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Lost Lord Ch 26 
"... You want to cut me again? Those I'll crave a chance." Zazie said when he stopped, adopted at the 
end of the call. She noted that Lyndworm not give off dangerous climate of the period a year ago, 
which seemed strange experience. Would not increase the infusion of light in the sword? That would 
be what most opponents would do when faced demon. 
"It seems confused. I took your words to heart when you said that you are not completely demon. 
Thought," just as the demon can not be a demon? "Then something hit me ..." End smiled, obviously 
enjoying their struggle. 
The end of his sword to his left and closed his eyes while the warm expression overtook his face. 
"Graaaaaaaaaaagh!" And with a wild roar End forcibly drew his sword to Zazie. Massive eight 
meters sword did not only sound way to cut through the air, which was odd, Zazie, too weird. 
Zazie put in both arms, ready to block the wound again when the unthinkable happened. Lyndworm 
passed over Zazie arm and body. Zazie's eyes widened as the sword passed Zazie body, even all the 
spectators stood still dropped jaw and bulging eyes. 
The effects were immediate. Zazie has felt the need to administer justice. She had felt her increased 
strength and power. She has personified justice. Effects cards disappeared and the presence of 
Astraea was literally cut off from Zazie body. 
Zazie quickly recovered. It just would not do to her enemy waits in his surprise. "... May I ask what 
you did to me? Once we can assume what happened, please elaborate." 
End bowed his head in acknowledgment, "Very well, miss., As I said, I can change the Ravager 
spells, I infuse a lot of my strength, I did just that. I have this sword blade into the exorcist. Presence 
I cut that has your body. though I do not know what possessed, I have to admit that it was pretty 
puzzle to figure out. Now, I do not think I will be honored with a secret of your power? "He asked 
politely end. Strange, though defeated friend and foe alike, Zazie could not find in themselves really 
hate him. 
"... Do you mind if I do not?" 
"After the [judgment]." Zazie pulled the final battle card. She wanted to reserve the jurisdiction of 
this card for Arazra, but it turned out in the end proved to be extremely opponent. 
End watched bemused as Zazie took a strange tarot cards, as before, from the deck between your 
hands to the sky. The card was floating in the air and spread to three times its size. Zazie put her 
hand on top of the floating card and stuck his hand into it. End of half expected Zazie in the hands 
poke through the other side of the card, but he knew that it was very logical in this battlefield. One 
must accept illogical circumstances to survive in circles. 
After the End, first, what are horrible feeling. Zazie reached into the space created by the card all 
the way to the shoulder and then some. Zazie released another one of his rare smiles naughty and 
retracted her hand, pulled her last trump.
Zazie drew his sword. Card disperse into particles when Zazie fully pulled out a long sword. 
Although it was not nearly as long as the End Lyndworm, Zazie sword was at least two meters long, 
with twenty-five of those inches, that belong to the sword handle. The sword seemed to make a 
simple, double-edged, diamond point, and the silver colored metal. Her head was anointed with one 
dark ruby. The handle was wrapped in brown strips of hardened leather. The guard was double 
showed small metal ball attached to each end. And last but not least, inexplicable aura sword is 
There were two sides to the sword feeling. On the one hand, it was dark, sinful and harmful. On the 
other hand, it felt holy, virtuous, and compassionate. The sword fell from grace, but he refused to 
leave behind their power. There was a legend of the sword, he fell from grace after being embedded 
in a wall in France from the human world. 
"Again, Zazie ... Just what are you?" Asmodeus could not help feeling separated from Zazie as a 
whole. As the two succubi not exist in the same group. 
The end did not frown. In fact, he just smile widened and opened to reveal a row of white teeth that 
contrasted with his crimson head. "I know the sword. Remember to feel part of it when I was still a 
part of my master, war. This sword, this is the legendary holy sword demon? Durandal." 
Contrary to speculation and legends from the human world, there was a small story that remained in 
the magical world of human societies, and other areas. That demon done the impossible and crossed 
his sin. Like the angel falls from grace, the demon rose from his sin. Although this process has 
proved impossible in the end, a legendary demon died after seconds after receiving the holy virtues, 
which in the body, held a virtue and sin. Demon disintegrated into nothingness, but the sword 
remained, which named Durandal. 
