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Hope for the Future 
Portugal - Póvoa de 
Second meeting 
13 -17 May 2013 
Learning Europe: 
Culture & Civilization
CCoolloosssseeuumm ((RRoommee)) 
TThhee CCoolloosssseeuumm oorr CCoolliisseeuumm,, 
aallssoo kknnoowwnn aass tthhee FFllaavviiaann 
AAmmpphhiitthheeaattrree iiss aann eelllliippttiiccaall 
aammpphhiitthheeaattrree iinn tthhee cceennttrree ooff 
tthhee cciittyy ooff RRoommee,, IIttaallyy. BBuuiilltt ooff 
ccoonnccrreettee aanndd ssttoonnee,, iitt wwaass tthhee 
llaarrggeesstt aammpphhiitthheeaattrree ooff tthhee 
RRoommaann EEmmppiirree,, aanndd iitt iiss 
ccoonnssiiddeerreedd oonnee ooff tthhee ggrreeaatteesstt 
wwoorrkkss ooff RRoommaann aarrcchhiitteeccttuurree 
aanndd eennggiinneeeerriinngg. IItt iiss tthhee 
llaarrggeesstt aammpphhiitthheeaattrree iinn tthhee 
FFiilliippppoo BBrruunneelllleesscchhii ((11337777--11444466)) 
FFiilliippppoo BBrruunneelllleesscchhii wwaass oonnee 
ooff tthhee ffoorreemmoosstt aarrcchhiitteeccttss 
aanndd eennggiinneeeerrss ooff tthhee IIttaalliiaann 
RReennaaiissssaannccee. HHee iiss ffaammoouuss 
ffoorr hhiiss ddiissccoovveerryy ooff 
ppeerrssppeeccttiivvee aanndd ffoorr 
eennggiinneeeerriinngg tthhee ddoommee ooff tthhee 
FFlloorreennccee CCaatthheeddrraall,, bbuutt hhiiss 
aaccccoommpplliisshhmmeennttss aallssoo 
iinncclluuddee ootthheerr aarrcchhiitteeccttuurraall 
wwoorrkkss,, ssccuullppttuurree,, 
mmaatthheemmaattiiccss,, eennggiinneeeerriinngg 
aanndd eevveenn sshhiipp ddeessiiggnn. HHiiss 
pprriinncciippaall ssuurrvviivviinngg wwoorrkkss aarree 
ttoo bbee ffoouunndd iinn FFlloorreennccee,, 
DDuuoommoo ooff FFlloorreennccee 
TThhee BBaassiilliiccaa ddii SSaannttaa 
MMaarriiaa ddeell FFiioorree iiss tthhee 
mmaaiinn cchhuurrcchh ooff FFlloorreennccee,, 
IIttaallyy. TThhee DDuuoommoo,, aass iitt iiss 
oorrddiinnaarriillyy ccaalllleedd,, wwaass 
bbeegguunn iinn 11229966 iinn tthhee 
GGootthhiicc ssttyyllee ttoo tthhee ddeessiiggnn 
ooff AArrnnoollffoo ddii CCaammbbiioo aanndd 
ccoommpplleetteedd ssttrruuccttuurraallllyy iinn 
11443366 wwiitthh tthhee ddoommee 
eennggiinneeeerreedd bbyy FFiilliippppoo 
GGiioottttoo’’ss BBeellll TToowweerr 
GGiioottttoo’’ss CCaammppaanniillee ((8844,,77 
mmeettrreess hhiigghh)) iiss aa ffrreeee--ssttaannddiinngg 
ccaammppaanniillee tthhaatt iiss ppaarrtt ooff tthhee 
ccoommpplleexx ooff bbuuiillddiinnggss tthhaatt mmaakkee 
uupp FFlloorreennccee CCaatthheeddrraall oonn tthhee 
PPiiaazzzzaa ddeell DDuuoommoo iinn FFlloorreennccee. 
SSttaannddiinngg aaddjjaacceenntt tthhee BBaassiilliiccaa 
ooff SSaannttaa MMaarriiaa ddeell FFiioorree aanndd 
tthhee BBaappttiissttrryy ooff SStt. JJoohhnn,, tthhee 
ttoowweerr iiss oonnee ooff tthhee sshhoowwppiieecceess 
ooff tthhee FFlloorreennttiinnee GGootthhiicc 
aarrcchhiitteeccttuurree wwiitthh iittss ddeessiiggnn bbyy 
GGiioottttoo,, iittss rriicchh ssccuullppttuurraall 
ddeeccoorraattiioonnss aanndd tthhee 
ppoollyycchhrroommee mmaarrbbllee 
GGiiaann LLoorreennzzoo BBeerrnniinnii ((11559988--11668800)) 
GGiiaann LLoorreennzzoo BBeerrnniinnii 
wwaass aann IIttaalliiaann aarrttiisstt aanndd 
aa pprroommiinneenntt aarrcchhiitteecctt 
wwhhoo wwoorrkkeedd pprriinncciippaallllyy 
iinn RRoommee. HHee wwaass tthhee 
lleeaaddiinngg ssccuullppttoorr ooff hhiiss 
aaggee,, ccrreeddiitteedd wwiitthh 
ccrreeaattiinngg tthhee BBaarrooqquuee 
ssttyyllee ooff ssccuullppttuurree. IInn 
aaddddiittiioonn,, hhee ppaaiinntteedd,, 
wwrroottee ppllaayyss,, aanndd 
ddeessiiggnneedd mmeettaallwwoorrkk aanndd 
ssttaaggee sseettss.
SSaaiinntt PPeetteerr’’ss SSqquuaarree 
SSaaiinntt PPeetteerr''ss SSqquuaarree iiss aa mmaassssiivvee ppllaazzaa llooccaatteedd ddiirreeccttllyy iinn ffrroonntt 
ooff SStt. PPeetteerr''ss BBaassiilliiccaa iinn tthhee VVaattiiccaann CCiittyy. 
