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KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life
(John 17:3; 1John5:20)
O’Tomisin Ajileye
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KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life
(John 17:3; 1John5:20)
We have been teaching on Righteousness for quite a while; hope you were blessed. Having
concluded this teaching series, we will begin a new one with the topic “KNOWING THE REAL
GOD”. Under this teaching we will discuss some scriptural-based and yet very deep mysteries
about God’s nature that will transform your relationship with Him. Do you have a longing to
know God more and know His ways and dealings? Are you passionate about developing a
better relationship with God? If your answer is yes, this is a series you don’t want to miss.
Many suffer undeservedly because they do not know the true nature of God. We will like to share
with you few of God’s nature He has revealed to us.
Please if you want to join us in this teaching and want this teaching to be shared with you or your
group page; like this post or type “share with me”. If it is a group, please type the group name.
May we grow in the Knowledge of Him by His Spirit. Amen
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KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life
Before we go fully into exposition into the person and nature of God, we shall lay some
foundations by some series of teachings that will help us all the way. Many at times, we see the
word “eternal life” in the bible as heaven or life without death. This is true to an extent but this is
not the whole truth about it. Eternal life is one of the defined concepts in Scriptures. Jesus
Himself during His earthly life tells us the whole truth about what eternal life is. Most of the
usage of the word eternal life and everlasting life in the bible does not make reference to a place
but a way of life. What God calls life is beyond not dying or living in some enjoyment.
According to Jesus, our Perfect Teacher, Eternal life is totaled in the knowledge of the “TRUE”
God and through or with the knowledge of Jesus whom God has sent. The Bible says:
John 1:4: In Him was Life and this life is the light of men. 1John 5:11: And this is the record, that
God hath given to us eternal life, AND THIS LIFE IS IN HIS SON.
The life in Jesus is what the Bible calls Eternal Life, not the place He came from or where He is
going. Jesus lived His life based on the knowledge of God; He knew it by heart, showed it by
deeds and taught it by Words. He became what He knew. Eternal life is the revelation of the true
nature of God and the oneness and conformity this brings between us and Him through this
knowledge. Jesus came for this main purpose that men may have eternal life; that men may
come to the knowledge of God; that men may come to live their lives in God, for God, through
God and by God – The True God.
This four words reoccur in the King James Version of the Bible, but we must also make it known
that these phrases means the same thing. Consider these two scriptures:
Mark 10:30: But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and
sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and IN THE WORLD TO COME
Luke 18:30: Who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and IN THE WORLD TO
We must also note that from the above that Eternal life is a single life that starts when you are
saved and has two phases: one in this present passing world and the other in the world to come.
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KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life
May the Holy Spirit shine His light through our hearts. Amen. Stay with us on this great
exposition on the true nature of God! We are still in progress!
Grace and Peace!
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KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life
In our previous teaching, we emphasized that Eternal Life is communion with the Father
expressed in the Person of Jesus and revealed by the Holy Spirit. This relationship is fostered by
consistent revelation of the nature of God and thus leads to our conformity. (Proverb 13:20a) He
who walks with the wise shall be wise (MKJV); He who walks with God shall become like Him. A
Yoruba adage says “Any leaf that rubs too long on soap will become soap” So it is with He who is
one with God continuously.
Eph 3:18,19: (That ye) May be able to COMPREHEND with all saints …And TO KNOW the love of
Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God.
The Word “Knowing” does not just imply head knowledge; it implies deep intimacy and
revelation (Gen 4:1) which brings the fullness of God and helps us enjoy all that pertains to life
and godliness. (2 Pet 2:1-3) (1John 2:27)
Jer 31:31-34: Behold, …I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, …I will put my law in
their inward parts, and write it in their hearts …And they shall teach no more every man his
neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: FOR THEY SHALL ALL KNOW ME,
This Prophesy is fulfilled in our time. Everyone who is indeed born again has the full knowledge of
God; he thus needs nobody to teach him about God anymore. That is a big statement!
If the Prophesy says we all know God already from oldest to youngest and need nobody to teach
us; why then do we need to learn about God from His Word or from other believers today? The
answer is simple! The balance of man’s tripartite nature (spirit, soul, and body) explains it all. We
receive the gift of salvation within our spirit and thus receive the full revelation of God with it.
What we now need is for this knowledge to permeate our soul by the renewing of our mind. This
is the need for this teaching: to awaken and reveal in us the knowledge of God.
