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Kobe Earthquake
In this response/reflection paper assignment, I discuss a natural disaster, the Kobe Earthquake of 1995. I utilize the following course content, Chapter
4 of Aldrich's book, Building Resilience: Social Capital in a Pastā€“Disaster Recovery. I also use Willieto's Learning Exercise on Social Capital and
COURSE CONTENT The Kobe earthquake left a devastating effect in recent Japanese history, the earthquake measured a 7.3 on the Richter scale
leading to over 1oo fires in Kobe (2012: 76). The destruction lead to over 110,000 buildings being destroyed, about 6,400 dead, injuring about 15,000
people, leaving about 320,000 people homeless, but also killing mostly women and elderly due to physical vulnerability and mobility issues (2012: 76). more content...
Some wards by 2007 had an increase in population and occupational growth, far greater than the number of people before the earthquake. Some wards
on the other hand still remained at a lower rate of population and with lower occupational levels than the growing wards. (2012:77). With the
difference of social capital, in order to create a stronger overall community, it is important that each ward works with another. Breaking the social status
of one ward to help those in a lower class, lower population, and overall lower status can greatly affect the future. While it may not be traditional to
break away from your cultural capital, this could have helped less organized communities like Mikura. You cannot use bonding to do this, because that
is looking at community members of the same status, intellect, and relationships with each other (Willeto,
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Earthquake Reflection
Lecture Reflection 4
All forms of natural disaster bring devastating effects and strike with vicious force, demolishing everything around them. Additionally, natural disaster
is bound to happen, so why not prepare for the worst? In 2004, the coastal areas of south and southeast Asia were hit with a disastrous tsunami. Areas of
India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand did not have the ability to prepare when the tsunami swept away thousands of civilians and wiped out a
portion of their infrastructure. In my my opinion, if natural disaster strikes an area, I would recommend moving out of that area right away and start
considering a new place to live. Citizens who stay in the same area after natural disaster, have a high probability of witnessing another. However,
many people that have been hit by natural disaster commonly go back to live at the destroyed site because it's all that they may have left. This is sad
but realistic.
Furthermore, when natural disasters hit vulnerable urban areas, effects are catastrophic. Some significant factors that play a role in the safety of
residents in urban areas; rapid population growth with inadequate planning, ecological imbalance, population density, compacted infrastructure,
dependency on infrastructure, and inappropriate construction. Although, these places may be miles away from each other, there were many
similarities found in each of these cases. Firstly, all of the places hit by the tsunami witnessed a loss of coastal areas
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Earthquake Preparedness Essay
| Earthquake Preparedness| Public Administration| | Lorena Hedges| 9/18/2012|
I will be discussing the needs of a budget and what supplies will be in the budget plan. Then you will read some about the shelter provided, population
of the community, and damages caused by earthquakes. There will be information about the policy and procedures to follow for an earthquake and what
challenges we have to face. The conclusion will be completed in the next phase.|
Earthquake Preparedness
There are three major consequences of an earthquake: injury to employees, customers and visitors; damage to property, the infrastructure of the area,
and lifelines; and disruption of business operations (Crook, 1999). This more content...
Damages Caused by Earthquakes
Past Records of Earthquake Damages There are many different types of damages that can be caused by earthquakes. People lose their homes,
businesses are destroyed, and much more. Statistics shows the economic damage caused by earthquakes between 1900's and present here in the
United States are 41.04 billions of dollars (Economic Damage Caused By Earthquakes By County Up To 2012, 2012). Between the years 2006 to
2012 there was 7,340 earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.0 to 4.9 (Earthquakes Worldwide By Richter Scale Gradation Up To 2012, 2012). Many lives
are taken from the effects of an earthquake.
