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Literature &
 By Shelagh Watkins

    Mandinam Press
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First printing

Copyright © Mandinam Press 2009

Literature & Fiction Volume I

                    Published by Mandinam Press
Editorial Foreword                           5

Pat Bertram                                   7

Malcolm R. Campbell                          11

Jim Cherry                                   15

D. K. Christi                                21

Caryn Gottlieb FitzGerald                    27

Jim Hinckley                                 33

Jean Holloway                                39

Rayni Joan                                   43

Gail Koger                                   47

Abe F. March                                 53

Gregory Mose                                 59

Erma Odrach                                  63

Donald James Parker                          69

Tony Peters                                  75

D. T. Pollard                                81

Marjorie Price                               87

Maryanne Raphael                             93

Dianne G. Sagan                              97

Shelagh Watkins                             101

Daughter Am I by Pat Bertram                                      19

Jock Stewart and the Missing Sea of Fire by Malcolm R. Campbell    19

The Last Stage by Jim Cherry                                      25

Ghost Orchid by D. K. Christi                                     25

Tulips in the Sand - A Riley Matthews Mystery by Caryn Gottlieb    31

Ghosts of Northwest Arizona by Jim Hinckley                        41

Black Jack by Jean Holloway                                        41

The Skinny by Rayni Joan                                           51

Just My Luck by Gail Koger                                         51

Journey into the Past by Abe F. March                             67

Stunt Road by Gregory Mose                                        67

Wave of Terror by Erma Odrach                                     73

Homeless Like Me by Donald James Parker                           73

Kids on a Case by Tony Peters                                     85

Obama Guilty of Being President while Black by D. T. Pollard      85

A Gift from Brittany by Marjorie Price                             91

Saints of Molokai by Maryanne Raphael                             108

Shelter from the Storm by Dianne G. Sagan                         108

Throughout 2009, I interviewed an eclectic mix of authors who had recently
released a new book. The variety of genres includes mystery, romance, satire,
crime thriller, humour, autobiography and children’s fiction. The varied
backgrounds of the authors show a tremendous wealth of experience. All the
featured authors have drawn on this knowledge to write novels and works of
non-fiction to entertain, help and inform readers.
    This volume of interviews provides an insight into a group of authors
from the United States, Canada and Europe, and gives a glimpse of their past
and present books. The unique collection of interviews will entertain and
inspire readers to find out more about the authors and their books.

11.30.2009                                                 Shelagh Watkins

Hi Pat, where are you from and how does your
background influence your writing?

                                     Pat: I was born in
                                     Colorado, and I’ve
                                     always lived there
                                     except for a very
                                     brief      stay     in
                                           Because      the
                                     Rocky       Mountains
                                     form the back-drop
of my life, they figure prominently in all of my books.
Pat Bertram
                        Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins

I would like to introduce my guest, Pat Bertram, author of Daughter Am I, A
Spark of Heavenly Fire and More Deaths than One. When the traditional
publishers stopped publishing her favorite type of book – character and story
driven novels that can’t easily be slotted into a genre – she decided to write
her own.

When did you begin writing and in what genre?

Pat: I used to write many years ago. I always had words in my head, and then
one day they just disappeared. I have no idea why, really. Perhaps the shock
of discovering I had no innate talent zapped them out of my head. I started
writing again about eight years ago – by then I was used to the idea that I had
no particular talent for writing, and since I wanted to write anyway, I decided
to learn the craft. I wrote almost everyday, and I read hundreds of books
about writing, editing, publishing, and promotion. I don’t write in any set
genre – I write the books they way they need to be written, and then I
struggle to find a genre afterward. They all have a mystery and a romance at
the core, though none of them are mysteries as such, and none are romances
since there is no real romantic conflict.

When you started writing, what goals did you want to accomplish?

Pat: I had no goals when I started writing. Well, that’s not strictly true. I
wanted to make a fortune, but I discovered early on that very few writers
were ever able to quit their day jobs. Still, I enjoyed writing, mostly because it
took me away from the worries of my every day life. You know the old joke
about everywhere I went, there I was? Writing is the one thing you can do
that gives you a vacation from yourself.

Briefly tell us about your latest book. Is it part of a series or stand-alone?

Literature & Fiction Interviews
                         Pat: Daughter Am I is a stand-alone book, though I
                         like the characters so much that if the novel were
                         ever to sell well enough to merit a sequel, I might
                         write one.

                         What’s the hook for Daughter Am I?

                         Pat: When twenty-five-year-old Mary Stuart learns
                         she inherited a farm from her recently murdered
                         grandparents – grandparents her father claimed had
                         died before she was born – she becomes obsessed
                         with finding out who they were and why someone
wanted them dead. Poor Mary – she starts out so young and innocent and
ends up driving through the Midwest with a carload of aged gangsters and
conmen. Add in a secret room, buried treasure and a boyfriend who is
anything but romantic, and you’ve got plenty of hooks!

Who is the most unusual/likeable character?

Pat: That is a hard question! All the octogenarian gangsters in Daughter Am I
are unusual and likeable in their own way. There’s Teach, who sells bullets he
claims came from the shoot-out at the O.K. Corral. There’s Kid Rags, who
still works as a forger. There’s Happy, a trigger-happy ex-wheelman for the
mob, whose hands shake so much he can barely aim let alone shoot. That’s
only three of the octogenarians – there are seven feisty old gangsters all
together. Well, six gangsters and one ex-showgirl.

Share with us the best review that you’ve ever had.

Pat: I’ve had great reviews for all of my books, but since this interview is
mostly about Daughter Am I, I’ll share the best portion of a review I got from
Publisher’s Weekly. They said Daughter Am I is “a delightful treasure-hunting
tale of finding one’s self in a most unlikely way.”

Have you written any other books besides Daughter Am I?

Pat: Two others are published. A Spark of Heavenly
Fire is my favorite, perhaps because it’s the book
where I first learned I could write.
The story takes place during an epidemic when

people are dying in vast numbers from an unstoppable disease. Some
characters try to escape quarantined Colorado, others try to figure out who
created the bio-engineered disease, but my hero Kate Cummings struggles to
find the courage to live, to love, and to help those in need of food and
shelter. She is truly a spark of heavenly fire during the state’s dark hour of

                        In More Deaths than One, Bob Stark returns home to
                        Denver after living for eighteen years in Southeast
                        Asia. While reading the current newspaper one
                        sleepless night, he discovers an obituary for his
                        mother. This comes as rather a shock, because she
                        died and he buried her before he left the country. My
                        favorite line that I’ve ever written is from that book:
                        And Lydia Loretta Stark was dead. Again.

                        What are your current projects?

Pat: My work-in-progress, which I call my work-in-pause because I haven’t
worked on it much at all this year, is a tongue-in-cheek apocalyptic allegory.
Talk about a book with no genre! Mostly what I’ve been doing is learning
how to promote. I’d like to introduce my novels to readers, but that is hard
to do if no one has ever heard of the books.

Where can folks learn more about your books and events?

Pat: I have a website – www. – where I post important
information, including the first chapters of each of my books, but the best
way to keep up with me, my books, and my events on a daily basis is by way
of Bertram’s Blog.
    All my books are available both in print and in ebook format. You can
get them online at Second Wind Publishing, Amazon, and Smashwords.
Smashwords is great – the books are available in all ebook formats, including
Kindle, and you can download the first 30% free.

See excerpt of Daughter Am I on page 19.

Please tell us a little about yourself, Malcolm.

                                     Malcolm: Shelagh, I’ve spent the bulk of
my                                   career as a technical writer for computer
                                     companies, most of which fell on hard
times,                               though I don’t think it was my fault. I’ve
also                                 worked as a college journalism instructor,
grant                                writer, and corporate communications
                                     director. Currently, I’m a contributing
writer                               for a north Georgia magazine called Living
Jackson.                             My first novel, The Sun Singer, was
                                     published in 2004, followed by a book of
satire in 2006 called Worst of Jock Stewart.
Malcolm R. Campbell
                        Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins

Today’s guest, Malcolm Campbell, is the author of Worst of Jock Stewart, a
book of satirical news stories, and two novels The Sun Singer and Jock Stewart
and the Missing Sea of Fire.

When did you first begin writing and what did you write?

Malcolm: When I was in high school, I was quite certain I’d end up traveling
the world writing exciting articles about exotic places for National Geographic.
While I have written a few articles about exotic places, they were published in
the shipboard magazine of the aircraft carrier I served aboard while in the
Navy. My Indiana Jones career didn’t quite pan out. So now, I visualize
exotic places in my fiction.

Briefly tell us about your latest book. Is it part of a series or stand alone?

                           Malcolm: My latest novel is a mystery/thriller,
                           published by Vanilla Heart in August, with a
                           large dash of comedy in it called Jock Stewart and
                           the Missing Sea of Fire. Stewart lives in the exotic
                           states of inebriation and Texas where he works
                           as a gruff, old-style investigative reporter for a
                           small-town newspaper. He’s hot on the trail of
                           the thieves who appear to have stolen the
                           mayor’s race horse Sea of Fire and who might
                           just be the same people who killed his publisher’s
                           girl friend Bambi Hill. The police chief has
                           warned Stewart that he (Stewart) has a target on
                           his back. Stewart believes that as long as your
number’s not up, you’re going to be okay.

Literature & Fiction Interviews
What is the hook for the book?

Jock Stewart goes out of his way to mock those in authority by pretending to
kowtow to them. He admits he does his best work by “being an asshole” and
a mix of Don Rickles and Don Quixote. He’s the man for the job when the
skirts are up and the chips are down.

How do you develop characters and setting in your books?

Malcolm: Jock Stewart and the Missing Sea of Fire arose out of the characters
and settings I created several years ago for a blog called Morning Satirical
News. I used the blog to satirize everything via fake news stories for a
newspaper called the Star-Gazer at the fictional everyman’s town of Junction
City. When I decided to put Stewart into a novel, he dragged the whole crazy
mess of people and places right along with him. I had no choice but to just
let it happen. I typed the first draft straight through to the end without
planning or worrying about anything. Needless to say, I faced a fair amount
of editing after that!

Do you have specific techniques to help you maintain the course of the plot?

Malcolm: I put myself in the shoes of every character in the book and “see”
the world through their eyes when they are in a scene. It’s almost a free
association technique while within each character’s mindset. Words and
actions for each character simply pop into my mind when I’m thinking about
them. Sometimes I wonder who’s actually writing the novel. Is it me or am I
channeling a bunch of people who are competing for the best lines and the
best scenes? Some day this is my muse, while others claim it’s my
subconscious mind. Whatever it is, I’m not going to mess with it.

Do you have a specific writing style or preferred POV?

Malcolm: I write in third person restricted, staying within the protagonist’s
point of view throughout a book or story. In The Sun Singer, my style was
magical realism with a fair amount of interior monologue and description. In
Jock Stewart and the Missing Sea of Fire, the scenes and dialogue were much
shorter and faster with the voice-over flavor of an old noir film out of the
1940s or 1950s.
How does your environment/upbringing color your writing?


Malcolm: My father was a journalist and journalism educator. The house
was filled with books, magazines, and writing professors. It would have been
difficult to escape this kind of influence even if I’d wanted to. The Jock
Stewart character has a lot in common with many of the older journalists
who were on my father’s staff, men who came out to the house and told
stories about moonshiner raids, tough editors and weird reporters hanging
out in the newsroom, and afterhours trips to a favorite watering hole. I was a
journalist for the Navy, but the low salaries wouldn’t put Scotch and/or food
on the table, so I ended up in corporate America rather than the newsroom. I
probably would have had fewer ulcers in the newsroom.

Share with us the best review that you’ve ever had.

Malcolm: Author Nancy Whitney-Reiter wrote that the novel features
“small town hi-jinks delivered with healthy doses of sarcasm and wit. Jock
Stewart is like Guy Noir freed from the confines of public radio. A must-read
for anyone who likes their sleuths hard-boiled, their women salty, and their
plots with as many twists and turns as a plate of the Purple Platter Diner’s

Where can folks learn more about your books and events?

Malcolm: My books are available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble and
Vanilla Heart. Readers can learn more about my books on my website at and blog at

See excerpt of Jock Stewart and the Missing Sea of Fire on page 19.

Hi Jim, please tell everyone about yourself.

                          Jim: I grew up in Chicago in the sixties; I remember
                          and absorbed it all. I remember being born and the
                          kaleidoscope images of childhood. My mother read
                          to me, acting out the characters and put the pictures
                          in my head. I danced on a corner and made it rain, I
                          discovered magic or power, it was child’s play. Art
                          was another early discovery when I saw a bunch of
                          girls crowded around a fellow classmate I looked
                          over to see what was going on, he was drawing
Peanuts characters. I read just about everything that came my way; a writer
has to live both in his imagination and the world of experience and I think
I’ve done both. I lived the first twenty-three years of my life in my
imagination. From the earliest years reading about pirates, baseball players,
racecar drivers, mythology and after I put the books down the adventures
continued in my head and backyard.
             If you want to know more about me you can find me in
         the pages of my books, in between the lines.
Jim Cherry
                        Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins

Jim Cherry has written three books: the semi-autobiographical novel Becoming
Angel, a collection of short stories, Stranger Souls and the Doors inspired
novel, The Last Stage.

When did you first begin writing and what did you write?

Jim: I started writing when I was thirteen. I read about Ernest Hemingway
and how a writer can be an artist and I wanted to be an artist but can’t draw.
The first thing I ever wrote was a Mad Magazine style satire, complete with
traced out drawings from Mad. My mother laughed and I took it wrong; I
had intended it to be serious fiction.

When you started writing, what goals did you want to accomplish? Is there a
message you want readers to grasp?

Jim: The goals I started with in writing don’t seem to be the ones I’m
accomplishing. The writing process seems to have taken on a life of its own
and the books seem to create themselves as I go along. Yes, there is a
message I want readers to grasp but I don’t want to say what that is because I
don’t want to impose my bias on the reader. I want readers to be free to find
whatever message they do find. I’ve written things where I thought the
message was pretty clear but other readers saw other things in the piece and I
couldn’t discount it, because I saw that they could be right. I don’t want to
bias the reader with my interpretation which may or may not be right.

Briefly tell us about your latest book. Is it the first in a series or stand-alone?

Jim: The Last Stage. I think too many writers take on too much with

Literature & Fiction Interviews
writing a series of books. In the past I’ve read some series by some to the
best writers and they don’t always stand up. While I admire the imagination
and dedication writers take in creating a series, I like all my novels to stand
on their own; I don’t want to commit my readers to too much. Or maybe I
don’t want to commit myself to too much!

How do you develop characters and setting?

Jim: The characters develop organically. When I start a story I have an idea
of who the people are and what motivates them. But during the writing I
usually discover something about the characters I hadn’t known. Most of the
stories I write are set in the environment I’m familiar with, suburbs

Do you have specific techniques to help you maintain the course of the plot?

Jim: No. When I start writing I know the beginning and the end of the story,
but as I write the middle tends to write itself and I’m usually surprised at how
things work out.

Do you have a specific writing style and preferred POV?

Jim: I usually write in the first person. I really don’t set out with the POV in
mind, I just find that first person is the best for giving the reader the sense of
immediacy and participation in the story that I’m looking for.

How does your environment/upbringing color your writing?

Jim: I was raised in middle to upper class suburbs and still live in them, so
that’s where most of my settings occur, it really isn’t anything conscious it’s
just as the characters develop that’s their background. And my characters
aren’t the type that the more status conscious residents of the suburbs want
to see. My characters usually are struggling with the world they find
themselves in, they either don’t fit in or are having trouble trying to attain the
goals associated with those suburbs and its residents.

Share the best review (or a portion) that you’ve ever had.

Jim: I always find the latest review of my books is the best! I try my best
to write the best I can and I think I’ve been lucky the books are what I’ve
envisioned and get good reviews. True to form here’s the latest:

                             This book has long intrigued me as a Doors fan,
                             and now that I have read it, I am completely
                             wowed by it. What would it be like to be Jim
                             Morrison performing up on stage? Read this book
                             and find out.
                                 It’s very well written, and includes details
                             about all the little things that Doors fans
                             appreciate. That gives the book a very real, almost
                             non-fiction feeling. I kept saying “yes! yes!” as I
                             read it, because the book totally nails a lot of the
                             emotion that Doors fans have for the band. The
                             characters are vivid, and their dialog snappy. But
                             most of all, the descriptions of the various
locations made the book come alive. Like the various bars where the band
plays their gigs. And the road trip they go on throughout the midwest. From
Chicago to New Orleans, I felt like I was right there as I read it. I got a kick
reading about the various girlfriends and “Doors groupies” that they met on
the road trip. Some of them were laugh out loud funny, others were sad. But
all were fascinating to read about.
     The main character has a very complex character, and I was immediately
drawn in to trying to figure out what made him tick. Was he just a devoted
Morrison fan? Or did he have a self identity problem? Every scene that
unfolded had me even more engrossed in trying to figure out what he was
trying to accomplish. By the end of the story, this guy was in Los Angeles,
getting ready to perform at Whisky a Go Go, carousing with aging rock stars
and actors, interviewing agents and screenplay writers, reliving Jim
Morrison’s lifestyle, and exploring all his old haunts. I won’t give away the
ending, but it is very, very poignant and real.
By Katherine Reinhart

What are your current projects?

