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Mark Lubeck
17 years of user centered design
Process and Results
Simplify users’ lives
Work history
Network security 2 years
Storage networks 6 years
Remote PC repair 2 years
Instructor / consultant 5 years
Internet encryption 2 years
User centered design process
1. User research
2. User types and personas
3. User stories and storyboards
4. Technology research
5. Task analysis and user flows
6. Wireframes and informal usability testing
7. Prototypes and formal usability testing
8. Specifications and collaboration with engineering & QA.
The next pages sample main points in my process
Research methods
There is nothing like being there
1. Ethnographic Studies
Contextual inquiry
2. Interviews & Observations
Their site
My site
3. Usability Testing
Released Apps & Web Sites
Alpha & Beta Testing
Wireframes & Prototypes
Web conference
Small groups
Mouse Infestation
Charlotte, NC - 911
Fallbrook, CA- 911
Newport Beach, CA- 911
Annual user advisory board meetings
1. Real users of different types & companies
3. They share their pain
4. They ask for features & enhancements
5. Engineering estimates development costs
6. Users “spend” their inadequate budgets
7. Valuable insights drive design choices
8. A day of hard work surrounded by food & fun
9. Build relationships
10. Consult with them throughout the year
User types and personas
1. Security Admin
2. Security Technician
3. Cisco Installer
4. VAR Sales Staff
5. VAR Service Staff
6. Small Office Staff
7. SAN Administrator
8. SAN Technician
9. Storage Admin
10. Storage Tech
11. Web/IT Admin
12. SMB Owner
13. SMB Office Admin
14. Repair Tech
15. Consumer/Employee
16. Retail Associate
17. Tech Team Lead
18. Tech Manager
19. System Admin
20. Customer’s Admin
21. Marketing
22. Executive
Human Factors Intl.
23. 23 other user types
AdminExecutive Marketing
Repair Tech Consumer Retail Staff
System Admin Tech Manager Tech Team Lead
Generate user stories and storyboards
Creating user stories and storyboards helps all
stakeholders, inside and outside the design
team, reach a consensus about the real world
conditions they are designing for.
They provide a common and practical
understanding of how users will use the
feature, in the context of their whole job.
They are tools to guide the ongoing design
decision process.
Technologies studied
1. Network Security
2. Firewalls
3. Encryption
4. Data Networks
5. Storage Management
6. Zoning
7. Fibre Channel
8. iSCSI
10. Network Discovery
To best serve users, I study the capabilities of the application platform and the
managed technology. Know how it works & what it can do.
11. SNMP
12. Switching
13. Routing
14. Load Balancing
15. Host Bus Adapters
16. Web platforms
17. HTML, CSS, JavaScript
18. Windows platforms
19. Policy Engines
20. …
Task analysis & allocation
Current Task Flow
1. Discover
2. Document
3. Analyze
New Task Flow
1. Simplify
2. Assign tasks to the system
3. Confirm with users & stakeholders
Validate and iterate with users and stakeholders
Interactive prototypes
Validate and iterate with users and stakeholders
Illustrated UI specifications
Work with Engineering & QA on implementation & testing.
End of introduction to my UCD process samples
Work samples
1. Improve mobile UX
2. Display throughput on the network map
3. Manage various storage brands
4. Plan security management
5. Repair enterprise & consumer PCs remotely
6. Wire a giant switch guided by an audio interface
7. Cross-sell to SSL managers on web applications
The next pages show small samples from these projects:
Sample project # 1
Heuristic review of streaming mobile app
1. Business Goals
1. Fundraiser for a non-profit foundation
2. Grow adoption of free trial & paid conversion
2. Market Segment
Lovers of Indian classical music and meditators
3. Technologies
Streaming music and lectures for mobile devices
Avoid shocking the trial user
Problem: I thought I was
signing up for a 14-day FREE
trial. But no mention of that
here at the top of the page.
And they want my credit card!
Recommendation: Consider
doing at the top what we do
below. Make it clear that the
trial is FREE while at the same
time letting the user know
what the eventual cost might
If only one item in sub-menu, go direct to content.
Problem: We make the user process unnecessary screens and take
unnecessary actions when there is only one choice on the sub-menu.
Recommendation: Save users a step by not showing a sub-menu with only one
choice: i.e., when users select Rain Melody on the main menu, display the last
screen and play the music.
Encourage exploration. Keep the music playing.
Problem: Our users want to hear the music or lecture, but we stop the music if
the user starts to browse the Playlist.
Recommendation: Only stop the music when another sound is selected.
Videos need an audio-only option.
Problem1: The lectures’ contents are
excellent but a small talking head is not very
Problem 2: When the video is running all the
controls can get hit inadvertently,
interrupting the talk. Yet, switching off the
video turns off the audio as well.
