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CRST 290 Quiz Meaning of Genesis
CRST 290 Quiz Meaning of Genesis 1-9
Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1.
1. A condition where someone holds two contradictory views at the same time is called:
2. Which view holds Genesis 1 speaks of 24 hour days but also arms evolutionary practices?
3. According to the Hebrew scholar in Is Genesis History?, which other genealogies in the Bible
depended on Genesis for their recording of names?
4. Who is the host of the film Is Genesis History?
5. The discovery of soft tissue in dinosaur bone indicates that:
6. Which view is concerned with the origins of the biblical texts?
7. Which expert in Is Genesis History? ran a dinosaur dig in Wyoming?
8. Robert Carter used which group of animals to show the combination of similarity and differences
of parts of the different animals’ bodies?
9. sedimentation at a dinosaur dig site.
10. Biblical scholars developed which view of scripture in the mid- 1800s that saw the Bible as
compilation or sources with numerous errors in it?
11. In the movie Is Genesis History? Dr. Robert Carter said that animals were created in such a way
that they can adapt to their surroundings.
12. Which expert in Is Genesis History? described the complexity of DNA in four dimensions?
13. Jose de Acosta was a missionary and naturalist who served in which South American country?
14. In the movie Is Genesis History? Dr. Steven Austin pointed out that the Tower of Babel was likely
located in the ancient city of Ur.
15. Ross discussed a pattern in the fossil record that was very unexpected from an old-Earth
paradigm. Which of the following was it?
16. In discussing marriage and divorce with the Pharisees in Matthew 19, Jesus discusses which
biblical couple?
17. According to creation-based scientific studies, Neanderthals appear to be humans (descendants
of Adam and Eve).
18. According to the astronomy expert in Is Genesis History?, one way that distant starlight could
reach Earth is by:
19. Which literary term refers to the comparison of Noah to Adam?
20. Which philosopher grouped interactions between science and religion into four categories
(conflict, independence, dialogue, and synthesis)?
21. Faced with animals in South America never seen by Europeans, Jose de Acosta reasoned that
these animals migrated to South America from Noah’s ark after the Flood.
22. Which view believes factual errors exist in the Bible?
23. The “Adoremus” sections of The Quest were inspired by Dr. Wood listening to a Latin version of
which Christmas hymn?
24. Noah’s Flood lasted 40 days and 40 nights.
25. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that Noah is compared to Adam?
CRST 290 Quiz Geology
CRST 290 Quiz Geology and Physical Geography
Covers the Learn material from Module 6: Week 6.
1. Prior to the Flood, the world’s oceans were likely:
2. Using radioactive isotopes to date rocks is a form of ___________ time dating.
3. The Book of Genesis tells us that the Edenian Epoch lasted 40 years.
4. Carbon-14 decays by half at what rate?
5. When did carnivory (animals eating other animals) likely get introduced to the world?
6. Which rule in geology tells us that layered rocks were first deposited as wide, at sheets?
7. The destruction of the floating forest biome during the Flood can explain:
8. Carbon-14 leaves your body through:
9. Scientists compare the amount of ________________ with the amount of ____________ to
construct a carbon date.
10. Which types of rocks are formed by the settling of sand, silt, or mud, which then harden to layers
of stone?
11. Carbon-14 has been found in which geological materials that are supposedly “too old” for
carbon-14 to be there?
12. In the Book of Ezekial, God’s curse on the king of __________, appears to extend further to
apply to Satan
13. Dinosaur fossils are most often found with what types of plants?
14. The Second Law of Thermodynamics was introduced at the Fall.
15. It appears that the greatest difference in the Edeneian Earth may have been the absence of
geological evil.
16. On which day of Creation Week were dinosaurs created?
17. The lifespans of people during the Antediluvian Epoch is best attributed to:
18. The mention of “waters above the heavens” in Psalm 148 means that:
19. Geologists are able to directly date fossils and determine its numerical age (such as 68 million
years or 150 million years).
20. What rose up to water the Earth in the beginning of Genesis 2?
21. Which of the following is NOT one of the parameters needed to overcome the Second Law of
22. The Edenian Epoch was marked by the absence of natural evil.
23. When did God tell Adam and Eve to “be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the Earth”?
24. Carbon dating of fossils have shown that the fossils are much younger than assumed by old-
Earth geologists.
25. Which child of Adam and Eve was born during the Edenian epoch?
CRST 290 Quiz Noah’s Flood
CRST 290 Quiz Noah’s Flood
Covers the Learn material from Module 7: Week 7.
1. A large number of meteors struck the Moon during Noah’s Flood.
2. Young-Earth creationists believe that speciation was uncommon in the Post-Flood Epoch.
3. Young-age creationists would expect that fossils linking species together should be found:
4. Which group of dinosaurs is claimed to have feathers?
5. Dinosaurs are part of a larger group of animals called:
6. What type of modern bird was featured in the video on dinosaurs and birds with Dr. Ross?
7. The discovery of proteins in fossil bones is excellent evidence for that bone being only
thousands of years old.
8. According to young-Earth creation views, most fossils:
9. The oceans of the Post-Flood Epoch started out:
10. Peter links Jesus’ second coming to an allegorical (not historical) Noah’s Flood.
11. What are the two sources of water mentioned in the Flood account in Genesis?
12. The frequency and power of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions declined throughout the Post-
Flood Epoch.
13. Which of the following is NOT a way of flooding the world during Noah’s Flood?
14. What is the 3-letter term for mobile genetic material that may have aided in post-Flood
15. The speed at which collagen decays has been very dicult for scientists to determine.
16. Which covenant was given to Noah to promise no future destruction of the world by a flood?
17. Which type of crust is able to subduct (sink) into the mantle?
18. Fossils are evidence of organisms that existed in the past.
19. What is the name for the evolutionary method that makes tree diagrams?
20. An animal or plant fossil that appears intermediate between two groups is called a
_____________ fossil.
21. Which of the following is NOT evidence that the continents had moved over time?
22. The worst destruction of the Flood account (when the waters rise and all life is dying) is given in
chapter 6 of Genesis.
23. Old-age views of Earth history, such as Progressive Creation and Evolutionary Creation, connect
natural disasters like earthquakes to judgement for man’s sin.
24. Which of the following is compatible with a young age of the rock and fossil record, but dicult to
reconcile with old-Earth views?
25. Scientists in China discovered collagen protein from inside the ______ of a dinosaur.
INDS 491 Research Proposal
INDS 491 Research Proposal
INDS 491 Literature review
INDS 491 Methodology and Rationale
APA and Scholarly References
The student will create a 2,000–2,500-word research proposal that includes an abstract, introduction,
literature review, methodology, rationale, significance/conclusion, and references (the last of which not
counting towards the word count). The student should reuse previous assignments in this assignment,
but those assignments should be modified and updated as per instructor feedback. This assignment
should cite from at least seven (7) scholarly sources, and the paper must make use of current APA
INDS 491 Quizzes
INDS 491 Quiz Interdisciplinary Research Questions and Covey’s Second Habit
Covers the Learn material from Module 2: Week 2.
1. In the early stages of the research process, you need to narrow your topic and turn it into a
___________ that will guide further inquiry.
2. According to Covey, individuals should be spouse-centered.
3. How does Repko defines multidisciplinarity?
4. According to Repko, “adhering to integrative process” is an element of interdisciplinarity.
5. Which of the following are not criteria that Myers and Haynes give developing an interdisciplinary
research question?
INDS 491 Quiz Methodologies and Rationales and Covey’s Fourth Habit
Covers the Learn material from Module 5: Week 5.
1. Which of the following is not a type of primary research?
2. What do Stokols, Misra, Moser, Hall, and Taylor not claim affects the effectiveness of an
interdisciplinary team?
3. Quantitative data can be analyzed numerically.
4. Qualitative data is analyzed by a method called “coding.”
5. According to Covey, which option for conict resolution is best?
INDS 491 Quiz Interdisciplinary Disciplines and Covey’s Fifth Habit
Covers the Learn material from Module 6: Week 6.
1. Who “long ago implied that the sciences and humanities need each other”?
2. The social sciences and humanities are usually more integrated than the physical sciences.
3. Scheff suggests that encouraging scholars to become __________ after their specialization
would encourage integration and a more holistic perspective.
4. According to Scheff, “Most disciplines . . . consider their particular specialization to be valuable in
itself and superior to other disciplines.”
5. According to Covey, which of the following is not an autobiographical response?
INDS 491 Quiz Research Proposals and Covey’s Sixth Habit
Covers the Learn material from Module 7: Week 7.
