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Promoting evidence-based decision
making to improve access to healthcare
for vulnerable populations: Knowledge
 translation strategies in West Africa

Global symposium on health system research
       (Beijing, 31 oct. – 3 nov. 2012)
            Chair : Valéry Ridde
1. Successes and challenges of the Observatory of
   free healthcare in Mali
2. Favoriser la prise de décision fondée sur des
   données probantes au Burkina Faso: une
   initiative de courtage de connaissances
3. Sharing and using evidence on a free healthcare
   programme in BurkinaFaso: An evaluation
4. Capitalizing on local knowledge about free
   healthcare policy in West Africa: the experience
   of 7 countries
Global symposium on health system research
              (Beijing, 31 oct. – 3 nov. 2012)

Producing and transferring local knowledge
Successes and challenges of the Observatory of free
               healthcare in Mali

                      Emilie Robert
                    Dembélé Youssouf

1. Context

2. What research knowledge (RK) was transferred?

3. To whom was the RK transferred?

4. By whom was the RK transferred?

5. How was the RK transferred?

6. With what effect was the RK transferred?
Several free care policies:
    • Free care for under 5 (NGO)
    • Distribution of free mosquito bednets
    • Free malaria treatment (gvt)
    • Caesarian (gvt)
    • HIV treatment (gvt)

To use existing data from the
information system and to
produce new knowledge to
fuel decisions on user fee
exemption policies.
1. What RK was transferred? (1)
 Dimensions           RK produced by the Ministry of                   RK produced by
                                health                              University of Montréal
                  - Curative consultation coverage in Kangaba       - Effects of free care of
                  - Access to C-section in Bamako.                  curative care for children
                  - Effects of free ACT on accessibility of         under 5 on consultation in
Utilization of    children living further than 5 km from a          Kangaba
health services   community health centre (CsCom)
                  - Effects of free mosquito bednets on prenatal
                  care in Sikasso

                  - Effects of free anti malaria on financial       - Costs of curative
                  capacity of community health centres              consultation for children
                  (CSCom) in Bamako                                 under 5 (scaling up)
aspects / costs
of UF exemption   - Effects of free care on financial capacity of
policies          community health management (ASACO) in

                  - Perception of health staff on free anti
                  malaria in Sikasso and Kayes
Actors’           - Perception of users on free anti malaria in
perceptions of    Sikasso
free care         - Opinion of Kangaba population on cessation
                  of free care for children under 5
2. To whom was the RK transferred?
3. By whom was the RK transferred?

• Supervision team
   – University of Montreal, researchers with technical
   – Médecins Sans Frontières – Belgium: coordination of the
     strategy and fundraising
   – National Directorate of the Ministy of Health: operational
    side of the research, access to the health system
4. How was the RK transferred?

• Modelization of the knowledge translation strategy
  theory (post-intervention)
• Objective:

    → To evaluate the potential for achievement
      of the KT strategy
•   Sources:
    – Interviews
    – project documents
    – KT literature

                  Administrative and financial support during 12 months; UdeM / MoH / MSF-B / ECHO partnership ; human
                                             resources; equipments; consumables; infrastructures

                                                                        Participative process
                                                                         Participative process

                Implication of target users in     Involvement of local              Support to the                 Adaptation and
                    identifying needs for            stakeholders in                Observatory to                  dissemination of
                         knowledge                producing knowledge             produce knowledge                    knowledge

                                                 Preparation of protocoles        Building of the teams’        Publication of policy briefs
                      Workshop for the
                                                 by the Observatory teams          technical capacities            on new knowledge
                  identification of needs for

                           knowledge                                                                              Presentations at local
                                                 Conduct of studies by the         Supervision of the
                                                   Observatory teams            production of knowledge                meetings
                    Prioritizing needs for
                       knowledge with              Utilization of HIS data      Conduct of independant            National dissemination
                     Observatory teams                                              studies by UdeM                     workshop

                  Knowledge is useful to          The legitimacy of the            The credibility of                   Knowledge is           Process
                      target users.               Obs. is established.           knowlege is ensured.                    accessible.           utilization

                        Better utilization of knowledge in decision-making on user fee exemption measures

                                                                                                             At the
                                                                                                              At the
                                                  At the local
                                                   At the local                  At the
                                                                                  At the                   internat.
                                                       level                 national level
                                                                              national level                 level
© Robert, 2011
5. With what effect was the RK transferred?

   Expected                    Facilitators                      Obstacles       Potential for
    results                                                                      achievement
1) Knowledge is     KT strategy:                           KT strategy:
useful to target    • Involvement of potential users in    • Poor targeting of
users.              the identification of needs            decision and policy
                    Context:                                                          ++
                    • Answer to an explicitly
                    formulated need
                    • MDGs context

2) The legitimacy   KT strategy:
of the              • Endogeneous process of
Observatory is      knowledge production
established.        • Technical support from partners
                    • Local initiative and institutional
5. With what effect was the RK transferred?

