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                         Recharge your energy

This special publication is brought to you by the Korea Tourism Organization
2 INTRODUCING KOREA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3

                                                                                                                                                Find your soul in Seoul
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  THE CAPITAL CITY

             PAGE 4                            PAGE 9                    PAGES 16-17                         PAGES 18-19
      Korea’s healthy cuisine                Temple stay                 Sports tourism                  MICE and green tourism

                                                                                                                                                     S it possible to find peace,              The residences of ‘Buckchon Hanok     edge. But it’s not just the Han River that   herbal saunas and exfoliations scrubs

                                         Be rewarded with
                                                                                                                                                     tranquillity and well-being in a      Village’ located between Gyeongbuk-       provides peace through water.                to extract bad toxins and have one

  PUBLISHING                             INTRODUCTION BY KTO PRESIDENT AND CEO CHARM LEE                                                             city? Well, recharging your energy
                                                                                                                                                     in Seoul is part of the city’s DNA
                                                                                                                                                                                           gung and Changdeokgung Palaces,
                                                                                                                                                                                           were built for high-ranking officials
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Cheonggyecheon Stream, a major
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     restoration project, came to life in 2005
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  positively glowing.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hidden down a quaint side alley,
                                                                                                                                                – and citizens of this dynamic Asian       from the Joseon dynasty.                  having been covered over by tarmac           just off the main thoroughfare of

 INFORMATION                                                                                                                                    capital, home to 25 per cent of Korea’s
                                                                                                                                                entire population, are living proof that
                                                                                                                                                finding your ‘Yin, Yang’ is an essential
                                                                                                                                                                                               One of the mountains protecting
                                                                                                                                                                                           the city is ‘Bukhansan’ (Mt) and
                                                                                                                                                                                           national park, which plays host to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     since the 1950s. The 5.8km-long
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     stream runs under 22 bridges, nine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     fountains and is the most pleasant way
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Insadong Street (famous for arts and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  crafts galleries, street musicians and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  antiques), is ‘Sanchon’ restaurant
       PUBLISHER DETAILS                                                                                                                        part of their everyday life.               elite climbers, hikers and regular        to stroll past many city icons.              – celebrated for its delicate Buddhist

                                          the ʻgenuine charm
        This supplement was                                                                                                                         Few capitals match Seoul’s dynamic     walkers searching out the park’s             Continue on foot and try out              temple cuisine full of fresh vegetables
     published in March 2011 by                                                                                                                 blend of the ancient and the modern.       medieval Bukhan fortress.                 Seoul’s walking tour programmes              and mountain greens which provide the
   the Korea Tourism Organization                                                                                                                   Skyscrapers tower over historic            The highest peak is 836m – making     covering five tour zones that intimately     main ingredients.
         in conjunction with                                                                                                                    palaces and temples, whilst Seoul N        it accessible to all levels of stamina    showcase Korea:                                  And then next door you can find
                                                                                                                                                Tower stands imperious atop Mount          – and if that does not encourage hikers   ■ ‘Ancient culture’ traces back from         ‘The Old Tea Shop’ which serves every
         Sports Travel News                                                                                                                                                                to the top then a shot of pine-needle     prehistoric times through to the ‘three      type of tea from Ginseng to ‘Jujube
                                                                                                                                                Namsan and is the first visible landmark
                                                                                                                                                welcoming you to the city.                 Soju will do the trick.                   kingdoms’ period                             date’ tea.

                                                                      of Korea’
                                                                                                                                                    It is from this viewpoint that you         Seoul’s divine energy also comes      ■ ‘Traditional culture’ focuses on the           Both venues encapsulate why
                                                                                                                                                realise Seoul is not only protected        from water; the Han River is a symbol     main palace of the Joseon dynasty            Korea’s cuisine is regarded one of the
                                                                                                                                                by surrounding mountains, but also         of the city, running east to west with    dating back 600 years                        healthiest in the world.
                                                                                                                                                bisected by the Han River, the city’s      some 23 bridges straddling the            ■ ‘Modern culture’ infiltrates recent            If the night remains young after a
                                                                                                                                                life-blood flowing through its core.       175m-wide channel.                        turbulent history through architecture       full-day sightseeing, the nocturnal
                                                                                                                                                    ‘Hanyang’ (the former name of              Cruise through the centre of one      ■ ‘History-ecology-restoration’ follows      vibrancy of Myeongdong,
                                                                                                                                                Seoul) was recommended to the              of the world’s largest cities or rent a   Cheonggyecheon Stream as it winds its        Dongdaemun, Hongdae and Insadong
                                                                                                                                                Joseon Dynasty (founders of the 600        bike and follow the myriad of parks       way past eight beautiful city sights         will excite and exhaust in equal
             3rd Floor                                                                                                                          year-old capital city) by feng shui        and paths that run beside the water’s     ■ Finally, the ‘Past-Present-                measure. Flashing neon signs with
        New Zealand House,                                                                                                                      experts, thus preserving the ‘divine                                                 Coexistence’ zone will elevate you to        clubs, bars and an overwhelming
        Haymarket, London                                                                                                                       energy of Seoul’.                                                                    the viewpoint at Naksan Park and visit       variety of museums, theatres, markets
            SW1Y 4TE                                                                                                                                By experiencing some of                                                          the private residence of the first           and malls will ensure your ‘Yin, Yang’
                                                                                                                                                Korea’s cultural traits it is                                                        Korean president                             is in perfect harmony.
                                                                                                                                                possible to feel this unique                                                            Such energetic pursuits need to be            So if you are looking to visit a
      Tel: +44 (0) 207 3212535
                                                                                                                                                energy for yourself. Echoes                                                          balanced by other fundamental Korean         city that can recharge your energy

                                                           W                                                                                                                     of the past in the form of                                                           characteristics.                             through a mix of both modern                                             ITH the designation of 2010-2012 as ‘Visit Korea Year’, I am
                                                                          delighted to introduce our second bespoke supplement: Korea Be        temples, palaces and hanoks                                                             You can visit an ‘Oncheon’ (thermal                         and ancient culture,
                                                                          Inspired – Recharge your energy. This bespoke publication will        (traditional houses) are ideal                                                       bath) or ‘jjimjilbang’ which includes a                          why not book
                                                                          introduce you to the finding of ‘peace and well-being’, ‘health        starting points to understand                                                        choice of clay, crystal and mugwort                                an unforgettable
                                                           and fitness’ and your personal ‘balance and harmony’ through ‘Yin, Yang’.             and encounter oriental                                                                                                                                   experience in
                                                                 Korea is a place to come and recharge your energy using nature,                philosophy through                                                                                                                                       Korea’s inspiring
                                                                    tradition and belief in a society that has an ability to reinvent           architecture.                                                                                                                                            capital Seoul.
                                                                     itself constantly. If you are willing to invest time to enjoy and
                                                                      understand Korean culture you will be rewarded with the ‘genuine
                                                                       charm of Korea’.
                                                                           Using our expertise, knowledge and passion, we welcome                                           you to discover echoes of the past in the form of temples and                                     palaces – and visitors can also experience staying in traditional
                                                                            residences known as ‘Hanok’ (traditional houses). They are
            EDITOR                                                            designed and built in accordance with feng-shui principles,
           Mike Starling                                                        focusing on practical use and beauty. All are ideal starting
                                                                                 points to understand our diverse cities, people and the
                                                                                  country as a whole.
                                                                                     Another way is to sample Korean cuisine, from humble
        Ramy Salameh                                                              meals served at Buddhist temples to elegant feasts once
                                                                                  served to dynastic kings and queens. It is one of the
        PHOTOGRAPHY                                                             world’s healthiest cuisines and the national dish ‘kimchi’ is
   All pictures are copyright of                                            the guiding force.
 the Korean Tourism Organization                                        Shopping bargains abound, from quality gifts in traditional
      unless stated otherwise                                         markets to high-tech gadgets in designer complexes. Such energetic
                                                                       pursuits can be counter-balanced by Korean cultural pastimes such
                                                                        as acupuncture, massage and thermal spas. All of which you will
     MORE INFORMATION                                                    find within the following pages.
   For details on travel to Korea,                                           I urge you to read-on and be truly ‘inspired’ by how much
  plus where to stay, destinations                                         Korea can recharge your energy.
       and cultural activities
      see                                            Charm Lee, Korea Tourism Organization president and CEO
4 A HEALTHY INDUSTRY: CUISINE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         A HEALTHY INDUSTRY: SPA                    5

T                                                                                                                                                                  Purity, clarity and calmness – let
         HE food culture of a destination is of       Korea, assisted by the ‘Gwangju Kimchi Cultural      Changdeokgung Palace, the institute sits in
         massive importance and gives you a great     Festival’ and ‘Kimchi World’, a Korean food          traditional surroundings, hiding internal
         insight into the life and practices of its   experience centre located in Insa-dong               courtyards displaying old utensils used in the

                                                                                                                                                                   Korea’s water features inspire you
         people. Be it Kimchi, bulgogi or rice        (Jongno-gu, Seoul).                                  preparation of food. Exhibitions related to the
cakes, Korea’s appetising and healthy cuisine            Koreans cannot live without Kimchi and even       history of the Joseon Dynasty Korean royal
has gained praise and admiration from foodies         their first astronaut took a vacuum-packed version   cuisine are open to visitors.
across the globe.                                     with her into space.                                    Han Bok-ryeo, president of the Institute of
   With a huge and unique range of food on                                                                 Korean Royal Cuisine, is the successor to Hwang
offer, visitors can enjoy dishes that include         DIVERSITY IN A DISH: BIBIMBAP                        Hae-sung. She has devoted much of her adult life
meat, fish, greens and vegetables.                    Bibimbap is regarded as one of the most              to royal cuisine.
   Eaten with chopsticks, all the dishes are served   traditional dishes in Korea. So join us on a            In 2000 she travelled to Pyeongyang and
at the same time and a typical meal normally          journey of discovery and find out about this         directed the royal cuisine dinner at the summit
includes rice, soup and side offerings.               spectacular dish.                                        talks between the two Koreas.
                                                         If you think that bibimbap is just a                                The Institute of Korean Royal

