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Legacy Of Volleyball
Coming from a sport–oriented high school, I felt that I also had to make a legacy for myself. I choose to play volleyball for the four years of my high
school career and they were the best four years of any sport I've played. Although I never played on a club volleyball team like my fellow teammates, I
played just as well. I believe that not playing on a club team actually made me a stronger player and person for it. I definitely had to work twice as
hard as the other girls to make up for the difference, but I learned to be tough and hard working. Besides that, volleyball made me a well rounded
person. I learned how to cope with high stress levels in difficult situations such as during a game. Not only that, but learned how to bounce back after
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Benefits Of Volleyball Essay
Health Benefits Of Playing Volleyball
Who is not familiar with the sport of volleyball? many of these sports we find in various places because this sport a lot in interest by all walks of life
from young children to adults. This kind of exercise is a kind of sports which is light and easy to play, and will not interfere with your time.
The sport of volleyball is one of the popular team sport other than basketball and football. Not only learn working with teammate, play volley ball can
provide benefits that are good for the health of the body.
The benefits of the sport of volleyball to health include:
1. Improve stamina
Sports volleyball requires enough stamina to play. Such stamina can be obtained if the routine conduct of the sport of more content...
So the manpower they need is very large, it is certainly going to make volleyball player will form his body and fat–fat that causes obesity be
eliminated. If we pay attention to the volleyball player, they usually have a high posture but has a body that is ateletis. So for the routine conduct of
volleyball sport and organize a healthy diet will reduce the risk of obesity.
9. the Form of the body
Playing volleyball during the warm–up, exercise, or the match requires energy and stamina. The muscles of the body become accustomed to use on a
regular basis so that the muscles that had been limp became more powerful. It is certainly good for the appearance that is has an ideal body
proportions. So the tetapr Agency will look attractive and health will also be always awake.
10. Burn Calories
Volleyball players may tend to eat the food that much to play volleyball, but that does not make them overweight. Food eaten and enters into the
body can be immediately burned for doing volley play activity, calorie burning foods while playing volleyball so your body doesn't suffer obesity while
it may eat more food but with the sport of volleyball will burn calories in the
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A Brief History of Volleyball
Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan in Holyoke, Massachusetts. According to Merriam
–Webster, volleyball is "A game played by
two teams of six players each, in which an inflated ball is volleyed over a high net." The objective of scoring would be to volley the ball within a
limit of three touches, until the ball comes in contact with the opposing team's court. Volleyball has evolved to appeal to both genders, and has
marked a spot in the World Olympics. It eventually led to the creation of beach volleyball. Physics can be complex when only looking at equations
inside a physic book; however, by observing a game of volleyball the concepts can become easier to comprehend. Concepts such as gravity, velocity,
acceleration, and Newton's laws of motion are displayed throughout the six different positions on the court, and through the player's different skills:
serving, passing, digging, blocking, setting, and hitting. To begin a play, the bottom right player must successfully serve the volleyball over the net,
either by an underhand or overhand serve. This skill requires an exerted force on the ball that will send it upward and forward. To get a visualization
of a serve, Figure 2.18 states, "When a ball is thrown straight up, its acceleration is 1 g downward. This causes it to slow down on its way upward,
stop at an instant, and then speeds up on its way downward." (Ostdiek, V. J. & Bord, D. J., 2000) Gravity takes action by exerting a downward force,
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Case Study: The National Volleyball League
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The National Volleyball League, or NVL, is a professional beach volleyball league in the United States. Built by volleyball players, for all players in
2010, the mission of the NVL is to create a future that is sustainable for all professional beach volleyball players in the United States. In 2015, the NVL
was home to 8 professional events and is currently the only national platform where beach volleyball players of all levels can follow their dreams,
chase their ambitions and demonstrate their talent.
== Mission Statement ==
By creating an inclusive experience, the National Volleyball League shares the amazing sport of beach volleyball and its lifestyle with the world. Its more content...
At this second pro stop, men's team Piotr Marciniak & Matt Henderson and women's team Priscilla Piantadosi–Lima & Kristen Batt–Rohr were
crowned as champions.
==== Ocean City, MD May 29 – 31, 2015 ====
The league's third stop of the 2015 season was held at the historic Ocean City Boardwalk where players were competing for a $75,000 prize. Once
again, women's team Priscilla Piantadosi–Lima & Kristen Batt–Rohr were crowned as champions, and Roberto Rodriguez–Bertran & Erik Haddock
were crowned as the men's champions.
==== Milwaukee, WI July 10 – 12, 2015 ====
The fourth stop of the 2015 season was hosted at Bradford Beach, where top professional beach volleyball players were competing for a $50,000
prize. The women's team Raquel Goncalves & Vivian Cunha were crowned as victors while Mark Williams & Skyler McCoy were crowned as the
men's champion. This was the first time Williams and McCoy have played professionally together in a tournament.
==== Cincinnati, OH July 16 – 18, 2015
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The History of Volleyball: William G. Morgan
The history of volleyball goes back to the year of 1895. The game was invented by a man by the name of William G. Morgan, at a YMCA in
Massachusetts (NCVA). Morgan was an instructor at the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) when he created the game of volleyball
(NCVA). Volleyball is a very popular sport around the world. It is especially popular in the U.S., which is where is originated (NCVA). It was
created just two years after the game basketball was invented (Hartwell).To create this game, Morgan mixed different things from the sports Tennis,
Handball, Baseball, and Basketball (NCVA). "Morgan used the bladder of a basketball to provide a lighter ball with a more lively bounce," (Hartwell).
He invented this game as a way more content...
"The court or floor space shall be 25 feet wide and 50 feet long, and divided into two square courts, 25 by 25 feet, by the net," (NCVA). The ball's
circumference should be somewhere between 25 and 27 inches, and should only weigh about nine to twelve ounces. There is also a line, called a
service line, which the server must stand behind when serving the ball to the opposing side. The serve may land anywhere on the other team's court
as long as it stays in or on the boundary lines (NCVA). If the ball does not make it over the net on the serve, the opposing side gets the point.