If you therefore have not become one of God’s children by receiving the free gift of salvation by
faith; it does not matter how much bible you know, how long you’ve been in church, or how good
your Sunday school classes were, my dear friend, I must be honest with you: you cannot KNOW
God. If you have not at a particular time chosen Jesus and become reborn into God’s spiritual
family, please find a true Christian around you and let them show you how. The fact that you are
reading this is a sign that God is calling you again; He wants you to be one with Him. Accept Jesus,
then you will be able to continue with us in this flow of knowing God.
May the Holy Spirit shine His light through our hearts. Amen. Stay with us on this great
exposition on the true nature of God! We are still in progress!
Grace and Peace!
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KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life
In our previous teaching, we made it clear that we have in us a new spirit coupled and one with
the Holy Spirit which knows everything there is about God and His Word; thus we need no one
to teach us about God anymore. Nevertheless, we said, this life and knowledge is in our spirit as
a seed, we need to produce its fruits in our soul and body. This is why we need to learn.
1John 5:20: And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath GIVEN US AN
UNDERSTANDING, THAT WE MAY KNOW HIM THAT IS TRUE, and we are in Him that is true,
even in his Son Jesus Christ. THIS IS THE TRUE GOD, AND ETERNAL LIFE.
Eternal life as we have been discussing is the knowledge and oneness with God. (1Jo 5:11) God
hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Therefore, if this life is in Jesus, it implies
anyone who does not know Jesus does not have eternal life and thus does not have the ability
to have the “TRUE” revelation of the “TRUE” God
Since the Old Testament prophets never received Jesus, it implies they also did not have eternal
life, and thus did not know God. We would perhaps say that they did not have the revelation of
the true God.
Mat 13:16,17: …MANY PROPHETS AND RIGHTEOUS MEN have desired to see those things
which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not
heard them.
God did not reveal His true nature to people in the Old Testament, especially those under the
law. This is majorly because they did not have the ability (the Life) to understand Him. God hid
His true nature from them, He showed them the God they could understand. We shall compare
some sharp contrast between the Old Testament Prophets’ Teachings and the Revelation of
God in the New Testament:
Job believed God is the author of both evil and good in man’s life; he believed we have as much
right to receive evil from God as much as we have right to receive good. He said”…What? Shall
we receive good at the hand of God, AND SHALL WE NOT RECEIVE EVIL...” (Job 2:10)
James thinks otherwise, He said “Every GOOD GIFT AND EVERY PERFECT GIFT is from above,
and cometh down from the Father of lights…” (Jam 1:17) Likewise Jesus (Matt 7:9-11)
The Book of Job showed us how it was God that initiated and commanded the trials and
temptations that came upon Job to proof a point to satan. “And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast
thou considered my servant Job,…Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put
not forth thine hand…” (Job 1:8-12)
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KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life
James also does not believe this, He said “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for
when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that
love him. LET NO MAN SAY when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: FOR GOD CANNOT BE
TEMPTED WITH EVIL, NEITHER TEMPTETH HE ANY MAN: But every man is tempted, when he is
drawn away of his own lust, and enticed…” (Jam 1:12-15)
This may seem strange to some, but NEXT TIME, we will continue the obvious contrast between
the God revealed in the Old and that which is revealed in the New; and explain some more.
May the Holy Spirit shine His light through our hearts. Amen. Stay with us on this great
exposition on The True Nature of God! We are still in progress!
Grace and Peace!
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KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life
We shall continue to compare some sharp contrast between the Old Testament Prophets’
Teachings and their Revelation of God with what we have in the New Testament:
Matthew 5:21-47 is filled with six major corrections Jesus did to what Moses called the
Commandments of God. The God that was revealed to Moses was a virtual God, even though it
seemed real to him. God hid His true nature from the Israelite.
The revelation of people in the Old Testament of God is that He is the source of every evil and
good, they never knew there was a satan who does only evil and a God who does only good. If a
person is barren, then God shut her womb; if a person died, God killed him; if there is famine,
then God caused it; if there is an evil spirit, then it is from God (Judges 9:23; 1 Samuel 16:14). So
much that Moses would preach to God to repent from his evil and teach God right justice and
Exodus 32:12: Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, and say, For mischief did he bring them
out, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth? Turn from
Consider these two scriptures:
2Sam 24:1: And again the anger of THE LORD was kindled against Israel, and HE MOVED DAVID
against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah.
