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Arkansas’s No. 1 Weapon
   Childhood Poverty
How the Collapse of Marriage Hurts Children
  and Three Steps to Reverse the Damage
            A Heritage Foundation Book of Charts • 2012

    Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society
Growth of Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing in Arkansas, 1929–2010
  Throughout most of Arkansas’              PERCENTAGE OF CHILDREN BORN OUT OF WEDLOCK
history, out-of-wedlock childbear-
ing was rare.                               50%

  In 1968, just four years after the                                                                        45.3%
federal government began the War
on Poverty, only 11.6 percent of                                                                            40.8%
children in Arkansas were born
outside marriage. However, over
the next five decades, the number
rose rapidly. By 2010, 45.3 percent         30%
of births in Arkansas occurred
outside of marriage.                                                                                             National
Note: Data on non-marital births in
Arkansas are unavailable between 1947
and 1967. However, all states that do
have data for this period show a rapid
growth in non-marital childbearing          10%
from the mid-1960s on. The Arkansas
trend during this period undoubtedly
parallels the national trend shown in the
Sources: U.S. Government, U.S. Census
Bureau, and National Center for Health         1930   1940   1950   1960   1970   1980   1990    2000   2010

                                                               Chart 1 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
In Arkansas, Marriage Drops the Probability of Child Poverty
by 78 Percent
  The rapid rise in out-of-            PERCENTAGE OF FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN THAT ARE POOR
wedlock childbearing is a major         60%
cause of high levels of child pov-
erty in Arkansas.
   Some 48.3 percent of single          50%          48.3%
mothers with children were poor
compared to 10.5 percent of mar-
ried couples with children.             40%
   Single-parent families with
children are nearly five times
more likely to be poor than fami-
lies in which the parents are mar-
  The higher poverty rate among
single-mother families is due both                                                    10.5%
to the lower education levels of        10%
the mothers and the lower income
due to the absence of the father.
                                                  Single-Parent,              Married,Two-Parent
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American             Female-Headed                      Families
Community Survey, 2007–2009 data.                    Families

                                                       Chart 2 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
In Arkansas, Over One-Third of All Families with Children
Are Not Married
  Overall, married couples head
about two-thirds of families with
children in Arkansas. Well over
one-third are single-parent


Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American
Community Survey, 2007–2009 data.

                                       Chart 3 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
In Arkansas, 70 Percent of Poor Families with Children Are Not Married

  Among poor families with
children in Arkansas, about seven
in ten are not married. By contrast,
only 29.8 percent of poor families
with children are headed by
married couples.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American
Community Survey, 2007–2009 data.

                                       Chart 4 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
In Arkansas, Few Unwed Births Occur to Teenagers
  Out-of-wedlock births are often       PERCENTAGE OF OUT-OF-WEDLOCK BIRTHS
confused erroneously with teen          BY AGE OF MOTHER
births, but only 9.4 percent of
out-of-wedlock births in Arkansas                                         Under
occur to girls under age 18.                                              Age 18:
  By contrast, some 79 percent of                                          9.4%
out-of-wedlock births occur to                               Age
young adult women between the                               30–54:
ages of 18 and 29.                                          12.1%
                                                    Age                             17.6%

Note: Figures have been rounded.

Source: U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, 2008 NHS

                                                      Chart 5 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
Less-Educated Women Are More Likely to Give Birth
Outside of Marriage
   Unwed childbearing occurs most           PERCENTAGE OF BIRTHS THAT ARE MARITAL
frequently among the women who              OR OUT OF WEDLOCK
will have the greatest difficulty sup-       100%
porting children by themselves: those                                                           8.1%        Unmarried
with low levels of education.                90%
   In the U.S., among women who                                                 42.0%
are high school dropouts, about 65.2
percent of all births occur outside
marriage. Among women who have                       65.2%
only a high school diploma, well over        60%
half of all births occur outside mar-                                                          91.9%
riage. By contrast, among women              50%
with at least a college degree, only                                                                        Mothers
8.1 percent of births are out of wed-                                           58.0%
lock.                                        30%
Note: Specific data on out-of-wedlock
births and maternal education are not        20%
available in Arkansas. However, the                  34.8%
pattern varies little between states.        10%
Arkansas data will be very similar to the
national data presented in this chart.        0%
                                                   High School High School      Some         College        Mother’s
Source: U.S. Department of Health and               Dropout     Graduate       College       Graduate       education
Human Services, Centers for Disease                   (0–11        (12         (13–15          (16+         level
Control and Prevention, 2008 NHS                      Years)      Years)        Years)        Years)

