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Welcome To Jakarta 1
Reception Booklet 2010
Jakarta at a Glance
Sprawling Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, is a city
of contrast: the traditional and the modern, the rich and
the poor, the sacral and the worldly, often stand side by
side in this teeming metropolis. Even its population,
gathered from all those diverse ethnic and cultural
groups that make Indonesia, are constantly juxtaposed
as an ever-present reminder of the national motto: Unity
in Diversity.
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Reception Booklet 2010
Situated on the northwestern coast of Java, Jakarta occupies an area of 670 sq. km. and is the home
of more than 10 million people coming from all ethnic groups in the archipelago and also from other
countries. Jakarta's architecture reflects to a large extend the influx of outside influences which came
and found a home in this vital seaport city. Since the late 1960's, Jakarta has developed tremendously
so that it became a metropolis as well as a Cosmo polis. Skyscrapers has been built along the main
Once saddled with a reputation as a poverty-ridden hell hole, Jakarta mutated into a metropolis with
all the outward appearance of an Asian boom town in not much more than a decade. Jakarta remains
very much at the centre of political events re-shaping Indonesia, and how quickly the city recovers
from the riots and the political and economic turmoil remains to be seen.
Some years ago, Jakarta was given a nickname "Big Village". The nickname indicates that Jakarta is
not just a jungle of glass and concrete, but that the city still retains some of its rural character. Jakarta
is not just the capital of Indonesia, a trade and industrial center, but also a tourist destination on its
own. The city has the most complete tourism infrastructure and facilities in Indonesia. Maybe also
southeast Asia. And more importantly, Jakarta does not lack tourist attractions. Its long history offers
many historical sites and buildings.
That said, Jakarta is the most expensive city in Indonesia, the most polluted and the most congested.
But if you can withstand this onslaught and afford to indulge in its charms, then it is also one of the
region's most exciting metropolises.
History of Jakarta
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Reception Booklet 2010
Jakarta's history began in the 14th century as a small harbor town called Sunda Kelapa during Java's
last Hindu kingdom of Sunda or Pajajaran as it is more popularly known. The Portuguese were the first
Westerners to set foot on its shores.
From Malaka in nowadays Malaysia, the city they had already conquered in 1511, the Portuguese in
1522 sent an emissary to negotiate a treaty with the King of Sunda or Pajajaran for the founding of a
fortification on the mouth of Ciliwung River.
Fearing the invasion of Islam, the King of Pajajaran gave his permission for the Portuguese to built the
But it was not until 1527 that the Portuguese sent an armada to Sunda Kelapa to start building the
fortress. Meanwhile, Islamic forces from Banten under the leadership of Fatahillah attacked and
conquered Sunda Kelapa. Unaware of the changed situation, the small Portuguese armada who arrived
from Malaka to built the fortress was attacked and easily destroyed by Fatahillah
The name Sunda Kelapa was changed into Jayakarta, meaning the City of Victory. It
happened on June 22, 1527, and to this day on that date is confirmed as the
anniversary of Jakarta's founding. The Dutch arrived in 1596 when Cornelis de
Houtman landed at the harbor of Jayakarta and got permission to build a lodge or
trading post on the eastern bank of Ciliwung River.
The Dutch broke the agreement by building a fortress, complete with bastions and
equipped it with cannons. Meanwhile, not trusting the Dutch completely, Prince
Jayakarta -- ruler of Jayakarta -- permitted the British to build a trading lodge on the
western bank of Ciliwung River, just opposite the Dutch fortress.
Fearing competition from the British, the Dutch under the command of Jan Pieterzoon Coen aimed
their cannons towards the kraton of Prince Jayakarta and at the British settlement. The act insulted
and enraged Prince Jayakarta so that the prince and Jayakartans attacked the Dutch fortress. Coen
fled to Maluku (the Malacca) to get help from the Dutch fleet stationed there. In 1619 Coen came back
with the Dutch from Maluku, attacked and conquered Jayakarta. He razed Jayakarta to the ground and
on it ashes the Dutch founded a new settlement, calling it Batavia in honor of their ancestors.
The Dutch made Batavia the centre for the expansion of their power in the East Indies for nearly three
and a half centuries. Shortly after the outbreak of World War II, Batavia fell into the invading Japanese
forces who changed its name into Jakarta again in a gesture aimed at winning the sympathy of the
The Japanese left Indonesia after they surrendered to the Americans who destroyed Hiroshima and
Nagasaki with atomic bombs in early August 1945. The Dutch tried to reoccupy Jakarta, but before the
Dutch arrived, on August 17, 1945, Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's
independence. The name Jakarta was retained up till now.
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Reception Booklet 2010
Facts about Jakarta
Population: 9 million
Area: 661 sq km (258 sq mi)
Country: Indonesia
Time Zone: GMT/UTC +7 hours
Telephone Area Code: +62 21
Being Indonesia's capital city, Jakarta is the hub of the country's
business, political, and industry. This has attracted countless people
from many parts of the country. The Betawis and its culture, the real
locals of Jakarta, has been slowly supplanted by the arrival of these
other cultures. Thumbs up to the local government who urge the
preservation of the Betawi culture. Condet, an area in South East
Jakarta has been designated as the center for the preservation of the
Betawi culture. The Betawis has a very rich culture and is reflected
through many art forms such as the Tari Topeng (Mask Dance), Ondel-
Ondel (three-meter tall masked puppet), and the Lenong Betawi
(comedy play) to name a few. These and other Betawi arts make
frequent appearance in many Jakarta's celebration.
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Reception Booklet 2010
Jakarta, on the island of Java in Indonesia, sprawls over 25km (15mi) from the docks to the suburbs
of South Jakarta. The city centre fans out from around Merdeka Square, a grand, barren field, which
contains the central gold-tipped landmark of the National Monument (Monas).
Jakarta doesn't really have a centre: rather there are a number of centres all separated by vast traffic
jams, incredible pollution and heat. For most visitors, the area south of the monument holds most
interest. Jl Thamrin is the main shopping and deluxe hotel thoroughfare, while just to the east is the
main restaurant and cheap hotel area.
Jakarta's Soekarno-Hatta international airport is 35km (21mi) west of the city centre, and there are
bus stations around the outskirts of town.
Weather Around Jakarta
With maximum temperatures hovering above 30°C (86°F) all year round, Jakarta is warm and often
wet city. The dry season is from May to September, and while buckets of torrential rain are still
possible, it's more likely that you'll stay pretty dry. Overall, Jakarta climate is tropical with
temperatures averaging 28 degrees Celsius during the day and 25 degrees Celsius at night
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Independence Day on 17 August is celebrated with great gusto in Jakarta. A flag-raising ceremony is
held in Merdeka Place, and carnivals and cultural shows pop up across the city. The Jakarta Fair occurs
around 22 June and lasts about three weeks. The Jakarta Fairgrounds come alive to the sounds of
industrial exhibits, cultural events and rides. Other celebrations, such as the Jalan Jaksa Street Fair in
August and the Jakarta International Cultural Performance in May are colourful, vibrant events that are
well worth attending.
• Jakarta Fair – Central Jakarta
Celebrating Jakarta’s anniversary on 22 June, Jakarta City Government
hold annual Jakarta Fair. Normally it will be held in Jakarta Fairground
Kemayoran, between June 14 – July 14. It is a wide range of product
exhibitions will be displayed, including electronics, telecommunications,
furniture, textiles, automotive, accessories, handicrafts and cosmetics.
Attended mostly by locals, for pop music entertainment nightly starting
at 8pm. It is so crowded, you right! Some Chinese or Taiwanese also
visit here for business purpose. But sometimes you can watch some
cultural dance or art performances. The opening or closing of the
sessions are recommended for you to enjoy the fair.
Address: Kemayoran Fairground
Phone: +62 21 4218265, 4218170, 421 855
Directions: Open for public from 3pm –10pm daily, ticket price Rp 6000, - Saturday, Sunday and
holiday open from 10am - 11pm, ticket price Rp 7500,-
• Jalan Jaksa – Backpacker’s Paradise
Many backpackers visiting Jakarta opt to stay at the many hostels along Jalan
Jaksa and the surrounding area. It's right in the middle of downtown, near the
railway station, and the only place with lots of cheap accomodations. When
they go back to their countries, they share the secrets of Jalan Jaksa to their
fellow backpackers, thus through this simple word-of-mouth promotion, Jalan
Jaksa has gained enormous fame among backpackers worldwide. Besides
being home to many hostels and small hotels here, Jalan Jaksa is also
teeming with pubs and cafes. Money changers have also set up shops here.
This place is practically alive 24 hours a day, with backpackers interacting with
locals and each other and share the secrets of the road. Each year, during the
anniversary of Jakarta, the annual Jalan Jaksa Festival is held. The street is decorated with colorful
decorations and food vendors, kiosks, and temporary shops crowd the street's sidewalk.
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Address: Jalan Jaksa
Directions: Central Jakarta
Places of Attractions
Memorials / Monument
• The Welcome Monument
This 30-meter high statue of a man and a woman holding up a bouquet of
flowers, was erected in 1962 to welcome the athletes participating in the
Asian Games. Locally known as Bundaran HI (The HI Roundabout), it is
located at the center of Jakarta's busiest roundabout, this most famous
(and most beautiful IMHO) monument in Jakarta features a beautiful water
feature that has recently seen a major renovation (at a major cost for taxpayers too). Surrounded by 4
major hotels, 3 embassies, and a shopping center, this landmark does not only draw tourists but also
demonstrators from all over the country. Nevertheless, this spot is still a pleasant place to visit
especially at night. Interestingly although the statue was intended to welcome athletes, the statue
faces north. If we come from the airport or the sports complex, we come from the south :)
Address: Jl MH Thamrin
Directions: Central Jakarta
• Proclamation 1945 Monument
Its very historical site for Indonesian, because Soekarno-Hatta, declared
Indonesia's independence, on 17 August 1945 and than the folowing day
Soekarno became first President of Indonesia and the vice-president is
Hatta. The statue of Soekarno stands at 4.6 meters and weights an
immense 1,200 kilograms, while the slightly lighter statue of Hatta
measures 4.4 meters. The proclamation text between Soekarno-Hatta
statue carving on bronze 600 kg, Zoom in 200X from the original text.
Address: Jalan Proklamasi
• National Monument (Monas): Jakarta's Landmark (Jakarta Zero Point)
Monas, acronym from Monumen Nasional (National Monument). As a
symbol of the Nations, which building at 1960’s. The design was simple, an
obelisk from Italian marble, about 137 metres height with pure glittering
ingot (gold) on the top. This design is reflecting the eternally flame -–
symbol of our passion and optimism in facing the freedom as a Nation. At
the bottom of the monument, we can find National Heritage Museum which
contents our Sang Saka Merah Putih --first National flag, handmade by Mrs.
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Fatmawati --wife of President Soekarno at Independence Day, August 17th, 1945.
The monument houses a couple of museums. The Freedom Hall depicts Indonesia's struggle for
independence through a series of 48 dramatic dioramas, whereas the Hall of Contemplation displays
the original Declaration of Independence document and a recording of the speech. An elevator takes
one to the observation platform, which commands a bird's-eye view of
the cityscape; dramatic, though rarely clear, views of Jakarta.
Admission is free. Elevator to the top: Adults IDR5,100; children
Address: Jalan Medan Merdeka
Directions: Silang Monas (Koningsplein), Jalan Medan Merdeka, close
to Gambir railway station at Jakarta central.
Historical Sites
Ÿ Central Jakarta: Stadsschouburg
Stadsschouburg (Gedung Kesenian Jakarta), great quality theatre for
classical concerts. No wonder, if Gedung Kesenian Jakarta (GKJ) has
been designated as a location to stage the annual big art festival called
'Arts Summit” (August - September).
Directions: GKJ is situated at Pasar Baru, nearby Gereja Katedral and
Passer [Pasar] Baru
Ÿ Central Jakarta: Old Menteng [Spruitje Menting]
Proclaimed as the ultimate first garden city (Kota Taman) in Indonesia. Has
born and rise since 17's century, the name is taken from 'Spruitje Menting'
(a small river called 'Menteng'). The mainstream of Menteng buildings style
known as 'Indische Bouwstijl', designed by PAJ. Moojen (1879-1955) from
Antwerp, Belgium. Another types is 'Indische Woonhuizen'.
Address: Burgemeester Bisshoplein
Directions: Straight to Keris Galeri at Menteng to Jalan Teuku Umar, Jalan Mohammad Yamin, until
Cikini, Gondangdia, Taman Suropati at the central of Jakarta.
Ÿ Central Jakarta: Taman Suropati [Burgemeester Bishopplein]
It's a greenery park, with several sculptures, made by ASEAN (Association of the South East Asia
Nations) artists and situated nearby the house of US Ambassador in the heart of Menteng area. We
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can also find jogging track, doves and their cages. Plus several tropical trees and flowers.
Address: Jalan Taman Suropati
Ÿ Old Batavia (Kota): The heartbeat of the Chinese community
The “Kota” or the old city of Batavia is worth while a visit. In this part of
Jakarta you can go back in time to as far as to the days when the Dutch
VOC (Dutch East Indies Company) governed the city which was then called
Batavia. What is left from old Batavia, we can figure it out today in Kota
area. Most building in this area still remain the same.
Although Jakarta's downtown has arguably moved further south away from the old downtown of Kota,
Kota is still one of the busiest neighborhood in the city and where many of Jakarta's Chinese
community reside. During the dark ages of Dutch rule, the Chinese are forced to leave the center of
the city and move to Glodok, an area outside the Dutch fort. The Chinese began a new life and built a
stronger community there. Since then, more Chinese immigrants arrived there and not long after
Glodok is teeming with shops, restaurant, and entertainment complexes. Today's Glodok is still very
much a vibrant area. The old market has transformed into a gigantic mall specializing in electronic
goods. But the real Chinatown is still very much alive just outside the mall. Here you can find all sorts
of Chinese traditional goods from food to herbal medicines. The traditional Chinatown's central market
, Passer Baroe, is now home to shoe stores and Indians selling textiles. Authentic Chinese food can be
found on Jalan Mangga Besar, which are lined with street vendors at night. Inexpensive dim sum
buffets can be found on most hotels in Chinatown. After 32 years of Suharto's rule, in which it is
forbidden to practice Chinese culture, ended, Chinatown becomes more and more colorful during the
celebration of the Lunar New Year.
Directions: Kota, North Jakarta
Ÿ Old Batavia (Kota): Reiner de Klerk Huis [Gedung Arsip
A legendary house nearby Moolenvliet (Jalan Hayam Wuruk and Gajah
Mada) which used to keep the national documents --after became a house
of Reiner de Klerk in the past centuries. Now open as a historical place, a
gallery for several ocassion (like photography exhibitions) 'till ... wedding
Address: Jalan Gajah Mada, Oud Jacatra
Directions: Nearby Gajah Mada Plaza and Glodok
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Ÿ Sunda Kelapa: Old Port Sunda Kelapa
Sunda Kelapa, better known as Pasar Ikan (meaning fish market) is
located at the mouth of the Ciliwung river. It was formerly the harbor
town of Sunda Kelapa where the Portuguese traded with the Hindu
Kingdom of Pajajaran in the early 16th century. Just a 10-minute walk
north from Taman Fatahillah in Old Batavia, the old port of Sunda
Kelapa has more sailing ships - the magnificent Makassar schooners -
than you ever thought existed. These brightly painted ships are an
important means of transport and freight delivery between the capital
and the outer islands. They also provide one of the most spectacular
sights in Jakarta. For a fee, old men in row boats will take you out for a
closer look at the ships. Don't hit your head on the mooring ropes or gangplanks, and don't be too
surprised if you get hit from above by rubbish thrown from the decks. If you get out as far as the Pulau
Seribu (Thousand Islands) in the Bay of Jakarta, you'll probably see some of these majestic schooners
under sail.
• National Museum (Museum Gajah)
Central Museum or Museum Nasional Established in 1778 by U.M.C. Rademacher
under the auspices of the Batavia Association of Arts and Sciences, it offers historical,
prehistorical, archaeological and ethnographic aspects of Indonesia through its
extensive collection of artifacts and relics which date as far back as to the Stone Age.