1. According to Tait and Lyall, a “good interdisciplinary researcher will also have a high tolerance for
2. You shouldn’t choose a research topic that interests you because you will be biased.
3. According to Covey, the “essence of synergy is to value differences.”
4. Compared to single discipline projects, what preliminary phase do interdisciplinary research
projects need to go through?
5. Which of the following is a model of interdisciplinary research proposed by Tait and Lyall?
INDS 491 Quiz Interdisciplinarity and Covey’s Seventh Habit
Covers the Learn material from Module 8: Week 8.
1. Which of the following is not a benet of interdisciplinary research?
2. According to Covey, which of the following is not one of the four dimensions of renewal?
3. According to Nissani, “lnterdisciplinarity is best seen as bringing together very similar
components of two or more disciplines.”
4. According to Nissani, “[A] discipline can be conveniently dened as any comparatively self-
contained and isolated domain of human experience which possesses its own community of
5. According to Nissani, interdisciplinarity is especially good because insights from one discipline
can always be applied to items of knowledge from other disciplines.
BIOL 101 Quiz Classification
BIOL 101 Quiz Classification of Living Things
Covers the Textbook material from Module 8: Week 8.
1. According to the course text, what basic features are used to classify living things?
The Quiz: Classification of Living Things item will contain one (1) multiple-answer question based on
the classification of living things, will be open-book/open-notes, will have a time limit of 50 minutes,
and allow for one attempt.
BIBL 104 Quiz 4 Old Testament
BIBL 104 Quiz The Old Testament Books of Prophecy
Covers the Learn material from Module 4: Week 4.
1. According to Micah, because the rich deprived the poor of their land, the Lord would now do the
same to them.
2. In his second vision, Zechariah saw four horns crushed.
3. According to the textbook, Zephaniah’s ministry reminds us of the importance of preaching which
confronts evil, calls for repentance, and leads to revival.
4. The moral failure of Judah’s leadership had little impact on the spiritual corruption of the nation.
However, the same could not be said for Judah’s priests.
5. Ezekiel’s role as a Prophet is compared to the work of a “_____________.”
6. In Malachi, the Lord promised that He would send the prophet _________ prior to the future Day
of the Lord to restore His people.
7. The book of Lamentations is an anonymous composition but early tradition identifies
___________ as the author of the book.
8. Ezekiel came from a priestly family, which helps explain his emphasis on sin as uncleanness and
defilement and his interest in the rebuilding of the future temple.
9. The poems in the book of Lamentations most closely resemble the communal laments in the
10. The book of Jonah is a two-part story. The first part of the book is about God’s mercy to His
disobedient prophet. The second part of the book is about God’s mercy to the wicked people of
11. According to the textbook, the key verse to the book of Lamentations is “Because of the Lord’s
faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is
Your faithfulness” (Lam. 3:22–23).
12. Zephaniah’s preaching thus helped influence perhaps the greatest revival in Judah’s history.
13. According to the textbook, Habakkuk’s interaction with God is a reminder that the life of faith
often involves lament, complaint, and the pouring out of one’s honest emotions and feelings to
14. Habakkuk prophesied in Israel prior to the Assyrian invasion and warned that the Lord would
send the Assyrians to punish the people in Samaria.
15. During an extravagant banquet Belshazzar saw a divine handwritten message that appeared on
the plaster wall of the palace. This message indicated that his kingdom had been numbered,
weighted, and divided.
16. The ____________ were descendants of Esau and had a stormy relationship with Israel
throughout their history.
17. Isaiah subsequently served during the reigns of three kings in Judah.
18. Jonah is scandalized that the Lord would show the same grace he has shown to Israel to the
people of Nineveh.
19. One poem in Lamentations portrays Jerusalem as a grieving widow mourning her destruction.
20. The extended message of salvation at the center of the book of Micah, as well as the emphasis
on salvation at the end of each section, reflects Micah’s focus on the hope of Israel’s future
21. Amos concluded his prophecies of unrelenting judgment with a message of hope concerning
Israel’s future restoration. God promised:
22. Edom was lifted up because of excessive pride. They believed their mountain fortresses made
them invulnerable to enemy attack.
23. The book of Ezekiel is structured around seven visions of the Lord.
24. Malachi prophesied in the postexilic period before the rebuilding of the temple and the
reinstitution of the sacrifices and rituals associated with the temple.
25. The Immanuel prophecy in Isaiah makes clear that this is not a typical human child because he
is described as a “Wonderful Counselor”
26. Micah was a prophet in Judah and a contemporary of the prophet ________.
27. Jeremiah told Judah that they would be able to resist the Babylonians. However, submission to
Babylon was the only way Jerusalem would be spared from destruction.
28. The possibility that the Lord might show mercy to the Assyrians was why Jonah refused to go to
the city in the first place.
29. According to Micah, the Lord was angry that social injustice became common in Israel. He was
worried this would soon spread to Judah.
30. The book of Nahum is a message against _____________.
31. The book of Lamentations is a series of five separate laments over the fall of Jerusalem to the
32. The book of Malachi is structured around disputations in which the Lord dialogues with His
people in a series of questions and answers.
33. Zechariah’s book can be divided up into eight visions, four messages, and two burdens.
34. Ezekiel also delivered a series of oracles against Egypt.
35. In Malachi, God denounces His people by raising the question of
36. In Isaiah, Christ is pictured as a banner of love.
37. Micah prophecies that God would raise up another “ruler over Israel” who would come from the
Galilean town of Nazareth. This prophecy is fullled in Matthew 2:3-6.
38. The story of Jonah is a reminder that the Lord’s plan of salvation extends beyond Israel to
include all the nations, even those who were Israel’s greatest enemies.
39. Judgment, however, was not the final word for Judah or the nations. In the last days, the Lord
would purify the speech of all peoples so they might worship and serve Him.
40. In the final section of the book of Micah, God’s relationship to His people is presented as
41. The enormity of the temple rebuilding process, economic hardships, and opposition from the
surrounding peoples stalled the project for sixteen months.
42. In Malachi, God denounces His people by raising the question of
43. Lamentations reveals that, as the Divine Warrior, the Lord poured out His anger on the city of
Jerusalem. However, He would not abandon the Temple for it was His own sanctuary.
44. God commanded Hosea to marry a promiscuous and unfaithful wife, who subsequently gave
birth to three children with symbolic names. Both the woman and the children were metaphors of
Israel’s covenant unfaithfulness toward the Lord. Israel had prostituted itself by turning away
from the Lord and following other gods.
45. The king and people of Nineveh took Jonah’s warning of destruction seriously and expressed
their repentance by fasting from food and drink, wearing sackcloth, crying out to God, and
turning from their violent behavior.
46. In the Zechariah third vision he saw a man with a measuring rod, surveying Jerusalem in
preparation for the rebuilding of its walls.
47. Hosea charged Israel with three separate indictments. One of these indictments indicated that
“They have broken the covenant; they were unfaithful to me there.” (Hos. 6:7)
48. Nahum delivered his messages during the reign of Josiah around the same time Daniel
commenced his prophetic ministry.
49. Daniel was thrown into a lion’s den because he refused to stop praying.
50. Haggai’s threefold encouragement was for the people included
BIBL 104 Quiz New Testament History
BIBL 104 Quiz New Testament History
Covers the Learn material from Module 6: Week 6.
1. What deacon was responsible for taking the Gospel to Samaria?
2. The Holy Spirit was poured out on the believers at
3. The book of Acts is addressed to Theophilus.
4. According to our textbook, there are five key ideas in the book of Acts. _____________ is one of
these ideas.
5. While ministering ______________ during his first missionary journey, a Jewish magician was
struck blind and a Roman proconsul was converted.
6. Paul asked ________________ to join him in his work at Lystra while on his second missionary
7. The convert Saul would eventually exchange his Jewish name for the Greco-Roman name
___________, as he expanded his ministry to the Gentiles.
8. At the ___________________ it was determined that Gentiles were not required to be
circumcised and that both Jews and Gentiles were saved by grace through faith alone.
9. Luke was a
10. Church leadership in Acts consisted of deacons but not elders.
11. The book of Acts is the second volume written by Luke.
12. pastor of the Jerusalem church, presided over the council.
13. In the Old Testament, God’s glory dwelt in a tabernacle and in the temple, but in the New
Testament God’s Spirit lives in the lives of believers.
14. What member of the Jewish Sanhedrin was converted to Christ on the road to Damascus.
15. According to our textbook, the key word for the book of Acts is “_________.” It is used more than
thirty times.