Yes, the [judgment] 's performance summoned the sword, Durandal. 
"... If you know his name, I'm sure you know about the sharpness. This is the second cut to another 
weapon in existence." Zazie in the air of confidence that seemed out of place on a purple succubus. 
"... I declare this, there is nothing in this world that can not be reduced. Neither your sword. Receive 
this little problem?" Zazie smiled sweetly. She decided not to lose here, not when her beloved will 
fight on its behalf and repeat the [World]. 
End swallowed and forced a smile. Take a deep breath and relaxed. . "When you say that I give this 
sword to defend property against everything I declare this: There is nothing in this world that I can 
not block with this sword I accept your little challenge". 
The world stopped. Asmodeus was again unable to understand the exchange between the two. She 
stood on the edge when she saw the confrontation between absolute existence. Sword whose 
sharpness can cut through anything and sword, whose defense can block anything. Asmodeus smiled 
when he knew who would win. It was a simple logic. One need take only illogical, but also logical if 
one wants to survive in this world. 
Zazie waiting for the end to change the properties of his sword again unstoppable defense. With just 
one smile, Zazie noticed that the end was ready to take his attack. She turned Durandal on both 
sides, testing the weight of the sword. "... It's been a while since I did." Purple succubus said, as 
shown by the sword at the end. 
Zazie ran at the end, dragging along Durandal, tip scratching the ground. On a side note, how Zazie
each other quite a long dress, her quick sprints and traffic was assisted by a low-friction spell that 
basically Zazie allowed to slide along the ground with their shoes. 
When only three meters left between them, Zazie slashed at the end of Durandal, who met with 
Zazie is a challenge pulling massive Lyndworm. A loud explosive sound shook the arena violently 
when two swords clashed. Durandal seemed to push into Lyndworm with great force, trying to cut 
through the blade imbued with unsurpassed durability. 
The phrase bigger is better has spoken quite often among the inhabitants of the earth Lust, however, 
the exchange between Zazie and end it turned out that bad. 
Durandal, at the same time, cut through Lyndworm, the removal of more than six meters of the 
blade from the handle. Due to a sudden loss of mass, Lyndworm went back to Ravager. 
Durandal did not stop with the cut Lyndworm, its course continues to slicing open end is snow white 
chest. However, the wound was not able to give end down to eternal sleep. He coughed up some 
blood and spit before Zazie speak with the same tone as before, "Amazing, I honestly can not believe 
it." End reflexively pulled his gun hand to his chest in a feeble attempt to salvage some of his blood. 
"... It's simple, really." Zazie replied nonchalantly. 
"Do not tell me." 
"... Your Ravager is essentially a copy impenetrable defense, while my Durandal is the real thing 
absolute cuts. Put your gun on the charm unmatched defense pails in comparison to the soul 
weapons with real charm." 
"Hahaha! I think I was too confident. Well, I give up, you can do it with me as you wish." 
Zazie seemed strange fearless surrender End, Asmodeus much confusion. End apparently had 
enough strength left to fight. And it was not like his soul weapons could not be used anymore. 
"... I do not really feel that I killed." 
"Well, I, end, I am deeply disappointed by his failure." A familiar voice came on the scene, Arazra. 
The literal drop of molten rock crashed into the End in crimson head, sending him crashing to the 
ground. Zazie swept magma, but the ending was discontinued. At least it is not dead ... But. 
Arazra flew down into the arena scarred End and Zazie. Black wings flapping behind her, a visual 
reminder that he had an advantage over every other color demon in terms of performance. "I was 
just visiting the next two holes, only to find sadism, maturity, and two concubines. None of them 
were much of a match for me. And I hoped that Zazie betrayed me, in order to fight against my face. 
I that you do not really worry about it then. "Arazra wandered when he pulled the card from known 
locations next to his heart, [World]. 
Zazie raised her hand and tried to pull the card to her with a simple connection between her and her 
cards. Although Arazra card held too tightly between the fingers and the top part of the card just 
flying around, desperately trying to break free.