Another way the opposing team gets the point is if the ball touches the court's floor on a volley. There are allowed six players on a court at a time for
indoor volleyball. This rule can vary depending on where you are playing (NCVA). The positions of these six players are right, left, and center
forwards, and right, left and center backs (Menke).
The players are not allowed to come in contact with the net at any time, and they are not allowed to touch the center line that is located right below the
net. Each team is allowed to come into contact with the ball three times, as long as one person does not come into contact with the ball two consecutive
times. If a team touches the ball more than three times, the opposite team gets the point (Giddens).
A player can block a ball that is spiked as long
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Reflection About Volleyball Experience
Volleyball season this year has been a whirlwind of emotions. Volleyball is an outstanding sport where the best of the best athletes come together and
play a great game including a ball and net. The three biggest things of the season were the tryouts, practices, and the very last game of my middle
school career. In this essay I'm going to talk to you about my 2017–18 volleyball season experience. This essay is in memoir form, so it will go back
and reflect on the season. As I was getting ready for my second year of volleyball tryouts my heart was pumping so fast in my chest. I honestly
thought I was having a heart attack. Tomorrow was going to be the first day of tryouts, and I was so excited yet hesitant. Annika my best friend,
and I were practicing with our Volleyballs outside of her house. We were doing most of the drills we remembered from the season before. After a
couple of hours we decided we should stop before we pulled a muscle or injured our bodies, and rest up for tomorrow. My mother had cooked me a
grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup, my absolute favorite meal ever. She made it, so I can get me ecstatic for tryouts and to settle my
butterflies. Once I finished my delicious meal and proceed to get ready for bed, Annika and I called each other and talked for a while about what we
were going to do tomorrow. We hoped we would get on the team again. I dozed off shortly after we hung up. As I rose the next morning my father had
made me a slice of toast with
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Volleyball Essays
The sport of volleyball was created by a man named William G. Morgan of Holyoke, Massachusetts in 1895. Morgan was a physical education
teacher at the YMCA and called it "mintonette". It was an indoor or outdoor pastime that had characteristics of both handball and
tennis. The first rules were written down by Morgan himself. He wrote that the game called for a 6 foot 6 inch net and a court of 25x50 feet. A
match composed of 9 innings and 3 serves for each team in each inning. In case of a serving error they got a second chance just like in tennis. If the
ball it the more content...
In 1986 USA won the first men's World Championships. China took the women's Gold. BeachVolleyballwas also first recognized. In 1987 the first
Beach volleyball world championship was played in Ipanema, Brazil. Ever since a lot of these events volleyball has grown in popularity and is now
played world wide and both men's and women's clubs and organizations play at national and international tournaments. At this time in Southern
California volleyball is as serious as the winter games in Finland. Both Boy's and girls compete year round and the competition is fierce. Not to far
behind is the Northern California Volleyball association. The NCVA has put out many of the nations greatest.
Many injuries that occur with volleyball run from Bruises to breaks. The most common are ankle or knee injuries since a lot of stop and go and
jumping. Often muscles are pulled in the shoulders and back. In volleyball injuries are all too common. Whether its landing wrong or player
collision injuries and volleyball players go together like rain and water. Often you may see a girl with bruises all over her knees and elbows but its
just from the game or practice she recently had. Volleyball may seem like a less exsausting sport compared to basketball but in Volleyball muscles are
constantly stopping and going and movements are very prisice and sharp. A player has to be almost lightning fast and and in deep
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History of Volleyball
I. History of Volleyball a. Founder b. Origin of the Volleyball c. First name of Volleyball d. Who gave the name volleyball e. Year and When the
volleyball was introduced in the philippines f. Year volleyball officially played in Olympics iI. cOURT dIMENSION a. Length and width of the court
b. Length and width of the playing area including the free zone and warm up area c. Length and width of the net d. Height of the net for male and
vII. lIBERO I. History of Volleyball a. The founder of volleyball is William G. Morgan, a YMCA more content...
When properly executed, a good block can be an effective weapon in scoring points or securing sideouts. In high–level competition, teams commonly
employ more than one blocker against good spikers. 5)Serving is a very important element of volleyball. A server who can serve the ball reliably
and skillfully will help his or her team far more than will a player who, for instance, is inconsistent with their serving. There are a variety of serves
that are employed in competitive volleyball, from "floaters" that seem to shimmy and shake on their way over the net to hard–driven jump serves.
6)Receiving the serve is vital to success for any team. Poor reception of service puts teams hoping to get a sideout at a huge disadvantage right
from the beginning. If the person receiving the serve is unable to make a good pass to the setter, then the setter's task of setting a good ball to the
spiker is made that much more difficult. Receiving the serve sets the tone, then, for the whole offensive sequence that follows. IV. EQUIPMENTS
THE NET A volleyball net is made of 10 cm square black mesh. The net is 9 1/2 to 10 m long and 1 meter wide. There are bands along the top and
bottom of the net through which cables or cords are threaded, then tied to the posts to keep the net taut. The top band is 7 cm wide and the bottom
band is 5 cm wide. Bands at the
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Reflection Paper On Volleyball
Volleyball has been a sport that has played a key role in my life. Looking back to my first game when it all started I can remember the butterflies in
my stomach; I was so nervous, so eager. I had anticipated it all day. All week and as a sixth grader it gave me something bigger to be apart of
going into middle school. The sport first caught my eye when I watched my older sister, Bailey, play. A net set up down the middle of the
gymnasium, the twelve players on the court (six on each side), the sound of the ball as it was volleying around. I was intrigued to learn more and, of
course as the little sister, I admired anything my older sister did and wanted to do it too.
So there I was facing the start of a season equipped with a blue jersey with number four on the front and back, new black knee pads fresh out of the
package, and black shorts matching the rest of the team. I was ready. As the team and I finish setting up the court for the game the other team arrives,
the butterflies in my stomach began growing bigger than before. Both sides began warming up with partners and suddenly a loud noise rings through
the gym, the referee was calling for captains to see who would have first serve or receive (defence or offence). My team won the coin toss, so we
were to start the game with the serve or offense. Five players and I rush onto the court, we were the starting six. One player goes to stand behind the
boundary line waiting for the referee to signal her to serve. The referee
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People in america play volleyball, everyone should try volleyball its fun active you can run, jump, and move side to side.The history of volleyball is
interesting and i love it. I want people to know how to play volleyball and see how fun it is.