Recommendation: Do for video what we do
for audio. Let the user turn off the screen
and continue to listen to the sound track.
This makes the content useful and available
in many more user contexts.
18End of mobile app review samples
Sample project #2
Display network performance
1. Business Goals
a. Increase the value of the network map
b. Make the map a stronger sales differentiator
2. Market Segment
Enterprise and mid-market data centers
3. Technologies
Fibre channel port performance discovery
Home grown Java map graphics
4. Challenges
Present a lot of data without cluttering the map
Display throughput on the network map
1. Our network map was
very popular with our
2. Easy to scan.
3. Mouse over highlighted
4. David Hamilton, Louis
Arquie, and I researched
all the dimensions we
could use to indicate
how busy each
connection is.
Monitor traffic with animated “Marching Ants”
We determined that an animated display
that varied the following properties
could enable users to quickly see where
the hot and cold spots were:
1. Line Color
2. Segment length
3. Segment speed
4. Separate line for each direction
Patent Awarded
Port Performance View
1. This animated
performance display
became a top sales
differentiator. It was
the most commonly
purchased module.
2. It enabled users to
graphically explain
their network
functions to
executives and
3. It aided in network
troubleshooting and
Performance graphs
1. Right-click on a connection
or device to drill-down to
performance data
2. Data on all switch ports
3. Select a historical period
and see the histogram for
the period
4. Drill down to individual
LUN performance.
Device Port Performance
Historical & Histogram
Designed in collaboration with David Hamilton
LUN Performance
iSCSI for NetApp required a new solution
My solution
Port performance arrows
1. The NetApp team loved the
“Marching Ants” display of fibre
channel traffic.
a. We discover and display every device,
port, link and all throughput.
2. However, marching ants would be
misleading in the iSCSI context.
a. We could not discover and display the
traffic on every connection.
Display congestion, a performance nightmare
1. When the network goes
bump in the night, how
are you going to know
what happened?
2. Was it network
3. My congestion display
design let admins trace
back behavior over time
to troubleshoot the
a. Type
b. Cause
c. Historical progress
25End of network performance samples
Sample project # 3
Multi-brand storage configuration
1. Business Goal
Build product value by managing many storage brands
2. Market Segment
Enterprise and mid-market data centers
3. Technologies
Storage vendor APIs
4. Challenges
Each brand has its own configuration requirements
Discovery process & results
Team Lead
I lead the discovery process with our new team of:
1 Product Manager
4 Developers
1 Tester
1 Writer
1. Our customers all own and configure 2 or 3 brands of storage.
2. Some tasks are universal across brands.
3. Each vendor has some unique requirements.
4. The different user experiences slow users down and lead to mistakes.
5. Verifying host / LUN connectivity is difficult.
Reuse an existing design pattern
1. Zoning already
implemented an
“accumulator” design for
complex multi-assignment.
2. Fiber channel Zoning is a
crucial & frequent task.
3. Our expert users use our
tool for a few hours a day.
Help users & developers with existing design patterns.
Zoning X
EMC, HDS, IBM & then NetApp
LUN Management
1. Select a storage device.
2. View storage LUNs & free
space by whole device or
internal array.
3. See hosts, host ports & their
LUN assignments.
4. Create & assign LUNs to
1. A very efficient tool.
2. Originally built for EMC, IBM
& HDS devices.
3. Became a “Must Have” for
This accumulator pattern fit the storage flow well.
Innovative navigation saves steps
Move a LUN to a host port
1. This is a universal task
across vendors.
2. A customized dialog
appears to set vendor-
specific settings.
3. OK button completes the
fully configured LUN
We dramatically reduced
the number of steps
required to complete the
I added one major modification.
Troubleshoot host / LUN connectivity
1. Confirm that a host can
actually see its LUNs.
2. Find LUNs that are seen by
the wrong hosts.
3. Determine the causes.
1. We already gather data from
hosts, switches & storage
2. Display the relevant
configurations in one table.
3. Highlight “Errors”.
I simplified a complex task and
earned a valuable patent.
A difficult task requiring storage, switch and host tools
Patent Awarded
Customer research revealed a special need
1. Display data paths within an IBM ESS.
2. Display existing LUN assignments for up to 3 hosts.
3. Make additional LUN assignments given internal:
a. Data traffic paths
b. Distribution of LUNs across all drives
One big customer had unique requirements
$1,000,000+ sale to a very happy customer
Animated Internal View
1. Displays array utilization.
2. Displays up to 3 hosts at a
time, the distribution of their
LUNs across internal arrays,
and their redundant data
3. Hover over a host to highlight
its arrays & data paths.
4. Create & assign LUNs from
specific arrays.
