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Knights Youth Centre
   Annual Report 2010/11

          Hardship and Hope
Knights Youth Centre has been working
with young people for 75 years.

In 2011 we are still providing
opportunities, role models and an open
door for young people in south London.

From London SW2 to the Dominican
Republic, Knights is making a much-
needed difference in the lives of
countless young people day in, day out.
Knights Youth Centre
Annual Report 2010/11
One. Chair’s foreword                           e sheet a
                                     the balanc
                   ith hards
                            hip - on              ing from?
         Dealing w                 the hope com
                         . Where’s
         on th e streets

  You who,
      th C wha
                   Two. What we do
           entr t, wh
               e. Y
     and            ou ere and
              our            t no why of
                                  t kn
                       h bi           ow Knights
                            rthd         us,
                                 ay.         r i gh

  Three. T.Y.L.A.P.                           re
                       t TYLAP is, but we’
   We can tell you wha                   t from the
                         hear it straigh
   guessing you’d rather                       P
                       of our amazing TYLA
   horse’s mouth. One                     of the
                       what she thinks
   graduates tells you
Four. A year at Knights
Phew. So much has happened
                               in the last year.
Here’s what’s been going on in
                                each of our
sections, plus a special look at
                                  gangs and girls
(yeah - girls) and how we’re hel
                                 ping young people
make the step to secondary sc

Five. Mission: Dominican Republic                                   if
                                                            t? And
                                              Rwa nda, righ
                                     trip to       mania t
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                  hea                 w ab
        st have              u’ll kno                            r young
You mu        bout  that, yo                           blic. Ou
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you hea                                   inican R             hat
                                 the Dom               bout w           nds.
                       we nt to            ve a read a          and frie
          is  year we        le st uff. Ha      ur pa rteners
 Well, th            incredib           se of o
         d id some        rds,  and tho
 people           our wo
  happe ned - in
                                                    The mon
                                                            ey bit
                             Six. dotting the i’s
Seven. Looking ahead
           Our hope for the future.
                      Welcome to the Knights Youth Centre annual report
                      In our statement of purpose, we commit to providing an
                      ‘oasis’for young people in the area. What is an oasis? It’s a
                      place of refreshment and sustenance. It’s a place that is
                      different from everything around it, offering hope within a
                      hostile environment.
Chris began
volunteering with     Sadly, the experiences of many young people on ‘the street’
Knights in 1973 and
                      today can feel hostile. For others, there seems to be a
has been Chairman
                      disconnect with accepted societal values and aspirations.
for 23 years. In
                      Since we were established back in 1936, during a period of
addition to his
                      national turmoil, we’ve always sought to be accepting,
voluntary work, he
                      without prejudice, favour or stigma. We have also
is a senior manager   challenged young people, and never simply accepted that
in Children’s         things - or behaviour - can’t get better.
Services for an
inner London          So what have the Knights been doing in SW2? (the oasis)
borough.              We hope this report shows the range and quality of our
                      services that are designed to engage and be enjoyed, but
                      also to challenge.
                      Perhaps its this range of services that keeps young people
                      coming to us each week. It’s fun at Knights and it’s safe, but
                      it is also offers hope - an oasis.
                      Chris Saunders

KnIghtS In numbeRS

75 the number of candles on our birthday cake this year
An alternative intro...
Our aim is to please                                          This poem was
In the kids we believe                                        written about
                                                              Knights by
each one of them can achieve
                                                              members during a
As we look from a height                                      recent weekend at
the future is bright                                          Woodrow.
Don’t be a quitter – be a winner
We all need unite and agree that we can achieve               We thought it made
                                                              a great ‘alternative’
Whatever your circumstances there is always a chance          foreword. Enjoy.
As a member of Knights your child will shine bright
Don’t conform to pressure – be your own person
Don’t give to receive
each session we run is shedloads of fun
From the peaks to DR our love runs far
As together we are KnIghtS YOuth CentRe!

                      We want to start communicating with our ‘Friends’ and
                      supporters more regularly.

                      Please help us to keep in touch with you by:
                      • Emailing us your name to
                      • ‘Liking’ us at

What we do
Knights in a nutshell
What we do                                                          “Knights is clearly
Knights Youth Centre has provided a safe, fun, inclusive and        integrated with the
engaging place for thousands of young people since 1936. It offers   local community. It
a diverse service for all young people aged 8-24 regardless of theirhas a strategy
                                                                    outlining what it
gender, race, religion, sexuality or disability.
                                                                    wants to achieve
                                                                    for young people. It
Where we do it                                                      can evidence how it
Knights is the largest provider of youth services in and around the is making the local
Clapham Park estate in Lambeth, an area of high social and          community more
economic need. most of our members live in the area, but the        sustainable.
impact of our work reaches across Lambeth.
                                                                       “Knights’ work
Our members                                                            helps vulnerable
                                                                       young people
between 150 and 200 young people visit the centre each week.
                                                                       discover and
many young people attend three or four times per week.                 develop skills,
                                                                       confidence and self-
Our service                                                            awareness. The
In addition to ‘standard’ activities, we provide sports coaching,      skills they develop
offsite trips, regular residentials, international social action        will be invaluable to
programmes, music and video production, specialised work with          them in adult life.”
girls, arts and dance, and access to It equipment.                     Tracey Bloomfield,
                                                                       JP Morgan
Crucially, we also undertake targeted outreach with young people
who, through disengagement with ‘traditional’ services, are at risk
of involvement with gangs, drugs and anti-social behaviour.

Our apprenticeships
Knights has developed an innovative youth work apprenticeship
programme called tYLAP. tYLAP provides leadership, training,
qualifications and employment opportunities for 30 young people
aged 16 – 24 in youth and community work each year.

Our aims
“The leaders at       We aim to:
Knights are perfect
to meet the           • Offer a diverse range of activities and opportunities for young
challenges young        people that are enjoyable, challenging and informative through
people face today.
                        which they gain knowledge, new skills and positive experiences
These people are
heroes. We learn
how to be good        • Provide a secure and caring environment where young people
citizens in our         who are in the transition through adolescence to adulthood
communities, and        can develop self-awareness and confidence whilst developing
organisations like      positive relationships with both peers and adults
Knights are at the
heart of them.”       • enable young people to recognise their own skills, abilities and
Nick Wilkie,            limitations and offer opportunities to develop these. Create
London Youth
                        possibilities for achievement, and help young people see their
                        potential and the contribution they can make to society

                      • help young people to: recognise prejudice and discrimination
                        both in themselves and others; challenge prejudice and
                        inequality when they encounter it; value difference and
                        promote equality of opportunity

                      • encourage young people to be involved in making group
                        decisions and develop understanding which will help them
                        make responsible and informed decisions about their own lives

                      • Offer young people advice, support and counselling in a
                        nurturing environment when needed

KnIghtS In numbeRS

5,474 the number of times young people have attended sessions this year
A Christian consciousness
What does it mean to be a ‘Christian’                teams who work within Knights at our
organisation in London in 2011?                      Woodrow weekend. this is a simple
                                                     prayer of blessing for each of the
Over the last couple of years Knights has            leadership teams and the groups of
been investigating, discussing, reflecting            young people they work with. muslim
and questioning the Christian ethos of               leaders and trainees have joined in
our service. this process has been a             •   encouraging team members to pray
challenge for Knights and some of the                for the young people more often
team. It has raised questions around how         •   Seeking to find a ‘sacred space’ within
we bring our faith to our work in a more             Knights where young people can focus
practical and noticeable way, how we do              on god
that whilst still being totally inclusive,       •   After each session the team share in a
and what our funders will think.                     prayer of thanks, blessing or grace
                                                 •   being transparent and bold in
these questions have led Knights to work             acknowledging we are a Christian
with Rev. Dr bob mayo, our youth service             organisation and that what we do and
director’s supervisor. bob co-authored               how we do it changes lives
‘Faith of generation Y’, a book that
focuses on young people and                      this approach is not seeking to ‘press
Christianity, and how or why Christian           gang’ young people to become
youth work can make a difference.                 Christians, nor would it ever look to
                                                 undermine other faiths or religions. It is
Working with bob and other                       about recognising that only are faith,
organisations such as Livability has             hope and love core parts of the gospels,
encouraged us to seek new ways to raise          but also our work and the commitment
a Christian consciousness within Knights.        that lies behind it.

As a result, we now do the following:            Our ‘Christian consciousness’ work is
• An annual ‘dedication’ of the various          funded internally.

Knights is 75
More than 100       Back in 1936, just three years before the onset of World War II,
young men and       the planet faced a time of fear and upheaval.
leaders from
Knights served in
                    It’s altogether different of course, but in 2011 we’re also facing a
World War II.
                    deeply uncertain world.
The club was
bombed five times,   Knights has lived through it all, good times and bad. thousands of
but never closed.   young people have passed through the centre in that time, and
                    hundreds of adults have given up their time to support our work
                    in countless ways.

                    thinking back through our history, it is encouraging to see how
                    the deep faith and vision of a few people in the late 30s has lived
                    on for decades, and still forms the foundation of what is now a
                    thoroughly modern youth centre. the people are different - and
                    some of the issues too - but our aims remain the same.

                    here’s to the next 75 years.

                    Five years ago we published a written history of the Knights Youth
                    Centre – ‘Three score years and ten’. If you would like an
                    electronic copy, please get in touch.

1936 Knights boys Club established in Clapham Park
1938 Knights, already working with 100 people every week, purchases its first
premises, 5 Streatham hill, for £2,000

1939 Outbreak of World War II. more than 100 young men and leaders from
Knights left for service, and the club was bombed five times, but the club never closes

1946 the Knights Association of Christian Youth Clubs is formed. many Knights
volunteers go on to work across the association

1952 balham, highways, Streatham hill, and Crossroads youth clubs join Knights to
create ‘Knights Youth Centre’ for the first time

1960s Knights runs a hostel project, leasing a large Victorian house and providing
affordable accommodation to young people in the area who need it most

1968 Wey Island is purchased by the Knights Association of Christian Youth Clubs.
Knights still uses the facility in Surrey today

1970s Knights works with as many young people as ever, with five football teams
playing every Saturday

1984 Knights opens its ‘Skills Wing’ to develop young people’s practical skills to
help them into employment

1990 the Inner London education Authority (ILeA) is disbanded. Knights, and youth
centres across the capital, face dramatically reduced funding. the economy doesn’t
help, either

1994 Knights produces its first ever Annual Report, and launches the concept of
‘Friends’ of the centre

1996 Knights holds its last ever colossal jumble sale, raising £5,500. the sales had
become community events, running once or twice a year since 1958

2003 Knights building reopens after four months extensive refurbishment to
upgrade the facilities, including full disability access. A lottery grant was critical

2004 Knights launches tYLAP, its youth work apprenticeship scheme

“TYLAP is really welcoming, like a family
at the same time as a work base. The
programme sets you on the right lines
for what you want to do in the future.
For me this involves working with young
people. I currently work for Lambeth
Youth Council as a peer educator. TYLAP
has enabled me to experience youth
work on a different level”
Adedeji, year one
What is TYLAP?
“TYLAP is like a        the trainee Youth Leader Apprentice Programme – or tYLAP – is a
family. I enjoy the     unique initiative set up by Knights to develop young people aged
ways they bring         16-24 into experienced, qualified youth workers.
people together –
team building
                        now six years old, tYLAP has worked with over 170 trainees. the
games, trips, or
other ways to get       programme has an impact across three key areas.
people talking. I
hope to achieve the     Employment and education routes for young people
Certificate in Youth
Work. I like working    tYLAP prioritises working with young people who are less
with children,          engaged by traditional learning or struggling with their personal
putting smiles on       development. It aims to help young people find an easier path to
their faces. Knights    qualifications or employment, who may not otherwise get the
is where people
come to relax, it's a
second home.”
Rianna, Year 1          • A chance to explore a career in youth and community work
                        • Recognised qualifications in and routes to further education
                        • new skills and experience to support moving into employment
                        • Challenging, rewarding and exciting experiences

                        Above all, tYLAP provides a caring support network that guides
                        and advises - we offer housing advice, support in a crisis,
                        references and even food for those that need it.

                        ultimately, the programme leads young people towards increased
                        confidence, higher self esteem and a sense of purpose for the

KnIghtS In numbeRS

170 the number of trainees tYLAP has taken on so far
Recruits for the sector                                           “The solutions to
                                                                  many of the
tYLAP is a three year programme that produces new and dynamic challenges we face
youth workers for the future.                                     have to be
                                                                  community led.
                                                                  TYLAP is fantastic.
the blend of practical and theory-based learning helps young      It's the third year
people develop into qualified professionals. Working in a range of I've been here -I
environments and organisations, tYLAP trainees develop a well-    know you achieve
rounded balance of skills and experience that prepares them for a great things.
career in youth work.
                                                               “The jewel in the
Role models for other young people                             crown of this
                                                               scheme is how the
                                                               young people are
Crucially, young people on the tYLAP programme become positive
                                                               learning to lead
role models for other young people at Knights and in the wider other young
community.                                                     people.”
                                                               Chuka Umunna MP
Working with members from similar backgrounds week-in, week-
out, tYLAP trainees set a credible example that demonstrates to
young people that they have choices and opportunities they can
feel positive about.

 the tYLAP programme

 Year one

 Work with a local youth centre as a voluntary trainee youth leader, undertake
 Introductory Studies in Youth and Community Work and attend additional training
 to develop new skills

 Year two

 employed by Knights for 24 hours per week as an apprentice youth worker. Study
 for a Foundation Diploma in Youth Work, Informal education and Community
 Learning. Assist in delivering Introductory Studies to trainee youth leaders

 Year three

 employed by Knights as a student youth worker for 12 hours per week, mentoring
 and supervising trainee youth leaders. Study either for a Diploma or a Degree in
 Youth and Community Work.

