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Kunrong Li
Blaine Malcolm
RWS 280
13 April 2020
Generation Like & Persuasive Arguments
Is technology a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Douglas
Rushkoff of “Generation Like” thinks so. Frontline’s fourth
episode, “Generation Like” looks into the ways in which the
teenage desire for identity and connection evolve through the
digital world, and the games of exploitation and self-
empowerment that follow as confusing consequences. The film
provides a close look into the digital lives of teenagers and how
social interactions are being shaped to match the new ways of
the modern digital world. Similarly, a now ex-advisor of
Facebook, Roger McNamee, bashes big tech and its games of
profile stalking as its key way of turning profit. McNamee’s
association with the company shines light on the significance of
the issues and illustrates the depth of the problem. Using the
rhetorical appeals of pathos, ethos, and logos, both Rushkoff
and McNamee illustrate how impressionability shows itself
across genres. This paper argues that despite being of different
genres, similarities between written and watched rhetoric is
abundant; the strategic applications are also equally effective.
Beginning with the appeal of pathos, both Rushkoff and
McNamee rely on the emotion of fear to persuade the audience
in believing that technology is out to exploit today’s teens.
From McNamee’s article, the quote, “Like gambling, nicotine,
alcohol or heroin, Facebook and Google — most importantly
through its YouTube subsidiary — produce short-term
happiness with serious negative consequences in the long term”.
(McNamee) is strikingly similar in application and effect to
Rushkoff’s statement. Rushkoff’s remark, that ,“Kids are
spending more and more of their time in digital spaces that they
don’t have a basic understanding of what they are” (Frontline)
is similar in its appeal to pathos. In both quotes, the speaker is
appealing to fear. McNamee’s quote worries that technology
will take over peoples’ lives more and more and will be more
consuming and invasive, whereas, Rushkoff’s quote, instills the
fear that people do not know what they are getting into and this
thing that seem positive and inviting on the surface will
eventually end up proving to be damaging. This is effective
persuasion in that these kids are not adequately processing their
actions and their consequences, which plays on the idea and that
they are easily swayed or become impressionable and might not
understand how this could lead them to being ploys in the
marketing, or exploited by marketing tactics. Moving on to
ethos, both Rushkoff and McNamee rely on their own credibility
to persuade the audience in believing that technology is a
hazard to today’s vulnerable users. McNamee’s quote, “A 2013
study found that average consumers check their smartphones
150 times a day. And that number has probably grown”
(McNamee) is very similar in meaning and effect as Rushkoff’s
quote which states, “I’ve written books and given classes about
this stuff, so people turn to me for answers” (Frontline). In both
cases, the speaker is using the appeal of ethos to assert
credibility. One outlines credibility through the use of a factual
study and the other is voiced expertise on the subject. They both
rely on authority to persuade their audience that they have the
necessary knowledge to be correcting their depiction of
technology and how it is potentially harming teenagers today
through brand consumerism and the need for “likes.”
The statistical quote is effective persuasion in that it
further supports the addictive qualities that could further instill
fear in those already skeptical about the positives of modern
technology. Additionally, this could be not very impactful to
investors in terms of changing the problem. This might only
serve as good news as to the growth of the industry and specific
areas that may be tempting to invest for quick returns.
Rushkoff’s quote is effective because it shows he is authorized
to state his factual information on the topic, and has experience
in the industry to speak on such matters effectively. Tech
companies might think he is just another person trying to make
money and view him as an opportunist who is taking advantage
of lay people by claiming that big tech is to blame. This is a
concept that can easily be considered in order to brush off any
validity that might be given to Rushkoff based on his industry
expertise and relation to the involved companies. The
effectiveness here is clearly split.
The use of pathos continues by both speakers in their
statements that suggest technology is created and marketed to
specifically exploit teenagers in various ways such as by turning
them into marketers themselves. McNamee’s quote, “I’m
terrified by the damage being done by internet monopolies”
(McNamee) and Rushkoff’s quote, “The problem is what
companies are going to do to our kids through technology”
(Frontline) both appeal to pathos by demonizing big tech and
labeling them as being driven by unethical agendas that go
against the health of teenagers today. Furthermore, McNamee’s
quote, “Facebook, Google, and others exploit human nature,
creating addictive behaviors …. Technologies [only] goal is to
generate profits” (McNamee) also criminalizes the objectives of
the big tech companies, also appealing to pathos by making it
feel like the big tech companies are the bad guys out to get
impressionable youth. The noting of addiction is also a cause
for alarm, particularly for worried parents who are concerned
about the health and wellbeing of their children. Rushkoff’s
quote is effective persuasion because he is appealing to like
minded investors who are thinking he is legitimately founded
because of his job status. Investors will hear him as being
legitimate and they might be invested in what he has to say and
believe him, because of investor interest. As for people
concerned with privacy, these people would believe him
because its confirming their fears that companies are too
powerful, too invasive, too damaging, and are slowly wearing
away at the privacy of all, at people’s personal freedoms, and
wield too much power against people because of the companies’
databases of personal information and search history of their
customers. McNamee’s quote is effective persuasion because it
makes people jump to conclusions, professing this as a problem,
implying there is something going on that they need to figure
out and address without bringing up the concern to begin with
as a possible thing that should be investigated. Skipping the
step of questioning and consideration puts the focus of the
audience on there being an already existing problem that has
been slowly making its way into the lives of the public and
eroding some sense of health or privacy. It is just a bold claim
that is made for the sole purpose of scaring people through fear
mongering and trying to get people to be ‘up in arms’ over a
perceived issue without even taking the time to investigate the
matter further for themselves.
The debate over whether or not technology is an effective
form of teenage exploitation is still inconclusive based on the
analyzed evidence. Never knowing how much to rely on one’s
voiced expertise versus statistical information is a common
issue, thus, the opinions on technology’s role in human health
and on individuals’ privacy remain debated extensively. It is
important to recognize the strategies that people use to persuade
their audience in order to avoid becoming impressionable to
ideas that one may not truly believe. “Generation Like” was
effective in persuading its audience precisely because it took
real experiences of teenagers and allowed the audience to
decide for themselves how the teens behaviors influenced their
health and whether or not their relationships with brands were
healthy. McNamee’s article, however, from beginning to end
demanded that the big tech companies were villains to teenage
health and exploiters of privacy without giving the audience a
change to decide for themselves how they felt. Persuasion is
about getting the person to believe you without them knowing
that you convinced them. This is what “Generation Like”
accomplished, as the speaker never told the audience what to
believe. The footage let them decide for themselves.
Works Cited
Frontline. “Generation Like.” PBS, Public Broadcasting
McNamee, Roger. “I Invested Early in Google & Facebook.
