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Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
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Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
We all like to feel safe. Whether physically or
psychologically, a feeling of safety and security protects us
from a potentially hostile world. But we do not grow if we
stay inside our safety zones. Instead of protecting us from
the outside, we become prisoners behind our own walls.
Managing risk is a way to move out from behind the barriers
and take advantage of the opportunities which change
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
Too much comfort is as unhealthy for personal growth as
too much risk. Excessive concern for what might happen to
us leads to fear and paralysis; too much reckless risk leads to
unnecessary exposure to danger.
Taking calculated risks and moving gradually from our
comfort zones into risk zones maintains a sensible balance
between the two.
Once the risk has been fully met, and you have accustomed
yourself to the new approach, the old comfort zone has
expanded. You then have a new expanded comfort zone
from which you can take further risks.
"Why not go out on a limb? That's where the best fruit is."
(Old proverb)
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
There are two pre-conditions for managing risks:
1. Don't take any risk until you have calculated the very
worst that could happen to you if it should fail and
assured yourself that you could live with the
2. Be prepared to abandon a risk if it is obvious that it is
not working.
"If you're losing a tug-of-war with a tiger, give him the rope
before he gets to your arm. You can always get another
rope." (Indian proverb)
Managing risks is about being smart, not foolhardy.
“Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature
nor do the children of man as a whole experience it.
Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright
exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. To
keep our faces towards change and behave like free spirits
in the presence of fate is strengths undefeatable.” (Helen
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
There are seven essential steps in managing risk...
1. recognise that nothing can change unless you change
2. let go of old positions and your emotional attachment to
3. think like a new start again
4. be willing to re-invent your identity of who you are
5. manage your own morale through the difficulties of
6. find a way to step back from your situation and see
yourself objectively
7. be willing to fail before you succeed.
"All good fortune is a gift of the gods and you don't win the
favour of the gods by being good but by being bold." (Anita
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
The instinct to stick with the tried and tested lies deep
within us and often prevents us from willingly doing
something new.
“We all like to give the impression that we embrace change
and that we live for things that are new and different. But
when it comes down to decision time, most of us stick to a
very short list of comfortable situations that define what’s
called our “comfort zone”.
Think about it. How many different restaurants or auto
repair shops do you go to? If you check the local phone
directory, there are probably pages of restaurants and auto
repair shops. But we stick with the few that we’ve tried
before. You can say the same thing with your daily
commute; you stick with the route you’re most familiar and
comfortable with.” (Jim Turner)
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
Static positions give us a sense of security but it is often a
false sense of security.
Bryn had fallen out with her boss over a trivial matter but
had turned it into a power struggle. Her boss did likewise.
Very soon Bryn and her boss were meeting weekly to argue
their respective positions. The more they argued, the more
entrenched they became.
Having exhausted all procedures, arbitrators and mediators,
Bryn went to an old mentor to solicit some final support.
She knew the truth of her mentor's words. "In every
stalemate you have three choices: to change the situation;
to accept the situation; to change yourself. Since you cannot
change the situation and you are unwilling to accept the
situation, you need to change yourself."
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
Most people and certainly most organisations have an in-
built resistance to change. It sounds too risky, too big a step,
too much of a chasm leap.
However, if you propose that, instead of changing, people
try something new out, you get a different reaction. People
are quite happy to experiment if there is no catch, no burnt
bridges, and a way back. So, instead of introducing a change
as a done deal and meeting resistance, simply say, “this is an
experiment to see if it works better for you. If it does, great,
we’ll keep on doing it. If it doesn’t. then we’ll either modify
it or get rid of it.”
Business consultant, Dale Dauten, observes,
“Experimentation never fails. When you try something and
it turns out to be a lousy idea, you never really go back to
where you started. You learn something. If nothing else, it
makes you appreciate what you were doing before.”
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
When we find ourselves in an unsatisfactory situation, most
of us want to change others before we think of changing
ourselves. But there is no certainty in trying to change
others; the only certainty is that we can change ourselves.
