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Lesson Plan – Secondary ICT 2012- 2013


Lesson: 3                                                    Date:                           Class:

Lesson in Context:Howthis lesson fits into whole topic or module. Include issues from other earlier lessons.
               Draw and explain conclusions.
 Prior:        Review and modify ICT models to improve their accuracy and extend their scope.

               Develop ICT-based models and test predictions by changing variables and rules.

               Develop ICT-based models and test predictions by changing variables and rules.
 Next:         Review and modify ICT models to improve their accuracy and extend their scope.
Attainment Targets / APP Assessment Focus                        Programme of Study
                                                                 1 Key concepts:
Level 4:                                                         1.1aUsing a range of ICT tools in a purposeful way to
They use ICT-basedmodels and simulations to explore              tackle questions, solve
patterns and relationships, and makepredictions about the        problems and create ideas and solutions of value.
consequences of their decisions. They use ICT toorganise,        c Applying ICT learning in a range of contexts and in
store and retrieve information.                                  other areas of learning,
                                                                 work and life.
Level 5:
                                                                 1.5 critical evaluation
They explore the effects of changing the variables in an ICT-
                                                                 a Recognising that information must not be taken at face
based model.                                                     value, but
They use ICT to organise, store and retrieve information         must be analysed and evaluated to take account of its
using logicaland appropriate structures                          purpose, author,
                                                                 currency and context.
Level 6:                                                         b Reviewing and reflecting critically on what they and
They use ICT-based models to make predictions and vary           others produce
the rules within the models. They assess the validity of these   using ICT.
models by comparing their behaviour with information from
other sources.                                                   2 Key processes:
                                                                 2.1 finding information
Level 7:                                                         a consider systematically the information needed to solve
. They design ICT-based models and procedures with               a problem,
variables to meet particular needs.                              complete a task or answer a question, and explore how it
They consider the benefits and limitations of ICT tools and      will be used
information sources and of the results they produce, and         b use and refine search methods to obtain information
they use these results to inform future judgements about the     that is well matched
quality of their work.                                           to purpose, by selecting appropriate sources
                                                                 c collect and enter quantitative and qualitative
                                                                 information, checking
                                                                 its accuracy.

                                                                 2.2 developing ideas
                                                                 c test predictions and discover patterns and
                                                                 relationships, exploring,
                                                                 evaluating and developing models by changing their
                                                                 rules and values

                                                                 2.4 Evaluating
                                                                 a review, modify and evaluate work as it progresses,
                                                                 reflecting critically
                                                                 and using feedback
                                                                 b reflect on their own and others’ uses of ICT to help
                                                                 them develop and
                                                                 improve their ideas and the quality of their work
                                                                 c reflect on what they have learnt and use these insights
                                                                 to improve
                                                                 future work.

                                                                 3 Range and content
                                                                 c use and review of the effectiveness of different ICT
                                                                 tools, including a
                                                                 range of software applications, in terms of meeting user
                                                                 needs and
                                                                 solving problems.

                                                                 4 Curriculum opportunities
                                                                 a make choices about when and where it is appropriate
                                                                 to exploit
                                                                 technology to support them in their learning and
                                                                 everyday life
                                                                 b work creatively and collaboratively
Learning objectives (WALT)
Learning Outcomes/Success Criteria (WILF) – How will students evaluate their learning and know how to improve?

All students will be able to develop ICT-based models and test predictions by changing   variables and

Most Students will be able to develop ICT-based models and test predictions by changing variables and rules
and be able to say why there prediction was right or wrong

Some Students will be able to develop ICT-based models and test predictions by changing variables and
rules and be able to say why there prediction was right or wrong and elaborate on how they could adapt it to
make it better.

TIBS: To be able to use graphs to model with spread sheets and understand the concepts of the
spread sheets.

Potential Errors and Misconceptions

Possible misconceptions could be that by changing some variables could change certain things
however, students may get confused as they may misunderstand what has happened when and

Functional Skills

Literacy                              Numeracy                               ICT

PLTS Opportunity                      IE           RL           CT           TW          SM           EP
SEAL Opportunity                       SA             MF                 M           E              SS
ECM Opportunity                       S      H       E      E        P
SMSC Opportunity
Strategies for Differentiation (highlight if used)      Resources (highlight if used)

Task      Response/recording        Resources           Photocopy sheets        text    flashcards     video

Support     Outcome      Grouping       Pairing         DVD     ICT        poster worksheet(s)

Screencasts     Audio                                   control software learning mat(s)      presentation

Other (state):Questioning                               Other (state):internet access

SEN: Special equipment           will   be   required
dependent on the student.