THE NATIONAL DISH: KIMCHI                             dish of mixed rice, ‘namul’                                              Cuisines was established by
                                                      (seasoned vegetables and                                                     Master Hae-Sung Hwang                   COUNTRY with                     However, the whole of Korea      JJIMJILBANG & SPA                     and history, it will be a cultural
Kimchi – fermented spicy cabbage conceived in                                                                                                                              coastline on three sides,     can offer beautiful beaches for                                           experience as well!
Korea around the 7th century – is the national        herbs) and ‘gochujang’ (red                                                     in 1971 when the Joseon                                                                                With more than 300 spas across
                                                      pepper paste) then you are                                                         Dynasty Royal                     Korea has an abundance        which to swim, watch the            the country Korea is the ideal           The top waterfalls to visit:
dish and has been scientifically proven to be                                                                                                                      of water attractions.                 sunrise or just soak up the sun.                                          ■ Jikso Falls: Located in
high in nutrition.                                    wrong. Within bibimbap,                                                              Cuisines had been                                                                                 location for a relaxing and
                                                      locally-obtained bean                                                                selected as the No.38      From swimming in seas to              On the rocky coastline of        uplifting break.                      Byeonsan Peninsula National
   The food has become a global icon unique to                                                                                                                     soaking in hot springs there is       the west you can find the white                                            Marine Park and 30ft high.
                                                      sprouts are the main                                                                  valuable Intangible                                                                                 Jjimjilbang facilities include
                                                      ingredient to be added                                                                Cultural Asset.        an activity to enjoy on any day       sands of Daecheon Beach and         varied temperature-controlled         ■ Cheonjiyeon Falls: Located
                                                      to rice. The rice is then                                                                The Institute of    during the four seasons.              Jellabuk-do’s beaches, while in     rooms ranging from steaming           on Jeju Island and is a
                                                      cooked in beef broth.                                                                Korean Royal Cuisine       In Buddhism, water represents      the south on Jeju Island there      hot to ice cold. Also on offer are    designated natural monument.
                                                      Just before the rice is                                                             is regarded as the       clarity, calmness and purity          are 11 beaches to explore. Jeju’s   hot springs, karaoke rooms and        ■ Gugok Falls: Located near
                                                      fully cooked, bean sprouts                                                        leading organisation       – so why not cleanse your soul        climate, turquoise waters and       cafés. And if that’s not enough,      Bonghwasan Mountain,
                                                      are mixed with the rice, then                                                  for the teachings of          at a spa, river, natural spring or    palms make it a favourite for       why not stay the night … prices       Gangwon-do, and 50m in
                                                      the other ingredients such as                                               traditional cuisine culture      waterfall? In Korea, water is not     honeymooners and outdoor            are cheap and the lodgings are        height. Gugok Falls freezes
                                                      ‘mung’ bean curd, raw beef and                                          through its educational activities   just seen as the source of life but   enthusiasts alike.                  of a high standard.                   every winter and is a paradise
                                                      nuts are put on top.                                              and publications.                          a source of entertainment and         ● See page 12 for more                 Korean families, couples and       for ice climbers.
                                                         In choosing the ingredients the colour is also                                                            well-being.                           information about Jeju Island       singles go to a jjimjilbang on a      ■ Daeseung Falls: It is located
                                                      considered carefully, according to traditional       TRADITIONAL KOREAN FOODS                                ● See pages 10-11 for a mapped                                            regular basis for socialising and     in the Mt Seoraksan region and
                                                      cosmology: each direction of the compass, the        Bap (steamed rice) and juk (porridge); guk (soup);      view of Korea’s water features        HOT SPRINGS                         for relaxation. If you are visiting   was known as a major recreation
                                                      precise location of the diner and what season it     jjigae (stew); jjim and jorim (simmered meat                                                  When the temperatures drop          the country this is an experience     site of King Gyeong-Sun, who
                                                      happens to be are all indicated by the use of five   or fish); namul (vegetables or wild greens);            BEACHES                               in winter Koreans head to the       not to be missed.                     reigned from 927-935.
                                                      basic colours, which are blue (and green), red,      jeotgal (seafood fermented in salt); gui (broiled/      If you are spending summer in         many hot springs available.
                                                      yellow, white and black.                             barbecued dishes); jeon (pan-fried dishes) and          Korea you have to head to the            With regular snowfall, a trip    WATERFALLS                            WATER PARKS
                                                         Blue symbolises the east; yellow is the spot      mandu (dumpling).                                       beach. With temperatures rising       to a hot spring can provide a       Waterfalls are regarded as one        If you are travelling in June
                                                      where one happens to be standing and also the                                                                above 30 degrees C, June, July        relaxing and healthy experience.    of nature’s most beautiful            and need to escape the sun’s
                                                      earth; white signifies the west and autumn; and      DISHES POPULAR WITH FOREIGN TOURISTS                    and August are the best times to      And a day or evening soaking in     creations – and in Korea there        burning rays, Korea’s many
                                                      black is for north and winter. So people used to     Bulgogi: widely known as Korean barbecue, thin          swim in the oceans.                   hot springs will melt away the      are many to discover in its           water theme parks are regarded
                                                      believe that having a bowl of Bibimbap meant one     strips of beef marinated in soy sauce, sesame oil,         With 102 beaches, the              winter blues and relieve stress.    mountainous landscape.                as must-visit destinations.
                                                      was absorbing the energy of the universe.            garlic, onion and chilli are grilled over charcoal      north-east province of                   For centuries Koreans have          A number of Korean                    Equipped with facilities such
                                                                                                           and served with rice and vegetables.                    Gangwon-do has an amazing             enjoyed hot springs all year        waterfalls take some walking          as wave pools, spas, saunas and
                                                      THE INSTITUTE OF ROYAL CUISINE:                      Dolsot Bibimbap: boiled rice, vegetables and            array of coastline features and is    round. The modern-day hot           to find, but the challenge will be     hot springs, you don’t just have
                                                      A CULTURAL GEM                                       egg are brought to the table in a hot stone pot and     a popular region for both locals      springs come with spa and           worth it. And with many having        to relax, why not get the pulse
                                                      Located at the end of the west wall of               cooked before your eyes.                                and international visitors.           beauty facilities.                  folk tales about their formation      running by hitting the slides!
Korea’s top five
                                                                                           TRADITIONAL &
                                                                                           TRADITIONAL &
                                                                                           MODERN SHOPPING
                                                                                           MODERN SHOPPING
                                                                                           KOREA is one of the most dynamic and colorful countries in the

cultural experiences
                                                                                           KOREA is one of the most dynamic and colorful countries in the
                                                                                           world and if one of your passions is to browse the markets or shops,
                                                                                           world and if one of your passions is to browse the markets or shops,
                                                                                           then this is the place for you.
                                                                                           then this is the place for you.
                                                                                              From designer brands and high-end outlets to traditional Korean
                                                                                              From designer brands and high-end outlets to traditional Korean
                                                                                           markets and products, whatever your tastes, you will be able to leave Korea
                                                                                           markets and products, whatever your tastes, you will be able to leave Korea
                                                                                           with the items you desire.
                                                                                           with the items you desire.
                                                                                              In the short time following the country’s dramatic development, Korea has
                                                                                              During the country’s rapid development, Korea has maintained the delicate
                                                                                           maintained the delicate balance between preserving its impressive history and traditions
                                                                                           balance between preserving its impressive history and traditions and embracing all
                                                                                           and embracing all the conveniences and technology of the modern world.
                                                                                           the conveniences and technology of the modern world.
                                                                                              There’s no better destination to go than Korea for an all-inclusive getaway of shopping,
                                                                                              There’s no better destination to go than Korea for an all-inclusive getaway of shopping,
                                                                                           touring and entertainment.
                                                                                           touring and entertainment.
                                                                                           PLACES TO SHOP
                                                                                           PLACES TO SHOP
                                                                                           Seoul: The capital city is a shopper’s paradise. Areas such as Myeong-dong, Insa-dong and Gangnam
                                                                                           Seoul: The capital city is a shopper’s paradise. Areas such as Myeongdong, Insadong and Gangnam
                                                                                           draw millions of international tourists every year to their renowned shopping centres. Also, a traditional
                                                                                           draw millions of international tourists every year to their renowned shopping centres. Also, traditional
                                                                                           market with more than 600 years of history is located in the heart of the city.
                                                                                           markets with more than 600 years of history are located in the heart of the city.
                                                                                           Busan: As the second largest city in Korea, Busan is famous for both tourist and shopping attractions. It is home
                                                                                           Busan: As the second largest city in Korea, Busan is famous for both tourist and shopping attractions. It is home
                                                                                           to Shinsegae Centum City, the largest department store in the world, and numerous shopping streets offering a wide
                                                                                           to Shinsegae Centum City, the largest department store in the world, and numerous shopping streets offering a wide
                                                                                           selection of merchandise. Busan is also home to the Jagalchi Market, famous for its fresh seafood.
                                                                                           selection of merchandise. Busan is also home to the Jagalchi Market, famous for its fresh seafood.
                                                                                           Jeju Island: The island is often called ‘the Hawaii of Asia’ and is home to a number of tourist attractions and stores featuring
                                                                                           Jeju Island: The island is often called ‘the Hawaii of Asia’ and is home to a number of tourist attractions and stores featuring
                                                                                           unique and local products.
                                                                                           unique and local products.

