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THE FOUR GOSPELS John 20:31  But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.
THEME Written and published at Ephesus by the request of the Apostle Andrew and the Asiatic bishops who desired to combat certain errors that were prevalent concerning the deity of Christ.  John shows what convinced men and women of all classes and positions that Jesus was God.  More than any other Gospel, John portrays Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God.
AUTHOR The Apostle John wrote the fourth Gospel.  Of all the apostles, he enjoyed the closest intimacy with the Master.  John belonged to the inner circle consisting of himself, Peter, and James.  They alone were permitted to be present at the transfiguration and the agony in Gethsemane.
It was John who leaned upon the Lord’s breast during the last supper; he alone followed his Master to the judgment (18:15); he alone stood by the cross to receive Jesus’ dying message (19:25-27).  It was John who cared for Mary, the mother of Jesus, until her death.
DATE John wrote his biography of Jesus about 97 A.D., some thirty years after the synoptic Gospels.
TO WHOM WRITTEN The book was written to the church in general.  The author took for granted that those to whom he was writing were acquainted with the other three Gospels, for he omitted most of the well-known incidents of the Lord’s life, excepting those relating to the passion and resurrection.  The emphasis is upon the deity of Christ, God manifested in the flesh.
Peculiarities Two peculiarities of this Gospel should be noted: First, the word Jew is used over sixty times; it is used only once in Matthew, twice in Mark, and twice in Luke.  Likewise, in contrast to the other books, John has only eight of the Lord’s miracles, all of which show the power of the Lord’s Word and of His Word alone.
CONTENTS 1. The Foreword (1:1-18) 2. Christ’s Manifestation to the World (1:19-6:71) 3. Rejection of Christ’s Claims (7:1-12:50) 4. Christ’s Manifestation to His Disciples (Chapters 13-17) 5. Christ’s Humiliation and Glorification (Chapters 18-21).
1. The Foreword (1:1-18) John began his Gospel with a foreword concerning Logos. Logos is the terminology of the Greek philosophers meaning “word”. To them the term signified that which they comprehended as the first principle and the prime cause of everything. They reasoned that behind each thing there must be a thought. That thought they called the Logos.
The Jews accepted that philosophy:  but went a step further. They believed that behind everything there is a thought, and for every thought, there must be a thinker. It was in this sense that John used the word Logos: In the beginning was the Logos and the Logos was with God and the Logos was God (John 1:1).
He then moved on to the whole reason of the writing and declared the Logos (the thought) was made flesh and declared the Logos (the thought) was made flesh and dwelt among us.  In other words, God, the Mighty God, clothed Himself in flesh, came down to earth in human form, “which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon, and our hands have handled” (I John 1:1).
Matthew and Luke told of the coming of the Messiah from the human standpoint, relating His genealogy and entrance into the world.  John, on the other hand, spoke from the divine side:  “And the Word was made flesh. . . .”
2. Christ’s Manifestation to the World (1:19-6:71) The testimony of John the Baptist (1:19-34) declared Jesus to be the Son of God. The sign of the dove descending was given to John to reveal just who Jesus was (verses 32-34).  It was a private and infallible sign to John whereby he could identify the Messiah (verse 33).
The dove alighting upon Jesus was purely symbolical. There was never a time when Jesus did not have the Holy Ghost and that without measure.  He was the Holy Ghost embodied.
Jesus began calling His disciples in 1:35-51.  The first two, Peter and Andrew, had been followers of John the Baptist. Andrew witnessed to Peter and they both followed Jesus. Jesus changed Peter’s name from Simon to Peter (Cephas) which means “a stone”. Jesus then found Philip, and Philip in turn found Nathanael.
FIRST MIRACLE Jesus’ first miracle is recorded in chapter 2. Verse 11 states, “This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee.” This verse explodes all the theories, traditions, and foolishness of the Apocrypha and other writings concerning the miracles of His childhood.  The Lord chose the hour to begin His ministry. It was Jesus’ divine power that transformed the water into wine.
However, one should note the human aspect of the miracle. Very possibly the miracle would have never happened had the men not been obedient to the Lord. May we always be willing to do whatsoever He saith unto us.
