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SPECIAL REPORT | Friday November 27 2009

How to make sense
  of the pieces
           INSIDE: What businesses need to do to turn data
             into information that guides decision-making
2                                                                                                                                             FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 2009            FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 2009                                                                                                                                                        3

Digital Business | Managing Intelligence                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Digital Business | Managing Intelligence
Editor’s note
Good decision-making in
business relies on data,
                              experts answering
                              questions about the
                                                           The final
                                                           frontier of
although organisations        limits of business
encounter far more of it      intelligence; another
than any human mind           studies how a city
can handle.                   centre regeneration
  Which is why they           scheme uses business
need technology to            intelligence to maximise

gather information,           the benefits to all
analyse it, and serve it      parties. And audio
up in a meaningful,           podcasts highlight case
usable form.                  studies of best practice.
  In this multi-media           This audio and video
Digital Business digest       content will be added to

we are examining this
process in print, with        over the next three
extra online content,         weeks to build a
including audio and           valuable body of work.
  One video feature                 Peter Whitehead
involves a panel of           Digital Business editor
                                                           Alan Cane on the                  ago by the US computer
                                                                                             manufacturer Teradata,
                                                           challenges of                     which combined supercom-
Video and audio on                                  extracting useful                 puter performance with
                                                                                             sophisticated software to
                                                           information from                  scan and detect trends and
                                                           huge volumes of                   patterns in huge volumes of
                                                           organisational data                 But it was expensive and
                                                                                             ahead of its time. Today,

                                                                    usiness intelligence,    high-performance, low-cost
                                                                    information intelli-     computer      systems     and
                                                                    gence,      business     cheap memory mean that
                                                                    analytics: whatever      enterprises can and are col-
                                                           you call it, all the evidence     lecting and storing data in
                                                           is that ways of turning a         unprecedented amounts.
Our panel answers the big questions                        company’s raw data into             However, they are strug-
IN VIDEO A three­part video series featuring               information that can be           gling to make sense of what
experts from AstraZeneca, the London                       used to improve perform-          they have.
School of Economics and Quocirca. Part 1                   ance and achieve competi-           In Mr Evelson’s words:
                                                           tive advantage is the topic       “We have to find the data,
today, part 2 on Friday December 4 and part                du jour in many business          we have to extract it, we
3 on Friday December 11                                    leaders’ minds.                   have to integrate it, we have    Data store: at Sainsbury, the                                                                                                                                                                        cleaning the data – convert-     ent type and store it in one                                       A survey carried out this      to map apples to oranges,        20bn items purchased in the                                         Dashboard that can give a warning light on overspending                                                                          ing, in one case, 15 data        repository: “The physical
                                                           year by the US-based con-         we have to clean it up, we       chain’s outlets every nine                                                                                                                                                                           types to a single standard.      process of loading the data
                                                           sultancy Forrester Research       have to aggregate it, we         months are analysed to spot                                         Law firm Clifford Chance has found         called The service works     “Some of the larger areas of                The Sainsbury contract        is not as tough as it may
Managing a city centre’s intelligence                      revealed that of more than        have to model it and we          trends and inform buying                                            itself learning about habits it never      like a dashboard with charts and           spending have been travel, catering and    involves the analysis of the     sound. It’s actually deciding
IN VIDEO Every footstep and every purchase                 1,000 IT decision makers          have to store it in some-                         Bloomberg News                                     knew it had since analysing its            graphs to give an overview of where        entertainment,” says Mr Cranwell. “It      20bn items purchased in the      what data to store there and
is recorded in the shops of one of Europe’s                canvassed in North America        thing like a data warehouse.                                                                         spending trends through an online          money has been spent.                      shows where we have varying levels of      chain’s stores every nine        how to organise your work-
biggest city centre regeneration projects.                 and Europe, more than two           “We have to understand                                                                             service provided by Rosslyn Analytics, a      “It aggregates and shares               spending between offices. We are then      months – enough, if typed        flows that is the difficult
                                                           thirds were considering,          what kind of metrics we                                                                              boutique software company based in         information,” says Charles Clark, chief    in a position of power because we          on paper, to make an in-tray     part.”
See how the mass of data affects                           piloting, implementing or         want to track – times, cus-                                                                          London, writes Dan Ilett.                  executive of Rosslyn Analytics. “We        know much more about our spending          pile almost 17kms high.            NetSuite provides execu-
decision­making in our video package                       expanding business intelli-       tomers, regions and then,                                                                               “It’s very flexible,” says Julien       extract the data in a few hours and        patterns.                                     How can this huge volume      tives with tailored “dash-                                    gence (BI) systems.               and only then, can we start                                                                          Cranwell, Clifford Chance’s procurement    categorise them so they go into certain      “We’ve also looked at a cost recovery    of bits and bytes be turned      boards”, a visual representa-
                                                              “Even in these tough eco-      reporting.”                                                                                          manager. “You can look at your data to     buckets. We then add other data such       programme. Using Rosslyn’s expertise       into useful information?         tion of the information
                                                           nomic      times,   virtually       Everybody agrees there is                                                                          reduce spending. We’ve identified          as credit card or risk information.        we’re using a module that works on            Mr Llewellyn gives the        important to their jobs.
Three case studies                                         nobody in our surveys says        nothing simple about these                                                                           opportunities that we wouldn’t have           “It’s presented as a ready­to­use       contract management.”                      example of skin creams sold        A well-designed dash-
show power of data                                         they are retrenching or           operations. “It is a very                                                                            otherwise seen. It’s made us feel a lot    report. The data cube never changes          The firm claims to have seen a           to counter stretch marks.        board providing the right
AUDIO PODCAST                                              reducing their business           complex endeavour,” says                                                                             more confident of the data we’ve been      but they can see it from so many           return on investment of 100 per cent       Generally bought predomi-        amount of pertinent infor-
Examples of managing                                       intelligence initiatives,”        Mr Evelson, “and that is                                                                             using.”                                    different angles. It’s one view of all     within two months. “The payback            nantly by women, if particu-     mation is a crucial part of
intelligence in action.                                    says Boris Evelson, a princi-     why this market is very                                                                                 The company, which has 29 offices in    company­wide finance, procurement,         period was very fast indeed,” says Mr      lar stores show high sales       BI according to Peter Lum-
                                                           pal analyst for Forrester         immature.”                                                                                           20 countries, used a web­based tool        accounts payable and spend data.”          Cranwell.                                  volumes, there are likely to     ley and Stephen Black of PA
Today – the course of                                      with more than 30 years             The business opportunity                                                                                                                                                                                                            be a lot of pregnancies in       Consulting.
a swine flu outbreak;                                      experience of BI implemen-        for BI software has not been                                                                                                                                                                                                          those areas – an alert for the     They point out that it is
with part 2 next Friday                                    tation behind him.                lost on IT companies and                                           argues that it is a new          large     enterprises,     BI   strong case for return on        Royce Bell, information          exciting and more fun than      store manager to stock up        often forgotten that manag-
and part 3 on                                                 What is BI management?         there has already been sig-                                        approach that will “turn the     remains and will continue       investment.                      management specialist with       going through your proc-        on maternity magazines,          ers have limited time to
December 11                                                It is not about the technical     nificant consolidation in the                                      world a little bit upside        to be the ‘last frontier’ of      It is, for example, hard to    the consultancy Accenture        esses to determine what you     baby food and clothing.          absorb and act on informa-                                                nitty gritty of data ware-        market, with IBM acquiring,                                        down”.                           competitive differentiation.    decide which tools and proc-     takes a robustly pragmatic       need.”                             And if most of the cloth-     tion which, in any case, may
intelligence                                               housing or cleansing tech-        among others, Cognos; SAP                                            “Business efficiency over        “Unfortunately, as the        esses should be included in      view: “Business is made up         Mr Bell believes that         ing bought is blue, there        be imperfect – if it was per-
                                                           nology. While technologies        buying Business Objects;                                           the past 20 years was all        demand for pervasive and        the assessment – Microsoft’s     of processes. Some of them       many executives are suspi-      will be a lot of baby boys in    fect, decision making would
                                                           are important – and most          and    Oracle     purchasing                                       about automating a process       comprehensive BI applica-       SharePoint is much more          may interact with the out-       cious of the quality of the     the region: “From buying a       be no chore at all. A well-de-
Contributors                                               are good and effective,
                                                           according to Mr Evelson –
                                                                                             Hyperion to add BI strings
                                                                                             to their respective bows.
                                                                                                                                                                – enterprise resource plan-
                                                                                                                                                                ning [ERP] for example. It
                                                                                                                                                                                                 tions continues to increase,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the complexity, cost and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 than a BI tool, for example,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 but separating out which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  side world, but there is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  definite chain of events.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   information provided by BI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   software: they think the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   jar of stretch cream, I’ve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   almost got you for life,” Mr
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    signed dashboard can help
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    managers make the best
Alan Cane                     Andy Mears                   BI management is about              Microsoft offers BI soft-                                        generated huge efficiencies      effort of large-enterprise BI   strands are contributing to        “All that business intelli-    data are “rubbish”, and         Llewellyn beams.                 possible     decision   from
Stephen Pritchard             Joe Mee                      ways of systematically mak-       ware called SharePoint                                             for businesses but is no         implementations increases       improved revenues and            gence is supposed to inform,     there is no doubt that trans-      James McGeever, chief         incomplete information.
Jessica Twentyman             Picture editors              ing the most of customer          Server and there is consider-                                      longer a [competitive] differ-   as well.                        which are not is a challenge.    is any decision along that       forming data into intelli-      financial officer of the US        The      information,     of
Ross Tieman                                                information – what it is and      able interest in open source                                       entiator.                          “As a result, the great         As Mr Evelson notes:           chain of events. The ques-       gence requires clean data.      company NetSuite, which          course, has to be trusted
Geoff Nairn                   Greg Meeson                  what you can do with it.          BI software from younger                                             “In the past two or three      examples      of   successful   “The grey boundary lines         tion an executive should be        Roger Llewellyn is chief      markets BI management            and that is where technol-
Joia Shillingford             Cover illustration              More prosaically, it is eve-   companies such as Pentaho                                          years we have started to         implementations among           around which process and         asking is: ‘At this point in     executive of the UK soft-       software, underlines the         ogy can play an important
Dan Ilett                                                  rything that has to be done       and Jaspersoft.                                                    look at information as a         Forrester’s clients are out-    tools to include, the multi-     the chain, what information      ware group Kognito, which       importance of clean, unam-       part – in the automatic
FT contributors               For advertising details,     to raw data before they can         IBM alone reckons to have                                        strategic capital asset for      numbered by the volume of       ple BI components that typi-     do I need?’.                     has responsibility for ana-     biguous data in breaking         roll-up of data to a central
                              contact:                     be manipulated to facilitate      spent $12bn and trained                                            the organisation. This will      underperforming BI envi-        cally need to be customised        “Going through each and        lysing, among other things,     down “silos” – data stored       repository: “Every time you
Ursula Milton                 James Aylott on:             better decision making.           4,000 consultants over the       Even in these                     generate 20, 30 or 40 per        ronments.”                      and integrated, and the fre-     every one of your processes      telephone calls made by cus-    in different places and for-     go through a stage with
Production editor             +44 (0) 20 7873 3392;           It is also about under-        past few years to develop        tough times, virtually            cent improvements in the           In fact, more than two        quent unpredictability of BI     to be able to ask that ques-     tomers of British Telecom       mats within an organisa-         manual intervention you
                              standing the business and         the tools and knowledge                                            way we run businesses as         thirds of users questioned      system integration efforts       tion is hard. People are dis-    and store purchases that        tion: “I believe that if the     have the opportunity for
Steven Bird                   Or your usual                its processes well enough to      which will encourage intelli-    nobody says                       opposed to the 3 or 5 per        said they found BI applica-     all make BI business cases       appointed because they           use the Nectar loyalty card     same piece of data exists in     time delay and misinterpre-
Designer                      representative               know what questions should        gence management in its          they are reducing                 cent    improvements       we    tions hard or very hard to      an effort not for the faint of   haven’t been able to get wis-    of supermarket chain, J         two places then one will be      tation,” Mr Lumley argues.
                                                           be asked of the data to           customers.                                                         achieved before.”                learn, navigate and use.        heart.”                          dom simply by piling all the     Sainsbury.                      wrong.”                            And these mis-steps are
All editorial content in this supplement is produced by    improve performance.                Ambuj Goyal, who leads         their business                      But revolutions are rarely       The business case for BI        How, then, should execu-       data in one place.                 He says that up to 80 per        The NetSuite answer for       precisely what business
the FT. Our advertisers have no influence over, or prior      The basic idea was pio-        the company’s information                                          pain-free. According to the      management is not helped        tives think about business         “That [data warehousing        cent of the price of a new      its customers is to convert      intelligence management
sight of, the articles or online material.                 neered more than a decade         management         initiative,
                                                                                                                              intelligence initiatives          Forrester survey: “For many      by the difficulty of making a   intelligence management?         and mining] sounds more          contract can be the cost of     all the data to one consist-     hopes to avoid.
4                                                                                                                                                      FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 2009           FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 2009   5