GGiiaann LLoorreennzzoo BBeerrnniinnii ddeessiiggnneedd tthhee ssqquuaarree iinncclluuddiinngg tthhee mmaassssiivvee 
TTuussccaann ccoolloonnnnaaddeess,, ffoouurr ccoolluummnnss ddeeeepp,, wwhhiicchh eemmbbrraaccee vviissiittoorrss 
iinn ""tthhee mmaatteerrnnaall aarrmmss ooff MMootthheerr CChhuurrcchh."" AA ggrraanniittee ffoouunnttaaiinn 
ccoonnssttrruucctteedd bbyy BBeerrnniinnii iinn 11667755 mmaattcchheess aannootthheerr ffoouunnttaaiinn 
ddeessiiggnneedd bbyy CCaarrlloo MMaaddeerrnnoo ddaattiinngg ttoo 11661133.
BBaassiilliiccaa ddii SSaann MMaarrccoo ((VVeenniiccee)) 
TThhee PPaattrriiaarrcchhaall 
CCaatthheeddrraall BBaassiilliiccaa ooff 
SSaaiinntt MMaarrkk iiss tthhee 
ccaatthheeddrraall cchhuurrcchh ooff tthhee 
RRoommaann CCaatthhoolliicc 
AArrcchhddiioocceessee ooff VVeenniiccee,, 
nnoorrtthheerrnn IIttaallyy. 
IItt iiss tthhee mmoosstt ffaammoouuss ooff 
tthhee cciittyy''ss cchhuurrcchheess aanndd 
oonnee ooff tthhee bbeesstt kknnoowwnn 
eexxaammpplleess ooff BByyzzaannttiinnee 
aarrcchhiitteeccttuurree. IItt lliieess aatt tthhee 
eeaasstteerrnn eenndd ooff tthhee PPiiaazzzzaa 
SSaann MMaarrccoo,, aaddjjaacceenntt aanndd 
ccoonnnneecctteedd ttoo tthhee DDooggee''ss 
DDuuoommoo ddii MMiillaannoo 
TThhee ccaatthheeddrraall ooff 
MMiillaann,, tthhee ssyymmbbooll ooff 
MMiillaann,, iiss ddeeddiiccaatteedd ttoo 
SSaannttaa MMaarriiaa RRiissiinngg 
aanndd iiss llooccaatteedd iinn tthhee 
ssqquuaarree iinn tthhee cciittyy 
PPiiaazzzzaa ddeeii mmiirraaccoollii 
TThhee PPiiaazzzzaa ddeell DDuuoommoo ((""CCaatthheeddrraall SSqquuaarree"")) iiss aa wwiiddee,, wwaalllleedd aarreeaa ttoo tthhee 
nnoorrtthh ooff cceennttrraall PPiissaa,, TTuussccaannyy. IItt iiss rreeccooggnniizzeedd aass oonnee ooff tthhee mmaaiinn 
cceenntteerrss ffoorr mmeeddiieevvaall aarrtt iinn tthhee wwoorrlldd. PPaarrttllyy ppaavveedd aanndd ppaarrttllyy ggrraasssseedd,, iitt 
iiss ddoommiinnaatteedd bbyy ffoouurr ggrreeaatt rreelliiggiioouuss eeddiiffiicceess:: tthhee DDuuoommoo ((ccaatthheeddrraall)),, tthhee 
CCaammppaanniillee ((tthhee ccaatthheeddrraall''ss ffrreeee ssttaannddiinngg bbeellll ttoowweerr)),, tthhee BBaappttiissttrryy aanndd 
tthhee CCaammppoossaannttoo.
RReennzzoo PPiiaannoo 
RReennzzoo PPiiaannoo iiss aann 
IIttaalliiaann aarrcchhiitteecctt. IItt iiss 
oonnee ooff tthhee bbeesstt 
kknnoowwnn aanndd 
iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaallllyy aaccttiivvee 
The Shard, also referred to as the 
Shard of Glass, Shard London 
Bridge is a 72-storey skyscraper in 
London. It opened to the public on 
1st February 2013. Standing 309.6 
metres (1,016 ft) high, the Shard is 
the tallest building in the European 
Union. Renzo Piano is the Shard's 
The basis of the 
modern Italian 
language was 
established by the 
Florentine poet Dante 
Alighieri, whose 
greatest work, the 
Divine Comedy, is 
considered among the 
foremost literary 
statements produced 
in Europe during the 
Middle Ages. 
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
Other celebrated literary figures in Italy are: Giovanni 
Boccaccio whose greatest work is “The Decameron”. 
The poet Giacomo Leopardi and Alessandro Manzoni 
who wrote “The Betrothed”. 
Giovanni Boccaccio Giacomo Leopardi Alessandro Manzoni
There are also Torquato Tasso, Ludovico Ariosto, and Petrarca, whose 
best-known vehicle of expression, the sonnet, was invented in Italy, Luigi 
Pirandello with “Il fu Mattia Pascal” and Giovanni Pascoli. 
Prominent philosophers include Giordano Bruno, Marsilio Ficino, Niccolò 
Machiavelli, and Giambattista Vico. Modern literary figures and Nobel 
laureates are: nationalist poet Giosuè Carducci in 1906; realist writer 
Grazia Deledda in 1926; modern theatre author Luigi Pirandello in 1936; 
poets Salvatore Quasimodo in 1959 and Eugenio Montale in 1975; satirist 
and theatre author Dario Fo in 1997. 
Giovanni Pascoli Luigi Pirandello Salvatore Quasimodo
Over the centuries, Italian art has gone through 
many stylistic changes. Italian painting is 
traditionally characterized by a warmth of colour 
and light, as exemplified in the works of Caravaggio 
and Titian, and a preoccupation with religious figures 
and motifs. Italian painting enjoyed pre-eminence in 
Europe for hundreds of years, from the Romanesque 
and Gothic periods, and through the Renaissance and 
Baroque periods. Other notable artists who fall 
within these periods include Giotto, Michelangelo, 
Leonardo da Vinci, Donatello, Botticelli, Tintoretto 
and Bernini.
