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Leadership in the 21st Century 1
Leadership in the 21st Century
Ron McGary
Lewis University
Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership
Dr. Sheila Boysen-Rotelli
Leadership in the 21st Century 2
Do you think it is possible to develop people to be great leaders?
Traits and Behaviors of Leaders
Yes, it is possible to develop people to be great leaders. Leaders are not born: they are made
(Nahavandi, pg. 310). Since leaders are made then it is true that people can be developed into
leaders. The many questions arise when this subject matter is discussed in many organizations. If
leaders are made, “Then who can be developed into a leader?” A leader possesses many traits
such as being able to drive theories into practice through high levels of motivation, the desire to
lead, being honest and have integrity, maintain self-confidence, have emotional stability,
demonstrate cognitive ability and possess the knowledge of the business (Williams, pg. 295).
From experience, people who do not have a selfish attitude usually are the givers to society.
Givers or servant leadership is needed to be an effective leader in an organization. For example,
the director of east coast bottling operations of a beverage plant decided that one day he would
deliver all the bonuses to each employee and thank them for their service during that year. This
one example of being able to convey “Thanks” to each employee implies that he is willing to
serve them. Individuals like this have an aptitude to practice organizational leadership and
possesses a learning capacity, he is aware of the need for change, he is able to use developmental
experiences, and encourage the development of self-efficacy. With an attitude of serving others,
having a capacity to learn, and possess a sense of motivation and drive to enable individuals and
others to become a leader as well (Nahavandi, pg. 311).
The Leadership Gap
Individuals with the “right stuff” can be developed in an effective leader given certain
guidelines. The leader of an organization must be able to see the value of each individual within
their company. Do they have the right people in place? Are they effectively leading and
Leadership in the 21st Century 3
managing the department as they have predicted? If so, then the leader has chosen wisely. But if
not, what can they do to develop the individual into an effective leader?
In a leadership survey conducted in 2001 by Development Dimensions International (DDI), a
leading human resource organization, clearly indicates there will be a shortage of leaders in the
future. In most companies the Human Resource executives are not satisfied with the current
technology or the programs to fulfill a leadership development program. In some organizations,
they were asked to rate their organizational development programs and the executives rated them
with only fifty-percent moderately satisfied and others gave a rather significant lower rating. In
terms of budgeting, most organizations give approximately seven percent to the leadership
development programs. Leadership alignment is not particularly allied with the organizations
mission and goals, which are directly linked to the performance planning and business strategies.
In another key element of developing business leaders is that they will take the training, but with
the mindset of leaving the company that trained them to the next level of leadership. Seventy-
five percent of leaders that participate in leadership development programs have admitted that it
will enhance their marketability for future employment in the age of mergers and downsizing.
Organizations use an estimated forty-seven percent of their own candidates to fill the internal
upper management positions. This also is a key indicator that companies are not growing their
own leaders from within. It might be the case that companies just cannot find good effective
leaders. Eighty percent of Human Resource professionals surveyed it was very strenuous to find
qualified personnel to fill leadership positions (Darcy, 2001).
In more recent surveys the trend has not changed. Forty percent of the United States
workforce will soon retire between 2009 and 2020. This is because of the baby boomer era,
which are individuals born between 1946 and 1964. This age group will retire with the leadership
Leadership in the 21st Century 4
skills and talents that are needed to carry on leadership within organizations (Palmer, 2014).
Since organizations have not developed effective programs, not budgeted annually for leadership
development, and ultimately has not propagated effective leadership and there will be a huge gap
in our society without fully trained leaders. In fact, organizations are finding it harder to train the
younger workforce for the future that reflects the values of the company and stakeholders
(Palmer, 2014). To combat this monumental task, organizations need to review their budgets and
include strategic planning for future development of future organizational leadership.
