bit of time to learn, but once
you’ve learned it, it’s an invaluable tool.
Zoho Analytics
What sets it apart?
Beautiful reports and widgets
For gorgeous, shareable dashboards
Easy-to-create dashboards
To visualize data from every Zoho app
Get started instantly
comes with built-in dashboard templates
Zoho Analytics
Zoho Survey
Survey-builder that integrates perfectly with the CRM, including
the ability to pre-populate surveys with CRM data and quickly
send surveys to all your Leads and Contacts in CRM.
1 Create robust surveys with stellar logic
2 Push data to CRM to trigger automations
3 Automate survey distribution from within CRM
How it stacks up
INCREDIBLE CRM connection, lacks some survey-buildingfunctionality.
For 80% of users, Zoho Survey is easily robust enough, AND it integrates so
well with Zoho CRM (better than Zoho Forms, in some cases). However, for
certain power users, the survey functionality leaves much to be desired (with
question/page logic, for instance).
Zoho Survey
What sets it apart?
CRM Integration and Automation
Send from CRM, pipe results into CRM
Slick UI
Very user-friendly and easy-to-build
Standalone Automation
Deluge scripting, custom automations, document merging
Zoho Survey
Zoho SalesIQ
A web live-chat app and visitor tracking tool that allows you (or a
programmable chat-bot) to engage with website visitors and
track their activity across your site.
1 Website live-chat and support routing
2 Website activity data (that pushes into CRM)
How it stacks up
Solid, solid web chat with adequate website visitor tracking. We have
clients with multiple web properties each with 3,000+ daily visits that love
SalesIQ live chat. The visitor tracking is more hit-or-miss. If you rely HEAVILY
on clean website tracking data, there are likely other, better products.
Zoho SalesIQ
What sets it apart?
ChatBot Customization
Requires a dev, but isn’t TOO hard
Powerful Live Chat Routing
Great at routing chats to the right people
So Much Cheaper Than Intercom!
Most companies can make do with SalesIQ vs. Intercom
Zoho SalesIQ
Zoho Sites
A template-based website builder that guides you through the
creation of your fairly simple, straightforward website.
1 Website builder
2 Built-in templates allow for rapid site development
3 Blogs, member portals, payment processing
How it stacks up
Great at building simple brochure sites, struggles with everything else.
The aesthetic is there, but the dearth of features is a killer for most serious
businesses. Other builders have oceans of 3rd-party plugins to extend
website functionality. Zoho Sites has... whatever Zoho gets around to
Zoho Sites
What sets it apart?
Integration w/CRM
Easy to pipe leads into CRM
Pre-built templates
Easy to build a site
Comes with Zoho One!
If you don’t have a site, it’s a godsend
Zoho Sites
Zoho Forms
A powerful, flexible form builder that allows you to gather
information in almost any format and sync it to your CRM.
1 Form builder
2 Pushes data from forms into almost every Zoho app
3 Notifications and document merge options
How it stacks up
Lacks visual polish, but super reliable and powerful. We love Zoho Forms
and develop frequently on it. The form builder itself is very intuitive and
powerful (lots of question logic options) and the integrations are endless
(we’re especially enamored with the Zoho CRM and Zoho Sign integrations,
though the latter costs extra $$$).
Zoho Forms
What sets it apart?
It’s so damn useful to push form data anywhere in Zoho
Intuitive Builder
Extremely rapid form development
Subforms, document merge, question and page logic
Zoho Forms
Zoho Social
A solid social media calendar/scheduler. Integrate with Facebook,
Instagram,Twitter, LinkedIn, and GoogleMyBusiness to
create/schedule posts, review analytics, and respond to messages.
1 Create/schedule social media posts
2 Reply to messages and comments
3 Review the performance of your various channels
How it stacks up
Super user-friendly and has most features you’d want. For most
companies that Zoho attracts (i.e. those without massive social media
followings), Zoho Social works perfectly — it’s a much-needed time-saver
for a Marketing Manager wearing many hats. For agencies and those with
large followings, there are more feature-rich schedulers.
Zoho Social
What sets it apart?
Quickly set up and start using the scheduler
Nice Google Chrome extension
Quickly clip web pages/images and save them to Social
Solid scheduling/drafting options
Quickly populate a social media calendar with content
Zoho Social
Productivity &
Operations Apps
An EXTREMELY feature-rich project/task management tool.
Create projects/tasks, invite internal/external users, comment
and collaborate on tasks, link documents, and gather analytics on
employee productivity.
1 Create and track projects and tasks
2 Centralize project communication
3 Involve clients + external users in projects
Zoho Projects B
How it stacks up
Chock-full of features, but the UX is just a step behind the competition.
For large construction companies, Zoho Project’s bevy of features are all
useful. However, for many of us, less is more. Zoho Projects can be slimmed
down and works FANTASTICALLY as a basic task/project manager, but I
sometimes wish it was as lightning-fast and easy-to-use as Asana.
Zoho Projects
What sets it apart?
Integration w/Zoho Suite
Create Desk tickets, associate Projects w/CRM deals
Project Templates
Easily repeat projects over and over
Invite Clients and External Users
Super easy to add others to your projects
Zoho Projects
A shared customer-service inbox with a tight CRM integration.
Centralize, automate, and track all support inquiries. Integrate to
pull tickets from phones, live chat, webforms, email, Twitter,
1 Centralize customer support inquiries
2 Escalate/assign tickets to different agents/teams
3 Create a customer portal and knowledge base
Zoho Desk A
How it stacks up
We’re 99.9% sure Zoho Desk will do everything you need it to. Desk
manages to balance a rich set of features with smooth performance and a
lovely UI. Its tight integration w/Zoho CRM helps bridge your sales and
customer support, and the Zoho Analytics integration comes through with
gallons of data on your support team’s successes/failures.
