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Private and public organizations have experienced
significant changes in recent years in both size and
complexity. As a consequence, the management
process has become more difficult, requiring greater
skills in planning, analysis, and control--skills aimed
at guiding the future course of organizations faced
with accelerating rates of evolution in technical,
social, political, and economic forces. This book
examines a major segment of these skills: the theory
and practice of financial planning and management in
public organizations and, in particular in local
government. The purpose of this initial chapter is to
provide a broad overview of the components of
financial management, building on the three basic
cycles of cash management, financial planning, and
management control (see Exhibit 1).
In theory, the objectives of financial
planning and management are quite simple
they are difficult only in practice. In theory,
one merely has to decide what is wanted
(specify goals and objectives), measure these
wants (quantify the benefits sought), and
then apply the means available to achieve
the greatest possible value of the identified
wants (maximize benefits). The means are
the resources of complex organizations.
Therefore, the primary objective of financial
planning and management is to maximize
benefits for any given set of resource inputs.
A basic tenet in financial management is that costs
should be incurred only if by so doing, the community
or organization can expect to move toward agreed-
upon goals and objectives. Determining whether the
commitment of governmental resources improves
conditions in the broader community can get
complicated, however, particularly when no basis
exists for assessing the value to individuals of such
actions. The Pareto criterion suggests that the
welfare of a community is improved if some members
are made better off while no one is made worse off.
This criterion has no logical flaws and does not
require interpersonal comparisons of utility. Not all
members of the community are likely to benefit
equally from a given government action. however.
Therefore, many public choices are still open to
political decision.
Despite the best efforts to achieve rigor and
sophistication, scientific analysis cannot
provide definitive answers to many of the
questions involved in the allocation of
government resources. Nevertheless, a
continuous search must be maintained for
more productive ways to operate public
organizations and to assess their capacity to
meet changing conditions and demands for
the delivery of services.
 The common denominator among the various
resources of any organization is the cost
involved in their utilization. The production
of public and quasi-public goods and services
requires the acquisition and allocation of
relatively scarce resources, the values of
which are measured and compared in the
common unit of dollars. Consequently, the
focus of management most often is on
financial resources.
The essential tools for managing financial
resources include techniques for assessing the
long-term fiscal needs of the organization and
for acquiring these resources, rational
procedures for allocating resources and
managing costs, and appropriate mechanisms for
recording and disseminating relevant financial
information. Given the increasing role that
government and other not-for-profit
organizations play in the economy, the public's
stake in effective performance of these
organizations and institutions is mounting. In the
absence of the verdict of the marketplace, the
role and responsibilities of financial management
in the public sector are even greater than those
in profit-oriented organizations.
 Financial management involves the acquisition
and allocation of organizational resources and
the tracking of performance resulting from such
allocations. In a profit-oriented enterprise,
financial statements form the basis for the
stockholders' assessment of performance of
management. In not-for-profit organizations,
management seeks to satisfy the needs and
desires of its constituents within a set of
financial (budgetary) constraints. In either case,
financial resources are the focal point for
managerial decision making, action, and
accountability. Methods and techniques utilized
in the performance of these financial functions
are relevant to managers in all types of
Financial management in the public sector
borrows liberally from the tools and concepts of
business management. The transfer of
techniques cannot be complete, however,
because of the basic features of government
services which include the need to provide for
the common welfare and safety of the
community and to allocate basic public services
on other than the criterion of the ability to pay.
These same features limit the extent to which
business management techniques can be applied
in the management of public resources. Several
functions are common to financial management,
however, whether in the private or public sector.
A traditional role for financial management is that of
score keeping. Reports of past performance are
prepared for internal management as well as outside
groups, such as stockholders, creditors, and the
general public. The extent to which these reports can
pinpoint responsibility for any deviations from
anticipated performances largely depends on the
degree of sophistication built into the accounting and
related management control mechanisms. If financial
control mechanisms become overly rigid and lose
sight of their operating objectives, countermeasures
and subterfuges will emerge that may destroy the
effectiveness of the system (and possibly the
organization itself). To remain effective, score
keeping functions must achieve organizational
compliance by demonstrating their utility to all levels
of management.
The allocation of existing resources and the
management of costs to derive future benefits
are key responsibilities of financial managers.
The relationship between current resource
allocations and future benefits is asymmetrical,
however. Whereas existing resources are
expended with certainty, the anticipated stream
of benefits often is uncertain. This stream may
fall considerably short of the expected results or
may exceed initial estimates. In financial
management, this deviation from expected
returns provides an important definition of
uncertainty and risk.
The tendency is to think of cost strictly in
terms of quantifiable inputs--the financial
resources required to support personnel,
equipment, materials, and so forth. Costs
that cannot be conveniently measured in
dollars all too often are dismissed as non cost
considerations. Future costs may have
important implications beyond their
measurable monetary value, however.
