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Shining a light on literature, art, music and performance in Somerset

This Issue Includes:
Arguing the Toss: Nikki Sved		
Christopher Nicholson		
Tweet of the Day
Oh My America: Sara Wheeler		
Duet For One			
50 not Out!
Hog in the Fog: Julia Copus		
Graham Fawcett			
Fire River Poets
An Evening with Horace Batchelor	
Calendar of Events			
Jenny Graham
Clare Donoghue				
Workshops, Courses & Classes	 Irving Finkel		
Hothouse Festival				Flying Folk				Hestercombe Art
05 Arguing the Toss: Nikki Sved
08 Oh My America: Sara Wheeler
11 Hog in the Fog: Julia Copus
12 An Evening with Horace Batchelor
14 Never Look Back: Clare Donoghue
15 Hothouse Festival
17 Ark Before Noah: Irving Finkel
18 Out of the Blue: Jenny Graham
20 Preoccupied by Ghosts: Christopher Nicholson
22 Duet For One
23 Graham Fawcett on Ted Hughes
24 Calendar of Events
31 Workshops, Courses and Classes
36 Flying Folk
37 Hestercombe Art Gallery
38 Tweet of the Day: Stephen Moss
39 Music on the Quantocks
40 Fire River Poets Competition Results
44 Short Story
47 My Favourite with Liz Constable

Editor: Lionel Ward
Copy Editor: Jo Ward
All enquiries:
01823 337742
c/o Brendon Books,
Bath Place, Taunton


Welcome to the
issue of LAMP.
In this issue we
have introduced
Courses, Classes
and Workshop
listings which we
hope will be of
Just before we went to press we
received the a press release from The
Brewhouse which appears on page 40
of the magazine. I am sure you will
join me in welcoming the reopening
of the theatre.

The views expressed in Lamp are
not necessarily those of the editorial
team. Copyright, unless otherwise
stated, is that of the magazine or the
individual authors. We do not accept
liability for the content or accuracy
of the magazine including that of the
Arguing the Toss: Nikki Sved
Theatre Alibi brings its exciting new comedy show, Hammer & Tongs to
Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre as part of its national tour. Artistic Director Nikki Sved
explains why the show will appeal to anyone who’s ever craved the last word.
‘Hammer & Tongs is a very human comedy and is a series of stories that together
form a kind of “riff ” on arguing,’ explains
Nikki. ‘It’s very funny, very off-the-wall
and really wrestles, sometimes quite literally, with the idiocy that constitutes most

Tongs takes a fresh and inventive look
at arguing, and explores what we argue
about and why - and just how low we will
sink to prove we are right.

most people,’ jokes Nikki. ‘Other people’s
bad behaviour and pratfalls can be hugely entertaining, that’s why it’s the basis of
most comedy. But there’s a dark side too,
of course, when you’re pitching one soul
‘Daniel and I work very closely on The- against another. The show doesn’t shirk
atre Alibi shows. Our first show togeth- away from that, with moments that are
er as Artistic Directors was called Little both moving and poignant.’
Written by Daniel Jamieson, formerly White Lies and was nominated for a
joint Artistic Director who is now Asso- Fringe First Award. So I guess we’re in- The show is physical, funny, moving,
ciate Writer at Theatre Alibi, Hammer & terested in bad behaviour, along with messy and gloriously absurd as two men

and a woman tiptoe into tiffs, negotiate shoals of red herrings, take offence
and descend into disgraceful, bad behaviour. Everything from farcical fisticuffs at a wedding disco to squabbling
for control of the TV remote are played
out against a backdrop that includes
HM Bateman animations, live music,
and inflatable hammers!

– how a show can at its best engage an
audience emotionally and intellectually
so completely.’
Another thing that is special about a
Theatre Alibi performance is the way in
which they tightly integrate art forms
like live music, puppetry, animation,
photography and film. One of their recent shows, Goucher’s War - about a vicar, who is co-opted into a military dirty
tricks outfit during the Second World
War - included brilliant animation by
Forkbeard Fantasy’s Tim Britton, and
earned them much acclaim in the national press. So what treats have Theatre
Alibi got in store next?

‘It’s a bit like Father Ted in tone,’ explains Nikki. ‘The four characters are
way over the top at times, and there are
some quite extraordinary visual surprises, great live music from boogie to
blues and even a hilarious contemporary dance sequence.’
When Daniel decided to create a show
about arguing, he asked people to tell
him stories of their biggest and best
arguments, and some of those stories
have made their way into the show, as
Nikki explains, ‘I think everyone in
the audience, whether they like a good
argument or not, will recognise something of themselves in there and I think
they will have a really enjoyable time
with the show.’
Set up in 1982 by Alison Hodge and
Tim Spicer, Theatre Alibi have developed an excellent reputation for imaginative new work that combines an inventive physical performance style with
original live music, visually striking
sets, props and projection. When Alison and Tim left in the 1990’s, the company then appointed Nikki Sved and
Daniel Jamieson as joint Artistic Directors. Like Alison and Tim, Nikki and
Daniel had both graduated from Exeter
University’s Drama Department and
both had first worked with the company as performers before branching
off into directing (Nikki) and writing
(Daniel). Nikki is now the sole Artistic
Director and Daniel is the company’s
Associate Writer.
‘I love working with a strong team to
create a show - it’s like going on an ad-


Nikki Sved

venture every time, even when it’s a bit of
a white knuckle ride!’ says Nikki of her
role at Theatre Alibi. ‘I enjoy the puzzle to
be solved in figuring out how to best tell a
good yarn - and sometimes even getting a
chair on and off stage can be a teaser that
takes a lot of time and thought.’
At the core of the company’s work is a
determination to use the ‘live-ness’ of
theatre to the hilt, as Nikki explains, ‘We
never ignore the fact that we’re storytellers and that our audience is with us in the
room. Our actors tend to remain on stage
throughout and we make visible many aspects of theatre making that are often hidden, creating sound effects live on stage
for example.’
It’s this shared openness with the audience that Nikki believes enables things
of quite an epic nature to happen. ‘No
two performances are ever the same because of that special chemistry between
performers and audience. For me it’s the
thing that’s most magical about theatre

‘Last autumn we adapted Michael Morpurgo’s I Believe in Unicorns. It proved
to be a huge success so we’re touring that
to big theatres around the UK and internationally in 2015,’ says Nikki. ‘We’re
also commissioning a new show for
adults called Dad Dancing, a piece about
the relationship between fathers and
daughters and the uniting qualities of a
good boogie, which sounds like it’s going
to be a lot of fun.’
Not craving the last word, I leave that
to Nikki, who says, ‘I’m not sure there’s
really such a thing as a “successful” argument. More often you win the argument,
but lose the battle.’
By Sara Loveridge
See Theatre Alibi’s ‘Hammer &
Tongs’ on Tuesday 18th March at
7.30pm. Tickets: £11 / £9
Concessions / £7 Students.
Recommended for those aged 14+
(the performance contains moderate swearing).
Venue and tickets:
Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre, School
Road, Taunton. TA2 8PD
Box Office: 01823 414141
After her acclaimed
book on Antarctica,
where she spent seven
months working and
travelling in Antarctica,
and following biographies of male explorers she was immensely
relieved to be able to at
last write a book about
female travellers.

The Knoll. Harriet Martineau’s house in
the Lake District


Sara Wheeler rediscovered America
thirty-five years after her first Greyhound trip across the country. She returns in turbulent midlife to trace the
steps of six women who fled various
sorts of trouble in nineteenth-century
England and went to the United States
to reinvent themselves.
Her travel companions include Fanny
Trollope, mother of Anthony and author of the biting “Domestic Manners
of the Americans”; the actress Fanny
Kemble, who shocked the nation with
her passionate first-hand indictment of
slavery; the prolifically pamphleteering economist Harriet Martineau; the
homesteader Rebecca Burlend, who
had never been more than twelve miles
from her Yorkshire village before she
sailed to the New World; the traveller
Isabella Bird, whose many ailments
remained in check as long as she was
scaling the Rockies; and the novelist
Catherine Hubback, niece of Jane Austen, who deposited her husband in a
madhouse and rode the brand-new rails
to San Francisco. Tough-minded outsiders, these women’s truest qualities
emerged in a country as incomplete and
tentative as their native land was staid
and settled. And they discovered second acts for themselves at a time when
the world expected them to disappear
politely. From the swampy heat of
Georgia’s Sea Islands to the icy purity
of the Cascades, Sara Wheeler finds
their path, and her own.

Sara Wheeler’s books include
the international bestseller Terra
Incognita: Travels in Antarctica,
of which the Telegraph reviewer
wrote, ‘I do not think there will
ever be a better book on the Antarctic.’ The Magnetic North: Notes
from the Arctic Circle, was chosen
as Book of the Year by Will Self,
Michael Palin, A. N. Wilson and
others. Sara’s previous book before Oh My America was Access
All Areas: Selected Writings 19902010.
Her other biographies of travellers
are: Cherry: A Life of Apsley Cherry-Garrard, and Too Close to the
Sun: The Life and Times of Denys
Finch Hatton, and was immensely
relieved to write about women at
last in O My America!

Talk and Booksigning
with Sara Wheeler
7.00 pm Wed 5 March
Venue and Tickets:
Brendon Books,
Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4ER
01823 337742

Ilminster, Somerset TA19 9DT
01460 258648

Stephen Devine

Colin Booth

Two Harpsichords in Concert with Steven Devine
& Colin Booth
Also see
Sunday 9 March 2.30pm
Piano Recital with Bernard d’Ascoli
Sunday 13 April 2.30pm

day course
after calendar
of events

The Song of Angels with Opus Anglicanum
Sunday 27 April 11.30am
Green & Pleasant Land – An English Tapestry with
Opus Anglicanum
Sunday 27 April 2.30pm
Bookings Office 01460 258613

Hog in the Fog
Julia Copus is one of the
nations foremost poets
and has now produced
her first picture book.

The tale of a hog in the fog. This is the
story of Candy Stripe Lil and Harry
the Hog who lived over the hill...and
a foggy March day, roundabout three,
when Lil had invited Harry for tea. Lil
is expecting Harry the Hog for tea, but
there’s a swirling fog outside and Harry
is nowhere to be seen. Lil sets off to
find her friend. Luckily she meets Deer,
Sheep and Crow along the way, who all
join in the hunt to find the hog in the
fog. A heartwarming rhyming adventure story about friendship, teamwork
and teatime!


Julia is not sure where the impulse came
from to write a picture book; it was just
something she felt as though she wanted
to do - though she remembers the magic
they afforded her both as stories and as
treasured objects. However, having decided to write a picture book, she found
she was influenced by the surroundings
in her own village in Somerset where she
lives at the bottom of a hill, just like Lil
does, and where it is often quite foggy.
Her illustrator is Korean artist Eunyoung Seo. She has never met her, and
though her remoteness made the process
of putting the book together more complicated, it seems to have worked very
well and it was ‘a huge thrill to see the
book brought to life by her pictures and
extra ideas.’

Julia Copus’ books of poetry include
The Shuttered Eye (Bloodaxe,
1995), which won her an Eric
Gregory Award and was shortlisted
for the Forward Prize for Best First
Collection, In Defence of Adultery
(Bloodaxe, 2003) and The World’s
Two Smallest Humans (Faber,
2012), shortlisted for both the Costa
Book Awards (poetry category)
and the T.S. Eliot Prize. All three
collections are Poetry Book Society
Hear the story read live by the author
and have your books signed with a
personal message.
Julia Copus will be at Brendon Books
from 11.00-12.00 on Saturday 22
Brendon Books, Old Brewery Buildings, Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4ER
Tel. 01823 337742
“Good Evenings Friends, the
name is Horace Batchelor”

Roland Oliver as Horace Batchelor Photo: Zuleika Henry

For those of a certain age,
the name Horace Batchelor
conjures up memories of
listening to Radio Luxembourg. It was a world where
going to bed with a tranny
meant listening to the radio
under the bed sheets.
Blue Brook Productions, a
Bristol based Theatre
Company, will perform
An Audience with Horace
Batchelor at The Castle
Hotel in Taunton in April.
Writer and co-founder of
the company, Kevin Cattell,
describes its genesis.
‘The play came about because I am a
Keynsham boy. Wherever I am in the
world and get asked by a certain generation where I come from, I always get
the answer 'is that K-E-Y-N-S-H-A-M?'


I started looking into the life and times
of Horace Batchelor and found out that
nobody really had a good word to say
about him. As Keynsham seemed to
have cast out their most famous son I
thought there must be more to the man
than a dodgy Wikipedia page.
‘Horace was born in 1898 and in the
first fifty years of his life was a local entrepreneur. He sold bootlaces and shoe
polish in Keynsham market, owned a
fruit barrow in Old Market, Bristol, sold
insurance, patented his own fire extinguisher, and marketed his own brand of
herbal cigarettes (with seven secret ingredients) - whether he was ahead of his
time or trying to cash in on the popularity of Wills tobacco it is unknown, but
probably the latter. When he was fifty, he
won the pools and invested his fortune
in his Infra Draw system of winning the
football pools. His marketing stroke of
genius was advertising it on Radio Luxembourg. Although kids hated the interruptions to the music, people trusted
his quaint Bristol charm, and thousands
sent for his booklet at 20 shilling a go.
I think he was in the right place at the
right time, taking advantage of the in-

nocence of the day. He was the ultimate
self-publicist, long before Branson and
I think people either loved him or
loathed him. Apparently a local councillor once suggested naming a street after
him and was shouted down as his gambling and womanising brought shame
to Keynsham, so there's not even a blue
plaque. People would also mock his local accent, but his system was based on
logic and skill, and I think it really did
work. You had a much better chance
winning using Horace's method than
wasting your money on a random bingo
machine that draws out coloured balls
twice a week!

Horace Batchelor at his desk
Residence at the National Theatre
Studio. His productions include Danger:Memory! (Jermyn Street Theatre),
The Dolphin Crossing (Brewery, Bristol
and Ustinov, Bath), and the touring
production of A Midsummer Night’s
Dream. He recently assisted Sir Richard
Eyre on The Dark Earth and the Light
Sky at the Almeida, relating the meeting between poets Edward Thomas and
Robert Frost.

Kevin Cattell
Ed Viney and Kevin Cattell formed Blue
Brook Productions in 2011 with the sole intention of putting on plays that they would
like to watch themselves: stressing the
importance of good writing, performance
and production rather than experimental
gimmicks and frivolity.

Scene from The Dophin Crossing

Scene from Danger: Memory Dophin


Ed Viney
Primarily, it was Ed Viney who
directed and Kevin Cattell who was
in charge of production. Their first
production was a little-known Arthur
Miller play Danger: Memory! which
played at Jermyn Street Theatre in
Piccadilly. Following the Miller, they
decided to concentrate on original
works with an historical or local
connection. The Dolphin Crossing was
adapted from a children’s book by Jill
Paton Walsh about two boys who sailed
to Dunkirk to rescue our troops.
The current production, Horace Batchelor, was a personal project for Kevin
Cattell. He had always, he told me,
been an amateur scribbler. It was when
he joined a writers’ group (where he
also met Ed Viney) that he gained the
confidence to believe his writing might
be of some worth and in 2011 he won
the Christchurch Writers Award for
best play. Horace Batchelor is his first
professionally produced play, though
he is already working on his next one,
a one-woman-play based on the true
story of Princess Caraboo, the farmer’s
daughter from Devon who travelled in
poverty around the south west before
tricking Bath and Bristol’s high society
with the story of her life as Caraboo,
the beautiful princess from the mystical
island of Javasu.
Ed Viney trained at Bristol Old Vic
Theatre School and the National
Theatre where he was Director in

Roland Oliver is known for his performances with Shakespeare at the Tobacco Factory in Bristol having played
King Lear and appeared in several
productions to date including Richard
II, Hamlet and Taming of the Shrew.
Roland originated the roles of Andrew
McKinlay MP and Michael Mates
in the verbatim plays at the Tricycle
Theatre. His television credits include
Bad Girls and appearances in numerous popular drama series including
Vera, Coronation Street, Casualty and

An Audience with Horace Batchelor
Friday 11 April 7.00pm
Venue: The Castle Hotel, Castle
Green, Taunton TA1 1NF
Tel. 01823 328303
Ticket Only: £15.00
Ticket with 3 -Course Set Dinner &
Wine: £49.00
Never Look Back
interview suggesting to her interviewers
that she may be a psychopath and ‘how
would they know’. She went travelling for
six months and then returned, re-applied
and this time was successful – deciding this
time not to bring up the psychopath angle.

Clare had always
been an avid reader
though she had never thought that she
would be a writer
until one day, about
5 years ago, she
picked up Pig Island
by Mo Hayder.
She was so impressed by the dark creepy
story that she began to wonder how she
did it, so much so that she thought for the
first time that this might be for her and
applied for a creative writing course at
Bath Spa University. She had read at the
front of Pig Island that this was where Mo
Hayder had learnt her trade. They turned
her down initially. She thinks it may have
been because she gave a ‘slightly weird‘


Following her course she was lucky enough
to land a contract with major UK publisher,
Macmillan. It became a dream come true, if
rather a late dream in her life. Though earlier on in life she had not believed she had
what it takes to be a writer, she found that
her natural organisational skills which she
had previously used in her job working for
various law firms in London over 10 years
or more, were a great asset in putting together stories and that, for her , the necessarily solitarily life an author must lead for
much of the time held no terrors.
Never Look Back is a crime thriller that is
set in South East London and uses much
of the background of the areas where she
lived before she returned to Somerset.
She writes in the third person limited point
of view which means that at any one time
we only know the feelings of a single character. It does mean that we can see the
point of view from multiple characters
without losing the sense of intimacy and
immediacy which this offers.

Three women have been found
brutally murdered in south London,
the victims only feet away from help
during each sadistic attack. And the
killer is getting braver . . .
Sarah Grainger is rapidly becoming
too afraid to leave her house. Once
an outgoing photographer, she knows
that someone is watching her. A cryptic note brings everything into terrifying focus, but it’s the chilling phone
calls that take the case to another level.
DI Mike Lockyer heads up the regional murder squad. With three bodies
on his watch, and a killer growing
in confidence, he frantically tries to
find the link between these seemingly
isolated incidents. What he discovers
will not only test him professionally
but will throw his personal life into
Though she enjoyed working in London turmoil too
she is pleased to return to Somerset and
Taunton where she went to school (at
Clare Donoghue
Queen’s College). She loves the friendliness
and warmth of the people and the variety of Talk and Booksigning
the landscape. While writers like Mo Hay- 7.00 pm Wednesday 19 March
der, Stephen King and Jo Nesbo are predictable influences recent authors she has Venue and Tickets:
admired are Yan Martel, Paul Coelho and
Brendon Books,
Lloyd Jones.
Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4ER
She has already completed her second
01823 337742
book, No Place to Die, which will be published next year.
The Hothouse Festival
Hothouse Festival is
a one-day Acoustic /
Folk / Roots Festival
for the new generation! Showcasing the
finest UK (and international) young folk
talent, there will be
appearances from
young local musicians and dancers
too. It takes place
at Halsway Manor,
National Centre for
the Folk Arts, near
Crowcombe, on Saturday 19th April.
Now in it’s third year, the 2014 line-up
welcomes back Radio 2 Young Folk
Award winners Moore, Moss, Rutter, honey-toned shanty-men The Balina Whalers
and young folk troubadour Sam Brookes.
Line-up also includes European Bluegrass
Band Award runners-up Jaywalkers, lively
Glastonbury duo The Drystones, Australia’s acclaimed singer songwriter Katie
Wighton, New Acoustic / Americana
quintet The Gathering Sky, pure-voiced
singer and pianist Jen Ord, fresh indie /
folk from Jess McAllister, hirsute minstrels Sam Mabbett & Dylan Cairns-Howarth.. and that’s not all! All-female rapper
dance team Silver Flame Rapper will be
making an appearance, to perform and


to run a rapper-sword-dance
workshop. There will be appearances from local bands – Torr
and Wells Blue School Folk Band
amongst them – plus an open
mic stage, and a Silent Disco to
round off the night. The day will
also feature brand new performance pieces created by local
young dancers and musicians
during a week-long residency at
Halsway Manor.
You can find recordings and
reviews from last year’s event
on the Halsway Manor website
– –
featuring live recordings from
Hothouse media partners Folk
Radio UK and Songs from the
Kicking off at 12 noon, Hothouse Festival takes place in
the fantastic setting of Halsway
Manor, on the edge of the Quantocks between Crowcombe and
Bicknoller. Most of the activities
will take place inside the 15th
Century Manor House, so no
need to worry about the weather, but if the sun does make an
appearance you’ll be able to
enjoy the beautiful gardens and
grounds! Hot and cold food plus
a licensed bar will be available.
Plenty of parking onsite. Camping and B&B are also available at
the Manor – but must be booked
in advance.
Tickets: £10 / £2 aged under 14
(must be accompanied by an
adult). To book contact Halsway
Manor on 01984 618274 or book
Top: The Drystones Middle:Sam Brookes
Bottom: Hannah - Gathering Sky
Top Left: Moore, Mosse & Rutter. Top: The Jaywalkers
Bottom Left: SIlver Flame
Halsway Manor, National Centre for Folk Arts, has been established as a Charity since 1965. Nestling at the foot of the Quantock Hills Halsway Manor provides a year-round programme
of events and activities in traditional folk music, dance, song,
storytelling, folklore and related arts and crafts. All are welcome.
Further information:

7.00pm Wednesday March 12th
Talk followed by book signing

The Lost Islands of Somerset
by Dr Richard Brunning

Tickets from: Brendon Books, Bath Place, Taunton
TA1 4ER 01823 337742
The book briefly describes the islands and their surrounding wetland landscape, how they were linked by
wooden trackways in the prehistoric period and how the
floodplain was gradually reclaimed in the Romano-British
and Medieval periods. A dozen of the island are then
covered in more detail, with especial focus on islands
such as Muchelney and Aller where geophysical survey
and excavation took place.
By Richard Brunning, the Levels and Moors Archaeologist for Somerset County Council. It is a timely publication and should be of great interest.

The Ark Before Noah:
Decoding the Story of the Flood
One day in 2008 a
member of the public brought in a palm
sized clay tablet into
the British Museum. It proved to be
of extraordinary significance. Dr Irving
Finkel is coming to
Taunton in March to
talk about how it was
decoded and what it

inscriptions. Finkel is the curator in
charge of cuneiform inscriptions on
tablets of clay from ancient Mesopotamia at the British Museum.
The tablet bore, among other things,
a copy of the Babylonian Story of
the Flood including instructions on
building a large boat to survive the
flood. Further investigation was to
reveal a number of enthralling discoveries enabling Dr Finkel to decode
the story of the flood and a radical
re-interpretation of the Noah’s Ark

The tablet dated back to to 1850 BC in
cuneiform script. Cuneiform, consisting
a small set of imprints and wedges, is the
world’s oldest script, ‘ older by far than
any alphabet’., practiced by the Sumerian
and Babylonians , yet extinct by the rise of
the Roman Empire
Yet the tablet, which had been brought
back from the Middle East after the
Second World War by Leonard Simmons
who had served with the RAF. was not
thought of significant as some academics
had dismissed it as ‘rubbish’. Luckily, his
son, Douglas, brought it along to a British
Museum open day in a tea chest along
with a number of other items. Finkel
describes it as “one of the most important
human documents ever discovered”

The clay tablet imprinted with the
Cuneiform script.