It has one of the most complete collections of bronzes and ceramics dating back to
the Han, Tang and Ming Dynasties. The Museum has one of the finest numismatic
collections in the world, including cloth and money which was used on several islands
until recently. The religious art section is filled with statuary and sculpture salvaged
from sites of Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic edifices. Its collection of cultural
instruments, household utensils, arts and crafts provide an introduction to the life of the various ethnic
groups which populate Indonesia. This museum is popularly known as Gedung Gajah or 'Elephant
Building' because of the stone elephant offered by King Chulalongkorn of Thailand in 187 1, placed on
the front lawn of the building.
This big museum is situated nearby National Monument (Monumen Nasional or Monas) and district of
Medan Merdeka and State Palace. Open from 08.00 - 14.00, Tuesday - Thursday, Friday 08.00 - 11.00,
Saturday 08.00 - 13.00, Sunday 08.00 - 15.00 and Monday closed.
Address: Jalan Medan Merdeka selatan, Jakarta Pusat
• Museum Prasasti
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It's an old Dutch graveyard which becomes open-air museum and collecting so many old and historic
Address: Jalan Tanah Abang I
Directions: In the corner of Jalan Tanah Abang I nr.1, nearby Kebon Jahe swimming pool and PT
Permorin --a Mercedes-Benz dealer in Jakarta central.
• Museum Fatahillah : Old Batavia (Kota)
Jakarta History Museum / Fatahillah Museum This museum, housed
in the old Batavia Town Hall, is probably the most solid reminder of
Dutch rule anywhere in Indonesia. The large, bell-towered hall was
built in 1627 and served the administration of the city, the law
courts, and even housed Batavia's main prison compound. These
days, it's the place to go if you're into heavy carved furniture and
other memorabilia from the Dutch period. Among the more
interesting exhibits is a series of gloomy portraits of all the Dutch
governors-general and early pictures of Batavia. The Jakarta History Museum is inside Old Batavia, just
south of the square.
Address: Taman Fatahillah
Directions: Straight to the north, to direction Kota railway station
• Museum of Fine Art and Ceramic : Old Batavia (Kota)
Built at January 21, 1870 by Raad van Justitie (High Court of Justice) and
during Japanese invasion it used to be a military quarter. Then at 1967
became the office of west Jakarta's major and at August 20, 1976 was
inaugurated by our former President Soeharto as Museum Keramik.
Address: Jalan Ketumbar, Kota
Directions: Nearby Museum Fatahillah and Batavia Cafe.
• Museum Bahari : Sunda Kelapa
Maritime museum to commemorate we have the sailormen's root :) We
can learn about several traditional sailormen and fishermen boats and
ship here.
Address: Jalan Pasar Ikan, Sunda Kelapa
Directions: Nearby Sunda Kelapa harbour.
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• Museum Wayang
Wayang is the traditional Indonesian art of puppetry, and it is still practiced
widely throughout the archipelago. The Wayang Museum in Jakarta's old
city houses a wonderful collection of old and new puppets, both wooden
ones as well as leather, which are used for Wayang Kulit (shadow puppet)
performances. The museum curator is a young and friendly man who has a
long history of Wayang making and performing in his family. Since we
arrived on a particularly slow day, he staged a short Wayang Kulit performance for us all by himself.
They also sell a few beautiful Wayang pieces at reasonable prices and much better quality than the
ones in tourist shops.
Address: Jl. Pintu Besar Utara 27 Jakarta Pusat
Phone: 6929560
Directions: Fatahillah square, next to the Jakarta Museum
• Museum Joang'45
The museum exhibiting historical objects related to the republic's struggle
for independence. Photographs and pictures document the nationalistic
movement between 1945 and 1950. On the backyard Plaza there are
garage of the official cars of the first Indonesian president and vice-
president. Open Tuesday - Sunday 09.00 - 15.00 Monday and Holiday
closed Adults IDR 2,000 include museum guide brochure.
Address: Jalan Menteng Raya 31
Phone: +62 21 390 9148
• Museum Proklamasi
Museum Proklamasi (Independence Museum ) & Perintis Kemerdekaan Building Both
are located at Jalan Proklamasi 56, on the site of the former residence of the late
President Soekarno where the nation's Independence was proclaimed. By the Perintis
Kemerdekaan Building stands the Soekarno-Hatta Monument, in commemoration of
the nation's first President, and Vice President, who together proclaimed
Independence on behalf of the Indonesian people.
Address: Jl. Proklamasi 56, Central Jakarta
Other Contact: Phone :(62 21) 314-4743
Amusement Parks
Ÿ Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
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Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (the beautiful Indonesia in miniature park). For a short visit to Jakarta, or
a better introductory to know Indonesia completely, this place is worth a visit about Indonesia’s
diverseness. The park represents Indonesia’s 27 provinces and their characteristics, reflected most
strikingly in the exact regional architecture of the province, covering in 165 hectares. The park also
boasts its own orchid garden, a bird park with a walk-in viary, a fauna museum and recreational
grounds, as well as an Indonesian art and handicraft market. At the Keong Mas (golden snail) theatre
the Indonesia promotion film “Beautiful Indonesia” is projected on a gigantic screen using the latest
Imax (super realistic in image and sound) technology. Be sure not to miss this extraordinary
The crowds on weekends certainly make it one of the most popular tourist spot. It often hosts art
performances such as wayang kulit (leather puppet) and traditional dances. It also has several
fascinating museums including the Indonesian museum, sports museum, telecommunication museum,
Asmat museum, insect museum, army museum, transportation museum, Komodo museum, and stamp
museum. This place takes all day and a fair bit of effort to visit. Take a car, otherwise we will be in for
a long hot walk and be prepared for massive crowds. It is all too many for one day indeed. Some
highlites for kids and adults include the interactive snake display in Komodo museum, and the walk
through bird enclosure. The museum housing Suharto’s gifts (former president) has some amazing
stuff. Unfortunately some of the museums are like so many others in Indonesia though, old, dusty,
and not enticing. Open hours Tuesday – Sunday, 8am – 5pm Entry fee Tuesday –Saturday: adult Rp.
4.000,- children Rp. 3.000,- Sunday and holiday : adult Rp. 5.000,- children Rp. 4.000,-
Address: East Jakarta
Ÿ Taman Impian Jaya Ancol : Recreation, Art, Theatre, Sport, Sailing
Jaya Ancol Dreamland & Fantasy Land Jakarta Dreamland This is Jakarta's largest and most popular
recreation park. It is built on reclaimed beach land at the Bay of Jakarta, having, sea and freshwater
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aquariums, swimming pools, an artificial lagoon for fishing, boating, bowling, an assortment of
nightclubs, restaurants, a steam-bath and massage parlors. Daily shows are held at the Aquarium
where dolphins and sea lions perform. The Ancol complex includes a Marina, Dunia Fantasi (Fantasy
Land), a golf course, hotels and a drive-in theater. The 'Pasar Seni' or art market has a varied
collection of Indonesian handicraft, paintings and souvenirs on sale. At a nearby open-air theater art
performances are held using the local dialect. Fantasy Land A recent addition to Jakarta's growing
recreation facilities is the Fantasy Land, a 9.5 hectares (23.75 acres) entertainment park located inside
the Ancol Dreamland. Planned to eventually become a part of a 200-hectares (500-acres) park
designed to usher the visitors into the fascinating world of modern science and technology, the
present facility takes them on an imaginative tour of Old Jakarta, Africa, America, Indonesia, Europe,
Asia and the Palace of Dolls. Each of the areas is designed to give the visitor a feel of the region he is
visiting through features and architecture of the area at a certain period of its history and by the use
of animated puppets in the Palace of Dolls. The park also offers a number of restaurants and souvenir
Address: Taman Impian jaya Ancol , Jalan Lodan Timur 7, North Jakarta
Phone: (021) 8720843
Directions: North Jakarta, along the bayfront between Kota and Tanjung Priok
Entry Fee Entrance gate Individual Rp. 6.000,- Student groups Rp. 4.700,- Corporate groups Rp.
5.300,- Groups minimum 25 persons.
Established in 1864 and moved to its present location in the southern suburbs of Pasar Minggu, South
Jakarta in 1966, the Zoo Covers 135 hectares of beautiful, shady gardens. It is home to over 260
species of animals (including many of which are endangered and threatened) from all parts of
Indonesia and the rest of the world. There are a total of ± 3122 animals including birds for the
viewing pleasure of the public. These exhibits also serve to help zoo officials in the preservation and
propagation of Indonesian Wildlife. Special attractions for the children include
a Children's Zoo and playground, along with the Sunday events of elephant,
pony cart and boat rides. Watching the orang utans on their daily tour of the
zoo grounds in a pony cart is a special treat for visitors of all ages. Restaurant
facilities and picnic shelters are available for your convenience as well as
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stands for purchasing film and souvenirs of the zoo. Come and spend a day with the family or friends
at Ragunan Zoological Park. It's a wonderful place for an outing and will become an experience which
will raise your awareness of Indonesia's unique wildlife heritage
Address: Jl. Harsono RM. 1, Jakarta 12550 - Indonesia
Other Contact: Tel. 021-7805280, 7806975
Jakarta Food Promenade
Indonesian Food : based on Foreigners’ Survey
Ÿ The main course: Rijsttafel
Oasis Restaurant and Cafe is known as the expert in Indonesia fine dining
called "Rijsttafel'. Taken from Dutch lingo, means the buffet. But it's not
the way it should be: guests come to the table and choose the meals they
want to have. Here, it's real entertaining. 12 maids come using Javanese
dress and served us. And we can take the delicacies and put them in our
dish ~warmed Chinese porcelain dish from the collection of Raden Saleh
and family.
These are the menu of main course : ~ Steamed white rice ~ Boiled deep-fried eggs in savoury
coconut milk ~ Snapper fillet in heavy coconut milk ~ Chicken in heavy coconut milk ~ Deep fried
boiled beef ~ Beef and chicken satay ~ Stir-fried baby corn with parrot and paprika ~ Beancurd and
veggie ~ Fried banana ~ Roasted grated coconut and peanuts ~ Shrimp crackers ~ Mixed pickles ~ 4
kind of chilli pastes ~ Peanut sauce
Theme: Local
Price: US$ 31-40
Comparison: most expensive
Address: Jalan Raden Saleh Raya No 47, Jakarta 10330
Phone: (021) 3150606
Directions: In Cikini area, after Taman Ismail Marzuki, going straight and turn to the left after Hotel
Sofyan Cikini
Ÿ Martabak Fatmawati
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It looks a bit like a large open garage, with a large cooking corner , it is a sort of warung (streetfood)
but in a concrete house this time. You can see the cooking happen. It's a bit mcdonalds like , they got
a few dozens of people working here. There is one to take the order , one
to bring the drinks , one to bring the order and one to clean up the table
and one.
Nasi goreng Udang : simple nice good. Ayam goreng tepung : chicken
baked in a little flour jacket. A little warning Served with the food , a little
bowl with vegetables , watch out for the green little peppers. They are not
created for western tongues. A nice simple place.
Theme: Local
Price: less than US$10
Comparison: least expensive
Address: Jalan Cipete raya 2a - jaksel
Phone: 7698 479
Directions: South jakarta , not far from Fatmawati shopping center (cfk , dunkin donuts , food court)
Ÿ Semi-Formal Dining, Lunch or Dinner
Peacock Café, an elegant 24 hour coffee shop that looked more like a Fine Dining
Restaurant than any other coffee shop. Both the a la carte menu and the buffet
offered delicious and flavorful food and though the cost may be a bit higher, a
meal at this place is worth every penny. At the Peacock Cafe as at all the
restaurants, displayed a sign informing the guests that the food came from "Halal"
kitchens, which means that it was prepared properly for Muslims to eat it.
Theme: Kosher/Halal
Price: US$11-20
Comparison: more expensive than average
Address: Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta 10002
Phone: 21 570-3600
Ÿ The Dessert of Rijsttafel
Diced tropical fruits on the top of ice cubes, tea or coffee and dried
fruits [sweets].
All of these dessert :)
Theme: Local
Price: US$21-30
Comparison: most expensive
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Address: Jalan Raden Saleh Raya No 47, Jakarta 10330
Phone: (021) 3150606
Directions: In Cikini area, after Taman Ismail Marzuki, going straight and turn to the left after Hotel
Sofyan Cikini
Ÿ Taman Ismail Marzuki : SELAMAT MENIKMATI!
Taman Ismail Marzuki is a popular spot for young people. It has a
planetarium , some exhibition space and some restaurants, a movie
theater. The chaotic traffic is nearby , yet this is a nice oasis in the city.
This is how this restaurant works. You'll get a card and something to write
your order down.
Theme: Local
Price: less than US$10
Comparison: more expensive than average
Address: Jalan cikini raya 73 , TIM , Jakarta
Directions: Menteng , not that far from the divine restaurant 'Oasis' , TIM , Hotel Sofyan Cikini is
Ÿ The Appetizers
Situated in an old Dutch villa owned by a famous Indonesian painter; Raden Saleh, the appetizers are
so delicious. First, Indonesian fruits salad called "rujak". Dices of tropical fruits with 2 dressings
separated: brown sugar syrup and peanuts then the other is something green like avocado but sour.
Second turn is light seafood soup, then continue with crabmeat omelette and mustard sauce.
Love all of the appetizers.
Theme: Diner
Price: US$21-30
Comparison: most expensive
Address: Jalan Raden Saleh Raya No 47, Jakarta 10330
Phone: (021) 3150606
Directions: In Cikini area, after Taman Ismail Marzuki, going straight and turn to the left after Hotel
Sofyan Cikini
Ÿ A Popular Meeting Place
A place to get out of the sun and try to escape the heat. Cafe Venezia was a Steak House & Italian Ice
Cream, a Japanese-Korean Barbecue, a Boutique and a favorite meeting place.
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Theme: Local
Price: less than US$10
Comparison: least expensive
Address: Jl. Cikini Raya 73,
Phone: 3146263 – 65
Directions: On the Campus of the Jakarta Institute of Art (Taman
Ismail Marzuki)
Ÿ Javanese Food in The Mall
Rather authentic Javanese food with lots of interesting items on the menu. Some items in the menu
are influenced by chinese or dutch food. Atmosphere is very friendly and the antique decor is
Osengan koyor (fried beef fat), Selat Lidah (ox-tongue soup), Rujak Cingur (Hot ox-nose salad), Tahu
hotplate siram kepiting (Hot Plate Tofu with Crab sauce), Kangkung Hot plate (Hot Plate
Kangkung/Morningglory). There are less exotic fare as well: fried rice, noodles, hot-plate tofu etc. all
quite excellent.
Theme: Local
Price: less than US$10
Comparison: less expensive than average
Address: Mal Pondok Indah, 2nd Floor (top floor), Jakarta
Phone: (021) 750 6953
Directions: It's at the top floor and the southern corner of the Pondok Indah mall.
Ÿ Padang Restaurant
Masakan Padang , A very well known Restaurant sign board which you can see in every corner of the
streets of Jakarta. .The display of these dishes on the front window is in a very unique way at on a top
of each other without any scare that they are going to slip down despite the load of food items each
white glass Dish plate carries on. What differentiates Padang food than any other Cuisines is their style
of serving to their customers ..As soon as you take a seat , waiters will
come to you holding at least 10 to 12 dishes in their hand. Remember
you never need to order anything except drinks even that also a hot tea
will be placed on your table along with your food. Dishes will be placed
on your table in a way like a card building game so that they adjust the
width of the table , and here you are free in a full democratic way to
chose anything you wish just as if you are looking at any ballot paper of
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a election and you have to pick somebody for your well being. Remember only the food from the
dishes which you have taken will be charged and the ones untouched will be never be charged in your
Padang (West Sumatra) food is famous all over Indonesia (and probably even in Malaysia and
Singapore). The food is mostly curry: hot and spicy. In Jakarta, the best chain of Padang restaurants
are the Sederhana restaurants. They are everywhere and the quality is very good. Call the waiter
"Uda" (ooh-duh) which means "big brother" in the Minangkabau dialect of West Sumatra.
Lots of variety: beef Rendang (dry curry), ayam pop (skinless fried chicken) etc. This is Indonesian
fast food: 20 different types of dishes are laid out on your table in a few seconds. Hot tea is free but
try the Avocado juice. You only pay for what you eat.