To determining the financial feasibility and
desirability of resource commitments, an
analysis of future costs and benefits must be
undertaken rather than the mere
reconciliation of past expenditures. In the
allocation of resources, the following
question must continually be examined: Are
anticipated long-run benefits (adjusted for
risk) of a given project commensurate with
the long-run costs that may be incurred?
Financial managers must also be concerned
with the long-term asset requirements of the
organization. A prime function of financial
management is to identify the resources
required to attain the overall objectives of
the organization. A financial plan is a key
ingredient in the long-term strategies of any
organization. The main purpose of financial
planning is to project resource requirements
for specific time periods and to identify the
likely sources of the funds needed.
Financial managers must also be concerned
with the long-term asset requirements of the
organization. A prime function of financial
management is to identify the resources
required to attain the overall objectives of
the organization. A financial plan is a key
ingredient in the long-term strategies of any
organization. The main purpose of financial
planning is to project resource requirements
for specific time periods and to identify the
likely sources of the funds needed.
Financial management must identify the
magnitude of future needs, determine the
timing, and negotiate with potential sources
of external capital. Decisions of whether to
engage in short-term bank borrowing or long-
term bond issues are dependent on cash flow
expectations, capital structure
determination, and cost-of-capital
considerations. To discharge these functions
effectively, financial managers must be
sensitive to macro-economic developments
that may influence the availability and cost
of the capital to be acquired.
Cash management involves: (1) analyses of
revenues and expenditures; (2) financial
analysis of the utilization of assets; (3) short-
and long-range forecasts of resource needs,
(4) cash mobilization; and (5) formulation of
sound short-term investment strategies. The
basic objectives of cash management are to
maximize the effective use of resources and
minimize opportunity costs, while at the
same time, maintaining a sufficient cash
balance to meet the day-to-day needs of the
The United States has relies on a mixed private-
public economic system--on the "invisible hand" of
supply and demand in the market place, with public
sector economics applied only when the market
system fails to satisfy broad social goals.
Governments produce and supply public goods and
services and may encourage or discourage the
production and consumption of other goods and
services through the regulation of economic behavior
(e.g., through tax incentives or tax levies,
performance standards, codes and inspections). When
economies of scale (lower costs and/or greater
efficiencies) yield social benefits, government may
assume ownership to regulate the pricing of goods
and services and/or to circumvent monopolistic
pricing (for example, by establishing a public utility).
The demand for public services and facilities
changes as a function of growth and the social
and economic characteristics of the community.
Local revenues have tended to increase at a rate
slower than demand, however, creating an ever
widening "fiscal gap" for many localities. Most
local sources of revenues are not particularly
responsive to changes in the overall economy.
This relative inelasticity of public revenues is
attributable, in part, to the tax structure which
forces local governments to rely heavily on
property taxes. Under fiscal pressures, property
taxes have proven to be relatively unresponsive
in meeting increasing demands for public
services and facilities.
Ownership of property has long been
considered a fair index of wealth. Therefore,
since colonal days, it has been customary for
real and personal property to be subject to
taxation. Real property taxes are levied on
the assessed value of land and
improvements, while personal property
taxes may be levied on a wide variety of
tangible (e.g., furniture and equipment) and
intangible (stocks and bonds) personal
Significant reforms are required in the
administration of property taxes if local
governments are to meet the demands for
public services and facilities. The most
serious local administrative fault is
inaccurate assessments, in terms of: (a)
underassessment (as a percentage of true
market value), and (b) deviation of individual
property values from the general assessment
ratio of the taxing jurisdiction.
The use of non-property taxes by local
governments had its origins in the 1930's
when many property owners were confronted
with property taxes well beyond their
capacity to pay. Local governments
continually are challenged to find innovative
ways to augment local revenue sources
through the levy of non-property taxes and
fees. Various forms of non-property taxes are
identified in Exhibit 2.
 Local sales taxes are levied on retail sales
of tangible personal property. Sales taxes
are not inelastic, but vary less widely
during business fluctuations than do the
yields of net income taxes.
 Gross receipts taxes are imposed on
businesses and occupations and are
measured by the gross income of the
undertaking and, in some areas, have
replaced former flat-rate business licenses.
 Selective sales taxes may be levy on
specific commodities or services in lieu of
a general retail sales tax: public utility
taxes; admission and amusement taxes;
motor fuel and motor vehicle license taxes;
business license taxes; and local taxes on
alcoholic beverages and tobacco.
 Income taxes have been applied at the
local level to: (l) gross income from salaries
and wages of residents earned both within
and outside the jurisdiction; (2) gross
income from salaries and wages of
nonresidents earned within the
jurisdiction; (3) net profits of professions
and businesses of residents from activities
wherever conducted; and (4) net profits of
professions and businesses of nonresidents
and of corporations from activities
conducted within the jurisdiction
 Service charges are amounts received from
the public for performance of specific
services benefiting the person charged and
from sales of commodities and services--
except by city utilities--and generally bear
a direct relation to the cost of providing
the service.