TEMPLE                                                                                     TAEKWONDO
                                                                                           TAEKWONDO is the national sport of Korea and more than 50
                                                                                           million participants take part worldwide.
                                                                                               The roots of taekwondo belong to taekkyeon, a traditional martial
EXPERIENCE Korean Buddhist culture                                                         art form. In turn, the roots of taekkyeon can be traced as far back as
by booking a stay at one of the many                                                       tribal times in Korea.
Buddhist temples.                                                                              The ultimate goal of taekwondo is to develop the character and personality
   With many temples located deep in the                                                   of the practitioner through physical, mental and spiritual discipline.
mountains, visitors can enjoy nature and take
mountains visitors can enjoy nature and time                                                   Meaning the ‘technique of kicking and punching’, taekwondo is the world’s most
awayaway fromrigours of day-to-day life by by
time from the the rigours of day-to-day life                                               popular martial art.
taking part in spiritual training such as Zen                                                  While seen as both a sport and martial art, taekwondo also has two other major areas of
meditation and Buddhist rites.                                                             importance: exercise and education.
   A temple stay is much more than religion. It is a                                           Taekwondo’s movements require extensive use of the joints and since there is kicking, jabbing
cultural experience that recharges you, handles your                                       and shouting involved, it’s also a great way to relieve stress and get a good workout.
mental stress and teaches you about traditional culture.                                       The objectives of learning taekwondo are to become a more mature human being and build and
   Part of the programme of discipline and training include                                strengthen character.
barugongyang (a Buddhist meal with traditional wooden                                          Taekwondo became a worldwide activity after it was designated as an official Olympic sport in 2000.
bowls) or a tea ceremony – activities that provide more than just                              If you would like to take part in a one-day taekwondo experience or a full 15-day training programme, then
eating and drinking.                                                                       why not take a look at options at or
   Other activities that may be featured on a temple stay include:                         ■ For more information see, and
                                                                                                                                           , and
pre-dawn Buddhist rites; Zen meditation; tea ceremonies; barugongyang;                     EVENTS CALENDAR
mountain trekking; lotus lantern making; and rubber stamp making.                          May 1-6, 2011: 2011 WTF World Taekwondo Championships, Gyeongju, Korea;
■ For more information see                                       July 14-19, 2011: The 8th Chuncheon Open International Taekwondo Championships;
● Turn to page 9 to read more about temple stay a Buddhist temple
                              about finding yourself in                                    ● Turn to page 16-17 to read about the new Taekwondo Park being constructed in Muju

HANOK STAY                                                                                 ALTERNATIVE
IF you want to feel the natural energy of Korea in an
eco-friendly structure that uses natural building materials then
stay in a traditional Korean house called a ‘Hanok’.
           Stay will give you the opportunity to experience traditional
   Hanok stay will give you the opportunity to experience traditional                      TO make your trip to Korea as relaxed as
Korean lifestyle and culture. The traditional houses available for Hanok                   possible why not indulge in a treatment to
stays are decades to hundreds of years old.                                                refresh both body and soul?
   Many have been renovated for the convenience and safety of its guests, but the              Relieve stress and aches with a massage,
traditional Korean style and sentiment are still retained.                                 alternative medicines or acupuncture.
   Hanok houses vary in size; some are very large with a guest house and a main            ■ Many of the major hotels and resorts in Korea now
building, while others are small with only bedrooms and a living room. Room rates also     provide luxury spa facilities, and as you make your way
vary widely. Old furniture, paper-pasted windows, and props such as jars jars add to the
                                                                like soy soy add to the    through the bustling streets of downtown Seoul, you’ll also
traditional ambiance.                                                                      find countless boutique spas where you can relax. Having a
   Some houses offer various programmes to experience Korean culture, including tea        relaxing massage is one of the best ways to revitalise your skin and
ceremonies, pottery making, and traditional folk games. games.
                                               Korean folk                                 restore your balance.
   Simple meals are usually available at an extra charge.                                  ■ The acupuncture of Korea is highly regarded in terms of its history and
EXPERIENCE HANOK STAY:                                                                     effectiveness. Manupuncture, or Koryo sooji chim, corresponds points in the
■ Wandang (Tea) Traditional Korean House, Seoul                                            hand to parts of the body. Needles are then applied to these specific points of
+82-2-1330;                                                          the hand in order to treat or prevent disease.
■ Traditional Korean Houses of Bukchon, Seoul                                              ■ These days the increasing pollution and the stress of modern life are resulting in
+82-2-1330;                                                              diseases for which Western medicine often does not offer the most effective treatment.
■ Sarangchae Guesthouse, Gyeongju-si                                                       Consequently an increasing number of people are becoming interested in alternative
+82-54-1330;                                                                medicine and visiting Korea to receive Oriental medicine treatments.
                                      Stay see page 8
● For more information on Hanok stay see page 8                                            ■ For more information see
Temple stay
8 ACCOMMODATION OPTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ACCOMMODATION OPTIONS                           9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                places to stay

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            BENIKEA (BEST NIGHT IN KOREA)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Benikea is a chain of hotels
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            committed to providing the very

                                                                                                                                                 A guide to                                visiting a Buddhist                                           temple
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            best services at a reasonable rate.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Member properties include the Seoul
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Royal Hotel; Hotel Castle in Suwon,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Gyeonggi-do; and the Jeju Royal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Hotel in Yeon-Dong, Jeju Island.

                                                                                                                                                     F you need to escape modern life                                                                                       GOOD STAY
                                                                                                                                                     and cleanse both body and soul, a                                                                                      Good Stay is a reliable and affordable
                                                                                                                                                     temple stay will help do just that.                                                                                    accommodation service authorised
                                                                                                                                                     Launched in 2002 The Templestay                                                                                        by the Korea Tourism Organization.
                                                                                                                                                 Program has proved to be a very                                                                                            International standards were applied
                                                                                                                                                 popular attraction for international                                                                                       to select hotels, motels and inns
                                                                                                                                                 visitors to Korea and continues to                                                                                         that have demonstrated quality
                                                                                                                                                 see an increase in numbers.                                                                                                management and services. A total
                                                                                                                                                     It is a unique opportunity for                                                                                         of 195 accommodations have been
                                                                                                                                                 visitors to learn about and experience                                                                                     listed under the Good Stay brand.
                                                                                                                                                 Korean Buddhist culture first-hand.                                                                                        See
                                                                                                                                                     The Templestay Program gives
                                                                                                                                                 visitors the chance to experience                                                                                          FARM STAY
                                                                                                                                                 Korean Buddhist culture and stay in                                                                                        A farm stay focusses on well-being:
                                                                                                                                                 some of most unique buildings in                                                                                           it means exactly what it says –
                                                                                                                                                 the country. From a launch portfolio                                                                                       eating and living well. Farm stays
                                                                                                                                                 of 33 temples, the number now                                                                                              are just one of the many ways to
                                                                                                                                                 enrolled in the programme is                                                                                               relax and get back to nature. See the
                                                                                                                                                 more than 70.                                                                                                              Nonghyup (National Agricuktural
                                                                                                                                                     For those travellers seeking                                                                                           Cooperative Federation) website at
                                                                                                                                                 something that little bit extra, a                                                                               

Hanok: be tempted by tradition
                                                                                                                                                 temple stay can help recharge your
                                                                                                                                                 body and soul, improve mental                                                                                              HOME STAY
                                                                                                                                                 fitness and teach the traditions of                                                                                        Why not stay with a host family
                                                                                                                                                 Korean Buddhist culture.                                                                                                   during your trip? For travellers
                                                                                                                                                     Enjoy spiritual training methods          A basic two-day visit includes an      assignment and free time              wishing to learn the language this
                                                                                                                                                 such as Zen meditation and Buddhist        overnight stay and can be extended        4.50pm: Dinner, exploring the         is the perfect opportunity.
                                                                                                                                                 rites. While mentally relaxing,            to three or four days. If you are short   temple complex and free time          See
                                                                                                                                                 pre-dawn Buddhist rites and Zen            on time why not book a half-day           6pm-6.30pm: Striking of the Bell
                                                                                                                                                 meditation provide a sense of              temple life stay?                         and evening service                   HOTELS
                                                                                                                                                 freedom not found anywhere else.              Many temples that participate in       6.30pm-7.30pm: Talk with the          With some of the biggest global
                                                                                                                                                     A basic temple stay programme          The Templestay Program are located        Buddhist priest and have tea          brands on offer, you won’t be short
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      7.30pm-10pm: Wash and free time

