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Katheryn Starstruck
A Portfolio of Poetry and Inspirations
By Cam Flanagan
Available at
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Heedfulness to Katheryn Starstruck
Pedagogue at the Cement Temple Apprentice of
Watershed District
Dear Miss Starstruck:
Smile on your being for spiriting my muse!
Endemically with devotion,
Cam Flanagan
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Table of Contents
p 03 – 10 poetry inspired by class work
p 11 - 23 inspirations
p 24 - 30 poetry inspired by my experiences, my wife and my friends
p 31 an anecdote
p 32 – 71 diving into different poetry types
p 72 about eclectic writer Cam Flanagan
Poetry is a link into someone else’s conscience.
In this case mine; so brace yourself!
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Poetry Inspired by Class Work
Salty Homework
It’s 2 a.m.
My homework tonight was to feel the collective, written word
instead my eyes chose to taste them with a pinch of salt
I couldn’t feel anything except my burning eyes
the more I tried
the more I cried
and I felt absurd
Broken and failed in my task
I clenched away the pain
and let it go
taking solace in the know
my effort was not in vain
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Tube Steak Inspired by a YouTube writing exercise
brittle like skittles
fun to gnaw on
the candy shell encompassing what poets’ long to taste
soaking up despair
when worn as clothing enhances a person’s real beauty
holding it can help you succeed
holding it with two hands has the opposite effect
Green blades
sharp enough to cut the wind
soft enough to sleep on
give you an orgasm
strong enough to kill you
A naked light bulb
shines brighter than a clothed one
for it isn’t shy
Road kill
died trying
a place I have never truly been
if I ever got there I would probably leave
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Poetry Feedback Assignment
My written responses to two poems written by Jon Szweda
Jon’s first Poem
Eyes glazed to the world around me
Sick of seeing the illness of humanity’s flaws
This sick sight of illness is a lens only
Can see through
And that this world of disease and suffering
Is a delusion of my rationality ~
---Jon Szweda
John’s second poem
Such a captivating community of husks
To lose myself in such an object
Is to be shoulder to shoulder with lonely air
Sometimes I just need to be alone
Other times
I just need to be left alone
--Jon Szweda
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My response to Jon’s first poem
Dear Jon:
I am writing you to convey the heartfelt pleasure
entreated upon me after experiencing your fine script
of literary tickle. I wish it known to you that the
distress shadowed upon my spirit, perceived of our
despondent brothers and sisters, whom appear to have
wandered so far from the warmth and light of life’s
fire, have now been assuaged.
Your succinct imagery, masterfully painted in
words, reminds me that what is viewed as hopeless
and lost can be re-focused into something less dejected
and more assured and that there is no reality, only
perception. Yet it is our perception that shepherds the
seeming truth of our daily lives.
With few words and not unlike a gentle breeze,
you accomplished a task principally entrusted to
nature; you brought a moment’s calm to the bedeviled
soul of man. Bravo.
Appreciatively yours,
Cam Flanagan
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My response to Jon’s second poem
Dear Jon:
Once again, it’s my sincere pleasure to correspond
to you apropos to the joy derived from the conjuring of
an image laden introspect that was born aflame unto
my mind’s eye, which came after deciphering yet
another of your poetic scripts.
I too feel as though I am a commonplace husk
waving aimlessly in a field of many banal husks,
isolated and dethatched, sometimes needing to be
alone and sometimes needing to be with others, yet left
As I glance on your words, my soul sways to and
fro in time with the waving of the field. I am awash
with melancholy, part of the crowd, alone. Yet I am
not sad, for the warm sun and the soft wind caress me
with the gentle touch of a loving parent, as the sway
drifts me in an out of consciousness. It’s a peaceful
'Till the day when the combine harvester comes
and we are transformed into profitable, Monsanto,
high fructose corn syrup.
Laughing out loud,
Cam Flanagan
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A Poem Inspired by a Newspaper or Magazine Headline or Article
Obama, Romney On Taxes: Similar Plans, Few Details --NPR New by Scott Horsley 10-1-12
hush now little politician
the mouths aside your neck grow weary
as do we
your lies burn our stomachs inside
and you
deaf to our cries
when a leader resides
and the country you guide
needs you
the world of your mind is not like mine
yours is a world of crime
mine, …mine!
Is a world of people
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A poem designed as a study
inspired by an established poet
The original excerpt of “If” by Rudyard Kipling
If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;
If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;
An excerpt of “If” by Rudyard Kipling –revised and added to by me
The Gall! To Revise Kipling!
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim
If you can meet with triumph and disaster,
And treat those two the same
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken,
Twisted by knaves and fools,
Or watch the things you’ve built get broken,
And build again with tools:
Then you know to live your life right,
without the waste of fear and shame
For now you understand our plight,
that life is just a game
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My writing below is a hybrid theory. It’s based in part from information
obtained from a class lecture and from my own thoughts. ---original source:
Professor Ed George’s lecture on Barry Schwartz’s essay “Tolerance”
Source Google Images
The Principles of Tolerance
There are 3 levels of tolerance
1. Putting up with
2. Critical Engagement
3. Acceptance
Putting up with requires too little of you.
Acceptance requires too much of you.
That leaves critical engagement as the only way to be truly tolerant of
those with whom you disagree or disapprove with.
Critical engagement has parameters and rules that involve questioning,
answering and discussion. If any of these parameters aren’t met, you are not
participating in a critical engagement.
Any belief that cannot stand up to questioning or that has no answer is
non rational. Beliefs of this nature are held on faith. And no one’s faith is more
valid than any other; because no faith can withstand critical engagement better
than the other. All answers to questioning about someone’s faith end in
"because I believe it."
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To be critically engaged; all parties involved must understand that
disagreeing with someone, or someone’s lifestyle, or beliefs, is not hatred.
Disagreement is often misconstrued as hatred, and the emotions born of
that misunderstanding prevent communication from happening, which breeds
more anger and mistrust.
And finally, to be critically engaged, everyone involved must understand
the point of the discussion is not that either party be persuaded to accept
anything. It is to find a way to get along even though you don't.
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Source Google Images
The First Principles
If we all joined forces to hold up the first principles: Life, Liberty and
the Pursuit of Happiness, E Pluribus Unum (From many, one), Limited
Government as specified by the Constitution, protection of the Rights of the
Individual, as defined by the Bill of Rights and the subsequent court
decisions that shaped and strengthened it and stopped trying to force our will
on other people, we may actually save ourselves.
• The gay couple that wants to get married didn’t take your house.
• The woman that doesn’t want you telling her what she can or can’t do
with her body or her child, didn’t take away your pension, your social security,
your investments, and your job. Washington and their cronies did.
I’m not arguing that these things are right, or wrong. I’m saying that the
people you hate, the ones you think are your enemy, aren’t the ones taking
EVERYTHING away from you. You are. Here is how you’re doing it:
This is how it was explained to me: Hate anyone you wish to hate. I
cannot stop you, nor do I have the right to; but understand that the person you
hate has the same protection under the law that you do.
This is what it means to be an American. It’s a dark way of looking at it
but completely correct. You see, to protect the rights of someone you don’t
like or agree with is to protect your own. We lost that understanding
somewhere. Washington picked up on it and has taken advantage of it. They
use our hatred to distract us, while they rob us of our freedom and our money
with ever greater taxes, legislation and government expansion. Now we are
divided and angry and all either side; collective, or individual minded wants to
do is to hurt the other. When all we ever really wanted was Life, Liberty and
the Pursuit of Happiness.
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The secret to obtaining that for you is to let someone else have it too.
Bring back the first principles and allow gays to get married or have civil
unions and allow women the right to chose. The world won’t end because you
saved it. Your world won’t end because you saved someone else’s.
Do you get it? God I hope so.
People of the Planet X
If the people of earth were visited by people from another corner of the
galaxy, they would study us and report back that; the people of earth are very
interesting. They come in various shapes, sizes and colors, and have created
many varied cultures.
To the people of planet X, we would simply be the people of planet earth:
not white man, black man, Christian or Jew. No one would be reported as
being significantly different or better.
We only isolate colors and cultures because our own perception is so
narrow. No one man or God fits into the simple comfortable picture we have of
them in our minds. All are infinitely more complex and fascinating: not to be
feared or hated.
The next time you catch yourself being narrow minded, stop your
thought process and force yourself to open your mind and explore the
possibilities. You will find from that moment on that your life will become
significantly more enjoyable.
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The most important aspect of the debate over language in America is that
people on both sides of the fence (or tracks) suffer when millions are allowed to
flood the country without first learning our language, laws and morays, a.k.a.
the citizenship process.
As a result, communities, then whole cities, then states, then whole
sections of America become separated and divided by language and custom.
This divide has created permanent second class citizens and built economic
stresses that eventually can collapse a whole nation’s economy. Consequently,
it creates ever greater discourse that may lead to civil war.
United we stand, divided we fall. Language is unity.
The most successful people I know; were either so brilliant that they just
“knew” they would succeed, or they were too stupid to realize they couldn’t.
Every successful person I have ever met had one thing in common; they did
something, they got good at it, and success came.
The greatest error you can make is to allow a mistake or failure to be
used as a reason to make more.
People who play the role of the victim tend to victimize everyone around
them and feel totally justified doing it.
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My Culture
My culture boarders on knowledge and ignorance, generativity vs.
stagnation and I am always moving sideways more than forward.
I’m half trash, half refined and my past is gone. My future is brighter
than many. Today is okay. I don’t know where I fit in, or what my purpose is
except to live. I write more than I watch TV, a lot more, and that has made all
the difference.
I am lost with direction and therefore, I am not afraid.
So the other day…
I walked into my local drug store with a re-usable bag, because I'm
appalled by the fact that 99% of all the plastic ever created is still in the
environment. Most of that is in the ocean, and most of what is in the ocean is
in the north pacific gyre. And I am appalled that the human race is adding 110
billion tons of plastic to the environment/ocean every year.
I proudly went shopping with my re-usable bag in hand. At the register,
I look down at my bag and realize that every item in it was made of plastic.
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Source Google Images
A Good Formula for Starting a Romantic or Platonic Relationship
I dreamed this up one morning, as I awoke.
Take any boy and girl put them together.
Set the rules of engagement for the next 48 hours.
For this to work, both parties must absolutely agree on the terms. Not kinda
1. Remove any thoughts of sex or commitment from the first two days. (Force
yourself; maybe you can't help but think about them, but absolutely don't act
on them or let them linger in your mind.)
2. The boy may, for the duration, only ask questions about the girl and may
only ask what the girl wants to do.
3. The girl may only ask questions about the boy and what the boy wants to do.
4. They can then compromise and do one thing first, then the other, or pick
5. Repeat steps 2 thru 4 for the duration. (If you slip, come back.)
If you can do this, then keep going. If for whatever reason you can't then
walk away. Try not to feel rejected or too disappointed, because commonality
just isn’t there.
Just give it two days.
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What the?
Today, I rolled out of bed tired and hungry after a night of insomnia. I
drove to take an exam at my usual: ‘just under sub-light’ speed, with brazen
nipples pointing toward the arctic, fall, easterly.