Jim: I actually have quite a few projects in mind. I currently write articles as
The Doors Examiner which are about the rock group The Doors. As far as
creative writing, I’m working on a novel, Ghosts, which is about the death of a
friend of mine, and the ghosts we carry around with us throughout our lives.
I also have another Rock ‘n’ Roll novel up my sleeve titled Ghost Dance (yes, I
may be in a ghost period, like Picasso’s blue period!) it’s about an American
Indian rock band that hits the big time. It’s a bit of a thriller.
Literature & Fiction Interviews

Where can folks learn more about your books and events?

Jim: My website:
Writing Under the Influence of Rock ‘n’ Roll!

See excerpt of The Last Stage on page 25.


Snippets from Daughter Am I and Jock Stewart and the Missing Sea of Fire:

“Who were James Angus Stuart and Regina DeBrizzi Stuart?” Mary asked,
trying to ignore the mounted heads of murdered animals staring down at her
from the lawyer’s wood-paneled walls.
     Conrad Browning took off the silver-framed eyeglasses that matched his
full head of hair and peered at her. “You don’t know who they were?”
     “No. Until I got your letter, I’d never heard of them. Since they’re
Stuarts and so am I, I thought they might be distant relatives, but why would
they leave me everything they own?”
     Mr. Browning cleared his throat. “It’s simple. They were your grand-
     Mary shook her head. “I don’t have any grandparents. My father’s
parents died before my birth, and my mother’s parents died shortly after.”
     “Be that as it may, James Angus Stuart and Regina DeBrizzi Stuart were
your grandparents. They had one son, Peter Thackery Stuart, who married
Gwendolyn Jane Smith. They, in turn, had one daughter. Mary Louise Stuart.
     “I don’t understand. My father told me they were dead.”
Copyright © 2008-2009. Pat Bertram.

County Road 3724 closely followed the lay of the land like the arm of a lover
or a python crushing its next meal.
    While his ancient Kaiser Jeep CJ-5 followed the road well enough
through the scrub forests and pastureland, it lacked the feline grace of the
midnight blue Porsche that sped by on a blind curve with the top down and a
woman’s hair free of restraint.
    Ten minutes later, he reached a place with a black mail box marked “G.
Starnes” perched on top of a leaning 4x4 post next to a mixed pea gravel and
mud farm road. About 100 feet off the right of way, Grayson had built a
small white-washed ranch style house with no landscaping or other
embellishments flanked by three-horse gabled barn. Two of the house’s front
windows were covered by sheets of cardboard and the barn’s Dutch paddock
doors had been left open to the elements. Two things in the resulting
pastoral were as out of place as bullshit on a Minton Bone plate, the lady and
the car. Both were parked next to the paddock at a rakish angle.
    He pulled up close enough to the Porsche to see the world reflected in
more than one of its mirrors, but Lucinda didn’t flinch.
Copyright © 2009 Malcolm R. Campbell.

Please tell everyone a little about yourself, D. K.

D. K.:                           My roots are in Michigan where my family
lives                            and I visit each year, preferring to drive so I
can                              stop in the Georgia Mountains and hike a
little. I                        also spent significant youthful years in
                                 California, the dream land for a mid-western
girl                             trying to get out of the snow and become a
“surfer                          girl.” Once I started traveling, I didn’t stop,
living                           an average of 3 years wherever I landed, job
or                               home. These travels included international
work in                          Europe and Asia and blue water sailing in
the                              Caribbean. Experiences in foreign cultures
and living “on the economy” provide insights that I try to share with readers.
I have had a profession as an editor and writer for state departments of
education and even a stint as a political intern in Washington, D. C. Right
now, I live in Florida where I enjoy the Gulf and the Everglades for contrast,
but miss hills.
D. K. Christi
                       Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins

Today’s guest is D. K. Christi, author of her latest work of fiction, Ghost

When did you first start writing?

D. K.: I started writing in my youth, keeping under lock and key meticulous
diaries that were as much fantasy thought as reality. I basically write essays,
commenting on life. Recently, I have turned those comments into fiction.

How does your upbringing affect your writing?

D. K.: I have a very eclectic personal history with many twists and turns,
traumas and joyful events. Therefore, I give my characters a strong dose of
emotional appeal; readers have expressed great dislike for a character or been
stunned by a stupid decision. One reader said she actually shouted out loud
while reading Arirang: The Bamboo Connection, “no, don’t be so stupid!”–
Another reader complained that a short story could not possibly be a
romance because, “He walked away at the end. How could he do that to her?
How could he just walk away?” As though I was supposed to give her some
release for her pain at his behavior.

What goals did you set yourself? Is there a message you want readers to

D. K.: “Life is what happens when you plan for something else.” actually said it best when their editor described my stories as
characters rising above adversity, overcoming life’s traumas and eking out a
new beginning. That’s the thought I wish to convey. Every challenge has a
gift; we just need the capacity to recognize when it comes. I want readers

Literature & Fiction Interviews
to recognize their own selves in the characters, their agonies and their
ecstasies, and perhaps find comfort in the resolution of their challenges.

Is your latest book part of a series or stand alone?

                               D. K.: At the moment, Ghost Orchid seems to
                               stand alone; however, the ending begs for a
                               sequel. Neev is the main character whose life is
                               examined and changed through the magic of
                               the ghost orchid; yet, the ending leaves the
                               reader with the desire to know more about the
                               characters who shaped her destiny, one in
                               particular. She begins that story as hers ends.
                               One family’s loves, lies and redemption are
                               woven through the fabric of the Everglades as
                               photographers search for the perfect subject in
                               the perfect light and find themselves. Neev’s
                               search unfolds as a mystery, one coincidence at
                               a time, under the mystical magic of the ethereal
                               ghost orchid. Recently, I also have short
stories published in several anthologies: “Rose’s Question” in The World
Outside My Window; “The Ice Storm” in Romance of My Dreams, and “The View
From the Balcony” in Romance of My Dreams II.

What’s the hook for the book?

D. K.: Death is the end. Or is it? A tragic accident opens Ghost Orchid and
sets the stage to search for an answer to that age old question: Is love eternal?
A mystical and exotic ghost orchid watches from its perch high in the cypress
canopy as a mystery unfolds, one coincidence at a time.

How do you develop characters and create the settings?

D. K.: Their traits fit the circumstances in which they dwell. They are
borrowed and reworked from all the people I have know, about whom I
have read, and those I’ve imagined. Neev is the daughter I never had, molded
from the clay of men and women whose personalities left an impression.
    Settings come from the places where I have lived and traveled. They

are real to me in every respect though they sometimes require adjusting with


research to make up for imperfect memories or documentation.

Who is the most unusual or most likeable character?

D. K.: Since I have already given away my secret that I always wanted a
daughter, I vote for Neev. However, Roger has his charm and Mel has depth
worth examining and loving.

Do you have specific techniques to help you maintain the course of the plot?

D. K.: I’ll use the word processing outline features to give me skeletons of
the manuscript and check for anomalies.

Do you have a specific writing style or preferred POV?

D. K.: My preferred POV is first person and in the present tense. Publishers
do not like either, especially in new authors. Therefore, I have switched to
third person, past tense. When I am famous, I will return to first person,
present tense.

Please share the best review that you’ve ever had.

D. K.: I think I hold onto the review because it says so much
in such a few words:

    “D. K. Christi’s debut novel Arirang, a romantic adventure that
    spans seven continents, conveys an underlying theme that “life
    happens when you are planning something else.” In Christi’s shorter
    works such as Chalk, The Magic Box, and The Valentine , exclusive
    to Amazon Shorts, themes of friendship surviving tragedy, love
    conquering adversity, and the triumph of the human spirit over the
    hardships of life serve to uplift and inspire. Discover a new voice in
    fiction and through her stories, perhaps discover something new
    about yourself.”

What are your current projects?

D. K.: I am working on a short story anthology, a major work, The Virgin
Odyssey, about blue water sailors with stories in each craft that are shared in
ports along their journey, a sequel to Ghost Orchid, and a special story about
Literature & Fiction Interviews
the Civil War inspired by my great grandfather’s escape from a prison camp.

Where can folks learn more about your books and events?

D. K.: website:
    I blog at and includes events and there’s always Google.
    ebook versions of Ghost Orchid are found at Mobipocket, Fictionwise and
Kindle; print coming soon.
    Arirang: The Bamboo Connection is in print and Kindle at
where several short stories are also found in Amazon Shorts. The anthologies
are also at in print and Kindle. All online bookstores carry my
books, and anthologies containing my short stories.

See excerpt of Ghost Orchid on page 25.


Snippets from The Last Stage and Ghost Orchid:

Is Everybody In? I’m dead. Not the cold corporeal type of death, but a
warm, living death, a ghost trying to regain what he has lost. A death where
everything is a faded, pale facsimile of the life I had. I went into my study
and sat at the desk, it’s an old theatrical make-up table with a gilded mirror
surrounded by those old fashioned bulbous lights, naked, astringent, that
push light into every crevice and nook, no where to hide. Every night I sit
surrounded in this room, a shrine to my “career.” The desk is stuffed with
my newspaper reviews, photographs, journals, scrapbooks and notes. The
mirror was cleaned up and glimmered, a relic of an age gone by, salvage from
my past.
     I lit a candle and popped a tape into the player on the desk, I watched
the candle flicker and dance, casting shadows against the wall, hoping it
would set the mood. A voice from the speakers said, “ladies and gentle-men,
from Madison, Wisconsin, The Unknown Soldiers!” I cleared my mind and
let the music transport me back, opening the flood of memories. It was a
ceremony I’ve been practicing, a little ritual to help induce self-hypnosis. I
closed my eyes, and I could see the audience cheering, an impressionistic
flash of colorful clothes, and faces looking up at me.
Copyright © 2009 Jim Cherry.

The high-pitched, grating sound of twisting metal chased screaming birds
into the sky. A sickening rumble erupted as the car dove into the earth,
upside down, crushing the roof. The screeching tires etched black marks on
the highway for several yards, carving trenches in the shoulder as the vehicles
left the road. The bright, red sports car glanced off the white sedan, but slid
safely along the edge of the blacktop and stopped just short of the ditch. A
plume of smoke and dust almost concealed the careening vehicles.
     The shocked dump truck driver, pulling a heavy load of gravel, lost
control and the truck slammed into the ditch on the other side of the narrow
two-lane highway, the impact jamming the doors shut. For a moment in time,
a deafening silence filled the air as though the crash sucked the life out of the
universe in exchange for the life of the driver who attempted the left turn
from the sanctuary road. Her car was upside down across the ditch, her
bleeding torso visible half out the window, suspended by the hanging seat
belt and the deflating airbags.
Copyright © 2009 D. K. Christi.

Please tell us about yourself, Caryn,.

Caryn:                          I reside in a small town south of Fort
Worth,                          Texas with my family. I enjoy spending time
                                outdoors and I’m actively involved with my
                                daughter’s school and in the local
                                               I hold a B.A. in
                                           Criminal Justice and a
                                           certificate in Women’s
                                           Studies from Florida
                                           Atlantic University in
                                           addition to a Masters
         degree in Professional Studies in Human Relations from
         NY Institute of Technology. I am a former LPC
         (Licensed Professional Counselor) and I’ve worked
         within the criminal justice system with medium security
         inmates as well as in the community sector and with
         survivors of domestic violence.
             Today, as a life coach and motivational speaker, I
         share my story of surviving and thriving after living with
         eating disorders, abusive relationships and being trapped
         within the corporate world.
Caryn Gottlieb FitzGerald
                       Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins

Caryn Gottlieb FitzGerald has a passion for writing and sharing her heart
with others. After watching the manuscript from her first fiction novel, Tulips
in the Sand - A Riley Matthews Mystery sit on a shelf at home for sixteen years,
she set the goal of seeing her book published and on store shelves, reaching
people around the world.
     Her intention became reality when Tulips in the Sand - A Riley Matthews
Mystery was published in July 2008 and has been intriguing fiction and
mystery lovers ever since its release.

When did you first begin writing, and in what genre?

Caryn: I have been writing since childhood and have always been primarily
drawn to writing mysteries, thrillers and fiction. My writing style varies; I am
comfortable in writing both fiction and non-fiction genres. I’ve been
published in several arenas, including psychological journals, newspapers,
blogs, compilations, fiction and self-help books. Over the past few years, I
have been focusing on writing my memoir and sharing my personal story of
triumph over tragedy, which is allowing me to step out of the fiction genre

When you started writing, what goals did you want to accomplish? Is there a
message you want readers to grasp?

Caryn: I started writing as an outlet for expressing my creative side. My goal
was to be published. I first achieved that goal in 1995 and have received the
honor again several times since then. I’d like my readers to grasp the
message that life is something that we create for ourselves. Enjoying what
we surround ourselves with is key. I use writing as a method of expression,
consider myself a writer and an artist and surround myself with others who
feel the same about their creations.

Literature & Fiction Interviews
Briefly tell us about your latest book. Is it part of a series?

                                Caryn: My latest release is entitled Tulips in the
                                Sand: A Riley Matthews Mystery and it is the first
                                in a series centering about a young woman
                                named Riley Matthews who, as a result of life’s
                                challenges finds herself wrapped up in the
                                center of crime and mystery and of course
                                romance and passion. This particular novel
                                was written in the early 90s and having it
                                published was a dream come true.

                                How do you develop characters and setting?

                               Caryn: My writing style has changed over the
                               years, but mainly I enjoy creating characters
that are easy to relate to and that I can sink myself into, becoming the
character for the time period required to advance development. My writing
is usual set in places I have personally spent time in and enjoy reliving within
my writings.

Who is the most unusual or likeable character?

Caryn: I hope each reader will have a different feeling about this. I
personally had a lot of fun creating the character of Taylor as he was
modeled after a friend who, upon reading the book said “hey, I know this
guy!” Riley was also a lot of fun to develop for the first book. Currently, I
am working on another book in the series in which Riley has matured a bit
and is going through some things that more adults will relate to and her
changes are fun for me to develop as well.

Do you have specific techniques to help you maintain the course of the plot?

Caryn: I have several techniques and am always open to trying new things.
For example, my habit is to write each scene longhand and then type it up
afterwards which leaves me with hundreds of these little seventy page count
notebooks full of highlight marks and corner folds marking important
information such as character descriptions. I do create an outline before I
start a book and will talk it out as I go along. I have found over the years
that my initial story is never what the end result is, because as I fall into the

story I see things that the characters would be doing that I may have missed
in the original outline. Being open to change and the creative process is key.
I also make sure to write something every day as that keeps me in the thick
of things as the work progresses.

Do you have a specific writing style or preferred POV?

Caryn: My favorite writing style is to write whatever comes to mind as I
create the scene. I like to pretend I am in the scene and imagine what the
characters are feeling and seeing as they interact. As for POV, I am grateful
to have an editor who keeps me in line because if I had my way, my readers
would be able to enter the minds of all of the characters simultaneously and
experience the scene from all vantage points. Mainly I focus on the POV of
the main character, in this case Riley, and will usually add a second POV
from another key character.

How does your environment and upbringing color your writing?

Caryn: I don’t know that my childhood upbringing colors my writing, but
my personal experiences as an adult certainly have. I was a therapist for many
years working within a men’s prison and from working with inmates who
have committed all types of unspeakable crimes, I have learned that the
human mind is capable of anything and if written well, the reader can be lead
to believe they are part of the experience, evoking all types of emotions,
including new ones they may have never experienced before.

Share the best review (or a portion) that you’ve ever had.

Caryn: This is my favorite as it is part of the feedback I received from my
real-life friend who I modeled the character of Taylor:

“Cool book … cool ending! That Taylor WAS a madman!!!”

What are your current projects?

Caryn: I am always writing. Currently I am working on another book in the
Riley Matthews Mystery series, my memoir (2010) and two self-help/
non-fiction compilations.
    I blog almost daily at: and also

Literature & Fiction Interviews
contribute to The Washington Times Communities - Life Online Section,
where my column, “Changing Your Life, Living Your Passion” can be read

Where can folks learn more about your books and events?

Caryn: The best place to start is at: as that will
provide folks with information on my current projects and events. I love
connecting with my readers and encourage people to drop me a note and
introduce themselves.

See excerpt of Tulips in the Sand: A Riley Matthews Mystery on page 31.


Snippet of Tulips in the Sand: A Riley Matthews Mystery:

“Ok, here you go, Mrs. Murphy, just sign on the bottom and you’ll be all
     She smiled without thinking. A big grin that must have taken the sales
girl by surprise because she asked, “Mrs. Murphy, is everything okay?”
     “Oh, yes,” realizing her actions seemed odd, she added, “everything is
just perfect.”
     With that, she signed the charge receipt, took her package, mumbled a
thank you and left the store. Once outside, the sun warmed her face, and her
smile returned. She remembered the simple comment the sales girl had made
which caused her to smile so happily. The simple action of calling her “Mrs.
Murphy”, that was it, just hearing those words referring to her, was enough
to cause her to be overcome with happiness and smile beyond control. As
she continued down the tree lined street, she thought back to a time many
years ago when becoming “Mrs. Murphy” seemed like a dream that would
never come true.
Copyright © 2009 Caryn Gottlieb FitzGerald

Hi Jim, please tell us about yourself and your background.