A TYLAP transformation
With the help of TYLAP, Sharna Gayle                honest, I wasn’t sure if it was for me at
has gone from dole office queue to                    first. It was just an option, something to
talented youth worker and career                    do.
woman. We caught up with her to hear
her story.                                          halfway through the first year, I realised
                                                    it was. there was a great vibe from the
Sharna – tell us a bit about yourself.              people at Knights, everyone was so
How did you hear about Knights and                  welcoming. I felt like I could connect with
TYLAP?                                              the young people, who had been
I was sixteen, living by myself. I’d started        through the same stuff I had.
a college course in childcare, but decided
it wasn’t for me after six months. to be            but because I hadn’t taken the first half
honest I wasn’t up to much, and wasn’t              of the year seriously, I didn’t have the
doing anything. I was on jobseeker’s                greatest chance of getting onto the
allowance and had been signing on for a             second year of the tYLAP programme.
year.                                               but the team saw something in me and
                                                    challenged me to step up if I really
being on jobseeker’s allowance isn’t                wanted it. I took that chance and did the
good. You feel outside of the system. I             second year – it was my first real
felt like I didn’t have any support. I was          employment.
on a budget all the time, and couldn’t
live the lifestyle I wanted. If I wanted to         but, halfway through the second year, I
go to the cinema with friends, I couldn’t.          found out I was pregnant. I completed
                                                    the year but, because I knew I was going
One day I went into the job centre and              to be a mum, I chose not to apply for the
saw a tYLAP leaflet. It just asked: ‘want            third year. I continued to volunteer until I
to get into youth work? Can you work                was eight months pregnant, though.
with young people?’ I gave them a call.
                                                    So what did you do next?
So you joined the programme?                        At first, I felt like I had failed – I wouldn’t
I managed to get a place on tYLAP. to be            be going to university or completing the

diploma until after I had my son. but             communicate with other people, not just
when he was born, I felt a rush of love           peers, but organisations, management.
and responsibility. I had to provide a            my writing has improved. I now feel like
good life for him.                                a professional, and have a worthy cause
                                                  in changing the community.
I finished my diploma, and applied for
university in summer 2010. I wanted to            tYLAP also provides role models. For me,
get back into youth work, but I wasn’t            it was good to see Karis, who came
sure I’d get the chance on tYLAP. but I           through the tYLAP ranks. It was great to
spoke with the team, did an interview,            see a young person, not much older than
and was given the chance on the third             me, doing something that I wanted to do
year.                                             and doing well. If she had hope and
                                                  ambition, so could I.
I was a working mum about to go to
university. I took it seriously. the tYLAP        tYLAP gives people a chance. It gave me
programme is flexible. I was able to work          opportunities I thought I’d never get. I
with tYLAP, go to university, and be a            was a bit lost in society, and never
mum. the support from michelle and Stu            thought I’d go to university. now I’m in
at the Centre was brilliant.                      the second year of my Applied Social
                                                  Science, Youth and Community
What are the benefits of the TYLAP                 Development degree at goldsmiths. It’s
programme?                                        down to tYLAP – thanks to everyone
my confidence levels were boosted. my              there for all they’ve done for me.
communications skills grew – I could

Young people in the area are facing                  Knights offers informal education – we
family breakdown, a lack of money, a                 communicate with and relate to young
lack of education, and negative                      people on a different level.
perceptions of them in the media. It’s
difficult – the quick, easy solution is                What does the future hold?
turning to the streets, forming a gang or            my message to young people who have
trying their best to live the lives of what          been through what I have – go with your
is shown to them by ‘the media                       dreams, your goals. think positive at all
gangsters’.                                          times. Ask for support, don’t be afraid to
                                                     get help. As for me, I can’t see myself in
these vulnerable people need more                    a career sitting behind a desk. I have so
education about how to be a better                   much more to give. I’m going to continue
person in society. School can’t do that -            to try and change lives in youth work.
it’s just lesson, leave, lesson leave. It can
feel too structured – young people often             It takes time, and it takes consistency,
need the space to sit back, reflect and               but that’s what Knights does.
develop their learning, rather than being
rushed from one lesson to another.

                                    Michelle on Sharna
                                    Michelle Marquis-Brorson is Knights’ TYLAP
                                    coordinator. She gave her view on Sharna’s

                                    Sharna’s transformation has been incredible. She
                                    had a huge year of growth, giving birth to a son and
                                    going to university, and the change in her was
                                    incredible. She’s a new woman – absolutely on fire.

 She’s a fantastic mentor to young people, has fantastic maturity, understanding of
 the programme and loyalty. Since she finished year three, she has worked with us
 as trainee tYLAP coordinator and does a great job. She looks after the whole
 project. She writes references, personal development plans for apprentices in years
 one and two – everything.

 She still volunteers at the centre, is a fantastic role model and someone we can
 really count on. She has a great career in youth work ahead of her.

 It just goes to show what can be done if you stick with people. We are so very
 proud of her.

A year at Knights
Stu’s view: reinventing hope
Stu Thomson is         Much has happened since our last Annual Report. Last year we
Knights’ youth         spoke of our challenge to climb mountains. We still have
service director. He   mountains to climb but there have been some serious
joined us in 2000.     overhanging rocks!

                       We are in challenging times. however, in recent months we have
                       reflected on our service, priorities and how we are doing all we
                       can to maximise every resource we have to make sure the young
                       people who benefit from our service continue to do so.

                       I’m not going to talk about the challenges facing young people,
                       the community, the country and Knights - these are pretty evident
                       - but it is becoming increasingly clear to me that so many of the
                       young people we support hold little or no hope for the future.

                       Knights continues on a journey that will change lives. Knights has
                       provided a life-changing service for the last 75 years and will
                       continue to do so. however, we need to be more proactive in
                       reaching young people.

                       every young person who comes into contact with us needs to be
                       provided with tangible hope and tough love, whilse experiencing
                       a spectrum of positive alternatives that will provide immediate
                       impact with lasting, long term benefits.

                       Knights certainly won’t be a place for the uncommitted.

KnIghtS In numbeRS

11 the number of years stu has been with knights: our longest serving full-timer
We need to do more, and we will. this will include:                        “The people at
• more personalised support. that could be a mentoring                     Knights are true
  programme, pastoral support and prayer (if wanted) for each              visionaries, and
  young person                                                             experts at doing
                                                                           huge amounts with
• every young person knowing and feeling that they are loved
                                                                           limited resources.
  and beautiful, especially those who feel they don’t deserve it           Its people really get
• Improved communication with parents and carers of the young              to the heart of how
  people. this gap is widening - we need to be more proactive              to influence the
  and effective                                                             lives of vulnerable
• Develop our confidence further to positively address the                  young people”
  behaviour and lifestyles of each young person. this needs to be          Tracey Bloomfield,
  linked to how a young person understands not only their                  JP Morgan
  ‘rights’ but also their ‘responsibilities’
• Increase our drive and passion to communicate the story of the
  Christian gospel within a recognised Christian community
  (where all faiths are welcome and respected)
• the development of young people on tYLAP to be more
  proactive with our young people
• Finding more training and development opportunities for team
  leaders to enhance their impact
• this approach will again ask our leaders and trainees to have
  big hearts and be endlessly selfless. this may appear
  somewhat radical from the outside but it’s been at the heart of
  the KYC for the last 75 years.

We need to find beauty in the most bleak and ugly places.
We need to enable each young person to find their beauty.
We need to show love to those who feel they don’t deserve it.

I hope this resonates with you and you can support us in this.
     For my girls (Ros, Ella & Megan), who give me the hope to continue.

Section update: juniors
Juniors is open on   Juniors continues to be a popular session with an average of 20
Tuesday and Friday   young people attending each weekly session, rising to 30 during
evenings between 6   the school holidays. throughout the year, more young people
and 8pm for young    have been discovering Knights on the recommendation of their
people in school
years 4-7.

                     We have made good use of the spells of great weather to take the
                     members outdoors with trips to local parks and attractions – in
                     addition to usual club activities like cooking, arts and crafts, sports
                     and games.

                     the team continue to build good relationships with the young
                     people, either one-to-one or through group work. Several
                     discussion sessions, often based on movies or tV shows like
                     eastenders, have focused attention on issues like school,
                     relationships, personal hygiene and other life issues.

                     highlights included:
                     • the Knights Fantastic Summer Special, funded by the Lambeth
                        Youth mayor Fund, which ran for the first two weeks of the
                        summer holidays. Our young people enjoyed a residential at
                        Wey Island, including canoeing, bike riding, cooking and a
                        barbecue; a day trip to Littlehampton; outdoor swimming at
                        brockwell Lido; a multi-sports and activities day at battersea
                        Park; a trip to London Dungeon; and a thames river boat
                        cruise. We also ran a special programme over the easter

KnIghtS In numbeRS

8 the number of ‘residentials’ run by Knights this year
• taking part in the London Youth Rowing Challenge, helping the      “Knights is fun
  team to win overall and receiving prizes for their efforts          especially when we
• A brilliant half-term project break for the Juniors led by the     go on trips! I don’t
  Year 2 tYLAP team. the week of on and offsite activities            get bored during
                                                                     the week and I’ve
  included cooking, a graffiti workshop, a trip to the Science
                                                                     now got more
  museum and a meal at the music bar in brixton                      friends.”
• A fantastic contribution from the Juniors to Knights’ Christmas    Alex, 10
  showcase, featuring artwork, t-shirt designs, dance routines
  and magic tricks. Our young people received certificates for
  their spendid achievements
• An activity day at Hindleap Warren for eight of our juniors,
  who took on team challenges, high and low ropes, rock
  climbing and an assault course

Introducing Safe T

‘Safe t’ was a targeted youth work project funded by Lambeth
Young & Safe that ran between February and April 2011. Aimed
primarily at Year six students, it worked to help young people to
make a safer transition into secondary school.

Of course, changing school can be a pretty tumultuous event. A
new uniform, a new school, can often bring with it a new identity.
Safe t looks to address some of the potential issues that come
before they come up.

We ran a series of workshops for 12 young people both from the
centre and also the local telferscot Primary School. We looked at
the differences between primary and secondary schools, the
challenges that might be ahead and how to stay safe on the           “I get to see my
street. Along the way the workshops encouraged new                   friends and have
communications skills, confidence and team working.                   fun. It’s helped me
                                                                     get to know other
It was great to get year seven students – again from the centre      young people who
                                                                     go to my school
and from a local secondary school – to come in and facilitate
                                                                     better and now I
discussions and share their experiences. In many ways, their         can mix with them
advice was of far more value than ours! We hope to run the           more at school.”
programme again next year.                                           Sheyann, 9

Assuring quality
If you have            Assured Quality for Youth Projects (AQYP) is a dedicated
experience of          programme managed by London Youth and validated by City and
working on quality     guilds. It provides help and support for youth organisations like
assurance systems,     ours to reach quality standards in order to:
enjoy it, and would
                       • Achieve lasting improvements to their practice and
like to help out,
please get it touch.      management
                       • Provide a clear structure to plan and deliver support from
                          London Youth to youth organisations
                       • Prove quality of service being delivered to young people
                       • have young people, their families and funders recognise the
                          award as a sign of excellence

                       AQYP has been chosen because:
                       • It’s straightforward
                       • Progressive – through bronze and silver awards to gold
                       • Ideal for all kinds of community-based youth work
                       • Designed to show how youth work meets the key every Child
                         matters outcomes
                       • We will also need to be working to or at bronze level to
                         maintain our affiliation to London Youth

                       AQYP covers six key sections. these are:
                       • Safeguarding of young people and staff
                       • Diversity, equality and inclusion
                       • health, safety and resources
                       • Young people
                       • Staff and volunteers
                       • management and administration

                       We are currently working on the bronze level and it is our plan to
                       get assessed by the end of 2011.

Knights’ community force
In September and October 2011, voting fever hit Knights…hard.

natWest had launched their annual ‘CommunityForce’ initiative,
which rewards local charities and community projects with £6,000
grants. the twist was grants would be awarded to those local
organisations that received the most votes on the natWest

Knights volunteers went into overdrive, encouraging ‘Friends’ of
the centre, family, friends and local residents to vote. After the
three week voting period ended, we had received nearly 800
votes – the second highest number of votes registered by any of
the hundreds of south London organisations competing for grants.

hot news off the press: we were delighted to hear in early
november that we earned enough votes to win a grant from
natWest. thanks to everyone that voted.

