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Lesson 8
A Wonderful Tour on the Menu
Strange Foods from Around the
• People would eat the most
disgusting things, depending
on their cultural background
and love of unique
experiences. Such food - and
things made from food -
cause us to stop in the tracks
and think twice before
bringing it to our mouths.
• Pig brain –In China
Other strange food
• Strange Foods in
Western China-in a
mountainous region –
about 150 kilometers
outside of Chengdu.
• Cow stomach is
another popular
malatang ingredient.
Chinese weird food
• See this big spoonful?
This soup consists of
cow stomach, pig
brain, turtle eggs and
other delightful pices
of who'knows'what.
The most expensive coffee
in the world
• Coffee with a price tag of
$225-1200/Kg civet coffee
certainly deserves the title
of “the world’s most
expensive cuppa”. Civet
coffee or Kopi Luwak as it’s
called Indonesia starts life
as any other coffee bean
would, as an ordinary
coffee berry.
The Fact: The most expensive coffee
in the world comes from civet poop
• The coffee made from these
beans has been described as
having aromas of “fermented
plum and dark chocolate with
• Unfortunately, only 500 kg of
this unique blend are
produced each year, so you
won’t be finding it in you local
supermarket any time soon!
The Fact: The largest food item on
a menu is roast camel
• The camel is stuffed
with a sheep’s carcass,
which is stuffed with
chickens, which are
stuffed with fish,
which are stuffed with
eggs. This feast is
sometimes featured in
Bedouin weddings.
• One of the most famous
dishes in French cuisine is
escargot, a preparation of
snails that can be served
with a variety of sauce.
• The most common
preparation is boiling or
steaming. Diners use tongs
to extract the flesh from the
shell, and then dip the snail
into the sauce provided.
Bizarre Foods in Japan
• Frog Sashimi
So you think you're bold enough
to feast on any foreign food. But
can you stomach swallowing a
living - and moving - animal
• Order the frog sashimi and the
chef will cut open the frog in
front of you and hand you its
still -beating heart between a
pair of chopsticks. Then the chef
will slice and dice the frog into a
plate of raw-frog sashimi while
you take a bite of the warm,
pumping heart.
Scots, who dare to wear kilts are
also brave enough to feast upon
one of the most famous
traditional Scottish foods - haggis.
To make haggis, first chop up the
liver, heart and lungs of a sheep
and mix them with diced onion,
spices and oatmeal. Then pack the
mixture in a sheep's stomach,
tightly secure the ends and boil it
for a few hours.
• Despite being an object of
culinary fascination
around the world, balut --
a popular Filipino food --
is no beauty queen.
• The 18-day-old fertilized
duck egg has revolted
even the most daring
foodies with its carnal
textures, earning it lofty
rankings on many a "most
ing food" list.
roasted rat
Mangrove Worms
Iguana Curry
Cockroaches , scorpions and
bee larvae
Freakish black scorpions at
x 7
+37 59
1. tour (n.) [C] a trip for people to visit different
places for pleasure  旅遊;觀光 ; 巡迴表演 / 比
The one-day tour of Kaohsiung will include stops
in Sizihwan and Love Riverside Park.
•tour (vt.) 旅行
It’s exciting to tour Hualien and Taitung on a
• A guided/package/walking/bus tour
有嚮導的 / 套裝的 / 徒步的 / 搭遊覽車的旅遊
• tourist (n.) 遊客
Millions of tourists visit Rome every year.
Tourist attraction. 觀光景點
• tourism (n.) 觀光業
We must ensure that tourism develops in harmony
with the environment.
2. citizen (n.) [C] a person who has the right to live in a
nation or a city  公民
Parents and teachers should teach children how to be
good citizens.
3. travel (vi.) 旅行
Amy plans to travel around the world after she turns sixty.
•travel (n.) [U] 旅行
I think travel by bus is more enjoyable than by plane.
• citizenship (n.) 公民身份
He was granted Canadian citizenship.
5. guide (n.) [C] someone who shows visitors
around a place  導遊;嚮導
You should follow a good tour guide when you
take a trip to some place you’ve never been to.
•guide (vt.) 引導
It’s nice of you to have guided me through the
hard times.
• A guide dog (n.) 導盲犬
• guidebook (n.) 指南 , 指引手冊
• guidance (n.) 指引 , 指導
6. tongue (n.) [C] 舌頭
A dog cools itself down by sticking out its tongue.
7. reflect (vt.) to show  反映
A person’s actions often reflect what he truly has in
•reflection (n.) [C] 反映
A man’s behavior is largely a reflection of his
childhood experience.