                                                               Chart 6 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
Both Marriage and Education Are Highly Effective in Reducing
Child Poverty in Arkansas
  The poverty rate of married          PERCENTAGE OF FAMILIES                  Poverty Rate of Families by
couples with children is dramati-      WITH CHILDREN THAT                                                          Single
                                                                              Education and Marital Status
cally lower than the rate for house-   ARE POOR                                                                    Married
                                                                               of the Head of Household
holds headed by single parents.          70%
This is true even when the married              64.0%
couple is compared to single par-        60%
ents with the same education level.
  For example, in Arkansas, the          50%
poverty rate for a single mother
who has only a high school                                         40.3%              40.0%
diploma is 40.3 percent, but the
poverty rate for a married couple        30%            26.8%
family headed by an individual
who, similarly, has only a high          20%                                                            16.1%
school degree is far lower at 9.5
percent.                                 10%                               9.5%
  On average, marriage drops the                                                                                 1.9%
poverty rate by around 76 percent         0%
among families with the same                    High School        High School            Some             College
education level.                                 Dropout            Graduate             College           Graduate

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American   Note: Virtually none of the heads of families in the chart who are high school
Community Survey, 2005–2009 data.      dropouts are minor teenagers.

                                                                Chart 7 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
Unwed Birth Rates Vary Strongly by Race in Arkansas
  Out-of-wedlock childbearing           PERCENT OF BIRTHS THAT ARE OUT OF WEDLOCK
varies considerably by race.
  In Arkansas, in 2008 (the most
recent year for which racial break-                                                        8.3%    80.3%
down is available), more than four
in ten births (44.6 percent)
occurred outside marriage. The          70%
rate was lowest among non-
Hispanic whites: around one in          60%
three births among white non-                                                     50.1%
Hispanic women were non-                50%
marital. Among Hispanics, half of
births were out-of-wedlock.             40%
Among blacks, eight in ten births                                33.8%
were to unmarried women (80.3           30%


Source: U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Centers for Disease           All Races         White           Hispanic           Black
Control and Prevention, 2008 NHS                                Non-                               Non-
data.                                                          Hispanic                           Hispanic

                                                          Chart 8 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
Growth of Unwed Childbearing by Race in Arkansas, 1929–2008
   Historically, out-of-wedlock child-             PERCENTAGE OF CHILDREN BORN OUT OF WEDLOCK
bearing has been somewhat more
frequent among blacks than among                   100%
whites. However, prior to the onset
of the federal government’s War on
Poverty in the 1960s, the rates for
both whites and blacks were com-                                                                                    80.3%
paratively low.                                    80%
                                                                                                                       National –
   In 1968, 3.8 percent of white                                                                                       Blacks
children in Arkansas were born                                                                                         Arkansas –
outside marriage. By 2008, the
number had risen to more than one                                                                                      Blacks
in three (33.8 percent).                                                                                               Arkansas –
   In 1968, about one-third (33.4                                                                                      Whites
percent) of black children in Arkan-                                                                                   National –
sas were born outside marriage. By                                                                                     Whites
2008, the number had risen to eight                40%
in every ten (80.3 percent).                                                                                        33.8%
Note: Data on non-marital births in Arkansas
are unavailable between 1947 and 1967.
However, all states that do have data for this     20%
period show a rapid growth in non-marital
child-bearing from the mid-1960s on.The
Arkansas trend during this period undoubtedly
parallels the national trend shown in the chart.
Sources: U.S. Government, U.S. Census
Bureau, and National Center for Health                1930   1940   1950   1960   1970    1980    1990   2000 2008

