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ENT 2000 – Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Spring 2014, CRN – 22078
This course is an introduction to entrepreneurship and covers the characteristics of an entrepreneur, the process
of evaluating business opportunities, target customers and market mix, business plan basics, and securing and
managing funds to start a business. Students will learn how to assess and evaluate their ideas for a new business
and how to develop a business plan: developing an idea into a written outline. GEB 1011 is recommended
before enrolling in ENT 2000 although it is not a requirement. The instructor started and built several successful
small businesses and one National Marketing and Administration firm.
Perry L Kenneth
Spring 2014
Days Tues -Thurs. (Day) -01
Building 400, Room 418
Cellphone: 941-356-4533
Office Hours: Thurs, Building 600, 3:30-5:00 PM by appointment (schedule via email).
Textbooks: Patterns of Entrepreneurship Management by Jack M. Kaplan & Anthony C. Warren, 4rd ed.
(Wiley), ISBN13: 978-1118358535, ISBN10: 1118358538 required

and The Evolution of An Entrepreneur by Jack Nadel, 2013, (JNL Publishing LLC), ISBN: 978-0-9846282-2-3,
ISBN: 978-0-9846282-1-6 (e-book) optional, $10 paperback (free to veterans, see Nadel below).
Textbook Website:

COURSE CALENDAR – Spring 2014 (January 7 to April 24, 2014)
Plan ahead to make the field trip. Teams should arrange to begin meeting to work on the feasibility project around week 8.
Due Date:
Week 1
Tues., 1/7
CH 1 – Getting Started As An Entrepreneur
Prepare Ch. 1
Thurs, 1/9
Introductions, Course/Syllabus Review, Students interest in entrepreneurship,
entrepreneurial mindset, types of entrepreneurs; Neoforma story and text website,
characteristics, stress, why be an entrepreneur.
5 Stages of
Videos –Entrepreneurs 2d Inspiration, Kauffman Foundation Sketchbook (Pledge)
Week 2
Tues., 1/14
CH 2 – The Art of Innovation
Bring an Idea to
Thurs., 1/16 Role of innovation, ideas into opportunities, finding ideas, five phases to success, need
be an
for research; Discussion of Craig’s List case; give an example of extending a traditional Entrepreneur,
idea; Find an idea for a business (can use the text website, explain why it is a good idea
Read Craig’s
and how you would use it). Assign teams for project and interview sharing.
List Case (in
Video – Magna Ready, Best Motivation Ever, AL Town, 19-Year Old Etrep
Angel Lessons)
Week 3

Tues., 1/21
Thurs., 1/23

CH 3 – Designing Business Models
Framework for constructing business models, supply chains, databases, licensing,
franchising, outsourcing, partnering. Business Model Canvas, Go to page 59 and and see a PDF on Angel about the
business canvas.
Videos Why Business Models Fail:, Launch Small and Early:, Business Model

Bring Idea for
Read About the
Business Model

Week 4

Tues., 1/28
Thurs., 1/30

Week 5

Tues., 2/4
Thurs., 2/6

Week 6

Tues., 2/11
Thurs., 2/13

CH 4 – Analyzing the Market, Customers, and Competition
Target markets, understanding the customer, marketing plan, competitive analysis,
calculating breakeven point, sales channels, and positioning product or service.
Guest Speaker, TBA
Conduct Entrepreneur Interview, compare progress with classmates via Angel
(teammates for the Feasibility Report, see note below).
CH 5 – Writing the Winning Business Plan
Value of plan, 5-step process, market analysis, financial plan, typical format, know
steps towards completing plan, 3 types of plans, and why some plans fail. HomeworkAnswer 6 Study Questions and Submit via Angel, Read Neoforma Web Case.
Paper due on entrepreneur interview some presented to class (5 Minutes, see below).
Videos-Investor Business Plan, UC Berkeley Bus Plan Competition (into 12 min)
CH 6 –Setting Up the Company
Forms of ownership, startup checklist, role of taxes and liability, choice of accountant
and attorney. Choose an owner form and prepare to tell class why you chose it.
Field Trip TBA