With the arrival of the tablet began an
enthralling real-life detective story by
Dr Finkel. Finkel’s full title is Assistant
Keeper of the Ancient Mesopotamian
script, languages and cultures Department: Middle East at the British Museum.
The department has 130,000 pieces, more
than any other modern museum and its
remit is to read and translate all sorts of

Talk and Booksigning
The Ark Before Noah
by Dr Irving Finkel
7.00pm Wed 26 March
Venue and Tickets:
Brendon Books,
Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4Er
01823 337742
Out of the Blue
For eight years now Jenny
Graham has been part of
the Spring farm Collective
based at the former Moorlinch Vineyard and takes
much of her inspiration
from the landscape around
her. In April she is putting
on a new exhibition, Out of
the Blue at ‘Contains Art’ in
Watchet. As well as looking
forward to the exihibition, I
took the opportunity to ask
her about her earlier work
and influences.
‘I have known since I was 6 years old
that I had an ‘ability’ to record the world
as I saw it. However, for most of my
early years, until I was about 15 and at
secondary school, I planned to become
any entomologist. It was only my maths
teacher who discouraged me, saying that
my maths wasn’t up to getting a science
degree. My art teacher on the other
hand insisted that I apply for art school,
which I somewhat reluctantly did. I was
accepted at all 3 art schools I had applied
for and chose to attend the Cooper
Union Art School in Greenwich
Village, New York City, as it had the
best reputation for fostering creativity as all the tutors were practicing
artists who worked there part time.
My family were living in America at
the time.
New York was a very inspirational
and exciting place to be in the 1960s,
with famous people like Andy Warhol and the world of Pop Art and
the Abstract Expressionists at the
forefront of world art at the time.
being young, I don’t think I realised
how lucky I was until much later.
The main bone of contention during
my art training was that I wanted to
paint like Edward Hopper, Geor-


gia O’Keefe and Grant Wood, but the
American Ruralists were completely
out of fashion and frowned upon at
the time. So I decided to become a
graphic designer and paint ‘on the side’.
It wasn’t until many years later, when
I had returned to England and moved
with a new husband to Somerset that
I stopped my graphic design work and
allowed my passion for painting and
printmaking to surface again.
Even though I am known regionally
primarily for my landscapes of the
Westcountry I have always been interested in working in different media and

experimenting with alternative ways of
looking at the world. Over the years
since my move to Somerset in 1984, I
have been involved in an Environmental Art project at Hestercombe Gardens,
‘Genius Loci’, and 2 photographic
projects, ‘Working the Land’ (with
photographer Pauline Rook) and ‘Four
Star’ in which I recorded rural independent garages and services stations.
My renewed interest in printmaking
began about 15 years ago when I took a
short etching course at the Brewhouse
Arts Centre in Taunton. I subsequently
went on to do a NVQ in printmaking at
SCAT, followed by an MA in Multi-disciplinary Printmaking at the University
of the West of England in Bristol, where
I graduated in 2000 with my commitment to printmaking securely established.
I think that having a studio away from
my home ( I have been at Spring Farm
for 8 years now) and helping establish Spring Farm Arts has been a good
experience. Having other artists around
always has a positive effect on me, even
if we only get together occasionally
for open weekends. Spring Farm is a
wonderful place to work and I feel very
lucky to have found such a lovely studio
so close to my home in Burrowbridge.’
‘My forthcoming OUT OF THE BLUE
show at Watchet literally came out of the
blue. A few months ago I received the
application form from ContainsArt in
Watchet to put forth a proposal for an exhibition, an exciting initiative I had been
keeping an eye on for some time. The
idea of combining my own and archival
photography, recycling coastal ephemera and marine salvage with cyanotypes
seemed to fall neatly into place as an idea
and I was delighted to have the opportunity to once again ‘experiment’ with a
different medium and have an exhibition
at the end. I also have the opportunity to
work with some of the archival material
from the Watchet Museum which adds to
the excitement and, hopefully, the local
relevance of the show. I’ve always felt that
some projects have a life of their own and
are meant to be. Out of the Blue feels like
one of them.’
Cyanotype is a historical photographic process whereby paper or fabric
is coated with a light sensitive solution which is then exposed by contact
with a negative the same size as the image. This can be done using either
sunlight or another UV light source. The resulting image is a positive
print in which the darkest tones turn a rich indigo colour and other tones
a somewhat lighter shade of blue. The print is developed by washing in
cold water for several minutes. Photograms can also be made by placing
objects directly onto the coated paper, then exposing a developing as
Above: two of the objects which will appear in
the Out of the Blue exhibition. Top: Towards the
Lighthouse. Bottom: Postcards from Minehead 1.
Above right: From Earth to Air - photo etching
and below: At Alton Barnes


Saturday 12th April - Monday 21st April ‘Out of the Blue’ Jenny
Graham. A solo exhibition of cyanotypes and constructions created
from found coastal and town ephemera based on the town of Watchet, past and present. ‘Containsart’ gallery in Watchet. Containsart,
East Quay,WatchetSomerset TA23 0AQ Tel: 07866 730093
Preoccupied by the subject of ghosts
Born of a chance conversation with Alice Dilke, who
knew Hardy as a child,
Christopher Nicholson
has written a story based
around the true story of the
first theatrical production
of ‘Tess of the D’Urbevilles. On 17 April he comes
to Taunton to give a talk.
Here he explains how the
novel came to be.
‘In his later life Thomas Hardy was much
preoccupied by the subject of ghosts. They
come to life in his poems, where they talk
among themselves and reflect on their
previous lives and on the sorry state of the
world. ‘Winter’ attempts to conjure three
such creatures from the dead, one of them
being Hardy himself.
‘The novel is set in late 1924 and early 1925,
when the 84 year old Hardy, the most celebrated English writer of the day, was living
at his Dorset home of Max Gate with his
second wife, Florence. Aged 45 but in poor
health, she came to suspect that Hardy was
in the grip of a romantic infatuation. The
woman in question was a beautiful local
actress, the 27 year old Gertrude Bugler.

thatched farmhouse up a muddy track, felt
like something out of the pages of ‘The
Woodlanders’, or another of Hardy’s novels.

‘Unlikely as such an infatuation may
seem, Hardy had past form when it
came to young women. Many years earlier, he had even written a short novel,
‘The Well-Beloved’, which describes
a man who falls in love with a woman, then with the woman’s daughter,
and then the woman’s grand-daughter.
For that and a host of other reasons among them Hardy’s complex, secretive personality - it’s perhaps not so
surprising that Florence began to feel
seriously alarmed.

‘We talked a lot about Hardy. I had always
loved Hardy’s work, as had Alice; she came
from a literary family. But she said that
when she was a child, in the Dorset of the
1920s, she had been warned off Hardy by
her parents. I asked why, and she said: ‘I
think they didn’t think he was a nice man.
There were stories about him and women.
Of course, I immediately read every novel of his that I could find.’ Alice went on
to mention Gertrude Bugler, whom she
had known as a friend in the 1950s and
60s, when they were members of the same
Women’s Institute. She told me that Hardy
had written a poem in which he had imagined eloping with Gertrude from a particular place, Toller Down Gate. The poem,
supposedly, was destroyed by Florence. I
started to write ‘Winter’ the next day.’

‘Winter’ is constructed around the
developing crisis. It was born out of a
chance conversation. One Sunday in
November 2010 I went to lunch with
an elderly woman by the name of Alice
Dilke, who lives in the Marshwood Vale
of west Dorset. The countryside thereabouts is one that can have changed
little since Hardy’s time, with thin, treelined lanes winding past damp pastures
and boggy woods. Alice’s home, an old,
Christopher Nicholson’s two earlier novels are ‘The Fattest Man In America’ (2005)
and ‘The Elephant Keeper’ (2009). ‘The
Elephant Keeper’ was shortlisted for the
Costa Novel Award and the Encore Award.
A serial adaptation was broadcast as a BBC
Radio 4 ‘Book of the Week’.

Christopher Nicholson
Talk and Booksigning
7.00 pm Thursday 17 April

Gertrude Bugler as Tess
(National Trust Collections)


Portrait of Hardy by Reginald Grenville
Eves, 1923

Venue and Tickets:
Brendon Books,
Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4ER
01823 337742
The Rural Living Spring Show

Taunton Racecourse: 12th & 13th April 2014

Following last year’s triumphant debut, The Rural Living Spring Show returns to Taunton Racecourse in April. Run
by the people who have brought you the much-loved Rural Living Show at King’s Hall for the last twenty years, the
Show is full of exciting ideas to buy which will transform your home and garden. The Rural Living Spring Show will
showcase some of the finest produce and crafts to be found in the West Country and Taunton Racecourse, with its
ample parking and plenty of space for both indoor and outside stands, is the ideal venue for this exciting event. Get
your Easter gifts here!
Among the features of The Rural Living Spring Show are:
Over 100 indoor stands, with many more outside
Craft demonstrators
Plant and Garden marquee
Eco-friendly and Sustainability stands
Ideas for home and garden
Food Hall, with café and tasting area for local produce
Vintage market
Local nursery stands
Garden Design
Ample parking
Children’s Entertainment
Classic Vehicle Day on Sunday
Fun Run by NSPCC on Sunday (Contact organisers for more details!)
Raising money for St Margaret’s Hospice

Further information:
Tel.l 01823 323363,

LAMP Magazine special offer. Readers receive complimentary admission on production of the ticket below.

Duet for One
Also at the theatre on 17 April there is a guitar rehearsal by Christopher Evesham
In recent years, Christopher has performed
regularly as concerto soloist with various
orchestras around the UK. He has performed Vivaldi’s Concerto in D major and
Weiss’s Concerto in D minor and has given
many performances of Rodrigo’s Concierto de
Aranjuez with orchestras around the UK. In
2008 he gave solo recitals in Mainz and Stuttgart which led to performances with prize
winning organist Andrew Dewar in Germany.
In 2012, Christopher worked with composer
Ezra Williams on the revised edition of his
two movement work for guitar solo which led
to recording the work.

Duet for One is based on the life of
renowned British cellist Jacqueline du
Pré. She is particularly associated with
Elgar’s Cello Concerto in E Minor, her
interpretation of which has been described as “definitive” and “legendary”.
Her career was cut short by multiple
sclerosis, which forced her to stop performing at the age of 28, and led to her
premature death. Posthumously, she
was the subject of a film entitled “Hilary and Jackie” (based on her siblings’
memoir, A Genius in the Family).
Duet for One tells the story of a virtuoso violinist, Stephanie Abrahams,
who has had her career brought to a
staggering halt by the onset of multiple sclerosis, which also threatens her
marriage. Already in a wheelchair,
Stephanie is advised - against her
will - to consult with a psychiatrist
by her concerned husband. The play
is structured as sessions between
Abrahams and her German shrink,
Dr Feldmann – a man who shares


her passionate love of music. Their
exchanges build to become a battle of
wills, during which Stephanie tries to
cope with her illness and its effect on
her life.
This immensely moving play won the
London Theatre Critics Award for best
play of 1980, and still packs an emotional punch, with the relationship
between doctor and patient creating a
satisfying and absorbing narrative.
Duet for One by Tom Kempinski
Ilminster Warehouse 2-5 April 7.30
Classical Guitar Recital by Christopher Evesham 17 April 7.30
Ilminster Warehouse Theatre, Brewery Lane, Ilmiinster
(opposite The Crown public house by
the pelican crossing.)
Telephone 07943 779880 for tickets

In 2009 his first CD ‘Christopher Evesham,
Solo Guitar’ was released. In this year he gave
5 recitals on board the cruise ship ‘Balmoral’
on the South American and Caribbean leg of
the world cruise, he also gave a solo recital for
Brent Knoll music club to raise money for the
Mathieson school in India. He has also given
recitals in 2010 and 2011 for charities including Save the Children and Cancer Research
UK. His recital work has taken him to Arts
centres, music clubs, and other venues all over
the UK.
Christopher has travelled to Brazil regularly
since 2006 and has consequently increased his
repertoire with a lot of works from this country’s musically rich and diverse heritage
In 2011 2012 and 2013 Christopher performed solo recitals regularly for various
cruise lines.
‘His England is now the
England of Langland,
Shakespeare and Hopkins’
Seamus Heaney

Following on from his successful Seven
Olympians Tour, Graham Fawcett
returns to Taunton in April with his World
Poets Tour exploring the life, legacy and
poetry of the late, great Ted Hughes.
So few people knew that Ted Hughes was
ill that when he died, on 28th October
1998, it felt as though part of the landscape - a tree, or an expanse of woodland
- had spirited itself away while we weren’t
looking, after a life-time (his and ours) in
which he did as much as anyone to make
us want to look at the landscape and stand
next to him in it.
In a tribute to Ted Hughes at the funeral
service in the North Devon village where
he lived for nearly forty years, Seamus
Graham Fawcett studied Classics at
Christ’s Hospital, where his love of poetry
began while translating the great English
poets into Greek and Latin. He read Archaeology & Anthropology and English at
Cambridge, and has worked for Southern
Television, Southern Arts, the British Institute of Florence, the Arvon Foundation
and Art History Abroad. He taught translation at Goldsmiths College for fifteen
years from 1991, and now lectures on
both poetry and translation at universities
in the UK, Italy and Spain.
He has been a tutor for The Poetry
School in London since 1997, devising
and teaching new courses on poetry past
and present from around the world. He
has written and presented radio programmes about literature and music on
BBC Radio 3 for many years. His verse
translation of Dante’s early love poems,
La Vita Nuova, was a BBC Radio Drama
commission broadcast on Radio 3 as A
Voyage of Sighs directed by John Theocharis.


Heaney unerringly placed him in the
wider pantheon of the millennium. ‘His
England is now the England of Langland, Shakespeare and Hopkins’, said
But where did that distinctive Hughes
voice come from? And what were the
triggers that spurred him on, extending
his early grasp of the elemental potency
of life-in-language further and deeper
than the nature and landscape of his
native Yorkshire, into the creation myth

of Crow, other worlds of farm and river
especially in the West Country, and
inspirational late flowerings as both a
translator and a love poet?
Graham Fawcett sets out on a personal journey through the poetry of Ted
Hughes, whom he knew in Devon
during the 1970s, a man whose originality of utterance and output made him
one of the outstanding English poets of
the twentieth or any other century.

World Poets 1: Ted Hughes
Lecture and Reading
by Graham Fawcett
Tuesday 8th April 2014
Venue and tickets from:
Brendon Books, Bath Place,
Taunton TA1 4ER
01823 337742
March Events
Events in date order. Contact details for most of the venues are given at the end of event listings. Please note, we do not
take any responsibility for errors or omissions. Please confirm with venue timings and programme details.


Event Details




Escuela Fuego Flamenco

Blakehay Theatre, WSM



The Kings of Swing

Octagon Theatre, Yeovil



Fairport Convention

Playhouse, WSM




Charles II and His Court with Professor Ronald Hutton

Dillingtonh Hse, Ilmiinster




Royal Marines Association Concert Band and the Yeovilton Military Wives Choir

Octagon Theatre, Yeovil




Motionhouse: Broken

Octagon Theatre, Yeovil



On Wings and Wind: Pollination of Flowers - Anne Bebbington

Crayford Village Hall




Godspell - Srode College

Strode Theatre




Tom McConville

Halsway Manor



O My America! - Sara Wheeler

Brendon Books



Fire River Poets: Poetry Reading by Lucy Lepchani




Octagon Theatre, Yeovil


Talks, Film

Frome Amnesty Int. present: Evening of Film, Food & Speakers

Merlin Theatre, Frome



Mendip Storytelling Circle - Somerset Storyfest 2014

Court Hotel Chlicompton




Comedy Night

Creative Inn. Ctre




Boeing Boeing - Talkin Scarlet (+ Sat matinee)

Playhouse. WSM




Highbridge Festival of the Arts

Various - see programme




Time & Tide Theatre Group presents ‘Two Nations’ A folk story
told in music, drama and poetry

Ilminster Arts Centre



Kammer Philharmonie Europa

Regal, Minehead



Owdyado Theatre: ‘Above Bored’

Tacchi-Morris, Taunton



Elizabeth Watts and Simon Lepper: The Nightingale and the Rose

Milverton Church



Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore

Over Stowey Church



Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Amy Winehouse Tributes

Oake Manor Golf Club, Taunton 7.30


Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore

Winsford Village Hall



Orchestral Concert - Somerset County Orchestra

St James’s Church



Peter Knight’s Gigspanner

Bridgwater Arts Centre



Nancy Kerr & James Fagan.

David Hall, S Petherton



Ed Byrne: Roaring Forties

Octagon Theatre, Yeovil



Paul Salvage & Friends: Sound of the 60s & 70s

Strode Theatre



James Wilton Dance present: Last Man Standing

Merlin Theatre, Frome



One Night of Elvis (tribute)

Frome Memorial Theatre



Two Harpsicords in Concert

Dillington House, Ilminster




March Events (Continued)
Events in date order. Contact details for most of the venues are given at the end of event listings. Please note, we do not
take any responsibility for errors or omissions. Please confirm with venue timings and programme details.

Event Details





Sinatra, Sequins and Swing - Big Band Swing Orchestra

Playhouse, WSM



Somerset Storyfest 2014 - free family event

Bath Central Library



Somerset Storyfest 2014 - free family event

Holbourne Museum, Bath



Jeremy Harvey’s Talk on Chagall

Somerset College



SIAS: The Somerset & Dorset Railway - the Bath Extension

North Town Primary, Taunotn



Paines Plough present Hopelessly Devoted By Kate Tempest

Merlin Theatre, Frome




David Spears - microscopic plants and animals

St George’s School, Taunton




Taunton Thespians: ‘The Killing of Sister George’

Tacchi-Morris, Taunton




YAOS: Sister Act

Octagon Theatre, Yeovil




Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore

North Curry Village Hall



Adam Kammerling

Strode College Theatre



Cube Theatre present Freddy Dare And The Ginger Robber

Merlin Theatre, Frome



The Lost Islands of Somerset - Richard Brunning

Brendon Books



Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore

Halse Village Hall



Philip Clouts Trio - meoldic Jazz with Afro-Lationo flavours

Creative Inn. Centre, Taunton



Gertrude’s Flowers: Talks about art by Maggie Giraud

Castle Hotel, Taunton



Jazz Nights - Philips Clouts Trio

Creatiuve Innovation Centre



The YCAA presents Len Copland, Photographer

Octagon Theatre, Yeovil



Jason Manford

Playhouse WSM





Blakehay Theatre< WSM


Strode College Theatre



The Ronnie Jones Quartet

Ilminster Arts Centre


Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore

Regal Theatre, Minehead



Sunjay Brayne

David Hall, S Petherton



Worle Operatic Society Presents; Jack The Ripper (+Sat matinee)
Street Theatre presents Hay Fever



Comedy Drama

Jethro at Large

Welsprings Leisure Centre


Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore

Memorial Hall Trull


Sounds Spiritual II - Phoenix Singers

St John Baptist, Wellington



Clarinet Marmalade Concert

Cossington Vill Hall



Joceline Dimbleby in Conversation

Bridgwater Arts Centre



Great Western Chorus 40th Anniversary Concert

Playhouse, WSM



Acoustic Music @ The Arts Centre

Wellington Arts Centre



Essence of Ireland

Frome Memorial Theatre



Somerset Storyfest 2014 - free family event

Taunton Library




Somerset Storyfest 2014 - free family event

Museum of Somerset


Halsway Manor
Church St Mary, KSM

The Circus of Horrors

Octagon, Yeovil



Theatre Alibi: ‘Hammer & Tongs

Tacchi-Morris, Taunton




Family Intergenerational Storytelling Day
Evensong - In Ecclesia

Circus Act


Sherlock Holmes - The Pantaloons

Regal, Minehead

March Events (Continued)
Events in date order. Contact details for most of the venues are given at the end of event listings. Please note, we do not
take any responsibility for errors or omissions. Please confirm with venue timings and programme details.


Event Details




Never Look Back - tall on new crime thriller by Clare Donoghue

Brendon Books, Taunton



SAGT AGM and Talk by Max Hebditch on Portraying the City

Creative Innovation Centre



Clare Teal - The Divas & Me!

Playhouse, WSM



Brazz Comedy Night

Castle Hotel




Crispin School presents Our House

Strode College Theatre




Norwich Puppet Theatre: ‘The Frog & The Princess

Tacchi-Morris, Taunton


Flying Folk

Ilminster Arts Centre



Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore

Victoria Rooms, Milverton



That’ll Be The Day Spring 2014

Playhouse, WSM



Western Steam in Wales - Alan Saintly (Gt Western Society)

Stoke St Mary V. Hall



Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore

Hazelbury Plucknett Bible Cntre 7.00


The Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines

Frome Memorial Theatre



Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore

King’s College, Taunton



How Much is Enough? with Dr Edward Skidelsky

Dillington Hse, Ilminster



Lee Hurst: Things that make you go ARRGGHHH!!!

Bridgwater Arts Centre



Some-R-set 4 Talent: Best qualifying acts

Octagon Theatre, Yeovil



Comedy Drama

Boeing Boeing

Octagon Theatre, Yeovil




The Liberty to Choose - English Folk Songs

Silver Street Sessions




Joo Yeon Sir & Irena Andrievsky: Schubert/Brahms

Octagon Theatre, Yeovil



Noah Before the Flood - Talk by Irving Finkel of British Museum

Brendon Books, Taunton




Play @ The Arts Centre

Wellington Arts Centre




Spring Forward - Take Art




An Evening with…Sunny Ormonde (Lillian Bellamy the Archers)

Merlin Theatre, Frome



The Wildlife of Blagdon Lake - Nigel Milbourne

St Catherine’s Ch. Hall, Frome



Of Mice and Men

Regal, Minehead



Mark Youth Theatre present...Me and My Girl (Sat matinee)

Princess Theatre, BOS



An Evening of Music and Poetry by South Somerset Peace Group.