                                                                       Chart 9 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
Racial Composition of All Births and Out-of-Wedlock Births in Arkansas
    In Arkansas in 2008, some 67                  ALL BIRTHS                           OUT-OF-WEDLOCK BIRTHS
percent of all births occurred to
non-Hispanic whites, 19.7 percent
occurred to non-Hispanic blacks,
and 10.7 percent occurred to
   Because blacks and Hispanics
are more likely to have children                       67.0%               White Non-            50.7%
without being married, they                                                 Hispanic
account for disproportionately
larger shares of out-of-wedlock
births. Even so, the majority of
unwed births occurred to white
non-Hispanic women.
   In Arkansas in 2008, 50.7 per-
cent of all non-marital births were                                                              35.5%
to non-Hispanic whites, 35.5                           19.7%               Black Non-
percent were to black non-                                                   Hispanic
Hispanic women, and 12 percent
were to Hispanic women.                                10.7%                Hispanic             12.0%
                                           2.6%                            Asian/Other                      2.0%
Source: U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, 2008 NHS
data.                                   Note: Figures have been rounded.

                                                            Chart 10 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
Non-Married White Families Are Six Times More Likely to Be Poor
in Arkansas
  Marriage leads to lower poverty      PERCENTAGE OF FAMILIES THAT ARE POOR
rates for whites, blacks, and His-
panics in Arkansas.
  For example, in 2009, the pov-
erty rate for married white families
in Arkansas was 5.4 percent. But                                                     32.1%
the poverty rate for non-married
white families was nearly six times
higher at 32.1 percent.



                                                Married Families            Non-Married Families
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American
Community Survey, 2007–2009 data.

                                                     Chart 11 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
Non-Married Black Families Are Four Times More Likely to Be
Poor in Arkansas
  In 2009, the poverty rate for        PERCENTAGE OF FAMILIES THAT ARE POOR
married black couples in Arkansas
was 12.2 percent, while the pov-
erty rate for non-married black
families was four times higher at
48.6 percent.                           50%                                          48.6%





                                                Married Families            Non-Married Families
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American
Community Survey, 2007–2009 data.

                                                     Chart 12 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
Non-Married Hispanic Families Are Two Times More Likely to Be Poor
in Arkansas
  In 2009, the poverty rate for        PERCENTAGE OF FAMILIES THAT ARE POOR
Hispanic married families in
Arkansas was 25.3 percent, while
the poverty rate among non-
married families was two times                                                       52.8%
higher at 52.8 percent.                 50%





                                                Married Families            Non-Married Families
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American
Community Survey, 2007–2009 data.

                                                     Chart 13 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
Three Steps to Reduce Child Poverty through Marriage

1) Provide information on the benefits of marriage in reducing child poverty
   and improving child well-being.

    Marriage is a highly effective institution which greatly decreases parental and child
  poverty while improving long-term outcomes for children. Conversely, the absence of
  marriage greatly increases welfare costs and imposes added burdens on taxpayers.
    Unfortunately, almost no information on these topics is available in low-income
  communities. This information deficit should be corrected in the following manner:

     • Explain the benefits of marriage in middle and high schools with a high
       proportion of at-risk youth;
     • Create public education campaigns in low-income communities on the
       benefits of marriage; and,
     • Require federally funded birth control clinics to provide information on the
       benefits of marriage and the skills needed to develop stable families to
       interested low-income clients.

2) Reduce anti-marriage penalties in means-tested welfare programs.