 Licenses and permits involve charges that are
less than, or equal to the cost of the
administration of a government activity.
 Interest earnings consist of earnings on deposits
and securities, other than the earnings of
insurance trust funds or employee retirement
 The sale of property involves receipts from the
sale of real property and improvements thereon,
but excludes receipts from the disposition of
commodities, equipment, and other personal
property and from the sale of securities.
 Special assessments, while imposed on a property,
differ from taxes in that they are related to a
specific benefit, need not be uniform throughout
the jurisdiction, and generally allow no
The mismatch that exists among governmental
levels in the provision of public services is
partially addressed by intergovernmental
transfers of revenues. Intergovernmental
revenues may be derived from either the federal
or the state government and may be given in the
form of grants-in-aid, shared taxes, or revenue
sharing. Many localities have become
increasingly dependent on intergovernmental
transfers to offset the slower growth of local
revenue sources. However, these sources of
support have also been adversely affected by
shifts in federal policies in recent years.
Techniques for making revenue and expenditures
projections, with few exceptions, have remained
virtually unchanged over the past 50 years.
Expectations for the coming year are determined
by applying observed percentage changes in
revenue collections and expenses incurred
between the previous and current fiscal years.
Alternatively, a trend line may be developed by
fitting a series of historical data which is then
extrapolated to obtain projections of revenue
and expenditures. While this approach has the
advantage of simplicity, it leaves many problems
unresolved. Allowance seldom is made for any
contingencies in such projections.
Financial analysis identifies how discretionary
funds might be used to implement new programs
and strategies. Baseline funds support current,
ongoing operations of the organization and are
used to pay current operating expenses, provide
adequate working capital, or maintain current
plant and equipment. Strategic funds are used to
purchase new assets, such as equipment,
facilities, and inventory; to increase working
capital; to support direct expenses for research
and development, marketing, advertising, and
promotions; and in the private sector, for
mergers, acquisitions, and market development.
 The strategic funds available to an
organization can be determined by
subtracting baseline funds from total assets
(revenue or appropriations). The available
strategic funds should be allocated to each
program in priority order according to its
potential contribution to the achievement of
identified goals and objectives.
Various models can be used to project
financial statements, to analyze cash flow
requirements, to optimize financial leverage,
to compare lease versus purchase options for
difference depreciation schedules, to
evaluate the impacts of proposed
acquisitions, and to assess the impacts of risk
and uncertainty on financial decisions. Many
of these models can be consolidated or
combined so that different managers can use
the same assumptions to design models to
meet their particular needs.
 In recent years, computer-based methods of
analysis have become a significant tool for
financial analysis. Interactive software
facilitates the use of the computer as an on-
line, real-time decision support system (DSS).
Computer-assisted methods of financial
analysis provide a basis for the continuous
fine tuning of financial plans so as to
anticipate things to come and adjust to
unanticipated events that may arise as plans
and programs are implemented.
A forecast is an approximation of what will
likely occur in the foreseeable future. The
objective of forecasting is to provide a basis
on which to measure differences between
actual events and the plan that was adopted
to achieve certain objectives. Thus, forecasts
provide management with a sound basis for
action as the future unfolds and events begin
to diverge from the predictions. Problems
can be identified quickly and the nature and
extent of corrective actions clearly defined.
 The notion that forecasting is impossible in
the public sector is furthermost from the
truth. The cash requirements of government
are based on budgeted expenditures, which
are finite and known in advance. Revenues
are tax-based and, therefore, estimable.
Public organizations must develop reliable
estimates of their cash flow positions in
order to maximize returns on their financial
 Forecasts form the basis for a cash budget, which is
used to monitor how much money will be available
for investment, when it will become available, and
for how long. A cash budget tracks the movement of
cash in and out of the treasury. An astute financial
manager can use a cash budget to identify early signs
of an impending cash problem and to indicate
appropriate steps to avert the problem. Without a
cash budget, a manager cannot obtain a long-term
view of cash flow patterns and, therefore, cannot
effectively plan future cash requirements. The
investment strategy of any organization must also be
strongly correlated with the accuracy and timeliness
of its cash budget. Decisions that affect the flow of
cash are summarized in Exhibit 3.
 Operating decisions stem from the policies
of the organization--such as the creation or
elimination of a service unit or
department, increases in the charges for
services or in the tax rate in the case of
local government, changes in the salaries
and fringe benefits extended to staff, and
so forth--and result in adjustments in the
inflow and outflow of cash.
 Capital expenditure decisions that affect
the infrastructure of the organization give
rise to the outward flow of cash. An
organization's infrastructure involves the
construction, repair and maintenance of
fixed, physical assets.
