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Marketing video games 
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I. Video marketing content for you! 
The bedrock of any video game or console launch is its marketing. 
Only with an eye-catching campaign and memorable messages can any 
games blockbuster hope to draw in the millions of consumers required to 
make it a success. 
But the days of just targeting gamers through specialist channels are 
long gone. It’s a new world, one of trailers that are broadcast through 
everything from console dashboards to online banner ads. A world of 
constant conversation with avid fans and uninformed consumers alike 
through social media. A world of following potential customers 
throughout their daily lives – at work, at home and in transit – via 
mobile apps, billboards and coverwraps on freesheets. 
In such a diverse, crowded and at times confusing market, the best 
marketing practices have evolved beyond anything we could have 
predicted even five years ago. With that in mind, MCV looks at the most 
crucial truths behind the art of marketing games today. 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 1
The entire landscape of video games marketing has changed. 
No longer are promotions centred around games magazines and shops, 
nor are they only about selling titles. Now they are about ‘engagement’ – 
and not just promoting big reveals, but establishing a constant presence 
in consumers’ lives. 
“We’ve completed the transition from push to pull marketing, from a 
one-way broadcast to a two-way conversation around content,” says 
marketing firm An.x MD Jon Sloan. 
“We’re at a point where even well-designed and well-positioned ads that 
extort the consumer to ‘buy now’, however subtly done, are not effective 
Bruce Kennedy, creative director at design agency Kennedy Monk, 
adds: “Where once the salesman set his stall up in your street, now he’s 
in your house and he knows a lot about you. In the case of mobile, he’s 
constantly by your side. So it’s our job to understand the customer even 
more personally than ever, so the ‘visitors’ we send into this very 
personal digital space are charming, attractive and most of all, 
"Companies are beating their brains 
out to keep abreast with changing 
trends in consumer tastes." 
Katie Rawlings, Gem Creative 
This has been made possible by the widespread adoption of smartphones 
and tablets, meaning consumers are never away from a screen and a 
potential canvas for advertising. 
“According to IGN research, over 75 per cent of their audience are 
smartphone owners, with gamers over-indexing for tablet ownership and 
it is this sort of insight which is really shifting attitudes of marketers 
within the sector,” says Nick Shadbolt, account director at mobile ad 
specialists Candyspace. 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 2
“A trend we’re seeing a lot of is publishers starting to use mobile to 
integrate various channels. For example, using QR codes and augmented 
reality – such as Blippar – mobile search and SMS to ‘activate’ press 
and outdoor ads.” 
In the early days of the internet, web ads were merely digital replications 
of those found in magazines and newspapers: colourful but static 
imagery with basic information, albeit with a link that leads to an 
appropriate website. 
But the possibilities have grown faster than anyone could have expected 
and marketing firms are racing to keep up with new ways they can use 
space on websites. 
Gem Creative’s head of marketing Katie Rawlings says: “While online 
advertising began in the form of banner ads on websites, it has now 
taken the forms of viral videos, blogging, promotional campaigns on 
social networks and forums. Agencies and publishers are beating their 
brains out to keep themselves abreast with the changing trends in 
consumer needs and tastes.” 
Even download games have transformed online advertising. With more 
and more consumers buying download games, marketers can follow 
potential customers from announcement right up to the point of purchase 
through the same online ad channels. 
And that’s without taking into account the opportunities afforded by the 
now-established social networks such as Twitter and Facebook (see 
‘Social Skills’, below). 
“Digital routes to market which were in their infancy five years ago have 
now developed and matured,” says Lu Digweed, marketing and PR boss 
at ads and packaging firm Fluid. 
“One-to-one marketing via granular channels such as Facebook, or the 
explosion of DLC mean companies know exactly what consumers want. 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 3
Clients are increasingly looking to combine the huge reach of, say, TV 
with the very personalised approach of Twitter and Facebook.” 
Companies have embraced the relatively new strategy of raising 
awareness of a retail release through the creation of original, separate 
content in addition to traditional advertising. 
For example, Microsoft built up to the launch of Halo 4 with the popular 
Forward Unto Dawn webseries, which racked up 5m views per episode. 