Digital Business | Managing Intelligence

Finding a home for all that data
RESOURCES                                                                                                                                                               who the customer is, it is
                                                                                                                                                                        the person you bill. Market-
To cope with leaps                                                                                                                                                      ing will say it’s the person
in information                                                                                                                                                          who responds to a cam-
                                                                                                                                                                        paign. For sales it might be
quantity, businesses                                                                                                                                                    the person signing the
should focus on                                                                                                                                                         cheque. These are all cor-
                                                                                                                                                                        rect, but they are not com-
quality. Stephen                                                                                                                                                        mon. You have to agree how
Pritchard reports                                                                                                                                                       you are going to treat that
                                                                                                                                                                          This, more than hardware

              hen companies                                                                                                                                             assets, network capacity, or
              started to build                                                                                                                                          even the ability to write
              the first enter-                                                                                                                                          complex algorithms to ana-
              prise       data                                                                                                                                          lyse data, goes to the heart
warehouse and knowledge                                                                                                                                                 of the debate around the
management systems, in the                                                                                                                                              resources      needed      for
late 1970s, there was little                                                                                                                                            advanced business intelli-
doubt that these were                                                                                                                                                   gence.
projects that demanded sig-                                                                                                                                               Organisations need to
nificant investment in both                                                                                                                                             decide, early on, which
time and resources.                                                                                                                                                     information they are going
   The early data warehouse                                                                                                                                             to use, and be honest about
systems certainly required                                                                                                                                              the completeness, or other-
mainframe resources, and                                                                                                                                                wise, of their data sets.
running queries took days,                                                                                                                                                If they do not, the results
if not weeks.                                                                                                                                                           can be disastrous.
   But advances in comput-                                                                                                                                                “In the run up to the
ing power, as well as                                                                                                                                                   financial crisis, institutions
improvements in program-                                                                                                                                                knew that there were three
ming, have done much to                                                                                                                                                 categories of risk but they
reduce the infrastructure                                                                                                                                               only had data for one. So
demands of business intelli-                                                                                                                                            that was the one they
gence (BI). It is now quite                                                                                                                                             thought about,” says Accen-
possible to run small-scale                                                                                                                                             ture’s Ms Harris. “You need
BI queries using little more                                                                                                                                            to understand all of the risk
than a data source, a laptop                                                                                                                                            variables and how they
computer and a spreadsheet        Everything in its place: with data warehousing appliances, the bottleneck is the time it takes to load information       dreamstime   relate to each other, and
program.                                                                                                                                                                this needs different technol-
   Some businesses – espe-                                                                                                                                              ogies and capabilities in
cially smaller ones – do           Q&A ING Lease UK                                                                                                                     modelling, and in experi-
indeed manage their data                                                                                                                                                mental design.”
analysis this way.                 ING Lease UK is part of the ING Group      disparate data sources into one              understanding profit and loss levers.          Organisations also need to
   However, BI experts cau-        – one of the largest financial             platform. This allowed us to make              We have now moved to a “nowhere            consider whether conven-
tion that this approach            companies in the world. In 2004, the       decisions in real time.                      to hide from the facts” culture, the IT      tional data sources, such as
struggles to scale up to sup-      company acquired three businesses            We ignored the “start small and            department has been removed from the         those produced by back-
port the larger enterprise,        from Abbey National Group.                 learn” approach and took the “start big      critical path to information and             office IT applications, or by
and can raise real difficul-          With 300 employees and 100,000          and understand” approach by focusing         everyone in the organisation has access      more specialist tools, such
ties in areas such as data         customers, the company has to ensure       on the most fundamental question we          to answers. This encourages                  as a retail point-of-sale sys-
governance and lead to com-        its reporting and market perception is     needed answering which was “where do         collaboration and end­to­end thinking.       tem or a supply chain man-
panies having multiple mas-        as accurate as it can be.                  we make our profit and why?”.                  DB What lessons did you learn from         agement system, really give
ter data sets, or “multiple           Dan Ilett, for Digital Business,          DB What has been your return?              this? What would you tell others to do?      the full picture.
versions of the truth”.            questioned Chris Stamper, chief              CS As an example, analysis of                CS That perception­based decision            Increasingly, companies
   “Many people start with         executive of ING Lease UK, about how       secondary income opportunity has             making is a characteristic of sales­led      are looking for ways to mine
something small in scope,          it creates useful intelligence from its    driven £600,000 of additional annual         organisations. That culture can be very      the information held in
and there is nothing wrong         information.                               income.                                      quickly moved with the right tools and       “unstructured” data, such
with that,” says Jeanne Har-          Digital Business What did you do to       DB How has using “internal” business       environment.                                 as e-mails, presentations
ris, a BI specialist at Accen-     improve internal reporting?                intelligence helped?                           We now have a strong focus on real         and documents, or even
ture’s Institute for High Per-        Chris Stamper We turned                   CS First, it has given us the ability to   data quality.                                video clips or recorded
formance Business.                 conventional wisdom on its head. We        make decisions based on fact rather                                                       phone calls, to provide a
   “But if marketing, and          found a tool that allowed the business     than intuition or perception and has         A full version of this interview is at:      basis for BI, and hence bet-
finance, and sales have their      to assemble all information from           provided complete transparency when                      ter decision making.
own scorecards, based on                                                                                                                                                  “As much as 80 per cent of
their own data, it will be a                                                                                                                                            the information in a com-
Tower of Babel. Very few          state hard drives in their      data management company.          ship management or enter-         a result, the data will only      pany     is    unstructured,
organisations have done a         data warehouses, because of       “Even at data loading           prise resource planning.          be as good – and as timely –      against just 20 per cent that
good job of creating a single     the superior data through-      rates of 10 gigabytes an          Such transactional data are       as the information held in        is structured,” notes Bob
view of their data.”              put they offer.                 hour, there is one company        almost always historic, and       those underlying systems.         Tennant, chief executive at
   Nor is the hardware chal-        But such systems are          that is looking at 39 weeks       leads to BI acting as a “rear       Before companies can            Recommind, a company that
lenge one that chief infor-       expensive and large organi-     to load its data.”                view mirror” for manage-          build enterprise-wide knowl-      specialises in using search
mation officers – or users of     sations, in particular, are       This is leading some com-       ment, rather than as an           edge management or BI sys-        technology for information
business data – can com-          beginning to struggle with      panies to consider alterna-                                         tems, they also need to work      risk management.
pletely ignore.                   the time it takes to load       tive approaches to analytics,                                       on the quality of the data.         “Most business intelli-
   Although        processing     data into a warehouse or a      such     as    stream-based       ‘There are a lot of               Data can also be accurate         gence is focused on that 20
power has increased in line       BI system, especially if it     processing. It is also            useful, unstructured              but partial, or misleading,       per cent of structured data,
with Moore’s Law and data         comes     from     multiple     prompting businesses to                                             especially if they were origi-    as it is pretty high value
storage has also fallen in        sources.                        look at BI tools, as well as      data that are not                 nally gathered for a differ-      and easy to deal with. But
price, the growth of busi-
ness data is faster still. Vol-
                                    “With data warehousing
                                  appliances [dedicated com-
                                                                  broader-based technologies
                                                                  such as enterprise search,
                                                                                                    taken advantage of’               ent purpose.
                                                                                                                                        “A customer, for example,
                                                                                                                                                                        there are a lot of useful,
                                                                                                                                                                        unstructured data that are
umes of data are reckoned         puters for data processing],    that can examine data in                                            can exist in multiple IT sys-     not being taken advantage
to double every 12 to 18          the bottleneck is not the       situ, rather than require                                           tems,” points out Tony            of.”
months, twice as fast as just     speed of the box or the         them to be loaded into a          accurate predictor of trends.     Young, CIO of Informatica,          Tapping into that unstruc-
three years ago.                  quantity of storage but the     warehouse and then proc-            “Most organisations don’t       a data management technol-        tured information might not
   Some businesses are react-     time it takes to load the       essed.                            use external data but rely        ogy vendor. “You need to          be easy. But it is the best,
ing by moving to grid-based       information, especially if        Such technologies could         on [data from] their opera-       have a common agreement           and for some companies,
supercomputers,       or    by    you are dealing with demo-      also help businesses to over-     tional systems to solve spe-      on who the customer is, for       probably the only way to
offloading BI processing to       graphic information,” says      come their reliance on data       cific problems,” explains         example, if you want to look      make more use of existing
private or public “clouds”.       Bill Hewitt, president and      from operational systems,         Earl Atkinson, a BI expert        at their history.                 resources, in order to make
Others are deploying solid-       chief executive of Kalido, a    such as customer relation-        at PA Consulting Group. As          “If I ask a financial person    better business decisions.
6                                                                                                                                                  FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 2009           FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 2009   7