Zoho Desk
What sets it apart?
Customer Portal/Knowledge Base
Easily point customers towards the help they need
Build perfect internal processes to maximize productivity
CRM Integration
Full transparency in CRM into all customer interactions
Zoho Desk
A cloud-based bookkeeping platform. Offers pretty much
everything financial an SMB would need: automate
invoicing/payments, pull in bank/credit card transactions, track
time/expenses/milage. and more.
1 Record transactions and journal entries.
2 Automate customer interactions
3 Create robust financial reports
Zoho Books B
How it stacks up
Your Executive Team will fall in love, your old school accountant might not.
We personally LOVE Zoho Books. It’s easy-to-use, has POWERFUL
automation, pushes tons of data to Zoho Analytics. We’ve seen plenty of
CPAs fall in love, but we’ve also seen our share of crotchety accountants
gripe about features they miss from QuickBooks (like payroll!!!).
Zoho Books
What sets it apart?
Zoho Integrations
Easily push data to Zoho Analytics, pull from CRM
Quickly get set up and running
Automation Station
Automate and templatize most of your busywork
Zoho Books
Inventory tracking and ERP software. Track and fulfill purchases
and receipts across multiple warehouses, including serial number
and batch tracking options. Shares data with Zoho Books (more
than an integration — they’re built into each other).
1 Multi-warehouse Inventory + transaction management
2 Shipping management
3 Connects with bookkeeping software
Zoho Inventory
How it stacks up
So so close to A-tier for non-eCommerce, has some major eCommerce
issues. We’ve had smaller companies migrate from Netsuite and sing
Inventory’s praises (no manufacturing, sorry). We’ve had small eCommerce
companies regret switching to Inventory, mostly because the eCommerce
integrations are weak and the shipping label printing sucks pretty bad.
Zoho Inventory
What sets it apart?
Powerful Yet Inexpensive
Can replace Netsuite for 1/20th the cost
Love the Books Integration
They work so well together!
Easy-to-Use, Great Mobile App
One of Zoho’s best UIs, simple to get the hang of
Zoho Inventory
Zoho Sign
Software to manage the digital signature and storage of
important documents. Pulls data in from other Zoho apps to
populate and send contracts.
1 Simple and complex sign workflows
2 Great client signature user experience
3 Merge data from other Zoho apps into contracts
How it stacks up
Some may have a bone to pick, but we LOVE Zoho Sign. Here’s our
reasoning — it’s simple and does its job well. No fancy bells and whistles
EXCEPT for all the INCREDIBLY USEFUL contract merging you can do from
Zoho CRM, Zoho Forms, Zoho People, etc. You haven’t lived until you’ve
automated boring paperwork in a beautiful Zoho Sign workflow.
Zoho Sign
What sets it apart?
Zoho Integrations
Save SO MUCH TIME by pulling data into your contracts
Customizable Client Experience
Personally brand the contract signing experience
Great CRM Storage Options
Store signed contracts associated with customer records
Zoho Sign
Web conferencing and webinar software similar to Zoom or
GoToMeeting. Schedule meetings that users can either log into
over VOIP or call into via a dial-in #.
1 Schedule meetings/webinars with many attendees
2 Record/share meeting recording with attendees
3 Share and annotate screen
Zoho Meeting C
How it stacks up
Well, at least it’s not D tier! Zoho Meeting really is fine. It works well 90% of
the time. For internal meetings/meetings with frequent customers, we’re
totally fine to use it. However, for salespeople, the 10% chance that your
call/webinar will completely crap out is tough. Hell, even Zoho itself uses
GoToWebinar sometimes for high-stakes webinars.
Zoho Meeting
What sets it apart?
Zoho Integrations
Really nice to schedule meetings from CRM
Decently easy UI
Call attendees understand how to use it
Much-improved audio/video
Fairly crisp, competes well with other tools
Zoho Meeting
A very handy HR management platform. Zoho People will allow
you to finally organize and automate all of the tricky, boring HR
stuff that you never have time to do.
1 Setup automated on-boarding/off-boarding.
2 Vacation + Sick Leave + Attendance Tracking
3 Performance Management
Zoho People B
Compare With:
How it stacks up
We wish it were more simple, but once you’ve got it set up, it’s a life-saver.
Zoho People’s glut of features is both a blessing and a curse — without a
guided onboarding, it can take a little while to fully understand. However, the
time spent learning and implementing is well worth it once you’ve
automated all the annoying idiosyncracies of HR.
Zoho People
What sets it apart?
Automated Onboarding
Don’t leave new employees hanging!
Robust Performance Management
Get the jump on providing solid employee feedback
Self-Serve Vacation + Sick Leave
Finally give convenience and transparency to that process
Zoho People
A recruiting applicant tracking system that works almost the
same as Zoho CRM. Drive applicants into a system where you and
other stakeholders can record interviews, score resumes, and
leave feedback.
1 Automatically post to 20+ job boards
2 Track and assess candidates; fill your hiring pipeline
3 Create your own careers website
Zoho Recruit B
Compare With:
How it stacks up
So much better than how you’re currently doing it. There are undoubtedly
better enterprise-level solutions — they’re just literally 100x more expensive.
For the small/medium business tier, Zoho Recruit is fantastic, allowing you to
organize your hiring process, involve multiple stakeholders in candidate
assessment, and create a database of previous applicants.
Zoho Recruit
What sets it apart?
Resume Parsing Inbox
Automatically parse resumes into applicants!
Create/Review Assessments
Get multiple sets of eyes on objective assessments
Zoho Campaigns Integration
Build a list of your previous applicants for your next opening
Zoho Recruit
Zoho Workplace is a totally feasible alternative to Microsoft Office
365 or Google GSuite. It provides email hosting, cloud storage,
calendar, spreadsheets, word processing, and presentations.