There were two cleansings of the Temple. One was at the beginning of Christ’s ministry; the other was three years later. Only a prophet or the Messiah Himself could cleanse the Temple.  The Jewish leaders asked the Lord to prove His authority by a sign. He gave them the sign of His death and resurrection.
Jesus And Nicodemus Jesus’ interview with Nicodemus is recorded in chapter 3.  Many people base their doctrine of salvation on John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
while ignoring the Master’s earlier comment in verses 5-7: Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
In this discourse, Jesus clearly taught that one can only enter the kingdom of God by being born into it.  The new birth is by water and Spirit (verse 5). Although Nicodemus came to Jesus by night, he testified for Him before the council (7:50-52) and later secured His body for burial.
In 3:22-36, Jesus described John the Baptist as the friend of the bridegroom.  John’s mission was to lead the bridegroom, the Messiah, to the bride. When this was done, his mission was completed. Jesus’ ministry in Samaria is narrated in 4:1-43.  An interesting comparison can be made between the woman of Samaria and Nicodemus:
The common need that they shared was for the Holy Ghost (3:5,4:14).
The healing of the nobleman’s son is found in 4:43-54; the healing of the impotent man is in chapter 5.  This second healing, with its attending discourse, marked the beginning of Jesus’ conflicts with the Jews concerning His claim of divinity.
Chapter 6 reveals the culmination of Christ’s popularity.  After the feeding of the five thousand, the people sought to make Jesus king. He quietly departed and was later seen by His disciples as He walked on the water.  A short while later Jesus reproved the multitude and thereby struck a death blow at His popularity.
They believed their salvation was to be brought about by a glorious, conquering Messiah; Jesus taught them that it was to be effected by a dying Messiah.  This shocking revelation was followed by the discourse on the Bread of Life.  The message and revelations that Jesus presented shook the people.
3. Rejection of Christ’s Claims(7:1-12:50) The unbelieving half-brothers of Jesus advised Him to “go into Judaea, that thy disciples also may see the works that thou doest.” He rejected their counsel for a public display and instead went privately with His band to Jerusalem. His arrival at the feast created intense excitement concerning the Messiahship. He taught in the Temple, confounding and amazing the people and leaders with His knowledge of the  Scriptures, causing many to believe on Him.
On the last day of the feast, Jesus taught on the Holy Spirit which would be given after He was glorified (verses 37-39).  The officers who were sent to arrest Jesus were so amazed at His words, they allowed Him to remain free.  A division arose among the people as to who He was. The scribes and Pharisees attempted to involve the Lord in a dilemma by bringing Him a woman caught in adultery. He settled the case by transferring the question to the court of their conscience.
Jesus proclaimed that He was the Light of the World, a claim to divinity. The Pharisees challenged that He was bearing witness of Himself. Jesus answered that though He bore record of Himself, His record was true. He had the testimony of own words and sinless life and the testimony of His Father which was the mighty power of God within to perform miracles. Both met the legal requirements.  The Pharisees then manifested their lack of spirituality by inquiring, “Where is Thy Father?”
The discussion later continued with Jesus claiming to be the I AM.  By doing so He was claiming the independent and continuous existence of the uncreated, eternal God.  The crowd became enraged and picked up stones to kill Him. However, Jesus passed through their midst and  left the Temple.
The healing of the man born blind is recorded in chapter 9.  In the discourse on the Good Shepherd in chapter 10, Jesus contrasted the false leaders and teachers with Himself. At the Feast of the Dedication (10:22-42), Jesus gave the final testimony to Himself before His passion.
He was asked to tell them plainly whether or not He was the Christ. This was not an honest question; they had already refused to accept His testimony.  In reply, He declared the mute, but powerful witness of His works. The multitude did not believe because they did not belong to His flock. He then declared, “I and my Father are one.” (See Colossians 2:9.) Once again highly enraged, the multitude sought to stone Him.