Digital Business | Managing Intelligence

Search goes
on for a
‘single view
of the truth’
DISPLAYING THE INTELLIGENCE           or might not – be overheating?
                                         Software companies, however,
Ross Tieman says that,                understand the issues and are
first of all, organisations           working hard on how to extract
                                      information from data and reach
must find out who wants               what Richard Neale, marketing
or needs to know what                 director of SAP BusinessObjects,
                                      calls “a single view of the truth”.
                                         For mid-sized companies unen-

         he idea that you can keep    cumbered by a long tail of legacy
         tabs on how an organisa-     systems and data, or those willing
         tion is performing from a    to start again at square one, there
         desktop display while also   are software-as-a-service special-
focusing on its strategic direction   ists, such as NetSuite, capable of
is hugely appealing.                  providing a state-of-the-art system
  Every day, many of us do pre-       containing every byte of corporate
cisely this in a car: the dashboard   data, fully integrated, on a com-
monitors its systems and speed,       mon set of definitions, accessible
while helping the driver safely       at will.
negotiate the obstacles of a jour-       But abstracting information for
ney. Could similar displays not       a corporate, not-for-profit, or even
help in running a company, a          public sector dashboard display is
sales department, or a group of       also attainable.
hospitals?                               First, you have to discover who
  In theory, they can.                wants, or needs, to know what.
  Most industrial processes today        In a car there is a speedometer
are run by mouse-clicks – from        and a fuel gauge, possibly with
nuclear power stations to cloth-      information on fuel consumption,         Eyes on the dial: simple ‘dashboards’ can be a useful way to see real­time performance data              dreamstime
cutting machines. Corporate sys-      or distance until you next need to
tems store every digit of data cre-   fill the tank. But most of the other     user to “mine” the information,         graphs, thermometers, heat-maps        for-profits want the IT equivalent
ated, whether by the sales staff      dashboard data are displayed only        calling up detail to establish the      – just about any format the user       of the forward-looking radar that
logging their calls, the accounts     if needed, as an alert – such as         nature and cause of the problem         prefers.                               some car-makers have trialled.
clerks issuing invoices, the          when the cooling system fails or a       to which they are being alerted.          What business intelligence data        As Mr Rayner says: “You need
machines doing the manufactur-        seat-belt is unbuckled.                  An alert could relate to inventory      add is the ability to explore the      more performance management
ing or the purchasing manager            Business intelligence displays        levels, risk, cash balances or even     information easily with mouse          applications to help people model
placing orders for materials.         need to follow the same precepts.        a cost or time over-run on a            clicks to discover what happened,      options.” This is where a lot of
  Yet these glorious, information-    They have to provide appropriate         project.                                where, and why.                        corporate IT investment is now
rich data are so often compart-       “mission critical” information for         That list highlights the impor-         A typical NetSuite display is        going, he says.
mentalised in fragmented systems,     all; to enable users to call up infor-   tance of delivering relevant infor-     presented on a series of tabs, with      But if you are going to start
each designed to serve a particular   mation relevant to their role or         mation to the responsible individ-      pages that might include a meter,      making decisions about business
business or organisational func-      task; and to provide appropriate         ual. To be valuable, it has to con-     top selling items as a bar chart,      strategy based upon conclusions
tion. Bolting them together to turn   alerts when things go wrong.             tain signals that the recipient may     key performance indicators that        drawn from computer software
data into information about corpo-    There is no one-size-fits-all system.    need to act upon. The IT boss may       provide pop-up graphs, and com-        you need clean data, and answers
rate or organisational performance       In a car, every driver is engaged     need to know if the system is           parative sales as a chart with vari-   to current questions, rather than
can be an IT chief’s nightmare.       in a similar task, but in a com-                                                 able time-spans. If you have relia-    whatever the system was set up to
  It might seem as though a few       pany, some users – typically the                                                 ble real-time data, you can sort       measure five years ago.
wires and some simple software        chief executive or finance chief –       ‘Most organisations                     and display it any way you like.         “Most organisations have far too
could enable data to flow seam-       need access to a broad range of          have far too many                         As IBM’s Mr Fuessler says, if a      many metrics, without being able
lessly between systems, enabling      information, while a departmental                                                retail company’s sales fall, it is     to plot cause and effect relation-
the chief executive to see the        head might be interested in partic-      metrics, without being                  handy to be able to uncover            ships,” Mr Rayner says. “These
basics, such as sales, deliveries,
and how much cash the business
                                      ular sub-sets of data. Almost eve-
                                      rybody also needs alerts relating
                                                                               able to plot cause and                  quickly that it happened because
                                                                                                                       of a holiday in Boston that closed
                                                                                                                                                              are pure business problems, and
                                                                                                                                                              more technology is not the
is using, when they log-on in the     to their own areas of responsibil-       effect relationships’                   three stores, for example, and is      answer.”
morning.                              ity.                                                                             not the start of an alarming trend.      So departmental bosses have to
  Yet Bill Fuessler, IBM Global          That information, as distinct                                                 Inadequate information can lead        sit down together and agree the
Financial Management Lead for         from data, may have to reach             likely to crash, but it’s the finance   to false conclusions.                  questions they want answered,
business consulting, says this can    them wherever they are. Mr Neale,        director who cares about the cash         Nigel Rayner, research vice-pres-    and what they want to measure to
prove stunningly difficult. “One of   at SAP, says that increasingly,          balances, while the IT department       ident at Gartner, says: “When you      get them.
the biggest issues is getting com-    dashboards are being delivered           overrunning its budget may mat-         get the dashboard in, that is when       To move from mere dashboards
monality of data definition,” he      not just on desktops, but on             ter to both.                            you start to get awkward ques-         to directing the course of an
says. “And that problem will last     mobile devices, including smart-           The desktop remains the presen-       tions. The chief executive can see     organisation by drawing on all the
for several years more.”              phones.                                  tation location of choice because       revenue is going down, or up, but      information squirreled within its
  Standards, and even digital defi-      The latest generation of SAP          the size of its display permits a lot   doesn’t know why. Dashboards are       systems, Mr Rayner elaborates a
nitions of commonplace business       BusinessObjects software enables         of information to be shown.             always about reporting. They           four-stage process. Start by moni-
words, may differ in the sales        users to have “widgets” on their           Historically, many organisations      don’t help you make decisions.”        toring performance, set up an
department from those used in         desktops that highlight particular       have relied on Excel spreadsheets         By definition, dashboards only       enterprise metric framework, and
marketing, or finance. Combine        features of organisational perform-      or Microsoft Office tools to present    present current or historic data.      add analytic and modelling capa-
the data sets, and the “informa-      ance.                                    business information to users.          But decision-makers want to be         bilities with performance manage-
tion” simply doesn’t add up. What        It can also deliver a sophisti-         Today, using modern software,         able to predict the future. People     ment applications. Only then, he
chief executive would drive a car     cated alert to a smartphone, as a        the information can be displayed        running large companies, public-       says, can you go develop a pat-
whose dashboard said it might –       graphic display that enables the         in the form of gauges, pie-charts,      sector organisations and even not-     tern-based business strategy.
8                                                                                                                                                    FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 2009          FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 2009                                                                                                                                                         9

Digital Business | Managing Intelligence                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Digital Business | Managing Intelligence

Lighting up the road ahead
MONITORING                                                                                                                                                     late risks missing the replenish-
                                                                                                                                                               ment window.
Advanced analytics give                                                                                                                                          “Information and the time taken
a view of the future but                                                                                                                                       to make a decision can be perisha-
                                                                                                                                                               ble,” says Bill Hostmann, a
can prove costly and                                                                                                                                           research vice-president at Gartner.
complex, reports                                                                                                                                                 “There are examples where it
                                                                                                                                                               does pay off: Continental Airlines
Stephen Pritchard                                                                                                                                              is an example of a company that
                                                                                                                                                               has to make real time decisions,