1. Recognise the unhelpful attitudes you have which stand
in the way of progress
2. Look at what you want again
3. Be prepared to let go of attachments to an irrelevant
self-image, eg the need not to lose face
4. Be prepared to re-think your concepts of winning and
"We can only change others by changing ourselves. No one
can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of
change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot
open the gate of another, either by argument or emotional
appeal." (Marilyn Ferguson)
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
If we change by first changing ourselves, we cannot begin to
imagine the affect that change might have on others.
"When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I
found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to
change my nation. When I found I couldn't change the
nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn't change the
town and as an older man, I tried to change my family.
Now, as an old man, I realise the only thing I can change is
myself and suddenly I realise that if, long ago, I had changed
myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family
and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact
could have changed the nation and I could indeed have
changed the world." (An unknown monk, 1100AD)
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
Risks aren't risks if they merely re-confirm the status quo.
To move on, we need to abandon old positions, no matter
how attached we were to them.
When Mikhail Gorbachev was leader of the Soviet Union in
the 1980's, he had a number of summit meetings with the
then American President Ronald Reagan. Meetings, such as
these, between the leaders of the two most powerful
countries in the world had been taking place on and off for
years invariably with the same result: entrenchment,
stalemate, the false security of position-taking.
Gorbachev decided to take a risk at his summits. He offered
to begin a one-sided reduction in nuclear weapons. The risk
meant the beginning of an end to the Cold War and with it
unprecedented changes in the course of the world's history.
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
A "koan" is a story told by Zen Buddhists which contains a
piece of ageless wisdom. This koan is about letting go of old
attachments before we can learn new ways.
Nan-in, a Japanese Zen master, received a visit from a
university professor who wanted to know about zen.
They chatted for a while and then Nan-in poured tea, He
poured his visitor's cup full and continued to pour as the tea
spilled over the sides.
The professor, unable to restrain himself, cried out: "Stop.
The cup is full, no more will go in."
Nan-in replied: "Like this cup, you are full of your own
judgments, speculations, ideas and opinions. How can you
begin to learn until you empty your cup first?"
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
When we are at the beginning of a new adventure or a new
enterprise, there is a buzz about us.
We've all felt it. Remember the excitement, anticipation and
motivation of starting a new job, a new school, a new
home? It hasn't gone. It's still there, buried beneath familiar
routines, tiredness, habits and cynicism.
Find it again and feel it when you take a new risk.
1. When we start a new venture, our motivation is always
2. When we start a new venture, we have great dreams of
what is possible.
3. When we start a new venture, we want to impress.
"When you're green you grow; when you're ripe, you rot."
(Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald's)
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
Re-invention is a way of taking risks that re-shapes the
person you once appeared to be. We can re-invent
ourselves each day as well as throughout our careers.
Some well-known people who successfully re-invented
themselves, even late in life, include:
1. Leonard Cheshire, World War Two fighter pilot, who,
after the war, set up homes for the disabled.
2. Brian Rix, actor of farce who became head of the mental
health charity, Mencap.
3. Jack Jones, who led the largest trade union in the UK
and on retirement became a tireless campaigner for
pensioners rights.
"Take a chance! All of life is a chance. The person who goes
furthest is the one willing to do and dare. The "sure-thing"
boat never gets far from shore. (Dale Carnegie)
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
Each job has its own potential for daring, risk-taking and re-
1. the shopkeeper who re-designs his window like he's
never done before.
2. the teacher who, faced with the same lesson that she's
given a hundred times before, thinks up a totally new
3. the doctor who decides to see how his patients feel
when he paints the surgery a soft pink.
4. the restauranteur who invents a brand a new dish.
5. the actress who pushes emotion to a point she's never
done before.
Only in risk-taking is there the potential to discover
something great.
"The definition of "great" is mostly the imagination and zeal
to re-create yourself daily." (Tom Peters)
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
In an ideal world, the organisation we work for is
supportive, open-minded and valuing. It promotes rather
than stifles creative risk-taking. It gives people space to try
new things rather than imposing sterile controls on them.