David Hall, S Petherton



Jersey Boys Tribute Night

Oake Manor Golf Club, Taunton 7.30


An Evening of Burlesque

Octagon Theatre, Yeovil



Jurassic Ecosystem of Strawberry Bank Ilminster

Ilminster Parish Hall




The London Haydn Quartet

Castle Hotel, Taunton




U.Dance South West 2014 - Take Art




4 Parts Guitar. Sat 29th Mar. 8pm

David Hall, S Petherton



Jackson: Live in Concert (Tribute)

Octagon Theatre, Yeovil



Le Phare present Insight

Merlin Theatre, Frome




Emily Smith - Scottish Folk Songs

Silver Street Sessions




National Dance Company Wales: Interactive Matinee

Octagon Theatre, Yeovil





April Events
Events in date order. Contact details for most of the venues are given at the end of event listings. Please note, we do not
take any responsibility for errors or omissions. Please confirm with venue timings and programme details.


Event Details




Jon Richardson: Nidiot

Playhouse, WSM



Somerset Glow Worms

Caryford Village Hall




GSMCS presents: The Witches of Eastwick

Strode College Theatre




Jon Richardson: Nidiot

Octagon, Yeovil



Bird Ringing

Shapwick Village Hall




Duet for One by Tom Kempinski

Warehouse Theatre, Ilminster




Billy Pearce

Octagon, Yeovil



Jethro - The Legend at large

Playhouse, WSM



Mike Denham SpeakEasy with Pete Allen

Ilminster Arts Centre



Pink, Katy Perry and Jessie J Tribute Night

Oake Manor Golf Club, Taunton



Set Your Soul Alive starring Joe McElderry

Playhouse, WSM



Tony Stockwell

Frome Memorial Theatre



Kiss Me Donkey by Max Taylor (Drama Festival)

Prinicess Theatre, BOS




Jason Manford

Octagon, Yeovil




Taunton Concert Band: ‘Easter Spectacular’

Tacchi-Morris, Taunton



Dr John Cole Memorial Concert Taunton Choral Cociety, Amici
and Orchestra West

King’s College Chapel



Gilad Atzmon and the Orient House Ensemble.

David Hall, S Petherton



Katherine Jenkins Tribute Night

Oake Manor Golf Club, Taunton



The Day The Music Died - Buddy Holly tribute

Playhouse, WSM



Wessex Division Final present Four One Act Plays

Merlin Theatre, Frome



Getting Away With It by PTC Writers/Paradise View

Princess Theatre, BOS




Musical Play

Peter Pan - Dreams Productions

Regal, Minehead




Jenny Éclair: ‘Eclairious’

Tacchi-Morris, Taunton



Gilad Atzmon and the Orient House Ensemble.

David Hall , S Petherton


Children’s Show

Bananas in Pyjamas 2014

Playhouse, WSM



Tap Factory - Theatre Productions

Octagon, Yeovil



Hothouse Festival - all day foilk festival from noon til late

Halsway Manor, Crowcombe



Graham Fawcett biographical peformance on Ted Hughes

Brendon Books




Entertaining Mr Sloane - Joe Orton

Octagon, Yeovil




The Peatbog Faeries. Thurs 10th April. 8pm.

David Hall, S Petherton



Armonico Consort with Sir Willard White

Octagon, Yeovil



Vienna Festival Ballet present Swan Lake

Playhouse, WSM



Celebrate; Lerner & Leowe, Rodgers & Hammerstein

Blakehay Theatre, WSM



The Sound of Music -Benham Academy of Dance 	

Strode College Theatre



Under Her Skin. Directed by John Wright

David Hall, S Petherton



Dominic Kirwan 2014

Playhouse, WSM



Two Way Mirror (Arthur Miller) Red Rope Theatre Company

Regal, Minehead



April Events (Continued)
Events in date order. Contact details for most of the venues are given at the end of event listings. Please note, we do not
take any responsibility for errors or omissions. Please confirm with venue timings and programme details.

Event Details





Castle Hotel, Taunton



Maiastra: ‘String Quartets’ An evening of classical music supported by the Aidan Woodcock Foundation

Ilminster Arts Centre



The Searchers

Octagon, Yeovil



The Bohemians - A Night of Queen (Tribute)

Playhouse, WSM



Freshly Ground - traditional english folk songs

Silver Street Sessions



Olde Tyme Music Hall

Blakehay Theatre, WSM


Dance Dance Academy present The Firebird

Merlin Theatre, Frome




An Audience withn Horace Batchelor

Geryy across the Mersey - Gerry and the Pacemakers

Memorial Theatre, Frome



BOSH Youth Theatre present...The Rocky Monster Show

Princess Theatre, BOS



Piano Recital with Bernard d’Ascoli

Dillington Hse. Ilminster



Solid Silver Sixties - sixties hits from original artists

Playhouse, WSM



A Celebration of Neil Diamond (Tribute)

Regal, Minehead



Philip Clouts Trio - Afro Latino Flavoured Jazz

Creative Inn. Ctre, Taunton




Peter Pan: Easter Pantomime with Bobby Davro

Octagon, Yeovil




Sinfonia Classica with Lesley Garret

Octagon, Yeovil



Josh Widdicombe: Incidentally

Playhouse, WSM



The Somerset Coast - Nigel Phillips

Cheddar Catholic Ch Hall



Josh Widdicombe: Incidentally

Octagon, Yeovil



Des O’Connor

Octagon, Yeovil



The Poetry Joe Show From CBeebies Rhyme Rocket (3-5

Merlin Theatre, Frome



Billy Pearce 2014

Playhouse, WSM



Winter - talk on new fictional work on Thomas Hardy with
auhtor Christopher Nicholson

Brendon Books, Taunton



Christopher Evesham

Warehouse Theatre, Ilminster



Ken Peplowski & Julian Stringle with The Craig Milverton Trio

Ilminster Arts Centre



We’ve Only Just Begun - Carpenters Tribute

Playhouse, WSM



Bobby Socks and Blue Jeans - hits from the 50s and 60s

Playhouse, WSM



An Illustrated talk: Ham Hill Country Park

St. John’s Church Rooms, Yeovil



Virtuoso violinist Tamsin Waley-Cohen and cellist Gemma
Rosefield/ Honeymead Ensemble members Alfredo Zamarra
(viola) and Benjamin Nabarro - Music on the Quantocks

St Mary’s, Taunton



The Life and Times of the Brown Hare - Peter Thompson

United Reform Church, Somerton 7.30


Back to Broadway

Regal, Minehead



The Magic of Herb

United Reformed Ch. Somerton



Tweet of the Day. Talk by Stephen Moss on the book and popular radio 4 programme

Brendon Books, Taunton



Altered Skin: ‘Power Games’

Tacchi-Morris, Taunton



Peter Massa’s Talk on his art

Creative Innovation Centre








April Events (Continued)
Events in date order. Contact details for most of the venues are given at the end of event listings. Please note, we do not
take any responsibility for errors or omissions. Please confirm with venue timings and programme details.

Event Details





Octagon, Yeovil



Luke Wright presents Essex Lion

Merlin Theatre, Frome



Wildlife on the Somerset Levels - Nigel Phillips

St Catherine’s Ch Hall, Frome



The Jazz Age: Dr Paul McDonald

Dillington Hse, Ilmiinster



50 Years of a Somerset Town - Paul Bovett

Bridgwater Arts Centre



DYAD Productions - Unremarkable Death of Marilyn Monroe

Merlin Theatre, Frome




Morecambe - Tim Whitnall’s Olivier Award-winning play

Wildlife at Arnos Vale

Wells Museum



Conservation of the Somerset Levels and Moors - Steve Parker

Ilminster Parish Hall




The Vienna Piano Trio

Castle Hotel, Taunton




Heidi Talbot. Sat 26th April. 8pm

David Hall, S Petherton



RAFA Concert Band Presents; Music in the Air

Blakehay Theatre, WSM



In Dreams - Trib to Roy Orbison, Buddy Holly & Everly Bros

Frome Memorial Theatre



Serenade Big Band: Around the World - A Sentimental Journey

Princess Theatre, BOS




The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain

Octagon, Yeovil




The Song of Angels with Opus Anglicanum

Dillington Hse, Ilminster



Green & Pleasant Land-English Tapestry with Opus Anglicanum Dillington Hse, Ilminster



Mairearad Green & Anna Massie - Scottish folk musicians

Silver Street Sessions



Anything Goes Cole Porter’s Classical Musical.

Taccni-Morris Arts Centre


Art Exhibitions March/April
Saturday 4 January - Saturday 29 March
Looking back looking forward. The exhibition tells the museum’s story, from its origins as a working farm to the creation of the
museum forty years ago, and looks forward to what the future holds. Final exhibition at the museum before it closes in March
for a major redevelopment. Somerset Rural Life Museum, Abbey Farm, Chilkwell Street,Glastonbury, BA6 8DB.
Saturday 18 January - Saturday 8 March The 156th International Print Exhibition of the Royal Photographic Society. Museum
of Somerset, Taunton Castle, Castle Green, Taunton TA1 4AA. 01823 255088
Thursday 13 February - Thursday 13 March
‘A Good Idea at the Time’. Andy and Leo Davey. Mon: Fri 9.30- 12.30. Saturday: 9.00 - 5.00. Creative Innovation Centre CIC, Me-

morial Hall, Paul Street,Taunton TA1 3PF. 01823 337477

Tuesday 18 February 10:00AM Saturday 5 April 2:00PM
Artists 303: A Mixed Exhibition. Strode Theatre, Strode College, Church Road, Street, Somerset BA16 0AB 01458 442846
Monday 24 February - Saturday 29 March 2014
MA & Other Post Graduates. Atkinson Gallery, Millfield School, Street, Somerset BA16 0YD 01458 444322
Thursday 27 February - Wednesday 2 April
Linda Hollingshead: ‘Flow’. Linda’s mixed media paintings - a response to water and fluidity in nature and the beauty of emotion. Monday-Friday 10am - 4pm (plus performance nights). Free. Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre, School Road, Taunton. TA2 8PD.
01823 414141.

Tuesday 4 - Friday 28 March
Inspiration from The Blackdowns
Taking inspiration from The Blackdown Hills, local artists Andrew Bell and June Dobson present an exhibition of paintings
and ceramics. Monday - Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm. Saturday 9.30am - 2.30pm. Free. Ilminster Arts Centre at The Meeting
House, East Street, Ilminster. TA19 0AN. 01460 54973.
Monday 31 March - Saturday 12 April
SAGT Sponsored Spring Art Exhibition at Taunton Library, Paul St, Taunton TA1 3XZ.
Monday 31st March to Saturday April 26th
Annual Open Exhibition. Sponsored by Branston and Ilminster Arts Centre. If you want to be part of this prize-winning event
then please contact us, E-mail or phone the centre with your contact details. (01460 54973) The Meeting House, East Street,
Ilminster. TA19 0AN. 01460 54973.
Saturday 12th April - Monday 21st April ‘Out of the Blue’ Jenny Graham. A solo exhibition of cyanotypes and constructions created from found coastal and town ephemera based on the town of Watchet, past and present. ‘Containsart’
gallery in Watchet. Containsart, East Quay,WatchetSomerset TA23 0AQ Tel: 07866 730093
Wednesday 23 April - Tuesday 20 May
Nancy Farmer: ‘A Medusa for All Seasons’Etchings and drypoint prints inspired by the idea of Medusa - the snake-haired
femme fatale of ancient greek mythology - and by the passing of our very English seasons. Monday-Friday 10am - 4pm (plus
performance nights).

Why Not
Advertise in

Make yourself visible while
supporting the promotion of the
artistic community in Somerset
LAMP Magazine
c/o Brendon Books,
Old Brewery Buildings
Bath Place Taunton TA1 4ER
01823 337742

Workshops, Courses & Classes (March & April)
Listings are for March and April alphabetically by venue charged at £3.00 per line or part
line (up to 110 characters including spaces). Single individual entries also accepted.
Creative Innovation Centre Workshops
Creative writing for business and leisure – Wednesday evenings from 5:30pm to 7:30pm – Nine Weeks from
15/01/14 to 12/03/14
Portrait clay head class- Thurs 1:30-4:30pm10 wk course starting Thursday 9th Jan 1.30 -4.30pm.
Painting and drawing art class10 wk course starting Friday 10th Jan 9.30 -12.30pm or 1-4pm
Shibashi Taichi For Beginners-Monday evenings 10 February to 31 March 2014 7-8.30pm.
Biodanza – The Amazing International Dance-based System!
-Six weeks from Wednesday 22nd January to 5th March, 8pm to 9.30pm
Yoga Classes at CICCIC-10 week course starting Tuesday 7th Jan. 6.15- 7.45 pm

DILLINGTON HOUSE DAY COURSES MARCH – APRIL 2014 www.dillington Tel. 01460 258 648
Flower Arranging for Beginners - Saturday 1 March www.dillington
The Language of Icons- Saturday 1 March
Ukulele Workshop - Beyond Beginners - Saturday 1 March
Book Club - Off Balance by Mary Sheepshanks - Tuesday 4 March
The Trial of the Generals - Nuremberg 1945 - Saturday 8 March
The Camden Town Group - Saturday 8 March
Researching Your Family History Introductory Day - Saturday 8 March
Great Women Reformers: Miss Coutts & Miss Hill - Saturday 22 March
The British Army 1905-1914 and the Haldane Reforms -Saturday 22 March
Buddhism - A Philosophy for Life - Saturday 22 March
Looking Good Feeling Good - Saturday 22 March
Britten’s Operas - Death in Venice - Monday 31 March
Book Club - A Room with a View by E. M. Forster - Tuesday 1 April
West Country Canals -Monday 7 April
Four Historians - Tuesday 8 April
iPad Art for Beginners - Tuesday 8 April
Boxed Cushions for Chairs & Window Seats - Thursday 10 April
Easter Floral Designs - Thursday 10 April
The Ladies’ Paradise: Study Day of Zola’s Novel - Thursday 10 April
The Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt - Saturday 12 April
Understanding Schoenberg - Saturday 12 April
An Introduction to Chi Kung - Saturday 12 April
Two Tudor Composers - Monday 14 April
Wildflowers & Wildlife in Somerset - Monday 14 April
Rutland Boughton & The Original Glastonbury Festivals - Tuesday 15 April
Pearl: A Study Day of Loss & Resolution - Tuesday 15 April
Matthew Paris - England’s Greatest Medieval Artist - Wednesday 16 April

Workshops, Courses & Classes (March & April)
Listings are for March and April alphabetically by venue charged at £3.00 per line or part
line (up to 110 characters including spaces). Single individual entries also accepted.
Fitness League Classes every Friday 10-11am at St George’s Church Hall Wilton TA1 3JT to improve mobility
and strengthen muscles. Contact Nikki Mumby. 01823 283350 or
Halseway Manor, Crowcombe, Taunton, Somerset TA4 4BD 01984 618274

Saturday 1st March 	
Sunday 2nd March 	
Thursday 6th March 	
Thursday 6th March 	
Friday 7th - 9th March	
Mon 10th - 14th March	
Thursday 13th March	
Fri 14th - 16th March	
Sun 16th - 19th March 	
Thursday 20th March	
Fri 21st - 23rd March	
Thursday 27th March 	
Fri 28th - 30th March	
Mon 31st - 4th April 	
Thursday 3rd April	
Fri 4th - 6th April		
Sunday 6th April		
Monday 7th 11th April 	
Fri11th - 13th April	
Saturday 12th April	
Mon 14th - 19th April	
Thursday 17th April	
Sun 20th - 25th April	
Thursday 24th April	
Fri 25th - 27th April	

Northumbrian Small-pipes Taster Day 			
Halsway Sunday Club 2014 March				
Step into folk!						
West Somerset Morris Men Practisc Session			
Bonny Sartin Weekend March 2014			
Mary’s House Party
West Somerset Morris Men Practice Session			
Folk Song South West. Singaround Weekend 	
Arranging for Folk Musicians			
West Somerset Morris Men Practice Seesion			
Halsway Manor Playford Weekend
West Somerset Morris Men Practice Session			
The 2nd PolkaWorks workshop weekend 2014		
Anglo Scottish Dance Week		
West Somerset Morris Men				
Beyond Playford Historical & Folk Dance W/end
Halsway Sunday Club 2014 April				
Contra and Square Dance Week
Irish Set Dancing Weekend with Ceili Time
Ceilidh: Irish Set Dance Night with Ceili Time 		
Spring Hothouse 2014
West Somerset Morris Men Practice Session			
Halsway Manor Easter House Party 2014
West Somerset Morris Men Practice Session			
Falconers Folk Dance Club 2014

10.00am - 4pm		
4.30 - 7pm		
7.45 - 10pm
7.45 - 10pm
7.45 - 10pm
7.45 - 10pm
7.45 - 10pm
7.45 - 10pm
7.45 - 10pm

Ilminster Arts Ctre at The Meeting House, East Street, Ilminster. TA19 0AN 01460 54973
Clay. Informal Sculpture group. 3-14 April. Every Monday.. 9.30am-3.30pm. £7 per weekly session. All abilities.
Watercolour Workshop. 4 Mar - 1 Apr. Every Tuesday and Friday 7 Mar and Fri April 4. Learn techniques of watercolour.
Friendly & relaxed classes. All abilities welcome. 10am-3pm . £20 double session. Book : Nicky on: 01460 281 773.
Thursday 6 March. Lino Printing. Learn the art of Lino Printing at this exciting workshop led by local artist Rita Yates. 10am3pm. £25 per session (excluding the cost of materials).
Friday 14 March. Rag Rugs. Learn the green craft of rag rug making and create eye-catching designs using scrap materials.
11am-1pm. £10 per monthly session.
Friday 14 March. Readers’ Group. Spend an afternoon once a month with like-minded people, a good cup of coffee and a
chat about the latest ‘read’. All books are provided by the library service. 2.30-4pm. £4 per session (includes refreshments).
Thursday 20 March. Knit Tog, Crochet Too. From casting on to finished garment. Come and share your ideas and be inspired
- whatever your level of skill from beginner to master knitter! 2.15-4.15pm. £4 per session (includes refreshments).

Workshops, Courses & Classes (March & April)
Listings are for March and April alphabetically by venue charged at £3.00 per line or part
line (up to 110 characters including spaces). Single individual entries also accepted.
Friday 21 March. Felt Making. Come and learn how to make felt flowers, slippers, scarves and waistcoats. Beginners to advanced welcome. 10am-3pm. £20 per monthly session (excluding materials).
Thursday 3 April. Quilting with k3n: Stitch and Flip. Suitable for beginners and the more experienced. Please bring your own
sewing machine. 10am-3pm. £25 per session
Tuesday 8 April. Rag Rugs. Learn the green craft of rag rug making and create eye-catching designs using scrap materials.
11am-1pm. £10 per monthly session.
Thursday 10 April. Children’s Willow Spring Garlands Workshop.10am-12pm. £6 (all materials supplied). Suitable for ages 6
upwards only.
Friday 11 April.Readers’ Group. Spend an afternoon once a month with like-minded people, a good cup of coffee and a chat
about the latest ‘read’. All books are provided by the library service. 2.30-4pm. £4 per session (includes refreshments).
Thursday 17 April.Knit Tog, Crochet Too. From casting on to finished garment. Come and share your ideas and be inspired whatever your level of skill from beginner to master knitter! 2.15-4.15pm. £4 per session (includes refreshments).
Friday 25 April. Felt Making. Come and learn how to make felt flowers, slippers, scarves and waistcoats. Beginners to advanced welcome. 10am-3pm. £20 per monthly session (excluding materials).
Musgrove Willows Willow Fields, Lakewall, Weston Zoyland, Bridgwater, Somerset TA7 0LP
01278 691105 Lunch and refreshmsnts provided.