1Chro 21:1: And SATAN stood up against Israel, and PROVOKED DAVID to number Israel.
This is the same story presented in two books. One said God moved David to number Israel and
the other said satan provoked David to number Israel. This shows us how much they didn’t
know God and proves to us that they blame God for everything, and God deliberately did not
help them understand because He was the God that hides Himself.
God said in Isaiah 42:8 that He will never give His glory to any man, but in John 17:22 Jesus said
“And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them…” These and many others that we
could not discuss are obvious differences between the Old Testament’s revelation of God and
the New Testament’s. They just did not know God; even if God revealed Himself they still
couldn’t know Him.
Yes of course. This does not make the Old Testament obsolete! (Colossians 2:17; Hebrew 10:1;
Hebrews 8:4,5) These scriptures vehemently repeated that the Old Testament is the shadow of
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KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life
the New, nevertheless, we must read it, but in the light of the New. There are some revelations
in the New Testament that we will never fully comprehend if we don’t read the Old Testament.
The shadow still contains several great understanding which can be a lot beneficial if breathed
upon by the Holy Spirit, because:
ALL GOOD WORKS. (2TI 3:16,17)
Listen to the prerequisite for receiving forgiveness in the Old Testament “If my people, which
are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from
their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, AND WILL FORGIVE THEIR SIN, and will heal
their land” (2Ch 7:14)
In the new Testament, God revealed to us that He has forgiven us and will not remember our
sins no more because Jesus has taken them all away. “This is the covenant that I will make with
John 1:29: The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God,
In Genesis 22:1, the Bible said “And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt
Abraham…” but we saw previously that Apostle James with the true revelation of God said God
tempts no man. (James 1:13)
May the Holy Spirit cause us to know Him individually. Amen. Stay with us on this great
exposition on The True Nature of God! We are still in progress!
Grace and Peace!
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KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life
In the last teaching, we emphasized that no one in the Old Testament knew God; this is simply
because they did not have eternal life which Jesus alone gives. We thus identified basic
differences between their teaching and those of the New Testament. We thus must not
because of this neglect reading the Old Testament; Jesus Himself taught that: when we have
the knowledge of the Old Testament and the New, we will be able to bring out both Old and
New treasures of the Word to bless ourselves and others also. (Mat 13:52). But In today’s
teaching we will discuss the above topic.
1 Kings 22:19; Isaiah 6:1; and Amos 9:1 are scriptures that described the Old Testaments
Prophets as saying “…I saw the Lord…” even Moses saw the back of God; YET Jesus said in John
6:45,46 that “NOT THAT ANY MAN HATH SEEN THE FATHER, save he which is of God, he hath
seen the Father”. This tells us that the “seeing” Jesus referred to did not imply “Physical seeing
or Spiritual vision”. This “seeing” is “THE REVELATIONAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUE NATURE OF
GOD which is eternal life”. Note that! Read it again if you don’t get it, please!
Read this scripture carefully: John 14:7-11: If ye had known me, ye should have known my
Father also: and from henceforth YE KNOW HIM, AND HAVE SEEN HIM. Philip saith unto him,
Lord, shew us the Father…Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast
sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? Believest thou not that I AM IN THE FATHER, AND THE
Jesus said, nobody has seen God except Him, and anyone who knows His nature has known the
nature of God. He wasn’t referring to his physical figure, but His nature and lifestyle. For ages,
men thought they knew God, but unknown to them, God hid His true nature from them. When
the fullness of time came for God to reveal Himself and show men who He really is, He sent
Jesus to give men the power to know Him and also express His full nature to them. (1John 5:20)
NO!!! Many of us believe the statement above or subconsciously assume it in our hearts. But
this is wrong. The Bible speaking about Jesus in Col 2:9 said that “…in him dwelleth all the
The Father and the Son may be DIFFERENT IN RESPONSIBILITY, but they are the same in nature!
Jesus said that all He does is by the Father and He said again that the Holy Spirit will do and say
everything He tells Him (John 16:13). So they are all One in nature and mind!
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KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life
This is why Eternal life is knowing God and Jesus whom He has sent and not just knowing God.
Knowing God is through the Son and by the revelation given by the Holy Spirit. Please Note:
Everything to know about God is what Jesus came to show us by His life and teaching. So,
BY HEARING WHAT HE TAUGHT. Only Him and no one else knew the Father from the beginning,
not even the angels nor the prophets. So Henceforth, start seeking to know the Father, simply
by paying more attention to Jesus Words and Deeds.