16. was responsible for leading Cornelius and a number of other Gentiles to faith in Jesus Christ.
17. According to our textbook, the birth of the church to place in Jerusalem at _
18. The book of Acts is filled with gospel preaching, including sermons by Peter, __________, and
19. The book of Acts includes twenty-three ___________ which make up one-third of the book.
20. During his two years at Caesarea, Paul presented his case before
21. While at Perga on his first missionary journey, _____________ left and returned to Jerusalem
while Paul and Barnabas went on.
22. Who did Paul take with him on his second missionary journey.
23. According to our textbook, there are five key ideas in the book of Acts. _____________ is one of
these ideas.
24. According to our textbook, there are five key ideas in the book of Acts. _____________ is one of
these ideas.
25. As the good news spread to Syrian Antioch and many believed, Jewish leaders had ________
killed and had Peter thrown in jail.
ETHC 210 Quiz Genetic Basis
ETHC 210 Quiz The Genetic Basis of Cancer
Covers the Learn material from Module 6: Week 6.
1. Skin damage and skin cancer is caused by ultraviolet light striking DNA and causing thymine
dimers or even cutting the DNA. In most cases this causes death of the skin cell. But cancer is
uncontrolled cell growth. How can exposure to light cause uncontrolled cell growth when it
mostly kills cells? Chose an answer which best answers this question
2. The mutation which causes sickle cell disease can be classified as a point mutation and also a
missense mutation.
3. Different genes have different spontaneous mutation rates.
4. Cancer is genetic because it is caused by changes in DNA but not usually inherited.
5. The two genetic diseases based on mutation of globin genes (globin proteins make up
hemoglobin) are sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia.
6. The normal function of a tumor suppressor gene is to keep the cell cycle running at the
appropriate rate for a particular cell type.
7. The genetic mutation which causes sickle cell disease is a change in one amino acid of
hemoglobin and is based on one nucleotide mutational change (point mutation).
8. A tumor is cancerous or malignant if it infiltrates nearby tissue. This inltration and spreading is
called metastasis.
9. Mutation can affect any part of the genome.
10. Which of the following is true about mutations?
11. DNA from cancer cells can;
12. Which of the following is true about the triplet code?
13. Translation is a process which;
14. Hela cells;
15. If a mutation occurs in the gametes before mitosis;
16. This beneficial mutation is found in about 1% of the general population and it tends to protect
them from AIDs.
17. Which of the following are sources of potential mutation are found in our typical human
18. A deletion mutation removes DNA. For example small deletion mutations in the “Y” chromosome
causes male infertility.
19. Which of the following is true about osteogenesis imperfecta?
20. Cancer tumors grow and spread by inducing formation of blood vessels to nourish them. This is
21. A point mutation that changes a codon specifying an amino acid into a “stop” codon UAA, UAG
or UGA is a nonsense mutation.
22. Splice site mutations can cause mutation by which of the following mechanisms?
23. The single amino acid change in hemoglobin which is the basis for sickle cell disease causes;
24. HER2 breast cancer affects hundreds of thousands of women each year. A drug called Herceptin
has been an effective cure for this type of breast cancer. Herceptin is a;
25. A mutation is an altered DNA sequence in an organism.
ETHC 210 Quiz Manipulation of Life
ETHC 210 Quiz Manipulation of Life and Transhumanism
Covers the Learn material from Module 7: Week 7.
1. DNA analysis and genetics testing can be done after death.
2. Gene therapy is a technique which involves;
3. Which of the following is true regarding microarray structure, function and their use to relay
genetic information.
4. Which of the following is true about EPO?
5. CRISPR genome editing could be used to bring back extinct species.
6. cDNA is DNA which is complementary to the opposite strand of DNA from a double helix.
7. Pigs cannot extract phosphorus from cereal so phosphorus is put into their diets. However this
leads to excess phosphorus in their manure. This is a problem because;
8. To prepare genes which will be inserted into a patient for gene therapy which of the following
steps must be done using current technology?
9. GMO salmon are salmon which have been genetically altered to grow faster and are grown in
special aquatic enclosures to prevent them from getting in natural waterways. What are some
problems which could arise from this technology?
10. Gene therapy can involve insertion of a gene into a patient to correct a defective gene.
11. Gene silencing involves antisense molecules, ribozymes and RNA interference to block
translation of mRNAs.
12. Which of the following anatomical sites being tested or are targets for future gene therapies?
13. A transgenic organism can be an organism which contains human genes to make human
proteins which can be extracted for drug use for patients.
14. There are now GMO versions of lettuce, apples, potatoes and grapes.
15. Liposomes can also be used as vectors for gene therapy. They are;
16. EPO is a hormone which naturally increases the number of red blood cells in the blood.
17. Genetics counselors can help families understand their genetic inheritance using pedigree
18. Which of the following is an example of somatic gene therapy?
19. Which of the following is true about restriction enzymes, molecular scissors which make gene
therapy possible?
20. Recombinant DNA technology has been used to make insulin. Insulin operates by;
21. Many of the early set-backs and deaths in the use of gene therapy involved;
22. Genetic engineering is used to make a health product like insulin
23. Recombinant DNA;
24. Many gene therapy vectors under current use are disarmed viruses.
25. Which of the following living organisms have a GMO counterpart?
ETHC 210 Quiz Inheritance
ETHC 210 Quiz Inheritance and Human Health
Covers the Learn material from Module 3: Week 3.
1. A dominant allele masks the expression of a recessive allele.
2. In complete dominance;
3. A parent who carries a disease gene always shows symptoms of the disease.
4. Abraham Lincoln was thought to have Marfan syndrome, which of the following are true about
this condition
5. Because Huntington’s disease is so deadly most people alive who have it are children.
6. A phenotype is the trait that you see or can observe.
7. Which of the following is true about Huntington’s disease.
8. Every phenotype, the trait that you observe, is caused by the combination of two alleles or the
genotype, so for example, brown eye color is a phenotype which can be produced by a dominant
allele (B) such that the genotype for brown eye color could be Bb or BB.
9. Mendel discovered that genes come in two pieces called;
10. The ABO blood group alleles found in the human population are an example of;
11. Using and understanding pedigrees are important today because they help families identify the
risk of transmitting an inherited disease
12. Mitochondrial genes are primarily transferred from fathers to their children.
13. Achondroplastic dwarfism is considered a lethal genetic syndrome because;
14. Genetic disease based on altered genes is caused by either “loss of function” or “gain of
function” which causes the disease and its symptoms. Cystic Fibrosis involves a defective anion
channel. This would be classified as:
15. Since osteogenesis imperfecta can be the result of single gene defects in a number of different
genes (genetic heterogeneity) parents who carry the defect in different genes from their partner
can produce a child with this syndrome.
16. According to widely accepted modern evolutionary ideas mitochondria originated in cells
according to;
17. A Punnet square follows transmission of alleles and is based on probability.
18. The “A” and “B” alleles in the ABO blood group are recessive to blood type “O.”
19. The Mitochondrial Eve theory is a theory about:
20. Amyloid plaques are the suspected cause of Alzheimer disease.
21. What percent of cases of Alzheimer disease are familial (inherited)?
22. The bodies of the Royal Romanovs, the ruling family of Russia in the early 1900s were exhumed
in the 1990s and their DNA was sequenced. Geneticists found a variation in the mitochondrial
DNA sequence among the royal family members. The variation was explained by the
phenomena of:
23. The OCA2 gene confers eye color such that the recessive condition (two recessive alleles)
results in:
24. A single gene OCA2 on chromosome 15 confers eye color by controlling melanin synthesis. But
also a second gene can influence the expression of OCA2.
25. Austrian monk Gregor Mendel primarily worked with what kind of organisms to do his genetic
ETHC 210 Quiz Epigenetics
ETHC 210 Quiz Epigenetics and Human Thriving
Covers the Learn material from Module 4: Week 4.
1. Melanocytes contribute to skin color;
2. Which of the following hunger response hormones decreases appetite but increases digestion?
3. More than 100 genes affect pigmentation in skin hair and irises.
4. Epigenetics plays a role in controlling weight gain as shown in experiments with genetically
determined obese mice. Obese female mice were able to decrease obesity in their offspring by
eating a diet rich in
5. A mutation in the LDL receptor gene can cause a dramatic rise in serum cholesterol.
6. A biblical view of race shows that all races are equal because they are all of one blood in Adam.
7. Which of the following hunger response hormones increases appetite?
8. This famous discoverer of the DNA structure made racist comments in the 1990s based on the
idea that certain people groups were biologically inferior.