1 Email hosting and calendar
2 Powerful cloud-based storage
3 Microsoft Office/Google Docs alternatives
Zoho Workplace C
Compare With:
How it stacks up
Some better than others — ultimately not worth the time/hassle of
migrating if you’re already using a competitor. WorkDrive is FANTASTIC,
Sheet is slow, Writer is great, Mail is amazing (but IMAP integration is tough,
especially at scale), Calendar is ugly, and Show is fine. If you have a flexible,
tech-savvy workforce, switch today, the tools honestly are great.
Zoho Workplace
What sets it apart?
Zoho Writer Mail Merge Documents
Automate document creation across the Zoho Suite
Awesome WorkDrive Automation
All sorts of automation options with WorkDrive
Keep $ Away From Google/Microsoft
FINALLY, an option besides those two behemoths
Zoho Workplace
A Slack alternative for handling workplace communication.
Instant messaging across teams and 1-to-1, VOIP, screen sharing,
multi-user calls, and tools for remote teams to show off their
current status.
1 Internal/external user channels
2 Deliver notifications from tons of Zoho Apps
3 Manage company-wide communication
Zoho Cliq A
Compare With:
How it stacks up
Already used to Slack? Probably stick with it. Not using anything? Zoho
Cliq is great. We love how well integrated Cliq is with the rest of the Zoho
suite — it’s nice to pull notifications off of email and onto Cliq. We also
appreciate how easy it is to set up and get used to it. Finally, we love how
the Cliq bar shows up in all the other Zoho apps.
Zoho Cliq
What sets it apart?
Straightforward UI
Really easy to teach new users
Notifications Across Zoho Apps
Put all your notifications into one spot
Solid Remote Work Tools
We run our whole remote team on Cliq!
Zoho Cliq
An internal social media network. Empower employees to speak
up, share knowledge (in Zoho Connect manuals), schedule events,
hold town halls, and discuss company issues in a transparent, safe
1 Post, comment, and follow posts
2 Hold town halls Q&As with management
3 Invite external users into your internal networks
Zoho Connect A
Compare With:
How it stacks up
For companies with 15+ employees, it fills a really important niche. We’ve
had lots of clients say “Connect seems dumb, we won’t need that, we have
-Slack/Cliq/Email-”, only to fall in love with how it can unite your team.
Schedule a company book club, ask employees to weigh in on important
company issues, or invite your best customers to internal boards.
Zoho Connect
What sets it apart?
External Channels
Gather tight-knit communities outside Facebook
Town Halls
Frequently get management answering tough questions
Centralize Company Culture
Create manuals and codify your culture
Zoho Connect
Easily (and visually) create additional connections between your
various apps (especially Zoho apps) to further automate your
processes and de-silo your data.
1 Trigger automated actions from different apps
2 Push and pull data between almost every Zoho app
3 Automate and streamline your workflows
Zoho Flow C
Compare With:
How it stacks up
Honestly, why not use Zapier? We’re really sorry, Zoho Flow team. We love
Zoho. We wear Zoho pajamas to bed at night. But Zoho Flow just needs
more time and TLC. There aren’t many important connections you can do
with Flow that you can’t do with Zapier, and Zapier is more reliable and
stable. Give Flow a couple years.
Zoho Flow
What sets it apart?
More Integrations Within Zoho
Some stuff you can’t do w/Zapier
Solid Error Reporting
Which you might end up needing
Solid filtering, conditional logic, etc.
Zoho Flow
Other Zoho Apps
Let’s roll through those quick.
It’d be pretty exhausing to go through each and every Zoho
One app.
Instead, we’ve gone through the ones that have mass appeal.
Now, we’ll quickly go through the other Zoho One apps. These
apps appear here because either:
A) They’re only really important to niche customers
B) We don’t have enough experience with them to rate them
And the Other Apps?
Your success with Zoho Creator will be heavily dependent on your
needs and the strength of your developer. If you think you need a
Creator app, please reach out to us — we’ll be happy to either A) match
you with a dev or B) convince you that you don’t need to use Creator.
1 Quickly develop and deploy custom applications
2 Run these apps on desktop, tablet, or mobile
3 Almost limitless integration within Zoho Suite.
Zoho Creator
Still not stable enough for us to recommend, but give it a shot, it’s
getting close. We’ve started using it ourselves and overall enjoy it after
a rocky beta period. For the money, we still think you’re better off with
Acuity Scheduling or Calendly (especially because Zoho Bookings
doesn’t allow you to ask custom pre-appointment questions).
1 Calendly alternative for booking appointments
2 Integrates with your calendar to show free/busy
3 Only works w/Zoho or Google Calendars
Zoho Bookings
If you’re a small/nimble company with limited needs, why not? Most
of our clients prefer the robust Zoho CRM, but we’ve been hearing
good things about Bigin. If you prefer a highly simplified product with a
cleaner UX (and far less features), give it a shot!O
1 Simple CRM alternative
2 Pipeline focused
3 Contact management
Zoho Bigin
If you’re working on a site that gets enough traffic to warrant a tool
like this, you may be better off looking at HotJar or CrazyEgg. We
haven’t implemented PageSense yet, but we have worked with HotJar
and CrazyEgg.They’re just so cheap, it feels like it’s almost not worth it
to go with a more stable competitor.
1 Detailed web visitor tracking
2 Gather heatmaps and recordings on your site
3 Conversion-rate optimization recommendations
Zoho PageSense
Unless you run large, full-day events, Backstage is probably overkill
versus Eventbrite. Eventbrite is simpler and more widely used. With
that said — if you’re doing any sort of large event, Backstage is
FANTASTIC. We love using it as part of Zoholics.