   Expected                    Facilitators                      Obstacles             Potential for
    results                                                                            achievement
3) The credibility   KT strategy:                         KT strategy:
of knowledge is      • Scientific support from partners   • Validity of data
ensured.             Context:                             produced by the
                                                          Observatory                       +
                     • Long-term collaboration between
                     partners                             • Short-term trainings and
                                                          one-year strategy

4) Knowledge is      KT strategy:                         KT strategy:
disseminated and     • Workshop and policy briefs         • Push strategy
accessible.                                               • No dissemination plan
                                                          • Participants with low
                     • Strong involvement of key
                     stakeholder (messenger)              leverage

5) Process           KT strategy:                         KT strategy:
utilization          • Better understanding of the ins    • No national potential
                     and outs of free healthcare at the   users involved in the
                     local level                          process
                     • Trainings                          • Life span of the KT
                     Context:                             strategy
                     • Mid-term sustainability
Youssouf Dembélé is the Executive Director of the Alliance Médicale Contre le
Paludisme au Mali.

Emilie Robert is a Ph.D. student in public health at Montreal University (Canada).
She is working under the supervision of Dr. Valéry Ridde. She is a senior fellow of
the Global Health Research Strengthening Program (GHR-CAP), funded by the
Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Population Health Research
Network of Quebec. She holds a scholarship from the Quebec Fund for Nature and
Technology Research. She has a travel grant from the Research centre of
University of Montreal hospital centre (CRCHUM).

Contacts: /

Acknowledgments to the team:
     • Dr. Valéry Ridde, Montreal University
     • Dr. Slim Haddad, Montreal University
Favoriser la prise de décision fondée sur des
  données probantes au Burkina Faso: une
   initiative de courtage de connaissances

                       Christian Dagenais
                    Michèle Boileau-Falardeau
                           ValÉry ridde

     Second global symposium on health system research
                  Beijing, Novembre 2012
• En Afrique, les coûts d’utilisation représentent une
  barrière financière importante pour l’accès aux soins de

• L’utilisation des résultats de recherche: un élément qui
  favorise l’amélioration des pratiques et de la prise de
« Le rapport est disponible, mais il n’a pas
        encore été exploité … »
• Cette situation résulte principalement d’un manque
  d’interaction entre les chercheurs et les utilisateurs

• Les stratégies de transfert de connaisances ayant
  recours à un intermédiaire, aussi appelé courtier de
  connaissance (Knowledge broker) représente une
  solution potentielle à ce problème: c’est précisément
  cet objectif que vise notre projet
Quelles connaissances font l’objet de
         la stratégie d’AC?
 • Données probantes concernant quatre
   domaines d’intervention dans un district du
   Burkina Faso:
      • Nutrition et gratuité des soins
      • Prise en charge du paludisme
      • Santé maternelle
      • Mutuelles de santé
Comment se présente la
• Activités de planification

• Activité de courtage de connaissances

• Activités de soutien au courtier
Planification de la stratégie
Activités de préparatoire au
           projet               Activités de consultation             Construction de la stratégie

                               Atelier participatif de présentation
                               Atelier participatif de présentation
                               d’activités de courtage suggérées
                                d’activités de courtage suggérées

    Recension des écrits
    Recension des écrits
     sur le courtage de
     sur le courtage de
       connaissances                  Qui a participé?
                                                                               Modélisation de la
                                                                               Modélisation de la
                               Chercheurs                                    stratégie de courtage
                                                                             stratégie de courtage
                                    de             Planificateur
   Adaptation du contenu
   Adaptation du contenu                            au niveau
  sous la forme d’une note
  sous la forme d’une note                           national
                               de Montréal
        de synthèse
         de synthèse

                               Chercheurs             niveau
                                burkinabè            régional
Activités de courtage
 Liaison et transfert entre le
chercheurs et les utilisateurs

 Identification des besoins des
            utilisateurs                   Intervenants

                                   Décideurs: locaux, régionaux,
    Gestion de l’information                nationaux

 Identification des réseaux de              Chercheurs

   Préparation de matériel pour
diffusion (résumé synthèse, PPT,
Activité de soutien au courtier

                  Formation sur le courtage de
                  Formation sur le courtage de
                  connaissances (1 semaine)
                   connaissances (1 semaine)

                          Formation sur
                     l’accompagnement du
                    changement (1 semaine)

                   Soutien technique pour la
                   Soutien technique pour la
                   recherche documentaire        Courtier
                    recherche documentaire

                      Supervision Skype
                      Supervision Skype

                 Stage d’observation au Canada
                 Stage d’observation au Canada
5. Évaluation de la mise en œuvre et
      des effets de la stratégie
1. Mesurer les réactions des courtiers de connaissances
   et des chercheurs après les activités de formation
2. Documenter la mise en oeuvre des activités de
   courtage et les résultats produits
3. Identifier les éléments qui facilitent ou gênent la mise
   en oeuvre de l’intervention
4. Mesurer l’attitude et l’intention d’utiliser
5. Mesurer les effets de la stratégie de courtage sur les
   pratiques et la prise de décision
Sharing and using evidence on a free
healthcare programme in BurkinaFaso:
            An evaluation