9. For treatment of heart disease statin drugs are used to;
10. Which of the following genes can influence heart health?
11. Simple mendelian single gene genetics explains skin color.
12. At the chromosome levels males are homogametic.
13. Genomic imprinting has implications for understanding early human development. It suggests
that for mammals, two opposite sex parents are necessary to produce a healthy embryo and
14. Considering color detection humans are classified as (hint: How many primary colors can we
15. In the U.S. the “sex ratio” of males to females drops significantly from birth to age 65.
16. In mother’s who are carriers for colorblindness even though they are not color blind some of their
individual eye cone cells can express the trait. Also in female Calico cats the genes which
produce color are found on the X chromosome and each hair cell expresses one X allele or the
other giving rise to a random pattern of color in their fur. In both cases this is an example of:
17. Which of the following is true about the “X” and “Y” chromosomes?
18. Even though Mendel’s laws are very helpful to understanding genetics, simple mendelian
genetics does not explain well most of genetics because;
19. Body weight is controlled primarily by one gene.
20. A color blind father married to a non-color blind mom (non-carrier of colorblindness) can produce
a color blind son.
21. Which of the following is true of a mother who is a heterozygote for an X-linked recessive trait.
22. Which of the following is true about homosexuality?
23. Which of the following is true about the rare condition of males who are XX and females who are
24. Biologically gender is determined genetically at;
25. Daughters can inherit sex linked recessive disease if:
ETHC 210 Quiz Determinism
ETHC 210 Quiz Determinism and Human Behavior
Covers the Learn material from Module 5: Week 5.
1. The human brain has billions of neurons and billions of connections called synapses.
2. The brain changes which contribute to addiction occur in parts of the brain called the;
3. A gene called period 2 is involved in promoting a proper sleep wake cycle coordinated with daily
sunrise and sunset.
4. Many antidepressant drugs work by:
5. Which of the following should be the view of the Christian public in general and believers
involved in the health professions regarding genetics and behavior”?
6. Certain common drugs like nicotine and alcohol at the genetic level;
7. Which of the following biblical concepts address the issue of genetics and behavior?
8. This substance is made of fats and proteins and covers nerve cell axons promoting proper nerve
cell transmission.
9. The gap or space between neurons is called where neurotransmitters are released is;
10. Genome wide association studies have only found one chromosome region involved in genes
which contribute to “craving.”
11. PTSD is thought to involve both genetic and epigenetic factors.
12. Drug addiction produces long lasting brain changes.
13. When trying to determine genetic conditions using population analysis of many individuals this is
called genome wide association studies (GWA).
14. Uptake of dopamine into the postsynaptic cell triggers feelings of pleasure.
15. Genes and the environment contribute equally to depression.
16. Nicotine has been shown to be very addictive most likely because it;
17. PTSD is;
18. Plant derived chemicals from drugs such as cocaine, opium and THC (active ingredient of
marijuana) all tend to cause changes in the human body by binding to;
19. There may be a genetic and physiological basis for drug addiction but for the believer we are not
to choose what is wrong. Which of the following scriptures help us avoid or break from harmful
addictive behavior
20. Narcolepsy is now known to be caused by a mutant receptor for hypocretin.
21. Neurotransmitters are released across the gap between neurons called the synapse.
22. A likely cause of depression is deficiency of the neurotransmitter serotonin in synapses.
23. Two kinds of genetics studies were used to show that there is a genetic basis to intelligence,
they are;
24. Which of the following is true regarding autism?
25. Clock genes;
ETHC 210 Quiz Assisted Procreation
ETHC 210 Quiz Assisted Procreation, Genomics, and Gene Therapy
Covers the Learn material from Module 8: Week 8.
1. IVF literally means in-vitro fertilization which is translated fertilization in glass.
2. A surrogate mother carries a baby for another couple. Her egg can be fertilized or she can carry
the couples embryo.
3. Sequencing genomes provides much more information than sequencing exomes.
4. One in six couples in the population at large experiences infertility.
5. Human development in the womb is not mentioned in the bible.
6. The bible never mentions conception.
7. Which of the following is true about the “savior siblings” idea for treatment of genetic based
childhood disease?
8. Conception in the bible is mentioned as early as Genesis.
9. The oldest assisted reproductive technology is intrauterine insemination.
10. In Deutoronomy it says “Choose life so that you and
_________________________________________________! (complete sentence)
11. In this version of assisted reproduction the sperm and egg are selected outside the body and
then re-deposited into a fallopian tube.
12. As we add more human sequences to DNA sequence databases we realize that we are all
different by about 1-3% from each other.
13. Which of the following is true about intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)?
14. Which of the following is true about pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)?
15. It is possible for a baby to be born using IVF and a technique called somatic nuclear transfer.
Somatic nuclear transfer involves removal of a nucleus from a donor egg and reinsertion of the
nucleus from the mother to be. Then the new egg is fertilized by the father’s sperm.
Remembering that mitochondrial DNA can also be found in an egg, how many “genetic” parents
would this baby have?
16. A baby which implants in the fallopian tube can create life- threatening conditions and is known
17. One way to detect ovulation in the human female is to record body temperature each morning.
18. In the gospel of Luke who mentions conception to Mary regarding the birth of Jesus?
19. Female infertility increases with age because;
20. Sperm can survive in the woman’s body for up to 5 days but the oocyte is only viable for 24-48
hours after ovulation.
21. Different sequence analysis studies comparing human and chimp genomes shows a range of
sequence identity; our textbook claims that the identity can be higher than 98%.
22. Conception;
23. Most cases of male infertility are genetic.
24. Implantation involves the fusion of the sperm with the uterine wall.
25. In this version of assisted reproduction the sperm and egg are fertilized by IVF and then re-
deposited into a fallopian tube.
ETHC 205 Ethical Issue Paper
ETHC 205 Ethical Issue Research Paper Assignment
The student will write a 2,100-2,400-word research-based paper that focuses on applying the student’s
chosen ethical system to a specific ethical issue cover in the curriculum. The paper must include at
least one academic reference in addition to referencing the two course textbooks and the Bible
ETHC 205 Quiz Digital Technology
ETHC 205 Quiz Digital Technology and Christian Life
Covers the Learn material from Module 8: Week 8.
1. According to Gome, Sherry Turkle argues that face to face conversations at the work place
makes us less productive and causes more stress.
2. According to Gome, Nicholas Carr believes that physically amplifying technolofies are the most
3. According to Gome, every technology embodies an intellectual ethic about how the mind does
and should work.
4. According to Gome, one way that Christians can sanctify their vritual activities is to be content
creators and not just consumers.
5. According to Gome, Sherry Turkle argues that our physical interactions with other people in the
workplace fosters all of the following except:
6. According to Gome, Sherry Turkle notes that children don’t feel like they have to compete for
attention with their parents’ use of smartphones.
7. According to Gome, Justin Early suggests all the following as disciplines to help us deal with the
distracting potential of smartphones except:
8. According to Gome, the the Puritan term for an appropriate relationship to things of the world
was weaned affections.
9. According to Gome, the intellectual and physical consequences of using digital technology are
spiritual inconsequential.
10. According to Gome, neuroscientists have claimed that constant shifting of our attention when
online makes our brains more nimble at multitasking.
11. According to Gome, Charles Taylor argued that for the Reformers, the fullness of the Christian
existence was to be found within the activities of one’s life, one’s calling, in marriage, and in the
12. According to Gome, Sherry Turkle argues that smart phone apps like Tinder give us the
impression that we have limitless choice of romantic partners.
13. According to Gome, Hugh Latimer argued that if Jesus himself submitted to work, then all kinds
of work sould be dignified.
14. According to Gome, psychologists have pointed out that our difficulty with times of solitude has
nothing to do with knowing our own soul.
15. According to Gome, finding our identity in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube likes is a
healthy way to find our value as people.
16. According to Gome, Charles Taylor claims that no movement had more historical significance in
affirming ordinary life than Puritanism.
17. According to Gome, Sherry Turkle argues that without solitude we cannot construct a stable
sense of self, and screen time restricts a proper sense of solitude.
18. According to Gome, all the following are the purposes of Christian interaction in the world except:
19. According to Gome, the internet’s ability to combine many different kinds of information on a
single screen leads to fragmented content and disrupted concentation.
20. According to Gome, Justin Earley argued that digital technology truly allows us to be present
21. According to Gome, James Smith believes that every technology:
22. According to Gome, living our lives according to a Christian theology of time will help us avoid
idleness and addiciton to technology.