          unning a business with-                                                                                                                              for example if a plane is forced to
          out business intelligence                                                                                                                            divert. They spend millions but it
          (BI) is often likened to                                                                                                                             kept them in business,” says Mr
          flying an aeroplane with-                                                                                                                            Hostmann.
out instruments – you can get                                                                                                                                    At Continental, better business
away with it in clear skies and                                                                                                                                intelligence made for better com-
with a following wind. But mat-                                                                                                                                munications with passengers
ters can take a turn for the worse                                                                                                                             affected by delays and diversions,
if you hit clouds, or turbulence.                                                                                                                              and this helped the company
   Few businesses, of course, risk                                                                                                                             retain the loyalty of its highest-
flying blind. The question is                                                                                                                                  spending passengers, the frequent
whether the instruments they                                                                                                                                   business travellers.
have give them the full picture of                                                                                                                               But at the same time, Mr Host-       Passengers waiting at Shanghai Pudong International Airport inspired Joakim Franzen of Roxtec, a Swedish manufacturer, to install plasma screens dispaying the flow of goods                 Alamy
what lies ahead. A good pilot can                                                                                                                              mann concedes that management
fly with instruments and a map,                                                                                                                                teams     can    quickly    become
but most of us are much more
comfortable in a craft equipped
with radar and GPS.
   In a business, monitoring data
as they move through the organi-
sation provides the equivalent of
                                                                                                                                                               addicted to faster information
                                                                                                                                                               flows. “The latency [the time
                                                                                                                                                               delay when data are sent from
                                                                                                                                                               place to place] is an important dis-
                                                                                                                                                                 “But if information is monthly,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      IT aims to overcome the blind spots
the aircraft’s GPS co-ordinates,                                                                                                                               they want it weekly or daily; if it    SUPPLY CHAIN                                                                                                                                                           “We take every order,
altitude and air speed. Advanced                                                                                                                               is daily, they want it hourly,” he                                       Please check the arrival and departure screens for your goods                                                                      every bill of lading or ship-
analytics takes on the role of the                                                                                                                             says.                                  Smoother operations                                                                                                                                                  ment, and every freight bill
radar, pointing out what lies                                                                                                                                    As organisations act to reduce       could lower costs                 Two years ago, while scanning the          of goods in and out of Roxtec, with        completed an upgrade of its ERP              that’s paid, and in the mid-
ahead.                                                                                                                                                         latency, and to push that through                                        arrivals and departures screens at         colour­coding to indicate how each         system and one of the main aims was          dle of the night, we transmit
   But creating accurate real-time                                                                                                                             their monitoring systems so that       and make customers                Shanghai Pudong International Airport,     individual order or delivery has been      to improve supply chain visibility.          that electronically over to
pictures of where a business is, let                                                                                                                           managers can act on it, costs usu-     happier, says                     Joakim Franzen had a moment of             prioritised. The data that feed these        The first screen was placed between        Oco, where it’s used to pop-
alone predicting where it is going,                                                                                                                            ally increase.                                                           insight, writes Jessica Twentyman.         screens comes from its IFS enterprise      the desks of employees from the              ulate our mini data ware-
is stretching the capabilities of                                                                                                                                This is a real barrier to moving     Jessica Twentyman                    As chief information officer for        resource planning (ERP) system, via        purchasing and customer order                house,” he says.
conventional BI, and forcing ven-                                                                                                                              to advanced analytics, when IT                                           Roxtec International, a Swedish            bespoke business intelligence (BI) tools   departments. “There were some                  This, he says, has enabled
dors as well as data analysts to                                                                                                                               budgets are constrained, and busi-     A lack of visibility into sys-    manufacturing company, he’d been           built in house at Roxtec by Mr             tensions between these two groups,” he       Welch’s to tackle a number
look at emerging technologies in                                                                                                                               nesses are no longer willing to        tems data is the number one       looking for a way to make its internal     Franzen’s team.                            recalls.                                     of problems – not least
order to sift through ever-larger                                                                                                                              spend multi-million dollar sums        challenge facing supply           supply chain conditions more visible to      Roxtec makes sealing systems for           By erecting screens that displayed         annual spending of about
quantities of information.                                                                                                                                     on enterprise-wide IT projects that    chain professionals today.        its employees around the world.            cables and pipes that are laid in some     pending orders and inventory levels, the     $50m on transportation and
   In some fields, businesses are                                                                                                                              take five or more years to deliver.    That’s the main finding              “It occurred to me that passengers      of the world’s most unforgiving            two departments were able to work out        distribution. For example,
turning to stream computing,                                                                                                                                     There are exceptions: according      from a 2009 IBM survey of         arriving and departing on flights aren’t   environments, including offshore wind      potential issues as soon as they arose.      staff use the data warehouse
where powerful machines analyse                                                                                                                                to Jeff Jonas, chief scientist at      400 supply chain executives       so different from the inventory that       farms and oil rigs.                          “Now, there’s no chance of pick lists      to build full truckloads car-
data in real time as they move                                                                                                                                 IBM’s Entity Analytics business,       worldwide.                        arrives at our company daily and the         With a specialised product set and a     and shipment information getting lost,       rying as many cases and as
through a system, looking for trig-                                                                                                                            some of the latest analysis sys-         More than two-thirds (70        finished products that we ship out to      workforce scattered around 13              because it’s all up there on screen,”        much weight as possible, so
ger points or anomalies.                                                                                                                                       tems become not only more accu-        per cent) reported that mak-      our customers,” he recalls.                subsidiaries, making sure everyone is      says Mr Franzen.                             that trucks are not heading
   A stream computing system                                                                                                                                   rate, but faster, as they process      ing sense of “overwhelming           With that in mind, he has since set     aware of any problems that arise in the                                                 out to retailers half-full.
developed by IBM, known as Info-                                                                                                                               more data.                             and fragmented data” about        up 15­inch plasma screens around the       supply chain is a challenge, he says. To   A full version of this feature is at:          “By analysing the number
Sphere, is already being used to                                                                                                                                 “The problem of trying to apply      supply chain performance is       company’s offices that display the flow    address the issue, the company                         of orders and volume by day
analyse “space weather”, a phe-                                                                                                                                an algorithm to an individual          costly, difficult and too                                                                                                                                            and comparing overloaded
nomenon that creates interference                                                                                                                              transaction is like trying to          time-consuming.                                                                                                                                                      days with days where
with radio communications.                                                                                                                                     squeeze knowledge out of a pixel.        According to Sanjeev           cal boardroom issue with         tions: Where is a specific       ning, manufacturing and         esses approximately 50,000        trucks were lightly laden,
   Closer to earth, brokerage TD                                                                                                                               So we allow organisations to           Nagrath, global supply           direct links to financial        shipment? When did it leave      order fulfilment.               customer orders a year for        we found we could reorgan-
Securities is using stream comput-                                                                                                                             weave together different pieces of     chain management leader          results – rather than a back-    the warehouse? Is the order        Increasingly, he says, cli-   its grape-based juice and         ise our shipments to even
ing as the basis for an options        Leading the way: retailers are using trend­spotting software to predict what will be in fashion next season     Getty   data from across the enterprise.”      for IBM’s global business        room operation – that imple-     complete?”                       ents are using this kind of     jelly products, had run up        volume out across the days
trading system it believes is the                                                                                                                                Again, the idea is not so much       services arm, that creates       menting BI to improve it is        A vital step before BI tools   platform not only to assess     against what Mr Coyne saw         of the week and to send out
world’s fastest.                       are, however, there are downsides.       Information management profes-       used to synchronise other busi-           to provide real-time data, but to      “blind spots” at many com-       seen as a priority.              are chosen, is discussions       current performance but         as shortcomings in the            fewer, better utilised trucks
   In the area of advanced analyt-        The greatest is the sheer cost of   sionals draw a distinction between     ness processes, such as in a deliv-       remove latency or delays that can      panies, causing them to fall       Those that do embark on        between employees from           also using for its simulation   transportation and logistics      per week,” he says.
ics, significant work has already      building systems that can provide      systems that genuinely need to         ery company, or when a retailer           lead to less than optimal decision     behind on customer orders,       such projects often find that    around the company – not         capabilities     to    model    modules of the company’s            If supply chain visibility
been done by governments in pre-       real-time information to manag-        work in real time, and those           places a stock order.                     making.                                with potentially damaging        applying BI to supply chain      just supply chain operations     “what-if” scenarios that        Oracle enterprise resource        is still an issue for many
dicting what could happen in the       ers. Another is the human ability      where the information is merely          An airline looking to fill its cab-       However, the complexity and          consequences.                    data is inherently more          – on what data are required.     demonstrate      the   likely   planning (ERP) system and         companies, it isn’t for
future, for example in the field of    to respond to real-time signals.       timely, or has to be delivered at      ins will need increasingly timely         cost of such systems has tended to       Business intelligence (BI)     complex than applying it to        “True supply chain visibil-    impact of a disruption to the   difficulties in integrating its   Welch’s – or for the compa-
counter-terrorism.                        There is little point in spending   the “right” time.                      and accurate information as the           limit their deployment to specific     technology provides an           data in other departments,       ity needs to be a cross-de-      chain.                          bespoke freight pay system        nies that make up AMR
   And companies are looking           what can easily be $1bn, or more,        Often, the immediacy and value       number of seats fills up, in order        circumstances where the cost is        answer to this lack of visi-     such as the finance office,      partmental initiative if it is     Another approach is to        that it uses to track trans-      Research’s Supply Chain
beyond relatively simple tools,        on a BI system if the organisation     of information changes through         not to overbook and face paying           justified, such as complex finan-      bility, he suggests, by col-     according        to    Kevin     to get the significantly bet-                                    portation costs.                  Top 25, an annual assess-
such as regression analysis, to        it serves is not agile enough to act   the business process, creating a       compensation to passengers.               cial trades, security, or fraud        lecting critical information     O’Marah, an analyst with         ter results that are achieva-                                      Mr Coyne had worked             ment of best practice among
identify complex patterns in data      on the insights provided.                                                       A distribution company will             detection.                             about supply chain perform-      AMR Research.                    ble,” says Mathieu Clerkx,       ‘True supply chain              before on supply chain prob-      some of the world’s biggest
and make increasingly accurate            Some experts go as far as to say
                                                                              ‘If you can’t pull the                 need to deliver goods to a super-           Some of the more advanced fea-       ance from disparate sys-           “To date, BI has been          an executive advisor to Tata     visibility needs                lems with Bill Copacino, for-     companies.
predictions of customer demand,        that real-time systems only have a                                            market’s hub or to a factory              tures, such as faster processing       tems, consolidating it and       more widely taken up in          Consultancy Services (TCS)                                       merly group chief executive         Topping the list are Apple,
the movement of market prices, or      role to play in decisions that can     levers and respond in                  within a narrow time window, or           and better scenario planning, are      presenting it to supply          parts of the business where      and a former senior vice-        to be a                         for global business consult-      Dell, Procter & Gamble, IBM
even traffic patterns.
   Retailers are using trend spot-
                                       be made entirely without human
                                       intervention.                          real time, don’t make
                                                                                                                     face financial penalties. But if it
                                                                                                                     takes two days to deliver an item
                                                                                                                                                               becoming part of mainstream BI.
                                                                                                                                                               But by no means all emerging
                                                                                                                                                                                                      chain managers in the form
                                                                                                                                                                                                      of meaningful reports and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       information is more readily
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       available and often held in a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        president specialising in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        supply chain operations at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         cross­departmental              ing at Accenture, where he
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         specialised in both BI and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and Cisco and one of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           major traits they have in
ting software to enable them to           “There is a case you can make,      the investment’                        by truck, information needs to be         monitoring technologies will do        metrics.                         departmental database. In        electronics giant Philips and    initiative’                     supply chain management.          common is their use of BI to
predict what will be in fashion        for automated decision-making,                                                at its most accurate as the deliv-        so, not least because businesses         But in IBM’s survey, only      supply chain operations, the     microprocessor company                                             When he heard that Mr           analyse supply chain data,
next season, and the technology is     where real-time [analysis] is neces-                                          ery window approaches.                    will only benefit from them if they    16 per cent of respondents       data you need may not be in      STMicroelectronics.                                              Copacino         had      been    says Mr O’Marah of AMR
even being used by Hollywood stu-      sary,” says Jeanne Harris, a BI        further challenge when it comes to       In a similar way, a retail store        can act on the information.            said their organisations         the system at all or be held       He has worked with TCS         use one of the growing          appointed chief executive of      Research.
dios and their financial backers to    specialist at Accenture’s Institute    developing advanced, analytical or     manager ordering goods made in              “You don’t want to invest in         were effective at integrating    in numerous disparate sys-       to offer its clients in mar-     number of BI tools offered      Oco, a small but fast-grow-         “These companies are
predict the next blockbuster.          for High Performance Business.         prediction systems. Information        Asia might need to do so six              real-time information infrastruc-      data across the supply chain     tems, both internal and          kets such as retail a hosted     on a software-as-a-service      ing BI-as-a-service company,      masters of ‘balanced excel-
   These systems use pattern anal-        “A tsunami warning system, or       need not be real-time to be timely.    weeks before they are required, to        ture if you have a batch decision-     in this way. “Cost and           those of your key supply         analytics platform that          (SaaS) basis. This is what      he was quick to make con-         lence’. What they are able to
ysis, often mining non-conven-         a credit card fraud detection sys-       Areas where the value of infor-      avoid running out of stock.               making process,” warns Gartner’s       resource issues are largely      chain partners, such as sup-     includes information about       Bill Coyne, director of pur-    tact. Together, teams from        do is slice and dice data to
tional sources such as consumer        tem, needs to work in real time.       mation changes over time include         Placing the order too early             Bill Hostmann.                         to blame,” says Mr Nagrath.      pliers or freight companies,”    procurement and financial        chasing and logistics at        Oco and Welch’s built a           find ways of running their
sentiment or weather predictions,      But the number of cases, com-          perishable goods and commodities,      means tying up cash and valuable            “If you can’t pull the levers, and     It is only at companies        he says.                         spending, supplier perform-      Welch’s, the US food manu-      hosted data warehouse that        supply chain in such a way
to provide forecasts and advice.       pared with these that work in          such as airline seats or hotel beds,   stock room space. Whereas, plac-          can’t respond in real time, don’t      where the supply chain             “That makes it very diffi-     ance, inbound and outbound       facturer, has done.             draws data from several key       that costs are low but cus-
   Attractive though these projects    ‘nearly real time’, is small.”         as well as the information that is     ing the order even a few hours            make the investment.”                  operation is seen as a criti-    cult to answer key ques-         logistics, inventory plan-         The company, which proc-      back-office systems.              tomers stay satisfied.”
Historians asked to
become forecasters
ACCOUNTING INTELLIGENCE                 value finance should bring to the     advanced accounting systems,
                                        table is helping businesses look      were unable to produce real-time
Many companies cannot                   forward.”                             data on fundamental metrics relat-
produce reliable internal                 Bill Fuessler, IBM Global Finan-
                                        cial Management Lead for busi-
                                                                              ing to risk and counterparty expo-
financial intelligence.                 ness consulting, concurs: “In the       Yet business trends have hugely
Ross Tieman reports                     last 10-15 years most companies
                                        have put in some kind of financial
                                                                              multiplied the scale of risk. Neil
                                                                              McGovern, Director of Product
                                        system for general ledger.            Strategy at financial systems spe-

