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|My deepest desire 
and intent for making this article is to 
equip the church (God’s flock) with 
basic apologetics. I hope that this will 
be a tool for pre-evangelism with the 
uninformed and for post-evangelism 
with the misinformed. God forbid that 
this will be used as a weapon for 
ungodly debates and futile discussions. 
Yes! Doctrine and Theology matter, but 
Relationships matter, as well. Let’s start 
speaking the Truth in love and continue 
to love speaking the Truth! Jesus, be 
exalted in our minds and hearts! 
Pray with me: “Father of Glory, author 
of the Scriptures, speak to us, in the 
strong Name of Your Son through the 
Holy Spirit as we go deeper in our 
understanding of the ordinary, young 
girl whom you used extraordinarily, 
Mary. Enable us to see her true 
blessedness through faithful expository 
and with the illuminating work of the 
Spirit. Grant us zeal for Your Name, and 
compassion for the people who were 
blinded by the lies of the Devil about 
her. Use us dear Jesus, Amen!” 
“Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to 
Your Name goes all the glory...” 
Psalm 115:1 
Getting to know Mary 
In the Bible, Mary is first introduced in 
Matthew 1:16-25 as engaged to be 
married to Joseph, a descendant of 
King David, but he was not royal. He 
was a carpenter who built things out of 
wood for his job. 
At that time, she was a young Jewish 
girl ranging from 13-16 years old. She 
was pretty, dark-haired, and olive-skinned 
but she didn’t wear fancy 
clothes; she wasn’t wealthy. 
She was a virgin when God sent angel 
Gabriel to tell her that she was chosen 
to be miraculously conceived by the 
Holy Spirit and that she will bear a son 
(fulfilling Isaiah 7:14) (Luke 1:26-38). 
A few days after that, Mary hurried to 
the hill country of Judea. She couldn't 
wait to talk to Elizabeth (her cousin). 
Even if no one else would believe her, 
she knew Elizabeth would understand 
and believe. Why? Because both of 
them had been chosen by God, and 
both of them had been given 
miraculous pregnancies (Elizabeth was 
old, while Mary was a virgin). She must 
have felt that no one on earth could 
possibly understand what she was 
feeling as well as Elizabeth could. 
They conversed with one another and 
she stayed with her there for 3 months. 
She then went back to her own home 
in Nazareth (Luke 1:39-56). 
Her song of praise (also known as the 
Magnificat) is full of Scripture. There 
are quotations of and allusions to the 
Old Testament in it (including the Song 
of Hannah in the book of Samuel, a 
number of Psalms, Isaiah, Habakkuk, 
Malachi, Zephaniah, Deuteronomy, 
Daniel, Ezekiel, Job and Genesis). This 
clearly shows us that Mary was a 
devout reader/hearer of the Scriptures. 
She was now obviously pregnant when 
she was taken by Joseph (her fiancée) 
to go to Bethlehem in Judea. They had 
to go because at that time, the Roman 
emperor, Augustus had decreed that a 
census should be taken throughout the 
Roman Empire (Luke 2:1-5). 
While they were there, she gave birth 
to a son and together with Joseph 
named him ‘Jesus’, during the reign of 
King Herod (Matthew 2:1). 
8 days later, Jesus was circumcised and 
she did a purification offering, as 
required by the Law of Moses (LEVITICUS 
12:8). They were possibly unable to 
afford a lamb, so instead brought a pair 
of turtledoves (burnt offering), and 2 
young pigeons (sin offering). They then 
took Jesus to Jerusalem and presented 
him to the Lord just as the Law of 
Moses required (EXODUS 13:2). At the 
same time, they met Simeon and Anna 
there in the Temple who happened to 
blessed them and prophesied to her 
about Jesus’ destiny (Luke 2:21-40). 