23. According to Gome, Nicholas Carr defined technology as “tools that replace our innate

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Liberty Study Guide and Answers Homeworksimple.com_Part13.pdf

  • 1. CRST 290 Quiz Meaning of Genesis CRST 290 Quiz Meaning of Genesis 1-9 Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1. 1. A condition where someone holds two contradictory views at the same time is called: 2. Which view holds Genesis 1 speaks of 24 hour days but also arms evolutionary practices? 3. According to the Hebrew scholar in Is Genesis History?, which other genealogies in the Bible depended on Genesis for their recording of names? 4. Who is the host of the film Is Genesis History? 5. The discovery of soft tissue in dinosaur bone indicates that: 6. Which view is concerned with the origins of the biblical texts? 7. Which expert in Is Genesis History? ran a dinosaur dig in Wyoming? 8. Robert Carter used which group of animals to show the combination of similarity and differences of parts of the different animals’ bodies? 9. sedimentation at a dinosaur dig site. 10. Biblical scholars developed which view of scripture in the mid- 1800s that saw the Bible as compilation or sources with numerous errors in it? 11. In the movie Is Genesis History? Dr. Robert Carter said that animals were created in such a way that they can adapt to their surroundings. 12. Which expert in Is Genesis History? described the complexity of DNA in four dimensions? 13. Jose de Acosta was a missionary and naturalist who served in which South American country? 14. In the movie Is Genesis History? Dr. Steven Austin pointed out that the Tower of Babel was likely located in the ancient city of Ur. 15. Ross discussed a pattern in the fossil record that was very unexpected from an old-Earth paradigm. Which of the following was it? 16. In discussing marriage and divorce with the Pharisees in Matthew 19, Jesus discusses which biblical couple? 17. According to creation-based scientific studies, Neanderthals appear to be humans (descendants of Adam and Eve). 18. According to the astronomy expert in Is Genesis History?, one way that distant starlight could reach Earth is by: 19. Which literary term refers to the comparison of Noah to Adam? 20. Which philosopher grouped interactions between science and religion into four categories (conflict, independence, dialogue, and synthesis)? 21. Faced with animals in South America never seen by Europeans, Jose de Acosta reasoned that these animals migrated to South America from Noah’s ark after the Flood. 22. Which view believes factual errors exist in the Bible? 23. The “Adoremus” sections of The Quest were inspired by Dr. Wood listening to a Latin version of which Christmas hymn? 24. Noah’s Flood lasted 40 days and 40 nights. 25. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that Noah is compared to Adam?
  • 2. CRST 290 Quiz Geology CRST 290 Quiz Geology and Physical Geography Covers the Learn material from Module 6: Week 6. 1. Prior to the Flood, the world’s oceans were likely: 2. Using radioactive isotopes to date rocks is a form of ___________ time dating. 3. The Book of Genesis tells us that the Edenian Epoch lasted 40 years. 4. Carbon-14 decays by half at what rate? 5. When did carnivory (animals eating other animals) likely get introduced to the world? 6. Which rule in geology tells us that layered rocks were first deposited as wide, at sheets? 7. The destruction of the floating forest biome during the Flood can explain: 8. Carbon-14 leaves your body through: 9. Scientists compare the amount of ________________ with the amount of ____________ to construct a carbon date. 10. Which types of rocks are formed by the settling of sand, silt, or mud, which then harden to layers of stone? 11. Carbon-14 has been found in which geological materials that are supposedly “too old” for carbon-14 to be there? 12. In the Book of Ezekial, God’s curse on the king of __________, appears to extend further to apply to Satan 13. Dinosaur fossils are most often found with what types of plants? 14. The Second Law of Thermodynamics was introduced at the Fall. 15. It appears that the greatest difference in the Edeneian Earth may have been the absence of geological evil. 16. On which day of Creation Week were dinosaurs created? 17. The lifespans of people during the Antediluvian Epoch is best attributed to: 18. The mention of “waters above the heavens” in Psalm 148 means that: 19. Geologists are able to directly date fossils and determine its numerical age (such as 68 million years or 150 million years). 20. What rose up to water the Earth in the beginning of Genesis 2? 21. Which of the following is NOT one of the parameters needed to overcome the Second Law of Thermodynamics? 22. The Edenian Epoch was marked by the absence of natural evil. 23. When did God tell Adam and Eve to “be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the Earth”? 24. Carbon dating of fossils have shown that the fossils are much younger than assumed by old- Earth geologists. 25. Which child of Adam and Eve was born during the Edenian epoch?
  • 3. CRST 290 Quiz Noah’s Flood CRST 290 Quiz Noah’s Flood Covers the Learn material from Module 7: Week 7. 1. A large number of meteors struck the Moon during Noah’s Flood. 2. Young-Earth creationists believe that speciation was uncommon in the Post-Flood Epoch. 3. Young-age creationists would expect that fossils linking species together should be found: 4. Which group of dinosaurs is claimed to have feathers? 5. Dinosaurs are part of a larger group of animals called: 6. What type of modern bird was featured in the video on dinosaurs and birds with Dr. Ross? 7. The discovery of proteins in fossil bones is excellent evidence for that bone being only thousands of years old. 8. According to young-Earth creation views, most fossils: 9. The oceans of the Post-Flood Epoch started out: 10. Peter links Jesus’ second coming to an allegorical (not historical) Noah’s Flood. 11. What are the two sources of water mentioned in the Flood account in Genesis? 12. The frequency and power of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions declined throughout the Post- Flood Epoch. 13. Which of the following is NOT a way of flooding the world during Noah’s Flood? 14. What is the 3-letter term for mobile genetic material that may have aided in post-Flood speciation? 15. The speed at which collagen decays has been very dicult for scientists to determine. 16. Which covenant was given to Noah to promise no future destruction of the world by a flood? 17. Which type of crust is able to subduct (sink) into the mantle? 18. Fossils are evidence of organisms that existed in the past. 19. What is the name for the evolutionary method that makes tree diagrams? 20. An animal or plant fossil that appears intermediate between two groups is called a _____________ fossil. 21. Which of the following is NOT evidence that the continents had moved over time? 22. The worst destruction of the Flood account (when the waters rise and all life is dying) is given in chapter 6 of Genesis. 23. Old-age views of Earth history, such as Progressive Creation and Evolutionary Creation, connect natural disasters like earthquakes to judgement for man’s sin. 24. Which of the following is compatible with a young age of the rock and fossil record, but dicult to reconcile with old-Earth views? 25. Scientists in China discovered collagen protein from inside the ______ of a dinosaur.
  • 4. INDS 491 Research Proposal INDS 491 Research Proposal Includes INDS 491 Literature review INDS 491 Methodology and Rationale APA and Scholarly References The student will create a 2,000–2,500-word research proposal that includes an abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, rationale, significance/conclusion, and references (the last of which not counting towards the word count). The student should reuse previous assignments in this assignment, but those assignments should be modified and updated as per instructor feedback. This assignment should cite from at least seven (7) scholarly sources, and the paper must make use of current APA formatting
  • 5. INDS 491 Quizzes INDS 491 Quiz Interdisciplinary Research Questions and Covey’s Second Habit Covers the Learn material from Module 2: Week 2. 1. In the early stages of the research process, you need to narrow your topic and turn it into a ___________ that will guide further inquiry. 2. According to Covey, individuals should be spouse-centered. 3. How does Repko defines multidisciplinarity? 4. According to Repko, “adhering to integrative process” is an element of interdisciplinarity. 5. Which of the following are not criteria that Myers and Haynes give developing an interdisciplinary research question? INDS 491 Quiz Methodologies and Rationales and Covey’s Fourth Habit Covers the Learn material from Module 5: Week 5. 1. Which of the following is not a type of primary research? 2. What do Stokols, Misra, Moser, Hall, and Taylor not claim affects the effectiveness of an interdisciplinary team? 3. Quantitative data can be analyzed numerically. 4. Qualitative data is analyzed by a method called “coding.” 5. According to Covey, which option for conict resolution is best? INDS 491 Quiz Interdisciplinary Disciplines and Covey’s Fifth Habit Covers the Learn material from Module 6: Week 6. 1. Who “long ago implied that the sciences and humanities need each other”? 2. The social sciences and humanities are usually more integrated than the physical sciences. 3. Scheff suggests that encouraging scholars to become __________ after their specialization would encourage integration and a more holistic perspective. 4. According to Scheff, “Most disciplines . . . consider their particular specialization to be valuable in itself and superior to other disciplines.” 5. According to Covey, which of the following is not an autobiographical response? INDS 491 Quiz Research Proposals and Covey’s Sixth Habit Covers the Learn material from Module 7: Week 7. 1. According to Tait and Lyall, a “good interdisciplinary researcher will also have a high tolerance for 2. You shouldn’t choose a research topic that interests you because you will be biased. 3. According to Covey, the “essence of synergy is to value differences.” 4. Compared to single discipline projects, what preliminary phase do interdisciplinary research projects need to go through? 5. Which of the following is a model of interdisciplinary research proposed by Tait and Lyall? INDS 491 Quiz Interdisciplinarity and Covey’s Seventh Habit Covers the Learn material from Module 8: Week 8.