Now I Regret It.” RealClearPolitics,
Student Name:
Student Number:
Mark Awarded:
(Subject to ratification by the assessment board)
Faculty of Health and Wellbeing
Assignment Feedback Sheet
Programme: BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies
Level 6
Module Title:Leadership & Management for Excellence in
Relationship Centred Care Science & Practice
Assessment: 2,500 word Written Assignment
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Please delete as appropriate
Turn it in checked: Yes/No
Markers Feedback: add 6 bullet points which identify
specific strengths and areas for improvement, including
feedforward information in the boxes below
Learning outcome 1.
Critically analyse and apply leadership and management skills
in ensuring high quality, innovative and evidence based care
through effective team working
Learning outcome 2.
Critically examine and apply the professional values required
by a nurse in safeguarding (safe practice), maintaining dignity,
compassion and rights of patients and staff.
Learning outcome 3.
Evaluate the application of psychological concepts and
communication theory as applied to therapeutic skills when
leading relationship centred care.
Learning outcome 4.
Demonstrate an acceptable standard of academic presentation
including the use of a structured approach, clear language,
accurate use of the APA 6th SHU referencing system and
accurate use of spelling and grammar
Additional Feedforward information
To help you improve your performance in future work, you
are advised to:
[Please highlight applicable feedback]
Develop your writing skills
There are some useful on-line resources to help with writing
skills on the 'Skills for learning' site.
Click on the 'Learning Essentials' tab or follow this link
This link also identifies workshops available you can attend to
, Som
Increase critical analysis in your work
Avoid stating things as facts without evidence. Use literature
not just to 'back up' ideas but to explore different perspectives
Evaluate the literature you have read rather than just describing
There are some useful on-line resources to help with writing
skills on the 'Skills for learning' site. Click on the 'Learning
Essentials' tab or follow this link.
This link also identifies workshops available you can attend to
Read more widely
Begin any assignment by browsing through literature before it
becomes urgent
Improve your searching strategies by Click on the 'Learning
Essentials' tab or follow this link
Look at 'Finding information' section
Use good quality sources of information to support your work
Search engines such as google are not adequate for academic
writing Note that NHS choices are not sufficient sources for
academic work.
You need to use good quality information from good quality
sources such as academic journals, government documents, or
from recognised and respected organisations
Improve your searching strategies by Click on the 'Learning
Essentials' tab or follow this link
Look at 'Finding information' section
Pay particular attention to spelling/ punctuation/ sentence &
paragraph construction/ expression
Paragraphing affects the structure or lack of structure , in your
assignment .Spelling , punctuation and grammar can affect the
meaning of what is written. Effective written communication is
an essential skill in nursing
Carefully proof read work before submission
Again, lack of attention to detail can affect the meaning of what
is written. Effective written communication is an essential skill
in nursing.
Follow SHU referencing guidelines
There is no shortcut to learning how to do this. You need to
refer to this guide for all work
Ensure your work reflects the assessment brief and module
learning outcomes
Review your assessment guidelines within the module site.
Ensure you attend sessions that prepare you for your
Look at FAQs in assessment guidance
Highlight the appropriate banding and divide marks by 4
Learning Outcome
Critically analyse and apply leadership and management skills
in ensuring high quality, innovative and evidence based care
through effective team working.
Some leadership and management skills are described at a
superficial level
Critical evaluation of leadership and management skills for use
in the practice setting is absent or very limited
The leadership and management skills are not applied to the
There are examples of leadership and management skills for use
in the practice setting but these are mostly descriptive.
Some are subjected to an adequate level of critique and
evaluation and are applied to the incident
A good range of leadership and management skills for the
practice setting are subjected to critical analysis or evaluation.
The leadership and management skills are applied to the
A comprehensive range of leadership and management skills for
the practice setting are subjected to critical analysis and
evaluation throughout the submission.
There are comprehensive examples of leadership and
management practices applied to the incident.
An excellent range of leadership and management skills for the
practice setting are subjected to thorough critical analysis and
Ideas from theory are synthesised to create insightful
perspectives on the critical incident.
An outstanding range of leadership and management skills for
the practice setting are subjected to sustained and thorough
critical analysis and evaluation.
Many ideas from theory are synthesised to create unique
perspectives on the critical incident
Critically examine and apply the professional values required
by a nurse in safeguarding (safe practice), maintaining dignity,
compassion and rights of patients and staff.
Some Professional values are described at a superficial level.
Critical evaluation of the professional values is absent or very
The professional values are not applied to the incident
There are examples of professional values but these are mostly
Some are subjected to an adequate level of critique and
evaluation and are applied to the incident
A good range of professional values required by a nurse in
safeguarding (safe practice), maintaining dignity, compassion
and rights of patients and staff are subjected to critical analysis
or evaluation.
The professional values are applied to the incident.
A comprehensive range of professional values required by a
nurse in safeguarding (safe practice), maintaining dignity,
compassion and rights of patients and staff are subjected to
critical analysis and evaluation throughout the submission.
There are comprehensive examples of professional values
applied to the incident.
An excellent range of professional values required by a nurse in
safeguarding (safe practice), maintaining dignity, compassion
and rights of patients and staff are subjected to thorough critical
analysis and evaluation.
Ideas from theory are synthesised to create insightful
perspectives on the critical incident.
An outstanding range of professional values required by a nurse
in safeguarding (safe practice), maintaining dignity, compassion
and rights of patients and staff are subjected to sustained and
thorough critical analysis and evaluation.
Many ideas from theory are synthesised to create unique
perspectives on the critical incident.
Evaluate the application of psychological concepts and
communication theory as applied to therapeutic skills when
leading relationship centred car
Some aspects of psychological concepts and communication
theory are described at a superficial level.
Critical evaluation of the psychological concepts and
communication theory is absent or very limited.
Psychological concepts and communication theory are not
applied to the incident
There are examples of psychological concepts and
communication theory but these are mostly descriptive. Some
are subjected to an adequate level of critique and evaluation and
are applied to the incident.
A good range of psychological concepts and communication
theories are subjected to critical analysis or evaluation.
Psychological concepts and communication theory are applied
to the incident.
A comprehensive range of psychological concepts and
communication theories are subjected to critical analysis and
evaluation throughout the submission.
There are comprehensive examples of psychological concepts
and communication theory applied to the incident.
An excellent range of psychological concepts and
communication theories are subjected to thorough critical
analysis and evaluation.
Ideas from theory are synthesised to create insightful
perspectives on the critical incident.
An outstanding range of psychological concepts and
communication theories are subjected to sustained and thorough
critical analysis and evaluation.
Many ideas from theory are synthesised to create unique
perspectives on the critical incident.