 It was a colossal effort to get hundreds of votes for the CommunityForce initiative.
 While we were campaigning however, we realised that we would like to make
 better use of our Facebook page to keep in touch with our Friends.

 If you’re on Facebook, please ‘like’ us:

 We’ll be regularly posting updates from the centre, the latest from our tYLAP
 apprentices, and images of past club life
 from club alumni.

 See you there!

The Three Peaks Challenge team
celebrate at the top of a mountain.
         See page 34 to read more.
Girls and gangs
Angela Robinson, young women’s                     girls fighting other girls, and girls fighting
development worker at Knights, writes              boys.
about an old issue receiving new
attention.                                         Young women these days often feel
                                                   pressured to ‘shout loudest’ to be
You may have seen the trailer for a new            noticed. there can also be fierce rivalry
film looking at London gang life, a movie           between girls of similar age. many show
that describes itself as an urban                  unshakeable confidence that they can
retribution thriller.                              rely on force, even against men. Some
                                                   don’t realise how dangerous that could
the things you might expect are there:             be.
violence, colourful language, council
estates. but there is one pretty crucial           but while these young people might
way in which it differs from what you’re            seem incredibly confident, so often their
probably imagining – the film is called             issues can be laid at the door of deep-
Sket, and the gang members are girls.              rooted self-esteem issues. Our celebrity
                                                   culture, and tabloid perceptions of
girls being in gangs, or at least indulging        youth, can also chip away at self-worth.
in violent and aggressive behaviour, is
getting more attention of late. In fact,           unchecked, a desire for acceptance can
theresa may and Iain Duncan Smith’s                lead to some unhealthy ways of
new anti-gang strategy, launched in                interacting with others, including boys,
november 2011, featured specific                    and is one potential driver of
proposals on the issue.                            involvement in gangs or other anti-social
                                                   behaviour. It can also lead to girls losing
Some might find all this surprising, but to         any sense of the potential consequences
us the idea is nothing new. In fact, many          of their actions, or how their actions
of the girls that come through our doors           could affect their reputation. At Knights
each week are just as likely to resort to          we try and break down these issues, and
aggression or violence to resolve issues           having an all girls group is an important
as boys. We’ve certainly had to split up           part of that.

unlike boys, girls are sometimes less             We see everyone as a beautiful person,
likely to be direct about what they think         and do what we can to reinforce that
and feel. they can be more subtle.                with the young people we work with. We
unfortunately this means that important           also encourage each of the girls to be a
issues can sometimes be less noticeable,          positive influence on their friends,
and it can be more difficult to get to the          talking to them and taking a personal
heart of what’s causing them.                     responsibility for them.

but we do what we can to strike up                We do see negative behaviour from girls
relationships, and that takes time.               in the area, and there are definitely girls
Running girls-only sessions allows us to          who have affiliations with gangs. but if
address things from a female                      we continue to challenge their
perspective. Our girls @ Knights leaders          perceptions, thoughts and actions, show
‘man mark’ individual girls, ensuring that        viable alternatives, demonstrate worth
there’s always someone looking to catch-          and offer positive role models, we can
up with our members each week. We run             channel their energy into something
a mixture of group and one-to-one                 positive.
sessions, and keep girls who can’t get on
separate when it’s needed.                        You can read more about our regular
                                                  Girls @ Knights programme on page 28.

  Four Girls @ Knights, not gang members!

Section update: inters
Inters is open on    It’s been a strong year for Inters, with good growth in the
Monday and           number of young people attending, especially girls. Members
Wednesday            are growing more open to sharing and accepting our support
evenings between 7   because of the work of our young, vibrant and talented
and 9pm for young
                     leadership team.
people in school
years 8-10.
                     highlights included:
                     • An educational and fun weekend with Urban Nature at
                     • Five young men completing the national Three Peaks
                     • three first class young men serving the poor in the Dominican
                     • A crazy weekend of camping on the south coast
                     • A groundworks-led series of sessions based on community
                        involvement that resulted in our funky new mural on the
                        building. groundworks is funded by Young & Safe
                     • A number of fun offsite trips to a range of places from the
                        West end to box hill
                     • An ongoing programme of Mentivation workshops

                     Asked to sum up Knights in two words, Junior, 14, said: 
                     ‘fun, educational’.

                     to describe the staff team at Knights, he said: 
                     ‘always there, caring’.

KnIghtS In numbeRS

5 the number of young people who we supported at court appearances this year
Leading in the community
Knights Senior Youth Worker Stu Thomson has been the elected         “We each have a
Vice Chair of the Lambeth Community and Voluntary Sector             lot to offer, to help
(VCS) Children and Young People’s Forum for two years. This role     shape policy, to
provides mutual benefits for the Forum, Lambeth Council and           improve children's
                                                                     lives, to help each
Knights. Here’s what it’s all about.
                                                                     Jackie Nunns, chair,
the Forum influences the way services are delivered to young          VCS Forum
people in Lambeth. It does this by:
• Advising on proposed strategic developments
• Consulting on specific issues
• Feeding back on the success of new initiatives
• Driving the agenda on effective partnership working

the Forum is open to all VCS organisations actively working with
children and young people across Lambeth. It is led by elected
VCS representatives who also sit on the Children’s trust board. It
meets six times a year, but its members stay in regular contact
with each other and form special interest groups where specific
action is needed.

the Forum aims to:
1. Act as a consultative body in the formulation of partnership
   strategy and policy regarding services for children and young
2. Provide representatives to sit on the Children’s trust board,
   Local Safeguarding Children’s board, themed sub-groups and
   joint commissioning groups
3. Capacity build for the VCS
4. Offer training and networking for the VCS
5. Achieve two-way communication between the VCS and the
   Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP)

Section update: seniors
Seniors is open on    There has been a great record of young people re-engaging with
Thursdays between     education this year in seniors, and positive responses to the
7.30 and 10.30pm      work carried out through Mentivation and our RE:INVEST
for young people in   programme.
school year 11 and
                      highlights included:
                      • Reduction in aggressive and negative behaviour and a huge
                         increase in the young people taking responsibility for
                         managing each other’s conduct
                      • enthusiastic involvement and productivity with Rolling Sound,
                         who provided a music production course funded through
                         Young & Safe
                      • two young people winning Jack Petchey Foundation
                         Achievement Awards
                      • helen morrell, a volunteer with Seniors, being awarded a Jack
                         Petchey Foundation Leaders Award
                      • Condoms being distributed on a regular basis alongside advice
                         and guidance on sexual health
                      • A leadership team growing in confidence, ability and creativity

                       Asked to sum up Knights in a word, Dwayne, 14, simply said: 

                       to describe the best thing about the staff team at Knights, he
                       added: ‘helping with homework’.

                       Asked what he’d like more of at Knights, he said:
                       ‘educational programmes. help with literacy and numeracy’.

KnIghtS In numbeRS

322 the number of onsite evening sessions delivered this year
London’s heroes
London Youth is a vibrant network of 400             I’d say the skills and lessons that we need to
youth organisations across every                     learn for adult life aren’t all found in the
neighbourhood in London that exists to help          classroom. they often come from our
young people be all they can be, whether             families, or from being a part of something.
through youth action, youth work training or
tackling youth crime.                                Schools can’t shoulder the burden on their
                                                     own, and education can’t start and stop with
London Youth has had a relationship with             academia. After all, young people only spend
Knights for many years. We caught up with            14 per cent of waking hours in school. Youth
nick Wilkie, London Youth chief executive, for       work is an invaluable part of the mix.
a quick word.
                                                     The riots have had a lot of airtime…
What are your thoughts on the importance             Of course, few could say that the riots we saw
of youth work in 2011?                               across the capital and elsewhere aren’t
It’s a really hard, difficult time – we’ve all read    related to wider issues around young people.
about the difficult economic climate, and how          but causality is complex.
it’s putting a squeeze on charitable
organisations. We’ve also all read about the         the mossbourne Academy, for example, is a
riots, and other reports on how young people         brilliant, brilliant school, but sits near the
feeling alienated from our society. It’s not         Pembury estate where we saw the highest
going to get any easier, quickly. One in ten         activity in the riots. this isn’t a
young people in London have no                       straightforward issue, but it is clear that the
qualifications.                                       role of youth centres is as relevant as ever.

Of course, the skill and commitment of youth         What’s the secret of survival for youth clubs
workers – like those at Knights – is even more       like Knights?
important against this backdrop. the truth is        Well, at the moment it may well come down
that good youth work works.                          to scrapping for every penny, and being
                                                     resilient. but the leaders at Knights are
What role do youth centres play alongside            perfect to meet this challenge. these people
other services?                                      are heroes. And we should be thankful - we
Organisations working with young people are          learn how to be good citizens in our
under increasing pressure and clearly need           communities, and organisations like Knights
more support. but no organisation offers the          are at the heart of them.
whole solution.

Community renaissance
We woud like to      J.P. Morgan partnered with Knights Youth Centre in 2010,
offer a big thank     specifically providing a grant for the expansion of the RE:INVEST
you to JP Morgan     programme. We spoke with Tracey Bloomfield, Vice President
for their generous   EMEA Corporate Philanthropy & Sponsorship, to discuss the
funding that has     successes of the partnership.
underpinned much
of our work over     J.P. morgan has been investing significant time, attention, and
the last eighteen    financial support in the London borough of Lambeth, identified as
months.              the targeted area for the firm’s ‘Community Renaissance’
                     programme. this programme brings together local communities,
                     businesses, voluntary groups, and the public sector to partner in
                     an integrated way to deliver positive social change in the
                     community. this innovative approach has been recognised as
                     having the potential to help “transform communities' in the
                     recently launched Child Poverty Strategy, which sits alongside the
                     government’s broader strategy to improve social mobility.

                     We’ve decided to work in Lambeth because we believe we have a
                     responsibility to make our local communities more sustainable.
                     We’re a large organisation, and we need to be responsive to
                     what’s going on in the communities in which we have a presence.
                     through our philanthropic programming we have the power to do
                     good – for our clients, for our employees, and for people and
                     communities around the world. It is important to our employees
                     that we visibly demonstrate our contribution as a good corporate
                     citizen to the wider community.

                     J.P. morgan’s approach to philanthropic giving goes beyond sole
                     financial support. It is about sharing knowledge and skills, pooling
                     ideas and inspirations, and working together with both the
                     charitable sector and central/local government to identify and
                     support transformative programmes and innovations. Our
                     current philanthropic portfolio includes partnerships with
                     organisations who are strategically addressing worklessness. We

seek to partner with organisations who are working towards
tackling this issue in a sustainable and impactful way; our
objective is to look at holistic ways of approaching both current
and future unemployment.

We decided to partner with Knights, specifically funding the
Re:InVeSt programme because the work met all our criteria.
having been established in 1936, Knights is clearly integrated with
the local community. It has an identifiable strategy outlining
where it wants to go and what it wants to achieve for the young
people it supports. It can provide evidence to show how it is
making the local community more sustainable. In working to
prevent the alienation of young people, or the growth of gang
culture, there is huge value in empowering young people to help
others. Re:InVeSt, the tYLAP programme and the volunteering
projects that have taken young people to Romania, Rwanda and
most recently the Dominican Republic are great examples of this.

Knights’ work helps vulnerable young people discover and
develop skills, confidence and self-awareness. giving them
opportunities to become more globally aware and understand
how they can personally make a difference is such powerful work.
the skills they develop will be invaluable to them in adult life.

We support the Knights vision of providing a learning and support
centre for young people. We recognise that they are experts at
utilising their limited resources in a meaningful way. the
organisation truly understands the heart of how to influence the
lives of vulnerable young people. We are delighted to partner
with Knights in the development of the Re:InVeSt programme.