"Oh no, looks like you can not take back yet! And here I thought your switching sides, I was finally 
able to deliver all part of some grand plan. Your pathetic little attempt barely passes the eye. 
Hmmm, maybe I waive punishment and abuse of power this card is a little bit? " 
"... Do not you dare ..." Zazie simmering. 
Asmodeus flew down to position Zazie and held the sword at the ready, pointed at Arazra. Asmodeus 
knew there was no way he could beat Arazra in front of the fight, but at least wanted to protect 
Zazie, who throughout had never betrayed the wishes of the previous owner. 
"Oh, it is Asmodeus. Well, ignoring red female ... Do not you dare, what, what can you do for me? 
Once I found out that the performance of this object, I knew I just had to have in order to obtain this 
war. Consider to come [World], let's see you get mad! "Arazra yelled as he picked up [the world] into 
the air. 
Card shone and essential beliefs of the jelly-like substance violently erupted from the card. 
"What the ..." Asmodeus stared dumbfounded. Nothing that happened in the fight between the end 
and Zazie her to prepare for it. Not once in my long life as a demon had a fantastic view as it ever 
was, even in the stories. 
[World] changed the world, literally. 
In front of the town, was a great plain filled with fragrant and beautiful gardens located there to 
greet visitors. As the front door was the only way in (with the exception of the secret back entrance), 
the mountains were so high that no flying creature never was able to fly over the mountain passes. 
Nevertheless, where there was once flat, discovered several high mountains covered with snow 
peaks and forests. Hory sprouting from the earth and allied with their high neighbors. 
"... Arazra ... You should not use this card." 
Arazra just raised an eyebrow and walked throaty laugh, stands above all the cries and woes of 
soldiers on both sides staring at the view. "GAHAHAHAHA! And why not? Instruments are made for 
use. What is there to let this card rot! I plan to use this useful gift too. A with this new addition to 
the mountains look like without reinforcements can stop me from taking over this town! Nergal No! 
No. Iris! Ani, the candidate can get through those mountains! Yes, I heard he went to go save his 
little witch. course, if he make it back in, it will be a simple matter to implement this upstart. " 
Zazie bite the bullet, there was no need to show that Rainer was within the city, and plans to take 
back [the world]. If Arazra already knew how to drive [World] to the extent that one could rely on 
the rule of sin, and the closest one is Rainer. "... Asmodeus, we must keep our attention for us to 
Rainer gets here. Can we just put our faith in him." 
Asmodeus then nodded Arazra asked the question, "Did you kill them?" 
"Hmm?" Arazra not seem to particularly care about Asmodeus words, he was too busy reveling in 
their time of unparalleled power. 
"You killed them?! Nerissa and Aureal! If you kill him ... I swear I do not live to the end of the day."
Declared Asmodeus with the poisonous nature of that jurisdiction was her usual sensual nature. 
"Oh yes, it is still day. Did not notice. Your point Asmodeus?" Arazra said, looking down at seduction 
"Bastard!" Asmodeus hissed and raised his sword, ready to use the full power of your soul weapons. 
"No, no, no, no, no, Sit still, a little seduction. [World], please limit it." Arazra once again picked up 
the card and tendrils of rock sticking out of the ground and wrapped around the limbs Asmodeus. 
Her sword was forced to fall to the ground, effectively sealing ability Asmodeus to be able to wear a 
soul weapon. 
Asmodeus pulled out and turned all his might, but could not break free from the iron grip of 
constrictive rocks. Asmodeus never felt so weak in my entire life. Her fighting skills were outside 
Peerless helps her gain the title of seduction Lust, and managed to control age for a moment when 
she realized that it was too burdensome. Still, why could not break out of a stone prison and strike 
the object that blocked the path of his master? 
"It's because I'm a gentleman Lust, Asmodeus. Do not deceive yourself into thinking that the 
applicant was the Lord.'s Just a false prophet leading lambs to the slaughter. With this card, I can 
accomplish unity between the circles ... Our race is finally defeat the sky. I can wipe out the 
surviving pagan gods. And I will conquer the human world, where you can sit out on the farm of 
human souls. "Arazra is honeyed words did not affect Asmodeus or Zazie in any way. 