Theme: Local
Price: less than US$10
Comparison: about average
Address: Many outlets in Jakarta
Street Food
Ÿ Pedestrian Foods
Open daily for warung indomie and evening 'till late night for pedestrian seafood. For fruits, maybe 24
In Jakarta you can find eateries called ‘warung indomie’ (small noodles house) with their special items
‘internet’ (indomie-telur-corned), just instant noodles serving with vegetables, boiled egg and salted
beef. It will be ready in 5 minutes. Mostly, these kind of places are also selling toasted bread with
various jam.
Placed on tents along the streets, you can find Pecel Lele (fried catfish served with vegetables and
belacan sauce), Pecel Ayam (catfish changed with chicken), Soto Ayam (chicken soup) and Soto
Daging (meat soup). All served with steamed rice. Also sate ayam and sate Padang, fried noodles and
Nasi Goreng (fried rice). You can find also seafood served in this pedestrian area, such as massive
crabs, prawn or garupa (gurame) in sweet-sour sauce, oyster sauce or a la saos Padang (very spicy!),
grilled or fried calamari, ‘till boiled shrimp and oyster serving with pineapple and peanut sauce.
For dessert, there are so many tent serves dessert, many kind of fruits on the pedestrians. And you
can find fresh Mandarin orange, grapefruits, apple, mango, plus local fruits.
Theme: Other
Directions: Pecel Lele and Pecel Ayam are situated on Jalan Cokroaminoto, Menteng, other side of
Keris Galeri. Also for sate Padang and Nasi Goreng with sausage. Seafood on ‘Tenda Tiga Dara’,
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Rawamangun, East Jakarta
Ÿ Gerobak (pushcart)
Gerobak is actually carts for serving the pedestrian food, eg. bubur ayam (rice porridge with sliced
fried chicken, celery, fried soy bean, cakwee, soya bean sauce and shrimp
crackers), rujak buah, gado-gado (if you feel very hungry, you can order to
added lontong (rice cake) or steamed rice, rujak buah, es buah and sate
For some carts, the salespersons sell the food as home service --door to
door, open day and night. Just listen to the sound that they’re announced
and you will recognize about the foods. Like ‘ting, ting, ting’ (as the fork or
spoon kicking the bowl or wok) it’s for mie goreng (fried noodles), nasi goreng (fried rice), bakso
(meatballs with noodles), bubur ayam (chicken porridge), or es campur (fruit mocktail). If the sounds
‘kring, kring, kring’ (from bicycle), it can be siomay (Chinese snack, made from fish and corn starch
wrapped in wontons, plus fried or boiled tofu, potato, cabbage and bitter melon and served with
peanut sauce, sweet soy sauce and squeeze with lemon) or burger (hotdog and hamburger) or ice
cream cones. If the seller say ‘Teeeeee’, it must be sate (satay, diced chicken skewered onto thin
bamboo and grilled over fiery charcoals –known as ‘sate ayam’. If made from meat, the name is ‘sate
Padang’). Without any kind of sounds, maybe gado-gado (vegetables salad like string beans, spinach,
bean sprouts, watercress, cucumber, potato and lettuce with fried tofu, served with spicy peanut
sauce), rujak buah (many kinds of Indonesian fruits like star fruits, mango, papaya and kedondong in
special sauce made from brown sugar, chilli and salt), asinan buah (just like rujak but the sauce made
from water, white sugar, chilli and vinegar), soto (chicken or meat light soup served with steamed
rice) or ‘drink gerobak’ (sell many variety of bottled drinks, from mineral water, soft drink with soda
like Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Mirinda, ‘till tea called ‘teh botol’).
Theme: Other
Directions: We can find gerobak anywhere in the city! But the best items (from my own) you can
find at; for bubur ayam at Pasar Cikini, near Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pasar Bunga, rujak, asinan
buah and gado-gad
Other Contact: + Picture is about 'Siomay'
Ÿ Fried Rice a'la Indonesien
For those who like spicy taste and one dish meal, try this 'nasi
goreng'. Fried rice with sausage, egg and crackers, served hot nearby
pedestrian in the night. In the one part of famous Menteng area at
the downtown.
Theme: Local
Price: less than US$10
Comparison: about average
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Address: Jalan Menteng
Directions: In front of Keris Gallery and Mario's Place on Menteng
Ÿ Muara Karang Seafood
The ultimate seafood restaurants in Jakarta. In Muara Karang, all seafood are served 'fresh from the
ocean'. The restaurants only have steamed rice with many various of sambal (sauce) plus soft drink.
So you have to buy the seafood by your own to the fish market nearby the
restaurant, then asking them to cooking.
Some menus served are sweet and sour (massive) crabs, fried crabs with
butter and oyster sauce, grilled prawn and calamari, served with steamed
rice and chilli-mango sauce plus belacan sauce.
Theme: Other
Address: Muara Karang beach, Pluit, north of Jakarta.
Ÿ Muara Angke Area
You actually have to shop for the sea food yourself. Wide selection of fish, shrimps, squid and all kind
of sea food are available fresh on the traditional market. After shopping you can go to the nearest
small restaurants to have them cooked anyway you like. Better visit is at night.
Sea Food - all kind
Theme: Other
Address: Muara Angke North Jakarta
Ÿ The Best Restaurants in Jakarta
The best restaurants in Jakarta are the ones that in the sides of the streets. Soto Madura (beef soup
with yellow spices) in Jalan Roxi and Lamb Satay in Jalan Gereja Ayam, Central Jakarta (in the
evening) will be the best one. Price can be found best in the small restaurants on the sides of the
Some menus served are Satay (roasted meats on the sticks, eaten with peanuts seasonings), Soto
(variety of soups), Tongseng (lambs soup, hot and spicy), chicken porridge, and nasi uduk (rice
cooked with coconut milk).
Theme: Other
Directions: You can find various restaurants in Jalan Sabang, Central Jakarta. You will find a lot of
nice Satay (chicken and lamb). This food can also be found many in Jl. Bangka.
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Other Jakarta Restaurants
Han Cantonese Restaurant
Grand Hyatt Jakarta, Jalan M. H. Thamrin, Jakarta 10230
Tel: +62 21 390 1234 Fax: +62 21 334 321
Hotel Aryaduta Jakarta, 44-48 Jalan Prapatan, Jakarta 10110
Tel: +62 21 231 1234 Fax: +62 21 380 9900
Restaurant Fiesta
Sari Pan Pacific Hotel Jakarta, Jalan M.H. Thamrin 6, Jakarta 10340
Tel: +62 21 323 707 Fax: +62 21 323 650
Riva Restaurant
The Park Lane, Jalan Casablanca Kavling 18, Jakarta 12870
Tel: +62 21 828 2000 Fax: +62 21 828 2222
Bakmi Gajah Mada
Studio 21 Cinema Complex, Jalan Thamrin and , Jalan Melawi IV, Block M, Jakarta
Tel: +62 21 829 5366
112 Wahid Hasyim, Jakarta 10340
Tel: +62 21 315 0424 Fax: +62 21 314 3501
Bengawan Solo
Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 86, Jakarta 10220
Tel: +62 21 570 4444 Fax: +62 21 573 8724
Blue Ocean
Jalan Hayam Wuruk 5, Jakarta
Tel: +62 21 345 6650
Raden Kuring
Jalan Raden Saleh 62, Jakarta 10120
Tel: +62 21 314 0744
Hayam Wuruk
Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 5, Jakarta
Tel: +62 21 365 544
Hua Ting
Millennium Sirih-Jakarta, Jalan Fachrudin 3, Jakarta 10250
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Tel: +62 21 230 3636 Fax: +62 31 230 0880
Sumire Japanese Restaurant
Grand Hyatt Jakarta, Jalan M. H. Thamrin, Jakarta 10230
Tel: +62 21 390 1234 Fax: +62 21 334 321
Millennium Sirih-Jakarta, Jalan Fachrudin 3, Jakarta 10250
Tel: +62 21 230 3636 Fax: +62 31 230 0880
Grand Cafe
Grand Hyatt Jakarta, Jalan M. H. Thamrin, Jakarta 10230
Tel: +62 21 390 1234 Fax: +62 21 334 321
Seafood Terrace
Grand Hyatt Jakarta, Jalan M. H. Thamrin, Jakarta 10230
Tel: +62 21 390 1234 Fax: +62 21 334 321
Hotel Aryaduta Jakarta, 44-48 Jalan Prapatan, Jakarta 10110
Tel: +62 21 231 1234 Fax: +62 21 380 9900
Melati Café & Bar
Sari Pan Pacific Hotel Jakarta, Jalan M.H. Thamrin 6, Jakarta 10340
Tel: +62 21 323 707 Fax: +62 21 323 650
The Kafe Restaurant
The Park Lane, Jalan Casablanca Kavling 18, Jakarta 12870
Tel: +62 21 828 2000 Fax: +62 21 828 2222
Keyaki Japanese Restaurant
Sari Pan Pacific Hotel Jakarta, Jalan M.H. Thamrin 6, Jakarta 10340
Tel: +62 21 323 707 Fax: +62 21 323 650
Stix Restaurant
The Park Lane, Jalan Casablanca Kavling 18, Jakarta 12870
Tel: +62 21 828 2000 Fax: +62 21 828 2222
Cafe Sirih
Millennium Sirih-Jakarta, Jalan Fachrudin 3, Jakarta 10250
Tel: +62 21 230 3636 Fax: +62 31 230 0880
Tony Roma's
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Panin Bank Center, Ground Floor, Jalan Jend. Sudirman Kavling, Jakarta 10270
Tel: +62 21 720 2738 Fax: +62 21 720 2744
Shopping Centers
• Plaza Senayan
This is Jakarta’s most popular up market mall, situated very centrally in South Jakarta with a fantastic
array of goods and services. It could be an easiest place to meet friend coincidentally. Of course, then
it’s become a cruising place for teenage, even older.
It houses two excellent department stores, Metro and Sogo, score of quality women’s and men’s
fashion, children’s clothes and toys, sports apparels, book stores, art and gift srtores, music, cinema,
health and beauty stores, and home décor. It also has a huge foodcourt, cinema, bowling alley, and
some great dining restaurants. For simple: this mall means high quality branded shops, restaurants,
and very popular place to meet.
Address: Jl. Asia Afrika no. 8
Phone: tel +62 21 5725555
• Mal Taman Anggrek
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This dizzying mall is one of the biggest in South East Asia, located in West Jakarta. The upper floors
are occupied by entertainment and food spots, including Olympic size ice skating rink, Cineplex,
Timezone, and Dapur Anggrek food court with various vendors.
Within its bowls are more than 400 tenants and no less than 3 department stores: Rimo, Galeria
Matahari and Metro. Some pretty affordable shops but still good quality, obviously the choice is good
and often bewildering. Easy to get lost here, if you don’t know. Very popular with Chinese youngsters
and also excellent for families with an active kids club. The mall is well managed and makes good use
of space in the basement with regular family-oriented and promotional events. The choice of good
places to eat is limited and on weekend its over crowded.
Address: Jl. Letjend S. Parman Kav 21 Slipi Jakarta
Phone: +62 21 5643777
• Pasaraya Grande
Located just next to Blok M bus station, this huge shopping center stocks hundreds of fashion labels,
from classics designers to trendy labels. Previously known for its huge range of shoes, sport section
and amazing selection of batik, handicrafts and home décorations. The Grande Cineplex here is well
and also the bowling alley. But it has small range of decent food and beverages outlets. This is the
place to get your souvenirs of Indonesia, ikat, handicraft and many more.
Address: Jl. Iskandarsyah II no. 2 Blok M
Phone: +62 21 726017
• Plaza Indonesia
Located in the heart of Jakarta with hundreds of prestigious tenants, this shopping center obviously
aims for up market shoppers. It has a walk through link with Grand Hyatt Hotel Jakarta, a well-known
five star hotel. This mall is getting more and more popular and filling more of its rented space with top
quality shops, services and restaurants. It’s the best for top of the range clothing and often has good
fashion events. However recently there are also more shops with slightly more affordable goods there
as well. And now the extension of this mall for younger shoppers with many entertainment tenant,
cinemas etc., is already open.
The luxurious environment makes shopping enjoyable, and not that crowded. Sogo department store
is in the mall as are a host of branded boutiques offering top quality product, such as Bruno Magli,
Cartier, Versace, Bulgari, Gucci, Hugo Boss, etc. Several international restaurants and coffee chain are
also here. You name it, Starbucks, Coffee Bean, Coffee Club and Dome. And don’t forget La Moda Café
in the atrium, which regularly host entertainment and fashion shows.
Address: Jl MH Thamrin Kav 28-30
Phone: +62 21 3107272, 390 3728.
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• Sarinah
Its a one stop shopping collection of locals souvenirs house. Strategically located in central area of
Jakarta, opposite of Djakarta Theatre Building. If you only have limited time, this place is the best
then. Chilis Restaurant and Stardust Niteclub are also in this area. Very close to Jalan Jaksa, where
many backpackers hotel are. Sarinah has an excellent selection of handicrafts, clothes, stationary,
books etc., a very complete collection of souvenirs.
Address: Jl. MH Thamrin
• Various Shopping Centers
Shopping in Jakarta can be very cheap if you forget about going to Fancy Shopping Malls like Plaza
Senayan. They are all rip offs for garments the TANAH ABANG Market, Central Jakarta, is the best
Place, Jeans, Trousers, Shirts, all at the cheapest prices. For Electronics, GLODOK Plaza (China Town)
North Jakarta is the best option, shops are full of all kinds of Consumer Electronics Goods, TV, Music
Systems, Digital Cameras, Palm Corders. You name it, Bargain is a Must (start with 40% from the
asking Price and it will be setteled like 50%~60%). For Computer, parts and Accessories, and also for
grocery purchase of men and women outfits, go to MANGGA DUA Shopping Center, North Jakarta.
Jakarta’s Nightlife and Entertainment
• Hard Rock Café
Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta is one of the best HRC in Asia. The atmosphere is
totally great and the bands are very good. The waiters are friendly and the
drinks are blasting. Especially in "I love Monday" program. We can find
great musicians singing their promo songs. Smart casual, sexy is
encouraged. Hard Rock Café Jakarta has just moved to a new place at
Plaza Indonesia Entertainment X’nter.
Directions: Plaza Indonesia Entertainment X'nter
• Kemang Area
In the Kemang area, the more “trendy” nightspots can be found.
Restaurants, offering international cuisine, cage’s and other watering
holes make Kemang a favourite place for so called “young urban
professionals (yuppies)”. Kemang is also known for its abundance of
Javanese furniture shops, art shops and artgalleries, where great buys
can be picked up. Casualtrend or formalsome would be appropriate.
Directions: Kemang is located in the southern part of the city and it is in this area where some 80%
of Indonesia’s most expat community resides.
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• Cilandak Town Square
It's a place for hang-out with friends in south of Jakarta. For supermarket, it's open 24 hours.
Amusement park open 'till one o'clock in the morning also the cafes.
Address: Town Square, Cilandak Mal, south Jakarta
Directions: Exit from free-way TB Simatupang to direction of Pondok Indah then turn around to
• Café Batavia
The café is decorated with old and classical surroundings beautifully. All
the tropical wood , soft piano music, classical dressed waitress and old
pictures on the wall, dominates the cafe. Names on the menu that make
you nostalgic.
Address: Taman Fatahillah , Jakarta
Phone: 021 691 5531
Directions: The old Batavia area , 4 km from the national monument.
• Others
Bugils Café, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta - Gelora
Retro Club, Neighborhood : South Jakarta - Setiabudi
B.A.T.S, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta - Tanah Abang
Tiga Puluh Bar, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta - Tanah Abang
Bacchus Bar, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta - Tanah Abang
Jamz Restaurant and Pub, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Setiabudi
Stamford Arms, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Kebayoran Baru
CJ’s Bar, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta – Gelora
Star Deli, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Mampang Prapatan
Ragusa Es Italia, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta – Gambir
Klub 45 Restaurant & Bar, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Kebayoran Baru
William’s, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Mampang Prapatan
Cuba Libre Latin Bar, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta – Gambir
Tator Café, Neighborhood : South Jakarta
Classic Rock Café, Neighborhood : South Jakarta - Kebayoran Baru
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De laila Bar, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Setiabudi
Manna House, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta – Gelora
Mata Bar, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta – Tanah Abang
Chianti Classico Bistro, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Setiabudi
Plaza de Espana, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Setiabudi
Salsa Club, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Mampang Prapatan
Café Wien, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta – Gelora
Lava Lounge, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta – Gelora
Fashion Café, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta– Tanah Abang
Café Granvia, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Setiabudi
Zanzibar, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Kebayoran Baru
Communication Services
• Telephone Calls
As getting a fixed line remains an unaffordable luxury for many Indonesians, wartel (short for warung
telekomunikasi) can be found on most every street in Indonesia.