I completely nailed our
customer’s requirements and
secured our first $Million+ sale.
33End of manage storage samples
Realized their dream of a highly efficient tool.
Sample project # 4
Security configuration planning
1. Business Goal
Reduce customer TCO by integrating with or replacing their
spreadsheet based planning and replication processes
2. Market Segment
Enterprise security departments
3. Technologies
Security device CLIs
Security Management applications
Excel spreadsheets
4. Challenges
Part of project requires coordination across BUs
Cisco Security Manager
Adaptive Security Device Manager
Planning is the real work!
User Research
Major banks’ data & security center admins & techs
1. Observed them using our software
2. One-on-one video recorded interviews
1. Users plan all their changes in controlled, peer-reviewed spreadsheets or tables
2. Plans must then be blessed by the Senior Admin
3. Only then are changes manually entered into our configuration tool!
4. Many companies place the same importance on planning work done in Excel
Support copy & paste from Excel & HTML tables into our tool!
New service integration feature
1. User would have to
make 10 entries for
each of 50 to 100
service pairs
2. Plan & configure
500 to 1,000 total
user entries
3. Most users would
generate the entries
in Excel and
manually enter in
our tool or export &
import a file.
If I designed a screen to just mirror the CLI (command line interface)
Improvement 1: Auto-generate to speed the flow
System auto-generates 11 values
2 Service-classes
2 Named interfaces
1 Service group name
2 Description (Optional)
2 Interface enabled states*
2 Interface numbers*
*Hidden from user: Only needed for back end.
User makes 1 required & 1 optional entry
Improvement 2: Bulk auto-generate
1. Copy & paste a whole set of value pairs from Excel
into our input table.
2. Faster and / or more accurate than manual data
entry or export / import.
Next Steps
1. Work with PM and Engineering to assess
a. Degree of usability improvement
b. Expected adoption rate
c. Competitive advantage
d. Cost of development & testing
2. Decide if the benefits justify the costs
Image management for bulk configuration
1. The design process for a suite of
new application designs.
2. I collaborated with the Bangalore
engineering team while on site.
3. We worked with all stakeholders to
evolve the design.
4. In this example the user will create,
store, copy, and install bundled
configuration images across
network firewall devices.
Planning the roll-out of changes to multiple devices.
Engineering’s 1st design
My more user friendly version
End of plan security samples
Project # 5
Remote PC repair via the internet
1. Business Goal
Vast opportunity in direct to consumer and indirect through partners
Build a more efficient infrastructure to reduce cost of sales, diagnostics and repairs
2. Market Segment
Consumers, Retail partners, Online partners
3. Technologies
Direct connection between tech and customer: repair will not depend on central server
SaaS infrastructure for business processes
4. Challenges
Many systems must be redesigned, built and integrated
Repair speed, accuracy and success rates must improve dramatically to meet the price point
Goal: Service infrastructure for 9 personas
Web Chat Website
Offline Voice
Repair Tools
Retail Associate
Retail Order
Order Tracking
Vendor Website
Executive Marketing System Admin Tech Manager Tech Team Lead
Order Tracking
Retail Website
Repair Tech
User research
Hotel Chain
Call center
Internet Service Provider
On-site visits, observations and 1-on-1 interviews
Discovering the new flow
Heuristic review of the new flow on legacy tools
1. Very slow response time.
2. Repair tech must visit up to 14
screens to finish a call.
3. Some views contain only 1
useful control or data item.
4. All contain some useless data
or controls.
5. Many require scrolling to
important data & controls.
6. If the user fails to wait for the
page to fully paint the record
“breaks”, requiring much time
and effort to recover.
New web tool design
1. One-page technician workspace
2. Sales, tickets & connections
3. The technician does not have to wait for multiple
screens to load
4. The controls are laid out in task flow order,
saving time and mental work
1. Dramatic rise in productivity
2. Office Depot became our largest single revenue
3. Office Depot success would not have been
possible without this more efficient tool!
Visio prototype that was fully realized in production.
Collaboration of Mark Lubeck & Subroto Bagh.
Collaborate with Bangalore on next product
Daily wireframes exchanged with notes & suggestions Daily notes
Next generation tech UI design
Increased integration
1. Sell, ticket, connect,
diagnose & repair
2. Direct input into the
ticketing system
without leaving the
remote screen
3. Highly efficient repair
4. Up to 8 simultaneous
remote sessions
Mark designed and prototyped in
collaboration with Bangalore & then
Subroto Bagh photoshopped.
Ticketing & multi-session, remote diagnostics & repair.
Remote screen view
Productivity again
jumps dramatically.
“Absolutely the best
repair tools I have
ever used with any
company I have ever
worked for!”