• Mother/native tongue 母語
slip of the tongue
tongue twister
hold one’s tongue
8. climate (n.) [C,U] 氣候
Hawaii has a warm and sunny climate with cool breezes.
The summer climate is very hot in Taiwan.
9. geography (n.) [U] 地理
A good tour guide must know a lot about a country’s
geography and climate.
•geographical (adj.) 地理的 (=geographic)
There are many geographical differences between Taipei
and Nantou.
10. tropical (adj.) 熱帶的
Tropical fish are usually rich in color.
•tropics (n.) (pl.) 熱帶
Mango is a typical fruit in the tropics.
11. sour (adj.) having an acid taste, just like the taste of a
lemon 酸的
Sweet and sour pork is a popular Chinese dish among
• go/turn sour 變酸 ( 壞掉 )
12. spicy (adj.) the burning hot feeling that spice causes on
the tongue  香辣的
My dad loves hot and spicy food such as Thai dishes.
•spice (vt.) 添加香料
My brother prefers coffee spiced with vanilla, but I just
like it black.
•spice (n.) [C,U] 辛香料 ; 趣味 , 刺激
Spices are very welcome in Chinese dishes.
Garlic is a kind of spice often used in Taiwanese dishes.
• spice up 給…增添趣味 ; 使…變得刺激
13. plenty (pron.) an amount that is enough or more than
enough 足夠;許多
We’ve got plenty of time. So don’t hurry.
14. roast (vt.) to cook something on fire 燒烤
On Thanksgiving Day, an American family usually roasts
a turkey and eats it with potatoes and sauce.
15. tasty (adj.) good to eat; delicious  可口的;好吃的
The food Mom prepares for us is tasty and good for
16. fat (n.) [U] something oily from animals or
plants  脂肪
Fried chicken is not good for health, because it
is very rich in fat.
• taste (n.) 味道 ; 品味 ; 喜好 (v.) 嚐起來 ; 品嚐
Tastes differ. 人各有所好
17. rotten (adj.) (of food) becoming so bad that it’s not safe
to eat 腐爛的
The smell of rotten eggs makes Jack sick.
•rot (vi.) (vt.) (rot; rotted; rotted) 腐敗;腐爛
Meat rots very quickly, so you have to put it in the
refrigerator as soon as possible.
Brush your teeth after meals, or the food left in the mouth
will rot your teeth.
18. wrinkle (vt.) (vi.) to form lines or folds on the surface of
something  使起皺紋; 起皺褶
She wrinkled up her nose at the bad smell from the
public restroom.
The dress looks nice, but it wrinkles very easily.
•wrinkle (n.) [C] 皺紋
The old lady’s face was covered with wrinkles.
19. available (adj.) being ready for use 可得到的;可取得的
A mother usually keeps tissue paper available when she
is feeding her baby.
20. unfamiliar (adj.) not recognizable or known to somebody
This name is quite unfamiliar to me. I don’t think I have
heard of it.
•familiar (adj.) 熟悉的;親近的
You will easily lose respect for a person if you are too
familiar with him or her.
21. sample (vt.) 試吃
You can sample everything for free in the store.
•sample (n.) [C] 樣品
My mom feels very happy when she gets lots of free
samples in the supermarket.
22. unusual (adj.) not ordinary; not common 罕有的 , 不尋常
It is quite unusual to have typhoons in November.
•usual (adj.) 通常的;平常的
“Did you put the key in the usual place? I can’t find it!”
As a modern citizen, you will surely want to learn
more about the world. You can do so by learning a
foreign language or traveling to the country of your
dreams for a short stay. You may also watch such
TV programs as those on the Discovery Channel.
But there is something you really can’t miss—the
various foods on the menu!
• the N. + of one’s dreams
某人夢寐以求的… ; 理想中的…
He is the boy of my dreams.
代名詞 (=the TV programs)
(do so= learn about the world )
• as (prep.) 作為 , 身為
As a teacher, my main goal is to encourage students
that they can “be anything they want to be”.
• such + N. + as …= N. + such as…
You may also watch such TV programs as those on the
Discovery Channel.
= You may also watch TV programs such as those on
the Discovery Channel.
• by + V-ing 藉由
I improved my English by reading English magazines
and newspapers.
• with + N. 藉由 , 因著
With determination and effort, I improved my English.
Yes, food! Food can be a very good tour guide. It
not only pleases your mouth and tongue but also
reflects the climate and geography of a place. Take
Thailand for example. It is a warm tropical country,
and most people there like sour and spicy food. In
the mountains, there are plenty of bugs and worms.