May the Holy Spirit cause us to know Him individually. Amen. Stay with us on this great
exposition on The True Nature of God! We are still in progress!
Grace and Peace!
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KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life
We have considered previously how God revealed Himself differently in the Old Testament
from the way He revealed Himself in the New Testament. We considered how satan was not
revealed to them and God made them see Himself as the Author of both good and evil (Job
2:10; Compare these two scriptures: 2Sam 24:1; 1Chro 21:1). We saw how an evil spirit and a
lying spirit were said to come from the presence of the Holy God among several others. The
question now is WHY? Is God hypocritical or partial, sometimes like this and later like another?
Jesus told His disciples that no one has seen the Father except Him and now anyone who
receives Him has seen the Father. (John 6:45-47; John 14:7-10) God’s knowledge is more than a
theory, God’s knowledge is a revelation. We can teach you all we have learned of God in this
series and yet, you should not have a clue into God’s nature. So even if God reveal Himself to
them in the Old Testament, they will not understand Him. But now the Bible said:
1 John 5:20: And we know that the Son of God is come, and HATH GIVEN US AN
UNDERSTANDING, THAT WE MAY KNOW HIM THAT IS TRUE… This is the true God, and eternal
life; 1Corinthian 2:14: But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they
are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Since their spirits were dead to God, they cannot do what is right to Him. Wickedness grew
which only a flood can correct. The only way God can make them obey him and do right for
their own benefit is not by revealing His true nature to them but by showing Himself as the God
with the rod and by making them serve him with trembling fear. Their motivation for serving
God was out of the fear of physical destruction, not even eternal damnation. (Rom 8:15; Luke
The Old Testaments greats and smalls, prophets and priests are all like slaves of God. The most
any of them went is to be called God’s friend. We all know that the way a son is treated is
different from the way a slave is treated. If a rich man introduce someone as his child and
another as just his friend, we all know who gets his inheritance. A slave can be fired if
misbehavior persists; but a son abides in the house forever. God can afford to destroy a million
slaves, kill one to serve as example to others, use some as experiments, among others, but a
son is treated with tremendous love and care. This among several others is another reason why
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KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life
the God we see manifest in the Old Testament is different from the one we see manifest in the
new. (John 8:35; John 1:12, 1John 3:1)
Lastly, we will emphasize that nobody can show you God, YOU NEED TO KNOW HIM YOURSELF!
We can only lead you on the path, but only the Holy Spirit is saddled with the ability to show
you the revelation of God. (John 16:15)
Having created the background, we will go on to considering the first nature of God in our next
teaching: GOD IS OMNIPOTENT! May you be blessed as you follow this teaching.
Stay with us on this great exposition on The True Nature of God! We are still in progress!
Grace and Peace!

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Knowing the real God volume 1_This is Eternal LIfe

  • 1. Page 1 of 13 KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life KNOWING THE REAL GOD (John 17:3; 1John5:20) VOLUME I: THIS IS ETERNAL LIFE O’Tomisin Ajileye
  • 2. Page 2 of 13 KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life KNOWING THE REAL GOD (John 17:3; 1John5:20) We have been teaching on Righteousness for quite a while; hope you were blessed. Having concluded this teaching series, we will begin a new one with the topic “KNOWING THE REAL GOD”. Under this teaching we will discuss some scriptural-based and yet very deep mysteries about God’s nature that will transform your relationship with Him. Do you have a longing to know God more and know His ways and dealings? Are you passionate about developing a better relationship with God? If your answer is yes, this is a series you don’t want to miss. JOH 17:3: AND THIS IS LIFE ETERNAL, THAT THEY MIGHT KNOW THEE THE ONLY TRUE GOD, AND JESUS CHRIST, WHOM THOU HAST SENT. DAN 11:32: THE PEOPLE THAT DO KNOW THEIR GOD SHALL BE STRONG, AND DO EXPLOITS. Many suffer undeservedly because they do not know the true nature of God. We will like to share with you few of God’s nature He has revealed to us. Please if you want to join us in this teaching and want this teaching to be shared with you or your group page; like this post or type “share with me”. If it is a group, please type the group name. Thanks. May we grow in the Knowledge of Him by His Spirit. Amen