EAL: There could be a translator there if possible
or additional key work sheets to help them

G&T: they could help other students or get given
more challenging work.

Literacy/Numeracy/other Links                           Assessment Strategies to Enhance Learning

Literacy:                                               Formative
                                                        Self Assessment      Peer Assessment         Questioning
                                                        Verbal Feedback           Learning Objectives shared
                                                        Written Feedback          Learning Outcomes shared

                                                        Questions to be used:

                                                            -   What went well and why? if not why did it not
                                                                go well

                                                            -   Did you manage to transfer your picture to
                                                                your power point?


Classroom Organisation                                  Use of Support Staff

Orderly entrance – meet & greet at door                 There can be teaching assistants, they could work with
                                                        a variety of pupils or they could work with a specific
All pupils sit according to seating plan                group, dependent on the class.

During teacher focus – monitors are switched off
&students face teacher / use of control software to
restrict student access to workstations

Orderly dismissal
Extension Work   Homework/Home Learning
                 How will today’s learning be further developed?

                 Tell the pupils that decisions are often made by taking into
                 account a wide range
                 of variables. The model being used in these lessons has only
                 used the tariff for mobile phones as a variable. Ask pupils to
                 list other variables that they would wish
                 to take into account when buying their own mobile phone and
                 selecting a service provider.

                 You may wish to give particular pupils some
                 prompts, such as design, weight, coverage
ICT Lesson Outline
Name:   Emma Wear                                                                 Class:       7E             Date:        03/10/12

Time                                       Learning and Teaching Activities
                                                   Identify different phases of the learning

         Learning Activity& Organisation                   PLTS/                 Teaching
         Students will – Learning activities and           SEAL/The              Teaching Strategies: (e.g. questioning,
         organisation. How will students show progress?                          explaining, demonstrating, modelling, etc., Methods
         (Type and content of student tasks and how they   children will be      to assess learning e.g. questioning, listening, reading,
         will be organised and differentiated)             working in            observing, etc., AOTT: support)

                              Welcome and Greet! - Check uniform as students enter classroom.

        Bell Activity (optional)
        Load 8.4T3a Graph starter.ppt on to the large display. This asks pupils to examine a set of graphs
        comparing monthly tariffs for mobile phones. As pupils enter the room, ask them to start the
Starter Activity

Learning Activity& Organisation                   PLTS/   Teaching
Discuss findings from bell activity               ECM/    After 2 to 3 minutes, gather responses in
                                                  SMSC    preparation for later activities. Extend
Pupils will be consider the limitations of the            pupils by asking them
model and the graph in making comparisons.                to think about how easy it is to read
Gathering responses, which may include these              information from the graph.
The graph only shows costs for a selected                 Show the second slide (containing the
number of calls.                                          spreadsheet from lesson 2). Ask pupils to
                                                          think about how they used the table in the
The table is difficult to read to make                    model in the last lesson, to decide which
~comparisons.                                             tariff was the best value and to consider
The variables in the model can be changed to              which is the easier way to make the
show different numbers of calls but                       comparison
comparison is difficult.                                  Ask one or two pupils to share their homework
                                                          responses with the class. Use these to review
When shown the next slide allow the                        the correct responses to question 11 from
students to find out:                                     8.4P2c Phone worksheet.doc.
I use 200 minutes’ worth of calls a month. How
much will this cost?                                      Show the third slide (containing a line
                                                          graph), displaying only the Talk 15 tariff.
I have a budget of £40 a month. How many
minutes can I buy?                                        Tell pupils that this graph models the mobile
                                                          phone tariffs in a way that makes it easier to make
Add the next two lines to the chart. Prompt pupils        comparisons. Tell pupils that in this lesson they
to think about using this chart to make                   will construct their own graph, similar to this one,
comparisons, by asking these questions.                   so that they can compare tariffs. Refer them to the
Which tariff is the cheapest if I use 500 minutes’        displayed objectives for the lesson.
worth of calls a month?
Which is the best value if I can afford £20 per
month for my phone?
Main Activity 1
Learning Activity& Organisation               PLTS/   Teaching
                                              SEAL/   Remind them about the spreadsheet they used
The students will be doling the tasks which   ECM/    before and how they used it to model the possible
the teacher instructs them to do at the       SMSC    finances of the school fete. Display the school fete
time.                                                 model 8.4P3b School fete formulae.xls on the
                                                      large display screen