Developing People into Leaders
So with this deficit of leadership coupled with this new generation of adults in becoming
potential leaders, what is the next step to train and groom them to be effective leaders? People in
most organizations have had the opportunity to volunteer for something, either inside the
company or outside of the company. In shifting the paradigms for this new era of leadership
development would encompass a new age of volunteering. It has been proven that volunteerism
will increase the sense of self to improve self-awareness. Self-awareness is the key in building
trust and developing the authentic leader within an organization (Palmer, 2014).Once the self-
awareness has matured in the process then a trust relationship will be established. Trust is the
cornerstone of leadership (Williams, pg. 294).
Mistrust is not always betraying others, but it could also be used in a way to have others look
bad by not doing what you said you would do when you said you would do it (Williams, pg.16).
In developing trust within a department or organization the leader must always follow through
and let the employees affected know if what they had asked will or will not come to fruition.
Failures in building trust are when the leader does not follow through with the affected employee
(Williams, pg.16). Once the erosion starts to weaken the stem of the leadership within the
Leadership in the 21st Century 5
organization will soon crumble like a house of cards. Once the volunteerism, trust, and the
overall relationship have been established with the new leader then they can progress with their
new talents into developmental experiences.
Outside of the company employees can volunteer some of their time to help mentor upcoming
young adults in programs such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).
STEM is an ongoing coaching and mentoring program to reach the potential young workforce in
maintaining their interest in science, engineering, technology, and mathematics through building
of robots in most cases (Wikipedia, 2014). In 2010 according to the Subcommittee on
Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations including the Senate,
legislation was heard in Congress to help facilitate this mentoring program. This has helped
thousands of young adults get more involved with the community. This will develop trust,
volunteerism, and will promote the leading effort in helping these individuals become leaders in
their community. This will provide hope of carrying these leadership values into the workplace
within their organizations as they develop their experiences.
Large U.S. companies spent over $125 billion on employee learning and development in 2009
(Nahavandi, pg. 310). This is a good sign that internal leaders know and are self-aware that
leadership is needed across America. From experience, while working for a Japanese company
located in Georgia, the Japanese leaders took leadership very seriously. We had meetings and
cross functional meetings, which meant that the leader of a department would conduct meetings
out of their department. These meetings consisted of suggestions from others that did work in
that department to make the environment better; it was a workplace improvement session so that
everyone got the idea that no one department was being treated unfairly than the other. This was
Leadership in the 21st Century 6
a morale booster for the entire company. Previously the company split into two different
companies in the past and the morale was very low.
In developing people into leaders takes time and effort. But first we must recognize the need
for it and that has to come from the existing leaders. The current leaders must first be self-aware
that change is needed. Recruiting volunteers within the company that have a trust relationship
established can absorb others into the program and thus develop those people as leaders. By
working inside and outside of the company will dramatically increase the self-worth of
individuals and portray the self-image that top management is human and is willing to work with
others. By being involved with the community will also create the image and brand of someone
and the company. It is not difficult to find government programs that promote leadership in local
Key Components of a Leadership Development Program
With all the money spent on leadership development programs throughout America, it would
be beneficial to everyone to begin with the fundamentals of developing leaders first before
allocating millions or even billions of dollars to a certain program. It does not cost anything to
ask volunteers in the first phase of creating a program within an organization. In most programs
a leader should begin with the end in mind (Covey, pg. 59). What are they going to do exactly?
The program development must be clear and have clarity for everyone and not just the leaders
themselves. Prioritize the development of the program. According to Stephen R. Covey, put first
things first. This clearly indicates to make a list of really important items down to the least
important items. In using these practices for individual improvement it certainly has an impact in
organizations and groups as well, especially in leadership roles.
Leadership in the 21st Century 7
In being a leader one must think that in developing new leaders we must think the overall
program must be a win/win application (Covey, pg. 53). If it is one-sided the employees or
others will soon figure it out and the trust relationship will fail. This is one of the mistakes
leaders make (Williams, pg. 16). This not only involves everyone, but it goes without saying that
everyone is important to the program. Everyone’s contribution is equally as important as the next
person. Everyone should understand the program with clarity and alignment, have goals with the
end in mind, and ensures the entire team will win; then it will be time for the execution of the
program. Execution is the greatest unaddressed issue in most organizations today (Covey, 2004,
pg. 274). According to Covey, the execution gaps are clarity, commitment, translation, enabling,
and synergy (Covey, 2004, pg. 275). These main components are essential in creating a
leadership program with organizations and in smaller departments.