Week 7

Tues., 2/18
Thurs., 2/20

Week 8

Tues., 2/25
Thurs., 2/27

Guest Speaker;
Read Market
Research, &
Visit Websites;
Conduct *Etrep
Read Neoforma
master case (on
website above)
Send 6 St. Qstns
Etrep Interview
Due NLT Fri.
Send 4 St. Qstns
Select Ownership Form
Field Trip to
Prepare 1 of 3
Exercises to
Discuss, MidTerm Review
Chapters 1-7

Week 9
Week 10

Tues., 3/11
Thurs., 3/13

Week 11

Tues., 3/18
Thurs., 3/20

Week 12

Tues., 3/25
Thurs., 3/27

Week 13

Tues., 4/1
Thurs., 4/3

Week 14

Tues., 4/8
Thurs., 4/10

CH 7 – Special Topic: Social Entrepreneurship
Prepare one of three exercises for presentation to class, focus REI p. 169
Wed Classes = Preparation for Mid-Term (review of material, slides on Angel)
Video – Pioneering Social Change
Mid-Term EXAM – First One Half of Course
Explanation of Feasibility Project, slides, and team assignments.
Mid-Term EXAM, Explanation of Feasibility Project after break.
- SPRING BREAK Read Honest Tea Case under Lessons in Angel, answer its 7 questions, and
participate in the online Discussion Thread started under the case on Angel.
CH 8 – Technology Entrepreneurship
Network effects, window of opportunity, patents, legal services, market cycles.
Idea Lab, identifying new opportunities through Design Thinking, use of brainstorming
for Feasibility Project.
Videos –Ideo’s David Kelley on CBS
#Steve Blank at Commonwealth
CH 9 –Early –Stage Funding
Moonlighting, bootstrapping, family/friends, angels, bank loans, factoring methods;
business incubators on book’s website, be prepared to discuss the Honest Tea case (7
questions, above) and answer Neoforma master case questions on p. 177.
Video – 5 Early Stage VC Investors
CH 10 –Equity Financing
Early stage investments, how venture capital works, crowdfunding, needs of a corp.
loan, use of private funding (and stock), bridge financing, valuing a business.
Videos - UCB Etrep Journey G. Chahal
CH 11 – Managing Resources – Money and People
‘Cash is king’, financial statements, ROI, breakeven analysis, present value of money,
building and managing a team, the creative culture, hiring and firing.
Understand the break-even analysis and how it is used to determine profit and loss
Look at biography of Jay Myers, guest entrepreneur, on Angel.
Jack Nadel Week – 50 Best Tips for Surviving and Thriving in Business; read parts of
Evolution of Entrepreneur (slides with 15 tips on Angel, book on reference in library)
and write a 1-page paper applying one new tip to today’s business environment
Videos –Jack Nadel Interview, Elevator Pitch Examples (for projects)

Discuss Honest
Tea Case,
Submit Study
Questions Ch. 9

Submit 8 Study
Questions OL,
Do Dyson
Exercise 1
Prepare Case
Study on
Coretek, Inc. , 3
Questions pg.
Exercises 1-3;
Guest Etrep
Lecture - Jay
Myers, ISI
1 Page Jack
Nadel Paper,
Week 15

Tues., 4/15
Thurs., 4/17

CH 12 – Communicating the Opportunity
Communicating the opportunity, the investor presentation, template, target the
audience, key points, common mistakes made by entrepreneurial presentations.
Feasibility Project presentations by teams (8-10 slides, below) begin,
Video - Exposure to Shark Tank episode from ABC TV series.

Projects Due
(Guidelines on

Week 16

Thurs., 4/24

S. Questions,
Teams Do
Exercise 6, use
book site.

Week 17


CH 13 – Exiting the Venture
Need for plan, options, later stage value, ESOP, MBO, family transfer, going public &
disadvantages, selling memorandum, sequence and sources. (Clint’s stories of 3 exits).
Teams finish presentations Feasibility Projects
Course feedback and teacher critiques (proctored by a student)
EXAMS WEEK (Feasibility Project served as the final exam)
Final Grades Due 5/2
Final Grades Posted
*“Etrep” short-hand for entrepreneur and “Eship” short-hand for entrepreneurship.