Saturday 8th March 	
Thursday 13th March	
Saturday 15th March	
Wednesday 19th March	
Saturday 22nd March	
Wednesday 26th March	
Friday 28th March	
Saturday 29th March	
Friday 11th April		
Saturday 12th April	
Wednesday 23rd April	
Friday 25th April		

Plant Climbers & Garden Edging (Half Day)		
Willow Hurdles/Fencing (Full Day)			
Living Willow Structures (Half Day)		
Bumble Bee Skeps (Full Day)			
Hedgerow Baskets (Full Day)			
Fan Wall Climber (Half Day)			
Living Willow Structures (Half Day)		
Bird Sculpture (Full Day)				
Plant Climbers (Half Day) 			
Small Animal Sculpture (Full Day)			
Garden Sculpture - Willow Balls (Full Day)		
Bumble Bee Skeps (Full Day)			

10.00am - 1pm	
10.00am - 4pm	
10.00am - 1pm	
10.00am - 4pm	
10.00am - 4pm	
10.00am - 1pm	
10.00am - 1pm	
10.00am - 4pm	
10.00am - 1pm	
10.00am - 4pm	
10.00am - 4pm	
10.00am - 4pm	


Tacchi-Morris Cube Theatre’s Easter Holiday School. Mon 7 - Fri 11 April . 5 day course of drama-based games and activities
for 7-11 year olds. 9am-3pm daily. £60 / £50. School Road, Taunton. TA2 8PD. 01823 414141
Workshops at the Willows & Wetlands Centre, Stoke St Gregory, TA3 6HY
For further details visit Or call 01823 490249
Saturday 1st March	
Willow Animal Sculpture Day (includes lunch)	
9.30am - 4pm		
Saturday 15th March 	
Felting-Nuno Felt Scarf				
Saturday 15th March	
Basket Making Workshop	 (includes lunch)		
9.30am - 4pm		
Saturday 22nd March	
Willow Deer Sculpture Day			
9.30am - 4.30pm		
Saturday 12th April	
Cockerel and Chicken sculpture day		
Saturday 26th April	
Felting - Wall Hanging				
Saturday 26th April	
Basket Making Workshop (includes lunch)		
9.30am - 4pm		


Contacts List
Atkinson Gallery, Millfield School, Street, Somerset BA16 0YD 01458 444322
Barn, Obridge House Priorswood, Taunton. Contact: Jeremy Harvey. 01823 276421
Barrington Court, Barrington,  Ilminster, Somerset TA19 0NQ 01460 242614
Bath Central Library 01225 394041
Bishop’s Palace, Cathedral Green, Wells Somerset BA5 2PD 01749 988111
The Blakehay Theatre, Wadham Street, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1JZ 01934 645493
Brendon Books, Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4ER 01823 337742
Bridgwater Arts Centre, 11-13 Castle Street, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 3DD 01278 422 700
The Castle Hotel, Castle Green, Taunton TA1 1NF 01823 272671
Caryford Community Hall, Ansford, Castle Cary, South Somerset BA7 7JJ
Cheddar Catholic Curch Hall,Tweentown, Cheddar, BS27 3HU
Court Hotel Chilcompton 01761 471209
Cossington Village Hall Rrivetts Way , TA7 8LH.
Creative Innovation Centre CIC, Memorial Hall, Paul Street,Taunton TA1 3PF. 01823 337477
The David Hall, Roundwell St South Petherton. TA13 5AA 01460 240340
Dillington House, Ilminster, Somerset TA19 9DT 01460 258648
Dunster Tithe Barn 01643 821658
Frome Memorial Theatre - Christchurch Street West, Frome, Somerset BA11 1EBTel: 01373 462795
Fyne Court, Broomfield, Somerset TA5 2EQ 01823 451587
Ginger Fig, Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4ER 01823 326798
Halseway Manor, Crowcombe, Taunton, Somerset TA4 4BD 01984 618274
Hestercombe Gardens, Hestercombe, Taunton TA2 8LG 01823 413 923
Hobbyhorse Ballroom, Esplanade, Minehead, Somerset TA24 5QP 01643 702274
Holburne Museum, Bath 01225 388569
Ilminster Arts Centre, East Street, Ilminster TA19 0AN 01460 55783 
Iminster Parish Hall, North Street, Ilminster, TA19 0DG
Merlin Theatre, Bath Road, Frome, Somerset BA11 2HG 01373 465949
Museum of Somerset, Taunton Castle, Castle Green, Taunton Somerset TA1 4AA 01823 255088
Music in the Quantocks 01823 451162
Night of the Prom: 07973 252 346
Oake Manor Golf Club,Oake Taunton  TA4 1BA 01823 461992
Octagon Theatre, Hendford, Yeovil BA20 1UX 01935 422884
Parish Church St John, Wellington, 72 High Street Wellington(01823) 662248
The Playhouse Theatre,High Street,Weston super Mare,BS23 1HP 01934 645544
Porlock Village Hall, Toll Road (New Rd), Porlock TA24 8QD 01643 862717
Queen’s Conference Centre, Trull Road, Taunton Ta1 4QS 01823 272559
Regal Theatre, 10-16 The Avenue,  Minehead TA24 5AY 01643 706430
Richard Huish College, 2 Kings Close,  Taunton, Somerset TA1 3XP 01823 320800
Silver Street Centre, Silver Street,  Wiveliscombe, Taunton, Somerset TA4 2PA 01984 623107
Somerset Industrial Archaeological Society, Field Officer, Peter Daniel, 29 Barbers Mead, Taunton, TA2 8PY.
Telephone : 01823 339368. E-mail :
Somerset Rural Life Museum. Abbey Farm, Chilkwell Street, GlastonburySomerset BA6 8DB 01458 831197
St Catherine’s Church Hall, Park Road, Frome, BA11 1EU
St John’s Church, Park Street, Taunton TA1 4DG
St. John’s Church Rooms, Yeovil, BA20 1HE
St Mary Magdalene Church, Church Square, Taunton TA1 1SA 01823 272441
St Mary’s Church, St Mary Street, Bridgwater TA6 3EQ 01278 422437
St Mary’s Church, Stogumber
St Peter & St Paul Church, Moor Lane, North Curry Ta3 6JZ 01823 490255
Shapwick Village Hall Shapwick
The Swan Theatre, 138 Park Street,Yeovil BA20 1QT
Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre, School Road, Taunton TA2 8PD 01823 41 41 41
Taunton Flower Show
Taunton Library, Paul St, Taunton, Somerset TA1 3XZ 0845 345 9177
Taunton Racecourse, Orchard Portman, Somerset TA3 7BL 01823 337172
Temple Methodist Church, Upper High Street, Taunton TA1 3PY (01823) 275765
Tyntesfield Wraxall, North Somerset, BS48 1NT
United Reform Church, Somerton
Warehouse Theatre,  Brewery Lane, Ilminster, TA19 9AD Tel 01460 57049
Wellesley Theatre, 50-52 Mantle Street, Wellington TA21 8AU 01823 666668
Wellington Arts Centre, Eight Acre Lane, Wellington, TA21 8PS 01458 250655
Wells Museum (admission by side entrance) off Cathedral Green, Wells BA5 2UE
Wellsprings Leisure Centre, Cheddon Road, Taunton TA2 7QP 01823 271271
Yeovil Library, The Library, King George Street, Yeovil Somerset BA20 1PY Tel 01823 336370

Flying Folk
Featuring an ever-changing line-up of fine folk artists from
across the West Country, a new series of Flying Folk nights
are really taking off at Ilminster Arts Centre. Co-organiser and
one half of Lazibyrd, Sharon Martin, offers an insight.
Lazibyrd will be at the one scheduled for
Sharon says audiences can expect ‘a varied
programme of folk in its broadest sense,
bands from across the West Country,
emerging and established artists performing in an intimate venue with fantastic

Sharon Martin and Tom Chapman of Lazibyrd. Sharon is Co-organiser of the Flying Folk
nights at Ilminster Arts Centre.

‘There have been two nights so far and
they have both been really successful,’ says
Sharon, ‘the last one in October [2013]
was a sell-out and what was particularly
pleasing was that it brought a new audience to the Arts Centre.’
Already well-known for its established
series of jazz concerts, the Flying Folk
evenings are a relatively new addition to
Ilminster Arts Centre’s extensive music
programme, which also includes classical
performances by Concerts in the West.
‘I originally contacted Tony [Hayward, of
IAC’s Performance Committee] as I knew
the Arts Centre was a great venue,’ says
Sharon. ‘He then suggested we put on a
night featuring several bands, which in the
first instance were going to be duos. Tony


The line-up for 21st March includes Ian
Perry, Iain and Martine, The Langfords
and Light Garden. Ian Perry is an emerging musician and poet based in Bristol.
His songs fuse many influences and styles
together, ranging from folk country and
blues to boss, flamenco, soul and jazz,
whilst retaining a distinctive integrity of
voice and ambience. Iain and Martine,

organises the Arts Centre side of things
and I contact artists and bands I have
come across through gigging.’
Sharon is one-half of contemporary folk
duo Lazibyrd, with Tom Chapman who
together performed at the very first Flying Folk night back in March last year.
Sharon pens most of the songs, sings and
plays the violin and ukulele, while Tom
plays guitar and sings, and is responsible for most of the harmonies and all the
guitar parts. Based in Somerset, Lazibyrd
formed just over 2 years ago and won
‘Best Folk Act of 2013’ at the South West
Music Awards. Their debut album ‘Under the Sky’ has been played by over 50
radio stations, and has been BBC Somerset album of the week. Although not
performing at the next Flying Folk night,

Ian Perry
who are based in West Camel, create music that promises to make “your soul dance
on your bones". Their passionate and playful fusion of guitar and violin will take you
on an exciting journey from sublime reflection to recklessness - sometimes all in
one tune! The Langfords are from Hanging Langford in Wiltshire - hence the
name - and feature Alexa Mackenzie on
lead vocal and guitar, Mark Kenchington
on guitar and vocals and Mark Honan on
bass guitar. They describe themselves as
an original psychedelic country folk band,
with Nashville guitar licks, soaring vocals
and a touch of melancholy. LightGarden
are also from Wiltshire and include David
Moss on vocals, overtone chanting, bouzouki, and fiddle, Masha Kastner on harmonium, vocals, overtone chanting, and
piano, and Rob Colquhoun on guitar, vocals, and mandolin. Rob joined in 2011 after a chance encounter at the Trowbridge
Village Pump folk club. He brings a powerful driving energy to the sound, further
increasing the band's versatility.
As with almost all of its performances,
Ilminster Arts Centre is offering a delicious supper prior to show. For Flying
Folk the set menu includes a mouth-watering Moroccan Chicken dish with rice
and vegetables, followed by a dessert of
Black Forest Gateaux and coffee. Suppers
are becoming an increasingly popular option prior to a show, and as places are limited they need to be booked in advance.
By Sara Loveridge

The Flying Folk night takes place on
Friday 21st March at 8pm.
Tickets are £10 (or £21 with a pre-show
supper at 7pm - this must be booked in
At Ilminster Arts Centre, East Street,
Ilminster. TA19 0AN.
Box Office: 01460 54973.
Top: Lightgarden Middle: The Langfords Above: Iain and Martine

Opening of Art Gallery
SATURDAY MAY 24th 2013
Bringing a whole new world of opportunity to the region, Hestercombe is opening a
dynamic contemporary art gallery making
an innovative use of historic Hestercombe
House, right at the heart of the estate. Not
opened to the public since the eighteenth
century, visitors to Hestercombe House
will be able to experience works by some
of the country’s leading contemporary artists from May 24th making it well placed
to become a regionally important gallery
The opening exhibition, titled ‘Leaping the
Fence’ celebrates the breadth of contemporary art of the last 20 years, bringing together provocative and exciting art works
including sound and film pieces, sculpture
and digital works as well as paintings from

There will be music in the air too. In
March the prestigious Guildhall School
of Music and Drama launched a regional
Centre for Young Musicians in Hestercombe House. This is only the second
such centre in the country. The centre
offers talented young musicians aged 7 to
18 the opportunity to take advantage of
the exceptional quality of music tuition
for which the Guildhall is famed. Operating every Saturday during term time,
the Centre is run by Tomas Yardley, from
the Guildhall: ‘I am thrilled that we have
opened this school at Hestercombe in the
heart of the West Country. We will use
the London model to bring a curriculum
that isn’t dictated by examination boards
and the school systems but offers a more
holistic approach to music making in the
region. Hestercombe provides an ideal
backdrop for our musicianship because
we are a classical school and where better
for a classical school than in a stately
home with its sweeping views?’
Students attending the Centre will be offered ensemble opportunities, tuition in


the national Arts Council Collection
together with works borrowed from
leading art galleries and collectors.
Exhibition curator Tim Martin says,
‘This is a truly exhilarating venture.
We will bring together a range of
works of the kind not often seen in
this region. I am in negotiations regarding pieces from renowned names
in the art world including Turner
prize winner Mark Wallinger, Mark
Quinn and Meriele Neudecker.
Hestercombe has always had a place
at the leading edge of creativity as the
world famous gardens were designed
by people who, before they became
garden designers, were established
artists in their own right. The gallery will build on and renew this
long-standing tradition of art intertwined with landscape.

utive of the Hestercombe Gardens Trust,
Philip White MBE, explains, ‘We are
looking for volunteers with a wide range
of skills for a variety of activities from:
painting and decorating, to invigilating
the rooms once the artworks have been
installed, meeting and greeting visitors,
manning the new second hand bookshop
and serving tea and coffee. Previous
knowledge is not necessary as we will be
giving training including an opportunity
for volunteers to learn about the art. This
could offer stimulating new opportunities for local people.’
Anyone who would like to be involved in
this invigorating project please contact
Hestercombe through the website www. or on 01823 413923 or
pop along to one of the Volunteer Open
Mornings: 10.30am on Saturday 1st and
Wednesday 5th March. End. Private
Press View Thursday May 22nd.

Volunteer input will be a crucial part
of this exciting project as Chief Exec-

Hestercombe Gardens, CheddonFitzpaine, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 8LG

any instrument, singing and theory of
composition history studies. Somerset
based students of all music grades,
from beginner to grade 8, are very
welcome to apply.
Sessions run from 9.30am – 2.30pm
on Saturdays. Tuition is offered at
very competitive rates(£27 for the

whole session) and the Sound Foundation of Somerset Music Hub is offering
substantial bursaries for the benefit of
students. To apply contact Tomas Yardley
For further gallery and volunteering information

Hestercombe opens its doors to budding music students from Somerset in
the new Centre for Young Musicians, a regional hub run by the prestigious
Guildhall School of Music
Tweet of the Day
Stephen Moss comes
to Taunton to talk
about Tweet of the Day,
the book resulting from
the hugely popular
radio 4 programme.
Imagine a jazz musician, improvising on
a theme. Then imagine that he is able to
play half a dozen instruments - not one
after another, but almost simultaneously,
switching effortlessly between instruments and musical styles with hardly a
pause for breath. If you can countenance
that, you are halfway towards appreciating the extraordinary song of the nightingale ...Wherever we are, there are birds.
And wherever there are birds, there is
birdsong. It’s always a pleasure (and a re-

lief) to hear
sounds which prove
the world’s still spinning:
whether it’s the sighing of migrating
redwings on a damp October night, the
twitter of swallows fresh in from South
Africa in April or the call of the cuckoo in May. Based on the scripts of BBC
Radio 4’s beloved year-long series, and
distilling two lifetimes’ knowledge, insight and enthusiasm into these pages,
Brett Westwood and Stephen Moss
take you month by month through the
year, and the changing lives of our favourite birds.From peregrines swapping sea-cliffs for skyscrapers to swifts
spending almost their entire lives on
the wing; from charms of goldfinches

to murmurations of starlings; from ptarmigans thriving in the Highland snow
to the bright green parakeets thronging
London’s parks; this book is packed full
of extraordinary insights and memorable
facts. Tweet of the Day is a book for everyone who loves Britain’s birds.

His special areas of knowledge
include British wildlife; birds and
climate change; the social history of wildlife-watching; getting
children back in touch with nature; and UK environmental issues.
He is the original producer of
BAFTA award-winning series
Springwatch. He has worked
with David Attenborough, Bill
Oddie, Alan Titchmarsh, Chris
Packham, Kate Humble, Simon
King, Charlie Dimmock and Michaela Strachan.
Stephen Moss is one of Britain’s
leading nature writers, broadcasters and wildlife television producers. A lifelong naturalist, he is passionate about communicating the
wonders of the natural world to the
widest possible audience.


He has been the author of
many previous books and articles on British birds and wildlife
and writes a monthly Birdwatch
column for the Guardian. He is
President of Somerset Wildlife

Talk and Booksigning
with Stephen Moss
7.00 pm Thursday 24 April
Venue and Tickets:
Brendon Books,
Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4ER
01823 337742
50 NOT OUT …
Chances are the last time you went to
a classical music concert in the South
West there were more empty seats than
bums on seats. Not if it was a Music on
the Quantocks’ concert! You see, Somerset's leading concert organiser, whose
confident strapline proclaims 'Great
Music is for Everyone', recently held its
50th consecutive sold-out concert.

teel bygone age."

Peter Lewis continued, "We knew right
from our very first gig that unless we
dumped that uncool image we wouldn’t
attract large audiences - you know, the
kind that are made up of all kinds of
people and buzz with a fantastic atmosphere. So, by positioning Music on the
Quantocks as a refreshing alternative to
Oddly, far from toasting this remarkconventional concerts, and by dragging
able achievement with a glass of bubbly,
classical music kicking and screaming
the Music on the Quantocks team are
into the 21st Century, we’ve been able
keen to play down. "Yes, it is amazing
to jam-pack our gigs with thousands
to think we have never had a single
of people who would normally stay at
unsold seat", says trustee Peter Lewis.
home”. The result, he emphasised, is
"Problem is," he continued, "now every
that the age range and social mix of the
time we plan a concert we dread it
Music on the Quantocks’ audience is
will be the one that bombs ending our
much wider than classical music audisuccessful run.”
ences elsewhere in the West Country
and in other rural counties.
There’s no chance of that happening
judging by the loyalty of Music on the
It’s hard to believe this innovative
Quantocks’ audience.
charitable concert organiser was
formed only three years ago and their
But why, when the number of people
volunteers had no previous concert
attending classical music concerts in
experience. They claim their first gig
provincial areas is falling to an all-time
was, of all things, an accident! “Yes,
low, why when many traditional conit’s true”, says Fay Chilcott, who runs
cert societies are facing a bleak future,
the box office. “I heard on BBC Radio
why is Music on the Quantocks so sucthat a touring Russian Orthodox choir
cessful? “Because we have modernised
had had one of their cathedral concerts
the way that classical music is presented
cancelled at short notice. So I rang the
and marketed", answers Peter Lewis.
studio to get in touch with the Russians
He explained, “Far too many people
and asked if they’d like to sing in my
today are put off going to a classical
village in return for free accommodamusic concert because they think it will
tion. Long story short, they said 'yes',
be dull, staid and stuffy. Unfortunately,
and their concert sold out within 24
they're usually right! And, what with all
hours thanks to a post on Facebook
the silly twee customs at these concerts,
that went viral”.
well, it's like stepping back into a gen-


Fay has given only half the story. In fact,
the Russians were so popular that they had
to give three performances, two in one
day, to meet the demand for tickets. “Well
after that,” said Fay, “we realised there was
a huge demand round here for world-class
music. So it was just a question of how to
build on it.”
In the three years that followed, Fay and
her Music on the Quantocks team have
staged one concert after another featuring
the world's finest musicians. Concerts
regularly attract over 700 people. The team
could not have chosen a better way to celebrate their 50th sold-out concert, persuading the most famous choir in the world,
Harry Christophers and The Sixteen, to
perform their special Christmas concert at
Taunton last December. All box office records were broken when over 3,000 people
jammed the lines hoping to buy some of
800 tickets on offer.
Judging by the line-up for 2014/15, Music
on the Quantocks is determined to extend its record of sold-out concerts. The
Sixteen will be returning to headline the
programme, but there will also be packed
audiences for Sir James Galway and several other 'big names' whose identity is a
closely guarded secret at present. "Sorry, I
can't spill the beans just yet," said Fay, "but
I promise you, we will soon be announcing
a series of jaw-dropping gigs."
“We are determined to bring more and
more of the best musicians to West Somerset.” said Fay. “We're determined to put
this area ‘on the map’ and transform it to
become one of the top cultural centres of
the South West”.
Saturday March 15 - 8.00pm (doors from 7.00pm)

Venue: Cossington Village Hall Trivetts Way Cossington Somerset TA7 8LH
The concert named after a landmark jazz composition of 1918, will see the supreme
duo Mike Denham ( piano) and Mike Snelling ( clarinet and saxophone ) perform
an evening of vintage jazz playing the fine music of Scott Joplin, Fats Waller, Benny
Goodman and more. Jazz classics like Mood Indigo, The Entertainer, Maple Street
Rag, One O’clock Jump and by request a couple of Monty Sunshine works will be in
the evenings programme. Be prepared for a super evening of quality jazz. Reserved seats at tables cost £10.00 (includes tasty interval treats) and are available
from host Roger Collett: 01278 451187

Two Harpsichords in Concert with Steven Devine & Colin Booth
Sunday 9 March
Two spectacular harpsichords and a varied programme including
solo pieces; Bach prelude and fugue, and a new piece commissioned
by Colin from composer Liz Lane, and stunning arrangements of
music by Vivaldi and Boccherini. Colin Booth is the UK’s leading
supplier of early keyboard instruments to rent and has performed as
soloist and continuo harpsichordist in a number of countries, from
Denmark to South Africa. Steven Devine is harpsichordist with
London Baroque, Co-Principal keyboard player with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and
performs regularly with many other groups around Europe.

Press Release by Tone Theatre Association Issued 17 February 2014
Taunton Theatre Association is delighted to announce that it has reached agreement with Taunton Deane Borough
Council for access and funding to allow commissioning work to begin at The Brewhouse. “It’s time to bring the
theatre back into to life and we are ready to roll up our sleeves and get on with the job” said Val Hammond, Chair
of Taunton Theatre Association.
Work will begin immediately to ensure the sound and lighting systems are in good working order and that the theatre is safe, clean and bright after its long sleep. There is much to do after such a long period of darkness to bring
the Theatre back into use for April 2014.
Looking further ahead, the first shows are already in production. Tickets are on sale now from Taunton Tourist
Information Office for this year’s Gang Show, 8-12 April which is celebrating 25 years in Taunton. The Young Musical Theatre Company’s (YMTC) production of ‘High School Musical’ is currently in rehearsal and is scheduled
for 16-19 April at The Brewhouse. Tickets are available from .
“Right now we need to rebuild a list of contacts and friends, as much from the past has been lost” said Val Hammond, appealing for people and businesses to sign up for information, to offer help or to donate funds via the
website: More information will be coming out regularly.
Taunton Theatre Association is grateful to Taunton Deane Borough Council for its financial and steadfast support
without which it would not be possible to re-open the theatre.

Creatives Club is an informal networking group that meets to provide a place
where the local, but dispersed community of professional creative people can
come together to share interests, bounce
ideas around, spark off one another, create opportunities, increase exposure, explore collaborations and build ventures.
Creative Somerset, Somerset Contemporary Artists Network and CICCIC
will support the formation of a group in
Taunton. The group will meet between
7.30 and 9.30 pm on the second Tuesday
of every month at CICCIC, Paul Street,
Taunton, starting with 11th March. There
will also be a launch event on Saturday
March 1st at the CICCIC 2-4pm.
Creatives Clubs are creating a community
of people who provide support and information that will help each other. Together
they share the learning of new developments in the sector: new tools, processes,
leaders, training programs, products and
services. The aim of the network is to help
people discover the solution to a problem
and in turn give the satisfaction of potentially providing the key piece of information that makes a real difference in the life
of one of those in the network.
Meeting in this way develops vital networks across different disciplines in the
Creative Industries and is especially useful for the multitude of micro businesses
in the County to be able to connect, innovate and support each other. Somerset
is overwhelmingly a small business economy particularly in the more rural areas
– 84% of businesses in the County employ
10 or less employees.
We believe expanding Creatives Clubs
across the whole of the County will develop this infrastructure on a wider regional
scale and enable further exciting developments to emerge as a direct result. The
net network will also support the work of
Creative Somerset as it cascades informa-


tion about the organisation across the
county, enabling us to better achieve
our aims of advocacy and partnership;
signposting and information sharing;
investment support and creating a
strategic focal point for the creative
The pilot began in 2011 in Watchet
(West Somerset) funded by CIDF and
has proved to be a key element of the
emerging cultural activity in this area.
Projects such as Contains Art (an exciting new venue providing artists’
studios, a space for exhibitions and
events and a networking centre for
West Somerset’s creative industries)
developed directly from conversations
and partnerships initiated at Creatives
Club. After approximately 12 months
of facilitated development the group
is now self sufficient and continues to
thrive due to the direct input and will
of the members.
In response to this group a second
venture has started at The Princess
Theatre and Arts Centre, Burnham on
Sea (Sedgemoor) following the same
format. This group is still emerging
but the feedback is that it is proving
to be a valuable resource and the hope
for future development is to cascade
the sharing/learning to other practitioners in the region.
Greater collaboration between the
cultural and creative industries and
the wider business community will
enable economic development potential through increased partnerships
and positively impact on businesses
in other sectors across the county. In
West Somerset direct economic benefit for the local community has been
clearly demonstrated with the development of the Contains Art project
progressed by members of the Creatives Club, part of a strategy for developing a supportive infrastructure
for the creative sector in the locality.