         he biggest challenge in          “But the past 18 months have        cialist Sybase, points out that
         accounting intelligence        pushed the CFO to the forefront –     “markets have speeded up five-
         centres upon the mis-          they have shown it is important       fold in the past 10 years, so they
         match between the data         also to have information about        do the same amount of trading in
and the changing role of the chief      business risk and metrics. People     a day that they used to do in a
financial officer (CFO).                are looking for forward-looking,      week”.
   Since the days of ledgers and        predictive measures.”                   By simple arithmetic, any trad-
quills, the accountant’s role has         In a business environment of        ing institution that is not there-
been essentially that of financial      unprecedented uncertainty, execu-     fore checking its value at risk (a
historian, preparing reports to         tives want every clue they can get    measure of the probability of loss)
present a year-end snapshot of the                                            five times more often has seen the
state of a company’s finances.                                                VAR increase.
   With the advent of IT, corporate     ‘Only about 20 per cent                 The need for real-time account-
accounting systems were therefore       of companies with                     ing data is particularly acute in       A simple example of sclerosis is    regularly use business intelligence    How much are we owed, and what         achieving      this    closed-loop.”   The collapse
designed to capture data and do                                               financial markets. Regulators and     a failure to attribute new codes to   functions.”                            are the numbers and trends in            Today, he says, technology ena-      of Lehman
the adding up. In recent decades,       the capability                        risk managers are demanding           new types of materials purchased,       Many finance chiefs still rely on    accounts payable and receivable?       bles companies to start posing the     Brothers
market demands for more infor-
mation – statements of cash flow
                                        regularly use business                much closer monitoring of VAR
                                                                              and counterparty risk.
                                                                                                                    or even expenses claimed by
                                                                                                                    employees, which leads staff to
                                                                                                                                                          old-fashioned spreadsheets to keep
                                                                                                                                                          tabs on the company’s finances.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   But as James Fisher, senior
                                                                                                                                                                                                 director of solution marketing at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        question: “What if?” – that is, to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        model what would happen to sales
and more detail on liabilities –        intelligence functions’                 Yet data volumes are so huge        make “approximate” entries under      No wonder providers of business        SAP says, as soon as current infor-    and profitability if they raised or    in risk
added to the data crunching task.                                             that until recently, uploading        the most-similar existing code,       intelligence systems report strong     mation is available, directors want    lowered prices, reduced a product      management
   But the financial crisis has crys-                                         information to accountants in the     leading to budgets appearing to       interest from potential clients.       forward indicators, from sales,        range, or added a new line within      across the
tallised a fundamental shift in         to likely changes in their operat-    middle-office only took place over-   grow even as real spending on a         Clearly, the first task of boards    marketing and production, so that      a particular price bracket.            sector Bloomberg
expectations of the CFO’s role: col-    ing environment, and contingency      night.                                particular item is falling.           and IT chiefs is to find ways to       they can extrapolate future finan-       It is only once data become use-
leagues want the historian to turn      plans to respond to possible sce-       Many corporate accounting sys-        As a result of fragmented legacy    make a harmonised and accurate         cial performance.                      ful information of this sort, says
forecaster.                             narios.                               tems are also inadequate for show-    systems, poor data quality, lack of   set of data available, preferably in     Only once future financial           Accenture’s Mr Meade, that the
   “For far too long, accounting          Many of the key unpredictable       ing accurately the state of the       standard definitions and so on,       real-time. Then directors have to      trends in the business are clear,      CFO can really start adding value
has been historic,” says Andrew         factors are financial: changes in     business today, let alone providing   many companies simply do not          choose their key metrics and look      can directors start to monitor indi-   in the way boardroom colleagues
Meade, managing partner for             commodity prices, currency valua-     clues to future performance.          have reliable internal financial      at how to answer the questions         cators and model strategies to         want.
finance and performance improve-        tions and interest rates, for exam-     Financial data are often stuck in   intelligence available to the         arising about the future of the        improve future performance or            With the right financial informa-
ment UK and Ireland at advisory         ple.                                  functional silos, cannot be recon-    C-suite executives, analysts say.     business.                              react to challenges such as falling    tion, he says, a finance chief could
firm Accenture.                           The abruptness of the credit cri-   ciled, and quality is in any case       Even when the data are there,         In the first instance, a finance     customer satisfaction.                 help them make better decisions
   “Companies spend too much            sis unleashed by the collapse of      compromised by “sclerosis” – the      Nigel Rayner, research vice-presi-    director needs answers to current        “You have to include monitoring      across the organisation, from
time sorting out and reconciling        investment bank Lehman Broth-         failure to modernise systems or       dent at Gartner, says: “Our esti-     questions: how much working cap-       and build in remediation plans,”       reshaping business models to sign-
their history before trying to sort     ers in September 2008 showed that     even simple data definitions, to      mate is that only about 20 per cent   ital is tied up in the business?       says Mr Fisher.                        ing tomorrow’s stars in the music
out future trends . . . The real        even banks with the most              match organisational changes.         of companies with the capability      How much in the supply chain?            “Many organisations are not          industry.
Managing Intelligence