                                                       Click on cell D4 and ask the pupils to remind you of the formula that was in
                                                      the cell and what it calculated. Enter the formula (the best way of doing this
                                                        as a demonstration is to click on the cell D4, then type =, click on cell B4,
                                                             type *, click on C4, type *, click on D1 – this shows logically and
                                                                          mathematically that cell D4 =B4*C4*D1).

                                                      Click on cell D5 and ask them what is wrong
                                                      with the formula there.
                                                      You may also click on other cells in the
                                                       column to reinforce the point. Ask the pupils what has
                                                      Tell the pupils that the software has changed
                                                       the formula to reflect the relative positions
                                                      of the cells. The contents of the cell change according
                                                      to their column
                                                      and row position. Tell them that this works
                                                       for the cells in columns B and C but not for
                                                       the cell which holds the number of people attending the
                                                      fete (cell D1), because we
                                                      always want the formula to refer to the number of
                                                      people attending.
                                                      Explain that the software has tried to be
                                                       helpful and predict what the user requires but, in
                                                      this case, it has been too clever. Tell the pupils that
                                                       they need to tell the software that the cell
                                                      D1 is not relative to the positions of the other
                                                      cells in the formula but is always in the same,
                                                      absolute, position. Pupils may find it useful to
                                                      remember the sentence, ‘If you absolutely
                                                      want cell D1 then you need to make sure it’s an
                                                      absolute reference.’
                                                      Remind pupils that the way to specify that the
                                                       cell is an absolute (unchanging) reference is
                                                       to put a $ sign in front of the column and row labels
                                                      ($D$1). Explain that this does not
                                                      indicate a currency but is simply a character
                                                      used to give an instruction to the software.
                                                       If the pupils have studied sample teaching unit 7.4
                                                      they will have met this before.
                                                      Move the edit cursor to D1 on the formula edit
                                                      bar. Click to make sure it stays there. Now
                                                      press <F4> once. This changes the formula in
                                                       cell D4 to =B4*C4*$D$1. Then use the copy
                                                       handle to copy the formula down the cells to
                                                      D12, as before.
                                                      The calculations will now be correct. By clicking on
                                                       any of the cells from D4 to D12 it will be possible
                                                      to see that each cell now refers to the absolute
                                                      position of $D$1 but to relative positions for the
                                                      cells in columns B and C.
Mini Plenary
Main Activity 2
Learning Activity& Organisation                 PLTS/   Teaching
Get the students to discuss the topics when     ECM/    Load 8.4P3c Mobyphone 2 extended
the teacher instructs them.                     SMSC    model.xls from the shared area and display it
                                                        on the large screen.
Identify any pupils or small groups having
difficulty with creating a comparative line graph       Ask pupils to think about the model structure.
in question 3. Help these pupils to:                    Explain that you need to structure the model
select minute headings;                                 in this way to be able to create a graph. Ask
                                                        pupils to say what will need to go into cell
select an appropriate line graph;                       F11. Ask them to describe it in words and
select appropriate rows or columns;                     then as a formula. Demonstrate how to do
                                                        this on the screen
remove gridlines for easier viewing;
                                                        Before using the Fill Down function, ask
add a suitable title and labels for axes                pupils to think about what will happen. Use
                                                        the fill handle to replicate the formula into
                                                        cells F12 to F16. Discuss the results with the
                                                        pupils and ask for suggestions for creating
                                                        correct formulae. If necessary, move the
                                                        discussion to the use of absolute cell
                                                        references. Demonstrate how to do this. A
                                                        comment has been inserted into cells F11
                                                        and G11 as a reminder of your discussion
                                                        with the pupils
                                                        Distribute 8.4P3d Phone worksheet 2.doc and tell
                                                        pupils to load 8.4P3b Mobyphone 2 extended
                                                        model.xls from the shared area. Ask pupils to
                                                        complete the tasks on the worksheet. Circulate as
                                                        pupils work, helping them and using 8.4T3e
                                                        Mobyphone 2 Extended model answers.xls to
                                                        check their progress.