People there have the grasshoppers and scorpions
roasted, fried, and spiced. They also put red ant
eggs on toast and in a Thai salad. These foods may
look weird to others. To the local people, however,
they are very tasty, low in fat, and rich in protein.
(=high in)
Up north in Alaska, there are not so many bugs
but there are plenty of fish. People there leave
salmon heads and guts in the ground for weeks, and
then have them made into a tasty dish when they
become rotten. Jellied moose noses and bear stews
are also commonly seen on the tables of Eskimos.
These dishes may make other people wrinkle up
their noses. However, they show how Eskimos live
on the things that are available in a world of ice and
間接問句 ( 名詞子
句 )
• S + find/keep/leave + O + OC (N./V-ing/adj.) 這些動
He left the door open when he left last night.
We were surprised to see the little girl’s parents leave her
crying there.
Don't leave the water running while you brush your teeth.
• 間接問句 how/what/who… + S. + V.
問句: How do Eskimos live on the things that are
available in a world of ice and snow?
間接問句 ( 名詞子句 ) : how Eskimos live on the things
that are available in a world of ice and snow.
So, next time you are served unfamiliar food,
don’t wrinkle up your nose. Instead, dig in or at least
sample some of it. The unusual dishes on the menu
can be a lovely window on the world that is weird but
• (the) next time / (the) last time / (the) first time /
every time + S. + V.
The next time you’re in London, you must visit the
Big Ben. 下次你到倫敦的時候 , 一定要去參觀大笨鐘
He looked quite healthy last time I saw him.
Every time I think of you, my heart is filled with joy.
每一次我想到你的時候 , 心就被喜悅所充滿。
(=into )
… 之窗
1. People there have the grasshoppers
and scorpions roasted, fried, and
2. People there have salmon heads and
salmon guts made into a tasty dish.
3. Pamela decided to have her hair cut
after she broke up with her boyfriend.
4. My dad usually has his car washed
once a week.
I.. I. have + O + OC (p.p.)
(1) 讓某件事被(某人)做。
• Peter had his car fixed.
(2) 完成某件事情,但沒有表明動作者是誰。
• Irene had the book returned to the library.
→ 沒有表明還書者是 Irene 本人,還是 Irene 託
另外,請注意 get 也有類似的用法。
• My shoes are broken. I need to get them
主動 被動
make make + O + VR make + O + p.p.
have have + O + VR have + O + p.p.
let let + O + VR let + O + be + p.p.
get get + O + to + VR get + O + p.p.
主動 被動
That dress makes
you look beautiful.
Henry can’t make
himself understood in
have Have the manager
come at once.
Jane had the letter
let Can you let me
know about your
My grandfather unwisely
let himself be fooled by
the telephone scam.
get I can’t get the
machine to work.
I got some flowers sent
to my girlfriend’s office
on Valentine’s Day.
• I made him wash the car. 我叫他洗車。(無從選擇,
• I had him wash the car. 我請他幫忙洗車。(沒堅持對
• I let him wash the car. 我讓他洗車。(對方要求要做,
• I got him to wash the car. 我說服他洗車。(沒有堅持
Practice A
Complete the sentences using “have + O + OC
(p.p.)” and the key words given. The first one
has been done for you.
1. mother/computer/repair/last Tuesday
→My mother had her computer repaired
last Tuesday.
2. Tom/always/homework/check/before he
hands it in
3. Mary/gifts/wrap beautifully
4. teacher/the good news/post/on the website
Tom always has his homework
checked before he hands it in.
Mary had the gifts wrapped beautifully.
The teacher had the good news posted on
the website.
5. Sam/a bunch of roses/send/his wife/on her
6. Amy/usually/her dog/shampoo and
brush/the pet shop/every week
Sam had a bunch of roses sent to his wife
on her birthday.
Amy usually has her dog shampooed and
brushed in the pet shop every week.
Practice B
The following is Jack’s diary after he bought a lottery
ticket. Complete the sentences in his diary using “have
+ O + OC (p.p.).”