3) Promote life-goal-planning, marriage-strengthening, and divorce-reduction
   programs to increase healthy marriages and reduce divorce and separation.
The Family & Religion Initiative is one of 10 Transformational Initiatives making up The Heritage
Foundation’s Leadership for America campaign. For more products and information related to this initiative
or to learn more about the Leadership for America campaign, please visit

  The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institution—a think tank—whose mission is to
formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited gov-
ernment, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.
  Our vision is to build an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society flourish. As
conservatives, we believe the values and ideas that motivated our Founding Fathers are worth conserving.
As policy entrepreneurs, we believe the most effective solutions are consistent with those ideas and values.

                                     214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE • Washington, D.C. 20002 • (202) 546-4400 •

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Marriage Poverty - Arkansas

  • 1. Marriage: Arkansas’s No. 1 Weapon Against Childhood Poverty How the Collapse of Marriage Hurts Children and Three Steps to Reverse the Damage A Heritage Foundation Book of Charts • 2012 Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society
  • 2. Growth of Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing in Arkansas, 1929–2010 Throughout most of Arkansas’ PERCENTAGE OF CHILDREN BORN OUT OF WEDLOCK history, out-of-wedlock childbear- ing was rare. 50% In 1968, just four years after the 45.3% federal government began the War on Poverty, only 11.6 percent of 40.8% 40% children in Arkansas were born outside marriage. However, over the next five decades, the number rose rapidly. By 2010, 45.3 percent 30% of births in Arkansas occurred outside of marriage. National Arkansas 20% Note: Data on non-marital births in Arkansas are unavailable between 1947 and 1967. However, all states that do have data for this period show a rapid growth in non-marital childbearing 10% from the mid-1960s on. The Arkansas trend during this period undoubtedly parallels the national trend shown in the chart. 0% Sources: U.S. Government, U.S. Census Bureau, and National Center for Health 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Statistics. Chart 1 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
  • 3. In Arkansas, Marriage Drops the Probability of Child Poverty by 78 Percent The rapid rise in out-of- PERCENTAGE OF FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN THAT ARE POOR wedlock childbearing is a major 60% cause of high levels of child pov- erty in Arkansas. Some 48.3 percent of single 50% 48.3% mothers with children were poor compared to 10.5 percent of mar- ried couples with children. 40% Single-parent families with children are nearly five times 30% more likely to be poor than fami- lies in which the parents are mar- ried. 20% The higher poverty rate among single-mother families is due both 10.5% to the lower education levels of 10% the mothers and the lower income due to the absence of the father. 0% Single-Parent, Married,Two-Parent Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Female-Headed Families Community Survey, 2007–2009 data. Families Chart 2 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
  • 4. In Arkansas, Over One-Third of All Families with Children Are Not Married Overall, married couples head about two-thirds of families with children in Arkansas. Well over one-third are single-parent families. Unmarried Families 36.4% Married Families 63.6% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2007–2009 data. Chart 3 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
  • 5. In Arkansas, 70 Percent of Poor Families with Children Are Not Married Among poor families with children in Arkansas, about seven in ten are not married. By contrast, only 29.8 percent of poor families with children are headed by married couples. Married Families 29.8% Unmarried Families 70.2% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2007–2009 data. Chart 4 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
  • 6. In Arkansas, Few Unwed Births Occur to Teenagers Out-of-wedlock births are often PERCENTAGE OF OUT-OF-WEDLOCK BIRTHS confused erroneously with teen BY AGE OF MOTHER births, but only 9.4 percent of out-of-wedlock births in Arkansas Under occur to girls under age 18. Age 18: By contrast, some 79 percent of 9.4% out-of-wedlock births occur to Age young adult women between the 30–54: ages of 18 and 29. 12.1% Age 18–19: Age 17.6% 25–29: 20.6% Age 20–24: 40.3% Note: Figures have been rounded. Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2008 NHS data. Chart 5 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