  • 3. Page 3 of 13 KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life KNOWING THE REAL GOD (PART 1) THIS IS ETERNAL LIFE Before we go fully into exposition into the person and nature of God, we shall lay some foundations by some series of teachings that will help us all the way. Many at times, we see the word “eternal life” in the bible as heaven or life without death. This is true to an extent but this is not the whole truth about it. Eternal life is one of the defined concepts in Scriptures. Jesus Himself during His earthly life tells us the whole truth about what eternal life is. Most of the usage of the word eternal life and everlasting life in the bible does not make reference to a place but a way of life. What God calls life is beyond not dying or living in some enjoyment. JOHN 17:3: AND THIS IS LIFE ETERNAL, THAT THEY MIGHT KNOW THEE THE ONLY TRUE GOD, AND JESUS CHRIST, WHOM THOU HAST SENT. According to Jesus, our Perfect Teacher, Eternal life is totaled in the knowledge of the “TRUE” God and through or with the knowledge of Jesus whom God has sent. The Bible says: John 1:4: In Him was Life and this life is the light of men. 1John 5:11: And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, AND THIS LIFE IS IN HIS SON. The life in Jesus is what the Bible calls Eternal Life, not the place He came from or where He is going. Jesus lived His life based on the knowledge of God; He knew it by heart, showed it by deeds and taught it by Words. He became what He knew. Eternal life is the revelation of the true nature of God and the oneness and conformity this brings between us and Him through this knowledge. Jesus came for this main purpose that men may have eternal life; that men may come to the knowledge of God; that men may come to live their lives in God, for God, through God and by God – The True God. ETERNAL LIFE, LIFE ETERNAL, LIFE EVERLASTING AND EVERLASTING LIFE This four words reoccur in the King James Version of the Bible, but we must also make it known that these phrases means the same thing. Consider these two scriptures: Mark 10:30: But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and IN THE WORLD TO COME ETERNAL LIFE. Luke 18:30: Who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and IN THE WORLD TO COME LIFE EVERLASTING. We must also note that from the above that Eternal life is a single life that starts when you are saved and has two phases: one in this present passing world and the other in the world to come.
  • 4. Page 4 of 13 KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life May the Holy Spirit shine His light through our hearts. Amen. Stay with us on this great exposition on the true nature of God! We are still in progress! Grace and Peace!
  • 5. Page 5 of 13 KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life THEME: KNOWING THE REAL GOD (PART 2) WE ALREADY KNOW GOD In our previous teaching, we emphasized that Eternal Life is communion with the Father expressed in the Person of Jesus and revealed by the Holy Spirit. This relationship is fostered by consistent revelation of the nature of God and thus leads to our conformity. (Proverb 13:20a) He who walks with the wise shall be wise (MKJV); He who walks with God shall become like Him. A Yoruba adage says “Any leaf that rubs too long on soap will become soap” So it is with He who is one with God continuously. Eph 3:18,19: (That ye) May be able to COMPREHEND with all saints …And TO KNOW the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God. The Word “Knowing” does not just imply head knowledge; it implies deep intimacy and revelation (Gen 4:1) which brings the fullness of God and helps us enjoy all that pertains to life and godliness. (2 Pet 2:1-3) (1John 2:27) Jer 31:31-34: Behold, …I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, …I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts …And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: FOR THEY SHALL ALL KNOW ME, FROM THE LEAST OF THEM UNTO THE GREATEST OF THEM, saith the LORD… This Prophesy is fulfilled in our time. Everyone who is indeed born again has the full knowledge of God; he thus needs nobody to teach him about God anymore. That is a big statement! INDEED! SO HOW CAN THIS BE? If the Prophesy says we all know God already from oldest to youngest and need nobody to teach us; why then do we need to learn about God from His Word or from other believers today? The answer is simple! The balance of man’s tripartite nature (spirit, soul, and body) explains it all. We receive the gift of salvation within our spirit and thus receive the full revelation of God with it. What we now need is for this knowledge to permeate our soul by the renewing of our mind. This is the need for this teaching: to awaken and reveal in us the knowledge of God. JOIN THE FAMILY If you therefore have not become one of God’s children by receiving the free gift of salvation by faith; it does not matter how much bible you know, how long you’ve been in church, or how good your Sunday school classes were, my dear friend, I must be honest with you: you cannot KNOW God. If you have not at a particular time chosen Jesus and become reborn into God’s spiritual family, please find a true Christian around you and let them show you how. The fact that you are reading this is a sign that God is calling you again; He wants you to be one with Him. Accept Jesus, then you will be able to continue with us in this flow of knowing God. May the Holy Spirit shine His light through our hearts. Amen. Stay with us on this great exposition on the true nature of God! We are still in progress! Grace and Peace!