History of volleyball A guy named william g. Morgan inventedvolleyball, originally called, mintonette. Morgan a graduate of springfield college
designed the game to be a combination of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball. He invented it in 1895. In 1900, a special ball was designed for
the sport.In 1917, the game was changed from 21 to 15 points. In 1920, three more content...
Also and opposite hitter ( attack ). The equipments of volleyball is the net,ball, and clothes. You have to wear a t–shirt,spandex shorts, and knee
socks.Also you have to have knee pads and your hair in a ponytail or a braid. The object of the game is to get the ball over the net. And prevent ball
from hitting the ground in the other team's court. Why i like volleyball I like volleyball because it's fun,active, and its my experience. Its fun
because u get to hit the ball and try to get it over the net. And you get to run everywhere. Also you and your team work together and try to prevent
the ball from hitting the other team's court. And i played volleyball about over a year.You might fall but you just get back up.Another reason i like
volleyball is because i like to hit the ball. And i like it to because i can run and try to keep the ball up. How did volleyball become an olympic
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Volleyball History
She jumps, the crowd watches as her body soars from the ground, soaring over the next. The sphere peaks at its highest altitude and she swings. The
crowd cheers, for the ball passed through each opponent at lightning speed and touched the court floor. This is the speedy, action–packed way
volleyball is commonly played. Not only does volleyball have a fast play style, it has many other variables that make it a great sport. The history of
volleyball started in 1895, much later than most people assumed (Boga 1). The basic rules would be set and are still used to this day. Later, in 1915,
the sport would spread globally, and other counties would make their mark on the development of the sport (Crego 235). The clothing used to play the
sport more content...
The basic setup for a casual volleyball game consists of typically twelve players spread across two sides of a court with a net separating each team
equally in space. Teams usually form two rows of three to evenly distribute players on their side of the court. The goal the game is to receive the
ball from the serving side and return it over the net to the other side of the field without the ball being passed back. Moreover, the ball must not be
touched by the same player more than once consecutively and the ball must be passed over the net by the third touch of the ball. The serving team is
awarded a point if the receiving team fails to return the ball within the three–hit maximum, keep the ball from coming in contact with the court floor, a
player touches the ball twice consecutively, or if the ball is returned but lands out of bounds (Levinson and Christensen 437). The rotation for any team
must be clockwise, so a player in the right–back most position of their side of the court would serve first then the right–front most player would serve
next after rotation (Boga 53). Additionally, players may not touch the net. This rule is very important when a player is spiking or blocking
because they will be very up and close to the net. Every player is required to be in their position of rotation before the ball is served. After the ball is
served, however, a player is allowed to move freely within his or her side of the court. Lastly, a game is won when a team has 25 points, or 15 points
for shorter games, and the opposing team trails by at least two points (Levinson and Christensen
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The Volleyball: A Year-Round Sport
Volleyball is a year–round sport. In 1916 rules were issued by the YMCA and the National Collegiate Athletic Association(NCAA). United States
Volleyball Association(USVA) was formed in 1928 and is the sport's national governing body.The Federation internationale de volleyball oversees the
sport internationally. Volleyball became an Olympic event in 1964. In 1895, just four years afterbasketball was invented a couple of miles down the
road in Springfield, Massachusetts, a twenty–five year old gym teacher invented the game of volleyball at the YMCA in Holyoke, New York.
Volleyball was originally called " Mintonette''. Morgan was the eldest of his siblings. His parents were George Henry Morgan and Nancy Chatfield.
Did you know that The Volleyball
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How Has Volleyball Changed Over Time
Many people play volleyball but don't know how the sport was created, when it was created, and how it has changed over time. The sport has been
around for 120 years and will be around for many more years. Volleyball players mainly play and enjoy the time on the court and try to win the game,
they don't pay attention to the history. If the players would understand the past and know how things were, they'd probably be thankful and happy that
things have changed. Volleyballhas evolved over time and it made the sport more of a challenge and made it more of an interest. Volleyball originated
in the United States in 1895 and is now getting the type of popularity in the U.S. as it should. The creator William G. Morgan was the education director
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Reaction Paper About Volleyball
Volleyball has been around for decades and has gained much recognition over the years through the Olympic Games and Asean Games. Its
popularity has grown tremendously over the years of development and is one of the highly enjoyable sports that can be played by all ages. Volleyball
is a physically demanding sport, which requires an individual to be physically fit and to be able to demonstrate the broad range of physical
components, like having speed, agility, flexibility and more. Moreover, with the continuous vigorous training, it also helps to improve the health of the
individual. In the past, I have tried out many other sports like basketball and netball, but volleyball remains as my favorite because of the excitements
and the genuine more content...
In volleyball, there are different skills to acquire, like serving, passing, spiking, setting, and digging. However, beginners will usually start by knowing
the basic posture and the correct hand grip first. They will have to grip their hands together tightly, straighten their arms and bend their knees slightly
before hitting up the incoming ball. After learning how to hit the ball up with the correct postures, serving of the ball over the net to the opposite court
will be taught. Serving volleyball with upper–hand is commonly used. However, it will be easier for the beginners to start by using the underhand
volleyball serves. The underhand volleyball serves have a higher chance of serving over the net, yet the upper–hand volleyball serves allows the player
to have more control over the ball and are more powerful. Serving the ball will start the game, and having a good serve will give the team more
advantage to score more points which might turn the tables if the team is losing. However, one should always take note not to step on the court's
line when serving the ball. Also, a game will not be complete without an attacking force. Spiking can be an effective attack that helps the team to
win a point if the opponent players are not able to save the ball. Spiking is a skill that requires a lot of effort in correcting the coordination of the
body to jump up and spike down the ball at the opponent's court. All in all, to learn the basic skills requires the individual to put in a lot of effort and
patience, because it is important to set the foundation skills
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Essay about Physics in Volleyball
Physics is used in almost everything we do throughout our everyday lives. Sports are almost entirely composed of the physics of the human body in
order accomplish the performed action. Volleyball is a sport which has physics at the heart of the game, understanding the physics of the game actually
allows a player to improve and become more efficient and effective in his or her game. This essay gives insight into how the rules of physics can be
used and are essential in the game of volleyball in all aspects of the game including serving, passing, setting, hitting, and blocking. Volleyball is a game
of constant projectile motion with various types of contacts involved in each aspect of the game.