                                                                                                                                                 may also include tea ceremonies and        in either national or provincial parks.                                         of finding a room. Hotels are
       O make a trip to Korea                                                                               listening to the sound of wind.”     barugongyang (a Buddhist meal with         The parks all feature preserved           10pm: Bedtime                         classified into five categories: super
       even more culturally                                                                                    Hanok is a traditional Korean     traditional wooden bowls). But don’t       natural environments.                     4am: Wake and get washed              deluxe (five-star), deluxe (five-star),
       inspiring and memorable                                                                              house that from its building         think these activities are just about         Whether you are booking for a          4.30am: Early morning service and     first class (four-star), second class
book a stay in a traditional                                                                                materials to inner layout, reflects   food and drink, both are a part of the     single person or for a group of more      108 bows                              (three-star) and third class (two-star).
‘Hanok’ house.                                                                                              the natural beauty and wisdom        discipline and training required for       than 15 people, there is a temple that    5.50am: Breakfast and free time
   Built with science and                                                                                   of the country’s ancestors.          living in a temple.                        can accommodate you.                      7am: Traditional monastic martial     MOTELS/YEOGWAN (INNS)
philosophy in mind, their                                                                                      Wooden columns, doors and             Some temples have also added                                                     arts training                         Motels and yeogwan provide
locations are carefully calculated                                                                          floors provide a strong structure,    walks, mountain treks, lotus lantern       Example programme: the schedule           Midday: Lunch and return home         comfortable sleeping facilities.
in accordance with feng-shui                                                                                while walls made of a mixture        making and rubber stamp making to          for weekdays at Yongmunsa Temple                                                Amenities such as air conditioning,
principles, focusing on both                                                                                of straw and mud offer an            their programmes.                          2pm: Arrival at the temple, room          Temple stay etiquette:                Internet access and television are
practical use and beauty.                                                                                   excellent ventilation system.                                                                                             ■ If you meet a monk (called a        generally included.
   Dating from decades to                                                                                      During winter, the ‘ondol’, or                                                                                         ‘Seunim’ in Korean) put your hands
hundreds of years old, Hanok                                                                                under-floor heating, keeps the                                                                                             together and bow your head. Also do   YOUTH HOSTELS
houses retain traditional Korean                                                                            house warm while the wooden                                                                                               this same action when you enter or    With a total of 52 youth hostels
style and sentiment.                                                                                        floors laid on top of stones                                                                                               leave the service hall.               located throughout Korea, the
   You can feel the natural           attraction of a Hanok stay.       hangover symptoms when I            mitigate the humid and hot sun                                                                                            ■ When you are inside the service     properties are very large and can
energy of Korea in this eco-             “When I am in a very old       sleep in a Hanok. The best part     during a Korean summer.                                                                                                   hall, put your hands together and     offer facilities comparable to hotels.
friendly structure that uses local,   Hanok or a traditional Hanok      is the Hanok has a spacious yet        Hanok houses also features                                                                                             bow in front of the Buddha.           Guests must have a Hostelling
natural building materials such       built by masters, I fall asleep   cozy open-air living room called    a typical Korean yard with a                                                                                              ■ No running inside the temple.       International Membership card
as rocks, soil and wood.              without even noticing it and      Daecheongmaru which is great        ‘jangdokdae’ (a platform on                                                                                               ■ No drinking alcohol, smoking or     issued by Hostelling International.
   Korea Tourism Organization         wake up feeling refreshed and     to relax in.                        which traditional Korean pots                                                                                             speaking loudly inside the temple.    See
president and CEO Charm Lee,          quite happy,” he says.               “The world is just so            used to store seasonings are
a German-born nationalised               “It’s amazing that no matter   peaceful and beautiful as I lie     placed) and a large seating area                                                                                          ■ For more information on temple      ■ For a full range of accommodation
Korean, is passionate about his       how much I drink the night        down on Daecheongmaru gazing        where the family and guests                                                                                               stays see   options see http://english.visitkorea.
adopted home and explains the         before, I get up without any      at clouds floating in the sky, and   can socialise.                                                                                                            or     
Korea’s natural &
10 MAP & UNESCO SITES                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MAP & UNESCO SITES                       11


cultural                                                      highlights

                                                                                                                                                                               6       1
                                                                                                                                                                                                9                                                         3
                                                                                                                                                                                       4             13            18
                                                                                                                                                                       Seoul                2                                4
                                                                                                                                              6     7     8                                  5            15
                                                                                                                                              10 12 14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              3                              4
                                                                                                                                                  17 19                                                                              7                5                      5

              UNESCO WORLD                                       20 NATIONAL PARKS                                                                                                      9
                                                               WITH 20 national parks, Korea is the ideal destination if you love the great
              HERITAGE SITES
                                                               outdoors. Jirisan National Park is the largest and first designated national
                                                               park. Hiking is one of the most popular activities, while skiing, camping                       6                                                                                                    10
                                                               and ancient historic sites are also on offer. See                                                                                                         10
   (as numbered in yellow on the map)
                                                                                                                                                                                                          8                                                        Gyeongju
                                                                        (as numbered in green on the map)                                                 Daejeon
                                                               1 Bukhansan National Park   11 Deogyusan National Park
  ■ Haeinsa Temple Janggyeong Panjeon, the Depositories        2 Seoraksan National Park   12 Gyeongju National Park                                                                                                    11
          for the Tripitaka Koreana Woodblocks                 3 Odaesan National Park     13 Gayasan National Park                                                                                                              1
                                                               4 Chiaksan National Park    14 Byeonsanban-do National Park                                                                                                               13                   10     7       12
                              2                                5 Sobaeksan National Park   15 Naejangsan National Park
                                                               6 Taean-haean National Park 16 Jirisan National Park                                                                                                                                                      3
                     ■ Jongmyo Shrine                          7 Woraksan National Park    17 Wolchulsan National Park                                                             14
                                                               8 Gyeryongsan National Park 18 Hallyeohaesang National Park                      Gwangju &
                              3                                9 Songnisan National Park   19 Dadohaehaesang National Park
                                                                                                                                               Jeollanam-do                                  15
        ■ Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple                 10 Juwangsan National Park  20 Hallasan National Park                                                               6                                16
            ■ Changdeokgung Palace Complex                            WATER FEATURES
                                                                        Spas, saunas, hot springs and water parks to visit
                   ■ Hwaseong Fortress                                    (as numbered in blue on the map)
                                                                                                                                                                                                 6                                                                 Ulsan
                                                               1 Anyang Water Land;                                                                                                                                            18
                              6                                2 Asan Spavis;                                                                                     17
     ■ Gochang, Hwasun and Ganghwa Dolmen Sites                3 Danyang Aquaworld;
                                                               4 Deokgu Oncheon Spa World;
                              7                                5 Deokgu Spa;
                                                               6 Gold Spa (Hwanggeumoncheon);
                 ■ Gyeongju Historic Areas                     7 Happy Day;
                                                               8 Jayuro Aqualand;
                                                               9 Paradise Spa Dogo (Boyang Hot Spring);
                                                                                                                                                                                            19       Daegu
                                                                                                                                                        Picture courtesy of
          ■ Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes                10 Sealala Spa & Water Park;
                                                               11 Seorak Waterpia;                                       
                              9                                12 Seoul Leisure Sports Club;
                                                               13 Spa Greenland;
           ■ Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty                 14 Spa Lei (Seoul);
                              10                               15 Spa Plus;
                                                               16 Termeden Spa Incheon;                                                      20
       ■ Historical Villages of Hahoe and Yangdong             17 The Silloam Sauna;                                                          8
                                                               18 Vivaldi Park;
   See for more information    19 Yongsan Dragon Hill Spa (Seoul);
                                                               20 Yecheon Hot Spring;
                                                                                                                                                                              Jeju-do Island
12 JEJU ISLAND                                                                                                                                                                  2                                                                                                                                   GREAT OUTDOORS 13

Korea’s slice of paradise

            HEN you are searching for a natural wonder                                                              to the coast some 200,000-300,000 years ago. It’s
            to help revitalise your body and soul, the                                                              around five metres in width and 7.4km in length.
            amazing beauty of Korea’s Jeju Island will                                                                  Visitors can enjoy the stalactites, lava pillars, lava
provide you with the most spectacular backdrop.                                                                     shelves and swirling walls along its length.
    Jeju’s geographic location places it within easy                                                                    If you would like to coincide your trip to Jeju
reach of the Korean mainland, Japan and China.                                                                      with an event, one of the biggest to watch out for
    And with its favourable climate, diverse and                                                                    is the Jeju Cherry Blossoms Festival. For nature
attractive natural beauty, Jeju is a destination with                                                               lovers the petals of Jeju’s cherry blossoms are an
offerings and experiences that few locations, if any,                                                               amazing sight to behold and can be seen in full bloom
in the region can provide.                                                                                          during the festival period in early April.
    There is so much to see and do on Jeju. The                                                                         Having hosted the Jeju International Ironman
volcanic topography of the island and Lava Tubes          that rises to 1,950m in the centre of the island, has a   Korea, the island has also become the perfect training
became Korea’s first natural site to be inscribed on      crater at its top. Hallasan is home to more than 1,800    destination for athletes of all levels and disciplines.
UNESCO’s World Heritage listing back in June 2007,        species of plants, nearly half of the 4,000 species           Jeju is an island that opens up a different world
in recognition of their uniqueness.                       found in the whole of Korea.                              during each season. With unparalleled beauty, Jeju

                                                                                                                                                                                 Up among the clouds
    Jeju Island’s Biosphere Reserve is also                  And there are several walking trails from around       Island is just waiting to be explored.
recognised under UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere               two to five hours in duration where hikers can enjoy          See
Programme. The biosphere is located in the centre of      the amazing views down to the coast.
the island, comprising of its core area Mt Hallasan,         Jeju’s lava landscape blends odd-shaped rocks and      JEJU OLLE WALKING TRAIL
two stream corridors and three islets, with a diversity   caves, ponds, volcanic humps and craters with diverse     Since opening in September 2007, the Jeju Olle
of ecosystems.                                            and rare flora and fauna species.                         walking trail consists of 21 routes covering 339km.
    Why not spend the day exploring the impressive           Keep your eyes peeled for “Harubang” – a lava             Walkers can experience the nature of the island
Geomunoreum Lava Tube System; cycling around Udo          stone statue with big eyes and a big nose that are        when exploring the Jeju coast.
Island; or stopping to watch the famous ‘Haenyeo’         dotted all over the island. It is said that if you
women (pictured above, right) dive to the ocean floor     touch a Harubang’s nose and make a wish soon it           KOREA’S PREMIER DESTINATION
without any breathing equipment to gather sea food?       will come true.                                           While Jeju is Korea’s premier destination, the island
    Water lovers can enjoy swimming, paddling or             Sunrise Peak (Seongsan Ilchulbong) is a dramatic       is also home to the Jungmun Resort – the biggest