 Credit decisions involve the length of time
an organization takes to make payments to
its vendors for goods and services
provided, as well as the length of time a
client/customer may take to make payment
to the organization without penalty.
 Investment decisions result in the use of
inactive cash to purchase financial assets
or the liberation of funds by the sale of
such assets.
 Financing decisions involve the acquisition
of new money by selling bonds, borrowing,
or increasing revenues (e.g., by raising
user charges, prices, or increasing taxes).
 Cash mobilization techniques fall into two areas: (1) acceleration
of receivables and (2) control of disbursements. Receivables are
those funds that come into the organization's treasury. Cash flow
can be expedited by collection systems that provide for advance
billing and payment on or before receipt of goods and services.
Disbursements are funds paid out to vendors and others who have
provided services to the organization. The timing of
disbursements is a important decision that has implications for
the liquidity position of any organization. Delaying cash outflows
enables an organization to optimize earnings on available funds.
Good cash management practices generally dictate that
disbursements are made only when due. Public organizations may
find some of these cash mobilization techniques unacceptable. A
local government, for example, must evaluate the possible
effects on its taxpayers and clients of aggressive collection and
disbursement practices. The objectives of cash management
must be artfully blended with the need to maintain good public
relations with vendors and the community at large.
 Adequate credit must be available if any
public organization is to survive in the short
term. Lines of credit are commitments by
banks to make loans available subject to
certain mutually agreed upon conditions and
are important hedges against unanticipated
contingencies, such as temporary financing
needs and short-term cash flow shortages.
 Keeping a tight rein on bank balances has
become an increasingly popular cash
management principle. Money not needed to
meet operating costs or for compensating
balances required by banks should be
invested in interest-yielding securities. All
receipts--checks, money orders, and cash--
should be deposited as soon as possible. Idle
funds, such as checks sitting in safes, cash
registers, or desk drawers overnight, could
earn income for the organization if invested
in short-term securities.
 The ideal investment is one that yields a high
return at no risk, offers promise of substantial
growth, and is instantly convertible into cash if
money is needed for other purposes.
Unfortunately, this ideal does not exist in reality.
Each form of investment has its own special
virtues and short-comings. A fundamental
objective of financial management is to
maximize yield and minimize risk. Several
exogenous considerations influence the yield on
any investment, including interest rates,
minimum investment requirements, and the
maturation dates of investments.
 Primary determinants in selecting a specific
security included: (1) safety/risk, (2)
liquidity and marketability, (3) maturity, (4)
yield, and (5) price stability. Public officials
accord safety the highest priority, followed
by liquidity and yield. The money market
instruments most widely used by local
governments are arrayed against these basic
characteristics in Exhibit 4.
 Local governments and other public
organizations often invest in securities that
can be readily converted into cash either
through the market or through maturity. The
most attractive instruments that meet these
criteria are securities supported by the full
faith and credit of the federal government.
Other relatively risk-free securities are: time
deposits, time certificates of deposit,
commercial paper, banker's acceptances, and
repurchase agreements.
 The concept of liquidity involves managing
investments so that cash will be available
when needed. Marketability varies among
money market instruments, depending on the
price stability of the instrument and on the
availability of a secondary trading market. In
managing an investment portfolio, the
maturity dates of holdings must be
synchronized with the dates on which funds
will be required for capital or operating
 In general, securities characterized by low
risk, high liquidity, and short maturities will
also produce low yields. For a security to
provide high yields, one or more of the other
criteria must be compromised. Although
some localities are beginning to invest in
high-grade, high-yield corporate bonds, many
local officials still rank yield as the least
important of all the criteria in selecting an
investment instrument.
 The majority of states allow local
governments to invest in a variety of
securities. Federal obligations, such as
Treasury bills and federal agency securities,
are practically riskless, since they are backed
by the full faith and credit of the federal
government. In addition, T-bills are usually
issued on a short-term basis, maturing before
new market conditions alter the assumptions
on which the investment was based.
 Other securities carry varying degrees of risk
and, therefore, must offer higher interest
rates. In many states, however, local
governments are prohibited from investing in
banker's acceptances and commercial paper
which generally earn higher rates of return.
Localities have tried to mitigate risk by diversifying
their holdings and avoiding investments in weak
financial institutions. Smaller jurisdictions, located in
remote areas with minimal amounts of funds
available for investments, have minimized risk by
joining state-managed investment pools, which
resemble mutual funds in their portfolio composition.
In seeking to improve or expand public services, local
governments face: (1) the need to expand revenues,
(2) already heavily burdened taxpayers, and (3)
narrow restrictions on their ability to borrow to
finance public expenditures. Under these
circumstances, public officials can be expected to
respond enthusiastically to any source of additional
revenue that does not involve increased taxation or
additional debt. The net return on investments can
be an especially important source of revenue.
Ph.D. (Environmental Sciences), MEE, MBA (Project Management),MSW,B.E.