Dear Diary,
   I bought a lottery ticket today. I really want
to be the lottery winner. With the money I win, I
can 1
_____________________ (my old
house/sell) and buy a bigger one.
have my old house sold
I would also like to 2
_________________________(all my
clothes/send/poor people in Africa) and buy
lots of new clothes for myself. And then, I can
hire a servant. With his service, I can surely 3
_________________________ (all the
dishes/wash) after every meal and 4
_______________ (my shirts/iron) perfectly.
Most important of all, I can 5
___________________ (my dog/feed and
shampoo) every day. Do you like my idea,
have all my clothes sent
to poor people in Africa
have all the dishes washed
have my shirts ironed
have my dog fed
and shampooed
1. So, next time you are served unfamiliar food,
don’t wrinkle up your nose. Instead, dig in or
at least sample some of it.
→ So, next time you are served unfamiliar food,
instead of wrinkling up your nose, you can
dig in or at least sample some of it.
2. John didn’t complain about the food. Instead,
he ate it all up.
→ Instead of complaining about the food, John
ate it all up.
II. S + aux. V + not + V1. Instead, S + V2
→ Instead of V1-ing, S + V2
instead 和 instead of 之間互換如下:
• The basketball player didn’t practice.
Instead, he slept all afternoon.
→ Instead of practicing, the basketball
player slept all afternoon.
• The boy didn’t greet me. He ran away
quickly instead.
→ The boy ran away quickly instead of
greeting me.
其他相關用法: rather than 而不是……;而非
• Most people in the group are volunteers
rather than paid workers.
• Sam ran rather than walked to the theater.
• We decided to go to the zoo rather than
visit the museum.
Practice A
Two days later, Jack, who had bought a lottery
ticket, actually won the lottery. Read Jack’s
diary written a year later and complete the
sentences using “Instead, S + V” or “Instead of
V-ing, S + V.” The first one has been done for
Dear Diary,
   I was all wrong. The lottery ticket made me
rich, but it didn’t make my life any better at all.
Take the big house I bought for example. 1
of feeling happy living in my big house (not feel
happy living in my big house), I was so lonely.
Dear Diary,
   I was all wrong. The lottery ticket made me
rich, but it didn’t make my life any better at all.
Take the big house I bought for example. 1
of feeling happy living in my big house (not feel
happy living in my big house), I was so lonely.
I threw a lot of parties, but many people just
came and left. They didn’t really want to be my
friends. 2
(come to me just for money). After they
borrowed the money they needed, they went
away and didn’t care about me anymore. What
was worse, I became terribly fat after all those
parties and big meals in restaurants. 3
_______________________________ (not have
confidence in my appearance), I hate the way I
look now.
I threw a lot of parties, but many people just
came and left. They didn’t really want to be my
friends. 2
(come to me just for money). After they
borrowed the money they needed, they went
away and didn’t care about me anymore. What
was worse, I became terribly fat after all those
parties and big meals in restaurants. 3
_______________________________ (not have
confidence in my appearance), I hate the way I
look now.
Instead, they came to me just for money
Instead of
having confidence in my appearance
My girlfriend even laughs at me! By the way, dear
Diary, do you know what happened to my dog? I
did pay a servant to take care of it, but guess what?
The servant didn’t do a good job. 4
_______________________ (my dog’s fur/dye
purple) without asking me first. I couldn’t believe
my eyes when my dog came running up to me.
So…dear Diary, I now believe that love and
happiness cannot be bought with money. 5
_______________________ (they come from the
heart). I will cherish what I have 6
____________________________ (not want
something I don’t have).
My girlfriend even laughs at me! By the way, dear
Diary, do you know what happened to my dog? I
did pay a servant to take care of it, but guess what?
The servant didn’t do a good job. 4
_______________________ (my dog’s fur/dye
purple) without asking me first. I couldn’t believe
my eyes when my dog came running up to me.
So…dear Diary, I now believe that love and
happiness cannot be bought with money. 5
_______________________ (they come from the
heart). I will cherish what I have 6
____________________________ (not want
something I don’t have).
Instead, he had
my dog’s fur dyed purple
they come from the heart
instead of
wanting something I don’t have

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Lesson 8

  • 1. Lesson 8 A Wonderful Tour on the Menu
  • 2. Strange Foods from Around the World • People would eat the most disgusting things, depending on their cultural background and love of unique experiences. Such food - and things made from food - cause us to stop in the tracks and think twice before bringing it to our mouths. • Pig brain –In China
  • 3. Other strange food • Strange Foods in Western China-in a mountainous region – about 150 kilometers outside of Chengdu. • Cow stomach is another popular malatang ingredient.
  • 4. Chinese weird food • See this big spoonful? This soup consists of cow stomach, pig brain, turtle eggs and other delightful pices of who'knows'what.