  • 6. Page 6 of 13 KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life THEME: KNOWING THE REAL GOD (PART 3) 1.03: THE ONLY TRUE GOD In our previous teaching, we made it clear that we have in us a new spirit coupled and one with the Holy Spirit which knows everything there is about God and His Word; thus we need no one to teach us about God anymore. Nevertheless, we said, this life and knowledge is in our spirit as a seed, we need to produce its fruits in our soul and body. This is why we need to learn. 1John 5:20: And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath GIVEN US AN UNDERSTANDING, THAT WE MAY KNOW HIM THAT IS TRUE, and we are in Him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. THIS IS THE TRUE GOD, AND ETERNAL LIFE. Eternal life as we have been discussing is the knowledge and oneness with God. (1Jo 5:11) God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Therefore, if this life is in Jesus, it implies anyone who does not know Jesus does not have eternal life and thus does not have the ability to have the “TRUE” revelation of the “TRUE” God THE OLD TESTAMENT DID NOT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. Since the Old Testament prophets never received Jesus, it implies they also did not have eternal life, and thus did not know God. We would perhaps say that they did not have the revelation of the true God. Mat 13:16,17: …MANY PROPHETS AND RIGHTEOUS MEN have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. God did not reveal His true nature to people in the Old Testament, especially those under the law. This is majorly because they did not have the ability (the Life) to understand Him. God hid His true nature from them, He showed them the God they could understand. We shall compare some sharp contrast between the Old Testament Prophets’ Teachings and the Revelation of God in the New Testament: SOURCE OF EVIL Job believed God is the author of both evil and good in man’s life; he believed we have as much right to receive evil from God as much as we have right to receive good. He said”…What? Shall we receive good at the hand of God, AND SHALL WE NOT RECEIVE EVIL...” (Job 2:10) James thinks otherwise, He said “Every GOOD GIFT AND EVERY PERFECT GIFT is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights…” (Jam 1:17) Likewise Jesus (Matt 7:9-11) SOURCE OF TEMPTATIONS The Book of Job showed us how it was God that initiated and commanded the trials and temptations that came upon Job to proof a point to satan. “And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job,…Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand…” (Job 1:8-12)
  • 7. Page 7 of 13 KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life James also does not believe this, He said “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. LET NO MAN SAY when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: FOR GOD CANNOT BE TEMPTED WITH EVIL, NEITHER TEMPTETH HE ANY MAN: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed…” (Jam 1:12-15) This may seem strange to some, but NEXT TIME, we will continue the obvious contrast between the God revealed in the Old and that which is revealed in the New; and explain some more. May the Holy Spirit shine His light through our hearts. Amen. Stay with us on this great exposition on The True Nature of God! We are still in progress! Grace and Peace!
  • 8. Page 8 of 13 KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life THEME: KNOWING THE REAL GOD (PART 4) NO ETERNAL LIFE! NO KNOWLEDGE OF GOD! We shall continue to compare some sharp contrast between the Old Testament Prophets’ Teachings and their Revelation of God with what we have in the New Testament: BUT I SAY UNTO YOU Matthew 5:21-47 is filled with six major corrections Jesus did to what Moses called the Commandments of God. The God that was revealed to Moses was a virtual God, even though it seemed real to him. God hid His true nature from the Israelite. GOD! REPENT OF THIS EVIL! The revelation of people in the Old Testament of God is that He is the source of every evil and good, they never knew there was a satan who does only evil and a God who does only good. If a person is barren, then God shut her womb; if a person died, God killed him; if there is famine, then God caused it; if there is an evil spirit, then it is from God (Judges 9:23; 1 Samuel 16:14). So much that Moses would preach to God to repent from his evil and teach God right justice and judgment. Exodus 32:12: Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, and say, For mischief did he bring them out, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth? Turn from thy fierce wrath, and REPENT OF THIS EVIL AGAINST THY PEOPLE. WHO CAUSED DAVID TO NUMBER ISRAEL? Consider these two scriptures: 2Sam 24:1: And again the anger of THE LORD was kindled against Israel, and HE MOVED DAVID against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah. 1Chro 21:1: And SATAN stood up against Israel, and PROVOKED DAVID to number Israel. This is the same story presented in two books. One said God moved David to number Israel and the other said satan provoked David to number Israel. This shows us how much they didn’t know God and proves to us that they blame God for everything, and God deliberately did not help them understand because He was the God that hides Himself. MY GLORY WILL I NOT GIVE TO ANOTHER God said in Isaiah 42:8 that He will never give His glory to any man, but in John 17:22 Jesus said “And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them…” These and many others that we could not discuss are obvious differences between the Old Testament’s revelation of God and the New Testament’s. They just did not know God; even if God revealed Himself they still couldn’t know Him. SHOULD WE STILL READ THE OLD TESTAMENT? Yes of course. This does not make the Old Testament obsolete! (Colossians 2:17; Hebrew 10:1; Hebrews 8:4,5) These scriptures vehemently repeated that the Old Testament is the shadow of