In volleyball when serving one must more content...
The passer receives the ball at a certain angle and velocity and in contacting the ball changes the angle, direction, and possibly velocity of the ball.
The passer's purpose is to keep the ball off the floor and put it in a direction for further useful play. To accomplish this contact of the ball and
repositioning of it a player must get between the ball and the floor, create a styrdy platform for the ball to hit, and stay low.
A passer should be placed between the floor and the ball to prevent the ball from reaching the floor. This movement can be accomplish by running
to the ball, shuffling to a good ready position, or in last resort diving for the ball, by extending the arms and body into the air to reach a ball. If the
arms have to move away from the from the front of the body the passer should drop their inside shoulder, so that the angle shown to the ball will direct
the ball back into the court for futher play.
To create a solid platform for the ball to hit the arms should be straightened infront of the passer, to limit the angle the ball will reflect, and the legs
should be stable and bent. The legs will act like a spring, they should absorb the impact of the ball and then use force to push the ball in the opposite
direction. Creating a flat and straight platform will allow the ball to rebound up and off the arms of the passer into the direction of the
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My Experience On My Volleyball Experience
My Volleyball season experience As I had been getting ready for my second year of Volleyball tryouts my heart was pumping so fast in my chest I
honestly thought I had been having a heart attack. Tomorrow was going to be the first day of tryouts and I was so excited yet nervous.
Annika(my best friend) and I were practicing with our Volleyballs outside of her house. We were doing most of the drills we had remembered
from the season before. After a couple of hours we decided we should stop before we pull a muscle or injury our bodies and rest up for tomorrow.
My mother had cooked me up a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup, my absolute favorite meal ever, to get me ecstatic for tryouts and to
settle my butterflies. Once I finished my delicious meal and proceed to get ready for bed, Annika and I called each other and talked for a while
about what we were going to do tomorrow and how we hoped we would get on the team again. I quickly dozed off shortly after we hung up. As I
arose the next morning my father had made me a slice of toast with strawberry jelly on it and some orange juice. Annika, Zoe and I carpool in the
morning and so I waited patiently for her mother to come pick me up. As they picked me up we all jammed out to Beyonce's new tunes to try and
get all the stress out of our bodies. Once we got to school, we announced our goodbyes and went our separate ways. As class dragged on I couldn't
help but wonder what if this the year I didn't meet the requirements to
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My Love For Volleyball : The Life Of Volleyball
I began to play volleyball when I was eleven years old and have been playing since. At first, I joined volleyball for the social aspect only and did not
really expect myself to enjoy the sport as much as I have. My love for volleyball grew gradually throughout the years as I began to put in more time
and effort into the sport. Volleyballhas since become my happy place where I can momentarily forget everything else that is going on and focus on the
sport. Volleyball is agame won in three out of five sets consisting of twenty–five points each except the fifth set is consisted of fifteen points since it is
the tie breaker. Each team gets three touches to send the ball over the net and no player can touch the ball twice in a row. Each touch is consisted of a
pass, set, and hit. Throughout this essay, I will teach you the main fitness components, positions played, and skills needed in volleyball.
Volleyball is a game based on endurance, speed, agility, and power. Due to the intensity of the game, endurance is important. Power is also
important because to earn your team a point you need to have the strength to serve, block, and hit the ball hard enough for it to reach the floor. At
every moment, you need to be quick on your feet for when the ball is coming towards you. As for agility, it is needed to fully grasp the skills
performed in volleyball.
In volleyball, your position is based on what skill you are good at. If you are a libero or defense specialist, you are considered to
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Volleyball History
Volleyball is the second most popular sport in the world. From its beginnings in the United States in 1895, volleyball has spread to every corner of
the world and the number of players is nearing one billion. No one knows exactly why volleyball has such a huge following outside the United States
but one thing is for certain: in the over 100 years of its existence, volleyball has gone through some dramatic changes. Changes made for the love of
volleyball and its expansion as a popular sport. Volleyball, first known as mintonette, found its beginning in 1895. William G. Morgan, an instructor at
a Young Men's Christian Association, developed a sport for young businessmen to keep in shape yet not be as physically demanding as another new more content...
Ball pressure is between 4.5 and 6.0 pounds
2 on 6, Don't overlook 2–on–6 as a skill–teaching game. Although it seems grossly unfair at first, the game teaches huge amounts about reading setters
and hitters, making plays on defence, communication with teammates, accurate passing, and nearly every other phase of the game .Have the 6–player
team serve, trying to get the ball within a step or two of one of the 2–player teammates. Don't have the 2–player team try to block. Rather, get down
and play defence. It's a great drill, fun and enormously helpful in developing defensive toughness. Rolling before digs is another skill drill. Have a
player start on the floor, roll 3 complete revolutions (the rest of the team can count them loudly, which adds to the excitement and fun). As soon as
they've completed their revolutions, toss a ball in a position difficult. enough to make them work hard to pop it up. The drill can be run as if the
bump was a 1st or 2nd hit, or as an emergency 3rd hit that needs to go over the net. Keep it moving, and the conditioning will improve, as well as
quickness and skill level.