(Mechanical), B.Sc.(Bio),BS;OSHAS 18001-2007 IRCA LA,EMS-14001 LA,NEBOSH
Mobile: +91-9419003512, +91-9858088571,+91-9858088573

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  • 1.
  • 2. Private and public organizations have experienced significant changes in recent years in both size and complexity. As a consequence, the management process has become more difficult, requiring greater skills in planning, analysis, and control--skills aimed at guiding the future course of organizations faced with accelerating rates of evolution in technical, social, political, and economic forces. This book examines a major segment of these skills: the theory and practice of financial planning and management in public organizations and, in particular in local government. The purpose of this initial chapter is to provide a broad overview of the components of financial management, building on the three basic cycles of cash management, financial planning, and management control (see Exhibit 1).
  • 3. In theory, the objectives of financial planning and management are quite simple they are difficult only in practice. In theory, one merely has to decide what is wanted (specify goals and objectives), measure these wants (quantify the benefits sought), and then apply the means available to achieve the greatest possible value of the identified wants (maximize benefits). The means are the resources of complex organizations. Therefore, the primary objective of financial planning and management is to maximize benefits for any given set of resource inputs.
  • 4. A basic tenet in financial management is that costs should be incurred only if by so doing, the community or organization can expect to move toward agreed- upon goals and objectives. Determining whether the commitment of governmental resources improves conditions in the broader community can get complicated, however, particularly when no basis exists for assessing the value to individuals of such actions. The Pareto criterion suggests that the welfare of a community is improved if some members are made better off while no one is made worse off. This criterion has no logical flaws and does not require interpersonal comparisons of utility. Not all members of the community are likely to benefit equally from a given government action. however. Therefore, many public choices are still open to political decision.
  • 5. Despite the best efforts to achieve rigor and sophistication, scientific analysis cannot provide definitive answers to many of the questions involved in the allocation of government resources. Nevertheless, a continuous search must be maintained for more productive ways to operate public organizations and to assess their capacity to meet changing conditions and demands for the delivery of services.
  • 6.  The common denominator among the various resources of any organization is the cost involved in their utilization. The production of public and quasi-public goods and services requires the acquisition and allocation of relatively scarce resources, the values of which are measured and compared in the common unit of dollars. Consequently, the focus of management most often is on financial resources.
  • 7. The essential tools for managing financial resources include techniques for assessing the long-term fiscal needs of the organization and for acquiring these resources, rational procedures for allocating resources and managing costs, and appropriate mechanisms for recording and disseminating relevant financial information. Given the increasing role that government and other not-for-profit organizations play in the economy, the public's stake in effective performance of these organizations and institutions is mounting. In the absence of the verdict of the marketplace, the role and responsibilities of financial management in the public sector are even greater than those in profit-oriented organizations.
  • 8.  Financial management involves the acquisition and allocation of organizational resources and the tracking of performance resulting from such allocations. In a profit-oriented enterprise, financial statements form the basis for the stockholders' assessment of performance of management. In not-for-profit organizations, management seeks to satisfy the needs and desires of its constituents within a set of financial (budgetary) constraints. In either case, financial resources are the focal point for managerial decision making, action, and accountability. Methods and techniques utilized in the performance of these financial functions are relevant to managers in all types of organizations.
  • 9. Financial management in the public sector borrows liberally from the tools and concepts of business management. The transfer of techniques cannot be complete, however, because of the basic features of government services which include the need to provide for the common welfare and safety of the community and to allocate basic public services on other than the criterion of the ability to pay. These same features limit the extent to which business management techniques can be applied in the management of public resources. Several functions are common to financial management, however, whether in the private or public sector.
  • 10. A traditional role for financial management is that of score keeping. Reports of past performance are prepared for internal management as well as outside groups, such as stockholders, creditors, and the general public. The extent to which these reports can pinpoint responsibility for any deviations from anticipated performances largely depends on the degree of sophistication built into the accounting and related management control mechanisms. If financial control mechanisms become overly rigid and lose sight of their operating objectives, countermeasures and subterfuges will emerge that may destroy the effectiveness of the system (and possibly the organization itself). To remain effective, score keeping functions must achieve organizational compliance by demonstrating their utility to all levels of management.
  • 11. The allocation of existing resources and the management of costs to derive future benefits are key responsibilities of financial managers. The relationship between current resource allocations and future benefits is asymmetrical, however. Whereas existing resources are expended with certainty, the anticipated stream of benefits often is uncertain. This stream may fall considerably short of the expected results or may exceed initial estimates. In financial management, this deviation from expected returns provides an important definition of uncertainty and risk.
  • 12. The tendency is to think of cost strictly in terms of quantifiable inputs--the financial resources required to support personnel, equipment, materials, and so forth. Costs that cannot be conveniently measured in dollars all too often are dismissed as non cost considerations. Future costs may have important implications beyond their measurable monetary value, however.