That show exists largely to promote the new Halo, and yet few 
consumers would identify it as an ad. 
Ubisoft had similar success with its Far Cry Experience, a webseries that 
drew in 500,000 people per episode. Meanwhile, EA’s regular video 
show Pwned is essentially a platform for promoting new games. 
Should this content marketing activity be compelling enough, consumers 
will even share it with their friends via social networks, further 
spreading the message in a way that is far more subtle than any 
homepage takeover. 
There are even opportunities in marketing around content that 
consumers have created, such as regular video shows and podcasts. 
“For gaming the biggest game changer in recent years has been the 
massive increase in YouTube sites,” says PR agency Indigo Pearl’s 
director Caroline Miller. 
“Videos from Yogscast tend to get over 1m views, 3.7m subscribers on 
the main channel, and its front page is amongst the biggest channel 
pages in the world. Approached correctly these outlets can show a 
tremendous benefit for brands.” 
The proliferation of consumers on social networks and other online 
forums means that marketing firms and publishers can constantly 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 4
compile information on what their fans want, helping to dictate the 
direction of future campaigns. 
“The internet has proved to be a reliable source for gathering data,” says 
Gem’s Rawlings. “Anyone can research the target market through 
surveys, polls, and focus groups via online media. This has enabled the 
consumers to contribute in the decisions pertaining to product offering 
thus enhancing sales.” 
"Where once the salesman set his 
stall up in your street, now he’s in your 
house and knows a lot about you." 
Bruce Kennedy, Kennedy Monk 
An.x’s Jon Sloan adds: “Where we are both blessed and cursed now, 
especially in the digital sphere, is in the availability of data, data and 
more data. 
“Previously, customer insights came in fairly limited ways: internal sales 
reports or POS data, consumer behaviour reports, focus testing. Now 
marketers can access a huge range of real-time data but are, at the same 
time, bombarded by it. So, the difficulty arises in how to sift through it 
to gain useful, actionable insights.” 
Much like the viral spread of content marketing, consumer opinions can 
be another form of marketing in itself – albeit one that firms have no 
direct control over. 
Metacritic reviews, opinions aired via Twitter, forum discussions; all of 
these are keeping games at the forefront of the public mind. 
“Word of mouth has always been the Holy Grail of marketing and PR,” 
says Indigo Pearl’s Miller. “This is now much easier to ignite due to 
Twitter and social bookmarking, and of course the feedback from these 
outlets can be crunched in to data that allows brands to improve their 
product and messaging.” 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 5
But Lick Creative’s creative director Dan Bacon adds that this comes 
with a price: “Brands now find themselves in a world of high 
accountability, with reviews and user posts acting as benchmarks that 
additional consumers will judge. 
“Whether we like it or not, user driven information is becoming more 
and more what other consumers use to make decisions and marketing 
teams need to adapt their processes accordingly. “We need to accept that 
we are maybe no longer in charge of a brand’s image to the same 
Marketing campaigns can’t follow a cookie-cutter structure. 
What works for one release won’t necessarily be as effective for another. 
Every promotion must be planned from the ground up. 
“There’s no magic formula,” says Game Room’s managing partner Lau 
“Strategies and channels will vary in effectiveness, so planning a proper 
launch strategy is essential to determine the right choices. 
“You have to ask yourself is this a new IP or the latest installment of a 
successful franchise? Do you need to attract new fans or re-engage with 
an existing community? Who are your target audience? Where do they 
consume content? What’s your budget?” 
"We need to accept that we are 
maybe no longer in charge of a 
brand’s image to the same extent." 
Dan Bacon, Lick Creative 
An.x’s Jon Sloan urges publishers to stray away from the usual multi-staged 
game reveals, perhaps announcing future plans so fans have 
something to look forward to. 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 6
“Instead of planning the standard teaser, announcement, and launch 
videos, you could plan a web series against a more frequent calendar,” 
he says. 
“Make sure your audience knows when your new content is coming: 
they’ll look forward to it and be more likely to share that content around 
their own networks.” 
A crucial decision in any marketing campaign is how long your activity 
will run for. 