Mon., 5/5

Syllabus Homework.
Follow due dates in the right hand column, and come to class prepared. It is more fun to know the information
in advance and a full 40% of your grade is attendance and participation in class. Discussions depend on
knowing the material well enough to talk about it. Homework is due as an attachment to email inside Angel (no
handwritten submissions) the Friday of the week assigned. Study questions can be found at the end of each
chapter, and cases are either in the text or under Angel Lessons. Late work will not be accepted. All material
can be found under Angel Lessons –textbook slides, articles, cases, and discussion threads. Contact the
helpdesk between 7AM to 7PM via (941) 752-5357 should you have any questions about Angel (or go to
Entrepreneur Interview. Due February 14th.
Individual 5 page maximum (double-spaced) paper:
Each student will interview an entrepreneur of his/her choice. The goal is to provide you with insights about
entrepreneurship that cannot be learned in the classroom. Use the questions below as a foundation for your
interview, but don’t be limited by them. The paper will be a summary of the interview, and an analysis of what
you have learned. Choose an entrepreneur in an industry personally interesting to you. While a cold call to an
entrepreneur may seem daunting, you will find most entrepreneurs are flattered to be asked about their
experience and willing to meet with you. It is your responsibility to identify and contact an entrepreneur as
part of the course. One idea is to send an email and then follow up with a phone call. You should schedule
this interview early in the term. Entrepreneurs schedules are tight, and your biggest challenge will be to find a
time to meet them. Add a cellphone photo of you with the entrepreneur you interview if you can.
BACKGROUND: Who is the entrepreneur, and how did you identify him/her? What is his/her
background (family education, prior work experience)?
OPPORTUNITY IDENTIFICATION: How did the entrepreneur identify the business opportunity? Did
he/she test different ideas before settling on this opportunity?
ENTREPRENEURIAL PROCESS: Critique the process the entrepreneur used to develop the business.
Note the successes and failures the entrepreneur experienced. What could the entrepreneur have done
differently to reduce risk?
MEASURING SUCCESS: Is the venture successful? By what criteria? Has the entrepreneur given up
anything by choosing his/her career path? What sacrifices have been made?
JUDGMENT: Would you invest in this venture? Would you work for this entrepreneur? Based on what
you have learned from this person, do you believe you could be a successful entrepreneur? Explain why or why
not. Ideally, your entrepreneur will have started a business in an area of interest to you personally. The more
this is true, the more insights you will gain into what you may want to do to prepare yourself to be a successful
entrepreneur. Some other guidelines:
 You conduct the interview in person (appropriate attire is encouraged). Phone or email/chat
interviews are not sufficient. They may not be family members or friends, but should expand your network.
You may not interview family members, friends, or students; instead you should expand your
"network." Include personal contact information for verification (or staple a business card). Tell a story.
Connect class concepts and material to enhance your work, and be sure to write a thank you letter.
Feasibility Project. Due April 15th. Team project of 8-10 annotated PowerPoint slides
The purpose of the feasibility study is to give you experience analyzing the market and customer needs for a
business idea in order to determine whether or not to pursue an idea further. Being able to quickly determine if
an idea has sufficient potential is the first step in determining whether or not it is worth your time, effort and
money. We also want students to experience the added creativity of a team called synergy. Use photos of like
businesses or things and objects that illustrates your idea.
1. Don’t exaggerate, disguise, or cover up your analysis. The purpose is an honest assessment of a
potential opportunity. Determining that there is not enough potential is not enough.
2. Do be forthright, personal (yet not too friendly or intimate), and show your passion.
The feasibility study should be completed as a 8-10 slide powerpoint presentation. Include your commentary in
the notes section to explain your thinking and highlight the most important points. The goal is to gain and
display an understanding of whether or not there is a viable market for your proposed business idea. Your
analysis should be clear, concise and compelling.
Key issues to be addressed in the study include:
 A statement of the problem (why is a solution needed)
 The business concept
 Description of the market (size, segments, needs)
 Clearly identified target market (who needs a solution – why these vs. others)
 Customers (what do they want/need, what do they value, will they pay)
 Value proposition
 Is this a “Go” or a “No Go” and why.
Use “design thinking” (explained in class) to construct your project. See Five Phases to Success, pages 40-47,
and the feasibility PDF and slides loaded under Lessons on Angel.
The Jack Nadel Tip Paper. Due April 8th.
Jack is a WW II vet, a multimillionaire, a serial entrepreneur who started more than 50 businesses, and an
author who wrote The Evolution of an Entrepreneur. His simple lessons compliment our course work, and we
would like you to look over his small book and write a 1-page paper. Pick out one of his 50 tips, and explain
why it appeals to your entrepreneurial thinking. Give a second interpretation of how your tip applies today (in
addition to the one given by Jack). The book is $10 on Amazon, available free to any veteran at, and we’ll have a copy on reference in the SCF library.