  • 13. To determining the financial feasibility and desirability of resource commitments, an analysis of future costs and benefits must be undertaken rather than the mere reconciliation of past expenditures. In the allocation of resources, the following question must continually be examined: Are anticipated long-run benefits (adjusted for risk) of a given project commensurate with the long-run costs that may be incurred?
  • 14. Financial managers must also be concerned with the long-term asset requirements of the organization. A prime function of financial management is to identify the resources required to attain the overall objectives of the organization. A financial plan is a key ingredient in the long-term strategies of any organization. The main purpose of financial planning is to project resource requirements for specific time periods and to identify the likely sources of the funds needed.
  • 15. Financial managers must also be concerned with the long-term asset requirements of the organization. A prime function of financial management is to identify the resources required to attain the overall objectives of the organization. A financial plan is a key ingredient in the long-term strategies of any organization. The main purpose of financial planning is to project resource requirements for specific time periods and to identify the likely sources of the funds needed.
  • 16. Financial management must identify the magnitude of future needs, determine the timing, and negotiate with potential sources of external capital. Decisions of whether to engage in short-term bank borrowing or long- term bond issues are dependent on cash flow expectations, capital structure determination, and cost-of-capital considerations. To discharge these functions effectively, financial managers must be sensitive to macro-economic developments that may influence the availability and cost of the capital to be acquired.
  • 17. Cash management involves: (1) analyses of revenues and expenditures; (2) financial analysis of the utilization of assets; (3) short- and long-range forecasts of resource needs, (4) cash mobilization; and (5) formulation of sound short-term investment strategies. The basic objectives of cash management are to maximize the effective use of resources and minimize opportunity costs, while at the same time, maintaining a sufficient cash balance to meet the day-to-day needs of the organization.
  • 18. The United States has relies on a mixed private- public economic system--on the "invisible hand" of supply and demand in the market place, with public sector economics applied only when the market system fails to satisfy broad social goals. Governments produce and supply public goods and services and may encourage or discourage the production and consumption of other goods and services through the regulation of economic behavior (e.g., through tax incentives or tax levies, performance standards, codes and inspections). When economies of scale (lower costs and/or greater efficiencies) yield social benefits, government may assume ownership to regulate the pricing of goods and services and/or to circumvent monopolistic pricing (for example, by establishing a public utility).
  • 19. The demand for public services and facilities changes as a function of growth and the social and economic characteristics of the community. Local revenues have tended to increase at a rate slower than demand, however, creating an ever widening "fiscal gap" for many localities. Most local sources of revenues are not particularly responsive to changes in the overall economy. This relative inelasticity of public revenues is attributable, in part, to the tax structure which forces local governments to rely heavily on property taxes. Under fiscal pressures, property taxes have proven to be relatively unresponsive in meeting increasing demands for public services and facilities.
  • 20. Ownership of property has long been considered a fair index of wealth. Therefore, since colonal days, it has been customary for real and personal property to be subject to taxation. Real property taxes are levied on the assessed value of land and improvements, while personal property taxes may be levied on a wide variety of tangible (e.g., furniture and equipment) and intangible (stocks and bonds) personal property.
  • 21. Significant reforms are required in the administration of property taxes if local governments are to meet the demands for public services and facilities. The most serious local administrative fault is inaccurate assessments, in terms of: (a) underassessment (as a percentage of true market value), and (b) deviation of individual property values from the general assessment ratio of the taxing jurisdiction.
  • 22. The use of non-property taxes by local governments had its origins in the 1930's when many property owners were confronted with property taxes well beyond their capacity to pay. Local governments continually are challenged to find innovative ways to augment local revenue sources through the levy of non-property taxes and fees. Various forms of non-property taxes are identified in Exhibit 2.
  • 23.  Local sales taxes are levied on retail sales of tangible personal property. Sales taxes are not inelastic, but vary less widely during business fluctuations than do the yields of net income taxes.  Gross receipts taxes are imposed on businesses and occupations and are measured by the gross income of the undertaking and, in some areas, have replaced former flat-rate business licenses.
  • 24.  Selective sales taxes may be levy on specific commodities or services in lieu of a general retail sales tax: public utility taxes; admission and amusement taxes; motor fuel and motor vehicle license taxes; business license taxes; and local taxes on alcoholic beverages and tobacco.
  • 25.  Income taxes have been applied at the local level to: (l) gross income from salaries and wages of residents earned both within and outside the jurisdiction; (2) gross income from salaries and wages of nonresidents earned within the jurisdiction; (3) net profits of professions and businesses of residents from activities wherever conducted; and (4) net profits of professions and businesses of nonresidents and of corporations from activities conducted within the jurisdiction
  • 26.  Service charges are amounts received from the public for performance of specific services benefiting the person charged and from sales of commodities and services-- except by city utilities--and generally bear a direct relation to the cost of providing the service.  Licenses and permits involve charges that are less than, or equal to the cost of the administration of a government activity.