                  Christian Dagenais
                   Ludovic Queuille
                     Valéry ridde

    Second global symposium on health system research
                 Beijing, November 2012
Evaluation objectives

1. To evaluate the strategy’s
   implementation processes
2. To document the extent to which the
   targeted effects were achieved
Methodology (in short)

• Questionnaire (n = 50)

• Face-to-face interviews(n = 38)

• Analysis of documents (reports of
  meetings, terms of reference, research
  notes and reports, etc.)
Logic model of the knowledge transfer strategy

                KNOWLEDGE                  KNOWLEDGE       EVIDENCE                                                   DECISION
                PRODUCTION            SHARING/DISSEMINATIO  USERS                                                     MAKERS           Integration of user
                                               N                                            Intervention                               fees exemption for
                                             Policy Briefs                                 improvement                    PNDS
                                                                                                                          PNDS             vulnerable
                                                                                                                        2011/2020       population in the
MINISTRY of                           District/Regional evidence                            Implementors             commissions
                                                                                                                       commissions      2011/2020 PNDS
                    Process               sharing workshops             RHD/DMO          knowledge (GO/NGO)
                                       District/Regional/Central                                                                        National budget
                Health services                                           MoH                  Evidence                   Inter-
                                           communications                                                                              allocation for user
                  outcomes                                                                  dissemination              ministerial
                                               workshops                                                                                fees exemptions
 RHD/HD                                                                                                                committee
 partners                                                                 CSO            Financial accessibility        about the
                                                                                                                        about the
                Health Facilities      Technical and Financial
                                                                                          strategies include in         worst-off
                  outcomes                 MoH Partners
                                                                                         Health District Plans
                                          communications                  INGO                                                         International funds
                                            workshops                                                                      SCO
                                                                                                                           SCO             for user fees
              Patients satisfaction
UNIVERSITY                                                                                                                                 exemptions
                                                                                             user fees
                                           National sharing           Technical and      exemptions in ECHO
              Community outcomes        experiences workshop          Financial MoH      and others partners           Politicians
                                                                         Partners             projects
 National                              Dissemination research             (TFP)
              Household outcomes                                                                                                          Formulate a
  NGOs                                 evidence to CSO, media
                                                                                                                                       National strategy
                                        and decision-makers                               evaluation in ECHO
                                                                                                                                       to exemption the
              Individual outcomes                                        MEDIA            and other partners
                                                                                                                          TFP              worst-off
                                        National/International                                 projects
  ECHO                                scientific communications
 PROJECT       Direct and indirect                                    RESEARCHERS          Evidence cited by
PARTNERS              costs                                                                                              Scientific
                                                                                                                         Scientific     Increase the level
                                        Advocacy publication                             scientific community
                                                                                                                        community        of researches on
                                                                                                                                             user fees
                      Etc.                Press conference

                   INPUTS, ACTIVITIES & OUTPUTS                    FIRST-LEVEL TARGETS      OUTCOMES            SECOND-LEVEL TARGETS        IMPACTS
1a. Implementation processes

•   Broad scope of the efforts invested in KT
•   Expertise required to use the knowledge
•   Low interest in reading
•   Dissemination workshops seem to have
    the greatest impact
1b. Implementation processes

• Open-minded attitude to research
• Difficulty reaching all target groups to the
  same extent
• Presentation of the information in an
  appropriate format
2a. Achievement of the targeted

 Three (main) types of research utilization

   • Conceptual

   • Instrumental

   • Persuasive (strategic)

2b. Achievement of the targeted
• A number of significant efforts were invested in
  KT activities, and they led to every type of use
• However, some tools were more effective than
  others (for example, the dissemination
• Users developed an increasingly positive
  attitude toward research and considered it useful
2c. Achievement of the targeted
• Additional effort is needed to make information
  more accessible, to explain how to put
  knowledge into practice, and to adapt to users’
  work calendars
• Written documents were not the best
  means of dissemination
• Trying to involve high-ranking officials
  remains a significant challenge
Types and examples of knowledge use by different target groups
                              Instrumental                      Conceptual                         Persuasive
        NGO            •   Putting in place a          •    Reflecting on how they use •       Confirming how they do
                           mechanism for more rapid         knowledge                          things
                           reimbursement                                               •       Convincing decision

        CSO            •   Total exemption from        •    Paiement is recognized as      •   Utilisation des résultats
                           payment of maternal              one of the most important          dans les démarches de
                           health care now among its        barriers in access to              plaidoyer
                           claims                           maternal health

Local health workers   •   Changing practices           •   Knowing the community          •
                           (prescriptions, reception of     and its needs better
                           women, etc.)                 •   Becoming aware of
                                                            priorities (indigents, etc.)