  • 6. 1. Which of the following is not a benet of interdisciplinary research? 2. According to Covey, which of the following is not one of the four dimensions of renewal? 3. According to Nissani, “lnterdisciplinarity is best seen as bringing together very similar components of two or more disciplines.” 4. According to Nissani, “[A] discipline can be conveniently dened as any comparatively self- contained and isolated domain of human experience which possesses its own community of experts.” 5. According to Nissani, interdisciplinarity is especially good because insights from one discipline can always be applied to items of knowledge from other disciplines.
  • 7. BIOL 101 Quiz Classification BIOL 101 Quiz Classification of Living Things Covers the Textbook material from Module 8: Week 8. 1. According to the course text, what basic features are used to classify living things? The Quiz: Classification of Living Things item will contain one (1) multiple-answer question based on the classification of living things, will be open-book/open-notes, will have a time limit of 50 minutes, and allow for one attempt.
  • 8. BIBL 104 Quiz 4 Old Testament BIBL 104 Quiz The Old Testament Books of Prophecy Covers the Learn material from Module 4: Week 4. 1. According to Micah, because the rich deprived the poor of their land, the Lord would now do the same to them. 2. In his second vision, Zechariah saw four horns crushed. 3. According to the textbook, Zephaniah’s ministry reminds us of the importance of preaching which confronts evil, calls for repentance, and leads to revival. 4. The moral failure of Judah’s leadership had little impact on the spiritual corruption of the nation. However, the same could not be said for Judah’s priests. 5. Ezekiel’s role as a Prophet is compared to the work of a “_____________.” 6. In Malachi, the Lord promised that He would send the prophet _________ prior to the future Day of the Lord to restore His people. 7. The book of Lamentations is an anonymous composition but early tradition identifies ___________ as the author of the book. 8. Ezekiel came from a priestly family, which helps explain his emphasis on sin as uncleanness and defilement and his interest in the rebuilding of the future temple. 9. The poems in the book of Lamentations most closely resemble the communal laments in the 10. The book of Jonah is a two-part story. The first part of the book is about God’s mercy to His disobedient prophet. The second part of the book is about God’s mercy to the wicked people of Nineveh. 11. According to the textbook, the key verse to the book of Lamentations is “Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness” (Lam. 3:22–23). 12. Zephaniah’s preaching thus helped influence perhaps the greatest revival in Judah’s history. 13. According to the textbook, Habakkuk’s interaction with God is a reminder that the life of faith often involves lament, complaint, and the pouring out of one’s honest emotions and feelings to God. 14. Habakkuk prophesied in Israel prior to the Assyrian invasion and warned that the Lord would send the Assyrians to punish the people in Samaria. 15. During an extravagant banquet Belshazzar saw a divine handwritten message that appeared on the plaster wall of the palace. This message indicated that his kingdom had been numbered, weighted, and divided. 16. The ____________ were descendants of Esau and had a stormy relationship with Israel throughout their history. 17. Isaiah subsequently served during the reigns of three kings in Judah. 18. Jonah is scandalized that the Lord would show the same grace he has shown to Israel to the people of Nineveh. 19. One poem in Lamentations portrays Jerusalem as a grieving widow mourning her destruction. 20. The extended message of salvation at the center of the book of Micah, as well as the emphasis on salvation at the end of each section, reflects Micah’s focus on the hope of Israel’s future salvation. 21. Amos concluded his prophecies of unrelenting judgment with a message of hope concerning Israel’s future restoration. God promised: 22. Edom was lifted up because of excessive pride. They believed their mountain fortresses made them invulnerable to enemy attack. 23. The book of Ezekiel is structured around seven visions of the Lord.
  • 9. 24. Malachi prophesied in the postexilic period before the rebuilding of the temple and the reinstitution of the sacrifices and rituals associated with the temple. 25. The Immanuel prophecy in Isaiah makes clear that this is not a typical human child because he is described as a “Wonderful Counselor” 26. Micah was a prophet in Judah and a contemporary of the prophet ________. 27. Jeremiah told Judah that they would be able to resist the Babylonians. However, submission to Babylon was the only way Jerusalem would be spared from destruction. 28. The possibility that the Lord might show mercy to the Assyrians was why Jonah refused to go to the city in the first place. 29. According to Micah, the Lord was angry that social injustice became common in Israel. He was worried this would soon spread to Judah. 30. The book of Nahum is a message against _____________. 31. The book of Lamentations is a series of five separate laments over the fall of Jerusalem to the 32. The book of Malachi is structured around disputations in which the Lord dialogues with His people in a series of questions and answers. 33. Zechariah’s book can be divided up into eight visions, four messages, and two burdens. 34. Ezekiel also delivered a series of oracles against Egypt. 35. In Malachi, God denounces His people by raising the question of 36. In Isaiah, Christ is pictured as a banner of love. 37. Micah prophecies that God would raise up another “ruler over Israel” who would come from the Galilean town of Nazareth. This prophecy is fullled in Matthew 2:3-6. 38. The story of Jonah is a reminder that the Lord’s plan of salvation extends beyond Israel to include all the nations, even those who were Israel’s greatest enemies. 39. Judgment, however, was not the final word for Judah or the nations. In the last days, the Lord would purify the speech of all peoples so they might worship and serve Him. 40. In the final section of the book of Micah, God’s relationship to His people is presented as 41. The enormity of the temple rebuilding process, economic hardships, and opposition from the surrounding peoples stalled the project for sixteen months. 42. In Malachi, God denounces His people by raising the question of 43. Lamentations reveals that, as the Divine Warrior, the Lord poured out His anger on the city of Jerusalem. However, He would not abandon the Temple for it was His own sanctuary. 44. God commanded Hosea to marry a promiscuous and unfaithful wife, who subsequently gave birth to three children with symbolic names. Both the woman and the children were metaphors of Israel’s covenant unfaithfulness toward the Lord. Israel had prostituted itself by turning away from the Lord and following other gods. 45. The king and people of Nineveh took Jonah’s warning of destruction seriously and expressed their repentance by fasting from food and drink, wearing sackcloth, crying out to God, and turning from their violent behavior. 46. In the Zechariah third vision he saw a man with a measuring rod, surveying Jerusalem in preparation for the rebuilding of its walls. 47. Hosea charged Israel with three separate indictments. One of these indictments indicated that “They have broken the covenant; they were unfaithful to me there.” (Hos. 6:7) 48. Nahum delivered his messages during the reign of Josiah around the same time Daniel commenced his prophetic ministry. 49. Daniel was thrown into a lion’s den because he refused to stop praying. 50. Haggai’s threefold encouragement was for the people included
  • 11. BIBL 104 Quiz New Testament History BIBL 104 Quiz New Testament History Covers the Learn material from Module 6: Week 6. 1. What deacon was responsible for taking the Gospel to Samaria? 2. The Holy Spirit was poured out on the believers at 3. The book of Acts is addressed to Theophilus. 4. According to our textbook, there are five key ideas in the book of Acts. _____________ is one of these ideas. 5. While ministering ______________ during his first missionary journey, a Jewish magician was struck blind and a Roman proconsul was converted. 6. Paul asked ________________ to join him in his work at Lystra while on his second missionary journey. 7. The convert Saul would eventually exchange his Jewish name for the Greco-Roman name ___________, as he expanded his ministry to the Gentiles. 8. At the ___________________ it was determined that Gentiles were not required to be circumcised and that both Jews and Gentiles were saved by grace through faith alone. 9. Luke was a 10. Church leadership in Acts consisted of deacons but not elders. 11. The book of Acts is the second volume written by Luke. 12. pastor of the Jerusalem church, presided over the council. 13. In the Old Testament, God’s glory dwelt in a tabernacle and in the temple, but in the New Testament God’s Spirit lives in the lives of believers. 14. What member of the Jewish Sanhedrin was converted to Christ on the road to Damascus. 15. According to our textbook, the key word for the book of Acts is “_________.” It is used more than thirty times. 16. was responsible for leading Cornelius and a number of other Gentiles to faith in Jesus Christ. 17. According to our textbook, the birth of the church to place in Jerusalem at _ 18. The book of Acts is filled with gospel preaching, including sermons by Peter, __________, and Paul. 19. The book of Acts includes twenty-three ___________ which make up one-third of the book. 20. During his two years at Caesarea, Paul presented his case before 21. While at Perga on his first missionary journey, _____________ left and returned to Jerusalem while Paul and Barnabas went on. 22. Who did Paul take with him on his second missionary journey. 23. According to our textbook, there are five key ideas in the book of Acts. _____________ is one of these ideas. 24. According to our textbook, there are five key ideas in the book of Acts. _____________ is one of these ideas. 25. As the good news spread to Syrian Antioch and many believed, Jewish leaders had ________ killed and had Peter thrown in jail.