I answered questions wrong when I knew the right answer. In a few
cases, I answered questions wrong because I didn’t agree with how they were
Hours later, after taking a nap, my logical self awoke, screaming; “what
the hell were you doing?” And the only answer the little boy inside could give,
was “I don’t know.”
The Limestone Bricks
Source Google Images
There is a moment from my past that has always fascinated me because I
was the main character, responsible for my own actions, yet could not explain
I was a small boy, no more than 8, if that. On our property, running
along the side of our garage was a very nicely laid out limestone brick sidewalk,
accented by a thick row of little white bell flowers that filled in the space
between the walk and the garage.
One day, I dug up a few of the big white bricks and left them out. My
dad saw them, painstakingly replaced them and let me know in no uncertain
terms that if I did it again, I was going to get a beating.
My father was six four, two hundred and sixty five pounds and
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chronically angry. I was perpetually terrified of him and absolutely believed
him when he said I was going to get a beating if I dug up the bricks again. I
never doubted it for second.
Some time past that day, I climbed the big horse chestnut tree in the
yard. I jumped off the garage a few times pretending to be the bionic man,
grabbed a trawl and dug up several bricks.
As six o'clock approached I decided that putting the bricks back was a
really good idea. Mud had slid into the empty caverns where the bricks had
been, and to my horror, putting all those carefully laid, different shaped bricks,
back was a lot harder than it looked.
Feeling the hour of my doom approaching, I burst into tears. My mother,
hearing them from the kitchen window, rushed out to help me put the bricks
back into the walk. She barely got the last brick in as my father pulled up.
My father stepped out of the car and knew instantly what was going on.
I watched him turn beet red as I prepared to evacuate my bowels and run for
the fence. There was a horrific look of disappointment on his face as he peered
around my mother who had stepped in front of him to protect me.
I saw the strain on my mother’s face, the disappointment on my fathers,
and the tears on mine, and had no idea why I dug up those damn bricks. They
were there. They needed digging.
"Cam, I told you not to dig up those bricks!" "Why did you?"
"I don't know." Sob sob, gulp, evacuate bowels, run, no, stay, or he'll get
really mad. I didn't! I had no idea why I dug up the damn bricks.
Now, I think I know. It was about the experience. My brain wanted
to solve the problem of how to take out the bricks and put them back. It
wanted to learn it so bad that it over rode my survival instinct to figure it out.
Unconscious of the reasons at the time, I would dedicate the rest of my
childhood to doing things that pissed off my parents and trying to figure out
ways to fix it before I got caught.
It never worked out like I'd hoped.
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Source Google Images
Where are you? Heaven or Hell?
It’s interesting how people can live in heaven and hell at the same time.
A person can be sitting on their leather couch in their warm cozy mansion,
vodka martini in hand, staring out at their eagle eye view of the water,
watching sailboats pass by and the whole time be contemplating suicide.
Conversely, a person could be barefoot in a shanty shack getting ready to
sit down to a meal of fly paste and rice, completely happy, grateful for the meal
and looking forward to an evening of staring up at the sky. The situation
you’re in could be genuinely bad, but how bad it seems to you, has to do with
how bad your situation was before and your attitude now.
Attitude and perception define the quality of your life and you can
change both. Of course, the mansion and the vodka martini wouldn't hurt.
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Spiritual Release!
My good friend and I walked the enclosed bridge to the Hyatt in
Rosemont after an afternoon of perusing the "World of Wheels" auto show so
that we could sit down for an evening of intellectual conversation and coffee. A
pastime my friend, who is very well read, and I enjoy all too seldom.
The topic of conversation turned to one of deep spirituality and
philosophy. Engrossed by what she was saying, I became mesmerized by her
words and clung to each one of them.
She explained that after a long session of rigorous yoga, her body was
pushed to the limit. She was instructed to take shavasana, "dead man's pose",
a state of total relaxation.
Almost in tears and with utter sincerity, my friend looked at me and said;
"Have you ever had an experience where you just let it all go?"
At that exact moment, my sphincter completely relaxed and dumped a
full metric liter of gamey rectal goodness into the fragile atmosphere.
The leading edge of the pressure wave caused by this event had
discernible mass, which you could taste.
Wait staff polity turned and walked the other way. I could practically see
the wave break over my friends face! Who, with stoic poise, actually attempted
to ignore the quake and continue on with her story.
All I could say was "I'm sorry. I farted!"
Wife's Text
me: "Honey, I did the laundry, washed the dishes, am making stew for dinner,
and am making all the calls I said I would."
wife: "Great. Now find my g-spot and it will feel like Christmas!"
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The Olive Garden's New Dish
My wife and I went to the Olive Garden for Sunday dinner. Low and
behold they had a new dish which I found to be utterly irresistible.
It’s called the "arteriole blockade" and it’s served on a crash cart with a
side of angioplasty. It’s a steaming square of 3 cheese lasagna surrounded by
grilled chicken drenched in cheesy, buttery bypass sauce.
Being completely honest with myself, I cut it in half, and said "Oh I'm
gonna take half of this home." Then the damn waiter took so long to get back
to the freakin table that I finished it.
What a dick!
Then the guy has the "nads" to recommend desert! Obviously not
noticing how pissed off I was that I had finished this plate of "oh so wrong."
Source Olive Garden web site
So, I just decided to go with it and ordered the "pumpkin cheesecake"
with the Lipitor crust and the fluffy whipped aspirin topping.
Tomorrow, I will get a cholesterol test, so I can watch my doctor shit in
his pants.
Brain Drops
It has occurred to me recently that there are people whom I have talked
to for years that I have never had to apologize to for being me. There are people
whom I have never had to pretend around; faces who are happy to see me
without me having to wear a façade. And these people are not the ones that I
have called my friends.
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Honestly, everything I have to say is more powerful with my mouth closed.
The fundamental root of all evil is to destroy one’s self. Conversely,
goodness is to enhance the quality of your life and the lives of those around
Great Wisdom Comes from Everywhere
To light a candle is to cast a shadow. -- "Kung Fu" 1970's TV show with
David Carradine
God only makes us strong for a little while so that we can help each other.
-- Sean Connery "First Knight" 1995
There is only one kind of freedom and that's individual liberty. Our lives
come from our creator and our liberty comes from our creator. It has
nothing to do with government granting it. -- Ron Paul
Man is not free unless government is limited. -- Ronald Reagan
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We
didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for,
protected, and handed on for them to do the same. -- Ronald Reagan
Protecting the rights of even the least individual among us is basically the
only excuse the government has for even existing. -- Ronald Reagan
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. -- Eleanor
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of
battle? --T.H. Thompson and John Watson
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Kickdown Bobby Knobtab!
---Food for thought
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My Affair with Sci-Fi
Source Facebook
At first, I boldly went with everyone else …
But after America’s last best hope for sci-fi
I was left fracked in the head, but shiny!
Now I’m getting steam punked over at 13 with Tesla and the
I aimed to misbehave
So I took the red pill and not the blue
and now I’m even more fracked in the head
but now I know, I just KNOW the truth is out there!
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The Poetry of a
Drive is the antithesis of death
not life
A conquistador is a driven, narcissistic, douche bag
An eagle is anyone who has the will to challenge the government
Chili is a slang term used by Klingons to describe revenge
‘cause they thought it referred to a dish that was best served cold
A doll is a pair of eyes trapped in a motionless body
A person in a coma would be considered a doll
A river is something you’re on when your life turns south
Most of us are children our entire lives
The edge of a cliff is where we hang
Poop is chocolate ice cream for bugs
A motorcycle is a device that stimulates the mind and genitalia
Can be used for transportation
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Poetry Shots
Great are the men that have learned to think outside the box
Many are the men who try to get back in
Women are unencumbered by hindrance of a dumb stick and therefore are
not compelled by the laws of logic
Scotch is a drink that helps you to live in the moment and then reminds you
that you never should have stopped
Blue is the color of the sea and the sky and is used to describe how you
feel when you’re not next to or in one of them
TV is a venereal disease that affects a person’s ability to use their
A computer is the child of mankind and is destined to replace us
Work is what you put into anything you care about
Money is a mirage that can actually sustain you
Friends are mirror images of who you really are
Family is the only enduring society
A house owns you
'till it doesn’t
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Neet Words
Blight blinds you from seeing the damaged you’ve caused
Serene is the moment you found out you didn’t make it
Delight is what you feel after eating something wrong
Perfidy happens to my underwear after a year
Fleeting happens after eating greasy food
Scathe is the moment the wax is pulled
Bereaved describes a Brazilian wax
The divine is your life, right now
A grateful is a D cup or larger
Ample is a large nipple
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Source Cam
My Tattoo
Be who you want to be within your circle of one, and you will
attract those who want to be with whom you have become.
I wasted so many years fearing it
Now it’s my giving tree
I use it
It’s mine
It’s for me
My little giving tree
That’s a good little
status upgrade
Give me more!
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Hey Princess!
Photo courtesy of Cam
Sometimes she’s a mutton chops
or a turkey!
She can be salty
at times a little acidic
But when she’s sweet
she’s my French fry
my sweet potato
and my sugar loaf
But always
she’s my Princess!
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Super Goo
Photo courtesy of Francia Nelson
In May, all things blossom
Trees, flowers, grass
In May, my love for you blossomed
My gynormous pain in the ass
Your smile, your eyes, fulfill all my wishes
Though now forever, I must do all the dishes
Today I thank you for giving me wings
I will love you forever
In spite of your mood swings
Though sometimes I joke
Or seem to despair
You are my everything; my life
I need you like air
With more love than I will ever be able to put into words!
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Happy Valentine’s Day
Cute beyond belief
Love without the grief
Smile so wide I melt
Warmth most wish they felt
So lucky I am
Holding your hand
Life is so much better
With you and I together
So with you I’ll stay
Happy Valentine’s Day!
An anecdote
One of the best jobs I had in my youth was working as a waiter at “Two
Brothers from Italy”, restaurant in Elmhurst, IL. It’s still there and the food is
very good.
The owner was a short, feisty man named Angelo. He didn’t speak a da
language too well. And being that this was an Italian restaurant; we all talked
a lot of shit back and forth. So, one day in the kitchen, I looked over at Angelo
and said; “hey Angelo, when are you gonna learn to speak the fucking
He looked back at me with a sharp grin; “Danny, if I waited to open this
restaurant 'till after I learned to speak a da language, I never would have done
it. I am a rich man, fuck a da language!”
No more waiting, no more ducks in row, it’s time to write.
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Part 2
Diving into Different Poetry Types
Head First
Mouth Open
Eyes Closed
Different Types of Poetry
ABC poem
Alexandrine Poetry Type
Analogy Poetry Type
Ballad Poems
Ballade Poetry Types
Blank Verse
Burlesque Types
Canzone Poetry Type
Carpe diem
Cinquain Poetry Type
Classicism Types
Conceit Poetry Type
Couplet Poetry Type
Dactyl Poetry Type
Epic Poems
Epithalamium Form
Free Verse
Haiku Poetry Type
Idyll Poetry Types
Imagery Poems
Lay Poetry Types
Lyric Poetry
Name Poem
Narrative Poetry
Pastoral Poetry Type
Prose and Prose Poetry (The new guy)
Quatrain Poetry Type
Refrain Poetry Type
Romanticism Type
Senryu Poetry Type
Rhyme Royal Type
Terza rima
46 types, I had no idea. If I can’t do the type, I will strike it out. But I will try every type I can.