Volleyball strategies range from simple and obvious to highly complex. Matching strategies to the skill level is the critical first step. Teams must
develop appropriate tactics for serving, receiving, offense, hitting and defense. Master the basics, then blend in more elaborate concepts. Team
strategies evolve as the team
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Legacy Of Volleyball

  • 1. Legacy Of Volleyball Coming from a sport–oriented high school, I felt that I also had to make a legacy for myself. I choose to play volleyball for the four years of my high school career and they were the best four years of any sport I've played. Although I never played on a club volleyball team like my fellow teammates, I played just as well. I believe that not playing on a club team actually made me a stronger player and person for it. I definitely had to work twice as hard as the other girls to make up for the difference, but I learned to be tough and hard working. Besides that, volleyball made me a well rounded person. I learned how to cope with high stress levels in difficult situations such as during a game. Not only that, but learned how to bounce back after Get more content on
  • 2. Benefits Of Volleyball Essay Health Benefits Of Playing Volleyball Who is not familiar with the sport of volleyball? many of these sports we find in various places because this sport a lot in interest by all walks of life from young children to adults. This kind of exercise is a kind of sports which is light and easy to play, and will not interfere with your time. The sport of volleyball is one of the popular team sport other than basketball and football. Not only learn working with teammate, play volley ball can provide benefits that are good for the health of the body. The benefits of the sport of volleyball to health include: 1. Improve stamina Sports volleyball requires enough stamina to play. Such stamina can be obtained if the routine conduct of the sport of more content... So the manpower they need is very large, it is certainly going to make volleyball player will form his body and fat–fat that causes obesity be eliminated. If we pay attention to the volleyball player, they usually have a high posture but has a body that is ateletis. So for the routine conduct of volleyball sport and organize a healthy diet will reduce the risk of obesity. 9. the Form of the body Playing volleyball during the warm–up, exercise, or the match requires energy and stamina. The muscles of the body become accustomed to use on a regular basis so that the muscles that had been limp became more powerful. It is certainly good for the appearance that is has an ideal body proportions. So the tetapr Agency will look attractive and health will also be always awake. 10. Burn Calories Volleyball players may tend to eat the food that much to play volleyball, but that does not make them overweight. Food eaten and enters into the body can be immediately burned for doing volley play activity, calorie burning foods while playing volleyball so your body doesn't suffer obesity while it may eat more food but with the sport of volleyball will burn calories in the Get more content on
  • 3. A Brief History of Volleyball Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan in Holyoke, Massachusetts. According to Merriam –Webster, volleyball is "A game played by two teams of six players each, in which an inflated ball is volleyed over a high net." The objective of scoring would be to volley the ball within a limit of three touches, until the ball comes in contact with the opposing team's court. Volleyball has evolved to appeal to both genders, and has marked a spot in the World Olympics. It eventually led to the creation of beach volleyball. Physics can be complex when only looking at equations inside a physic book; however, by observing a game of volleyball the concepts can become easier to comprehend. Concepts such as gravity, velocity, acceleration, and Newton's laws of motion are displayed throughout the six different positions on the court, and through the player's different skills: serving, passing, digging, blocking, setting, and hitting. To begin a play, the bottom right player must successfully serve the volleyball over the net, either by an underhand or overhand serve. This skill requires an exerted force on the ball that will send it upward and forward. To get a visualization of a serve, Figure 2.18 states, "When a ball is thrown straight up, its acceleration is 1 g downward. This causes it to slow down on its way upward, stop at an instant, and then speeds up on its way downward." (Ostdiek, V. J. & Bord, D. J., 2000) Gravity takes action by exerting a downward force, causing Get more content on
  • 4. Case Study: The National Volleyball League {{AFC submission|t||u=Dseim81|ns=118|demo=|ts=20160418213249}} The National Volleyball League, or NVL, is a professional beach volleyball league in the United States. Built by volleyball players, for all players in 2010, the mission of the NVL is to create a future that is sustainable for all professional beach volleyball players in the United States. In 2015, the NVL was home to 8 professional events and is currently the only national platform where beach volleyball players of all levels can follow their dreams, chase their ambitions and demonstrate their talent. == Mission Statement == By creating an inclusive experience, the National Volleyball League shares the amazing sport of beach volleyball and its lifestyle with the world. Its more content... At this second pro stop, men's team Piotr Marciniak & Matt Henderson and women's team Priscilla Piantadosi–Lima & Kristen Batt–Rohr were crowned as champions. ==== Ocean City, MD May 29 – 31, 2015 ==== The league's third stop of the 2015 season was held at the historic Ocean City Boardwalk where players were competing for a $75,000 prize. Once again, women's team Priscilla Piantadosi–Lima & Kristen Batt–Rohr were crowned as champions, and Roberto Rodriguez–Bertran & Erik Haddock were crowned as the men's champions. ==== Milwaukee, WI July 10 – 12, 2015 ==== The fourth stop of the 2015 season was hosted at Bradford Beach, where top professional beach volleyball players were competing for a $50,000 prize. The women's team Raquel Goncalves & Vivian Cunha were crowned as victors while Mark Williams & Skyler McCoy were crowned as the men's champion. This was the first time Williams and McCoy have played professionally together in a tournament. ==== Cincinnati, OH July 16 – 18, 2015
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  • 6. The History of Volleyball: William G. Morgan The history of volleyball goes back to the year of 1895. The game was invented by a man by the name of William G. Morgan, at a YMCA in Massachusetts (NCVA). Morgan was an instructor at the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) when he created the game of volleyball (NCVA). Volleyball is a very popular sport around the world. It is especially popular in the U.S., which is where is originated (NCVA). It was created just two years after the game basketball was invented (Hartwell).To create this game, Morgan mixed different things from the sports Tennis, Handball, Baseball, and Basketball (NCVA). "Morgan used the bladder of a basketball to provide a lighter ball with a more lively bounce," (Hartwell). He invented this game as a way more content... "The court or floor space shall be 25 feet wide and 50 feet long, and divided into two square courts, 25 by 25 feet, by the net," (NCVA). The ball's circumference should be somewhere between 25 and 27 inches, and should only weigh about nine to twelve ounces. There is also a line, called a service line, which the server must stand behind when serving the ball to the opposing side. The serve may land anywhere on the other team's court as long as it stays in or on the boundary lines (NCVA). If the ball does not make it over the net on the serve, the opposing side gets the point. Another way the opposing team gets the point is if the ball touches the court's floor on a volley. There are allowed six players on a court at a time for indoor volleyball. This rule can vary depending on where you are playing (NCVA). The positions of these six players are right, left, and center forwards, and right, left and center backs (Menke). The players are not allowed to come in contact with the net at any time, and they are not allowed to touch the center line that is located right below the net. Each team is allowed to come into contact with the ball three times, as long as one person does not come into contact with the ball two consecutive times. If a team touches the ball more than three times, the opposite team gets the point (Giddens). A player can block a ball that is spiked as long Get more content on