The raising of Lazarus (11:1-46) demonstrated Christ’s power over death and the grave. Jesus purposely delayed going to Lazarus’ home in order to bring greater glory to God.  Through this incident He once more revealed Himself as I AM (verses 25-26). Notice in this miracle His power; the Lord never once did anything by the supernatural that man could do in the natural. They were given charge of taking away the stone,  and taking off the grave clothes of the risen Lazarus.  Jesus only did what man could not do-raise the dead.  Removing the stone also increased their faith-to do that which seemed foolish and impossible.
The raising of Lazarus led to the final rejection of Christ by the nation (11:47-12:50).  The sensation caused by Lazarus’ resurrection brought the priests and Pharisees together in council for the purpose of determining to put Jesus to death. Caiaphas desired His death for political reasons.
He argued that if Jesus was allowed to continue His ministry, His popularity would cause a tumult, excite the suspicion of the Romans, and result in loss of power and office on the part of the Jewish rulers and calamity on the part of the nation.  He reasoned that it was better for one man to suffer than the whole nation.  He unconsciously uttered a prophecy of the atoning death of the Messiah (verses 51, 52).
	Chapter 12 records several events that occurred prior to the Passover: * Jesus was anointed by Mary 	* The chief priests consulted to kill Lazarus 	* Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem 	* The Greeks sought to see Jesus 	* Jesus made His last appeal to the Jewish nation
4. Christ’s Manifestation to His Disciples (Chapters 13-17) Jesus’ final hours before the passion were spent with His disciples. With full knowledge of His deity, He stooped to the most menial of tasks by washing His disciples feet and thereby He established a supreme example for humility for them to follow.  The foot washing was followed by the Passover supper, during which time Jesus pointed out the betrayer, Judas.
As the supper continued, Jesus began His farewell address to the disciples. These chapters are among the tenderest words in the Bible. But even through the discourse, the disciples failed to comprehend that Jesus was really going to be crucified.
In chapter 14, Jesus gave one of the great revelations about Himself: He and the Father are one. He who has seen Jesus has also seen the Father.  The Father dwelling in Him does the works they have seen. He declared Himself to be not only the Father, but the Holy Ghost. (He dwells with you, but will be in you.)  The Comforter will come in His (Jesus.) name (14:26).
In chapter 15, Jesus explained to the disciples their relationship to Him during His absence. He was the Vine and they were the branches. The main plant of the vine does not bear fruit, but it is responsible for pulsating life through all of the branches so that they become the fruitbearers. Even so, life of the Lord is the life of the believers.  And the believers are the bearers of the fruits of the Spirit so long as He abides.  If the fruit is to be the best quality, a great deal of pruning is necessary.
In chapter 16, Jesus promised the Holy Ghost.  He stated that it was necessary for Him to go away so that the Comforter might come. When He sent forth the Spirit, then He could be present within each one of His followers. They were told once again that His departure, which was at hand, was necessary. Only then could He send the Comforter.  This did happen approximately fifty days later on the Day of Pentecost.
Chapter 17 records Jesus’ great high priestly prayer. He prayed for Himself, verses 1-5, for the preservation and sanctification of His disciples, verses 6-19, and finally for the unity of all believers and their presence with Him, verses 20-26.
5. Christ’s Humiliation and Glorification (Chapters 18-21). John recorded Jesus. betrayal, arrest, and trial in chapter 18 and the first part of chapter 19. In the later part of chapter 19, John mentioned some details of the crucifixion not found in the other Gospels: 	* Pilate’s writing of the accusation 	* The parting of Jesus’ garments 	* The committing of Jesus’ mother to John 	* The two utterances on the cross 	* The piercing of Jesus’ side.
In his description of the empty tomb, John was careful to mention sufficient details to refute the false report that the disciples had stolen Jesus’ body.  See Matthew 28:11-15.  The appearances of Jesus to His disciples are found in 20:10-21:25.
John closed his narrative by stating: This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true. And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen (21:24, 25).

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  • 1.
  • 2. THE FOUR GOSPELS John 20:31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.