Key Collaborators for Leadership Development Program
Not everyone should be involved in developing a program in the beginning. The initial
thoughts and conception should be sought out by the leader who has the self-awareness that
change is needed. Once the significance of the leadership program is established then the leader
can educate others and gain their approval for the program. However, everyone should be
involved after the conception of the program to promote the changes as it is being developed.
Leaving anyone out of the program development will increase the risk of not being trustworthy
and the relationship will fail not only with the group, but with the entire company. If there are
many departments within an organization, then leads can be brought in to help facilitate the
departmental views providing they get the same training as the top leaders did to get the program
moving in the right direction. In essence all the leaders should have the same vision and mission
Leadership in the 21st Century 8
in the creativity and development of an effective leadership program to ensure a productive
Describe an organizational change that you have recently encountered.
Recent Organizational Change
Organizational change is not easy. There are people who almost always resist the change and
they will spread gossip about the leader making the change. From experience, this has happened
in recent events when changing a department for the better. The change is not necessarily
meaning that the old program was not working, but it was not working as effectively as it should
have been. When everyone gets settled in a program or job they have a tendency to get
comfortable. Leaders and managers who rely too much on their strengths become hammers that
see everyday problems as their nails. This leads the employees becoming patsies and
overwhelmed by their bosses. As the employees rise to higher levels of management they forget
to practice their skills at that level. In addition, these same people expect to get promoted to the
next level of management just by being there in the organization. They soon forget to sharpen the
saw according to Covey. (Covey, 1989, pg. 287). Also when it comes time for the decision
making process dithering and paralysis takes its toll on the organization (Schumpeter72, 2013).
In a recent organizational change in a technical college this is exactly what happened,
complacency had taken its toll. When the previous leader left the company a new leader stepped
in with 21st century thinking. The current employees stayed in their positions up until recently.
They have been released because they have settled into their job very comfortably and when
asked to do something they resisted, but eventually they did it in their own time, not the new
leader’s time. When one of the employees was asked to clean the workshop, all they did was
water the plants. Later in the day was the only time they went and cleaned the shop. The new
Leadership in the 21st Century 9
leader did explain why it did need to be cleaned, but the employees dismiss the request from
their leader and went about their business.
In leading change in any organization, no matter what size it is, an assessment must be taken
to give the new leader an overview of what the current mindset is. If the employees would have
asked the new leader what is expected of them then the outcomes may have been a little
different. They still could have their jobs. They got in a rut and stayed there, not making a
difference in the department and literally took things for granted. All employees should have the
same enthusiasm as when they first walked through the door on the first day of joining the team.
Factors Driving Change in Recent Organizational Change
In a technical college the learning process is not in a constant change. But the change that
does happen is the evolutionary change (Nahavandi, pg. 281). The change must happen
incrementally for a couple of reasons; budgetary and course curriculums. But for the sake of
implanting small change, for example like cleaning and making it safer to perform laboratory
experiments this change does not have a cost associated with it nor does it require an upper
management decision. Not only did the class room need reorganizing the program needed to
recruit new students. This promotion of the program could not happen without cleaning and
reorganizing the department. Once the reorganizing was done the current students morale
boosted and they showed more enthusiasm to get the assignments completed on time. By the end
of the semester students were very thankful for the change and even made positive public
opinions about the program.
Factors driving change such as promoting a certain program, safety, and overall cleanliness
are important aspects in improving the morale and productivity. With the new leader being self-
aware and a change advocate new students would not have to look at other colleges for their
Leadership in the 21st Century 10
technical training. This not only increased the morale but also the enrollment for the next school
The necessary steps in getting the job done was to clearly communicate with the new
employees the importance and significance of the project. This did ensure the alignment of the
school and the inner department’s vision. Once the vision and alignment were complete the
students eagerly cleaned and got the work done.