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  • 1. MARCH/APRIL 2014 FREE Shining a light on literature, art, music and performance in Somerset This Issue Includes: Arguing the Toss: Nikki Sved Christopher Nicholson Tweet of the Day Oh My America: Sara Wheeler Duet For One 50 not Out! Hog in the Fog: Julia Copus Graham Fawcett Fire River Poets An Evening with Horace Batchelor Calendar of Events Jenny Graham Clare Donoghue Workshops, Courses & Classes Irving Finkel Hothouse Festival Flying Folk Hestercombe Art
  • 2. 2
  • 3. Contents 05 Arguing the Toss: Nikki Sved 08 Oh My America: Sara Wheeler 11 Hog in the Fog: Julia Copus 12 An Evening with Horace Batchelor 14 Never Look Back: Clare Donoghue 15 Hothouse Festival 17 Ark Before Noah: Irving Finkel 18 Out of the Blue: Jenny Graham 20 Preoccupied by Ghosts: Christopher Nicholson 22 Duet For One 23 Graham Fawcett on Ted Hughes 24 Calendar of Events 31 Workshops, Courses and Classes 36 Flying Folk 37 Hestercombe Art Gallery 38 Tweet of the Day: Stephen Moss 39 Music on the Quantocks 40 Fire River Poets Competition Results 44 Short Story 47 My Favourite with Liz Constable Editor: Lionel Ward Copy Editor: Jo Ward All enquiries: 01823 337742 c/o Brendon Books, Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4ER 3 Welcome to the March/April issue of LAMP. In this issue we have introduced Courses, Classes and Workshop listings which we hope will be of interest. Just before we went to press we received the a press release from The Brewhouse which appears on page 40 of the magazine. I am sure you will join me in welcoming the reopening of the theatre. The views expressed in Lamp are not necessarily those of the editorial team. Copyright, unless otherwise stated, is that of the magazine or the individual authors. We do not accept liability for the content or accuracy of the magazine including that of the advertisers.
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  • 5. Arguing the Toss: Nikki Sved Theatre Alibi brings its exciting new comedy show, Hammer & Tongs to Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre as part of its national tour. Artistic Director Nikki Sved explains why the show will appeal to anyone who’s ever craved the last word. ‘Hammer & Tongs is a very human comedy and is a series of stories that together form a kind of “riff ” on arguing,’ explains Nikki. ‘It’s very funny, very off-the-wall and really wrestles, sometimes quite literally, with the idiocy that constitutes most arguments.’ Tongs takes a fresh and inventive look at arguing, and explores what we argue about and why - and just how low we will sink to prove we are right. most people,’ jokes Nikki. ‘Other people’s bad behaviour and pratfalls can be hugely entertaining, that’s why it’s the basis of most comedy. But there’s a dark side too, of course, when you’re pitching one soul ‘Daniel and I work very closely on The- against another. The show doesn’t shirk atre Alibi shows. Our first show togeth- away from that, with moments that are er as Artistic Directors was called Little both moving and poignant.’ Written by Daniel Jamieson, formerly White Lies and was nominated for a joint Artistic Director who is now Asso- Fringe First Award. So I guess we’re in- The show is physical, funny, moving, ciate Writer at Theatre Alibi, Hammer & terested in bad behaviour, along with messy and gloriously absurd as two men 5
  • 6. and a woman tiptoe into tiffs, negotiate shoals of red herrings, take offence and descend into disgraceful, bad behaviour. Everything from farcical fisticuffs at a wedding disco to squabbling for control of the TV remote are played out against a backdrop that includes HM Bateman animations, live music, and inflatable hammers! – how a show can at its best engage an audience emotionally and intellectually so completely.’ Another thing that is special about a Theatre Alibi performance is the way in which they tightly integrate art forms like live music, puppetry, animation, photography and film. One of their recent shows, Goucher’s War - about a vicar, who is co-opted into a military dirty tricks outfit during the Second World War - included brilliant animation by Forkbeard Fantasy’s Tim Britton, and earned them much acclaim in the national press. So what treats have Theatre Alibi got in store next? ‘It’s a bit like Father Ted in tone,’ explains Nikki. ‘The four characters are way over the top at times, and there are some quite extraordinary visual surprises, great live music from boogie to blues and even a hilarious contemporary dance sequence.’ When Daniel decided to create a show about arguing, he asked people to tell him stories of their biggest and best arguments, and some of those stories have made their way into the show, as Nikki explains, ‘I think everyone in the audience, whether they like a good argument or not, will recognise something of themselves in there and I think they will have a really enjoyable time with the show.’ Set up in 1982 by Alison Hodge and Tim Spicer, Theatre Alibi have developed an excellent reputation for imaginative new work that combines an inventive physical performance style with original live music, visually striking sets, props and projection. When Alison and Tim left in the 1990’s, the company then appointed Nikki Sved and Daniel Jamieson as joint Artistic Directors. Like Alison and Tim, Nikki and Daniel had both graduated from Exeter University’s Drama Department and both had first worked with the company as performers before branching off into directing (Nikki) and writing (Daniel). Nikki is now the sole Artistic Director and Daniel is the company’s Associate Writer. ‘I love working with a strong team to create a show - it’s like going on an ad- 6 Nikki Sved venture every time, even when it’s a bit of a white knuckle ride!’ says Nikki of her role at Theatre Alibi. ‘I enjoy the puzzle to be solved in figuring out how to best tell a good yarn - and sometimes even getting a chair on and off stage can be a teaser that takes a lot of time and thought.’ At the core of the company’s work is a determination to use the ‘live-ness’ of theatre to the hilt, as Nikki explains, ‘We never ignore the fact that we’re storytellers and that our audience is with us in the room. Our actors tend to remain on stage throughout and we make visible many aspects of theatre making that are often hidden, creating sound effects live on stage for example.’ It’s this shared openness with the audience that Nikki believes enables things of quite an epic nature to happen. ‘No two performances are ever the same because of that special chemistry between performers and audience. For me it’s the thing that’s most magical about theatre ‘Last autumn we adapted Michael Morpurgo’s I Believe in Unicorns. It proved to be a huge success so we’re touring that to big theatres around the UK and internationally in 2015,’ says Nikki. ‘We’re also commissioning a new show for adults called Dad Dancing, a piece about the relationship between fathers and daughters and the uniting qualities of a good boogie, which sounds like it’s going to be a lot of fun.’ Not craving the last word, I leave that to Nikki, who says, ‘I’m not sure there’s really such a thing as a “successful” argument. More often you win the argument, but lose the battle.’ By Sara Loveridge See Theatre Alibi’s ‘Hammer & Tongs’ on Tuesday 18th March at 7.30pm. Tickets: £11 / £9 Concessions / £7 Students. Recommended for those aged 14+ (the performance contains moderate swearing). Venue and tickets: Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre, School Road, Taunton. TA2 8PD Box Office: 01823 414141
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  • 8. After her acclaimed book on Antarctica, where she spent seven months working and travelling in Antarctica, and following biographies of male explorers she was immensely relieved to be able to at last write a book about female travellers. The Knoll. Harriet Martineau’s house in the Lake District 8 Sara Wheeler rediscovered America thirty-five years after her first Greyhound trip across the country. She returns in turbulent midlife to trace the steps of six women who fled various sorts of trouble in nineteenth-century England and went to the United States to reinvent themselves. Her travel companions include Fanny Trollope, mother of Anthony and author of the biting “Domestic Manners of the Americans”; the actress Fanny Kemble, who shocked the nation with her passionate first-hand indictment of slavery; the prolifically pamphleteering economist Harriet Martineau; the homesteader Rebecca Burlend, who had never been more than twelve miles from her Yorkshire village before she sailed to the New World; the traveller Isabella Bird, whose many ailments remained in check as long as she was scaling the Rockies; and the novelist Catherine Hubback, niece of Jane Austen, who deposited her husband in a madhouse and rode the brand-new rails to San Francisco. Tough-minded outsiders, these women’s truest qualities emerged in a country as incomplete and tentative as their native land was staid and settled. And they discovered second acts for themselves at a time when the world expected them to disappear politely. From the swampy heat of Georgia’s Sea Islands to the icy purity of the Cascades, Sara Wheeler finds their path, and her own. Sara Wheeler’s books include the international bestseller Terra Incognita: Travels in Antarctica, of which the Telegraph reviewer wrote, ‘I do not think there will ever be a better book on the Antarctic.’ The Magnetic North: Notes from the Arctic Circle, was chosen as Book of the Year by Will Self, Michael Palin, A. N. Wilson and others. Sara’s previous book before Oh My America was Access All Areas: Selected Writings 19902010. Her other biographies of travellers are: Cherry: A Life of Apsley Cherry-Garrard, and Too Close to the Sun: The Life and Times of Denys Finch Hatton, and was immensely relieved to write about women at last in O My America! Talk and Booksigning with Sara Wheeler 7.00 pm Wed 5 March Venue and Tickets: Brendon Books, Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4ER 01823 337742
  • 9. DILLINGTON HOUSE Ilminster, Somerset TA19 9DT 01460 258648 Stephen Devine Colin Booth Two Harpsichords in Concert with Steven Devine & Colin Booth Also see Sunday 9 March 2.30pm Piano Recital with Bernard d’Ascoli Sunday 13 April 2.30pm day course listings after calendar of events The Song of Angels with Opus Anglicanum Sunday 27 April 11.30am Green & Pleasant Land – An English Tapestry with Opus Anglicanum Sunday 27 April 2.30pm Bookings Office 01460 258613 9
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  • 11. Hog in the Fog Julia Copus is one of the nations foremost poets and has now produced her first picture book. The tale of a hog in the fog. This is the story of Candy Stripe Lil and Harry the Hog who lived over the hill...and a foggy March day, roundabout three, when Lil had invited Harry for tea. Lil is expecting Harry the Hog for tea, but there’s a swirling fog outside and Harry is nowhere to be seen. Lil sets off to find her friend. Luckily she meets Deer, Sheep and Crow along the way, who all join in the hunt to find the hog in the fog. A heartwarming rhyming adventure story about friendship, teamwork and teatime! 11 Julia is not sure where the impulse came from to write a picture book; it was just something she felt as though she wanted to do - though she remembers the magic they afforded her both as stories and as treasured objects. However, having decided to write a picture book, she found she was influenced by the surroundings in her own village in Somerset where she lives at the bottom of a hill, just like Lil does, and where it is often quite foggy. Her illustrator is Korean artist Eunyoung Seo. She has never met her, and though her remoteness made the process of putting the book together more complicated, it seems to have worked very well and it was ‘a huge thrill to see the book brought to life by her pictures and extra ideas.’ Julia Copus’ books of poetry include The Shuttered Eye (Bloodaxe, 1995), which won her an Eric Gregory Award and was shortlisted for the Forward Prize for Best First Collection, In Defence of Adultery (Bloodaxe, 2003) and The World’s Two Smallest Humans (Faber, 2012), shortlisted for both the Costa Book Awards (poetry category) and the T.S. Eliot Prize. All three collections are Poetry Book Society Recommendations. Hear the story read live by the author and have your books signed with a personal message. Julia Copus will be at Brendon Books from 11.00-12.00 on Saturday 22 March. Brendon Books, Old Brewery Buildings, Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4ER Tel. 01823 337742 email:
  • 12. “Good Evenings Friends, the name is Horace Batchelor” Roland Oliver as Horace Batchelor Photo: Zuleika Henry For those of a certain age, the name Horace Batchelor conjures up memories of listening to Radio Luxembourg. It was a world where going to bed with a tranny meant listening to the radio under the bed sheets. Blue Brook Productions, a Bristol based Theatre Company, will perform An Audience with Horace Batchelor at The Castle Hotel in Taunton in April. Writer and co-founder of the company, Kevin Cattell, describes its genesis. ‘The play came about because I am a Keynsham boy. Wherever I am in the world and get asked by a certain generation where I come from, I always get the answer 'is that K-E-Y-N-S-H-A-M?' 12 I started looking into the life and times of Horace Batchelor and found out that nobody really had a good word to say about him. As Keynsham seemed to have cast out their most famous son I thought there must be more to the man than a dodgy Wikipedia page. ‘Horace was born in 1898 and in the first fifty years of his life was a local entrepreneur. He sold bootlaces and shoe polish in Keynsham market, owned a fruit barrow in Old Market, Bristol, sold insurance, patented his own fire extinguisher, and marketed his own brand of herbal cigarettes (with seven secret ingredients) - whether he was ahead of his time or trying to cash in on the popularity of Wills tobacco it is unknown, but probably the latter. When he was fifty, he won the pools and invested his fortune in his Infra Draw system of winning the football pools. His marketing stroke of genius was advertising it on Radio Luxembourg. Although kids hated the interruptions to the music, people trusted his quaint Bristol charm, and thousands sent for his booklet at 20 shilling a go. I think he was in the right place at the right time, taking advantage of the in- nocence of the day. He was the ultimate self-publicist, long before Branson and Sugar. I think people either loved him or loathed him. Apparently a local councillor once suggested naming a street after him and was shouted down as his gambling and womanising brought shame to Keynsham, so there's not even a blue plaque. People would also mock his local accent, but his system was based on logic and skill, and I think it really did work. You had a much better chance winning using Horace's method than wasting your money on a random bingo machine that draws out coloured balls twice a week! Horace Batchelor at his desk
  • 13. Residence at the National Theatre Studio. His productions include Danger:Memory! (Jermyn Street Theatre), The Dolphin Crossing (Brewery, Bristol and Ustinov, Bath), and the touring production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. He recently assisted Sir Richard Eyre on The Dark Earth and the Light Sky at the Almeida, relating the meeting between poets Edward Thomas and Robert Frost. Kevin Cattell Ed Viney and Kevin Cattell formed Blue Brook Productions in 2011 with the sole intention of putting on plays that they would like to watch themselves: stressing the importance of good writing, performance and production rather than experimental gimmicks and frivolity. Scene from The Dophin Crossing Scene from Danger: Memory Dophin 13 Ed Viney Primarily, it was Ed Viney who directed and Kevin Cattell who was in charge of production. Their first production was a little-known Arthur Miller play Danger: Memory! which played at Jermyn Street Theatre in Piccadilly. Following the Miller, they decided to concentrate on original works with an historical or local connection. The Dolphin Crossing was adapted from a children’s book by Jill Paton Walsh about two boys who sailed to Dunkirk to rescue our troops. The current production, Horace Batchelor, was a personal project for Kevin Cattell. He had always, he told me, been an amateur scribbler. It was when he joined a writers’ group (where he also met Ed Viney) that he gained the confidence to believe his writing might be of some worth and in 2011 he won the Christchurch Writers Award for best play. Horace Batchelor is his first professionally produced play, though he is already working on his next one, a one-woman-play based on the true story of Princess Caraboo, the farmer’s daughter from Devon who travelled in poverty around the south west before tricking Bath and Bristol’s high society with the story of her life as Caraboo, the beautiful princess from the mystical island of Javasu. Ed Viney trained at Bristol Old Vic Theatre School and the National Theatre where he was Director in Roland Oliver is known for his performances with Shakespeare at the Tobacco Factory in Bristol having played King Lear and appeared in several productions to date including Richard II, Hamlet and Taming of the Shrew. Roland originated the roles of Andrew McKinlay MP and Michael Mates in the verbatim plays at the Tricycle Theatre. His television credits include Bad Girls and appearances in numerous popular drama series including Vera, Coronation Street, Casualty and Eastenders. An Audience with Horace Batchelor Friday 11 April 7.00pm Venue: The Castle Hotel, Castle Green, Taunton TA1 1NF Tel. 01823 328303 email: Ticket Only: £15.00 Ticket with 3 -Course Set Dinner & Wine: £49.00
  • 14. Never Look Back CLARE DONOGHUE interview suggesting to her interviewers that she may be a psychopath and ‘how would they know’. She went travelling for six months and then returned, re-applied and this time was successful – deciding this time not to bring up the psychopath angle. Clare had always been an avid reader though she had never thought that she would be a writer until one day, about 5 years ago, she picked up Pig Island by Mo Hayder. She was so impressed by the dark creepy story that she began to wonder how she did it, so much so that she thought for the first time that this might be for her and applied for a creative writing course at Bath Spa University. She had read at the front of Pig Island that this was where Mo Hayder had learnt her trade. They turned her down initially. She thinks it may have been because she gave a ‘slightly weird‘ 14 Following her course she was lucky enough to land a contract with major UK publisher, Macmillan. It became a dream come true, if rather a late dream in her life. Though earlier on in life she had not believed she had what it takes to be a writer, she found that her natural organisational skills which she had previously used in her job working for various law firms in London over 10 years or more, were a great asset in putting together stories and that, for her , the necessarily solitarily life an author must lead for much of the time held no terrors. Never Look Back is a crime thriller that is set in South East London and uses much of the background of the areas where she lived before she returned to Somerset. She writes in the third person limited point of view which means that at any one time we only know the feelings of a single character. It does mean that we can see the point of view from multiple characters without losing the sense of intimacy and immediacy which this offers. Three women have been found brutally murdered in south London, the victims only feet away from help during each sadistic attack. And the killer is getting braver . . . Sarah Grainger is rapidly becoming too afraid to leave her house. Once an outgoing photographer, she knows that someone is watching her. A cryptic note brings everything into terrifying focus, but it’s the chilling phone calls that take the case to another level. DI Mike Lockyer heads up the regional murder squad. With three bodies on his watch, and a killer growing in confidence, he frantically tries to find the link between these seemingly isolated incidents. What he discovers will not only test him professionally but will throw his personal life into Though she enjoyed working in London turmoil too she is pleased to return to Somerset and Taunton where she went to school (at Clare Donoghue Queen’s College). She loves the friendliness and warmth of the people and the variety of Talk and Booksigning the landscape. While writers like Mo Hay- 7.00 pm Wednesday 19 March der, Stephen King and Jo Nesbo are predictable influences recent authors she has Venue and Tickets: admired are Yan Martel, Paul Coelho and Brendon Books, Lloyd Jones. Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4ER She has already completed her second 01823 337742 book, No Place to Die, which will be published next year.
  • 15. The Hothouse Festival Hothouse Festival is a one-day Acoustic / Folk / Roots Festival for the new generation! Showcasing the finest UK (and international) young folk talent, there will be appearances from young local musicians and dancers too. It takes place at Halsway Manor, National Centre for the Folk Arts, near Crowcombe, on Saturday 19th April. Now in it’s third year, the 2014 line-up welcomes back Radio 2 Young Folk Award winners Moore, Moss, Rutter, honey-toned shanty-men The Balina Whalers and young folk troubadour Sam Brookes. Line-up also includes European Bluegrass Band Award runners-up Jaywalkers, lively Glastonbury duo The Drystones, Australia’s acclaimed singer songwriter Katie Wighton, New Acoustic / Americana quintet The Gathering Sky, pure-voiced singer and pianist Jen Ord, fresh indie / folk from Jess McAllister, hirsute minstrels Sam Mabbett & Dylan Cairns-Howarth.. and that’s not all! All-female rapper dance team Silver Flame Rapper will be making an appearance, to perform and 15 to run a rapper-sword-dance workshop. There will be appearances from local bands – Torr and Wells Blue School Folk Band amongst them – plus an open mic stage, and a Silent Disco to round off the night. The day will also feature brand new performance pieces created by local young dancers and musicians during a week-long residency at Halsway Manor. You can find recordings and reviews from last year’s event on the Halsway Manor website – – featuring live recordings from Hothouse media partners Folk Radio UK and Songs from the Shed! Kicking off at 12 noon, Hothouse Festival takes place in the fantastic setting of Halsway Manor, on the edge of the Quantocks between Crowcombe and Bicknoller. Most of the activities will take place inside the 15th Century Manor House, so no need to worry about the weather, but if the sun does make an appearance you’ll be able to enjoy the beautiful gardens and grounds! Hot and cold food plus a licensed bar will be available. Plenty of parking onsite. Camping and B&B are also available at the Manor – but must be booked in advance. Tickets: £10 / £2 aged under 14 (must be accompanied by an adult). To book contact Halsway Manor on 01984 618274 or book online: uk. Top: The Drystones Middle:Sam Brookes Bottom: Hannah - Gathering Sky
  • 16. Top Left: Moore, Mosse & Rutter. Top: The Jaywalkers Bottom Left: SIlver Flame Halsway Manor, National Centre for Folk Arts, has been established as a Charity since 1965. Nestling at the foot of the Quantock Hills Halsway Manor provides a year-round programme of events and activities in traditional folk music, dance, song, storytelling, folklore and related arts and crafts. All are welcome. Further information: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.00pm Wednesday March 12th Talk followed by book signing The Lost Islands of Somerset by Dr Richard Brunning Tickets from: Brendon Books, Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4ER 01823 337742 The book briefly describes the islands and their surrounding wetland landscape, how they were linked by wooden trackways in the prehistoric period and how the floodplain was gradually reclaimed in the Romano-British and Medieval periods. A dozen of the island are then covered in more detail, with especial focus on islands such as Muchelney and Aller where geophysical survey and excavation took place. By Richard Brunning, the Levels and Moors Archaeologist for Somerset County Council. It is a timely publication and should be of great interest. 16