  Local et regional    •   Redistributing the workload •    Planning certain activities    •   Using the program as an
  decision-makers      •   Changing the allocation of       (annual action plans)              example
                           resources                   •    Understanding the effects
                                                            of the intervention

        TFP            •   Being concerned about       •    Using the project as a         •   Using the program as an
                           obtaining scientific data        source of inspiration for          example
                                                            the health insurance
Key lessons learned (a)

• Create homogeneous groups for the
  dissemination workshops to adapt the content
  to the audiences
• Focus the presentations on a few key
• Transform and synthesize information
Key lessons learned (b)

• Use a specially trained person to present the
• Adjust the knowledge dissemination strategy to
  suit users’ planning calendars
• Train and support “multiplying agents” to
  retransmit information in the various settings
For more details:

• Dagenais C., L. Queuille & V. Ridde (in press).
  A knowledge transfer evaluation of a user fees
  exemption intervention in Burkina Faso. Global
  Health Promotion, Special Issue.

• Available at:
Capitalizing on local knowledge about
    free healthcare policy in West Africa:
        the experience of 7 countries

Zakillatou ADAM, HIV/AIDS Department, Ministry of Health (Togo )
Yamba KAFANDO, IRSS/CNRST (Burkina Faso)

Valery RIDDE (CR – CHUM/Department of social and preventive health,
Montreal University, QUEBEC)
Objective of the presentation
What research knowledge was transferred?
To whom and by whom was the research
knowledge transferred?
How was the research knowledge transferred?
With what effect was the research knowledge
• Common problematic on access to health care in West Africa

• Implementation of user fee exemption policies in order to improve
  the coverage of vulnerable population
• Limited evidence on these policies

• Strong expertise from the in-charge of these policies but not
  available; no or limited sharing of experience
• Regional capitalisation strategy with HELP/CRCHUM

• Objective = To transform this expertise into knowledge that can be
  shared out and to capitalise on field experiences
Objective of the presentation

General objective: To describe and analyse this knowledge
  translation strategy in 7 West-African countries.

Specific objectives
    To assess the      process   of   capitalisation   and   its
    To analyze the results that were achieved thanks to this
     KT strategy
What research knowledge was
 Subsidizing deliveries and emergency obstetric and
  neonatal care (Burkina Faso)

• Free caesarian and free prevention and treatment of
  malaria (Mali)

• Free caesarian and free care for children under 5 (Niger)

• Free care for the elderly (plan Sésame – Senegal)

• User fee exemption for HIV care (antiretroviral therapy)
Analytical framework
     Strategies        Attitudes and behaviours           Outputs

- Management          - Motivation/satisfaction of - Incidence of
                      health staff                 catastrophic
- Communication
                      - Relationship between
- Monitoring /
                      users and health             - Health care seeking
evaluation /
                      providers                    behaviours
                      - Users’ satisfaction       - Utilization of modern
- Community
                                                  health services
participation         - Perception of target
                      population on the           - Utilization of
- Service provision
                      outcomes of the policy      traditional health
and referral
                      - Coping strategies of
                      health staff                - Quality of services
To whom and by whom was the
     research knowledge transferred?
Country teams (7 countries)

Mixed teams (60 participants)
–   Policy in-charge or policy makers
–   Technicians from the Ministries of Health
–   Members of the national civil society
–   Researchers
–   Membres of non-governmental organisations and of international
How was the research knowledge
   Implementation of transferred?
country team in Benin,
 Burkina, Ghana, Mali,
 Niger, Togo, Senegal
   on several topics                                                                              Knowledge
                                          Country case                 Regional
 (caesarian, free care                    studies                      capitalization             dissemination
   for elderly, etc.)
 Knowledge synthesis
  gaps in knowledge
   Prerequisite (…)                            SHARING & CAPITALISING on EXPERIENCES

                                                Technical and financial support and supervision

                                  Workshop 1                           Workshop 2                         Workshop 3

June-10   July-10   Aug-10   Sep-10   Oct-10    Nov-10   Dec-10   Jan-11    Feb-11      Mar-11   Apr-11   May-11   June-11
With what effect was the research
   knowledge transferred? (1)
• Scoping study on public policies         and   NGOs
  interventions in participant countries

• Knowledge production through participatory case

• Results of the scoping study and results of the case
  studies from the countries converge.

             The credibility of the case studies is
With what effect was the research
   knowledge transferred? (2)
The knowledge that has been produced is useful to both
the participants and the policy makers:
 • Better understanding of the policies
 • Identification of bottlenecks

Opportunities for actors:
 • Capacity building (analytical and writing skills)
 • Networking
 • Strengthening of professional skills

Participation in knowledge building in West Africa
The point of view of « insiders » is as important as
the one of researchers.

User fee exemption policies in the participating
countries face the same challenges and it is crucial
that in-charges of these policies regularly meet to
share their experience.

Lessons learns must be shared, disseminated and
put into practice.