                                                        As a mini plenary sk selected pupils to describe
                                                        to the whole group what they did in activity 2 and
                                                        what they found out. If necessary, group pupils
                                                        who have had difficulty with activity 2 in such a
                                                        way that you, or pupils who have made good
                                                        progress, can help them to complete the

Learning Activity& Organisation               PLTS/     Teaching
                                              ECM       Show 8.4T3f Plenary.ppt on the large display and
                                                        give pupils 2 minutes to discuss, in pairs,
The students will be giving feedback                    which three statements they consider to be
identifying which three features they feel               the top three benefits of using ICT to produce
are most useful and discuss why.                        charts, rating them 1, 2 and 3.

                     Students stand behind chairs - Orderly dismissal of students

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Lesson plan

  • 1. Lesson Plan – Secondary ICT 2012- 2013 Name Lesson: 3 Date: Class: Lesson in Context:Howthis lesson fits into whole topic or module. Include issues from other earlier lessons. Draw and explain conclusions. Prior: Review and modify ICT models to improve their accuracy and extend their scope. Develop ICT-based models and test predictions by changing variables and rules. Present: Develop ICT-based models and test predictions by changing variables and rules. Next: Review and modify ICT models to improve their accuracy and extend their scope.
  • 2. Attainment Targets / APP Assessment Focus Programme of Study 1 Key concepts: Level 4: 1.1aUsing a range of ICT tools in a purposeful way to They use ICT-basedmodels and simulations to explore tackle questions, solve patterns and relationships, and makepredictions about the problems and create ideas and solutions of value. consequences of their decisions. They use ICT toorganise, c Applying ICT learning in a range of contexts and in store and retrieve information. other areas of learning, work and life. Level 5: 1.5 critical evaluation They explore the effects of changing the variables in an ICT- a Recognising that information must not be taken at face based model. value, but They use ICT to organise, store and retrieve information must be analysed and evaluated to take account of its using logicaland appropriate structures purpose, author, currency and context. Level 6: b Reviewing and reflecting critically on what they and They use ICT-based models to make predictions and vary others produce the rules within the models. They assess the validity of these using ICT. models by comparing their behaviour with information from other sources. 2 Key processes: 2.1 finding information Level 7: a consider systematically the information needed to solve . They design ICT-based models and procedures with a problem, variables to meet particular needs. complete a task or answer a question, and explore how it They consider the benefits and limitations of ICT tools and will be used information sources and of the results they produce, and b use and refine search methods to obtain information they use these results to inform future judgements about the that is well matched quality of their work. to purpose, by selecting appropriate sources c collect and enter quantitative and qualitative information, checking its accuracy. 2.2 developing ideas c test predictions and discover patterns and relationships, exploring, evaluating and developing models by changing their rules and values 2.4 Evaluating a review, modify and evaluate work as it progresses, reflecting critically and using feedback b reflect on their own and others’ uses of ICT to help them develop and improve their ideas and the quality of their work c reflect on what they have learnt and use these insights to improve future work. 3 Range and content c use and review of the effectiveness of different ICT tools, including a range of software applications, in terms of meeting user needs and solving problems. 4 Curriculum opportunities a make choices about when and where it is appropriate to exploit technology to support them in their learning and everyday life b work creatively and collaboratively