Other Department Involvement Other organizations pull together and help with the disasters across the world. Here is a list of a few organizations and
the services they offer: American Red Cross| Fixed/mobile feeding stations, shelter, cleaning supplies, comfort kits, first aid, blood, food, clothing,
emergency transportation and much more.| Friends Disaster Service| Provides cleanā€“up and rebuilding assistance to the elderly, disabled, low income,
or uninsured survivors of disasters.| Salvation Army| Mass and mobile feeding, temporary shelter, medical assistance, and distribution of donated goods
such as food, clothes, and household items.| Volunteers of America| Making vehicles available for transporting victims and supplies to designate
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On Earthquakes Essay
On Earthquakes
An earthquake is a shaking or trembling of the crust of the earth caused by underground volcanic action or by the breaking and shifting of rock
beneath the surface. The volcanic action and shifting rocks create strain which continues to build to a sudden release of pressure resulting in a shock
wave. The vibrations produced in the crust can vary from barely noticeable to enormously destructive. Shock waves can be classified into two broad
categories. Waves that send particles oscillating back and forth in the same direction as the waves are traveling are called primary. Primary waves,
sometimes called compressional waves, travel through the earth beneath the crust. more content...
The modern seismograph was invented early this century by a Russian seismologist, Prince Boris Golitzyn. This device made possible the modern era of
earthquake research.
Although earthquakes have occurred and affected mankind for as long as humans have been around, historical records are either lacking or
considered unreliable before the middle of the 18th century. However, some records do exist and date major earthquake events back to 425 BC when
one occurred off the coast of Greece resulting in an island named Euboea. Another occurred in Asia Minor about AD 17 and another leveled much of
the Roman city of Pompeii in AD 63. During the Middle Ages, severe earthquakes struck England, in 1318; Naples, Italy, in 1456; and Lisbon,
Portugal, in 1531.
Casualties from major earthquakes have resulted in the greatest disasters in history. The worst occurred in 1556 in the Shannxi (Shensi) Province in
China and killed an estimated 800,000 people. During the 18th century, the Japanese city of Edo (site of modern day Tokyo) was struck and killed
200,000. Earthquakes in Sicily in 1693 and Lisbon in 1755 each killed about 60,000 people. In 1797, approximately 40,000 died when Quito, Ecuador
was struck.
Historically, the most powerful earthquakes to strike North America occurred in 1811 and 1812 in southeastern Missouri. However, the most famous
earthquake to strike in North America
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Essay On Earthquakes
Earthquakes: A Natural Hazard
Introduction to Earthquakes
An earthquake is a natural hazard that causes death and destruction. Earthquakes mainly occur on the boundary of two tectonic plates, known as fault
lines, as the plates move against each other and get stuck which creates a strain and results in rocks breaking. This releases energy into the lithosphere
(crust and upper mantle) causing shaking of the earth's surface. The energy released is called seismic waves and these are measured on a logarithmic
scale called the Richter scale.
Effects of Earthquakes (human or physical)
Ground shaking and unstable buildings are some of the shortā€“term physical effects that are caused by seismic waves. Fires can be created when
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As well as that they should try to find a place that is safe; supplies such as bottled water and canned food should be easy to reach. Communication
systems can be affected so most will set up plans for contacting friends and family.
Immediately after an earthquake looting often happens as many will be without supplies however some people react very differently and try to help
as many people as they can. Countries around the world will send money and food; some may even send volunteers to help and administer first aid.
The rubble will be cleared to free the people trapped. Buildings being made safe is another way they would help but depending on the country's
funding it doesn't always happen immediately. Tourism may decrease as the tourists could be scared of another earthquake or aftershock occurring.
Longā€“term responses would be things like building restoration because aftershocks are not unusual. Before or after restoration begins an investigation
may be required to figure out why the building collapsed and if there were any faults in construction. The economy will be negatively affected as
rebuilding is costly and normal work is prevented from happening for quite a while. Whilst there are investments made for rebuilding and aid is sent in
the immediate aftermath, families may struggle with reduced incomes and replacement of clothing and household items.