1 Event management platform
2 Create tickets, badges, agendas, and event websites
3 Push data to other parts of the Zoho Suite
Zoho Backstage
Very handy to have, though it works better on an ad hoc customer
support ticket basis than as routine screen sharing tool. Assist won’t
replace GoToMeeting orTeamViewer — it’s main use is for quickly
establishing contact with customers where you don’t want to go
through the rigamarole of getting on a GoToMeeting/Zoom.
1 Remote support/screen share
2 Login to customer computers to troubleshoot
3 Integrates well w/Zoho Desk
Zoho Assist
Solid product. However, if you’re paying expensive devs, I’d usually
rather let them use tools they’re used to. Confluence andJIRA are
fairly inexpensive. If your devs have never used tools like that, then
Sprints is great. If they have used a competing product, then give the
devs whatever they want!
1 Agile sprint management tool
2 Built for software developers by software developers
3 Integrates w/Zoho Projects
Zoho Sprints
If you’re specifically focused on training/education, it’s better than
most webinar software. If you’re focused on marketing, most webinar
platforms are better. ShowTime is great and really user-friendly for
people trying to present a slide deck and interact with the audience. Its
marketing tools lack a little, and it’s redundant with Zoho Meeting.
1 Web-based training tool
2 Facilitate trainings and discussions
3 Replicate the classroom setting online
Zoho ShowTime
If you don’t have OnePassword or LastPass or Dashlane, use Zoho
Vault. If you do, they’re usually so cheap that it’s not worth switching.
We really love ZohoVault — it’s a great option for businesses like us that
started growing, needed a shared password solution, and realized that
they were already paying for ZohoVault.
1 Store and manage organization passwords
2 Allow for single-sign on to other apps
3 Give users access to apps without giving the password
Zoho Vault
If you’re using Zoho Books, this is a no brainer. If you aren’t, it
actually integrates pretty well with other accounting tools, though
there may be another you like more. Expense isn’t really a
game-changer, it’s just a REALLY nice-to-have for SMBs with lots of
receipts and expenses to track.
1 Mobile-first expense tracking and reporting
2 Pushes immediately to Zoho Books
3 Easy-to-use, very straightforward
Zoho Expense
If you’re processing online transactions, there’s a chance your
website builder will have a better subscription app than Zoho
Subscriptions. If not, Subscriptions is great. It’s especially nice how it
automatically pushes to Zoho Books.
1 Subscriptions made easy
2 Integrates w/many payment processors
3 Pushes immediately to Zoho Books
Zoho Subscriptions

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  • 2. Zoho One is the best bang for your buck in business software. By far. We regularly see businesses cut their software costs by ~80% while adding 40+ new powerful apps. However, understanding and implementing Zoho One can be tricky. The app list is as long as a Tolstoy novel (and easily as tear-jerking — it’s so beautiful!)
  • 3. We’re here to help. We’ve been developing on Zoho since 2016 — we were at Zoho HQ when Zoho announced Zoho One in May 2017. Since that fateful day, we’ve set up dozens of companies on Zoho One and have gotten pretty good at teaching companies how to squeeze the most value from this crazy-good offer. Need help? We give all Zoho questions personal answers. Go to
  • 4. 1 2 3 4 Productivity & Operations Apps What is Zoho One? Sales & Marketing Apps Other Zoho One Apps
  • 5. What is Zoho One? CHAPTER 1:
  • 6. What is Zoho One? Buckle up. Zoho One is 40+ business apps for the breathtakingly low price of $35/employee/month. You’ll get software for: •CRM and Email/Marketing Automation •Bookkeeping and Inventory/ERP •Dashboarding + Analytics •HR + Recruiting •Customer Service •30+ more
  • 7. Who Competes w/Zoho? A sample of Zoho competitors:
  • 8. Explain Zoho One Pricing No up-sells, just value. Zoho is breaking all the rules of software — Zoho One doesn’t have any up-sells. No “Enterprise Plan” that costs 3x. No itemized “Sales Suite”, “Marketing Suite” + “Support Suite” to run up the bill. $35/employee/month(or$30,ifpaidannually).That’sit. Have150employees?$5250/month.10employees?$350/month.
  • 9. What’s the Catch? One Small Catch (Small!) This pricing is on a PER EMPLOYEE, not per user basis, and you’re REQUIRED TO PAY FOR ALL EMPLOYEES. If you have 10 employees, you have to pay for all 10 employees. If you’d like to pay for individual users, the price goes up to $90/user/month (or $75, if you pay annually). Have questions? Reach out, we’re happy to talk through it.
  • 10. Why is Zoho One a big deal? Price Many companies we work with save over 80% on software costs. Integration Zoho apps connect well together right out of the box. No more siloed data! Power With 20+ years spent creating the suite, Zoho’s built multimple world-class apps.
  • 11. What apps are included? We’re glad you asked. The majority of this guide is out thoughts and rating of each Zoho One app. Keep reading for more.
  • 12. App Rating Tiers A Can go toe-to-toe with anything on the market, irrespective of price. B Powerful, but may lack a couple nice features. Great for the price. C Covers most of the bases, but a competitor product may be worth using if you have highly-specific needs. D Fun to play around with, lots of potential, but probably not worth implementing in your business.