Experienced technician
months after these tools were
Mark designed and prototyped in
collaboration with Bangalore & then
Subroto Bagh photoshopped.
Still supports ticket updates, chat and tool access.
Service Delivery Management System
Comprehensive work order
fulfillment and tracking
1. Work Order Status page
which surfaces all open work
orders for a particular store
2. Work Order Request page
which allows an Associate to
request fulfillment of a
purchased SKU
3. Work Order Details page
which itemizes both work
order and SKU-level details
for each customer
4. With this tool Office Depot
became our biggest customer,
out-performing all of our
Fortune 500 customers.
SaaS infrastructure designs
Add a New Partner
1. Service Plan
2. Contact Info
3. Credentials
4. URL
5. Branding
6. Languages
7. Toolsets
Collaboration: UX + Art + Documentation
Iteration issues
1. Passive voice.
2. Distinguish status with
3. Single line headers?
4. Readability of white on
red background.
Next iteration issues
1. Lost color coding and
order of summary results.
2. Still passive voice!
51End of remote PC repair samples
Project # 6
Handheld audio interface
1. Business Goals
Supply the market demand for larger switches at lower cost
Wire many modules together into a single, large director
2. Market Segment
Enterprise data center
3. Technologies
Precision flexible cables
New firmware design
Early mobile devices
4. Challenges
Narrow, noisy, poorly lit machine room aisles and racks
“Too many” cables and cable types
The big switch challenge
1. Wire a “soft backplane”
a. 30 modules of 4 types
b. 280 cables of 8 types
2. Test & troubleshoot
1. Sales & service engineers
2. Factory workers
1. Data center rack aisle
2. Factory floor
First engineering UX
1. An un-usable scrolling list with
irrelevant data.
2. Useful for engineering planning
but not for wiring.
3. The data center rack aisle
environment made a scrolling list
on a laptop impractical.
4. The user had to access both the
front and the back of the module
Mockup resembles the actual interface.
Hands-free audio UX
1. Reworked the task flow with the
firmware team
2. Simplified the cabling pattern
3. Determined optimal feedback
a. What to tell users
b. When to tell them
4. Handheld device connected to controller
5. The graphical user interface was the least
valuable part of the solution & would
mostly be ignored!
5. Audio instructions and tones in
a. One element at a time
b. In context
c. Cable type & length
d. First module and port ID
e. Second module and port ID
f. Blink module port LEDs
g. Success / Failure tones and lights
h. Auto-advance
Based on field research
End of Audio interface samples
Project #7
Web cross-sell to SSL managers
1. Business Goals
a. Increase SSL and other product sales
b. Introduce other products to SSL customers
2. Market Segment
Retail / SMB SSL managers
3. Technologies
HTML SSL management tool and retail website
4. Challenges
a. Users fear cross-sell distraction might lead to making technical mistakes
b. Banner blindness
User testing confirms banner blindness
1. Early user testing in this and other
projects showed that technical users are
focused on their primary task.
2. If anything subconsciously looks like an
ad, users gate it out of their attention.
They just do not see it.
3. Users do not attend to anything that
could be a distraction and lead them into
a technical error. The cost of past
mistakes have been painful.
Product comparison page
Research Findings
Participants focused on differentiators across the products, not on commonalities
Showing that there is a difference in the feature attracts more attention
Vary cross-sell offers by certificate type
1. Different offers for different certificate types: Vary product offerings or numbers of
2. A tactical blank space can draw more attention than content: Do not fill all the cells in a
table row.
Options page
Incorporating cross-sell information into the
right places in a certificate purchase flow is
more effective in getting attention than
displaying outside of the flow.
The brief inline option was not disruptive to
the customer experience.
1. At the bottom of the Options page,
present the cross-sell offer as another
product option.
2. The user cannot deselect.
3. Clicking Learn more will expand within
the page with a short description and
no external link.
Close the sale on the download site’s last page
Research Results
Participants were most receptive to the
cross-sell offer after they installed and
checked their certificate and felt they had
met their primary goal.
1. Redesign last page of the certificate
download site.
2. Make it clear they are done with SSL.
3. Add the cross-sell offer.
4. Link takes them into the product offer
60End of web cross-sell samples
Thank You!
