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The name Judah means Praise of Jehovah and denotes the
expression of praise. The tribe of Judah was the Regal and
Ruling tribe of God. It was out of this tribe that the Lawgiver

       Judah "Praise" - A
and Kings came. Blessings, joy, strength, and victory were
                    always their portion.

       weapon of warfare
                         Gen 29:35
The Lion of Judah;
        Issachar; Zebulon

Judah would pitch camp on the East, and would go FIRST in
breaking camp. With him would be the tribes of Issachar and

Arial view of the camp in the shape
            of the cross

The Lion of Judah
      Genesis 49:8
• 8 "Judah, your brothers will praise you; your
  hand will be on the neck of your enemies;
  your father's sons will bow down to you.

• The Hebrew name Judah (‫יְהודָה‬comes (
  from the root word Yadah (‫יָדָה‬which means (
  to "thank or thank and praise God with
  extended hands"

• Be careful to praise in the Spirit and in Truth
  and not in the flesh

• God is spirit, and those who worship Him
  must worship in spirit and truth." (John

Foundations of Praise
  Mosaic & Davadic

• The Tabernacle of Moses:
         Mosaic Praise
   • We enter His gates and come into His
     "courts" with praise, says Psalm 100,
     singing up-tempo songs, clapping,
     dancing, rejoicing, giving wave offerings
     and shouting for joy.

   • In this way we are offering ourselves as
     "living sacrifices on the altar of God" (Rom.

   • We are also being "washed by the water of
     the word" as we sing these songs based
     on the scriptures represented by the laver.
Mosaic Praise
• As we enter the Holy Place, a transition
  takes place. The music slows down and

  we feed further upon the word, the bread
  of life itself. Our minds are illuminated by
  the fire of the Holy Spirit, represented by
  the lamp stand. We place "fresh incense"
  on the altar as we "sing in the Spirit" with
  "tongues of angels". The fragrance of pure
  worship "permeates the veil "and pleases

• The veil is parted and now we have
  access into the Holy of holies, in a
  tabernacle pitched not by man, but by the
  Lord Himself. As we enter in we are
  consumed by a cloud of glory, fall down
Davidic praise and
• Tabernacle of David, according to I
  Chronicles 15 & 16.

   • Music

   • Shouting

• David also formed a temple orchestra of
  4,000 members (I Ch 23:5), and a school of
  music and prophecy (I Ch. 25:1-7) --
  prophetic worship.

• He also made the lifting up of banners an
  important part of worship (Psalms 20:5).
Praise Actions

dancing (Psm. 150:4)
   Some Biblical Expressions of Praise
• Singing praise songs
  (Psalms 9:11)
• Psalms, hymns, & spiritual
  songs (Eph. 5:19-20)
• Making a joyful noise
  (Psalms 98:4)
• By lifting our hands

• Praise Him in the dance." (Ps.149:3) As Israel
  gathered together at every battle or feast day
  dancing was present.

• Dance is a scriptural way to express our joy to
  the Lord. In Psalm 150:4, it reads, "Praise Him
  with the timbrel and dance.

• Psalms 47:1: Oh, clap your hands, all you
  peoples! Shout to God with the voice of

• Clapping: the word clap in the Hebrew
  language is the word “taga”. It means to
  clatter, slap, to strike or drive a nail.

• By the definition we can see the aggressively
  violent dimension of this expression in praise.
  It is a strike on the enemy and it drives a nail
  into his strategies in the spirit realm.
Hands are for
• Sometimes when you are threatened with
  physical violence, a weapon to defend
  yourself with is not always available. Your
  hands, however, are always with you, and can
  be as lethal as any weapon.

• Shout: The word shout in the Hebrew is the
  word “ruiva” and means "to split the ears" --
  of the demonic forces, creating confusion in
  the enemy camp

• Attacking is a primary factor. A fight was
       Secular Fighting
  never won by defensive action. Attack with all
  of your strength. At any point or any situation,
  some vulnerable point on your enemies body
  will be open for attack. Do this while
  screaming as screaming has two purposes:

   • To frighten and confuse your enemy, and

   • To allow you to take a deep breath which,
     in turn, will put more oxygen in your blood
     stream. Your balance and balance of your
     enemy are two important factors; since, if
     you succeed in making your enemy lose
     his balance, the chances are nine to one
     that you can kill him in your next move.
     2 Chr 20:17-25
     (Jehoshaphat) set
•2 Chronicles 20:22 -- Now when they
 began to sing and to praise, the LORD
ambushes against the people of Ammon,
Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come
against Judah; and they were defeated.

•(read these verses (17 - 25)

Prophetic Songs
     Jeremiahforth His hand and
• 9 Then the LORD put
 touched my mouth, and the LORD said to
 me: “Behold, I have put My words in your

• 10 See, I have this day set you over the
  nations and over the kingdoms, To root out
  and to pull down, To destroy and to throw
  down, To build and to plant.”

Prophetic Songs
           (continued) or
• Through prophetic praise God speaks
 sings changes that manifest to the earth in the
 form of restoration for His people and defeat
 for the enemy.

• Through prophecy in song people are healed,
  delivered and given direction as individuals.
  God also sings prophecy to the church body
  as direction, comfort, rebuke, warning etc.

            •Zephaniah 3:14-17
• Paul & Silas
The Power “AndPraise &
  • Acts 16:23-26     of when they had
    laid many stripes upon them, they cast
    them into prison, charging the jailor to
      keep them safely:

    • (24) Who, having received such a
      charge, thrust them into the inner prison,
      and made their feet fast in the stocks.

    • (25) And at midnight Paul and Silas
      prayed, and sang praises unto God:
      and the prisoners heard them.

    • (26) And suddenly there was a great
      earthquake, so that the foundations of
Psalm 47:7 -- "......sing
   ye praises with
• Understanding the Hebrew in the difference
  between God's name and Praise

I Am
        Yod Hey Vav Hey (YHWH)
     The Hand Revealed “Behold”, the
             Nail Revealed
Aramaic Script/Phoenecian

     Aramaic Script
                                 Read from Right to left

        Classical Hebrew

Praise Elevates us into
God’s Presence and
• Yod Hey Vav Daled Hey

 • Yod Hey Vav Hey ==> YHWH

 • Daled = Door ==> to enter

      •Enter into God's
      presence through
The Power of Praise
• Praise is often on the "frontlines" of the battle

• Praise Sends the Enemy Running

                 Judges 1:1-2,
                 2 Chronicles 14-25

Praise Sends the
• Since praise manifests God’s presence, we
  also realize that praise repels the presence of
      Enemy Running
  the enemy.

• An atmosphere which is filled with sincere
  worship and praise to God by humble and
  contrite hearts is disgusting to the Devil. He
  fears the power in the name of Jesus, and
  flees from the Lord’s habitation in praise.

 • Psalms 50:23 -- “Whoso offereth praise
   glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his
   conversation aright will I show the salvation
   of God”

Praise Sends the
• When the children of Judah found themselves
         Enemy Running
  outnumbered by the hostile armies of Ammon,
  Moab, and mount Seir, King Jehoshophat and
  all the people sought the Lord for His help.

• The Lord assured the people that this would
  be His battle. He told them to go out against
  them, and He would do the fighting for them.

• So what did the children of Judah do? Being
  the people of “praise” (Judah actually
  means Praise), and knowing that God
  manifests His power through praise, they sent
  their army against their enemies, led by the
  praisers!             28
Praise Sends the
       Enemy Running
            (continued) the
• 2 Chronicles 20:22 -25 --So on they went,
  ahead of the army declaring, “Praise
 Lord, for His mercy endureth forever!” And
 the scripture says, “...when they began to
 sing and to praise, the LORD set
 ambushments against the children of Ammon,
 Moab, and mount Seir, which were come
 against Judah; and they were smitten”

• When God’s people begin to praise His
  name, it sends the enemy running!
Let Judah "PRAISE"
• Ephesians 6:12. For our struggle is not
             Go Up First the
  against flesh and blood, but against the
  powers of this dark world and against
 spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly realms.
 We are in a struggle that is spiritual in nature.

• In the book of Judges1:1-12, Israel is
  preparing for battle and they inquire of the
  Lord, Who will be the first to go up and fight
  for us against the Canaanites? The Lord tells
  them ...Judah is to go.

• Judges 20:18 we find, ...who of us shall go
  first to fight against the Benjamites? The Lord
Let Judah go up first
• For us to let Judah go up first is to recognize
  that our battles are spiritual and must be
  fought in the spirit.

• When we let Judah go up first, we confess the
  attributes of God (yadah-praise), we realize
  Who and What God is.

• This brings us to realize and confess our own
  inadequacies (yadah-prayer).

• We confess our sins, our need for repentance
  and reconciliation.

• This allows us to establish a proper
  relationship with God.31
Let we enter into go up first
• When
          Judah spiritual war fare -
  "Let Judah Go Up First!"

  • Begin to praise God by faith

  • Confess Who He is

  • Confess who you are

  • Confess your sins and be reconciled

  • Continue by confessing forgiveness

  • Confess God's mercy
Let Judah go up first
• Confess God's love

• Confess God's victory!

• Kneel, cry aloud, magnify the Lord, sing,
  exalt, shout, and give thanks. After this,
  begin to confess God's Word concerning
  the situation.

• Then and only then, are you ready to go
  into battle.
Praise to God is a
• Psalm 34:1-- I will bless the Lord at all times
  and His praises will continually be in my

• Heb 13:15 -- By Him therefore let us offer the
  sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is,
  the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name

Ten (10) Types of

Types of Praise
• BARACH (Bar Rach) - To kneel, to bless, to adore with
  bended knee. When used by man in reference to God, it
  means to endure with power for success, prosperity and
  long life. In Psalm 34:2, barach is translated as BLESS and
  in Psalm 103:1-2, barach is translated to mean WORSHIP.

• HALAL (Hah Lahl) - The root is to shout, cry aloud. See
  Psalm 148:1-5, Isaiah 62:9, Psalm 135:1-3. The sense is to
  shout for joy, to rejoice, to be sincerely and deeply

• TEHILLAH (The Hi Lah) - This word for praise is also

          Types of Praise
  translated as "Psalm." David uses this word in Psalms 48:11,
  34:2 and 100:4. The noun is a song of thanksgiving. The
  theme of both noun and verb is verbal expression, an
  interweaving of belief and joy.

• GADAL (Gah Dahl) - Often translated "magnify," it is used
  as a synonym of praise. In Psalms 34:4 and 69:31, it literally
  means "to cause to become great." Gadal calls the
  worshipper to ascribe greatness to the Lord and His

• ZAMAR (Zah Mar) - To make music to God.
  Remember the word "tehillah?" It is very similar meaning a
  Psalm. A Psalm may be instrumental or vocal. Zamar
  indicates instrumental accompaniment. A zimra is a
• SHIR (Sheer) - Meaning a song, more specifically, vocal
  music. The term combined with others to indicate a

          Types of Praise
  choral group. Shir and zamar are used alternately in
  Psalms 21:4, 104:33, 57:8, 27:6, 13:6 and 33:2.

• SHAVACH (Shav Ach) - To commend, to
  congratulate, to laud. This word parallels some of the
  words we have already looked at. Refer to Psalms 63:4,
  117:1, 147:12 and 145:4. The idea of parallelism is often
  used in Hebrew poetry. This occurs when the same
  infor mation or idea is stated in more than one way,
  one verse reinforcing the other.

• RUM (Room) - The basic meaning is height and it is used
  to parallel many of the preceding words. Rum is used
  symbolically to express such lofty notions as glor y,
  exaltation and to extol. See Psalms 30:2, 66:17, 149:6.
• YADAH (Yah Dah) - The literal
  root is to throw or to cast.
      Typesin text, it means
  When used      of Praise
  to confess or declare
  Who God is and what He
  does. See Psalms 105:1,
  106:1 for public confession of
  God's attributes. When yadah
  is used in the context of
  praise, it means to confess or
  declare the attributes of God.
What is your situation?
• What kind of battle are you facing today?

• What kind of enemy are you facing today?

• In "spiritual warfare":

       • Eph 6:12 says, "We wrestle not against
         flesh and blood, but against
         principalities, rulers of darkness, and
         spiritual wickedness in high places."

What should you do?
• Whatever opposition you may be facing, take
  your position on the front lines of the battle
  and stand firm in the Lord!

• Lift up your hands in praise and sing "give
  thanks to the Lord for His love endures

• Watch Him throw your enemies into complete
  confusion and give you the victory.


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Judah Praise

  • 1. 1
  • 2. The name Judah means Praise of Jehovah and denotes the expression of praise. The tribe of Judah was the Regal and Ruling tribe of God. It was out of this tribe that the Lawgiver Judah "Praise" - A and Kings came. Blessings, joy, strength, and victory were always their portion. weapon of warfare Gen 29:35 2
  • 3. The Lion of Judah; Issachar; Zebulon Judah would pitch camp on the East, and would go FIRST in breaking camp. With him would be the tribes of Issachar and Zebulun 3
  • 4. Arial view of the camp in the shape of the cross Judah 4
  • 5. The Lion of Judah Genesis 49:8 • 8 "Judah, your brothers will praise you; your hand will be on the neck of your enemies; your father's sons will bow down to you. 5
  • 6. Judah • The Hebrew name Judah (‫יְהודָה‬comes ( from the root word Yadah (‫יָדָה‬which means ( to "thank or thank and praise God with extended hands" 6
  • 7. Warning • Be careful to praise in the Spirit and in Truth and not in the flesh • God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." (John 4:23-24) 7
  • 8. Foundations of Praise Mosaic & Davadic 8
  • 9. • The Tabernacle of Moses: Mosaic Praise • We enter His gates and come into His "courts" with praise, says Psalm 100, singing up-tempo songs, clapping, dancing, rejoicing, giving wave offerings and shouting for joy. • In this way we are offering ourselves as "living sacrifices on the altar of God" (Rom. 12:1). • We are also being "washed by the water of the word" as we sing these songs based on the scriptures represented by the laver. 9
  • 10. Mosaic Praise • As we enter the Holy Place, a transition takes place. The music slows down and (continued) we feed further upon the word, the bread of life itself. Our minds are illuminated by the fire of the Holy Spirit, represented by the lamp stand. We place "fresh incense" on the altar as we "sing in the Spirit" with "tongues of angels". The fragrance of pure worship "permeates the veil "and pleases God. • The veil is parted and now we have access into the Holy of holies, in a tabernacle pitched not by man, but by the Lord Himself. As we enter in we are consumed by a cloud of glory, fall down 10
  • 11. Davidic praise and worship • Tabernacle of David, according to I Chronicles 15 & 16. • Music • Shouting • David also formed a temple orchestra of 4,000 members (I Ch 23:5), and a school of music and prophecy (I Ch. 25:1-7) -- prophetic worship. • He also made the lifting up of banners an important part of worship (Psalms 20:5). 11
  • 13. dancing (Psm. 150:4) Some Biblical Expressions of Praise • Singing praise songs (Psalms 9:11) • Psalms, hymns, & spiritual songs (Eph. 5:19-20) • Making a joyful noise (Psalms 98:4) • By lifting our hands 13
  • 14. Dance • Praise Him in the dance." (Ps.149:3) As Israel gathered together at every battle or feast day dancing was present. • Dance is a scriptural way to express our joy to the Lord. In Psalm 150:4, it reads, "Praise Him with the timbrel and dance. 14
  • 15. Clapping • Psalms 47:1: Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph! • Clapping: the word clap in the Hebrew language is the word “taga”. It means to clatter, slap, to strike or drive a nail. • By the definition we can see the aggressively violent dimension of this expression in praise. It is a strike on the enemy and it drives a nail into his strategies in the spirit realm. 15
  • 16. Hands are for Clapping • Sometimes when you are threatened with physical violence, a weapon to defend yourself with is not always available. Your hands, however, are always with you, and can be as lethal as any weapon. 16
  • 17. Shouting • Shout: The word shout in the Hebrew is the word “ruiva” and means "to split the ears" -- of the demonic forces, creating confusion in the enemy camp 17