  • 5. The most expensive coffee in the world • Coffee with a price tag of $225-1200/Kg civet coffee certainly deserves the title of “the world’s most expensive cuppa”. Civet coffee or Kopi Luwak as it’s called Indonesia starts life as any other coffee bean would, as an ordinary coffee berry.
  • 6. The Fact: The most expensive coffee in the world comes from civet poop • The coffee made from these beans has been described as having aromas of “fermented plum and dark chocolate with hazelnuts”. • Unfortunately, only 500 kg of this unique blend are produced each year, so you won’t be finding it in you local supermarket any time soon!
  • 7. The Fact: The largest food item on a menu is roast camel • The camel is stuffed with a sheep’s carcass, which is stuffed with chickens, which are stuffed with fish, which are stuffed with eggs. This feast is sometimes featured in Bedouin weddings.
  • 8. Escargot • One of the most famous dishes in French cuisine is escargot, a preparation of snails that can be served with a variety of sauce. • The most common preparation is boiling or steaming. Diners use tongs to extract the flesh from the shell, and then dip the snail into the sauce provided.
  • 9. Bizarre Foods in Japan • Frog Sashimi So you think you're bold enough to feast on any foreign food. But can you stomach swallowing a living - and moving - animal part? • Order the frog sashimi and the chef will cut open the frog in front of you and hand you its still -beating heart between a pair of chopsticks. Then the chef will slice and dice the frog into a plate of raw-frog sashimi while you take a bite of the warm, pumping heart.
  • 10. Haggis Scots, who dare to wear kilts are also brave enough to feast upon one of the most famous traditional Scottish foods - haggis. To make haggis, first chop up the liver, heart and lungs of a sheep and mix them with diced onion, spices and oatmeal. Then pack the mixture in a sheep's stomach, tightly secure the ends and boil it for a few hours.
  • 11. Balut • Despite being an object of culinary fascination around the world, balut -- a popular Filipino food -- is no beauty queen. • The 18-day-old fertilized duck egg has revolted even the most daring foodies with its carnal textures, earning it lofty rankings on many a "most disgusting/strange/terrify ing food" list.
  • 15. Cockroaches , scorpions and bee larvae
  • 18. Vocabulary 1. tour (n.) [C] a trip for people to visit different places for pleasure  旅遊;觀光 ; 巡迴表演 / 比 賽 The one-day tour of Kaohsiung will include stops in Sizihwan and Love Riverside Park. •tour (vt.) 旅行 It’s exciting to tour Hualien and Taitung on a bike.
  • 19.
  • 20. • A guided/package/walking/bus tour 有嚮導的 / 套裝的 / 徒步的 / 搭遊覽車的旅遊 • tourist (n.) 遊客 Millions of tourists visit Rome every year. Tourist attraction. 觀光景點 • tourism (n.) 觀光業 We must ensure that tourism develops in harmony with the environment.
  • 21. Vocabulary 2. citizen (n.) [C] a person who has the right to live in a nation or a city  公民 Parents and teachers should teach children how to be good citizens. 3. travel (vi.) 旅行 Amy plans to travel around the world after she turns sixty. •travel (n.) [U] 旅行 I think travel by bus is more enjoyable than by plane. • citizenship (n.) 公民身份 He was granted Canadian citizenship.
  • 22. Vocabulary 5. guide (n.) [C] someone who shows visitors around a place  導遊;嚮導 You should follow a good tour guide when you take a trip to some place you’ve never been to. •guide (vt.) 引導 It’s nice of you to have guided me through the hard times. • A guide dog (n.) 導盲犬 • guidebook (n.) 指南 , 指引手冊 • guidance (n.) 指引 , 指導
  • 23. Vocabulary 6. tongue (n.) [C] 舌頭 A dog cools itself down by sticking out its tongue. 7. reflect (vt.) to show  反映 A person’s actions often reflect what he truly has in mind. •reflection (n.) [C] 反映 A man’s behavior is largely a reflection of his childhood experience. • Mother/native tongue 母語
  • 24. slip of the tongue tongue twister hold one’s tongue
  • 25. Vocabulary 8. climate (n.) [C,U] 氣候 Hawaii has a warm and sunny climate with cool breezes. The summer climate is very hot in Taiwan. 9. geography (n.) [U] 地理 A good tour guide must know a lot about a country’s geography and climate. •geographical (adj.) 地理的 (=geographic) There are many geographical differences between Taipei and Nantou.
  • 26.