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  • 1. SPECIAL REPORT | Friday November 27 2009 How to make sense of the pieces INSIDE: What businesses need to do to turn data into information that guides decision-making
  • 2. 2 FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 2009 FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 2009 3 Digital Business | Managing Intelligence Digital Business | Managing Intelligence Editor’s note Good decision-making in business relies on data, experts answering questions about the The final frontier of although organisations limits of business encounter far more of it intelligence; another than any human mind studies how a city can handle. centre regeneration Which is why they scheme uses business need technology to intelligence to maximise business gather information, the benefits to all analyse it, and serve it parties. And audio up in a meaningful, podcasts highlight case usable form. studies of best practice. In this multi-media This audio and video Digital Business digest content will be added to advantage we are examining this process in print, with over the next three extra online content, weeks to build a including audio and valuable body of work. video. One video feature Peter Whitehead involves a panel of Digital Business editor Alan Cane on the ago by the US computer manufacturer Teradata, challenges of which combined supercom- Video and audio on extracting useful puter performance with sophisticated software to information from scan and detect trends and huge volumes of patterns in huge volumes of data. organisational data But it was expensive and ahead of its time. Today, B usiness intelligence, high-performance, low-cost information intelli- computer systems and gence, business cheap memory mean that analytics: whatever enterprises can and are col- you call it, all the evidence lecting and storing data in is that ways of turning a unprecedented amounts. Our panel answers the big questions company’s raw data into However, they are strug- IN VIDEO A three­part video series featuring information that can be gling to make sense of what experts from AstraZeneca, the London used to improve perform- they have. School of Economics and Quocirca. Part 1 ance and achieve competi- In Mr Evelson’s words: tive advantage is the topic “We have to find the data, today, part 2 on Friday December 4 and part du jour in many business we have to extract it, we 3 on Friday December 11 leaders’ minds. have to integrate it, we have Data store: at Sainsbury, the cleaning the data – convert- ent type and store it in one A survey carried out this to map apples to oranges, 20bn items purchased in the Dashboard that can give a warning light on overspending ing, in one case, 15 data repository: “The physical year by the US-based con- we have to clean it up, we chain’s outlets every nine types to a single standard. process of loading the data sultancy Forrester Research have to aggregate it, we months are analysed to spot Law firm Clifford Chance has found called The service works “Some of the larger areas of The Sainsbury contract is not as tough as it may Managing a city centre’s intelligence revealed that of more than have to model it and we trends and inform buying itself learning about habits it never like a dashboard with charts and spending have been travel, catering and involves the analysis of the sound. It’s actually deciding IN VIDEO Every footstep and every purchase 1,000 IT decision makers have to store it in some- Bloomberg News knew it had since analysing its graphs to give an overview of where entertainment,” says Mr Cranwell. “It 20bn items purchased in the what data to store there and is recorded in the shops of one of Europe’s canvassed in North America thing like a data warehouse. spending trends through an online money has been spent. shows where we have varying levels of chain’s stores every nine how to organise your work- biggest city centre regeneration projects. and Europe, more than two “We have to understand service provided by Rosslyn Analytics, a “It aggregates and shares spending between offices. We are then months – enough, if typed flows that is the difficult thirds were considering, what kind of metrics we boutique software company based in information,” says Charles Clark, chief in a position of power because we on paper, to make an in-tray part.” See how the mass of data affects piloting, implementing or want to track – times, cus- London, writes Dan Ilett. executive of Rosslyn Analytics. “We know much more about our spending pile almost 17kms high. NetSuite provides execu- decision­making in our video package expanding business intelli- tomers, regions and then, “It’s very flexible,” says Julien extract the data in a few hours and patterns. How can this huge volume tives with tailored “dash- gence (BI) systems. and only then, can we start Cranwell, Clifford Chance’s procurement categorise them so they go into certain “We’ve also looked at a cost recovery of bits and bytes be turned boards”, a visual representa- “Even in these tough eco- reporting.” manager. “You can look at your data to buckets. We then add other data such programme. Using Rosslyn’s expertise into useful information? tion of the information nomic times, virtually Everybody agrees there is reduce spending. We’ve identified as credit card or risk information. we’re using a module that works on Mr Llewellyn gives the important to their jobs. Three case studies nobody in our surveys says nothing simple about these opportunities that we wouldn’t have “It’s presented as a ready­to­use contract management.” example of skin creams sold A well-designed dash- show power of data they are retrenching or operations. “It is a very otherwise seen. It’s made us feel a lot report. The data cube never changes The firm claims to have seen a to counter stretch marks. board providing the right AUDIO PODCAST reducing their business complex endeavour,” says more confident of the data we’ve been but they can see it from so many return on investment of 100 per cent Generally bought predomi- amount of pertinent infor- Examples of managing intelligence initiatives,” Mr Evelson, “and that is using.” different angles. It’s one view of all within two months. “The payback nantly by women, if particu- mation is a crucial part of intelligence in action. says Boris Evelson, a princi- why this market is very The company, which has 29 offices in company­wide finance, procurement, period was very fast indeed,” says Mr lar stores show high sales BI according to Peter Lum- pal analyst for Forrester immature.” 20 countries, used a web­based tool accounts payable and spend data.” Cranwell. volumes, there are likely to ley and Stephen Black of PA Today – the course of with more than 30 years The business opportunity be a lot of pregnancies in Consulting. a swine flu outbreak; experience of BI implemen- for BI software has not been those areas – an alert for the They point out that it is with part 2 next Friday tation behind him. lost on IT companies and argues that it is a new large enterprises, BI strong case for return on Royce Bell, information exciting and more fun than store manager to stock up often forgotten that manag- and part 3 on What is BI management? there has already been sig- approach that will “turn the remains and will continue investment. management specialist with going through your proc- on maternity magazines, ers have limited time to December 11 It is not about the technical nificant consolidation in the world a little bit upside to be the ‘last frontier’ of It is, for example, hard to the consultancy Accenture esses to determine what you baby food and clothing. absorb and act on informa- nitty gritty of data ware- market, with IBM acquiring, down”. competitive differentiation. decide which tools and proc- takes a robustly pragmatic need.” And if most of the cloth- tion which, in any case, may intelligence housing or cleansing tech- among others, Cognos; SAP “Business efficiency over “Unfortunately, as the esses should be included in view: “Business is made up Mr Bell believes that ing bought is blue, there be imperfect – if it was per- nology. While technologies buying Business Objects; the past 20 years was all demand for pervasive and the assessment – Microsoft’s of processes. Some of them many executives are suspi- will be a lot of baby boys in fect, decision making would are important – and most and Oracle purchasing about automating a process comprehensive BI applica- SharePoint is much more may interact with the out- cious of the quality of the the region: “From buying a be no chore at all. A well-de- Contributors are good and effective, according to Mr Evelson – Hyperion to add BI strings to their respective bows. – enterprise resource plan- ning [ERP] for example. It tions continues to increase, the complexity, cost and than a BI tool, for example, but separating out which side world, but there is a definite chain of events. information provided by BI software: they think the jar of stretch cream, I’ve almost got you for life,” Mr signed dashboard can help managers make the best Alan Cane Andy Mears BI management is about Microsoft offers BI soft- generated huge efficiencies effort of large-enterprise BI strands are contributing to “All that business intelli- data are “rubbish”, and Llewellyn beams. possible decision from Stephen Pritchard Joe Mee ways of systematically mak- ware called SharePoint for businesses but is no implementations increases improved revenues and gence is supposed to inform, there is no doubt that trans- James McGeever, chief incomplete information. Jessica Twentyman Picture editors ing the most of customer Server and there is consider- longer a [competitive] differ- as well. which are not is a challenge. is any decision along that forming data into intelli- financial officer of the US The information, of Ross Tieman information – what it is and able interest in open source entiator. “As a result, the great As Mr Evelson notes: chain of events. The ques- gence requires clean data. company NetSuite, which course, has to be trusted Geoff Nairn Greg Meeson what you can do with it. BI software from younger “In the past two or three examples of successful “The grey boundary lines tion an executive should be Roger Llewellyn is chief markets BI management and that is where technol- Joia Shillingford Cover illustration More prosaically, it is eve- companies such as Pentaho years we have started to implementations among around which process and asking is: ‘At this point in executive of the UK soft- software, underlines the ogy can play an important Dan Ilett rything that has to be done and Jaspersoft. look at information as a Forrester’s clients are out- tools to include, the multi- the chain, what information ware group Kognito, which importance of clean, unam- part – in the automatic FT contributors For advertising details, to raw data before they can IBM alone reckons to have strategic capital asset for numbered by the volume of ple BI components that typi- do I need?’. has responsibility for ana- biguous data in breaking roll-up of data to a central contact: be manipulated to facilitate spent $12bn and trained the organisation. This will underperforming BI envi- cally need to be customised “Going through each and lysing, among other things, down “silos” – data stored repository: “Every time you Ursula Milton James Aylott on: better decision making. 4,000 consultants over the Even in these generate 20, 30 or 40 per ronments.” and integrated, and the fre- every one of your processes telephone calls made by cus- in different places and for- go through a stage with Production editor +44 (0) 20 7873 3392; It is also about under- past few years to develop tough times, virtually cent improvements in the In fact, more than two quent unpredictability of BI to be able to ask that ques- tomers of British Telecom mats within an organisa- manual intervention you standing the business and the tools and knowledge way we run businesses as thirds of users questioned system integration efforts tion is hard. People are dis- and store purchases that tion: “I believe that if the have the opportunity for Steven Bird Or your usual its processes well enough to which will encourage intelli- nobody says opposed to the 3 or 5 per said they found BI applica- all make BI business cases appointed because they use the Nectar loyalty card same piece of data exists in time delay and misinterpre- Designer representative know what questions should gence management in its they are reducing cent improvements we tions hard or very hard to an effort not for the faint of haven’t been able to get wis- of supermarket chain, J two places then one will be tation,” Mr Lumley argues. be asked of the data to customers. achieved before.” learn, navigate and use. heart.” dom simply by piling all the Sainsbury. wrong.” And these mis-steps are All editorial content in this supplement is produced by improve performance. Ambuj Goyal, who leads their business But revolutions are rarely The business case for BI How, then, should execu- data in one place. He says that up to 80 per The NetSuite answer for precisely what business the FT. Our advertisers have no influence over, or prior The basic idea was pio- the company’s information pain-free. According to the management is not helped tives think about business “That [data warehousing cent of the price of a new its customers is to convert intelligence management sight of, the articles or online material. neered more than a decade management initiative, intelligence initiatives Forrester survey: “For many by the difficulty of making a intelligence management? and mining] sounds more contract can be the cost of all the data to one consist- hopes to avoid.
  • 3. 4 FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 2009 FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 2009 5 Digital Business | Managing Intelligence Finding a home for all that data RESOURCES who the customer is, it is the person you bill. Market- To cope with leaps ing will say it’s the person in information who responds to a cam- paign. For sales it might be quantity, businesses the person signing the should focus on cheque. These are all cor- rect, but they are not com- quality. Stephen mon. You have to agree how Pritchard reports you are going to treat that information.” This, more than hardware W hen companies assets, network capacity, or started to build even the ability to write the first enter- complex algorithms to ana- prise data lyse data, goes to the heart warehouse and knowledge of the debate around the management systems, in the resources needed for late 1970s, there was little advanced business intelli- doubt that these were gence. projects that demanded sig- Organisations need to nificant investment in both decide, early on, which time and resources. information they are going The early data warehouse to use, and be honest about systems certainly required the completeness, or other- mainframe resources, and wise, of their data sets. running queries took days, If they do not, the results if not weeks. can be disastrous. But advances in comput- “In the run up to the ing power, as well as financial crisis, institutions improvements in program- knew that there were three ming, have done much to categories of risk but they reduce the infrastructure only had data for one. So demands of business intelli- that was the one they gence (BI). It is now quite thought about,” says Accen- possible to run small-scale ture’s Ms Harris. “You need BI queries using little more to understand all of the risk than a data source, a laptop variables and how they computer and a spreadsheet Everything in its place: with data warehousing appliances, the bottleneck is the time it takes to load information dreamstime relate to each other, and program. this needs different technol- Some businesses – espe- ogies and capabilities in cially smaller ones – do Q&A ING Lease UK modelling, and in experi- indeed manage their data mental design.” analysis this way. ING Lease UK is part of the ING Group disparate data sources into one understanding profit and loss levers. Organisations also need to However, BI experts cau- – one of the largest financial platform. This allowed us to make We have now moved to a “nowhere consider whether conven- tion that this approach companies in the world. In 2004, the decisions in real time. to hide from the facts” culture, the IT tional data sources, such as struggles to scale up to sup- company acquired three businesses We ignored the “start small and department has been removed from the those produced by back- port the larger enterprise, from Abbey National Group. learn” approach and took the “start big critical path to information and office IT applications, or by and can raise real difficul- With 300 employees and 100,000 and understand” approach by focusing everyone in the organisation has access more specialist tools, such ties in areas such as data customers, the company has to ensure on the most fundamental question we to answers. This encourages as a retail point-of-sale sys- governance and lead to com- its reporting and market perception is needed answering which was “where do collaboration and end­to­end thinking. tem or a supply chain man- panies having multiple mas- as accurate as it can be. we make our profit and why?”