  • 7. Less-Educated Women Are More Likely to Give Birth Outside of Marriage Unwed childbearing occurs most PERCENTAGE OF BIRTHS THAT ARE MARITAL frequently among the women who OR OUT OF WEDLOCK will have the greatest difficulty sup- 100% porting children by themselves: those 8.1% Unmarried with low levels of education. 90% Mothers In the U.S., among women who 42.0% 80% are high school dropouts, about 65.2 percent of all births occur outside 54.5% 70% marriage. Among women who have 65.2% only a high school diploma, well over 60% half of all births occur outside mar- 91.9% riage. By contrast, among women 50% Married with at least a college degree, only Mothers 40% 8.1 percent of births are out of wed- 58.0% lock. 30% Note: Specific data on out-of-wedlock 45.5% births and maternal education are not 20% available in Arkansas. However, the 34.8% pattern varies little between states. 10% Arkansas data will be very similar to the national data presented in this chart. 0% High School High School Some College Mother’s Source: U.S. Department of Health and Dropout Graduate College Graduate education Human Services, Centers for Disease (0–11 (12 (13–15 (16+ level Control and Prevention, 2008 NHS Years) Years) Years) Years) data.  Chart 6 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
  • 8. Both Marriage and Education Are Highly Effective in Reducing Child Poverty in Arkansas The poverty rate of married PERCENTAGE OF FAMILIES Poverty Rate of Families by couples with children is dramati- WITH CHILDREN THAT Single Education and Marital Status cally lower than the rate for house- ARE POOR Married of the Head of Household holds headed by single parents. 70% This is true even when the married 64.0% couple is compared to single par- 60% ents with the same education level. For example, in Arkansas, the 50% poverty rate for a single mother who has only a high school 40.3% 40.0% 40% diploma is 40.3 percent, but the poverty rate for a married couple 30% 26.8% family headed by an individual who, similarly, has only a high 20% 16.1% school degree is far lower at 9.5 percent. 10% 9.5% 7.2% On average, marriage drops the 1.9% poverty rate by around 76 percent 0% among families with the same High School High School Some College education level. Dropout Graduate College Graduate Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Note: Virtually none of the heads of families in the chart who are high school Community Survey, 2005–2009 data. dropouts are minor teenagers. Chart 7 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
  • 9. Unwed Birth Rates Vary Strongly by Race in Arkansas Out-of-wedlock childbearing PERCENT OF BIRTHS THAT ARE OUT OF WEDLOCK varies considerably by race. 90% In Arkansas, in 2008 (the most recent year for which racial break- 8.3% 80.3% 80% down is available), more than four in ten births (44.6 percent) occurred outside marriage. The 70% rate was lowest among non- Hispanic whites: around one in 60% three births among white non- 50.1% Hispanic women were non- 50% 44.6% marital. Among Hispanics, half of births were out-of-wedlock. 40% Among blacks, eight in ten births 33.8% were to unmarried women (80.3 30% percent). 20% 10% 0% Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease All Races White Hispanic Black Control and Prevention, 2008 NHS Non- Non- data. Hispanic Hispanic Chart 8 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
  • 10. Growth of Unwed Childbearing by Race in Arkansas, 1929–2008 Historically, out-of-wedlock child- PERCENTAGE OF CHILDREN BORN OUT OF WEDLOCK bearing has been somewhat more frequent among blacks than among 100% whites. However, prior to the onset of the federal government’s War on Poverty in the 1960s, the rates for both whites and blacks were com- 80.3% paratively low. 80% National – In 1968, 3.8 percent of white Blacks children in Arkansas were born Arkansas – outside marriage. By 2008, the number had risen to more than one Blacks 60% in three (33.8 percent). Arkansas – In 1968, about one-third (33.4 Whites percent) of black children in Arkan- National – sas were born outside marriage. By Whites 2008, the number had risen to eight 40% in every ten (80.3 percent). 33.8% Note: Data on non-marital births in Arkansas are unavailable between 1947 and 1967. However, all states that do have data for this 20% period show a rapid growth in non-marital child-bearing from the mid-1960s on.The Arkansas trend during this period undoubtedly parallels the national trend shown in the chart. 0% Sources: U.S. Government, U.S. Census Bureau, and National Center for Health 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2008 Statistics. Chart 9 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