  • 13. Click the icons below to view more information on the apps Atier Btier Ctier Dtier App Rating Tiers Analytics Desk Sign Cliq Connect CRM Campaigns Sites Marketing Hub Meeting Workplace Flow Survey SalesIQ Forms Social Projects Books Inventory People Recruit
  • 14. Sales & Marketing Apps CHAPTER 2:
  • 16. The hub of the entire Zoho One suite, CRM is a highly-customizable database for organizing your customer info and automating your sales, marketing, and operations. 1 Centralize customer data from many platforms 2 Organize and automate sales, marketing, & operations processes 3 Streamline and simplify employees’ day-to-day Zoho CRM A tier
  • 17. Competitors How it stacks up Zoho CRM is truly world-class. It provides a similar feature set as Salesforce (at an astronomically lower price point), while its customizability, integrations, and automation dominate Hubspot, Infusionsoft, and an endless sea of more basic CRMs. A tier Zoho CRM
  • 18. What sets it apart? Insanely customizable Fits almost any business model perfectly Enterprise-level automation Granular filtering, powerful actions Integrates with everything Open API, great Zapier link, syncs with all Zoho apps A tier Zoho CRM
  • 20. The email marketing sidekick to Zoho CRM, Zoho Campaigns provides a solid email campaign management tool with a powerful and seamless integration with CRM. 1 Manage and send to your newsletter list. 2 Trigger email drip campaigns 3 Segment subscribers based off Zoho CRM data Zoho Campaigns B tier
  • 21. Competitors How it stacks up Perfect for Zoho One, not the best on its own. Zoho Campaigns shines with its easy Zoho CRM integration, and checks most of the boxes you need from an email marketing platform. It loses points for lacking A) good eCommerce integrations, B) a few design widgets, and C) the polish of its competitors. B tier Zoho Campaigns
  • 22. What sets it apart? Very granular segmentation Pull in Zoho CRM data and segment accordingly Easy-to-use email builder Drag-and-drop, easy to teach Integrated with CRM Use Campaigns as part of your greater sales effort B tier Zoho Campaigns
  • 24. Zoho’s marketing automation engine, MarketingHub has a menagerie of user-action-based segmentation options that allow for powerful segmentation. 1 Gather lead data from multiple sources 2 Send leads on automated marketing journeys 3 Lead scoring — when a lead is engaged enough, push them to a salesperson in CRM Zoho MarketingHub D tier
  • 25. Competitors How it stacks up Lots of potential, too many roadblocks to implementation. Our only MarketingHub implementations have usually been fraught with issues. Journey entry and exit is confusing, bugs abound, the API is limited, and migrating from similar products is nigh-on impossible. D tier Zoho MarketingHub
  • 26. What sets it apart? Very granular segmentation Pull in Zoho CRM data and segment accordingly Easy-to-use email builder Drag-and-drop, easy to teach Integrated with CRM Use Campaigns as part of your greater sales effort D tier Zoho MarketingHub
  • 28. Dashboarding software that integrates immediately and seamlessly with other Zoho apps. Get an immediate, visual snapshot into a potentially limitless # of KPIs. Zoho Analytics 1 Integrate instantly with almost every Zoho app 2 Create and share visual dashboards 3 Combine data from multiple sources into a few comprehensive snapshots of your business A tier
  • 29. Competitors How it stacks up Highly polished, very powerful, simple-to-use. Analytics is a fantastic data visualization platform that perfectly integrates with the rest of the Zoho Suite and other external apps. It can take a bit of time to learn, but once you’ve learned it, it’s an invaluable tool. A tier Zoho Analytics
  • 30. What sets it apart? Beautiful reports and widgets For gorgeous, shareable dashboards Easy-to-create dashboards To visualize data from every Zoho app Get started instantly comes with built-in dashboard templates A tier Zoho Analytics
  • 32. Zoho Survey Survey-builder that integrates perfectly with the CRM, including the ability to pre-populate surveys with CRM data and quickly send surveys to all your Leads and Contacts in CRM. 1 Create robust surveys with stellar logic 2 Push data to CRM to trigger automations 3 Automate survey distribution from within CRM B tier
  • 33. Competitors How it stacks up INCREDIBLE CRM connection, lacks some survey-buildingfunctionality. For 80% of users, Zoho Survey is easily robust enough, AND it integrates so well with Zoho CRM (better than Zoho Forms, in some cases). However, for certain power users, the survey functionality leaves much to be desired (with question/page logic, for instance). B tier Zoho Survey
  • 34. What sets it apart? CRM Integration and Automation Send from CRM, pipe results into CRM Slick UI Very user-friendly and easy-to-build Standalone Automation Deluge scripting, custom automations, document merging B tier Zoho Survey
  • 36. Zoho SalesIQ A web live-chat app and visitor tracking tool that allows you (or a programmable chat-bot) to engage with website visitors and track their activity across your site. 1 Website live-chat and support routing 2 Website activity data (that pushes into CRM) B tier
  • 37. Competitors How it stacks up Solid, solid web chat with adequate website visitor tracking. We have clients with multiple web properties each with 3,000+ daily visits that love SalesIQ live chat. The visitor tracking is more hit-or-miss. If you rely HEAVILY on clean website tracking data, there are likely other, better products. B tier Zoho SalesIQ
  • 38. What sets it apart? ChatBot Customization Requires a dev, but isn’t TOO hard Powerful Live Chat Routing Great at routing chats to the right people So Much Cheaper Than Intercom! Most companies can make do with SalesIQ vs. Intercom B tier Zoho SalesIQ
  • 40. Zoho Sites A template-based website builder that guides you through the creation of your fairly simple, straightforward website. 1 Website builder 2 Built-in templates allow for rapid site development 3 Blogs, member portals, payment processing C tier
  • 41. Competitors How it stacks up Great at building simple brochure sites, struggles with everything else. The aesthetic is there, but the dearth of features is a killer for most serious businesses. Other builders have oceans of 3rd-party plugins to extend website functionality. Zoho Sites has... whatever Zoho gets around to building. C tier Zoho Sites
  • 42. What sets it apart? Integration w/CRM Easy to pipe leads into CRM Pre-built templates Easy to build a site Comes with Zoho One! If you don’t have a site, it’s a godsend C tier Zoho Sites
  • 44. Zoho Forms A powerful, flexible form builder that allows you to gather information in almost any format and sync it to your CRM. 1 Form builder 2 Pushes data from forms into almost every Zoho app 3 Notifications and document merge options B tier