Making local calls
Dial (telephone number)
Making long distance calls
Dial 0-(area code)-(telephone number)
Making international calls
Dial 017-(country code)-(area code, if any)-(telephone number)
Making long distance collect calls
Dial 0871-(area code)
Connecting to the Internet
Dial 080989999 (from your modem)
TELKOM Calling Card access number
Dial 168
• Mobile Phones
The Indonesian mobile phone market is heavily competed and prices are low: you can pick up a
prepaid SIM card for less than Rp 20,000 and calls may cost as little as Rp 1,000 a minute (subject to
the usual host of restrictions). Indonesia is also the world's largest market for used phones and basic
models start from Rp 250,000. The largest operators are Telkomsel (
(brand simPATI), Indosat ( (brands Matrix, Mentari, IM3) and
Excelcomindo ( (brands Jempol, Bebas).
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Most Indonesian operators use GSM, but beware of the few offering CDMA phones: they are slightly
cheaper, but generally not usable outside major cities. Be sure to double-check when buying.
• Internet
The modern-day version of the wartel is the warnet, which feature Internet-connected PCs as well,
and many shops now do double duty. Prices vary considerably, and as usual you tend to get what you
pay for, but you'll usually be looking at around Rp 5,000 per hour.
• Telephone Directories and Information Services
~Indonesian Yellow pages on the Internet
Go to
~Telephone directory within current area code
Dial 108
~Telephone directory within other area code
Dial 106
~Telephone directory within specific area code
Dial 0-(area code)-108
~National telephone directory
Dial 08091-108-108
Current time
Dial 103
Information about TELKOM services
Dial 162
How To Live in Jakarta
Boarding house
In Jakarta, usually the intern stays in a boarding house (in Bahasa, it is called “kost”). Every boarding
house has many rooms; it depends on how big the house is. The facilities of this room vary as well.
More expensive, more complete the facilities of it. Each room may have one bed, one wardrobe, one
desk, inside bathroom, and an air conditioner. Sometimes there are a television and an internet facility
too. In some boarding houses, there are living room, kitchen, and refrigerator. So, you can cook your
food by yourself. The cost of one room varies from IDR 500,000 to IDR 1,000,000 per month and you
have to pay it at the beginning of the month.
In the boarding house, you live with many people who have various backgrounds. From that, you can
learn how to have more understanding about our culture and characteristic of Indonesian. To stay in
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boarding house, you have to do everything by yourself such as clean the room and wash your clothes.
But, some boarding houses have a servant to serve your needs.
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• Gado Gado
Gado Gado is Indonesian salad. it comes with lontong, boiled egg, fried tofu, potato, steam
beansprout, and lettuce. Before eating it, we put shrimp crackers and melinjo (another type of
crackers) and then pour the spicy peanut sauce on top of it.
• Karedok
Not to be confused with the omnipresent Gado-Gado, Karedok is the Sundanese take on the
salad with peanut dressing. The main difference is, the vegetables in Gado-Gado is cooked, but
in Karedok, it's raw. Moreover, Karedok has more bite to it and definitely more spicy.
• Soto Ayam
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• Satay (this can made from chicken, meat, and pork)
• Kerak telor
It’s one of traditional food of Jakarta. Kerak telor is made from rice and egg.
• Rujak (fruit salad with pungent dressing)
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• Martabak telor (thick folded crepe filled with spices and pieces of meat)
• Pecel (salad made of blanched vegetables served with peanut sauce)
• Ketoprak
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• Sekoteng
Transportation Services
Getting Around Jakarta
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• Bajaj
Bright orange and noisy easily describes a bajaj. These traditional transportation vehicles
became popular in India where they were developed with Vespa and later imported to and built
in Indonesia. Similar vehicles are known as rickshaw in Africa, Tuk-Tuk in Thailand and
MotoTaxi in Peru. With an estimated 20,000 bajaj in Jakarta, it is evident they are very popular
here too.
Bajaj seat two passengers comfortably and up to five passengers - depending on the size of the
passenger of course. Their areas of operation are limited to one mayoralty in the city. On the
side of the driver's doors you'll see a big circle in which the area is designated, Jakarta Barat,
Jakarta Pusat, etc., with a different color for each mayoralty. The drivers are not allowed to go
out of their area and aren't allowed onto many main roads, so routes may be a bit circuitous.
Fare determination is by bargaining. It's always best to ask an Indonesian what they would pay
for a trip to a particular destination from your point of departure, and then bargain and pay
accordingly. A ride in a bajaj is hot, utilizing AC alam - or nature's air conditioning. The ride will
also be noisy, smelly (car and bus fumes), bumpy, harrowing, and a grand adventure. There is
some protection from the rain, unless it's blowing hard. You'd think you'd have to be careful
about robbery since the vehicle is so open - but it's not as common as robberies in buses.
Having said all that, bajaj are extremely convenient in many areas of Jakarta for a short drive.
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• Becak (Pedicab)
Becak were banned within the Jakarta city limits in 1994 due to their propensity to cause traffic
jams. Former President Soeharto (and others) also wanted to eradicate becak from the city
streets because they felt the work to be degrading to the drivers. Becak are widely missed by
people who live in housing complexes off the main roads and small roads which are not
serviced by bus routes - as their sheer numbers in the city prior to the crackdown attests to
how widely they were used. It used to be a common site in Jakarta to see becak drivers taking
children to school each morning, and women home from the traditional market.
However, you can still find a few becak drivers ignoring the ban in certain locations within the
city limits. Outside city limits becak are still found at the junctions of main roads and smaller
country lanes that don't have smaller bus routes. Models of becak are different in each city they
are found in across Indonesia.
Becak fit two passengers comfortably and possibly even more, depending on the size of the
passenger. There is some protection from the sun and a plastic sheet that comes down over the
front helps protect passengers during rainstorms. Bargain before you get in! And don't expect
the driver to have change for large bills.
• Bemo
Welcome To Jakarta 37
Reception Booklet 2010
Another noisy little neighborhood vehicle is the bemo, which is used for local transportation in
limited areas in Jakarta. Originally brought to Indonesia by the Japanese government as part of
a disaster relief package in 1962, the vehicles were never manufactured in Indonesia in as great
a number as bajaj or becak. Bemo are found in and near Benhil, Tanjung Priok, Kramat Jati and
other areas outside Jakarta.
• Bus
There are a large number bus companies servicing routes in Jakarta. Many of the larger buses
seat 25-40 people (depending on type of bus). The buses have set prices (which should be
posted on the bus). Bus companies include the government-owned PPD and Damri, which
provides service to the airport. Private companies include Metro Mini. Some buses are air
conditioned; they are more expensive.
All buses have set routes and set fares, but not set schedules. For non-air conditioned bus, you
have to pay IDR 2,500 and for air conditioned bus IDR 6,000 or IDR 6,500. Students in uniform
pay a lower rate - no matter the distance. If you're not sure of the fare, ask other passengers
what it is. Pay the “conductor”, who is usually hanging out the back door. He won't have
change for big bills.
Buses are the most common transport of the masses. Buses do not necessarily stop at bus
stops, they stop wherever they can pick up a passenger be it in the middle of the road or on a
busy intersection. Buses do not necessarily come to a complete stop for passengers to get off
and on. So be careful as to which foot you step off the bus with!
• Delman
Welcome To Jakarta 38
Reception Booklet 2010
Perhaps the only truly traditional transportation left in Jakarta, delman (horse-drawn carriages)
are getting harder to spot in Jakarta nowadays. They are most commonly used to transport
goods from major markets. On Sundays you can rent a delman in the roads surrounding Monas
(the national monument). The locals usually pile in the kids and have the delman driver take
them for a fun ride around the Monas park.
Delman are often rented by a Betawi family to transport kids around the neighborhood to
celebrate a sunatan ceremony (circumcision). When rented for parties such as this, the delman
are often decorated with traditional Betawi ornamentation which lends a very festive air.
Bargain ahead of time to settle on a price as the price varies depending on the distance.
• Train
A commuter train (kereta api) runs several times daily from Bogor to Jakarta. These trains are
quite simply furnished and often quite dirty. Scores of passengers brave the dangers and seat
themselves atop the trains to avoid paying the fares. To go by commuter train, you have to pay
IDR 1,000 until IDR 1,500
Trains to other major cities on Java leave Jakarta from train stations at Gambir, Tanah Abang
and Senin. Different classes of service are available, with the first class or executive class being
quite comfortable. Some trains are bookable in advance. Trains are a good transportation
option for inter-city travel on a budget.
• Mikrolet/Angkot (Public Vans)
Welcome To Jakarta 39
Reception Booklet 2010
Mikrolet and angkot (these vehicles go by other names as well) are smaller vans/mini-buses
that serve set routes on smaller main roads. They seat 9-12 people, depending on the type.
Fares run from Rp 2,000 to 4,000, depending on the distance. The beginning and end points of
the routes are visible on the front and back of each bus, along with a route number. For
example, Tanah Abang - Meruya M11.
• Ojek
Ojek “motorcycle taxis” began appearing in Jakarta after becak were banned in 1994. Ojek
service began as a people's initiative to provide a transportation options for people who used to
use becak from main roads into housing complexes. There is no government licensing for or
control over ojek.
By law all motorcycle passengers should wear helmets, so ojek drivers should have a spare for
you to wear. Ojek tend to congregate at t-junctions on main roads and near smaller roads that
are not serviced by bus routes. Ladies have a careful balancing act if wearing a dress and must
sit sidewise on the back of the vehicle. Bargain before you get on - ask a local what the price
should be first.
• Ojek Sepeda (Bicycle Taxi)
Welcome To Jakarta 40
Reception Booklet 2010
Rarely seen in areas of Jakarta outside Kota and Tanjung Priok in North Jakarta. Ojek Sepeda
“bicycle taxis” operate much like ojek, except for shorter distances.
• Taxi
It is recommended for first timers and tourist who do not want to get fussy to move around the
town to get a taxi anywhere they want to go around the city. In most of the hotels and
shopping malls, there are taxi counters on site. Or if you happen to be on the street, taxi can be
hailed wherever you are (you do not need to find a stopping place such as taxi stand because
there is no such thing in Jakarta, except at shopping malls and offices). Taxi can also be
ordered through telephone. They did not charge delivery order but they will have a minimum
order if you call the taxi. All taxis in Jakarta are metered. The most reputable taxi company
would be Blue Bird Taxi Group. They have blue coloured taxi with bird logo. However due to
many new taxi operators try to get passengers, they copycat this taxi color schemes. So the
way to determine that you take the correct taxi is to see the front screen of the car. Blue Bird
taxi will have a "BLUE BIRD GROUP" wording on the top of their windscreen. This taxi charges
IDR 6,000 flag fall and about IDR 3,000/km. Some of the older taxis still charge the old rate,
about 30% cheaper. In general it is better to pay the extra.
Blue Bird also have a premium taxi line called Silver Bird Taxi. These are operated by black
Mercedes Benz C-Class. Fare is a bit more expensive, but this taxi is more comfortable and the
drivers are more experienced. These are the favourites among the executives and expats. The
Silverbird taxis charge IDR 6,900 flag fall, and about IDR 3,700/km and IDR 55,000/hour for
waiting - good value for money for a little extra.
Welcome To Jakarta 41
Reception Booklet 2010
• River Taxi
Back in time, long before taxis, bajaj and becak , Jakarta's residents traveled the many canals
and rivers and canals in a variety of boats. Today there are still places in Jakarta where you can
find boats used to cross. These boatmen take people across a river often from a major road to
the kampung on the other side/so that they don't have to travel way out of their way.
• Jakarta Busway
The newest project, The Jakarta Busway is the series of bus lines operating on certain routes
with the bus is running from the right side of the lane in its designated lane. There are 7
corridors open and you can move anywhere you like at a flat rate. At the time, it costs Rp3500
per ride. More and more people use the service and it's somewhat can cause inconvenience
because of the crowded buses. For tourist staying in the city center, they can move around the
town easily. Now, the busway connect you to virtually any public places in the city such as
Ancol recreation park, Ragunan zoo, to Blok M shopping area. You just need to study where
you should study the transfer point and which station you should alight at.
Welcome To Jakarta 42
Reception Booklet 2010
Getting in Other Cities
• Plane
The only rapid means of long-distance travel within Indonesia is the plane. The two largest
domestic carriers are Garuda ( and
Merpati (, although low-cost carriers such as Lion
Air (, Adam Air (,
Bouraq (, Mandala (, Sriwijaya
and a host of imitators are gaining markets with prices that compare favorably to land travel
(especially if a 1 hour flight compared to a 24 hour bus trip is an important consideration to you).
Prices are low by international standards, but steep compared to ferries, and the safety record of
the smaller companies is dubious.
Some Local Travel Agents to provide the ticket services are :
Interasia Tour & Travel
Address: Jalan Tanjung Duren Barat III No.1, Tomang Ria, Jakarta Barat 11470
Phone: +62 021 5631450, Fax: +62 021 56967185
Lintas Tour
Address: Jalan Kebon Kacang Raya Flat I No. 3 Jakarta Pusat Indonesia
Phone: +62 021 3142895, Fax : +62 021 3144117
PT. Gembala Eka Travelindo (Getra Tours)
Address: Jalan Mangga No.1B, Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat 10610 Indonesia
Phone: +62 021 4224366, Fax: +62 021 4269175
Welcome To Jakarta 43
Reception Booklet 2010
Pameda Pacific Travel
Address: Jalan Let. Jend Soeprapto 121 B1 No.8 Jakarta Indonesia
Phone: +62 021 4265412, Fax: +62 021 4265409
Masindo Buana Wisata
Address: Jalan Tebet Timur Dalam Raya No.117, Jakarta 12820 Indonesia
Phone: +62 021 8293250, Fax: +62 021 8308661
• Boat
Indonesia is all islands and consequently ferries have long been the most popular means of inter
island travel. The largest company is PELNI, which visits practically every inhabited island in
Indonesia. Schedules are notional and creature comforts sparse.
• Bus
The major types of buses are air-conditioned bus (AC) and non-air-conditioned bus (non-AC or
"economy class"). The airconditioned chartered buses can be rented with its drivers for a tourist
group. Indonesian bus companies offer intercity and interprovince routes. The interprovince routes
usually include transportation to other islands mainly between Java island and Sumatra island.
Currency and Medium of Payment
Indonesia's currency is the rupiah (IDR), abbreviated Rp. The rupiah's value plummeted during the
1997 economic crisis and has slowly drifted downward ever since, and as of 2005 you need almost Rp
10,000 to buy one US dollar. The trailing three zeros are often abbreviated with rb (ribu, thousand) or
even dropped completely, and for more expensive items you will often even see jt (juta, million).
The largest banknote is Rp 100,000, which may only be US$10 but is still inconveniently large for most
purchases. Next in the series are Rp 50,000, Rp 20,000, Rp 10,000, Rp 5,000 and finally Rp 1,000. Bill
size is the easiest way to distinguish them, as the designs — all pale pastel shades of yellow, green
and brown — are confusingly similar and the smaller bills in particular are often filthy and mangled. A
chronic shortage of small change has been to some extent alleviated by a new flood of plasticky
aluminum coins, available in denominations of Rp 500, Rp 200, Rp 100, Rp 50 and the thoroughly
useless Rp 25. Older golden metallic versions are also still floating around, and you may occasionally
even run into a sub-1000 banknote. Bills printed in 1992 or earlier are no longer in circulation, but can
be exchanged at banks.
US dollars are the second currency of Indonesia and will be accepted by anyone in a pinch, but are
typically used as an investment and for larger purchases, not buying a bowl of noodles on the street.