  • 3. THEME Written and published at Ephesus by the request of the Apostle Andrew and the Asiatic bishops who desired to combat certain errors that were prevalent concerning the deity of Christ. John shows what convinced men and women of all classes and positions that Jesus was God. More than any other Gospel, John portrays Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God.
  • 4. AUTHOR The Apostle John wrote the fourth Gospel. Of all the apostles, he enjoyed the closest intimacy with the Master. John belonged to the inner circle consisting of himself, Peter, and James. They alone were permitted to be present at the transfiguration and the agony in Gethsemane.
  • 5. It was John who leaned upon the Lord’s breast during the last supper; he alone followed his Master to the judgment (18:15); he alone stood by the cross to receive Jesus’ dying message (19:25-27). It was John who cared for Mary, the mother of Jesus, until her death.
  • 6. DATE John wrote his biography of Jesus about 97 A.D., some thirty years after the synoptic Gospels.
  • 7. TO WHOM WRITTEN The book was written to the church in general. The author took for granted that those to whom he was writing were acquainted with the other three Gospels, for he omitted most of the well-known incidents of the Lord’s life, excepting those relating to the passion and resurrection. The emphasis is upon the deity of Christ, God manifested in the flesh.
  • 8. Peculiarities Two peculiarities of this Gospel should be noted: First, the word Jew is used over sixty times; it is used only once in Matthew, twice in Mark, and twice in Luke. Likewise, in contrast to the other books, John has only eight of the Lord’s miracles, all of which show the power of the Lord’s Word and of His Word alone.
  • 9. CONTENTS 1. The Foreword (1:1-18) 2. Christ’s Manifestation to the World (1:19-6:71) 3. Rejection of Christ’s Claims (7:1-12:50) 4. Christ’s Manifestation to His Disciples (Chapters 13-17) 5. Christ’s Humiliation and Glorification (Chapters 18-21).
  • 10. 1. The Foreword (1:1-18) John began his Gospel with a foreword concerning Logos. Logos is the terminology of the Greek philosophers meaning “word”. To them the term signified that which they comprehended as the first principle and the prime cause of everything. They reasoned that behind each thing there must be a thought. That thought they called the Logos.
  • 11. The Jews accepted that philosophy: but went a step further. They believed that behind everything there is a thought, and for every thought, there must be a thinker. It was in this sense that John used the word Logos: In the beginning was the Logos and the Logos was with God and the Logos was God (John 1:1).
  • 12. He then moved on to the whole reason of the writing and declared the Logos (the thought) was made flesh and declared the Logos (the thought) was made flesh and dwelt among us. In other words, God, the Mighty God, clothed Himself in flesh, came down to earth in human form, “which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon, and our hands have handled” (I John 1:1).
  • 13. Matthew and Luke told of the coming of the Messiah from the human standpoint, relating His genealogy and entrance into the world. John, on the other hand, spoke from the divine side: “And the Word was made flesh. . . .”
  • 14. 2. Christ’s Manifestation to the World (1:19-6:71) The testimony of John the Baptist (1:19-34) declared Jesus to be the Son of God. The sign of the dove descending was given to John to reveal just who Jesus was (verses 32-34). It was a private and infallible sign to John whereby he could identify the Messiah (verse 33).
  • 15. The dove alighting upon Jesus was purely symbolical. There was never a time when Jesus did not have the Holy Ghost and that without measure. He was the Holy Ghost embodied.
  • 16. Jesus began calling His disciples in 1:35-51. The first two, Peter and Andrew, had been followers of John the Baptist. Andrew witnessed to Peter and they both followed Jesus. Jesus changed Peter’s name from Simon to Peter (Cephas) which means “a stone”. Jesus then found Philip, and Philip in turn found Nathanael.
  • 17. FIRST MIRACLE Jesus’ first miracle is recorded in chapter 2. Verse 11 states, “This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee.” This verse explodes all the theories, traditions, and foolishness of the Apocrypha and other writings concerning the miracles of His childhood. The Lord chose the hour to begin His ministry. It was Jesus’ divine power that transformed the water into wine.
  • 18. However, one should note the human aspect of the miracle. Very possibly the miracle would have never happened had the men not been obedient to the Lord. May we always be willing to do whatsoever He saith unto us.