  • 13. ETHC 210 Quiz Genetic Basis ETHC 210 Quiz The Genetic Basis of Cancer Covers the Learn material from Module 6: Week 6. 1. Skin damage and skin cancer is caused by ultraviolet light striking DNA and causing thymine dimers or even cutting the DNA. In most cases this causes death of the skin cell. But cancer is uncontrolled cell growth. How can exposure to light cause uncontrolled cell growth when it mostly kills cells? Chose an answer which best answers this question 2. The mutation which causes sickle cell disease can be classified as a point mutation and also a missense mutation. 3. Different genes have different spontaneous mutation rates. 4. Cancer is genetic because it is caused by changes in DNA but not usually inherited. 5. The two genetic diseases based on mutation of globin genes (globin proteins make up hemoglobin) are sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia. 6. The normal function of a tumor suppressor gene is to keep the cell cycle running at the appropriate rate for a particular cell type. 7. The genetic mutation which causes sickle cell disease is a change in one amino acid of hemoglobin and is based on one nucleotide mutational change (point mutation). 8. A tumor is cancerous or malignant if it infiltrates nearby tissue. This inltration and spreading is called metastasis. 9. Mutation can affect any part of the genome. 10. Which of the following is true about mutations? 11. DNA from cancer cells can; 12. Which of the following is true about the triplet code? 13. Translation is a process which; 14. Hela cells; 15. If a mutation occurs in the gametes before mitosis; 16. This beneficial mutation is found in about 1% of the general population and it tends to protect them from AIDs. 17. Which of the following are sources of potential mutation are found in our typical human environments? 18. A deletion mutation removes DNA. For example small deletion mutations in the “Y” chromosome causes male infertility. 19. Which of the following is true about osteogenesis imperfecta? 20. Cancer tumors grow and spread by inducing formation of blood vessels to nourish them. This is called; 21. A point mutation that changes a codon specifying an amino acid into a “stop” codon UAA, UAG or UGA is a nonsense mutation. 22. Splice site mutations can cause mutation by which of the following mechanisms? 23. The single amino acid change in hemoglobin which is the basis for sickle cell disease causes; 24. HER2 breast cancer affects hundreds of thousands of women each year. A drug called Herceptin has been an effective cure for this type of breast cancer. Herceptin is a; 25. A mutation is an altered DNA sequence in an organism.
  • 14. ETHC 210 Quiz Manipulation of Life ETHC 210 Quiz Manipulation of Life and Transhumanism Covers the Learn material from Module 7: Week 7. 1. DNA analysis and genetics testing can be done after death. 2. Gene therapy is a technique which involves; 3. Which of the following is true regarding microarray structure, function and their use to relay genetic information. 4. Which of the following is true about EPO? 5. CRISPR genome editing could be used to bring back extinct species. 6. cDNA is DNA which is complementary to the opposite strand of DNA from a double helix. 7. Pigs cannot extract phosphorus from cereal so phosphorus is put into their diets. However this leads to excess phosphorus in their manure. This is a problem because; 8. To prepare genes which will be inserted into a patient for gene therapy which of the following steps must be done using current technology? 9. GMO salmon are salmon which have been genetically altered to grow faster and are grown in special aquatic enclosures to prevent them from getting in natural waterways. What are some problems which could arise from this technology? 10. Gene therapy can involve insertion of a gene into a patient to correct a defective gene. 11. Gene silencing involves antisense molecules, ribozymes and RNA interference to block translation of mRNAs. 12. Which of the following anatomical sites being tested or are targets for future gene therapies? 13. A transgenic organism can be an organism which contains human genes to make human proteins which can be extracted for drug use for patients. 14. There are now GMO versions of lettuce, apples, potatoes and grapes. 15. Liposomes can also be used as vectors for gene therapy. They are; 16. EPO is a hormone which naturally increases the number of red blood cells in the blood. 17. Genetics counselors can help families understand their genetic inheritance using pedigree analysis. 18. Which of the following is an example of somatic gene therapy? 19. Which of the following is true about restriction enzymes, molecular scissors which make gene therapy possible? 20. Recombinant DNA technology has been used to make insulin. Insulin operates by; 21. Many of the early set-backs and deaths in the use of gene therapy involved; 22. Genetic engineering is used to make a health product like insulin 23. Recombinant DNA; 24. Many gene therapy vectors under current use are disarmed viruses. 25. Which of the following living organisms have a GMO counterpart?
  • 15. ETHC 210 Quiz Inheritance ETHC 210 Quiz Inheritance and Human Health Covers the Learn material from Module 3: Week 3. 1. A dominant allele masks the expression of a recessive allele. 2. In complete dominance; 3. A parent who carries a disease gene always shows symptoms of the disease. 4. Abraham Lincoln was thought to have Marfan syndrome, which of the following are true about this condition 5. Because Huntington’s disease is so deadly most people alive who have it are children. 6. A phenotype is the trait that you see or can observe. 7. Which of the following is true about Huntington’s disease. 8. Every phenotype, the trait that you observe, is caused by the combination of two alleles or the genotype, so for example, brown eye color is a phenotype which can be produced by a dominant allele (B) such that the genotype for brown eye color could be Bb or BB. 9. Mendel discovered that genes come in two pieces called; 10. The ABO blood group alleles found in the human population are an example of; 11. Using and understanding pedigrees are important today because they help families identify the risk of transmitting an inherited disease 12. Mitochondrial genes are primarily transferred from fathers to their children. 13. Achondroplastic dwarfism is considered a lethal genetic syndrome because; 14. Genetic disease based on altered genes is caused by either “loss of function” or “gain of function” which causes the disease and its symptoms. Cystic Fibrosis involves a defective anion channel. This would be classified as: 15. Since osteogenesis imperfecta can be the result of single gene defects in a number of different genes (genetic heterogeneity) parents who carry the defect in different genes from their partner can produce a child with this syndrome. 16. According to widely accepted modern evolutionary ideas mitochondria originated in cells according to; 17. A Punnet square follows transmission of alleles and is based on probability. 18. The “A” and “B” alleles in the ABO blood group are recessive to blood type “O.” 19. The Mitochondrial Eve theory is a theory about: 20. Amyloid plaques are the suspected cause of Alzheimer disease. 21. What percent of cases of Alzheimer disease are familial (inherited)? 22. The bodies of the Royal Romanovs, the ruling family of Russia in the early 1900s were exhumed in the 1990s and their DNA was sequenced. Geneticists found a variation in the mitochondrial DNA sequence among the royal family members. The variation was explained by the phenomena of: 23. The OCA2 gene confers eye color such that the recessive condition (two recessive alleles) results in: 24. A single gene OCA2 on chromosome 15 confers eye color by controlling melanin synthesis. But also a second gene can influence the expression of OCA2. 25. Austrian monk Gregor Mendel primarily worked with what kind of organisms to do his genetic work?