Two members of the pillar could finally see how coercive Arazra was to convince his fellow district 
leaders to join him, Hezazias excluded. There was no doubt that the only demon in full of Arazra 
army, dead or alive, no doubt convinced that Arazra true, sir. 
"Now, when you say you are sorry and look up this word in the dictionary thousand times, he swears 
allegiance to me, I can forgive and release you. Hi, can I even say about those concubines seem to 
care about." Said Arazra arrogant. "Oh, wait, never mind., I forgot I had them live and they are 
watching me." 
Not only was Arazra right, along with Nerissa and Aureal was Caetorum a terrace. However, neither 
of the newcomers did not bear the visual shots. 
By this time, Arazra had his troops vacate the field and rushing to the palace, leaving him and his 
reluctant companions behind. While this does not mean that the defense units were destroyed, 
because many of them are still in the palace itself. 
Arazra stood proudly in the middle of a bloody hole in the wall between the edges of The Wall is. 
Demons in front of him, Asmodeus, Zazie, Nerissa, Aureal, Caetorum, and Teras all stood before him 
with guns drawn and solemn faces adorn their expressions. Even the usually unreliable Teras forced 
to take a serious look for one. 
"Oh, I'm afraid, when it shows all those faces at me. Verse! Okay, I cried, we all have done?" Arazra 
just could not read the mood. 
"Well, I'll just use the [World] 's power again. Formation of mountains is fun and all, but there is 
something that suits using such great power effortlessly bind to all of you." Arazra not give everyone 
a chance and went to bind each of them at the same time his words began.
All the demons he was limited as Asmodeus by tendrils smooth rock. The spell was too sudden and 
quick to respond to their senses dulled their injuries. 
"A-Arazra, you bloody bastard!" Caetorum barely managed to croak out, he found that his mouth 
covered with a thin layer of rock. 
"Hm ... It was not nearly as satisfying as I had hoped. My soldiers easily ferret out those pesky 
guards at the palace. Hopefully it's not a stain on the site with too much blood. I think I need to do 
my job by killing the candidate. "Arazra took a deep breath and yelled with all your strength" if you 
are there in this town! Come to me, that candidate! If not, I kill his concubines first, then each of the 
pillars ONE BY ONE! And I will be their DEATH painful, you can count on it! " 
Many seconds passed until Arazra sighed and boredom took over his face. "Well, it's either that it is 
not in the city, and can not be here because of my beautiful mountains, or that is in the city and 
could care less about you. Lets take a look, I'll start with the daughter of Pride." 
Arazra held [the world] in his hand and his other hand clenched in a fist. Slowly rock that narrowed 
Nerissa squeezed together, robbing it of any air movement, no matter how slight. Nerissa's eyes 
widened out, almost popping out of their sockets. Her veins and arteries throbbed as they forced the 
blood flow going. Her mouth widened as he quietly begged air into the lungs. 
"No matter how many times I have to say ... I will not let anyone DIE for me again!" 
Rock compression Nerissa body into puled was sliced ​​cleanly, releasing your body. 
Nerissa gasping and clutching when he tasted the sweet taste of a life filled his lungs again. 
After Nerissa opened her eyes, she saw Lauren with two large protrusions coming from the top of 
the wrist. Lauren used one of its covenants. One that is rarely used because of how uncomfortable 
and painful feeling was when he used his power. Manticore Pact, which allowed Lauren growth 
spike-blade metal protrusions of her body. In fact, her wrists bled from the use of the pact. Either 
way, it's lethal ability despite Nerissa saves lives. 
"Shh, I know I will not be able to beat him ... But the love possible.'s It over there now." Lauren 
proved its projection towards the most welcome person Rainer. 
"It's ... it's been a while since I last got to see him well." Nerissa said warmly. "Not that I doubt his 
power as the real ruler of sin ... But how can fiancée fight such disproportionate force?" 
Almost as if Lauren knew about demons more than Nerissa, who was taught by high quality teachers 
of all Daughter Pride needed to know Nerissa gave the most probable words that have so far heard. 
"Rainer's The Lord of Lust, right? Sin rulers are not supposed to be the absolute ruler of your circle? 