. DB What lessons did you learn from agement system, really give ter data sets, or “multiple Dan Ilett, for Digital Business, DB What has been your return? this? What would you tell others to do? the full picture. versions of the truth”. questioned Chris Stamper, chief CS As an example, analysis of CS That perception­based decision Increasingly, companies “Many people start with executive of ING Lease UK, about how secondary income opportunity has making is a characteristic of sales­led are looking for ways to mine something small in scope, it creates useful intelligence from its driven £600,000 of additional annual organisations. That culture can be very the information held in and there is nothing wrong information. income. quickly moved with the right tools and “unstructured” data, such with that,” says Jeanne Har- Digital Business What did you do to DB How has using “internal” business environment. as e-mails, presentations ris, a BI specialist at Accen- improve internal reporting? intelligence helped? We now have a strong focus on real and documents, or even ture’s Institute for High Per- Chris Stamper We turned CS First, it has given us the ability to data quality. video clips or recorded formance Business. conventional wisdom on its head. We make decisions based on fact rather phone calls, to provide a “But if marketing, and found a tool that allowed the business than intuition or perception and has A full version of this interview is at: basis for BI, and hence bet- finance, and sales have their to assemble all information from provided complete transparency when ter decision making. own scorecards, based on “As much as 80 per cent of their own data, it will be a the information in a com- Tower of Babel. Very few state hard drives in their data management company. ship management or enter- a result, the data will only pany is unstructured, organisations have done a data warehouses, because of “Even at data loading prise resource planning. be as good – and as timely – against just 20 per cent that good job of creating a single the superior data through- rates of 10 gigabytes an Such transactional data are as the information held in is structured,” notes Bob view of their data.” put they offer. hour, there is one company almost always historic, and those underlying systems. Tennant, chief executive at Nor is the hardware chal- But such systems are that is looking at 39 weeks leads to BI acting as a “rear Before companies can Recommind, a company that lenge one that chief infor- expensive and large organi- to load its data.” view mirror” for manage- build enterprise-wide knowl- specialises in using search mation officers – or users of sations, in particular, are This is leading some com- ment, rather than as an edge management or BI sys- technology for information business data – can com- beginning to struggle with panies to consider alterna- tems, they also need to work risk management. pletely ignore. the time it takes to load tive approaches to analytics, on the quality of the data. “Most business intelli- Although processing data into a warehouse or a such as stream-based ‘There are a lot of Data can also be accurate gence is focused on that 20 power has increased in line BI system, especially if it processing. It is also useful, unstructured but partial, or misleading, per cent of structured data, with Moore’s Law and data comes from multiple prompting businesses to especially if they were origi- as it is pretty high value storage has also fallen in sources. look at BI tools, as well as data that are not nally gathered for a differ- and easy to deal with. But price, the growth of busi- ness data is faster still. Vol- “With data warehousing appliances [dedicated com- broader-based technologies such as enterprise search, taken advantage of’ ent purpose. “A customer, for example, there are a lot of useful, unstructured data that are umes of data are reckoned puters for data processing], that can examine data in can exist in multiple IT sys- not being taken advantage to double every 12 to 18 the bottleneck is not the situ, rather than require tems,” points out Tony of.” months, twice as fast as just speed of the box or the them to be loaded into a accurate predictor of trends. Young, CIO of Informatica, Tapping into that unstruc- three years ago. quantity of storage but the warehouse and then proc- “Most organisations don’t a data management technol- tured information might not Some businesses are react- time it takes to load the essed. use external data but rely ogy vendor. “You need to be easy. But it is the best, ing by moving to grid-based information, especially if Such technologies could on [data from] their opera- have a common agreement and for some companies, supercomputers, or by you are dealing with demo- also help businesses to over- tional systems to solve spe- on who the customer is, for probably the only way to offloading BI processing to graphic information,” says come their reliance on data cific problems,” explains example, if you want to look make more use of existing private or public “clouds”. Bill Hewitt, president and from operational systems, Earl Atkinson, a BI expert at their history. resources, in order to make Others are deploying solid- chief executive of Kalido, a such as customer relation- at PA Consulting Group. As “If I ask a financial person better business decisions.
  • 4. 6 FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 2009 FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 2009 7 Digital Business | Managing Intelligence Search goes on for a ‘single view of the truth’ DISPLAYING THE INTELLIGENCE or might not – be overheating? Software companies, however, Ross Tieman says that, understand the issues and are first of all, organisations working hard on how to extract information from data and reach must find out who wants what Richard Neale, marketing or needs to know what director of SAP BusinessObjects, calls “a single view of the truth”. For mid-sized companies unen- T he idea that you can keep cumbered by a long tail of legacy tabs on how an organisa- systems and data, or those willing tion is performing from a to start again at square one, there desktop display while also are software-as-a-service special- focusing on its strategic direction ists, such as NetSuite, capable of is hugely appealing. providing a state-of-the-art system Every day, many of us do pre- containing every byte of corporate cisely this in a car: the dashboard data, fully integrated, on a com- monitors its systems and speed, mon set of definitions, accessible while helping the driver safely at will. negotiate the obstacles of a jour- But abstracting information for ney. Could similar displays not a corporate, not-for-profit, or even help in running a company, a public sector dashboard display is sales department, or a group of also attainable. hospitals? First, you have to discover who In theory, they can. wants, or needs, to know what. Most industrial processes today In a car there is a speedometer are run by mouse-clicks – from and a fuel gauge, possibly with nuclear power stations to cloth- information on fuel consumption, Eyes on the dial: simple ‘dashboards’ can be a useful way to see real­time performance data dreamstime cutting machines. Corporate sys- or distance until you next need to tems store every digit of data cre- fill the tank. But most of the other user to “mine” the information, graphs, thermometers, heat-maps for-profits want the IT equivalent ated, whether by the sales staff dashboard data are displayed only calling up detail to establish the – just about any format the user of the forward-looking radar that logging their calls, the accounts if needed, as an alert – such as nature and cause of the problem prefers. some car-makers have trialled. clerks issuing invoices, the when the cooling system fails or a to which they are being alerted. What business intelligence data As Mr Rayner says: “You need machines doing the manufactur- seat-belt is unbuckled. An alert could relate to inventory add is the ability to explore the more performance management ing or the purchasing manager Business intelligence displays levels, risk, cash balances or even information easily with mouse applications to help people model placing orders for materials. need to follow the same precepts. a cost or time over-run on a clicks to discover what happened, options.” This is where a lot of Yet these glorious, information- They have to provide appropriate project. where, and why. corporate IT investment is now rich data are so often compart- “mission critical” information for That list highlights the impor- A typical NetSuite display is going, he says. mentalised in fragmented systems, all; to enable users to call up infor- tance of delivering relevant infor- presented on a series of tabs, with But if you are going to start each designed to serve a particular mation relevant to their role or mation to the responsible individ- pages that might include a meter, making decisions about business business or organisational func- task; and to provide appropriate ual. To be valuable, it has to con- top selling items as a bar chart, strategy based upon conclusions tion. Bolting them together to turn alerts when things go wrong. tain signals that the recipient may key performance indicators that drawn from computer software data into information about corpo- There is no one-size-fits-all system. need to act upon. The IT boss may provide pop-up graphs, and com- you need clean data, and answers rate or organisational performance In a car, every driver is engaged need to know if the system is parative sales as a chart with vari- to current questions, rather than can be an IT chief’s nightmare. in a similar task, but in a com- able time-spans. If you have relia- whatever the system was set up to It might seem as though a few pany, some users – typically the ble real-time data, you can sort measure five years ago. wires and some simple software chief executive or finance chief – ‘Most organisations and display it any way you like. “Most organisations have far too could enable data to flow seam- need access to a broad range of have far too many As IBM’s Mr Fuessler says, if a many metrics, without being able lessly between systems, enabling information, while a departmental retail company’s sales fall, it is to plot cause and effect relation- the chief executive to see the head might be interested in partic- metrics, without being handy to be able to uncover ships,” Mr Rayner says. “These basics, such as sales, deliveries, and how much cash the business ular sub-sets of data. Almost eve- rybody also needs alerts relating able to plot cause and quickly that it happened because of a holiday in Boston that closed are pure business problems, and more technology is not the is using, when they log-on in the to their own areas of responsibil- effect relationships’ three stores, for example, and is answer.” morning. ity. not the start of an alarming trend. So departmental bosses have to Yet Bill Fuessler, IBM Global That information, as distinct Inadequate information can lead sit down together and agree the Financial Management Lead for from data, may have to reach likely to crash, but it’s the finance to false conclusions. questions they want answered, business consulting, says this can them wherever they are. Mr Neale, director who cares about the cash Nigel Rayner, research vice-pres- and what they want to measure to prove stunningly difficult. “One of at SAP, says that increasingly, balances, while the IT department ident at Gartner, says: “When you get them. the biggest issues is getting com- dashboards are being delivered overrunning its budget may mat- get the dashboard in, that is when To move from mere dashboards monality of data definition,” he not just on desktops, but on ter to both. you start to get awkward ques- to directing the course of an says. “And that problem will last mobile devices, including smart- The desktop remains the presen- tions. The chief executive can see organisation by drawing on all the for several years more.” phones. tation location of choice because revenue is going down, or up, but information squirreled within its Standards, and even digital defi- The latest generation of SAP the size of its display permits a lot doesn’t know why. Dashboards are systems, Mr Rayner elaborates a nitions of commonplace business BusinessObjects software enables of information to be shown. always about reporting. They four-stage process. Start by moni- words, may differ in the sales users to have “widgets” on their Historically, many organisations don’t help you make decisions.” toring performance, set up an department from those used in desktops that highlight particular have relied on Excel spreadsheets By definition, dashboards only enterprise metric framework, and marketing, or finance. Combine features of organisational perform- or Microsoft Office tools to present present current or historic data. add analytic and modelling capa- the data sets, and the “informa- ance. business information to users. But decision-makers want to be bilities with performance manage- tion” simply doesn’t add up. What It can also deliver a sophisti- Today, using modern software, able to predict the future. People ment applications. Only then, he chief executive would drive a car cated alert to a smartphone, as a the information can be displayed running large companies, public- says, can you go develop a pat- whose dashboard said it might – graphic display that enables the in the form of gauges, pie-charts, sector organisations and even not- tern-based business strategy.
  • 5. 8 FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 2009 FINANCIAL TIMES FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 2009 9 Digital Business | Managing Intelligence Digital Business | Managing Intelligence Lighting up the road ahead MONITORING late risks missing the replenish- ment window. Advanced analytics give “Information and the time taken a view of the future but to make a decision can be perisha- ble,” says Bill Hostmann, a can prove costly and research vice-president at Gartner. complex, reports “There are examples where it does pay off: Continental Airlines Stephen Pritchard is an example of a company that has to make real time decisions, R unning a business with- for example if a plane is forced to out business intelligence divert. They spend millions but it (BI) is often likened to kept them in business,” says Mr flying an aeroplane with- Hostmann. out instruments – you can get At Continental, better business away with it in clear skies and intelligence made for better com- with a following wind. But mat- munications with passengers ters can take a turn for the worse affected by delays and diversions, if you hit clouds, or turbulence. and this helped the company Few businesses, of course, risk retain the loyalty of its highest- flying blind. The question is spending passengers, the frequent whether the instruments they business travellers. have give them the full picture of But at the same time, Mr Host- Passengers waiting at Shanghai Pudong International Airport inspired Joakim Franzen of Roxtec, a Swedish manufacturer, to install plasma screens dispaying the flow of goods Alamy what lies ahead. A good pilot can mann concedes that management fly with instruments and a map, teams can quickly become but most of us are much more comfortable in a craft equipped with radar and GPS. In a business, monitoring data as they move through the organi- sation provides the equivalent of addicted to faster information flows. “The latency [the time delay when data are sent from place to place] is an important dis- cussion. “But if information is monthly, IT aims to overcome the blind spots the aircraft’s GPS co-ordinates, they want it weekly or daily; if it SUPPLY CHAIN “We take every order, altitude and air speed. Advanced is daily, they want it hourly,” he Please check the arrival and departure screens for your goods every bill of lading or ship- analytics takes on the role of the says. Smoother operations ment, and every freight bill radar, pointing out what lies As organisations act to reduce could lower costs Two years ago, while scanning the of goods in and out of Roxtec, with completed an upgrade of its ERP that’s paid, and in the mid- ahead. latency, and to push that through arrivals and departures screens at colour­coding to indicate how each system and one of the main aims was dle of the night, we transmit But creating accurate real-time their monitoring systems so that and make customers Shanghai Pudong International Airport, individual order or delivery has been to improve supply chain visibility. that electronically over to pictures of where a business is, let managers can act on it, costs usu- happier, says Joakim Franzen had a moment of prioritised. The data that feed these The first screen was placed between Oco, where it’s used to pop- alone predicting where it is going, ally increase. insight, writes Jessica Twentyman. screens comes from its IFS enterprise the desks of employees from the ulate our mini data ware- is stretching the capabilities of This is a real barrier to moving Jessica Twentyman As chief information officer for resource planning (ERP) system, via purchasing and customer order house,” he says. conventional BI, and forcing ven- to advanced analytics, when IT Roxtec International, a Swedish bespoke business intelligence (BI) tools departments. “There were some This, he says, has enabled dors as well as data analysts to budgets are constrained, and busi- A lack of visibility into sys- manufacturing company, he’d been built in house at Roxtec by Mr tensions between these two groups,” he Welch’s to tackle a number look at emerging technologies in nesses are no longer willing to tems data is the number one looking for a way to make its internal Franzen’s team. recalls. of problems – not least order to sift through ever-larger spend multi-million dollar sums challenge facing supply supply chain conditions more visible to Roxtec makes sealing systems for By erecting screens that displayed annual spending of about quantities of information. on enterprise-wide IT projects that chain professionals today. its employees around the world. cables and pipes that are laid in some pending orders and inventory levels, the $50m on transportation and In some fields, businesses are take five or more years to deliver. That’s the main finding “It occurred to