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The top three mountains for hiking
surfing at one of the many beaches on the island.         volcanic crater which rises majestically from the         tourist complex in the country.
    If you’re interested in exploring nature, then you    ocean. Visitors climb to the peak to enjoy the               Located on the seashore of Jungmun area in
have a wide variety of places from which to choose:       spectacular sunrise view from the top of a huge           Seogwipo, its facilities include Pacific Land; Yeomiji
scuba diving along coral reefs; traversing the plains     bowl-shaped crater set against a background of            Arboretum; fishing village for tourists; Seonimgyo
on horseback; or paragliding through the clouds –         crystal clear seas.                                       Bridge; Cheonjeyeon waterfall and Jungmun Beach.
the list is endless.                                         See the lava wonders of Manganggul Cave, the              To make your island visit ultra relaxing take some
    Offering spectacular natural wonders, Jeju also       largest lava tube in Asia. It is an immense natural       time out at the Guerlain Spa (

features amazing sights such as waterfalls and great      conduit formed by the lava which flowed through           in The Shilla Hotel; Hue & Me Aromatheraphy at                          OREA has some of the best terrain for hiking                                                                     peak at 836m) and Mangyeondae. History buffs will
hiking trails on Mt Hallasan, Korea’s highest peak.                                                                 The Lotte hotel ( or the                         in Asia – with 37 mountains in the Seoul region                                                                  want to check out Bukhan Mountain Fortress, a medieval
    Mt Hallasan, the extinct volcano                                                                                     Aqua View Spa (                      alone. While Koreans visit a jjimjilbang (unique                                                                 fortification that protected the royal capital in the Goryeo
                                                                                                                             at the Hyatt Regency Jeju.                                     spa) to relax in the evenings, on the weekends                                                                   and Joseon eras. Several Buddhist temples are located
                                                                                                                                 ■ See           thousands will be tying up their boot laces and tackling                                                                    here, including Hwagyesa Temple.
                                                                                                                                                                                 one of the 1,700 trails across the nation.
                                                                                                                                                                                    In a country that is dominated by mountains, Korea                                                                       JIRISAN NATIONAL PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                 provides great activities such as running, rock climbing                                                                    Jirisan is regarded to be one of the most sacred and
                                                                                                                                                                                 and cycling – but it is walking and hiking that attracts                                                                    spiritual mountains in Korea – and was named ‘Jiri’
                                                                                                                                                                                 the big numbers.                                                                                                            because it was believed to be a place that turns the
                                                                                                                                                                                    If you are an enthusiast or a travel agent seeking a new                                                                 innocent into the wise.
                                                                                                                                                                                 niche product to sell, hiking tours in Korea can provide                                                                        Located in the south of the country, Jirisan was
                                                                                                                                                                                 success and enjoyment for both markets.                         when the mountains present the first foliage in Korea.      Korea’s first national park and is also the biggest.
                                                                                                                                                                                    In this feature we pick out the top three mountains for      To best enjoy the foliage the following hiking trails are       Hikers can explore 20 summits and many valleys
                                                                                                                                                                                 hiking: Seoraksan; Bukhansan and Jirisan.                       recommended: the Sinheungsa Temple area, the                containing amazing scenery, temples, animals and plant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Cheonbuldong Valley area, and the Jujeongol area trail      life. The range’s highest point at 1,915m is
                                                                                                                                                                                 SEORAKSAN NATIONAL PARK                                         that begins at the Osaek Mineral Waters.                    Cheonwangbong Peak.
                                                                                                                                                                                 On the east coast in the Sokcho, Inje and Yangyang                                                                              Mt Jirisan is also revered in the Korean culture for
                                                                                                                                                                                 regions of Gangwon-do are the spectacular Seoraksan             BUKHANSAN NATIONAL PARK                                     being an area where herbal medicine is still very popular
                                                                                                                                                                                 Mountains. Daecheongbong – Seoraksan’s highest peak             This dramatic collection of rocky peaks in northern Seoul   and where the Buddhist culture prospered.
                                                                                                                                                                                 – stands at 1,708m and offers the best hiking in the            has been declared a national park.                              As the seasons change so does the weather on
                                                                                                                                                                                 range. There are a variety of trails to be explored.               In addition to being a popular hiking place, it’s also   Mt Jirisan. Hikers can enjoy the mountain’s terrain with
                                                                                                                                                                                    While many tourists visit throughout the four seasons        home to the granite face of Insubong Peak, one of the       rain and snow in both the summer and winter.
                                                                                                                                                                                 to witness the beauty of its mountain cliffs, rocks, valleys,   most popular rock-climbing locations in Korea.              ■ More information on hiking routes can be found at
                                                                                                                                                                                 and waterfall, Seoraksan is at its most popular in autumn          Other major peaks include Baegundae (the highest
Korea Be Inspired: Recharge your energy
Korea Be Inspired: Recharge your energy
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Korea Be Inspired: Recharge your energy