Mark Lubeck

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Mark Lubeck's Work Samples

  • 1. Mark Lubeck 17 years of user centered design Process and Results Simplify users’ lives
  • 2. Work history Network security 2 years Storage networks 6 years Remote PC repair 2 years Instructor / consultant 5 years Internet encryption 2 years 2
  • 3. User centered design process 1. User research 2. User types and personas 3. User stories and storyboards 4. Technology research 5. Task analysis and user flows 6. Wireframes and informal usability testing 7. Prototypes and formal usability testing 8. Specifications and collaboration with engineering & QA. 3 The next pages sample main points in my process
  • 4. Research methods 4 There is nothing like being there 1. Ethnographic Studies Contextual inquiry 2. Interviews & Observations Their site My site Telephone Laboratory 3. Usability Testing Released Apps & Web Sites Alpha & Beta Testing Wireframes & Prototypes Paper PowerPoint Visio Web conference One-on-one Small groups HTML Axure Balsamiq Mouse Infestation Charlotte, NC - 911 Fallbrook, CA- 911 Newport Beach, CA- 911 Keyboard
  • 5. Annual user advisory board meetings 1. Real users of different types & companies 2. We LISTEN to THEM 3. They share their pain 4. They ask for features & enhancements 5. Engineering estimates development costs 6. Users “spend” their inadequate budgets 7. Valuable insights drive design choices 8. A day of hard work surrounded by food & fun 9. Build relationships 10. Consult with them throughout the year 5
  • 6. User types and personas 6 Cisco 1. Security Admin 2. Security Technician 3. Cisco Installer 4. VAR Sales Staff 5. VAR Service Staff 6. Small Office Staff McDATA 7. SAN Administrator 8. SAN Technician 9. Storage Admin 10. Storage Tech Symantec 11. Web/IT Admin 12. SMB Owner 13. SMB Office Admin SupportSoft 14. Repair Tech 15. Consumer/Employee 16. Retail Associate 17. Tech Team Lead 18. Tech Manager 19. System Admin 20. Customer’s Admin 21. Marketing 22. Executive Human Factors Intl. 23. 23 other user types AdminExecutive Marketing Repair Tech Consumer Retail Staff System Admin Tech Manager Tech Team Lead
  • 7. Generate user stories and storyboards Creating user stories and storyboards helps all stakeholders, inside and outside the design team, reach a consensus about the real world conditions they are designing for. They provide a common and practical understanding of how users will use the feature, in the context of their whole job. They are tools to guide the ongoing design decision process. 7
  • 8. Technologies studied 1. Network Security 2. Firewalls 3. Encryption 4. Data Networks 5. Storage Management 6. Zoning 7. Fibre Channel 8. iSCSI 9. TCP/IP 10. Network Discovery 8 To best serve users, I study the capabilities of the application platform and the managed technology. Know how it works & what it can do. 11. SNMP 12. Switching 13. Routing 14. Load Balancing 15. Host Bus Adapters 16. Web platforms 17. HTML, CSS, JavaScript 18. Windows platforms 19. Policy Engines 20. …
  • 9. Task analysis & allocation 9 Current Task Flow 1. Discover 2. Document 3. Analyze New Task Flow 1. Simplify 2. Assign tasks to the system 3. Confirm with users & stakeholders
  • 10. Wireframes 10 Validate and iterate with users and stakeholders
  • 11. Interactive prototypes 11 Validate and iterate with users and stakeholders
  • 12. Illustrated UI specifications 12 Work with Engineering & QA on implementation & testing. End of introduction to my UCD process samples
  • 13. Work samples 1. Improve mobile UX 2. Display throughput on the network map 3. Manage various storage brands 4. Plan security management 5. Repair enterprise & consumer PCs remotely 6. Wire a giant switch guided by an audio interface 7. Cross-sell to SSL managers on web applications 13 The next pages show small samples from these projects:
  • 14. Sample project # 1 Heuristic review of streaming mobile app 1. Business Goals 1. Fundraiser for a non-profit foundation 2. Grow adoption of free trial & paid conversion 2. Market Segment Lovers of Indian classical music and meditators 3. Technologies Streaming music and lectures for mobile devices 14
  • 15. Avoid shocking the trial user Problem: I thought I was signing up for a 14-day FREE trial. But no mention of that here at the top of the page. And they want my credit card! Recommendation: Consider doing at the top what we do below. Make it clear that the trial is FREE while at the same time letting the user know what the eventual cost might be.