Money exchangers are very picky around bill condition, pre-1999 bills or imperfect bills (ripped,
wrinkled, stained, etc) will often be rejected. In the reverse direction, they will be happy to turn your
dirty rupiah into spiffy dollars, but the spread is often considerable (10% is not unusual).
ATMs are common in the larger cities and generally reliable. Be careful when using credit cards, as
cloning and fraud are a major problem in Indonesia.
Welcome To Jakarta 44
Reception Booklet 2010
Jakarta Business Tips
Jakarta Dress Code
In business circles, wearing a suit is the norm for both men and women. For formal occasions, either a
suit or a long-sleeved, good quality, batik shirt are recommended for men, whilst evening or cocktail
dresses are suitable for women. As Indonesia is primarily a Muslim country, modesty in dress is
advised; remember to cover up if you intend visiting a mosque.
Greeting Someone in Jakarta
The usual way to greet people in Jakarta, particularly where business is concerned, is by shaking
hands. Some Muslim women do not shake hands, due to their religious beliefs.
Jakarta Business Hours and Banking
Hours of business in Jakarta are Monday to Friday, 09:00 till 13:00 and 14:00 till 17:00. Most places of
business will also trade Saturday mornings 09:00 to 13:00. Banks will not be open on Saturday
morning but will be open during the week from 09:30 to 15:00.
Jakarta Smoking
There is a ban on smoking on public transport in Jakarta and the visitor should observe this even if the
locals often do not. In business, it is advisable to refrain and take cues from the host.
1. Single Entry Socio Cultural Visa
This visa is issued by the Indonesian Embassy to applicants who are going to Indonesia for a
social/cultural visit, such as visiting relatives/friends; social organizations; exchange visits
between educational institutions; undertaking research and attending training program in
This visa is Single Entry with Maximum length of stay 60 days. Extensions can be applied for and
obtained in Indonesia from the Immigration Authorities. Visa extension is granted for 30 days
each. You can extend your social cultural visa up to 4 times for a total maximum stay of 180
days. The two first extensions will be granted by your Immigration office, while the two last will
require a prior approval from the District office before issuance by the Immigration Office.
Welcome To Jakarta 45
Reception Booklet 2010
Visa will only be issued by the Embassy after receiving the authorization direct from the
Immigration office in Indonesia. Visa is issued within five to six working days from receipt of
application provided all documents are in order.
Be careful with this VISA, if you are late to extend this VISA, the local immigration will charge
IDR 200.000 per day. Cost of this visa is USD 45 and for the extension is IDR 250.000
Required documents which should be submitted are as follows:
1. Passport (with a minimum validity of 6 months from the date of entry into Indonesia)
2. One completed visa application form
3. One coloured passport size photograph.
4. Evidence that the applicant has sufficient funds to cover the cost of applicant's intended
stay in Indonesia (Bank Statement dated less than a month with a minimum balance of
£1,000.- or traveler's cheque).
5. Evidence of obligation in the applicant's country of permanent residence (e.g. a letter
from employer/ college/ school, certifying the applicant's intention to return after the
visit to Indonesia).
6. Written approval from the Immigration Office in Indonesia should the duration of visit is
to exceed 60 days.
7. A letter of invitation from the applicant's family/relatives/friends/social organizations in
Indonesia, and copy of their passport (main details only) or ID à we will provide you
with this
8. Evidence of sufficient funds or a third party letter guaranteeing to support the applicant
financially during his/her stay, together with documentary evidence of ability to do so. à
we will provide you with this (but sometimes this is not needed)
2. Limited Stay Visa (VITAS)
VITAS enables the incoming intern to stay in Indonesia within 6 – 24 months. However this VISA
arrangement needs a long time and procedures. The time required to issue the visa at least 2
Cost of this visa depends on the validity period:
o Limited Stay Period Visa (up to 6 months) USD 50
o Limited Stay Period Visa (up to 12 months) USD 100
o Limited Stay Period Visa (up to 24 months) USD 175
Fee to extent this visa:
o 6 months extension: IDR 350,000
o 1 year extension: IDR 700,000
o 2 years extension: IDR 1,200,000
Welcome To Jakarta 46
Reception Booklet 2010
Required documents which should be submitted are as follows:
1. CV (resume)
2. Health certificate
3. Copy of Bank account
4. GPA (academic transcript)
5. Copy of passport
Your passport must be valid for:
• 12 months passport validity remaining to apply for a 6 months Limited Stay Period
• 18 months passport validity remaining to apply for a 12 months Limited Stay Period
• 30 months passport validity remaining to apply for a 24 months Limited Stay Period
6. Authorization letter from intern à we will give you the blank form
7. Recommendation letter from university to DIKTI à we will provide you with this. The
process of this letter will be required about 2 weeks
8. Recommendation letter from DIKTI to BKLN à we will provide you with this. The process
of this letter will be required about 1-2 weeks
9. Recommendation letter from BKLN to Central Immigration Office à we will provide you
with this. The process of this letter will be required about 1-2 weeks
10. Recommendation letter from university to Central Immigration Office à we will provide
you with this.
11. Approval letter from Central Immigration Office à we will provide you with this. To get
this letter we will be required to wait for 1 week.
For information on visas and documentation required for them, call the South Jakarta Immigration
office at +6221-522-4658 ext 2203 or 2200.
Emergency Numbers
Police: 110
Fire: 113
Ambulance - 118
Amex: +44 1273 696933
Diners Club: (62) (21) 5701255
Visa: (1) 410 581 9091
Directorate - General of Tourism: 386 0934
Holidays (conditional)
New Year’s Day
Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice)
Welcome To Jakarta 47
Reception Booklet 2010
Chinese New Year
Muharram (Islamic New Year)
Good Friday
Nyepi (Hindu New Year)
Mouloud (Birth of the Prophet)
Waisak Day (Buddha’s Birthday)
Indonesian Independence Day
Lailat al Miraj (Ascension of the Prophet)
Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan)
Christmas Day
Unique gifts from Indonesia
• Batik
• Wayang
Welcome To Jakarta 48
Reception Booklet 2010
Unique Lingo
Unique lingo! Normally we use bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian lingo), but in Jakarta, Betawi dialect and
“bahasa gaul” (slank lingo) involved to the standard Indonesian all-together. It makes something new
and different in hearing and sometimes the meaning. Here we enclosed several 'bahasa gaul' which
used daily.
English Indonesian Slank Lingo
I saya gue, aku
You anda kamu, lo
Good morning selamat pagi 'met pagi
Good evening selamat malam 'met malam
Nice to meet you senang berjumpa dengan
Seneng ketemu lo
Take care hati-hati titi deejay (acronym from
'hati-hati di jalan')
See you sampai jumpa ketemu lagi
Trully sorry if I made
maaf bila saya berbuat
kalo ade saleh maapin aye
I'm sorry maafkan saya maapin aye
Finish sudah, selesai sutra, kelar 'bo
Yes ya iye, yo-i
No tidak nggak, gak, enggak
AIESEC University of Indonesia
AIESEC in Indonesia was founded at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia in March 1984,
in the 36th
AIESEC International Congress, Avignon, France. The Local Committee is located in the
suburbs of South Jakarta, Depok, quite far from central of Jakarta. Currently we have about 80 active
Welcome To Jakarta 49
Reception Booklet 2010
LCUI Members

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Jakarta reception booklet PMBS

  • 1. Welcome To Jakarta 1 Reception Booklet 2010 Jakarta at a Glance Sprawling Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, is a city of contrast: the traditional and the modern, the rich and the poor, the sacral and the worldly, often stand side by side in this teeming metropolis. Even its population, gathered from all those diverse ethnic and cultural groups that make Indonesia, are constantly juxtaposed as an ever-present reminder of the national motto: Unity in Diversity.
  • 2. Welcome To Jakarta 2 Reception Booklet 2010 Situated on the northwestern coast of Java, Jakarta occupies an area of 670 sq. km. and is the home of more than 10 million people coming from all ethnic groups in the archipelago and also from other countries. Jakarta's architecture reflects to a large extend the influx of outside influences which came and found a home in this vital seaport city. Since the late 1960's, Jakarta has developed tremendously so that it became a metropolis as well as a Cosmo polis. Skyscrapers has been built along the main avenues. Once saddled with a reputation as a poverty-ridden hell hole, Jakarta mutated into a metropolis with all the outward appearance of an Asian boom town in not much more than a decade. Jakarta remains very much at the centre of political events re-shaping Indonesia, and how quickly the city recovers from the riots and the political and economic turmoil remains to be seen. Some years ago, Jakarta was given a nickname "Big Village". The nickname indicates that Jakarta is not just a jungle of glass and concrete, but that the city still retains some of its rural character. Jakarta is not just the capital of Indonesia, a trade and industrial center, but also a tourist destination on its own. The city has the most complete tourism infrastructure and facilities in Indonesia. Maybe also southeast Asia. And more importantly, Jakarta does not lack tourist attractions. Its long history offers many historical sites and buildings. That said, Jakarta is the most expensive city in Indonesia, the most polluted and the most congested. But if you can withstand this onslaught and afford to indulge in its charms, then it is also one of the region's most exciting metropolises. History of Jakarta
  • 3. Welcome To Jakarta 3 Reception Booklet 2010 Jakarta's history began in the 14th century as a small harbor town called Sunda Kelapa during Java's last Hindu kingdom of Sunda or Pajajaran as it is more popularly known. The Portuguese were the first Westerners to set foot on its shores. From Malaka in nowadays Malaysia, the city they had already conquered in 1511, the Portuguese in 1522 sent an emissary to negotiate a treaty with the King of Sunda or Pajajaran for the founding of a fortification on the mouth of Ciliwung River. Fearing the invasion of Islam, the King of Pajajaran gave his permission for the Portuguese to built the fortress. But it was not until 1527 that the Portuguese sent an armada to Sunda Kelapa to start building the fortress. Meanwhile, Islamic forces from Banten under the leadership of Fatahillah attacked and conquered Sunda Kelapa. Unaware of the changed situation, the small Portuguese armada who arrived from Malaka to built the fortress was attacked and easily destroyed by Fatahillah forces. The name Sunda Kelapa was changed into Jayakarta, meaning the City of Victory. It happened on June 22, 1527, and to this day on that date is confirmed as the anniversary of Jakarta's founding. The Dutch arrived in 1596 when Cornelis de Houtman landed at the harbor of Jayakarta and got permission to build a lodge or trading post on the eastern bank of Ciliwung River. The Dutch broke the agreement by building a fortress, complete with bastions and equipped it with cannons. Meanwhile, not trusting the Dutch completely, Prince Jayakarta -- ruler of Jayakarta -- permitted the British to build a trading lodge on the western bank of Ciliwung River, just opposite the Dutch fortress. Fearing competition from the British, the Dutch under the command of Jan Pieterzoon Coen aimed their cannons towards the kraton of Prince Jayakarta and at the British settlement. The act insulted and enraged Prince Jayakarta so that the prince and Jayakartans attacked the Dutch fortress. Coen fled to Maluku (the Malacca) to get help from the Dutch fleet stationed there. In 1619 Coen came back with the Dutch from Maluku, attacked and conquered Jayakarta. He razed Jayakarta to the ground and on it ashes the Dutch founded a new settlement, calling it Batavia in honor of their ancestors. The Dutch made Batavia the centre for the expansion of their power in the East Indies for nearly three and a half centuries. Shortly after the outbreak of World War II, Batavia fell into the invading Japanese forces who changed its name into Jakarta again in a gesture aimed at winning the sympathy of the Indonesians. The Japanese left Indonesia after they surrendered to the Americans who destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki with atomic bombs in early August 1945. The Dutch tried to reoccupy Jakarta, but before the Dutch arrived, on August 17, 1945, Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence. The name Jakarta was retained up till now.
  • 4. Welcome To Jakarta 4 Reception Booklet 2010 Facts about Jakarta Population: 9 million Area: 661 sq km (258 sq mi) Country: Indonesia Time Zone: GMT/UTC +7 hours Telephone Area Code: +62 21 Jakartans Being Indonesia's capital city, Jakarta is the hub of the country's business, political, and industry. This has attracted countless people from many parts of the country. The Betawis and its culture, the real locals of Jakarta, has been slowly supplanted by the arrival of these other cultures. Thumbs up to the local government who urge the preservation of the Betawi culture. Condet, an area in South East Jakarta has been designated as the center for the preservation of the Betawi culture. The Betawis has a very rich culture and is reflected through many art forms such as the Tari Topeng (Mask Dance), Ondel- Ondel (three-meter tall masked puppet), and the Lenong Betawi (comedy play) to name a few. These and other Betawi arts make frequent appearance in many Jakarta's celebration.
  • 5. Welcome To Jakarta 5 Reception Booklet 2010 Orientation Jakarta, on the island of Java in Indonesia, sprawls over 25km (15mi) from the docks to the suburbs of South Jakarta. The city centre fans out from around Merdeka Square, a grand, barren field, which contains the central gold-tipped landmark of the National Monument (Monas). Jakarta doesn't really have a centre: rather there are a number of centres all separated by vast traffic jams, incredible pollution and heat. For most visitors, the area south of the monument holds most interest. Jl Thamrin is the main shopping and deluxe hotel thoroughfare, while just to the east is the main restaurant and cheap hotel area. Jakarta's Soekarno-Hatta international airport is 35km (21mi) west of the city centre, and there are bus stations around the outskirts of town. Weather Around Jakarta With maximum temperatures hovering above 30°C (86°F) all year round, Jakarta is warm and often wet city. The dry season is from May to September, and while buckets of torrential rain are still possible, it's more likely that you'll stay pretty dry. Overall, Jakarta climate is tropical with temperatures averaging 28 degrees Celsius during the day and 25 degrees Celsius at night Events
  • 6. Welcome To Jakarta 6 Reception Booklet 2010 Independence Day on 17 August is celebrated with great gusto in Jakarta. A flag-raising ceremony is held in Merdeka Place, and carnivals and cultural shows pop up across the city. The Jakarta Fair occurs around 22 June and lasts about three weeks. The Jakarta Fairgrounds come alive to the sounds of industrial exhibits, cultural events and rides. Other celebrations, such as the Jalan Jaksa Street Fair in August and the Jakarta International Cultural Performance in May are colourful, vibrant events that are well worth attending. • Jakarta Fair – Central Jakarta Celebrating Jakarta’s anniversary on 22 June, Jakarta City Government hold annual Jakarta Fair. Normally it will be held in Jakarta Fairground Kemayoran, between June 14 – July 14. It is a wide range of product exhibitions will be displayed, including electronics, telecommunications, furniture, textiles, automotive, accessories, handicrafts and cosmetics. Attended mostly by locals, for pop music entertainment nightly starting at 8pm. It is so crowded, you right! Some Chinese or Taiwanese also visit here for business purpose. But sometimes you can watch some cultural dance or art performances. The opening or closing of the sessions are recommended for you to enjoy the fair. Address: Kemayoran Fairground Phone: +62 21 4218265, 4218170, 421 855 Directions: Open for public from 3pm –10pm daily, ticket price Rp 6000, - Saturday, Sunday and holiday open from 10am - 11pm, ticket price Rp 7500,- • Jalan Jaksa – Backpacker’s Paradise Many backpackers visiting Jakarta opt to stay at the many hostels along Jalan Jaksa and the surrounding area. It's right in the middle of downtown, near the railway station, and the only place with lots of cheap accomodations. When they go back to their countries, they share the secrets of Jalan Jaksa to their fellow backpackers, thus through this simple word-of-mouth promotion, Jalan Jaksa has gained enormous fame among backpackers worldwide. Besides being home to many hostels and small hotels here, Jalan Jaksa is also teeming with pubs and cafes. Money changers have also set up shops here. This place is practically alive 24 hours a day, with backpackers interacting with locals and each other and share the secrets of the road. Each year, during the anniversary of Jakarta, the annual Jalan Jaksa Festival is held. The street is decorated with colorful decorations and food vendors, kiosks, and temporary shops crowd the street's sidewalk.