GIOTTO (1267 – 1337) 
“Compianto sul Cristo morto” 
“Madonna in maestà”
DONATELLO (1386 – 1466) 
“San Giorgio” “David”
LEONARDO DA VINCI (1475 – 1564) 
“La Gioconda” “Ultima Cena”
MICHELANGELO (1475 – 1564) 
“Il David” “Sacra Famiglia”
RAFFAELLO (1483 – 1520) 
“Lo sposalizio della 
“La Madonna della seggiola”
“La Primavera” “The birth of Venus”
TINTORETTO (1519 – 1594) 
“Origine della Via Lattea” “San Rocco in Gloria”
CARAVAGGIO (1571 – 1610) 
“Bacchini malato” “The Crucifixion of Saint 
The Macchiaioli were a group of Italian painters active 
in Tuscany in the second half of the nineteenth 
century, who, breaking with the antiquated conventions 
taught by the Italian academies of art, did much of 
their painting outdoors in order to capture natural 
light, shade, and colour. This practice relates the 
Macchiaioli to the French Impressionists. The most 
notable artists of this movement were Giovanni 
Fattori, Vito D’Ancona, Silvestro Lega and Telemaco 
Giovanni Fattori, Hay 
Ragazza di 
Vito D’Ancona, 
Lady in White 
Silvestro Lega 
Il Bindolo
“La Dame de Biarritz” “Marthe Bibesco”
UMBERTO BOCCIONI (1882 - 1916) 
“The Laugh” 
GIORGIO DE CHIRICO (1888 - 1978) 
“Love Song” “The Disquieting 
FFrroomm FFoollkk ttoo ccllaassssiiccaall,, mmuussiicc 
hhaass aallwwaayyss ppllaayyeedd aann 
iimmppoorrttaanntt rroollee iinn tthhee IIttaalliiaann 
• Instruments 
associated with 
classical music, 
including the piano 
Cristofori), violin 
and organ 
Frescobaldi) were 
invented in Italy.
Many of prevailing classical music forms, such 
as symphony, concerto and sonata, can trace 
their roots back to innovations of the 16th 
and 17th century Italian music.
Italian most famous composers include the 
Renaissance composers Palestrina, 
Giovanni Pierluigi da 
Palestrina (1526 – 
1594) was a 
composer of sacred 
music and the best-known 
representative of 
the Roman School of 
musical composition. 
Monteverdi (1567 -1643) 
was a composer and 
Monteverdi's work, 
marked the transition 
from the Renaissance 
style of music to that of 
the Baroque period. 
He developed two 
individual styles of 
composition – the 
heritage of 
Renaissance polyphonyan 
and the new basso 
continuo technique of the 
The Baroque composers 
Giuseppe Domenico 
Scarlatti (1685 – 1757) 
was a composer who 
spent much of his life 
in the service of 
the Portuguese and 
Spanish royal 
families. He composed 
in a variety of musical 
forms, although today 
he is known mainly for 
his 555 keyboard 
Arcangelo Corelli (1653 – 
1713) was a composer and 
violinist and composer of 
the Baroque era. 
The style of execution introduced by Corelli 
was of vital importance for the development 
of violin playing. It has been said that the 
paths of all of the famous violinist-composers 
of 18th-century Italy led to 
Arcangelo Corelli who was their "iconic point 
of reference".
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (1678 – 1741), 
was an Italian Baroque composer, 
Catholic priest, and virtuoso violinist, born 
in Venice. Recognized as one of the 
greatest Baroque composers, his 
influence during his lifetime was 
widespread over Europe. 
Vivaldi is known mainly for composing 
instrumental concertos especially for the 
violin, as well as sacred choral works and 
over forty operas. His best known work is 
a series of violin concertos known as The 
Four Seasons.
The classical composers 
Niccolò Paganini (1782- 1840) was a composer 
and one of the most celebrated violin virtuosi of 
his time, and left his mark as one of the pillars of 
modern violin technique. His Caprice No. 24 in 
A minor, Op. 1, is among the best known of his 
Gioachino Rossini (1792- 
1868) was a composer who 
wrote 39 operas as well 
as sacred music, chamber 
music, songs, and some 
instrumental and piano 
His best-known operas 
include the Italian 
comedies Il barbiere di 
Siviglia (The Barber of 
Seville) and La 
Cenerentola and the French-language 
epics Moïse et 
Pharaonand Guillaume Tell.
Romantic composer 
Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) is 
considered with Richard Wagner the 
most influential composer of operas of 
the nineteenth century, and dominated 
the Italian scene after Bellini, Donizetti 
and Rossini. His works are frequently 
performed in opera houses throughout 
the world and, transcending the 
boundaries of the genre, some of his 
themes have long since taken root in 
popular culture, as "La donna è mobile" 
from Rigoletto, "Libiamo ne' lieti calici” 
(The Drinking Song) from La traviata, 
"Va, pensiero”(The Chorus of the 
Hebrew Slaves) from Nabucco, the 
"Coro di zingari" from Il trovatore and 
the "Grand March" from Aida.
Romantic Composer 
Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924) was a 
composer whose operas are among the 
most frequently performed in opera houses 
all over the world. 
Puccini has been called "the greatest 
composer of Italian opera after Verdi”. While 
his early work was rooted in traditional late- 
19thcentury romantic Italian opera, he 
successfully developed his work in the 
'realistic' verismo style, of which he became 
one of the leading exponents. His greatest 
operas include: Manon Lescaut, Tosca, 
Madame Butterfly, La bohème, Turandot, La 
fanciulla del West.
Opera has been promoted by the opening of public 
theatres. In 1637 the first theatre in San Cassiano in 
Venice was opened. A new kind of music was sung 
and quickly spread throughout Europe.
• Italy is widely known for being the birthplace 
of Opera which was founded in the early 17th 
century, in Italian cities, such as Venice and 
• The opera literature of the first half of the 
eighteenth century was dominated by the 
great figure of the great Italian composer 
Giuseppe Verdi. His first successful opera was 
Nabucco in 1842 in Milan.