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Knowledge translation strategies in West Africa

  • 1. Promoting evidence-based decision making to improve access to healthcare for vulnerable populations: Knowledge translation strategies in West Africa Global symposium on health system research (Beijing, 31 oct. – 3 nov. 2012) Chair : Valéry Ridde
  • 2. 1. Successes and challenges of the Observatory of free healthcare in Mali 2. Favoriser la prise de décision fondée sur des données probantes au Burkina Faso: une initiative de courtage de connaissances 3. Sharing and using evidence on a free healthcare programme in BurkinaFaso: An evaluation 4. Capitalizing on local knowledge about free healthcare policy in West Africa: the experience of 7 countries
  • 3. Global symposium on health system research (Beijing, 31 oct. – 3 nov. 2012) Producing and transferring local knowledge Successes and challenges of the Observatory of free healthcare in Mali Emilie Robert Dembélé Youssouf
  • 4. Outline 1. Context 2. What research knowledge (RK) was transferred? 3. To whom was the RK transferred? 4. By whom was the RK transferred? 5. How was the RK transferred? 6. With what effect was the RK transferred?
  • 5. Context Several free care policies: • Free care for under 5 (NGO) • Distribution of free mosquito bednets (gvt+NGO) • Free malaria treatment (gvt) • Caesarian (gvt) • HIV treatment (gvt) Objectives: To use existing data from the information system and to produce new knowledge to fuel decisions on user fee exemption policies. MALI
  • 6. 1. What RK was transferred? (1) Dimensions RK produced by the Ministry of RK produced by health University of Montréal - Curative consultation coverage in Kangaba - Effects of free care of - Access to C-section in Bamako. curative care for children - Effects of free ACT on accessibility of under 5 on consultation in Utilization of children living further than 5 km from a Kangaba health services community health centre (CsCom) - Effects of free mosquito bednets on prenatal care in Sikasso - Effects of free anti malaria on financial - Costs of curative capacity of community health centres consultation for children Financial (CSCom) in Bamako under 5 (scaling up) aspects / costs of UF exemption - Effects of free care on financial capacity of policies community health management (ASACO) in Kangaba - Perception of health staff on free anti malaria in Sikasso and Kayes Actors’ - Perception of users on free anti malaria in perceptions of Sikasso free care - Opinion of Kangaba population on cessation of free care for children under 5
  • 7. 2. To whom was the RK transferred?
  • 8. 3. By whom was the RK transferred? • Supervision team – University of Montreal, researchers with technical expertise – Médecins Sans Frontières – Belgium: coordination of the strategy and fundraising – National Directorate of the Ministy of Health: operational side of the research, access to the health system information
  • 9. 4. How was the RK transferred? • Modelization of the knowledge translation strategy theory (post-intervention) • Objective: → To evaluate the potential for achievement of the KT strategy • Sources: – Interviews – project documents – KT literature
  • 10. INPUTS Administrative and financial support during 12 months; UdeM / MoH / MSF-B / ECHO partnership ; human resources; equipments; consumables; infrastructures Participative process Participative process PROCESS Implication of target users in Involvement of local Support to the Adaptation and identifying needs for stakeholders in Observatory to dissemination of knowledge producing knowledge produce knowledge knowledge Preparation of protocoles Building of the teams’ Publication of policy briefs Workshop for the by the Observatory teams technical capacities on new knowledge identification of needs for ACTIVITIES knowledge Presentations at local Conduct of studies by the Supervision of the Observatory teams production of knowledge meetings Prioritizing needs for knowledge with Utilization of HIS data Conduct of independant National dissemination Observatory teams studies by UdeM workshop EXPECTED RESULTS Knowledge is useful to The legitimacy of the The credibility of Knowledge is Process target users. Obs. is established. knowlege is ensured. accessible. utilization Better utilization of knowledge in decision-making on user fee exemption measures OBJECTIVE At the At the At the local At the local At the At the internat. internat. level level national level national level level level © Robert, 2011
  • 11. 5. With what effect was the RK transferred? Expected Facilitators Obstacles Potential for results achievement 1) Knowledge is KT strategy: KT strategy: useful to target • Involvement of potential users in • Poor targeting of users. the identification of needs decision and policy makers Context: ++ • Answer to an explicitly formulated need • MDGs context 2) The legitimacy KT strategy: of the • Endogeneous process of Observatory is knowledge production established. • Technical support from partners +++ Context: • Local initiative and institutional anchoring
  • 12. 5. With what effect was the RK transferred? Expected Facilitators Obstacles Potential for results achievement 3) The credibility KT strategy: KT strategy: of knowledge is • Scientific support from partners • Validity of data ensured. Context: produced by the Observatory + • Long-term collaboration between partners • Short-term trainings and one-year strategy 4) Knowledge is KT strategy: KT strategy: disseminated and • Workshop and policy briefs • Push strategy accessible. • No dissemination plan Context: • Participants with low - • Strong involvement of key stakeholder (messenger) leverage 5) Process KT strategy: KT strategy: utilization • Better understanding of the ins • No national potential and outs of free healthcare at the users involved in the local level process • Trainings • Life span of the KT + Context: strategy • Mid-term sustainability
  • 13. Youssouf Dembélé is the Executive Director of the Alliance Médicale Contre le Paludisme au Mali. Emilie Robert is a Ph.D. student in public health at Montreal University (Canada). She is working under the supervision of Dr. Valéry Ridde. She is a senior fellow of the Global Health Research Strengthening Program (GHR-CAP), funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Population Health Research Network of Quebec. She holds a scholarship from the Quebec Fund for Nature and Technology Research. She has a travel grant from the Research centre of University of Montreal hospital centre (CRCHUM). Contacts: / Acknowledgments to the team: • Dr. Valéry Ridde, Montreal University • Dr. Slim Haddad, Montreal University