Blockbusters like Call of Duty and FIFA will often be persistently 
promoted from announcement to launch and beyond, with POS calling 
for pre-orders as early as six months before release. Meanwhile smaller 
or newer properties will concentrate their activity around release. 
“Campaigns where we have engaged earlier as part of a long-tail 
strategy have resulted in better pre-orders,” says marketing agency SJS 
London’s client and planning director Rachel Norman. “This then allows 
us to develop short-term tactical strategies that can concentrate on more 
direct calls to action, rather than trying to squeeze a narrative into 
limited channels or timeframes.” 
Lick’s Bacon says: “With short-term campaigns, it remains the 
marketing team’s responsibility to monitor and adapt to the shifts in 
media and communication channels. 
“However, long-term requires a complete business shift into 
accommodating media and the role in which it plays in our everyday 
lives. It is no longer good enough to have scheduled campaigns. 
“We now need to have continuous dialogue with our consumers.They 
are growing more demanding and it is only those that fulfil those 
demands that will flourish.” 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 7
As video games have become a more widely accepted form of 
entertainment, their competition for consumer spending has increased. 
Not only are publishers trying to secure more sales than their rivals, 
they’re also competing with films, home entertainment releases, 
smartphones, tablets and other consumer electronics, and a myriad of 
alternative luxury items. 
“There’s no guarantee of cut-through,” says marketing firm Studio CO2 
director Steve Cross. “You have to be aware what else is going on at the 
same time, not just in gaming, look at the big picture, and make sure that 
your campaign is true to the product.” 
Uber’s Benjamin adds: “It’s certainly noisy out there but a lot of it is 
simply an annoying cacophony. To stand out from that you need clarity, 
intrigue and a reason to exist. 
“Gamers are an emotive, passionate and loyal bunch. So tap into their 
emotions, tell a story, try and give your campaign a narrative and 
“Marketing and feelings seem like uneasy bed-fellows but if a campaign 
can be delivered with an element of heart and, dare I say it, soul, then 
you’re already on track to capture the emotions of your target.” 
II. Video marketing tips 
#1: Make your title count 
Just like a headline to a blog post, 
video titles can pull powerful 
traffic. There are two main reasons 
why the title is so important. One, 
a great title can instantly grab a 
viewer’s attention. 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 8
Two, when you use the appropriate keywords in your title, you are more 
likely to show up on search engines when people are searching for your 
topic. And remember Google owns YouTube, so there’s a story 
connection between video and searching. 
#2: Provide excellent content 
Take some time to think about your ideal viewer. What do you know 
that they’ll find valuable? What can you teach them? “How-to” videos 
are extremely successful because not only do they offer great value to 
your viewer, but also you’re able to showcase your knowledge and skill, 
thus positioning yourself as an expert. This is key as you continue to 
grow your brand. 
#3: Include your URL in your video 
When you edit your video, take advantage of the different editing 
features. One easy feature is to add a text box to your video. This is 
where you can display your website address and it’s a great way to get 
Here’s a screen shot of Mari Smith’s YouTube channel. Notice how she 
used a text box in her video to display key information, including her 
website URL at the end of her video. Smart move! 
#4: Take advantage of video’s branding opportunities 
For branding purposes, have your company logo displayed prominently 
somewhere on the screen. You can do this at all times, or during key 
times in your video. 
In the image below, notice how the company logo is displayed in the 
upper-left corner. You can display your logo throughout your video or 
only at key times. 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 9
#5: Always provide an HTML link 
When you post on YouTube, you have the option to write a short 
description of your video. Always start with the link you want to drive 
your viewers to so you don’t miss this key opportunity. 
Here’s a snapshot of the description boxes from one of my YouTube 
videos. Notice the placement of my website URL (it’s the first thing 
you want to put in the box!) and the keywords I used in my title as well 
as the description. 
#6: Go beyond YouTube 
Most people post their videos on YouTube. In addition to this, make 
sure to always embed your video on your own website. This will 
increase the amount of time people spend on your website and help grow 
a captive audience. 