By the way, the web page I got these from was sponsored by White Castle; how unbelievably
karmic, for I am truly one with pickles and onions!
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Qui sum circa carmina, Salutant vos! Let’s rock!
ABC Poem
An ABC poem has a series of lines that create a mood, picture, or feeling. Lines
are made up of words and phrases. The first word of line 1 begins with an A,
the first word of line 2 begins with a B etc.
Cause is not the Reason
Almost done now
Better off alone
Cause is not the reason
Damn the feeling
Ever the way be gray
For now is the end
Knowing you have been wronged
Left behind
Nowhere to turn
Possessed by hatred
Quantity of sorrows growing
Ready to die!
Sure in the feeling
This was the last cut
Unwavering on your course for pain
Vexed by the desire for darkness
Waxing and waning from gray to black
Xenophobic of all
Yelling and screaming
Zealously seeking the end!
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ABC Poem Again – Using more Imagery
Steal the no and know the way
Air is clear
Breath is
Dark and cold
Ends of steam
Force your tongue to
Grasp the taste
Hold it in and do not waste
Imagine your
Just a
Kindred spirit
Lusting for the night;
Morning dew
New the light
Old the gloom
Pounding of your heart
Question why?
Reason not
Steal the no and know the way
True as life
Urn of joy
Veil the night
Walk the sun
Zero reason, only day
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An Allegory is a narrative having a second meaning beneath the surface one - a
story with two meanings, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning.
We Need the Sharks
We fished with sharks and shared the prey
And all was fine for eons
Then we thought we needed more
And slay the sharks beneath us
And now we starve and die away
For fish were not their only prey
Cause left alone, the squids came home
Seems they didn’t need “us”
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Analogy Poetry Type
An Analogy is a likeness or similarity between things (a subject and an analog)
that are otherwise unlike. Analogy is the comparison of two pairs which have
the same relationship.
And She So Like, Wrecked Me
Smooth like butter
Sharp as a knife
Killed me with kindness
Sweetly she gave me cavities, then
A hurricane over my bow, she
My soul and left
P a g e | 37
Ballad Poem
Ballad Poems are poems that tell a story similar to a folk tale or legend. A
ballad is a story in poetic form.
F’n Congress!
Hoist your scotch and sing along
you motley ship of fools
For the men atop steered the boat
and now we all must loose
The burg we struck came up slow
and ya know we all had time
But mammon is strong
and sings along
lusting for your mind
So instead o turning left or right
you know they steered us down
'Cause the men atop could've stopped
but they’re all a bunch of clowns
So hoist your scotch and give a shout
to the men we have elected
Who sent us to an icy grave
thinkin' they’re respected
P a g e | 38
Blank Verse
Blank Verse is Poetry that is written in iambic pentameter. Blank verse is often
unobtrusive and the iambic pentameter form often resembles the rhythms of
ordinary speech.
Go Away!
Oh bleak, oh gray, oh dark and dreary day;
be true, and blue and come and go away
To say I loathe you aloud would be the truth;
yet I see our need afore your bleak and lengthy stay
For without you we’d not long for glooms abate
That been said; go away
P a g e | 39
Burlesque Type
Burlesque Types consist of a story, play, or essay that treats a serious subject
ridiculously, or is simply a trivial story.
Dego’s da Neighborhood
Vinnie and Guido walking in Speedos
enjoying a summers day
Guido, a hit man, and Vinnie, a fence,
and both of them were gay
Each adorned in gold and diamond
and looking for that rat-fink Simon
so they could blow that mook away!
But Simon saw them first
took a gun from his purse
and aimed for their gold medallions
he smiled a little as he squeezed
and wacked those damn Italians.
P a g e | 40
Cacophony Type
Cacophony is a technique which was used by the famous poet and author
Lewis Carroll. Lewis Carroll makes use of cacophony in the poem 'Jabberwocky'
by using an unpleasant spoken sound created by clashing consonants.
C G P and K
Auk ten t’day; C,G,P n K
nounC’d G’d Plen fr u
obama, obama, obama
C, yer noK loud to werK fer you
r yr famGly
werK fr GovrnmeC beKKer
Be G’d Commie
K - Cuz Gov need slave!
Carpe diem Type
Carpe diem is a Latin expression that means "seize the day." Carpe diem poems
have the theme of living for today.
For Shame!
All you have is now
One chance for Life
One chance for Liberty
One chance to Pursue Happiness
and you’re throwing it away
Without America’s spark
who will ignite the flame?
Are you to blame?
P a g e | 41
Cinquain Poetry Type
Cinquain Poetry Type has five lines.
Line 1 is one word (the title)
Line 2 is two words that describe the title.
Line 3 is three words that tell the action
Line 4 is four words that express the feeling
Line 5 is one word that recalls the title
My Star
Shine bright
Flicker, flicker, flicker
Memories of whish made
Classicism Type
Classicism Types of poetry contain the principles and ideals of beauty that are
characteristic of Greek and Roman art, architecture, and literature. Classicism
concerns itself with form and discipline as opposed to emotional impact as in
Gothic Chill
gray stone, chiseled to perfection
simple cold and clean
affords me the time to ponder
the need, the speed, the deed
clap, clap, clap my shoes
on the dark en hardened floors
long they will be here
after I’m no more
P a g e | 42
Conceit Poetry Type
Conceit Poetry Type is where an image or metaphor likens one thing to
something else that is seemingly very different. Poets often use a far-fetched
simile or metaphor in this style.
Your swag is like that of great ship floating in the harbor
iron, unwilling to move, and tall
You sit smoking, thumbing your nose at the law
Smaller vessels flock to you asking for tug
and you take them two at a time
Heads of state wait for you in line
You travel the world spending millions on gas
I wish my experience were so vast
I envy you completely
so to phrase it neatly
you da man!
P a g e | 43
Couplet Poetry Type
A Couplets is a Stanza of only two lines which usually rhyme. Shakespearean
(also called Elizabethan and English) sonnets usually end in a couplet and are
a pair of lines that are the same length and usually rhyme and form a complete
Love and trust so well connected
when kept apart one feels dejected
Dactyl Poetry Type
The Dactyl Poetry Term is a metrical foot of three syllables, one long (or
stressed) followed by two short (or unstressed), as in 'happily'.
Long am I crying
Shamed at a glance
Breath it be labored
Tears at my cheek
Face be it wretched
Soul, so so faded
Song of a dying
Less of a man
P a g e | 44
Doggerel Type
A Doggerel is a light verse which is humorous and comic by nature - often
viewed with disdain as containing little literary value.
Fill Er Up
I came to CLC to fill my bucket with knowledge
They took me in to drain me of cash
Now my bucket is half full,
and my wallet is empty
But now I have a piece of paper
I can wad up and use
to keep my bucket from leaking
P a g e | 45
Elegy Type
An Elegy is a sad and thoughtful poem lamenting the death of a person.
I would like to think he loved me
I don’t know
I would like to think he is in a better place
I don’t know
I wish we talked
we didn’t
I wish we had more time
we didn’t
I know I made him mad
I know he didn’t like me
I can bitch
I won’t
I could cry
I won’t
All I can do is say goodbye
All I can do… is bury the man
P a g e | 46
Enjambment Type
Enjambment is the continuation of a sentence form one line or couplet into the
I really never want to see
a girl as dry as me
I want her laughter to bring her tears
that wet her words and wash her fears
Let her smile show
her sun glow
and her glimmer bring a rainbow
And when she cries Photo Courtesy of Cam
and her spirit dies
Bring the rain
to wash the pain
And wet her soul
before it goes
and dries
like mine
P a g e | 47
Epic Type
Epic Poems are long, serious poems that tell a story.
America 236
America, 236, angel of death and mother of liberty
born of discovery
and genocide
sanctuary to the oppressed
killing ground of the children of nature
born of the greatest european intellects
last refuge of nature
sacrificed to metal
sacrificed to need
sacrificed to the will of man
fire, poison clouds and steel
bullets, blood
the horse, the plow
the machine
rivers on fire
war, always war
men need more
always more
freedom, liberty, work
ever higher
ever more
war, always war
men need more
always more
with all they need
they succumb to greed
ever more
P a g e | 48
freedom, liberty, work
fallen on deaf ears
bullets and blood forgotten
war a whisper now
ever more
but unheard
with all they need
they succumb to greed
ever more
children grow fat
lies replace truth
progress halts
America, 236
Angel of death and mother liberty
too young to die
Awaken the best
Too much sacrificed
to forget
P a g e | 49
Epigram Type
An Epigram is a very short, satirical and witty poem usually written as a brief
couplet or quatrain.
I can’t say no
and I can’t say maybe
I have to roll my girl over
hustle and flow
cause she wants a baby
And I have to do this daily
So here I go... faintly
An epitaph is a commemorative inscription on a tomb or mortuary monument
written in praise, or reflecting the life, of a deceased person.
Cam Flanagan
He pissed people off
thought too much
loved too little
lived large
and died
P a g e | 50
Photo courtesy of Cam
Epithalamium Form
The term Epithalamium derives from the Greek
word 'epi' meaning 'upon' and 'thalamium'
meaning 'nuptial chamber'.
Francia and Daniel
Daniel a peasant and Francia a queen
Their love enduring
hard as it seem
Married today in wedding of dream
Surrounded by love
costume and glove
Caressed by the warmth of October
and loved ones less sober
A day of magic and nurture
heralds their future
A life full of meaning
One… of two hearts being
P a g e | 51
Free Verse
Free Verse is a form of Poetry composed of either rhymed or unrhymed lines
that have no set fixed metrical pattern.
Clear blue eyes and raven lines
Ruby lips and rounded hips
A goofy smile and sultry style
And a mind full of quips
Angst is drawn to her
Pain a pawn for her
Intense as the summer sky
A mind dark and jaded
Full of blood and beauty faded
Hers will never die
Passion unknown to me
Thoughts a mystery
Beauty as sweet as a lie
Awake and alive
in my mind
P a g e | 52
Haiku Poetry Type
Haiku Poetry Type is a Japanese poem composed of lines of five, seven, and five
Golden Brown
Source unknown
Dear lost Twinkies Cakes
All that’s left of you are fakes
Oh I miss your taste
You were rich and golden brown
creamy at your core
But you’re just a wish of mine
'cause you are no more
P a g e | 53
Idyll Poetry Type
Idyll Poetry Types are short poems depicting a peaceful, idealized country
Photo courtesy of Francia Nelson
Should I Wake?
It pays you little to sleep the day
to have it come and go away
Have you lost what you do not know
and missed life’s ebb and flow?
Or all is now and that is all?
Ponder greed and burning need
or go to sleep and dream of me
They’re only things that seem to be
P a g e | 54
Imagery Poem
Imagery Poems draw the reader into poetic experiences by touching on the
images and senses which the reader already knows.
Tiny Feet
Drift with me to pleasures door
staring at your toes
Give in to me 'till your no more
tremored cumming flows
Feeling lust and hungered thrust
Hold your breath and fade to dream,
and will yourself to trust
Tasting juice upon your tongue, savoring my cream
Gaze upon your feet
dancing on the ceiling
Tiny, soft and sweet
wet, warm and feeling
Irony Type
Irony illustrates a situation, or a use of language, involving some kind of
discrepancy. The result of an action or situation is the reverse of what is
I’m solid now, whole and complete
The kind of man I want to be
With youth and beauty abound
But now I’m shaped like a pear
And so they go around
P a g e | 55
Lay Poetry Type
Lay Poetry Types are long narrative poems, especially those that were sung by
medieval minstrels and French trouveres.
You could tell they were lying
Because they were speaking
Their lips keeping time
While people were reeling
Playing a game
That’s no longer funny
While pissing away
All of our money
They must truly believe
That we’re all stupid
Cause they keep doing the same
Even the new kid
And so we are lead
By children retarded
It no longer matters
How it all started
Our direction continues
There’s no point in crying
Cause the ones who knew better
Are already dying
P a g e | 56
Limericks are short sometimes bawdy, humorous poems.
O’ I just wasn’t right
And needed some fiber
So I grabbed me an apple
And sat down beside her
As I bite down
I heard me a rumble
And keeled over
And started to stumble
Before I could make it
To the porcelain commode
Er heard my bowels growl
And felt em explode!
My trousers collected all I suspected
As I convulsed on the floor, with hygiene neglected
Er I lay sobbing
Twitching and drooling, cause my anus was throbbing
As I faded away
Er felt a moment of wit
What I could I say?
But holy shit!
P a g e | 57
Lyric Poetry
Lyric Poetry consists of a poem, such as a sonnet or an ode that expresses the
thoughts and feelings of the poet.
My Bar
There’s a place by the river that you might know
It’s called the Mill and I call it home
I’m there looking for love, when I feel all alone
But it’ getting late, and it’s time to go
I have to stop drinkin and stop what I’m thinkin
Get her off my mind and find my keys
But I’m drunk as hell and got my needs
And I don’t have a chance, but I love being teased
She’s got a million dollar smile and a lot of class
She’s the kind of girl that you wish you could have
She makes the boys smile with her switchback and style
And she’ll do shots with you till run out of cash
The whiskey’s all that’s goin, down on me
I should pay up right now, and get up and leave
But I’m horny as hell and I’m on my knees
So I look up at her and say “one more one please”
She’s got a million dollar smile and a lot of class
She’s the kind of girl that you wish you could have
She makes the boys smile with her switchback and style
And she’ll do shots with you till run out of cash
P a g e | 58
It’s 2 am and I’m on my last glass
I know my wife’s gonna kick my ass
So I gotta stop drinkin and stop what I’m thinkin
Pick myself up cause it’s time to leave
But I look in her eyes…
Oh what the hell, one more please!
She’s got a million dollar smile and a lot of class
She’s the kind of girl that you wish you could have
She makes the boys smile with her switchback and style
And she’ll do shots with you till run out of cash
P a g e | 59
Name Poem
A Name Poem, or Acrostic Poem, tells about the word. It uses the letters of the
word for the first letter of each line.
Damned at birth
Ashamed for years
Never good enough
Longing for more
P a g e | 60
Narrative Poetry
Narrative Poetry is found in different types of poetry such as Ballads, Epics,
and Lays.
Photo courtesy of Francia Nelson
Why it not be me?
Fade in and focus on
Kick back and ponder
The child over the fence and through the trees
pretending over yonder
P a g e | 61
Is this thing of play
of joy and summers day
of righteous soul and gloried way
so far from you today?
When you were he
or ye be she
living life beneath a tree
When food and family
play and love
were all that truly be
What was the more
to your need?
Let it free
and start to breath
P a g e | 62
Or cut your branches
and dry like leaves
Crumple and blow away
The choice is yours today
The past aware was never fare
but the trees are over there
Food and family, play and love
Could they be all you need?
Dance beneath the trees and see
Why it not be me?
P a g e | 63
Odes are long poems which are serious in nature and written to a set
Ode to Reason
What caused the treason this wicked season
and left us presided by the absence of reason?
There we were, fat and lazy, and a little bit crazy,
with corn syrup in our blood
We elected to lead, a liar indeed
and the poverty began to flood
A free lunch was offered with every vote coffered
and we thought we’d feast with it
But the free lunch, cost us much
and tasted a bunch like shit
So here we are pinned and stuck
by a government run amok
There’s a book on what lies ahead, with freedom dead
it’s called “We’re all Fucked”
P a g e | 64
Pastoral Poetry Type
A Pastoral Poetry Type is a poem that depicts rural life in a peaceful, idealized
Warm out Today
Below the hill and around with Dale
Walking the main drag, staring at cracks in ‘crete and tar of black
Eyes of the white and gray old guard, glare, while rocking on ancient wood
They sway to the rhythm of the wind, aside their cardboard kingdoms
Pawns and knights lay dead beside bishops and queens, who serve power
drunken kings
The mirage of heat before our eyes, squinting at the blazing fireball hovering
Locusts hum in our ears, with the sway of tall brown grass
No engines or sounds of the modern world will be heard till the train comes
Only thirst changes our course
Clap, clap, clap go the planks before the glass of the old grocery, as they meet
our sneakers
The old Orange Crush soda machine welcomes us with a happy hum
Sparkling coins dance in our sweaty hands before diving into the crevasse of
the old machine
Clank, clank go the frosty glass bottles as they fall out of bed
We pry off their hats, exposing their bubbly insides for our delight
Sweat drips down the creases of our smiling faces as the bottles spit
Sounds of two throats chugging icy, carbonated, orange flavored, sugar water
“Aah” we said, “warm out today.”
P a g e | 65
Quatrain Poetry Type
A Quatrain Poetry Type or literary term is a stanza or poem of four lines. Lines
2 and 4 must rhyme.
Photo courtesy of Cam
Spudzy, Spudzy dying
His dying is honest; it’s we who are lying
A foolish fortune spent on four days trying
To save “us” the pain, to keep “us” from crying
P a g e | 66
Refrain Poetry Type
The word 'Refrain' derives from the Old French word refraindre meaning to
Rotate Back
Stop, rotate back
How often it felt like the end
Over and over it goes my friend
A moment’s sorrow claims the end has knocked
Stop, rotate back
Turning back the clock
How many good days have you forgot?
How many times bitten?
Stop, rotate back
Your end is not yet written
Rhymes are types of poems which have the repetition of the same or similar
sounds at the end of two or more words most often at the ends of lines.
Wham Dignity
This poem describes how I felt about myself at a particularly dark moment in time.
Wham wham whammy
there goes Danny
Hit by a bus
no muss no fuss
He didn’t get far
bounced over a car
Spun up and down
and hit the ground
Cracked as he landed
dragged, as he sanded the pavement
Toppled and ripped
crushed and stripped
His carcass was spastic
and melted like plastic
as he flopped on a Prius
that tore off his penis
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Oh the guts, the gore!
Good thing he didn’t need it no more
Wang, Chang and Lisa
in a grey Nissan
smashed into Danny
while texting Ibiza
That’s when his lips got torn off and ripped
and wound up in somebody’s pizza
The pile that was left
was shoveled and swept
Cleaned up last weekend
by a guy, looking for meat ends
You may think as I boast
this tale a bit gross
and that it sounds a little bit phony
All I can say
this fine lovely day
is shut up, and eat your baloney
P a g e | 68
Romanticism Type
Nature and love were major themes of Romanticism.
Delicious grey fog swirling inside the canopy of trees at dusk
Making the blackness of the paved trail surreal
Tunneling through at speed, listening to the winding of gears
My love ever closer
Brisk wind fills my lungs and tickles my tongue
Joy fuels my legs
Heart pounding in the wind
Faster and faster I pedal
Knowing her tender embrace awaits
Senryu Poetry Type
The Senryu Poetry Type is a short Japanese poem that is similar to a Haiku
poem in structure but treats human beings rather than nature, often in a
humorous or satiric way. They are often limited to just a few syllables per line.
Clank my keys
Foolish me
Bang my head
Eyes turn red
On the floor
Drink no more
Feel like led
Fall in bed
Start to snore
Day no more
P a g e | 69
Rhyme Royal Type
Rhyme Royal Type is a type of poetry introduced by Geoffrey Chaucer
consisting of stanzas of lines in Iambic pentameter.
Hello Again
Your back today o dreary friend
I hope you’re not here to stay
I asked you plainly
To go away and bring glooms abate
But again I see the clouds
They follow you as if on strings
Hovering and darkening the crowd
A moment’s sun in your gloomy sky
Would be such a dear and welcome sight
Why does it pain you so
To let light show and pain go
For your sky is vast
Full of promise and reason
Yet the clouds follow you around
And ruin all of your seasons
P a g e | 70
English (or Shakespearean) sonnets are lyric poems that fall into three
coordinate quatrains.
Little Shit
You little shit, grinning wide and full of wit
with Cheshire smile and cunning quip
Always a scheme behind your eyes
Ready to pounce on foolish pride and dance on arrogance
I see you around my back, biding time and setting trap
without you ever hiding
Your minds a bag of cats
with words never binding
What’s the plan, little spy
that you know you’ll get away with
We’ll see who wins this time
for I know what your game is
Tanka Type
Tanka is a Japanese poetry type of five lines, the first and third composed of
five syllables and the rest of seven. Tanka is the oldest type of poetry in Japan.
To die is to leave
A moment bereaved in time
A couple of waves
Of tears, pain and regretting
And then “____”, nothing at all
P a g e | 71
Terza rima
Terza rima is a type of poetry consisting of 10 or 11 syllable lines arranged in
three-line "tercets".
GangNam Child
Freaky Creepy Asian Dude, Jamming to the GangNam Style
Wouldn’t Really be Right of Me, to Say That I Hate Ya
But Could You Please Go Away, to Where They Put the Macarena
Verse is a metrical line of poetry, or poetry in general.
Me be free
I walked through trees and darkened streams as a boy who often wandered
Thinking what my life might be, is what I often pondered
The miles would fade away, without me ever feeling lost
'Cause when you’re young and you love to run, you never pay the cost
I had a lot of fun diving into poetry. I was able to accomplish 42 of 46
poetry types, in addition to the poetry and inspirations I started with. Thank
you for reading it. I hoped you found something that moved you.
Cam Flanagan
P a g e | 72
About eclectic writer Cam Flanagan:
For years I suffered from both insomnia and
sleep apnea. These are treated and under control
now, but never cured. For most of my life, I dreamed
while conscious all day long, so I was never fully
present or awake. I could, and most often would,
dream as loudly as I was involved in any given
moment. This is why I am going to college at 43.
When I am able force my dream noise under
control and focus it, I can create whole universes in
my mind. I dream movies, songs, happenstance,
poetry, and alternative life often far more compelling
than the one I live. I feel that if I can continue to
discipline this “noise” that I can truly become a great
writer and story teller. Thanks for reading!