                                     Jim: When I first moved to the deserts
                                     of Arizona in the summer of 1966 my
                                     initial impression was a deeper
                                     understanding for the place warned
                                     about in Sunday school. To say the very
                                     least, it was a far cry from the meadows
                                     and forests of Michigan or the hills of
                                     Tennessee with which I was familiar.
                                             As the years passed, a deep love
                                       for the empty places, the raw
landscapes, the history, and the people that called the desert southwest
home grew. Fueled by the writings of Zane Grey and other western writers
this passion soon developed into a near complete immersion in the
romanticism of the west that I now jokingly refer to as my “John Wayne”
     I found employment on ranches in Arizona and New Mexico and
became enamored with the rodeo life though I never mastered the craft of
either. Then I discovered mining which in turn led to adventures among
the ghost towns of the southwest.
     Books about history have been an integral part of my life since
childhood. However, histories relevance to the present and future never
really manifested until I walked the streets of Tombstone, rode the rutted
tracks of the Butterfield Stage Line across the desert plains of New Mexico,
or experienced Route 66 behind the wheel of a 1950 De Soto.
     Tying all of these things together were the tangible links to the past
with which I began to fill my life. The most notable of these were the
vehicles I chose, and still choose, for daily transportation – 1942 Chevrolet
pick up, 1926 Ford, 1946 GMC, 1955 Ford, 1968 Dodge – to name but a
Jim Hinckley
                      Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins

Today’s guest, Jim Hinckley, has shared his love of old trucks and lost
highways through the publication of five books and as a contributor to Old
Cars Weekly, Classic Auto Restorer, Hemmings Classic Car, The Kingman
Daily Miner and American Road.

When did you first begin writing, and how did it hook you, Jim?

Jim: From my earliest memory writing was something I wanted do, but
oddly enough did nothing to develop that interest and passion. Then, in
1990, with gentle encouragement from my loving wife, I decided to take the
plunge and give it a try. As I know now my first success was truly a fluke.
    I felt the discovery of an extremely interesting wrecking yard in southern
Arizona near the Mexican border would serve as an excellent introductory
tool. So, I picked up my favorite automotive magazine, obtained the name of
the editor from the title page, and called their office.
After a brief discussion the story was approved. No query letter! No formal
introduction! No name dropping! The photos were taken with a $25.00
Kmart camera. The story was written on a 1948 model Underwood
    Eight weeks later I had a check for $250.00 and publication in a major
publication. I was hooked!

What goals did you want to accomplish after that, and is there a message you
want readers to grasp?

Jim: Well, with receipt of that first check my childhood dreams were
instantly renewed. Visions of acclaim and riches danced in my head.
However, most of all was the unshakeable conviction that soon I would be
quitting the day job.

Literature & Fiction Interviews
     Since that time I have written five books, have had more than one
thousand feature articles published, and have penned two weekly columns
for newspapers. I also still have a day job that pays the lion’s share of the
     For aspiring writers the lessons in all of this are rather simple concepts.
Rejection and disappointment are merely dues to be paid. Thinking outside
of the box will generate reward as well as set back.
Don’t give up; if writing is something you have a passion for then do it. Let
the writing be its own reward. If you happen to make a million in the
process, great!

Briefly tell us about your latest book, Jim.

                              Jim: Ghost Towns of the Southwest is a book that
                              was more than twenty years in the making.
                              Between the covers are more than snapshots
                              and time capsules from the western frontier,
                              this book is a tapestry of my adventures hung
                              against a backdrop of Technicolor western
                              landscapes and centuries of history.
                                   The towns, communities, and mining camps
                              profiled in this book include famous locales
                              such as Tombstone and Chloride. However, to
                              add depth and context to their story I also
                              included lesser known places such as Columbus
                              and Ruby as well as Spanish colonial outposts
                              like Cabezon and Native American cities like
Gran Quivira.
    This book is the third in a loose series that profiles the overlooked and
forgotten destinations. My first travel related title was Backroads of Arizona.
Next came Route 66 Backroads, a travel guide to that iconic highway with a
twist. The current project in the works, Ghost Towns of Route 66, continues
these themes.

What is the hook for this book?

Jim: There are really several. First, there is the twist of presenting the ghost
towns as the vehicle for providing continuity to the history of the southwest
that spans centuries as well as cultures.
    Next would be the unique and colorful characters introduced to readers.

As an example consider Jefferson Davis Milton, a lawman whose career
included a stint with the Texas Rangers, being the only law in lawless frontier
towns and even escorting arrested Russian anarchists back to Russia during
the teens. The latter job was done after a shootout left him with the use of
only one arm!
    However, the primary hook has to be the stunning western landscapes
framed by the imposing and forlorn ruins of these bygone communities as
captured by award winning photographer Kerrick James.

How do you decide what locations to include in your travel guides?

Jim: I draw from experience and my travels as well as conversations with a
wide array of individuals from Native Americans to European tourists.

If you were limited to one region or location for recommendation where
would it be and why?

Jim: That would be the area around Silver City in New Mexico. The diversity
of the landscapes in this area is enhanced by vast tracts of wilderness that
make it possible to experience the west as it was before the advent of the
modern era.
    Adding flavor to this would be the truly amazing depth of history found
here as represented by sites as diverse as Billy the Kid’s mother’s gravesite,
ghost towns, cliff dwellings and the longest continuously operated mine in
the United States.
    Then you have the people. There is something very invigorating in
having breakfast in a quaint café, family owned for more than a half century,
where representatives of four generations of a ranching family, outfitted with
worn jeans, equally worn boots, and spurs, share the counter with liberal
college students and professors while grandma teaches her granddaughter
how to make tortillas in the open kitchen.

How does your environment and upbringing color your writing?

Jim: My mother often quipped that it seemed I was born ninety and never
aged. Perhaps that is why I have always felt most comfortable in the
company of those who are my peers by a half century or more.
These relationships allow me the unique opportunity to add a first person
feel to events that took place long before I was born. In a similar manner my
transportation choices and wide array of adventures enhance the ability to
Literature & Fiction Interviews
flavor my automotive and travel writings with a hand on authority.

Please share one of your favorite reviews of your work.

                                      Jim: “I have a copy of Jim Hinckley’s new
                                      book and want to share with all of you
                                      some facts and my thoughts on the book.
                                      Route 66 BACKROADS has over 200
                                      photos, some new and a few old, all are
                                      worth the price of the book alone. Then
                                      add in some maps to show folks how easy it
                                      is to get to and from these sites from Route
                                      66. Now the instructions, information and
                                      data that Jim has added in the text shows
                                      the reader just how thoroughly he has done
                                      his research. I plan on taking this book with
                                      me when traveling the road, just in case I
                                      find time to take some detours. For you
retailers, like Rich, that offer this book for sale, I feel it is going to make a
GREAT addition to your inventory. For you fellow roadies this is just the
kind of book you need to make you want to get back out on the road. I will
be recommending this book to everyone that travels the road or just wants to
add a wonderful book to their collection.
     I have one question for Jim Hinckley, who by the way I know and he is a

What are your current projects?

Jim: I am under contract for another book, Ghost Towns of Route 66, and am
deep into research. Then there is the monthly column, The Independent
Thinker that I write for Cars & Parts magazine.
On a number of levels my monthly column for Cars & Parts is one of my
most satisfying jobs. Through it I am able to share my fascination with
automotive history, give some obscure individuals that made large
contributions to the industry some overdue kudos, and delve deeper into
mysteries pertaining to the conflicted origins of inventions as well as

Where can folks learn more about your books and forthcoming projects?


Jim: I have a public profile on Google and also maintain a daily blog, Route
66 Chronicles :
    In addition, I maintain a website, Route 66 Info Center, where travel tips
are shared with commentary and links, and enticing photographs from our
collection are presented: I also have an author’s
blog on

See excerpt of Ghosts of Northwest Arizona on page 41.

Jean Holloway
Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins

I would like to welcome Jean Holloway, who has stopped in on her blog
tour, Banned from Vegas. Jean’s books from her Deck of Cardz series are
fictional detective stories following the career of a female lead homicide
detective, Shevaughn Robinson. Ace of Hearts and Black Jack are currently
available online and by request at your local bookstores.

Please tell us about Black Jack, Jean.

Jean: Black Jack is the sequel to my debut novel, Ace of Hearts.
     Black Jack picks up four years after Shevaughn Robinson, lead homicide
detective in Portsborough, NY, solves her first major case. She is anxiously
living in the shadow of her high rate of arrests and closed cases. But it has all
come at a price?
     In Black Jack, Shevaughn tries to regain balance in her personal life just as
the past comes back to haunt her. She will quickly find herself the center of
yet another unique murder that feels a little too close for comfort.

What genre is Black Jack ?

Jean: I like to make sure I’m juggling a few genres. I’d say Black Jack is an
adult romantic, psychological crime thriller.

That’s an interesting combination, Jean. I think you’ll have to explain how
you married these genres in your book.

Jean: First, I classify it as adult, because my books are for the grown and
sexy. It’s erotic, not erotica, yet definitely not for the kids.
     The romantic elements involve you as you watch the growth of a loving
relationship between the couples in this book, one being and
Shevaughn Marcus, a local bookstore owner in Portsborough.
    The psychological segments were a push for me. Out of nowhere, a past
character, Terri Becker, emerged and I hate to say it but she’s a few a cans
short of a six pack (if you know what I mean).
    The crime is murder with the plot revolving around Shevaughn’s career
and life depending on her solving this case. She has to get him or her before
her life is tragically affected.
    Lastly, it’s a thriller because you, the reader, have an opportunity to take
in the story for the viewpoint of the lead detective attempting to balance her
family obligations and her career and that of a depressed and confused
psychopath looking for love in all the wrong places.
    The two very different women are brought together by an opportunist
that preys on weakness in others.

What should readers expect from Black Jack?

Jean: Expect the unexpected. Things are not what they appear to be, even I
was surprise by the direction this story took.
    Readers should turn the first page with an open mind and end the last
page knowing that there is much more in store for Shevaughn Robinson.

About Black Jack

Black Jack is the sequel to Jean Holloway’s acclaimed debut novel, Ace of
Hearts. Buckle up and follow Shevaughn as she moves closer to solving the
murder of a lonely widow, unknowingly rekindling old grudges and
awakening a sinister spirit. Get ready, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
    Visit Deck of Cardz to learn more about Jean Holloway and her work.
There you can download Black Jack ebook; watch the book video: Black Jack
… Wanna Play, read the book synopsis; and more.

How can readers contact you?

Visit Jean Holloway online at

See excerpt of Black Jack on page 41.

Snippet from Ghosts of Northwest Arizona

Your base camp for the exploration of ghost towns in northwest Arizona is
Kingman, a historic community with a long and colorful history. Access to all
towns and town sites in this portion of the state are easy day trips from
Kingman, although a few trips will require the use of a high-profile or four
wheel-drive vehicle.
    These towns include a frontier-era mining community preserved in a
circa 1930 state of arrested decay, a mining town saved from abandon-ment
with the resurgent interest in Route 66, and another mining community
almost erased from the map with the modern bane of many old towns –
open pit mining. Other gems include two former county seats and a railroad
town that also has ties to legendary Route 66.
Copyright © 2009 Jim Hinckley.

Snippet from Black Jack:

Helene put the menu down, took off her glasses and pinched the top of her
nose, massaging the corners of her eyes. Concentrating on the menu’s small
print made them so tired. She looked up, blinked hard and, in doing so,
brought his handsome face back into focus. Maybe I should have left that second
glass of champagne alone. However, it’s not every day a lady got to share a bottle
of Krug Grand Cuvée’77 in Napier’s, the most exclusive French restaurant in
the Portsborough area.
     Tonight’s definitely a cause for celebration. She still couldn’t believe she’d been
dating this young man for the past three months. Young man, humph, never
thought I’d be referring to a man in his fifties as young, although it’s all quite relative, isn’t
it? Although proud of her sixty-eight years on earth, right now she wished
she could turn back the hands of time.
     The last few months were like a romantic dream.
     What about the money?
     The thought flickered like the restaurant sconces’ candlelight against the
wall. Damn, why did her mind always go back to that? It spoiled one of life’s
best moments by nagging at her.
     About a month ago, he’d asked her for a considerable loan, one hundred
and ten thousand dollars to be exact. Although it took over half of the
remainder of her fortune and her mind told her it really wasn’t the smart
thing to do, her body quickly overruled the objection. She knew, in time, it
would be well worth it.
Copyright © 2009 Jean Holloway

Tell us about yourself, Rayni, and your “confession.”

Rayni:                                    I grew up as Roberta Joan
                                          Weintraub in Newburgh, New York,
during                                    the 1940s and 50s. During a critical
period                                    in the early 1970s, I was part of the
                                          Liberation News Service collective,
where,                                    for $35 and ten free meals per week,
I                                         researched and wrote news and
feature                                   articles.
                                          It was during this period that
                                          my feature article, Women,
          Fat of the Land, appeared widely throughout the U.S. It was
          June, 1970, and I became the first public confessor to the
          then unheard of habit of binging and purging, later diagnosed
          in the 1980s as bulimia. Although the word and the fact of
          “bulimia” were largely unknown at the time, my story
          containing my confession was published on the front pages
          of dozens of alternative weekly newspapers, where it struck a
          chord with more than a million women readers – a chord
          that resonates to this day.

Rayni Joan
                      Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins

I would like to welcome Rayni Joan, author of The Skinny: Adventures of
America’s First Bulimic. For twenty-five years – from pre-adolescence way into
her mid-to-late thirties – Rayni walked around hiding what she thought was a
shameful secret: she made herself throw up. For almost the whole time, she
thought she was the only one in the whole world!

When did you begin writing?

Rayni: I wrote my first story, about a lonely elephant baby, when I was five.
Not a slender gazelle. Not a purring kitten or a dog with a wagging tail. A
lonely elephant baby! A smart prognosticator probably could have predicted
my whole life based on that!

Please describe some of your journey that ended with the writing of The

Rayni: As someone who “tumbled up” with little real guidance, and
consequently struggled with low self-esteem and an eating disorder, when I
had kids, I didn’t want to make the same mistakes my parents made. (I didn’t.
I made different mistakes!) At the age of sixteen, one of my sons handed me
several thousand dollars and informed me he’d been playing blackjack at a
casino. (He lied about his age.) Despite my pleading, he continued to play. I
joined Gam-Anon, a 12-Step Program for family members of gamblers and
had no luck getting him to attend Gamblers Anonymous. I spoke openly to
my group about my history of bulimia, and when someone asked me whether
I’d be willing to tell my own story to a large group assembly, I agreed – and
my son agreed to attend.
    In my presentation, I talked about my childhood, about the way no- one
in my family had paid attention to my throwing up, and how I wished they
had stopped me. I talked about the way my therapist, whom

I had trusted, had abused me. I told the group of about two hundred that the
saddest thing in my life was my inability to communicate to my son the long-
term harm and pain an addiction can cause. By the time I finished, after long
applause, and after acknowledging those crowding around me to express
their gratitude, finally, I returned to my seat. My then seventeen-year-old was
in tears. He hugged me and thanked me. He said he’d had no idea what I’d
been trying to tell him. The following week he wrote an article for his high
school paper about his gambling addiction and his intention to end it
immediately. By then, he was the school bookie, and he formally quit. He was
already in therapy and continued for many years – and is now a wonderful,
loving, thoughtful and supportive young husband and father.
    Because sharing my truth helped a few people I touched, including my
son, I had the incentive to write my slightly fictionalized story in the hope of
reaching and inspiring large numbers of people to have the courage to heal.

Why did you fictionalize your story instead of just writing a memoir?

Rayni: Two reasons: First, I’m not a celebrity so I didn’t think anyone would
care about Rayni Joan’s story. Second, James Frey’s hoax memoir made me
super sensitive to inaccuracies in my story caused by my own imagination. So
I decided to write a story parallel to mine but with some changes I wouldn’t
have to explain to anyone.

Have the reactions from readers of The Skinny been what you anticipated? If
not, how are they different?

                           Rayni: There seems to be no middle ground to the
                           reactions to The Skinny, and that surprises me.
                           People seem either to hate it or adore it. A
                           (former) close friend of mine told me she would
                           never read a book that had child abuse in it, and
                           that surprised and also hurt me even though I have
                           to respect her truth. Wouldn’t most people want to
                           read their friend’s secret story? I would! Some
                           readers think it’s weird the way Rowie talks to
                           angels and “guides.” Others tell me the same thing
                           is cool. I thought more people would object to the
                           liberal use of cursing, particularly the f-word. I
haven’t heard that criticism. But I’m pleased that just about all readers agree
that the book is well-written. I hadn’t anticipated that. Also, I’m surprised
Literature & Fiction Interviews
that some men like the book a lot. I thought it would be only a “woman’s
book.” It seems to contain some universal truth that strikes a chord with
anyone who struggled to figure out what the hell their life was all about
because they sure didn’t learn it from their parents.

What’s your favorite moment in The Skinny?

Rayni: I enjoy the special connection between Rowie and her piano teacher,
the first real teacher in her life. Jimmy Wilson teaches Rowie far more about
life than anyone else ever did. Insecure and fearful of failure, Rowie learns
from Jimmy to welcome mistakes as guides that help us to learn. He truly
inspires her. It’s a warm, healthy relationship.

Are you now finished with Rowena, or do you have plans for writing another
story about her? What can you tell us about her next story?

Rayni: I’m definitely not through with her. There’s a whole new trajectory I
see for her – some of my personal “paths not taken” which she’s eager to
embark on. Also, like me – and characteristic of people who were abused
kids – she has the tough job of dissolving the false self she created as a
childhood defense and reinventing herself from scratch – without the eating
disorder. That will include her development as an artist and spiritual being –
and, of course, falling in love.

What do you say when people call The Skinny another example of chick lit?

Rayni: I say: “If, by chick-lit, you mean a story with no designer clothing,
shoes, or accessories, but with a strong, smart woman protagonist both
women and men can relate to, then, OK, enjoy!”

Where can people find out more about you, Rayni?

Follow me on Twitter: @Raynwoman
See excerpt of The Skinny on page 51.

Gail, please tell us a little about yourself.