Case Studien
The TŠ•ŠŒhoku earthquake is a prime example of an earthquake creating a tsunami. With a magnitude
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Haiti Earthquake Essay
The January 12, 2010 Haiti Earthquake caused an enormous destruction in the Caribbean nation. Hospitals and government buildings collapsed along
with an unbelievable amount of homes. Tens of thousands of people were killed, and many more were wounded. The disaster added more misery to
people already struggling to get by with everyday life. Haiti is one of the poorest nations in the world. The January 12 quake demolished almost every
major building in Portā€“auā€“Prince, Haiti's capital. About 5,000 schools in the city were destroyed or damaged. Throughout Haiti, more than 220,000
people were killed, and more than 1 million were left homeless. A few days after the quake, the number of survivors stood at 121 as hopes of finding
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The most recent cyclones to hit the island before the earthquake were Tropical Storm Fay and Hurricanes Gustav, Hanna and Ike, all in the summer of
2008, causing nearly 800 deaths.[27]
USGS intensity map
Map showing regional tectonic setting of the Enriquilloā€“Plantain Garden fault zone
Tiny dots of white against the plantā€“covered landscape (red in this image) are possible landslides, a common occurrence in mountainous terrain after
large earthquakes. The Enriquilloā€“Plantain Garden fault zone runs along the two linear valleys at the top of the imageThe magnitude 7.0 Mw
earthquake occurred inland,
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Earthquakes Essay examples
What is an Earthquake?
An Earthquake is the shaking of the earth's surface caused by rapid movement of the earth's rocky outer layer. The sudden shaking of the ground that
occurs when masses of rock change position below the Earth's surface is called an earthquake. The shifting masses send out shock waves that may be
powerful enough to alter the surface of the Earth, thrusting up cliffs and opening great cracks in the ground.
Earthquakes, called temblors by scientists, occur almost continuously. Fortunately, most of them can be detected only by sensitive instruments called
seismographs. Others are felt as small tremors. Some of the rest, however, cause major catastrophes. more content...
Although it is certain that violent Earth tremors in themselves are destructive, there are often other kinds of Earth movements that are triggered by
earthquake shock waves. Thus, the violent shaking that accompanies many earthquakes often causes rockslides, snow avalanches, and landslides. In
some areas these events are frequently more devastating than the Earth tremor itself.
Floods and fires are also caused by earthquakes. Floods arise from tsunamis along coast lines, from largeā€“scale seiches in enclosed bodies of water such
as lakes and canals, and from the failure of dams. Fire produced the greatest property loss following the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, when 521
blocks in the city center burned uncontrollably for three days. Fire also followed the 1923 Tokyo earthquake, causing much damage and hardship for
the citizens.
Most of the worst earthquakes are associated with changes in the shape of the Earth's outermost shell, particularly the crust. These so called tectonic
earthquakes are generated by the rapid release of strain energy that is stored within the rocks of the crust, which on continents is about 22 miles thick.
A small proportion of earthquakes are associated with human activity. Dynamite or atomic explosions, for example, can sometimes cause mild quakes.
The injection of liquid wastes deep into the Earth and the pressures
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Earthquakes Essay
We have to know what earthquakes are in order for us to be prepared against them. Earthquakes are tremors that move the earth. They can create a lot
of damage. Earthquakes have happened around the world. What causes earthquakes to happen? How do we protect ourselves against the powerful
earthquakes? Earthquakes can cause a lot of damage to homes and places so it is important to know where it has happened. Also what causes them and
how do we protect ourselves against earthquakes. To begin with earthquakes can happen around the world. A 6.3earthquake destroyed historic
buildings in Italy. On January 12, 2010 a powerful more content...
It's important to know that earthquakes happen around the world so people are prepared for earthquakes anytime anywhere they are. We also
have to know what earthquakes are to be prepared. Another example is what earthquakes are. Earthquakes are called tremors and can be
tremendously destructive. An earthquakes magnitude is a measured value of its size and is the same no matter where. There is no such thing as
earthquake weather. An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another. The surface where they slip is
called the fault or fault plane. "An earthquake is caused by a sudden slip in the fault."said at an article with earthquake facts at Its important to know what earthquakes are caused by so we can understand them better. that way we can protect ourselves
against earthquakes. As well as learning how to protect yourself against earthquakes. An important thing is to duck and cover. During an
earthquake, if you are indoors, it is very important to stay calm and take cover under a heavy object. If you are outdoors, stay as far away from
buildings as possible. Get away from shelves or other areas where objects may fall if in a crowded store or public area. Do not run for the door. Crouch
and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms. " Try to get into an open area." Getting into an open area not
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Earthquakes Essay
Throughout history, man has made many advancements. These advancements have been made to make life easier. The one thing man can't do is to
control Mother Nature. Mother Nature can cause many things such as earthquakes.