  • 27.  Interest earnings consist of earnings on deposits and securities, other than the earnings of insurance trust funds or employee retirement systems.  The sale of property involves receipts from the sale of real property and improvements thereon, but excludes receipts from the disposition of commodities, equipment, and other personal property and from the sale of securities.  Special assessments, while imposed on a property, differ from taxes in that they are related to a specific benefit, need not be uniform throughout the jurisdiction, and generally allow no exemptions.
  • 28. The mismatch that exists among governmental levels in the provision of public services is partially addressed by intergovernmental transfers of revenues. Intergovernmental revenues may be derived from either the federal or the state government and may be given in the form of grants-in-aid, shared taxes, or revenue sharing. Many localities have become increasingly dependent on intergovernmental transfers to offset the slower growth of local revenue sources. However, these sources of support have also been adversely affected by shifts in federal policies in recent years.
  • 29. Techniques for making revenue and expenditures projections, with few exceptions, have remained virtually unchanged over the past 50 years. Expectations for the coming year are determined by applying observed percentage changes in revenue collections and expenses incurred between the previous and current fiscal years. Alternatively, a trend line may be developed by fitting a series of historical data which is then extrapolated to obtain projections of revenue and expenditures. While this approach has the advantage of simplicity, it leaves many problems unresolved. Allowance seldom is made for any contingencies in such projections.
  • 30. Financial analysis identifies how discretionary funds might be used to implement new programs and strategies. Baseline funds support current, ongoing operations of the organization and are used to pay current operating expenses, provide adequate working capital, or maintain current plant and equipment. Strategic funds are used to purchase new assets, such as equipment, facilities, and inventory; to increase working capital; to support direct expenses for research and development, marketing, advertising, and promotions; and in the private sector, for mergers, acquisitions, and market development.
  • 31.  The strategic funds available to an organization can be determined by subtracting baseline funds from total assets (revenue or appropriations). The available strategic funds should be allocated to each program in priority order according to its potential contribution to the achievement of identified goals and objectives.
  • 32. Various models can be used to project financial statements, to analyze cash flow requirements, to optimize financial leverage, to compare lease versus purchase options for difference depreciation schedules, to evaluate the impacts of proposed acquisitions, and to assess the impacts of risk and uncertainty on financial decisions. Many of these models can be consolidated or combined so that different managers can use the same assumptions to design models to meet their particular needs.
  • 33.  In recent years, computer-based methods of analysis have become a significant tool for financial analysis. Interactive software facilitates the use of the computer as an on- line, real-time decision support system (DSS). Computer-assisted methods of financial analysis provide a basis for the continuous fine tuning of financial plans so as to anticipate things to come and adjust to unanticipated events that may arise as plans and programs are implemented.
  • 34. A forecast is an approximation of what will likely occur in the foreseeable future. The objective of forecasting is to provide a basis on which to measure differences between actual events and the plan that was adopted to achieve certain objectives. Thus, forecasts provide management with a sound basis for action as the future unfolds and events begin to diverge from the predictions. Problems can be identified quickly and the nature and extent of corrective actions clearly defined.
  • 35.  The notion that forecasting is impossible in the public sector is furthermost from the truth. The cash requirements of government are based on budgeted expenditures, which are finite and known in advance. Revenues are tax-based and, therefore, estimable. Public organizations must develop reliable estimates of their cash flow positions in order to maximize returns on their financial assets.
  • 36.  Forecasts form the basis for a cash budget, which is used to monitor how much money will be available for investment, when it will become available, and for how long. A cash budget tracks the movement of cash in and out of the treasury. An astute financial manager can use a cash budget to identify early signs of an impending cash problem and to indicate appropriate steps to avert the problem. Without a cash budget, a manager cannot obtain a long-term view of cash flow patterns and, therefore, cannot effectively plan future cash requirements. The investment strategy of any organization must also be strongly correlated with the accuracy and timeliness of its cash budget. Decisions that affect the flow of cash are summarized in Exhibit 3.
  • 37.  Operating decisions stem from the policies of the organization--such as the creation or elimination of a service unit or department, increases in the charges for services or in the tax rate in the case of local government, changes in the salaries and fringe benefits extended to staff, and so forth--and result in adjustments in the inflow and outflow of cash.
  • 38.  Capital expenditure decisions that affect the infrastructure of the organization give rise to the outward flow of cash. An organization's infrastructure involves the construction, repair and maintenance of fixed, physical assets.  Credit decisions involve the length of time an organization takes to make payments to its vendors for goods and services provided, as well as the length of time a client/customer may take to make payment to the organization without penalty.