  • 45. Competitors How it stacks up Lacks visual polish, but super reliable and powerful. We love Zoho Forms and develop frequently on it. The form builder itself is very intuitive and powerful (lots of question logic options) and the integrations are endless (we’re especially enamored with the Zoho CRM and Zoho Sign integrations, though the latter costs extra $$$). B tier Zoho Forms
  • 46. What sets it apart? Integrations It’s so damn useful to push form data anywhere in Zoho Intuitive Builder Extremely rapid form development Feature-Rich Subforms, document merge, question and page logic B tier Zoho Forms
  • 48. Zoho Social A solid social media calendar/scheduler. Integrate with Facebook, Instagram,Twitter, LinkedIn, and GoogleMyBusiness to create/schedule posts, review analytics, and respond to messages. 1 Create/schedule social media posts 2 Reply to messages and comments 3 Review the performance of your various channels B tier
  • 49. Competitors How it stacks up Super user-friendly and has most features you’d want. For most companies that Zoho attracts (i.e. those without massive social media followings), Zoho Social works perfectly — it’s a much-needed time-saver for a Marketing Manager wearing many hats. For agencies and those with large followings, there are more feature-rich schedulers. B tier Zoho Social
  • 50. What sets it apart? Easy-to-use Quickly set up and start using the scheduler Nice Google Chrome extension Quickly clip web pages/images and save them to Social Solid scheduling/drafting options Quickly populate a social media calendar with content B tier Zoho Social
  • 51. Productivity & Operations Apps CHAPTER 3:
  • 53. An EXTREMELY feature-rich project/task management tool. Create projects/tasks, invite internal/external users, comment and collaborate on tasks, link documents, and gather analytics on employee productivity. 1 Create and track projects and tasks 2 Centralize project communication 3 Involve clients + external users in projects Zoho Projects B tier
  • 54. Competitors How it stacks up Chock-full of features, but the UX is just a step behind the competition. For large construction companies, Zoho Project’s bevy of features are all useful. However, for many of us, less is more. Zoho Projects can be slimmed down and works FANTASTICALLY as a basic task/project manager, but I sometimes wish it was as lightning-fast and easy-to-use as Asana. B tier Zoho Projects
  • 55. What sets it apart? Integration w/Zoho Suite Create Desk tickets, associate Projects w/CRM deals Project Templates Easily repeat projects over and over Invite Clients and External Users Super easy to add others to your projects B tier Zoho Projects
  • 57. A shared customer-service inbox with a tight CRM integration. Centralize, automate, and track all support inquiries. Integrate to pull tickets from phones, live chat, webforms, email, Twitter, EVERYWHERE! 1 Centralize customer support inquiries 2 Escalate/assign tickets to different agents/teams 3 Create a customer portal and knowledge base Zoho Desk A tier
  • 58. Competitors How it stacks up We’re 99.9% sure Zoho Desk will do everything you need it to. Desk manages to balance a rich set of features with smooth performance and a lovely UI. Its tight integration w/Zoho CRM helps bridge your sales and customer support, and the Zoho Analytics integration comes through with gallons of data on your support team’s successes/failures. A tier Zoho Desk
  • 59. What sets it apart? Customer Portal/Knowledge Base Easily point customers towards the help they need Automation/Blueprinting Build perfect internal processes to maximize productivity CRM Integration Full transparency in CRM into all customer interactions A tier Zoho Desk
  • 61. A cloud-based bookkeeping platform. Offers pretty much everything financial an SMB would need: automate invoicing/payments, pull in bank/credit card transactions, track time/expenses/milage. and more. 1 Record transactions and journal entries. 2 Automate customer interactions 3 Create robust financial reports Zoho Books B tier
  • 62. Competitors How it stacks up Your Executive Team will fall in love, your old school accountant might not. We personally LOVE Zoho Books. It’s easy-to-use, has POWERFUL automation, pushes tons of data to Zoho Analytics. We’ve seen plenty of CPAs fall in love, but we’ve also seen our share of crotchety accountants gripe about features they miss from QuickBooks (like payroll!!!). B tier Zoho Books
  • 63. What sets it apart? Zoho Integrations Easily push data to Zoho Analytics, pull from CRM Easy-to-Use Quickly get set up and running Automation Station Automate and templatize most of your busywork B tier Zoho Books
  • 65. Inventory tracking and ERP software. Track and fulfill purchases and receipts across multiple warehouses, including serial number and batch tracking options. Shares data with Zoho Books (more than an integration — they’re built into each other). 1 Multi-warehouse Inventory + transaction management 2 Shipping management 3 Connects with bookkeeping software B tier Zoho Inventory
  • 66. Competitors How it stacks up So so close to A-tier for non-eCommerce, has some major eCommerce issues. We’ve had smaller companies migrate from Netsuite and sing Inventory’s praises (no manufacturing, sorry). We’ve had small eCommerce companies regret switching to Inventory, mostly because the eCommerce integrations are weak and the shipping label printing sucks pretty bad. B tier Zoho Inventory
  • 67. What sets it apart? Powerful Yet Inexpensive Can replace Netsuite for 1/20th the cost Love the Books Integration They work so well together! Easy-to-Use, Great Mobile App One of Zoho’s best UIs, simple to get the hang of B tier Zoho Inventory
  • 69. Zoho Sign Software to manage the digital signature and storage of important documents. Pulls data in from other Zoho apps to populate and send contracts. 1 Simple and complex sign workflows 2 Great client signature user experience 3 Merge data from other Zoho apps into contracts A tier
  • 70. Competitors How it stacks up Some may have a bone to pick, but we LOVE Zoho Sign. Here’s our reasoning — it’s simple and does its job well. No fancy bells and whistles EXCEPT for all the INCREDIBLY USEFUL contract merging you can do from Zoho CRM, Zoho Forms, Zoho People, etc. You haven’t lived until you’ve automated boring paperwork in a beautiful Zoho Sign workflow. A tier Zoho Sign
  • 71. What sets it apart? Zoho Integrations Save SO MUCH TIME by pulling data into your contracts Customizable Client Experience Personally brand the contract signing experience Great CRM Storage Options Store signed contracts associated with customer records A tier Zoho Sign
  • 73. Web conferencing and webinar software similar to Zoom or GoToMeeting. Schedule meetings that users can either log into over VOIP or call into via a dial-in #. 1 Schedule meetings/webinars with many attendees 2 Record/share meeting recording with attendees 3 Share and annotate screen Zoho Meeting C tier