  • 14. Favoriser la prise de décision fondée sur des données probantes au Burkina Faso: une initiative de courtage de connaissances Christian Dagenais Michèle Boileau-Falardeau ValÉry ridde Second global symposium on health system research Beijing, Novembre 2012
  • 15. Contexte • En Afrique, les coûts d’utilisation représentent une barrière financière importante pour l’accès aux soins de santé • L’utilisation des résultats de recherche: un élément qui favorise l’amélioration des pratiques et de la prise de décision
  • 16. « Le rapport est disponible, mais il n’a pas encore été exploité … »
  • 17. Contexte • Cette situation résulte principalement d’un manque d’interaction entre les chercheurs et les utilisateurs potentiels • Les stratégies de transfert de connaisances ayant recours à un intermédiaire, aussi appelé courtier de connaissance (Knowledge broker) représente une solution potentielle à ce problème: c’est précisément cet objectif que vise notre projet
  • 18. Quelles connaissances font l’objet de la stratégie d’AC? • Données probantes concernant quatre domaines d’intervention dans un district du Burkina Faso: • Nutrition et gratuité des soins • Prise en charge du paludisme • Santé maternelle • Mutuelles de santé
  • 19. Comment se présente la stratégie? • Activités de planification • Activité de courtage de connaissances • Activités de soutien au courtier
  • 20. Planification de la stratégie Activités de préparatoire au projet Activités de consultation Construction de la stratégie Atelier participatif de présentation Atelier participatif de présentation d’activités de courtage suggérées d’activités de courtage suggérées Recension des écrits Recension des écrits sur le courtage de sur le courtage de connaissances connaissances Qui a participé? Modélisation de la Modélisation de la Chercheurs stratégie de courtage stratégie de courtage de Planificateur Adaptation du contenu Adaptation du contenu au niveau l’Université sous la forme d’une note sous la forme d’une note national de Montréal de synthèse de synthèse Planificateur Chercheurs niveau burkinabè régional
  • 21.
  • 22. Activités de courtage Liaison et transfert entre le chercheurs et les utilisateurs Identification des besoins des utilisateurs Intervenants Décideurs: locaux, régionaux, Gestion de l’information nationaux Identification des réseaux de Chercheurs diffusion Préparation de matériel pour diffusion (résumé synthèse, PPT, etc.)
  • 23. Activité de soutien au courtier Formation sur le courtage de Formation sur le courtage de connaissances (1 semaine) connaissances (1 semaine) Formation Formation Formation sur l’accompagnement du changement (1 semaine) Soutien technique pour la Soutien technique pour la recherche documentaire Courtier recherche documentaire Accompagnement Accompagnement Supervision Skype Supervision Skype hebdomadaires hebdomadaires Stage d’observation au Canada Stage d’observation au Canada
  • 24. 5. Évaluation de la mise en œuvre et des effets de la stratégie 1. Mesurer les réactions des courtiers de connaissances et des chercheurs après les activités de formation 2. Documenter la mise en oeuvre des activités de courtage et les résultats produits 3. Identifier les éléments qui facilitent ou gênent la mise en oeuvre de l’intervention 4. Mesurer l’attitude et l’intention d’utiliser 5. Mesurer les effets de la stratégie de courtage sur les pratiques et la prise de décision
  • 25. Sharing and using evidence on a free healthcare programme in BurkinaFaso: An evaluation Christian Dagenais Ludovic Queuille Valéry ridde Second global symposium on health system research Beijing, November 2012
  • 26. Evaluation objectives 1. To evaluate the strategy’s implementation processes 2. To document the extent to which the targeted effects were achieved
  • 27. Methodology (in short) • Questionnaire (n = 50) • Face-to-face interviews(n = 38) • Analysis of documents (reports of meetings, terms of reference, research notes and reports, etc.)
  • 28. Logic model of the knowledge transfer strategy KNOWLEDGE KNOWLEDGE EVIDENCE DECISION COALITION PRODUCTION SHARING/DISSEMINATIO USERS MAKERS Integration of user N Intervention fees exemption for Policy Briefs improvement PNDS PNDS vulnerable Relevance 2011/2020 2011/2020 population in the MINISTRY of District/Regional evidence  Implementors commissions commissions 2011/2020 PNDS Process sharing workshops RHD/DMO knowledge (GO/NGO) HEALTH (MoH) District/Regional/Central National budget Health services MoH Evidence Inter- Inter- communications allocation for user outcomes dissemination ministerial ministerial workshops fees exemptions RHD/HD committee committee partners CSO Financial accessibility about the about the Health Facilities Technical and Financial strategies include in worst-off worst-off outcomes MoH Partners Health District Plans communications INGO International funds workshops SCO SCO for user fees Patients satisfaction UNIVERSITY exemptions  user fees National sharing Technical and exemptions in ECHO Community outcomes experiences workshop Financial MoH and others partners Politicians Politicians Partners projects National Dissemination research (TFP) Household outcomes Formulate a NGOs evidence to CSO, media National strategy and decision-makers  evaluation in ECHO to exemption the Individual outcomes MEDIA and other partners TFP TFP worst-off National/International projects ECHO scientific communications PROJECT Direct and indirect RESEARCHERS Evidence cited by PARTNERS costs Scientific Scientific Increase the level Advocacy publication scientific community community community of researches on user fees Etc. Press conference exemptions INPUTS, ACTIVITIES & OUTPUTS FIRST-LEVEL TARGETS OUTCOMES SECOND-LEVEL TARGETS IMPACTS
  • 30. 1a. Implementation processes • Broad scope of the efforts invested in KT • Expertise required to use the knowledge • Low interest in reading • Dissemination workshops seem to have the greatest impact
  • 31. 1b. Implementation processes • Open-minded attitude to research • Difficulty reaching all target groups to the same extent • Presentation of the information in an appropriate format
  • 32. 2a. Achievement of the targeted effects Three (main) types of research utilization • Conceptual • Instrumental • Persuasive (strategic) 32
  • 33. 2b. Achievement of the targeted effects • A number of significant efforts were invested in KT activities, and they led to every type of use • However, some tools were more effective than others (for example, the dissemination workshops) • Users developed an increasingly positive attitude toward research and considered it useful