The causes of earthquakes have been theorized in many ways. According to the book
Predicting Earthquakes by Gregory Vogt, the Greeks, "blamed the earthquakes on Poseidon, god of the sea"(25). The Hindu believed that "the earth
was a platform that rested on the back of eight great elephants. When one of the elephants grew weary, it lowered and shook its head causing the
ground above to tremble"(Vogt 25). Margaret Poynter writes "many primitive people thought that the earth rested upon the back of more
He made tests, drew a world map, and recreated earthquakes only to find that rocks are being overstressed at the faults. "A fault is the place where
two plates meet and are rubbed against each other" (Groiler Electronic Publishing,
Inc.). The book, Predicting Earthquakes, the author points out "There are generally three kinds of faults: normal, reverse, and strikeā€“slip. By careful
observation and measurement, geologists, acting like detectives, can tell how much a fault moved, which part went up, which part went down, and
which way the fault moved" (Vogt 26). "When one of the plates slip under the great amount of stress at the fault, anearthquake occurs. The shaking we
feel are the passing of long waves" (Putnam 443). "The Lā€“waves (long waves) travel at slower velocities that the primary and secondary waves. These
waves make the largest squiggles on a seismograph but their effect diminishes rapidly with distance. The Lā€“waves are limited to the crust" (Putnam
One of the two kinds of waves are "Primary waves are a kin to sound waves, and thus produce alternate compression and rarefaction in the medium
through which they travel much like the waves that spread out through the air in all directions from a tuning fork" (Putnam 444).
The second of the two kinds of waves are "Secondary waves, the particles in the rock through which the wave is traveling vibrate at right angles, or
transversely, to the direction of
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Essay on EarthQuakes
Earthquakes, one of the most destructive natural phenomena, consist of rapid vibrations of rock near the earth's surface. Because of their
unpredictable occurrence and enormous capacity of destruction, they have brought fear to mankind since ancient times. A single shock usually lasts no
more than a few seconds, but a series of smaller quakes may last for as long as five minutes. The quake felt on the surface is always the result, not the
cause of some underground geologic process, and in many cases the damage done is immense. The Greek word for shaking, and (when applied to the
earth) earthquake, is seismos. Therefore, the science of earthquakes is called seismology (World Book more content...
Fires, landslides, tsunami, falling rock, damaged buildings, and damaged gas lines are just a few results of secondary shocks. These conditions reek
havoc on earthquake corrupted areas, and in 1934, Biharā€“Nepal witnessed this first hand. During a landslide, " observer reported that his car
sank to the axles". In 1946 off the coast of the Aleutians, the base of a lighthouse ended up 45 feet below sea level after a tsunami wave over
100 feet crashed on shore (Watkins, Bottino, Morisawa 51, 53ā€“54).
An earthquake is a natural occurrence; a phenomena just like rain. They have occurred for billions of years and descriptions as old as recorded
history shows their effects on people's lives. Long before scientific explanations mankind created folklore to explain them. We have come a long way
for spinning yarns around the campfire, but there is still no way to prevent earthquakes. All in all it doesn't hurt to learn as much as one can, but just
like taxes and pokemon earthquakes are something we have to live with.
EARTHQUAKE REFERENCE FILES Earthquake, shaking of the earth's surface caused by rapid movement of the earth's rocky outer layer.