They then left for Egypt because King 
Herod sent soldiers to kill all the boys in 
and around Bethlehem who were two 
years old and under, and so they stayed 
there until Herod’s death. They then 
moved to Galilee and there lived in 
Nazareth (Matthew 2:16-23). 
12 years later, Mary together with 
Joseph (her husband) searched for 
Jesus because he didn’t show up at 
home that evening after the Passover 
festival. They found him after 3 days in 
the Temple in Jerusalem and returned 
to Nazareth right after (Luke 2:41-50). 
18 years later, she was invited in a 
wedding and witnessed the 1st sign 
(miracle) of Jesus in Cana, which is just 
so near in Nazareth (John 2:1-5). 
She also witnessed Jesus’ suffering and 
death at the cross in Golgotha (John 
According to several Bible scholars, 
Joseph (her husband) has already died 
at that time and thus it was the very 
reason why Jesus told his disciple John 
to ‘behold Mary’ in verse 27 – that is, 
to take care of Mary – and so John 
‘took her into his home’. 
Lastly, she was there in the upper room 
of the house of where the Apostles 
were staying in Jerusalem together 
with several other women and her sons 
after Jesus’ ascension (Acts 1:14, where 
the last mention of her name in the 
Bible can be found). 
The Striking Phenomena 
The Mary you just encountered in the 
pages of the Bible is venerated today. 
There are liturgies, feasts, and prayers 
dedicated to Mary that in the recent 
Catechism, the Vatican continues to 
spell out their value and importance. 
This month (October), there will be 
millions of Marian devotees who will 
kiss her statues, her pictures, her 
grottos, and pray the rosary. 
A Closer Look: Rosary 
BIRD’S VIEW: The Rosary is a series of 10 
prayers. Over-all, it is a total of 5 “Our 
Father”s and 50 “Hail Mary”s. Mary 
then is being called upon 10x more 
than God when one prays the Rosary. 
WORM’S VIEW (on the Hail Mary prayer): 
The phrase, “Hail Mary (Ave Maria in 
Latin), full of grace…” is Bible contrary. 
It may be followed by 2 biblical 
passages: (1) angel Gabriel’s greeting 
(Luke 1:28) and (2) Elizabeth’s greeting 
(Luke 1:42) but the last part of the 
prayer is unbiblical: “Holy Mary, 
Mother of God, pray for us sinners…” 
Catholic Worship 101 
According to Roman Catholicism, there 
are 3 kinds of worship (worship team, 
take note): 
1. Latria – the worship of God 
2. Dulia – the worship of saints/ angels 
3. Hyperdulia – the worship of Mary 
Ponder Matthew 2:11 with me: 
“They entered the house and saw the 
child with his mother, Mary, and they 
bowed down and worship him. Then 
they opened their treasure chests and 
gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, 
and myrrh.” 
TAKE NOTE: It is him (Jesus), not her 
(Mary), and definitely not them (Jesus 
and Mary) but rather him (Jesus) alone! 
Prayer and worship is reserved to God 
alone, and not to the saints nor to the 
angels, and definitely not to Mary (see 
Isaiah 42:8, Acts 10:25-26; 14:13-16, 
Matthew 4:10, Revelation 19:10; 20:9) 
Behind Every Practice is a Theology 
Wait a minute! What!? Why do they 
venerate, pray to and worship Mary? 
Answer: Because of their Mariology 
(the theological study of Mary). It is the 
basis of all of their Marian devotion. 
The Five Points of Marianism 
You probably have heard of the Five 
Points of Calvinism. Well, there are also 
Five Points of Marianism, and they call 
it: 5 Dogmas of Mariology. 
They refer to Mary as Theotokos or 
“God-bearer”. They say that she gave 
birth to God and thus she has to be 
elevated and adored by all peoples. 
Pope John Paul II, in his speech in 
December 4, 1996, encouraged people 
“not only to invoke the Blessed Virgin 
as the mother of Jesus, but also to 
recognize her as the Mother of God” 
Ponder John 1:1 with me: 
“In the beginning was the Word, and 
the Word was with God, and the Word 
was God.” 