• Operas composed by Italian composers of the 
19th and early 20th centuries, such as Rossini, 
Bellini, Doninzetti, Verdi and Puccini are 
performed in opera houses all over the world. 
• Modern Italian composers, Berio and Nono, 
developed experimental and electronic music. 
Luciano Berio 
Famous Italian opera singers include Enrico 
Caruso and Luciano Pavarotti. 
Enrico Caruso 
Luciano Pavarotti 
La Scala Opera house in Milan, San Carlo Opera 
house in Naples and La Fenice Opera House in 
Venice are considered among the best theatres in 
the world. 
La Scala 
La Fenice 
• From the year of its foundation is the seat of 
the Opera, the Choir, the Orchestra and 
Ballet, the Philharmonic since 1982.
Claudio Abbado has served 
as music director of the La Scala 
opera house in Milan, principal 
conductor of the London 
Symphony Orchestra, principal 
guest conductor of the Chicago 
Symphony Orchestra, music 
director of the Vienna State 
Opera, and principal conductor 
of the Berlin Philharmonic, 
orchestra from 1989 to 2002. 
Riccardo Muti is a conductor and music 
director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. 
Muti has been a regular guest of the Berlin 
Philarmonic and the Vienna Philarmonic. 
He has led opera performances with the 
Philadelphia Orchestra and productions in the 
principal opera houses of Rome (from 1969), 
Ravenna, Vienna, London (from 1977), Munich 
(from 1979), and, finally, in 2010, New York.
From the 50s to the 90s 
Between the 50s and the 60s the 
Italian popular music underwent a 
significant change caused by the 
rock influences coming from 
overseas, in particular with the 
music that was enriched with 
electric guitars that took the place 
of violins.
From the 70s to the 90s 
In the 70s new born Italian singers and 
songwriters with a musical personality that 
united that of the classical composer and one 
of the folk singer, produced a new type of 
rock. Among these the most popular singers 
were: Lucio Battisti and Mia Martini. 
Lucio Battisti (1943-1998) 
Mia Martini (1947-1995)
From the 80s to the 90s 
• The 80s are essentially a decade of great 
innovation which passes through the electronic 
sound with the attempt of a link between genres 
such as rock and the diverse world of soul, disco 
and funk. In the second half of the 80s techno 
and house music was produced.
Italy was also an important country in the 
development of disco and electronic music, known for 
its futuristic sound and prominent usage of 
synthesizers and drum machines. It was one of 
European forms of dico music. It was called Italo Disco. 
Italo disco's influences include Italian producer Giorgio 
Moroder and the singer Spagna. 
Today , Italian pop music is represented 
annually with the Sanremo Music Festival, 
which takes place at the Ariston theatre in 
Sanremo. This Festival served as inspiration 
for the Eurovision song contest, and the 
Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto. 
Ariston Theatre
Today singers such as pop diva Mina, classical 
crossover artist Andrea Bocelli, Grammy winner Laura 
Pausini, European chart-topper Eros Ramazzotti, 
Gianna Nannini and Tiziano Ferro have attained 
international acclaim. 
Andrea Bocelli
Laura Pausini 
Eros Ramazzotti
Gianna Nannini 
Tiziano Ferro
The history of Italian cinema began a few months after the 
Lumière brothers began motion picture exhibitions. The first 
Italian film was a few seconds, showing Pope Leo XIII giving a 
blessing to the camera. 
The Italian film industry was born between 1903 and 1908 
with three companies. 
Films were brought to Italy by the Lumière operators during 
In 1896, the first cinema theatres opened in Rome, Milan , 
Naples, Livorno , etc. 
In Pisa cinema Lumière opened in 1899 . It closed its doors on 
February 13, 2011.
Cinecittà is a complex of studios of international 
importance located along the Tuscolana in the eastern 
outskirts of Rome, and active since 1937. 
Cinecittà is the top Italian film industry but it is also used 
for foreign productions and television shows. 
More than 3000 films were shot here; 90 films received 
an Academy Award nomination; 47 films won the 
prestigious statuette. Famous national and international 
directors have worked here: Federico Fellini , Francis 
Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Riddley Scott, etc.
Italian Directors 
• Vittorio De Sica 
• Roberto Rossellini 
• Federico Fellini 
• Sergio Leone 
• Luchino Visconti 
• Mario Monicelli 
• Michelangelo Antonioni 
• Franco Zeffirelli 
• Dario Argento 
• Giuseppe Tornatore 
• Gabriele Salvatores 
• Roberto Benigni
TThhee mmiidd--11994400ss ttoo tthhee eeaarrllyy 11995500ss wwaass tthhee hheeyyddaayy ooff 
nneeoorreeaalliissttiicc ffiillmmss,, rreefflleeccttiinngg tthhee ppoooorr ccoonnddiittiioonn ooff 
ppoosstt--wwaarr IIttaallyy 
RRoommee,, OOppeenn CCiittyy ((1199445)) 
The Bicycle thief (1948)
The most famous movies include: 
• La dolce vita 
• The Good, the Bad and the 
• Two Women 
• Once upon a time in America 
• Mediterraneo 
• Life is beautiful
Famous actors from the 40s to 90s 
Vittorio Gassman (Riso amaro) 
Anna Magnani (La rosa tatuata) 
Vittorio De Sica (Miracolo a Milano) 
Totò (Miseria e nobiltà)
Famous actors/actresses 
Marcello Mastroianni 
(Matrimonio all’italiana) 
Sophia Loren 
(La ciociara) 
Alberto Sordi 
(Un americano a Roma) 
Mariangela Melato 
(Travolti da un insolito destino . . .) 