Gail: I                                   was a 9-1-1 dispatcher for thirty-one
years                                     and to keep insanity at bay, I took
up                                        writing. Not to worry. The insanity
isn’t                                     catching – much. Other than the
                                          addiction to chocolate and the
twitch                                    in my left eye, I’m good. I’ve had
my                                        weird but true stories published in
                                          newspapers and magazines. My first
book                                      was The Ghost Wore Polyester, a
murder                                    mystery/comedy set in Sedona,
                                          Arizona. Just My Luck, my second
book is #1 on the Goodreads’ list for best rated new Sci-Fi Futuristic
Romance novels. I’m currently working on The Warlord’s Comeuppance a
prequel to Just My Luck. I’m also working with producer, Bonnie Forbes of
Fortress Features on several TV series. I recently did an hour long unscripted
radio interview with Cat Johnson on What’s Hot in Romance.

Gail Koger
                        Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins

Today’s guest, romance author Gail Koger, has a quirky sense of humor,
which she uses in her fast-paced novels that are full of adventure.

When did the writing bug bite and in what genre?

Gail: It bit in 1985. I was recuperating from surgery and started jotting down
story ideas from several bizarre dreams I kept having. Weird creatures, hunky
alien beings that came to life in my head, and ta-da my first science fiction
novel was born. Unfortunately, it will never see the light of day. Yeah, it was
that bad. But I discovered I love to write and have a talent for writing humor,
hot sex scenes and balls-to-the-wall action.

Briefly tell us about your latest book. Is it part of a series or stand-alone?

                               Gail: Kaylee Jones is a trouble magnet. Chaos
                               and disaster are her faithful companions. A
                               powerful psychic, it’s her job to protect Earth
                               from alien predators who consider our world
                               an all-you-can-eat banquet. Unfortunately, her
                               success at killing these alien freaks puts her on
                               their most wanted list and lands her in a prison
                               cell. Her roommate? A very hungry vampire.
                               Okay, he’s really a Coletti Warlord who
                               decides to make her his mate. Doesn’t matter
                               that she’s not willing and this mate thing
                               means he owns her mind, body and soul.
                               She’ll admit the sex is hot and the bossy jerk
has agreed to save our world from annihilation. But, the bad news is,
Warlords aren’t benevolent do-gooder types and there is a price for his help.
Our women. And the


really bad news is, her Warlord’s low-down conniving brother has joined
forces with our alien freaks and now we have to stop them from destroying
both our worlds!
       Just My Luck is the first book in the series about the Coletti Warlords.
The Warlord’s Comeuppance is the prequel.

What’s the hook for the book?

Gail: What would you do to save the Earth from annihilation?

How do you develop characters and setting in your books?

Gail: People ask me this all the time. Okay, here’s the thing. I’m slightly nuts
and have a really bizarre imagination. Try working 9-1-1 for thirty-one years
and see how sane you are. The stories and critters come to me in dreams.
Yeah, you heard me. Dreams. Once I start writing my characters kind of take
over and off we go.

Who is your favorite character?

Gail: Tihar is one of my favorites. He’s an Askole warrior and Rambo has
nothing on this guy. Tihar’s a cross between Lord Voldemort and a Gorgon
with black armored plated skin and rather awesome fangs and claws. In
combat mode he resembles the Tasmanian Devil, a twirling tornado of death.
Once you win his loyalty, you have a friend for life and an extremely deadly
one at that.

Do you have a specific writing style or preferred POV?

Gail: I write my stories in first person. I think it brings my characters to life
and puts you in the driver’s seat.

Share with us the best review that you’ve ever had.

Gail: Chris from Night Owl Romance gave Just My Luck four out of five
stars. Here’s his review:

Kaylee is a walking shit magnet; her words, not mine. If there is trouble or
danger, she’s usually sitting in the front row. But Kaylee is a warrior, a

Literature & Fiction Interviews
powerful psychic, and a “siren” for her world. Call her an advance warning
system if you will. And her alarms are going off like crazy. Earth has come to
the attention of off-planet predators who think we are mighty tasty, and they
are ringing the dinner bell. Earth is fighting with all its’ might and it’s about
to have company in that fight, whether they want it or not.
     Trapped and chained by his enemy, Talree is a Coletti Warlord who is on
the verge of going feral. Think vampire on steroids with an insatiable appetite
for whatever is in front of him. His race is also bent on destroying the
predators currently chowing down on Earth. When his mind connects with
Kaylee’s and he sees his salvation, he vows he will connect with her and she
will be his mate in all ways. Whether she wants to or not. And his kind will
join in the fight with earth, but for a price.
     This was a freaky fantastic read. Tons of detail about what threatens
Earth, in gory detail, and how seeing things can alter a persons perceptions.
Kaylee and Talree got along like a chalkboard and fingernails at first, but with
a lot of sex, arguing and humor, managed to find their way to one another. I
thoroughly enjoyed the entire story and sincerely hope there is more to come
since all things weren’t resolved.

What are your current projects?

Gail: I’m working on The Warlord’s Comeuppance. A fast, fun science/fiction
romance of how the ultimate big, bad scary Warlord pursues Detja, the best
thief in the galaxy. Here’s a little preview:

Stealing from a warlord and giving him the one finger salute as I made my
getaway was not the brightest thing I’d ever done. Okay, it was an incredibly
stupid stunt. Did I mention that this particular Coletti warlord is the most
feared in the entire galaxy? That Zarek’s the ultimate predator and even the
other warlords are scared spit less of him? That he never ever stops until he
either captures or kills his quarry? Yeah, I have the big, bad after me and all
because of one little finger. Okay and a Ditrim crystal the size of my fist. Am
I worried? Of course, only an idiot doesn’t fear a really angry Coletti warlord.
But, I am very good at what I do. Bad news is, so is Zarek.
    My name is Detja. The Enforcers call me the Ghost. As a master thief I
must be a combination of magician and chameleon. The illusion of magic
deflects attention away from the act and when things go to hell, like they
sometimes do; the ability to blend into any situation or culture is a must. My
looks are my biggest illusion. I’m a Farin, the fragile flowers of the universe.
No one in a million years would ever expect me to be an extraordinary thief

or powerful psychic. Everyone takes one look at my delicate frame and exotic
features and dismisses me as harmless. Really big mistake on their part. I’ll
admit that most Farin females are timid creatures devoted to domestic duties
and incapable of doing harm to anyone. Me? I’m an anomaly, a genetic
throwback to a time long, long ago when Farin females were warriors.

Where can folks learn more about your books and events?

Gail: I have an author’s page on or my website

See excerpt of Just My Luck on page 51.

Snippet from The Skinny:

Grandma and Grandpa had been married for fifty years and they still hugged
regularly like sweethearts. We’d had a big party at a restaurant in the Bronx,
and I didn’t dare complain about the uncomfortable green taffeta dress that
rustled weirdly when I moved and made me look like I weighed about a
thousand pounds. Daddy asked me to dance and pulled and pushed me
around as he crushed me to his body. I knew my face was bright red. My
body stiffened like stale bread. I didn’t mean to but kept stepping on his toes,
and I even slipped a small fart out and pretended it wasn’t mine. He told me
to relax and poked me a little in the small of my back but that only made me
stiffer. Relief flooded me when the music ended. I raced to find Ralphie,
whose white shirt was half hanging out of his navy blue pants. We danced a
box step, counting as we trod, leaving proper space between us, not like
Daddy. Afterwards, we ran around the restaurant threatening other cousins
with ice cubes. Our cousin Mitchell wanted us to try bootleg cigarettes and
Scotch in the alley but we turned him down. I didn’t want Daddy to murder
Copyright © 2009 Rayni Joan.

Snippet from Just My Luck:

     I’m what you’d call a trouble magnet. Which can be a good thing or a
bad thing in my line of work. I opted for being a cop. So, finding bad guys is
good, but they never want to go to jail, which is bad. Since I’m kinda pint-
sized, the only thing keeping me from being shot, stabbed or otherwise
mangled on a daily basis is my spidey sense. It’s like an internal radar that
warns me of approaching danger.
     I’m also telepathic. Relax. I can’t read your thoughts. The only minds I
can read are other psychics. Basically my family. And believe me, with my
family, that can be a real pain-in-the-butt. They’re always ragging on me
about something. When I was a teenager, it made dating hell. Dad would pop
in with a “Kaylee Lynn Jones what the hell is that punk’s hand doing on your
breast?” Or Mom would break into a make out session with, “Kaylee,
sweetie, a lady doesn’t allow a guy to stick his tongue down her throat on the
first date.” You get the picture. Add my brothers into the mix and I had
24/7 surveillance. And they wonder why I’m twenty-five and still a virgin.
Go figure.
Copyright © 2009 Gail Koger

Welcome, Abe, please tell everyone about yourself.

                             Abe: I’m a retired international business
                             consultant, entrepreneur and author living near
                             Landau, Germany with my wife Gisela. For
                             relaxation, I enjoy hiking in the nearby
                             mountains exploring ancient castle ruins,
                             walking through the local vineyards and
                             singing in regional choirs. My career has taken
me                           from my birthplace in the USA to Canada,
                             Europe and the Middle East.
        I grew up in York County, Pennsylvania and served in the
   USAF from 1957-61. My business career got underway with the
   computing sciences division of IBM’s service bureau. I later joined
   an international cosmetic company, which took me throughout the
   USA and into Canada, Greece and Germany.
        With international experience and an entrepreneurial spirit, I
   started my own importing business headquartered in Beirut,
   Lebanon, for the distribution of cosmetics and toiletries to the
   Middle East markets. I also functioned as a locator of goods and
   services sought by Mid-Eastern clients before the civil war in
   Lebanon destroyed my successful business enterprise. I returned to
   the United States to start over, and was soon working on an
   international level again. My subsequent work involved Swan
   Technologies, Inc., a personal computer manufacturer. I established
   a subsidiary for Swan in West Germany serving as Managing
   Director. I returned to the US to work in procurement with Stork
   NV, a Dutch company, supporting a fleet of 1200 Fokker Aircraft,
   until my retirement.

Abe F. March
                       Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins

Today’s guest, Abe March, has an interesting and varied background that led
to the writing of his first book, To Beirut and Back.

When did you first begin to write, and in what genre?

Abe: It started after I left Beirut in 1976 and began to type up my
experiences (yes, we used typewriters back then) from notes into a manu-
script, which would become To Beirut and Back about 30 years later. Although
an autobiography, I’ve been told it reads like a novel.

Is there a message in your writing?

                              Abe: Yes, there was a message, especially
                              with my first novel. I wanted to share my
                              personal experience in dealing with various
                              cultures and sensitive political issues. The
                              events that caused my change in attitude
                              toward the participants in the Middle East
                              struggle was not unique; however,
                              intimidation and threats of retaliation cause
                              many to remain quiet. Telling the truth is
                              not always easy or popular, but often
                              necessary to effect change. The same is true
                              with my second novel. As we have learned,
                              for every action there is a reaction. Events
                              that one may justify as necessary will have a
                              reaction. That reaction can be in some form
                              of retaliation – acts of revenge – and when it
happens, oddly enough, many are surprised.

Briefly tell us about your latest book. Is this also based on real life?

                                    Abe: My latest book, Journey Into the Past,
                                    with contributing author, Lynn Jett, is in
                                    part a time-travel romance story with the
                                    setting among the ancient castles in the
                                    Pfalz (Palatinate) region of Germany.

                                   Synopsis: Heather Wilson, a successful
                                   architect, needed time off from work and a
                                   chance to recover from a relationship gone
                                   sour. The poster of a twelfth century castle
                                   helped her decide to make a trip to
                                   Germany and visit this castle. On the
                                   drawbridge to the castle, she meets Hans
                                   Hess, a retired American businessman who
                                   lives nearby. As they discuss the castle, their
hands touch an ancient stone and they are briefly catapulted back in time. As
Heather explores the castle, she finds a note but can’t translate it and asks
Hans for assistance. The translation provides a clue that leads them to other
nearby castles in search of additional clues to solve a mystery. Heather is not
aware that Hans is married and that his wife is in a comatose state and
therefore cannot understand his resistance to falling in love. As they discover
more about the characters in the twelfth century romance, they learn more
about their own feelings and they succumb to its passion. When Hans’s wife
recovers from her illness, it creates a heart-rending dilemma. Heather returns
to her world without informing Hans that she is pregnant. Years later, an
aged Hans learns about his daughter when she leads a group of students to
explore the castle and Hans is requested to act as tour guide.

What’s the hook for the book?

Abe: There’s nothing that would constitute a clever hook, but simply:

“When the paths of a vacationing American architect and a retired German
businessman cross, the soul-mates embark on a journey through time; a
journey triggered by a series of mysterious, hidden love notes written
centuries before.”

How do you develop characters and setting?
Literature & Fiction Interviews

Abe: The setting is always based on places I’ve been. In the case of non-
fiction, the characters are real; however, in some instances, names are altered.
For fiction, I try to use a facsimile and/or current events with a scenario of
probability. With romance, it is a combination of true life and fantasy.

Who is the most unusual character?

Abe: In the book, They Plotted Revenge Against America, the most unusual
character would be David Levy. David is an American-born Jew who
emigrates to Israel and becomes a member of the Mossad (secret service).
For personal reasons, he turns into a double agent and works against his
adopted country in training a team of young men and women who desire
revenge against America.

Do you adopt any techniques to help you maintain the course of the plot?

Abe: The course of the plot is natural progression. Trying to keep the reader
wondering what happens next often requires some change in sequence, as
with flashbacks.

Do you have your own way of writing or has anyone influenced your style of

Abe: I do not try to copy anyone’s style. I write the way I talk. In dialogue, I
use colloquial expressions and the manner of speaking that fits each
character. Reading books of various genres has an influence. I don’t think it
is something conscious; however, the manner of writing that catches my
attention and keeps me reading is something that comes through naturally in
my own writing.

How does your environment or upbringing affect your writing?

Abe: My upbringing and environment has an enormous influence on my
writing. I’ve been poor and I’ve been rich. The perpetual struggle to succeed,
dealing with people of varied cultures, provided me with a broad range of
experience. Understanding the needs and feeling of the poor, furnished me
with useful insights. By contrast, the lifestyle and outlook of the rich, or
people of nobility, enables me to understand a mentality that is often in
conflict with the poorer class. To win and then lose everything is another

experience that affects how one deals with problems. It certainly can alter
one’s outlook on life.

Please share with us the best review (or a portion) that you’ve ever had.

Abe: The best review was from Malcolm Campbell, author of The Sun Singer
and reviewer for PODRAM. The review was unsolicited. He bought my
book and wrote the following review:

                                   “Terrorism, by definition, operates outside
                                   the traditional rules of war. It’s hard to
                                   combat because attacks are no longer
                                   limited to people wearing military uniforms
                                   at well-formed battle lines: they can happen
                                   anywhere, at any time, and they may well
                                   target people who don’t have any direct
                                   knowledge of the peoples and issues
                                        This is the arena of Abe F. March’s
                                   chilling novel They Plotted Revenge Against
                                   America. The novel is chilling, not because
                                   it’s filled with larger than life James Bond
                                   daring-do in faraway trouble spots. Quite
                                   the contrary: this novel takes place on
                                   American soil as survivors of the American
attack on Baghdad blend in to mainstream America to personally extract
revenge against everyday citizens.
     They Plotted Revenge Against America is a plausible, sobering, intricate and
effectively plotted story about a group of well-trained, well-coordinated
teams who slip into the U.S. with forged papers and then painstakingly work
through a plan that will infect food and water supplies with a deadly virus.
     These team members are not the gun-wielding, grenade-throwing stereo-
typical terrorists we see in most TV shows and movies. They are everyday
people who have suffered personal loss and who want to fight back. Once
their mission is complete, they plan--if possible--to go back to their normal
lives. As the mission unfolds, they alternate between excitement and doubt
while trying to avoid detection, and in the process, they discover while
blending into community life, that Americans are not the monsters they
     Since the overall mission leader is a double agent working for Israel’s
Literature & Fiction Interviews
Mossad, group members must not only avoid Homeland Security and other
U.S. law enforcement agencies, but the highly effective Israel intelligence
agency as well. This subplot is a nice touch in a book that suggests we’re
more vulnerable than we suspect.”

What are your current projects?

Abe: I have two projects: (1) the first one is to revise and expand my first
novel, To Beirut and Back, since there was no editing by the publisher. I also
want to add some pictures and maps of the region described in the book. (2)
The second project is writing about my childhood. I may decide to
fictionalize it so as to avoid potential problems with some of the characters
or their relatives. As we age, much of our early life is now history to the
younger generation. The advances in technology within the past 50 years are
dramatic. Riding in a horse-drawn carriage, walking long distances to a one-
room school, writing with a typewriter, strict and often harsh discipline, etc.,
much that seems antiquated today. Life was simpler but not without

Where can folks learn more about your books and events?

Abe: The best source to learn about my books are on my website: and on Amazon.

See excerpt of Journey into the Past on page 67.

Please tell us a little about yourself, Gregory.

                                     Gregory: I grew up in a suburb of Los
                                     Angeles wanting two things from life: to
write                                books, and to explore. For a while the
latter                               seemed to preclude the former. I went off
to                                   Harvard to study literature – to study it,
mind                                 you, not to actually produce any. Upon
                                     graduation I was offered the chance to
work                                 as a teacher’s assistant at a high school in
                                     Athens, so I spent a year of my life
                                     learning Modern Greek, appreciating
ouzo                                 and of course starting and abandoning a
novel.                               I returned to the US to study law and then
moved on to work for the United Nations in Guinea, a beautiful country in
West Africa that, like most African countries, only makes the news when
something bad happens there. From there I joined my then fiancée in
London, where I found work as a corporate lawyer. In London I managed to
finish my first novel, which promptly went into a drawer, and to produce a
draft of Stunt Road. In 2005 we left London for very rural France with our
three-year-old son, determined to escape the rat race. We’re still here, and
with a little life experience behind me I have come to see writing and
exploring as pretty much the same thing.