  • 34. 2c. Achievement of the targeted effects • Additional effort is needed to make information more accessible, to explain how to put knowledge into practice, and to adapt to users’ work calendars • Written documents were not the best means of dissemination • Trying to involve high-ranking officials remains a significant challenge
  • 35. Types and examples of knowledge use by different target groups Instrumental Conceptual Persuasive NGO • Putting in place a • Reflecting on how they use • Confirming how they do mechanism for more rapid knowledge things reimbursement • Convincing decision makers CSO • Total exemption from • Paiement is recognized as • Utilisation des résultats payment of maternal one of the most important dans les démarches de health care now among its barriers in access to plaidoyer claims maternal health Local health workers • Changing practices • Knowing the community • (prescriptions, reception of and its needs better women, etc.) • Becoming aware of priorities (indigents, etc.) Local et regional • Redistributing the workload • Planning certain activities • Using the program as an decision-makers • Changing the allocation of (annual action plans) example resources • Understanding the effects of the intervention TFP • Being concerned about • Using the project as a • Using the program as an obtaining scientific data source of inspiration for example the health insurance program
  • 36. Key lessons learned (a) • Create homogeneous groups for the dissemination workshops to adapt the content to the audiences • Focus the presentations on a few key messages • Transform and synthesize information
  • 37. Key lessons learned (b) • Use a specially trained person to present the information • Adjust the knowledge dissemination strategy to suit users’ planning calendars • Train and support “multiplying agents” to retransmit information in the various settings
  • 38. For more details: • Dagenais C., L. Queuille & V. Ridde (in press). A knowledge transfer evaluation of a user fees exemption intervention in Burkina Faso. Global Health Promotion, Special Issue. • Available at:
  • 39. Capitalizing on local knowledge about free healthcare policy in West Africa: the experience of 7 countries Speakers: Zakillatou ADAM, HIV/AIDS Department, Ministry of Health (Togo ) Yamba KAFANDO, IRSS/CNRST (Burkina Faso) Co-authors Ludovic QUEUILLE (NGO HELP, CRCHUM Canada) Valery RIDDE (CR – CHUM/Department of social and preventive health, Montreal University, QUEBEC)
  • 40. Outline Context Objective of the presentation What research knowledge was transferred? To whom and by whom was the research knowledge transferred? How was the research knowledge transferred? With what effect was the research knowledge transferred?
  • 41. Context • Common problematic on access to health care in West Africa • Implementation of user fee exemption policies in order to improve the coverage of vulnerable population • Limited evidence on these policies • Strong expertise from the in-charge of these policies but not available; no or limited sharing of experience • Regional capitalisation strategy with HELP/CRCHUM • Objective = To transform this expertise into knowledge that can be shared out and to capitalise on field experiences
  • 42. Objective of the presentation General objective: To describe and analyse this knowledge translation strategy in 7 West-African countries. Specific objectives  To assess the process of capitalisation and its implementation  To analyze the results that were achieved thanks to this KT strategy
  • 43. What research knowledge was transferred?  Subsidizing deliveries and emergency obstetric and neonatal care (Burkina Faso) • Free caesarian and free prevention and treatment of malaria (Mali) • Free caesarian and free care for children under 5 (Niger) • Free care for the elderly (plan Sésame – Senegal) • User fee exemption for HIV care (antiretroviral therapy) (Togo)
  • 44. Analytical framework Strategies Attitudes and behaviours Outputs - Management - Motivation/satisfaction of - Incidence of health staff catastrophic - Communication expenditures - Relationship between - Monitoring / users and health - Health care seeking evaluation / providers behaviours coordination - Users’ satisfaction - Utilization of modern - Community health services participation - Perception of target population on the - Utilization of - Service provision outcomes of the policy traditional health and referral services - Coping strategies of health staff - Quality of services
  • 45. To whom and by whom was the research knowledge transferred? Country teams (7 countries) Mixed teams (60 participants) – Policy in-charge or policy makers – Technicians from the Ministries of Health – Members of the national civil society – Researchers – Membres of non-governmental organisations and of international organisations
  • 46. How was the research knowledge Implementation of transferred? country team in Benin, Burkina, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Togo, Senegal on several topics Knowledge Country case Regional (caesarian, free care studies capitalization dissemination for elderly, etc.) Knowledge synthesis  gaps in knowledge Prerequisite (…) SHARING & CAPITALISING on EXPERIENCES Technical and financial support and supervision Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 June-10 July-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 June-11
  • 47. With what effect was the research knowledge transferred? (1) • Scoping study on public policies and NGOs interventions in participant countries • Knowledge production through participatory case studies • Results of the scoping study and results of the case studies from the countries converge. The credibility of the case studies is ensured.
  • 48. With what effect was the research knowledge transferred? (2) The knowledge that has been produced is useful to both the participants and the policy makers: • Better understanding of the policies • Identification of bottlenecks Opportunities for actors: • Capacity building (analytical and writing skills) • Networking • Strengthening of professional skills
  • 49. Conclusion Participation in knowledge building in West Africa The point of view of « insiders » is as important as the one of researchers. User fee exemption policies in the participating countries face the same challenges and it is crucial that in-charges of these policies regularly meet to share their experience. Lessons learns must be shared, disseminated and put into practice.