Earthquakes occur when energy stored within the earth, usually in the form of strain in rocks, suddenly releases. This energy is transmitted to the
surface of the
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Kobe Earthquake

  • 1. Kobe Earthquake In this response/reflection paper assignment, I discuss a natural disaster, the Kobe Earthquake of 1995. I utilize the following course content, Chapter 4 of Aldrich's book, Building Resilience: Social Capital in a Pastā€“Disaster Recovery. I also use Willieto's Learning Exercise on Social Capital and Networks. COURSE CONTENT The Kobe earthquake left a devastating effect in recent Japanese history, the earthquake measured a 7.3 on the Richter scale leading to over 1oo fires in Kobe (2012: 76). The destruction lead to over 110,000 buildings being destroyed, about 6,400 dead, injuring about 15,000 people, leaving about 320,000 people homeless, but also killing mostly women and elderly due to physical vulnerability and mobility issues (2012: 76). more content... Some wards by 2007 had an increase in population and occupational growth, far greater than the number of people before the earthquake. Some wards on the other hand still remained at a lower rate of population and with lower occupational levels than the growing wards. (2012:77). With the difference of social capital, in order to create a stronger overall community, it is important that each ward works with another. Breaking the social status of one ward to help those in a lower class, lower population, and overall lower status can greatly affect the future. While it may not be traditional to break away from your cultural capital, this could have helped less organized communities like Mikura. You cannot use bonding to do this, because that is looking at community members of the same status, intellect, and relationships with each other (Willeto, Get more content on
  • 2. Earthquake Reflection Lecture Reflection 4 All forms of natural disaster bring devastating effects and strike with vicious force, demolishing everything around them. Additionally, natural disaster is bound to happen, so why not prepare for the worst? In 2004, the coastal areas of south and southeast Asia were hit with a disastrous tsunami. Areas of India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand did not have the ability to prepare when the tsunami swept away thousands of civilians and wiped out a portion of their infrastructure. In my my opinion, if natural disaster strikes an area, I would recommend moving out of that area right away and start considering a new place to live. Citizens who stay in the same area after natural disaster, have a high probability of witnessing another. However, many people that have been hit by natural disaster commonly go back to live at the destroyed site because it's all that they may have left. This is sad but realistic. Furthermore, when natural disasters hit vulnerable urban areas, effects are catastrophic. Some significant factors that play a role in the safety of residents in urban areas; rapid population growth with inadequate planning, ecological imbalance, population density, compacted infrastructure, dependency on infrastructure, and inappropriate construction. Although, these places may be miles away from each other, there were many similarities found in each of these cases. Firstly, all of the places hit by the tsunami witnessed a loss of coastal areas Get more content on
  • 3. Earthquake Preparedness Essay | Earthquake Preparedness| Public Administration| | Lorena Hedges| 9/18/2012| I will be discussing the needs of a budget and what supplies will be in the budget plan. Then you will read some about the shelter provided, population of the community, and damages caused by earthquakes. There will be information about the policy and procedures to follow for an earthquake and what challenges we have to face. The conclusion will be completed in the next phase.| Earthquake Preparedness Budget There are three major consequences of an earthquake: injury to employees, customers and visitors; damage to property, the infrastructure of the area, and lifelines; and disruption of business operations (Crook, 1999). This more content... Damages Caused by Earthquakes Past Records of Earthquake Damages There are many different types of damages that can be caused by earthquakes. People lose their homes, businesses are destroyed, and much more. Statistics shows the economic damage caused by earthquakes between 1900's and present here in the United States are 41.04 billions of dollars (Economic Damage Caused By Earthquakes By County Up To 2012, 2012). Between the years 2006 to 2012 there was 7,340 earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.0 to 4.9 (Earthquakes Worldwide By Richter Scale Gradation Up To 2012, 2012). Many lives are taken from the effects of an earthquake. Other Department Involvement Other organizations pull together and help with the disasters across the world. Here is a list of a few organizations and the services they offer: American Red Cross| Fixed/mobile feeding stations, shelter, cleaning supplies, comfort kits, first aid, blood, food, clothing, emergency transportation and much more.| Friends Disaster Service| Provides cleanā€“up and rebuilding assistance to the elderly, disabled, low income, or uninsured survivors of disasters.| Salvation Army| Mass and mobile feeding, temporary shelter, medical assistance, and distribution of donated goods such as food, clothes, and household items.| Volunteers of America| Making vehicles available for transporting victims and supplies to designate Get more content on