Attributes of the 21st Century Leader
According to Robert Crandall, Chairman and President of American Airlines, “I think the
ideal leader for the 21st Century will be the one who creates an environment that encourages
everyone in the organization to stretch their capabilities and achieve a shared vision, who gives
people the confidence to run farther and faster than they ever have before, and who establishes
the conditions for people to be more productive, more innovative, more creative and feel more in
charge of their own lives than they ever dreamed possible (Wren, pg.456).” This could not be
more in agreement than at any other time. The 21st Century will require new leadership, because
of the baby boomer retirements and with the loss of leadership in our society currently (Palmer,
2014). What it takes is educating, encouraging, and empowering others to take helm and lead. In
this crucial time we cannot be complacent or stagnant with our leadership abilities.
What worked many years ago will not work in the new workforce today. This is a very strong
statement to make because the stern leaders of today will make an argument of “Well this is how
I did it.” That mentality for sure will not embrace the new students or the Generation Y folks or
sometimes called the millennial generation. With so many of the Gen Y group it will be difficult
to reach them in a single phase of leadership training (Lamb, pg. 49). Knowing the values of the
millennials will form a well-planned strategy to train the new workforce of tomorrow. For
Leadership in the 21st Century 11
example, the millennials are very inquisitive according to researchers (Lamb, pg. 50). The Gen Y
group wants to know why things happen, how things work, and what they can do next. But their
curiosity and comprehending are two different items. Most of the millennials learn from the
social networks and by computer technology. This group pays special attention to self-
personalization and enhancements. So they learn by what is called “Unboxing”,
This is popular with videos and online articles in reviewing new products (Lamb, pg.132).
By knowing what to do in a marketing situation the chances of selling something is very high,
if the customer’s habits and characteristics are known. This is how to reach the new workforce is
through their eyes. For example, learning how to use YouTube videos for leadership training is a
huge addition in reaching them. Coupled with 3D animation for engineering and mathematics is
another attribute to learn and use to show the application of numbers and how things really work.
By using current technology the new workforce will be able to comprehend what their leaders
are trying to teach them. After all these new leaders will have to work on a global environment in
comparison to the baby boomers of working locally or on a national basis for the most part. So
the 21st Century leader will need technology to be creative with it so it is effective for the
It is now a requirement for the 21st Century leader to be passionate about leading this new
generation. They must be willing to learn themselves and to renew their leadership skills (Wren,
pg.457). Their passion must come from within and be easily conveyed to the new workforce. In
renewing their skills and talents in technology they must also consider what new type of leader
they are so there are no communication barriers in the process.
Leadership in the 21st Century 12
Covey, S. (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Powerful Lessons in Personal
Change. Simon & Schuster. New York, NY.
Covey, S. (2004). The 8th Habit. From Effectiveness to Greatness. Free Press. New York, NY.
Darcy, N. (2001, Mar 26). Developing future leaders. Malay Mail Retrieved from
Lamb, C., Hair, F., McDaniel, C., (2013). MKTG. Mason, Ohio. South-Western.
Nahavandi, A. (2015). The art and science of leadership (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson Education.
Palmer, J. Q. (2014). A quasi-experimental study of changes in self-awareness and authentic
leadership after participation in a volunteer event (Order No. 3637768). Available from
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text. (1618234389). Retrieved from
Schumpeter72. (2013, Jun 08). Too much of a good thing; The Economist, 407, 72-n/a. Retrieved
Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations; Committee
on Appropriations. Senate. (2010). Hearing before the Subcom on Commerce,
Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations to
examine science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. Senate Approps
Committee pre-publication hearing materials, 111th Congress.111 -2. Hearing ID. S18-
20100204-01. Retrieved from
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. (2014, December 9). STEM fields. In. Retrieved 14:40,
December 13, 2014,
Williams, C. (2013). MGMT: Principles of Management. Mason, Ohio: South-Western.