Achieves an appropriate standard of writing, presentation and
The academic standard is poor. Problems may include: Lack of
consistent structure, unclear language in many places, limited or
inaccurately applied supporting literature, the SHU APA6th
standards for citation and referencing are applied inaccurately
or inconsistently. Many errors of spelling, grammar and
The academic standard is acceptable. The essay demonstrates
some structure. and use of language is adequate. Literature is
used to support some of the ideas in the submission. The SHU
APA6th standards for citation and referencing are applied to an
adequate standard but there are some errors or omissions. There
are some errors of spelling, grammar and punctuation.
The academic standard is good. The essay is clear and well
structured. Use of language is clear in all aspects of the
submission. There is good use of supporting literature to
support the ideas in the submission. The SHU APA6th standards
for citation and referencing are applied to a mostly accurate
standard. There are a few errors of spelling, grammar and
The academic standard is comprehensive, with a clear, logical
and structured approach. Use of language is articulate in most
aspects of the submission, supported by a broad review of
supporting literature and accurate use of the SHU APA6th
standards for citation and referencing. There are very few errors
of spelling, grammar and punctuation.
The academic standard is excellent, with a clear, logical and
structured approach. Use of language is precise and articulate in
most aspects of the submission, supported by a broad review of
supporting literature and accurate use of the SHU APA6th
standards for citation and referencing. Spelling, grammar and
punctuation are of a good standard throughout.
The academic standard is outstanding, with a clear, logical and
structured approach. Precise and articulate use of language,
supported by an extensive review of the literature and the SHU
APA6th standards for citation and referencing are used to an
excellent standard. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are of a
very high standard throughout.
Please note: there will be a 10% reduction in the mark if the
work is more than 10% in excess of the specified word limit
Students action plan based on feedback
Faculty of Health and Wellbeing
Feedback Sheet
add 6 bullet points which identify specific strengths and areas
for improvement, including feedforward information
in the boxes below
Learning outcome 1.
Critically analyse and apply leadership and
management skills in ensuring high quality,
ve and evidence based care through effective
team working
Learning outcome 2.
Critically examine and apply the professional values
required by a nurse in safeguarding
(safe practice)
maintaining dignity, compassion and rights of
patients and
Learning outcome 3
Evaluate the application of psychological
and communication
as applied to therapeutic
skills when leading relationship centred care.
Learning outcome 4.
Demonstrate an acceptable standard of academic
presentation including the use of a structured
approach, clear language, accurate use of the
SHU referencing system and accurate use of spelling
and grammar
Student Name:
Student Number:
Mark Awarded:
(Subject to ratification by the assessment
BSc (Hons) Nursing
Leadership & Management for
Excellence in Relationship Centred Care
Science & Practice
2,500 word Written
Please delete as appropriate
Please delete as appropriate
Field of practice
Turn it in checked
: Yes/No
Faculty of Health and Wellbeing
Assignment Feedback Sheet
Markers Feedback: add 6 bullet points which identify specific
strengths and areas for improvement, including feedforward
information in the boxes below
Learning outcome 1.
Critically analyse and apply leadership and
management skills in ensuring high quality,
innovative and evidence based care through effective
team working
Learning outcome 2.
Critically examine and apply the professional values
required by a nurse in safeguarding (safe practice),
maintaining dignity, compassion and rights of
patients and staff.
Learning outcome 3.
Evaluate the application of psychological concepts
and communication theory as applied to therapeutic
skills when leading relationship centred care.
Learning outcome 4.
Demonstrate an acceptable standard of academic
presentation including the use of a structured
approach, clear language, accurate use of the APA 6
SHU referencing system and accurate use of spelling
and grammar
Student Name:
Student Number: Mark Awarded:
(Subject to ratification by the assessment
Programme: BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies
Level 6
Module Title: Leadership & Management for
Excellence in Relationship Centred Care
Science & Practice
Assessment: 2,500 word Written
Please delete as appropriate
Please delete as appropriate
Turn it in checked: Yes/No
Course: BSc Nursing (Adult, Mental Health, Child fields)
LEVEL 6 Module: Leadership & Management for Excellence in
Relationship Centred Care Science and Practice.Task 1: Critical
Evaluation of the Management of an Incident or Set of
Events in practice
Learning Outcomes:
1. Critically analyse and apply leadership and management
skills in ensuring high quality, innovative and evidence based
care through effective team working.
1. Critically examine and apply the professional values required
by a nurse in safeguarding, maintaining dignity, compassion and
rights of patients and staff.
1. Evaluate the application of psychological and communication
science as applied to therapeutic skills when leading
relationship centred care.
1. Demonstrate an acceptable standard of academic presentation
including the use of a structured approach, clear language,
accurate use of the APA 6th SHU referencing system and
accurate use of spelling and grammar
(For grading purposes the four Learning Outcomes are equally
What we want you to do
1. Write a criticalevaluation of the management of an incident
or set of events in practice. It should focus on relationships and
use psychological and communication theories as well as
critiquing specific leadership skills relevant to the incident. The
word length for this assignment is 2,500 words. The
incident/set of events MUST be described in an appendix with
key elements outlined in your introduction.
Why we want you to do it
1. The aim of this module is to develop your ability to lead and
manage care, utilising psychological concepts and
communication models to ensure high quality service provision
for people of all ages. It includes those with complex needs in
all fields of practice within primary, secondary and tertiary care
1. In completing the assessment you should draw on the
knowledge and skills of psychological and communication
sciences and the values and attitudes required to lead and
manage care within your chosen incident or set of events
Some examples of incidents which could be used:
· Managing a complaint from a service-user or their family
· Managing conflict within a team or service-user’s family
· Supporting the autonomy of children and young people
· Supporting the continuum of care with families, professionals
and paid carers
· Supporting a service user to take appropriate risks balanced
with the duty of care to provide or impose a safe environment
· Prioritising, negotiating and delegating care activities among
team members
· Acting as a role model for service users or team members
· Working against stigma and negative attitudes
· Advocating for a service user who is vulnerable
· Raising awareness of risks to patient safety
· Working as a team to manage a medical emergency
· Depriving a service user of their liberty or detaining them
under the Mental
Health Acts 1983/2007
You may be describing your direct or indirect involvement, or
your observation and evaluation of a situation.
Content guidance
Subjects students must include in their assignment
· Knowledge: You will need to identify specific psychological
and communication theories or concepts and critique how these
were used in the incident. You will also need to identify and
critique the leadership skills used and what is meant by
'management' and 'leadership' in the context of your incident.
Reading theory and evidence based literature on these subjects
will be one of the key activities in your preparation of this
· Skills: Communication, self-awareness and the application of
other psychological concepts are essential skills for good
leadership and teamwork. You should evaluate the application
of relevant psychological and communication theories when
leading relationship centred care. The theory that the work
considers will be led by the incident/set of events selected.