Unfortunately, not every organisation is like that. In that
case, risk-takers need to learn how to use leverage.
Leverage is the ability to find some means of carrying out
acceptable change against the tide. It means finding a way
to do things differently and then using this to influence
others to change. It means practising your own leadership
skills of seeing what is possible and then through your own
commitment and enthusiasm creating a ripple effect
One manager decided to develop important work with her
clients because all her colleagues were too busy "climbing
the corporate ladder" to notice.
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
Gary Hamel, professor of strategic thinking at the London
Business School, says that, in an age when customers can
access instant information about all the products in a
market, continuous re-invention is the only way to maintain
a competitive edge.
Regrettably, however, the skills and experience of risk-taking
do not reside at the top of the organisation. Here thinking
tends to be convergent, people are wanted who will fit in,
and success at having arrived replaces hunger to have a go.
Hamel suggests that organisations need to find and nurture
the risk-takers. One organisation actually sets out to recruit
people who will be "awkward".
Risk-takers need to be both visionaries and activists. The
organisation needs to turn from being a capital-intensive
business into an imagination-intensive one.
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
Taking risks is fraught with difficulties and dangers but we
can keep going if we learn how to manage our own morale.
1. have a strong belief that things will turn out the way you
want in the end
2. surround yourself with people who value you and want to
see you succeed
3. manage your stress levels by learning to take breaks, stop
often, and keep things light
4. treat criticism as a way to learn, not as a personal attack
5. keep your eye on the goal.
"I can say: "I am terribly frightened and fear is terrible and it
makes me uncomfortable, so I won't do that because it's
uncomfortable." Or I could say: "Get used to being
uncomfortable." It is uncomfortable doing something risky.
But so what? Do you want to stagnate and just be
comfortable?" (Barbra Streisand)
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
When we take risks, it is valuable to be able to distance
ourselves from what we are involved in and take an
objective position. Here we can see what is going on and
accept criticism and failure without feeling personally
attacked. Finding the third position is what Alistair Mant has
described as the difference between bipods and tripods.
1. Bipods see only themselves and others. Risk-taking is a
do-or-die undertaking; failure is either a personal
triumph or disaster: life is black and white.
2. Tripods see themselves and others in a situation from a
third position. Risk-taking is an undertaking that can be
observed with interest, comment and curiosity. Life is
colourful and has depth.
Mant says that the characters of Charles Dickens' novels are
bipods; those of Jane Austen are tripods.
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
All risk carries with it the possibility of failure. Fear of failure
is one of the chief reasons we hesitate to take risks in the
first place. But we can overcome the fear of failure by
making friends with it.
We can do this by...
1. Not giving ourselves rigid targets when goals have to be
met. This allows us to talk not of "failure" but of "not
succeeding yet".
2. Seeking the positives in every failure. Each failure
teaches us something, even if it is how something isn't
supposed to work.
3. Believing that failure itself is a step on the road to
"To try something you can't do, to try and fail, then try it
again. That to me is success. My generation will be judged
by the splendour of our failures." (William Faulkner)
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
Managing Risk in Times of Change
Change Management
MTL Course Topics
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Managing Risk in Times of Change

  • 1. 1 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics Managing Risk in Times of Change CHANGE MANAGEMENT
  • 2. 2 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics The Course Topics series from Manage Train Learn is a large collection of topics that will help you as a learner to quickly and easily master a range of skills in your everyday working life and life outside work. If you are a trainer, they are perfect for adding to your classroom courses and online learning plans. COURSE TOPICS FROM MTL The written content in this Slide Topic belongs exclusively to Manage Train Learn and may only be reprinted either by attribution to Manage Train Learn or with the express written permission of Manage Train Learn. They are designed as a series of numbered slides. As with all programmes on Slide Topics, these slides are fully editable and can be used in your own programmes, royalty-free. Your only limitation is that you may not re-publish or sell these slides as your own. Copyright Manage Train Learn 2020 onwards. Attribution: All images are from sources which do not require attribution and may be used for commercial uses. Sources include pixabay, unsplash, and freepik. These images may also be those which are in the public domain, out of copyright, for fair use, or allowed under a Creative Commons license.