Literature & Fiction Interviews

                        Gregory Mose
                       Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins

Today’s guest, Gregory Mose, is a much traveled author. His first novel,
Stunt Road, is a satire on corporate greed; a book that will make you think and
ponder life’s deeper issues.

When did you begin writing and in what genre?

Gregory: My first completed work was a gripping yet emotionally satisfying
tale of Flipper the Flying Squirrel, when I was seven. Shunned by big
corporate publishing, I moved on as an adult to strive to produce literary
fiction, although I still don’t quite know what that means.

When you started writing, what goals did you want to accomplish? Is there a
message you want readers to grasp?

Gregory: I aim for writing that is thought-provoking, morally and
emotionally challenging, and funny. I like to explore ideas, but to do so in an
entertaining way. If I can provoke people to question the world around them
without being pedantic, then I feel I’ve done my job. Message? If there’s a
message in my writing, it’s simple to question your own motivations, to stop
being complacent.

Do you have a specific writing style and preferred POV?

Gregory: My signature style, if I have one, is the use of humor to highlight
moral ambiguity. And generally to avoid trying to puff out my writing with
arcane vocabulary that sends even my most educated readers scrambling for
their dictionaries. If we need literature to “save” words like “noetic” or
“crescive,” Mr. Roth, then quite frankly they are already lost. And good
riddance. As for point of view, I’m drawn to first person narratives, but
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Literature & Fiction Interviews