  • 9. Page 9 of 13 KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life the New, nevertheless, we must read it, but in the light of the New. There are some revelations in the New Testament that we will never fully comprehend if we don’t read the Old Testament. The shadow still contains several great understanding which can be a lot beneficial if breathed upon by the Holy Spirit, because: ALL SCRIPTURE (WHETHER NEW OR OLD) IS GIVEN BY INSPIRATION OF GOD, AND IS PROFITABLE FOR DOCTRINE, FOR REPROOF, FOR CORRECTION, FOR INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS: THAT THE MAN OF GOD MAY BE PERFECT, THROUGHLY FURNISHED UNTO ALL GOOD WORKS. (2TI 3:16,17) FORGIVENESS OF SIN THE WHY OF REPENTANCE Listen to the prerequisite for receiving forgiveness in the Old Testament “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, AND WILL FORGIVE THEIR SIN, and will heal their land” (2Ch 7:14) In the new Testament, God revealed to us that He has forgiven us and will not remember our sins no more because Jesus has taken them all away. “This is the covenant that I will make with them …THEIR SINS AND INIQUITIES WILL I REMEMBER NO MORE” (Heb 10:16,17) John 1:29: The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which TAKETH AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD. GOD TEMPTED ABRAHAM In Genesis 22:1, the Bible said “And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham…” but we saw previously that Apostle James with the true revelation of God said God tempts no man. (James 1:13) May the Holy Spirit cause us to know Him individually. Amen. Stay with us on this great exposition on The True Nature of God! We are still in progress! Grace and Peace!
  • 10. Page 10 of 13 KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life THEME: KNOWING THE REAL GOD (PART 5) JESUS CHRIST WHOM THOU HAS SENT! In the last teaching, we emphasized that no one in the Old Testament knew God; this is simply because they did not have eternal life which Jesus alone gives. We thus identified basic differences between their teaching and those of the New Testament. We thus must not because of this neglect reading the Old Testament; Jesus Himself taught that: when we have the knowledge of the Old Testament and the New, we will be able to bring out both Old and New treasures of the Word to bless ourselves and others also. (Mat 13:52). But In today’s teaching we will discuss the above topic. THEY SAW THE LORD 1 Kings 22:19; Isaiah 6:1; and Amos 9:1 are scriptures that described the Old Testaments Prophets as saying “…I saw the Lord…” even Moses saw the back of God; YET Jesus said in John 6:45,46 that “NOT THAT ANY MAN HATH SEEN THE FATHER, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father”. This tells us that the “seeing” Jesus referred to did not imply “Physical seeing or Spiritual vision”. This “seeing” is “THE REVELATIONAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUE NATURE OF GOD which is eternal life”. Note that! Read it again if you don’t get it, please! GOD’S TRUE NATURE IS SHOWN THROUGH JESUS! Read this scripture carefully: John 14:7-11: If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth YE KNOW HIM, AND HAVE SEEN HIM. Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father…Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast THOU NOT KNOWN ME, Philip? HE THAT HATH SEEN ME HATH SEEN THE FATHER; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? Believest thou not that I AM IN THE FATHER, AND THE FATHER IN ME? … Jesus said, nobody has seen God except Him, and anyone who knows His nature has known the nature of God. He wasn’t referring to his physical figure, but His nature and lifestyle. For ages, men thought they knew God, but unknown to them, God hid His true nature from them. When the fullness of time came for God to reveal Himself and show men who He really is, He sent Jesus to give men the power to know Him and also express His full nature to them. (1John 5:20) GOD IS VERY STRICT, JESUS IS GENTLE, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS TOUGH??? NO!!! Many of us believe the statement above or subconsciously assume it in our hearts. But this is wrong. The Bible speaking about Jesus in Col 2:9 said that “…in him dwelleth all the FULLNESS of the Godhead bodily”. ANY NATURE YOU CANNOT FIND IN JESUS IS NOT IN GOD. The Father and the Son may be DIFFERENT IN RESPONSIBILITY, but they are the same in nature! Jesus said that all He does is by the Father and He said again that the Holy Spirit will do and say everything He tells Him (John 16:13). So they are all One in nature and mind!