  • 4. On Earthquakes Essay On Earthquakes An earthquake is a shaking or trembling of the crust of the earth caused by underground volcanic action or by the breaking and shifting of rock beneath the surface. The volcanic action and shifting rocks create strain which continues to build to a sudden release of pressure resulting in a shock wave. The vibrations produced in the crust can vary from barely noticeable to enormously destructive. Shock waves can be classified into two broad categories. Waves that send particles oscillating back and forth in the same direction as the waves are traveling are called primary. Primary waves, sometimes called compressional waves, travel through the earth beneath the crust. more content... The modern seismograph was invented early this century by a Russian seismologist, Prince Boris Golitzyn. This device made possible the modern era of earthquake research. Although earthquakes have occurred and affected mankind for as long as humans have been around, historical records are either lacking or considered unreliable before the middle of the 18th century. However, some records do exist and date major earthquake events back to 425 BC when one occurred off the coast of Greece resulting in an island named Euboea. Another occurred in Asia Minor about AD 17 and another leveled much of the Roman city of Pompeii in AD 63. During the Middle Ages, severe earthquakes struck England, in 1318; Naples, Italy, in 1456; and Lisbon, Portugal, in 1531. Casualties from major earthquakes have resulted in the greatest disasters in history. The worst occurred in 1556 in the Shannxi (Shensi) Province in China and killed an estimated 800,000 people. During the 18th century, the Japanese city of Edo (site of modern day Tokyo) was struck and killed 200,000. Earthquakes in Sicily in 1693 and Lisbon in 1755 each killed about 60,000 people. In 1797, approximately 40,000 died when Quito, Ecuador was struck. Historically, the most powerful earthquakes to strike North America occurred in 1811 and 1812 in southeastern Missouri. However, the most famous earthquake to strike in North America
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  • 6. Essay On Earthquakes Earthquakes: A Natural Hazard Introduction to Earthquakes An earthquake is a natural hazard that causes death and destruction. Earthquakes mainly occur on the boundary of two tectonic plates, known as fault lines, as the plates move against each other and get stuck which creates a strain and results in rocks breaking. This releases energy into the lithosphere (crust and upper mantle) causing shaking of the earth's surface. The energy released is called seismic waves and these are measured on a logarithmic scale called the Richter scale. Š’Ā¬Š’Ā¬Š’Ā¬Š’Ā¬Š’Ā¬ Effects of Earthquakes (human or physical) Ground shaking and unstable buildings are some of the shortā€“term physical effects that are caused by seismic waves. Fires can be created when more content... As well as that they should try to find a place that is safe; supplies such as bottled water and canned food should be easy to reach. Communication systems can be affected so most will set up plans for contacting friends and family. Immediately after an earthquake looting often happens as many will be without supplies however some people react very differently and try to help as many people as they can. Countries around the world will send money and food; some may even send volunteers to help and administer first aid. The rubble will be cleared to free the people trapped. Buildings being made safe is another way they would help but depending on the country's funding it doesn't always happen immediately. Tourism may decrease as the tourists could be scared of another earthquake or aftershock occurring. Longā€“term responses would be things like building restoration because aftershocks are not unusual. Before or after restoration begins an investigation may be required to figure out why the building collapsed and if there were any faults in construction. The economy will be negatively affected as rebuilding is costly and normal work is prevented from happening for quite a while. Whilst there are investments made for rebuilding and aid is sent in the immediate aftermath, families may struggle with reduced incomes and replacement of clothing and household items. Case Studien Japan The TŠ•ŠŒhoku earthquake is a prime example of an earthquake creating a tsunami. With a magnitude