  • 3. 3 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics ARE YOU READY? OK, LET’S START!
  • 4. 4 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics INTRODUCTION We all like to feel safe. Whether physically or psychologically, a feeling of safety and security protects us from a potentially hostile world. But we do not grow if we stay inside our safety zones. Instead of protecting us from the outside, we become prisoners behind our own walls. Managing risk is a way to move out from behind the barriers and take advantage of the opportunities which change affords.
  • 5. 5 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics FROM COMFORT TO RISK Too much comfort is as unhealthy for personal growth as too much risk. Excessive concern for what might happen to us leads to fear and paralysis; too much reckless risk leads to unnecessary exposure to danger. Taking calculated risks and moving gradually from our comfort zones into risk zones maintains a sensible balance between the two. Once the risk has been fully met, and you have accustomed yourself to the new approach, the old comfort zone has expanded. You then have a new expanded comfort zone from which you can take further risks. "Why not go out on a limb? That's where the best fruit is." (Old proverb)
  • 6. 6 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics IF YOU TAKE RISKS... There are two pre-conditions for managing risks: 1. Don't take any risk until you have calculated the very worst that could happen to you if it should fail and assured yourself that you could live with the consequences. 2. Be prepared to abandon a risk if it is obvious that it is not working. "If you're losing a tug-of-war with a tiger, give him the rope before he gets to your arm. You can always get another rope." (Indian proverb) Managing risks is about being smart, not foolhardy. “Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature nor do the children of man as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. To keep our faces towards change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strengths undefeatable.” (Helen Keller)
  • 7. 7 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics MANAGING RISK There are seven essential steps in managing risk... 1. recognise that nothing can change unless you change yourself 2. let go of old positions and your emotional attachment to them 3. think like a new start again 4. be willing to re-invent your identity of who you are 5. manage your own morale through the difficulties of change 6. find a way to step back from your situation and see yourself objectively 7. be willing to fail before you succeed. "All good fortune is a gift of the gods and you don't win the favour of the gods by being good but by being bold." (Anita Brookner)
  • 8. 8 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics STICKING TO THE TRIED & TESTED The instinct to stick with the tried and tested lies deep within us and often prevents us from willingly doing something new. “We all like to give the impression that we embrace change and that we live for things that are new and different. But when it comes down to decision time, most of us stick to a very short list of comfortable situations that define what’s called our “comfort zone”. Think about it. How many different restaurants or auto repair shops do you go to? If you check the local phone directory, there are probably pages of restaurants and auto repair shops. But we stick with the few that we’ve tried before. You can say the same thing with your daily commute; you stick with the route you’re most familiar and comfortable with.” (Jim Turner)
  • 9. 9 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics CHANGING FROM THE INSIDE Static positions give us a sense of security but it is often a false sense of security. Bryn had fallen out with her boss over a trivial matter but had turned it into a power struggle. Her boss did likewise. Very soon Bryn and her boss were meeting weekly to argue their respective positions. The more they argued, the more entrenched they became. Having exhausted all procedures, arbitrators and mediators, Bryn went to an old mentor to solicit some final support. She knew the truth of her mentor's words. "In every stalemate you have three choices: to change the situation; to accept the situation; to change yourself. Since you cannot change the situation and you are unwilling to accept the situation, you need to change yourself."
  • 10. 10 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics DON’T CHANGE, EXPERIMENT Most people and certainly most organisations have an in- built resistance to change. It sounds too risky, too big a step, too much of a chasm leap. However, if you propose that, instead of changing, people try something new out, you get a different reaction. People are quite happy to experiment if there is no catch, no burnt bridges, and a way back. So, instead of introducing a change as a done deal and meeting resistance, simply say, “this is an experiment to see if it works better for you. If it does, great, we’ll keep on doing it. If it doesn’t. then we’ll either modify it or get rid of it.” Business consultant, Dale Dauten, observes, “Experimentation never fails. When you try something and it turns out to be a lousy idea, you never really go back to where you started. You learn something. If nothing else, it makes you appreciate what you were doing before.”