Monica Vitti (La ragazza con la pistola)
Massimo Troisi 
(Il Postino) 
Giancarlo Giannini 
(Pasqualino Settebellezze) 
Roberto Benigni 
(La vita è bella) 
Valeria Golino 
(Rain man) 
Monica Bellucci 
Stefano Accorsi 
(Le fate ignoranti) 
Elio Germano 
(La nostra vita) 
Raul Bova (Scusa se ti chiamo 
Riccardo Scamarcio 
(Tre metri sopra il cielo)

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  • 1. Hope for the Future Portugal - Póvoa de Lanhoso Second meeting 13 -17 May 2013 Learning Europe: Culture & Civilization
  • 3. CCoolloosssseeuumm ((RRoommee)) TThhee CCoolloosssseeuumm oorr CCoolliisseeuumm,, aallssoo kknnoowwnn aass tthhee FFllaavviiaann AAmmpphhiitthheeaattrree iiss aann eelllliippttiiccaall aammpphhiitthheeaattrree iinn tthhee cceennttrree ooff tthhee cciittyy ooff RRoommee,, IIttaallyy. BBuuiilltt ooff ccoonnccrreettee aanndd ssttoonnee,, iitt wwaass tthhee llaarrggeesstt aammpphhiitthheeaattrree ooff tthhee RRoommaann EEmmppiirree,, aanndd iitt iiss ccoonnssiiddeerreedd oonnee ooff tthhee ggrreeaatteesstt wwoorrkkss ooff RRoommaann aarrcchhiitteeccttuurree aanndd eennggiinneeeerriinngg. IItt iiss tthhee llaarrggeesstt aammpphhiitthheeaattrree iinn tthhee wwoorrlldd.
  • 4. FFiilliippppoo BBrruunneelllleesscchhii ((11337777--11444466)) FFiilliippppoo BBrruunneelllleesscchhii wwaass oonnee ooff tthhee ffoorreemmoosstt aarrcchhiitteeccttss aanndd eennggiinneeeerrss ooff tthhee IIttaalliiaann RReennaaiissssaannccee. HHee iiss ffaammoouuss ffoorr hhiiss ddiissccoovveerryy ooff ppeerrssppeeccttiivvee aanndd ffoorr eennggiinneeeerriinngg tthhee ddoommee ooff tthhee FFlloorreennccee CCaatthheeddrraall,, bbuutt hhiiss aaccccoommpplliisshhmmeennttss aallssoo iinncclluuddee ootthheerr aarrcchhiitteeccttuurraall wwoorrkkss,, ssccuullppttuurree,, mmaatthheemmaattiiccss,, eennggiinneeeerriinngg aanndd eevveenn sshhiipp ddeessiiggnn. HHiiss pprriinncciippaall ssuurrvviivviinngg wwoorrkkss aarree ttoo bbee ffoouunndd iinn FFlloorreennccee,, IIttaallyy.
  • 5. DDuuoommoo ooff FFlloorreennccee TThhee BBaassiilliiccaa ddii SSaannttaa MMaarriiaa ddeell FFiioorree iiss tthhee mmaaiinn cchhuurrcchh ooff FFlloorreennccee,, IIttaallyy. TThhee DDuuoommoo,, aass iitt iiss oorrddiinnaarriillyy ccaalllleedd,, wwaass bbeegguunn iinn 11229966 iinn tthhee GGootthhiicc ssttyyllee ttoo tthhee ddeessiiggnn ooff AArrnnoollffoo ddii CCaammbbiioo aanndd ccoommpplleetteedd ssttrruuccttuurraallllyy iinn 11443366 wwiitthh tthhee ddoommee eennggiinneeeerreedd bbyy FFiilliippppoo BBrruunneelllleesscchhii.
  • 6. GGiioottttoo’’ss BBeellll TToowweerr GGiioottttoo’’ss CCaammppaanniillee ((8844,,77 mmeettrreess hhiigghh)) iiss aa ffrreeee--ssttaannddiinngg ccaammppaanniillee tthhaatt iiss ppaarrtt ooff tthhee ccoommpplleexx ooff bbuuiillddiinnggss tthhaatt mmaakkee uupp FFlloorreennccee CCaatthheeddrraall oonn tthhee PPiiaazzzzaa ddeell DDuuoommoo iinn FFlloorreennccee. SSttaannddiinngg aaddjjaacceenntt tthhee BBaassiilliiccaa ooff SSaannttaa MMaarriiaa ddeell FFiioorree aanndd tthhee BBaappttiissttrryy ooff SStt. JJoohhnn,, tthhee ttoowweerr iiss oonnee ooff tthhee sshhoowwppiieecceess ooff tthhee FFlloorreennttiinnee GGootthhiicc aarrcchhiitteeccttuurree wwiitthh iittss ddeessiiggnn bbyy GGiioottttoo,, iittss rriicchh ssccuullppttuurraall ddeeccoorraattiioonnss aanndd tthhee ppoollyycchhrroommee mmaarrbbllee eennccrruussttaattiioonnss.
  • 7. GGiiaann LLoorreennzzoo BBeerrnniinnii ((11559988--11668800)) GGiiaann LLoorreennzzoo BBeerrnniinnii wwaass aann IIttaalliiaann aarrttiisstt aanndd aa pprroommiinneenntt aarrcchhiitteecctt wwhhoo wwoorrkkeedd pprriinncciippaallllyy iinn RRoommee. HHee wwaass tthhee lleeaaddiinngg ssccuullppttoorr ooff hhiiss aaggee,, ccrreeddiitteedd wwiitthh ccrreeaattiinngg tthhee BBaarrooqquuee ssttyyllee ooff ssccuullppttuurree. IInn aaddddiittiioonn,, hhee ppaaiinntteedd,, wwrroottee ppllaayyss,, aanndd ddeessiiggnneedd mmeettaallwwoorrkk aanndd ssttaaggee sseettss.