  • 3. Learning objectives (WALT) - Learning Outcomes/Success Criteria (WILF) – How will students evaluate their learning and know how to improve? All students will be able to develop ICT-based models and test predictions by changing variables and rules. Most Students will be able to develop ICT-based models and test predictions by changing variables and rules and be able to say why there prediction was right or wrong Some Students will be able to develop ICT-based models and test predictions by changing variables and rules and be able to say why there prediction was right or wrong and elaborate on how they could adapt it to make it better. TIBS: To be able to use graphs to model with spread sheets and understand the concepts of the spread sheets. Potential Errors and Misconceptions Possible misconceptions could be that by changing some variables could change certain things however, students may get confused as they may misunderstand what has happened when and why. Functional Skills Literacy Numeracy ICT PLTS Opportunity IE RL CT TW SM EP SEAL Opportunity SA MF M E SS ECM Opportunity S H E E P SMSC Opportunity
  • 4. Strategies for Differentiation (highlight if used) Resources (highlight if used) Task Response/recording Resources Photocopy sheets text flashcards video Support Outcome Grouping Pairing DVD ICT poster worksheet(s) Screencasts Audio control software learning mat(s) presentation Other (state):Questioning Other (state):internet access Differentiation: SEN: Special equipment will be required dependent on the student. EAL: There could be a translator there if possible or additional key work sheets to help them G&T: they could help other students or get given more challenging work. Literacy/Numeracy/other Links Assessment Strategies to Enhance Learning Literacy: Formative Self Assessment Peer Assessment Questioning Numeracy: Verbal Feedback Learning Objectives shared Citizenship: Written Feedback Learning Outcomes shared Questions to be used: - What went well and why? if not why did it not go well - Did you manage to transfer your picture to your power point? - Classroom Organisation Use of Support Staff Orderly entrance – meet & greet at door There can be teaching assistants, they could work with a variety of pupils or they could work with a specific All pupils sit according to seating plan group, dependent on the class. During teacher focus – monitors are switched off &students face teacher / use of control software to restrict student access to workstations Orderly dismissal
  • 5. Extension Work Homework/Home Learning How will today’s learning be further developed? Tell the pupils that decisions are often made by taking into account a wide range of variables. The model being used in these lessons has only used the tariff for mobile phones as a variable. Ask pupils to list other variables that they would wish to take into account when buying their own mobile phone and selecting a service provider. You may wish to give particular pupils some prompts, such as design, weight, coverage
  • 6. ICT Lesson Outline Name: Emma Wear Class: 7E Date: 03/10/12 Time Learning and Teaching Activities Identify different phases of the learning Learning Activity& Organisation PLTS/ Teaching Students will – Learning activities and SEAL/The Teaching Strategies: (e.g. questioning, organisation. How will students show progress? explaining, demonstrating, modelling, etc., Methods (Type and content of student tasks and how they children will be to assess learning e.g. questioning, listening, reading, will be organised and differentiated) working in observing, etc., AOTT: support) pairs ECM/ SMSC Record opportunities Welcome and Greet! - Check uniform as students enter classroom. Bell Activity (optional) Load 8.4T3a Graph starter.ppt on to the large display. This asks pupils to examine a set of graphs comparing monthly tariffs for mobile phones. As pupils enter the room, ask them to start the activity.
  • 7. Starter Activity Learning Activity& Organisation PLTS/ Teaching SEAL/ Discuss findings from bell activity ECM/ After 2 to 3 minutes, gather responses in SMSC preparation for later activities. Extend Pupils will be consider the limitations of the pupils by asking them model and the graph in making comparisons. to think about how easy it is to read Gathering responses, which may include these information from the graph. points: The graph only shows costs for a selected Show the second slide (containing the number of calls. spreadsheet from lesson 2). Ask pupils to think about how they used the table in the The table is difficult to read to make model in the last lesson, to decide which ~comparisons. tariff was the best value and to consider The variables in the model can be changed to which is the easier way to make the show different numbers of calls but comparison comparison is difficult. Ask one or two pupils to share their homework responses with the class. Use these to review When shown the next slide allow the the correct responses to question 11 from students to find out: 8.4P2c Phone worksheet.doc. I use 200 minutes’ worth of calls a month. How much will this cost? Show the third slide (containing a line graph), displaying only the Talk 15 tariff. I have a budget of £40 a month. How many minutes can I buy? Tell pupils that this graph models the mobile phone tariffs in a way that makes it easier to make Add the next two lines to the chart. Prompt pupils comparisons. Tell pupils that in this lesson they to think about using this chart to make will construct their own graph, similar to this one, comparisons, by asking these questions. so that they can compare tariffs. Refer them to the Which tariff is the cheapest if I use 500 minutes’ displayed objectives for the lesson. worth of calls a month? Which is the best value if I can afford £20 per month for my phone?