Someone who is Lord of Lust can not change the ring to their whim, as Arazra precisely with the 
mountains. Lust country belong to one soul, Rainer is. Apart of Rainer's plan, which I do not know 
about ... Mystery does have its charm, and he plays this card well. " 
"Ah, so we finally meet." Tis a funny way, two demons who fight for absolute position still barely 
know anything about your opponent? "Arazra said, staring coldly at Rainer.
Lost Lord Ch 26

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Under control

Lost Lord Ch 26

  • 1. Lost Lord Ch 26 "... You want to cut me again? Those I'll crave a chance." Zazie said when he stopped, adopted at the end of the call. She noted that Lyndworm not give off dangerous climate of the period a year ago, which seemed strange experience. Would not increase the infusion of light in the sword? That would be what most opponents would do when faced demon. "It seems confused. I took your words to heart when you said that you are not completely demon. Thought," just as the demon can not be a demon? "Then something hit me ..." End smiled, obviously enjoying their struggle. The end of his sword to his left and closed his eyes while the warm expression overtook his face. "Graaaaaaaaaaagh!" And with a wild roar End forcibly drew his sword to Zazie. Massive eight meters sword did not only sound way to cut through the air, which was odd, Zazie, too weird. Zazie put in both arms, ready to block the wound again when the unthinkable happened. Lyndworm passed over Zazie arm and body. Zazie's eyes widened as the sword passed Zazie body, even all the spectators stood still dropped jaw and bulging eyes. The effects were immediate. Zazie has felt the need to administer justice. She had felt her increased strength and power. She has personified justice. Effects cards disappeared and the presence of Astraea was literally cut off from Zazie body. Zazie quickly recovered. It just would not do to her enemy waits in his surprise. "... May I ask what you did to me? Once we can assume what happened, please elaborate." End bowed his head in acknowledgment, "Very well, miss., As I said, I can change the Ravager spells, I infuse a lot of my strength, I did just that. I have this sword blade into the exorcist. Presence I cut that has your body. though I do not know what possessed, I have to admit that it was pretty puzzle to figure out. Now, I do not think I will be honored with a secret of your power? "He asked politely end. Strange, though defeated friend and foe alike, Zazie could not find in themselves really hate him. "... Do you mind if I do not?" "No." "After the [judgment]." Zazie pulled the final battle card. She wanted to reserve the jurisdiction of this card for Arazra, but it turned out in the end proved to be extremely opponent. End watched bemused as Zazie took a strange tarot cards, as before, from the deck between your hands to the sky. The card was floating in the air and spread to three times its size. Zazie put her hand on top of the floating card and stuck his hand into it. End of half expected Zazie in the hands poke through the other side of the card, but he knew that it was very logical in this battlefield. One must accept illogical circumstances to survive in circles. After the End, first, what are horrible feeling. Zazie reached into the space created by the card all the way to the shoulder and then some. Zazie released another one of his rare smiles naughty and retracted her hand, pulled her last trump.