Jack Nadel
Steve Blank
#Steve Blank – A Silicon Valley serial entrepreneur and academician who is based in CA. Blank is recognized
for developing the Customer Development methodology, which launched the Lean Startup movement. He
spent over thirty years in the high tech industry, and founded eight startup companies, four of which have gone
public. He created the unofficial history of Silicon Valley, published three books, and teaches entrepreneurship
at the UC Berkeley. His videos are the first listing below.
Tips for High Performance in Class:
1. Attendance is important, and discussion is a big part of the grade. Students are required to bring
the name board to each class (provided and used for attendance and discussions).
2. Stay on top of the postings on Angel.
3. Strive for direct writing that reflects clear thinking. Quality is more important than quantity.
4. Get out of your comfort zone. Stretch yourself and be entrepreneurial. This class is designed to be
less formal, participatory, and fun.
5.Many students feel they are not suited to be Entrepreneurial. You won’t really know until you have
experience in the real world outside the classroom. This course will provide the fundamentals and thinking
which may surprise you and you wake up at some day realizing that you are an Entrepreneur.
Grading will be based on successful completion of homework, the mid-term, entrepreneur interview, discussion
participation, and presentations.
Course Grade:
Etrep Interview
Mid-Term Exam
Attendance - Present
Participation – Class
Homework – Papers
Feasibility Plan-Team


Statement of Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the use of ideas, facts, opinions, illustrative material, data, direct or
indirect wording of another scholar and/or writer—professional or student—without giving proper credit.
Standards of Conduct: Students are expected to abide by all SCF Student Handbook guidelines.
Technical Support: Help for ANGEL, our course management system, is available 24/7 at
Withdrawal Policy: In accordance with the State College of Florida policy, as stated in the college catalog,
students may withdraw from any course, or all courses, without academic penalty, by the withdrawal deadline
listed in the State College of Florida academic calendar. This semester, the last day to add/drop a course is
January 11th, and the last day to withdraw without penalty is March 19th. Students should take responsibility to
initiate the withdrawal procedure but are strongly encouraged to talk with their instructors before taking any
withdrawal action. Any student who is absent and does not complete class activities for a consecutive two-week
period, at any time during the term, can be withdrawn from class by the instructor.
Additional information: Upon completion of the homework assignments, students use the Business Plan Pro
Template (Presentation Pro) from the publisher’s website to assemble and organize their business plan into a
presentable format. The final task of the course is to present a plan to the class. SCF virtual library is available
to students on and off campus and offers journals, books, and other resources.
Accommodation Services:
State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act will provide
classroom and academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. If you need to request an
accommodation in this class due to a disability, or you suspect that your academic performance is affected by a
disability, please contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Allowance is made for students who
participate in SCF athletic programs.
State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act will provide
classroom and academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. If you need to request an
accommodation in this class due to a disability, or you suspect that your academic performance is affected by a
disability, please contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Allowance is made for students who
participate in SCF athletic programs.