  • 7. Reflection About Volleyball Experience Volleyball season this year has been a whirlwind of emotions. Volleyball is an outstanding sport where the best of the best athletes come together and play a great game including a ball and net. The three biggest things of the season were the tryouts, practices, and the very last game of my middle school career. In this essay I'm going to talk to you about my 2017–18 volleyball season experience. This essay is in memoir form, so it will go back and reflect on the season. As I was getting ready for my second year of volleyball tryouts my heart was pumping so fast in my chest. I honestly thought I was having a heart attack. Tomorrow was going to be the first day of tryouts, and I was so excited yet hesitant. Annika my best friend, and I were practicing with our Volleyballs outside of her house. We were doing most of the drills we remembered from the season before. After a couple of hours we decided we should stop before we pulled a muscle or injured our bodies, and rest up for tomorrow. My mother had cooked me a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup, my absolute favorite meal ever. She made it, so I can get me ecstatic for tryouts and to settle my butterflies. Once I finished my delicious meal and proceed to get ready for bed, Annika and I called each other and talked for a while about what we were going to do tomorrow. We hoped we would get on the team again. I dozed off shortly after we hung up. As I rose the next morning my father had made me a slice of toast with Get more content on
  • 8. Volleyball Essays Volleyball The sport of volleyball was created by a man named William G. Morgan of Holyoke, Massachusetts in 1895. Morgan was a physical education teacher at the YMCA and called it "mintonette". It was an indoor or outdoor pastime that had characteristics of both handball and tennis. The first rules were written down by Morgan himself. He wrote that the game called for a 6 foot 6 inch net and a court of 25x50 feet. A match composed of 9 innings and 3 serves for each team in each inning. In case of a serving error they got a second chance just like in tennis. If the ball it the more content... In 1986 USA won the first men's World Championships. China took the women's Gold. BeachVolleyballwas also first recognized. In 1987 the first Beach volleyball world championship was played in Ipanema, Brazil. Ever since a lot of these events volleyball has grown in popularity and is now played world wide and both men's and women's clubs and organizations play at national and international tournaments. At this time in Southern California volleyball is as serious as the winter games in Finland. Both Boy's and girls compete year round and the competition is fierce. Not to far behind is the Northern California Volleyball association. The NCVA has put out many of the nations greatest. Many injuries that occur with volleyball run from Bruises to breaks. The most common are ankle or knee injuries since a lot of stop and go and jumping. Often muscles are pulled in the shoulders and back. In volleyball injuries are all too common. Whether its landing wrong or player collision injuries and volleyball players go together like rain and water. Often you may see a girl with bruises all over her knees and elbows but its just from the game or practice she recently had. Volleyball may seem like a less exsausting sport compared to basketball but in Volleyball muscles are constantly stopping and going and movements are very prisice and sharp. A player has to be almost lightning fast and and in deep Get more content on
  • 9. History of Volleyball I. History of Volleyball a. Founder b. Origin of the Volleyball c. First name of Volleyball d. Who gave the name volleyball e. Year and When the volleyball was introduced in the philippines f. Year volleyball officially played in Olympics iI. cOURT dIMENSION a. Length and width of the court b. Length and width of the playing area including the free zone and warm up area c. Length and width of the net d. Height of the net for male and female iii. bASIC sKILLS IN vOLLEYBALL iv. eQUIPMENTS v. oFFICIATING oFFICIALS IN vOLLEYBALL vI. rULES AND rEGULATIONS vII. lIBERO I. History of Volleyball a. The founder of volleyball is William G. Morgan, a YMCA more content... When properly executed, a good block can be an effective weapon in scoring points or securing sideouts. In high–level competition, teams commonly employ more than one blocker against good spikers. 5)Serving is a very important element of volleyball. A server who can serve the ball reliably and skillfully will help his or her team far more than will a player who, for instance, is inconsistent with their serving. There are a variety of serves that are employed in competitive volleyball, from "floaters" that seem to shimmy and shake on their way over the net to hard–driven jump serves. 6)Receiving the serve is vital to success for any team. Poor reception of service puts teams hoping to get a sideout at a huge disadvantage right from the beginning. If the person receiving the serve is unable to make a good pass to the setter, then the setter's task of setting a good ball to the spiker is made that much more difficult. Receiving the serve sets the tone, then, for the whole offensive sequence that follows. IV. EQUIPMENTS THE NET A volleyball net is made of 10 cm square black mesh. The net is 9 1/2 to 10 m long and 1 meter wide. There are bands along the top and bottom of the net through which cables or cords are threaded, then tied to the posts to keep the net taut. The top band is 7 cm wide and the bottom band is 5 cm wide. Bands at the Get more content on
  • 10. Reflection Paper On Volleyball Volleyball has been a sport that has played a key role in my life. Looking back to my first game when it all started I can remember the butterflies in my stomach; I was so nervous, so eager. I had anticipated it all day. All week and as a sixth grader it gave me something bigger to be apart of going into middle school. The sport first caught my eye when I watched my older sister, Bailey, play. A net set up down the middle of the gymnasium, the twelve players on the court (six on each side), the sound of the ball as it was volleying around. I was intrigued to learn more and, of course as the little sister, I admired anything my older sister did and wanted to do it too. So there I was facing the start of a season equipped with a blue jersey with number four on the front and back, new black knee pads fresh out of the package, and black shorts matching the rest of the team. I was ready. As the team and I finish setting up the court for the game the other team arrives, the butterflies in my stomach began growing bigger than before. Both sides began warming up with partners and suddenly a loud noise rings through the gym, the referee was calling for captains to see who would have first serve or receive (defence or offence). My team won the coin toss, so we were to start the game with the serve or offense. Five players and I rush onto the court, we were the starting six. One player goes to stand behind the boundary line waiting for the referee to signal her to serve. The referee Get more content on