  • 1. Literature & Fiction Interviews By Shelagh Watkins MP Mandinam Press
  • 2. All rights reserved; no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. First printing Copyright © Mandinam Press 2009 Literature & Fiction Volume I Published by Mandinam Press
  • 3. Editorial Foreword 5 Pat Bertram 7 Malcolm R. Campbell 11 Jim Cherry 15 D. K. Christi 21 Caryn Gottlieb FitzGerald 27 Jim Hinckley 33 Jean Holloway 39 Rayni Joan 43 Gail Koger 47 Abe F. March 53 Gregory Mose 59 Erma Odrach 63 Donald James Parker 69 Tony Peters 75 D. T. Pollard 81 Marjorie Price 87 Maryanne Raphael 93 Dianne G. Sagan 97 Shelagh Watkins 101
  • 4. FIRST PARAGRAPHS Daughter Am I by Pat Bertram 19 Jock Stewart and the Missing Sea of Fire by Malcolm R. Campbell 19 The Last Stage by Jim Cherry 25 Ghost Orchid by D. K. Christi 25 Tulips in the Sand - A Riley Matthews Mystery by Caryn Gottlieb 31 FitzGerald Ghosts of Northwest Arizona by Jim Hinckley 41 Black Jack by Jean Holloway 41 The Skinny by Rayni Joan 51 Just My Luck by Gail Koger 51 Journey into the Past by Abe F. March 67 Stunt Road by Gregory Mose 67 Wave of Terror by Erma Odrach 73 Homeless Like Me by Donald James Parker 73 Kids on a Case by Tony Peters 85 Obama Guilty of Being President while Black by D. T. Pollard 85 A Gift from Brittany by Marjorie Price 91 Saints of Molokai by Maryanne Raphael 108 Shelter from the Storm by Dianne G. Sagan 108
  • 5. EDITORIAL FOREWORD Throughout 2009, I interviewed an eclectic mix of authors who had recently released a new book. The variety of genres includes mystery, romance, satire, crime thriller, humour, autobiography and children’s fiction. The varied backgrounds of the authors show a tremendous wealth of experience. All the featured authors have drawn on this knowledge to write novels and works of non-fiction to entertain, help and inform readers. This volume of interviews provides an insight into a group of authors from the United States, Canada and Europe, and gives a glimpse of their past and present books. The unique collection of interviews will entertain and inspire readers to find out more about the authors and their books. 11.30.2009 Shelagh Watkins 5
  • 6. Hi Pat, where are you from and how does your background influence your writing? Pat: I was born in Colorado, and I’ve always lived there except for a very brief stay in Wisconsin. Because the Rocky Mountains form the back-drop of my life, they figure prominently in all of my books.
  • 7. Pat Bertram Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins I would like to introduce my guest, Pat Bertram, author of Daughter Am I, A Spark of Heavenly Fire and More Deaths than One. When the traditional publishers stopped publishing her favorite type of book – character and story driven novels that can’t easily be slotted into a genre – she decided to write her own. When did you begin writing and in what genre? Pat: I used to write many years ago. I always had words in my head, and then one day they just disappeared. I have no idea why, really. Perhaps the shock of discovering I had no innate talent zapped them out of my head. I started writing again about eight years ago – by then I was used to the idea that I had no particular talent for writing, and since I wanted to write anyway, I decided to learn the craft. I wrote almost everyday, and I read hundreds of books about writing, editing, publishing, and promotion. I don’t write in any set genre – I write the books they way they need to be written, and then I struggle to find a genre afterward. They all have a mystery and a romance at the core, though none of them are mysteries as such, and none are romances since there is no real romantic conflict. When you started writing, what goals did you want to accomplish? Pat: I had no goals when I started writing. Well, that’s not strictly true. I wanted to make a fortune, but I discovered early on that very few writers were ever able to quit their day jobs. Still, I enjoyed writing, mostly because it took me away from the worries of my every day life. You know the old joke about everywhere I went, there I was? Writing is the one thing you can do that gives you a vacation from yourself. Briefly tell us about your latest book. Is it part of a series or stand-alone? 7
  • 8. Literature & Fiction Interviews Pat: Daughter Am I is a stand-alone book, though I like the characters so much that if the novel were ever to sell well enough to merit a sequel, I might write one. What’s the hook for Daughter Am I? Pat: When twenty-five-year-old Mary Stuart learns she inherited a farm from her recently murdered grandparents – grandparents her father claimed had died before she was born – she becomes obsessed with finding out who they were and why someone wanted them dead. Poor Mary – she starts out so young and innocent and ends up driving through the Midwest with a carload of aged gangsters and conmen. Add in a secret room, buried treasure and a boyfriend who is anything but romantic, and you’ve got plenty of hooks! Who is the most unusual/likeable character? Pat: That is a hard question! All the octogenarian gangsters in Daughter Am I are unusual and likeable in their own way. There’s Teach, who sells bullets he claims came from the shoot-out at the O.K. Corral. There’s Kid Rags, who still works as a forger. There’s Happy, a trigger-happy ex-wheelman for the mob, whose hands shake so much he can barely aim let alone shoot. That’s only three of the octogenarians – there are seven feisty old gangsters all together. Well, six gangsters and one ex-showgirl. Share with us the best review that you’ve ever had. Pat: I’ve had great reviews for all of my books, but since this interview is mostly about Daughter Am I, I’ll share the best portion of a review I got from Publisher’s Weekly. They said Daughter Am I is “a delightful treasure-hunting tale of finding one’s self in a most unlikely way.” Have you written any other books besides Daughter Am I? Pat: Two others are published. A Spark of Heavenly Fire is my favorite, perhaps because it’s the book where I first learned I could write. The story takes place during an epidemic when 8
  • 9. PAT BERTRAM people are dying in vast numbers from an unstoppable disease. Some characters try to escape quarantined Colorado, others try to figure out who created the bio-engineered disease, but my hero Kate Cummings struggles to find the courage to live, to love, and to help those in need of food and shelter. She is truly a spark of heavenly fire during the state’s dark hour of adversity. In More Deaths than One, Bob Stark returns home to Denver after living for eighteen years in Southeast Asia. While reading the current newspaper one sleepless night, he discovers an obituary for his mother. This comes as rather a shock, because she died and he buried her before he left the country. My favorite line that I’ve ever written is from that book: And Lydia Loretta Stark was dead. Again. What are your current projects? Pat: My work-in-progress, which I call my work-in-pause because I haven’t worked on it much at all this year, is a tongue-in-cheek apocalyptic allegory. Talk about a book with no genre! Mostly what I’ve been doing is learning how to promote. I’d like to introduce my novels to readers, but that is hard to do if no one has ever heard of the books. Where can folks learn more about your books and events? Pat: I have a website – www. – where I post important information, including the first chapters of each of my books, but the best way to keep up with me, my books, and my events on a daily basis is by way of Bertram’s Blog. All my books are available both in print and in ebook format. You can get them online at Second Wind Publishing, Amazon, and Smashwords. Smashwords is great – the books are available in all ebook formats, including Kindle, and you can download the first 30% free. See excerpt of Daughter Am I on page 19. 9
  • 10. Please tell us a little about yourself, Malcolm. Malcolm: Shelagh, I’ve spent the bulk of my career as a technical writer for computer companies, most of which fell on hard times, though I don’t think it was my fault. I’ve also worked as a college journalism instructor, grant writer, and corporate communications director. Currently, I’m a contributing writer for a north Georgia magazine called Living Jackson. My first novel, The Sun Singer, was published in 2004, followed by a book of satire in 2006 called Worst of Jock Stewart.
  • 11. Malcolm R. Campbell Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins Today’s guest, Malcolm Campbell, is the author of Worst of Jock Stewart, a book of satirical news stories, and two novels The Sun Singer and Jock Stewart and the Missing Sea of Fire. When did you first begin writing and what did you write? Malcolm: When I was in high school, I was quite certain I’d end up traveling the world writing exciting articles about exotic places for National Geographic. While I have written a few articles about exotic places, they were published in the shipboard magazine of the aircraft carrier I served aboard while in the Navy. My Indiana Jones career didn’t quite pan out. So now, I visualize exotic places in my fiction. Briefly tell us about your latest book. Is it part of a series or stand alone? Malcolm: My latest novel is a mystery/thriller, published by Vanilla Heart in August, with a large dash of comedy in it called Jock Stewart and the Missing Sea of Fire. Stewart lives in the exotic states of inebriation and Texas where he works as a gruff, old-style investigative reporter for a small-town newspaper. He’s hot on the trail of the thieves who appear to have stolen the mayor’s race horse Sea of Fire and who might just be the same people who killed his publisher’s girl friend Bambi Hill. The police chief has warned Stewart that he (Stewart) has a target on his back. Stewart believes that as long as your number’s not up, you’re going to be okay. 11
  • 12. Literature & Fiction Interviews What is the hook for the book? Jock Stewart goes out of his way to mock those in authority by pretending to kowtow to them. He admits he does his best work by “being an asshole” and a mix of Don Rickles and Don Quixote. He’s the man for the job when the skirts are up and the chips are down. How do you develop characters and setting in your books? Malcolm: Jock Stewart and the Missing Sea of Fire arose out of the characters and settings I created several years ago for a blog called Morning Satirical News. I used the blog to satirize everything via fake news stories for a newspaper called the Star-Gazer at the fictional everyman’s town of Junction City. When I decided to put Stewart into a novel, he dragged the whole crazy mess of people and places right along with him. I had no choice but to just let it happen. I typed the first draft straight through to the end without planning or worrying about anything. Needless to say, I faced a fair amount of editing after that! Do you have specific techniques to help you maintain the course of the plot? Malcolm: I put myself in the shoes of every character in the book and “see” the world through their eyes when they are in a scene. It’s almost a free association technique while within each character’s mindset. Words and actions for each character simply pop into my mind when I’m thinking about them. Sometimes I wonder who’s actually writing the novel. Is it me or am I channeling a bunch of people who are competing for the best lines and the best scenes? Some day this is my muse, while others claim it’s my subconscious mind. Whatever it is, I’m not going to mess with it. Do you have a specific writing style or preferred POV? Malcolm: I write in third person restricted, staying within the protagonist’s point of view throughout a book or story. In The Sun Singer, my style was magical realism with a fair amount of interior monologue and description. In Jock Stewart and the Missing Sea of Fire, the scenes and dialogue were much shorter and faster with the voice-over flavor of an old noir film out of the 1940s or 1950s. How does your environment/upbringing color your writing? 12
  • 13. MALCOLM R. CAMPBELL Malcolm: My father was a journalist and journalism educator. The house was filled with books, magazines, and writing professors. It would have been difficult to escape this kind of influence even if I’d wanted to. The Jock Stewart character has a lot in common with many of the older journalists who were on my father’s staff, men who came out to the house and told stories about moonshiner raids, tough editors and weird reporters hanging out in the newsroom, and afterhours trips to a favorite watering hole. I was a journalist for the Navy, but the low salaries wouldn’t put Scotch and/or food on the table, so I ended up in corporate America rather than the newsroom. I probably would have had fewer ulcers in the newsroom. Share with us the best review that you’ve ever had. Malcolm: Author Nancy Whitney-Reiter wrote that the novel features “small town hi-jinks delivered with healthy doses of sarcasm and wit. Jock Stewart is like Guy Noir freed from the confines of public radio. A must-read for anyone who likes their sleuths hard-boiled, their women salty, and their plots with as many twists and turns as a plate of the Purple Platter Diner’s spaghetti.” Where can folks learn more about your books and events? Malcolm: My books are available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble and Vanilla Heart. Readers can learn more about my books on my website at and blog at See excerpt of Jock Stewart and the Missing Sea of Fire on page 19. 13
  • 14. Hi Jim, please tell everyone about yourself. Jim: I grew up in Chicago in the sixties; I remember and absorbed it all. I remember being born and the kaleidoscope images of childhood. My mother read to me, acting out the characters and put the pictures in my head. I danced on a corner and made it rain, I discovered magic or power, it was child’s play. Art was another early discovery when I saw a bunch of girls crowded around a fellow classmate I looked over to see what was going on, he was drawing Peanuts characters. I read just about everything that came my way; a writer has to live both in his imagination and the world of experience and I think I’ve done both. I lived the first twenty-three years of my life in my imagination. From the earliest years reading about pirates, baseball players, racecar drivers, mythology and after I put the books down the adventures continued in my head and backyard. If you want to know more about me you can find me in the pages of my books, in between the lines.
  • 15. Jim Cherry Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins Jim Cherry has written three books: the semi-autobiographical novel Becoming Angel, a collection of short stories, Stranger Souls and the Doors inspired novel, The Last Stage. When did you first begin writing and what did you write? Jim: I started writing when I was thirteen. I read about Ernest Hemingway and how a writer can be an artist and I wanted to be an artist but can’t draw. The first thing I ever wrote was a Mad Magazine style satire, complete with traced out drawings from Mad. My mother laughed and I took it wrong; I had intended it to be serious fiction. When you started writing, what goals did you want to accomplish? Is there a message you want readers to grasp? Jim: The goals I started with in writing don’t seem to be the ones I’m accomplishing. The writing process seems to have taken on a life of its own and the books seem to create themselves as I go along. Yes, there is a message I want readers to grasp but I don’t want to say what that is because I don’t want to impose my bias on the reader. I want readers to be free to find whatever message they do find. I’ve written things where I thought the message was pretty clear but other readers saw other things in the piece and I couldn’t discount it, because I saw that they could be right. I don’t want to bias the reader with my interpretation which may or may not be right. Briefly tell us about your latest book. Is it the first in a series or stand-alone? Jim: The Last Stage. I think too many writers take on too much with 15
  • 16. Literature & Fiction Interviews writing a series of books. In the past I’ve read some series by some to the best writers and they don’t always stand up. While I admire the imagination and dedication writers take in creating a series, I like all my novels to stand on their own; I don’t want to commit my readers to too much. Or maybe I don’t want to commit myself to too much! How do you develop characters and setting? Jim: The characters develop organically. When I start a story I have an idea of who the people are and what motivates them. But during the writing I usually discover something about the characters I hadn’t known. Most of the stories I write are set in the environment I’m familiar with, suburbs Do you have specific techniques to help you maintain the course of the plot? Jim: No. When I start writing I know the beginning and the end of the story, but as I write the middle tends to write itself and I’m usually surprised at how things work out. Do you have a specific writing style and preferred POV? Jim: I usually write in the first person. I really don’t set out with the POV in mind, I just find that first person is the best for giving the reader the sense of immediacy and participation in the story that I’m looking for. How does your environment/upbringing color your writing? Jim: I was raised in middle to upper class suburbs and still live in them, so that’s where most of my settings occur, it really isn’t anything conscious it’s just as the characters develop that’s their background. And my characters aren’t the type that the more status conscious residents of the suburbs want to see. My characters usually are struggling with the world they find themselves in, they either don’t fit in or are having trouble trying to attain the goals associated with those suburbs and its residents. Share the best review (or a portion) that you’ve ever had. Jim: I always find the latest review of my books is the best! I try my best to write the best I can and I think I’ve been lucky the books are what I’ve envisioned and get good reviews. True to form here’s the latest: 16
  • 17. JIM CHERRY This book has long intrigued me as a Doors fan, and now that I have read it, I am completely wowed by it. What would it be like to be Jim Morrison performing up on stage? Read this book and find out. It’s very well written, and includes details about all the little things that Doors fans appreciate. That gives the book a very real, almost non-fiction feeling. I kept saying “yes! yes!” as I read it, because the book totally nails a lot of the emotion that Doors fans have for the band. The characters are vivid, and their dialog snappy. But most of all, the descriptions of the various locations made the book come alive. Like the various bars where the band plays their gigs. And the road trip they go on throughout the midwest. From Chicago to New Orleans, I felt like I was right there as I read it. I got a kick reading about the various girlfriends and “Doors groupies” that they met on the road trip. Some of them were laugh out loud funny, others were sad. But all were fascinating to read about. The main character has a very complex character, and I was immediately drawn in to trying to figure out what made him tick. Was he just a devoted Morrison fan? Or did he have a self identity problem? Every scene that unfolded had me even more engrossed in trying to figure out what he was trying to accomplish. By the end of the story, this guy was in Los Angeles, getting ready to perform at Whisky a Go Go, carousing with aging rock stars and actors, interviewing agents and screenplay writers, reliving Jim Morrison’s lifestyle, and exploring all his old haunts. I won’t give away the ending, but it is very, very poignant and real. By Katherine Reinhart What are your current projects? Jim: I actually have quite a few projects in mind. I currently write articles as The Doors Examiner which are about the rock group The Doors. As far as creative writing, I’m working on a novel, Ghosts, which is about the death of a friend of mine, and the ghosts we carry around with us throughout our lives. I also have another Rock ‘n’ Roll novel up my sleeve titled Ghost Dance (yes, I may be in a ghost period, like Picasso’s blue period!) it’s about an American Indian rock band that hits the big time. It’s a bit of a thriller. 17
  • 18. Literature & Fiction Interviews Where can folks learn more about your books and events? Jim: My website: Facebook, Myspace: Writing Under the Influence of Rock ‘n’ Roll! See excerpt of The Last Stage on page 25. 18
  • 19. FIRST PARAGRAPHS Snippets from Daughter Am I and Jock Stewart and the Missing Sea of Fire: “Who were James Angus Stuart and Regina DeBrizzi Stuart?” Mary asked, trying to ignore the mounted heads of murdered animals staring down at her from the lawyer’s wood-paneled walls. Conrad Browning took off the silver-framed eyeglasses that matched his full head of hair and peered at her. “You don’t know who they were?” “No. Until I got your letter, I’d never heard of them. Since they’re Stuarts and so am I, I thought they might be distant relatives, but why would they leave me everything they own?” Mr. Browning cleared his throat. “It’s simple. They were your grand- parents.” Mary shook her head. “I don’t have any grandparents. My father’s parents died before my birth, and my mother’s parents died shortly after.” “Be that as it may, James Angus Stuart and Regina DeBrizzi Stuart were your grandparents. They had one son, Peter Thackery Stuart, who married Gwendolyn Jane Smith. They, in turn, had one daughter. Mary Louise Stuart. You.” “I don’t understand. My father told me they were dead.” Copyright © 2008-2009. Pat Bertram. County Road 3724 closely followed the lay of the land like the arm of a lover or a python crushing its next meal. While his ancient Kaiser Jeep CJ-5 followed the road well enough through the scrub forests and pastureland, it lacked the feline grace of the midnight blue Porsche that sped by on a blind curve with the top down and a woman’s hair free of restraint. Ten minutes later, he reached a place with a black mail box marked “G. Starnes” perched on top of a leaning 4x4 post next to a mixed pea gravel and mud farm road. About 100 feet off the right of way, Grayson had built a small white-washed ranch style house with no landscaping or other embellishments flanked by three-horse gabled barn. Two of the house’s front windows were covered by sheets of cardboard and the barn’s Dutch paddock doors had been left open to the elements. Two things in the resulting pastoral were as out of place as bullshit on a Minton Bone plate, the lady and the car. Both were parked next to the paddock at a rakish angle. He pulled up close enough to the Porsche to see the world reflected in more than one of its mirrors, but Lucinda didn’t flinch. Copyright © 2009 Malcolm R. Campbell. 19
  • 20. Please tell everyone a little about yourself, D. K. D. K.: My roots are in Michigan where my family lives and I visit each year, preferring to drive so I can stop in the Georgia Mountains and hike a little. I also spent significant youthful years in California, the dream land for a mid-western girl trying to get out of the snow and become a “surfer girl.” Once I started traveling, I didn’t stop, living an average of 3 years wherever I landed, job or home. These travels included international work in Europe and Asia and blue water sailing in the Caribbean. Experiences in foreign cultures and living “on the economy” provide insights that I try to share with readers. I have had a profession as an editor and writer for state departments of education and even a stint as a political intern in Washington, D. C. Right now, I live in Florida where I enjoy the Gulf and the Everglades for contrast, but miss hills.
  • 21. D. K. Christi Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins Today’s guest is D. K. Christi, author of her latest work of fiction, Ghost Orchid. When did you first start writing? D. K.: I started writing in my youth, keeping under lock and key meticulous diaries that were as much fantasy thought as reality. I basically write essays, commenting on life. Recently, I have turned those comments into fiction. How does your upbringing affect your writing? D. K.: I have a very eclectic personal history with many twists and turns, traumas and joyful events. Therefore, I give my characters a strong dose of emotional appeal; readers have expressed great dislike for a character or been stunned by a stupid decision. One reader said she actually shouted out loud while reading Arirang: The Bamboo Connection, “no, don’t be so stupid!”– Another reader complained that a short story could not possibly be a romance because, “He walked away at the end. How could he do that to her? How could he just walk away?” As though I was supposed to give her some release for her pain at his behavior. What goals did you set yourself? Is there a message you want readers to grasp? D. K.: “Life is what happens when you plan for something else.” actually said it best when their editor described my stories as characters rising above adversity, overcoming life’s traumas and eking out a new beginning. That’s the thought I wish to convey. Every challenge has a gift; we just need the capacity to recognize when it comes. I want readers 21
  • 22. Literature & Fiction Interviews to recognize their own selves in the characters, their agonies and their ecstasies, and perhaps find comfort in the resolution of their challenges. Is your latest book part of a series or stand alone? D. K.: At the moment, Ghost Orchid seems to stand alone; however, the ending begs for a sequel. Neev is the main character whose life is examined and changed through the magic of the ghost orchid; yet, the ending leaves the reader with the desire to know more about the characters who shaped her destiny, one in particular. She begins that story as hers ends. One family’s loves, lies and redemption are woven through the fabric of the Everglades as photographers search for the perfect subject in the perfect light and find themselves. Neev’s search unfolds as a mystery, one coincidence at a time, under the mystical magic of the ethereal ghost orchid. Recently, I also have short stories published in several anthologies: “Rose’s Question” in The World Outside My Window; “The Ice Storm” in Romance of My Dreams, and “The View From the Balcony” in Romance of My Dreams II. What’s the hook for the book? D. K.: Death is the end. Or is it? A tragic accident opens Ghost Orchid and sets the stage to search for an answer to that age old question: Is love eternal? A mystical and exotic ghost orchid watches from its perch high in the cypress canopy as a mystery unfolds, one coincidence at a time. How do you develop characters and create the settings? D. K.: Their traits fit the circumstances in which they dwell. They are borrowed and reworked from all the people I have know, about whom I have read, and those I’ve imagined. Neev is the daughter I never had, molded from the clay of men and women whose personalities left an impression. Settings come from the places where I have lived and traveled. They are real to me in every respect though they sometimes require adjusting with 22