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Ken syll 2014 copy

  • 1. ENT 2000 – Introduction to Entrepreneurship Spring 2014, CRN – 22078 This course is an introduction to entrepreneurship and covers the characteristics of an entrepreneur, the process of evaluating business opportunities, target customers and market mix, business plan basics, and securing and managing funds to start a business. Students will learn how to assess and evaluate their ideas for a new business and how to develop a business plan: developing an idea into a written outline. GEB 1011 is recommended before enrolling in ENT 2000 although it is not a requirement. The instructor started and built several successful small businesses and one National Marketing and Administration firm. Instructor: Perry L Kenneth Semester: Spring 2014 Days Tues -Thurs. (Day) -01 Room: Building 400, Room 418 Time 2-3:20 E-mail Cellphone: 941-356-4533 Office Hours: Thurs, Building 600, 3:30-5:00 PM by appointment (schedule via email). Textbooks: Patterns of Entrepreneurship Management by Jack M. Kaplan & Anthony C. Warren, 4rd ed. (Wiley), ISBN13: 978-1118358535, ISBN10: 1118358538 required and The Evolution of An Entrepreneur by Jack Nadel, 2013, (JNL Publishing LLC), ISBN: 978-0-9846282-2-3, ISBN: 978-0-9846282-1-6 (e-book) optional, $10 paperback (free to veterans, see Nadel below). Textbook Website: COURSE CALENDAR – Spring 2014 (January 7 to April 24, 2014) Plan ahead to make the field trip. Teams should arrange to begin meeting to work on the feasibility project around week 8. Week: Date: Assignments: Due Date: Week 1 Tues., 1/7 CH 1 – Getting Started As An Entrepreneur Prepare Ch. 1 Thurs, 1/9 Introductions, Course/Syllabus Review, Students interest in entrepreneurship, Study entrepreneurial mindset, types of entrepreneurs; Neoforma story and text website, Questions, characteristics, stress, why be an entrepreneur. 5 Stages of Videos –Entrepreneurs 2d Inspiration, Kauffman Foundation Sketchbook (Pledge) Eship* Week 2 Tues., 1/14 CH 2 – The Art of Innovation Bring an Idea to Thurs., 1/16 Role of innovation, ideas into opportunities, finding ideas, five phases to success, need be an for research; Discussion of Craig’s List case; give an example of extending a traditional Entrepreneur, idea; Find an idea for a business (can use the text website, explain why it is a good idea Read Craig’s and how you would use it). Assign teams for project and interview sharing. List Case (in Video – Magna Ready, Best Motivation Ever, AL Town, 19-Year Old Etrep Angel Lessons)
  • 2. Week 3 Tues., 1/21 Thurs., 1/23 CH 3 – Designing Business Models Framework for constructing business models, supply chains, databases, licensing, franchising, outsourcing, partnering. Business Model Canvas, Go to page 59 and and see a PDF on Angel about the business canvas. Videos Why Business Models Fail:, Launch Small and Early:, Business Model Bring Idea for Franchising, Read About the Business Model Canvas Week 4 Tues., 1/28 Thurs., 1/30 Week 5 Tues., 2/4 Thurs., 2/6 Week 6 Tues., 2/11 Thurs., 2/13 CH 4 – Analyzing the Market, Customers, and Competition Target markets, understanding the customer, marketing plan, competitive analysis, calculating breakeven point, sales channels, and positioning product or service. Guest Speaker, TBA Conduct Entrepreneur Interview, compare progress with classmates via Angel (teammates for the Feasibility Report, see note below). CH 5 – Writing the Winning Business Plan Value of plan, 5-step process, market analysis, financial plan, typical format, know steps towards completing plan, 3 types of plans, and why some plans fail. HomeworkAnswer 6 Study Questions and Submit via Angel, Read Neoforma Web Case. Paper due on entrepreneur interview some presented to class (5 Minutes, see below). Videos-Investor Business Plan, UC Berkeley Bus Plan Competition (into 12 min) CH 6 –Setting Up the Company Forms of ownership, startup checklist, role of taxes and liability, choice of accountant and attorney. Choose an owner form and prepare to tell class why you chose it. Field Trip TBA Week 7 Tues., 2/18 Thurs., 2/20 Week 8 Tues., 2/25 Thurs., 2/27 Guest Speaker; Read Market Research, & Visit Websites; Conduct *Etrep Interview Read Neoforma master case (on website above) Send 6 St. Qstns Etrep Interview Due NLT Fri. Send 4 St. Qstns Select Ownership Form Field Trip to HuB Prepare 1 of 3 Exercises to Discuss, MidTerm Review MID-EXAM – Chapters 1-7 Week 9 3/3-3/7 Week 10 Tues., 3/11 Thurs., 