Wren, J. Thomas (1995). The Leader’s Companion: Insights on Leadership Through the Ages.
New York, NY: The Free Press.

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Leadership in the 21st Century

  • 1. Leadership in the 21st Century 1 Leadership in the 21st Century Ron McGary Lewis University Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership Dr. Sheila Boysen-Rotelli
  • 2. Leadership in the 21st Century 2 Do you think it is possible to develop people to be great leaders? Traits and Behaviors of Leaders Yes, it is possible to develop people to be great leaders. Leaders are not born: they are made (Nahavandi, pg. 310). Since leaders are made then it is true that people can be developed into leaders. The many questions arise when this subject matter is discussed in many organizations. If leaders are made, “Then who can be developed into a leader?” A leader possesses many traits such as being able to drive theories into practice through high levels of motivation, the desire to lead, being honest and have integrity, maintain self-confidence, have emotional stability, demonstrate cognitive ability and possess the knowledge of the business (Williams, pg. 295). From experience, people who do not have a selfish attitude usually are the givers to society. Givers or servant leadership is needed to be an effective leader in an organization. For example, the director of east coast bottling operations of a beverage plant decided that one day he would deliver all the bonuses to each employee and thank them for their service during that year. This one example of being able to convey “Thanks” to each employee implies that he is willing to serve them. Individuals like this have an aptitude to practice organizational leadership and possesses a learning capacity, he is aware of the need for change, he is able to use developmental experiences, and encourage the development of self-efficacy. With an attitude of serving others, having a capacity to learn, and possess a sense of motivation and drive to enable individuals and others to become a leader as well (Nahavandi, pg. 311). The Leadership Gap Individuals with the “right stuff” can be developed in an effective leader given certain guidelines. The leader of an organization must be able to see the value of each individual within their company. Do they have the right people in place? Are they effectively leading and
  • 3. Leadership in the 21st Century 3 managing the department as they have predicted? If so, then the leader has chosen wisely. But if not, what can they do to develop the individual into an effective leader? In a leadership survey conducted in 2001 by Development Dimensions International (DDI), a leading human resource organization, clearly indicates there will be a shortage of leaders in the future. In most companies the Human Resource executives are not satisfied with the current technology or the programs to fulfill a leadership development program. In some organizations, they were asked to rate their organizational development programs and the executives rated them with only fifty-percent moderately satisfied and others gave a rather significant lower rating. In terms of budgeting, most organizations give approximately seven percent to the leadership development programs. Leadership alignment is not particularly allied with the organizations mission and goals, which are directly linked to the performance planning and business strategies. In another key element of developing business leaders is that they will take the training, but with the mindset of leaving the company that trained them to the next level of leadership. Seventy- five percent of leaders that participate in leadership development programs have admitted that it will enhance their marketability for future employment in the age of mergers and downsizing. Organizations use an estimated forty-seven percent of their own candidates to fill the internal upper management positions. This also is a key indicator that companies are not growing their own leaders from within. It might be the case that companies just cannot find good effective leaders. Eighty percent of Human Resource professionals surveyed it was very strenuous to find qualified personnel to fill leadership positions (Darcy, 2001). In more recent surveys the trend has not changed. Forty percent of the United States workforce will soon retire between 2009 and 2020. This is because of the baby boomer era, which are individuals born between 1946 and 1964. This age group will retire with the leadership