  • 23. D. K. CHRISTI research to make up for imperfect memories or documentation. Who is the most unusual or most likeable character? D. K.: Since I have already given away my secret that I always wanted a daughter, I vote for Neev. However, Roger has his charm and Mel has depth worth examining and loving. Do you have specific techniques to help you maintain the course of the plot? D. K.: I’ll use the word processing outline features to give me skeletons of the manuscript and check for anomalies. Do you have a specific writing style or preferred POV? D. K.: My preferred POV is first person and in the present tense. Publishers do not like either, especially in new authors. Therefore, I have switched to third person, past tense. When I am famous, I will return to first person, present tense. Please share the best review that you’ve ever had. D. K.: I think I hold onto the review because it says so much in such a few words: “D. K. Christi’s debut novel Arirang, a romantic adventure that spans seven continents, conveys an underlying theme that “life happens when you are planning something else.” In Christi’s shorter works such as Chalk, The Magic Box, and The Valentine , exclusive to Amazon Shorts, themes of friendship surviving tragedy, love conquering adversity, and the triumph of the human spirit over the hardships of life serve to uplift and inspire. Discover a new voice in fiction and through her stories, perhaps discover something new about yourself.” What are your current projects? D. K.: I am working on a short story anthology, a major work, The Virgin Odyssey, about blue water sailors with stories in each craft that are shared in ports along their journey, a sequel to Ghost Orchid, and a special story about 23
  • 24. Literature & Fiction Interviews the Civil War inspired by my great grandfather’s escape from a prison camp. Where can folks learn more about your books and events? D. K.: website: twitter: Publisher: I blog at and includes events and there’s always Google. ebook versions of Ghost Orchid are found at Mobipocket, Fictionwise and Kindle; print coming soon. Arirang: The Bamboo Connection is in print and Kindle at where several short stories are also found in Amazon Shorts. The anthologies are also at in print and Kindle. All online bookstores carry my books, and anthologies containing my short stories. See excerpt of Ghost Orchid on page 25. 24
  • 25. FIRST PARAGRAPHS Snippets from The Last Stage and Ghost Orchid: Is Everybody In? I’m dead. Not the cold corporeal type of death, but a warm, living death, a ghost trying to regain what he has lost. A death where everything is a faded, pale facsimile of the life I had. I went into my study and sat at the desk, it’s an old theatrical make-up table with a gilded mirror surrounded by those old fashioned bulbous lights, naked, astringent, that push light into every crevice and nook, no where to hide. Every night I sit surrounded in this room, a shrine to my “career.” The desk is stuffed with my newspaper reviews, photographs, journals, scrapbooks and notes. The mirror was cleaned up and glimmered, a relic of an age gone by, salvage from my past. I lit a candle and popped a tape into the player on the desk, I watched the candle flicker and dance, casting shadows against the wall, hoping it would set the mood. A voice from the speakers said, “ladies and gentle-men, from Madison, Wisconsin, The Unknown Soldiers!” I cleared my mind and let the music transport me back, opening the flood of memories. It was a ceremony I’ve been practicing, a little ritual to help induce self-hypnosis. I closed my eyes, and I could see the audience cheering, an impressionistic flash of colorful clothes, and faces looking up at me. Copyright © 2009 Jim Cherry. The high-pitched, grating sound of twisting metal chased screaming birds into the sky. A sickening rumble erupted as the car dove into the earth, upside down, crushing the roof. The screeching tires etched black marks on the highway for several yards, carving trenches in the shoulder as the vehicles left the road. The bright, red sports car glanced off the white sedan, but slid safely along the edge of the blacktop and stopped just short of the ditch. A plume of smoke and dust almost concealed the careening vehicles. The shocked dump truck driver, pulling a heavy load of gravel, lost control and the truck slammed into the ditch on the other side of the narrow two-lane highway, the impact jamming the doors shut. For a moment in time, a deafening silence filled the air as though the crash sucked the life out of the universe in exchange for the life of the driver who attempted the left turn from the sanctuary road. Her car was upside down across the ditch, her bleeding torso visible half out the window, suspended by the hanging seat belt and the deflating airbags. Copyright © 2009 D. K. Christi. 25
  • 26. Please tell us about yourself, Caryn,. Caryn: I reside in a small town south of Fort Worth, Texas with my family. I enjoy spending time outdoors and I’m actively involved with my daughter’s school and in the local community. I hold a B.A. in Criminal Justice and a certificate in Women’s Studies from Florida Atlantic University in addition to a Masters degree in Professional Studies in Human Relations from NY Institute of Technology. I am a former LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) and I’ve worked within the criminal justice system with medium security inmates as well as in the community sector and with survivors of domestic violence. Today, as a life coach and motivational speaker, I share my story of surviving and thriving after living with eating disorders, abusive relationships and being trapped within the corporate world.
  • 27. Caryn Gottlieb FitzGerald Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins Caryn Gottlieb FitzGerald has a passion for writing and sharing her heart with others. After watching the manuscript from her first fiction novel, Tulips in the Sand - A Riley Matthews Mystery sit on a shelf at home for sixteen years, she set the goal of seeing her book published and on store shelves, reaching people around the world. Her intention became reality when Tulips in the Sand - A Riley Matthews Mystery was published in July 2008 and has been intriguing fiction and mystery lovers ever since its release. When did you first begin writing, and in what genre? Caryn: I have been writing since childhood and have always been primarily drawn to writing mysteries, thrillers and fiction. My writing style varies; I am comfortable in writing both fiction and non-fiction genres. I’ve been published in several arenas, including psychological journals, newspapers, blogs, compilations, fiction and self-help books. Over the past few years, I have been focusing on writing my memoir and sharing my personal story of triumph over tragedy, which is allowing me to step out of the fiction genre When you started writing, what goals did you want to accomplish? Is there a message you want readers to grasp? Caryn: I started writing as an outlet for expressing my creative side. My goal was to be published. I first achieved that goal in 1995 and have received the honor again several times since then. I’d like my readers to grasp the message that life is something that we create for ourselves. Enjoying what we surround ourselves with is key. I use writing as a method of expression, consider myself a writer and an artist and surround myself with others who feel the same about their creations. 27
  • 28. Literature & Fiction Interviews Briefly tell us about your latest book. Is it part of a series? Caryn: My latest release is entitled Tulips in the Sand: A Riley Matthews Mystery and it is the first in a series centering about a young woman named Riley Matthews who, as a result of life’s challenges finds herself wrapped up in the center of crime and mystery and of course romance and passion. This particular novel was written in the early 90s and having it published was a dream come true. How do you develop characters and setting? Caryn: My writing style has changed over the years, but mainly I enjoy creating characters that are easy to relate to and that I can sink myself into, becoming the character for the time period required to advance development. My writing is usual set in places I have personally spent time in and enjoy reliving within my writings. Who is the most unusual or likeable character? Caryn: I hope each reader will have a different feeling about this. I personally had a lot of fun creating the character of Taylor as he was modeled after a friend who, upon reading the book said “hey, I know this guy!” Riley was also a lot of fun to develop for the first book. Currently, I am working on another book in the series in which Riley has matured a bit and is going through some things that more adults will relate to and her changes are fun for me to develop as well. Do you have specific techniques to help you maintain the course of the plot? Caryn: I have several techniques and am always open to trying new things. For example, my habit is to write each scene longhand and then type it up afterwards which leaves me with hundreds of these little seventy page count notebooks full of highlight marks and corner folds marking important information such as character descriptions. I do create an outline before I start a book and will talk it out as I go along. I have found over the years that my initial story is never what the end result is, because as I fall into the 28
  • 29. CARYN GOTTLIEB FITZGERALD story I see things that the characters would be doing that I may have missed in the original outline. Being open to change and the creative process is key. I also make sure to write something every day as that keeps me in the thick of things as the work progresses. Do you have a specific writing style or preferred POV? Caryn: My favorite writing style is to write whatever comes to mind as I create the scene. I like to pretend I am in the scene and imagine what the characters are feeling and seeing as they interact. As for POV, I am grateful to have an editor who keeps me in line because if I had my way, my readers would be able to enter the minds of all of the characters simultaneously and experience the scene from all vantage points. Mainly I focus on the POV of the main character, in this case Riley, and will usually add a second POV from another key character. How does your environment and upbringing color your writing? Caryn: I don’t know that my childhood upbringing colors my writing, but my personal experiences as an adult certainly have. I was a therapist for many years working within a men’s prison and from working with inmates who have committed all types of unspeakable crimes, I have learned that the human mind is capable of anything and if written well, the reader can be lead to believe they are part of the experience, evoking all types of emotions, including new ones they may have never experienced before. Share the best review (or a portion) that you’ve ever had. Caryn: This is my favorite as it is part of the feedback I received from my real-life friend who I modeled the character of Taylor: “Cool book … cool ending! That Taylor WAS a madman!!!” What are your current projects? Caryn: I am always writing. Currently I am working on another book in the Riley Matthews Mystery series, my memoir (2010) and two self-help/ non-fiction compilations. I blog almost daily at: and also 29
  • 30. Literature & Fiction Interviews contribute to The Washington Times Communities - Life Online Section, where my column, “Changing Your Life, Living Your Passion” can be read daily. Where can folks learn more about your books and events? Caryn: The best place to start is at: as that will provide folks with information on my current projects and events. I love connecting with my readers and encourage people to drop me a note and introduce themselves. See excerpt of Tulips in the Sand: A Riley Matthews Mystery on page 31. 30
  • 31. FIRST PARAGRAPHS Snippet of Tulips in the Sand: A Riley Matthews Mystery: “Ok, here you go, Mrs. Murphy, just sign on the bottom and you’ll be all set.” She smiled without thinking. A big grin that must have taken the sales girl by surprise because she asked, “Mrs. Murphy, is everything okay?” “Oh, yes,” realizing her actions seemed odd, she added, “everything is just perfect.” With that, she signed the charge receipt, took her package, mumbled a thank you and left the store. Once outside, the sun warmed her face, and her smile returned. She remembered the simple comment the sales girl had made which caused her to smile so happily. The simple action of calling her “Mrs. Murphy”, that was it, just hearing those words referring to her, was enough to cause her to be overcome with happiness and smile beyond control. As she continued down the tree lined street, she thought back to a time many years ago when becoming “Mrs. Murphy” seemed like a dream that would never come true. Copyright © 2009 Caryn Gottlieb FitzGerald 31
  • 32. Hi Jim, please tell us about yourself and your background. Jim: When I first moved to the deserts of Arizona in the summer of 1966 my initial impression was a deeper understanding for the place warned about in Sunday school. To say the very least, it was a far cry from the meadows and forests of Michigan or the hills of Tennessee with which I was familiar. As the years passed, a deep love for the empty places, the raw landscapes, the history, and the people that called the desert southwest home grew. Fueled by the writings of Zane Grey and other western writers this passion soon developed into a near complete immersion in the romanticism of the west that I now jokingly refer to as my “John Wayne” period. I found employment on ranches in Arizona and New Mexico and became enamored with the rodeo life though I never mastered the craft of either. Then I discovered mining which in turn led to adventures among the ghost towns of the southwest. Books about history have been an integral part of my life since childhood. However, histories relevance to the present and future never really manifested until I walked the streets of Tombstone, rode the rutted tracks of the Butterfield Stage Line across the desert plains of New Mexico, or experienced Route 66 behind the wheel of a 1950 De Soto. Tying all of these things together were the tangible links to the past with which I began to fill my life. The most notable of these were the vehicles I chose, and still choose, for daily transportation – 1942 Chevrolet pick up, 1926 Ford, 1946 GMC, 1955 Ford, 1968 Dodge – to name but a few.
  • 33. Jim Hinckley Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins Today’s guest, Jim Hinckley, has shared his love of old trucks and lost highways through the publication of five books and as a contributor to Old Cars Weekly, Classic Auto Restorer, Hemmings Classic Car, The Kingman Daily Miner and American Road. When did you first begin writing, and how did it hook you, Jim? Jim: From my earliest memory writing was something I wanted do, but oddly enough did nothing to develop that interest and passion. Then, in 1990, with gentle encouragement from my loving wife, I decided to take the plunge and give it a try. As I know now my first success was truly a fluke. I felt the discovery of an extremely interesting wrecking yard in southern Arizona near the Mexican border would serve as an excellent introductory tool. So, I picked up my favorite automotive magazine, obtained the name of the editor from the title page, and called their office. After a brief discussion the story was approved. No query letter! No formal introduction! No name dropping! The photos were taken with a $25.00 Kmart camera. The story was written on a 1948 model Underwood typewriter. Eight weeks later I had a check for $250.00 and publication in a major publication. I was hooked! What goals did you want to accomplish after that, and is there a message you want readers to grasp? Jim: Well, with receipt of that first check my childhood dreams were instantly renewed. Visions of acclaim and riches danced in my head. However, most of all was the unshakeable conviction that soon I would be quitting the day job. 33
  • 34. Literature & Fiction Interviews Since that time I have written five books, have had more than one thousand feature articles published, and have penned two weekly columns for newspapers. I also still have a day job that pays the lion’s share of the bills. For aspiring writers the lessons in all of this are rather simple concepts. Rejection and disappointment are merely dues to be paid. Thinking outside of the box will generate reward as well as set back. Don’t give up; if writing is something you have a passion for then do it. Let the writing be its own reward. If you happen to make a million in the process, great! Briefly tell us about your latest book, Jim. Jim: Ghost Towns of the Southwest is a book that was more than twenty years in the making. Between the covers are more than snapshots and time capsules from the western frontier, this book is a tapestry of my adventures hung against a backdrop of Technicolor western landscapes and centuries of history. The towns, communities, and mining camps profiled in this book include famous locales such as Tombstone and Chloride. However, to add depth and context to their story I also included lesser known places such as Columbus and Ruby as well as Spanish colonial outposts like Cabezon and Native American cities like Gran Quivira. This book is the third in a loose series that profiles the overlooked and forgotten destinations. My first travel related title was Backroads of Arizona. Next came Route 66 Backroads, a travel guide to that iconic highway with a twist. The current project in the works, Ghost Towns of Route 66, continues these themes. What is the hook for this book? Jim: There are really several. First, there is the twist of presenting the ghost towns as the vehicle for providing continuity to the history of the southwest that spans centuries as well as cultures. Next would be the unique and colorful characters introduced to readers. 34
  • 35. JIM HINCKLEY As an example consider Jefferson Davis Milton, a lawman whose career included a stint with the Texas Rangers, being the only law in lawless frontier towns and even escorting arrested Russian anarchists back to Russia during the teens. The latter job was done after a shootout left him with the use of only one arm! However, the primary hook has to be the stunning western landscapes framed by the imposing and forlorn ruins of these bygone communities as captured by award winning photographer Kerrick James. How do you decide what locations to include in your travel guides? Jim: I draw from experience and my travels as well as conversations with a wide array of individuals from Native Americans to European tourists. If you were limited to one region or location for recommendation where would it be and why? Jim: That would be the area around Silver City in New Mexico. The diversity of the landscapes in this area is enhanced by vast tracts of wilderness that make it possible to experience the west as it was before the advent of the modern era. Adding flavor to this would be the truly amazing depth of history found here as represented by sites as diverse as Billy the Kid’s mother’s gravesite, ghost towns, cliff dwellings and the longest continuously operated mine in the United States. Then you have the people. There is something very invigorating in having breakfast in a quaint café, family owned for more than a half century, where representatives of four generations of a ranching family, outfitted with worn jeans, equally worn boots, and spurs, share the counter with liberal college students and professors while grandma teaches her granddaughter how to make tortillas in the open kitchen. How does your environment and upbringing color your writing? Jim: My mother often quipped that it seemed I was born ninety and never aged. Perhaps that is why I have always felt most comfortable in the company of those who are my peers by a half century or more. These relationships allow me the unique opportunity to add a first person feel to events that took place long before I was born. In a similar manner my transportation choices and wide array of adventures enhance the ability to 35
  • 36. Literature & Fiction Interviews flavor my automotive and travel writings with a hand on authority. Please share one of your favorite reviews of your work. Jim: “I have a copy of Jim Hinckley’s new book and want to share with all of you some facts and my thoughts on the book. Route 66 BACKROADS has over 200 photos, some new and a few old, all are worth the price of the book alone. Then add in some maps to show folks how easy it is to get to and from these sites from Route 66. Now the instructions, information and data that Jim has added in the text shows the reader just how thoroughly he has done his research. I plan on taking this book with me when traveling the road, just in case I find time to take some detours. For you retailers, like Rich, that offer this book for sale, I feel it is going to make a GREAT addition to your inventory. For you fellow roadies this is just the kind of book you need to make you want to get back out on the road. I will be recommending this book to everyone that travels the road or just wants to add a wonderful book to their collection. I have one question for Jim Hinckley, who by the way I know and he is a good friend. WHEN IS YOUR NEXT BOOK COMING OUT?” What are your current projects? Jim: I am under contract for another book, Ghost Towns of Route 66, and am deep into research. Then there is the monthly column, The Independent Thinker that I write for Cars & Parts magazine. On a number of levels my monthly column for Cars & Parts is one of my most satisfying jobs. Through it I am able to share my fascination with automotive history, give some obscure individuals that made large contributions to the industry some overdue kudos, and delve deeper into mysteries pertaining to the conflicted origins of inventions as well as manufacturers. Where can folks learn more about your books and forthcoming projects? 36
  • 37. JIM HINCKLEY Jim: I have a public profile on Google and also maintain a daily blog, Route 66 Chronicles : In addition, I maintain a website, Route 66 Info Center, where travel tips are shared with commentary and links, and enticing photographs from our collection are presented: I also have an author’s blog on See excerpt of Ghosts of Northwest Arizona on page 41. 37
  • 38.
  • 39. Jean Holloway Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins 39
  • 40. I would like to welcome Jean Holloway, who has stopped in on her blog tour, Banned from Vegas. Jean’s books from her Deck of Cardz series are fictional detective stories following the career of a female lead homicide detective, Shevaughn Robinson. Ace of Hearts and Black Jack are currently available online and by request at your local bookstores. Please tell us about Black Jack, Jean. Jean: Black Jack is the sequel to my debut novel, Ace of Hearts. Black Jack picks up four years after Shevaughn Robinson, lead homicide detective in Portsborough, NY, solves her first major case. She is anxiously living in the shadow of her high rate of arrests and closed cases. But it has all come at a price? In Black Jack, Shevaughn tries to regain balance in her personal life just as the past comes back to haunt her. She will quickly find herself the center of yet another unique murder that feels a little too close for comfort. What genre is Black Jack ? Jean: I like to make sure I’m juggling a few genres. I’d say Black Jack is an adult romantic, psychological crime thriller. That’s an interesting combination, Jean. I think you’ll have to explain how you married these genres in your book. Jean: First, I classify it as adult, because my books are for the grown and sexy. It’s erotic, not erotica, yet definitely not for the kids. The romantic elements involve you as you watch the growth of a loving relationship between the couples in this book, one being and
  • 41. Shevaughn Marcus, a local bookstore owner in Portsborough. The psychological segments were a push for me. Out of nowhere, a past character, Terri Becker, emerged and I hate to say it but she’s a few a cans short of a six pack (if you know what I mean). The crime is murder with the plot revolving around Shevaughn’s career and life depending on her solving this case. She has to get him or her before her life is tragically affected. Lastly, it’s a thriller because you, the reader, have an opportunity to take in the story for the viewpoint of the lead detective attempting to balance her family obligations and her career and that of a depressed and confused psychopath looking for love in all the wrong places. The two very different women are brought together by an opportunist that preys on weakness in others. What should readers expect from Black Jack? Jean: Expect the unexpected. Things are not what they appear to be, even I was surprise by the direction this story took. Readers should turn the first page with an open mind and end the last page knowing that there is much more in store for Shevaughn Robinson. About Black Jack Black Jack is the sequel to Jean Holloway’s acclaimed debut novel, Ace of Hearts. Buckle up and follow Shevaughn as she moves closer to solving the murder of a lonely widow, unknowingly rekindling old grudges and awakening a sinister spirit. Get ready, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Visit Deck of Cardz to learn more about Jean Holloway and her work. There you can download Black Jack ebook; watch the book video: Black Jack … Wanna Play, read the book synopsis; and more. How can readers contact you? Visit Jean Holloway online at See excerpt of Black Jack on page 41. 41
  • 42. Snippet from Ghosts of Northwest Arizona Your base camp for the exploration of ghost towns in northwest Arizona is Kingman, a historic community with a long and colorful history. Access to all towns and town sites in this portion of the state are easy day trips from Kingman, although a few trips will require the use of a high-profile or four wheel-drive vehicle. These towns include a frontier-era mining community preserved in a circa 1930 state of arrested decay, a mining town saved from abandon-ment with the resurgent interest in Route 66, and another mining community almost erased from the map with the modern bane of many old towns – open pit mining. Other gems include two former county seats and a railroad town that also has ties to legendary Route 66. Copyright © 2009 Jim Hinckley. Snippet from Black Jack: Helene put the menu down, took off her glasses and pinched the top of her nose, massaging the corners of her eyes. Concentrating on the menu’s small print made them so tired. She looked up, blinked hard and, in doing so, brought his handsome face back into focus. Maybe I should have left that second glass of champagne alone. However, it’s not every day a lady got to share a bottle of Krug Grand Cuvée’77 in Napier’s, the most exclusive French restaurant in the Portsborough area. Tonight’s definitely a cause for celebration. She still couldn’t believe she’d been dating this young man for the past three months. Young man, humph, never thought I’d be referring to a man in his fifties as young, although it’s all quite relative, isn’t it? Although proud of her sixty-eight years on earth, right now she wished she could turn back the hands of time. The last few months were like a romantic dream. What about the money? The thought flickered like the restaurant sconces’ candlelight against the wall. Damn, why did her mind always go back to that? It spoiled one of life’s best moments by nagging at her. About a month ago, he’d asked her for a considerable loan, one hundred and ten thousand dollars to be exact. Although it took over half of the remainder of her fortune and her mind told her it really wasn’t the smart thing to do, her body quickly overruled the objection. She knew, in time, it would be well worth it. Copyright © 2009 Jean Holloway 42
  • 43. Tell us about yourself, Rayni, and your “confession.” Rayni: I grew up as Roberta Joan Weintraub in Newburgh, New York, during the 1940s and 50s. During a critical period in the early 1970s, I was part of the Liberation News Service collective, where, for $35 and ten free meals per week, I researched and wrote news and feature articles. It was during this period that my feature article, Women, Fat of the Land, appeared widely throughout the U.S. It was June, 1970, and I became the first public confessor to the then unheard of habit of binging and purging, later diagnosed in the 1980s as bulimia. Although the word and the fact of “bulimia” were largely unknown at the time, my story containing my confession was published on the front pages of dozens of alternative weekly newspapers, where it struck a chord with more than a million women readers – a chord that resonates to this day. 43