  • 16. ETHC 210 Quiz Epigenetics ETHC 210 Quiz Epigenetics and Human Thriving Covers the Learn material from Module 4: Week 4. 1. Melanocytes contribute to skin color; 2. Which of the following hunger response hormones decreases appetite but increases digestion? 3. More than 100 genes affect pigmentation in skin hair and irises. 4. Epigenetics plays a role in controlling weight gain as shown in experiments with genetically determined obese mice. Obese female mice were able to decrease obesity in their offspring by eating a diet rich in 5. A mutation in the LDL receptor gene can cause a dramatic rise in serum cholesterol. 6. A biblical view of race shows that all races are equal because they are all of one blood in Adam. 7. Which of the following hunger response hormones increases appetite? 8. This famous discoverer of the DNA structure made racist comments in the 1990s based on the idea that certain people groups were biologically inferior. 9. For treatment of heart disease statin drugs are used to; 10. Which of the following genes can influence heart health? 11. Simple mendelian single gene genetics explains skin color. 12. At the chromosome levels males are homogametic. 13. Genomic imprinting has implications for understanding early human development. It suggests that for mammals, two opposite sex parents are necessary to produce a healthy embryo and placenta. 14. Considering color detection humans are classified as (hint: How many primary colors can we see)? 15. In the U.S. the “sex ratio” of males to females drops significantly from birth to age 65. 16. In mother’s who are carriers for colorblindness even though they are not color blind some of their individual eye cone cells can express the trait. Also in female Calico cats the genes which produce color are found on the X chromosome and each hair cell expresses one X allele or the other giving rise to a random pattern of color in their fur. In both cases this is an example of: 17. Which of the following is true about the “X” and “Y” chromosomes? 18. Even though Mendel’s laws are very helpful to understanding genetics, simple mendelian genetics does not explain well most of genetics because; 19. Body weight is controlled primarily by one gene. 20. A color blind father married to a non-color blind mom (non-carrier of colorblindness) can produce a color blind son. 21. Which of the following is true of a mother who is a heterozygote for an X-linked recessive trait. 22. Which of the following is true about homosexuality? 23. Which of the following is true about the rare condition of males who are XX and females who are XY: 24. Biologically gender is determined genetically at; 25. Daughters can inherit sex linked recessive disease if:
  • 17. ETHC 210 Quiz Determinism ETHC 210 Quiz Determinism and Human Behavior Covers the Learn material from Module 5: Week 5. 1. The human brain has billions of neurons and billions of connections called synapses. 2. The brain changes which contribute to addiction occur in parts of the brain called the; 3. A gene called period 2 is involved in promoting a proper sleep wake cycle coordinated with daily sunrise and sunset. 4. Many antidepressant drugs work by: 5. Which of the following should be the view of the Christian public in general and believers involved in the health professions regarding genetics and behavior”? 6. Certain common drugs like nicotine and alcohol at the genetic level; 7. Which of the following biblical concepts address the issue of genetics and behavior? 8. This substance is made of fats and proteins and covers nerve cell axons promoting proper nerve cell transmission. 9. The gap or space between neurons is called where neurotransmitters are released is; 10. Genome wide association studies have only found one chromosome region involved in genes which contribute to “craving.” 11. PTSD is thought to involve both genetic and epigenetic factors. 12. Drug addiction produces long lasting brain changes. 13. When trying to determine genetic conditions using population analysis of many individuals this is called genome wide association studies (GWA). 14. Uptake of dopamine into the postsynaptic cell triggers feelings of pleasure. 15. Genes and the environment contribute equally to depression. 16. Nicotine has been shown to be very addictive most likely because it; 17. PTSD is; 18. Plant derived chemicals from drugs such as cocaine, opium and THC (active ingredient of marijuana) all tend to cause changes in the human body by binding to; 19. There may be a genetic and physiological basis for drug addiction but for the believer we are not to choose what is wrong. Which of the following scriptures help us avoid or break from harmful addictive behavior 20. Narcolepsy is now known to be caused by a mutant receptor for hypocretin. 21. Neurotransmitters are released across the gap between neurons called the synapse. 22. A likely cause of depression is deficiency of the neurotransmitter serotonin in synapses. 23. Two kinds of genetics studies were used to show that there is a genetic basis to intelligence, they are; 24. Which of the following is true regarding autism? 25. Clock genes;
  • 18. ETHC 210 Quiz Assisted Procreation ETHC 210 Quiz Assisted Procreation, Genomics, and Gene Therapy Covers the Learn material from Module 8: Week 8. 1. IVF literally means in-vitro fertilization which is translated fertilization in glass. 2. A surrogate mother carries a baby for another couple. Her egg can be fertilized or she can carry the couples embryo. 3. Sequencing genomes provides much more information than sequencing exomes. 4. One in six couples in the population at large experiences infertility. 5. Human development in the womb is not mentioned in the bible. 6. The bible never mentions conception. 7. Which of the following is true about the “savior siblings” idea for treatment of genetic based childhood disease? 8. Conception in the bible is mentioned as early as Genesis. 9. The oldest assisted reproductive technology is intrauterine insemination. 10. In Deutoronomy it says “Choose life so that you and _________________________________________________! (complete sentence) 11. In this version of assisted reproduction the sperm and egg are selected outside the body and then re-deposited into a fallopian tube. 12. As we add more human sequences to DNA sequence databases we realize that we are all different by about 1-3% from each other. 13. Which of the following is true about intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)? 14. Which of the following is true about pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)? 15. It is possible for a baby to be born using IVF and a technique called somatic nuclear transfer. Somatic nuclear transfer involves removal of a nucleus from a donor egg and reinsertion of the nucleus from the mother to be. Then the new egg is fertilized by the father’s sperm. Remembering that mitochondrial DNA can also be found in an egg, how many “genetic” parents would this baby have? 16. A baby which implants in the fallopian tube can create life- threatening conditions and is known as; 17. One way to detect ovulation in the human female is to record body temperature each morning. 18. In the gospel of Luke who mentions conception to Mary regarding the birth of Jesus? 19. Female infertility increases with age because; 20. Sperm can survive in the woman’s body for up to 5 days but the oocyte is only viable for 24-48 hours after ovulation. 21. Different sequence analysis studies comparing human and chimp genomes shows a range of sequence identity; our textbook claims that the identity can be higher than 98%. 22. Conception; 23. Most cases of male infertility are genetic. 24. Implantation involves the fusion of the sperm with the uterine wall. 25. In this version of assisted reproduction the sperm and egg are fertilized by IVF and then re- deposited into a fallopian tube.
  • 19. ETHC 205 Ethical Issue Paper ETHC 205 Ethical Issue Research Paper Assignment The student will write a 2,100-2,400-word research-based paper that focuses on applying the student’s chosen ethical system to a specific ethical issue cover in the curriculum. The paper must include at least one academic reference in addition to referencing the two course textbooks and the Bible
  • 20. ETHC 205 Quiz Digital Technology ETHC 205 Quiz Digital Technology and Christian Life Covers the Learn material from Module 8: Week 8. 1. According to Gome, Sherry Turkle argues that face to face conversations at the work place makes us less productive and causes more stress. 2. According to Gome, Nicholas Carr believes that physically amplifying technolofies are the most sifnificant. 3. According to Gome, every technology embodies an intellectual ethic about how the mind does and should work. 4. According to Gome, one way that Christians can sanctify their vritual activities is to be content creators and not just consumers. 5. According to Gome, Sherry Turkle argues that our physical interactions with other people in the workplace fosters all of the following except: 6. According to Gome, Sherry Turkle notes that children don’t feel like they have to compete for attention with their parents’ use of smartphones. 7. According to Gome, Justin Early suggests all the following as disciplines to help us deal with the distracting potential of smartphones except: 8. According to Gome, the the Puritan term for an appropriate relationship to things of the world was weaned affections. 9. According to Gome, the intellectual and physical consequences of using digital technology are spiritual inconsequential. 10. According to Gome, neuroscientists have claimed that constant shifting of our attention when online makes our brains more nimble at multitasking. 11. According to Gome, Charles Taylor argued that for the Reformers, the fullness of the Christian existence was to be found within the activities of one’s life, one’s calling, in marriage, and in the family. 12. According to Gome, Sherry Turkle argues that smart phone apps like Tinder give us the impression that we have limitless choice of romantic partners. 13. According to Gome, Hugh Latimer argued that if Jesus himself submitted to work, then all kinds of work sould be dignified. 14. According to Gome, psychologists have pointed out that our difficulty with times of solitude has nothing to do with knowing our own soul. 15. According to Gome, finding our identity in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube likes is a healthy way to find our value as people. 16. According to Gome, Charles Taylor claims that no movement had more historical significance in affirming ordinary life than Puritanism. 17. According to Gome, Sherry Turkle argues that without solitude we cannot construct a stable sense of self, and screen time restricts a proper sense of solitude. 18. According to Gome, all the following are the purposes of Christian interaction in the world except: 19. According to Gome, the internet’s ability to combine many different kinds of information on a single screen leads to fragmented content and disrupted concentation. 20. According to Gome, Justin Earley argued that digital technology truly allows us to be present everywhere. 21. According to Gome, James Smith believes that every technology: 22. According to Gome, living our lives according to a Christian theology of time will help us avoid idleness and addiciton to technology. 23. According to Gome, Nicholas Carr defined technology as “tools that replace our innate capacities.”