· Values & attitudes: Our attitudes toward other people are
often strongly connected to the things that we value in life. The
values that are important to the NHS have been made clear in its
constitution (Department of Health for England 2015) and these
are highlighted in the values identified by individual tr usts. The
things that the government values in its nursing workforce (The
6 Cs) are written in Compassion in Practice (NHS
Commissioning Board 2012). The literature that informs these
ideas should be used in your critical evaluation
Reflective learning
While this assignment doesn’t require you to use a reflective
model, you can do so if it helps you to structure your work.
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your
own or copying from your own work previously submitted for
another assignment. It is regarded as a form of cheating or
'academic misconduct' and is likely to result in action under the
University's Disciplinary procedures. You must ensure that you
acknowledge the ideas and work of others by proper referencing
when submitting coursework.
Examples of plagiarism
· The inclusion in your essay of a sentence or phrase (or more)
from another person's work without the use of quotation marks
and referencing the sources
· The paraphrasing of another person's work by simply
changing a few words or altering the order of presentation,
without referencing the source
· The substantial and unauthorized use of ideas of another
person without referencing the source.
· Copying material of your own which you have already
submitted as part of a previous assignment. This is called self-
self-plagiarism or duplication: copying work that was originally
completed and submitted by the student and resubmitted for
another purpose.
Study skills support includes:-
Getting ready for Academic study
Finding information
Reading and Evaluating
Academic writing
Improving your maths
Managing your time
Group work and presenting
Preparing for exams
Please go to.
Student Wellbeing
Wellbeing group sessions -
References used in this document:
Department of Health (2015) The NHS Constitution: the NHS
belongs to us all Williams Lea
National Health Service Commissioning Board (2012)
Compassion in Practice (Published in electronic format only)
Course: BSc Nursing (Adult, Mental Health, Child fields)
LEVEL 6 Module: Leadership & Management for Excellence in
Centred Care Science and Practice.
Task 1: Critical Evaluation of the Management of an Incident or
of Events in practice
Learning Outcomes:
Critically analyse and apply
leadership and management skills
in ensuring
high quality, innovative and evidence based care
Critically examine and apply
professional values
required by a nurse in
safeguarding, maintaining dignity, compassion and rights of
patients and staff.
Evaluate the application of
and communication science
ed to therapeutic skills when leading
relationship centred care
Demonstrate an acceptable standard of
academic presentation
including the
use of a structured approach, clear language, accurate use of the
SHU referencing system and accurate use of
spelling and grammar
(For grading purposes the four Learning Outcomes are equally
What we want you to do
Write a
of the management of an incident or set of events in
practice. It should focus on relationships and use psychological
communication theories as well as critiquing specific leadership
skills relevant
to the incident. The word length for this assignment
is 2,500 words.
incident/set of events
be described in an appendix with key elements
outlined in your introduction.
Why we want you to do it
The aim of this module is to develop your ability to lead and
manage care,
utilising psychological conc
epts and communication models to ensure high
quality service provision for people of all ages. It includes
those with complex
needs in all fields of practice within primary, secondary and
tertiary care
In completing the assessment you should dr
aw on the knowledge and skills of
psychological and communication sciences and the values and
required to lead and manage care within your chosen incident or
set of events
Some examples of incidents which could be used:
Managing a
complaint from a service
user or their family
Managing conflict within a team or service
user’s family
Supporting the autonomy of children and young people
Supporting the continuum of care with families, professionals
and paid carers
Course: BSc Nursing (Adult, Mental Health, Child fields)
LEVEL 6 Module: Leadership & Management for Excellence in
Centred Care Science and Practice.
Task 1: Critical Evaluation of the Management of an Incident or
of Events in practice
Learning Outcomes:
1. Critically analyse and apply leadership and management
skills in ensuring
high quality, innovative and evidence based care through
effective team
2. Critically examine and apply the professional values required
by a nurse in
safeguarding, maintaining dignity, compassion and rights of
patients and staff.
3. Evaluate the application of psychological and communication
science as
applied to therapeutic skills when leading relationship centred
4. Demonstrate an acceptable standard of academic presentation
including the
use of a structured approach, clear language, accurate use of the
SHU referencing system and accurate use of spelling and
(For grading purposes the four Learning Outcomes are equally
What we want you to do
or set of events in
practice. It should focus on relationships and use psychological
communication theories as well as critiquing specific leadership
skills relevant
to the incident. The word length for this assignment is 2,500
words. The
incident/set of events MUST be described in an appendix with
key elements
outlined in your introduction.
Why we want you to do it
r ability to lead and
manage care,
utilising psychological concepts and communication models to
ensure high
quality service provision for people of all ages. It includes
those with complex
needs in all fields of practice within primary, secondary and
tertiary care
knowledge and skills of
psychological and communication sciences and the values and
required to lead and manage care within your chosen incident or
set of events
Some examples of incidents which could be used:
? Managing a complaint from a service-user or their family
? Managing conflict within a team or service-user’s family
? Supporting the autonomy of children and young people
? Supporting the continuum of care with families, professionals
and paid carers
RWS 280
Spring 2020Project Three Peer Review
Welcome to the final peer review of the semester! As always,
please provide your classmate with feedback that is both
thorough and helpful. Once you and your classmate have
finished providing each other with feedback, you will upload
the peer review that your classmate completed for your paper
onto Blackboard on 04.17.
1. In your own words, summarize how the writer is synthesizing
McNamee’s article with either Black Mirror or “Generation
2. How does the writer “hook” the reader with their opening
ideas in the introduction? Can it be made stronger?
3. Does the thesis statement accurately reflect what the essay is
going to analyze & evaluate? How can the thesis statement be
more effective?
4. Go to the topic sentence of each body paragraph. Is there a
clear synthesis between the two sources via either a rhetorical
strategy, rhetorical appeal, or audience?
a. How successful is the transition between each paragraph?
5. In the body paragraphs, does the writer thoroughly address
the audiences of their sources? How does the writer connect the
effectiveness of the rhetorical strategy or appeal to the
6. After introducing evidence from their selected sources, does
the writer effectively analyze the ideas or do they mostly
a. How can the analysis be further expanded?
7. In general, does the essay read more like an analysis &
evaluation than an argument?
a. What paragraphs are a good example of analysis?
8. Next, look at the conclusion. Is the conclusion merely
repetitive, or does it synthesize ideas, suggest new directions of
thought, or give significance to the topic?
9. Pay attention to the actual writing of the essay. Do the ideas
have a sense of cohesion and movement from one idea to the
a. Does the writer need to use more transitions, so their writing
does not read like a checklist of information?
10. Finally, note anything this workshop outline does not cover,
and just as I leave you an end comment on your papers, leave a
paragraph with your final thoughts about the writer’s work.