  • 11. 11 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics FIRST CHANGE YOURSELF When we find ourselves in an unsatisfactory situation, most of us want to change others before we think of changing ourselves. But there is no certainty in trying to change others; the only certainty is that we can change ourselves. 1. Recognise the unhelpful attitudes you have which stand in the way of progress 2. Look at what you want again 3. Be prepared to let go of attachments to an irrelevant self-image, eg the need not to lose face 4. Be prepared to re-think your concepts of winning and losing. "We can only change others by changing ourselves. No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or emotional appeal." (Marilyn Ferguson)
  • 12. 12 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics CHANGING THE WORLD If we change by first changing ourselves, we cannot begin to imagine the affect that change might have on others. "When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn't change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn't change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family. Now, as an old man, I realise the only thing I can change is myself and suddenly I realise that if, long ago, I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world." (An unknown monk, 1100AD)
  • 13. 13 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics LET GO OF OLD POSITIONS Risks aren't risks if they merely re-confirm the status quo. To move on, we need to abandon old positions, no matter how attached we were to them. When Mikhail Gorbachev was leader of the Soviet Union in the 1980's, he had a number of summit meetings with the then American President Ronald Reagan. Meetings, such as these, between the leaders of the two most powerful countries in the world had been taking place on and off for years invariably with the same result: entrenchment, stalemate, the false security of position-taking. Gorbachev decided to take a risk at his summits. He offered to begin a one-sided reduction in nuclear weapons. The risk meant the beginning of an end to the Cold War and with it unprecedented changes in the course of the world's history.
  • 14. 14 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics THE CUP IS FULL A "koan" is a story told by Zen Buddhists which contains a piece of ageless wisdom. This koan is about letting go of old attachments before we can learn new ways. Nan-in, a Japanese Zen master, received a visit from a university professor who wanted to know about zen. They chatted for a while and then Nan-in poured tea, He poured his visitor's cup full and continued to pour as the tea spilled over the sides. The professor, unable to restrain himself, cried out: "Stop. The cup is full, no more will go in." Nan-in replied: "Like this cup, you are full of your own judgments, speculations, ideas and opinions. How can you begin to learn until you empty your cup first?"
  • 15. 15 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics THINK LIKE A NOVICE When we are at the beginning of a new adventure or a new enterprise, there is a buzz about us. We've all felt it. Remember the excitement, anticipation and motivation of starting a new job, a new school, a new home? It hasn't gone. It's still there, buried beneath familiar routines, tiredness, habits and cynicism. Find it again and feel it when you take a new risk. 1. When we start a new venture, our motivation is always high. 2. When we start a new venture, we have great dreams of what is possible. 3. When we start a new venture, we want to impress. "When you're green you grow; when you're ripe, you rot." (Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald's)
  • 16. 16 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics RE-INVENTING Re-invention is a way of taking risks that re-shapes the person you once appeared to be. We can re-invent ourselves each day as well as throughout our careers. Some well-known people who successfully re-invented themselves, even late in life, include: 1. Leonard Cheshire, World War Two fighter pilot, who, after the war, set up homes for the disabled. 2. Brian Rix, actor of farce who became head of the mental health charity, Mencap. 3. Jack Jones, who led the largest trade union in the UK and on retirement became a tireless campaigner for pensioners rights. "Take a chance! All of life is a chance. The person who goes furthest is the one willing to do and dare. The "sure-thing" boat never gets far from shore. (Dale Carnegie)
  • 17. 17 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics RE-INVENTING THE JOB Each job has its own potential for daring, risk-taking and re- invention... 1. the shopkeeper who re-designs his window like he's never done before. 2. the teacher who, faced with the same lesson that she's given a hundred times before, thinks up a totally new twist. 3. the doctor who decides to see how his patients feel when he paints the surgery a soft pink. 4. the restauranteur who invents a brand a new dish. 5. the actress who pushes emotion to a point she's never done before. Only in risk-taking is there the potential to discover something great. "The definition of "great" is mostly the imagination and zeal to re-create yourself daily." (Tom Peters)
  • 18. 18 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics LEVERAGE In an ideal world, the organisation we work for is supportive, open-minded and valuing. It promotes rather than stifles creative risk-taking. It gives people space to try new things rather than imposing sterile controls on them. Unfortunately, not every organisation is like that. In that case, risk-takers need to learn how to use leverage. Leverage is the ability to find some means of carrying out acceptable change against the tide. It means finding a way to do things differently and then using this to influence others to change. It means practising your own leadership skills of seeing what is possible and then through your own commitment and enthusiasm creating a ripple effect elsewhere. One manager decided to develop important work with her clients because all her colleagues were too busy "climbing the corporate ladder" to notice.