3/13 Week 11 Tues., 3/18 Thurs., 3/20 Week 12 Tues., 3/25 Thurs., 3/27 Week 13 Tues., 4/1 Thurs., 4/3 Week 14 Tues., 4/8 Thurs., 4/10 CH 7 – Special Topic: Social Entrepreneurship Prepare one of three exercises for presentation to class, focus REI p. 169 Wed Classes = Preparation for Mid-Term (review of material, slides on Angel) Video – Pioneering Social Change Mid-Term EXAM – First One Half of Course Explanation of Feasibility Project, slides, and team assignments. Mid-Term EXAM, Explanation of Feasibility Project after break. - SPRING BREAK Read Honest Tea Case under Lessons in Angel, answer its 7 questions, and participate in the online Discussion Thread started under the case on Angel. CH 8 – Technology Entrepreneurship Network effects, window of opportunity, patents, legal services, market cycles. Idea Lab, identifying new opportunities through Design Thinking, use of brainstorming for Feasibility Project. Videos –Ideo’s David Kelley on CBS #Steve Blank at Commonwealth CH 9 –Early –Stage Funding Moonlighting, bootstrapping, family/friends, angels, bank loans, factoring methods; business incubators on book’s website, be prepared to discuss the Honest Tea case (7 questions, above) and answer Neoforma master case questions on p. 177. Video – 5 Early Stage VC Investors CH 10 –Equity Financing Early stage investments, how venture capital works, crowdfunding, needs of a corp. loan, use of private funding (and stock), bridge financing, valuing a business. Videos - UCB Etrep Journey G. Chahal CH 11 – Managing Resources – Money and People ‘Cash is king’, financial statements, ROI, breakeven analysis, present value of money, building and managing a team, the creative culture, hiring and firing. Understand the break-even analysis and how it is used to determine profit and loss Look at biography of Jay Myers, guest entrepreneur, on Angel. Jack Nadel Week – 50 Best Tips for Surviving and Thriving in Business; read parts of Evolution of Entrepreneur (slides with 15 tips on Angel, book on reference in library) and write a 1-page paper applying one new tip to today’s business environment Videos –Jack Nadel Interview, Elevator Pitch Examples (for projects) Discuss Honest Tea Case, Submit Study Questions Ch. 9 Submit 8 Study Questions OL, Do Dyson Exercise 1 Prepare Case Study on Coretek, Inc. , 3 Questions pg. 269 Submit Exercises 1-3; Guest Etrep Lecture - Jay Myers, ISI 1 Page Jack Nadel Paper, Discussion Thread
  • 3. Week 15 Tues., 4/15 Thurs., 4/17 CH 12 – Communicating the Opportunity Communicating the opportunity, the investor presentation, template, target the audience, key points, common mistakes made by entrepreneurial presentations. Feasibility Project presentations by teams (8-10 slides, below) begin, Video - Exposure to Shark Tank episode from ABC TV series. Feasibility Projects Due (Guidelines on Angel) Week 16 Tues., Thurs., 4/24 S. Questions, Teams Do Exercise 6, use book site. Week 17 4/28-5/1/14 CH 13 – Exiting the Venture Need for plan, options, later stage value, ESOP, MBO, family transfer, going public & disadvantages, selling memorandum, sequence and sources. (Clint’s stories of 3 exits). Teams finish presentations Feasibility Projects Course feedback and teacher critiques (proctored by a student) EXAMS WEEK (Feasibility Project served as the final exam) Final Grades Due 5/2 Final Grades Posted *“Etrep” short-hand for entrepreneur and “Eship” short-hand for entrepreneurship. Mon., 5/5 Syllabus Homework. Follow due dates in the right hand column, and come to class prepared. It is more fun to know the information in advance and a full 40% of your grade is attendance and participation in class. Discussions depend on knowing the material well enough to talk about it. Homework is due as an attachment to email inside Angel (no handwritten submissions) the Friday of the week assigned. Study questions can be found at the end of each chapter, and cases are either in the text or under Angel Lessons. Late work will not be accepted. All material can be found under Angel Lessons –textbook slides, articles, cases, and discussion threads. Contact the helpdesk between 7AM to 7PM via (941) 752-5357 should you have any questions about Angel (or go to Entrepreneur Interview. Due February 14th. Individual 5 page maximum (double-spaced) paper: Each student will interview an entrepreneur of his/her choice. The goal is to provide you with insights about entrepreneurship that cannot be learned in the classroom. Use the questions below as a