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  • 1. Katheryn Starstruck A Portfolio of Poetry and Inspirations By Cam Flanagan Available at
  • 2. P a g e | 1 Heedfulness to Katheryn Starstruck Pedagogue at the Cement Temple Apprentice of Watershed District Dear Miss Starstruck: Smile on your being for spiriting my muse! Endemically with devotion, Cam Flanagan
  • 3. P a g e | 2 Table of Contents p 03 – 10 poetry inspired by class work p 11 - 23 inspirations p 24 - 30 poetry inspired by my experiences, my wife and my friends p 31 an anecdote p 32 – 71 diving into different poetry types p 72 about eclectic writer Cam Flanagan Poetry is a link into someone else’s conscience. In this case mine; so brace yourself!
  • 4. P a g e | 3 Poetry Inspired by Class Work Salty Homework It’s 2 a.m. My homework tonight was to feel the collective, written word instead my eyes chose to taste them with a pinch of salt I couldn’t feel anything except my burning eyes the more I tried the more I cried and I felt absurd Broken and failed in my task I clenched away the pain and let it go taking solace in the know my effort was not in vain ---Cam
  • 5. P a g e | 4 Tube Steak Inspired by a YouTube writing exercise Bone brittle like skittles fun to gnaw on the candy shell encompassing what poets’ long to taste Rags tattered soaking up despair when worn as clothing enhances a person’s real beauty Tongue holding it can help you succeed holding it with two hands has the opposite effect Green blades sharp enough to cut the wind soft enough to sleep on Cigarettes give you an orgasm strong enough to kill you A naked light bulb shines brighter than a clothed one for it isn’t shy Road kill died trying Home a place I have never truly been if I ever got there I would probably leave ---Cam
  • 6. P a g e | 5 Poetry Feedback Assignment My written responses to two poems written by Jon Szweda Jon’s first Poem Eyes glazed to the world around me Sick of seeing the illness of humanity’s flaws But, Perhaps, This sick sight of illness is a lens only I Can see through And that this world of disease and suffering Is a delusion of my rationality ~ ---Jon Szweda John’s second poem Such a captivating community of husks To lose myself in such an object Is to be shoulder to shoulder with lonely air Sometimes I just need to be alone Other times I just need to be left alone --Jon Szweda
  • 7. P a g e | 6 My response to Jon’s first poem Dear Jon: I am writing you to convey the heartfelt pleasure entreated upon me after experiencing your fine script of literary tickle. I wish it known to you that the distress shadowed upon my spirit, perceived of our despondent brothers and sisters, whom appear to have wandered so far from the warmth and light of life’s fire, have now been assuaged. Your succinct imagery, masterfully painted in words, reminds me that what is viewed as hopeless and lost can be re-focused into something less dejected and more assured and that there is no reality, only perception. Yet it is our perception that shepherds the seeming truth of our daily lives. With few words and not unlike a gentle breeze, you accomplished a task principally entrusted to nature; you brought a moment’s calm to the bedeviled soul of man. Bravo. Appreciatively yours, Cam Flanagan
  • 8. P a g e | 7 My response to Jon’s second poem Dear Jon: Once again, it’s my sincere pleasure to correspond to you apropos to the joy derived from the conjuring of an image laden introspect that was born aflame unto my mind’s eye, which came after deciphering yet another of your poetic scripts. I too feel as though I am a commonplace husk waving aimlessly in a field of many banal husks, isolated and dethatched, sometimes needing to be alone and sometimes needing to be with others, yet left alone. As I glance on your words, my soul sways to and fro in time with the waving of the field. I am awash with melancholy, part of the crowd, alone. Yet I am not sad, for the warm sun and the soft wind caress me with the gentle touch of a loving parent, as the sway drifts me in an out of consciousness. It’s a peaceful life. 'Till the day when the combine harvester comes and we are transformed into profitable, Monsanto, high fructose corn syrup. Laughing out loud, Cam Flanagan
  • 9. P a g e | 8 A Poem Inspired by a Newspaper or Magazine Headline or Article Obama, Romney On Taxes: Similar Plans, Few Details --NPR New by Scott Horsley 10-1-12 hush now little politician the mouths aside your neck grow weary as do we your lies burn our stomachs inside and you deaf to our cries when a leader resides and the country you guide needs you define! the world of your mind is not like mine yours is a world of crime mine, …mine! Is a world of people define! ---Cam
  • 10. P a g e | 9 A poem designed as a study inspired by an established poet The original excerpt of “If” by Rudyard Kipling If you can dream---and not make dreams your master; If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim, If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same:. If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools; An excerpt of “If” by Rudyard Kipling –revised and added to by me The Gall! To Revise Kipling! If you can dream—and not make dreams your master If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim If you can meet with triumph and disaster, And treat those two the same If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken, Twisted by knaves and fools, Or watch the things you’ve built get broken, And build again with tools: Then you know to live your life right, without the waste of fear and shame For now you understand our plight, that life is just a game ---Cam
  • 11. P a g e | 10 My writing below is a hybrid theory. It’s based in part from information obtained from a class lecture and from my own thoughts. ---original source: Professor Ed George’s lecture on Barry Schwartz’s essay “Tolerance” Source Google Images The Principles of Tolerance There are 3 levels of tolerance 1. Putting up with 2. Critical Engagement 3. Acceptance Putting up with requires too little of you. Acceptance requires too much of you. That leaves critical engagement as the only way to be truly tolerant of those with whom you disagree or disapprove with. Critical engagement has parameters and rules that involve questioning, answering and discussion. If any of these parameters aren’t met, you are not participating in a critical engagement. Any belief that cannot stand up to questioning or that has no answer is non rational. Beliefs of this nature are held on faith. And no one’s faith is more valid than any other; because no faith can withstand critical engagement better than the other. All answers to questioning about someone’s faith end in "because I believe it."
  • 12. P a g e | 11 To be critically engaged; all parties involved must understand that disagreeing with someone, or someone’s lifestyle, or beliefs, is not hatred. Disagreement is often misconstrued as hatred, and the emotions born of that misunderstanding prevent communication from happening, which breeds more anger and mistrust. And finally, to be critically engaged, everyone involved must understand the point of the discussion is not that either party be persuaded to accept anything. It is to find a way to get along even though you don't. ---Cam
  • 13. P a g e | 12 Source Google Images The First Principles If we all joined forces to hold up the first principles: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, E Pluribus Unum (From many, one), Limited Government as specified by the Constitution, protection of the Rights of the Individual, as defined by the Bill of Rights and the subsequent court decisions that shaped and strengthened it and stopped trying to force our will on other people, we may actually save ourselves. • The gay couple that wants to get married didn’t take your house. • The woman that doesn’t want you telling her what she can or can’t do with her body or her child, didn’t take away your pension, your social security, your investments, and your job. Washington and their cronies did. I’m not arguing that these things are right, or wrong. I’m saying that the people you hate, the ones you think are your enemy, aren’t the ones taking EVERYTHING away from you. You are. Here is how you’re doing it: This is how it was explained to me: Hate anyone you wish to hate. I cannot stop you, nor do I have the right to; but understand that the person you hate has the same protection under the law that you do. This is what it means to be an American. It’s a dark way of looking at it but completely correct. You see, to protect the rights of someone you don’t like or agree with is to protect your own. We lost that understanding somewhere. Washington picked up on it and has taken advantage of it. They use our hatred to distract us, while they rob us of our freedom and our money with ever greater taxes, legislation and government expansion. Now we are divided and angry and all either side; collective, or individual minded wants to do is to hurt the other. When all we ever really wanted was Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
  • 14. P a g e | 13 The secret to obtaining that for you is to let someone else have it too. Bring back the first principles and allow gays to get married or have civil unions and allow women the right to chose. The world won’t end because you saved it. Your world won’t end because you saved someone else’s. Do you get it? God I hope so. ---Cam People of the Planet X If the people of earth were visited by people from another corner of the galaxy, they would study us and report back that; the people of earth are very interesting. They come in various shapes, sizes and colors, and have created many varied cultures. To the people of planet X, we would simply be the people of planet earth: not white man, black man, Christian or Jew. No one would be reported as being significantly different or better. We only isolate colors and cultures because our own perception is so narrow. No one man or God fits into the simple comfortable picture we have of them in our minds. All are infinitely more complex and fascinating: not to be feared or hated. The next time you catch yourself being narrow minded, stop your thought process and force yourself to open your mind and explore the possibilities. You will find from that moment on that your life will become significantly more enjoyable. ---Cam
  • 15. P a g e | 14 Unity The most important aspect of the debate over language in America is that people on both sides of the fence (or tracks) suffer when millions are allowed to flood the country without first learning our language, laws and morays, a.k.a. the citizenship process. As a result, communities, then whole cities, then states, then whole sections of America become separated and divided by language and custom. This divide has created permanent second class citizens and built economic stresses that eventually can collapse a whole nation’s economy. Consequently, it creates ever greater discourse that may lead to civil war. United we stand, divided we fall. Language is unity. ---Cam The most successful people I know; were either so brilliant that they just “knew” they would succeed, or they were too stupid to realize they couldn’t. Every successful person I have ever met had one thing in common; they did something, they got good at it, and success came. ---Cam The greatest error you can make is to allow a mistake or failure to be used as a reason to make more. ---Cam People who play the role of the victim tend to victimize everyone around them and feel totally justified doing it. ---Cam
  • 16. P a g e | 15 My Culture My culture boarders on knowledge and ignorance, generativity vs. stagnation and I am always moving sideways more than forward. I’m half trash, half refined and my past is gone. My future is brighter than many. Today is okay. I don’t know where I fit in, or what my purpose is except to live. I write more than I watch TV, a lot more, and that has made all the difference. I am lost with direction and therefore, I am not afraid. ---Cam So the other day… I walked into my local drug store with a re-usable bag, because I'm appalled by the fact that 99% of all the plastic ever created is still in the environment. Most of that is in the ocean, and most of what is in the ocean is in the north pacific gyre. And I am appalled that the human race is adding 110 billion tons of plastic to the environment/ocean every year. I proudly went shopping with my re-usable bag in hand. At the register, I look down at my bag and realize that every item in it was made of plastic. ---Cam
  • 17. P a g e | 16 Source Google Images A Good Formula for Starting a Romantic or Platonic Relationship I dreamed this up one morning, as I awoke. Take any boy and girl put them together. Set the rules of engagement for the next 48 hours. For this to work, both parties must absolutely agree on the terms. Not kinda sorta. 1. Remove any thoughts of sex or commitment from the first two days. (Force yourself; maybe you can't help but think about them, but absolutely don't act on them or let them linger in your mind.) 2. The boy may, for the duration, only ask questions about the girl and may only ask what the girl wants to do. 3. The girl may only ask questions about the boy and what the boy wants to do. 4. They can then compromise and do one thing first, then the other, or pick one. 5. Repeat steps 2 thru 4 for the duration. (If you slip, come back.) If you can do this, then keep going. If for whatever reason you can't then walk away. Try not to feel rejected or too disappointed, because commonality just isn’t there. Just give it two days. ---Cam
  • 18. P a g e | 17 What the? Today, I rolled out of bed tired and hungry after a night of insomnia. I drove to take an exam at my usual: ‘just under sub-light’ speed, with brazen nipples pointing toward the arctic, fall, easterly. I answered questions wrong when I knew the right answer. In a few cases, I answered questions wrong because I didn’t agree with how they were phrased. Hours later, after taking a nap, my logical self awoke, screaming; “what the hell were you doing?” And the only answer the little boy inside could give, was “I don’t know.” ---Cam The Limestone Bricks Source Google Images There is a moment from my past that has always fascinated me because I was the main character, responsible for my own actions, yet could not explain them. I was a small boy, no more than 8, if that. On our property, running along the side of our garage was a very nicely laid out limestone brick sidewalk, accented by a thick row of little white bell flowers that filled in the space between the walk and the garage. One day, I dug up a few of the big white bricks and left them out. My dad saw them, painstakingly replaced them and let me know in no uncertain terms that if I did it again, I was going to get a beating. My father was six four, two hundred and sixty five pounds and
  • 19. P a g e | 18 chronically angry. I was perpetually terrified of him and absolutely believed him when he said I was going to get a beating if I dug up the bricks again. I never doubted it for second. Some time past that day, I climbed the big horse chestnut tree in the yard. I jumped off the garage a few times pretending to be the bionic man, grabbed a trawl and dug up several bricks. As six o'clock approached I decided that putting the bricks back was a really good idea. Mud had slid into the empty caverns where the bricks had been, and to my horror, putting all those carefully laid, different shaped bricks, back was a lot harder than it looked. Feeling the hour of my doom approaching, I burst into tears. My mother, hearing them from the kitchen window, rushed out to help me put the bricks back into the walk. She barely got the last brick in as my father pulled up. My father stepped out of the car and knew instantly what was going on. I watched him turn beet red as I prepared to evacuate my bowels and run for the fence. There was a horrific look of disappointment on his face as he peered around my mother who had stepped in front of him to protect me. I saw the strain on my mother’s face, the disappointment on my fathers, and the tears on mine, and had no idea why I dug up those damn bricks. They were there. They needed digging. "Cam, I told you not to dig up those bricks!" "Why did you?" "I don't know." Sob sob, gulp, evacuate bowels, run, no, stay, or he'll get really mad. I didn't! I had no idea why I dug up the damn bricks. Now, I think I know. It was about the experience. My brain wanted to solve the problem of how to take out the bricks and put them back. It wanted to learn it so bad that it over rode my survival instinct to figure it out. Unconscious of the reasons at the time, I would dedicate the rest of my childhood to doing things that pissed off my parents and trying to figure out ways to fix it before I got caught. It never worked out like I'd hoped. ---Cam
  • 20. P a g e | 19 Source Google Images Where are you? Heaven or Hell? It’s interesting how people can live in heaven and hell at the same time. A person can be sitting on their leather couch in their warm cozy mansion, vodka martini in hand, staring out at their eagle eye view of the water, watching sailboats pass by and the whole time be contemplating suicide. Conversely, a person could be barefoot in a shanty shack getting ready to sit down to a meal of fly paste and rice, completely happy, grateful for the meal and looking forward to an evening of staring up at the sky. The situation you’re in could be genuinely bad, but how bad it seems to you, has to do with how bad your situation was before and your attitude now. Attitude and perception define the quality of your life and you can change both. Of course, the mansion and the vodka martini wouldn't hurt. ---Cam
  • 21. P a g e | 20 Spiritual Release! My good friend and I walked the enclosed bridge to the Hyatt in Rosemont after an afternoon of perusing the "World of Wheels" auto show so that we could sit down for an evening of intellectual conversation and coffee. A pastime my friend, who is very well read, and I enjoy all too seldom. The topic of conversation turned to one of deep spirituality and philosophy. Engrossed by what she was saying, I became mesmerized by her words and clung to each one of them. She explained that after a long session of rigorous yoga, her body was pushed to the limit. She was instructed to take shavasana, "dead man's pose", a state of total relaxation. Almost in tears and with utter sincerity, my friend looked at me and said; "Have you ever had an experience where you just let it all go?" At that exact moment, my sphincter completely relaxed and dumped a full metric liter of gamey rectal goodness into the fragile atmosphere. The leading edge of the pressure wave caused by this event had discernible mass, which you could taste. Wait staff polity turned and walked the other way. I could practically see the wave break over my friends face! Who, with stoic poise, actually attempted to ignore the quake and continue on with her story. All I could say was "I'm sorry. I farted!" ---Cam Wife's Text me: "Honey, I did the laundry, washed the dishes, am making stew for dinner, and am making all the calls I said I would." wife: "Great. Now find my g-spot and it will feel like Christmas!" ---Cam
  • 22. P a g e | 21 The Olive Garden's New Dish My wife and I went to the Olive Garden for Sunday dinner. Low and behold they had a new dish which I found to be utterly irresistible. It’s called the "arteriole blockade" and it’s served on a crash cart with a side of angioplasty. It’s a steaming square of 3 cheese lasagna surrounded by grilled chicken drenched in cheesy, buttery bypass sauce. Being completely honest with myself, I cut it in half, and said "Oh I'm gonna take half of this home." Then the damn waiter took so long to get back to the freakin table that I finished it. What a dick! Then the guy has the "nads" to recommend desert! Obviously not noticing how pissed off I was that I had finished this plate of "oh so wrong." Source Olive Garden web site So, I just decided to go with it and ordered the "pumpkin cheesecake" with the Lipitor crust and the fluffy whipped aspirin topping. Tomorrow, I will get a cholesterol test, so I can watch my doctor shit in his pants. ---Cam Brain Drops It has occurred to me recently that there are people whom I have talked to for years that I have never had to apologize to for being me. There are people whom I have never had to pretend around; faces who are happy to see me without me having to wear a façade. And these people are not the ones that I have called my friends. ---Cam
  • 23. P a g e | 22 Honestly, everything I have to say is more powerful with my mouth closed. ---Cam The fundamental root of all evil is to destroy one’s self. Conversely, goodness is to enhance the quality of your life and the lives of those around you. ---Cam Great Wisdom Comes from Everywhere To light a candle is to cast a shadow. -- "Kung Fu" 1970's TV show with David Carradine God only makes us strong for a little while so that we can help each other. -- Sean Connery "First Knight" 1995 There is only one kind of freedom and that's individual liberty. Our lives come from our creator and our liberty comes from our creator. It has nothing to do with government granting it. -- Ron Paul Man is not free unless government is limited. -- Ronald Reagan Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. -- Ronald Reagan Protecting the rights of even the least individual among us is basically the only excuse the government has for even existing. -- Ronald Reagan No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. -- Eleanor Roosevelt Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle? --T.H. Thompson and John Watson
  • 24. P a g e | 23 Kickdown Bobby Knobtab! ---Food for thought --Cam Spumoni! ---Cam
  • 25. P a g e | 24 My Affair with Sci-Fi Source Facebook At first, I boldly went with everyone else … But after America’s last best hope for sci-fi I was left fracked in the head, but shiny! Now I’m getting steam punked over at 13 with Tesla and the gang I aimed to misbehave So I took the red pill and not the blue and now I’m even more fracked in the head but now I know, I just KNOW the truth is out there! ---Cam
  • 26. P a g e | 25 The Poetry of a Madman Drive is the antithesis of death not life A conquistador is a driven, narcissistic, douche bag An eagle is anyone who has the will to challenge the government Chili is a slang term used by Klingons to describe revenge ‘cause they thought it referred to a dish that was best served cold A doll is a pair of eyes trapped in a motionless body A person in a coma would be considered a doll A river is something you’re on when your life turns south Most of us are children our entire lives The edge of a cliff is where we hang Poop is chocolate ice cream for bugs A motorcycle is a device that stimulates the mind and genitalia Can be used for transportation ---Cam
  • 27. P a g e | 26 Poetry Shots Great are the men that have learned to think outside the box Many are the men who try to get back in Women are unencumbered by hindrance of a dumb stick and therefore are not compelled by the laws of logic Scotch is a drink that helps you to live in the moment and then reminds you that you never should have stopped Blue is the color of the sea and the sky and is used to describe how you feel when you’re not next to or in one of them TV is a venereal disease that affects a person’s ability to use their imagination A computer is the child of mankind and is destined to replace us Work is what you put into anything you care about Money is a mirage that can actually sustain you Friends are mirror images of who you really are Family is the only enduring society A house owns you 'till it doesn’t ---Cam
  • 28. P a g e | 27 Neet Words Blight blinds you from seeing the damaged you’ve caused Serene is the moment you found out you didn’t make it Delight is what you feel after eating something wrong Perfidy happens to my underwear after a year Fleeting happens after eating greasy food Scathe is the moment the wax is pulled Bereaved describes a Brazilian wax The divine is your life, right now A grateful is a D cup or larger Ample is a large nipple ---Cam
  • 29. P a g e | 28 Source Cam My Tattoo Be who you want to be within your circle of one, and you will attract those who want to be with whom you have become. ---Cam Edusogyny I wasted so many years fearing it Now it’s my giving tree I use it It’s mine It’s for me My little giving tree That’s a good little overpriced status upgrade Give me more! ---Cam
  • 30. P a g e | 29 Hey Princess! Photo courtesy of Cam Sometimes she’s a mutton chops or a turkey! She can be salty at times a little acidic But when she’s sweet she’s my French fry my sweet potato and my sugar loaf But always she’s my Princess! --Cam
  • 31. P a g e | 30 Super Goo Photo courtesy of Francia Nelson In May, all things blossom Trees, flowers, grass In May, my love for you blossomed My gynormous pain in the ass Your smile, your eyes, fulfill all my wishes Though now forever, I must do all the dishes Today I thank you for giving me wings I will love you forever In spite of your mood swings Though sometimes I joke Or seem to despair You are my everything; my life I need you like air With more love than I will ever be able to put into words! ---Cam
  • 32. P a g e | 31 Happy Valentine’s Day Cute beyond belief Love without the grief Smile so wide I melt Warmth most wish they felt So lucky I am Holding your hand Life is so much better With you and I together So with you I’ll stay Happy Valentine’s Day! ---Cam An anecdote One of the best jobs I had in my youth was working as a waiter at “Two Brothers from Italy”, restaurant in Elmhurst, IL. It’s still there and the food is very good. The owner was a short, feisty man named Angelo. He didn’t speak a da language too well. And being that this was an Italian restaurant; we all talked a lot of shit back and forth. So, one day in the kitchen, I looked over at Angelo and said; “hey Angelo, when are you gonna learn to speak the fucking language?” He looked back at me with a sharp grin; “Danny, if I waited to open this restaurant 'till after I learned to speak a da language, I never would have done it. I am a rich man, fuck a da language!” No more waiting, no more ducks in row, it’s time to write. ---Cam
  • 33. P a g e | 32 Part 2 Diving into Different Poetry Types Head First Mouth Open Eyes Closed Different Types of Poetry ABC poem Alexandrine Poetry Type Allegory Analogy Poetry Type Ballad Poems Ballade Poetry Types Blank Verse Burlesque Types Cacophony Canzone Poetry Type Carpe diem Cinquain Poetry Type Classicism Types Conceit Poetry Type Couplet Poetry Type Dactyl Poetry Type Doggerel Elegy Enjambment Epic Poems Epigram Epitaph Epithalamium Form Free Verse Haiku Poetry Type Idyll Poetry Types Imagery Poems Irony Lay Poetry Types Limericks Lyric Poetry Name Poem Narrative Poetry Odes Pastoral Poetry Type Prose and Prose Poetry (The new guy) Quatrain Poetry Type Refrain Poetry Type Rhymes Romanticism Type Senryu Poetry Type Rhyme Royal Type Sonnets Tanka Terza rima Verse Source: 46 types, I had no idea. If I can’t do the type, I will strike it out. But I will try every type I can. By the way, the web page I got these from was sponsored by White Castle; how unbelievably karmic, for I am truly one with pickles and onions!
  • 34. P a g e | 33 Qui sum circa carmina, Salutant vos! Let’s rock! ABC Poem An ABC poem has a series of lines that create a mood, picture, or feeling. Lines are made up of words and phrases. The first word of line 1 begins with an A, the first word of line 2 begins with a B etc. Cause is not the Reason Almost done now Better off alone Cause is not the reason Damn the feeling Ever the way be gray For now is the end Go Home! Insecure Jaded Knowing you have been wronged Left behind Manipulated Nowhere to turn Oppressed Possessed by hatred Quantity of sorrows growing Ready to die! Sure in the feeling This was the last cut Unwavering on your course for pain Vexed by the desire for darkness Waxing and waning from gray to black Xenophobic of all Yelling and screaming Zealously seeking the end! ---Cam
  • 35. P a g e | 34 ABC Poem Again – Using more Imagery Steal the no and know the way Air is clear Breath is Clean Dark and cold Ends of steam Force your tongue to Grasp the taste Hold it in and do not waste Imagine your Just a Kindred spirit Lusting for the night; Morning dew New the light Old the gloom Pounding of your heart Question why? Reason not Steal the no and know the way True as life Urn of joy Veil the night Walk the sun Zero reason, only day ---Cam
  • 36. P a g e | 35 Allegory An Allegory is a narrative having a second meaning beneath the surface one - a story with two meanings, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning. We Need the Sharks We fished with sharks and shared the prey And all was fine for eons Then we thought we needed more And slay the sharks beneath us And now we starve and die away For fish were not their only prey Cause left alone, the squids came home Seems they didn’t need “us” ----Cam
  • 37. P a g e | 36 Analogy Poetry Type An Analogy is a likeness or similarity between things (a subject and an analog) that are otherwise unlike. Analogy is the comparison of two pairs which have the same relationship. And She So Like, Wrecked Me Smooth like butter and Sharp as a knife she Killed me with kindness so Sweetly she gave me cavities, then like A hurricane over my bow, she wrecked My soul and left me ---Cam
  • 38. P a g e | 37 Ballad Poem Ballad Poems are poems that tell a story similar to a folk tale or legend. A ballad is a story in poetic form. F’n Congress! Hoist your scotch and sing along you motley ship of fools For the men atop steered the boat and now we all must loose The burg we struck came up slow and ya know we all had time But mammon is strong and sings along lusting for your mind So instead o turning left or right you know they steered us down 'Cause the men atop could've stopped but they’re all a bunch of clowns So hoist your scotch and give a shout to the men we have elected Who sent us to an icy grave thinkin' they’re respected ---Cam
  • 39. P a g e | 38 Blank Verse Blank Verse is Poetry that is written in iambic pentameter. Blank verse is often unobtrusive and the iambic pentameter form often resembles the rhythms of ordinary speech. Go Away! Oh bleak, oh gray, oh dark and dreary day; be true, and blue and come and go away To say I loathe you aloud would be the truth; yet I see our need afore your bleak and lengthy stay For without you we’d not long for glooms abate That been said; go away ---Cam
  • 40. P a g e | 39 Burlesque Type Burlesque Types consist of a story, play, or essay that treats a serious subject ridiculously, or is simply a trivial story. Dego’s da Neighborhood Vinnie and Guido walking in Speedos enjoying a summers day Guido, a hit man, and Vinnie, a fence, and both of them were gay Each adorned in gold and diamond and looking for that rat-fink Simon so they could blow that mook away! But Simon saw them first took a gun from his purse and aimed for their gold medallions he smiled a little as he squeezed and wacked those damn Italians. ---Cam
  • 41. P a g e | 40 Cacophony Type Cacophony is a technique which was used by the famous poet and author Lewis Carroll. Lewis Carroll makes use of cacophony in the poem 'Jabberwocky' by using an unpleasant spoken sound created by clashing consonants. C G P and K Auk ten t’day; C,G,P n K nounC’d G’d Plen fr u obama, obama, obama C, yer noK loud to werK fer you r yr famGly werK fr GovrnmeC beKKer Be G’d Commie K - Cuz Gov need slave! ---Cam Carpe diem Type Carpe diem is a Latin expression that means "seize the day." Carpe diem poems have the theme of living for today. For Shame! All you have is now One chance for Life One chance for Liberty One chance to Pursue Happiness and you’re throwing it away Without America’s spark who will ignite the flame? Are you to blame? ---Cam
  • 42. P a g e | 41 Cinquain Poetry Type Cinquain Poetry Type has five lines. Line 1 is one word (the title) Line 2 is two words that describe the title. Line 3 is three words that tell the action Line 4 is four words that express the feeling Line 5 is one word that recalls the title My Star Star Shine bright Flicker, flicker, flicker Memories of whish made Midnight ---Cam Classicism Type Classicism Types of poetry contain the principles and ideals of beauty that are characteristic of Greek and Roman art, architecture, and literature. Classicism concerns itself with form and discipline as opposed to emotional impact as in Romanticism. Gothic Chill gray stone, chiseled to perfection simple cold and clean affords me the time to ponder the need, the speed, the deed clap, clap, clap my shoes on the dark en hardened floors long they will be here after I’m no more ---Cam
  • 43. P a g e | 42 Conceit Poetry Type Conceit Poetry Type is where an image or metaphor likens one thing to something else that is seemingly very different. Poets often use a far-fetched simile or metaphor in this style. Hubris Your swag is like that of great ship floating in the harbor iron, unwilling to move, and tall You sit smoking, thumbing your nose at the law Smaller vessels flock to you asking for tug and you take them two at a time Heads of state wait for you in line You travel the world spending millions on gas I wish my experience were so vast I envy you completely so to phrase it neatly you da man! ---Cam
  • 44. P a g e | 43 Couplet Poetry Type A Couplets is a Stanza of only two lines which usually rhyme. Shakespearean (also called Elizabethan and English) sonnets usually end in a couplet and are a pair of lines that are the same length and usually rhyme and form a complete thought. Conjoined Love and trust so well connected when kept apart one feels dejected --Cam Dactyl Poetry Type The Dactyl Poetry Term is a metrical foot of three syllables, one long (or stressed) followed by two short (or unstressed), as in 'happily'. Lessened Long am I crying Shamed at a glance Breath it be labored Tears at my cheek Face be it wretched Soul, so so faded Song of a dying Less of a man ---Cam
  • 45. P a g e | 44 Doggerel Type A Doggerel is a light verse which is humorous and comic by nature - often viewed with disdain as containing little literary value. Fill Er Up I came to CLC to fill my bucket with knowledge They took me in to drain me of cash Now my bucket is half full, and my wallet is empty But now I have a piece of paper I can wad up and use to keep my bucket from leaking ---Cam
  • 46. P a g e | 45 Elegy Type An Elegy is a sad and thoughtful poem lamenting the death of a person. Dad I would like to think he loved me I don’t know I would like to think he is in a better place I don’t know I wish we talked we didn’t I wish we had more time we didn’t I know I made him mad I know he didn’t like me I can bitch I won’t I could cry I won’t All I can do is say goodbye All I can do… is bury the man ---Cam
  • 47. P a g e | 46 Enjambment Type Enjambment is the continuation of a sentence form one line or couplet into the next. Wet I really never want to see a girl as dry as me I want her laughter to bring her tears that wet her words and wash her fears Let her smile show her sun glow and her glimmer bring a rainbow And when she cries Photo Courtesy of Cam and her spirit dies Bring the rain to wash the pain And wet her soul before it goes and dries like mine ---Cam
  • 48. P a g e | 47 Epic Type Epic Poems are long, serious poems that tell a story. America 236 America, 236, angel of death and mother of liberty born of discovery hope guile disease and genocide sanctuary to the oppressed killing ground of the children of nature born of the greatest european intellects last refuge of nature sacrificed to metal sacrificed to need sacrificed to the will of man progress fire, poison clouds and steel bullets, blood the horse, the plow the machine rivers on fire progress war, always war men need more always more freedom, liberty, work building ever higher ever more war, always war men need more always more with all they need they succumb to greed ever more
  • 49. P a g e | 48 freedom, liberty, work fallen on deaf ears bullets and blood forgotten war a whisper now ever more but unheard with all they need they succumb to greed ever more children grow fat lies replace truth progress halts America, 236 Angel of death and mother liberty too young to die reborn RIOT, HUNGER, COLD, and PAIN Awaken the best Too much sacrificed to forget ---Cam
  • 50. P a g e | 49 Epigram Type An Epigram is a very short, satirical and witty poem usually written as a brief couplet or quatrain. Perform I can’t say no and I can’t say maybe I have to roll my girl over hustle and flow cause she wants a baby And I have to do this daily So here I go... faintly ---Cam Epitaph An epitaph is a commemorative inscription on a tomb or mortuary monument written in praise, or reflecting the life, of a deceased person. Cam Flanagan He pissed people off thought too much loved too little lived large and died ---Cam
  • 51. P a g e | 50 Photo courtesy of Cam Epithalamium Form The term Epithalamium derives from the Greek word 'epi' meaning 'upon' and 'thalamium' meaning 'nuptial chamber'. Francia and Daniel Daniel a peasant and Francia a queen Their love enduring hard as it seem Married today in wedding of dream Surrounded by love costume and glove Caressed by the warmth of October and loved ones less sober A day of magic and nurture heralds their future A life full of meaning One… of two hearts being --Cam
  • 52. P a g e | 51 Free Verse Free Verse is a form of Poetry composed of either rhymed or unrhymed lines that have no set fixed metrical pattern. K.T.C Clear blue eyes and raven lines Ruby lips and rounded hips A goofy smile and sultry style And a mind full of quips Angst is drawn to her Pain a pawn for her Intense as the summer sky A mind dark and jaded Full of blood and beauty faded Hers will never die Passion unknown to me Thoughts a mystery Beauty as sweet as a lie Awake and alive in my mind ---Cam
  • 53. P a g e | 52 Haiku Poetry Type Haiku Poetry Type is a Japanese poem composed of lines of five, seven, and five syllables. Golden Brown Source unknown Dear lost Twinkies Cakes All that’s left of you are fakes Oh I miss your taste You were rich and golden brown creamy at your core But you’re just a wish of mine 'cause you are no more ---Cam
  • 54. P a g e | 53 Idyll Poetry Type Idyll Poetry Types are short poems depicting a peaceful, idealized country scene. Photo courtesy of Francia Nelson Should I Wake? It pays you little to sleep the day to have it come and go away Have you lost what you do not know and missed life’s ebb and flow? Or all is now and that is all? Ponder greed and burning need or go to sleep and dream of me They’re only things that seem to be --Cam
  • 55. P a g e | 54 Imagery Poem Imagery Poems draw the reader into poetic experiences by touching on the images and senses which the reader already knows. Tiny Feet Drift with me to pleasures door staring at your toes Give in to me 'till your no more tremored cumming flows Feeling lust and hungered thrust Hold your breath and fade to dream, and will yourself to trust Tasting juice upon your tongue, savoring my cream Gaze upon your feet dancing on the ceiling Tiny, soft and sweet wet, warm and feeling ---Cam Irony Type Irony illustrates a situation, or a use of language, involving some kind of discrepancy. The result of an action or situation is the reverse of what is expected. Pearony I’m solid now, whole and complete The kind of man I want to be With youth and beauty abound But now I’m shaped like a pear And so they go around ---Cam