  • 39.  Investment decisions result in the use of inactive cash to purchase financial assets or the liberation of funds by the sale of such assets.  Financing decisions involve the acquisition of new money by selling bonds, borrowing, or increasing revenues (e.g., by raising user charges, prices, or increasing taxes).
  • 40.  Cash mobilization techniques fall into two areas: (1) acceleration of receivables and (2) control of disbursements. Receivables are those funds that come into the organization's treasury. Cash flow can be expedited by collection systems that provide for advance billing and payment on or before receipt of goods and services. Disbursements are funds paid out to vendors and others who have provided services to the organization. The timing of disbursements is a important decision that has implications for the liquidity position of any organization. Delaying cash outflows enables an organization to optimize earnings on available funds. Good cash management practices generally dictate that disbursements are made only when due. Public organizations may find some of these cash mobilization techniques unacceptable. A local government, for example, must evaluate the possible effects on its taxpayers and clients of aggressive collection and disbursement practices. The objectives of cash management must be artfully blended with the need to maintain good public relations with vendors and the community at large.
  • 41.  Adequate credit must be available if any public organization is to survive in the short term. Lines of credit are commitments by banks to make loans available subject to certain mutually agreed upon conditions and are important hedges against unanticipated contingencies, such as temporary financing needs and short-term cash flow shortages.
  • 42.  Keeping a tight rein on bank balances has become an increasingly popular cash management principle. Money not needed to meet operating costs or for compensating balances required by banks should be invested in interest-yielding securities. All receipts--checks, money orders, and cash-- should be deposited as soon as possible. Idle funds, such as checks sitting in safes, cash registers, or desk drawers overnight, could earn income for the organization if invested in short-term securities.
  • 43.  The ideal investment is one that yields a high return at no risk, offers promise of substantial growth, and is instantly convertible into cash if money is needed for other purposes. Unfortunately, this ideal does not exist in reality. Each form of investment has its own special virtues and short-comings. A fundamental objective of financial management is to maximize yield and minimize risk. Several exogenous considerations influence the yield on any investment, including interest rates, minimum investment requirements, and the maturation dates of investments.
  • 44.  Primary determinants in selecting a specific security included: (1) safety/risk, (2) liquidity and marketability, (3) maturity, (4) yield, and (5) price stability. Public officials accord safety the highest priority, followed by liquidity and yield. The money market instruments most widely used by local governments are arrayed against these basic characteristics in Exhibit 4.
  • 45.  Local governments and other public organizations often invest in securities that can be readily converted into cash either through the market or through maturity. The most attractive instruments that meet these criteria are securities supported by the full faith and credit of the federal government. Other relatively risk-free securities are: time deposits, time certificates of deposit, commercial paper, banker's acceptances, and repurchase agreements.
  • 46.  The concept of liquidity involves managing investments so that cash will be available when needed. Marketability varies among money market instruments, depending on the price stability of the instrument and on the availability of a secondary trading market. In managing an investment portfolio, the maturity dates of holdings must be synchronized with the dates on which funds will be required for capital or operating expenses.
  • 47.  In general, securities characterized by low risk, high liquidity, and short maturities will also produce low yields. For a security to provide high yields, one or more of the other criteria must be compromised. Although some localities are beginning to invest in high-grade, high-yield corporate bonds, many local officials still rank yield as the least important of all the criteria in selecting an investment instrument.
  • 48.  The majority of states allow local governments to invest in a variety of securities. Federal obligations, such as Treasury bills and federal agency securities, are practically riskless, since they are backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government. In addition, T-bills are usually issued on a short-term basis, maturing before new market conditions alter the assumptions on which the investment was based.
  • 49.  Other securities carry varying degrees of risk and, therefore, must offer higher interest rates. In many states, however, local governments are prohibited from investing in banker's acceptances and commercial paper which generally earn higher rates of return.
  • 50. Localities have tried to mitigate risk by diversifying their holdings and avoiding investments in weak financial institutions. Smaller jurisdictions, located in remote areas with minimal amounts of funds available for investments, have minimized risk by joining state-managed investment pools, which resemble mutual funds in their portfolio composition. In seeking to improve or expand public services, local governments face: (1) the need to expand revenues, (2) already heavily burdened taxpayers, and (3) narrow restrictions on their ability to borrow to finance public expenditures. Under these circumstances, public officials can be expected to respond enthusiastically to any source of additional revenue that does not involve increased taxation or additional debt. The net return on investments can be an especially important source of revenue.
  • 51. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE BY DR.MANZOOR AHAMD YETOO Ph.D. (Environmental Sciences), MEE, MBA (Project Management),MSW,B.E. (Mechanical), B.Sc.(Bio),BS;OSHAS 18001-2007 IRCA LA,EMS-14001 LA,NEBOSH IGC(UK),HACCP,SIX SIGMA(BLACK AND GREEN BELT,SAP ERP EHS. Mobile: +91-9419003512, +91-9858088571,+91-9858088573