  • 19. 19 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics RISK-TAKERS Gary Hamel, professor of strategic thinking at the London Business School, says that, in an age when customers can access instant information about all the products in a market, continuous re-invention is the only way to maintain a competitive edge. Regrettably, however, the skills and experience of risk-taking do not reside at the top of the organisation. Here thinking tends to be convergent, people are wanted who will fit in, and success at having arrived replaces hunger to have a go. Hamel suggests that organisations need to find and nurture the risk-takers. One organisation actually sets out to recruit people who will be "awkward". Risk-takers need to be both visionaries and activists. The organisation needs to turn from being a capital-intensive business into an imagination-intensive one.
  • 20. 20 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics MANAGE MORALE Taking risks is fraught with difficulties and dangers but we can keep going if we learn how to manage our own morale. 1. have a strong belief that things will turn out the way you want in the end 2. surround yourself with people who value you and want to see you succeed 3. manage your stress levels by learning to take breaks, stop often, and keep things light 4. treat criticism as a way to learn, not as a personal attack 5. keep your eye on the goal. "I can say: "I am terribly frightened and fear is terrible and it makes me uncomfortable, so I won't do that because it's uncomfortable." Or I could say: "Get used to being uncomfortable." It is uncomfortable doing something risky. But so what? Do you want to stagnate and just be comfortable?" (Barbra Streisand)
  • 21. 21 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics BIPODS AND TRIPODS When we take risks, it is valuable to be able to distance ourselves from what we are involved in and take an objective position. Here we can see what is going on and accept criticism and failure without feeling personally attacked. Finding the third position is what Alistair Mant has described as the difference between bipods and tripods. 1. Bipods see only themselves and others. Risk-taking is a do-or-die undertaking; failure is either a personal triumph or disaster: life is black and white. 2. Tripods see themselves and others in a situation from a third position. Risk-taking is an undertaking that can be observed with interest, comment and curiosity. Life is colourful and has depth. Mant says that the characters of Charles Dickens' novels are bipods; those of Jane Austen are tripods.
  • 22. 22 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics THE SPLENDOUR OF FAILURES All risk carries with it the possibility of failure. Fear of failure is one of the chief reasons we hesitate to take risks in the first place. But we can overcome the fear of failure by making friends with it. We can do this by... 1. Not giving ourselves rigid targets when goals have to be met. This allows us to talk not of "failure" but of "not succeeding yet". 2. Seeking the positives in every failure. Each failure teaches us something, even if it is how something isn't supposed to work. 3. Believing that failure itself is a step on the road to success. "To try something you can't do, to try and fail, then try it again. That to me is success. My generation will be judged by the splendour of our failures." (William Faulkner)
  • 23. 23 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics THAT’S IT! WELL DONE!
  • 24. 24 | Managing Risk in Times of Change Change Management MTL Course Topics THANK YOU This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn