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First Impressions
◎Do you like to meet new
people, or do you prefer to
spend time with friends you
already know?
◎When and where did you meet
most of your friends?
◎What are the best ways to
make a good first impression?
◎What is your favorite snack?
◎How would you describe your
country’s food?
◎Do you usually eat healthy
◎What is the best food to eat
when you are sick?
◎What are your favorite
◎What was your favorite job OR
◉What is your dream job?
◎What is your favorite place on
◎What are your favorite books?
Success and Failure
◎Describe a successful person
◎Is your idea of success the same
as your parents’ idea?
◎Why is money often used to
judge success?
◎Have there been any failures
that made your life better?
◎Can you think of any famous
people who failed at something?
◎What animal best represents
you? Why?
◎What animal scares you? Why?
◎Why do humans have pets? Do
you have a pet? Why or why not?
◎What is the cutest animal you
can think of? The ugliest?
◎What traits have made humans a
successful species?
Conspiracies and Cover-
◎ What are some common conspiracy
theories? Do you think they will be
proven right or wrong?
◎ What are some famous political cover-
◎ Do you think newspapers sometimes
cover up events?
◎ How often do politicians in you country
get in trouble because of cover-ups?
◎ How open should governments be? Do
they need some secrecy?
◎ How important is tourism in your
country? What is the biggest tourism
destination there?
◎ How do you feel about tourists in your
country? Why?
◎ What’s the best way to travel when you
visit a new country?
◎ What’s the best way for a country to
bring in more tourists?
Science and Medicine
◎ Who is the most famous scientist from
your country?
◎ In what ways has science most
advanced society?
◎ In your opinion, what is the greatest
medical achievement of the past
◎ How do you feel about cloning? Do you
think it’s ethical for humans to clone
animals? What about human organs?
NASA and Mars
◎ What substance was found on Mars
◎ Do you think there is/was life on Mars?
◎ Why are scientists so interested in
◎ Would you rather go to Mars or the
◎ What do you think was NASA’s greatest
◎ Do you think space exploration is
◎ What holidays do you celebrate?
◎ Which holidays do you look forward to
the most?
◎ What holiday food do you like?
◎ Are there holidays in other countries or
religions that you wish were also
celebrated in your country?
◎ Is it better to travel for the holidays or
stay home?
◎ What do you think is the most overrated
◎ What do you think of news stations
like the BBC and CNN?
◎ What is the quality of journalism like
in your country?
◎ What do you think a career in
journalism would be like?
◎ What kind of people are good at
◎ What good and bad things does
journalism do for the world?
Junk Food
◎ What do you picture when you hear the word
“junk food”?
◎ What is your favorite junk food? How often do you
eat it?
◎ Do a lot of people eat junk food in your country?
◎ Do you think junk food manufacturers are morally
responsible for the unhealthiness of their
◎ Do you think we will eat more or less junk food in
the future?
◎ If you had to choose between a strict vegetarian
diet forever, or a strict junk food diet forever,
which would you choose?
◎ Are you a very motivated person, or do you
wait until the last minute to do things?
◎ Do you think smartphones increase or
decrease productivity?
◎ How can people improve their productivity?
◎ Do you think people today work harder than
their parents?
◎ Who is the most productive person you
know personally? How about really
productive famous people?
◎ What is the biggest waste of time for you?
◎ What are some things you want to do but
don’t have time for?
Getting a job
◎ What is the best way to find a job?
◎ What are the most commonly asked questions
at a job interview?
◎ What are some things you should do during a
job interview? What should you avoid doing?
◎ How is the job market in your country? Is it easy
or difficult to get a job?
◎ How many jobs have you had? What were the
interviews like to get those jobs?
◎ How should a person dress when they go for a
job interview?
◎ What are some good things to have on your
◎ What do you do when you have a cold?
◎ What ailments is Western medicine better at
◎ What ailments is Eastern medicine better at
◎ What do you do when you have a hangover?
◎ What are some strange remedies you have
heard of?
◎ What should you do to stop the bleeding if
someone is hurt badly?
◎ What is the best cure for a bad day?
◎ What do you think the idiom “An ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure” means?
Environmental Problems
◎ What are some of the most serious
environmental problems?
◎ What can individuals do to help the
◎ What do governments do to help the
◎ What is your opinion on climate change?
◎ What kinds of technologies do you know of that
might solve environmental problems?
◎ Are corporations responsible for helping the
◎ Where will we get our energy when we run out
of oil?
◎ How often do you go to art museums?
◎ Do you consider yourself to be artistic?
◎ How many forms of art can you name? What is
your favorite form?
◎ Who is your favorite artist?
◎ What is the most famous statue or painting in
your country?
◎ Is graffiti art?
◎ Do you think that art is important to society?
◎ Why is art so expensive? Do you think it should
be more or less expensive?
◎ Do you have any artistic friends? What kinds of
art do they create?
◎ Which do you prefer to stay in when you travel:
hotels, hostels, or another type of place? Why?
◎ What are the best and worst things about
staying in hotels?
◎ Couch surfing is staying for free at people’s
homes in different countries. Is this a good idea
or bad idea? Why?
◎ Do you feel comfortable when you are staying
at a hotel?
◎ Have you ever ordered room service?
◎ What is the nicest hotel you've stayed at?
◎ What would it be like to work in a hotel as a
cleaning person or front desk staff?
New Year’s Traditions
◎ How do you celebrate the new year?
◎ Do you celebrate on January 1st or on a
different date?
◎ Are there any foods you typically eat for New
Year's Day?
◎ Did you make a new year's resolution?
◎ Do you find it easy or difficult to stick to
resolutions? Do you have any strategies that
help you stick to your goals?
TV and Movies
◎ What is your favorite movie genre? TV genre?
◎ Who are some of your favorite actors?
◎ What are some of your favorite movies and TV
◎ Do you think TV program quality is getting
better or worse?
◎ Do you prefer to watch movies in theaters or at
◎ What do people do during movies that annoys
◎ If you could make a movie, what would it be
◎ If someone made of a movie of your life, what
kind of movie would it be?
◎ What is your favorite restaurant near where you
◎ What is the best restaurant you have ever eaten
◎ What types of foreign food restaurants have
you eaten at?
◎ What (besides food) makes a restaurant great?
◎ Do you prefer to eat at your parents’ house or a
◎ What is the worst restaurant you have eaten at?
◎ What is the strangest restaurant you have heard
◎ How do you feel about theme restaurants?
◎ Do you prefer darker or brighter interiors for
restaurants? Why?
Architecture & Natural
◎ What do you think of your country’s architecture?
◎ What are your favorite buildings or neighborhoods around
◎ What would your ideal house be like?
◎ How does architecture affect your mood?
◎ What are the three most famous natural wonders in your
◎ Should humans try to protect natural wonders? If humans
protect natural wonders, are the wonders still natural?
◎ Should people be allowed to visit a natural wonder if the
visitors hurt the natural wonder just by visiting it?
◎ Do natural phenomena (i.e. the aurora borealis) count as
natural wonders? How about things like thunderstorms?
◎ Would you rather visit natural wonders or man made
Gift giving
◎Which holiday in your country
involves the most gift giving?
◎Which life events or milestones
typically involve gifts? What type of
gifts would you give for each event?
◎What is the best gift you have ever
◎What is the best gift you have ever
◎ What are some of the benefits of getting older?
◎ Do you think humans will ever be able to stop
◎ Is aging more difficult for men or women? Why?
◎ Are older people actually wiser?
◎ What kind of support should children give their
aging parents?
◎ How are older people viewed in your country?
◎ How long do you want to live?
◎ Who is the oldest person you know? How is
his/her view of the world different from yours?
◎ How well do you relate to people that are 5
years younger than you? How about 10 years
Learning a language
◎ What is your mother tongue?
◎ How many languages do you speak?
◎ How did you learn your second language?
◎ What's the best way to learn a foreign
◎ Is it possible to teach yourself a language?
◎ Do you agree that it's better to learn language
as a child? Why or why not?
◎ To speak its language well, how important is it
to know something about the culture of a
◎ What is the most difficult thing about learning
◎ What is value of learning languages?
Super heroes
◎ Who is your favorite super hero? Why?
◎ What super power would you like to have?
◎ If you had super powers would you be a super
hero or a super villain?
◎ Do you prefer dark super heroes like Batman or
purely good super heroes like Superman? Why?
◎ Does a person’s favorite super hero tell you
anything about their personality?
◎ Are there any real super heroes?
◎ What is your favorite super hero movie?
◎ Why have super hero movies become so
◎ Do you think comic books are good or bad for
◎ How is communication changing between
◎ How have smart phones changed
◎ It used to be common to talk to strangers. Do
you think it’s okay to talk to people you don’t
◎ Think about how your Grandmother talks with
people. Is it the same as how you talk to people?
◎ Use your imagination. How will people
communicate in the future?
◎ Name at least 10 forms of communication.
◎ How has communication changed through
human history?
◎ What is the most basic form of communication?
◎ How is communication changing between
◎ How have smart phones changed
◎ It used to be common to talk to strangers. Do
you think it’s okay to talk to people you don’t
◎ Think about how your Grandmother talks with
people. Is it the same as how you talk to people?
◎ Use your imagination. How will people
communicate in the future?
◎ Name at least 10 forms of communication.
◎ How has communication changed through
human history?
◎ What is the most basic form of communication?
Planning a party
◎ Who is the party for? Why are you throwing this
◎ Where would you like to have the party?
◎ What are some parties that you are expected to
bring gifts?
◎ Who will you invite? Will you send out
◎ What do you need to think about if you are
having a BBQ party outside?
◎ What time do you like for parties to start or to
◎ Do you enjoy hosting parties at your house?
◎ What are the characteristics of a good host?
◎ Do you enjoy going to parties alone or with a
◎ What is the first thing you notice about a person?
◎ What do the clothes someone wears say about that
◎ What is the most interesting haircut you have seen?
◎ Have you every gone through the entire day without
noticing something was wrong with your appearance? (i.e.
missing button, food in your teeth)
◎ What kinds of things do you do to improve/maintain your
◎ Are there any fashion trends in the past you followed but
think are silly looking now?
◎ How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
◎ Have you ever been intimidated by someone’s
◎ Do people in your country talk a lot about other people’s
◎ Is it rude to tell the person that they need to improve their
◎ Do you read many books?
◎ How often do you read books?
◎ Did your parents read to you when you were a child?
◎ What are some of the advantages of books vs.
movies? How about the disadvantages of books vs.
◎ What was the last book you read about?
◎ Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction books?
◎ If you could only read one more book for your entire
life, what would it be?
◎ Can a book change the world?
◎ Who is an author that you like? Why do you like their
◎ What is one example of traditional literature in your
country? Did you have to read it in school?
◎ Do you read many books?
◎ How often do you read books?
◎ Did your parents read to you when you were a child?
◎ What are some of the advantages of books vs.
movies? How about the disadvantages of books vs.
◎ What was the last book you read about?
◎ Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction books?
◎ If you could only read one more book for your entire
life, what would it be?
◎ Can a book change the world?
◎ Who is an author that you like? Why do you like their
◎ What is one example of traditional literature in your
country? Did you have to read it in school?
Extreme weather
◎ What extreme weather occurs most
often in your home country?
◎ Have you ever lived through a major
weather event? What was it like?
◎ How do you prepare for weather
What sources do you use to stay updated
during emergencies?
◎ What time of year has the worst weather
in your country?
◎ What time of year has the best weather?
What do you like to do when the weather
is good?
Public Speaking
◎ What are some of the biggest challenges
you run into when having conversations
in a new language?
◎ What are some of the biggest challenges
you run into when giving a presentation
in a new language?
◎ Do you like public speaking? Explain why
or why not.
◎ Do you have any public speaking tips?
◎ Does your job require you to give a lot of
presentations? How do you prepare for
◎ What comes to mind when you hear the word
◎ What’s the best museum you’ve ever been to?
◎ What do you like most and least about
◎ Do you think museums should be free to enter?
◎ Do you prefer going to museums alone or with
◎ What do you think is the best museum in the
◎ If you could have one item from any museum in
the world, what would it be, and why?
◎Would you like to work in a museum?
◎What kinds of museums are there in your town?
◎What is the strangest museum you have heard
◎ Do you like cities or the country side? Which is better
and why?
◎ If you could make one change to your country’s
capital city, what will you change?
◎ What are some of most famous cities in the world?
What makes them famous?
◎ Why do you think that humans started living in cities?
◎ Do you think that we will still live in cities 100 years
from now?
◎ How do you think cities will change in the future?
◎ What city would you like to visit?
◎ What city is best known for: fashion? Technology?
Art? Industry?
◎ What makes a city great to live in?
◎ Are cities good for the environment or bad for the
◎ Do you like to watch comedies at the cinema or do you
think they are silly?
◎ What was the last comedy you saw at the cinema?
◎ "Slapstick" is very obvious humour which involves people
falling over or being hit with food. What is your opinion of
this type of humour?
◎ Do you still remember comedians from your youth? Do
you still find them funny or has your sense of humour
changed? In what way do you think it has changed?
◎ What elements of humour do you think are universal?
◎ Is humour always at someone's expense?
◎ Are you any good at telling jokes? Can you remember
◎ How do you react if you hear a joke which you simply
don't think is funny?
◎ What sort of things make you laugh?
◎ Do you laugh out loud or do you chuckle quietly?
◎ Laughter is catching. Do you start laughing when you see
or hear other people laughing? Why do you think this
◎ Have you ever donated blood?
◎ Are you afraid of needles?
◎ Are you a member of a health spa or gym?
◎ Do you exercise?
◎ Do you go for regular medical check-ups?
◎ Do you catch a cold more than once a year?
◎ Do you have any allergies?
◎ Do you ever read magazines or news articles about
health? If yes, what subject(s) do you find the most
◎ Do you take medicine when you are sick?
◎ Do you have a lot of stress? What are some ways to deal
with stress?
◎ Do you usually get enough sleep?
◎ Have you ever broken a bone?
◎ Have you ever had stitches?
◎ Have you ever been to an acupuncturist? What do you
think of acupuncture?
◎ What is the best way to find a doctor, if you're new in the
◎ Are you interested in the Olympics?
◎ Have you ever been to the Olympics? Would you want to go
(again) someday? Why/not?
◎ Has your country ever hosted the Olympics? If yes, when? What
are the benefits of hosting?
◎ Which do you find more interesting, the Summer or the Winter
Olympics? Why?
◎ How do you feel about some of the more unusual sports, like
curling or synchronized swimming?
◎ How do you feel about sports in which the winner is chosen
subjectively? In other words, the person wins on the artistic
interpretation of the judges, not because he/she is the fastest
or strongest competitor.
◎ Imagine you are a member of the Olympic Committee. Which
event would you wanted included, but presently isn't? Why?
◎ Should professional athletes like NBA or FIFA players be
allowed to participate in Olympic events? Why/not?
◎ Doping in the Olympics has become quite common. What do
you think about making it legal, and thereby leveling the
playing field?
Social Networks
◎ What social networking sites do you use?
◎ What are some good points about social networking?
◎ What are some bad points about social networking?
◎ What information do you have on your webpage?
◎ What kind of information are you comfortable releasing to the
◎ Do your parents use social networking sites?
◎ How acceptable is online dating in your country?
◎ What are some of the good and bad things about online
◎ What are some popular online dating sites in your country?
◎ How do you think apps like Tinder have changed online dating?
◎ What dating apps are popular in your country?
◎ Do you think that all the tech solutions to dating have made
dating easier or more complicated?
◎ What is your favorite color?
◎ Is color important to you?
◎ Does color affect your emotions?
◎ Imagine being in a room where everything is dark blue how
would you feel? What if the room was red? Black? Yellow? Pink?
◎ Why do you think colors affect humans so much?
◎ Which colors do guys usually like more? How about girls? Why
do you think there is a difference?
◎ If you HAD to change your hair color, what color would you
change it to?
◎ Most electronics are either black, silver or white. Why do you
think this is? Do you think we will have more colorful electronics
in the future?
◎ Colorful tattoos are becoming more popular in places like
America. Do you think they will become as popular in your
country? Why or why not? Would you ever get a tattoo? Why or
why not?
◎ If you bought a car, what color would it be?
◎ Can you think of some examples of camouflage in daily life?
Extraterrestrial Life
◎ Do you think there are aliens somewhere in the universe?
◎ Why do you think aliens in movies and comic books generally
have a human shape and eyes?
◎ Do you think aliens are likely to be more or less intelligent than
us? Do you think aliens are likely to be friendly or unfriendly?
◎ What are the aliens like in your culture’s movies and books?
◎ What do you think of people who say they have met or were
kidnapped by aliens?
◎ What’s your favorite movie about aliens?
Do you think aliens would prefer to communicate with us or
other species?
◎ Do you think aliens are likely to be friendly or unfriendly?
◎ What would you do if you saw a UFO in a field near your house?
◎ If the secret service discovered an alien, do you think they
would tell the general public?
◎ Do you think aliens would be afraid of humans?
◎ How likely is it we will ever be able to visit a planet that has
◎ Do you ever enjoy watching advertisements on TV? (If yes, what
do you enjoy about them?)
◎ What kinds of advertisements attract your attention?
◎ What is the most memorable advertisement you have ever
◎ What is one funny advertisement you have seen? (Describe it.)
◎ What products in your country use very serious TV
◎ What products in your country use funny TV advertisements?
◎ Which celebrities have you seen in advertisements? Why do
some companies use celebrities?
◎ Do any advertisements in your country try to shock viewers?
◎ How are radio ads, print ads and TV ads different from each
◎ What makes an advertisement effective?
◎ What do you think of ads that are aimed at children?
◎ Do you think beer and cigarette companies should be allowed
to advertise? Why or why not?
Animals 2
◎ Do you have a pet? Why or why not?
◎ What animal do you think makes the best pet?
◎ Is your country or region famous for a particular type of
wildlife? Are there any animals that are symbols of your
◎ Is it ok to use animals in sport? How about in zoos?
◎ What is the most useful animal in the world?
◎ Do you think it is necessary to experiment on animals to test
drugs and cosmetics?
◎ Do you know anyone with an uncommon or exotic pet?
What is your favorite animal? Least favorite?
◎ If you could come back as an animal after you die, which animal
would you choose to be?
◎ Is it morally right to spend a lot of money on pets rather than
helping people in need?
◎ Do you like video games? Did you play them as a
◎ Can you remember the first video game you played?
◎ Are video games good or bad for you?
◎ Do you like board or card games? Did you play them
as a child?
◎ Can you think of any movies based on video games?
Board games?
◎ What will video games be like in the future? How
about board games?
◎ Can you learn anything from playing video games?
◎ What kind of games would you design if you were a
video game designer?
◎ What superstitions do you know? Which ones do you
◎ Do you believe that some numbers, days or dates are
lucky or unlucky?
◎ Do any animals or insects bring good or bad luck?
◎ Are any colors lucky or unlucky?
◎ Do you believe that some materials are lucky/unlucky
(such as gold, silk, etc.)?
◎ Are there any actions that can bring bad luck?
◎ What symbols in your culture bring good luck? Why is
◎ Where does the expression "Bless you" or "God bless
you" (when someone sneezes) come from?
◎ Do you have any objects that are said to bring good
luck, such as a rabbit's foot, a lucky coin, etc.?
◎ Can the location of a house or the position of furniture
bring good or bad luck?
◎ What do you think it takes to be a good teacher?
◎ Would you rather learn from a young teacher or an
older teacher?
◎ Are you a teacher to someone else in your life?
◎ If you were going to be a teacher, what would you like
to teach?
◎ What kind of formal training to teachers need in your
◎ Who was your favorite teacher growing up?
◎ Did you make friends in high school that you still keep
in touch with?
◎ What subjects were you good at? What subjects were
you bad at?
◎ Does your country provide a good public school
◎ Should people go straight from school to university, or
do something different?
◎ Would you ever want to learn a third language?
◎ Would you like to work as a researcher? What would
you research?
◎ What would you like your government to spend more
money researching?
◎ What are the biggest breakthroughs researchers have
made recently?
◎ Does research always lead to positive things?
◎ What is market research? Do you like being surveyed
by market researchers?
◎ What do you think about using animals for research?
◎ Do you like online research? What was the last thing
you researched online?
◎ What piece of research would you like to do on your
class/family/friends today?
◎ Would you volunteer to be a guinea pig in laboratory
research of new medicines or medical treatments?
◎ Can you remember your earliest visits to libraries?
◎ Do you think libraries have changed over the
◎ Would you like to work in a library?
◎ Do you like the atmosphere of libraries?
◎ What’s the best library you’ve ever been to?
◎ What do you think libraries will be like 50 years
from now?
◎ How will the Internet change the function of
◎ Have you ever borrowed a book from a library and
not returned it?
◎ What do you think libraries need that they don’t
have now?
◎ What things about libraries don’t you like?
◎ hat is correct library etiquette? Do you always stick
to it?
Quality of Life
◎ What’s the difference between quality of life and standard
of living?
◎ What are the indicators of quality life?
◎ How does the environment in your town affect your quality
of life?
◎ Does your country’s leader have a good quality of life?
◎ How does technology change your quality of life?
◎ What single thing could you do to increase the quality of
your life?
◎ Can money buy quality of life?
◎ What do you think is more important, quality or longevity of
◎ How would you describe your quality of life compared to
your parents’?
◎ What does having children do to your quality of life?
◎ Who has a better quality of life, a student or a worker?
◎ What is the best thing to do to stay healthy?
◎ What do you think the worst disease to have would
◎ What do you think about the health care system in
your country? How could it be improved?
◎ What do you think of the sick leave policy at your
◎ People are living longer and longer thanks to medicine.
How long would you like to live? How about forever?
◎ Are there any diseases like small pox that you think
humans could totally get rid of if we tried?
◎ Where do you think the future of medicine will be?
Genetics? Cybernetics? Chemistry?
◎ Would you like to get your genome sequenced?
◎ If you could find out that you were at risk to get a
certain disease, would you want to know?
◎ Where are the best places for adventure vacations?
Historical vacations? Shopping vacations? Party
vacations? Relaxing vacations?
◎ Where would you like to go on vacation?
◎ What are some things you must or have to do when you
go on vacation to another country?
◎ What are some things you always take with you on a
◎ Do you prefer package tours or making your own trip?
◎ Where did you spend your last vacation? What did you
◎ What are some of the benefits of travelling alone? With
a group?
◎ What is the longest journey you have ever made?
◎ What are some must-see locations tourists should see in
your country?
◎ Do you believe in any supernatural things (ghosts, ESP,
fortune tellers, etc.)?
◎ Do you think science will ever prove any supernatural
◎ What supernatural beliefs are unique to your culture?
◎ What are some of the scariest supernatural movies?
◎ What supernatural thing do you fear?
◎ Why do so many people believe in supernatural things
that can’t be proven?
◎ What are some supernatural holiday beliefs in your
◎ Where are supernatural occurrences most often
◎ Do you think some people have supernatural abilities?
◎ What is your favorite season?
◎ What do you think of when you think of winter?
◎ What are some things your family did when you were a
child in spring?
◎ What is the worst season in your country?
◎ Does it snow in your hometown in the winter? Did you
use to make snowmen?
◎ What is your favorite thing to do in summer?
◎ What festivals or celebrations does your country have
during the changing of the seasons?
◎ Do you ever go hiking when the leaves change in fall?
◎ Where is the best place to be in summer? How about
◎ Does your country have a special food for any of the
◎ How often do you dream?
◎ Do you dream in color or black and white?
◎ Have you ever had a flying dream?
◎ Have you ever been falling in a dream and just
when you are about to hit the ground you wake
◎ Do you think dreams have meanings?
◎ Do you think dreams can tell the future?
◎ Have you ever been dreaming and woken up and
couldn’t move?
◎ Why do we forget dreams so quickly?
◎ Have you ever kept a dream journal?
◎ Why do we dream? What is the purpose of them?
◎ Do you think animals dream too? What kind of
dreams do you think they have?
◎ What does your country’s culture traditionally
believe about dreams?
◎ Have you ever had déjà vue?
◎ Is your home tidy? Are you a very organized
◎ Do you have a lot of decorations in your home or is
it bare?
◎ Are you happy with the size of your home?
◎ What is your favorite appliance, electronic device,
or piece of furniture in your home?
◎ If you had $3,000 to improve your home, what
would you spend it on?
◎ Do you agree with the saying “Wherever I lay my
head is home.”?
◎ How is your home different from your childhood
◎ What would you say the decoration style of your
home is?
◎ What would your ideal house or apartment look
◎ What do you do to maintain your home?
◎ What household chores do you hate doing?
◎ Do you think voting and elections make a
◎ What are elections like in your country?
Are there any problems with voting?
◎ What are the main political parties in your
◎ Do you vote in every election?
◎ What are the good and bad things about
◎ At what age should people be able to
◎ Have your political views changed over
time or remained the same?
◎ How can we get more people to vote?
◎ Who is the most controversial politician in
your country?

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  • 2. Food ◎What is your favorite snack? ◎How would you describe your country’s food? ◎Do you usually eat healthy food? ◎What is the best food to eat when you are sick?
  • 3. Favorites ◎What are your favorite hobbies? ◎What was your favorite job OR ◉What is your dream job? ◎What is your favorite place on earth? ◎What are your favorite books?
  • 4. Success and Failure ◎Describe a successful person ◎Is your idea of success the same as your parents’ idea? ◎Why is money often used to judge success? ◎Have there been any failures that made your life better? ◎Can you think of any famous people who failed at something?
  • 5. Animals ◎What animal best represents you? Why? ◎What animal scares you? Why? ◎Why do humans have pets? Do you have a pet? Why or why not? ◎What is the cutest animal you can think of? The ugliest? ◎What traits have made humans a successful species?
  • 6. Conspiracies and Cover- ups ◎ What are some common conspiracy theories? Do you think they will be proven right or wrong? ◎ What are some famous political cover- ups? ◎ Do you think newspapers sometimes cover up events? ◎ How often do politicians in you country get in trouble because of cover-ups? ◎ How open should governments be? Do they need some secrecy?
  • 7. Tourism ◎ How important is tourism in your country? What is the biggest tourism destination there? ◎ How do you feel about tourists in your country? Why? ◎ What’s the best way to travel when you visit a new country? ◎ What’s the best way for a country to bring in more tourists?
  • 8. Science and Medicine ◎ Who is the most famous scientist from your country? ◎ In what ways has science most advanced society? ◎ In your opinion, what is the greatest medical achievement of the past century? ◎ How do you feel about cloning? Do you think it’s ethical for humans to clone animals? What about human organs?
  • 9. NASA and Mars ◎ What substance was found on Mars recently? ◎ Do you think there is/was life on Mars? ◎ Why are scientists so interested in Mars? ◎ Would you rather go to Mars or the Moon? ◎ What do you think was NASA’s greatest triumph? ◎ Do you think space exploration is important?
  • 10. Holidays ◎ What holidays do you celebrate? ◎ Which holidays do you look forward to the most? ◎ What holiday food do you like? ◎ Are there holidays in other countries or religions that you wish were also celebrated in your country? ◎ Is it better to travel for the holidays or stay home? ◎ What do you think is the most overrated holiday?
  • 11. Journalism ◎ What do you think of news stations like the BBC and CNN? ◎ What is the quality of journalism like in your country? ◎ What do you think a career in journalism would be like? ◎ What kind of people are good at journalism? ◎ What good and bad things does journalism do for the world?
  • 12. Junk Food ◎ What do you picture when you hear the word “junk food”? ◎ What is your favorite junk food? How often do you eat it? ◎ Do a lot of people eat junk food in your country? ◎ Do you think junk food manufacturers are morally responsible for the unhealthiness of their products? ◎ Do you think we will eat more or less junk food in the future? ◎ If you had to choose between a strict vegetarian diet forever, or a strict junk food diet forever, which would you choose?
  • 13. Productivity ◎ Are you a very motivated person, or do you wait until the last minute to do things? ◎ Do you think smartphones increase or decrease productivity? ◎ How can people improve their productivity? ◎ Do you think people today work harder than their parents? ◎ Who is the most productive person you know personally? How about really productive famous people? ◎ What is the biggest waste of time for you? ◎ What are some things you want to do but don’t have time for?
  • 14. Getting a job ◎ What is the best way to find a job? ◎ What are the most commonly asked questions at a job interview? ◎ What are some things you should do during a job interview? What should you avoid doing? ◎ How is the job market in your country? Is it easy or difficult to get a job? ◎ How many jobs have you had? What were the interviews like to get those jobs? ◎ How should a person dress when they go for a job interview? ◎ What are some good things to have on your resume?
  • 15. Remedies ◎ What do you do when you have a cold? ◎ What ailments is Western medicine better at curing? ◎ What ailments is Eastern medicine better at curing? ◎ What do you do when you have a hangover? ◎ What are some strange remedies you have heard of? ◎ What should you do to stop the bleeding if someone is hurt badly? ◎ What is the best cure for a bad day? ◎ What do you think the idiom “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” means?
  • 16. Environmental Problems ◎ What are some of the most serious environmental problems? ◎ What can individuals do to help the environment? ◎ What do governments do to help the environments? ◎ What is your opinion on climate change? ◎ What kinds of technologies do you know of that might solve environmental problems? ◎ Are corporations responsible for helping the environment? ◎ Where will we get our energy when we run out of oil?
  • 17. Art ◎ How often do you go to art museums? ◎ Do you consider yourself to be artistic? ◎ How many forms of art can you name? What is your favorite form? ◎ Who is your favorite artist? ◎ What is the most famous statue or painting in your country? ◎ Is graffiti art? ◎ Do you think that art is important to society? ◎ Why is art so expensive? Do you think it should be more or less expensive? ◎ Do you have any artistic friends? What kinds of art do they create?
  • 18. Hotels ◎ Which do you prefer to stay in when you travel: hotels, hostels, or another type of place? Why? ◎ What are the best and worst things about staying in hotels? ◎ Couch surfing is staying for free at people’s homes in different countries. Is this a good idea or bad idea? Why? ◎ Do you feel comfortable when you are staying at a hotel? ◎ Have you ever ordered room service? ◎ What is the nicest hotel you've stayed at? ◎ What would it be like to work in a hotel as a cleaning person or front desk staff?
  • 19. New Year’s Traditions ◎ How do you celebrate the new year? ◎ Do you celebrate on January 1st or on a different date? ◎ Are there any foods you typically eat for New Year's Day? ◎ Did you make a new year's resolution? ◎ Do you find it easy or difficult to stick to resolutions? Do you have any strategies that help you stick to your goals?
  • 20. TV and Movies ◎ What is your favorite movie genre? TV genre? ◎ Who are some of your favorite actors? ◎ What are some of your favorite movies and TV shows? ◎ Do you think TV program quality is getting better or worse? ◎ Do you prefer to watch movies in theaters or at home? ◎ What do people do during movies that annoys you? ◎ If you could make a movie, what would it be about? ◎ If someone made of a movie of your life, what kind of movie would it be?
  • 21. Restaurants ◎ What is your favorite restaurant near where you live? ◎ What is the best restaurant you have ever eaten at? ◎ What types of foreign food restaurants have you eaten at? ◎ What (besides food) makes a restaurant great? ◎ Do you prefer to eat at your parents’ house or a restaurant? ◎ What is the worst restaurant you have eaten at? ◎ What is the strangest restaurant you have heard of? ◎ How do you feel about theme restaurants? ◎ Do you prefer darker or brighter interiors for restaurants? Why?
  • 22. Architecture & Natural Wonders ◎ What do you think of your country’s architecture? ◎ What are your favorite buildings or neighborhoods around Houston? ◎ What would your ideal house be like? ◎ How does architecture affect your mood? ◎ What are the three most famous natural wonders in your country? ◎ Should humans try to protect natural wonders? If humans protect natural wonders, are the wonders still natural? ◎ Should people be allowed to visit a natural wonder if the visitors hurt the natural wonder just by visiting it? ◎ Do natural phenomena (i.e. the aurora borealis) count as natural wonders? How about things like thunderstorms? ◎ Would you rather visit natural wonders or man made wonders?
  • 23. Gift giving ◎Which holiday in your country involves the most gift giving? ◎Which life events or milestones typically involve gifts? What type of gifts would you give for each event? ◎What is the best gift you have ever received? ◎What is the best gift you have ever given?
  • 24. Aging ◎ What are some of the benefits of getting older? ◎ Do you think humans will ever be able to stop aging? ◎ Is aging more difficult for men or women? Why? ◎ Are older people actually wiser? ◎ What kind of support should children give their aging parents? ◎ How are older people viewed in your country? ◎ How long do you want to live? ◎ Who is the oldest person you know? How is his/her view of the world different from yours? ◎ How well do you relate to people that are 5 years younger than you? How about 10 years younger?
  • 25. Learning a language ◎ What is your mother tongue? ◎ How many languages do you speak? ◎ How did you learn your second language? ◎ What's the best way to learn a foreign language? ◎ Is it possible to teach yourself a language? ◎ Do you agree that it's better to learn language as a child? Why or why not? ◎ To speak its language well, how important is it to know something about the culture of a country? ◎ What is the most difficult thing about learning English? ◎ What is value of learning languages?
  • 26. Super heroes ◎ Who is your favorite super hero? Why? ◎ What super power would you like to have? ◎ If you had super powers would you be a super hero or a super villain? ◎ Do you prefer dark super heroes like Batman or purely good super heroes like Superman? Why? ◎ Does a person’s favorite super hero tell you anything about their personality? ◎ Are there any real super heroes? ◎ What is your favorite super hero movie? ◎ Why have super hero movies become so popular? ◎ Do you think comic books are good or bad for children?
  • 27. Communication ◎ How is communication changing between people? ◎ How have smart phones changed communication? ◎ It used to be common to talk to strangers. Do you think it’s okay to talk to people you don’t know? ◎ Think about how your Grandmother talks with people. Is it the same as how you talk to people? ◎ Use your imagination. How will people communicate in the future? ◎ Name at least 10 forms of communication. ◎ How has communication changed through human history? ◎ What is the most basic form of communication?
  • 28. Communication ◎ How is communication changing between people? ◎ How have smart phones changed communication? ◎ It used to be common to talk to strangers. Do you think it’s okay to talk to people you don’t know? ◎ Think about how your Grandmother talks with people. Is it the same as how you talk to people? ◎ Use your imagination. How will people communicate in the future? ◎ Name at least 10 forms of communication. ◎ How has communication changed through human history? ◎ What is the most basic form of communication?
  • 29. Planning a party ◎ Who is the party for? Why are you throwing this party? ◎ Where would you like to have the party? ◎ What are some parties that you are expected to bring gifts? ◎ Who will you invite? Will you send out invitations? ◎ What do you need to think about if you are having a BBQ party outside? ◎ What time do you like for parties to start or to end? ◎ Do you enjoy hosting parties at your house? ◎ What are the characteristics of a good host? ◎ Do you enjoy going to parties alone or with a date?
  • 30. Appearance ◎ What is the first thing you notice about a person? ◎ What do the clothes someone wears say about that person? ◎ What is the most interesting haircut you have seen? ◎ Have you every gone through the entire day without noticing something was wrong with your appearance? (i.e. missing button, food in your teeth) ◎ What kinds of things do you do to improve/maintain your appearance? ◎ Are there any fashion trends in the past you followed but think are silly looking now? ◎ How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? ◎ Have you ever been intimidated by someone’s appearance? ◎ Do people in your country talk a lot about other people’s appearance? ◎ Is it rude to tell the person that they need to improve their appearance?
  • 31. Books ◎ Do you read many books? ◎ How often do you read books? ◎ Did your parents read to you when you were a child? ◎ What are some of the advantages of books vs. movies? How about the disadvantages of books vs. movies? ◎ What was the last book you read about? ◎ Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction books? ◎ If you could only read one more book for your entire life, what would it be? ◎ Can a book change the world? ◎ Who is an author that you like? Why do you like their books? ◎ What is one example of traditional literature in your country? Did you have to read it in school?
  • 32. Books ◎ Do you read many books? ◎ How often do you read books? ◎ Did your parents read to you when you were a child? ◎ What are some of the advantages of books vs. movies? How about the disadvantages of books vs. movies? ◎ What was the last book you read about? ◎ Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction books? ◎ If you could only read one more book for your entire life, what would it be? ◎ Can a book change the world? ◎ Who is an author that you like? Why do you like their books? ◎ What is one example of traditional literature in your country? Did you have to read it in school?
  • 33. Extreme weather ◎ What extreme weather occurs most often in your home country? ◎ Have you ever lived through a major weather event? What was it like? ◎ How do you prepare for weather emergencies? What sources do you use to stay updated during emergencies? ◎ What time of year has the worst weather in your country? ◎ What time of year has the best weather? What do you like to do when the weather is good?
  • 34. Public Speaking ◎ What are some of the biggest challenges you run into when having conversations in a new language? ◎ What are some of the biggest challenges you run into when giving a presentation in a new language? ◎ Do you like public speaking? Explain why or why not. ◎ Do you have any public speaking tips? ◎ Does your job require you to give a lot of presentations? How do you prepare for them?
  • 35. Museums ◎ What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘museum’? ◎ What’s the best museum you’ve ever been to? ◎ What do you like most and least about museums? ◎ Do you think museums should be free to enter? ◎ Do you prefer going to museums alone or with others? ◎ What do you think is the best museum in the world? ◎ If you could have one item from any museum in the world, what would it be, and why? ◎Would you like to work in a museum? ◎What kinds of museums are there in your town? ◎What is the strangest museum you have heard of?
  • 36. Cities ◎ Do you like cities or the country side? Which is better and why? ◎ If you could make one change to your country’s capital city, what will you change? ◎ What are some of most famous cities in the world? What makes them famous? ◎ Why do you think that humans started living in cities? ◎ Do you think that we will still live in cities 100 years from now? ◎ How do you think cities will change in the future? ◎ What city would you like to visit? ◎ What city is best known for: fashion? Technology? Art? Industry? ◎ What makes a city great to live in? ◎ Are cities good for the environment or bad for the environment?
  • 37. Humor ◎ Do you like to watch comedies at the cinema or do you think they are silly? ◎ What was the last comedy you saw at the cinema? ◎ "Slapstick" is very obvious humour which involves people falling over or being hit with food. What is your opinion of this type of humour? ◎ Do you still remember comedians from your youth? Do you still find them funny or has your sense of humour changed? In what way do you think it has changed? ◎ What elements of humour do you think are universal? ◎ Is humour always at someone's expense? ◎ Are you any good at telling jokes? Can you remember many? ◎ How do you react if you hear a joke which you simply don't think is funny? ◎ What sort of things make you laugh? ◎ Do you laugh out loud or do you chuckle quietly? ◎ Laughter is catching. Do you start laughing when you see or hear other people laughing? Why do you think this happens?
  • 38. Health ◎ Have you ever donated blood? ◎ Are you afraid of needles? ◎ Are you a member of a health spa or gym? ◎ Do you exercise? ◎ Do you go for regular medical check-ups? ◎ Do you catch a cold more than once a year? ◎ Do you have any allergies? ◎ Do you ever read magazines or news articles about health? If yes, what subject(s) do you find the most interesting? ◎ Do you take medicine when you are sick? ◎ Do you have a lot of stress? What are some ways to deal with stress? ◎ Do you usually get enough sleep? ◎ Have you ever broken a bone? ◎ Have you ever had stitches? ◎ Have you ever been to an acupuncturist? What do you think of acupuncture? ◎ What is the best way to find a doctor, if you're new in the area?
  • 39. Olympics ◎ Are you interested in the Olympics? ◎ Have you ever been to the Olympics? Would you want to go (again) someday? Why/not? ◎ Has your country ever hosted the Olympics? If yes, when? What are the benefits of hosting? ◎ Which do you find more interesting, the Summer or the Winter Olympics? Why? ◎ How do you feel about some of the more unusual sports, like curling or synchronized swimming? ◎ How do you feel about sports in which the winner is chosen subjectively? In other words, the person wins on the artistic interpretation of the judges, not because he/she is the fastest or strongest competitor. ◎ Imagine you are a member of the Olympic Committee. Which event would you wanted included, but presently isn't? Why? ◎ Should professional athletes like NBA or FIFA players be allowed to participate in Olympic events? Why/not? ◎ Doping in the Olympics has become quite common. What do you think about making it legal, and thereby leveling the playing field?
  • 40. Social Networks ◎ What social networking sites do you use? ◎ What are some good points about social networking? ◎ What are some bad points about social networking? ◎ What information do you have on your webpage? ◎ What kind of information are you comfortable releasing to the public? ◎ Do your parents use social networking sites? ◎ How acceptable is online dating in your country? ◎ What are some of the good and bad things about online dating? ◎ What are some popular online dating sites in your country? ◎ How do you think apps like Tinder have changed online dating? ◎ What dating apps are popular in your country? ◎ Do you think that all the tech solutions to dating have made dating easier or more complicated?
  • 41. Color ◎ What is your favorite color? ◎ Is color important to you? ◎ Does color affect your emotions? ◎ Imagine being in a room where everything is dark blue how would you feel? What if the room was red? Black? Yellow? Pink? ◎ Why do you think colors affect humans so much? ◎ Which colors do guys usually like more? How about girls? Why do you think there is a difference? ◎ If you HAD to change your hair color, what color would you change it to? ◎ Most electronics are either black, silver or white. Why do you think this is? Do you think we will have more colorful electronics in the future? ◎ Colorful tattoos are becoming more popular in places like America. Do you think they will become as popular in your country? Why or why not? Would you ever get a tattoo? Why or why not? ◎ If you bought a car, what color would it be? ◎ Can you think of some examples of camouflage in daily life?
  • 42. Extraterrestrial Life ◎ Do you think there are aliens somewhere in the universe? ◎ Why do you think aliens in movies and comic books generally have a human shape and eyes? ◎ Do you think aliens are likely to be more or less intelligent than us? Do you think aliens are likely to be friendly or unfriendly? ◎ What are the aliens like in your culture’s movies and books? ◎ What do you think of people who say they have met or were kidnapped by aliens? ◎ What’s your favorite movie about aliens? Do you think aliens would prefer to communicate with us or other species? ◎ Do you think aliens are likely to be friendly or unfriendly? ◎ What would you do if you saw a UFO in a field near your house? ◎ If the secret service discovered an alien, do you think they would tell the general public? ◎ Do you think aliens would be afraid of humans? ◎ How likely is it we will ever be able to visit a planet that has aliens?
  • 43. Advertising ◎ Do you ever enjoy watching advertisements on TV? (If yes, what do you enjoy about them?) ◎ What kinds of advertisements attract your attention? ◎ What is the most memorable advertisement you have ever seen? ◎ What is one funny advertisement you have seen? (Describe it.) ◎ What products in your country use very serious TV advertisements? ◎ What products in your country use funny TV advertisements? ◎ Which celebrities have you seen in advertisements? Why do some companies use celebrities? ◎ Do any advertisements in your country try to shock viewers? ◎ How are radio ads, print ads and TV ads different from each other? ◎ What makes an advertisement effective? ◎ What do you think of ads that are aimed at children? ◎ Do you think beer and cigarette companies should be allowed to advertise? Why or why not?
  • 44. Animals 2 ◎ Do you have a pet? Why or why not? ◎ What animal do you think makes the best pet? ◎ Is your country or region famous for a particular type of wildlife? Are there any animals that are symbols of your country? ◎ Is it ok to use animals in sport? How about in zoos? ◎ What is the most useful animal in the world? ◎ Do you think it is necessary to experiment on animals to test drugs and cosmetics? ◎ Do you know anyone with an uncommon or exotic pet? What is your favorite animal? Least favorite? ◎ If you could come back as an animal after you die, which animal would you choose to be? ◎ Is it morally right to spend a lot of money on pets rather than helping people in need?
  • 45. Gaming ◎ Do you like video games? Did you play them as a child? ◎ Can you remember the first video game you played? ◎ Are video games good or bad for you? ◎ Do you like board or card games? Did you play them as a child? ◎ Can you think of any movies based on video games? Board games? ◎ What will video games be like in the future? How about board games? ◎ Can you learn anything from playing video games? ◎ What kind of games would you design if you were a video game designer?
  • 46. Superstitions ◎ What superstitions do you know? Which ones do you believe? ◎ Do you believe that some numbers, days or dates are lucky or unlucky? ◎ Do any animals or insects bring good or bad luck? ◎ Are any colors lucky or unlucky? ◎ Do you believe that some materials are lucky/unlucky (such as gold, silk, etc.)? ◎ Are there any actions that can bring bad luck? ◎ What symbols in your culture bring good luck? Why is that? ◎ Where does the expression "Bless you" or "God bless you" (when someone sneezes) come from? ◎ Do you have any objects that are said to bring good luck, such as a rabbit's foot, a lucky coin, etc.? ◎ Can the location of a house or the position of furniture bring good or bad luck?
  • 47. Education ◎ What do you think it takes to be a good teacher? ◎ Would you rather learn from a young teacher or an older teacher? ◎ Are you a teacher to someone else in your life? ◎ If you were going to be a teacher, what would you like to teach? ◎ What kind of formal training to teachers need in your country? ◎ Who was your favorite teacher growing up? ◎ Did you make friends in high school that you still keep in touch with? ◎ What subjects were you good at? What subjects were you bad at? ◎ Does your country provide a good public school system? ◎ Should people go straight from school to university, or do something different? ◎ Would you ever want to learn a third language?
  • 48. Research ◎ Would you like to work as a researcher? What would you research? ◎ What would you like your government to spend more money researching? ◎ What are the biggest breakthroughs researchers have made recently? ◎ Does research always lead to positive things? ◎ What is market research? Do you like being surveyed by market researchers? ◎ What do you think about using animals for research? ◎ Do you like online research? What was the last thing you researched online? ◎ What piece of research would you like to do on your class/family/friends today? ◎ Would you volunteer to be a guinea pig in laboratory research of new medicines or medical treatments?
  • 49. Libraries ◎ Can you remember your earliest visits to libraries? ◎ Do you think libraries have changed over the years? ◎ Would you like to work in a library? ◎ Do you like the atmosphere of libraries? ◎ What’s the best library you’ve ever been to? ◎ What do you think libraries will be like 50 years from now? ◎ How will the Internet change the function of libraries? ◎ Have you ever borrowed a book from a library and not returned it? ◎ What do you think libraries need that they don’t have now? ◎ What things about libraries don’t you like? ◎ hat is correct library etiquette? Do you always stick to it?
  • 50. Quality of Life ◎ What’s the difference between quality of life and standard of living? ◎ What are the indicators of quality life? ◎ How does the environment in your town affect your quality of life? ◎ Does your country’s leader have a good quality of life? ◎ How does technology change your quality of life? ◎ What single thing could you do to increase the quality of your life? ◎ Can money buy quality of life? ◎ What do you think is more important, quality or longevity of life? ◎ How would you describe your quality of life compared to your parents’? ◎ What does having children do to your quality of life? ◎ Who has a better quality of life, a student or a worker?
  • 51. Health ◎ What is the best thing to do to stay healthy? ◎ What do you think the worst disease to have would be? ◎ What do you think about the health care system in your country? How could it be improved? ◎ What do you think of the sick leave policy at your workplace? ◎ People are living longer and longer thanks to medicine. How long would you like to live? How about forever? ◎ Are there any diseases like small pox that you think humans could totally get rid of if we tried? ◎ Where do you think the future of medicine will be? Genetics? Cybernetics? Chemistry? ◎ Would you like to get your genome sequenced? ◎ If you could find out that you were at risk to get a certain disease, would you want to know?
  • 52. Travel ◎ Where are the best places for adventure vacations? Historical vacations? Shopping vacations? Party vacations? Relaxing vacations? ◎ Where would you like to go on vacation? ◎ What are some things you must or have to do when you go on vacation to another country? ◎ What are some things you always take with you on a trip? ◎ Do you prefer package tours or making your own trip? ◎ Where did you spend your last vacation? What did you do? ◎ What are some of the benefits of travelling alone? With a group? ◎ What is the longest journey you have ever made? ◎ What are some must-see locations tourists should see in your country?
  • 53. Supernatural ◎ Do you believe in any supernatural things (ghosts, ESP, fortune tellers, etc.)? ◎ Do you think science will ever prove any supernatural beliefs? ◎ What supernatural beliefs are unique to your culture? ◎ What are some of the scariest supernatural movies? ◎ What supernatural thing do you fear? ◎ Why do so many people believe in supernatural things that can’t be proven? ◎ What are some supernatural holiday beliefs in your country? ◎ Where are supernatural occurrences most often reported? ◎ Do you think some people have supernatural abilities?
  • 54. Seasons ◎ What is your favorite season? ◎ What do you think of when you think of winter? ◎ What are some things your family did when you were a child in spring? ◎ What is the worst season in your country? ◎ Does it snow in your hometown in the winter? Did you use to make snowmen? ◎ What is your favorite thing to do in summer? ◎ What festivals or celebrations does your country have during the changing of the seasons? ◎ Do you ever go hiking when the leaves change in fall? ◎ Where is the best place to be in summer? How about winter? ◎ Does your country have a special food for any of the seasons?
  • 55. Dreaming ◎ How often do you dream? ◎ Do you dream in color or black and white? ◎ Have you ever had a flying dream? ◎ Have you ever been falling in a dream and just when you are about to hit the ground you wake up? ◎ Do you think dreams have meanings? ◎ Do you think dreams can tell the future? ◎ Have you ever been dreaming and woken up and couldn’t move? ◎ Why do we forget dreams so quickly? ◎ Have you ever kept a dream journal? ◎ Why do we dream? What is the purpose of them? ◎ Do you think animals dream too? What kind of dreams do you think they have? ◎ What does your country’s culture traditionally believe about dreams? ◎ Have you ever had déjà vue?
  • 56. Homes ◎ Is your home tidy? Are you a very organized person? ◎ Do you have a lot of decorations in your home or is it bare? ◎ Are you happy with the size of your home? ◎ What is your favorite appliance, electronic device, or piece of furniture in your home? ◎ If you had $3,000 to improve your home, what would you spend it on? ◎ Do you agree with the saying “Wherever I lay my head is home.”? ◎ How is your home different from your childhood home? ◎ What would you say the decoration style of your home is? ◎ What would your ideal house or apartment look like? ◎ What do you do to maintain your home? ◎ What household chores do you hate doing?
  • 57. Voting ◎ Do you think voting and elections make a difference? ◎ What are elections like in your country? Are there any problems with voting? ◎ What are the main political parties in your country? ◎ Do you vote in every election? ◎ What are the good and bad things about voting? ◎ At what age should people be able to vote? ◎ Have your political views changed over time or remained the same? ◎ How can we get more people to vote? ◎ Who is the most controversial politician in your country?