foundation for your interview, but don’t be limited by them. The paper will be a summary of the interview, and an analysis of what you have learned. Choose an entrepreneur in an industry personally interesting to you. While a cold call to an entrepreneur may seem daunting, you will find most entrepreneurs are flattered to be asked about their experience and willing to meet with you. It is your responsibility to identify and contact an entrepreneur as part of the course. One idea is to send an email and then follow up with a phone call. You should schedule this interview early in the term. Entrepreneurs schedules are tight, and your biggest challenge will be to find a time to meet them. Add a cellphone photo of you with the entrepreneur you interview if you can. BACKGROUND: Who is the entrepreneur, and how did you identify him/her? What is his/her background (family education, prior work experience)? OPPORTUNITY IDENTIFICATION: How did the entrepreneur identify the business opportunity? Did he/she test different ideas before settling on this opportunity? ENTREPRENEURIAL PROCESS: Critique the process the entrepreneur used to develop the business. Note the successes and failures the entrepreneur experienced. What could the entrepreneur have done differently to reduce risk? MEASURING SUCCESS: Is the venture successful? By what criteria? Has the entrepreneur given up anything by choosing his/her career path? What sacrifices have been made? JUDGMENT: Would you invest in this venture? Would you work for this entrepreneur? Based on what you have learned from this person, do you believe you could be a successful entrepreneur? Explain why or why not. Ideally, your entrepreneur will have started a business in an area of interest to you personally. The more this is true, the more insights you will gain into what you may want to do to prepare yourself to be a successful entrepreneur. Some other guidelines:  You conduct the interview in person (appropriate attire is encouraged). Phone or email/chat interviews are not sufficient. They may not be family members or friends, but should expand your network.
  • 4. You may not interview family members, friends, or students; instead you should expand your "network." Include personal contact information for verification (or staple a business card). Tell a story. Connect class concepts and material to enhance your work, and be sure to write a thank you letter. Feasibility Project. Due April 15th. Team project of 8-10 annotated PowerPoint slides The purpose of the feasibility study is to give you experience analyzing the market and customer needs for a business idea in order to determine whether or not to pursue an idea further. Being able to quickly determine if an idea has sufficient potential is the first step in determining whether or not it is worth your time, effort and money. We also want students to experience the added creativity of a team called synergy. Use photos of like businesses or things and objects that illustrates your idea. 1. Don’t exaggerate, disguise, or cover up your analysis. The purpose is an honest assessment of a potential opportunity. Determining that there is not enough potential is not enough. 2. Do be forthright, personal (yet not too friendly or intimate), and show your passion. The feasibility study should be completed as a 8-10 slide powerpoint presentation. Include your commentary in the notes section to explain your thinking and highlight the most important points. The goal is to gain and display an understanding of whether or not there is a viable market for your proposed business idea. Your analysis should be clear, concise and compelling. Key issues to be addressed in the study include:  A statement of the problem (why is a solution needed)  The business concept  Description of the market (size, segments, needs)  Clearly identified target market (who needs a solution – why these vs. others)  Customers (what do they want/need, what do they value, will they pay)  Value proposition  Is this a “Go” or a “No Go” and why. Use “design thinking” (explained in class) to construct your project. See Five Phases to Success, pages 40-47, and the feasibility PDF and slides loaded under Lessons on Angel. The Jack Nadel Tip Paper. Due April 8th. Jack is a WW II vet, a multimillionaire, a serial entrepreneur who started more than 50 businesses, and an author who wrote The Evolution of an Entrepreneur. His simple lessons compliment our course work, and we would like you to look over his small