KnIghtS In numbeRS

19 the number of Certificate in Youth Work training sessions delivered this year
Girls @ Knights
Girls @ Knights is   Girls @ Knights sessions have continued throughout the year
open between 6       with a variety of activities including cooking, arts and crafts,
and 8pm on           fashion, beauty, dance, discussion and debate. Promisingly,
Wednesdays for       there has been an overall improvement in the girls’ behaviour
young women in
                     and attitudes – testament to the excellent relationships
school years 6-11.
                     established by the team.

                      highlights included:
                      • Running joint sessions with Inters to provide a different social
                         dynamic and an opportunity to work on their interpersonal
                      • A girls-only residential weekend organised by Clubs for Young
                         People and held at PgL grantham. eight girls attended, taking
                         part in cheerleading, boxing, fashion workshops and plenty
                      • girls @ Knights’ very own photoshoot. britain’s next top
                         model better watch out! It was a great opportunity for
                         members not only to dress up and experiment with make-up
“I come to KYC so I      techniques, but also to discover more about how each of them
can stay of the          view themselves and their friends through photography
street – it’s safe
                      • Cooking and eating out together. these experiences have
and there’s good
company and good
                         helped the girls develop their cooking skills and try new foods.
activtities. I like      It has also helped the team to buid relationships, having
Girls @ Knights as it    deeper conversations and bonding time. Several issues have
gives us a chance to     been highlighted over a bite to eat that have subsequently
hang out.”               been addressed in group or one-to-one sessions
Keisha, 13            • the young girls took over and became the youth workers for

KnIghtS In numbeRS

1 the number of films focusing on girls in gangs released this year
an evening in July 2011. they ran a cooking session, planning   “I like the youth
  the menu and budget, shopping for ingredients and cooking a     club because it’s
  meal for the staff                                               fun, keeps me
• Recording monthly video diaries over the year to track the      active when I have
                                                                  nothing to do. Girls
  development of their thoughts and ideas
                                                                  @ Knights is like a
• One-to-one sessions, which remain an important part of what     big family and it’s
  we do, either during weekly girls @ Knights sessions or at      an experience for
  other arranged times. each staff member has been assigned        all of us to have!”
  specific girls to meet with on a regular basis. Although the     Chyna, 13
  meetings are very informal, the team have been able to build
  on their relationships with the girls and support them on
  various issues

Raisin’ D Republic
In the autumn of 2010, with the                    the challenge: reach the summits of ben
financial support of JP Morgan and as               nevis, Scarfell Pike and Snowdon in three
part of the RE:INVEST programme, the               days. After just a couple of training
visionary and ambitious folks at Knights           sessions on the north Downs, the team
kicked in to gear. The plan was simple:            gathered at dawn on April 28th and
recruit a team to raise funds by                   started the journey north to Fort
completing a national endurance event              William. this would be tough.
and go overseas to serve the poorest of
the poor. Easy, right?                             the team was immense. everyone
                                                   conquered ben nevis and Scarfell Pike.
this would be the third project of its kind        Only Kedeesha was unable to complete
delivered by Knights since 2007: the first          Snowdon as she had fallen ill. the team
two saw us take in Rwanda and Romania.             shared, supported and encouraged each
                                                   other, carrying each other’s backpacks.
In January 2011 we recruited a team of             they laughed, cried and got each other
young people and workers to participate            through it. We were blessed with perfect
in Raisin D Republic, this year’s                  weather and majestic views at each
challenge. It consisted of two stages.             summit.

national three Peaks challenge                     Dominican Republic

the three Peaks Challenge team Lucy,               three months after completing the three
Kedeesha, Sharna, Karis, travis, Leval,            Peaks in some style, the team flew out to
Ziggy, Jamarie, Callum, Daniel, Shem,              the Dominican Republic to support
David, Paul and Stu (plus mountain                 projects working with poor communities
instructors, drivers and chefs from                for two weeks. the experience was
hindleap Warren and our own Angela).               delivered by mission Direct.

KnIghtS In numbeRS

3,333 the number of metres climbed during the three peaks challenge
Raisin’ D Republic      At the last minute sadly Daniel, Jamarie and Callum couldn’t make
isn’t the first          it, but Symon and nat stepped up to the call.
project of its kind
for Knights - back in
                        Whilst in the Dominican Republic, we:
2007 we took a
team of young           • Painted house window frames, shutters and doors
people to Rwanda,       • Shovelled mud and hard core for building foundations, and
and in 2009 we            mixed and shovelled cement to lie on top of the hard core
visited Romania.        • Wheel barrowed the mud, hard core and cement up and down
                          hills to be deposited in various houses
                        • Led on games, sports and activities such as face painting with
                          local children in two villages
                        • Visited two orphanages for severely disabled children
                        • Visited a local hospital that cares for people who can’t afford
                          mainstream healthcare. the team talked and prayed with
                          patients, and handed out ‘goodie hygiene bags’
                        • hand-delivered food and drink to feed 150 families in a local
                          village, and 300 children in two different locations

KnIghtS In numbeRS

4 the number of families moved to clean, safe houses in the Dominican Republic
• A number of the team personally committed to financially
  supporting a number of children through school for a year
• Visited a project called Aqua negras (black Water) and the
  locals. Aqua negras get its name from the sewage that runs
  through its streets
• Prepped, sanded and painted a large workshop inside and out
  which had been built to train locals in basic carpentry and
  building skills
• Attended a ‘church in the woods’ service, leading songs in
  english, Spanish and Creole
• tore down the old shacks of the families who were provided
  with new permanent homes
• Visited two local schools to find out how they educate children
  and to provide encouragement

We managed to take some time off too, using the time to take a
couple of excursions, chill by the pool, go on banana boat rides
and sample the local produce! the team deserved it.

Stu Thomson’s personal reflection

As team leader, these trips are defined by the team’s outputs and
the positive experiences of both the team members and those we
went to serve. the focus is therefore to make sure not only that
the team have a brilliant experience, but also that they give all
they can.

but against any measure this trip was excellent, and it was
excellent for a number of reasons:
• the preparation and experience of the two key partners
   mission Direct and the Samaritan trust
• the level of tried and tested methods and programmes by the
   crew on the ground
• A great team. not only were there the 13 from Knights, but
   also another two families and two single people involved in this
   two week project. It was refreshing to see the entire team gel
   and respond positively to each other
• each member of the Knights team was immense. each one had
   moments of pure quality and humility. this was especially
   evident when the team had to be very personable with the
   locals in the villages, hospitals and orphanages
• the Knights team made a special effort to look out for each
   other but also give each other space when needed
• everyone was able to bounce back and put pettiness or
   potential conflict to one side
• As the young people would say: ‘it was da belly’

Raisin’ D Republic - not ALL hard work...
A mission... for potential
Mission Direct supports locally-led                Working with the Knights group side by
projects to help some of the world’s               side in the Dominican Republic, I was so
poorest people. It leads life-changing             inspired by the value of the trip to each
trips for people who want to make a                of them. the way they threw themselves
difference. Tim Martindale, director of             into it at 100 per cent was incredible.
overseas operations for Mission Direct,
talks through his experiences with                 I was particularly inspired by a visit to an
Knights in the Dominican Republic.                 orphanage for disabled children. this
                                                   was a totally new environment for the
historically mission Direct hasn’t                 young people from Knights. they were
typically worked with organisations like           perhaps a little hesitant at first, but
Knights - we normally work with                    within two minutes they were all
individuals or families. but when Stu              involved, even the ‘tough guys’. they
thomson got in touch to talk about                 were in there, feeding, cleaning and
taking 12-15 young people on a trip with           entertaining the kids, showing
us as part of their leadership training, we        remarkable maturity as they interacted
were happy to do it as the centre’s ethics         with them.
fit with ours.
                                                   At the end of the visit, the two ‘tough
Our primary objective is usually about             guys’ didn’t want to leave. It was a
working to help the people in the                  touching moment.
poverty-stricken communities that we
operate in overseas. but working with              In my view, the key thing that makes this
Knights, and another youth group in                a transformative experience is that, in
Leeds, has helped us to realise the other          these environments, they were all put
transformative impact these trips can              into the position of being a role model.
have.                                              they were celebs and mentors, having

KnIghtS In numbeRS

7 the number of new partnerships created this year - thanks
the opportunity to show leadership if           right out of their everyday experience.
they had it in them.                            getting away from peer group pressure
                                                provided an opportunity to open up and
being surrounded by people who were             to try new things.
so destitute, and people who were so
pleased to see them, gave them the              And that’s what was at the heart of it.
feeling that they weren’t just there to         here were young people that might be
learn, to do what they were told. they          on the margins of things at home. but by
were challenged to make a contribution,         the time the Dominican Republic trip was
and were empowered to do something              over they had found new skills, self-belief
to make a difference. they received huge         and understanding of how they can make
thanks when they did.                           a difference. they had found new
                                                relationships, too.
I imagine that in their day-to-day lives
these young people don’t often get to           I very much enjoyed working alongside
feel like that. they probably feel quite        the group from Knights and, of course,
negative about society, and don’t feel          Stu, who is a fantastic leader. We need
much love from it.                              people of his calibre working with young
                                                people. mission Direct is delighted to
but this experience gave them an                have played a part in releasing new
entirely new cultural world view. being         potential for these wonderful young
away from home and among people less            people.
well off than themselves, they stepped

To DR and beyond
We would like to     Luca Bosatta came across Knights when he and his family were
thank Luca and his   paired with us on their trip to the Dominican Republic. Luca
family for playing   wrote about the experience.
such an important
and enjoyable part
of our trip.
                     In preparing for our trip to the Dominican Republic, we asked the
                     organisers who would be joining us. We were told it would be a
                     group from a youth centre in south London. good, interesting, we

                     And so it proved.

                     the work you do on trips like this one, the things you see, can
                     have a huge impact. to share the experience with others makes it
                     all the more significant. We had a really good time with the group
                     from Knights, and really got to know them.

                     I was so impressed with the group. I expect many of them came
                     back to the uK more mature people. but it was them as
                     individuals that I found most impressive. As I spoke to them, all
                     prejudices were broken down as I saw the wit, intelligence, depth
                     and poetry of these people.

                     It was fantastic to learn what wonderful people they are, and
                     what fantastic potential they have, despite the difficulties they
                     face back at home. having got to know them, we felt we could ask
                     about those difficulties. What they told us was in their own
                     words. Aspirations at school. Violence. Fear.

                     So many times on the trip, the trainees were called upon to step
                     up, to make a difference. none of them flinched, they all came
                     through. Perhaps most encouraging however, was how they

talked about being involved in youth work. they were clearly          We’re very thankful
proud of working to help others. they talked positively about         for the commitment
plans for the future and applying for the next year of the            and interest Luca
programme.                                                            has shown in
We – including my three teenage children, who shared hugs and Luca has asked Stu
tears with the Knights apprentices when it was time to go home – and one of the
thoroughly enjoyed their company.                                apprentices to
                                                                      deliver a talk at his
Weeks after the Dominican Republic trip, I joined the Knights         office to members
team and all the apprentices for a discussion and development         of a ‘family
weekend. I was keen to find out what goes on outside of the big        network’ that
trips. maybe the Dominican Republic was a one off?                     promotes family
                                                                      values for business
                                                                      benefit. He has also
but once again, I was bowled over. Joining in with workshops, I       offered to act as a
saw the apprentices greet tasks with enthusiasm and ability.          mentor for one of
                                                                      the TYLAP
I was really taken by Stu thomson’s leadership, which really          apprentices.
demonstrated the power and potential of good youth work. Stu is
a pro, expertly taking opportunities to give the apprentices
specific feedback. he is very encouraging, but always with
constructive, genuine and meaningful praise.

‘this is what I saw in you today’, was one such comment. ‘this
was a wonderful thing you did’, was another. It seemed to be
about affirming and encouraging real strengths and talents in the
young people.

to one apprentice, the comment was ‘I saw the real man in you
today’. It was absolutely spot on, and I don’t think that young man
will ever forget it. Perhaps he doesn’t get that kind of
encouragement normally, that kind of positive statement about
who he is. It was maybe even more impressive to see his peers
nodding in supportive agreement. I think he was moved.

What great work. Some of the transformations Knights achieves –
whether on the tYLAP programme or with members attending
normal sessions – seem impossible in the face of the news we see
on our tV screens every day. I witnessed so much potential.

KnIghtS In numbeRS

776 online votes received by Knights for natWest’s CommunityForce campaign
In 1938, Knights bought its first permanent premises for £2,000. In
1999 our annual expenditure was £35,000. But, after sustained
growth in the range of services we offer young people in the area and
the establishment of the unique TYLAP initiative, we are a very
different youth centre today.


As you’ve read, the world in which we            maintain current service levels until
operate is increasingly challenging, with        march 2012. If we don’t find new funds
far reaching implications. We enjoyed a          by then, we will have to make some
surplus at the end of the last financial          tough decisions, and the service we
year (2009/10), but all funds carried            provide will look very different.
over were already tied up in projects
and commitments for 2010/11.                     It’s not all doom and gloom – we
                                                 continue to receive remarkable support.
Sadly, the Hardship Fund grant we were           the Walcot Foundation continues to
given in 2009 has gone. In addition, the         support the Walcot Apprenticeship
three year grant from Lambeth Council            Scheme and tYLAP. they are great and
to fund the girls @ Knights and Senior           much-appreciated supporters.
Outreach Project Worker posts
technically came to an end last April.           JP Morgan gave us a huge grant of
Despite intentions to commission new             £95,000 for a number of projects
posts by that date, we are still awaiting        including the trip to the Dominican
the outcome of Lambeth’s review. It is a         Republic – see our report on page 38.
difficult time for all London councils, but        this has been fantastic support that has
their support is paramount.                      had a huge impact on our young people.

the result? We currently have a £40,000          In addition, the Henry Smith Foundation
hole in our budget, net of the surplus we        and Equitable Charitable Trust provided
carried forwards. this was initially over        new grants. We also received grants from
£80,000, leading to us having to let two         other partners including: Home Office
members of staff go as of 1st April this          RIO; Lloyds TSB, Mercers; NHS; Elizabeth
year. In turn, it also meant that Stu’s          and Prince Zaiger Trust; International
planned new role – mentioned in last             Bazaar; Jack Petchey Foundation; and
year’s report – has been ‘put on ice’.           Clapham Park.