  • 16. If only one item in sub-menu, go direct to content. Problem: We make the user process unnecessary screens and take unnecessary actions when there is only one choice on the sub-menu. Recommendation: Save users a step by not showing a sub-menu with only one choice: i.e., when users select Rain Melody on the main menu, display the last screen and play the music. 16
  • 17. Encourage exploration. Keep the music playing. Problem: Our users want to hear the music or lecture, but we stop the music if the user starts to browse the Playlist. Recommendation: Only stop the music when another sound is selected. 17
  • 18. Videos need an audio-only option. Problem1: The lectures’ contents are excellent but a small talking head is not very interesting. Problem 2: When the video is running all the controls can get hit inadvertently, interrupting the talk. Yet, switching off the video turns off the audio as well. Recommendation: Do for video what we do for audio. Let the user turn off the screen and continue to listen to the sound track. This makes the content useful and available in many more user contexts. 18End of mobile app review samples
  • 19. Sample project #2 Display network performance 1. Business Goals a. Increase the value of the network map b. Make the map a stronger sales differentiator 2. Market Segment Enterprise and mid-market data centers 3. Technologies Fibre channel port performance discovery Home grown Java map graphics 4. Challenges Present a lot of data without cluttering the map 19
  • 20. Display throughput on the network map 1. Our network map was very popular with our customers. 2. Easy to scan. 3. Mouse over highlighted device-to-device connections 4. David Hamilton, Louis Arquie, and I researched all the dimensions we could use to indicate how busy each connection is. 20
  • 21. Monitor traffic with animated “Marching Ants” We determined that an animated display that varied the following properties could enable users to quickly see where the hot and cold spots were: 1. Line Color 2. Segment length 3. Segment speed 4. Separate line for each direction 21 Patent Awarded
  • 22. Port Performance View 1. This animated performance display became a top sales differentiator. It was the most commonly purchased module. 2. It enabled users to graphically explain their network functions to executives and customers. 3. It aided in network troubleshooting and re-design. 22
  • 23. Performance graphs 1. Right-click on a connection or device to drill-down to performance data 2. Data on all switch ports 3. Select a historical period and see the histogram for the period 4. Drill down to individual LUN performance. 23 Device Port Performance Historical & Histogram Designed in collaboration with David Hamilton LUN Performance
  • 24. iSCSI for NetApp required a new solution 24 My solution Port performance arrows 1. The NetApp team loved the “Marching Ants” display of fibre channel traffic. a. We discover and display every device, port, link and all throughput. 2. However, marching ants would be misleading in the iSCSI context. a. We could not discover and display the traffic on every connection.
  • 25. Display congestion, a performance nightmare 1. When the network goes bump in the night, how are you going to know what happened? 2. Was it network congestion? 3. My congestion display design let admins trace back behavior over time to troubleshoot the congestion: a. Type b. Cause c. Historical progress 25End of network performance samples
  • 26. Sample project # 3 Multi-brand storage configuration 1. Business Goal Build product value by managing many storage brands 2. Market Segment Enterprise and mid-market data centers 3. Technologies Storage vendor APIs 4. Challenges Each brand has its own configuration requirements 26
  • 27. Discovery process & results Team Lead I lead the discovery process with our new team of: 1 Product Manager 4 Developers 1 Tester 1 Writer Findings 1. Our customers all own and configure 2 or 3 brands of storage. 2. Some tasks are universal across brands. 3. Each vendor has some unique requirements. 4. The different user experiences slow users down and lead to mistakes. 5. Verifying host / LUN connectivity is difficult. 27
  • 28. Reuse an existing design pattern 1. Zoning already implemented an “accumulator” design for complex multi-assignment. 2. Fiber channel Zoning is a crucial & frequent task. 3. Our expert users use our tool for a few hours a day. 28 Help users & developers with existing design patterns. Zoning X
  • 29. EMC, HDS, IBM & then NetApp LUN Management 1. Select a storage device. 2. View storage LUNs & free space by whole device or internal array. 3. See hosts, host ports & their LUN assignments. 4. Create & assign LUNs to hosts. Results 1. A very efficient tool. 2. Originally built for EMC, IBM & HDS devices. 3. Became a “Must Have” for NetApp. 29 This accumulator pattern fit the storage flow well.
  • 30. Innovative navigation saves steps Move a LUN to a host port 1. This is a universal task across vendors. 2. A customized dialog appears to set vendor- specific settings. 3. OK button completes the fully configured LUN assignment. Results We dramatically reduced the number of steps required to complete the task. 30 I added one major modification.
  • 31. Troubleshoot host / LUN connectivity Task 1. Confirm that a host can actually see its LUNs. 2. Find LUNs that are seen by the wrong hosts. 3. Determine the causes. Solution 1. We already gather data from hosts, switches & storage arrays. 2. Display the relevant configurations in one table. 3. Highlight “Errors”. Results I simplified a complex task and earned a valuable patent. 31 A difficult task requiring storage, switch and host tools Patent Awarded
  • 32. Customer research revealed a special need 1. Display data paths within an IBM ESS. 2. Display existing LUN assignments for up to 3 hosts. 3. Make additional LUN assignments given internal: a. Data traffic paths b. Distribution of LUNs across all drives 32 One big customer had unique requirements
  • 33. $1,000,000+ sale to a very happy customer Animated Internal View 1. Displays array utilization. 2. Displays up to 3 hosts at a time, the distribution of their LUNs across internal arrays, and their redundant data paths. 3. Hover over a host to highlight its arrays & data paths. 4. Create & assign LUNs from specific arrays. Results I completely nailed our customer’s requirements and secured our first $Million+ sale. 33End of manage storage samples Realized their dream of a highly efficient tool.