  • 19. There were two cleansings of the Temple. One was at the beginning of Christ’s ministry; the other was three years later. Only a prophet or the Messiah Himself could cleanse the Temple. The Jewish leaders asked the Lord to prove His authority by a sign. He gave them the sign of His death and resurrection.
  • 20. Jesus And Nicodemus Jesus’ interview with Nicodemus is recorded in chapter 3. Many people base their doctrine of salvation on John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
  • 21. while ignoring the Master’s earlier comment in verses 5-7: Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
  • 22. In this discourse, Jesus clearly taught that one can only enter the kingdom of God by being born into it. The new birth is by water and Spirit (verse 5). Although Nicodemus came to Jesus by night, he testified for Him before the council (7:50-52) and later secured His body for burial.
  • 23. In 3:22-36, Jesus described John the Baptist as the friend of the bridegroom. John’s mission was to lead the bridegroom, the Messiah, to the bride. When this was done, his mission was completed. Jesus’ ministry in Samaria is narrated in 4:1-43. An interesting comparison can be made between the woman of Samaria and Nicodemus:
  • 24. The common need that they shared was for the Holy Ghost (3:5,4:14).
  • 25. The healing of the nobleman’s son is found in 4:43-54; the healing of the impotent man is in chapter 5. This second healing, with its attending discourse, marked the beginning of Jesus’ conflicts with the Jews concerning His claim of divinity.
  • 26. Chapter 6 reveals the culmination of Christ’s popularity. After the feeding of the five thousand, the people sought to make Jesus king. He quietly departed and was later seen by His disciples as He walked on the water. A short while later Jesus reproved the multitude and thereby struck a death blow at His popularity.
  • 27. They believed their salvation was to be brought about by a glorious, conquering Messiah; Jesus taught them that it was to be effected by a dying Messiah. This shocking revelation was followed by the discourse on the Bread of Life. The message and revelations that Jesus presented shook the people.
  • 28. 3. Rejection of Christ’s Claims(7:1-12:50) The unbelieving half-brothers of Jesus advised Him to “go into Judaea, that thy disciples also may see the works that thou doest.” He rejected their counsel for a public display and instead went privately with His band to Jerusalem. His arrival at the feast created intense excitement concerning the Messiahship. He taught in the Temple, confounding and amazing the people and leaders with His knowledge of the Scriptures, causing many to believe on Him.
  • 29. On the last day of the feast, Jesus taught on the Holy Spirit which would be given after He was glorified (verses 37-39). The officers who were sent to arrest Jesus were so amazed at His words, they allowed Him to remain free. A division arose among the people as to who He was. The scribes and Pharisees attempted to involve the Lord in a dilemma by bringing Him a woman caught in adultery. He settled the case by transferring the question to the court of their conscience.
  • 30. Jesus proclaimed that He was the Light of the World, a claim to divinity. The Pharisees challenged that He was bearing witness of Himself. Jesus answered that though He bore record of Himself, His record was true. He had the testimony of own words and sinless life and the testimony of His Father which was the mighty power of God within to perform miracles. Both met the legal requirements. The Pharisees then manifested their lack of spirituality by inquiring, “Where is Thy Father?”
  • 31. The discussion later continued with Jesus claiming to be the I AM. By doing so He was claiming the independent and continuous existence of the uncreated, eternal God. The crowd became enraged and picked up stones to kill Him. However, Jesus passed through their midst and left the Temple.
  • 32. The healing of the man born blind is recorded in chapter 9. In the discourse on the Good Shepherd in chapter 10, Jesus contrasted the false leaders and teachers with Himself. At the Feast of the Dedication (10:22-42), Jesus gave the final testimony to Himself before His passion.
  • 33. He was asked to tell them plainly whether or not He was the Christ. This was not an honest question; they had already refused to accept His testimony. In reply, He declared the mute, but powerful witness of His works. The multitude did not believe because they did not belong to His flock. He then declared, “I and my Father are one.” (See Colossians 2:9.) Once again highly enraged, the multitude sought to stone Him.