With significant loss of income, it goes          We live in troubled times – both on the
without saying that we are making                balance sheet and the streets. but this is
increased and significant efforts to cut           when young people need us most. We
costs, raise funds and submit new bids.          would like to take this opportunity to
Sadly, we are competing for a smaller            thank the many organisations and
portion of a smaller cake, and against           individuals who have supported us over
more and more other diners. We also              the last year. hopefully this report
failed with bids submitted to BBC                conveys the huge and ambitious range of
Children in Need and the Big Lottery.            services Knights continues to provide
                                                 young people. Without your support, it
We have just enough reserves to                  would not be possible.

Looking ahead
    It will come as no surprise to anyone that as a result of the
    deepening financial crisis, the voluntary sector is really going to
    feel the pinch. Small organisations will be particularly vulnerable
    – that includes us at Knights!

    It’s hard not to become obsessed with the financial climate, but
    there’s one critical point I’d like to make: the secret of our success
    is the experience and heart our team brings to the work. We have
    a small hub of paid staff who are pivotal in their role to develop
    and direct our wonderful volunteers, and our street savvy
    trainees/apprentices (aged 16-24). If funding pressures were to
    cause us to lose that hub, then our successful (and cost effective)
    model of delivering our service would be at serious risk.

    there can be no doubt that, as a small voluntary youth centre, we
    face a bleak and worrying financial situation, and there’s no sign
    that it will change much for the next three years. We experienced
    a similar environment in the early 1990s and saw some
    longstanding youth clubs in the area close, never to reopen.

    We have to plan carefully for some lean years. We will refocus on
    what we do well: building relationships, being available,
    consistent and offering hope.

    Our main offer has always been our heart and passion for every
    young person who walks through our door.

    We are here because we want to be. Interestingly, that’s what
    young people seem to want and respect!

    We celebrated our 75th anniversary this year, and we

have no intention of this financial crisis being the point at which
we close our doors. but it is going to be really, really hard.

this report has documented so many highs from the last year,
from volunteering in the Dominican Republic and Sharna’s
success to our work with young women and our young people
winning awards.

be assured we’ll be writing to you next year with another
selection of similar stories.

thanks, as always, for your wonderful support.

God bless.
Chris Saunders
We would love to hear from you.


                        020 8674 4055

   27 Streatham Place, London SW2 4QQ


Registered charity number 303282

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Knights Youth Centre annual report 2010/11