  • 34. Sample project # 4 Security configuration planning 1. Business Goal Reduce customer TCO by integrating with or replacing their spreadsheet based planning and replication processes 2. Market Segment Enterprise security departments 3. Technologies Security device CLIs Security Management applications Excel spreadsheets 4. Challenges Part of project requires coordination across BUs 34 Cisco Security Manager Adaptive Security Device Manager
  • 35. Planning is the real work! User Research Major banks’ data & security center admins & techs 1. Observed them using our software 2. One-on-one video recorded interviews Findings 1. Users plan all their changes in controlled, peer-reviewed spreadsheets or tables 2. Plans must then be blessed by the Senior Admin 3. Only then are changes manually entered into our configuration tool! 4. Many companies place the same importance on planning work done in Excel Recommendation Support copy & paste from Excel & HTML tables into our tool! 35
  • 36. New service integration feature 1. User would have to make 10 entries for each of 50 to 100 service pairs 2. Plan & configure 500 to 1,000 total user entries 3. Most users would generate the entries in Excel and manually enter in our tool or export & import a file. 36 If I designed a screen to just mirror the CLI (command line interface)
  • 37. Improvement 1: Auto-generate to speed the flow System auto-generates 11 values 2 Service-classes 2 Named interfaces 1 Service group name 2 Description (Optional) 2 Interface enabled states* 2 Interface numbers* *Hidden from user: Only needed for back end. 37 User makes 1 required & 1 optional entry *
  • 38. Improvement 2: Bulk auto-generate 1. Copy & paste a whole set of value pairs from Excel into our input table. 2. Faster and / or more accurate than manual data entry or export / import. Next Steps 1. Work with PM and Engineering to assess a. Degree of usability improvement b. Expected adoption rate c. Competitive advantage d. Cost of development & testing 2. Decide if the benefits justify the costs 38
  • 39. Image management for bulk configuration 1. The design process for a suite of new application designs. 2. I collaborated with the Bangalore engineering team while on site. 3. We worked with all stakeholders to evolve the design. 4. In this example the user will create, store, copy, and install bundled configuration images across network firewall devices. 39 Planning the roll-out of changes to multiple devices. Engineering’s 1st design My more user friendly version End of plan security samples
  • 40. Project # 5 Remote PC repair via the internet 1. Business Goal Vast opportunity in direct to consumer and indirect through partners Build a more efficient infrastructure to reduce cost of sales, diagnostics and repairs 2. Market Segment Consumers, Retail partners, Online partners 3. Technologies Direct connection between tech and customer: repair will not depend on central server SaaS infrastructure for business processes 4. Challenges Many systems must be redesigned, built and integrated Repair speed, accuracy and success rates must improve dramatically to meet the price point 40
  • 41. Goal: Service infrastructure for 9 personas 41 Consumer Web Chat Website Offline Voice Repair Tools Self-Service Retail Associate Retail Order Order Tracking Admin Vendor Website Executive Marketing System Admin Tech Manager Tech Team Lead Executive Marketing Order Tracking Retail Website Vendor Admin Executive Marketing Retailer Repair Tech Tickets
  • 42. User research Retail Hotel Chain Telecom Call center Bank Internet Service Provider 42 On-site visits, observations and 1-on-1 interviews
  • 43. Discovering the new flow 43 A
  • 44. Heuristic review of the new flow on legacy tools Issues 1. Very slow response time. 2. Repair tech must visit up to 14 screens to finish a call. 3. Some views contain only 1 useful control or data item. 4. All contain some useless data or controls. 5. Many require scrolling to important data & controls. 6. If the user fails to wait for the page to fully paint the record “breaks”, requiring much time and effort to recover. 44
  • 45. New web tool design Solution 1. One-page technician workspace 2. Sales, tickets & connections 3. The technician does not have to wait for multiple screens to load 4. The controls are laid out in task flow order, saving time and mental work Results 1. Dramatic rise in productivity 2. Office Depot became our largest single revenue stream 3. Office Depot success would not have been possible without this more efficient tool! Visio prototype that was fully realized in production. Collaboration of Mark Lubeck & Subroto Bagh. 45
  • 46. Collaborate with Bangalore on next product 46 Daily wireframes exchanged with notes & suggestions Daily notes
  • 47. Next generation tech UI design Increased integration 1. Sell, ticket, connect, diagnose & repair 2. Direct input into the ticketing system without leaving the remote screen 3. Highly efficient repair environment. 4. Up to 8 simultaneous remote sessions Mark designed and prototyped in collaboration with Bangalore & then Subroto Bagh photoshopped. 47 Ticketing & multi-session, remote diagnostics & repair.