  • 11. Page 11 of 13 KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life JESUS IS ALL THERE IS! This is why Eternal life is knowing God and Jesus whom He has sent and not just knowing God. Knowing God is through the Son and by the revelation given by the Holy Spirit. Please Note: Everything to know about God is what Jesus came to show us by His life and teaching. So, knowing Jesus is all there is, YOU WILL KNOW GOD EITHER BY SEEING THE WAY JESUS LIVED OR BY HEARING WHAT HE TAUGHT. Only Him and no one else knew the Father from the beginning, not even the angels nor the prophets. So Henceforth, start seeking to know the Father, simply by paying more attention to Jesus Words and Deeds. May the Holy Spirit cause us to know Him individually. Amen. Stay with us on this great exposition on The True Nature of God! We are still in progress! Grace and Peace!
  • 12. Page 12 of 13 KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life THEME: KNOWING THE REAL GOD (PART 6) WHY THE DIFFERENCE? We have considered previously how God revealed Himself differently in the Old Testament from the way He revealed Himself in the New Testament. We considered how satan was not revealed to them and God made them see Himself as the Author of both good and evil (Job 2:10; Compare these two scriptures: 2Sam 24:1; 1Chro 21:1). We saw how an evil spirit and a lying spirit were said to come from the presence of the Holy God among several others. The question now is WHY? Is God hypocritical or partial, sometimes like this and later like another? NO! THEY “CANNOT” KNOW GOD!!! Jesus told His disciples that no one has seen the Father except Him and now anyone who receives Him has seen the Father. (John 6:45-47; John 14:7-10) God’s knowledge is more than a theory, God’s knowledge is a revelation. We can teach you all we have learned of God in this series and yet, you should not have a clue into God’s nature. So even if God reveal Himself to them in the Old Testament, they will not understand Him. But now the Bible said: 1 John 5:20: And we know that the Son of God is come, and HATH GIVEN US AN UNDERSTANDING, THAT WE MAY KNOW HIM THAT IS TRUE… This is the true God, and eternal life; 1Corinthian 2:14: But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. OLD TESTAMENT PEOPLE WERE LIKE CHILDREN (Gal 4:3-5) Since their spirits were dead to God, they cannot do what is right to Him. Wickedness grew which only a flood can correct. The only way God can make them obey him and do right for their own benefit is not by revealing His true nature to them but by showing Himself as the God with the rod and by making them serve him with trembling fear. Their motivation for serving God was out of the fear of physical destruction, not even eternal damnation. (Rom 8:15; Luke 1:74) SONS AND SLAVES The Old Testaments greats and smalls, prophets and priests are all like slaves of God. The most any of them went is to be called God’s friend. We all know that the way a son is treated is different from the way a slave is treated. If a rich man introduce someone as his child and another as just his friend, we all know who gets his inheritance. A slave can be fired if misbehavior persists; but a son abides in the house forever. God can afford to destroy a million slaves, kill one to serve as example to others, use some as experiments, among others, but a son is treated with tremendous love and care. This among several others is another reason why
  • 13. Page 13 of 13 KNOWING THE REAL GOD | This is Eternal Life the God we see manifest in the Old Testament is different from the one we see manifest in the new. (John 8:35; John 1:12, 1John 3:1) Lastly, we will emphasize that nobody can show you God, YOU NEED TO KNOW HIM YOURSELF! We can only lead you on the path, but only the Holy Spirit is saddled with the ability to show you the revelation of God. (John 16:15) Having created the background, we will go on to considering the first nature of God in our next teaching: GOD IS OMNIPOTENT! May you be blessed as you follow this teaching. Stay with us on this great exposition on The True Nature of God! We are still in progress! Grace and Peace!