Also, Google’s algorithms consider how many times a video is viewed, 
and embedded video views you receive get added to the ‘views’ tally on 
YouTube. This is important for showing up in Google search results! 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 10
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 11

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Marketing video games

  • 1. Marketing video games In this file, you can ref free useful materials about marketing video games and other materials for video marketing such as video marketing tips, video marketing tools, video marketing sites. If you need top free materials below, please visit: · Top 21 tips for video marketing · Top 31 sites to upload your videos · Top free 7 tools for video marketing I. Video marketing content for you! The bedrock of any video game or console launch is its marketing. Only with an eye-catching campaign and memorable messages can any games blockbuster hope to draw in the millions of consumers required to make it a success. But the days of just targeting gamers through specialist channels are long gone. It’s a new world, one of trailers that are broadcast through everything from console dashboards to online banner ads. A world of constant conversation with avid fans and uninformed consumers alike through social media. A world of following potential customers throughout their daily lives – at work, at home and in transit – via mobile apps, billboards and coverwraps on freesheets. In such a diverse, crowded and at times confusing market, the best marketing practices have evolved beyond anything we could have predicted even five years ago. With that in mind, MCV looks at the most crucial truths behind the art of marketing games today. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 1
  • 2. RULE 1: YOU MUST BE EVERYWHERE The entire landscape of video games marketing has changed. No longer are promotions centred around games magazines and shops, nor are they only about selling titles. Now they are about ‘engagement’ – and not just promoting big reveals, but establishing a constant presence in consumers’ lives. “We’ve completed the transition from push to pull marketing, from a one-way broadcast to a two-way conversation around content,” says marketing firm An.x MD Jon Sloan. “We’re at a point where even well-designed and well-positioned ads that extort the consumer to ‘buy now’, however subtly done, are not effective anymore.” Bruce Kennedy, creative director at design agency Kennedy Monk, adds: “Where once the salesman set his stall up in your street, now he’s in your house and he knows a lot about you. In the case of mobile, he’s constantly by your side. So it’s our job to understand the customer even more personally than ever, so the ‘visitors’ we send into this very personal digital space are charming, attractive and most of all, welcome.” "Companies are beating their brains out to keep abreast with changing trends in consumer tastes." Katie Rawlings, Gem Creative This has been made possible by the widespread adoption of smartphones and tablets, meaning consumers are never away from a screen and a potential canvas for advertising. “According to IGN research, over 75 per cent of their audience are smartphone owners, with gamers over-indexing for tablet ownership and it is this sort of insight which is really shifting attitudes of marketers within the sector,” says Nick Shadbolt, account director at mobile ad specialists Candyspace. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 2
  • 3. “A trend we’re seeing a lot of is publishers starting to use mobile to integrate various channels. For example, using QR codes and augmented reality – such as Blippar – mobile search and SMS to ‘activate’ press and outdoor ads.” RULE 2: ONLINE ADS ARE MORE ACTIVE In the early days of the internet, web ads were merely digital replications of those found in magazines and newspapers: colourful but static imagery with basic information, albeit with a link that leads to an appropriate website. But the possibilities have grown faster than anyone could have expected and marketing firms are racing to keep up with new ways they can use space on websites. Gem Creative’s head of marketing Katie Rawlings says: “While online advertising began in the form of banner ads on websites, it has now taken the forms of viral videos, blogging, promotional campaigns on social networks and forums. Agencies and publishers are beating their brains out to keep themselves abreast with the changing trends in consumer needs and tastes.” Even download games have transformed online advertising. With more and more consumers buying download games, marketers can follow potential customers from announcement right up to the point of purchase through the same online ad channels. And that’s without taking into account the opportunities afforded by the now-established social networks such as Twitter and Facebook (see ‘Social Skills’, below). “Digital routes to market which were in their infancy five years ago have now developed and matured,” says Lu Digweed, marketing and PR boss at ads and packaging firm Fluid. “One-to-one marketing via granular channels such as Facebook, or the explosion of DLC mean companies know exactly what consumers want. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 3