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  • 1. Li 1 Kunrong Li Blaine Malcolm RWS 280 13 April 2020 Generation Like & Persuasive Arguments Is technology a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Douglas Rushkoff of “Generation Like” thinks so. Frontline’s fourth episode, “Generation Like” looks into the ways in which the teenage desire for identity and connection evolve through the digital world, and the games of exploitation and self- empowerment that follow as confusing consequences. The film provides a close look into the digital lives of teenagers and how social interactions are being shaped to match the new ways of the modern digital world. Similarly, a now ex-advisor of Facebook, Roger McNamee, bashes big tech and its games of profile stalking as its key way of turning profit. McNamee’s association with the company shines light on the significance of the issues and illustrates the depth of the problem. Using the rhetorical appeals of pathos, ethos, and logos, both Rushkoff and McNamee illustrate how impressionability shows itself across genres. This paper argues that despite being of different genres, similarities between written and watched rhetoric is abundant; the strategic applications are also equally effective. Beginning with the appeal of pathos, both Rushkoff and McNamee rely on the emotion of fear to persuade the audience in believing that technology is out to exploit today’s teens. From McNamee’s article, the quote, “Like gambling, nicotine, alcohol or heroin, Facebook and Google — most importantly through its YouTube subsidiary — produce short-term happiness with serious negative consequences in the long term”. (McNamee) is strikingly similar in application and effect to Rushkoff’s statement. Rushkoff’s remark, that ,“Kids are
  • 2. spending more and more of their time in digital spaces that they don’t have a basic understanding of what they are” (Frontline) is similar in its appeal to pathos. In both quotes, the speaker is appealing to fear. McNamee’s quote worries that technology will take over peoples’ lives more and more and will be more consuming and invasive, whereas, Rushkoff’s quote, instills the fear that people do not know what they are getting into and this thing that seem positive and inviting on the surface will eventually end up proving to be damaging. This is effective persuasion in that these kids are not adequately processing their actions and their consequences, which plays on the idea and that they are easily swayed or become impressionable and might not understand how this could lead them to being ploys in the marketing, or exploited by marketing tactics. Moving on to ethos, both Rushkoff and McNamee rely on their own credibility to persuade the audience in believing that technology is a hazard to today’s vulnerable users. McNamee’s quote, “A 2013 study found that average consumers check their smartphones 150 times a day. And that number has probably grown” (McNamee) is very similar in meaning and effect as Rushkoff’s quote which states, “I’ve written books and given classes about this stuff, so people turn to me for answers” (Frontline). In both cases, the speaker is using the appeal of ethos to assert credibility. One outlines credibility through the use of a factual study and the other is voiced expertise on the subject. They both rely on authority to persuade their audience that they have the necessary knowledge to be correcting their depiction of technology and how it is potentially harming teenagers today through brand consumerism and the need for “likes.” The statistical quote is effective persuasion in that it further supports the addictive qualities that could further instill fear in those already skeptical about the positives of modern technology. Additionally, this could be not very impactful to investors in terms of changing the problem. This might only serve as good news as to the growth of the industry and specific areas that may be tempting to invest for quick returns.
  • 3. Rushkoff’s quote is effective because it shows he is authorized to state his factual information on the topic, and has experience in the industry to speak on such matters effectively. Tech companies might think he is just another person trying to make money and view him as an opportunist who is taking advantage of lay people by claiming that big tech is to blame. This is a concept that can easily be considered in order to brush off any validity that might be given to Rushkoff based on his industry expertise and relation to the involved companies. The effectiveness here is clearly split. The use of pathos continues by both speakers in their statements that suggest technology is created and marketed to specifically exploit teenagers in various ways such as by turning them into marketers themselves. McNamee’s quote, “I’m terrified by the damage being done by internet monopolies” (McNamee) and Rushkoff’s quote, “The problem is what companies are going to do to our kids through technology” (Frontline) both appeal to pathos by demonizing big tech and labeling them as being driven by unethical agendas that go against the health of teenagers today. Furthermore, McNamee’s quote, “Facebook, Google, and others exploit human nature, creating addictive behaviors …. Technologies [only] goal is to generate profits” (McNamee) also criminalizes the objectives of the big tech companies, also appealing to pathos by making it feel like the big tech companies are the bad guys out to get impressionable youth. The noting of addiction is also a cause for alarm, particularly for worried parents who are concerned about the health and wellbeing of their children. Rushkoff’s quote is effective persuasion because he is appealing to like minded investors who are thinking he is legitimately founded because of his job status. Investors will hear him as being legitimate and they might be invested in what he has to say and believe him, because of investor interest. As for people concerned with privacy, these people would believe him because its confirming their fears that companies are too powerful, too invasive, too damaging, and are slowly wearing
  • 4. away at the privacy of all, at people’s personal freedoms, and wield too much power against people because of the companies’ databases of personal information and search history of their customers. McNamee’s quote is effective persuasion because it makes people jump to conclusions, professing this as a problem, implying there is something going on that they need to figure out and address without bringing up the concern to begin with as a possible thing that should be investigated. Skipping the step of questioning and consideration puts the focus of the audience on there being an already existing problem that has been slowly making its way into the lives of the public and eroding some sense of health or privacy. It is just a bold claim that is made for the sole purpose of scaring people through fear mongering and trying to get people to be ‘up in arms’ over a perceived issue without even taking the time to investigate the matter further for themselves. The debate over whether or not technology is an effective form of teenage exploitation is still inconclusive based on the analyzed evidence. Never knowing how much to rely on one’s voiced expertise versus statistical information is a common issue, thus, the opinions on technology’s role in human health and on individuals’ privacy remain debated extensively. It is important to recognize the strategies that people use to persuade their audience in order to avoid becoming impressionable to ideas that one may not truly believe. “Generation Like” was effective in persuading its audience precisely because it took real experiences of teenagers and allowed the audience to decide for themselves how the teens behaviors influenced their health and whether or not their relationships with brands were healthy. McNamee’s article, however, from beginning to end demanded that the big tech companies were villains to teenage health and exploiters of privacy without giving the audience a change to decide for themselves how they felt. Persuasion is about getting the person to believe you without them knowing that you convinced them. This is what “Generation Like” accomplished, as the speaker never told the audience what to