  • 11. Racial Composition of All Births and Out-of-Wedlock Births in Arkansas In Arkansas in 2008, some 67 ALL BIRTHS OUT-OF-WEDLOCK BIRTHS percent of all births occurred to non-Hispanic whites, 19.7 percent occurred to non-Hispanic blacks, and 10.7 percent occurred to Hispanics. Because blacks and Hispanics are more likely to have children 67.0% White Non- 50.7% without being married, they Hispanic account for disproportionately larger shares of out-of-wedlock births. Even so, the majority of unwed births occurred to white non-Hispanic women. In Arkansas in 2008, 50.7 per- cent of all non-marital births were 35.5% to non-Hispanic whites, 35.5 19.7% Black Non- percent were to black non- Hispanic Hispanic women, and 12 percent were to Hispanic women. 10.7% Hispanic 12.0% 2.6% Asian/Other 2.0% Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2008 NHS data. Note: Figures have been rounded. Chart 10 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
  • 12. Non-Married White Families Are Six Times More Likely to Be Poor in Arkansas Marriage leads to lower poverty PERCENTAGE OF FAMILIES THAT ARE POOR rates for whites, blacks, and His- panics in Arkansas. 40% For example, in 2009, the pov- erty rate for married white families in Arkansas was 5.4 percent. But 32.1% the poverty rate for non-married 30% white families was nearly six times higher at 32.1 percent. 20% 10% 5.4% 0% Married Families Non-Married Families Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2007–2009 data. Chart 11 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
  • 13. Non-Married Black Families Are Four Times More Likely to Be Poor in Arkansas In 2009, the poverty rate for PERCENTAGE OF FAMILIES THAT ARE POOR married black couples in Arkansas was 12.2 percent, while the pov- 60% erty rate for non-married black families was four times higher at 48.6 percent. 50% 48.6% 40% 30% 20% 12.2% 10% 0% Married Families Non-Married Families Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2007–2009 data. Chart 12 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
  • 14. Non-Married Hispanic Families Are Two Times More Likely to Be Poor in Arkansas In 2009, the poverty rate for PERCENTAGE OF FAMILIES THAT ARE POOR Hispanic married families in Arkansas was 25.3 percent, while 60% the poverty rate among non- married families was two times 52.8% higher at 52.8 percent. 50% 40% 30% 25.3% 20% 10% 0% Married Families Non-Married Families Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2007–2009 data. Chart 13 • Marriage and Poverty in Arkansas
  • 15. Three Steps to Reduce Child Poverty through Marriage 1) Provide information on the benefits of marriage in reducing child poverty and improving child well-being. Marriage is a highly effective institution which greatly decreases parental and child poverty while improving long-term outcomes for children. Conversely, the absence of marriage greatly increases welfare costs and imposes added burdens on taxpayers. Unfortunately, almost no information on these topics is available in low-income communities. This information deficit should be corrected in the following manner: • Explain the benefits of marriage in middle and high schools with a high proportion of at-risk youth; • Create public education campaigns in low-income communities on the benefits of marriage; and, • Require federally funded birth control clinics to provide information on the benefits of marriage and the skills needed to develop stable families to interested low-income clients. 2) Reduce anti-marriage penalties in means-tested welfare programs. 3) Promote life-goal-planning, marriage-strengthening, and divorce-reduction programs to increase healthy marriages and reduce divorce and separation.
  • 16. The Family & Religion Initiative is one of 10 Transformational Initiatives making up The Heritage Foundation’s Leadership for America campaign. For more products and information related to this initiative or to learn more about the Leadership for America campaign, please visit The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institution—a think tank—whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited gov- ernment, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. Our vision is to build an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society flourish. As conservatives, we believe the values and ideas that motivated our Founding Fathers are worth conserving. As policy entrepreneurs, we believe the most effective solutions are consistent with those ideas and values. 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE • Washington, D.C. 20002 • (202) 546-4400 •