  • 1. Knights Youth Centre Annual Report 2010/11 Hardship and Hope
  • 2. Knights Youth Centre has been working with young people for 75 years. In 2011 we are still providing opportunities, role models and an open door for young people in south London. From London SW2 to the Dominican Republic, Knights is making a much- needed difference in the lives of countless young people day in, day out.
  • 4. Contents One. Chair’s foreword e sheet a nd the balanc ith hards hip - on ing from? Dealing w the hope com . Where’s on th e streets The You who, th C wha Two. What we do entr t, wh e. Y Oh, and ou ere and migh it’s our t no why of t kn 75t h bi ow Knights rthd us, ay. r i gh t? Three. T.Y.L.A.P. re t TYLAP is, but we’ We can tell you wha t from the hear it straigh guessing you’d rather P of our amazing TYLA horse’s mouth. One of the what she thinks graduates tells you programme.
  • 5. Four. A year at Knights Phew. So much has happened in the last year. Here’s what’s been going on in each of our sections, plus a special look at gangs and girls (yeah - girls) and how we’re hel ping young people make the step to secondary sc hool. Five. Mission: Dominican Republic if t? And Rwa nda, righ trip to mania t oo. rd abo ut our out Ro hea w ab st have u’ll kno r young You mu bout that, yo blic. Ou rd a epu you hea inican R hat the Dom bout w nds. we nt to ve a read a and frie is year we le st uff. Ha ur pa rteners Well, th incredib se of o d id some rds, and tho people our wo happe ned - in The mon ey bit Six. dotting the i’s Seven. Looking ahead Our hope for the future.
  • 6. Foreword Welcome to the Knights Youth Centre annual report 2010/11. In our statement of purpose, we commit to providing an ‘oasis’for young people in the area. What is an oasis? It’s a place of refreshment and sustenance. It’s a place that is different from everything around it, offering hope within a hostile environment. Chris began volunteering with Sadly, the experiences of many young people on ‘the street’ Knights in 1973 and today can feel hostile. For others, there seems to be a has been Chairman disconnect with accepted societal values and aspirations. for 23 years. In Since we were established back in 1936, during a period of addition to his national turmoil, we’ve always sought to be accepting, voluntary work, he without prejudice, favour or stigma. We have also is a senior manager challenged young people, and never simply accepted that in Children’s things - or behaviour - can’t get better. Services for an inner London So what have the Knights been doing in SW2? (the oasis) borough. We hope this report shows the range and quality of our services that are designed to engage and be enjoyed, but also to challenge. Perhaps its this range of services that keeps young people coming to us each week. It’s fun at Knights and it’s safe, but it is also offers hope - an oasis. Chris Saunders Chairman KnIghtS In numbeRS 75 the number of candles on our birthday cake this year 4
  • 7. An alternative intro... Our aim is to please This poem was In the kids we believe written about Knights by each one of them can achieve members during a As we look from a height recent weekend at the future is bright Woodrow. Don’t be a quitter – be a winner We all need unite and agree that we can achieve We thought it made a great ‘alternative’ Whatever your circumstances there is always a chance foreword. Enjoy. As a member of Knights your child will shine bright Don’t conform to pressure – be your own person Don’t give to receive each session we run is shedloads of fun From the peaks to DR our love runs far As together we are KnIghtS YOuth CentRe! We want to start communicating with our ‘Friends’ and supporters more regularly. Please help us to keep in touch with you by: • Emailing us your name to • ‘Liking’ us at 5
  • 9. Knights in a nutshell What we do “Knights is clearly Knights Youth Centre has provided a safe, fun, inclusive and integrated with the engaging place for thousands of young people since 1936. It offers local community. It a diverse service for all young people aged 8-24 regardless of theirhas a strategy outlining what it gender, race, religion, sexuality or disability. wants to achieve for young people. It Where we do it can evidence how it Knights is the largest provider of youth services in and around the is making the local Clapham Park estate in Lambeth, an area of high social and community more economic need. most of our members live in the area, but the sustainable. impact of our work reaches across Lambeth. “Knights’ work Our members helps vulnerable young people between 150 and 200 young people visit the centre each week. discover and many young people attend three or four times per week. develop skills, confidence and self- Our service awareness. The In addition to ‘standard’ activities, we provide sports coaching, skills they develop offsite trips, regular residentials, international social action will be invaluable to programmes, music and video production, specialised work with them in adult life.” girls, arts and dance, and access to It equipment. Tracey Bloomfield, JP Morgan Crucially, we also undertake targeted outreach with young people who, through disengagement with ‘traditional’ services, are at risk of involvement with gangs, drugs and anti-social behaviour. Our apprenticeships Knights has developed an innovative youth work apprenticeship programme called tYLAP. tYLAP provides leadership, training, qualifications and employment opportunities for 30 young people aged 16 – 24 in youth and community work each year. 7
  • 10. Our aims “The leaders at We aim to: Knights are perfect to meet the • Offer a diverse range of activities and opportunities for young challenges young people that are enjoyable, challenging and informative through people face today. which they gain knowledge, new skills and positive experiences These people are heroes. We learn how to be good • Provide a secure and caring environment where young people citizens in our who are in the transition through adolescence to adulthood communities, and can develop self-awareness and confidence whilst developing organisations like positive relationships with both peers and adults Knights are at the heart of them.” • enable young people to recognise their own skills, abilities and Nick Wilkie, limitations and offer opportunities to develop these. Create London Youth possibilities for achievement, and help young people see their potential and the contribution they can make to society • help young people to: recognise prejudice and discrimination both in themselves and others; challenge prejudice and inequality when they encounter it; value difference and promote equality of opportunity • encourage young people to be involved in making group decisions and develop understanding which will help them make responsible and informed decisions about their own lives • Offer young people advice, support and counselling in a nurturing environment when needed KnIghtS In numbeRS 5,474 the number of times young people have attended sessions this year 8
  • 11. A Christian consciousness What does it mean to be a ‘Christian’ teams who work within Knights at our organisation in London in 2011? Woodrow weekend. this is a simple prayer of blessing for each of the Over the last couple of years Knights has leadership teams and the groups of been investigating, discussing, reflecting young people they work with. muslim and questioning the Christian ethos of leaders and trainees have joined in our service. this process has been a • encouraging team members to pray challenge for Knights and some of the for the young people more often team. It has raised questions around how • Seeking to find a ‘sacred space’ within we bring our faith to our work in a more Knights where young people can focus practical and noticeable way, how we do on god that whilst still being totally inclusive, • After each session the team share in a and what our funders will think. prayer of thanks, blessing or grace • being transparent and bold in these questions have led Knights to work acknowledging we are a Christian with Rev. Dr bob mayo, our youth service organisation and that what we do and director’s supervisor. bob co-authored how we do it changes lives ‘Faith of generation Y’, a book that focuses on young people and this approach is not seeking to ‘press Christianity, and how or why Christian gang’ young people to become youth work can make a difference. Christians, nor would it ever look to undermine other faiths or religions. It is Working with bob and other about recognising that only are faith, organisations such as Livability has hope and love core parts of the gospels, encouraged us to seek new ways to raise but also our work and the commitment a Christian consciousness within Knights. that lies behind it. As a result, we now do the following: Our ‘Christian consciousness’ work is • An annual ‘dedication’ of the various funded internally. 9
  • 12. Knights is 75 More than 100 Back in 1936, just three years before the onset of World War II, young men and the planet faced a time of fear and upheaval. leaders from Knights served in It’s altogether different of course, but in 2011 we’re also facing a World War II. deeply uncertain world. The club was bombed five times, Knights has lived through it all, good times and bad. thousands of but never closed. young people have passed through the centre in that time, and hundreds of adults have given up their time to support our work in countless ways. thinking back through our history, it is encouraging to see how the deep faith and vision of a few people in the late 30s has lived on for decades, and still forms the foundation of what is now a thoroughly modern youth centre. the people are different - and some of the issues too - but our aims remain the same. here’s to the next 75 years. Five years ago we published a written history of the Knights Youth Centre – ‘Three score years and ten’. If you would like an electronic copy, please get in touch. 10
  • 13. 1936 Knights boys Club established in Clapham Park 1938 Knights, already working with 100 people every week, purchases its first premises, 5 Streatham hill, for £2,000 1939 Outbreak of World War II. more than 100 young men and leaders from Knights left for service, and the club was bombed five times, but the club never closes 1946 the Knights Association of Christian Youth Clubs is formed. many Knights volunteers go on to work across the association 1952 balham, highways, Streatham hill, and Crossroads youth clubs join Knights to create ‘Knights Youth Centre’ for the first time 1960s Knights runs a hostel project, leasing a large Victorian house and providing affordable accommodation to young people in the area who need it most 1968 Wey Island is purchased by the Knights Association of Christian Youth Clubs. Knights still uses the facility in Surrey today 1970s Knights works with as many young people as ever, with five football teams playing every Saturday 1984 Knights opens its ‘Skills Wing’ to develop young people’s practical skills to help them into employment 1990 the Inner London education Authority (ILeA) is disbanded. Knights, and youth centres across the capital, face dramatically reduced funding. the economy doesn’t help, either 1994 Knights produces its first ever Annual Report, and launches the concept of ‘Friends’ of the centre 1996 Knights holds its last ever colossal jumble sale, raising £5,500. the sales had become community events, running once or twice a year since 1958 2003 Knights building reopens after four months extensive refurbishment to upgrade the facilities, including full disability access. A lottery grant was critical 2004 Knights launches tYLAP, its youth work apprenticeship scheme 11
  • 14. TYLAP
  • 15. “TYLAP is really welcoming, like a family at the same time as a work base. The programme sets you on the right lines for what you want to do in the future. For me this involves working with young people. I currently work for Lambeth Youth Council as a peer educator. TYLAP has enabled me to experience youth work on a different level” Adedeji, year one
  • 16. What is TYLAP? “TYLAP is like a the trainee Youth Leader Apprentice Programme – or tYLAP – is a family. I enjoy the unique initiative set up by Knights to develop young people aged ways they bring 16-24 into experienced, qualified youth workers. people together – team building now six years old, tYLAP has worked with over 170 trainees. the games, trips, or other ways to get programme has an impact across three key areas. people talking. I hope to achieve the Employment and education routes for young people Certificate in Youth Work. I like working tYLAP prioritises working with young people who are less with children, engaged by traditional learning or struggling with their personal putting smiles on development. It aims to help young people find an easier path to their faces. Knights qualifications or employment, who may not otherwise get the is where people chance. come to relax, it's a second home.” Rianna, Year 1 • A chance to explore a career in youth and community work • Recognised qualifications in and routes to further education • new skills and experience to support moving into employment • Challenging, rewarding and exciting experiences Above all, tYLAP provides a caring support network that guides and advises - we offer housing advice, support in a crisis, references and even food for those that need it. ultimately, the programme leads young people towards increased confidence, higher self esteem and a sense of purpose for the future. KnIghtS In numbeRS 170 the number of trainees tYLAP has taken on so far 14
  • 17. Recruits for the sector “The solutions to many of the tYLAP is a three year programme that produces new and dynamic challenges we face youth workers for the future. have to be community led. TYLAP is fantastic. the blend of practical and theory-based learning helps young It's the third year people develop into qualified professionals. Working in a range of I've been here -I environments and organisations, tYLAP trainees develop a well- know you achieve rounded balance of skills and experience that prepares them for a great things. career in youth work. “The jewel in the Role models for other young people crown of this scheme is how the young people are Crucially, young people on the tYLAP programme become positive learning to lead role models for other young people at Knights and in the wider other young community. people.” Chuka Umunna MP Working with members from similar backgrounds week-in, week- out, tYLAP trainees set a credible example that demonstrates to young people that they have choices and opportunities they can feel positive about. the tYLAP programme Year one Work with a local youth centre as a voluntary trainee youth leader, undertake Introductory Studies in Youth and Community Work and attend additional training to develop new skills Year two employed by Knights for 24 hours per week as an apprentice youth worker. Study for a Foundation Diploma in Youth Work, Informal education and Community Learning. Assist in delivering Introductory Studies to trainee youth leaders Year three employed by Knights as a student youth worker for 12 hours per week, mentoring and supervising trainee youth leaders. Study either for a Diploma or a Degree in Youth and Community Work. 15
  • 18. A TYLAP transformation With the help of TYLAP, Sharna Gayle honest, I wasn’t sure if it was for me at has gone from dole office queue to first. It was just an option, something to talented youth worker and career do. woman. We caught up with her to hear her story. halfway through the first year, I realised it was. there was a great vibe from the Sharna – tell us a bit about yourself. people at Knights, everyone was so How did you hear about Knights and welcoming. I felt like I could connect with TYLAP? the young people, who had been I was sixteen, living by myself. I’d started through the same stuff I had. a college course in childcare, but decided it wasn’t for me after six months. to be but because I hadn’t taken the first half honest I wasn’t up to much, and wasn’t of the year seriously, I didn’t have the doing anything. I was on jobseeker’s greatest chance of getting onto the allowance and had been signing on for a second year of the tYLAP programme. year. but the team saw something in me and challenged me to step up if I really being on jobseeker’s allowance isn’t wanted it. I took that chance and did the good. You feel outside of the system. I second year – it was my first real felt like I didn’t have any support. I was employment. on a budget all the time, and couldn’t live the lifestyle I wanted. If I wanted to but, halfway through the second year, I go to the cinema with friends, I couldn’t. found out I was pregnant. I completed the year but, because I knew I was going One day I went into the job centre and to be a mum, I chose not to apply for the saw a tYLAP leaflet. It just asked: ‘want third year. I continued to volunteer until I to get into youth work? Can you work was eight months pregnant, though. with young people?’ I gave them a call. So what did you do next? So you joined the programme? At first, I felt like I had failed – I wouldn’t I managed to get a place on tYLAP. to be be going to university or completing the 16
  • 19. diploma until after I had my son. but communicate with other people, not just when he was born, I felt a rush of love peers, but organisations, management. and responsibility. I had to provide a my writing has improved. I now feel like good life for him. a professional, and have a worthy cause in changing the community. I finished my diploma, and applied for university in summer 2010. I wanted to tYLAP also provides role models. For me, get back into youth work, but I wasn’t it was good to see Karis, who came sure I’d get the chance on tYLAP. but I through the tYLAP ranks. It was great to spoke with the team, did an interview, see a young person, not much older than and was given the chance on the third me, doing something that I wanted to do year. and doing well. If she had hope and ambition, so could I. I was a working mum about to go to university. I took it seriously. the tYLAP tYLAP gives people a chance. It gave me programme is flexible. I was able to work opportunities I thought I’d never get. I with tYLAP, go to university, and be a was a bit lost in society, and never mum. the support from michelle and Stu thought I’d go to university. now I’m in at the Centre was brilliant. the second year of my Applied Social Science, Youth and Community What are the benefits of the TYLAP Development degree at goldsmiths. It’s programme? down to tYLAP – thanks to everyone my confidence levels were boosted. my there for all they’ve done for me. communications skills grew – I could 17
  • 20. Young people in the area are facing Knights offers informal education – we family breakdown, a lack of money, a communicate with and relate to young lack of education, and negative people on a different level. perceptions of them in the media. It’s difficult – the quick, easy solution is What does the future hold? turning to the streets, forming a gang or my message to young people who have trying their best to live the lives of what been through what I have – go with your is shown to them by ‘the media dreams, your goals. think positive at all gangsters’. times. Ask for support, don’t be afraid to get help. As for me, I can’t see myself in these vulnerable people need more a career sitting behind a desk. I have so education about how to be a better much more to give. I’m going to continue person in society. School can’t do that - to try and change lives in youth work. it’s just lesson, leave, lesson leave. It can feel too structured – young people often It takes time, and it takes consistency, need the space to sit back, reflect and but that’s what Knights does. develop their learning, rather than being rushed from one lesson to another. Michelle on Sharna Michelle Marquis-Brorson is Knights’ TYLAP coordinator. She gave her view on Sharna’s progress. Sharna’s transformation has been incredible. She had a huge year of growth, giving birth to a son and going to university, and the change in her was incredible. She’s a new woman – absolutely on fire. She’s a fantastic mentor to young people, has fantastic maturity, understanding of the programme and loyalty. Since she finished year three, she has worked with us as trainee tYLAP coordinator and does a great job. She looks after the whole project. She writes references, personal development plans for apprentices in years one and two – everything. She still volunteers at the centre, is a fantastic role model and someone we can really count on. She has a great career in youth work ahead of her. It just goes to show what can be done if you stick with people. We are so very proud of her. 18
  • 21. 2010/11 A year at Knights