  • 5. believe. The footage let them decide for themselves. Works Cited Frontline. “Generation Like.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, McNamee, Roger. “I Invested Early in Google & Facebook. Now I Regret It.” RealClearPolitics, gle_amp_facebook_now_i_regret_it_417723.html. Student Name:
  • 6. Student Number: Mark Awarded: (Subject to ratification by the assessment board) Faculty of Health and Wellbeing Assignment Feedback Sheet Programme: BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies Level 6 Module Title:Leadership & Management for Excellence in Relationship Centred Care Science & Practice Assessment: 2,500 word Written Assignment Please delete as appropriate FIRST ATTEMPT/ REFER ATTEMPT Please delete as appropriate Field of practice: ADULT MENTAL HEALTH CHILD Turn it in checked: Yes/No Marker: Markers Feedback: add 6 bullet points which identify specific strengths and areas for improvement, including feedforward information in the boxes below Learning outcome 1. Critically analyse and apply leadership and management skills in ensuring high quality, innovative and evidence based care through effective team working
  • 7. Learning outcome 2. Critically examine and apply the professional values required by a nurse in safeguarding (safe practice), maintaining dignity, compassion and rights of patients and staff. Learning outcome 3. Evaluate the application of psychological concepts and communication theory as applied to therapeutic skills when leading relationship centred care. Learning outcome 4. Demonstrate an acceptable standard of academic presentation including the use of a structured approach, clear language, accurate use of the APA 6th SHU referencing system and accurate use of spelling and grammar Additional Feedforward information To help you improve your performance in future work, you are advised to: [Please highlight applicable feedback] Develop your writing skills There are some useful on-line resources to help with writing skills on the 'Skills for learning' site. Click on the 'Learning Essentials' tab or follow this link
  • 8. This link also identifies workshops available you can attend to help , Som Increase critical analysis in your work Avoid stating things as facts without evidence. Use literature not just to 'back up' ideas but to explore different perspectives Evaluate the literature you have read rather than just describing it. There are some useful on-line resources to help with writing skills on the 'Skills for learning' site. Click on the 'Learning Essentials' tab or follow this link. This link also identifies workshops available you can attend to help Read more widely Begin any assignment by browsing through literature before it becomes urgent Improve your searching strategies by Click on the 'Learning Essentials' tab or follow this link Look at 'Finding information' section Use good quality sources of information to support your work Search engines such as google are not adequate for academic writing Note that NHS choices are not sufficient sources for academic work. You need to use good quality information from good quality sources such as academic journals, government documents, or from recognised and respected organisations Improve your searching strategies by Click on the 'Learning
  • 9. Essentials' tab or follow this link Look at 'Finding information' section Pay particular attention to spelling/ punctuation/ sentence & paragraph construction/ expression Paragraphing affects the structure or lack of structure , in your assignment .Spelling , punctuation and grammar can affect the meaning of what is written. Effective written communication is an essential skill in nursing Carefully proof read work before submission Again, lack of attention to detail can affect the meaning of what is written. Effective written communication is an essential skill in nursing. Follow SHU referencing guidelines There is no shortcut to learning how to do this. You need to refer to this guide for all work Ensure your work reflects the assessment brief and module learning outcomes Review your assessment guidelines within the module site. Ensure you attend sessions that prepare you for your assessments Look at FAQs in assessment guidance
  • 10. Highlight the appropriate banding and divide marks by 4 FAIL PASS Learning Outcome 0-39% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-100% Critically analyse and apply leadership and management skills in ensuring high quality, innovative and evidence based care through effective team working. Some leadership and management skills are described at a superficial level Critical evaluation of leadership and management skills for use in the practice setting is absent or very limited The leadership and management skills are not applied to the incident There are examples of leadership and management skills for use in the practice setting but these are mostly descriptive. Some are subjected to an adequate level of critique and evaluation and are applied to the incident A good range of leadership and management skills for the practice setting are subjected to critical analysis or evaluation. The leadership and management skills are applied to the incident A comprehensive range of leadership and management skills for the practice setting are subjected to critical analysis and evaluation throughout the submission. There are comprehensive examples of leadership and management practices applied to the incident.
  • 11. An excellent range of leadership and management skills for the practice setting are subjected to thorough critical analysis and evaluation. Ideas from theory are synthesised to create insightful perspectives on the critical incident. An outstanding range of leadership and management skills for the practice setting are subjected to sustained and thorough critical analysis and evaluation. Many ideas from theory are synthesised to create unique perspectives on the critical incident Critically examine and apply the professional values required by a nurse in safeguarding (safe practice), maintaining dignity, compassion and rights of patients and staff. Some Professional values are described at a superficial level. Critical evaluation of the professional values is absent or very limited. The professional values are not applied to the incident There are examples of professional values but these are mostly descriptive. Some are subjected to an adequate level of critique and evaluation and are applied to the incident A good range of professional values required by a nurse in safeguarding (safe practice), maintaining dignity, compassion and rights of patients and staff are subjected to critical analysis or evaluation. The professional values are applied to the incident. A comprehensive range of professional values required by a nurse in safeguarding (safe practice), maintaining dignity, compassion and rights of patients and staff are subjected to critical analysis and evaluation throughout the submission. There are comprehensive examples of professional values applied to the incident. An excellent range of professional values required by a nurse in safeguarding (safe practice), maintaining dignity, compassion and rights of patients and staff are subjected to thorough critical analysis and evaluation.