  • 17. The Ark Before Noah: Decoding the Story of the Flood One day in 2008 a member of the public brought in a palm sized clay tablet into the British Museum. It proved to be of extraordinary significance. Dr Irving Finkel is coming to Taunton in March to talk about how it was decoded and what it revealed. inscriptions. Finkel is the curator in charge of cuneiform inscriptions on tablets of clay from ancient Mesopotamia at the British Museum. The tablet bore, among other things, a copy of the Babylonian Story of the Flood including instructions on building a large boat to survive the flood. Further investigation was to reveal a number of enthralling discoveries enabling Dr Finkel to decode the story of the flood and a radical re-interpretation of the Noah’s Ark myth. The tablet dated back to to 1850 BC in cuneiform script. Cuneiform, consisting a small set of imprints and wedges, is the world’s oldest script, ‘ older by far than any alphabet’., practiced by the Sumerian and Babylonians , yet extinct by the rise of the Roman Empire Yet the tablet, which had been brought back from the Middle East after the Second World War by Leonard Simmons who had served with the RAF. was not thought of significant as some academics had dismissed it as ‘rubbish’. Luckily, his son, Douglas, brought it along to a British Museum open day in a tea chest along with a number of other items. Finkel describes it as “one of the most important human documents ever discovered” The clay tablet imprinted with the Cuneiform script. 17 With the arrival of the tablet began an enthralling real-life detective story by Dr Finkel. Finkel’s full title is Assistant Keeper of the Ancient Mesopotamian script, languages and cultures Department: Middle East at the British Museum. The department has 130,000 pieces, more than any other modern museum and its remit is to read and translate all sorts of Talk and Booksigning The Ark Before Noah by Dr Irving Finkel 7.00pm Wed 26 March Venue and Tickets: Brendon Books, Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4Er 01823 337742
  • 18. Out of the Blue For eight years now Jenny Graham has been part of the Spring farm Collective based at the former Moorlinch Vineyard and takes much of her inspiration from the landscape around her. In April she is putting on a new exhibition, Out of the Blue at ‘Contains Art’ in Watchet. As well as looking forward to the exihibition, I took the opportunity to ask her about her earlier work and influences. ‘I have known since I was 6 years old that I had an ‘ability’ to record the world as I saw it. However, for most of my early years, until I was about 15 and at secondary school, I planned to become any entomologist. It was only my maths teacher who discouraged me, saying that my maths wasn’t up to getting a science degree. My art teacher on the other hand insisted that I apply for art school, which I somewhat reluctantly did. I was accepted at all 3 art schools I had applied for and chose to attend the Cooper Union Art School in Greenwich Village, New York City, as it had the best reputation for fostering creativity as all the tutors were practicing artists who worked there part time. My family were living in America at the time. New York was a very inspirational and exciting place to be in the 1960s, with famous people like Andy Warhol and the world of Pop Art and the Abstract Expressionists at the forefront of world art at the time. being young, I don’t think I realised how lucky I was until much later. The main bone of contention during my art training was that I wanted to paint like Edward Hopper, Geor- 18 gia O’Keefe and Grant Wood, but the American Ruralists were completely out of fashion and frowned upon at the time. So I decided to become a graphic designer and paint ‘on the side’. It wasn’t until many years later, when I had returned to England and moved with a new husband to Somerset that I stopped my graphic design work and allowed my passion for painting and printmaking to surface again. Even though I am known regionally primarily for my landscapes of the Westcountry I have always been interested in working in different media and experimenting with alternative ways of looking at the world. Over the years since my move to Somerset in 1984, I have been involved in an Environmental Art project at Hestercombe Gardens, ‘Genius Loci’, and 2 photographic projects, ‘Working the Land’ (with photographer Pauline Rook) and ‘Four Star’ in which I recorded rural independent garages and services stations. My renewed interest in printmaking began about 15 years ago when I took a short etching course at the Brewhouse Arts Centre in Taunton. I subsequently went on to do a NVQ in printmaking at SCAT, followed by an MA in Multi-disciplinary Printmaking at the University of the West of England in Bristol, where I graduated in 2000 with my commitment to printmaking securely established. I think that having a studio away from my home ( I have been at Spring Farm for 8 years now) and helping establish Spring Farm Arts has been a good experience. Having other artists around always has a positive effect on me, even if we only get together occasionally for open weekends. Spring Farm is a wonderful place to work and I feel very lucky to have found such a lovely studio so close to my home in Burrowbridge.’
  • 19. ‘My forthcoming OUT OF THE BLUE show at Watchet literally came out of the blue. A few months ago I received the application form from ContainsArt in Watchet to put forth a proposal for an exhibition, an exciting initiative I had been keeping an eye on for some time. The idea of combining my own and archival photography, recycling coastal ephemera and marine salvage with cyanotypes seemed to fall neatly into place as an idea and I was delighted to have the opportunity to once again ‘experiment’ with a different medium and have an exhibition at the end. I also have the opportunity to work with some of the archival material from the Watchet Museum which adds to the excitement and, hopefully, the local relevance of the show. I’ve always felt that some projects have a life of their own and are meant to be. Out of the Blue feels like one of them.’ Cyanotype is a historical photographic process whereby paper or fabric is coated with a light sensitive solution which is then exposed by contact with a negative the same size as the image. This can be done using either sunlight or another UV light source. The resulting image is a positive print in which the darkest tones turn a rich indigo colour and other tones a somewhat lighter shade of blue. The print is developed by washing in cold water for several minutes. Photograms can also be made by placing objects directly onto the coated paper, then exposing a developing as before. Above: two of the objects which will appear in the Out of the Blue exhibition. Top: Towards the Lighthouse. Bottom: Postcards from Minehead 1. Above right: From Earth to Air - photo etching and below: At Alton Barnes 19 Saturday 12th April - Monday 21st April ‘Out of the Blue’ Jenny Graham. A solo exhibition of cyanotypes and constructions created from found coastal and town ephemera based on the town of Watchet, past and present. ‘Containsart’ gallery in Watchet. Containsart, East Quay,WatchetSomerset TA23 0AQ Tel: 07866 730093
  • 20. Preoccupied by the subject of ghosts Born of a chance conversation with Alice Dilke, who knew Hardy as a child, Christopher Nicholson has written a story based around the true story of the first theatrical production of ‘Tess of the D’Urbevilles. On 17 April he comes to Taunton to give a talk. Here he explains how the novel came to be. ‘In his later life Thomas Hardy was much preoccupied by the subject of ghosts. They come to life in his poems, where they talk among themselves and reflect on their previous lives and on the sorry state of the world. ‘Winter’ attempts to conjure three such creatures from the dead, one of them being Hardy himself. ‘The novel is set in late 1924 and early 1925, when the 84 year old Hardy, the most celebrated English writer of the day, was living at his Dorset home of Max Gate with his second wife, Florence. Aged 45 but in poor health, she came to suspect that Hardy was in the grip of a romantic infatuation. The woman in question was a beautiful local actress, the 27 year old Gertrude Bugler. thatched farmhouse up a muddy track, felt like something out of the pages of ‘The Woodlanders’, or another of Hardy’s novels. ‘Unlikely as such an infatuation may seem, Hardy had past form when it came to young women. Many years earlier, he had even written a short novel, ‘The Well-Beloved’, which describes a man who falls in love with a woman, then with the woman’s daughter, and then the woman’s grand-daughter. For that and a host of other reasons among them Hardy’s complex, secretive personality - it’s perhaps not so surprising that Florence began to feel seriously alarmed. ‘We talked a lot about Hardy. I had always loved Hardy’s work, as had Alice; she came from a literary family. But she said that when she was a child, in the Dorset of the 1920s, she had been warned off Hardy by her parents. I asked why, and she said: ‘I think they didn’t think he was a nice man. There were stories about him and women. Of course, I immediately read every novel of his that I could find.’ Alice went on to mention Gertrude Bugler, whom she had known as a friend in the 1950s and 60s, when they were members of the same Women’s Institute. She told me that Hardy had written a poem in which he had imagined eloping with Gertrude from a particular place, Toller Down Gate. The poem, supposedly, was destroyed by Florence. I started to write ‘Winter’ the next day.’ ‘Winter’ is constructed around the developing crisis. It was born out of a chance conversation. One Sunday in November 2010 I went to lunch with an elderly woman by the name of Alice Dilke, who lives in the Marshwood Vale of west Dorset. The countryside thereabouts is one that can have changed little since Hardy’s time, with thin, treelined lanes winding past damp pastures and boggy woods. Alice’s home, an old, Christopher Nicholson’s two earlier novels are ‘The Fattest Man In America’ (2005) and ‘The Elephant Keeper’ (2009). ‘The Elephant Keeper’ was shortlisted for the Costa Novel Award and the Encore Award. A serial adaptation was broadcast as a BBC Radio 4 ‘Book of the Week’. Christopher Nicholson Talk and Booksigning 7.00 pm Thursday 17 April Gertrude Bugler as Tess (National Trust Collections) 20 Portrait of Hardy by Reginald Grenville Eves, 1923 Venue and Tickets: Brendon Books, Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4ER 01823 337742
  • 21. The Rural Living Spring Show Taunton Racecourse: 12th & 13th April 2014 Following last year’s triumphant debut, The Rural Living Spring Show returns to Taunton Racecourse in April. Run by the people who have brought you the much-loved Rural Living Show at King’s Hall for the last twenty years, the Show is full of exciting ideas to buy which will transform your home and garden. The Rural Living Spring Show will showcase some of the finest produce and crafts to be found in the West Country and Taunton Racecourse, with its ample parking and plenty of space for both indoor and outside stands, is the ideal venue for this exciting event. Get your Easter gifts here! Among the features of The Rural Living Spring Show are: • Over 100 indoor stands, with many more outside • Craft demonstrators • Plant and Garden marquee • Eco-friendly and Sustainability stands • Ideas for home and garden • Food Hall, with café and tasting area for local produce • Vintage market • Local nursery stands • Garden Design • Ample parking • Children’s Entertainment • Classic Vehicle Day on Sunday • Fun Run by NSPCC on Sunday (Contact organisers for more details!) • Raising money for St Margaret’s Hospice Further information: Tel.l 01823 323363, LAMP Magazine special offer. Readers receive complimentary admission on production of the ticket below. 21
  • 22. Duet for One Also at the theatre on 17 April there is a guitar rehearsal by Christopher Evesham In recent years, Christopher has performed regularly as concerto soloist with various orchestras around the UK. He has performed Vivaldi’s Concerto in D major and Weiss’s Concerto in D minor and has given many performances of Rodrigo’s Concierto de Aranjuez with orchestras around the UK. In 2008 he gave solo recitals in Mainz and Stuttgart which led to performances with prize winning organist Andrew Dewar in Germany. In 2012, Christopher worked with composer Ezra Williams on the revised edition of his two movement work for guitar solo which led to recording the work. Duet for One is based on the life of renowned British cellist Jacqueline du Pré. She is particularly associated with Elgar’s Cello Concerto in E Minor, her interpretation of which has been described as “definitive” and “legendary”. Her career was cut short by multiple sclerosis, which forced her to stop performing at the age of 28, and led to her premature death. Posthumously, she was the subject of a film entitled “Hilary and Jackie” (based on her siblings’ memoir, A Genius in the Family). Duet for One tells the story of a virtuoso violinist, Stephanie Abrahams, who has had her career brought to a staggering halt by the onset of multiple sclerosis, which also threatens her marriage. Already in a wheelchair, Stephanie is advised - against her will - to consult with a psychiatrist by her concerned husband. The play is structured as sessions between Abrahams and her German shrink, Dr Feldmann – a man who shares 22 her passionate love of music. Their exchanges build to become a battle of wills, during which Stephanie tries to cope with her illness and its effect on her life. This immensely moving play won the London Theatre Critics Award for best play of 1980, and still packs an emotional punch, with the relationship between doctor and patient creating a satisfying and absorbing narrative. Duet for One by Tom Kempinski Ilminster Warehouse 2-5 April 7.30 Classical Guitar Recital by Christopher Evesham 17 April 7.30 Ilminster Warehouse Theatre, Brewery Lane, Ilmiinster (opposite The Crown public house by the pelican crossing.) Telephone 07943 779880 for tickets In 2009 his first CD ‘Christopher Evesham, Solo Guitar’ was released. In this year he gave 5 recitals on board the cruise ship ‘Balmoral’ on the South American and Caribbean leg of the world cruise, he also gave a solo recital for Brent Knoll music club to raise money for the Mathieson school in India. He has also given recitals in 2010 and 2011 for charities including Save the Children and Cancer Research UK. His recital work has taken him to Arts centres, music clubs, and other venues all over the UK. Christopher has travelled to Brazil regularly since 2006 and has consequently increased his repertoire with a lot of works from this country’s musically rich and diverse heritage In 2011 2012 and 2013 Christopher performed solo recitals regularly for various cruise lines.
  • 23. ‘His England is now the England of Langland, Shakespeare and Hopkins’ Seamus Heaney Following on from his successful Seven Olympians Tour, Graham Fawcett returns to Taunton in April with his World Poets Tour exploring the life, legacy and poetry of the late, great Ted Hughes. So few people knew that Ted Hughes was ill that when he died, on 28th October 1998, it felt as though part of the landscape - a tree, or an expanse of woodland - had spirited itself away while we weren’t looking, after a life-time (his and ours) in which he did as much as anyone to make us want to look at the landscape and stand next to him in it. In a tribute to Ted Hughes at the funeral service in the North Devon village where he lived for nearly forty years, Seamus Graham Fawcett studied Classics at Christ’s Hospital, where his love of poetry began while translating the great English poets into Greek and Latin. He read Archaeology & Anthropology and English at Cambridge, and has worked for Southern Television, Southern Arts, the British Institute of Florence, the Arvon Foundation and Art History Abroad. He taught translation at Goldsmiths College for fifteen years from 1991, and now lectures on both poetry and translation at universities in the UK, Italy and Spain. He has been a tutor for The Poetry School in London since 1997, devising and teaching new courses on poetry past and present from around the world. He has written and presented radio programmes about literature and music on BBC Radio 3 for many years. His verse translation of Dante’s early love poems, La Vita Nuova, was a BBC Radio Drama commission broadcast on Radio 3 as A Voyage of Sighs directed by John Theocharis. 23 Heaney unerringly placed him in the wider pantheon of the millennium. ‘His England is now the England of Langland, Shakespeare and Hopkins’, said Heaney. But where did that distinctive Hughes voice come from? And what were the triggers that spurred him on, extending his early grasp of the elemental potency of life-in-language further and deeper than the nature and landscape of his native Yorkshire, into the creation myth of Crow, other worlds of farm and river especially in the West Country, and inspirational late flowerings as both a translator and a love poet? Graham Fawcett sets out on a personal journey through the poetry of Ted Hughes, whom he knew in Devon during the 1970s, a man whose originality of utterance and output made him one of the outstanding English poets of the twentieth or any other century. World Poets 1: Ted Hughes Lecture and Reading by Graham Fawcett 7pm-8.30pm Tuesday 8th April 2014 Venue and tickets from: Brendon Books, Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4ER 01823 337742
  • 24. March Events Events in date order. Contact details for most of the venues are given at the end of event listings. Please note, we do not take any responsibility for errors or omissions. Please confirm with venue timings and programme details. Date 1 Event Details Venue Time Music/Dance Escuela Fuego Flamenco Blakehay Theatre, WSM 7.30 Music The Kings of Swing Octagon Theatre, Yeovil 7.30 Music Fairport Convention Playhouse, WSM 7.30 2 Lecture Charles II and His Court with Professor Ronald Hutton Dillingtonh Hse, Ilmiinster 2.30 3 Music Royal Marines Association Concert Band and the Yeovilton Military Wives Choir Octagon Theatre, Yeovil 3.00 4 Music/Dance Motionhouse: Broken Octagon Theatre, Yeovil 7.30 Talk On Wings and Wind: Pollination of Flowers - Anne Bebbington Crayford Village Hall 7.30 4-7 Musical Godspell - Srode College Strode Theatre 7.30 5 Music Tom McConville Halsway Manor 8.00 Talk O My America! - Sara Wheeler Brendon Books 7.00 Poetry Fire River Poets: Poetry Reading by Lucy Lepchani tbc Ballet Giselle Octagon Theatre, Yeovil 7.30 Talks, Film Frome Amnesty Int. present: Evening of Film, Food & Speakers Merlin Theatre, Frome 7.00 Storytelling Mendip Storytelling Circle - Somerset Storyfest 2014 Court Hotel Chlicompton 7.30 6 Comedy Comedy Night Creative Inn. Ctre 7.30 6-8 Comedy Boeing Boeing - Talkin Scarlet (+ Sat matinee) Playhouse. WSM 7.30 6-15 Variety Highbridge Festival of the Arts Various - see programme Various 7 Theatre Time & Tide Theatre Group presents ‘Two Nations’ A folk story told in music, drama and poetry Ilminster Arts Centre 8.00 Music Kammer Philharmonie Europa Regal, Minehead 7.30 Drama Owdyado Theatre: ‘Above Bored’ Tacchi-Morris, Taunton 7.30 Music Elizabeth Watts and Simon Lepper: The Nightingale and the Rose Milverton Church 8.00 Opera Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore Over Stowey Church 7.30 Music Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Amy Winehouse Tributes Oake Manor Golf Club, Taunton 7.30 Opera Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore Winsford Village Hall 7.30 Music Orchestral Concert - Somerset County Orchestra St James’s Church 7.30 Music Peter Knight’s Gigspanner Bridgwater Arts Centre 8.00 Music Nancy Kerr & James Fagan. David Hall, S Petherton 8.00 Comedy Ed Byrne: Roaring Forties Octagon Theatre, Yeovil 8.00 Music Paul Salvage & Friends: Sound of the 60s & 70s Strode Theatre 7.30 Dance James Wilton Dance present: Last Man Standing Merlin Theatre, Frome 7.45 Music One Night of Elvis (tribute) Frome Memorial Theatre 7.30 Music Two Harpsicords in Concert Dillington House, Ilminster 2.30 8 9 24
  • 25. March Events (Continued) Events in date order. Contact details for most of the venues are given at the end of event listings. Please note, we do not take any responsibility for errors or omissions. Please confirm with venue timings and programme details. Event Details Date Venue Time Music Sinatra, Sequins and Swing - Big Band Swing Orchestra Playhouse, WSM 7.30 Storytelling Somerset Storyfest 2014 - free family event Bath Central Library 1.30 Storytelling Somerset Storyfest 2014 - free family event Holbourne Museum, Bath 3.30 Talk Jeremy Harvey’s Talk on Chagall Somerset College 7.00 Talk SIAS: The Somerset & Dorset Railway - the Bath Extension North Town Primary, Taunotn 7.30 Drama Paines Plough present Hopelessly Devoted By Kate Tempest Merlin Theatre, Frome 7.45 11 Talk David Spears - microscopic plants and animals St George’s School, Taunton 7.30 11-15 Drama Taunton Thespians: ‘The Killing of Sister George’ Tacchi-Morris, Taunton 7.30 11-22 Musical YAOS: Sister Act Octagon Theatre, Yeovil Various 12 Opera Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore North Curry Village Hall 7.30 Poetry Adam Kammerling Strode College Theatre 10.30am Drama Cube Theatre present Freddy Dare And The Ginger Robber Merlin Theatre, Frome 7.45 Talk The Lost Islands of Somerset - Richard Brunning Brendon Books 7.00 Opera Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore Halse Village Hall 7.30 Music Philip Clouts Trio - meoldic Jazz with Afro-Lationo flavours Creative Inn. Centre, Taunton 7.00 Talk Gertrude’s Flowers: Talks about art by Maggie Giraud Castle Hotel, Taunton 11am Music Jazz Nights - Philips Clouts Trio Creatiuve Innovation Centre 7.30 Talk The YCAA presents Len Copland, Photographer Octagon Theatre, Yeovil 7.30 Comedy Jason Manford Playhouse WSM 8.00 10 13 13-14 13-15 Blakehay Theatre< WSM 7.30 Strode College Theatre 7.30 Music The Ronnie Jones Quartet Ilminster Arts Centre 8.00 Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore Regal Theatre, Minehead 7.30 Music Sunjay Brayne David Hall, S Petherton 8.00 Comedy 15 Worle Operatic Society Presents; Jack The Ripper (+Sat matinee) Street Theatre presents Hay Fever Opera 14 Opera Comedy Drama Jethro at Large Welsprings Leisure Centre 7.30 Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore Memorial Hall Trull 7.30 Sounds Spiritual II - Phoenix Singers St John Baptist, Wellington 7.30 Music Clarinet Marmalade Concert Cossington Vill Hall 8.00 Talk Joceline Dimbleby in Conversation Bridgwater Arts Centre 8.00 Music Great Western Chorus 40th Anniversary Concert Playhouse, WSM 7.30 Music Acoustic Music @ The Arts Centre Wellington Arts Centre 8.00 Music/Dance Essence of Ireland Frome Memorial Theatre 7.30 Storytelling Somerset Storyfest 2014 - free family event Taunton Library 1.30 Storytelling 16 Opera Music Somerset Storyfest 2014 - free family event Museum of Somerset 3.00 2-5.00 Halsway Manor Church St Mary, KSM The Circus of Horrors Octagon, Yeovil 7.30 Drama Theatre Alibi: ‘Hammer & Tongs Tacchi-Morris, Taunton 7.30 Comedy 25 Family Intergenerational Storytelling Day Evensong - In Ecclesia Circus Act 18 Storytelling Music Sherlock Holmes - The Pantaloons Regal, Minehead 7.30