  • 74. Competitors How it stacks up Well, at least it’s not D tier! Zoho Meeting really is fine. It works well 90% of the time. For internal meetings/meetings with frequent customers, we’re totally fine to use it. However, for salespeople, the 10% chance that your call/webinar will completely crap out is tough. Hell, even Zoho itself uses GoToWebinar sometimes for high-stakes webinars. C tier Zoho Meeting
  • 75. What sets it apart? Zoho Integrations Really nice to schedule meetings from CRM Decently easy UI Call attendees understand how to use it Much-improved audio/video Fairly crisp, competes well with other tools C tier Zoho Meeting
  • 77. A very handy HR management platform. Zoho People will allow you to finally organize and automate all of the tricky, boring HR stuff that you never have time to do. 1 Setup automated on-boarding/off-boarding. 2 Vacation + Sick Leave + Attendance Tracking 3 Performance Management Zoho People B tier
  • 78. Compare With: How it stacks up We wish it were more simple, but once you’ve got it set up, it’s a life-saver. Zoho People’s glut of features is both a blessing and a curse — without a guided onboarding, it can take a little while to fully understand. However, the time spent learning and implementing is well worth it once you’ve automated all the annoying idiosyncracies of HR. B tier Zoho People
  • 79. What sets it apart? Automated Onboarding Don’t leave new employees hanging! Robust Performance Management Get the jump on providing solid employee feedback Self-Serve Vacation + Sick Leave Finally give convenience and transparency to that process B tier Zoho People
  • 81. A recruiting applicant tracking system that works almost the same as Zoho CRM. Drive applicants into a system where you and other stakeholders can record interviews, score resumes, and leave feedback. 1 Automatically post to 20+ job boards 2 Track and assess candidates; fill your hiring pipeline 3 Create your own careers website Zoho Recruit B tier
  • 82. Compare With: How it stacks up So much better than how you’re currently doing it. There are undoubtedly better enterprise-level solutions — they’re just literally 100x more expensive. For the small/medium business tier, Zoho Recruit is fantastic, allowing you to organize your hiring process, involve multiple stakeholders in candidate assessment, and create a database of previous applicants. B tier Zoho Recruit
  • 83. What sets it apart? Resume Parsing Inbox Automatically parse resumes into applicants! Create/Review Assessments Get multiple sets of eyes on objective assessments Zoho Campaigns Integration Build a list of your previous applicants for your next opening B tier Zoho Recruit
  • 85. Zoho Workplace is a totally feasible alternative to Microsoft Office 365 or Google GSuite. It provides email hosting, cloud storage, calendar, spreadsheets, word processing, and presentations. 1 Email hosting and calendar 2 Powerful cloud-based storage 3 Microsoft Office/Google Docs alternatives Zoho Workplace C tier
  • 86. Compare With: How it stacks up Some better than others — ultimately not worth the time/hassle of migrating if you’re already using a competitor. WorkDrive is FANTASTIC, Sheet is slow, Writer is great, Mail is amazing (but IMAP integration is tough, especially at scale), Calendar is ugly, and Show is fine. If you have a flexible, tech-savvy workforce, switch today, the tools honestly are great. C tier Zoho Workplace
  • 87. What sets it apart? Zoho Writer Mail Merge Documents Automate document creation across the Zoho Suite Awesome WorkDrive Automation All sorts of automation options with WorkDrive Keep $ Away From Google/Microsoft FINALLY, an option besides those two behemoths C tier Zoho Workplace
  • 89. A Slack alternative for handling workplace communication. Instant messaging across teams and 1-to-1, VOIP, screen sharing, multi-user calls, and tools for remote teams to show off their current status. 1 Internal/external user channels 2 Deliver notifications from tons of Zoho Apps 3 Manage company-wide communication Zoho Cliq A tier
  • 90. Compare With: How it stacks up Already used to Slack? Probably stick with it. Not using anything? Zoho Cliq is great. We love how well integrated Cliq is with the rest of the Zoho suite — it’s nice to pull notifications off of email and onto Cliq. We also appreciate how easy it is to set up and get used to it. Finally, we love how the Cliq bar shows up in all the other Zoho apps. A tier Zoho Cliq
  • 91. What sets it apart? Straightforward UI Really easy to teach new users Notifications Across Zoho Apps Put all your notifications into one spot Solid Remote Work Tools We run our whole remote team on Cliq! A tier Zoho Cliq
  • 93. An internal social media network. Empower employees to speak up, share knowledge (in Zoho Connect manuals), schedule events, hold town halls, and discuss company issues in a transparent, safe community. 1 Post, comment, and follow posts 2 Hold town halls Q&As with management 3 Invite external users into your internal networks Zoho Connect A tier
  • 94. Compare With: How it stacks up For companies with 15+ employees, it fills a really important niche. We’ve had lots of clients say “Connect seems dumb, we won’t need that, we have -Slack/Cliq/Email-”, only to fall in love with how it can unite your team. Schedule a company book club, ask employees to weigh in on important company issues, or invite your best customers to internal boards. A tier Zoho Connect
  • 95. What sets it apart? External Channels Gather tight-knit communities outside Facebook Town Halls Frequently get management answering tough questions Centralize Company Culture Create manuals and codify your culture A tier Zoho Connect
  • 97. Easily (and visually) create additional connections between your various apps (especially Zoho apps) to further automate your processes and de-silo your data. 1 Trigger automated actions from different apps 2 Push and pull data between almost every Zoho app 3 Automate and streamline your workflows Zoho Flow C tier
  • 98. Compare With: How it stacks up Honestly, why not use Zapier? We’re really sorry, Zoho Flow team. We love Zoho. We wear Zoho pajamas to bed at night. But Zoho Flow just needs more time and TLC. There aren’t many important connections you can do with Flow that you can’t do with Zapier, and Zapier is more reliable and stable. Give Flow a couple years. C tier Zoho Flow
  • 99. What sets it apart? More Integrations Within Zoho Some stuff you can’t do w/Zapier Solid Error Reporting Which you might end up needing Feature-Rich Solid filtering, conditional logic, etc. C tier Zoho Flow
  • 101. Let’s roll through those quick. It’d be pretty exhausing to go through each and every Zoho One app. Instead, we’ve gone through the ones that have mass appeal. Now, we’ll quickly go through the other Zoho One apps. These apps appear here because either: A) They’re only really important to niche customers B) We don’t have enough experience with them to rate them And the Other Apps?