  • 8. SSaaiinntt PPeetteerr’’ss SSqquuaarree SSaaiinntt PPeetteerr''ss SSqquuaarree iiss aa mmaassssiivvee ppllaazzaa llooccaatteedd ddiirreeccttllyy iinn ffrroonntt ooff SStt. PPeetteerr''ss BBaassiilliiccaa iinn tthhee VVaattiiccaann CCiittyy. GGiiaann LLoorreennzzoo BBeerrnniinnii ddeessiiggnneedd tthhee ssqquuaarree iinncclluuddiinngg tthhee mmaassssiivvee TTuussccaann ccoolloonnnnaaddeess,, ffoouurr ccoolluummnnss ddeeeepp,, wwhhiicchh eemmbbrraaccee vviissiittoorrss iinn ""tthhee mmaatteerrnnaall aarrmmss ooff MMootthheerr CChhuurrcchh."" AA ggrraanniittee ffoouunnttaaiinn ccoonnssttrruucctteedd bbyy BBeerrnniinnii iinn 11667755 mmaattcchheess aannootthheerr ffoouunnttaaiinn ddeessiiggnneedd bbyy CCaarrlloo MMaaddeerrnnoo ddaattiinngg ttoo 11661133.
  • 9. BBaassiilliiccaa ddii SSaann MMaarrccoo ((VVeenniiccee)) TThhee PPaattrriiaarrcchhaall CCaatthheeddrraall BBaassiilliiccaa ooff SSaaiinntt MMaarrkk iiss tthhee ccaatthheeddrraall cchhuurrcchh ooff tthhee RRoommaann CCaatthhoolliicc AArrcchhddiioocceessee ooff VVeenniiccee,, nnoorrtthheerrnn IIttaallyy. IItt iiss tthhee mmoosstt ffaammoouuss ooff tthhee cciittyy''ss cchhuurrcchheess aanndd oonnee ooff tthhee bbeesstt kknnoowwnn eexxaammpplleess ooff BByyzzaannttiinnee aarrcchhiitteeccttuurree. IItt lliieess aatt tthhee eeaasstteerrnn eenndd ooff tthhee PPiiaazzzzaa SSaann MMaarrccoo,, aaddjjaacceenntt aanndd ccoonnnneecctteedd ttoo tthhee DDooggee''ss PPaallaaccee.
  • 10. DDuuoommoo ddii MMiillaannoo TThhee ccaatthheeddrraall ooff MMiillaann,, tthhee ssyymmbbooll ooff MMiillaann,, iiss ddeeddiiccaatteedd ttoo SSaannttaa MMaarriiaa RRiissiinngg aanndd iiss llooccaatteedd iinn tthhee ssqquuaarree iinn tthhee cciittyy cceenntteerr.
  • 11. PPiiaazzzzaa ddeeii mmiirraaccoollii TThhee PPiiaazzzzaa ddeell DDuuoommoo ((""CCaatthheeddrraall SSqquuaarree"")) iiss aa wwiiddee,, wwaalllleedd aarreeaa ttoo tthhee nnoorrtthh ooff cceennttrraall PPiissaa,, TTuussccaannyy. IItt iiss rreeccooggnniizzeedd aass oonnee ooff tthhee mmaaiinn cceenntteerrss ffoorr mmeeddiieevvaall aarrtt iinn tthhee wwoorrlldd. PPaarrttllyy ppaavveedd aanndd ppaarrttllyy ggrraasssseedd,, iitt iiss ddoommiinnaatteedd bbyy ffoouurr ggrreeaatt rreelliiggiioouuss eeddiiffiicceess:: tthhee DDuuoommoo ((ccaatthheeddrraall)),, tthhee CCaammppaanniillee ((tthhee ccaatthheeddrraall''ss ffrreeee ssttaannddiinngg bbeellll ttoowweerr)),, tthhee BBaappttiissttrryy aanndd tthhee CCaammppoossaannttoo.
  • 12. RReennzzoo PPiiaannoo RReennzzoo PPiiaannoo iiss aann IIttaalliiaann aarrcchhiitteecctt. IItt iiss oonnee ooff tthhee bbeesstt kknnoowwnn aanndd iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaallllyy aaccttiivvee aarrcchhiitteeccttss. The Shard, also referred to as the Shard of Glass, Shard London Bridge is a 72-storey skyscraper in London. It opened to the public on 1st February 2013. Standing 309.6 metres (1,016 ft) high, the Shard is the tallest building in the European Union. Renzo Piano is the Shard's architect.
  • 14. The basis of the modern Italian language was established by the Florentine poet Dante Alighieri, whose greatest work, the Divine Comedy, is considered among the foremost literary statements produced in Europe during the Middle Ages. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
  • 15. Other celebrated literary figures in Italy are: Giovanni Boccaccio whose greatest work is “The Decameron”. The poet Giacomo Leopardi and Alessandro Manzoni who wrote “The Betrothed”. Giovanni Boccaccio Giacomo Leopardi Alessandro Manzoni
  • 16. There are also Torquato Tasso, Ludovico Ariosto, and Petrarca, whose best-known vehicle of expression, the sonnet, was invented in Italy, Luigi Pirandello with “Il fu Mattia Pascal” and Giovanni Pascoli. Prominent philosophers include Giordano Bruno, Marsilio Ficino, Niccolò Machiavelli, and Giambattista Vico. Modern literary figures and Nobel laureates are: nationalist poet Giosuè Carducci in 1906; realist writer Grazia Deledda in 1926; modern theatre author Luigi Pirandello in 1936; poets Salvatore Quasimodo in 1959 and Eugenio Montale in 1975; satirist and theatre author Dario Fo in 1997. Giovanni Pascoli Luigi Pirandello Salvatore Quasimodo
  • 17. ART
  • 18. Over the centuries, Italian art has gone through many stylistic changes. Italian painting is traditionally characterized by a warmth of colour and light, as exemplified in the works of Caravaggio and Titian, and a preoccupation with religious figures and motifs. Italian painting enjoyed pre-eminence in Europe for hundreds of years, from the Romanesque and Gothic periods, and through the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Other notable artists who fall within these periods include Giotto, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Donatello, Botticelli, Tintoretto and Bernini.