  • 4. Leadership in the 21st Century 4 skills and talents that are needed to carry on leadership within organizations (Palmer, 2014). Since organizations have not developed effective programs, not budgeted annually for leadership development, and ultimately has not propagated effective leadership and there will be a huge gap in our society without fully trained leaders. In fact, organizations are finding it harder to train the younger workforce for the future that reflects the values of the company and stakeholders (Palmer, 2014). To combat this monumental task, organizations need to review their budgets and include strategic planning for future development of future organizational leadership. Developing People into Leaders So with this deficit of leadership coupled with this new generation of adults in becoming potential leaders, what is the next step to train and groom them to be effective leaders? People in most organizations have had the opportunity to volunteer for something, either inside the company or outside of the company. In shifting the paradigms for this new era of leadership development would encompass a new age of volunteering. It has been proven that volunteerism will increase the sense of self to improve self-awareness. Self-awareness is the key in building trust and developing the authentic leader within an organization (Palmer, 2014).Once the self- awareness has matured in the process then a trust relationship will be established. Trust is the cornerstone of leadership (Williams, pg. 294). Mistrust is not always betraying others, but it could also be used in a way to have others look bad by not doing what you said you would do when you said you would do it (Williams, pg.16). In developing trust within a department or organization the leader must always follow through and let the employees affected know if what they had asked will or will not come to fruition. Failures in building trust are when the leader does not follow through with the affected employee (Williams, pg.16). Once the erosion starts to weaken the stem of the leadership within the
  • 5. Leadership in the 21st Century 5 organization will soon crumble like a house of cards. Once the volunteerism, trust, and the overall relationship have been established with the new leader then they can progress with their new talents into developmental experiences. Outside of the company employees can volunteer some of their time to help mentor upcoming young adults in programs such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). STEM is an ongoing coaching and mentoring program to reach the potential young workforce in maintaining their interest in science, engineering, technology, and mathematics through building of robots in most cases (Wikipedia, 2014). In 2010 according to the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations including the Senate, legislation was heard in Congress to help facilitate this mentoring program. This has helped thousands of young adults get more involved with the community. This will develop trust, volunteerism, and will promote the leading effort in helping these individuals become leaders in their community. This will provide hope of carrying these leadership values into the workplace within their organizations as they develop their experiences. Large U.S. companies spent over $125 billion on employee learning and development in 2009 (Nahavandi, pg. 310). This is a good sign that internal leaders know and are self-aware that leadership is needed across America. From experience, while working for a Japanese company located in Georgia, the Japanese leaders took leadership very seriously. We had meetings and cross functional meetings, which meant that the leader of a department would conduct meetings out of their department. These meetings consisted of suggestions from others that did work in that department to make the environment better; it was a workplace improvement session so that everyone got the idea that no one department was being treated unfairly than the other. This was
  • 6. Leadership in the 21st Century 6 a morale booster for the entire company. Previously the company split into two different companies in the past and the morale was very low. In developing people into leaders takes time and effort. But first we must recognize the need for it and that has to come from the existing leaders. The current leaders must first be self-aware that change is needed. Recruiting volunteers within the company that have a trust relationship established can absorb others into the program and thus develop those people as leaders. By working inside and outside of the company will dramatically increase the self-worth of individuals and portray the self-image that top management is human and is willing to work with others. By being involved with the community will also create the image and brand of someone and the company. It is not difficult to find government programs that promote leadership in local communities. Key Components of a Leadership Development Program With all the money spent on leadership development programs throughout America, it would be beneficial to everyone to begin with the fundamentals of developing leaders first before allocating millions or even billions of dollars to a certain program. It does not cost anything to ask volunteers in the first phase of creating a program within an organization. In most programs a leader should begin with the end in mind (Covey, pg. 59). What are they going to do exactly? The program development must be clear and have clarity for everyone and not just the leaders themselves. Prioritize the development of the program. According to Stephen R. Covey, put first things first. This clearly indicates to make a list of really important items down to the least important items. In using these practices for individual improvement it certainly has an impact in organizations and groups as well, especially in leadership roles.