  • 2. Zazie drew his sword. Card disperse into particles when Zazie fully pulled out a long sword. Although it was not nearly as long as the End Lyndworm, Zazie sword was at least two meters long, with twenty-five of those inches, that belong to the sword handle. The sword seemed to make a simple, double-edged, diamond point, and the silver colored metal. Her head was anointed with one dark ruby. The handle was wrapped in brown strips of hardened leather. The guard was double showed small metal ball attached to each end. And last but not least, inexplicable aura sword is released. There were two sides to the sword feeling. On the one hand, it was dark, sinful and harmful. On the other hand, it felt holy, virtuous, and compassionate. The sword fell from grace, but he refused to leave behind their power. There was a legend of the sword, he fell from grace after being embedded in a wall in France from the human world. "Again, Zazie ... Just what are you?" Asmodeus could not help feeling separated from Zazie as a whole. As the two succubi not exist in the same group. The end did not frown. In fact, he just smile widened and opened to reveal a row of white teeth that contrasted with his crimson head. "I know the sword. Remember to feel part of it when I was still a part of my master, war. This sword, this is the legendary holy sword demon? Durandal." Contrary to speculation and legends from the human world, there was a small story that remained in the magical world of human societies, and other areas. That demon done the impossible and crossed his sin. Like the angel falls from grace, the demon rose from his sin. Although this process has proved impossible in the end, a legendary demon died after seconds after receiving the holy virtues, which in the body, held a virtue and sin. Demon disintegrated into nothingness, but the sword remained, which named Durandal. Yes, the [judgment] 's performance summoned the sword, Durandal. "... If you know his name, I'm sure you know about the sharpness. This is the second cut to another weapon in existence." Zazie in the air of confidence that seemed out of place on a purple succubus. "... I declare this, there is nothing in this world that can not be reduced. Neither your sword. Receive this little problem?" Zazie smiled sweetly. She decided not to lose here, not when her beloved will fight on its behalf and repeat the [World]. End swallowed and forced a smile. Take a deep breath and relaxed. . "When you say that I give this sword to defend property against everything I declare this: There is nothing in this world that I can not block with this sword I accept your little challenge". The world stopped. Asmodeus was again unable to understand the exchange between the two. She stood on the edge when she saw the confrontation between absolute existence. Sword whose sharpness can cut through anything and sword, whose defense can block anything. Asmodeus smiled when he knew who would win. It was a simple logic. One need take only illogical, but also logical if one wants to survive in this world. Zazie waiting for the end to change the properties of his sword again unstoppable defense. With just one smile, Zazie noticed that the end was ready to take his attack. She turned Durandal on both sides, testing the weight of the sword. "... It's been a while since I did." Purple succubus said, as shown by the sword at the end. Zazie ran at the end, dragging along Durandal, tip scratching the ground. On a side note, how Zazie
  • 3. each other quite a long dress, her quick sprints and traffic was assisted by a low-friction spell that basically Zazie allowed to slide along the ground with their shoes. When only three meters left between them, Zazie slashed at the end of Durandal, who met with Zazie is a challenge pulling massive Lyndworm. A loud explosive sound shook the arena violently when two swords clashed. Durandal seemed to push into Lyndworm with great force, trying to cut through the blade imbued with unsurpassed durability. The phrase bigger is better has spoken quite often among the inhabitants of the earth Lust, however, the exchange between Zazie and end it turned out that bad. Durandal, at the same time, cut through Lyndworm, the removal of more than six meters of the blade from the handle. Due to a sudden loss of mass, Lyndworm went back to Ravager. Durandal did not stop with the cut Lyndworm, its course continues to slicing open end is snow white chest. However, the wound was not able to give end down to eternal sleep. He coughed up some blood and spit before Zazie speak with the same tone as before, "Amazing, I honestly can not believe it." End reflexively pulled his gun hand to his chest in a feeble attempt to salvage some of his blood. "... It's simple, really." Zazie replied nonchalantly. "Do not tell me." "... Your Ravager is essentially a copy impenetrable defense, while my Durandal is the real thing absolute cuts. Put your gun on the charm unmatched defense pails in comparison to the soul weapons with real charm." "Hahaha! I think I was too confident. Well, I give up, you can do it with me as you wish." Zazie seemed strange fearless surrender End, Asmodeus much confusion. End apparently had enough strength left to fight. And it was not like his soul weapons could not be used anymore. "... I do not really feel that I killed." "Well, I, end, I am deeply disappointed by his failure." A familiar voice came on the scene, Arazra. Boom! The literal drop of molten rock crashed into the End in crimson head, sending him crashing to the ground. Zazie swept magma, but the ending was discontinued. At least it is not dead ... But. Arazra flew down into the arena scarred End and Zazie. Black wings flapping behind her, a visual reminder that he had an advantage over every other color demon in terms of performance. "I was just visiting the next two holes, only to find sadism, maturity, and two concubines. None of them were much of a match for me. And I hoped that Zazie betrayed me, in order to fight against my face. I that you do not really worry about it then. "Arazra wandered when he pulled the card from known locations next to his heart, [World]. Zazie raised her hand and tried to pull the card to her with a simple connection between her and her cards. Although Arazra card held too tightly between the fingers and the top part of the card just flying around, desperately trying to break free.