  • 22. Stu’s view: reinventing hope Stu Thomson is Much has happened since our last Annual Report. Last year we Knights’ youth spoke of our challenge to climb mountains. We still have service director. He mountains to climb but there have been some serious joined us in 2000. overhanging rocks! We are in challenging times. however, in recent months we have reflected on our service, priorities and how we are doing all we can to maximise every resource we have to make sure the young people who benefit from our service continue to do so. I’m not going to talk about the challenges facing young people, the community, the country and Knights - these are pretty evident - but it is becoming increasingly clear to me that so many of the young people we support hold little or no hope for the future. Knights continues on a journey that will change lives. Knights has provided a life-changing service for the last 75 years and will continue to do so. however, we need to be more proactive in reaching young people. every young person who comes into contact with us needs to be provided with tangible hope and tough love, whilse experiencing a spectrum of positive alternatives that will provide immediate impact with lasting, long term benefits. Knights certainly won’t be a place for the uncommitted. KnIghtS In numbeRS 11 the number of years stu has been with knights: our longest serving full-timer 20
  • 23. We need to do more, and we will. this will include: “The people at • more personalised support. that could be a mentoring Knights are true programme, pastoral support and prayer (if wanted) for each visionaries, and young person experts at doing huge amounts with • every young person knowing and feeling that they are loved limited resources. and beautiful, especially those who feel they don’t deserve it Its people really get • Improved communication with parents and carers of the young to the heart of how people. this gap is widening - we need to be more proactive to influence the and effective lives of vulnerable • Develop our confidence further to positively address the young people” behaviour and lifestyles of each young person. this needs to be Tracey Bloomfield, linked to how a young person understands not only their JP Morgan ‘rights’ but also their ‘responsibilities’ • Increase our drive and passion to communicate the story of the Christian gospel within a recognised Christian community (where all faiths are welcome and respected) • the development of young people on tYLAP to be more proactive with our young people • Finding more training and development opportunities for team leaders to enhance their impact • this approach will again ask our leaders and trainees to have big hearts and be endlessly selfless. this may appear somewhat radical from the outside but it’s been at the heart of the KYC for the last 75 years. We need to find beauty in the most bleak and ugly places. We need to enable each young person to find their beauty. We need to show love to those who feel they don’t deserve it. I hope this resonates with you and you can support us in this. For my girls (Ros, Ella & Megan), who give me the hope to continue. 21
  • 24. Section update: juniors Juniors is open on Juniors continues to be a popular session with an average of 20 Tuesday and Friday young people attending each weekly session, rising to 30 during evenings between 6 the school holidays. throughout the year, more young people and 8pm for young have been discovering Knights on the recommendation of their people in school friends. years 4-7. We have made good use of the spells of great weather to take the members outdoors with trips to local parks and attractions – in addition to usual club activities like cooking, arts and crafts, sports and games. the team continue to build good relationships with the young people, either one-to-one or through group work. Several discussion sessions, often based on movies or tV shows like eastenders, have focused attention on issues like school, relationships, personal hygiene and other life issues. highlights included: • the Knights Fantastic Summer Special, funded by the Lambeth Youth mayor Fund, which ran for the first two weeks of the summer holidays. Our young people enjoyed a residential at Wey Island, including canoeing, bike riding, cooking and a barbecue; a day trip to Littlehampton; outdoor swimming at brockwell Lido; a multi-sports and activities day at battersea Park; a trip to London Dungeon; and a thames river boat cruise. We also ran a special programme over the easter holidays KnIghtS In numbeRS 8 the number of ‘residentials’ run by Knights this year 22
  • 25. • taking part in the London Youth Rowing Challenge, helping the “Knights is fun team to win overall and receiving prizes for their efforts especially when we • A brilliant half-term project break for the Juniors led by the go on trips! I don’t Year 2 tYLAP team. the week of on and offsite activities get bored during the week and I’ve included cooking, a graffiti workshop, a trip to the Science now got more museum and a meal at the music bar in brixton friends.” • A fantastic contribution from the Juniors to Knights’ Christmas Alex, 10 showcase, featuring artwork, t-shirt designs, dance routines and magic tricks. Our young people received certificates for their spendid achievements • An activity day at Hindleap Warren for eight of our juniors, who took on team challenges, high and low ropes, rock climbing and an assault course Introducing Safe T ‘Safe t’ was a targeted youth work project funded by Lambeth Young & Safe that ran between February and April 2011. Aimed primarily at Year six students, it worked to help young people to make a safer transition into secondary school. Of course, changing school can be a pretty tumultuous event. A new uniform, a new school, can often bring with it a new identity. Safe t looks to address some of the potential issues that come before they come up. We ran a series of workshops for 12 young people both from the centre and also the local telferscot Primary School. We looked at the differences between primary and secondary schools, the challenges that might be ahead and how to stay safe on the “I get to see my street. Along the way the workshops encouraged new friends and have communications skills, confidence and team working. fun. It’s helped me get to know other It was great to get year seven students – again from the centre young people who go to my school and from a local secondary school – to come in and facilitate better and now I discussions and share their experiences. In many ways, their can mix with them advice was of far more value than ours! We hope to run the more at school.” programme again next year. Sheyann, 9 23
  • 26. Assuring quality If you have Assured Quality for Youth Projects (AQYP) is a dedicated experience of programme managed by London Youth and validated by City and working on quality guilds. It provides help and support for youth organisations like assurance systems, ours to reach quality standards in order to: enjoy it, and would • Achieve lasting improvements to their practice and like to help out, please get it touch. management • Provide a clear structure to plan and deliver support from London Youth to youth organisations • Prove quality of service being delivered to young people • have young people, their families and funders recognise the award as a sign of excellence AQYP has been chosen because: • It’s straightforward • Progressive – through bronze and silver awards to gold • Ideal for all kinds of community-based youth work • Designed to show how youth work meets the key every Child matters outcomes • We will also need to be working to or at bronze level to maintain our affiliation to London Youth AQYP covers six key sections. these are: • Safeguarding of young people and staff • Diversity, equality and inclusion • health, safety and resources • Young people • Staff and volunteers • management and administration We are currently working on the bronze level and it is our plan to get assessed by the end of 2011. 24
  • 27. Knights’ community force In September and October 2011, voting fever hit Knights…hard. natWest had launched their annual ‘CommunityForce’ initiative, which rewards local charities and community projects with £6,000 grants. the twist was grants would be awarded to those local organisations that received the most votes on the natWest website. Knights volunteers went into overdrive, encouraging ‘Friends’ of the centre, family, friends and local residents to vote. After the three week voting period ended, we had received nearly 800 votes – the second highest number of votes registered by any of the hundreds of south London organisations competing for grants. hot news off the press: we were delighted to hear in early november that we earned enough votes to win a grant from natWest. thanks to everyone that voted. It was a colossal effort to get hundreds of votes for the CommunityForce initiative. While we were campaigning however, we realised that we would like to make better use of our Facebook page to keep in touch with our Friends. If you’re on Facebook, please ‘like’ us: We’ll be regularly posting updates from the centre, the latest from our tYLAP apprentices, and images of past club life from club alumni. See you there! 25
  • 28.
  • 29. The Three Peaks Challenge team celebrate at the top of a mountain. See page 34 to read more.
  • 30. Girls and gangs Angela Robinson, young women’s girls fighting other girls, and girls fighting development worker at Knights, writes boys. about an old issue receiving new attention. Young women these days often feel pressured to ‘shout loudest’ to be You may have seen the trailer for a new noticed. there can also be fierce rivalry film looking at London gang life, a movie between girls of similar age. many show that describes itself as an urban unshakeable confidence that they can retribution thriller. rely on force, even against men. Some don’t realise how dangerous that could the things you might expect are there: be. violence, colourful language, council estates. but there is one pretty crucial but while these young people might way in which it differs from what you’re seem incredibly confident, so often their probably imagining – the film is called issues can be laid at the door of deep- Sket, and the gang members are girls. rooted self-esteem issues. Our celebrity culture, and tabloid perceptions of girls being in gangs, or at least indulging youth, can also chip away at self-worth. in violent and aggressive behaviour, is getting more attention of late. In fact, unchecked, a desire for acceptance can theresa may and Iain Duncan Smith’s lead to some unhealthy ways of new anti-gang strategy, launched in interacting with others, including boys, november 2011, featured specific and is one potential driver of proposals on the issue. involvement in gangs or other anti-social behaviour. It can also lead to girls losing Some might find all this surprising, but to any sense of the potential consequences us the idea is nothing new. In fact, many of their actions, or how their actions of the girls that come through our doors could affect their reputation. At Knights each week are just as likely to resort to we try and break down these issues, and aggression or violence to resolve issues having an all girls group is an important as boys. We’ve certainly had to split up part of that. 28
  • 31. unlike boys, girls are sometimes less We see everyone as a beautiful person, likely to be direct about what they think and do what we can to reinforce that and feel. they can be more subtle. with the young people we work with. We unfortunately this means that important also encourage each of the girls to be a issues can sometimes be less noticeable, positive influence on their friends, and it can be more difficult to get to the talking to them and taking a personal heart of what’s causing them. responsibility for them. but we do what we can to strike up We do see negative behaviour from girls relationships, and that takes time. in the area, and there are definitely girls Running girls-only sessions allows us to who have affiliations with gangs. but if address things from a female we continue to challenge their perspective. Our girls @ Knights leaders perceptions, thoughts and actions, show ‘man mark’ individual girls, ensuring that viable alternatives, demonstrate worth there’s always someone looking to catch- and offer positive role models, we can up with our members each week. We run channel their energy into something a mixture of group and one-to-one positive. sessions, and keep girls who can’t get on separate when it’s needed. You can read more about our regular Girls @ Knights programme on page 28. Four Girls @ Knights, not gang members! 29
  • 32. Section update: inters Inters is open on It’s been a strong year for Inters, with good growth in the Monday and number of young people attending, especially girls. Members Wednesday are growing more open to sharing and accepting our support evenings between 7 because of the work of our young, vibrant and talented and 9pm for young leadership team. people in school years 8-10. highlights included: • An educational and fun weekend with Urban Nature at Hindleap • Five young men completing the national Three Peaks Challenge • three first class young men serving the poor in the Dominican Republic • A crazy weekend of camping on the south coast • A groundworks-led series of sessions based on community involvement that resulted in our funky new mural on the building. groundworks is funded by Young & Safe • A number of fun offsite trips to a range of places from the West end to box hill • An ongoing programme of Mentivation workshops Asked to sum up Knights in two words, Junior, 14, said:  ‘fun, educational’. to describe the staff team at Knights, he said:  ‘always there, caring’. KnIghtS In numbeRS 5 the number of young people who we supported at court appearances this year 30
  • 33. Leading in the community Knights Senior Youth Worker Stu Thomson has been the elected “We each have a Vice Chair of the Lambeth Community and Voluntary Sector lot to offer, to help (VCS) Children and Young People’s Forum for two years. This role shape policy, to provides mutual benefits for the Forum, Lambeth Council and improve children's lives, to help each Knights. Here’s what it’s all about. other” Jackie Nunns, chair, the Forum influences the way services are delivered to young VCS Forum people in Lambeth. It does this by: • Advising on proposed strategic developments • Consulting on specific issues • Feeding back on the success of new initiatives • Driving the agenda on effective partnership working the Forum is open to all VCS organisations actively working with children and young people across Lambeth. It is led by elected VCS representatives who also sit on the Children’s trust board. It meets six times a year, but its members stay in regular contact with each other and form special interest groups where specific action is needed. the Forum aims to: 1. Act as a consultative body in the formulation of partnership strategy and policy regarding services for children and young people 2. Provide representatives to sit on the Children’s trust board, Local Safeguarding Children’s board, themed sub-groups and joint commissioning groups 3. Capacity build for the VCS 4. Offer training and networking for the VCS 5. Achieve two-way communication between the VCS and the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) 31
  • 34. Section update: seniors Seniors is open on There has been a great record of young people re-engaging with Thursdays between education this year in seniors, and positive responses to the 7.30 and 10.30pm work carried out through Mentivation and our RE:INVEST for young people in programme. school year 11 and upwards. highlights included: • Reduction in aggressive and negative behaviour and a huge increase in the young people taking responsibility for managing each other’s conduct • enthusiastic involvement and productivity with Rolling Sound, who provided a music production course funded through Young & Safe • two young people winning Jack Petchey Foundation Achievement Awards • helen morrell, a volunteer with Seniors, being awarded a Jack Petchey Foundation Leaders Award • Condoms being distributed on a regular basis alongside advice and guidance on sexual health • A leadership team growing in confidence, ability and creativity Asked to sum up Knights in a word, Dwayne, 14, simply said:  ‘experience’. to describe the best thing about the staff team at Knights, he added: ‘helping with homework’. Asked what he’d like more of at Knights, he said: ‘educational programmes. help with literacy and numeracy’. KnIghtS In numbeRS 322 the number of onsite evening sessions delivered this year 32
  • 35. London’s heroes London Youth is a vibrant network of 400 I’d say the skills and lessons that we need to youth organisations across every learn for adult life aren’t all found in the neighbourhood in London that exists to help classroom. they often come from our young people be all they can be, whether families, or from being a part of something. through youth action, youth work training or tackling youth crime. Schools can’t shoulder the burden on their own, and education can’t start and stop with London Youth has had a relationship with academia. After all, young people only spend Knights for many years. We caught up with 14 per cent of waking hours in school. Youth nick Wilkie, London Youth chief executive, for work is an invaluable part of the mix. a quick word. The riots have had a lot of airtime… What are your thoughts on the importance Of course, few could say that the riots we saw of youth work in 2011? across the capital and elsewhere aren’t It’s a really hard, difficult time – we’ve all read related to wider issues around young people. about the difficult economic climate, and how but causality is complex. it’s putting a squeeze on charitable organisations. We’ve also all read about the the mossbourne Academy, for example, is a riots, and other reports on how young people brilliant, brilliant school, but sits near the feeling alienated from our society. It’s not Pembury estate where we saw the highest going to get any easier, quickly. One in ten activity in the riots. this isn’t a young people in London have no straightforward issue, but it is clear that the qualifications. role of youth centres is as relevant as ever. Of course, the skill and commitment of youth What’s the secret of survival for youth clubs workers – like those at Knights – is even more like Knights? important against this backdrop. the truth is Well, at the moment it may well come down that good youth work works. to scrapping for every penny, and being resilient. but the leaders at Knights are What role do youth centres play alongside perfect to meet this challenge. these people other services? are heroes. And we should be thankful - we Organisations working with young people are learn how to be good citizens in our under increasing pressure and clearly need communities, and organisations like Knights more support. but no organisation offers the are at the heart of them. whole solution. 33
  • 36. Community renaissance We woud like to J.P. Morgan partnered with Knights Youth Centre in 2010, offer a big thank specifically providing a grant for the expansion of the RE:INVEST you to JP Morgan programme. We spoke with Tracey Bloomfield, Vice President for their generous EMEA Corporate Philanthropy & Sponsorship, to discuss the funding that has successes of the partnership. underpinned much of our work over J.P. morgan has been investing significant time, attention, and the last eighteen financial support in the London borough of Lambeth, identified as months. the targeted area for the firm’s ‘Community Renaissance’ programme. this programme brings together local communities, businesses, voluntary groups, and the public sector to partner in an integrated way to deliver positive social change in the community. this innovative approach has been recognised as having the potential to help “transform communities' in the recently launched Child Poverty Strategy, which sits alongside the government’s broader strategy to improve social mobility. We’ve decided to work in Lambeth because we believe we have a responsibility to make our local communities more sustainable. We’re a large organisation, and we need to be responsive to what’s going on in the communities in which we have a presence. through our philanthropic programming we have the power to do good – for our clients, for our employees, and for people and communities around the world. It is important to our employees that we visibly demonstrate our contribution as a good corporate citizen to the wider community. J.P. morgan’s approach to philanthropic giving goes beyond sole financial support. It is about sharing knowledge and skills, pooling ideas and inspirations, and working together with both the charitable sector and central/local government to identify and support transformative programmes and innovations. Our current philanthropic portfolio includes partnerships with organisations who are strategically addressing worklessness. We 34