  • 18. • Attacking is a primary factor. A fight was Secular Fighting never won by defensive action. Attack with all of your strength. At any point or any situation, Strategy some vulnerable point on your enemies body will be open for attack. Do this while screaming as screaming has two purposes: • To frighten and confuse your enemy, and • To allow you to take a deep breath which, in turn, will put more oxygen in your blood stream. Your balance and balance of your enemy are two important factors; since, if you succeed in making your enemy lose his balance, the chances are nine to one that you can kill him in your next move. 18
  • 19. Singing 2 Chr 20:17-25 (Jehoshaphat) set •2 Chronicles 20:22 -- Now when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; and they were defeated. •(read these verses (17 - 25) 19
  • 20. Prophetic Songs Jeremiahforth His hand and • 9 Then the LORD put 1:9-10 touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me: “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. • 10 See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, To root out and to pull down, To destroy and to throw down, To build and to plant.” •(over) 20
  • 21. Prophetic Songs (continued) or • Through prophetic praise God speaks sings changes that manifest to the earth in the form of restoration for His people and defeat for the enemy. • Through prophecy in song people are healed, delivered and given direction as individuals. God also sings prophecy to the church body as direction, comfort, rebuke, warning etc. •Zephaniah 3:14-17 21
  • 22. • Paul & Silas The Power “AndPraise & • Acts 16:23-26 of when they had Worship laid many stripes upon them, they cast them into prison, charging the jailor to keep them safely: • (24) Who, having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks. • (25) And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. • (26) And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of 22
  • 23. Psalm 47:7 -- "......sing ye praises with understanding" • Understanding the Hebrew in the difference between God's name and Praise 23
  • 24. I Am Yahweh Yod Hey Vav Hey (YHWH) The Hand Revealed “Behold”, the Nail Revealed Aramaic Script/Phoenecian Aramaic Script Read from Right to left Classical Hebrew 24
  • 25. Praise Elevates us into God’s Presence and Power •JUDAH • Yod Hey Vav Daled Hey • Yod Hey Vav Hey ==> YHWH • Daled = Door ==> to enter •Enter into God's presence through 25
  • 26. The Power of Praise • Praise is often on the "frontlines" of the battle • Praise Sends the Enemy Running Judges 1:1-2, 2 Chronicles 14-25 26
  • 27. Praise Sends the • Since praise manifests God’s presence, we also realize that praise repels the presence of Enemy Running the enemy. • An atmosphere which is filled with sincere worship and praise to God by humble and contrite hearts is disgusting to the Devil. He fears the power in the name of Jesus, and flees from the Lord’s habitation in praise. • Psalms 50:23 -- “Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I show the salvation of God” 27
  • 28. Praise Sends the • When the children of Judah found themselves Enemy Running outnumbered by the hostile armies of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, King Jehoshophat and (continued) all the people sought the Lord for His help. • The Lord assured the people that this would be His battle. He told them to go out against them, and He would do the fighting for them. • So what did the children of Judah do? Being the people of “praise” (Judah actually means Praise), and knowing that God manifests His power through praise, they sent their army against their enemies, led by the praisers! 28
  • 29. Praise Sends the Enemy Running (continued) the • 2 Chronicles 20:22 -25 --So on they went, ahead of the army declaring, “Praise Lord, for His mercy endureth forever!” And the scripture says, “...when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten” • When God’s people begin to praise His name, it sends the enemy running! 29
  • 30. Let Judah "PRAISE" • Ephesians 6:12. For our struggle is not Go Up First the against flesh and blood, but against the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly realms. We are in a struggle that is spiritual in nature. • In the book of Judges1:1-12, Israel is preparing for battle and they inquire of the Lord, Who will be the first to go up and fight for us against the Canaanites? The Lord tells them ...Judah is to go. • Judges 20:18 we find, ...who of us shall go first to fight against the Benjamites? The Lord 30