  • 27. Vocabulary 10. tropical (adj.) 熱帶的 Tropical fish are usually rich in color. •tropics (n.) (pl.) 熱帶 Mango is a typical fruit in the tropics. 11. sour (adj.) having an acid taste, just like the taste of a lemon 酸的 Sweet and sour pork is a popular Chinese dish among foreigners. • go/turn sour 變酸 ( 壞掉 )
  • 28. Vocabulary 12. spicy (adj.) the burning hot feeling that spice causes on the tongue  香辣的 My dad loves hot and spicy food such as Thai dishes. •spice (vt.) 添加香料 My brother prefers coffee spiced with vanilla, but I just like it black. •spice (n.) [C,U] 辛香料 ; 趣味 , 刺激 Spices are very welcome in Chinese dishes. Garlic is a kind of spice often used in Taiwanese dishes. • spice up 給…增添趣味 ; 使…變得刺激
  • 29. Vocabulary 13. plenty (pron.) an amount that is enough or more than enough 足夠;許多 We’ve got plenty of time. So don’t hurry. 14. roast (vt.) to cook something on fire 燒烤 On Thanksgiving Day, an American family usually roasts a turkey and eats it with potatoes and sauce.
  • 30. Vocabulary 15. tasty (adj.) good to eat; delicious  可口的;好吃的 The food Mom prepares for us is tasty and good for health. 16. fat (n.) [U] something oily from animals or plants  脂肪 Fried chicken is not good for health, because it is very rich in fat. • taste (n.) 味道 ; 品味 ; 喜好 (v.) 嚐起來 ; 品嚐 Tastes differ. 人各有所好
  • 31. Vocabulary 17. rotten (adj.) (of food) becoming so bad that it’s not safe to eat 腐爛的 The smell of rotten eggs makes Jack sick. •rot (vi.) (vt.) (rot; rotted; rotted) 腐敗;腐爛 Meat rots very quickly, so you have to put it in the refrigerator as soon as possible. Brush your teeth after meals, or the food left in the mouth will rot your teeth.
  • 32.
  • 33. Vocabulary 18. wrinkle (vt.) (vi.) to form lines or folds on the surface of something  使起皺紋; 起皺褶 She wrinkled up her nose at the bad smell from the public restroom. The dress looks nice, but it wrinkles very easily. •wrinkle (n.) [C] 皺紋 The old lady’s face was covered with wrinkles.
  • 34. Vocabulary 19. available (adj.) being ready for use 可得到的;可取得的 A mother usually keeps tissue paper available when she is feeding her baby. 20. unfamiliar (adj.) not recognizable or known to somebody  不熟悉的 This name is quite unfamiliar to me. I don’t think I have heard of it. •familiar (adj.) 熟悉的;親近的 You will easily lose respect for a person if you are too familiar with him or her.
  • 35. Vocabulary 21. sample (vt.) 試吃 You can sample everything for free in the store. •sample (n.) [C] 樣品 My mom feels very happy when she gets lots of free samples in the supermarket. 22. unusual (adj.) not ordinary; not common 罕有的 , 不尋常 的 It is quite unusual to have typhoons in November. •usual (adj.) 通常的;平常的 “Did you put the key in the usual place? I can’t find it!”
  • 36. As a modern citizen, you will surely want to learn more about the world. You can do so by learning a foreign language or traveling to the country of your dreams for a short stay. You may also watch such TV programs as those on the Discovery Channel. But there is something you really can’t miss—the various foods on the menu! • the N. + of one’s dreams 某人夢寐以求的… ; 理想中的… He is the boy of my dreams. 代名詞 (=the TV programs) (=certainly/definitely) (do so= learn about the world )
  • 37. • as (prep.) 作為 , 身為 As a teacher, my main goal is to encourage students that they can “be anything they want to be”. • such + N. + as …= N. + such as… You may also watch such TV programs as those on the Discovery Channel. = You may also watch TV programs such as those on the Discovery Channel. • by + V-ing 藉由 I improved my English by reading English magazines and newspapers. • with + N. 藉由 , 因著 With determination and effort, I improved my English.