  • 1. BE INSPIRED Recharge your energy This special publication is brought to you by the Korea Tourism Organization
  • 2. 2 INTRODUCING KOREA 3 Find your soul in Seoul THE CAPITAL CITY PAGE 4 PAGE 9 PAGES 16-17 PAGES 18-19 Korea’s healthy cuisine Temple stay Sports tourism MICE and green tourism I S it possible to find peace, The residences of ‘Buckchon Hanok edge. But it’s not just the Han River that herbal saunas and exfoliations scrubs Be rewarded with tranquillity and well-being in a Village’ located between Gyeongbuk- provides peace through water. to extract bad toxins and have one PUBLISHING INTRODUCTION BY KTO PRESIDENT AND CEO CHARM LEE city? Well, recharging your energy in Seoul is part of the city’s DNA gung and Changdeokgung Palaces, were built for high-ranking officials Cheonggyecheon Stream, a major restoration project, came to life in 2005 positively glowing. Hidden down a quaint side alley, – and citizens of this dynamic Asian from the Joseon dynasty. having been covered over by tarmac just off the main thoroughfare of INFORMATION capital, home to 25 per cent of Korea’s entire population, are living proof that finding your ‘Yin, Yang’ is an essential One of the mountains protecting the city is ‘Bukhansan’ (Mt) and national park, which plays host to since the 1950s. The 5.8km-long stream runs under 22 bridges, nine fountains and is the most pleasant way Insadong Street (famous for arts and crafts galleries, street musicians and antiques), is ‘Sanchon’ restaurant PUBLISHER DETAILS part of their everyday life. elite climbers, hikers and regular to stroll past many city icons. – celebrated for its delicate Buddhist the ʻgenuine charm This supplement was Few capitals match Seoul’s dynamic walkers searching out the park’s Continue on foot and try out temple cuisine full of fresh vegetables published in March 2011 by blend of the ancient and the modern. medieval Bukhan fortress. Seoul’s walking tour programmes and mountain greens which provide the the Korea Tourism Organization Skyscrapers tower over historic The highest peak is 836m – making covering five tour zones that intimately main ingredients. in conjunction with palaces and temples, whilst Seoul N it accessible to all levels of stamina showcase Korea: And then next door you can find Tower stands imperious atop Mount – and if that does not encourage hikers ■ ‘Ancient culture’ traces back from ‘The Old Tea Shop’ which serves every Sports Travel News to the top then a shot of pine-needle prehistoric times through to the ‘three type of tea from Ginseng to ‘Jujube Namsan and is the first visible landmark welcoming you to the city. Soju will do the trick. kingdoms’ period date’ tea. of Korea’ It is from this viewpoint that you Seoul’s divine energy also comes ■ ‘Traditional culture’ focuses on the Both venues encapsulate why realise Seoul is not only protected from water; the Han River is a symbol main palace of the Joseon dynasty Korea’s cuisine is regarded one of the by surrounding mountains, but also of the city, running east to west with dating back 600 years healthiest in the world. bisected by the Han River, the city’s some 23 bridges straddling the ■ ‘Modern culture’ infiltrates recent If the night remains young after a life-blood flowing through its core. 175m-wide channel. turbulent history through architecture full-day sightseeing, the nocturnal ‘Hanyang’ (the former name of Cruise through the centre of one ■ ‘History-ecology-restoration’ follows vibrancy of Myeongdong, Seoul) was recommended to the of the world’s largest cities or rent a Cheonggyecheon Stream as it winds its Dongdaemun, Hongdae and Insadong Joseon Dynasty (founders of the 600 bike and follow the myriad of parks way past eight beautiful city sights will excite and exhaust in equal 3rd Floor year-old capital city) by feng shui and paths that run beside the water’s ■ Finally, the ‘Past-Present- measure. Flashing neon signs with New Zealand House, experts, thus preserving the ‘divine Coexistence’ zone will elevate you to clubs, bars and an overwhelming Haymarket, London energy of Seoul’. the viewpoint at Naksan Park and visit variety of museums, theatres, markets SW1Y 4TE By experiencing some of the private residence of the first and malls will ensure your ‘Yin, Yang’ Korea’s cultural traits it is Korean president is in perfect harmony. possible to feel this unique Such energetic pursuits need to be So if you are looking to visit a Tel: +44 (0) 207 3212535 energy for yourself. Echoes balanced by other fundamental Korean city that can recharge your energy W of the past in the form of characteristics. through a mix of both modern ITH the designation of 2010-2012 as ‘Visit Korea Year’, I am delighted to introduce our second bespoke supplement: Korea Be temples, palaces and hanoks You can visit an ‘Oncheon’ (thermal and ancient culture, Inspired – Recharge your energy. This bespoke publication will (traditional houses) are ideal bath) or ‘jjimjilbang’ which includes a why not book introduce you to the finding of ‘peace and well-being’, ‘health starting points to understand choice of clay, crystal and mugwort an unforgettable and fitness’ and your personal ‘balance and harmony’ through ‘Yin, Yang’. and encounter oriental experience in Korea is a place to come and recharge your energy using nature, philosophy through Korea’s inspiring tradition and belief in a society that has an ability to reinvent architecture. capital Seoul. itself constantly. If you are willing to invest time to enjoy and understand Korean culture you will be rewarded with the ‘genuine charm of Korea’. SPORTS TRAVEL NEWS Using our expertise, knowledge and passion, we welcome you to discover echoes of the past in the form of temples and palaces – and visitors can also experience staying in traditional residences known as ‘Hanok’ (traditional houses). They are EDITOR designed and built in accordance with feng-shui principles, Mike Starling focusing on practical use and beauty. All are ideal starting points to understand our diverse cities, people and the country as a whole. ASSISTANT EDITOR Another way is to sample Korean cuisine, from humble Ramy Salameh meals served at Buddhist temples to elegant feasts once served to dynastic kings and queens. It is one of the PHOTOGRAPHY world’s healthiest cuisines and the national dish ‘kimchi’ is All pictures are copyright of the guiding force. the Korean Tourism Organization Shopping bargains abound, from quality gifts in traditional unless stated otherwise markets to high-tech gadgets in designer complexes. Such energetic pursuits can be counter-balanced by Korean cultural pastimes such as acupuncture, massage and thermal spas. All of which you will MORE INFORMATION find within the following pages. For details on travel to Korea, I urge you to read-on and be truly ‘inspired’ by how much plus where to stay, destinations Korea can recharge your energy. and cultural activities see Charm Lee, Korea Tourism Organization president and CEO
  • 3. Korea’s 4 A HEALTHY INDUSTRY: CUISINE A HEALTHY INDUSTRY: SPA 5 healthy cuisine T Purity, clarity and calmness – let HE food culture of a destination is of Korea, assisted by the ‘Gwangju Kimchi Cultural Changdeokgung Palace, the institute sits in massive importance and gives you a great Festival’ and ‘Kimchi World’, a Korean food traditional surroundings, hiding internal insight into the life and practices of its experience centre located in Insa-dong courtyards displaying old utensils used in the Korea’s water features inspire you people. Be it Kimchi, bulgogi or rice (Jongno-gu, Seoul). preparation of food. Exhibitions related to the cakes, Korea’s appetising and healthy cuisine Koreans cannot live without Kimchi and even history of the Joseon Dynasty Korean royal has gained praise and admiration from foodies their first astronaut took a vacuum-packed version cuisine are open to visitors. across the globe. with her into space. Han Bok-ryeo, president of the Institute of With a huge and unique range of food on Korean Royal Cuisine, is the successor to Hwang offer, visitors can enjoy dishes that include DIVERSITY IN A DISH: BIBIMBAP Hae-sung. She has devoted much of her adult life meat, fish, greens and vegetables. Bibimbap is regarded as one of the most to royal cuisine. Eaten with chopsticks, all the dishes are served traditional dishes in Korea. So join us on a In 2000 she travelled to Pyeongyang and at the same time and a typical meal normally journey of discovery and find out about this directed the royal cuisine dinner at the summit includes rice, soup and side offerings. spectacular dish. talks between the two Koreas. If you think that bibimbap is just a The Institute of Korean Royal A THE NATIONAL DISH: KIMCHI dish of mixed rice, ‘namul’ Cuisines was established by (seasoned vegetables and Master Hae-Sung Hwang COUNTRY with However, the whole of Korea JJIMJILBANG & SPA and history, it will be a cultural Kimchi – fermented spicy cabbage conceived in coastline on three sides, can offer beautiful beaches for experience as well! Korea around the 7th century – is the national herbs) and ‘gochujang’ (red in 1971 when the Joseon With more than 300 spas across pepper paste) then you are Dynasty Royal Korea has an abundance which to swim, watch the the country Korea is the ideal The top waterfalls to visit: dish and has been scientifically proven to be of water attractions. sunrise or just soak up the sun. ■ Jikso Falls: Located in high in nutrition. wrong. Within bibimbap, Cuisines had been location for a relaxing and locally-obtained bean selected as the No.38 From swimming in seas to On the rocky coastline of uplifting break. Byeonsan Peninsula National The food has become a global icon unique to soaking in hot springs there is the west you can find the white Marine Park and 30ft high. sprouts are the main valuable Intangible Jjimjilbang facilities include ingredient to be added Cultural Asset. an activity to enjoy on any day sands of Daecheon Beach and varied temperature-controlled ■ Cheonjiyeon Falls: Located to rice. The rice is then The Institute of during the four seasons. Jellabuk-do’s beaches, while in rooms ranging from steaming on Jeju Island and is a cooked in beef broth. Korean Royal Cuisine In Buddhism, water represents the south on Jeju Island there hot to ice cold. Also on offer are designated natural monument. Just before the rice is is regarded as the clarity, calmness and purity are 11 beaches to explore. Jeju’s hot springs, karaoke rooms and ■ Gugok Falls: Located near fully cooked, bean sprouts leading organisation – so why not cleanse your soul climate, turquoise waters and cafés. And if that’s not enough, Bonghwasan Mountain, are mixed with the rice, then for the teachings of at a spa, river, natural spring or palms make it a favourite for why not stay the night … prices Gangwon-do, and 50m in the other ingredients such as traditional cuisine culture waterfall? In Korea, water is not honeymooners and outdoor are cheap and the lodgings are height. Gugok Falls freezes ‘mung’ bean curd, raw beef and through its educational activities just seen as the source of life but enthusiasts alike. of a high standard. every winter and is a paradise nuts are put on top. and publications. a source of entertainment and ● See page 12 for more Korean families, couples and for ice climbers. In choosing the ingredients the colour is also well-being. information about Jeju Island singles go to a jjimjilbang on a ■ Daeseung Falls: It is located considered carefully, according to traditional TRADITIONAL KOREAN FOODS ● See pages 10-11 for a mapped regular basis for socialising and in the Mt Seoraksan region and cosmology: each direction of the compass, the Bap (steamed rice) and juk (porridge); guk (soup); view of Korea’s water features HOT SPRINGS for relaxation. If you are visiting was known as a major recreation precise location of the diner and what season it jjigae (stew); jjim and jorim (simmered meat When the temperatures drop the country this is an experience site of King Gyeong-Sun, who happens to be are all indicated by the use of five or fish); namul (vegetables or wild greens); BEACHES in winter Koreans head to the not to be missed. reigned from 927-935. basic colours, which are blue (and green), red, jeotgal (seafood fermented in salt); gui (broiled/ If you are spending summer in many hot springs available. yellow, white and black. barbecued dishes); jeon (pan-fried dishes) and Korea you have to head to the With regular snowfall, a trip WATERFALLS WATER PARKS Blue symbolises the east; yellow is the spot mandu (dumpling). beach. With temperatures rising to a hot spring can provide a Waterfalls are regarded as one If you are travelling in June where one happens to be standing and also the above 30 degrees C, June, July relaxing and healthy experience. of nature’s most beautiful and need to escape the sun’s earth; white signifies the west and autumn; and DISHES POPULAR WITH FOREIGN TOURISTS and August are the best times to And a day or evening soaking in creations – and in Korea there burning rays, Korea’s many black is for north and winter. So people used to Bulgogi: widely known as Korean barbecue, thin swim in the oceans. hot springs will melt away the are many to discover in its water theme parks are regarded believe that having a bowl of Bibimbap meant one strips of beef marinated in soy sauce, sesame oil, With 102 beaches, the winter blues and relieve stress. mountainous landscape. as must-visit destinations. was absorbing the energy of the universe. garlic, onion and chilli are grilled over charcoal north-east province of For centuries Koreans have A number of Korean Equipped with facilities such and served with rice and vegetables. Gangwon-do has an amazing enjoyed hot springs all year waterfalls take some walking as wave pools, spas, saunas and THE INSTITUTE OF ROYAL CUISINE: Dolsot Bibimbap: boiled rice, vegetables and array of coastline features and is round. The modern-day hot to find, but the challenge will be hot springs, you don’t just have A CULTURAL GEM egg are brought to the table in a hot stone pot and a popular region for both locals springs come with spa and worth it. And with many having to relax, why not get the pulse Located at the end of the west wall of cooked before your eyes. and international visitors. beauty facilities. folk tales about their formation running by hitting the slides!