  • 7. Welcome To Jakarta 7 Reception Booklet 2010 Address: Jalan Jaksa Directions: Central Jakarta Places of Attractions Memorials / Monument • The Welcome Monument This 30-meter high statue of a man and a woman holding up a bouquet of flowers, was erected in 1962 to welcome the athletes participating in the Asian Games. Locally known as Bundaran HI (The HI Roundabout), it is located at the center of Jakarta's busiest roundabout, this most famous (and most beautiful IMHO) monument in Jakarta features a beautiful water feature that has recently seen a major renovation (at a major cost for taxpayers too). Surrounded by 4 major hotels, 3 embassies, and a shopping center, this landmark does not only draw tourists but also demonstrators from all over the country. Nevertheless, this spot is still a pleasant place to visit especially at night. Interestingly although the statue was intended to welcome athletes, the statue faces north. If we come from the airport or the sports complex, we come from the south :) Address: Jl MH Thamrin Directions: Central Jakarta • Proclamation 1945 Monument Its very historical site for Indonesian, because Soekarno-Hatta, declared Indonesia's independence, on 17 August 1945 and than the folowing day Soekarno became first President of Indonesia and the vice-president is Hatta. The statue of Soekarno stands at 4.6 meters and weights an immense 1,200 kilograms, while the slightly lighter statue of Hatta measures 4.4 meters. The proclamation text between Soekarno-Hatta statue carving on bronze 600 kg, Zoom in 200X from the original text. Address: Jalan Proklamasi • National Monument (Monas): Jakarta's Landmark (Jakarta Zero Point) Monas, acronym from Monumen Nasional (National Monument). As a symbol of the Nations, which building at 1960’s. The design was simple, an obelisk from Italian marble, about 137 metres height with pure glittering ingot (gold) on the top. This design is reflecting the eternally flame -– symbol of our passion and optimism in facing the freedom as a Nation. At the bottom of the monument, we can find National Heritage Museum which contents our Sang Saka Merah Putih --first National flag, handmade by Mrs.
  • 8. Welcome To Jakarta 8 Reception Booklet 2010 Fatmawati --wife of President Soekarno at Independence Day, August 17th, 1945. The monument houses a couple of museums. The Freedom Hall depicts Indonesia's struggle for independence through a series of 48 dramatic dioramas, whereas the Hall of Contemplation displays the original Declaration of Independence document and a recording of the speech. An elevator takes one to the observation platform, which commands a bird's-eye view of the cityscape; dramatic, though rarely clear, views of Jakarta. Admission is free. Elevator to the top: Adults IDR5,100; children IDR2,600. Address: Jalan Medan Merdeka Directions: Silang Monas (Koningsplein), Jalan Medan Merdeka, close to Gambir railway station at Jakarta central. Historical Sites Ÿ Central Jakarta: Stadsschouburg Stadsschouburg (Gedung Kesenian Jakarta), great quality theatre for classical concerts. No wonder, if Gedung Kesenian Jakarta (GKJ) has been designated as a location to stage the annual big art festival called 'Arts Summit” (August - September). Directions: GKJ is situated at Pasar Baru, nearby Gereja Katedral and Passer [Pasar] Baru Ÿ Central Jakarta: Old Menteng [Spruitje Menting] Proclaimed as the ultimate first garden city (Kota Taman) in Indonesia. Has born and rise since 17's century, the name is taken from 'Spruitje Menting' (a small river called 'Menteng'). The mainstream of Menteng buildings style known as 'Indische Bouwstijl', designed by PAJ. Moojen (1879-1955) from Antwerp, Belgium. Another types is 'Indische Woonhuizen'. Address: Burgemeester Bisshoplein Directions: Straight to Keris Galeri at Menteng to Jalan Teuku Umar, Jalan Mohammad Yamin, until Cikini, Gondangdia, Taman Suropati at the central of Jakarta. Ÿ Central Jakarta: Taman Suropati [Burgemeester Bishopplein] It's a greenery park, with several sculptures, made by ASEAN (Association of the South East Asia Nations) artists and situated nearby the house of US Ambassador in the heart of Menteng area. We
  • 9. Welcome To Jakarta 9 Reception Booklet 2010 can also find jogging track, doves and their cages. Plus several tropical trees and flowers. Address: Jalan Taman Suropati Ÿ Old Batavia (Kota): The heartbeat of the Chinese community The “Kota” or the old city of Batavia is worth while a visit. In this part of Jakarta you can go back in time to as far as to the days when the Dutch VOC (Dutch East Indies Company) governed the city which was then called Batavia. What is left from old Batavia, we can figure it out today in Kota area. Most building in this area still remain the same. Although Jakarta's downtown has arguably moved further south away from the old downtown of Kota, Kota is still one of the busiest neighborhood in the city and where many of Jakarta's Chinese community reside. During the dark ages of Dutch rule, the Chinese are forced to leave the center of the city and move to Glodok, an area outside the Dutch fort. The Chinese began a new life and built a stronger community there. Since then, more Chinese immigrants arrived there and not long after Glodok is teeming with shops, restaurant, and entertainment complexes. Today's Glodok is still very much a vibrant area. The old market has transformed into a gigantic mall specializing in electronic goods. But the real Chinatown is still very much alive just outside the mall. Here you can find all sorts of Chinese traditional goods from food to herbal medicines. The traditional Chinatown's central market , Passer Baroe, is now home to shoe stores and Indians selling textiles. Authentic Chinese food can be found on Jalan Mangga Besar, which are lined with street vendors at night. Inexpensive dim sum buffets can be found on most hotels in Chinatown. After 32 years of Suharto's rule, in which it is forbidden to practice Chinese culture, ended, Chinatown becomes more and more colorful during the celebration of the Lunar New Year. Directions: Kota, North Jakarta Ÿ Old Batavia (Kota): Reiner de Klerk Huis [Gedung Arsip Nasional] A legendary house nearby Moolenvliet (Jalan Hayam Wuruk and Gajah Mada) which used to keep the national documents --after became a house of Reiner de Klerk in the past centuries. Now open as a historical place, a gallery for several ocassion (like photography exhibitions) 'till ... wedding parties. Address: Jalan Gajah Mada, Oud Jacatra Directions: Nearby Gajah Mada Plaza and Glodok
  • 10. Welcome To Jakarta 10 Reception Booklet 2010 Ÿ Sunda Kelapa: Old Port Sunda Kelapa Sunda Kelapa, better known as Pasar Ikan (meaning fish market) is located at the mouth of the Ciliwung river. It was formerly the harbor town of Sunda Kelapa where the Portuguese traded with the Hindu Kingdom of Pajajaran in the early 16th century. Just a 10-minute walk north from Taman Fatahillah in Old Batavia, the old port of Sunda Kelapa has more sailing ships - the magnificent Makassar schooners - than you ever thought existed. These brightly painted ships are an important means of transport and freight delivery between the capital and the outer islands. They also provide one of the most spectacular sights in Jakarta. For a fee, old men in row boats will take you out for a closer look at the ships. Don't hit your head on the mooring ropes or gangplanks, and don't be too surprised if you get hit from above by rubbish thrown from the decks. If you get out as far as the Pulau Seribu (Thousand Islands) in the Bay of Jakarta, you'll probably see some of these majestic schooners under sail. Museums • National Museum (Museum Gajah) Central Museum or Museum Nasional Established in 1778 by U.M.C. Rademacher under the auspices of the Batavia Association of Arts and Sciences, it offers historical, prehistorical, archaeological and ethnographic aspects of Indonesia through its extensive collection of artifacts and relics which date as far back as to the Stone Age. It has one of the most complete collections of bronzes and ceramics dating back to the Han, Tang and Ming Dynasties. The Museum has one of the finest numismatic collections in the world, including cloth and money which was used on several islands until recently. The religious art section is filled with statuary and sculpture salvaged from sites of Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic edifices. Its collection of cultural instruments, household utensils, arts and crafts provide an introduction to the life of the various ethnic groups which populate Indonesia. This museum is popularly known as Gedung Gajah or 'Elephant Building' because of the stone elephant offered by King Chulalongkorn of Thailand in 187 1, placed on the front lawn of the building. This big museum is situated nearby National Monument (Monumen Nasional or Monas) and district of Medan Merdeka and State Palace. Open from 08.00 - 14.00, Tuesday - Thursday, Friday 08.00 - 11.00, Saturday 08.00 - 13.00, Sunday 08.00 - 15.00 and Monday closed. Address: Jalan Medan Merdeka selatan, Jakarta Pusat • Museum Prasasti
  • 11. Welcome To Jakarta 11 Reception Booklet 2010 It's an old Dutch graveyard which becomes open-air museum and collecting so many old and historic tombstones. Address: Jalan Tanah Abang I Directions: In the corner of Jalan Tanah Abang I nr.1, nearby Kebon Jahe swimming pool and PT Permorin --a Mercedes-Benz dealer in Jakarta central. • Museum Fatahillah : Old Batavia (Kota) Jakarta History Museum / Fatahillah Museum This museum, housed in the old Batavia Town Hall, is probably the most solid reminder of Dutch rule anywhere in Indonesia. The large, bell-towered hall was built in 1627 and served the administration of the city, the law courts, and even housed Batavia's main prison compound. These days, it's the place to go if you're into heavy carved furniture and other memorabilia from the Dutch period. Among the more interesting exhibits is a series of gloomy portraits of all the Dutch governors-general and early pictures of Batavia. The Jakarta History Museum is inside Old Batavia, just south of the square. Address: Taman Fatahillah Directions: Straight to the north, to direction Kota railway station • Museum of Fine Art and Ceramic : Old Batavia (Kota) Built at January 21, 1870 by Raad van Justitie (High Court of Justice) and during Japanese invasion it used to be a military quarter. Then at 1967 became the office of west Jakarta's major and at August 20, 1976 was inaugurated by our former President Soeharto as Museum Keramik. Address: Jalan Ketumbar, Kota Directions: Nearby Museum Fatahillah and Batavia Cafe. • Museum Bahari : Sunda Kelapa Maritime museum to commemorate we have the sailormen's root :) We can learn about several traditional sailormen and fishermen boats and ship here. Address: Jalan Pasar Ikan, Sunda Kelapa Directions: Nearby Sunda Kelapa harbour.
  • 12. Welcome To Jakarta 12 Reception Booklet 2010 • Museum Wayang Wayang is the traditional Indonesian art of puppetry, and it is still practiced widely throughout the archipelago. The Wayang Museum in Jakarta's old city houses a wonderful collection of old and new puppets, both wooden ones as well as leather, which are used for Wayang Kulit (shadow puppet) performances. The museum curator is a young and friendly man who has a long history of Wayang making and performing in his family. Since we arrived on a particularly slow day, he staged a short Wayang Kulit performance for us all by himself. They also sell a few beautiful Wayang pieces at reasonable prices and much better quality than the ones in tourist shops. Address: Jl. Pintu Besar Utara 27 Jakarta Pusat Phone: 6929560 Directions: Fatahillah square, next to the Jakarta Museum • Museum Joang'45 The museum exhibiting historical objects related to the republic's struggle for independence. Photographs and pictures document the nationalistic movement between 1945 and 1950. On the backyard Plaza there are garage of the official cars of the first Indonesian president and vice- president. Open Tuesday - Sunday 09.00 - 15.00 Monday and Holiday closed Adults IDR 2,000 include museum guide brochure. Address: Jalan Menteng Raya 31 Phone: +62 21 390 9148 • Museum Proklamasi Museum Proklamasi (Independence Museum ) & Perintis Kemerdekaan Building Both are located at Jalan Proklamasi 56, on the site of the former residence of the late President Soekarno where the nation's Independence was proclaimed. By the Perintis Kemerdekaan Building stands the Soekarno-Hatta Monument, in commemoration of the nation's first President, and Vice President, who together proclaimed Independence on behalf of the Indonesian people. Address: Jl. Proklamasi 56, Central Jakarta Other Contact: Phone :(62 21) 314-4743 Amusement Parks Ÿ Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
  • 13. Welcome To Jakarta 13 Reception Booklet 2010 Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (the beautiful Indonesia in miniature park). For a short visit to Jakarta, or a better introductory to know Indonesia completely, this place is worth a visit about Indonesia’s diverseness. The park represents Indonesia’s 27 provinces and their characteristics, reflected most strikingly in the exact regional architecture of the province, covering in 165 hectares. The park also boasts its own orchid garden, a bird park with a walk-in viary, a fauna museum and recreational grounds, as well as an Indonesian art and handicraft market. At the Keong Mas (golden snail) theatre the Indonesia promotion film “Beautiful Indonesia” is projected on a gigantic screen using the latest Imax (super realistic in image and sound) technology. Be sure not to miss this extraordinary experience. The crowds on weekends certainly make it one of the most popular tourist spot. It often hosts art performances such as wayang kulit (leather puppet) and traditional dances. It also has several fascinating museums including the Indonesian museum, sports museum, telecommunication museum, Asmat museum, insect museum, army museum, transportation museum, Komodo museum, and stamp museum. This place takes all day and a fair bit of effort to visit. Take a car, otherwise we will be in for a long hot walk and be prepared for massive crowds. It is all too many for one day indeed. Some highlites for kids and adults include the interactive snake display in Komodo museum, and the walk through bird enclosure. The museum housing Suharto’s gifts (former president) has some amazing stuff. Unfortunately some of the museums are like so many others in Indonesia though, old, dusty, and not enticing. Open hours Tuesday – Sunday, 8am – 5pm Entry fee Tuesday –Saturday: adult Rp. 4.000,- children Rp. 3.000,- Sunday and holiday : adult Rp. 5.000,- children Rp. 4.000,- Address: East Jakarta Ÿ Taman Impian Jaya Ancol : Recreation, Art, Theatre, Sport, Sailing Jaya Ancol Dreamland & Fantasy Land Jakarta Dreamland This is Jakarta's largest and most popular recreation park. It is built on reclaimed beach land at the Bay of Jakarta, having, sea and freshwater