  • 11. People in america play volleyball, everyone should try volleyball its fun active you can run, jump, and move side to side.The history of volleyball is interesting and i love it. I want people to know how to play volleyball and see how fun it is. History of volleyball A guy named william g. Morgan inventedvolleyball, originally called, mintonette. Morgan a graduate of springfield college designed the game to be a combination of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball. He invented it in 1895. In 1900, a special ball was designed for the sport.In 1917, the game was changed from 21 to 15 points. In 1920, three more content... Also and opposite hitter ( attack ). The equipments of volleyball is the net,ball, and clothes. You have to wear a t–shirt,spandex shorts, and knee socks.Also you have to have knee pads and your hair in a ponytail or a braid. The object of the game is to get the ball over the net. And prevent ball from hitting the ground in the other team's court. Why i like volleyball I like volleyball because it's fun,active, and its my experience. Its fun because u get to hit the ball and try to get it over the net. And you get to run everywhere. Also you and your team work together and try to prevent the ball from hitting the other team's court. And i played volleyball about over a year.You might fall but you just get back up.Another reason i like volleyball is because i like to hit the ball. And i like it to because i can run and try to keep the ball up. How did volleyball become an olympic Get more content on
  • 12. Volleyball History She jumps, the crowd watches as her body soars from the ground, soaring over the next. The sphere peaks at its highest altitude and she swings. The crowd cheers, for the ball passed through each opponent at lightning speed and touched the court floor. This is the speedy, action–packed way volleyball is commonly played. Not only does volleyball have a fast play style, it has many other variables that make it a great sport. The history of volleyball started in 1895, much later than most people assumed (Boga 1). The basic rules would be set and are still used to this day. Later, in 1915, the sport would spread globally, and other counties would make their mark on the development of the sport (Crego 235). The clothing used to play the sport more content... The basic setup for a casual volleyball game consists of typically twelve players spread across two sides of a court with a net separating each team equally in space. Teams usually form two rows of three to evenly distribute players on their side of the court. The goal the game is to receive the ball from the serving side and return it over the net to the other side of the field without the ball being passed back. Moreover, the ball must not be touched by the same player more than once consecutively and the ball must be passed over the net by the third touch of the ball. The serving team is awarded a point if the receiving team fails to return the ball within the three–hit maximum, keep the ball from coming in contact with the court floor, a player touches the ball twice consecutively, or if the ball is returned but lands out of bounds (Levinson and Christensen 437). The rotation for any team must be clockwise, so a player in the right–back most position of their side of the court would serve first then the right–front most player would serve next after rotation (Boga 53). Additionally, players may not touch the net. This rule is very important when a player is spiking or blocking because they will be very up and close to the net. Every player is required to be in their position of rotation before the ball is served. After the ball is served, however, a player is allowed to move freely within his or her side of the court. Lastly, a game is won when a team has 25 points, or 15 points for shorter games, and the opposing team trails by at least two points (Levinson and Christensen Get more content on
  • 13. The Volleyball: A Year-Round Sport Volleyball is a year–round sport. In 1916 rules were issued by the YMCA and the National Collegiate Athletic Association(NCAA). United States Volleyball Association(USVA) was formed in 1928 and is the sport's national governing body.The Federation internationale de volleyball oversees the sport internationally. Volleyball became an Olympic event in 1964. In 1895, just four years afterbasketball was invented a couple of miles down the road in Springfield, Massachusetts, a twenty–five year old gym teacher invented the game of volleyball at the YMCA in Holyoke, New York. Volleyball was originally called " Mintonette''. Morgan was the eldest of his siblings. His parents were George Henry Morgan and Nancy Chatfield. Did you know that The Volleyball Get more content on
  • 14. How Has Volleyball Changed Over Time Many people play volleyball but don't know how the sport was created, when it was created, and how it has changed over time. The sport has been around for 120 years and will be around for many more years. Volleyball players mainly play and enjoy the time on the court and try to win the game, they don't pay attention to the history. If the players would understand the past and know how things were, they'd probably be thankful and happy that things have changed. Volleyballhas evolved over time and it made the sport more of a challenge and made it more of an interest. Volleyball originated in the United States in 1895 and is now getting the type of popularity in the U.S. as it should. The creator William G. Morgan was the education director Get more content on
  • 15. Reaction Paper About Volleyball Volleyball has been around for decades and has gained much recognition over the years through the Olympic Games and Asean Games. Its popularity has grown tremendously over the years of development and is one of the highly enjoyable sports that can be played by all ages. Volleyball is a physically demanding sport, which requires an individual to be physically fit and to be able to demonstrate the broad range of physical components, like having speed, agility, flexibility and more. Moreover, with the continuous vigorous training, it also helps to improve the health of the individual. In the past, I have tried out many other sports like basketball and netball, but volleyball remains as my favorite because of the excitements and the genuine more content... In volleyball, there are different skills to acquire, like serving, passing, spiking, setting, and digging. However, beginners will usually start by knowing the basic posture and the correct hand grip first. They will have to grip their hands together tightly, straighten their arms and bend their knees slightly before hitting up the incoming ball. After learning how to hit the ball up with the correct postures, serving of the ball over the net to the opposite court will be taught. Serving volleyball with upper–hand is commonly used. However, it will be easier for the beginners to start by using the underhand volleyball serves. The underhand volleyball serves have a higher chance of serving over the net, yet the upper–hand volleyball serves allows the player to have more control over the ball and are more powerful. Serving the ball will start the game, and having a good serve will give the team more advantage to score more points which might turn the tables if the team is losing. However, one should always take note not to step on the court's line when serving the ball. Also, a game will not be complete without an attacking force. Spiking can be an effective attack that helps the team to win a point if the opponent players are not able to save the ball. Spiking is a skill that requires a lot of effort in correcting the coordination of the body to jump up and spike down the ball at the opponent's court. All in all, to learn the basic skills requires the individual to put in a lot of effort and patience, because it is important to set the foundation skills Get more content on