  • 38. Yes, food! Food can be a very good tour guide. It not only pleases your mouth and tongue but also reflects the climate and geography of a place. Take Thailand for example. It is a warm tropical country, and most people there like sour and spicy food. In the mountains, there are plenty of bugs and worms. People there have the grasshoppers and scorpions roasted, fried, and spiced. They also put red ant eggs on toast and in a Thai salad. These foods may look weird to others. To the local people, however, they are very tasty, low in fat, and rich in protein. 可能會… 對…而言 (=high in)
  • 39. Up north in Alaska, there are not so many bugs but there are plenty of fish. People there leave salmon heads and guts in the ground for weeks, and then have them made into a tasty dish when they become rotten. Jellied moose noses and bear stews are also commonly seen on the tables of Eskimos. These dishes may make other people wrinkle up their noses. However, they show how Eskimos live on the things that are available in a world of ice and snow. 向北方 (=usually/often) 間接問句 ( 名詞子 句 )
  • 40. • S + find/keep/leave + O + OC (N./V-ing/adj.) 這些動 詞可表示「使~成為某種狀態」之意。 He left the door open when he left last night. 他昨晚離開的時候讓門開著。 We were surprised to see the little girl’s parents leave her crying there. 我們很驚訝地看到那個小女孩的父母親讓他在那邊哭。 Don't leave the water running while you brush your teeth. 刷牙的時候不要讓水一直流。 • 間接問句 how/what/who… + S. + V. 問句: How do Eskimos live on the things that are available in a world of ice and snow? 間接問句 ( 名詞子句 ) : how Eskimos live on the things that are available in a world of ice and snow.
  • 41. So, next time you are served unfamiliar food, don’t wrinkle up your nose. Instead, dig in or at least sample some of it. The unusual dishes on the menu can be a lovely window on the world that is weird but wonderful! • (the) next time / (the) last time / (the) first time / every time + S. + V. The next time you’re in London, you must visit the Big Ben. 下次你到倫敦的時候 , 一定要去參觀大笨鐘 。 He looked quite healthy last time I saw him. Every time I think of you, my heart is filled with joy. 每一次我想到你的時候 , 心就被喜悅所充滿。 (=into ) … 之窗
  • 42. Examples 1. People there have the grasshoppers and scorpions roasted, fried, and spiced. 2. People there have salmon heads and salmon guts made into a tasty dish. 3. Pamela decided to have her hair cut after she broke up with her boyfriend. 4. My dad usually has his car washed once a week. 課本 句型 Sentenc e Pattern I.. I. have + O + OC (p.p.)
  • 43. 此句型通常有兩種意義: (1) 讓某件事被(某人)做。 • Peter had his car fixed. (2) 完成某件事情,但沒有表明動作者是誰。 • Irene had the book returned to the library. → 沒有表明還書者是 Irene 本人,還是 Irene 託 別人幫忙還書。 另外,請注意 get 也有類似的用法。 • My shoes are broken. I need to get them fixed. 補充
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48. 相關用法整理: 補充 主動 被動 make make + O + VR make + O + p.p. have have + O + VR have + O + p.p. let let + O + VR let + O + be + p.p. get get + O + to + VR get + O + p.p.
  • 49. 補充 主動 被動 mak e That dress makes you look beautiful. Henry can’t make himself understood in English. have Have the manager come at once. Jane had the letter mailed. let Can you let me know about your plan? My grandfather unwisely let himself be fooled by the telephone scam. get I can’t get the machine to work. I got some flowers sent to my girlfriend’s office on Valentine’s Day.
  • 50. 補充資料 四種使役動詞在「受詞」和「受詞補語」關係為 「主動」時的差異: • I made him wash the car. 我叫他洗車。(無從選擇, 非做不可,往往用於上級對下級、長輩對晚輩。) • I had him wash the car. 我請他幫忙洗車。(沒堅持對 方做,用於平輩。) • I let him wash the car. 我讓他洗車。(對方要求要做, 而我也同意了,往往是對方事先有要求或徵求意見,得到 了同意才能做。) • I got him to wash the car. 我說服他洗車。(沒有堅持 對方做,而是使了一些手段或討價還價,成功地讓對方願 意做。) 補充
  • 51. Practice A Complete the sentences using “have + O + OC (p.p.)” and the key words given. The first one has been done for you. 1. mother/computer/repair/last Tuesday →My mother had her computer repaired last Tuesday. 課本 練習
  • 52. 2. Tom/always/homework/check/before he hands it in →__________________________________ __________________________________ 3. Mary/gifts/wrap beautifully →__________________________________ __________________________________ 4. teacher/the good news/post/on the website →__________________________________ __________________________________ 課本 練習 Tom always has his homework checked before he hands it in. Mary had the gifts wrapped beautifully. The teacher had the good news posted on the website.
  • 53. 5. Sam/a bunch of roses/send/his wife/on her birthday →__________________________________ __________________________________ 6. Amy/usually/her dog/shampoo and brush/the pet shop/every week →__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 課本 練習 Sam had a bunch of roses sent to his wife on her birthday. Amy usually has her dog shampooed and brushed in the pet shop every week.