  • 37. seek to partner with organisations who are working towards tackling this issue in a sustainable and impactful way; our objective is to look at holistic ways of approaching both current and future unemployment. We decided to partner with Knights, specifically funding the Re:InVeSt programme because the work met all our criteria. having been established in 1936, Knights is clearly integrated with the local community. It has an identifiable strategy outlining where it wants to go and what it wants to achieve for the young people it supports. It can provide evidence to show how it is making the local community more sustainable. In working to prevent the alienation of young people, or the growth of gang culture, there is huge value in empowering young people to help others. Re:InVeSt, the tYLAP programme and the volunteering projects that have taken young people to Romania, Rwanda and most recently the Dominican Republic are great examples of this. Knights’ work helps vulnerable young people discover and develop skills, confidence and self-awareness. giving them opportunities to become more globally aware and understand how they can personally make a difference is such powerful work. the skills they develop will be invaluable to them in adult life. We support the Knights vision of providing a learning and support centre for young people. We recognise that they are experts at utilising their limited resources in a meaningful way. the organisation truly understands the heart of how to influence the lives of vulnerable young people. We are delighted to partner with Knights in the development of the Re:InVeSt programme. KnIghtS In numbeRS 19 the number of Certificate in Youth Work training sessions delivered this year 35
  • 38. Girls @ Knights Girls @ Knights is Girls @ Knights sessions have continued throughout the year open between 6 with a variety of activities including cooking, arts and crafts, and 8pm on fashion, beauty, dance, discussion and debate. Promisingly, Wednesdays for there has been an overall improvement in the girls’ behaviour young women in and attitudes – testament to the excellent relationships school years 6-11. established by the team. highlights included: • Running joint sessions with Inters to provide a different social dynamic and an opportunity to work on their interpersonal skills • A girls-only residential weekend organised by Clubs for Young People and held at PgL grantham. eight girls attended, taking part in cheerleading, boxing, fashion workshops and plenty more • girls @ Knights’ very own photoshoot. britain’s next top model better watch out! It was a great opportunity for members not only to dress up and experiment with make-up “I come to KYC so I techniques, but also to discover more about how each of them can stay of the view themselves and their friends through photography street – it’s safe • Cooking and eating out together. these experiences have and there’s good company and good helped the girls develop their cooking skills and try new foods. activtities. I like It has also helped the team to buid relationships, having Girls @ Knights as it deeper conversations and bonding time. Several issues have gives us a chance to been highlighted over a bite to eat that have subsequently hang out.” been addressed in group or one-to-one sessions Keisha, 13 • the young girls took over and became the youth workers for KnIghtS In numbeRS 1 the number of films focusing on girls in gangs released this year 36
  • 39. an evening in July 2011. they ran a cooking session, planning “I like the youth the menu and budget, shopping for ingredients and cooking a club because it’s meal for the staff fun, keeps me • Recording monthly video diaries over the year to track the active when I have nothing to do. Girls development of their thoughts and ideas @ Knights is like a • One-to-one sessions, which remain an important part of what big family and it’s we do, either during weekly girls @ Knights sessions or at an experience for other arranged times. each staff member has been assigned all of us to have!” specific girls to meet with on a regular basis. Although the Chyna, 13 meetings are very informal, the team have been able to build on their relationships with the girls and support them on various issues 37
  • 41. Raisin’ D Republic In the autumn of 2010, with the the challenge: reach the summits of ben financial support of JP Morgan and as nevis, Scarfell Pike and Snowdon in three part of the RE:INVEST programme, the days. After just a couple of training visionary and ambitious folks at Knights sessions on the north Downs, the team kicked in to gear. The plan was simple: gathered at dawn on April 28th and recruit a team to raise funds by started the journey north to Fort completing a national endurance event William. this would be tough. and go overseas to serve the poorest of the poor. Easy, right? the team was immense. everyone conquered ben nevis and Scarfell Pike. this would be the third project of its kind Only Kedeesha was unable to complete delivered by Knights since 2007: the first Snowdon as she had fallen ill. the team two saw us take in Rwanda and Romania. shared, supported and encouraged each other, carrying each other’s backpacks. In January 2011 we recruited a team of they laughed, cried and got each other young people and workers to participate through it. We were blessed with perfect in Raisin D Republic, this year’s weather and majestic views at each challenge. It consisted of two stages. summit. national three Peaks challenge Dominican Republic the three Peaks Challenge team Lucy, three months after completing the three Kedeesha, Sharna, Karis, travis, Leval, Peaks in some style, the team flew out to Ziggy, Jamarie, Callum, Daniel, Shem, the Dominican Republic to support David, Paul and Stu (plus mountain projects working with poor communities instructors, drivers and chefs from for two weeks. the experience was hindleap Warren and our own Angela). delivered by mission Direct. KnIghtS In numbeRS 3,333 the number of metres climbed during the three peaks challenge 39
  • 42. Raisin’ D Republic At the last minute sadly Daniel, Jamarie and Callum couldn’t make isn’t the first it, but Symon and nat stepped up to the call. project of its kind for Knights - back in Whilst in the Dominican Republic, we: 2007 we took a team of young • Painted house window frames, shutters and doors people to Rwanda, • Shovelled mud and hard core for building foundations, and and in 2009 we mixed and shovelled cement to lie on top of the hard core visited Romania. • Wheel barrowed the mud, hard core and cement up and down hills to be deposited in various houses • Led on games, sports and activities such as face painting with local children in two villages • Visited two orphanages for severely disabled children • Visited a local hospital that cares for people who can’t afford mainstream healthcare. the team talked and prayed with patients, and handed out ‘goodie hygiene bags’ • hand-delivered food and drink to feed 150 families in a local village, and 300 children in two different locations KnIghtS In numbeRS 4 the number of families moved to clean, safe houses in the Dominican Republic 40
  • 43. • A number of the team personally committed to financially supporting a number of children through school for a year • Visited a project called Aqua negras (black Water) and the locals. Aqua negras get its name from the sewage that runs through its streets • Prepped, sanded and painted a large workshop inside and out which had been built to train locals in basic carpentry and building skills • Attended a ‘church in the woods’ service, leading songs in english, Spanish and Creole • tore down the old shacks of the families who were provided with new permanent homes • Visited two local schools to find out how they educate children and to provide encouragement We managed to take some time off too, using the time to take a couple of excursions, chill by the pool, go on banana boat rides and sample the local produce! the team deserved it. 41
  • 44. Stu Thomson’s personal reflection As team leader, these trips are defined by the team’s outputs and the positive experiences of both the team members and those we went to serve. the focus is therefore to make sure not only that the team have a brilliant experience, but also that they give all they can. but against any measure this trip was excellent, and it was excellent for a number of reasons: • the preparation and experience of the two key partners mission Direct and the Samaritan trust • the level of tried and tested methods and programmes by the crew on the ground • A great team. not only were there the 13 from Knights, but also another two families and two single people involved in this two week project. It was refreshing to see the entire team gel and respond positively to each other • each member of the Knights team was immense. each one had moments of pure quality and humility. this was especially evident when the team had to be very personable with the locals in the villages, hospitals and orphanages • the Knights team made a special effort to look out for each other but also give each other space when needed • everyone was able to bounce back and put pettiness or potential conflict to one side • As the young people would say: ‘it was da belly’ 42
  • 45. Raisin’ D Republic - not ALL hard work...
  • 46. A mission... for potential Mission Direct supports locally-led Working with the Knights group side by projects to help some of the world’s side in the Dominican Republic, I was so poorest people. It leads life-changing inspired by the value of the trip to each trips for people who want to make a of them. the way they threw themselves difference. Tim Martindale, director of into it at 100 per cent was incredible. overseas operations for Mission Direct, talks through his experiences with I was particularly inspired by a visit to an Knights in the Dominican Republic. orphanage for disabled children. this was a totally new environment for the historically mission Direct hasn’t young people from Knights. they were typically worked with organisations like perhaps a little hesitant at first, but Knights - we normally work with within two minutes they were all individuals or families. but when Stu involved, even the ‘tough guys’. they thomson got in touch to talk about were in there, feeding, cleaning and taking 12-15 young people on a trip with entertaining the kids, showing us as part of their leadership training, we remarkable maturity as they interacted were happy to do it as the centre’s ethics with them. fit with ours. At the end of the visit, the two ‘tough Our primary objective is usually about guys’ didn’t want to leave. It was a working to help the people in the touching moment. poverty-stricken communities that we operate in overseas. but working with In my view, the key thing that makes this Knights, and another youth group in a transformative experience is that, in Leeds, has helped us to realise the other these environments, they were all put transformative impact these trips can into the position of being a role model. have. they were celebs and mentors, having KnIghtS In numbeRS 7 the number of new partnerships created this year - thanks 44
  • 47. the opportunity to show leadership if right out of their everyday experience. they had it in them. getting away from peer group pressure provided an opportunity to open up and being surrounded by people who were to try new things. so destitute, and people who were so pleased to see them, gave them the And that’s what was at the heart of it. feeling that they weren’t just there to here were young people that might be learn, to do what they were told. they on the margins of things at home. but by were challenged to make a contribution, the time the Dominican Republic trip was and were empowered to do something over they had found new skills, self-belief to make a difference. they received huge and understanding of how they can make thanks when they did. a difference. they had found new relationships, too. I imagine that in their day-to-day lives these young people don’t often get to I very much enjoyed working alongside feel like that. they probably feel quite the group from Knights and, of course, negative about society, and don’t feel Stu, who is a fantastic leader. We need much love from it. people of his calibre working with young people. mission Direct is delighted to but this experience gave them an have played a part in releasing new entirely new cultural world view. being potential for these wonderful young away from home and among people less people. well off than themselves, they stepped 45
  • 48. To DR and beyond We would like to Luca Bosatta came across Knights when he and his family were thank Luca and his paired with us on their trip to the Dominican Republic. Luca family for playing wrote about the experience. such an important and enjoyable part of our trip. In preparing for our trip to the Dominican Republic, we asked the organisers who would be joining us. We were told it would be a group from a youth centre in south London. good, interesting, we thought. And so it proved. the work you do on trips like this one, the things you see, can have a huge impact. to share the experience with others makes it all the more significant. We had a really good time with the group from Knights, and really got to know them. I was so impressed with the group. I expect many of them came back to the uK more mature people. but it was them as individuals that I found most impressive. As I spoke to them, all prejudices were broken down as I saw the wit, intelligence, depth and poetry of these people. It was fantastic to learn what wonderful people they are, and what fantastic potential they have, despite the difficulties they face back at home. having got to know them, we felt we could ask about those difficulties. What they told us was in their own words. Aspirations at school. Violence. Fear. So many times on the trip, the trainees were called upon to step up, to make a difference. none of them flinched, they all came through. Perhaps most encouraging however, was how they 46
  • 49. talked about being involved in youth work. they were clearly We’re very thankful proud of working to help others. they talked positively about for the commitment plans for the future and applying for the next year of the and interest Luca programme. has shown in Knights. We – including my three teenage children, who shared hugs and Luca has asked Stu tears with the Knights apprentices when it was time to go home – and one of the thoroughly enjoyed their company. apprentices to deliver a talk at his Weeks after the Dominican Republic trip, I joined the Knights office to members team and all the apprentices for a discussion and development of a ‘family weekend. I was keen to find out what goes on outside of the big network’ that trips. maybe the Dominican Republic was a one off? promotes family values for business benefit. He has also but once again, I was bowled over. Joining in with workshops, I offered to act as a saw the apprentices greet tasks with enthusiasm and ability. mentor for one of the TYLAP I was really taken by Stu thomson’s leadership, which really apprentices. demonstrated the power and potential of good youth work. Stu is a pro, expertly taking opportunities to give the apprentices specific feedback. he is very encouraging, but always with constructive, genuine and meaningful praise. ‘this is what I saw in you today’, was one such comment. ‘this was a wonderful thing you did’, was another. It seemed to be about affirming and encouraging real strengths and talents in the young people. to one apprentice, the comment was ‘I saw the real man in you today’. It was absolutely spot on, and I don’t think that young man will ever forget it. Perhaps he doesn’t get that kind of encouragement normally, that kind of positive statement about who he is. It was maybe even more impressive to see his peers nodding in supportive agreement. I think he was moved. What great work. Some of the transformations Knights achieves – whether on the tYLAP programme or with members attending normal sessions – seem impossible in the face of the news we see on our tV screens every day. I witnessed so much potential. KnIghtS In numbeRS 776 online votes received by Knights for natWest’s CommunityForce campaign 47
  • 50. Accounts In 1938, Knights bought its first permanent premises for £2,000. In 1999 our annual expenditure was £35,000. But, after sustained growth in the range of services we offer young people in the area and the establishment of the unique TYLAP initiative, we are a very different youth centre today. Income expenditure
  • 51. As you’ve read, the world in which we maintain current service levels until operate is increasingly challenging, with march 2012. If we don’t find new funds far reaching implications. We enjoyed a by then, we will have to make some surplus at the end of the last financial tough decisions, and the service we year (2009/10), but all funds carried provide will look very different. over were already tied up in projects and commitments for 2010/11. It’s not all doom and gloom – we continue to receive remarkable support. Sadly, the Hardship Fund grant we were the Walcot Foundation continues to given in 2009 has gone. In addition, the support the Walcot Apprenticeship three year grant from Lambeth Council Scheme and tYLAP. they are great and to fund the girls @ Knights and Senior much-appreciated supporters. Outreach Project Worker posts technically came to an end last April. JP Morgan gave us a huge grant of Despite intentions to commission new £95,000 for a number of projects posts by that date, we are still awaiting including the trip to the Dominican the outcome of Lambeth’s review. It is a Republic – see our report on page 38. difficult time for all London councils, but this has been fantastic support that has their support is paramount. had a huge impact on our young people. the result? We currently have a £40,000 In addition, the Henry Smith Foundation hole in our budget, net of the surplus we and Equitable Charitable Trust provided carried forwards. this was initially over new grants. We also received grants from £80,000, leading to us having to let two other partners including: Home Office members of staff go as of 1st April this RIO; Lloyds TSB, Mercers; NHS; Elizabeth year. In turn, it also meant that Stu’s and Prince Zaiger Trust; International planned new role – mentioned in last Bazaar; Jack Petchey Foundation; and year’s report – has been ‘put on ice’. Clapham Park. With significant loss of income, it goes We live in troubled times – both on the without saying that we are making balance sheet and the streets. but this is increased and significant efforts to cut when young people need us most. We costs, raise funds and submit new bids. would like to take this opportunity to Sadly, we are competing for a smaller thank the many organisations and portion of a smaller cake, and against individuals who have supported us over more and more other diners. We also the last year. hopefully this report failed with bids submitted to BBC conveys the huge and ambitious range of Children in Need and the Big Lottery. services Knights continues to provide young people. Without your support, it We have just enough reserves to would not be possible. 49
  • 52. Looking ahead It will come as no surprise to anyone that as a result of the deepening financial crisis, the voluntary sector is really going to feel the pinch. Small organisations will be particularly vulnerable – that includes us at Knights! It’s hard not to become obsessed with the financial climate, but there’s one critical point I’d like to make: the secret of our success is the experience and heart our team brings to the work. We have a small hub of paid staff who are pivotal in their role to develop and direct our wonderful volunteers, and our street savvy trainees/apprentices (aged 16-24). If funding pressures were to cause us to lose that hub, then our successful (and cost effective) model of delivering our service would be at serious risk. there can be no doubt that, as a small voluntary youth centre, we face a bleak and worrying financial situation, and there’s no sign that it will change much for the next three years. We experienced a similar environment in the early 1990s and saw some longstanding youth clubs in the area close, never to reopen. We have to plan carefully for some lean years. We will refocus on what we do well: building relationships, being available, consistent and offering hope. Our main offer has always been our heart and passion for every young person who walks through our door. We are here because we want to be. Interestingly, that’s what young people seem to want and respect! We celebrated our 75th anniversary this year, and we 50
  • 53. have no intention of this financial crisis being the point at which we close our doors. but it is going to be really, really hard. this report has documented so many highs from the last year, from volunteering in the Dominican Republic and Sharna’s success to our work with young women and our young people winning awards. be assured we’ll be writing to you next year with another selection of similar stories. thanks, as always, for your wonderful support. God bless. Chris Saunders
  • 54.
  • 55. We would love to hear from you. Email Telephone 020 8674 4055 Post 27 Streatham Place, London SW2 4QQ Online Facebook