  • 16. Essay about Physics in Volleyball Physics is used in almost everything we do throughout our everyday lives. Sports are almost entirely composed of the physics of the human body in order accomplish the performed action. Volleyball is a sport which has physics at the heart of the game, understanding the physics of the game actually allows a player to improve and become more efficient and effective in his or her game. This essay gives insight into how the rules of physics can be used and are essential in the game of volleyball in all aspects of the game including serving, passing, setting, hitting, and blocking. Volleyball is a game of constant projectile motion with various types of contacts involved in each aspect of the game. In volleyball when serving one must more content... The passer receives the ball at a certain angle and velocity and in contacting the ball changes the angle, direction, and possibly velocity of the ball. The passer's purpose is to keep the ball off the floor and put it in a direction for further useful play. To accomplish this contact of the ball and repositioning of it a player must get between the ball and the floor, create a styrdy platform for the ball to hit, and stay low. A passer should be placed between the floor and the ball to prevent the ball from reaching the floor. This movement can be accomplish by running to the ball, shuffling to a good ready position, or in last resort diving for the ball, by extending the arms and body into the air to reach a ball. If the arms have to move away from the from the front of the body the passer should drop their inside shoulder, so that the angle shown to the ball will direct the ball back into the court for futher play. To create a solid platform for the ball to hit the arms should be straightened infront of the passer, to limit the angle the ball will reflect, and the legs should be stable and bent. The legs will act like a spring, they should absorb the impact of the ball and then use force to push the ball in the opposite direction. Creating a flat and straight platform will allow the ball to rebound up and off the arms of the passer into the direction of the Get more content on
  • 17. My Experience On My Volleyball Experience My Volleyball season experience As I had been getting ready for my second year of Volleyball tryouts my heart was pumping so fast in my chest I honestly thought I had been having a heart attack. Tomorrow was going to be the first day of tryouts and I was so excited yet nervous. Annika(my best friend) and I were practicing with our Volleyballs outside of her house. We were doing most of the drills we had remembered from the season before. After a couple of hours we decided we should stop before we pull a muscle or injury our bodies and rest up for tomorrow. My mother had cooked me up a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup, my absolute favorite meal ever, to get me ecstatic for tryouts and to settle my butterflies. Once I finished my delicious meal and proceed to get ready for bed, Annika and I called each other and talked for a while about what we were going to do tomorrow and how we hoped we would get on the team again. I quickly dozed off shortly after we hung up. As I arose the next morning my father had made me a slice of toast with strawberry jelly on it and some orange juice. Annika, Zoe and I carpool in the morning and so I waited patiently for her mother to come pick me up. As they picked me up we all jammed out to Beyonce's new tunes to try and get all the stress out of our bodies. Once we got to school, we announced our goodbyes and went our separate ways. As class dragged on I couldn't help but wonder what if this the year I didn't meet the requirements to Get more content on
  • 18. My Love For Volleyball : The Life Of Volleyball I began to play volleyball when I was eleven years old and have been playing since. At first, I joined volleyball for the social aspect only and did not really expect myself to enjoy the sport as much as I have. My love for volleyball grew gradually throughout the years as I began to put in more time and effort into the sport. Volleyballhas since become my happy place where I can momentarily forget everything else that is going on and focus on the sport. Volleyball is agame won in three out of five sets consisting of twenty–five points each except the fifth set is consisted of fifteen points since it is the tie breaker. Each team gets three touches to send the ball over the net and no player can touch the ball twice in a row. Each touch is consisted of a pass, set, and hit. Throughout this essay, I will teach you the main fitness components, positions played, and skills needed in volleyball. Volleyball is a game based on endurance, speed, agility, and power. Due to the intensity of the game, endurance is important. Power is also important because to earn your team a point you need to have the strength to serve, block, and hit the ball hard enough for it to reach the floor. At every moment, you need to be quick on your feet for when the ball is coming towards you. As for agility, it is needed to fully grasp the skills performed in volleyball. In volleyball, your position is based on what skill you are good at. If you are a libero or defense specialist, you are considered to Get more content on
  • 19. Volleyball History Volleyball is the second most popular sport in the world. From its beginnings in the United States in 1895, volleyball has spread to every corner of the world and the number of players is nearing one billion. No one knows exactly why volleyball has such a huge following outside the United States but one thing is for certain: in the over 100 years of its existence, volleyball has gone through some dramatic changes. Changes made for the love of volleyball and its expansion as a popular sport. Volleyball, first known as mintonette, found its beginning in 1895. William G. Morgan, an instructor at a Young Men's Christian Association, developed a sport for young businessmen to keep in shape yet not be as physically demanding as another new more content... Ball pressure is between 4.5 and 6.0 pounds 2 on 6, Don't overlook 2–on–6 as a skill–teaching game. Although it seems grossly unfair at first, the game teaches huge amounts about reading setters and hitters, making plays on defence, communication with teammates, accurate passing, and nearly every other phase of the game .Have the 6–player team serve, trying to get the ball within a step or two of one of the 2–player teammates. Don't have the 2–player team try to block. Rather, get down and play defence. It's a great drill, fun and enormously helpful in developing defensive toughness. Rolling before digs is another skill drill. Have a player start on the floor, roll 3 complete revolutions (the rest of the team can count them loudly, which adds to the excitement and fun). As soon as they've completed their revolutions, toss a ball in a position difficult. enough to make them work hard to pop it up. The drill can be run as if the bump was a 1st or 2nd hit, or as an emergency 3rd hit that needs to go over the net. Keep it moving, and the conditioning will improve, as well as quickness and skill level. Volleyball strategies range from simple and obvious to highly complex. Matching strategies to the skill level is the critical first step. Teams must develop appropriate tactics for serving, receiving, offense, hitting and defense. Master the basics, then blend in more elaborate concepts. Team strategies evolve as the team Get more content on