  • 4. Korea’s top five TRADITIONAL & TRADITIONAL & MODERN SHOPPING MODERN SHOPPING KOREA is one of the most dynamic and colorful countries in the cultural experiences KOREA is one of the most dynamic and colorful countries in the world and if one of your passions is to browse the markets or shops, world and if one of your passions is to browse the markets or shops, then this is the place for you. then this is the place for you. From designer brands and high-end outlets to traditional Korean From designer brands and high-end outlets to traditional Korean markets and products, whatever your tastes, you will be able to leave Korea markets and products, whatever your tastes, you will be able to leave Korea with the items you desire. with the items you desire. In the short time following the country’s dramatic development, Korea has During the country’s rapid development, Korea has maintained the delicate maintained the delicate balance between preserving its impressive history and traditions balance between preserving its impressive history and traditions and embracing all and embracing all the conveniences and technology of the modern world. the conveniences and technology of the modern world. There’s no better destination to go than Korea for an all-inclusive getaway of shopping, There’s no better destination to go than Korea for an all-inclusive getaway of shopping, touring and entertainment. touring and entertainment. PLACES TO SHOP PLACES TO SHOP Seoul: The capital city is a shopper’s paradise. Areas such as Myeong-dong, Insa-dong and Gangnam Seoul: The capital city is a shopper’s paradise. Areas such as Myeongdong, Insadong and Gangnam draw millions of international tourists every year to their renowned shopping centres. Also, a traditional draw millions of international tourists every year to their renowned shopping centres. Also, traditional market with more than 600 years of history is located in the heart of the city. markets with more than 600 years of history are located in the heart of the city. Busan: As the second largest city in Korea, Busan is famous for both tourist and shopping attractions. It is home Busan: As the second largest city in Korea, Busan is famous for both tourist and shopping attractions. It is home to Shinsegae Centum City, the largest department store in the world, and numerous shopping streets offering a wide to Shinsegae Centum City, the largest department store in the world, and numerous shopping streets offering a wide selection of merchandise. Busan is also home to the Jagalchi Market, famous for its fresh seafood. selection of merchandise. Busan is also home to the Jagalchi Market, famous for its fresh seafood. Jeju Island: The island is often called ‘the Hawaii of Asia’ and is home to a number of tourist attractions and stores featuring Jeju Island: The island is often called ‘the Hawaii of Asia’ and is home to a number of tourist attractions and stores featuring unique and local products. unique and local products. TEMPLE TAEKWONDO STAY TAEKWONDO is the national sport of Korea and more than 50 million participants take part worldwide. The roots of taekwondo belong to taekkyeon, a traditional martial EXPERIENCE Korean Buddhist culture art form. In turn, the roots of taekkyeon can be traced as far back as by booking a stay at one of the many tribal times in Korea. Buddhist temples. The ultimate goal of taekwondo is to develop the character and personality With many temples located deep in the of the practitioner through physical, mental and spiritual discipline. mountains, visitors can enjoy nature and take mountains visitors can enjoy nature and time Meaning the ‘technique of kicking and punching’, taekwondo is the world’s most awayaway fromrigours of day-to-day life by by time from the the rigours of day-to-day life popular martial art. taking part in spiritual training such as Zen While seen as both a sport and martial art, taekwondo also has two other major areas of meditation and Buddhist rites. importance: exercise and education. A temple stay is much more than religion. It is a Taekwondo’s movements require extensive use of the joints and since there is kicking, jabbing cultural experience that recharges you, handles your and shouting involved, it’s also a great way to relieve stress and get a good workout. mental stress and teaches you about traditional culture. The objectives of learning taekwondo are to become a more mature human being and build and Part of the programme of discipline and training include strengthen character. barugongyang (a Buddhist meal with traditional wooden Taekwondo became a worldwide activity after it was designated as an official Olympic sport in 2000. bowls) or a tea ceremony – activities that provide more than just If you would like to take part in a one-day taekwondo experience or a full 15-day training programme, then eating and drinking. why not take a look at options at or Other activities that may be featured on a temple stay include: ■ For more information see, and, and pre-dawn Buddhist rites; Zen meditation; tea ceremonies; barugongyang; EVENTS CALENDAR mountain trekking; lotus lantern making; and rubber stamp making. May 1-6, 2011: 2011 WTF World Taekwondo Championships, Gyeongju, Korea; ■ For more information see July 14-19, 2011: The 8th Chuncheon Open International Taekwondo Championships; ● Turn to page 9 to read more about temple stay a Buddhist temple about finding yourself in ● Turn to page 16-17 to read about the new Taekwondo Park being constructed in Muju HANOK STAY ALTERNATIVE THERAPY IF you want to feel the natural energy of Korea in an eco-friendly structure that uses natural building materials then stay in a traditional Korean house called a ‘Hanok’. Stay will give you the opportunity to experience traditional Hanok stay will give you the opportunity to experience traditional TO make your trip to Korea as relaxed as Korean lifestyle and culture. The traditional houses available for Hanok possible why not indulge in a treatment to stays are decades to hundreds of years old. refresh both body and soul? Many have been renovated for the convenience and safety of its guests, but the Relieve stress and aches with a massage, traditional Korean style and sentiment are still retained. alternative medicines or acupuncture. Hanok houses vary in size; some are very large with a guest house and a main ■ Many of the major hotels and resorts in Korea now building, while others are small with only bedrooms and a living room. Room rates also provide luxury spa facilities, and as you make your way vary widely. Old furniture, paper-pasted windows, and props such as jars jars add to the like soy soy add to the through the bustling streets of downtown Seoul, you’ll also traditional ambiance. find countless boutique spas where you can relax. Having a Some houses offer various programmes to experience Korean culture, including tea relaxing massage is one of the best ways to revitalise your skin and ceremonies, pottery making, and traditional folk games. games. Korean folk restore your balance. Simple meals are usually available at an extra charge. ■ The acupuncture of Korea is highly regarded in terms of its history and EXPERIENCE HANOK STAY: effectiveness. Manupuncture, or Koryo sooji chim, corresponds points in the ■ Wandang (Tea) Traditional Korean House, Seoul hand to parts of the body. Needles are then applied to these specific points of +82-2-1330; the hand in order to treat or prevent disease. ■ Traditional Korean Houses of Bukchon, Seoul ■ These days the increasing pollution and the stress of modern life are resulting in +82-2-1330; diseases for which Western medicine often does not offer the most effective treatment. ■ Sarangchae Guesthouse, Gyeongju-si Consequently an increasing number of people are becoming interested in alternative +82-54-1330; medicine and visiting Korea to receive Oriental medicine treatments. Stay see page 8 ● For more information on Hanok stay see page 8 ■ For more information see
  • 5. Temple stay 8 ACCOMMODATION OPTIONS ACCOMMODATION OPTIONS 9 Alternative places to stay BENIKEA (BEST NIGHT IN KOREA) Benikea is a chain of hotels committed to providing the very A guide to visiting a Buddhist temple best services at a reasonable rate. Member properties include the Seoul Royal Hotel; Hotel Castle in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do; and the Jeju Royal Hotel in Yeon-Dong, Jeju Island. See I F you need to escape modern life GOOD STAY and cleanse both body and soul, a Good Stay is a reliable and affordable temple stay will help do just that. accommodation service authorised Launched in 2002 The Templestay by the Korea Tourism Organization. Program has proved to be a very International standards were applied popular attraction for international to select hotels, motels and inns visitors to Korea and continues to that have demonstrated quality see an increase in numbers. management and services. A total It is a unique opportunity for of 195 accommodations have been visitors to learn about and experience listed under the Good Stay brand. Korean Buddhist culture first-hand. See The Templestay Program gives visitors the chance to experience FARM STAY Korean Buddhist culture and stay in A farm stay focusses on well-being: some of most unique buildings in it means exactly what it says – the country. From a launch portfolio eating and living well. Farm stays of 33 temples, the number now are just one of the many ways to enrolled in the programme is relax and get back to nature. See the more than 70. Nonghyup (National Agricuktural For those travellers seeking Cooperative Federation) website at something that little bit extra, a Hanok: be tempted by tradition temple stay can help recharge your body and soul, improve mental HOME STAY fitness and teach the traditions of Why not stay with a host family Korean Buddhist culture. during your trip? For travellers Enjoy spiritual training methods A basic two-day visit includes an assignment and free time wishing to learn the language this such as Zen meditation and Buddhist overnight stay and can be extended 4.50pm: Dinner, exploring the is the perfect opportunity. rites. While mentally relaxing, to three or four days. If you are short temple complex and free time See pre-dawn Buddhist rites and Zen on time why not book a half-day 6pm-6.30pm: Striking of the Bell meditation provide a sense of temple life stay? and evening service HOTELS freedom not found anywhere else. Many temples that participate in 6.30pm-7.30pm: Talk with the With some of the biggest global A basic temple stay programme The Templestay Program are located Buddhist priest and have tea brands on offer, you won’t be short 7.30pm-10pm: Wash and free time T may also include tea ceremonies and in either national or provincial parks. of finding a room. Hotels are O make a trip to Korea listening to the sound of wind.” barugongyang (a Buddhist meal with The parks all feature preserved 10pm: Bedtime classified into five categories: super even more culturally Hanok is a traditional Korean traditional wooden bowls). But don’t natural environments. 