  • 26. March Events (Continued) Events in date order. Contact details for most of the venues are given at the end of event listings. Please note, we do not take any responsibility for errors or omissions. Please confirm with venue timings and programme details. Date Event Details Venue Time Talk Never Look Back - tall on new crime thriller by Clare Donoghue Brendon Books, Taunton 7.00 Talk SAGT AGM and Talk by Max Hebditch on Portraying the City Creative Innovation Centre 7.30 Music Clare Teal - The Divas & Me! Playhouse, WSM 7.30 Comedy Brazz Comedy Night Castle Hotel 9.00 20-22 Musical Crispin School presents Our House Strode College Theatre 7.30 21 Theatre Norwich Puppet Theatre: ‘The Frog & The Princess Tacchi-Morris, Taunton Music Flying Folk Ilminster Arts Centre 8.00 Opera Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore Victoria Rooms, Milverton 7.30 Variety That’ll Be The Day Spring 2014 Playhouse, WSM 7.30 Talk Western Steam in Wales - Alan Saintly (Gt Western Society) Stoke St Mary V. Hall 7.30 Opera Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore Hazelbury Plucknett Bible Cntre 7.00 Music The Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines Frome Memorial Theatre 7.30 Opera Somerset Opera Touring - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinafore King’s College, Taunton 2.30 Lecture How Much is Enough? with Dr Edward Skidelsky Dillington Hse, Ilminster 2.30 Comedy Lee Hurst: Things that make you go ARRGGHHH!!! Bridgwater Arts Centre 8.00 Variety Some-R-set 4 Talent: Best qualifying acts Octagon Theatre, Yeovil 7.00 24-25 Comedy Drama Boeing Boeing Octagon Theatre, Yeovil 7.30 25 Music The Liberty to Choose - English Folk Songs Silver Street Sessions 8.00 26 Music Joo Yeon Sir & Irena Andrievsky: Schubert/Brahms Octagon Theatre, Yeovil 7.30 Talk Noah Before the Flood - Talk by Irving Finkel of British Museum Brendon Books, Taunton 7.00 26-29 Drama Play @ The Arts Centre Wellington Arts Centre 7.30 26-28 Dance Spring Forward - Take Art Tacchi-Morris 7.30 Talk An Evening with…Sunny Ormonde (Lillian Bellamy the Archers) Merlin Theatre, Frome 7.45 Talk The Wildlife of Blagdon Lake - Nigel Milbourne St Catherine’s Ch. Hall, Frome 7.30 Drama Of Mice and Men Regal, Minehead 7.30 Musical Mark Youth Theatre present...Me and My Girl (Sat matinee) Princess Theatre, BOS 7.30 Music/Poetry An Evening of Music and Poetry by South Somerset Peace Group. David Hall, S Petherton 7.30 Music Jersey Boys Tribute Night Oake Manor Golf Club, Taunton 7.30 Music An Evening of Burlesque Octagon Theatre, Yeovil 8.00 Talk Jurassic Ecosystem of Strawberry Bank Ilminster Ilminster Parish Hall 7.30 28-30 Music The London Haydn Quartet Castle Hotel, Taunton Various 29 Dance U.Dance South West 2014 - Take Art Tacchi-Morris 6.30 Music 4 Parts Guitar. Sat 29th Mar. 8pm David Hall, S Petherton 8.00 Music Jackson: Live in Concert (Tribute) Octagon Theatre, Yeovil 7.30 Dance Le Phare present Insight Merlin Theatre, Frome 7.45 31 Music Emily Smith - Scottish Folk Songs Silver Street Sessions 8.00 31-1Apr Dance National Dance Company Wales: Interactive Matinee Octagon Theatre, Yeovil 1pm 20 22 23 27-29 28 26
  • 27. April Events Events in date order. Contact details for most of the venues are given at the end of event listings. Please note, we do not take any responsibility for errors or omissions. Please confirm with venue timings and programme details. Date 1 Event Details Venue Time Comedy Jon Richardson: Nidiot Playhouse, WSM 7.30 Talk Somerset Glow Worms Caryford Village Hall 7.30 1-5 Drama GSMCS presents: The Witches of Eastwick Strode College Theatre 7.30 2 Comedy Jon Richardson: Nidiot Octagon, Yeovil 8.00 Talk Bird Ringing Shapwick Village Hall 7.30 2-5 Drama Duet for One by Tom Kempinski Warehouse Theatre, Ilminster 7.30 3 Comedy Billy Pearce Octagon, Yeovil 7.30 Comedy Jethro - The Legend at large Playhouse, WSM 7.30 Music Mike Denham SpeakEasy with Pete Allen Ilminster Arts Centre 8.00 Music Pink, Katy Perry and Jessie J Tribute Night Oake Manor Golf Club, Taunton 7.30 Music Set Your Soul Alive starring Joe McElderry Playhouse, WSM 7.30 Medium Tony Stockwell Frome Memorial Theatre 7.30 Drama Kiss Me Donkey by Max Taylor (Drama Festival) Prinicess Theatre, BOS 7.00 4-5 Comedy Jason Manford Octagon, Yeovil 8.00 5 Music Taunton Concert Band: ‘Easter Spectacular’ Tacchi-Morris, Taunton 7.30 Music Dr John Cole Memorial Concert Taunton Choral Cociety, Amici and Orchestra West King’s College Chapel 7.30 Music Gilad Atzmon and the Orient House Ensemble. David Hall, S Petherton 8.00 Music Katherine Jenkins Tribute Night Oake Manor Golf Club, Taunton 7.30 Music The Day The Music Died - Buddy Holly tribute Playhouse, WSM 7.30 Drama Wessex Division Final present Four One Act Plays Merlin Theatre, Frome 2.30/7 Drama Getting Away With It by PTC Writers/Paradise View Princess Theatre, BOS 7.00 4 5-6 Musical Play Peter Pan - Dreams Productions Regal, Minehead 7.30 6 Comedy Jenny Éclair: ‘Eclairious’ Tacchi-Morris, Taunton 8.00 Music Gilad Atzmon and the Orient House Ensemble. David Hall , S Petherton 8.00 Children’s Show Bananas in Pyjamas 2014 Playhouse, WSM 3.00 Dance Tap Factory - Theatre Productions Octagon, Yeovil 7.00 Music Hothouse Festival - all day foilk festival from noon til late Halsway Manor, Crowcombe noon Talk Graham Fawcett biographical peformance on Ted Hughes Brendon Books 7.00 8 8-9 Drama Entertaining Mr Sloane - Joe Orton Octagon, Yeovil 7.30 10 Music The Peatbog Faeries. Thurs 10th April. 8pm. David Hall, S Petherton 8.00 Music Armonico Consort with Sir Willard White Octagon, Yeovil 7.30 Ballet Vienna Festival Ballet present Swan Lake Playhouse, WSM 7.30 Music Celebrate; Lerner & Leowe, Rodgers & Hammerstein Blakehay Theatre, WSM 7.30 Musical The Sound of Music -Benham Academy of Dance Strode College Theatre 7.30 Music Under Her Skin. Directed by John Wright David Hall, S Petherton 8.00 Music Dominic Kirwan 2014 Playhouse, WSM 7.30 Drama Two Way Mirror (Arthur Miller) Red Rope Theatre Company Regal, Minehead 7.30 10-12 11 27
  • 28. April Events (Continued) Events in date order. Contact details for most of the venues are given at the end of event listings. Please note, we do not take any responsibility for errors or omissions. Please confirm with venue timings and programme details. Event Details Date Venue Time Drama Castle Hotel, Taunton 7.00 Music Maiastra: ‘String Quartets’ An evening of classical music supported by the Aidan Woodcock Foundation Ilminster Arts Centre 7.30 Music The Searchers Octagon, Yeovil 7.30 Music The Bohemians - A Night of Queen (Tribute) Playhouse, WSM 7.30 Music Freshly Ground - traditional english folk songs Silver Street Sessions 8.00 Music Olde Tyme Music Hall Blakehay Theatre, WSM 3.00 Dance Dance Academy present The Firebird Merlin Theatre, Frome 2/7 Music 12 An Audience withn Horace Batchelor Geryy across the Mersey - Gerry and the Pacemakers Memorial Theatre, Frome 7.30 Drama BOSH Youth Theatre present...The Rocky Monster Show Princess Theatre, BOS 6.00 Music Piano Recital with Bernard d’Ascoli Dillington Hse. Ilminster 2.30 Music Solid Silver Sixties - sixties hits from original artists Playhouse, WSM 3.00/7.45 Music A Celebration of Neil Diamond (Tribute) Regal, Minehead 7.30 Music Philip Clouts Trio - Afro Latino Flavoured Jazz Creative Inn. Ctre, Taunton 7.30 13-14 Panto Peter Pan: Easter Pantomime with Bobby Davro Octagon, Yeovil Various 15 Music Sinfonia Classica with Lesley Garret Octagon, Yeovil 7.30 Comedy Josh Widdicombe: Incidentally Playhouse, WSM 8.00 Talks The Somerset Coast - Nigel Phillips Cheddar Catholic Ch Hall 7.30 Comedy Josh Widdicombe: Incidentally Octagon, Yeovil 8.00 Music Des O’Connor Octagon, Yeovil 7.30 Poetry The Poetry Joe Show From CBeebies Rhyme Rocket (3-5 years) Merlin Theatre, Frome 11/2 Comedy Billy Pearce 2014 Playhouse, WSM 7.30 Talk Winter - talk on new fictional work on Thomas Hardy with auhtor Christopher Nicholson Brendon Books, Taunton 7.00 Recital Christopher Evesham Warehouse Theatre, Ilminster 7.30 Music Ken Peplowski & Julian Stringle with The Craig Milverton Trio Ilminster Arts Centre 7.00 Music We’ve Only Just Begun - Carpenters Tribute Playhouse, WSM 7.30 Music Bobby Socks and Blue Jeans - hits from the 50s and 60s Playhouse, WSM 7.30 Talk An Illustrated talk: Ham Hill Country Park St. John’s Church Rooms, Yeovil 7.30 Music Virtuoso violinist Tamsin Waley-Cohen and cellist Gemma Rosefield/ Honeymead Ensemble members Alfredo Zamarra (viola) and Benjamin Nabarro - Music on the Quantocks St Mary’s, Taunton 7.45 Talk The Life and Times of the Brown Hare - Peter Thompson United Reform Church, Somerton 7.30 Musical Back to Broadway Regal, Minehead 7.30 Talk The Magic of Herb United Reformed Ch. Somerton 7.30 Talk Tweet of the Day. Talk by Stephen Moss on the book and popular radio 4 programme Brendon Books, Taunton 7.00 Drama Altered Skin: ‘Power Games’ Tacchi-Morris, Taunton 7.30 Talk Peter Massa’s Talk on his art Creative Innovation Centre 7.30 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 28
  • 29. April Events (Continued) Events in date order. Contact details for most of the venues are given at the end of event listings. Please note, we do not take any responsibility for errors or omissions. Please confirm with venue timings and programme details. Event Details Date Venue Time Drama Octagon, Yeovil 7.30 Poetry Luke Wright presents Essex Lion Merlin Theatre, Frome 7.45 Talk Wildlife on the Somerset Levels - Nigel Phillips St Catherine’s Ch Hall, Frome 7.30 Talk The Jazz Age: Dr Paul McDonald Dillington Hse, Ilmiinster 1.00 Talk 50 Years of a Somerset Town - Paul Bovett Bridgwater Arts Centre 8.00 Drama DYAD Productions - Unremarkable Death of Marilyn Monroe Merlin Theatre, Frome 7.45 Talk 25 Morecambe - Tim Whitnall’s Olivier Award-winning play Wildlife at Arnos Vale Wells Museum 7.30 Talk Conservation of the Somerset Levels and Moors - Steve Parker Ilminster Parish Hall 7.30 25-27 Music The Vienna Piano Trio Castle Hotel, Taunton Various 26 Music Heidi Talbot. Sat 26th April. 8pm David Hall, S Petherton 8.00 Music RAFA Concert Band Presents; Music in the Air Blakehay Theatre, WSM 7.30 Music In Dreams - Trib to Roy Orbison, Buddy Holly & Everly Bros Frome Memorial Theatre 7.30 Music Serenade Big Band: Around the World - A Sentimental Journey Princess Theatre, BOS 7.30 26-27 Music The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain Octagon, Yeovil 7.30 27 Music The Song of Angels with Opus Anglicanum Dillington Hse, Ilminster 11.30am Music Green & Pleasant Land-English Tapestry with Opus Anglicanum Dillington Hse, Ilminster 2.30 Music 28-3 May Mairearad Green & Anna Massie - Scottish folk musicians Silver Street Sessions 8 Musical Anything Goes Cole Porter’s Classical Musical. Taccni-Morris Arts Centre 7.30 Art Exhibitions March/April Saturday 4 January - Saturday 29 March Looking back looking forward. The exhibition tells the museum’s story, from its origins as a working farm to the creation of the museum forty years ago, and looks forward to what the future holds. Final exhibition at the museum before it closes in March for a major redevelopment. Somerset Rural Life Museum, Abbey Farm, Chilkwell Street,Glastonbury, BA6 8DB. Saturday 18 January - Saturday 8 March The 156th International Print Exhibition of the Royal Photographic Society. Museum of Somerset, Taunton Castle, Castle Green, Taunton TA1 4AA. 01823 255088 Thursday 13 February - Thursday 13 March ‘A Good Idea at the Time’. Andy and Leo Davey. Mon: Fri 9.30- 12.30. Saturday: 9.00 - 5.00. Creative Innovation Centre CIC, Me- morial Hall, Paul Street,Taunton TA1 3PF. 01823 337477 Tuesday 18 February 10:00AM Saturday 5 April 2:00PM Artists 303: A Mixed Exhibition. Strode Theatre, Strode College, Church Road, Street, Somerset BA16 0AB 01458 442846 Monday 24 February - Saturday 29 March 2014 MA & Other Post Graduates. Atkinson Gallery, Millfield School, Street, Somerset BA16 0YD 01458 444322 Thursday 27 February - Wednesday 2 April Linda Hollingshead: ‘Flow’. Linda’s mixed media paintings - a response to water and fluidity in nature and the beauty of emotion. Monday-Friday 10am - 4pm (plus performance nights). Free. Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre, School Road, Taunton. TA2 8PD. 01823 414141. 29
  • 30. Tuesday 4 - Friday 28 March Inspiration from The Blackdowns Taking inspiration from The Blackdown Hills, local artists Andrew Bell and June Dobson present an exhibition of paintings and ceramics. Monday - Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm. Saturday 9.30am - 2.30pm. Free. Ilminster Arts Centre at The Meeting House, East Street, Ilminster. TA19 0AN. 01460 54973. Monday 31 March - Saturday 12 April SAGT Sponsored Spring Art Exhibition at Taunton Library, Paul St, Taunton TA1 3XZ. Monday 31st March to Saturday April 26th Annual Open Exhibition. Sponsored by Branston and Ilminster Arts Centre. If you want to be part of this prize-winning event then please contact us, E-mail or phone the centre with your contact details. (01460 54973) The Meeting House, East Street, Ilminster. TA19 0AN. 01460 54973. Saturday 12th April - Monday 21st April ‘Out of the Blue’ Jenny Graham. A solo exhibition of cyanotypes and constructions created from found coastal and town ephemera based on the town of Watchet, past and present. ‘Containsart’ gallery in Watchet. Containsart, East Quay,WatchetSomerset TA23 0AQ Tel: 07866 730093 Wednesday 23 April - Tuesday 20 May Nancy Farmer: ‘A Medusa for All Seasons’Etchings and drypoint prints inspired by the idea of Medusa - the snake-haired femme fatale of ancient greek mythology - and by the passing of our very English seasons. Monday-Friday 10am - 4pm (plus performance nights). Why Not Advertise in LAMP? Make yourself visible while supporting the promotion of the artistic community in Somerset LAMP Magazine c/o Brendon Books, Old Brewery Buildings Bath Place Taunton TA1 4ER 01823 337742 30
  • 31. Workshops, Courses & Classes (March & April) Listings are for March and April alphabetically by venue charged at £3.00 per line or part line (up to 110 characters including spaces). Single individual entries also accepted. Creative Innovation Centre Workshops Creative writing for business and leisure – Wednesday evenings from 5:30pm to 7:30pm – Nine Weeks from 15/01/14 to 12/03/14 Portrait clay head class- Thurs 1:30-4:30pm10 wk course starting Thursday 9th Jan 1.30 -4.30pm. Painting and drawing art class10 wk course starting Friday 10th Jan 9.30 -12.30pm or 1-4pm Shibashi Taichi For Beginners-Monday evenings 10 February to 31 March 2014 7-8.30pm. Biodanza – The Amazing International Dance-based System! -Six weeks from Wednesday 22nd January to 5th March, 8pm to 9.30pm Yoga Classes at CICCIC-10 week course starting Tuesday 7th Jan. 6.15- 7.45 pm DILLINGTON HOUSE DAY COURSES MARCH – APRIL 2014 www.dillington Tel. 01460 258 648 Flower Arranging for Beginners - Saturday 1 March www.dillington The Language of Icons- Saturday 1 March Ukulele Workshop - Beyond Beginners - Saturday 1 March Book Club - Off Balance by Mary Sheepshanks - Tuesday 4 March The Trial of the Generals - Nuremberg 1945 - Saturday 8 March The Camden Town Group - Saturday 8 March Researching Your Family History Introductory Day - Saturday 8 March Great Women Reformers: Miss Coutts & Miss Hill - Saturday 22 March The British Army 1905-1914 and the Haldane Reforms -Saturday 22 March Buddhism - A Philosophy for Life - Saturday 22 March Looking Good Feeling Good - Saturday 22 March Britten’s Operas - Death in Venice - Monday 31 March Book Club - A Room with a View by E. M. Forster - Tuesday 1 April West Country Canals -Monday 7 April Four Historians - Tuesday 8 April iPad Art for Beginners - Tuesday 8 April Boxed Cushions for Chairs & Window Seats - Thursday 10 April Easter Floral Designs - Thursday 10 April The Ladies’ Paradise: Study Day of Zola’s Novel - Thursday 10 April The Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt - Saturday 12 April Understanding Schoenberg - Saturday 12 April An Introduction to Chi Kung - Saturday 12 April Two Tudor Composers - Monday 14 April Wildflowers & Wildlife in Somerset - Monday 14 April Rutland Boughton & The Original Glastonbury Festivals - Tuesday 15 April Pearl: A Study Day of Loss & Resolution - Tuesday 15 April Matthew Paris - England’s Greatest Medieval Artist - Wednesday 16 April 31
  • 32. Workshops, Courses & Classes (March & April) Listings are for March and April alphabetically by venue charged at £3.00 per line or part line (up to 110 characters including spaces). Single individual entries also accepted. Fitness League Classes every Friday 10-11am at St George’s Church Hall Wilton TA1 3JT to improve mobility and strengthen muscles. Contact Nikki Mumby. 01823 283350 or Halseway Manor, Crowcombe, Taunton, Somerset TA4 4BD 01984 618274 Saturday 1st March Sunday 2nd March Thursday 6th March Thursday 6th March Friday 7th - 9th March Mon 10th - 14th March Thursday 13th March Fri 14th - 16th March Sun 16th - 19th March Thursday 20th March Fri 21st - 23rd March Thursday 27th March Fri 28th - 30th March Mon 31st - 4th April Thursday 3rd April Fri 4th - 6th April Sunday 6th April Monday 7th 11th April Fri11th - 13th April Saturday 12th April Mon 14th - 19th April Thursday 17th April Sun 20th - 25th April Thursday 24th April Fri 25th - 27th April Northumbrian Small-pipes Taster Day Halsway Sunday Club 2014 March Step into folk! West Somerset Morris Men Practisc Session Bonny Sartin Weekend March 2014 Mary’s House Party West Somerset Morris Men Practice Session Folk Song South West. Singaround Weekend Arranging for Folk Musicians West Somerset Morris Men Practice Seesion Halsway Manor Playford Weekend West Somerset Morris Men Practice Session The 2nd PolkaWorks workshop weekend 2014 Anglo Scottish Dance Week West Somerset Morris Men Beyond Playford Historical & Folk Dance W/end Halsway Sunday Club 2014 April Contra and Square Dance Week Irish Set Dancing Weekend with Ceili Time Ceilidh: Irish Set Dance Night with Ceili Time Spring Hothouse 2014 West Somerset Morris Men Practice Session Halsway Manor Easter House Party 2014 West Somerset Morris Men Practice Session Falconers Folk Dance Club 2014 10.00am - 4pm 8.00pm 4.30 - 7pm 7.45 - 10pm 7.45 - 10pm 7.45 - 10pm 7.45 - 10pm 7.45 - 10pm 8pm 8pm 7.45 - 10pm 7.45 - 10pm Ilminster Arts Ctre at The Meeting House, East Street, Ilminster. TA19 0AN 01460 54973 Clay. Informal Sculpture group. 3-14 April. Every Monday.. 9.30am-3.30pm. £7 per weekly session. All abilities. Watercolour Workshop. 4 Mar - 1 Apr. Every Tuesday and Friday 7 Mar and Fri April 4. Learn techniques of watercolour. Friendly & relaxed classes. All abilities welcome. 10am-3pm . £20 double session. Book : Nicky on: 01460 281 773. Thursday 6 March. Lino Printing. Learn the art of Lino Printing at this exciting workshop led by local artist Rita Yates. 10am3pm. £25 per session (excluding the cost of materials). Friday 14 March. Rag Rugs. Learn the green craft of rag rug making and create eye-catching designs using scrap materials. 11am-1pm. £10 per monthly session. Friday 14 March. Readers’ Group. Spend an afternoon once a month with like-minded people, a good cup of coffee and a chat about the latest ‘read’. All books are provided by the library service. 2.30-4pm. £4 per session (includes refreshments). Thursday 20 March. Knit Tog, Crochet Too. From casting on to finished garment. Come and share your ideas and be inspired - whatever your level of skill from beginner to master knitter! 2.15-4.15pm. £4 per session (includes refreshments). 32
  • 33. Workshops, Courses & Classes (March & April) Listings are for March and April alphabetically by venue charged at £3.00 per line or part line (up to 110 characters including spaces). Single individual entries also accepted. Friday 21 March. Felt Making. Come and learn how to make felt flowers, slippers, scarves and waistcoats. Beginners to advanced welcome. 10am-3pm. £20 per monthly session (excluding materials). Thursday 3 April. Quilting with k3n: Stitch and Flip. Suitable for beginners and the more experienced. Please bring your own sewing machine. 10am-3pm. £25 per session Tuesday 8 April. Rag Rugs. Learn the green craft of rag rug making and create eye-catching designs using scrap materials. 11am-1pm. £10 per monthly session. Thursday 10 April. Children’s Willow Spring Garlands Workshop.10am-12pm. £6 (all materials supplied). Suitable for ages 6 upwards only. Friday 11 April.Readers’ Group. Spend an afternoon once a month with like-minded people, a good cup of coffee and a chat about the latest ‘read’. All books are provided by the library service. 2.30-4pm. £4 per session (includes refreshments). Thursday 17 April.Knit Tog, Crochet Too. From casting on to finished garment. Come and share your ideas and be inspired whatever your level of skill from beginner to master knitter! 2.15-4.15pm. £4 per session (includes refreshments). Friday 25 April. Felt Making. Come and learn how to make felt flowers, slippers, scarves and waistcoats. Beginners to advanced welcome. 10am-3pm. £20 per monthly session (excluding materials). Musgrove Willows Willow Fields, Lakewall, Weston Zoyland, Bridgwater, Somerset TA7 0LP 01278 691105 Lunch and refreshmsnts provided. Saturday 8th March Thursday 13th March Saturday 15th March Wednesday 19th March Saturday 22nd March Wednesday 26th March Friday 28th March Saturday 29th March Friday 11th April Saturday 12th April Wednesday 23rd April Friday 25th April Plant Climbers & Garden Edging (Half Day) Willow Hurdles/Fencing (Full Day) Living Willow Structures (Half Day) Bumble Bee Skeps (Full Day) Hedgerow Baskets (Full Day) Fan Wall Climber (Half Day) Living Willow Structures (Half Day) Bird Sculpture (Full Day) Plant Climbers (Half Day) Small Animal Sculpture (Full Day) Garden Sculpture - Willow Balls (Full Day) Bumble Bee Skeps (Full Day) 10.00am - 1pm 10.00am - 4pm 10.00am - 1pm 10.00am - 4pm 10.00am - 4pm 10.00am - 1pm 10.00am - 1pm 10.00am - 4pm 10.00am - 1pm 10.00am - 4pm 10.00am - 4pm 10.00am - 4pm £35 £75 £35 £75 £75 £35 £35 £75 £35 £75 £75 £75 Tacchi-Morris Cube Theatre’s Easter Holiday School. Mon 7 - Fri 11 April . 5 day course of drama-based games and activities for 7-11 year olds. 9am-3pm daily. £60 / £50. School Road, Taunton. TA2 8PD. 01823 414141 Workshops at the Willows & Wetlands Centre, Stoke St Gregory, TA3 6HY For further details visit Or call 01823 490249 Saturday 1st March Willow Animal Sculpture Day (includes lunch) 9.30am - 4pm Saturday 15th March Felting-Nuno Felt Scarf 10am-4pm Saturday 15th March Basket Making Workshop (includes lunch) 9.30am - 4pm Saturday 22nd March Willow Deer Sculpture Day 9.30am - 4.30pm Saturday 12th April Cockerel and Chicken sculpture day 9.30am-4.00pm Saturday 26th April Felting - Wall Hanging 10am-4pm Saturday 26th April Basket Making Workshop (includes lunch) 9.30am - 4pm 33 £70 £35 £85 £60 £60 £35 £85