  • 31. Let Judah go up first • For us to let Judah go up first is to recognize that our battles are spiritual and must be (continued) fought in the spirit. • When we let Judah go up first, we confess the attributes of God (yadah-praise), we realize Who and What God is. • This brings us to realize and confess our own inadequacies (yadah-prayer). • We confess our sins, our need for repentance and reconciliation. • This allows us to establish a proper relationship with God.31
  • 32. Let we enter into go up first • When Judah spiritual war fare - (continued) "Let Judah Go Up First!" • Begin to praise God by faith • Confess Who He is • Confess who you are • Confess your sins and be reconciled • Continue by confessing forgiveness • Confess God's mercy 32
  • 33. Let Judah go up first (continued) • Confess God's love • Confess God's victory! • Kneel, cry aloud, magnify the Lord, sing, exalt, shout, and give thanks. After this, begin to confess God's Word concerning the situation. • Then and only then, are you ready to go into battle. 33
  • 34. Praise to God is a Lifestyle • Psalm 34:1-- I will bless the Lord at all times and His praises will continually be in my mouth • Heb 13:15 -- By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name 34
  • 35. Ten (10) Types of Praise 35
  • 36. Types of Praise • BARACH (Bar Rach) - To kneel, to bless, to adore with bended knee. When used by man in reference to God, it means to endure with power for success, prosperity and long life. In Psalm 34:2, barach is translated as BLESS and in Psalm 103:1-2, barach is translated to mean WORSHIP. • HALAL (Hah Lahl) - The root is to shout, cry aloud. See Psalm 148:1-5, Isaiah 62:9, Psalm 135:1-3. The sense is to shout for joy, to rejoice, to be sincerely and deeply thankful. 36
  • 37. • TEHILLAH (The Hi Lah) - This word for praise is also Types of Praise translated as "Psalm." David uses this word in Psalms 48:11, 34:2 and 100:4. The noun is a song of thanksgiving. The theme of both noun and verb is verbal expression, an interweaving of belief and joy. • GADAL (Gah Dahl) - Often translated "magnify," it is used as a synonym of praise. In Psalms 34:4 and 69:31, it literally means "to cause to become great." Gadal calls the worshipper to ascribe greatness to the Lord and His name. • ZAMAR (Zah Mar) - To make music to God. Remember the word "tehillah?" It is very similar meaning a Psalm. A Psalm may be instrumental or vocal. Zamar 37 indicates instrumental accompaniment. A zimra is a
  • 38. • SHIR (Sheer) - Meaning a song, more specifically, vocal music. The term combined with others to indicate a Types of Praise choral group. Shir and zamar are used alternately in Psalms 21:4, 104:33, 57:8, 27:6, 13:6 and 33:2. • SHAVACH (Shav Ach) - To commend, to congratulate, to laud. This word parallels some of the words we have already looked at. Refer to Psalms 63:4, 117:1, 147:12 and 145:4. The idea of parallelism is often used in Hebrew poetry. This occurs when the same infor mation or idea is stated in more than one way, one verse reinforcing the other. • RUM (Room) - The basic meaning is height and it is used to parallel many of the preceding words. Rum is used symbolically to express such lofty notions as glor y, 38 exaltation and to extol. See Psalms 30:2, 66:17, 149:6.
  • 39. • YADAH (Yah Dah) - The literal root is to throw or to cast. Typesin text, it means When used of Praise to confess or declare Who God is and what He does. See Psalms 105:1, 106:1 for public confession of God's attributes. When yadah is used in the context of praise, it means to confess or declare the attributes of God. 39
  • 40. What is your situation? • What kind of battle are you facing today? • What kind of enemy are you facing today? • In "spiritual warfare": • Eph 6:12 says, "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places." 40
  • 41. What should you do? • Whatever opposition you may be facing, take your position on the front lines of the battle and stand firm in the Lord! • Lift up your hands in praise and sing "give thanks to the Lord for His love endures forever". • Watch Him throw your enemies into complete confusion and give you the victory. 41