4am: Wake and get washed deluxe (five-star), deluxe (five-star), inspiring and memorable house that from its building think these activities are just about Whether you are booking for a 4.30am: Early morning service and first class (four-star), second class book a stay in a traditional materials to inner layout, reflects food and drink, both are a part of the single person or for a group of more 108 bows (three-star) and third class (two-star). ‘Hanok’ house. the natural beauty and wisdom discipline and training required for than 15 people, there is a temple that 5.50am: Breakfast and free time Built with science and of the country’s ancestors. living in a temple. can accommodate you. 7am: Traditional monastic martial MOTELS/YEOGWAN (INNS) philosophy in mind, their Wooden columns, doors and Some temples have also added arts training Motels and yeogwan provide locations are carefully calculated floors provide a strong structure, walks, mountain treks, lotus lantern Example programme: the schedule Midday: Lunch and return home comfortable sleeping facilities. in accordance with feng-shui while walls made of a mixture making and rubber stamp making to for weekdays at Yongmunsa Temple Amenities such as air conditioning, principles, focusing on both of straw and mud offer an their programmes. 2pm: Arrival at the temple, room Temple stay etiquette: Internet access and television are practical use and beauty. excellent ventilation system. ■ If you meet a monk (called a generally included. Dating from decades to During winter, the ‘ondol’, or ‘Seunim’ in Korean) put your hands hundreds of years old, Hanok under-floor heating, keeps the together and bow your head. Also do YOUTH HOSTELS houses retain traditional Korean house warm while the wooden this same action when you enter or With a total of 52 youth hostels style and sentiment. floors laid on top of stones leave the service hall. located throughout Korea, the You can feel the natural attraction of a Hanok stay. hangover symptoms when I mitigate the humid and hot sun ■ When you are inside the service properties are very large and can energy of Korea in this eco- “When I am in a very old sleep in a Hanok. The best part during a Korean summer. hall, put your hands together and offer facilities comparable to hotels. friendly structure that uses local, Hanok or a traditional Hanok is the Hanok has a spacious yet Hanok houses also features bow in front of the Buddha. Guests must have a Hostelling natural building materials such built by masters, I fall asleep cozy open-air living room called a typical Korean yard with a ■ No running inside the temple. International Membership card as rocks, soil and wood. without even noticing it and Daecheongmaru which is great ‘jangdokdae’ (a platform on ■ No drinking alcohol, smoking or issued by Hostelling International. Korea Tourism Organization wake up feeling refreshed and to relax in. which traditional Korean pots speaking loudly inside the temple. See president and CEO Charm Lee, quite happy,” he says. “The world is just so used to store seasonings are a German-born nationalised “It’s amazing that no matter peaceful and beautiful as I lie placed) and a large seating area ■ For more information on temple ■ For a full range of accommodation Korean, is passionate about his how much I drink the night down on Daecheongmaru gazing where the family and guests stays see options see http://english.visitkorea. adopted home and explains the before, I get up without any at clouds floating in the sky, and can socialise. or
  • 6. Korea’s natural & 10 MAP & UNESCO SITES MAP & UNESCO SITES 11 11 cultural highlights Gangwon-do 2 6 1 9 3 4 13 18 Seoul 2 4 1 6 7 8 5 15 10 12 14 Incheon 16 3 4 17 19 7 5 5 UNESCO WORLD 20 NATIONAL PARKS 9 2 20 WITH 20 national parks, Korea is the ideal destination if you love the great 9 HERITAGE SITES outdoors. Jirisan National Park is the largest and first designated national park. Hiking is one of the most popular activities, while skiing, camping 6 10 and ancient historic sites are also on offer. See 10 (as numbered in yellow on the map) 8 Gyeongju 1 (as numbered in green on the map) Daejeon 1 Bukhansan National Park 11 Deogyusan National Park ■ Haeinsa Temple Janggyeong Panjeon, the Depositories 2 Seoraksan National Park 12 Gyeongju National Park 11 for the Tripitaka Koreana Woodblocks 3 Odaesan National Park 13 Gayasan National Park 1 4 Chiaksan National Park 14 Byeonsanban-do National Park 13 10 7 12 2 5 Sobaeksan National Park 15 Naejangsan National Park 6 Taean-haean National Park 16 Jirisan National Park 3 ■ Jongmyo Shrine 7 Woraksan National Park 17 Wolchulsan National Park 14 8 Gyeryongsan National Park 18 Hallyeohaesang National Park Gwangju & 3 9 Songnisan National Park 19 Dadohaehaesang National Park Jeollanam-do 15 ■ Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple 10 Juwangsan National Park 20 Hallasan National Park 6 16 4 ■ Changdeokgung Palace Complex WATER FEATURES Spas, saunas, hot springs and water parks to visit 5 ■ Hwaseong Fortress (as numbered in blue on the map) 6 Ulsan 1 Anyang Water Land; 18 6 2 Asan Spavis; 17 ■ Gochang, Hwasun and Ganghwa Dolmen Sites 3 Danyang Aquaworld; 4 Deokgu Oncheon Spa World; Busan 7 5 Deokgu Spa; 6 Gold Spa (Hwanggeumoncheon); ■ Gyeongju Historic Areas 7 Happy Day; 8 8 Jayuro Aqualand; 9 Paradise Spa Dogo (Boyang Hot Spring); 19 Daegu Picture courtesy of ■ Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes 10 Sealala Spa & Water Park; 11 Seorak Waterpia; 9 12 Seoul Leisure Sports Club; 13 Spa Greenland; ■ Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty 14 Spa Lei (Seoul); 10 15 Spa Plus; 16 Termeden Spa Incheon; 20 ■ Historical Villages of Hahoe and Yangdong 17 The Silloam Sauna; 8 18 Vivaldi Park; See for more information 19 Yongsan Dragon Hill Spa (Seoul); 20 Yecheon Hot Spring; Jeju-do Island
  • 7. 12 JEJU ISLAND 2 GREAT OUTDOORS 13 Korea’s slice of paradise W HEN you are searching for a natural wonder to the coast some 200,000-300,000 years ago. It’s to help revitalise your body and soul, the around five metres in width and 7.4km in length. amazing beauty of Korea’s Jeju Island will Visitors can enjoy the stalactites, lava pillars, lava provide you with the most spectacular backdrop. shelves and swirling walls along its length. Jeju’s geographic location places it within easy If you would like to coincide your trip to Jeju reach of the Korean mainland, Japan and China. with an event, one of the biggest to watch out for And with its favourable climate, diverse and is the Jeju Cherry Blossoms Festival. For nature attractive natural beauty, Jeju is a destination with lovers the petals of Jeju’s cherry blossoms are an offerings and experiences that few locations, if any, amazing sight to behold and can be seen in full bloom in the region can provide. during the festival period in early April. There is so much to see and do on Jeju. The Having hosted the Jeju International Ironman volcanic topography of the island and Lava Tubes that rises to 1,950m in the centre of the island, has a Korea, the island has also become the perfect training became Korea’s first natural site to be inscribed on crater at its top. Hallasan is home to more than 1,800 destination for athletes of all levels and disciplines. UNESCO’s World Heritage listing back in June 2007, species of plants, nearly half of the 4,000 species Jeju is an island that opens up a different world in recognition of their uniqueness. found in the whole of Korea. during each season. With unparalleled beauty, Jeju Up among the clouds Jeju Island’s Biosphere Reserve is also And there are several walking trails from around Island is just waiting to be explored. recognised under UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere two to five hours in duration where hikers can enjoy See Programme. The biosphere is located in the centre of the amazing views down to the coast. the island, comprising of its core area Mt Hallasan, Jeju’s lava landscape blends odd-shaped rocks and JEJU OLLE WALKING TRAIL two stream corridors and three islets, with a diversity caves, ponds, volcanic humps and craters with diverse Since opening in September 2007, the Jeju Olle of ecosystems. and rare flora and fauna species. walking trail consists of 21 routes covering 339km. Why not spend the day exploring the impressive Keep your eyes peeled for “Harubang” – a lava Walkers can experience the nature of the island Geomunoreum Lava Tube System; cycling around Udo stone statue with big eyes and a big nose that are when exploring the Jeju coast. Island; or stopping to watch the famous ‘Haenyeo’ dotted all over the island. It is said that if you women (pictured above, right) dive to the ocean floor touch a Harubang’s nose and make a wish soon it KOREA’S PREMIER DESTINATION without any breathing equipment to gather sea food? will come true. While Jeju is Korea’s premier destination, the island Water lovers can enjoy swimming, paddling or Sunrise Peak (Seongsan Ilchulbong) is a dramatic is also home to the Jungmun Resort – the biggest The top three mountains for hiking surfing at one of the many beaches on the island. volcanic crater which rises majestically from the tourist complex in the country. If you’re interested in exploring nature, then you ocean. Visitors climb to the peak to enjoy the Located on the seashore of Jungmun area in have a wide variety of places from which to choose: spectacular sunrise view from the top of a huge Seogwipo, its facilities include Pacific Land; Yeomiji scuba diving along coral reefs; traversing the plains bowl-shaped crater set against a background of Arboretum; fishing village for tourists; Seonimgyo on horseback; or paragliding through the clouds – crystal clear seas. Bridge; Cheonjeyeon waterfall and Jungmun Beach. the list is endless. See the lava wonders of Manganggul Cave, the To make your island visit ultra relaxing take some Offering spectacular natural wonders, Jeju also largest lava tube in Asia. It is an immense natural time out at the Guerlain Spa ( K features amazing sights such as waterfalls and great conduit formed by the lava which flowed through in The Shilla Hotel; Hue & Me Aromatheraphy at OREA has some of the best terrain for hiking peak at 836m) and Mangyeondae. History buffs will hiking trails on Mt Hallasan, Korea’s highest peak. The Lotte hotel ( or the in Asia – with 37 mountains in the Seoul region want to check out Bukhan Mountain Fortress, a medieval Mt Hallasan, the extinct volcano Aqua View Spa ( alone. While Koreans visit a jjimjilbang (unique fortification that protected the royal capital in the Goryeo at the Hyatt Regency Jeju. spa) to relax in the evenings, on the weekends and Joseon eras. Several Buddhist temples are located ■ See thousands will be tying up their boot laces and tackling here, including Hwagyesa Temple. one of the 1,700 trails across the nation. In a country that is dominated by mountains, Korea JIRISAN NATIONAL PARK provides great activities such as running, rock climbing Jirisan is regarded to be one of the most sacred and and cycling – but it is walking and hiking that attracts spiritual mountains in Korea – and was named ‘Jiri’ the big numbers. because it was believed to be a place that turns the If you are an enthusiast or a travel agent seeking a new innocent into the wise. niche product to sell, hiking tours in Korea can provide Located in the south of the country, Jirisan was success and enjoyment for both markets. when the mountains present the first foliage in Korea. Korea’s first national park and is also the biggest. In this feature we pick out the top three mountains for To best enjoy the foliage the following hiking trails are Hikers can explore 20 summits and many valleys hiking: Seoraksan; Bukhansan and Jirisan. recommended: the Sinheungsa Temple area, the containing amazing scenery, temples, animals and plant Cheonbuldong Valley area, and the Jujeongol area trail life. The range’s highest point at 1,915m is SEORAKSAN NATIONAL PARK that begins at the Osaek Mineral Waters. Cheonwangbong Peak. On the east coast in the Sokcho, Inje and Yangyang Mt Jirisan is also revered in the Korean culture for regions of Gangwon-do are the spectacular Seoraksan BUKHANSAN NATIONAL PARK being an area where herbal medicine is still very popular Mountains. Daecheongbong – Seoraksan’s highest peak This dramatic collection of rocky peaks in northern Seoul and where the Buddhist culture prospered. – stands at 1,708m and offers the best hiking in the has been declared a national park. As the seasons change so does the weather on range. There are a variety of trails to be explored. In addition to being a popular hiking place, it’s also Mt Jirisan. Hikers can enjoy the mountain’s terrain with While many tourists visit throughout the four seasons home to the granite face of Insubong Peak, one of the rain and snow in both the summer and winter. to witness the beauty of its mountain cliffs, rocks, valleys, most popular rock-climbing locations in Korea. ■ More information on hiking routes can be found at and waterfall, Seoraksan is at its most popular in autumn Other major peaks include Baegundae (the highest