  • 8. Main Activity 1 Learning Activity& Organisation PLTS/ Teaching SEAL/ Remind them about the spreadsheet they used The students will be doling the tasks which ECM/ before and how they used it to model the possible the teacher instructs them to do at the SMSC finances of the school fete. Display the school fete time. model 8.4P3b School fete formulae.xls on the large display screen Click on cell D4 and ask the pupils to remind you of the formula that was in the cell and what it calculated. Enter the formula (the best way of doing this as a demonstration is to click on the cell D4, then type =, click on cell B4, type *, click on C4, type *, click on D1 – this shows logically and mathematically that cell D4 =B4*C4*D1). Click on cell D5 and ask them what is wrong with the formula there. You may also click on other cells in the column to reinforce the point. Ask the pupils what has happened. Tell the pupils that the software has changed the formula to reflect the relative positions of the cells. The contents of the cell change according to their column and row position. Tell them that this works for the cells in columns B and C but not for the cell which holds the number of people attending the fete (cell D1), because we always want the formula to refer to the number of people attending. Explain that the software has tried to be helpful and predict what the user requires but, in this case, it has been too clever. Tell the pupils that they need to tell the software that the cell D1 is not relative to the positions of the other cells in the formula but is always in the same, absolute, position. Pupils may find it useful to remember the sentence, ‘If you absolutely want cell D1 then you need to make sure it’s an absolute reference.’ Remind pupils that the way to specify that the cell is an absolute (unchanging) reference is to put a $ sign in front of the column and row labels ($D$1). Explain that this does not indicate a currency but is simply a character used to give an instruction to the software. If the pupils have studied sample teaching unit 7.4 they will have met this before. Move the edit cursor to D1 on the formula edit bar. Click to make sure it stays there. Now press <F4> once. This changes the formula in cell D4 to =B4*C4*$D$1. Then use the copy handle to copy the formula down the cells to D12, as before. The calculations will now be correct. By clicking on any of the cells from D4 to D12 it will be possible to see that each cell now refers to the absolute position of $D$1 but to relative positions for the cells in columns B and C.
  • 10. Main Activity 2 Learning Activity& Organisation PLTS/ Teaching SEAL/ Get the students to discuss the topics when ECM/ Load 8.4P3c Mobyphone 2 extended the teacher instructs them. SMSC model.xls from the shared area and display it on the large screen. Identify any pupils or small groups having difficulty with creating a comparative line graph Ask pupils to think about the model structure. in question 3. Help these pupils to: Explain that you need to structure the model select minute headings; in this way to be able to create a graph. Ask pupils to say what will need to go into cell select an appropriate line graph; F11. Ask them to describe it in words and select appropriate rows or columns; then as a formula. Demonstrate how to do this on the screen remove gridlines for easier viewing; Before using the Fill Down function, ask add a suitable title and labels for axes pupils to think about what will happen. Use the fill handle to replicate the formula into cells F12 to F16. Discuss the results with the pupils and ask for suggestions for creating correct formulae. If necessary, move the discussion to the use of absolute cell references. Demonstrate how to do this. A comment has been inserted into cells F11 and G11 as a reminder of your discussion with the pupils Distribute 8.4P3d Phone worksheet 2.doc and tell pupils to load 8.4P3b Mobyphone 2 extended model.xls from the shared area. Ask pupils to complete the tasks on the worksheet. Circulate as pupils work, helping them and using 8.4T3e Mobyphone 2 Extended model answers.xls to check their progress. . As a mini plenary sk selected pupils to describe to the whole group what they did in activity 2 and what they found out. If necessary, group pupils who have had difficulty with activity 2 in such a way that you, or pupils who have made good progress, can help them to complete the worksheet.
  • 11. Plenary Learning Activity& Organisation PLTS/ Teaching SEAL/ ECM Show 8.4T3f Plenary.ppt on the large display and give pupils 2 minutes to discuss, in pairs, The students will be giving feedback which three statements they consider to be identifying which three features they feel the top three benefits of using ICT to produce are most useful and discuss why. charts, rating them 1, 2 and 3. Students stand behind chairs - Orderly dismissal of students