The Word (Jesus) is completely God. He 
is eternal. He has always existed. He 
has no Mother and has no beginning. 
Also, consider Acts 1:14, “They all met 
together and were constantly united in 
prayer, along with Mary the mother of 
Jesus, several other women, and the 
brothers of Jesus” 
TAKE NOTE: They were praying WITH 
Mary, and not TO Mary. Also, Luke 
(author of the book of Acts) described 
Mary as the mother of (the humanity 
of) Jesus, but not as the Mother of God. 
They say that Mary was sinless 
(immaculate) at her conception. She 
was protected and preserved from the 
original sin. She is holy. Holy is Mary! 
Ponder Romans 3:23 with me: 
“For all have sinned and fall short of 
the glory of God” 
“All” includes Mary. Only Jesus is 
without sin (2 Corinthians 5:21). 
Also, consider Luke 1:47, “Mary 
responded,’…How my spirit rejoices in 
God my Savior!’” 
TAKE NOTE: To acknowledge that God 
was her Savior was to acknowledge 
that she was a sinner, just like us. 
It is heresy for them if you deny that 
Mary was a virgin before, during, and 
after giving birth to Jesus. Because of 
this, she then is the role model for nuns 
and priests to live a celibate life. 
Ponder Matthew 1:25 with me: 
“..[Joseph] did not have sexual relations 
with her until her son was born” 
The word ‘until’ signifies that Joseph 
waited to have sexual relation with her 
wife Mary, and thus she (although not 
mentioned in the text) was no longer a 
virgin after that. 
Also, Matthew 13:55, 56, John 2:12, 
John 7:3, 5, and 10, Acts 1:13-14, I 
Corinthians 9:5 and Galatians 1:19
clearly show that Mary had sons with 
Joseph after Jesus. Jesus had siblings! 
Rome and The Jesuits (Defenders of the 
Catholic Faith) may say that they were 
not Jesus’ brothers, but they were his 
cousins. BUT the Greek word of ‘cousin’ 
is anepsios while ‘brother’ is adelphos. 
See the difference for yourself: 
“Then they scoffed, ‘He’s just the 
carpenter’s son, and we know Mary, his 
mother, and his brothers [adelphos] – 
James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas” 
(Matthew 13:55) 
“Aristarchus, who is in prison with me, 
sends you his greetings, and so does 
Mark, Barnaba’s cousin [anepsios]” 
(Colossians 4:10) 
They believe that Mary, when she died, 
was resurrected and was taken up 
(assumed) body and soul (like Enoch 
and Elijah) into heavenly glory. 
BUT this is not taught in the Bible. In 
fact, Isidore of Seville, in the 7th 
century ratified Epiphanus and Jerome 
in claiming that “no one knew of 
Mary’s end”. There was no mention of 
her death or of her assumption at all. 
This dogma is just assuming! Yes, and 
they admit it has NO biblical basis. 
Pope Pious XI said, “Mary participates 
in the redemption achieved by her son 
(Jesus). She participated with Jesus 
Christ in the very painful act of 
redemption by giving him up.” (Co- 
According to Papal Encyclical, “As no 
man goes to the Father except by the 
Son, and so no man goes to the Son 
except by His mother” (Mediatrix) 
So if you do not call upon Mary’s 
intercession and help, most of them 
will say that you have no hope of 
salvation. WHY? It’s because NO grace 
of any kind can be distributed to you at 
any time that doesn’t pass through her. 
Ponder on Sola Christos 
Christ alone redeems (Galatians 3:13) 
Christ alone mediates (I Timothy 2:5) 
Christ alone intercedes (Hebrews 7:25) 
Christ alone helps (Hebrews 4:15) 
Seeing and Savoring Mary 
The book, “The Glories of Mary” by 
Alphonsus de Liguori (published in 
1745) is fully authorized/endorsed by 
the Roman Catholic Church. It will help 
us know how they see and savor Mary. 