  • 14. Welcome To Jakarta 14 Reception Booklet 2010 aquariums, swimming pools, an artificial lagoon for fishing, boating, bowling, an assortment of nightclubs, restaurants, a steam-bath and massage parlors. Daily shows are held at the Aquarium where dolphins and sea lions perform. The Ancol complex includes a Marina, Dunia Fantasi (Fantasy Land), a golf course, hotels and a drive-in theater. The 'Pasar Seni' or art market has a varied collection of Indonesian handicraft, paintings and souvenirs on sale. At a nearby open-air theater art performances are held using the local dialect. Fantasy Land A recent addition to Jakarta's growing recreation facilities is the Fantasy Land, a 9.5 hectares (23.75 acres) entertainment park located inside the Ancol Dreamland. Planned to eventually become a part of a 200-hectares (500-acres) park designed to usher the visitors into the fascinating world of modern science and technology, the present facility takes them on an imaginative tour of Old Jakarta, Africa, America, Indonesia, Europe, Asia and the Palace of Dolls. Each of the areas is designed to give the visitor a feel of the region he is visiting through features and architecture of the area at a certain period of its history and by the use of animated puppets in the Palace of Dolls. The park also offers a number of restaurants and souvenir shops. Address: Taman Impian jaya Ancol , Jalan Lodan Timur 7, North Jakarta Phone: (021) 8720843 Directions: North Jakarta, along the bayfront between Kota and Tanjung Priok Entry Fee Entrance gate Individual Rp. 6.000,- Student groups Rp. 4.700,- Corporate groups Rp. 5.300,- Groups minimum 25 persons. Ÿ Ragunan Zoo: RAGUNAN ZOOLOGICAL PARK Established in 1864 and moved to its present location in the southern suburbs of Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta in 1966, the Zoo Covers 135 hectares of beautiful, shady gardens. It is home to over 260 species of animals (including many of which are endangered and threatened) from all parts of Indonesia and the rest of the world. There are a total of ± 3122 animals including birds for the viewing pleasure of the public. These exhibits also serve to help zoo officials in the preservation and propagation of Indonesian Wildlife. Special attractions for the children include a Children's Zoo and playground, along with the Sunday events of elephant, pony cart and boat rides. Watching the orang utans on their daily tour of the zoo grounds in a pony cart is a special treat for visitors of all ages. Restaurant facilities and picnic shelters are available for your convenience as well as
  • 15. Welcome To Jakarta 15 Reception Booklet 2010 stands for purchasing film and souvenirs of the zoo. Come and spend a day with the family or friends at Ragunan Zoological Park. It's a wonderful place for an outing and will become an experience which will raise your awareness of Indonesia's unique wildlife heritage Address: Jl. Harsono RM. 1, Jakarta 12550 - Indonesia Other Contact: Tel. 021-7805280, 7806975 Jakarta Food Promenade Indonesian Food : based on Foreigners’ Survey Ÿ The main course: Rijsttafel Oasis Restaurant and Cafe is known as the expert in Indonesia fine dining called "Rijsttafel'. Taken from Dutch lingo, means the buffet. But it's not the way it should be: guests come to the table and choose the meals they want to have. Here, it's real entertaining. 12 maids come using Javanese dress and served us. And we can take the delicacies and put them in our dish ~warmed Chinese porcelain dish from the collection of Raden Saleh and family. These are the menu of main course : ~ Steamed white rice ~ Boiled deep-fried eggs in savoury coconut milk ~ Snapper fillet in heavy coconut milk ~ Chicken in heavy coconut milk ~ Deep fried boiled beef ~ Beef and chicken satay ~ Stir-fried baby corn with parrot and paprika ~ Beancurd and veggie ~ Fried banana ~ Roasted grated coconut and peanuts ~ Shrimp crackers ~ Mixed pickles ~ 4 kind of chilli pastes ~ Peanut sauce Theme: Local Price: US$ 31-40 Comparison: most expensive Address: Jalan Raden Saleh Raya No 47, Jakarta 10330 Phone: (021) 3150606 Directions: In Cikini area, after Taman Ismail Marzuki, going straight and turn to the left after Hotel Sofyan Cikini Ÿ Martabak Fatmawati
  • 16. Welcome To Jakarta 16 Reception Booklet 2010 It looks a bit like a large open garage, with a large cooking corner , it is a sort of warung (streetfood) but in a concrete house this time. You can see the cooking happen. It's a bit mcdonalds like , they got a few dozens of people working here. There is one to take the order , one to bring the drinks , one to bring the order and one to clean up the table and one. Nasi goreng Udang : simple nice good. Ayam goreng tepung : chicken baked in a little flour jacket. A little warning Served with the food , a little bowl with vegetables , watch out for the green little peppers. They are not created for western tongues. A nice simple place. Theme: Local Price: less than US$10 Comparison: least expensive Address: Jalan Cipete raya 2a - jaksel Phone: 7698 479 Directions: South jakarta , not far from Fatmawati shopping center (cfk , dunkin donuts , food court) Ÿ Semi-Formal Dining, Lunch or Dinner Peacock Café, an elegant 24 hour coffee shop that looked more like a Fine Dining Restaurant than any other coffee shop. Both the a la carte menu and the buffet offered delicious and flavorful food and though the cost may be a bit higher, a meal at this place is worth every penny. At the Peacock Cafe as at all the restaurants, displayed a sign informing the guests that the food came from "Halal" kitchens, which means that it was prepared properly for Muslims to eat it. Theme: Kosher/Halal Price: US$11-20 Comparison: more expensive than average Address: Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta 10002 Phone: 21 570-3600 Website: Ÿ The Dessert of Rijsttafel Diced tropical fruits on the top of ice cubes, tea or coffee and dried fruits [sweets]. All of these dessert :) Theme: Local Price: US$21-30 Comparison: most expensive
  • 17. Welcome To Jakarta 17 Reception Booklet 2010 Address: Jalan Raden Saleh Raya No 47, Jakarta 10330 Phone: (021) 3150606 Directions: In Cikini area, after Taman Ismail Marzuki, going straight and turn to the left after Hotel Sofyan Cikini Ÿ Taman Ismail Marzuki : SELAMAT MENIKMATI! Taman Ismail Marzuki is a popular spot for young people. It has a planetarium , some exhibition space and some restaurants, a movie theater. The chaotic traffic is nearby , yet this is a nice oasis in the city. This is how this restaurant works. You'll get a card and something to write your order down. Theme: Local Price: less than US$10 Comparison: more expensive than average Address: Jalan cikini raya 73 , TIM , Jakarta Directions: Menteng , not that far from the divine restaurant 'Oasis' , TIM , Hotel Sofyan Cikini is near. Ÿ The Appetizers Situated in an old Dutch villa owned by a famous Indonesian painter; Raden Saleh, the appetizers are so delicious. First, Indonesian fruits salad called "rujak". Dices of tropical fruits with 2 dressings separated: brown sugar syrup and peanuts then the other is something green like avocado but sour. Second turn is light seafood soup, then continue with crabmeat omelette and mustard sauce. Love all of the appetizers. Theme: Diner Price: US$21-30 Comparison: most expensive Address: Jalan Raden Saleh Raya No 47, Jakarta 10330 Phone: (021) 3150606 Directions: In Cikini area, after Taman Ismail Marzuki, going straight and turn to the left after Hotel Sofyan Cikini Ÿ A Popular Meeting Place A place to get out of the sun and try to escape the heat. Cafe Venezia was a Steak House & Italian Ice Cream, a Japanese-Korean Barbecue, a Boutique and a favorite meeting place.
  • 18. Welcome To Jakarta 18 Reception Booklet 2010 Theme: Local Price: less than US$10 Comparison: least expensive Address: Jl. Cikini Raya 73, Phone: 3146263 – 65 Directions: On the Campus of the Jakarta Institute of Art (Taman Ismail Marzuki) Ÿ Javanese Food in The Mall Rather authentic Javanese food with lots of interesting items on the menu. Some items in the menu are influenced by chinese or dutch food. Atmosphere is very friendly and the antique decor is interesting. Osengan koyor (fried beef fat), Selat Lidah (ox-tongue soup), Rujak Cingur (Hot ox-nose salad), Tahu hotplate siram kepiting (Hot Plate Tofu with Crab sauce), Kangkung Hot plate (Hot Plate Kangkung/Morningglory). There are less exotic fare as well: fried rice, noodles, hot-plate tofu etc. all quite excellent. Theme: Local Price: less than US$10 Comparison: less expensive than average Address: Mal Pondok Indah, 2nd Floor (top floor), Jakarta Phone: (021) 750 6953 Directions: It's at the top floor and the southern corner of the Pondok Indah mall. Ÿ Padang Restaurant Masakan Padang , A very well known Restaurant sign board which you can see in every corner of the streets of Jakarta. .The display of these dishes on the front window is in a very unique way at on a top of each other without any scare that they are going to slip down despite the load of food items each white glass Dish plate carries on. What differentiates Padang food than any other Cuisines is their style of serving to their customers ..As soon as you take a seat , waiters will come to you holding at least 10 to 12 dishes in their hand. Remember you never need to order anything except drinks even that also a hot tea will be placed on your table along with your food. Dishes will be placed on your table in a way like a card building game so that they adjust the width of the table , and here you are free in a full democratic way to chose anything you wish just as if you are looking at any ballot paper of
  • 19. Welcome To Jakarta 19 Reception Booklet 2010 a election and you have to pick somebody for your well being. Remember only the food from the dishes which you have taken will be charged and the ones untouched will be never be charged in your bill. Padang (West Sumatra) food is famous all over Indonesia (and probably even in Malaysia and Singapore). The food is mostly curry: hot and spicy. In Jakarta, the best chain of Padang restaurants are the Sederhana restaurants. They are everywhere and the quality is very good. Call the waiter "Uda" (ooh-duh) which means "big brother" in the Minangkabau dialect of West Sumatra. Lots of variety: beef Rendang (dry curry), ayam pop (skinless fried chicken) etc. This is Indonesian fast food: 20 different types of dishes are laid out on your table in a few seconds. Hot tea is free but try the Avocado juice. You only pay for what you eat. Theme: Local Price: less than US$10 Comparison: about average Address: Many outlets in Jakarta Street Food Ÿ Pedestrian Foods Open daily for warung indomie and evening 'till late night for pedestrian seafood. For fruits, maybe 24 hours. In Jakarta you can find eateries called ‘warung indomie’ (small noodles house) with their special items ‘internet’ (indomie-telur-corned), just instant noodles serving with vegetables, boiled egg and salted beef. It will be ready in 5 minutes. Mostly, these kind of places are also selling toasted bread with various jam. Placed on tents along the streets, you can find Pecel Lele (fried catfish served with vegetables and belacan sauce), Pecel Ayam (catfish changed with chicken), Soto Ayam (chicken soup) and Soto Daging (meat soup). All served with steamed rice. Also sate ayam and sate Padang, fried noodles and Nasi Goreng (fried rice). You can find also seafood served in this pedestrian area, such as massive crabs, prawn or garupa (gurame) in sweet-sour sauce, oyster sauce or a la saos Padang (very spicy!), grilled or fried calamari, ‘till boiled shrimp and oyster serving with pineapple and peanut sauce. For dessert, there are so many tent serves dessert, many kind of fruits on the pedestrians. And you can find fresh Mandarin orange, grapefruits, apple, mango, plus local fruits. Theme: Other Directions: Pecel Lele and Pecel Ayam are situated on Jalan Cokroaminoto, Menteng, other side of Keris Galeri. Also for sate Padang and Nasi Goreng with sausage. Seafood on ‘Tenda Tiga Dara’,
  • 20. Welcome To Jakarta 20 Reception Booklet 2010 Rawamangun, East Jakarta Ÿ Gerobak (pushcart) Gerobak is actually carts for serving the pedestrian food, eg. bubur ayam (rice porridge with sliced fried chicken, celery, fried soy bean, cakwee, soya bean sauce and shrimp crackers), rujak buah, gado-gado (if you feel very hungry, you can order to added lontong (rice cake) or steamed rice, rujak buah, es buah and sate Padang. For some carts, the salespersons sell the food as home service --door to door, open day and night. Just listen to the sound that they’re announced and you will recognize about the foods. Like ‘ting, ting, ting’ (as the fork or spoon kicking the bowl or wok) it’s for mie goreng (fried noodles), nasi goreng (fried rice), bakso (meatballs with noodles), bubur ayam (chicken porridge), or es campur (fruit mocktail). If the sounds ‘kring, kring, kring’ (from bicycle), it can be siomay (Chinese snack, made from fish and corn starch wrapped in wontons, plus fried or boiled tofu, potato, cabbage and bitter melon and served with peanut sauce, sweet soy sauce and squeeze with lemon) or burger (hotdog and hamburger) or ice cream cones. If the seller say ‘Teeeeee’, it must be sate (satay, diced chicken skewered onto thin bamboo and grilled over fiery charcoals –known as ‘sate ayam’. If made from meat, the name is ‘sate Padang’). Without any kind of sounds, maybe gado-gado (vegetables salad like string beans, spinach, bean sprouts, watercress, cucumber, potato and lettuce with fried tofu, served with spicy peanut sauce), rujak buah (many kinds of Indonesian fruits like star fruits, mango, papaya and kedondong in special sauce made from brown sugar, chilli and salt), asinan buah (just like rujak but the sauce made from water, white sugar, chilli and vinegar), soto (chicken or meat light soup served with steamed rice) or ‘drink gerobak’ (sell many variety of bottled drinks, from mineral water, soft drink with soda like Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Mirinda, ‘till tea called ‘teh botol’). Theme: Other Directions: We can find gerobak anywhere in the city! But the best items (from my own) you can find at; for bubur ayam at Pasar Cikini, near Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pasar Bunga, rujak, asinan buah and gado-gad Other Contact: + Picture is about 'Siomay' Ÿ Fried Rice a'la Indonesien For those who like spicy taste and one dish meal, try this 'nasi goreng'. Fried rice with sausage, egg and crackers, served hot nearby pedestrian in the night. In the one part of famous Menteng area at the downtown. Theme: Local Price: less than US$10 Comparison: about average
  • 21. Welcome To Jakarta 21 Reception Booklet 2010 Address: Jalan Menteng Directions: In front of Keris Gallery and Mario's Place on Menteng Ÿ Muara Karang Seafood The ultimate seafood restaurants in Jakarta. In Muara Karang, all seafood are served 'fresh from the ocean'. The restaurants only have steamed rice with many various of sambal (sauce) plus soft drink. So you have to buy the seafood by your own to the fish market nearby the restaurant, then asking them to cooking. Some menus served are sweet and sour (massive) crabs, fried crabs with butter and oyster sauce, grilled prawn and calamari, served with steamed rice and chilli-mango sauce plus belacan sauce. Theme: Other Address: Muara Karang beach, Pluit, north of Jakarta. Ÿ Muara Angke Area You actually have to shop for the sea food yourself. Wide selection of fish, shrimps, squid and all kind of sea food are available fresh on the traditional market. After shopping you can go to the nearest small restaurants to have them cooked anyway you like. Better visit is at night. Sea Food - all kind Theme: Other Address: Muara Angke North Jakarta Ÿ The Best Restaurants in Jakarta The best restaurants in Jakarta are the ones that in the sides of the streets. Soto Madura (beef soup with yellow spices) in Jalan Roxi and Lamb Satay in Jalan Gereja Ayam, Central Jakarta (in the evening) will be the best one. Price can be found best in the small restaurants on the sides of the streets. Some menus served are Satay (roasted meats on the sticks, eaten with peanuts seasonings), Soto (variety of soups), Tongseng (lambs soup, hot and spicy), chicken porridge, and nasi uduk (rice cooked with coconut milk). Theme: Other Directions: You can find various restaurants in Jalan Sabang, Central Jakarta. You will find a lot of nice Satay (chicken and lamb). This food can also be found many in Jl. Bangka.