  • 19. GIOTTO (1267 – 1337) “Compianto sul Cristo morto” “Madonna in maestà”
  • 20. DONATELLO (1386 – 1466) “San Giorgio” “David”
  • 21. LEONARDO DA VINCI (1475 – 1564) “La Gioconda” “Ultima Cena”
  • 22. MICHELANGELO (1475 – 1564) “Il David” “Sacra Famiglia”
  • 23. RAFFAELLO (1483 – 1520) “Lo sposalizio della Vergine” “La Madonna della seggiola”
  • 24. SANDRO BOTTICELLI (1445-1510) “La Primavera” “The birth of Venus”
  • 25. TINTORETTO (1519 – 1594) “Origine della Via Lattea” “San Rocco in Gloria”
  • 26. CARAVAGGIO (1571 – 1610) “Bacchini malato” “The Crucifixion of Saint Peter”
  • 27. MACCHIAIOLI The Macchiaioli were a group of Italian painters active in Tuscany in the second half of the nineteenth century, who, breaking with the antiquated conventions taught by the Italian academies of art, did much of their painting outdoors in order to capture natural light, shade, and colour. This practice relates the Macchiaioli to the French Impressionists. The most notable artists of this movement were Giovanni Fattori, Vito D’Ancona, Silvestro Lega and Telemaco Signorini.
  • 28. Giovanni Fattori, Hay stack Silvestro Lega, Ragazza di Crespina Telemaco Signorini, Ghetto of Florence Vito D’Ancona, Lady in White Silvestro Lega Il Bindolo
  • 29. GIOVANNI BOLDINI (1842-1931) “La Dame de Biarritz” “Marthe Bibesco”
  • 30. UMBERTO BOCCIONI (1882 - 1916) “The Laugh” “Self-portrait”
  • 31. GIORGIO DE CHIRICO (1888 - 1978) “Love Song” “The Disquieting Muses”
  • 32. MUSIC
  • 33. IITTAALLIIAANN MMUUSSIICC FFrroomm FFoollkk ttoo ccllaassssiiccaall,, mmuussiicc hhaass aallwwaayyss ppllaayyeedd aann iimmppoorrttaanntt rroollee iinn tthhee IIttaalliiaann ccuullttuurree..
  • 34. CLASSICAL MUSIC AND COMPOSERS • Instruments associated with classical music, including the piano (Bartolomeo Cristofori), violin and organ (Girolamo Frescobaldi) were invented in Italy.
  • 35. Many of prevailing classical music forms, such as symphony, concerto and sonata, can trace their roots back to innovations of the 16th and 17th century Italian music.
  • 36. PALESTRINA and MONTEVERDI Italian most famous composers include the Renaissance composers Palestrina, Monteverdi Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1526 – 1594) was a Renaissance composer of sacred music and the best-known 16th-century representative of the Roman School of musical composition. Giovanni Monteverdi (1567 -1643) was a composer and singer. Monteverdi's work, marked the transition from the Renaissance style of music to that of the Baroque period. He developed two individual styles of composition – the heritage of Renaissance polyphonyan and the new basso continuo technique of the Baroque.
  • 37. SCARLATTI and CORELLI The Baroque composers Giuseppe Domenico Scarlatti (1685 – 1757) was a composer who spent much of his life in the service of the Portuguese and Spanish royal families. He composed in a variety of musical forms, although today he is known mainly for his 555 keyboard sonatas. Arcangelo Corelli (1653 – 1713) was a composer and violinist and composer of the Baroque era. The style of execution introduced by Corelli was of vital importance for the development of violin playing. It has been said that the paths of all of the famous violinist-composers of 18th-century Italy led to Arcangelo Corelli who was their "iconic point of reference".
  • 38. ANTONIO VIVALDI Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (1678 – 1741), was an Italian Baroque composer, Catholic priest, and virtuoso violinist, born in Venice. Recognized as one of the greatest Baroque composers, his influence during his lifetime was widespread over Europe. Vivaldi is known mainly for composing instrumental concertos especially for the violin, as well as sacred choral works and over forty operas. His best known work is a series of violin concertos known as The Four Seasons.
  • 39. PAGANINI and ROSSINI The classical composers Niccolò Paganini (1782- 1840) was a composer and one of the most celebrated violin virtuosi of his time, and left his mark as one of the pillars of modern violin technique. His Caprice No. 24 in A minor, Op. 1, is among the best known of his compositions. Gioachino Rossini (1792- 1868) was a composer who wrote 39 operas as well as sacred music, chamber music, songs, and some instrumental and piano pieces. His best-known operas include the Italian comedies Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville) and La Cenerentola and the French-language epics Moïse et Pharaonand Guillaume Tell.
  • 40. GIUSEPPE VERDI Romantic composer Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) is considered with Richard Wagner the most influential composer of operas of the nineteenth century, and dominated the Italian scene after Bellini, Donizetti and Rossini. His works are frequently performed in opera houses throughout the world and, transcending the boundaries of the genre, some of his themes have long since taken root in popular culture, as "La donna è mobile" from Rigoletto, "Libiamo ne' lieti calici” (The Drinking Song) from La traviata, "Va, pensiero”(The Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves) from Nabucco, the "Coro di zingari" from Il trovatore and the "Grand March" from Aida.
  • 41. GIACOMO PUCCINI Romantic Composer Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924) was a composer whose operas are among the most frequently performed in opera houses all over the world. Puccini has been called "the greatest composer of Italian opera after Verdi”. While his early work was rooted in traditional late- 19thcentury romantic Italian opera, he successfully developed his work in the 'realistic' verismo style, of which he became one of the leading exponents. His greatest operas include: Manon Lescaut, Tosca, Madame Butterfly, La bohème, Turandot, La fanciulla del West.
  • 42. OPERA Opera has been promoted by the opening of public theatres. In 1637 the first theatre in San Cassiano in Venice was opened. A new kind of music was sung and quickly spread throughout Europe.
  • 43. OPERA • Italy is widely known for being the birthplace of Opera which was founded in the early 17th century, in Italian cities, such as Venice and Mantua. • The opera literature of the first half of the eighteenth century was dominated by the great figure of the great Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi. His first successful opera was Nabucco in 1842 in Milan.