  • 34. Contacts List Atkinson Gallery, Millfield School, Street, Somerset BA16 0YD 01458 444322 Barn, Obridge House Priorswood, Taunton. Contact: Jeremy Harvey. 01823 276421 Barrington Court, Barrington,  Ilminster, Somerset TA19 0NQ 01460 242614 Bath Central Library 01225 394041 Bishop’s Palace, Cathedral Green, Wells Somerset BA5 2PD 01749 988111 The Blakehay Theatre, Wadham Street, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1JZ 01934 645493 Brendon Books, Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4ER 01823 337742 Bridgwater Arts Centre, 11-13 Castle Street, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 3DD 01278 422 700 The Castle Hotel, Castle Green, Taunton TA1 1NF 01823 272671 Caryford Community Hall, Ansford, Castle Cary, South Somerset BA7 7JJ Cheddar Catholic Curch Hall,Tweentown, Cheddar, BS27 3HU Court Hotel Chilcompton 01761 471209 Cossington Village Hall Rrivetts Way , TA7 8LH. Creative Innovation Centre CIC, Memorial Hall, Paul Street,Taunton TA1 3PF. 01823 337477 The David Hall, Roundwell St South Petherton. TA13 5AA 01460 240340 Dillington House, Ilminster, Somerset TA19 9DT 01460 258648 Dunster Tithe Barn 01643 821658 Frome Memorial Theatre - Christchurch Street West, Frome, Somerset BA11 1EBTel: 01373 462795 Fyne Court, Broomfield, Somerset TA5 2EQ 01823 451587 Ginger Fig, Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4ER 01823 326798 Halseway Manor, Crowcombe, Taunton, Somerset TA4 4BD 01984 618274 Hestercombe Gardens, Hestercombe, Taunton TA2 8LG 01823 413 923 Hobbyhorse Ballroom, Esplanade, Minehead, Somerset TA24 5QP 01643 702274 Holburne Museum, Bath 01225 388569 Ilminster Arts Centre, East Street, Ilminster TA19 0AN 01460 55783  Iminster Parish Hall, North Street, Ilminster, TA19 0DG Merlin Theatre, Bath Road, Frome, Somerset BA11 2HG 01373 465949 Museum of Somerset, Taunton Castle, Castle Green, Taunton Somerset TA1 4AA 01823 255088 Music in the Quantocks 01823 451162 Night of the Prom: 07973 252 346 Oake Manor Golf Club,Oake Taunton  TA4 1BA 01823 461992 Octagon Theatre, Hendford, Yeovil BA20 1UX 01935 422884 Parish Church St John, Wellington, 72 High Street Wellington(01823) 662248 The Playhouse Theatre,High Street,Weston super Mare,BS23 1HP 01934 645544 Porlock Village Hall, Toll Road (New Rd), Porlock TA24 8QD 01643 862717 Queen’s Conference Centre, Trull Road, Taunton Ta1 4QS 01823 272559 Regal Theatre, 10-16 The Avenue,  Minehead TA24 5AY 01643 706430 Richard Huish College, 2 Kings Close,  Taunton, Somerset TA1 3XP 01823 320800 Silver Street Centre, Silver Street,  Wiveliscombe, Taunton, Somerset TA4 2PA 01984 623107 Somerset Industrial Archaeological Society, Field Officer, Peter Daniel, 29 Barbers Mead, Taunton, TA2 8PY. Telephone : 01823 339368. E-mail : Somerset Rural Life Museum. Abbey Farm, Chilkwell Street, GlastonburySomerset BA6 8DB 01458 831197 St Catherine’s Church Hall, Park Road, Frome, BA11 1EU St John’s Church, Park Street, Taunton TA1 4DG St. John’s Church Rooms, Yeovil, BA20 1HE St Mary Magdalene Church, Church Square, Taunton TA1 1SA 01823 272441 St Mary’s Church, St Mary Street, Bridgwater TA6 3EQ 01278 422437 St Mary’s Church, Stogumber St Peter & St Paul Church, Moor Lane, North Curry Ta3 6JZ 01823 490255 Shapwick Village Hall Shapwick The Swan Theatre, 138 Park Street,Yeovil BA20 1QT Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre, School Road, Taunton TA2 8PD 01823 41 41 41 Taunton Flower Show Taunton Library, Paul St, Taunton, Somerset TA1 3XZ 0845 345 9177 Taunton Racecourse, Orchard Portman, Somerset TA3 7BL 01823 337172 Temple Methodist Church, Upper High Street, Taunton TA1 3PY (01823) 275765 Tyntesfield Wraxall, North Somerset, BS48 1NT United Reform Church, Somerton Warehouse Theatre,  Brewery Lane, Ilminster, TA19 9AD Tel 01460 57049 Wellesley Theatre, 50-52 Mantle Street, Wellington TA21 8AU 01823 666668 Wellington Arts Centre, Eight Acre Lane, Wellington, TA21 8PS 01458 250655 Wells Museum (admission by side entrance) off Cathedral Green, Wells BA5 2UE Wellsprings Leisure Centre, Cheddon Road, Taunton TA2 7QP 01823 271271 Yeovil Library, The Library, King George Street, Yeovil Somerset BA20 1PY Tel 01823 336370 34
  • 35. Flying Folk Featuring an ever-changing line-up of fine folk artists from across the West Country, a new series of Flying Folk nights are really taking off at Ilminster Arts Centre. Co-organiser and one half of Lazibyrd, Sharon Martin, offers an insight. Lazibyrd will be at the one scheduled for October. Sharon says audiences can expect ‘a varied programme of folk in its broadest sense, bands from across the West Country, emerging and established artists performing in an intimate venue with fantastic acoustics.’ Sharon Martin and Tom Chapman of Lazibyrd. Sharon is Co-organiser of the Flying Folk nights at Ilminster Arts Centre. ‘There have been two nights so far and they have both been really successful,’ says Sharon, ‘the last one in October [2013] was a sell-out and what was particularly pleasing was that it brought a new audience to the Arts Centre.’ Already well-known for its established series of jazz concerts, the Flying Folk evenings are a relatively new addition to Ilminster Arts Centre’s extensive music programme, which also includes classical performances by Concerts in the West. ‘I originally contacted Tony [Hayward, of IAC’s Performance Committee] as I knew the Arts Centre was a great venue,’ says Sharon. ‘He then suggested we put on a night featuring several bands, which in the first instance were going to be duos. Tony 35 The line-up for 21st March includes Ian Perry, Iain and Martine, The Langfords and Light Garden. Ian Perry is an emerging musician and poet based in Bristol. His songs fuse many influences and styles together, ranging from folk country and blues to boss, flamenco, soul and jazz, whilst retaining a distinctive integrity of voice and ambience. Iain and Martine, organises the Arts Centre side of things and I contact artists and bands I have come across through gigging.’ Sharon is one-half of contemporary folk duo Lazibyrd, with Tom Chapman who together performed at the very first Flying Folk night back in March last year. Sharon pens most of the songs, sings and plays the violin and ukulele, while Tom plays guitar and sings, and is responsible for most of the harmonies and all the guitar parts. Based in Somerset, Lazibyrd formed just over 2 years ago and won ‘Best Folk Act of 2013’ at the South West Music Awards. Their debut album ‘Under the Sky’ has been played by over 50 radio stations, and has been BBC Somerset album of the week. Although not performing at the next Flying Folk night, Ian Perry
  • 36. who are based in West Camel, create music that promises to make “your soul dance on your bones". Their passionate and playful fusion of guitar and violin will take you on an exciting journey from sublime reflection to recklessness - sometimes all in one tune! The Langfords are from Hanging Langford in Wiltshire - hence the name - and feature Alexa Mackenzie on lead vocal and guitar, Mark Kenchington on guitar and vocals and Mark Honan on bass guitar. They describe themselves as an original psychedelic country folk band, with Nashville guitar licks, soaring vocals and a touch of melancholy. LightGarden are also from Wiltshire and include David Moss on vocals, overtone chanting, bouzouki, and fiddle, Masha Kastner on harmonium, vocals, overtone chanting, and piano, and Rob Colquhoun on guitar, vocals, and mandolin. Rob joined in 2011 after a chance encounter at the Trowbridge Village Pump folk club. He brings a powerful driving energy to the sound, further increasing the band's versatility. As with almost all of its performances, Ilminster Arts Centre is offering a delicious supper prior to show. For Flying Folk the set menu includes a mouth-watering Moroccan Chicken dish with rice and vegetables, followed by a dessert of Black Forest Gateaux and coffee. Suppers are becoming an increasingly popular option prior to a show, and as places are limited they need to be booked in advance. By Sara Loveridge The Flying Folk night takes place on Friday 21st March at 8pm. Tickets are £10 (or £21 with a pre-show supper at 7pm - this must be booked in advance). At Ilminster Arts Centre, East Street, Ilminster. TA19 0AN. Box Office: 01460 54973. Top: Lightgarden Middle: The Langfords Above: Iain and Martine 36
  • 37. CONTEMPORARY ART COMES TO HESTERCOMBE Opening of Art Gallery SATURDAY MAY 24th 2013 Bringing a whole new world of opportunity to the region, Hestercombe is opening a dynamic contemporary art gallery making an innovative use of historic Hestercombe House, right at the heart of the estate. Not opened to the public since the eighteenth century, visitors to Hestercombe House will be able to experience works by some of the country’s leading contemporary artists from May 24th making it well placed to become a regionally important gallery space. The opening exhibition, titled ‘Leaping the Fence’ celebrates the breadth of contemporary art of the last 20 years, bringing together provocative and exciting art works including sound and film pieces, sculpture and digital works as well as paintings from LAUNCH OF GUILDHALL SCHOOL OF MUSIC CENTRE FOR YOUNG MUSICIANS AT HESTERCOMBE There will be music in the air too. In March the prestigious Guildhall School of Music and Drama launched a regional Centre for Young Musicians in Hestercombe House. This is only the second such centre in the country. The centre offers talented young musicians aged 7 to 18 the opportunity to take advantage of the exceptional quality of music tuition for which the Guildhall is famed. Operating every Saturday during term time, the Centre is run by Tomas Yardley, from the Guildhall: ‘I am thrilled that we have opened this school at Hestercombe in the heart of the West Country. We will use the London model to bring a curriculum that isn’t dictated by examination boards and the school systems but offers a more holistic approach to music making in the region. Hestercombe provides an ideal backdrop for our musicianship because we are a classical school and where better for a classical school than in a stately home with its sweeping views?’ Students attending the Centre will be offered ensemble opportunities, tuition in 37 the national Arts Council Collection together with works borrowed from leading art galleries and collectors. Exhibition curator Tim Martin says, ‘This is a truly exhilarating venture. We will bring together a range of works of the kind not often seen in this region. I am in negotiations regarding pieces from renowned names in the art world including Turner prize winner Mark Wallinger, Mark Quinn and Meriele Neudecker. Hestercombe has always had a place at the leading edge of creativity as the world famous gardens were designed by people who, before they became garden designers, were established artists in their own right. The gallery will build on and renew this long-standing tradition of art intertwined with landscape. utive of the Hestercombe Gardens Trust, Philip White MBE, explains, ‘We are looking for volunteers with a wide range of skills for a variety of activities from: painting and decorating, to invigilating the rooms once the artworks have been installed, meeting and greeting visitors, manning the new second hand bookshop and serving tea and coffee. Previous knowledge is not necessary as we will be giving training including an opportunity for volunteers to learn about the art. This could offer stimulating new opportunities for local people.’ Anyone who would like to be involved in this invigorating project please contact Hestercombe through the website www. or on 01823 413923 or pop along to one of the Volunteer Open Mornings: 10.30am on Saturday 1st and Wednesday 5th March. End. Private Press View Thursday May 22nd. Volunteer input will be a crucial part of this exciting project as Chief Exec- Hestercombe Gardens, CheddonFitzpaine, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 8LG any instrument, singing and theory of composition history studies. Somerset based students of all music grades, from beginner to grade 8, are very welcome to apply. Sessions run from 9.30am – 2.30pm on Saturdays. Tuition is offered at very competitive rates(£27 for the whole session) and the Sound Foundation of Somerset Music Hub is offering substantial bursaries for the benefit of students. To apply contact Tomas Yardley via For further gallery and volunteering information Hestercombe opens its doors to budding music students from Somerset in the new Centre for Young Musicians, a regional hub run by the prestigious Guildhall School of Music
  • 38. Tweet of the Day Stephen Moss comes to Taunton to talk about Tweet of the Day, the book resulting from the hugely popular radio 4 programme. Imagine a jazz musician, improvising on a theme. Then imagine that he is able to play half a dozen instruments - not one after another, but almost simultaneously, switching effortlessly between instruments and musical styles with hardly a pause for breath. If you can countenance that, you are halfway towards appreciating the extraordinary song of the nightingale ...Wherever we are, there are birds. And wherever there are birds, there is birdsong. It’s always a pleasure (and a re- lief) to hear sounds which prove the world’s still spinning: whether it’s the sighing of migrating redwings on a damp October night, the twitter of swallows fresh in from South Africa in April or the call of the cuckoo in May. Based on the scripts of BBC Radio 4’s beloved year-long series, and distilling two lifetimes’ knowledge, insight and enthusiasm into these pages, Brett Westwood and Stephen Moss take you month by month through the year, and the changing lives of our favourite birds.From peregrines swapping sea-cliffs for skyscrapers to swifts spending almost their entire lives on the wing; from charms of goldfinches to murmurations of starlings; from ptarmigans thriving in the Highland snow to the bright green parakeets thronging London’s parks; this book is packed full of extraordinary insights and memorable facts. Tweet of the Day is a book for everyone who loves Britain’s birds. His special areas of knowledge include British wildlife; birds and climate change; the social history of wildlife-watching; getting children back in touch with nature; and UK environmental issues. He is the original producer of BAFTA award-winning series Springwatch. He has worked with David Attenborough, Bill Oddie, Alan Titchmarsh, Chris Packham, Kate Humble, Simon King, Charlie Dimmock and Michaela Strachan. Stephen Moss is one of Britain’s leading nature writers, broadcasters and wildlife television producers. A lifelong naturalist, he is passionate about communicating the wonders of the natural world to the widest possible audience. 38 He has been the author of many previous books and articles on British birds and wildlife and writes a monthly Birdwatch column for the Guardian. He is President of Somerset Wildlife Trust. Talk and Booksigning with Stephen Moss 7.00 pm Thursday 24 April Venue and Tickets: Brendon Books, Bath Place, Taunton TA1 4ER 01823 337742
  • 39. 50 NOT OUT … 50 SOLD OUT! Chances are the last time you went to a classical music concert in the South West there were more empty seats than bums on seats. Not if it was a Music on the Quantocks’ concert! You see, Somerset's leading concert organiser, whose confident strapline proclaims 'Great Music is for Everyone', recently held its 50th consecutive sold-out concert. teel bygone age." Peter Lewis continued, "We knew right from our very first gig that unless we dumped that uncool image we wouldn’t attract large audiences - you know, the kind that are made up of all kinds of people and buzz with a fantastic atmosphere. So, by positioning Music on the Quantocks as a refreshing alternative to Oddly, far from toasting this remarkconventional concerts, and by dragging able achievement with a glass of bubbly, classical music kicking and screaming the Music on the Quantocks team are into the 21st Century, we’ve been able keen to play down. "Yes, it is amazing to jam-pack our gigs with thousands to think we have never had a single of people who would normally stay at unsold seat", says trustee Peter Lewis. home”. The result, he emphasised, is "Problem is," he continued, "now every that the age range and social mix of the time we plan a concert we dread it Music on the Quantocks’ audience is will be the one that bombs ending our much wider than classical music audisuccessful run.” ences elsewhere in the West Country and in other rural counties. There’s no chance of that happening judging by the loyalty of Music on the It’s hard to believe this innovative Quantocks’ audience. charitable concert organiser was formed only three years ago and their But why, when the number of people volunteers had no previous concert attending classical music concerts in experience. They claim their first gig provincial areas is falling to an all-time was, of all things, an accident! “Yes, low, why when many traditional conit’s true”, says Fay Chilcott, who runs cert societies are facing a bleak future, the box office. “I heard on BBC Radio why is Music on the Quantocks so sucthat a touring Russian Orthodox choir cessful? “Because we have modernised had had one of their cathedral concerts the way that classical music is presented cancelled at short notice. So I rang the and marketed", answers Peter Lewis. studio to get in touch with the Russians He explained, “Far too many people and asked if they’d like to sing in my today are put off going to a classical village in return for free accommodamusic concert because they think it will tion. Long story short, they said 'yes', be dull, staid and stuffy. Unfortunately, and their concert sold out within 24 they're usually right! And, what with all hours thanks to a post on Facebook the silly twee customs at these concerts, that went viral”. well, it's like stepping back into a gen- 39 Fay has given only half the story. In fact, the Russians were so popular that they had to give three performances, two in one day, to meet the demand for tickets. “Well after that,” said Fay, “we realised there was a huge demand round here for world-class music. So it was just a question of how to build on it.” In the three years that followed, Fay and her Music on the Quantocks team have staged one concert after another featuring the world's finest musicians. Concerts regularly attract over 700 people. The team could not have chosen a better way to celebrate their 50th sold-out concert, persuading the most famous choir in the world, Harry Christophers and The Sixteen, to perform their special Christmas concert at Taunton last December. All box office records were broken when over 3,000 people jammed the lines hoping to buy some of 800 tickets on offer. Judging by the line-up for 2014/15, Music on the Quantocks is determined to extend its record of sold-out concerts. The Sixteen will be returning to headline the programme, but there will also be packed audiences for Sir James Galway and several other 'big names' whose identity is a closely guarded secret at present. "Sorry, I can't spill the beans just yet," said Fay, "but I promise you, we will soon be announcing a series of jaw-dropping gigs." “We are determined to bring more and more of the best musicians to West Somerset.” said Fay. “We're determined to put this area ‘on the map’ and transform it to become one of the top cultural centres of the South West”.
  • 40. CLARINET MARMALADE Saturday March 15 - 8.00pm (doors from 7.00pm) Venue: Cossington Village Hall Trivetts Way Cossington Somerset TA7 8LH The concert named after a landmark jazz composition of 1918, will see the supreme duo Mike Denham ( piano) and Mike Snelling ( clarinet and saxophone ) perform an evening of vintage jazz playing the fine music of Scott Joplin, Fats Waller, Benny Goodman and more. Jazz classics like Mood Indigo, The Entertainer, Maple Street Rag, One O’clock Jump and by request a couple of Monty Sunshine works will be in the evenings programme. Be prepared for a super evening of quality jazz. Reserved seats at tables cost £10.00 (includes tasty interval treats) and are available from host Roger Collett: 01278 451187 Two Harpsichords in Concert with Steven Devine & Colin Booth Sunday 9 March Two spectacular harpsichords and a varied programme including solo pieces; Bach prelude and fugue, and a new piece commissioned by Colin from composer Liz Lane, and stunning arrangements of music by Vivaldi and Boccherini. Colin Booth is the UK’s leading supplier of early keyboard instruments to rent and has performed as soloist and continuo harpsichordist in a number of countries, from Denmark to South Africa. Steven Devine is harpsichordist with London Baroque, Co-Principal keyboard player with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and performs regularly with many other groups around Europe. Press Release by Tone Theatre Association Issued 17 February 2014 Taunton Theatre Association is delighted to announce that it has reached agreement with Taunton Deane Borough Council for access and funding to allow commissioning work to begin at The Brewhouse. “It’s time to bring the theatre back into to life and we are ready to roll up our sleeves and get on with the job” said Val Hammond, Chair of Taunton Theatre Association. Work will begin immediately to ensure the sound and lighting systems are in good working order and that the theatre is safe, clean and bright after its long sleep. There is much to do after such a long period of darkness to bring the Theatre back into use for April 2014. Looking further ahead, the first shows are already in production. Tickets are on sale now from Taunton Tourist Information Office for this year’s Gang Show, 8-12 April which is celebrating 25 years in Taunton. The Young Musical Theatre Company’s (YMTC) production of ‘High School Musical’ is currently in rehearsal and is scheduled for 16-19 April at The Brewhouse. Tickets are available from . “Right now we need to rebuild a list of contacts and friends, as much from the past has been lost” said Val Hammond, appealing for people and businesses to sign up for information, to offer help or to donate funds via the website: More information will be coming out regularly. Taunton Theatre Association is grateful to Taunton Deane Borough Council for its financial and steadfast support without which it would not be possible to re-open the theatre. 40
  • 41. Creatives Club is an informal networking group that meets to provide a place where the local, but dispersed community of professional creative people can come together to share interests, bounce ideas around, spark off one another, create opportunities, increase exposure, explore collaborations and build ventures. Creative Somerset, Somerset Contemporary Artists Network and CICCIC will support the formation of a group in Taunton. The group will meet between 7.30 and 9.30 pm on the second Tuesday of every month at CICCIC, Paul Street, Taunton, starting with 11th March. There will also be a launch event on Saturday March 1st at the CICCIC 2-4pm. Background Creatives Clubs are creating a community of people who provide support and information that will help each other. Together they share the learning of new developments in the sector: new tools, processes, leaders, training programs, products and services. The aim of the network is to help people discover the solution to a problem and in turn give the satisfaction of potentially providing the key piece of information that makes a real difference in the life of one of those in the network. Meeting in this way develops vital networks across different disciplines in the Creative Industries and is especially useful for the multitude of micro businesses in the County to be able to connect, innovate and support each other. Somerset is overwhelmingly a small business economy particularly in the more rural areas – 84% of businesses in the County employ 10 or less employees. We believe expanding Creatives Clubs across the whole of the County will develop this infrastructure on a wider regional scale and enable further exciting developments to emerge as a direct result. The net network will also support the work of Creative Somerset as it cascades informa- 41 tion about the organisation across the county, enabling us to better achieve our aims of advocacy and partnership; signposting and information sharing; investment support and creating a strategic focal point for the creative industries. The pilot began in 2011 in Watchet (West Somerset) funded by CIDF and has proved to be a key element of the emerging cultural activity in this area. Projects such as Contains Art (an exciting new venue providing artists’ studios, a space for exhibitions and events and a networking centre for West Somerset’s creative industries) developed directly from conversations and partnerships initiated at Creatives Club. After approximately 12 months of facilitated development the group is now self sufficient and continues to thrive due to the direct input and will of the members. In response to this group a second venture has started at The Princess Theatre and Arts Centre, Burnham on Sea (Sedgemoor) following the same format. This group is still emerging but the feedback is that it is proving to be a valuable resource and the hope for future development is to cascade the sharing/learning to other practitioners in the region. Greater collaboration between the cultural and creative industries and the wider business community will enable economic development potential through increased partnerships and positively impact on businesses in other sectors across the county. In West Somerset direct economic benefit for the local community has been clearly demonstrated with the development of the Contains Art project progressed by members of the Creatives Club, part of a strategy for developing a supportive infrastructure for the creative sector in the locality.