  • 102. Your success with Zoho Creator will be heavily dependent on your needs and the strength of your developer. If you think you need a Creator app, please reach out to us — we’ll be happy to either A) match you with a dev or B) convince you that you don’t need to use Creator. 1 Quickly develop and deploy custom applications 2 Run these apps on desktop, tablet, or mobile 3 Almost limitless integration within Zoho Suite. Zoho Creator
  • 103. Still not stable enough for us to recommend, but give it a shot, it’s getting close. We’ve started using it ourselves and overall enjoy it after a rocky beta period. For the money, we still think you’re better off with Acuity Scheduling or Calendly (especially because Zoho Bookings doesn’t allow you to ask custom pre-appointment questions). 1 Calendly alternative for booking appointments 2 Integrates with your calendar to show free/busy 3 Only works w/Zoho or Google Calendars Zoho Bookings
  • 104. If you’re a small/nimble company with limited needs, why not? Most of our clients prefer the robust Zoho CRM, but we’ve been hearing good things about Bigin. If you prefer a highly simplified product with a cleaner UX (and far less features), give it a shot!O 1 Simple CRM alternative 2 Pipeline focused 3 Contact management Zoho Bigin
  • 105. If you’re working on a site that gets enough traffic to warrant a tool like this, you may be better off looking at HotJar or CrazyEgg. We haven’t implemented PageSense yet, but we have worked with HotJar and CrazyEgg.They’re just so cheap, it feels like it’s almost not worth it to go with a more stable competitor. 1 Detailed web visitor tracking 2 Gather heatmaps and recordings on your site 3 Conversion-rate optimization recommendations Zoho PageSense
  • 106. Unless you run large, full-day events, Backstage is probably overkill versus Eventbrite. Eventbrite is simpler and more widely used. With that said — if you’re doing any sort of large event, Backstage is FANTASTIC. We love using it as part of Zoholics. 1 Event management platform 2 Create tickets, badges, agendas, and event websites 3 Push data to other parts of the Zoho Suite Zoho Backstage
  • 107. Very handy to have, though it works better on an ad hoc customer support ticket basis than as routine screen sharing tool. Assist won’t replace GoToMeeting orTeamViewer — it’s main use is for quickly establishing contact with customers where you don’t want to go through the rigamarole of getting on a GoToMeeting/Zoom. 1 Remote support/screen share 2 Login to customer computers to troubleshoot 3 Integrates well w/Zoho Desk Zoho Assist
  • 108. Solid product. However, if you’re paying expensive devs, I’d usually rather let them use tools they’re used to. Confluence andJIRA are fairly inexpensive. If your devs have never used tools like that, then Sprints is great. If they have used a competing product, then give the devs whatever they want! 1 Agile sprint management tool 2 Built for software developers by software developers 3 Integrates w/Zoho Projects Zoho Sprints
  • 109. If you’re specifically focused on training/education, it’s better than most webinar software. If you’re focused on marketing, most webinar platforms are better. ShowTime is great and really user-friendly for people trying to present a slide deck and interact with the audience. Its marketing tools lack a little, and it’s redundant with Zoho Meeting. 1 Web-based training tool 2 Facilitate trainings and discussions 3 Replicate the classroom setting online Zoho ShowTime
  • 110. If you don’t have OnePassword or LastPass or Dashlane, use Zoho Vault. If you do, they’re usually so cheap that it’s not worth switching. We really love ZohoVault — it’s a great option for businesses like us that started growing, needed a shared password solution, and realized that they were already paying for ZohoVault. 1 Store and manage organization passwords 2 Allow for single-sign on to other apps 3 Give users access to apps without giving the password Zoho Vault
  • 111. If you’re using Zoho Books, this is a no brainer. If you aren’t, it actually integrates pretty well with other accounting tools, though there may be another you like more. Expense isn’t really a game-changer, it’s just a REALLY nice-to-have for SMBs with lots of receipts and expenses to track. 1 Mobile-first expense tracking and reporting 2 Pushes immediately to Zoho Books 3 Easy-to-use, very straightforward Zoho Expense
  • 112. If you’re processing online transactions, there’s a chance your website builder will have a better subscription app than Zoho Subscriptions. If not, Subscriptions is great. It’s especially nice how it automatically pushes to Zoho Books. 1 Subscriptions made easy 2 Integrates w/many payment processors 3 Pushes immediately to Zoho Books Zoho Subscriptions