  • 44. OPERA • Operas composed by Italian composers of the 19th and early 20th centuries, such as Rossini, Bellini, Doninzetti, Verdi and Puccini are performed in opera houses all over the world. • Modern Italian composers, Berio and Nono, developed experimental and electronic music. Luciano Berio (1925-2003)
  • 45. Famous Italian opera singers include Enrico Caruso and Luciano Pavarotti. Enrico Caruso (1873-1921) ITALIAN TENORS Luciano Pavarotti (1935-2007)
  • 46. THEATRES La Scala Opera house in Milan, San Carlo Opera house in Naples and La Fenice Opera House in Venice are considered among the best theatres in the world. La Scala La Fenice SanCarlo
  • 47. LA SCALA THEATRE • From the year of its foundation is the seat of the Opera, the Choir, the Orchestra and Ballet, the Philharmonic since 1982.
  • 48. ITALIAN CONDUCTORS Claudio Abbado has served as music director of the La Scala opera house in Milan, principal conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra, principal guest conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, music director of the Vienna State Opera, and principal conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic, orchestra from 1989 to 2002. Riccardo Muti is a conductor and music director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Muti has been a regular guest of the Berlin Philarmonic and the Vienna Philarmonic. He has led opera performances with the Philadelphia Orchestra and productions in the principal opera houses of Rome (from 1969), Ravenna, Vienna, London (from 1977), Munich (from 1979), and, finally, in 2010, New York.
  • 49. From the 50s to the 90s Between the 50s and the 60s the Italian popular music underwent a significant change caused by the rock influences coming from overseas, in particular with the music that was enriched with electric guitars that took the place of violins.
  • 50. From the 70s to the 90s In the 70s new born Italian singers and songwriters with a musical personality that united that of the classical composer and one of the folk singer, produced a new type of rock. Among these the most popular singers were: Lucio Battisti and Mia Martini. Lucio Battisti (1943-1998) Mia Martini (1947-1995)
  • 51. From the 80s to the 90s • The 80s are essentially a decade of great innovation which passes through the electronic sound with the attempt of a link between genres such as rock and the diverse world of soul, disco and funk. In the second half of the 80s techno and house music was produced.
  • 52. ITALIAN DISCO MUSIC Italy was also an important country in the development of disco and electronic music, known for its futuristic sound and prominent usage of synthesizers and drum machines. It was one of European forms of dico music. It was called Italo Disco. Italo disco's influences include Italian producer Giorgio Moroder and the singer Spagna. Giorgio Moroder Spagna
  • 53. MUSIC TODAY Today , Italian pop music is represented annually with the Sanremo Music Festival, which takes place at the Ariston theatre in Sanremo. This Festival served as inspiration for the Eurovision song contest, and the Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto. Ariston Theatre
  • 54. IITTAALLIIAANN SSIINNGGEERRSS Today singers such as pop diva Mina, classical crossover artist Andrea Bocelli, Grammy winner Laura Pausini, European chart-topper Eros Ramazzotti, Gianna Nannini and Tiziano Ferro have attained international acclaim. Mina Andrea Bocelli
  • 55. Laura Pausini Eros Ramazzotti
  • 58. The history of Italian cinema began a few months after the Lumière brothers began motion picture exhibitions. The first Italian film was a few seconds, showing Pope Leo XIII giving a blessing to the camera. The Italian film industry was born between 1903 and 1908 with three companies. Films were brought to Italy by the Lumière operators during 1896. In 1896, the first cinema theatres opened in Rome, Milan , Naples, Livorno , etc. In Pisa cinema Lumière opened in 1899 . It closed its doors on February 13, 2011.
  • 59. Cinecittà Cinecittà is a complex of studios of international importance located along the Tuscolana in the eastern outskirts of Rome, and active since 1937. Cinecittà is the top Italian film industry but it is also used for foreign productions and television shows. More than 3000 films were shot here; 90 films received an Academy Award nomination; 47 films won the prestigious statuette. Famous national and international directors have worked here: Federico Fellini , Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Riddley Scott, etc.
  • 60. Italian Directors • Vittorio De Sica • Roberto Rossellini • Federico Fellini • Sergio Leone • Luchino Visconti • Mario Monicelli • Michelangelo Antonioni • Franco Zeffirelli • Dario Argento • Giuseppe Tornatore • Gabriele Salvatores • Roberto Benigni
  • 61. TThhee mmiidd--11994400ss ttoo tthhee eeaarrllyy 11995500ss wwaass tthhee hheeyyddaayy ooff nneeoorreeaalliissttiicc ffiillmmss,, rreefflleeccttiinngg tthhee ppoooorr ccoonnddiittiioonn ooff ppoosstt--wwaarr IIttaallyy RRoommee,, OOppeenn CCiittyy ((1199445)) The Bicycle thief (1948)
  • 62. The most famous movies include: • La dolce vita • The Good, the Bad and the ugly • Two Women • Once upon a time in America • Mediterraneo • Life is beautiful
  • 63. Famous actors from the 40s to 90s Vittorio Gassman (Riso amaro) Anna Magnani (La rosa tatuata) Vittorio De Sica (Miracolo a Milano) Totò (Miseria e nobiltà)
  • 64. Famous actors/actresses Marcello Mastroianni (Matrimonio all’italiana) Sophia Loren (La ciociara) Alberto Sordi (Un americano a Roma) Mariangela Melato (Travolti da un insolito destino . . .) Monica Vitti (La ragazza con la pistola)
  • 65. Massimo Troisi (Il Postino) Giancarlo Giannini (Pasqualino Settebellezze) Roberto Benigni (La vita è bella) Valeria Golino (Rain man) Monica Bellucci (Malèna)
  • 66. Stefano Accorsi (Le fate ignoranti) Elio Germano (La nostra vita) Raul Bova (Scusa se ti chiamo amore) Riccardo Scamarcio (Tre metri sopra il cielo)