  • 34. The raising of Lazarus (11:1-46) demonstrated Christ’s power over death and the grave. Jesus purposely delayed going to Lazarus’ home in order to bring greater glory to God. Through this incident He once more revealed Himself as I AM (verses 25-26). Notice in this miracle His power; the Lord never once did anything by the supernatural that man could do in the natural. They were given charge of taking away the stone, and taking off the grave clothes of the risen Lazarus. Jesus only did what man could not do-raise the dead. Removing the stone also increased their faith-to do that which seemed foolish and impossible.
  • 35. The raising of Lazarus led to the final rejection of Christ by the nation (11:47-12:50). The sensation caused by Lazarus’ resurrection brought the priests and Pharisees together in council for the purpose of determining to put Jesus to death. Caiaphas desired His death for political reasons.
  • 36. He argued that if Jesus was allowed to continue His ministry, His popularity would cause a tumult, excite the suspicion of the Romans, and result in loss of power and office on the part of the Jewish rulers and calamity on the part of the nation. He reasoned that it was better for one man to suffer than the whole nation. He unconsciously uttered a prophecy of the atoning death of the Messiah (verses 51, 52).
  • 37. Chapter 12 records several events that occurred prior to the Passover: * Jesus was anointed by Mary * The chief priests consulted to kill Lazarus * Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem * The Greeks sought to see Jesus * Jesus made His last appeal to the Jewish nation
  • 38. 4. Christ’s Manifestation to His Disciples (Chapters 13-17) Jesus’ final hours before the passion were spent with His disciples. With full knowledge of His deity, He stooped to the most menial of tasks by washing His disciples feet and thereby He established a supreme example for humility for them to follow. The foot washing was followed by the Passover supper, during which time Jesus pointed out the betrayer, Judas.
  • 39. As the supper continued, Jesus began His farewell address to the disciples. These chapters are among the tenderest words in the Bible. But even through the discourse, the disciples failed to comprehend that Jesus was really going to be crucified.
  • 40. In chapter 14, Jesus gave one of the great revelations about Himself: He and the Father are one. He who has seen Jesus has also seen the Father. The Father dwelling in Him does the works they have seen. He declared Himself to be not only the Father, but the Holy Ghost. (He dwells with you, but will be in you.) The Comforter will come in His (Jesus.) name (14:26).
  • 41. In chapter 15, Jesus explained to the disciples their relationship to Him during His absence. He was the Vine and they were the branches. The main plant of the vine does not bear fruit, but it is responsible for pulsating life through all of the branches so that they become the fruitbearers. Even so, life of the Lord is the life of the believers. And the believers are the bearers of the fruits of the Spirit so long as He abides. If the fruit is to be the best quality, a great deal of pruning is necessary.
  • 42. In chapter 16, Jesus promised the Holy Ghost. He stated that it was necessary for Him to go away so that the Comforter might come. When He sent forth the Spirit, then He could be present within each one of His followers. They were told once again that His departure, which was at hand, was necessary. Only then could He send the Comforter. This did happen approximately fifty days later on the Day of Pentecost.
  • 43. Chapter 17 records Jesus’ great high priestly prayer. He prayed for Himself, verses 1-5, for the preservation and sanctification of His disciples, verses 6-19, and finally for the unity of all believers and their presence with Him, verses 20-26.
  • 44. 5. Christ’s Humiliation and Glorification (Chapters 18-21). John recorded Jesus. betrayal, arrest, and trial in chapter 18 and the first part of chapter 19. In the later part of chapter 19, John mentioned some details of the crucifixion not found in the other Gospels: * Pilate’s writing of the accusation * The parting of Jesus’ garments * The committing of Jesus’ mother to John * The two utterances on the cross * The piercing of Jesus’ side.
  • 45. In his description of the empty tomb, John was careful to mention sufficient details to refute the false report that the disciples had stolen Jesus’ body. See Matthew 28:11-15. The appearances of Jesus to His disciples are found in 20:10-21:25.
  • 46. John closed his narrative by stating: This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true. And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen (21:24, 25).