  • 44. Rayni Joan Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins I would like to welcome Rayni Joan, author of The Skinny: Adventures of America’s First Bulimic. For twenty-five years – from pre-adolescence way into her mid-to-late thirties – Rayni walked around hiding what she thought was a shameful secret: she made herself throw up. For almost the whole time, she thought she was the only one in the whole world! When did you begin writing? Rayni: I wrote my first story, about a lonely elephant baby, when I was five. Not a slender gazelle. Not a purring kitten or a dog with a wagging tail. A lonely elephant baby! A smart prognosticator probably could have predicted my whole life based on that! Please describe some of your journey that ended with the writing of The Skinny. Rayni: As someone who “tumbled up” with little real guidance, and consequently struggled with low self-esteem and an eating disorder, when I had kids, I didn’t want to make the same mistakes my parents made. (I didn’t. I made different mistakes!) At the age of sixteen, one of my sons handed me several thousand dollars and informed me he’d been playing blackjack at a casino. (He lied about his age.) Despite my pleading, he continued to play. I joined Gam-Anon, a 12-Step Program for family members of gamblers and had no luck getting him to attend Gamblers Anonymous. I spoke openly to my group about my history of bulimia, and when someone asked me whether I’d be willing to tell my own story to a large group assembly, I agreed – and my son agreed to attend. In my presentation, I talked about my childhood, about the way no- one in my family had paid attention to my throwing up, and how I wished they had stopped me. I talked about the way my therapist, whom
  • 45. RAYNI JOAN I had trusted, had abused me. I told the group of about two hundred that the saddest thing in my life was my inability to communicate to my son the long- term harm and pain an addiction can cause. By the time I finished, after long applause, and after acknowledging those crowding around me to express their gratitude, finally, I returned to my seat. My then seventeen-year-old was in tears. He hugged me and thanked me. He said he’d had no idea what I’d been trying to tell him. The following week he wrote an article for his high school paper about his gambling addiction and his intention to end it immediately. By then, he was the school bookie, and he formally quit. He was already in therapy and continued for many years – and is now a wonderful, loving, thoughtful and supportive young husband and father. Because sharing my truth helped a few people I touched, including my son, I had the incentive to write my slightly fictionalized story in the hope of reaching and inspiring large numbers of people to have the courage to heal. Why did you fictionalize your story instead of just writing a memoir? Rayni: Two reasons: First, I’m not a celebrity so I didn’t think anyone would care about Rayni Joan’s story. Second, James Frey’s hoax memoir made me super sensitive to inaccuracies in my story caused by my own imagination. So I decided to write a story parallel to mine but with some changes I wouldn’t have to explain to anyone. Have the reactions from readers of The Skinny been what you anticipated? If not, how are they different? Rayni: There seems to be no middle ground to the reactions to The Skinny, and that surprises me. People seem either to hate it or adore it. A (former) close friend of mine told me she would never read a book that had child abuse in it, and that surprised and also hurt me even though I have to respect her truth. Wouldn’t most people want to read their friend’s secret story? I would! Some readers think it’s weird the way Rowie talks to angels and “guides.” Others tell me the same thing is cool. I thought more people would object to the liberal use of cursing, particularly the f-word. I haven’t heard that criticism. But I’m pleased that just about all readers agree that the book is well-written. I hadn’t anticipated that. Also, I’m surprised 45
  • 46. Literature & Fiction Interviews that some men like the book a lot. I thought it would be only a “woman’s book.” It seems to contain some universal truth that strikes a chord with anyone who struggled to figure out what the hell their life was all about because they sure didn’t learn it from their parents. What’s your favorite moment in The Skinny? Rayni: I enjoy the special connection between Rowie and her piano teacher, the first real teacher in her life. Jimmy Wilson teaches Rowie far more about life than anyone else ever did. Insecure and fearful of failure, Rowie learns from Jimmy to welcome mistakes as guides that help us to learn. He truly inspires her. It’s a warm, healthy relationship. Are you now finished with Rowena, or do you have plans for writing another story about her? What can you tell us about her next story? Rayni: I’m definitely not through with her. There’s a whole new trajectory I see for her – some of my personal “paths not taken” which she’s eager to embark on. Also, like me – and characteristic of people who were abused kids – she has the tough job of dissolving the false self she created as a childhood defense and reinventing herself from scratch – without the eating disorder. That will include her development as an artist and spiritual being – and, of course, falling in love. What do you say when people call The Skinny another example of chick lit? Rayni: I say: “If, by chick-lit, you mean a story with no designer clothing, shoes, or accessories, but with a strong, smart woman protagonist both women and men can relate to, then, OK, enjoy!” Where can people find out more about you, Rayni? Rayni: Follow me on Twitter: @Raynwoman See excerpt of The Skinny on page 51. 46
  • 47. Gail, please tell us a little about yourself. Gail: I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher for thirty-one years and to keep insanity at bay, I took up writing. Not to worry. The insanity isn’t catching – much. Other than the addiction to chocolate and the twitch in my left eye, I’m good. I’ve had my weird but true stories published in newspapers and magazines. My first book was The Ghost Wore Polyester, a murder mystery/comedy set in Sedona, Arizona. Just My Luck, my second book is #1 on the Goodreads’ list for best rated new Sci-Fi Futuristic Romance novels. I’m currently working on The Warlord’s Comeuppance a prequel to Just My Luck. I’m also working with producer, Bonnie Forbes of Fortress Features on several TV series. I recently did an hour long unscripted radio interview with Cat Johnson on What’s Hot in Romance. 47
  • 48. Gail Koger Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins Today’s guest, romance author Gail Koger, has a quirky sense of humor, which she uses in her fast-paced novels that are full of adventure. When did the writing bug bite and in what genre? Gail: It bit in 1985. I was recuperating from surgery and started jotting down story ideas from several bizarre dreams I kept having. Weird creatures, hunky alien beings that came to life in my head, and ta-da my first science fiction novel was born. Unfortunately, it will never see the light of day. Yeah, it was that bad. But I discovered I love to write and have a talent for writing humor, hot sex scenes and balls-to-the-wall action. Briefly tell us about your latest book. Is it part of a series or stand-alone? Gail: Kaylee Jones is a trouble magnet. Chaos and disaster are her faithful companions. A powerful psychic, it’s her job to protect Earth from alien predators who consider our world an all-you-can-eat banquet. Unfortunately, her success at killing these alien freaks puts her on their most wanted list and lands her in a prison cell. Her roommate? A very hungry vampire. Okay, he’s really a Coletti Warlord who decides to make her his mate. Doesn’t matter that she’s not willing and this mate thing means he owns her mind, body and soul. She’ll admit the sex is hot and the bossy jerk has agreed to save our world from annihilation. But, the bad news is, Warlords aren’t benevolent do-gooder types and there is a price for his help. Our women. And the 48
  • 49. GAIL KOGER really bad news is, her Warlord’s low-down conniving brother has joined forces with our alien freaks and now we have to stop them from destroying both our worlds! Just My Luck is the first book in the series about the Coletti Warlords. The Warlord’s Comeuppance is the prequel. What’s the hook for the book? Gail: What would you do to save the Earth from annihilation? How do you develop characters and setting in your books? Gail: People ask me this all the time. Okay, here’s the thing. I’m slightly nuts and have a really bizarre imagination. Try working 9-1-1 for thirty-one years and see how sane you are. The stories and critters come to me in dreams. Yeah, you heard me. Dreams. Once I start writing my characters kind of take over and off we go. Who is your favorite character? Gail: Tihar is one of my favorites. He’s an Askole warrior and Rambo has nothing on this guy. Tihar’s a cross between Lord Voldemort and a Gorgon with black armored plated skin and rather awesome fangs and claws. In combat mode he resembles the Tasmanian Devil, a twirling tornado of death. Once you win his loyalty, you have a friend for life and an extremely deadly one at that. Do you have a specific writing style or preferred POV? Gail: I write my stories in first person. I think it brings my characters to life and puts you in the driver’s seat. Share with us the best review that you’ve ever had. Gail: Chris from Night Owl Romance gave Just My Luck four out of five stars. Here’s his review: Kaylee is a walking shit magnet; her words, not mine. If there is trouble or danger, she’s usually sitting in the front row. But Kaylee is a warrior, a 49
  • 50. Literature & Fiction Interviews powerful psychic, and a “siren” for her world. Call her an advance warning system if you will. And her alarms are going off like crazy. Earth has come to the attention of off-planet predators who think we are mighty tasty, and they are ringing the dinner bell. Earth is fighting with all its’ might and it’s about to have company in that fight, whether they want it or not. Trapped and chained by his enemy, Talree is a Coletti Warlord who is on the verge of going feral. Think vampire on steroids with an insatiable appetite for whatever is in front of him. His race is also bent on destroying the predators currently chowing down on Earth. When his mind connects with Kaylee’s and he sees his salvation, he vows he will connect with her and she will be his mate in all ways. Whether she wants to or not. And his kind will join in the fight with earth, but for a price. This was a freaky fantastic read. Tons of detail about what threatens Earth, in gory detail, and how seeing things can alter a persons perceptions. Kaylee and Talree got along like a chalkboard and fingernails at first, but with a lot of sex, arguing and humor, managed to find their way to one another. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire story and sincerely hope there is more to come since all things weren’t resolved. What are your current projects? Gail: I’m working on The Warlord’s Comeuppance. A fast, fun science/fiction romance of how the ultimate big, bad scary Warlord pursues Detja, the best thief in the galaxy. Here’s a little preview: Stealing from a warlord and giving him the one finger salute as I made my getaway was not the brightest thing I’d ever done. Okay, it was an incredibly stupid stunt. Did I mention that this particular Coletti warlord is the most feared in the entire galaxy? That Zarek’s the ultimate predator and even the other warlords are scared spit less of him? That he never ever stops until he either captures or kills his quarry? Yeah, I have the big, bad after me and all because of one little finger. Okay and a Ditrim crystal the size of my fist. Am I worried? Of course, only an idiot doesn’t fear a really angry Coletti warlord. But, I am very good at what I do. Bad news is, so is Zarek. My name is Detja. The Enforcers call me the Ghost. As a master thief I must be a combination of magician and chameleon. The illusion of magic deflects attention away from the act and when things go to hell, like they sometimes do; the ability to blend into any situation or culture is a must. My looks are my biggest illusion. I’m a Farin, the fragile flowers of the universe. No one in a million years would ever expect me to be an extraordinary thief 50
  • 51. GAIL KOGER or powerful psychic. Everyone takes one look at my delicate frame and exotic features and dismisses me as harmless. Really big mistake on their part. I’ll admit that most Farin females are timid creatures devoted to domestic duties and incapable of doing harm to anyone. Me? I’m an anomaly, a genetic throwback to a time long, long ago when Farin females were warriors. Where can folks learn more about your books and events? Gail: I have an author’s page on or my website See excerpt of Just My Luck on page 51. 51
  • 52. Snippet from The Skinny: Grandma and Grandpa had been married for fifty years and they still hugged regularly like sweethearts. We’d had a big party at a restaurant in the Bronx, and I didn’t dare complain about the uncomfortable green taffeta dress that rustled weirdly when I moved and made me look like I weighed about a thousand pounds. Daddy asked me to dance and pulled and pushed me around as he crushed me to his body. I knew my face was bright red. My body stiffened like stale bread. I didn’t mean to but kept stepping on his toes, and I even slipped a small fart out and pretended it wasn’t mine. He told me to relax and poked me a little in the small of my back but that only made me stiffer. Relief flooded me when the music ended. I raced to find Ralphie, whose white shirt was half hanging out of his navy blue pants. We danced a box step, counting as we trod, leaving proper space between us, not like Daddy. Afterwards, we ran around the restaurant threatening other cousins with ice cubes. Our cousin Mitchell wanted us to try bootleg cigarettes and Scotch in the alley but we turned him down. I didn’t want Daddy to murder me. Copyright © 2009 Rayni Joan. Snippet from Just My Luck: I’m what you’d call a trouble magnet. Which can be a good thing or a bad thing in my line of work. I opted for being a cop. So, finding bad guys is good, but they never want to go to jail, which is bad. Since I’m kinda pint- sized, the only thing keeping me from being shot, stabbed or otherwise mangled on a daily basis is my spidey sense. It’s like an internal radar that warns me of approaching danger. I’m also telepathic. Relax. I can’t read your thoughts. The only minds I can read are other psychics. Basically my family. And believe me, with my family, that can be a real pain-in-the-butt. They’re always ragging on me about something. When I was a teenager, it made dating hell. Dad would pop in with a “Kaylee Lynn Jones what the hell is that punk’s hand doing on your breast?” Or Mom would break into a make out session with, “Kaylee, sweetie, a lady doesn’t allow a guy to stick his tongue down her throat on the first date.” You get the picture. Add my brothers into the mix and I had 24/7 surveillance. And they wonder why I’m twenty-five and still a virgin. Go figure. Copyright © 2009 Gail Koger 52
  • 53. Welcome, Abe, please tell everyone about yourself. Abe: I’m a retired international business consultant, entrepreneur and author living near Landau, Germany with my wife Gisela. For relaxation, I enjoy hiking in the nearby mountains exploring ancient castle ruins, walking through the local vineyards and singing in regional choirs. My career has taken me from my birthplace in the USA to Canada, Europe and the Middle East. I grew up in York County, Pennsylvania and served in the USAF from 1957-61. My business career got underway with the computing sciences division of IBM’s service bureau. I later joined an international cosmetic company, which took me throughout the USA and into Canada, Greece and Germany. With international experience and an entrepreneurial spirit, I started my own importing business headquartered in Beirut, Lebanon, for the distribution of cosmetics and toiletries to the Middle East markets. I also functioned as a locator of goods and services sought by Mid-Eastern clients before the civil war in Lebanon destroyed my successful business enterprise. I returned to the United States to start over, and was soon working on an international level again. My subsequent work involved Swan Technologies, Inc., a personal computer manufacturer. I established a subsidiary for Swan in West Germany serving as Managing Director. I returned to the US to work in procurement with Stork NV, a Dutch company, supporting a fleet of 1200 Fokker Aircraft, until my retirement. 53
  • 54. Abe F. March Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins Today’s guest, Abe March, has an interesting and varied background that led to the writing of his first book, To Beirut and Back. When did you first begin to write, and in what genre? Abe: It started after I left Beirut in 1976 and began to type up my experiences (yes, we used typewriters back then) from notes into a manu- script, which would become To Beirut and Back about 30 years later. Although an autobiography, I’ve been told it reads like a novel. Is there a message in your writing? Abe: Yes, there was a message, especially with my first novel. I wanted to share my personal experience in dealing with various cultures and sensitive political issues. The events that caused my change in attitude toward the participants in the Middle East struggle was not unique; however, intimidation and threats of retaliation cause many to remain quiet. Telling the truth is not always easy or popular, but often necessary to effect change. The same is true with my second novel. As we have learned, for every action there is a reaction. Events that one may justify as necessary will have a reaction. That reaction can be in some form of retaliation – acts of revenge – and when it happens, oddly enough, many are surprised.
  • 55. ABE F. MARCH Briefly tell us about your latest book. Is this also based on real life? Abe: My latest book, Journey Into the Past, with contributing author, Lynn Jett, is in part a time-travel romance story with the setting among the ancient castles in the Pfalz (Palatinate) region of Germany. Synopsis: Heather Wilson, a successful architect, needed time off from work and a chance to recover from a relationship gone sour. The poster of a twelfth century castle helped her decide to make a trip to Germany and visit this castle. On the drawbridge to the castle, she meets Hans Hess, a retired American businessman who lives nearby. As they discuss the castle, their hands touch an ancient stone and they are briefly catapulted back in time. As Heather explores the castle, she finds a note but can’t translate it and asks Hans for assistance. The translation provides a clue that leads them to other nearby castles in search of additional clues to solve a mystery. Heather is not aware that Hans is married and that his wife is in a comatose state and therefore cannot understand his resistance to falling in love. As they discover more about the characters in the twelfth century romance, they learn more about their own feelings and they succumb to its passion. When Hans’s wife recovers from her illness, it creates a heart-rending dilemma. Heather returns to her world without informing Hans that she is pregnant. Years later, an aged Hans learns about his daughter when she leads a group of students to explore the castle and Hans is requested to act as tour guide. What’s the hook for the book? Abe: There’s nothing that would constitute a clever hook, but simply: “When the paths of a vacationing American architect and a retired German businessman cross, the soul-mates embark on a journey through time; a journey triggered by a series of mysterious, hidden love notes written centuries before.” How do you develop characters and setting? 55
  • 56. Literature & Fiction Interviews Abe: The setting is always based on places I’ve been. In the case of non- fiction, the characters are real; however, in some instances, names are altered. For fiction, I try to use a facsimile and/or current events with a scenario of probability. With romance, it is a combination of true life and fantasy. Who is the most unusual character? Abe: In the book, They Plotted Revenge Against America, the most unusual character would be David Levy. David is an American-born Jew who emigrates to Israel and becomes a member of the Mossad (secret service). For personal reasons, he turns into a double agent and works against his adopted country in training a team of young men and women who desire revenge against America. Do you adopt any techniques to help you maintain the course of the plot? Abe: The course of the plot is natural progression. Trying to keep the reader wondering what happens next often requires some change in sequence, as with flashbacks. Do you have your own way of writing or has anyone influenced your style of writing? Abe: I do not try to copy anyone’s style. I write the way I talk. In dialogue, I use colloquial expressions and the manner of speaking that fits each character. Reading books of various genres has an influence. I don’t think it is something conscious; however, the manner of writing that catches my attention and keeps me reading is something that comes through naturally in my own writing. How does your environment or upbringing affect your writing? Abe: My upbringing and environment has an enormous influence on my writing. I’ve been poor and I’ve been rich. The perpetual struggle to succeed, dealing with people of varied cultures, provided me with a broad range of experience. Understanding the needs and feeling of the poor, furnished me with useful insights. By contrast, the lifestyle and outlook of the rich, or people of nobility, enables me to understand a mentality that is often in conflict with the poorer class. To win and then lose everything is another 56
  • 57. ABE F. MARCH experience that affects how one deals with problems. It certainly can alter one’s outlook on life. Please share with us the best review (or a portion) that you’ve ever had. Abe: The best review was from Malcolm Campbell, author of The Sun Singer and reviewer for PODRAM. The review was unsolicited. He bought my book and wrote the following review: “Terrorism, by definition, operates outside the traditional rules of war. It’s hard to combat because attacks are no longer limited to people wearing military uniforms at well-formed battle lines: they can happen anywhere, at any time, and they may well target people who don’t have any direct knowledge of the peoples and issues involved. This is the arena of Abe F. March’s chilling novel They Plotted Revenge Against America. The novel is chilling, not because it’s filled with larger than life James Bond daring-do in faraway trouble spots. Quite the contrary: this novel takes place on American soil as survivors of the American attack on Baghdad blend in to mainstream America to personally extract revenge against everyday citizens. They Plotted Revenge Against America is a plausible, sobering, intricate and effectively plotted story about a group of well-trained, well-coordinated teams who slip into the U.S. with forged papers and then painstakingly work through a plan that will infect food and water supplies with a deadly virus. These team members are not the gun-wielding, grenade-throwing stereo- typical terrorists we see in most TV shows and movies. They are everyday people who have suffered personal loss and who want to fight back. Once their mission is complete, they plan--if possible--to go back to their normal lives. As the mission unfolds, they alternate between excitement and doubt while trying to avoid detection, and in the process, they discover while blending into community life, that Americans are not the monsters they expected. Since the overall mission leader is a double agent working for Israel’s 57
  • 58. Literature & Fiction Interviews Mossad, group members must not only avoid Homeland Security and other U.S. law enforcement agencies, but the highly effective Israel intelligence agency as well. This subplot is a nice touch in a book that suggests we’re more vulnerable than we suspect.” What are your current projects? Abe: I have two projects: (1) the first one is to revise and expand my first novel, To Beirut and Back, since there was no editing by the publisher. I also want to add some pictures and maps of the region described in the book. (2) The second project is writing about my childhood. I may decide to fictionalize it so as to avoid potential problems with some of the characters or their relatives. As we age, much of our early life is now history to the younger generation. The advances in technology within the past 50 years are dramatic. Riding in a horse-drawn carriage, walking long distances to a one- room school, writing with a typewriter, strict and often harsh discipline, etc., much that seems antiquated today. Life was simpler but not without problems. Where can folks learn more about your books and events? Abe: The best source to learn about my books are on my website: and on Amazon. See excerpt of Journey into the Past on page 67. 58
  • 59. Please tell us a little about yourself, Gregory. Gregory: I grew up in a suburb of Los Angeles wanting two things from life: to write books, and to explore. For a while the latter seemed to preclude the former. I went off to Harvard to study literature – to study it, mind you, not to actually produce any. Upon graduation I was offered the chance to work as a teacher’s assistant at a high school in Athens, so I spent a year of my life learning Modern Greek, appreciating ouzo and of course starting and abandoning a novel. I returned to the US to study law and then moved on to work for the United Nations in Guinea, a beautiful country in West Africa that, like most African countries, only makes the news when something bad happens there. From there I joined my then fiancée in London, where I found work as a corporate lawyer. In London I managed to finish my first novel, which promptly went into a drawer, and to produce a draft of Stunt Road. In 2005 we left London for very rural France with our three-year-old son, determined to escape the rat race. We’re still here, and with a little life experience behind me I have come to see writing and exploring as pretty much the same thing. 59
  • 60. Literature & Fiction Interviews Gregory Mose Interviewed by Shelagh Watkins Today’s guest, Gregory Mose, is a much traveled author. His first novel, Stunt Road, is a satire on corporate greed; a book that will make you think and ponder life’s deeper issues. When did you begin writing and in what genre? Gregory: My first completed work was a gripping yet emotionally satisfying tale of Flipper the Flying Squirrel, when I was seven. Shunned by big corporate publishing, I moved on as an adult to strive to produce literary fiction, although I still don’t quite know what that means. When you started writing, what goals did you want to accomplish? Is there a message you want readers to grasp? Gregory: I aim for writing that is thought-provoking, morally and emotionally challenging, and funny. I like to explore ideas, but to do so in an entertaining way. If I can provoke people to question the world around them without being pedantic, then I feel I’ve done my job. Message? If there’s a message in my writing, it’s simple to question your own motivations, to stop being complacent. Do you have a specific writing style and preferred POV? Gregory: My signature style, if I have one, is the use of humor to highlight moral ambiguity. And generally to avoid trying to puff out my writing with arcane vocabulary that sends even my most educated readers scrambling for their dictionaries. If we need literature to “save” words like “noetic” or “crescive,” Mr. Roth, then quite frankly they are already lost. And good riddance. As for point of view, I’m drawn to first person narratives, but 60