  • 48. Remote screen view Results Productivity again jumps dramatically. “Absolutely the best repair tools I have ever used with any company I have ever worked for!” Experienced technician months after these tools were installed. Mark designed and prototyped in collaboration with Bangalore & then Subroto Bagh photoshopped. 48 Still supports ticket updates, chat and tool access.
  • 49. Service Delivery Management System Comprehensive work order fulfillment and tracking 1. Work Order Status page which surfaces all open work orders for a particular store location 2. Work Order Request page which allows an Associate to request fulfillment of a purchased SKU 3. Work Order Details page which itemizes both work order and SKU-level details for each customer 4. With this tool Office Depot became our biggest customer, out-performing all of our Fortune 500 customers. 49
  • 50. SaaS infrastructure designs Add a New Partner 1. Service Plan 2. Contact Info 3. Credentials 4. URL 5. Branding 6. Languages 7. Toolsets 50
  • 51. Collaboration: UX + Art + Documentation Iteration issues 1. Passive voice. 2. Distinguish status with icons? 3. Single line headers? 4. Readability of white on red background. Next iteration issues 1. Lost color coding and order of summary results. 2. Still passive voice! 51End of remote PC repair samples
  • 52. Project # 6 Handheld audio interface 1. Business Goals Supply the market demand for larger switches at lower cost Wire many modules together into a single, large director 2. Market Segment Enterprise data center 3. Technologies Precision flexible cables New firmware design Early mobile devices 4. Challenges Narrow, noisy, poorly lit machine room aisles and racks “Too many” cables and cable types 52
  • 53. The big switch challenge Tasks 1. Wire a “soft backplane” a. 30 modules of 4 types b. 280 cables of 8 types 2. Test & troubleshoot Users 1. Sales & service engineers 2. Factory workers Environments 1. Data center rack aisle 2. Factory floor 53
  • 54. First engineering UX 1. An un-usable scrolling list with irrelevant data. 2. Useful for engineering planning but not for wiring. 3. The data center rack aisle environment made a scrolling list on a laptop impractical. 4. The user had to access both the front and the back of the module stack. 54 Mockup resembles the actual interface.
  • 55. Hands-free audio UX 1. Reworked the task flow with the firmware team 2. Simplified the cabling pattern 3. Determined optimal feedback a. What to tell users b. When to tell them 4. Handheld device connected to controller module 5. The graphical user interface was the least valuable part of the solution & would mostly be ignored! 55 5. Audio instructions and tones in headphones a. One element at a time b. In context c. Cable type & length d. First module and port ID e. Second module and port ID f. Blink module port LEDs g. Success / Failure tones and lights h. Auto-advance Based on field research End of Audio interface samples
  • 56. Project #7 Web cross-sell to SSL managers 1. Business Goals a. Increase SSL and other product sales b. Introduce other products to SSL customers 2. Market Segment Retail / SMB SSL managers 3. Technologies HTML SSL management tool and retail website 4. Challenges a. Users fear cross-sell distraction might lead to making technical mistakes b. Banner blindness 56
  • 57. User testing confirms banner blindness 1. Early user testing in this and other projects showed that technical users are focused on their primary task. 2. If anything subconsciously looks like an ad, users gate it out of their attention. They just do not see it. 3. Users do not attend to anything that could be a distraction and lead them into a technical error. The cost of past mistakes have been painful. 57 57 2 1
  • 58. Product comparison page Research Findings Participants focused on differentiators across the products, not on commonalities Showing that there is a difference in the feature attracts more attention Recommendations Vary cross-sell offers by certificate type 1. Different offers for different certificate types: Vary product offerings or numbers of licenses 2. A tactical blank space can draw more attention than content: Do not fill all the cells in a table row. 58
  • 59. Options page Findings Incorporating cross-sell information into the right places in a certificate purchase flow is more effective in getting attention than displaying outside of the flow. The brief inline option was not disruptive to the customer experience. Recommendations 1. At the bottom of the Options page, present the cross-sell offer as another product option. 2. The user cannot deselect. 3. Clicking Learn more will expand within the page with a short description and no external link. 59
  • 60. Close the sale on the download site’s last page Research Results Participants were most receptive to the cross-sell offer after they installed and checked their certificate and felt they had met their primary goal. Recommendations 1. Redesign last page of the certificate download site. 2. Make it clear they are done with SSL. 3. Add the cross-sell offer. 4. Link takes them into the product offer flow. 60End of web cross-sell samples
  • 61. Thank You! Mark Lubeck 408-893-3516 7/19/2015 61