  • 4. Clients are increasingly looking to combine the huge reach of, say, TV with the very personalised approach of Twitter and Facebook.” RULE 3: CONSIDER CONTENT MARKETING Companies have embraced the relatively new strategy of raising awareness of a retail release through the creation of original, separate content in addition to traditional advertising. For example, Microsoft built up to the launch of Halo 4 with the popular Forward Unto Dawn webseries, which racked up 5m views per episode. That show exists largely to promote the new Halo, and yet few consumers would identify it as an ad. Ubisoft had similar success with its Far Cry Experience, a webseries that drew in 500,000 people per episode. Meanwhile, EA’s regular video show Pwned is essentially a platform for promoting new games. Should this content marketing activity be compelling enough, consumers will even share it with their friends via social networks, further spreading the message in a way that is far more subtle than any homepage takeover. There are even opportunities in marketing around content that consumers have created, such as regular video shows and podcasts. “For gaming the biggest game changer in recent years has been the massive increase in YouTube sites,” says PR agency Indigo Pearl’s director Caroline Miller. “Videos from Yogscast tend to get over 1m views, 3.7m subscribers on the main channel, and its front page is amongst the biggest channel pages in the world. Approached correctly these outlets can show a tremendous benefit for brands.” RULE 4: RESEARCH YOUR AUDIENCE The proliferation of consumers on social networks and other online forums means that marketing firms and publishers can constantly Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 4
  • 5. compile information on what their fans want, helping to dictate the direction of future campaigns. “The internet has proved to be a reliable source for gathering data,” says Gem’s Rawlings. “Anyone can research the target market through surveys, polls, and focus groups via online media. This has enabled the consumers to contribute in the decisions pertaining to product offering thus enhancing sales.” "Where once the salesman set his stall up in your street, now he’s in your house and knows a lot about you." Bruce Kennedy, Kennedy Monk An.x’s Jon Sloan adds: “Where we are both blessed and cursed now, especially in the digital sphere, is in the availability of data, data and more data. “Previously, customer insights came in fairly limited ways: internal sales reports or POS data, consumer behaviour reports, focus testing. Now marketers can access a huge range of real-time data but are, at the same time, bombarded by it. So, the difficulty arises in how to sift through it to gain useful, actionable insights.” RULE 5: SPREADING THE WORD Much like the viral spread of content marketing, consumer opinions can be another form of marketing in itself – albeit one that firms have no direct control over. Metacritic reviews, opinions aired via Twitter, forum discussions; all of these are keeping games at the forefront of the public mind. “Word of mouth has always been the Holy Grail of marketing and PR,” says Indigo Pearl’s Miller. “This is now much easier to ignite due to Twitter and social bookmarking, and of course the feedback from these outlets can be crunched in to data that allows brands to improve their product and messaging.” Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 5
  • 6. But Lick Creative’s creative director Dan Bacon adds that this comes with a price: “Brands now find themselves in a world of high accountability, with reviews and user posts acting as benchmarks that additional consumers will judge. “Whether we like it or not, user driven information is becoming more and more what other consumers use to make decisions and marketing teams need to adapt their processes accordingly. “We need to accept that we are maybe no longer in charge of a brand’s image to the same extent.” RULE 6: PLAN YOUR STRATEGY Marketing campaigns can’t follow a cookie-cutter structure. What works for one release won’t necessarily be as effective for another. Every promotion must be planned from the ground up. “There’s no magic formula,” says Game Room’s managing partner Lau Glendinning. “Strategies and channels will vary in effectiveness, so planning a proper launch strategy is essential to determine the right choices. “You have to ask yourself is this a new IP or the latest installment of a successful franchise? Do you need to attract new fans or re-engage with an existing community? Who are your target audience? Where do they consume content? What’s your budget?” "We need to accept that we are maybe no longer in charge of a brand’s image to the same extent." Dan Bacon, Lick Creative An.x’s Jon Sloan urges publishers to stray away from the usual multi-staged game reveals, perhaps announcing future plans so fans have something to look forward to. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 6