  • 4. "Oh no, looks like you can not take back yet! And here I thought your switching sides, I was finally able to deliver all part of some grand plan. Your pathetic little attempt barely passes the eye. Hmmm, maybe I waive punishment and abuse of power this card is a little bit? " "... Do not you dare ..." Zazie simmering. Asmodeus flew down to position Zazie and held the sword at the ready, pointed at Arazra. Asmodeus knew there was no way he could beat Arazra in front of the fight, but at least wanted to protect Zazie, who throughout had never betrayed the wishes of the previous owner. "Oh, it is Asmodeus. Well, ignoring red female ... Do not you dare, what, what can you do for me? Once I found out that the performance of this object, I knew I just had to have in order to obtain this war. Consider to come [World], let's see you get mad! "Arazra yelled as he picked up [the world] into the air. Card shone and essential beliefs of the jelly-like substance violently erupted from the card. Grrraaaaaaaaashhhhh! "What the ..." Asmodeus stared dumbfounded. Nothing that happened in the fight between the end and Zazie her to prepare for it. Not once in my long life as a demon had a fantastic view as it ever was, even in the stories. [World] changed the world, literally. In front of the town, was a great plain filled with fragrant and beautiful gardens located there to greet visitors. As the front door was the only way in (with the exception of the secret back entrance), the mountains were so high that no flying creature never was able to fly over the mountain passes. Nevertheless, where there was once flat, discovered several high mountains covered with snow peaks and forests. Hory sprouting from the earth and allied with their high neighbors. "... Arazra ... You should not use this card." Arazra just raised an eyebrow and walked throaty laugh, stands above all the cries and woes of soldiers on both sides staring at the view. "GAHAHAHAHA! And why not? Instruments are made for use. What is there to let this card rot! I plan to use this useful gift too. A with this new addition to the mountains look like without reinforcements can stop me from taking over this town! Nergal No! No. Iris! Ani, the candidate can get through those mountains! Yes, I heard he went to go save his little witch. course, if he make it back in, it will be a simple matter to implement this upstart. " Zazie bite the bullet, there was no need to show that Rainer was within the city, and plans to take back [the world]. If Arazra already knew how to drive [World] to the extent that one could rely on the rule of sin, and the closest one is Rainer. "... Asmodeus, we must keep our attention for us to Rainer gets here. Can we just put our faith in him." Asmodeus then nodded Arazra asked the question, "Did you kill them?" "Hmm?" Arazra not seem to particularly care about Asmodeus words, he was too busy reveling in their time of unparalleled power. "You killed them?! Nerissa and Aureal! If you kill him ... I swear I do not live to the end of the day."
  • 5. Declared Asmodeus with the poisonous nature of that jurisdiction was her usual sensual nature. "Oh yes, it is still day. Did not notice. Your point Asmodeus?" Arazra said, looking down at seduction Lust. "Bastard!" Asmodeus hissed and raised his sword, ready to use the full power of your soul weapons. "No, no, no, no, no, Sit still, a little seduction. [World], please limit it." Arazra once again picked up the card and tendrils of rock sticking out of the ground and wrapped around the limbs Asmodeus. Her sword was forced to fall to the ground, effectively sealing ability Asmodeus to be able to wear a soul weapon. Asmodeus pulled out and turned all his might, but could not break free from the iron grip of constrictive rocks. Asmodeus never felt so weak in my entire life. Her fighting skills were outside Peerless helps her gain the title of seduction Lust, and managed to control age for a moment when she realized that it was too burdensome. Still, why could not break out of a stone prison and strike the object that blocked the path of his master? "It's because I'm a gentleman Lust, Asmodeus. Do not deceive yourself into thinking that the applicant was the Lord.'s Just a false prophet leading lambs to the slaughter. With this card, I can accomplish unity between the circles ... Our race is finally defeat the sky. I can wipe out the surviving pagan gods. And I will conquer the human world, where you can sit out on the farm of human souls. "Arazra is honeyed words did not affect Asmodeus or Zazie in any way. Two members of the pillar could finally see how coercive Arazra was to convince his fellow district leaders to join him, Hezazias excluded. There was no doubt that the only demon in