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  • 8. Haiti Earthquake Essay The January 12, 2010 Haiti Earthquake caused an enormous destruction in the Caribbean nation. Hospitals and government buildings collapsed along with an unbelievable amount of homes. Tens of thousands of people were killed, and many more were wounded. The disaster added more misery to people already struggling to get by with everyday life. Haiti is one of the poorest nations in the world. The January 12 quake demolished almost every major building in Portā€“auā€“Prince, Haiti's capital. About 5,000 schools in the city were destroyed or damaged. Throughout Haiti, more than 220,000 people were killed, and more than 1 million were left homeless. A few days after the quake, the number of survivors stood at 121 as hopes of finding more more content... The most recent cyclones to hit the island before the earthquake were Tropical Storm Fay and Hurricanes Gustav, Hanna and Ike, all in the summer of 2008, causing nearly 800 deaths.[27] Geology USGS intensity map Map showing regional tectonic setting of the Enriquilloā€“Plantain Garden fault zone Tiny dots of white against the plantā€“covered landscape (red in this image) are possible landslides, a common occurrence in mountainous terrain after large earthquakes. The Enriquilloā€“Plantain Garden fault zone runs along the two linear valleys at the top of the imageThe magnitude 7.0 Mw earthquake occurred inland, Get more content on
  • 9. Earthquakes Essay examples What is an Earthquake? An Earthquake is the shaking of the earth's surface caused by rapid movement of the earth's rocky outer layer. The sudden shaking of the ground that occurs when masses of rock change position below the Earth's surface is called an earthquake. The shifting masses send out shock waves that may be powerful enough to alter the surface of the Earth, thrusting up cliffs and opening great cracks in the ground. Earthquakes, called temblors by scientists, occur almost continuously. Fortunately, most of them can be detected only by sensitive instruments called seismographs. Others are felt as small tremors. Some of the rest, however, cause major catastrophes. more content... Although it is certain that violent Earth tremors in themselves are destructive, there are often other kinds of Earth movements that are triggered by earthquake shock waves. Thus, the violent shaking that accompanies many earthquakes often causes rockslides, snow avalanches, and landslides. In some areas these events are frequently more devastating than the Earth tremor itself. Floods and fires are also caused by earthquakes. Floods arise from tsunamis along coast lines, from largeā€“scale seiches in enclosed bodies of water such as lakes and canals, and from the failure of dams. Fire produced the greatest property loss following the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, when 521 blocks in the city center burned uncontrollably for three days. Fire also followed the 1923 Tokyo earthquake, causing much damage and hardship for the citizens. Causes Most of the worst earthquakes are associated with changes in the shape of the Earth's outermost shell, particularly the crust. These so called tectonic earthquakes are generated by the rapid release of strain energy that is stored within the rocks of the crust, which on continents is about 22 miles thick. A small proportion of earthquakes are associated with human activity. Dynamite or atomic explosions, for example, can sometimes cause mild quakes. The injection of liquid wastes deep into the Earth and the pressures Get more content on
  • 10. Earthquakes Essay We have to know what earthquakes are in order for us to be prepared against them. Earthquakes are tremors that move the earth. They can create a lot of damage. Earthquakes have happened around the world. What causes earthquakes to happen? How do we protect ourselves against the powerful earthquakes? Earthquakes can cause a lot of damage to homes and places so it is important to know where it has happened. Also what causes them and how do we protect ourselves against earthquakes. To begin with earthquakes can happen around the world. A 6.3earthquake destroyed historic buildings in Italy. On January 12, 2010 a powerful more content... It's important to know that earthquakes happen around the world so people are prepared for earthquakes anytime anywhere they are. We also have to know what earthquakes are to be prepared. Another example is what earthquakes are. Earthquakes are called tremors and can be tremendously destructive. An earthquakes magnitude is a measured value of its size and is the same no matter where. There is no such thing as earthquake weather. An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another. The surface where they slip is called the fault or fault plane. "An earthquake is caused by a sudden slip in the fault."said at an article with earthquake facts at Its important to know what earthquakes are caused by so we can understand them better. that way we can protect ourselves against earthquakes. As well as learning how to protect yourself against earthquakes. An important thing is to duck and cover. During an earthquake, if you are indoors, it is very important to stay calm and take cover under a heavy object. If you are outdoors, stay as far away from buildings as possible. Get away from shelves or other areas where objects may fall if in a crowded store or public area. Do not run for the door. Crouch and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms. " Try to get into an open area." Getting into an open area not Get more content on