  • 12. Ideas from theory are synthesised to create insightful perspectives on the critical incident. An outstanding range of professional values required by a nurse in safeguarding (safe practice), maintaining dignity, compassion and rights of patients and staff are subjected to sustained and thorough critical analysis and evaluation. Many ideas from theory are synthesised to create unique perspectives on the critical incident. Evaluate the application of psychological concepts and communication theory as applied to therapeutic skills when leading relationship centred car Some aspects of psychological concepts and communication theory are described at a superficial level. Critical evaluation of the psychological concepts and communication theory is absent or very limited. Psychological concepts and communication theory are not applied to the incident There are examples of psychological concepts and communication theory but these are mostly descriptive. Some are subjected to an adequate level of critique and evaluation and are applied to the incident. A good range of psychological concepts and communication theories are subjected to critical analysis or evaluation. Psychological concepts and communication theory are applied to the incident. A comprehensive range of psychological concepts and communication theories are subjected to critical analysis and evaluation throughout the submission. There are comprehensive examples of psychological concepts and communication theory applied to the incident. An excellent range of psychological concepts and communication theories are subjected to thorough critical analysis and evaluation. Ideas from theory are synthesised to create insightful perspectives on the critical incident. An outstanding range of psychological concepts and
  • 13. communication theories are subjected to sustained and thorough critical analysis and evaluation. Many ideas from theory are synthesised to create unique perspectives on the critical incident. Achieves an appropriate standard of writing, presentation and referencing The academic standard is poor. Problems may include: Lack of consistent structure, unclear language in many places, limited or inaccurately applied supporting literature, the SHU APA6th standards for citation and referencing are applied inaccurately or inconsistently. Many errors of spelling, grammar and punctuation. The academic standard is acceptable. The essay demonstrates some structure. and use of language is adequate. Literature is used to support some of the ideas in the submission. The SHU APA6th standards for citation and referencing are applied to an adequate standard but there are some errors or omissions. There are some errors of spelling, grammar and punctuation. The academic standard is good. The essay is clear and well structured. Use of language is clear in all aspects of the submission. There is good use of supporting literature to support the ideas in the submission. The SHU APA6th standards for citation and referencing are applied to a mostly accurate standard. There are a few errors of spelling, grammar and punctuation. The academic standard is comprehensive, with a clear, logical and structured approach. Use of language is articulate in most aspects of the submission, supported by a broad review of supporting literature and accurate use of the SHU APA6th standards for citation and referencing. There are very few errors of spelling, grammar and punctuation. The academic standard is excellent, with a clear, logical and structured approach. Use of language is precise and articulate in most aspects of the submission, supported by a broad review of supporting literature and accurate use of the SHU APA6th standards for citation and referencing. Spelling, grammar and
  • 14. punctuation are of a good standard throughout. The academic standard is outstanding, with a clear, logical and structured approach. Precise and articulate use of language, supported by an extensive review of the literature and the SHU APA6th standards for citation and referencing are used to an excellent standard. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are of a very high standard throughout. Please note: there will be a 10% reduction in the mark if the work is more than 10% in excess of the specified word limit Students action plan based on feedback Faculty of Health and Wellbeing Assignment Feedback Sheet
  • 15. Markers Feedback : add 6 bullet points which identify specific strengths and areas for improvement, including feedforward information in the boxes below Learning outcome 1. Critically analyse and apply leadership and management skills in ensuring high quality, innovati ve and evidence based care through effective team working Learning outcome 2. Critically examine and apply the professional values required by a nurse in safeguarding (safe practice) , maintaining dignity, compassion and rights of patients and staff. Learning outcome 3
  • 16. . Evaluate the application of psychological concepts and communication theory as applied to therapeutic skills when leading relationship centred care. Learning outcome 4. Demonstrate an acceptable standard of academic presentation including the use of a structured approach, clear language, accurate use of the APA 6 th SHU referencing system and accurate use of spelling and grammar Student Name: Student Number: Mark Awarded: (Subject to ratification by the assessment board)
  • 17. Programme: BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies Level 6 Module Title: Leadership & Management for Excellence in Relationship Centred Care Science & Practice Assessment: 2,500 word Written Assignment Please delete as appropriate FIRST ATTEMPT/ REFER ATTEMPT Please delete as appropriate Field of practice : ADULT
  • 18. MENTAL HEALTH CHILD Turn it in checked : Yes/No Marker: Faculty of Health and Wellbeing Assignment Feedback Sheet Markers Feedback: add 6 bullet points which identify specific strengths and areas for improvement, including feedforward information in the boxes below Learning outcome 1. Critically analyse and apply leadership and management skills in ensuring high quality, innovative and evidence based care through effective team working Learning outcome 2. Critically examine and apply the professional values required by a nurse in safeguarding (safe practice), maintaining dignity, compassion and rights of patients and staff. Learning outcome 3. Evaluate the application of psychological concepts and communication theory as applied to therapeutic
  • 19. skills when leading relationship centred care. Learning outcome 4. Demonstrate an acceptable standard of academic presentation including the use of a structured approach, clear language, accurate use of the APA 6 th SHU referencing system and accurate use of spelling and grammar Student Name: Student Number: Mark Awarded: (Subject to ratification by the assessment board) Programme: BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies Level 6 Module Title: Leadership & Management for Excellence in Relationship Centred Care Science & Practice Assessment: 2,500 word Written Assignment Please delete as appropriate FIRST ATTEMPT/ REFER ATTEMPT Please delete as appropriate Field of practice: ADULT MENTAL HEALTH CHILD Turn it in checked: Yes/No Marker:
  • 20. ASSESSMENT BRIEF Course: BSc Nursing (Adult, Mental Health, Child fields) LEVEL 6 Module: Leadership & Management for Excellence in Relationship Centred Care Science and Practice.Task 1: Critical Evaluation of the Management of an Incident or Set of Events in practice Learning Outcomes: 1. Critically analyse and apply leadership and management skills in ensuring high quality, innovative and evidence based care through effective team working. 1. Critically examine and apply the professional values required by a nurse in safeguarding, maintaining dignity, compassion and rights of patients and staff. 1. Evaluate the application of psychological and communication science as applied to therapeutic skills when leading relationship centred care. 1. Demonstrate an acceptable standard of academic presentation including the use of a structured approach, clear language, accurate use of the APA 6th SHU referencing system and accurate use of spelling and grammar (For grading purposes the four Learning Outcomes are equally weighted) What we want you to do 1. Write a criticalevaluation of the management of an incident or set of events in practice. It should focus on relationships and use psychological and communication theories as well as critiquing specific leadership skills relevant to the incident. The word length for this assignment is 2,500 words. The incident/set of events MUST be described in an appendix with key elements outlined in your introduction.