  • 54. Practice B The following is Jack’s diary after he bought a lottery ticket. Complete the sentences in his diary using “have + O + OC (p.p.).” 課本 練習 Dear Diary,    I bought a lottery ticket today. I really want to be the lottery winner. With the money I win, I can 1 _____________________ (my old house/sell) and buy a bigger one. have my old house sold
  • 55. I would also like to 2 ___________________ _________________________(all my clothes/send/poor people in Africa) and buy lots of new clothes for myself. And then, I can hire a servant. With his service, I can surely 3 _________________________ (all the dishes/wash) after every meal and 4 _____ _______________ (my shirts/iron) perfectly. Most important of all, I can 5 _____________ ___________________ (my dog/feed and shampoo) every day. Do you like my idea, Diary? 課本 練習 have all my clothes sent to poor people in Africa have all the dishes washed have my shirts ironed have my dog fed and shampooed
  • 56. Examples 1. So, next time you are served unfamiliar food, don’t wrinkle up your nose. Instead, dig in or at least sample some of it. → So, next time you are served unfamiliar food, instead of wrinkling up your nose, you can dig in or at least sample some of it. 2. John didn’t complain about the food. Instead, he ate it all up. → Instead of complaining about the food, John ate it all up. II. S + aux. V + not + V1. Instead, S + V2 → Instead of V1-ing, S + V2 課本 句型 Sentence Pattern II..
  • 57. instead 和 instead of 之間互換如下: • The basketball player didn’t practice. Instead, he slept all afternoon. → Instead of practicing, the basketball player slept all afternoon. • The boy didn’t greet me. He ran away quickly instead. → The boy ran away quickly instead of greeting me. 補充
  • 58. 其他相關用法: rather than 而不是……;而非 • Most people in the group are volunteers rather than paid workers. • Sam ran rather than walked to the theater. • We decided to go to the zoo rather than visit the museum. 補充
  • 59. Practice A Two days later, Jack, who had bought a lottery ticket, actually won the lottery. Read Jack’s diary written a year later and complete the sentences using “Instead, S + V” or “Instead of V-ing, S + V.” The first one has been done for you. Dear Diary,    I was all wrong. The lottery ticket made me rich, but it didn’t make my life any better at all. Take the big house I bought for example. 1 Instead of feeling happy living in my big house (not feel happy living in my big house), I was so lonely. Dear Diary,    I was all wrong. The lottery ticket made me rich, but it didn’t make my life any better at all. Take the big house I bought for example. 1 Instead of feeling happy living in my big house (not feel happy living in my big house), I was so lonely. 課本 練習
  • 60. I threw a lot of parties, but many people just came and left. They didn’t really want to be my friends. 2 _______________________________ (come to me just for money). After they borrowed the money they needed, they went away and didn’t care about me anymore. What was worse, I became terribly fat after all those parties and big meals in restaurants. 3 _________ _______________________________ (not have confidence in my appearance), I hate the way I look now. I threw a lot of parties, but many people just came and left. They didn’t really want to be my friends. 2 _______________________________ (come to me just for money). After they borrowed the money they needed, they went away and didn’t care about me anymore. What was worse, I became terribly fat after all those parties and big meals in restaurants. 3 _________ _______________________________ (not have confidence in my appearance), I hate the way I look now. 課本 練習 Instead, they came to me just for money Instead of having confidence in my appearance
  • 61. My girlfriend even laughs at me! By the way, dear Diary, do you know what happened to my dog? I did pay a servant to take care of it, but guess what? The servant didn’t do a good job. 4 _____________ _______________________ (my dog’s fur/dye purple) without asking me first. I couldn’t believe my eyes when my dog came running up to me. So…dear Diary, I now believe that love and happiness cannot be bought with money. 5 _______ _______________________ (they come from the heart). I will cherish what I have 6 ______________ ____________________________ (not want something I don’t have). My girlfriend even laughs at me! By the way, dear Diary, do you know what happened to my dog? I did pay a servant to take care of it, but guess what? The servant didn’t do a good job. 4 _____________ _______________________ (my dog’s fur/dye purple) without asking me first. I couldn’t believe my eyes when my dog came running up to me. So…dear Diary, I now believe that love and happiness cannot be bought with money. 5 _______ _______________________ (they come from the heart). I will cherish what I have 6 ______________ ____________________________ (not want something I don’t have). 課本 練習 Instead, he had my dog’s fur dyed purple Instead, they come from the heart instead of wanting something I don’t have