  • 11. Earthquakes Essay Earthquakes Throughout history, man has made many advancements. These advancements have been made to make life easier. The one thing man can't do is to control Mother Nature. Mother Nature can cause many things such as earthquakes. The causes of earthquakes have been theorized in many ways. According to the book Predicting Earthquakes by Gregory Vogt, the Greeks, "blamed the earthquakes on Poseidon, god of the sea"(25). The Hindu believed that "the earth was a platform that rested on the back of eight great elephants. When one of the elephants grew weary, it lowered and shook its head causing the ground above to tremble"(Vogt 25). Margaret Poynter writes "many primitive people thought that the earth rested upon the back of more content... He made tests, drew a world map, and recreated earthquakes only to find that rocks are being overstressed at the faults. "A fault is the place where two plates meet and are rubbed against each other" (Groiler Electronic Publishing, Inc.). The book, Predicting Earthquakes, the author points out "There are generally three kinds of faults: normal, reverse, and strikeā€“slip. By careful observation and measurement, geologists, acting like detectives, can tell how much a fault moved, which part went up, which part went down, and which way the fault moved" (Vogt 26). "When one of the plates slip under the great amount of stress at the fault, anearthquake occurs. The shaking we feel are the passing of long waves" (Putnam 443). "The Lā€“waves (long waves) travel at slower velocities that the primary and secondary waves. These waves make the largest squiggles on a seismograph but their effect diminishes rapidly with distance. The Lā€“waves are limited to the crust" (Putnam 443). One of the two kinds of waves are "Primary waves are a kin to sound waves, and thus produce alternate compression and rarefaction in the medium through which they travel much like the waves that spread out through the air in all directions from a tuning fork" (Putnam 444). The second of the two kinds of waves are "Secondary waves, the particles in the rock through which the wave is traveling vibrate at right angles, or transversely, to the direction of
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  • 13. Essay on EarthQuakes Earthquakes Earthquakes, one of the most destructive natural phenomena, consist of rapid vibrations of rock near the earth's surface. Because of their unpredictable occurrence and enormous capacity of destruction, they have brought fear to mankind since ancient times. A single shock usually lasts no more than a few seconds, but a series of smaller quakes may last for as long as five minutes. The quake felt on the surface is always the result, not the cause of some underground geologic process, and in many cases the damage done is immense. The Greek word for shaking, and (when applied to the earth) earthquake, is seismos. Therefore, the science of earthquakes is called seismology (World Book more content... Fires, landslides, tsunami, falling rock, damaged buildings, and damaged gas lines are just a few results of secondary shocks. These conditions reek havoc on earthquake corrupted areas, and in 1934, Biharā€“Nepal witnessed this first hand. During a landslide, " observer reported that his car sank to the axles". In 1946 off the coast of the Aleutians, the base of a lighthouse ended up 45 feet below sea level after a tsunami wave over 100 feet crashed on shore (Watkins, Bottino, Morisawa 51, 53ā€“54). An earthquake is a natural occurrence; a phenomena just like rain. They have occurred for billions of years and descriptions as old as recorded history shows their effects on people's lives. Long before scientific explanations mankind created folklore to explain them. We have come a long way for spinning yarns around the campfire, but there is still no way to prevent earthquakes. All in all it doesn't hurt to learn as much as one can, but just like taxes and pokemon earthquakes are something we have to live with. EARTHQUAKE REFERENCE FILES Earthquake, shaking of the earth's surface caused by rapid movement of the earth's rocky outer layer. Earthquakes occur when energy stored within the earth, usually in the form of strain in rocks, suddenly releases. This energy is transmitted to the surface of the Get more content on