If you want to know who Mary is, read 
the Bible, but if you want to know who 
Mary really is (for Roman Catholics), 
read “The Glories of Mary”. 
Liguori’s purpose in writing the book is 
to create an impression to the masses 
that Mary is really powerful: “At the 
command of Mary, all obey, even God”, 
page 566 of The Glories of Mary. 
Pope Pius IX, in his Ineffabilis Deus in 
1854, made a similar statement: 
“Whatever she asks, she obtains. Her 
pleas can never be unheard” 
Ponder Luke 1:38 with me: 
“Mary responded, ‘I am the Lord’s 
TAKE NOTE: Mary sees herself as a 
servant of the Lord, not the Lord as her 
The Unbiblical Titles of Mary 
In the same book, “The Glories of 
Mary”, we get a glimpse of what the 
Roman Catholic Church essentially 
teaches about who Mary is (for them): 
The Advocate of the Abandoned 
The Glory of Heaven 
The Great Mediatress 
The Immaculate Queen 
The Most Faithful Virgin 
The Peacemaker between us and God 
The Queen of the world 
The Ransom of Slaves 
The Saint of all saints 
The Salvation of the Universe 
The Source of all Mercies 
The Sovereign Lady 
The Sweet Refuge of Poor Sinners 
Mary, just another Woman 
But did you know that Jesus didn’t call 
Mary with any of those titles? He didn’t 
even addressed her as ‘mother’, but 
rather he simply addressed Mary as 
‘woman’ at the wedding in Cana (John 
2) and as he was dying at the cross in 
Golgotha (John 19:26). 
“Woman” is ‘anot’a in Aramaic, which 
is a formal manner of address, and not 
of disrespect. In fact, that is how Jesus 
habitually speaks to women, including 
a Canaanite petitioner (Matthew 
15:28), a crippled woman in the 
synagogue (Luke 13:12), the Samaritan 
woman at the well (John 4:21), the 
woman accused of adultery (John 
8:10), and Mary Magdalene at the 
tomb (John 20:13). 
The point is simple: Jesus did respect 
Mary, but never did he venerate her. 
What We Ought To Do 
Mary, with her faith, submission, and 
humility, is ought to be HONORED 
(Romans 12:10) and IMITATED (2 Thess. 
3:7). She is blessed among women 
because she was wonderfully and 
uniquely chosen by God to be the 
bearer of Jesus’ humanity! 
“If Christ is not valued above all, He is 
not valued at all” – St. Augustine 
Cherishing Truth with you,

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Meet Mary | The mother of Jesus

  • 1. |My deepest desire and intent for making this article is to equip the church (God’s flock) with basic apologetics. I hope that this will be a tool for pre-evangelism with the uninformed and for post-evangelism with the misinformed. God forbid that this will be used as a weapon for ungodly debates and futile discussions. Yes! Doctrine and Theology matter, but Relationships matter, as well. Let’s start speaking the Truth in love and continue to love speaking the Truth! Jesus, be exalted in our minds and hearts! Pray with me: “Father of Glory, author of the Scriptures, speak to us, in the strong Name of Your Son through the Holy Spirit as we go deeper in our understanding of the ordinary, young girl whom you used extraordinarily, Mary. Enable us to see her true blessedness through faithful expository and with the illuminating work of the Spirit. Grant us zeal for Your Name, and compassion for the people who were blinded by the lies of the Devil about her. Use us dear Jesus, Amen!” ────────────────── “Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to Your Name goes all the glory...” Psalm 115:1 ────────────────── Getting to know Mary In the Bible, Mary is first introduced in Matthew 1:16-25 as engaged to be married to Joseph, a descendant of King David, but he was not royal. He was a carpenter who built things out of wood for his job. At that time, she was a young Jewish girl ranging from 13-16 years old. She was pretty, dark-haired, and olive-skinned but she didn’t wear fancy clothes; she wasn’t wealthy. She was a virgin when God sent angel Gabriel to tell her that she was chosen to be miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit and that she will bear a son (fulfilling Isaiah 7:14) (Luke 1:26-38). A few days after that, Mary hurried to the hill country of Judea. She couldn't wait to talk to Elizabeth (her cousin). Even if no one else would believe her, she knew Elizabeth would understand and believe. Why? Because both of them had been chosen by God, and both of them had been given miraculous pregnancies (Elizabeth was old, while Mary was a virgin). She must have felt that no one on earth could possibly understand what she was feeling as well as Elizabeth could. They conversed with one another and she stayed with her there for 3 months. She then went back to her own home in Nazareth (Luke 1:39-56). ────────────────── DID YOU KNOW? Her song of praise (also known as the Magnificat) is full of Scripture. There are quotations of and allusions to the Old Testament in it (including the Song of Hannah in the book of Samuel, a number of Psalms, Isaiah, Habakkuk, Malachi, Zephaniah, Deuteronomy, Daniel, Ezekiel, Job and Genesis). This clearly shows us that Mary was a devout reader/hearer of the Scriptures. ────────────────── She was now obviously pregnant when she was taken by Joseph (her fiancée) to go to Bethlehem in Judea. They had to go because at that time, the Roman emperor, Augustus had decreed that a census should be taken throughout the Roman Empire (Luke 2:1-5). While they were there, she gave birth to a son and together with Joseph named him ‘Jesus’, during the reign of King Herod (Matthew 2:1). 8 days later, Jesus was circumcised and she did a purification offering, as required by the Law of Moses (LEVITICUS 12:8). They were possibly unable to afford a lamb, so instead brought a pair of turtledoves (burnt offering), and 2 young pigeons (sin offering). They then took Jesus to Jerusalem and presented him to the Lord just as the Law of Moses required (EXODUS 13:2). At the same time, they met Simeon and Anna there in the Temple who happened to blessed them and prophesied to her about Jesus’ destiny (Luke 2:21-40). They then left for Egypt because King Herod sent soldiers to kill all the boys in and around Bethlehem who were two years old and under, and so they stayed there until Herod’s death. They then moved to Galilee and there lived in Nazareth (Matthew 2:16-23). 12 years later, Mary together with Joseph (her husband) searched for Jesus because he didn’t show up at home that evening after the Passover festival. They found him after 3 days in the Temple in Jerusalem and returned to Nazareth right after (Luke 2:41-50). 18 years later, she was invited in a wedding and witnessed the 1st sign (miracle) of Jesus in Cana, which is just so near in Nazareth (John 2:1-5). She also witnessed Jesus’ suffering and death at the cross in Golgotha (John 19:25-27). ────────────────── DID YOU KNOW? According to several Bible scholars, Joseph (her husband) has already died at that time and thus it was the very reason why Jesus told his disciple John to ‘behold Mary’ in verse 27 – that is, to take care of Mary – and so John ‘took her into his home’. ────────────────── Lastly, she was there in the upper room of the house of where the Apostles were staying in Jerusalem together with several other women and her sons after Jesus’ ascension (Acts 1:14, where the last mention of her name in the Bible can be found). NEXT | THE STRIKING PHENOMENA >>
  • 2. The Striking Phenomena The Mary you just encountered in the pages of the Bible is venerated today. There are liturgies, feasts, and prayers dedicated to Mary that in the recent Catechism, the Vatican continues to spell out their value and importance. This month (October), there will be millions of Marian devotees who will kiss her statues, her pictures, her grottos, and pray the rosary. A Closer Look: Rosary BIRD’S VIEW: The Rosary is a series of 10 prayers. Over-all, it is a total of 5 “Our Father”s and 50 “Hail Mary”s. Mary then is being called upon 10x more than God when one prays the Rosary. WORM’S VIEW (on the Hail