full of Arazra army, dead or alive, no doubt convinced that Arazra true, sir. "Now, when you say you are sorry and look up this word in the dictionary thousand times, he swears allegiance to me, I can forgive and release you. Hi, can I even say about those concubines seem to care about." Said Arazra arrogant. "Oh, wait, never mind., I forgot I had them live and they are watching me." Not only was Arazra right, along with Nerissa and Aureal was Caetorum a terrace. However, neither of the newcomers did not bear the visual shots. By this time, Arazra had his troops vacate the field and rushing to the palace, leaving him and his reluctant companions behind. While this does not mean that the defense units were destroyed, because many of them are still in the palace itself. Arazra stood proudly in the middle of a bloody hole in the wall between the edges of The Wall is. Demons in front of him, Asmodeus, Zazie, Nerissa, Aureal, Caetorum, and Teras all stood before him with guns drawn and solemn faces adorn their expressions. Even the usually unreliable Teras forced to take a serious look for one. "Oh, I'm afraid, when it shows all those faces at me. Verse! Okay, I cried, we all have done?" Arazra just could not read the mood. "Well, I'll just use the [World] 's power again. Formation of mountains is fun and all, but there is something that suits using such great power effortlessly bind to all of you." Arazra not give everyone a chance and went to bind each of them at the same time his words began.
  • 6. All the demons he was limited as Asmodeus by tendrils smooth rock. The spell was too sudden and quick to respond to their senses dulled their injuries. "A-Arazra, you bloody bastard!" Caetorum barely managed to croak out, he found that his mouth covered with a thin layer of rock. "Hm ... It was not nearly as satisfying as I had hoped. My soldiers easily ferret out those pesky guards at the palace. Hopefully it's not a stain on the site with too much blood. I think I need to do my job by killing the candidate. "Arazra took a deep breath and yelled with all your strength" if you are there in this town! Come to me, that candidate! If not, I kill his concubines first, then each of the pillars ONE BY ONE! And I will be their DEATH painful, you can count on it! " Many seconds passed until Arazra sighed and boredom took over his face. "Well, it's either that it is not in the city, and can not be here because of my beautiful mountains, or that is in the city and could care less about you. Lets take a look, I'll start with the daughter of Pride." Arazra held [the world] in his hand and his other hand clenched in a fist. Slowly rock that narrowed Nerissa squeezed together, robbing it of any air movement, no matter how slight. Nerissa's eyes widened out, almost popping out of their sockets. Her veins and arteries throbbed as they forced the blood flow going. Her mouth widened as he quietly begged air into the lungs. "No matter how many times I have to say ... I will not let anyone DIE for me again!" Rock compression Nerissa body into puled was sliced ​​cleanly, releasing your body. Nerissa gasping and clutching when he tasted the sweet taste of a life filled his lungs again. After Nerissa opened her eyes, she saw Lauren with two large protrusions coming from the top of the wrist. Lauren used one of its covenants. One that is rarely used because of how uncomfortable and painful feeling was when he used his power. Manticore Pact, which allowed Lauren growth spike-blade metal protrusions of her body. In fact, her wrists bled from the use of the pact. Either way, it's lethal ability despite Nerissa saves lives. "Lau-cough-Lauren!" "Shh, I know I will not be able to beat him ... But the love possible.'s It over there now." Lauren proved its projection towards the most welcome person Rainer. "It's ... it's been a while since I last got to see him well." Nerissa said warmly. "Not that I doubt his power as the real ruler of sin ... But how can fiancée fight such disproportionate force?" Almost as if Lauren knew about demons more than Nerissa, who was taught by high quality teachers of all Daughter Pride needed to know Nerissa gave the most probable words that have so far heard. "Rainer's The Lord of Lust, right? Sin rulers are not supposed to be the absolute ruler of your circle? Someone who is Lord of Lust can not change the ring to their whim, as Arazra precisely with the mountains. Lust country belong to one soul, Rainer is. Apart of Rainer's plan, which I do not know about ... Mystery does have its charm, and he plays this card well. " ... "Ah, so we finally meet." Tis a funny way, two demons who fight for absolute position still barely know anything about your opponent? "Arazra said, staring coldly at Rainer.