  • 7. Leadership in the 21st Century 7 In being a leader one must think that in developing new leaders we must think the overall program must be a win/win application (Covey, pg. 53). If it is one-sided the employees or others will soon figure it out and the trust relationship will fail. This is one of the mistakes leaders make (Williams, pg. 16). This not only involves everyone, but it goes without saying that everyone is important to the program. Everyone’s contribution is equally as important as the next person. Everyone should understand the program with clarity and alignment, have goals with the end in mind, and ensures the entire team will win; then it will be time for the execution of the program. Execution is the greatest unaddressed issue in most organizations today (Covey, 2004, pg. 274). According to Covey, the execution gaps are clarity, commitment, translation, enabling, and synergy (Covey, 2004, pg. 275). These main components are essential in creating a leadership program with organizations and in smaller departments. Key Collaborators for Leadership Development Program Not everyone should be involved in developing a program in the beginning. The initial thoughts and conception should be sought out by the leader who has the self-awareness that change is needed. Once the significance of the leadership program is established then the leader can educate others and gain their approval for the program. However, everyone should be involved after the conception of the program to promote the changes as it is being developed. Leaving anyone out of the program development will increase the risk of not being trustworthy and the relationship will fail not only with the group, but with the entire company. If there are many departments within an organization, then leads can be brought in to help facilitate the departmental views providing they get the same training as the top leaders did to get the program moving in the right direction. In essence all the leaders should have the same vision and mission
  • 8. Leadership in the 21st Century 8 in the creativity and development of an effective leadership program to ensure a productive execution. Describe an organizational change that you have recently encountered. Recent Organizational Change Organizational change is not easy. There are people who almost always resist the change and they will spread gossip about the leader making the change. From experience, this has happened in recent events when changing a department for the better. The change is not necessarily meaning that the old program was not working, but it was not working as effectively as it should have been. When everyone gets settled in a program or job they have a tendency to get comfortable. Leaders and managers who rely too much on their strengths become hammers that see everyday problems as their nails. This leads the employees becoming patsies and overwhelmed by their bosses. As the employees rise to higher levels of management they forget to practice their skills at that level. In addition, these same people expect to get promoted to the next level of management just by being there in the organization. They soon forget to sharpen the saw according to Covey. (Covey, 1989, pg. 287). Also when it comes time for the decision making process dithering and paralysis takes its toll on the organization (Schumpeter72, 2013). In a recent organizational change in a technical college this is exactly what happened, complacency had taken its toll. When the previous leader left the company a new leader stepped in with 21st century thinking. The current employees stayed in their positions up until recently. They have been released because they have settled into their job very comfortably and when asked to do something they resisted, but eventually they did it in their own time, not the new leader’s time. When one of the employees was asked to clean the workshop, all they did was water the plants. Later in the day was the only time they went and cleaned the shop. The new
  • 9. Leadership in the 21st Century 9 leader did explain why it did need to be cleaned, but the employees dismiss the request from their leader and went about their business. In leading change in any organization, no matter what size it is, an assessment must be taken to give the new leader an overview of what the current mindset is. If the employees would have asked the new leader what is expected of them then the outcomes may have been a little different. They still could have their jobs. They got in a rut and stayed there, not making a difference in the department and literally took things for granted. All employees should have the same enthusiasm as when they first walked through the door on the first day of joining the team. Factors Driving Change in Recent Organizational Change In a technical college the learning process is not in a constant change. But the change that does happen is the evolutionary change (Nahavandi, pg. 281). The change must happen incrementally for a couple of reasons; budgetary and course curriculums. But for the sake of implanting small change, for example like cleaning and making it safer to perform laboratory experiments this change does not have a cost associated with it nor does it require an upper management decision. Not only did the class room need reorganizing the program needed to recruit new students. This promotion of the program could not happen without cleaning and reorganizing the department. Once the reorganizing was done the current students morale boosted and they showed more enthusiasm to get the assignments completed on time. By the end of the semester students were very thankful for the change and even made positive public opinions about the program. Factors driving change such as promoting a certain program, safety, and overall cleanliness are important aspects in improving the morale and productivity. With the new leader being self- aware and a change advocate new students would not have to look at other colleges for their