  • 7. “Instead of planning the standard teaser, announcement, and launch videos, you could plan a web series against a more frequent calendar,” he says. “Make sure your audience knows when your new content is coming: they’ll look forward to it and be more likely to share that content around their own networks.” RULE 7: LONG-TERM VS SHORT-TERM A crucial decision in any marketing campaign is how long your activity will run for. Blockbusters like Call of Duty and FIFA will often be persistently promoted from announcement to launch and beyond, with POS calling for pre-orders as early as six months before release. Meanwhile smaller or newer properties will concentrate their activity around release. “Campaigns where we have engaged earlier as part of a long-tail strategy have resulted in better pre-orders,” says marketing agency SJS London’s client and planning director Rachel Norman. “This then allows us to develop short-term tactical strategies that can concentrate on more direct calls to action, rather than trying to squeeze a narrative into limited channels or timeframes.” Lick’s Bacon says: “With short-term campaigns, it remains the marketing team’s responsibility to monitor and adapt to the shifts in media and communication channels. “However, long-term requires a complete business shift into accommodating media and the role in which it plays in our everyday lives. It is no longer good enough to have scheduled campaigns. “We now need to have continuous dialogue with our consumers.They are growing more demanding and it is only those that fulfil those demands that will flourish.” RULE 8: STRIVE TO STAND OUT Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 7
  • 8. As video games have become a more widely accepted form of entertainment, their competition for consumer spending has increased. Not only are publishers trying to secure more sales than their rivals, they’re also competing with films, home entertainment releases, smartphones, tablets and other consumer electronics, and a myriad of alternative luxury items. “There’s no guarantee of cut-through,” says marketing firm Studio CO2 director Steve Cross. “You have to be aware what else is going on at the same time, not just in gaming, look at the big picture, and make sure that your campaign is true to the product.” Uber’s Benjamin adds: “It’s certainly noisy out there but a lot of it is simply an annoying cacophony. To stand out from that you need clarity, intrigue and a reason to exist. “Gamers are an emotive, passionate and loyal bunch. So tap into their emotions, tell a story, try and give your campaign a narrative and purpose. “Marketing and feelings seem like uneasy bed-fellows but if a campaign can be delivered with an element of heart and, dare I say it, soul, then you’re already on track to capture the emotions of your target.” II. Video marketing tips #1: Make your title count Just like a headline to a blog post, video titles can pull powerful traffic. There are two main reasons why the title is so important. One, a great title can instantly grab a viewer’s attention. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 8
  • 9. Two, when you use the appropriate keywords in your title, you are more likely to show up on search engines when people are searching for your topic. And remember Google owns YouTube, so there’s a story connection between video and searching. #2: Provide excellent content Take some time to think about your ideal viewer. What do you know that they’ll find valuable? What can you teach them? “How-to” videos are extremely successful because not only do they offer great value to your viewer, but also you’re able to showcase your knowledge and skill, thus positioning yourself as an expert. This is key as you continue to grow your brand. #3: Include your URL in your video When you edit your video, take advantage of the different editing features. One easy feature is to add a text box to your video. This is where you can display your website address and it’s a great way to get exposure. Here’s a screen shot of Mari Smith’s YouTube channel. Notice how she used a text box in her video to display key information, including her website URL at the end of her video. Smart move! #4: Take advantage of video’s branding opportunities For branding purposes, have your company logo displayed prominently somewhere on the screen. You can do this at all times, or during key times in your video. In the image below, notice how the company logo is displayed in the upper-left corner. You can display your logo throughout your video or only at key times. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 9
  • 10. #5: Always provide an HTML link When you post on YouTube, you have the option to write a short description of your video. Always start with the link you want to drive your viewers to so you don’t miss this key opportunity. Here’s a snapshot of the description boxes from one of my YouTube videos. Notice the placement of my website URL (it’s the first thing you want to put in the box!) and the keywords I used in my title as well as the description. #6: Go beyond YouTube Most people post their videos on YouTube. In addition to this, make sure to always embed your video on your own website. This will increase the amount of time people spend on your website and help grow a captive audience. Also, Google’s algorithms consider how many times a video is viewed, and embedded video views you receive get added to the ‘views’ tally on YouTube. This is important for showing up in Google search results! Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 10
  • 11. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 11