Mary prayer): The phrase, “Hail Mary (Ave Maria in Latin), full of grace…” is Bible contrary. It may be followed by 2 biblical passages: (1) angel Gabriel’s greeting (Luke 1:28) and (2) Elizabeth’s greeting (Luke 1:42) but the last part of the prayer is unbiblical: “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners…” Catholic Worship 101 According to Roman Catholicism, there are 3 kinds of worship (worship team, take note): 1. Latria – the worship of God 2. Dulia – the worship of saints/ angels 3. Hyperdulia – the worship of Mary ────────────────── Ponder Matthew 2:11 with me: “They entered the house and saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worship him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” TAKE NOTE: It is him (Jesus), not her (Mary), and definitely not them (Jesus and Mary) but rather him (Jesus) alone! Prayer and worship is reserved to God alone, and not to the saints nor to the angels, and definitely not to Mary (see Isaiah 42:8, Acts 10:25-26; 14:13-16, Matthew 4:10, Revelation 19:10; 20:9) ────────────────── Behind Every Practice is a Theology Wait a minute! What!? Why do they venerate, pray to and worship Mary? Answer: Because of their Mariology (the theological study of Mary). It is the basis of all of their Marian devotion. The Five Points of Marianism You probably have heard of the Five Points of Calvinism. Well, there are also Five Points of Marianism, and they call it: 5 Dogmas of Mariology. DOGMA #1: MOTHER OF GOD They refer to Mary as Theotokos or “God-bearer”. They say that she gave birth to God and thus she has to be elevated and adored by all peoples. Pope John Paul II, in his speech in December 4, 1996, encouraged people “not only to invoke the Blessed Virgin as the mother of Jesus, but also to recognize her as the Mother of God” ────────────────── Ponder John 1:1 with me: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The Word (Jesus) is completely God. He is eternal. He has always existed. He has no Mother and has no beginning. Also, consider Acts 1:14, “They all met together and were constantly united in prayer, along with Mary the mother of Jesus, several other women, and the brothers of Jesus” TAKE NOTE: They were praying WITH Mary, and not TO Mary. Also, Luke (author of the book of Acts) described Mary as the mother of (the humanity of) Jesus, but not as the Mother of God. ────────────────── DOGMA #2: IMMACULATE CONCEPTION They say that Mary was sinless (immaculate) at her conception. She was protected and preserved from the original sin. She is holy. Holy is Mary! ────────────────── Ponder Romans 3:23 with me: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” “All” includes Mary. Only Jesus is without sin (2 Corinthians 5:21). Also, consider Luke 1:47, “Mary responded,’…How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!’” TAKE NOTE: To acknowledge that God was her Savior was to acknowledge that she was a sinner, just like us. ────────────────── DOGMA #3: PERPETUAL VIRGINITY It is heresy for them if you deny that Mary was a virgin before, during, and after giving birth to Jesus. Because of this, she then is the role model for nuns and priests to live a celibate life. ────────────────── Ponder Matthew 1:25 with me: “..[Joseph] did not have sexual relations with her until her son was born” The word ‘until’ signifies that Joseph waited to have sexual relation with her wife Mary, and thus she (although not mentioned in the text) was no longer a virgin after that. Also, Matthew 13:55, 56, John 2:12, John 7:3, 5, and 10, Acts 1:13-14, I Corinthians 9:5 and Galatians 1:19