book and write a 1-page paper. Pick out one of his 50 tips, and explain why it appeals to your entrepreneurial thinking. Give a second interpretation of how your tip applies today (in addition to the one given by Jack). The book is $10 on Amazon, available free to any veteran at, and we’ll have a copy on reference in the SCF library. Jack Nadel Steve Blank #Steve Blank – A Silicon Valley serial entrepreneur and academician who is based in CA. Blank is recognized for developing the Customer Development methodology, which launched the Lean Startup movement. He spent over thirty years in the high tech industry, and founded eight startup companies, four of which have gone public. He created the unofficial history of Silicon Valley, published three books, and teaches entrepreneurship at the UC Berkeley. His videos are the first listing below. Tips for High Performance in Class: 1. Attendance is important, and discussion is a big part of the grade. Students are required to bring the name board to each class (provided and used for attendance and discussions). 2. Stay on top of the postings on Angel. 3. Strive for direct writing that reflects clear thinking. Quality is more important than quantity.
  • 5. 4. Get out of your comfort zone. Stretch yourself and be entrepreneurial. This class is designed to be less formal, participatory, and fun. 5.Many students feel they are not suited to be Entrepreneurial. You won’t really know until you have experience in the real world outside the classroom. This course will provide the fundamentals and thinking which may surprise you and you wake up at some day realizing that you are an Entrepreneur. RECOMMENDED WED SITE READINGS* METHODS OF EVALUATION Grading will be based on successful completion of homework, the mid-term, entrepreneur interview, discussion participation, and presentations. Course Grade: Etrep Interview Mid-Term Exam Attendance - Present Participation – Class Homework – Papers Feasibility Plan-Team Total Percentage 15% 15% 20% 20% 10% 20% 100% Statement of Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the use of ideas, facts, opinions, illustrative material, data, direct or indirect wording of another scholar and/or writer—professional or student—without giving proper credit. Standards of Conduct: Students are expected to abide by all SCF Student Handbook guidelines. Technical Support: Help for ANGEL, our course management system, is available 24/7 at Withdrawal Policy: In accordance with the State College of Florida policy, as stated in the college catalog, students may withdraw from any course, or all courses, without academic penalty, by the withdrawal deadline listed in the State College of Florida academic calendar. This semester, the last day to add/drop a course is January 11th, and the last day to withdraw without penalty is March 19th. Students should take responsibility to initiate the withdrawal procedure but are strongly encouraged to talk with their instructors before taking any withdrawal action. Any student who is absent and does not complete class activities for a consecutive two-week period, at any time during the term, can be withdrawn from class by the instructor. Additional information: Upon completion of the homework assignments, students use the Business Plan Pro Template (Presentation Pro) from the publisher’s website to assemble and organize their business plan into a presentable format. The final task of the course is to present a plan to the class. SCF virtual library is available to students on and off campus and offers journals, books, and other resources. Accommodation Services:
  • 6. State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act will provide classroom and academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. If you need to request an accommodation in this class due to a disability, or you suspect that your academic performance is affected by a disability, please contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Allowance is made for students who participate in SCF athletic programs.
  • 7. State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act will provide classroom and academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. If you need to request an accommodation in this class due to a disability, or you suspect that your academic performance is affected by a disability, please contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Allowance is made for students who participate in SCF athletic programs.