  • 10. Leadership in the 21st Century 10 technical training. This not only increased the morale but also the enrollment for the next school year. The necessary steps in getting the job done was to clearly communicate with the new employees the importance and significance of the project. This did ensure the alignment of the school and the inner department’s vision. Once the vision and alignment were complete the students eagerly cleaned and got the work done. Attributes of the 21st Century Leader According to Robert Crandall, Chairman and President of American Airlines, “I think the ideal leader for the 21st Century will be the one who creates an environment that encourages everyone in the organization to stretch their capabilities and achieve a shared vision, who gives people the confidence to run farther and faster than they ever have before, and who establishes the conditions for people to be more productive, more innovative, more creative and feel more in charge of their own lives than they ever dreamed possible (Wren, pg.456).” This could not be more in agreement than at any other time. The 21st Century will require new leadership, because of the baby boomer retirements and with the loss of leadership in our society currently (Palmer, 2014). What it takes is educating, encouraging, and empowering others to take helm and lead. In this crucial time we cannot be complacent or stagnant with our leadership abilities. What worked many years ago will not work in the new workforce today. This is a very strong statement to make because the stern leaders of today will make an argument of “Well this is how I did it.” That mentality for sure will not embrace the new students or the Generation Y folks or sometimes called the millennial generation. With so many of the Gen Y group it will be difficult to reach them in a single phase of leadership training (Lamb, pg. 49). Knowing the values of the millennials will form a well-planned strategy to train the new workforce of tomorrow. For
  • 11. Leadership in the 21st Century 11 example, the millennials are very inquisitive according to researchers (Lamb, pg. 50). The Gen Y group wants to know why things happen, how things work, and what they can do next. But their curiosity and comprehending are two different items. Most of the millennials learn from the social networks and by computer technology. This group pays special attention to self- personalization and enhancements. So they learn by what is called “Unboxing”, This is popular with videos and online articles in reviewing new products (Lamb, pg.132). By knowing what to do in a marketing situation the chances of selling something is very high, if the customer’s habits and characteristics are known. This is how to reach the new workforce is through their eyes. For example, learning how to use YouTube videos for leadership training is a huge addition in reaching them. Coupled with 3D animation for engineering and mathematics is another attribute to learn and use to show the application of numbers and how things really work. By using current technology the new workforce will be able to comprehend what their leaders are trying to teach them. After all these new leaders will have to work on a global environment in comparison to the baby boomers of working locally or on a national basis for the most part. So the 21st Century leader will need technology to be creative with it so it is effective for the millennials. It is now a requirement for the 21st Century leader to be passionate about leading this new generation. They must be willing to learn themselves and to renew their leadership skills (Wren, pg.457). Their passion must come from within and be easily conveyed to the new workforce. In renewing their skills and talents in technology they must also consider what new type of leader they are so there are no communication barriers in the process.
  • 12. Leadership in the 21st Century 12 References Covey, S. (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. Simon & Schuster. New York, NY. Covey, S. (2004). The 8th Habit. From Effectiveness to Greatness. Free Press. New York, NY. Darcy, N. (2001, Mar 26). Developing future leaders. Malay Mail Retrieved from untid=12073 Lamb, C., Hair, F., McDaniel, C., (2013). MKTG. Mason, Ohio. South-Western. Nahavandi, A. (2015). The art and science of leadership (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Palmer, J. Q. (2014). A quasi-experimental study of changes in self-awareness and authentic leadership after participation in a volunteer event (Order No. 3637768). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text. (1618234389). Retrieved from ountid=12073 Schumpeter72. (2013, Jun 08). Too much of a good thing; The Economist, 407, 72-n/a. Retrieved from ountid=12073 Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations; Committee on Appropriations. Senate. (2010). Hearing before the Subcom on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations to examine science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. Senate Approps Committee pre-publication hearing materials, 111th Congress.111 -2. Hearing ID. S18- 20100204-01. Retrieved from HTTP:// 18-20100204-01?accountid=12073 Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. (2014, December 9). STEM fields. In. Retrieved 14:40, December 13, 2014, from Williams, C. (2013). MGMT: Principles of Management. Mason, Ohio: South-Western. Wren, J. Thomas (1995). The Leader’s Companion: Insights on Leadership Through the Ages. New York, NY: The Free Press.