  • 3. clearly show that Mary had sons with Joseph after Jesus. Jesus had siblings! Rome and The Jesuits (Defenders of the Catholic Faith) may say that they were not Jesus’ brothers, but they were his cousins. BUT the Greek word of ‘cousin’ is anepsios while ‘brother’ is adelphos. See the difference for yourself: “Then they scoffed, ‘He’s just the carpenter’s son, and we know Mary, his mother, and his brothers [adelphos] – James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas” (Matthew 13:55) “Aristarchus, who is in prison with me, sends you his greetings, and so does Mark, Barnaba’s cousin [anepsios]” (Colossians 4:10) ────────────────── DOGMA #4: ASSUMPTION OF MARY They believe that Mary, when she died, was resurrected and was taken up (assumed) body and soul (like Enoch and Elijah) into heavenly glory. BUT this is not taught in the Bible. In fact, Isidore of Seville, in the 7th century ratified Epiphanus and Jerome in claiming that “no one knew of Mary’s end”. There was no mention of her death or of her assumption at all. This dogma is just assuming! Yes, and they admit it has NO biblical basis. DOGMA #5: CO-REDEMPTRIX/MEDIATRIX Pope Pious XI said, “Mary participates in the redemption achieved by her son (Jesus). She participated with Jesus Christ in the very painful act of redemption by giving him up.” (Co- Redemptrix) According to Papal Encyclical, “As no man goes to the Father except by the Son, and so no man goes to the Son except by His mother” (Mediatrix) So if you do not call upon Mary’s intercession and help, most of them will say that you have no hope of salvation. WHY? It’s because NO grace of any kind can be distributed to you at any time that doesn’t pass through her. ────────────────── Ponder on Sola Christos Christ alone redeems (Galatians 3:13) Christ alone mediates (I Timothy 2:5) Christ alone intercedes (Hebrews 7:25) Christ alone helps (Hebrews 4:15) ────────────────── Seeing and Savoring Mary The book, “The Glories of Mary” by Alphonsus de Liguori (published in 1745) is fully authorized/endorsed by the Roman Catholic Church. It will help us know how they see and savor Mary. If you want to know who Mary is, read the Bible, but if you want to know who Mary really is (for Roman Catholics), read “The Glories of Mary”. Liguori’s purpose in writing the book is to create an impression to the masses that Mary is really powerful: “At the command of Mary, all obey, even God”, page 566 of The Glories of Mary. Pope Pius IX, in his Ineffabilis Deus in 1854, made a similar statement: “Whatever she asks, she obtains. Her pleas can never be unheard” ────────────────── Ponder Luke 1:38 with me: “Mary responded, ‘I am the Lord’s servant...” TAKE NOTE: Mary sees herself as a servant of the Lord, not the Lord as her servant. ────────────────── The Unbiblical Titles of Mary In the same book, “The Glories of Mary”, we get a glimpse of what the Roman Catholic Church essentially teaches about who Mary is (for them): The Advocate of the Abandoned The Glory of Heaven The Great Mediatress The Immaculate Queen The Most Faithful Virgin The Peacemaker between us and God The Queen of the world The Ransom of Slaves The Saint of all saints The Salvation of the Universe The Source of all Mercies The Sovereign Lady The Sweet Refuge of Poor Sinners Mary, just another Woman But did you know that Jesus didn’t call Mary with any of those titles? He didn’t even addressed her as ‘mother’, but rather he simply addressed Mary as ‘woman’ at the wedding in Cana (John 2) and as he was dying at the cross in Golgotha (John 19:26). “Woman” is ‘anot’a in Aramaic, which is a formal manner of address, and not of disrespect. In fact, that is how Jesus habitually speaks to women, including a Canaanite petitioner (Matthew 15:28), a crippled woman in the synagogue (Luke 13:12), the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:21), the woman accused of adultery (John 8:10), and Mary Magdalene at the tomb (John 20:13). The point is simple: Jesus did respect Mary, but never did he venerate her. What We Ought To Do Mary, with her faith, submission, and humility, is ought to be HONORED (Romans 12:10) and IMITATED (2 Thess. 3:7). She is blessed among women because she was wonderfully and uniquely chosen by God to be the bearer of Jesus’ humanity! “If Christ is not valued above all, He is not valued at all” – St. Augustine Cherishing Truth with you,