  • 21. Why we want you to do it 1. The aim of this module is to develop your ability to lead and manage care, utilising psychological concepts and communication models to ensure high quality service provision for people of all ages. It includes those with complex needs in all fields of practice within primary, secondary and tertiary care settings. 1. In completing the assessment you should draw on the knowledge and skills of psychological and communication sciences and the values and attitudes required to lead and manage care within your chosen incident or set of events Some examples of incidents which could be used: · Managing a complaint from a service-user or their family · Managing conflict within a team or service-user’s family · Supporting the autonomy of children and young people · Supporting the continuum of care with families, professionals and paid carers · Supporting a service user to take appropriate risks balanced with the duty of care to provide or impose a safe environment · Prioritising, negotiating and delegating care activities among team members · Acting as a role model for service users or team members · Working against stigma and negative attitudes · Advocating for a service user who is vulnerable · Raising awareness of risks to patient safety · Working as a team to manage a medical emergency · Depriving a service user of their liberty or detaining them under the Mental Health Acts 1983/2007 You may be describing your direct or indirect involvement, or your observation and evaluation of a situation. Content guidance Subjects students must include in their assignment · Knowledge: You will need to identify specific psychological
  • 22. and communication theories or concepts and critique how these were used in the incident. You will also need to identify and critique the leadership skills used and what is meant by 'management' and 'leadership' in the context of your incident. Reading theory and evidence based literature on these subjects will be one of the key activities in your preparation of this assessment. · Skills: Communication, self-awareness and the application of other psychological concepts are essential skills for good leadership and teamwork. You should evaluate the application of relevant psychological and communication theories when leading relationship centred care. The theory that the work considers will be led by the incident/set of events selected. · Values & attitudes: Our attitudes toward other people are often strongly connected to the things that we value in life. The values that are important to the NHS have been made clear in its constitution (Department of Health for England 2015) and these are highlighted in the values identified by individual tr usts. The things that the government values in its nursing workforce (The 6 Cs) are written in Compassion in Practice (NHS Commissioning Board 2012). The literature that informs these ideas should be used in your critical evaluation Reflective learning While this assignment doesn’t require you to use a reflective model, you can do so if it helps you to structure your work. Plagiarism Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own or copying from your own work previously submitted for another assignment. It is regarded as a form of cheating or 'academic misconduct' and is likely to result in action under the University's Disciplinary procedures. You must ensure that you acknowledge the ideas and work of others by proper referencing when submitting coursework. Examples of plagiarism · The inclusion in your essay of a sentence or phrase (or more)
  • 23. from another person's work without the use of quotation marks and referencing the sources · The paraphrasing of another person's work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation, without referencing the source · The substantial and unauthorized use of ideas of another person without referencing the source. · Copying material of your own which you have already submitted as part of a previous assignment. This is called self- plagiarism. self-plagiarism or duplication: copying work that was originally completed and submitted by the student and resubmitted for another purpose. Study skills support includes:- Getting ready for Academic study Finding information Reading and Evaluating Academic writing Referencing Improving your maths Managing your time Group work and presenting Preparing for exams Please go to. Student Wellbeing Wellbeing group sessions - wellbeing-workshops References used in this document: Department of Health (2015) The NHS Constitution: the NHS
  • 24. belongs to us all Williams Lea National Health Service Commissioning Board (2012) Compassion in Practice (Published in electronic format only) ASSESSMENT BRIEF Course: BSc Nursing (Adult, Mental Health, Child fields) LEVEL 6 Module: Leadership & Management for Excellence in Relationship Centred Care Science and Practice. Task 1: Critical Evaluation of the Management of an Incident or Set of Events in practice Learning Outcomes: 1. Critically analyse and apply leadership and management skills in ensuring high quality, innovative and evidence based care through effective team working .
  • 25. 2. Critically examine and apply the professional values required by a nurse in safeguarding, maintaining dignity, compassion and rights of patients and staff. 3. Evaluate the application of psychological and communication science as appli ed to therapeutic skills when leading relationship centred care . 4. Demonstrate an acceptable standard of academic presentation including the use of a structured approach, clear language, accurate use of the APA 6 th SHU referencing system and accurate use of
  • 26. spelling and grammar (For grading purposes the four Learning Outcomes are equally weighted) What we want you to do · Write a critical evaluation of the management of an incident or set of events in practice. It should focus on relationships and use psychological and communication theories as well as critiquing specific leadership skills relevant to the incident. The word length for this assignment is 2,500 words. The incident/set of events MUST be described in an appendix with key elements outlined in your introduction. Why we want you to do it ·
  • 27. The aim of this module is to develop your ability to lead and manage care, utilising psychological conc epts and communication models to ensure high quality service provision for people of all ages. It includes those with complex needs in all fields of practice within primary, secondary and tertiary care settings. · In completing the assessment you should dr aw on the knowledge and skills of psychological and communication sciences and the values and attitudes required to lead and manage care within your chosen incident or set of events Some examples of incidents which could be used: ? Managing a complaint from a service - user or their family ? Managing conflict within a team or service - user’s family ?
  • 28. Supporting the autonomy of children and young people ? Supporting the continuum of care with families, professionals and paid carers ASSESSMENT BRIEF Course: BSc Nursing (Adult, Mental Health, Child fields) LEVEL 6 Module: Leadership & Management for Excellence in Relationship Centred Care Science and Practice. Task 1: Critical Evaluation of the Management of an Incident or Set of Events in practice Learning Outcomes: 1. Critically analyse and apply leadership and management skills in ensuring high quality, innovative and evidence based care through effective team working. 2. Critically examine and apply the professional values required by a nurse in safeguarding, maintaining dignity, compassion and rights of patients and staff. 3. Evaluate the application of psychological and communication science as applied to therapeutic skills when leading relationship centred care. 4. Demonstrate an acceptable standard of academic presentation including the use of a structured approach, clear language, accurate use of the
  • 29. APA 6 th SHU referencing system and accurate use of spelling and grammar (For grading purposes the four Learning Outcomes are equally weighted) What we want you to do or set of events in practice. It should focus on relationships and use psychological and communication theories as well as critiquing specific leadership skills relevant to the incident. The word length for this assignment is 2,500 words. The incident/set of events MUST be described in an appendix with key elements outlined in your introduction. Why we want you to do it r ability to lead and manage care, utilising psychological concepts and communication models to ensure high quality service provision for people of all ages. It includes those with complex needs in all fields of practice within primary, secondary and tertiary care settings. knowledge and skills of psychological and communication sciences and the values and attitudes
  • 30. required to lead and manage care within your chosen incident or set of events Some examples of incidents which could be used: ? Managing a complaint from a service-user or their family ? Managing conflict within a team or service-user’s family ? Supporting the autonomy of children and young people ? Supporting the continuum of care with families, professionals and paid carers RWS 280 Spring 2020Project Three Peer Review Welcome to the final peer review of the semester! As always, please provide your classmate with feedback that is both thorough and helpful. Once you and your classmate have finished providing each other with feedback, you will upload the peer review that your classmate completed for your paper onto Blackboard on 04.17. 1. In your own words, summarize how the writer is synthesizing McNamee’s article with either Black Mirror or “Generation Like.” 2. How does the writer “hook” the reader with their opening ideas in the introduction? Can it be made stronger? 3. Does the thesis statement accurately reflect what the essay is going to analyze & evaluate? How can the thesis statement be more effective?
  • 31. 4. Go to the topic sentence of each body paragraph. Is there a clear synthesis between the two sources via either a rhetorical strategy, rhetorical appeal, or audience? a. How successful is the transition between each paragraph? 5. In the body paragraphs, does the writer thoroughly address the audiences of their sources? How does the writer connect the effectiveness of the rhetorical strategy or appeal to the audience? 6. After introducing evidence from their selected sources, does the writer effectively analyze the ideas or do they mostly summarize? a. How can the analysis be further expanded? 7. In general, does the essay read more like an analysis & evaluation than an argument? a. What paragraphs are a good example of analysis? 8. Next, look at the conclusion. Is the conclusion merely repetitive, or does it synthesize ideas, suggest new directions of thought, or give significance to the topic? 9. Pay attention to the actual writing of the essay. Do the ideas have a sense of cohesion and movement from one idea to the
  • 32. next? a. Does the writer need to use more transitions, so their writing does not read like a checklist of information? 10. Finally, note anything this workshop outline does not cover, and just as I leave you an end comment on your papers, leave a paragraph with your final thoughts about the writer’s work.