Editor's Notes

  1. Citation de Witter : par opposition aux mécanismes d’exemption ciblés prévus dans le cadre des politiques de recouvrement des coûts
  2. Citation de Witter : par opposition aux mécanismes d’exemption ciblés prévus dans le cadre des politiques de recouvrement des coûts
  3. Citation de Witter : par opposition aux mécanismes d’exemption ciblés prévus dans le cadre des politiques de recouvrement des coûts
  4. identifying broadcast channels
  5. In 2008, the NGO HELP has conducted a pilot project of subsidizing 100% of the costs of health care in two districts of Burkina Faso. A scientific partnership was created to produce evidence on the intervention, and a knowledge transfer strategy was developed to promote the use of these evidence by stakeholders (decision-makers, people working in the health system, funding partners, etc.). This paper presents the results of the evaluation of this KT strategy
  6. The present evaluation has two objectives
  7. A questionnaire was used to draw a baseline portrait of users ’ attitude toward research and of their access to research products. This baseline portrait was examined in greater detail through face-to-face interviews with 38 key informants (eight NGO members; seven local and regional decision-makers; four TFP representatives; five CSO representatives; 11 field workers; and three managers at the central level). The results presented are drawn from the analysis of documents (reports of meetings, terms of reference, research notes and reports, etc.) and from a thematic analysis of the qualitative interviews.
  8. This Figure presents the conceptual model for this strategy We could see that many activities were planned and that many potentiel users were targeted
  9. A. The team produced and distributed widely four policy briefs and an advocacy document that summarizes the key research results The team also organized a number of major activities for sharing research results at the local, regional and national levels (policy dialogues, press conference, etc.) B. Few participants have the skills required to read and understand scientific publications, judge their quality and put them into practice. Few of them read Thus, dissemination workshops is the strategy that seems to have the greatest impact C.
  10. When the project began, openness to research was considerably less; it should be noted that, for some of them, their previous contact with researchers had often been limited to data collection KT activities coverage for the different target groups was uneven The analysis highlighted the difficulty of reaching people at the highest levels in the system, as well as front-line workers. It is clear that investing resources in writing documents based on research is not the best strategy to influence change
  11. conceptual use of knowledge produced by research refers to changing users ’ frame of reference instrumental use , occurs when users, based on scientific evidence, take a decision or make concrete changes to their practices Finally, persuasive use of knowledge, sometimes called strategic or symbolic use, occurs when decision-makers and professionals use knowledge to legitimize their decisions or actions
  12. Ce sont des exercices de capitalisation entrepris dans chaque pays et accompagnés par une équipe externe, où connaissances tacites et scientifiques ont été exploitées par les parties prenantes du processus de capitalisation. Ces exercices ont été basés sur une démarche reflexive et critique avec de nombreuses discussions au sein et entre les groupes de travail par pays;