me that passengers of the world’s most unforgiving two departments were able to work out distribution. For example, turning to stream computing, There are exceptions: according from a 2009 IBM survey of arriving and departing on flights aren’t environments, including offshore wind potential issues as soon as they arose. staff use the data warehouse where powerful machines analyse to Jeff Jonas, chief scientist at 400 supply chain executives so different from the inventory that farms and oil rigs. “Now, there’s no chance of pick lists to build full truckloads car- data in real time as they move IBM’s Entity Analytics business, worldwide. arrives at our company daily and the With a specialised product set and a and shipment information getting lost, rying as many cases and as through a system, looking for trig- some of the latest analysis sys- More than two-thirds (70 finished products that we ship out to workforce scattered around 13 because it’s all up there on screen,” much weight as possible, so ger points or anomalies. tems become not only more accu- per cent) reported that mak- our customers,” he recalls. subsidiaries, making sure everyone is says Mr Franzen. that trucks are not heading A stream computing system rate, but faster, as they process ing sense of “overwhelming With that in mind, he has since set aware of any problems that arise in the out to retailers half-full. developed by IBM, known as Info- more data. and fragmented data” about up 15­inch plasma screens around the supply chain is a challenge, he says. To A full version of this feature is at: “By analysing the number Sphere, is already being used to “The problem of trying to apply supply chain performance is company’s offices that display the flow address the issue, the company of orders and volume by day analyse “space weather”, a phe- an algorithm to an individual costly, difficult and too and comparing overloaded nomenon that creates interference transaction is like trying to time-consuming. days with days where with radio communications. squeeze knowledge out of a pixel. According to Sanjeev cal boardroom issue with tions: Where is a specific ning, manufacturing and esses approximately 50,000 trucks were lightly laden, Closer to earth, brokerage TD So we allow organisations to Nagrath, global supply direct links to financial shipment? When did it leave order fulfilment. customer orders a year for we found we could reorgan- Securities is using stream comput- weave together different pieces of chain management leader results – rather than a back- the warehouse? Is the order Increasingly, he says, cli- its grape-based juice and ise our shipments to even ing as the basis for an options Leading the way: retailers are using trend­spotting software to predict what will be in fashion next season Getty data from across the enterprise.” for IBM’s global business room operation – that imple- complete?” ents are using this kind of jelly products, had run up volume out across the days trading system it believes is the Again, the idea is not so much services arm, that creates menting BI to improve it is A vital step before BI tools platform not only to assess against what Mr Coyne saw of the week and to send out world’s fastest. are, however, there are downsides. Information management profes- used to synchronise other busi- to provide real-time data, but to “blind spots” at many com- seen as a priority. are chosen, is discussions current performance but as shortcomings in the fewer, better utilised trucks In the area of advanced analyt- The greatest is the sheer cost of sionals draw a distinction between ness processes, such as in a deliv- remove latency or delays that can panies, causing them to fall Those that do embark on between employees from also using for its simulation transportation and logistics per week,” he says. ics, significant work has already building systems that can provide systems that genuinely need to ery company, or when a retailer lead to less than optimal decision behind on customer orders, such projects often find that around the company – not capabilities to model modules of the company’s If supply chain visibility been done by governments in pre- real-time information to manag- work in real time, and those places a stock order. making. with potentially damaging applying BI to supply chain just supply chain operations “what-if” scenarios that Oracle enterprise resource is still an issue for many dicting what could happen in the ers. Another is the human ability where the information is merely An airline looking to fill its cab- However, the complexity and consequences. data is inherently more – on what data are required. demonstrate the likely planning (ERP) system and companies, it isn’t for future, for example in the field of to respond to real-time signals. timely, or has to be delivered at ins will need increasingly timely cost of such systems has tended to Business intelligence (BI) complex than applying it to “True supply chain visibil- impact of a disruption to the difficulties in integrating its Welch’s – or for the compa- counter-terrorism. There is little point in spending the “right” time. and accurate information as the limit their deployment to specific technology provides an data in other departments, ity needs to be a cross-de- chain. bespoke freight pay system nies that make up AMR And companies are looking what can easily be $1bn, or more, Often, the immediacy and value number of seats fills up, in order circumstances where the cost is answer to this lack of visi- such as the finance office, partmental initiative if it is Another approach is to that it uses to track trans- Research’s Supply Chain beyond relatively simple tools, on a BI system if the organisation of information changes through not to overbook and face paying justified, such as complex finan- bility, he suggests, by col- according to Kevin to get the significantly bet- portation costs. Top 25, an annual assess- such as regression analysis, to it serves is not agile enough to act the business process, creating a compensation to passengers. cial trades, security, or fraud lecting critical information O’Marah, an analyst with ter results that are achieva- Mr Coyne had worked ment of best practice among identify complex patterns in data on the insights provided. A distribution company will detection. about supply chain perform- AMR Research. ble,” says Mathieu Clerkx, ‘True supply chain before on supply chain prob- some of the world’s biggest and make increasingly accurate Some experts go as far as to say ‘If you can’t pull the need to deliver goods to a super- Some of the more advanced fea- ance from disparate sys- “To date, BI has been an executive advisor to Tata visibility needs lems with Bill Copacino, for- companies. predictions of customer demand, that real-time systems only have a market’s hub or to a factory tures, such as faster processing tems, consolidating it and more widely taken up in Consultancy Services (TCS) merly group chief executive Topping the list are Apple, the movement of market prices, or role to play in decisions that can levers and respond in within a narrow time window, or and better scenario planning, are presenting it to supply parts of the business where and a former senior vice- to be a for global business consult- Dell, Procter & Gamble, IBM even traffic patterns. Retailers are using trend spot- be made entirely without human intervention. real time, don’t make face financial penalties. But if it takes two days to deliver an item becoming part of mainstream BI. But by no means all emerging chain managers in the form of meaningful reports and information is more readily available and often held in a president specialising in supply chain operations at cross­departmental ing at Accenture, where he specialised in both BI and and Cisco and one of the major traits they have in ting software to enable them to “There is a case you can make, the investment’ by truck, information needs to be monitoring technologies will do metrics. departmental database. In electronics giant Philips and initiative’ supply chain management. common is their use of BI to predict what will be in fashion for automated decision-making, at its most accurate as the deliv- so, not least because businesses But in IBM’s survey, only supply chain operations, the microprocessor company When he heard that Mr analyse supply chain data, next season, and the technology is where real-time [analysis] is neces- ery window approaches. will only benefit from them if they 16 per cent of respondents data you need may not be in STMicroelectronics. Copacino had been says Mr O’Marah of AMR even being used by Hollywood stu- sary,” says Jeanne Harris, a BI further challenge when it comes to In a similar way, a retail store can act on the information. said their organisations the system at all or be held He has worked with TCS use one of the growing appointed chief executive of Research. dios and their financial backers to specialist at Accenture’s Institute developing advanced, analytical or manager ordering goods made in “You don’t want to invest in were effective at integrating in numerous disparate sys- to offer its clients in mar- number of BI tools offered Oco, a small but fast-grow- “These companies are predict the next blockbuster. for High Performance Business. prediction systems. Information Asia might need to do so six real-time information infrastruc- data across the supply chain tems, both internal and kets such as retail a hosted on a software-as-a-service ing BI-as-a-service company, masters of ‘balanced excel- These systems use pattern anal- “A tsunami warning system, or need not be real-time to be timely. weeks before they are required, to ture if you have a batch decision- in this way. “Cost and those of your key supply analytics platform that (SaaS) basis. This is what he was quick to make con- lence’. What they are able to ysis, often mining non-conven- a credit card fraud detection sys- Areas where the value of infor- avoid running out of stock. making process,” warns Gartner’s resource issues are largely chain partners, such as sup- includes information about Bill Coyne, director of pur- tact. Together, teams from do is slice and dice data to tional sources such as consumer tem, needs to work in real time. mation changes over time include Placing the order too early Bill Hostmann. to blame,” says Mr Nagrath. pliers or freight companies,” procurement and financial chasing and logistics at Oco and Welch’s built a find ways of running their sentiment or weather predictions, But the number of cases, com- perishable goods and commodities, means tying up cash and valuable “If you can’t pull the levers, and It is only at companies he says. spending, supplier perform- Welch’s, the US food manu- hosted data warehouse that supply chain in such a way to provide forecasts and advice. pared with these that work in such as airline seats or hotel beds, stock room space. Whereas, plac- can’t respond in real time, don’t where the supply chain “That makes it very diffi- ance, inbound and outbound facturer, has done. draws data from several key that costs are low but cus- Attractive though these projects ‘nearly real time’, is small.” as well as the information that is ing the order even a few hours make the investment.” operation is seen as a criti- cult to answer key ques- logistics, inventory plan- The company, which proc- back-office systems. tomers stay satisfied.”
  • 6. Historians asked to become forecasters ACCOUNTING INTELLIGENCE value finance should bring to the advanced accounting systems, table is helping businesses look were unable to produce real-time Many companies cannot forward.” data on fundamental metrics relat- produce reliable internal Bill Fuessler, IBM Global Finan- cial Management Lead for busi- ing to risk and counterparty expo- sure. financial intelligence. ness consulting, concurs: “In the Yet business trends have hugely Ross Tieman reports last 10-15 years most companies have put in some kind of financial multiplied the scale of risk. Neil McGovern, Director of Product system for general ledger. Strategy at financial systems spe- T he biggest challenge in “But the past 18 months have cialist Sybase, points out that accounting intelligence pushed the CFO to the forefront – “markets have speeded up five- centres upon the mis- they have shown it is important fold in the past 10 years, so they match between the data also to have information about do the same amount of trading in and the changing role of the chief business risk and metrics. People a day that they used to do in a financial officer (CFO). are looking for forward-looking, week”. Since the days of ledgers and predictive measures.” By simple arithmetic, any trad- quills, the accountant’s role has In a business environment of ing institution that is not there- been essentially that of financial unprecedented uncertainty, execu- fore checking its value at risk (a historian, preparing reports to tives want every clue they can get measure of the probability of loss) present a year-end snapshot of the five times more often has seen the state of a company’s finances. VAR increase. With the advent of IT, corporate ‘Only about 20 per cent The need for real-time account- accounting systems were therefore of companies with ing data is particularly acute in A simple example of sclerosis is regularly use business intelligence How much are we owed, and what achieving this closed-loop.” The collapse designed to capture data and do financial markets. Regulators and a failure to attribute new codes to functions.” are the numbers and trends in Today, he says, technology ena- of Lehman the adding up. In recent decades, the capability risk managers are demanding new types of materials purchased, Many finance chiefs still rely on accounts payable and receivable? bles companies to start posing the Brothers market demands for more infor- mation – statements of cash flow regularly use business much closer monitoring of VAR and counterparty risk. or even expenses claimed by employees, which leads staff to old-fashioned spreadsheets to keep tabs on the company’s finances. But as James Fisher, senior director of solution marketing at question: “What if?” – that is, to model what would happen to sales highlighted shortcomings and more detail on liabilities – intelligence functions’ Yet data volumes are so huge make “approximate” entries under No wonder providers of business SAP says, as soon as current infor- and profitability if they raised or in risk added to the data crunching task. that until recently, uploading the most-similar existing code, intelligence systems report strong mation is available, directors want lowered prices, reduced a product management But the financial crisis has crys- information to accountants in the leading to budgets appearing to interest from potential clients. forward indicators, from sales, range, or added a new line within across the tallised a fundamental shift in to likely changes in their operat- middle-office only took place over- grow even as real spending on a Clearly, the first task of boards marketing and production, so that a particular price bracket. sector Bloomberg expectations of the CFO’s role: col- ing environment, and contingency night. particular item is falling. and IT chiefs is to find ways to they can extrapolate future finan- It is only once data become use- leagues want the historian to turn plans to respond to possible sce- Many corporate accounting sys- As a result of fragmented legacy make a harmonised and accurate cial performance. ful information of this sort, says forecaster. narios. tems are also inadequate for show- systems, poor data quality, lack of set of data available, preferably in Only once future financial Accenture’s Mr Meade, that the “For far too long, accounting Many of the key unpredictable ing accurately the state of the standard definitions and so on, real-time. Then directors have to trends in the business are clear, CFO can really start adding value has been historic,” says Andrew factors are financial: changes in business today, let alone providing many companies simply do not choose their key metrics and look can directors start to monitor indi- in the way boardroom colleagues Meade, managing partner for commodity prices, currency valua- clues to future performance. have reliable internal financial at how to answer the questions cators and model strategies to want. finance and performance improve- tions and interest rates, for exam- Financial data are often stuck in intelligence available to the arising about the future of the improve future performance or With the right financial informa- ment UK and Ireland at advisory ple. functional silos, cannot be recon- C-suite executives, analysts say. business. react to challenges such as falling tion, he says, a finance chief could firm Accenture. The abruptness of the credit cri- ciled, and quality is in any case Even when the data are there, In the first instance, a finance customer satisfaction. help them make better decisions “Companies spend too much sis unleashed by the collapse of compromised by “sclerosis” – the Nigel Rayner, research vice-presi- director needs answers to current “You have to include monitoring across the organisation, from time sorting out and reconciling investment bank Lehman Broth- failure to modernise systems or dent at Gartner, says: “Our esti- questions: how much working cap- and build in remediation plans,” reshaping business models to sign- their history before trying to sort ers in September 2008 showed that even simple data definitions, to mate is that only about 20 per cent ital is tied up in the business? says Mr Fisher. ing tomorrow’s stars in the music out future trends . . . The real even banks with the most match organisational changes. of companies with the capability How much in the supply chain? “Many organisations are not industry.