  • 56. P a g e | 55 Lay Poetry Type Lay Poetry Types are long narrative poems, especially those that were sung by medieval minstrels and French trouveres. Chicagotics You could tell they were lying Because they were speaking Their lips keeping time While people were reeling Playing a game That’s no longer funny While pissing away All of our money They must truly believe That we’re all stupid Cause they keep doing the same Even the new kid And so we are lead By children retarded It no longer matters How it all started Our direction continues There’s no point in crying Cause the ones who knew better Are already dying ---Cam
  • 57. P a g e | 56 Limerick Limericks are short sometimes bawdy, humorous poems. Applewit O’ I just wasn’t right And needed some fiber So I grabbed me an apple And sat down beside her As I bite down I heard me a rumble And keeled over And started to stumble Before I could make it To the porcelain commode Er heard my bowels growl And felt em explode! My trousers collected all I suspected As I convulsed on the floor, with hygiene neglected Er I lay sobbing Twitching and drooling, cause my anus was throbbing As I faded away Er felt a moment of wit What I could I say? But holy shit! ---Cam
  • 58. P a g e | 57 Lyric Poetry Lyric Poetry consists of a poem, such as a sonnet or an ode that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet. My Bar There’s a place by the river that you might know It’s called the Mill and I call it home I’m there looking for love, when I feel all alone But it’ getting late, and it’s time to go And I have to stop drinkin and stop what I’m thinkin Get her off my mind and find my keys But I’m drunk as hell and got my needs And I don’t have a chance, but I love being teased Cause She’s got a million dollar smile and a lot of class She’s the kind of girl that you wish you could have She makes the boys smile with her switchback and style And she’ll do shots with you till run out of cash Well The whiskey’s all that’s goin, down on me I should pay up right now, and get up and leave But I’m horny as hell and I’m on my knees So I look up at her and say “one more one please” Cause She’s got a million dollar smile and a lot of class She’s the kind of girl that you wish you could have She makes the boys smile with her switchback and style And she’ll do shots with you till run out of cash
  • 59. P a g e | 58 Now It’s 2 am and I’m on my last glass And I know my wife’s gonna kick my ass So I gotta stop drinkin and stop what I’m thinkin Pick myself up cause it’s time to leave But I look in her eyes… Oh what the hell, one more please! Cause She’s got a million dollar smile and a lot of class She’s the kind of girl that you wish you could have She makes the boys smile with her switchback and style And she’ll do shots with you till run out of cash ---Cam
  • 60. P a g e | 59 Name Poem A Name Poem, or Acrostic Poem, tells about the word. It uses the letters of the word for the first letter of each line. Daniel Damned at birth Ashamed for years Never good enough Ideological Enthusiastic Longing for more ---Cam
  • 61. P a g e | 60 Narrative Poetry Narrative Poetry is found in different types of poetry such as Ballads, Epics, and Lays. Photo courtesy of Francia Nelson Why it not be me? Fade in and focus on Kick back and ponder The child over the fence and through the trees pretending over yonder
  • 62. P a g e | 61 Is this thing of play of joy and summers day of righteous soul and gloried way so far from you today? When you were he or ye be she living life beneath a tree When food and family play and love were all that truly be What was the more to your need? Let it free and start to breath
  • 63. P a g e | 62 Or cut your branches and dry like leaves Crumple and blow away The choice is yours today The past aware was never fare but the trees are over there Food and family, play and love Could they be all you need? Dance beneath the trees and see Why it not be me? ---Cam
  • 64. P a g e | 63 Odes Odes are long poems which are serious in nature and written to a set structure. Ode to Reason What caused the treason this wicked season and left us presided by the absence of reason? There we were, fat and lazy, and a little bit crazy, with corn syrup in our blood We elected to lead, a liar indeed and the poverty began to flood A free lunch was offered with every vote coffered and we thought we’d feast with it But the free lunch, cost us much and tasted a bunch like shit So here we are pinned and stuck by a government run amok There’s a book on what lies ahead, with freedom dead it’s called “We’re all Fucked” ---Cam
  • 65. P a g e | 64 Pastoral Poetry Type A Pastoral Poetry Type is a poem that depicts rural life in a peaceful, idealized way. Warm out Today Below the hill and around with Dale Walking the main drag, staring at cracks in ‘crete and tar of black Eyes of the white and gray old guard, glare, while rocking on ancient wood They sway to the rhythm of the wind, aside their cardboard kingdoms Pawns and knights lay dead beside bishops and queens, who serve power drunken kings The mirage of heat before our eyes, squinting at the blazing fireball hovering above Locusts hum in our ears, with the sway of tall brown grass No engines or sounds of the modern world will be heard till the train comes Only thirst changes our course Clap, clap, clap go the planks before the glass of the old grocery, as they meet our sneakers The old Orange Crush soda machine welcomes us with a happy hum Sparkling coins dance in our sweaty hands before diving into the crevasse of the old machine Clank, clank go the frosty glass bottles as they fall out of bed We pry off their hats, exposing their bubbly insides for our delight Sweat drips down the creases of our smiling faces as the bottles spit Sounds of two throats chugging icy, carbonated, orange flavored, sugar water “Aah” we said, “warm out today.” ---Cam
  • 66. P a g e | 65 Quatrain Poetry Type A Quatrain Poetry Type or literary term is a stanza or poem of four lines. Lines 2 and 4 must rhyme. Photo courtesy of Cam Spudz Spudzy, Spudzy dying His dying is honest; it’s we who are lying A foolish fortune spent on four days trying To save “us” the pain, to keep “us” from crying --Cam
  • 67. P a g e | 66 Refrain Poetry Type The word 'Refrain' derives from the Old French word refraindre meaning to repeat. Rotate Back Stop, rotate back How often it felt like the end Over and over it goes my friend A moment’s sorrow claims the end has knocked Stop, rotate back Turning back the clock How many good days have you forgot? How many times bitten? Stop, rotate back Your end is not yet written ---Cam Rhymes Rhymes are types of poems which have the repetition of the same or similar sounds at the end of two or more words most often at the ends of lines. Wham Dignity This poem describes how I felt about myself at a particularly dark moment in time. Wham wham whammy there goes Danny Hit by a bus no muss no fuss He didn’t get far bounced over a car Spun up and down and hit the ground Cracked as he landed dragged, as he sanded the pavement Toppled and ripped crushed and stripped His carcass was spastic and melted like plastic as he flopped on a Prius that tore off his penis
  • 68. P a g e | 67 Oh the guts, the gore! Good thing he didn’t need it no more Wang, Chang and Lisa in a grey Nissan smashed into Danny while texting Ibiza That’s when his lips got torn off and ripped and wound up in somebody’s pizza The pile that was left was shoveled and swept Cleaned up last weekend by a guy, looking for meat ends You may think as I boast this tale a bit gross and that it sounds a little bit phony All I can say this fine lovely day is shut up, and eat your baloney ---Cam
  • 69. P a g e | 68 Romanticism Type Nature and love were major themes of Romanticism. Spinning Delicious grey fog swirling inside the canopy of trees at dusk Making the blackness of the paved trail surreal Tunneling through at speed, listening to the winding of gears Spinning My love ever closer Brisk wind fills my lungs and tickles my tongue Joy fuels my legs Heart pounding in the wind Faster and faster I pedal Knowing her tender embrace awaits ---Cam Senryu Poetry Type The Senryu Poetry Type is a short Japanese poem that is similar to a Haiku poem in structure but treats human beings rather than nature, often in a humorous or satiric way. They are often limited to just a few syllables per line. Clank Clank my keys Foolish me Bang my head Eyes turn red On the floor Drink no more Feel like led Fall in bed Start to snore Day no more ---Cam
  • 70. P a g e | 69 Rhyme Royal Type Rhyme Royal Type is a type of poetry introduced by Geoffrey Chaucer consisting of stanzas of lines in Iambic pentameter. Hello Again Your back today o dreary friend I hope you’re not here to stay I asked you plainly To go away and bring glooms abate But again I see the clouds They follow you as if on strings Hovering and darkening the crowd A moment’s sun in your gloomy sky Would be such a dear and welcome sight Why does it pain you so To let light show and pain go For your sky is vast Full of promise and reason Yet the clouds follow you around And ruin all of your seasons ---Cam
  • 71. P a g e | 70 Sonnet English (or Shakespearean) sonnets are lyric poems that fall into three coordinate quatrains. Little Shit You little shit, grinning wide and full of wit with Cheshire smile and cunning quip Always a scheme behind your eyes Ready to pounce on foolish pride and dance on arrogance I see you around my back, biding time and setting trap without you ever hiding Your minds a bag of cats with words never binding What’s the plan, little spy that you know you’ll get away with We’ll see who wins this time for I know what your game is ---Cam Tanka Type Tanka is a Japanese poetry type of five lines, the first and third composed of five syllables and the rest of seven. Tanka is the oldest type of poetry in Japan. “____” To die is to leave A moment bereaved in time A couple of waves Of tears, pain and regretting And then “____”, nothing at all ---Cam
  • 72. P a g e | 71 Terza rima Terza rima is a type of poetry consisting of 10 or 11 syllable lines arranged in three-line "tercets". GangNam Child Freaky Creepy Asian Dude, Jamming to the GangNam Style Wouldn’t Really be Right of Me, to Say That I Hate Ya But Could You Please Go Away, to Where They Put the Macarena ---Cam Verse Verse is a metrical line of poetry, or poetry in general. Me be free I walked through trees and darkened streams as a boy who often wandered Thinking what my life might be, is what I often pondered The miles would fade away, without me ever feeling lost 'Cause when you’re young and you love to run, you never pay the cost ---Cam I had a lot of fun diving into poetry. I was able to accomplish 42 of 46 poetry types, in addition to the poetry and inspirations I started with. Thank you for reading it. I hoped you found something that moved you. Sincerely, Cam Flanagan
  • 73. P a g e | 72 About eclectic writer Cam Flanagan: For years I suffered from both insomnia and sleep apnea. These are treated and under control now, but never cured. For most of my life, I dreamed while conscious all day long, so I was never fully present or awake. I could, and most often would, dream as loudly as I was involved in any given moment. This is why I am going to college at 43. When I am able force my dream noise under control and focus it, I can create whole universes in my mind. I dream movies, songs, happenstance, poetry, and alternative life often far more compelling than the one I live. I feel that if I can continue to discipline this “noise” that I can truly become a great writer and story teller. Thanks for reading!