  • 22. Welcome To Jakarta 22 Reception Booklet 2010 Other Jakarta Restaurants Han Cantonese Restaurant Grand Hyatt Jakarta, Jalan M. H. Thamrin, Jakarta 10230 Tel: +62 21 390 1234 Fax: +62 21 334 321 Shima Hotel Aryaduta Jakarta, 44-48 Jalan Prapatan, Jakarta 10110 Tel: +62 21 231 1234 Fax: +62 21 380 9900 Restaurant Fiesta Sari Pan Pacific Hotel Jakarta, Jalan M.H. Thamrin 6, Jakarta 10340 Tel: +62 21 323 707 Fax: +62 21 323 650 Riva Restaurant The Park Lane, Jalan Casablanca Kavling 18, Jakarta 12870 Tel: +62 21 828 2000 Fax: +62 21 828 2222 Bakmi Gajah Mada Studio 21 Cinema Complex, Jalan Thamrin and , Jalan Melawi IV, Block M, Jakarta Tel: +62 21 829 5366 Hazara 112 Wahid Hasyim, Jakarta 10340 Tel: +62 21 315 0424 Fax: +62 21 314 3501 Bengawan Solo Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 86, Jakarta 10220 Tel: +62 21 570 4444 Fax: +62 21 573 8724 Blue Ocean Jalan Hayam Wuruk 5, Jakarta Tel: +62 21 345 6650 Raden Kuring Jalan Raden Saleh 62, Jakarta 10120 Tel: +62 21 314 0744 Hayam Wuruk Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 5, Jakarta Tel: +62 21 365 544 Hua Ting Millennium Sirih-Jakarta, Jalan Fachrudin 3, Jakarta 10250
  • 23. Welcome To Jakarta 23 Reception Booklet 2010 Tel: +62 21 230 3636 Fax: +62 31 230 0880 Sumire Japanese Restaurant Grand Hyatt Jakarta, Jalan M. H. Thamrin, Jakarta 10230 Tel: +62 21 390 1234 Fax: +62 21 334 321 Matsu Millennium Sirih-Jakarta, Jalan Fachrudin 3, Jakarta 10250 Tel: +62 21 230 3636 Fax: +62 31 230 0880 Grand Cafe Grand Hyatt Jakarta, Jalan M. H. Thamrin, Jakarta 10230 Tel: +62 21 390 1234 Fax: +62 21 334 321 Seafood Terrace Grand Hyatt Jakarta, Jalan M. H. Thamrin, Jakarta 10230 Tel: +62 21 390 1234 Fax: +62 21 334 321 Ambiente Hotel Aryaduta Jakarta, 44-48 Jalan Prapatan, Jakarta 10110 Tel: +62 21 231 1234 Fax: +62 21 380 9900 Melati Café & Bar Sari Pan Pacific Hotel Jakarta, Jalan M.H. Thamrin 6, Jakarta 10340 Tel: +62 21 323 707 Fax: +62 21 323 650 The Kafe Restaurant The Park Lane, Jalan Casablanca Kavling 18, Jakarta 12870 Tel: +62 21 828 2000 Fax: +62 21 828 2222 Keyaki Japanese Restaurant Sari Pan Pacific Hotel Jakarta, Jalan M.H. Thamrin 6, Jakarta 10340 Tel: +62 21 323 707 Fax: +62 21 323 650 Stix Restaurant The Park Lane, Jalan Casablanca Kavling 18, Jakarta 12870 Tel: +62 21 828 2000 Fax: +62 21 828 2222 Cafe Sirih Millennium Sirih-Jakarta, Jalan Fachrudin 3, Jakarta 10250 Tel: +62 21 230 3636 Fax: +62 31 230 0880 Tony Roma's
  • 24. Welcome To Jakarta 24 Reception Booklet 2010 Panin Bank Center, Ground Floor, Jalan Jend. Sudirman Kavling, Jakarta 10270 Tel: +62 21 720 2738 Fax: +62 21 720 2744 Shopping Centers • Plaza Senayan This is Jakarta’s most popular up market mall, situated very centrally in South Jakarta with a fantastic array of goods and services. It could be an easiest place to meet friend coincidentally. Of course, then it’s become a cruising place for teenage, even older. It houses two excellent department stores, Metro and Sogo, score of quality women’s and men’s fashion, children’s clothes and toys, sports apparels, book stores, art and gift srtores, music, cinema, health and beauty stores, and home décor. It also has a huge foodcourt, cinema, bowling alley, and some great dining restaurants. For simple: this mall means high quality branded shops, restaurants, and very popular place to meet. Address: Jl. Asia Afrika no. 8 Phone: tel +62 21 5725555 Website: • Mal Taman Anggrek
  • 25. Welcome To Jakarta 25 Reception Booklet 2010 This dizzying mall is one of the biggest in South East Asia, located in West Jakarta. The upper floors are occupied by entertainment and food spots, including Olympic size ice skating rink, Cineplex, Timezone, and Dapur Anggrek food court with various vendors. Within its bowls are more than 400 tenants and no less than 3 department stores: Rimo, Galeria Matahari and Metro. Some pretty affordable shops but still good quality, obviously the choice is good and often bewildering. Easy to get lost here, if you don’t know. Very popular with Chinese youngsters and also excellent for families with an active kids club. The mall is well managed and makes good use of space in the basement with regular family-oriented and promotional events. The choice of good places to eat is limited and on weekend its over crowded. Address: Jl. Letjend S. Parman Kav 21 Slipi Jakarta Phone: +62 21 5643777 • Pasaraya Grande Located just next to Blok M bus station, this huge shopping center stocks hundreds of fashion labels, from classics designers to trendy labels. Previously known for its huge range of shoes, sport section and amazing selection of batik, handicrafts and home décorations. The Grande Cineplex here is well and also the bowling alley. But it has small range of decent food and beverages outlets. This is the place to get your souvenirs of Indonesia, ikat, handicraft and many more. Address: Jl. Iskandarsyah II no. 2 Blok M Phone: +62 21 726017 • Plaza Indonesia Located in the heart of Jakarta with hundreds of prestigious tenants, this shopping center obviously aims for up market shoppers. It has a walk through link with Grand Hyatt Hotel Jakarta, a well-known five star hotel. This mall is getting more and more popular and filling more of its rented space with top quality shops, services and restaurants. It’s the best for top of the range clothing and often has good fashion events. However recently there are also more shops with slightly more affordable goods there as well. And now the extension of this mall for younger shoppers with many entertainment tenant, cinemas etc., is already open. The luxurious environment makes shopping enjoyable, and not that crowded. Sogo department store is in the mall as are a host of branded boutiques offering top quality product, such as Bruno Magli, Cartier, Versace, Bulgari, Gucci, Hugo Boss, etc. Several international restaurants and coffee chain are also here. You name it, Starbucks, Coffee Bean, Coffee Club and Dome. And don’t forget La Moda Café in the atrium, which regularly host entertainment and fashion shows. Address: Jl MH Thamrin Kav 28-30 Phone: +62 21 3107272, 390 3728.
  • 26. Welcome To Jakarta 26 Reception Booklet 2010 • Sarinah Its a one stop shopping collection of locals souvenirs house. Strategically located in central area of Jakarta, opposite of Djakarta Theatre Building. If you only have limited time, this place is the best then. Chilis Restaurant and Stardust Niteclub are also in this area. Very close to Jalan Jaksa, where many backpackers hotel are. Sarinah has an excellent selection of handicrafts, clothes, stationary, books etc., a very complete collection of souvenirs. Address: Jl. MH Thamrin • Various Shopping Centers Shopping in Jakarta can be very cheap if you forget about going to Fancy Shopping Malls like Plaza Senayan. They are all rip offs for garments the TANAH ABANG Market, Central Jakarta, is the best Place, Jeans, Trousers, Shirts, all at the cheapest prices. For Electronics, GLODOK Plaza (China Town) North Jakarta is the best option, shops are full of all kinds of Consumer Electronics Goods, TV, Music Systems, Digital Cameras, Palm Corders. You name it, Bargain is a Must (start with 40% from the asking Price and it will be setteled like 50%~60%). For Computer, parts and Accessories, and also for grocery purchase of men and women outfits, go to MANGGA DUA Shopping Center, North Jakarta. Jakarta’s Nightlife and Entertainment • Hard Rock Café Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta is one of the best HRC in Asia. The atmosphere is totally great and the bands are very good. The waiters are friendly and the drinks are blasting. Especially in "I love Monday" program. We can find great musicians singing their promo songs. Smart casual, sexy is encouraged. Hard Rock Café Jakarta has just moved to a new place at Plaza Indonesia Entertainment X’nter. Directions: Plaza Indonesia Entertainment X'nter • Kemang Area In the Kemang area, the more “trendy” nightspots can be found. Restaurants, offering international cuisine, cage’s and other watering holes make Kemang a favourite place for so called “young urban professionals (yuppies)”. Kemang is also known for its abundance of Javanese furniture shops, art shops and artgalleries, where great buys can be picked up. Casualtrend or formalsome would be appropriate. Directions: Kemang is located in the southern part of the city and it is in this area where some 80% of Indonesia’s most expat community resides.
  • 27. Welcome To Jakarta 27 Reception Booklet 2010 • Cilandak Town Square It's a place for hang-out with friends in south of Jakarta. For supermarket, it's open 24 hours. Amusement park open 'till one o'clock in the morning also the cafes. Address: Town Square, Cilandak Mal, south Jakarta Directions: Exit from free-way TB Simatupang to direction of Pondok Indah then turn around to Ampera • Café Batavia The café is decorated with old and classical surroundings beautifully. All the tropical wood , soft piano music, classical dressed waitress and old pictures on the wall, dominates the cafe. Names on the menu that make you nostalgic. Address: Taman Fatahillah , Jakarta Phone: 021 691 5531 Directions: The old Batavia area , 4 km from the national monument. Website: • Others Bugils Café, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta - Gelora Retro Club, Neighborhood : South Jakarta - Setiabudi B.A.T.S, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta - Tanah Abang Tiga Puluh Bar, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta - Tanah Abang Bacchus Bar, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta - Tanah Abang Jamz Restaurant and Pub, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Setiabudi Stamford Arms, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Kebayoran Baru CJ’s Bar, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta – Gelora Star Deli, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Mampang Prapatan Ragusa Es Italia, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta – Gambir Klub 45 Restaurant & Bar, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Kebayoran Baru William’s, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Mampang Prapatan Cuba Libre Latin Bar, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta – Gambir Tator Café, Neighborhood : South Jakarta Classic Rock Café, Neighborhood : South Jakarta - Kebayoran Baru
  • 28. Welcome To Jakarta 28 Reception Booklet 2010 De laila Bar, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Setiabudi Manna House, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta – Gelora Mata Bar, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta – Tanah Abang Chianti Classico Bistro, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Setiabudi Plaza de Espana, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Setiabudi Salsa Club, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Mampang Prapatan Café Wien, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta – Gelora Lava Lounge, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta – Gelora Fashion Café, Neighborhood : Central Jakarta– Tanah Abang Café Granvia, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Setiabudi Zanzibar, Neighborhood : South Jakarta – Kebayoran Baru Communication Services • Telephone Calls As getting a fixed line remains an unaffordable luxury for many Indonesians, wartel (short for warung telekomunikasi) can be found on most every street in Indonesia. Making local calls Dial (telephone number) Making long distance calls Dial 0-(area code)-(telephone number) Making international calls Dial 017-(country code)-(area code, if any)-(telephone number) Making long distance collect calls Dial 0871-(area code) Connecting to the Internet Dial 080989999 (from your modem) TELKOM Calling Card access number Dial 168 • Mobile Phones The Indonesian mobile phone market is heavily competed and prices are low: you can pick up a prepaid SIM card for less than Rp 20,000 and calls may cost as little as Rp 1,000 a minute (subject to the usual host of restrictions). Indonesia is also the world's largest market for used phones and basic models start from Rp 250,000. The largest operators are Telkomsel ( (brand simPATI), Indosat ( (brands Matrix, Mentari, IM3) and Excelcomindo ( (brands Jempol, Bebas).
  • 29. Welcome To Jakarta 29 Reception Booklet 2010 Most Indonesian operators use GSM, but beware of the few offering CDMA phones: they are slightly cheaper, but generally not usable outside major cities. Be sure to double-check when buying. • Internet The modern-day version of the wartel is the warnet, which feature Internet-connected PCs as well, and many shops now do double duty. Prices vary considerably, and as usual you tend to get what you pay for, but you'll usually be looking at around Rp 5,000 per hour. • Telephone Directories and Information Services ~Indonesian Yellow pages on the Internet Go to ~Telephone directory within current area code Dial 108 ~Telephone directory within other area code Dial 106 ~Telephone directory within specific area code Dial 0-(area code)-108 ~National telephone directory Dial 08091-108-108 Current time Dial 103 Information about TELKOM services Dial 162 How To Live in Jakarta Boarding house In Jakarta, usually the intern stays in a boarding house (in Bahasa, it is called “kost”). Every boarding house has many rooms; it depends on how big the house is. The facilities of this room vary as well. More expensive, more complete the facilities of it. Each room may have one bed, one wardrobe, one desk, inside bathroom, and an air conditioner. Sometimes there are a television and an internet facility too. In some boarding houses, there are living room, kitchen, and refrigerator. So, you can cook your food by yourself. The cost of one room varies from IDR 500,000 to IDR 1,000,000 per month and you have to pay it at the beginning of the month. In the boarding house, you live with many people who have various backgrounds. From that, you can learn how to have more understanding about our culture and characteristic of Indonesian. To stay in
  • 30. Welcome To Jakarta 30 Reception Booklet 2010 boarding house, you have to do everything by yourself such as clean the room and wash your clothes. But, some boarding houses have a servant to serve your needs.
  • 31. Welcome To Jakarta 31 Reception Booklet 2010 Food • Gado Gado Gado Gado is Indonesian salad. it comes with lontong, boiled egg, fried tofu, potato, steam beansprout, and lettuce. Before eating it, we put shrimp crackers and melinjo (another type of crackers) and then pour the spicy peanut sauce on top of it. • Karedok Not to be confused with the omnipresent Gado-Gado, Karedok is the Sundanese take on the salad with peanut dressing. The main difference is, the vegetables in Gado-Gado is cooked, but in Karedok, it's raw. Moreover, Karedok has more bite to it and definitely more spicy. • Soto Ayam
  • 32. Welcome To Jakarta 32 Reception Booklet 2010 • Satay (this can made from chicken, meat, and pork) • Kerak telor It’s one of traditional food of Jakarta. Kerak telor is made from rice and egg. • Rujak (fruit salad with pungent dressing)
  • 33. Welcome To Jakarta 33 Reception Booklet 2010 • Martabak telor (thick folded crepe filled with spices and pieces of meat) • Pecel (salad made of blanched vegetables served with peanut sauce) • Ketoprak
  • 34. Welcome To Jakarta 34 Reception Booklet 2010 • Sekoteng Transportation Services Getting Around Jakarta
  • 35. Welcome To Jakarta 35 Reception Booklet 2010 • Bajaj Bright orange and noisy easily describes a bajaj. These traditional transportation vehicles became popular in India where they were developed with Vespa and later imported to and built in Indonesia. Similar vehicles are known as rickshaw in Africa, Tuk-Tuk in Thailand and MotoTaxi in Peru. With an estimated 20,000 bajaj in Jakarta, it is evident they are very popular here too. Bajaj seat two passengers comfortably and up to five passengers - depending on the size of the passenger of course. Their areas of operation are limited to one mayoralty in the city. On the side of the driver's doors you'll see a big circle in which the area is designated, Jakarta Barat, Jakarta Pusat, etc., with a different color for each mayoralty. The drivers are not allowed to go out of their area and aren't allowed onto many main roads, so routes may be a bit circuitous. Fare determination is by bargaining. It's always best to ask an Indonesian what they would pay for a trip to a particular destination from your point of departure, and then bargain and pay accordingly. A ride in a bajaj is hot, utilizing AC alam - or nature's air conditioning. The ride will also be noisy, smelly (car and bus fumes), bumpy, harrowing, and a grand adventure. There is some protection from the rain, unless it's blowing hard. You'd think you'd have to be careful about robbery since the vehicle is so open - but it's not as common as robberies in buses. Having said all that, bajaj are extremely convenient in many areas of Jakarta for a short drive.
  • 36. Welcome To Jakarta 36 Reception Booklet 2010 • Becak (Pedicab) Becak were banned within the Jakarta city limits in 1994 due to their propensity to cause traffic jams. Former President Soeharto (and others) also wanted to eradicate becak from the city streets because they felt the work to be degrading to the drivers. Becak are widely missed by people who live in housing complexes off the main roads and small roads which are not serviced by bus routes - as their sheer numbers in the city prior to the crackdown attests to how widely they were used. It used to be a common site in Jakarta to see becak drivers taking children to school each morning, and women home from the traditional market. However, you can still find a few becak drivers ignoring the ban in certain locations within the city limits. Outside city limits becak are still found at the junctions of main roads and smaller country lanes that don't have smaller bus routes. Models of becak are different in each city they are found in across Indonesia. Becak fit two passengers comfortably and possibly even more, depending on the size of the passenger. There is some protection from the sun and a plastic sheet that comes down over the front helps protect passengers during rainstorms. Bargain before you get in! And don't expect the driver to have change for large bills. • Bemo
  • 37. Welcome To Jakarta 37 Reception Booklet 2010 Another noisy little neighborhood vehicle is the bemo, which is used for local transportation in limited areas in Jakarta. Originally brought to Indonesia by the Japanese government as part of a disaster relief package in 1962, the vehicles were never manufactured in Indonesia in as great a number as bajaj or becak. Bemo are found in and near Benhil, Tanjung Priok, Kramat Jati and other areas outside Jakarta. • Bus There are a large number bus companies servicing routes in Jakarta. Many of the larger buses seat 25-40 people (depending on type of bus). The buses have set prices (which should be posted on the bus). Bus companies include the government-owned PPD and Damri, which provides service to the airport. Private companies include Metro Mini. Some buses are air conditioned; they are more expensive. All buses have set routes and set fares, but not set schedules. For non-air conditioned bus, you have to pay IDR 2,500 and for air conditioned bus IDR 6,000 or IDR 6,500. Students in uniform pay a lower rate - no matter the distance. If you're not sure of the fare, ask other passengers what it is. Pay the “conductor”, who is usually hanging out the back door. He won't have change for big bills. Buses are the most common transport of the masses. Buses do not necessarily stop at bus stops, they stop wherever they can pick up a passenger be it in the middle of the road or on a busy intersection. Buses do not necessarily come to a complete stop for passengers to get off and on. So be careful as to which foot you step off the bus with! • Delman
  • 38. Welcome To Jakarta 38 Reception Booklet 2010 Perhaps the only truly traditional transportation left in Jakarta, delman (horse-drawn carriages) are getting harder to spot in Jakarta nowadays. They are most commonly used to transport goods from major markets. On Sundays you can rent a delman in the roads surrounding Monas (the national monument). The locals usually pile in the kids and have the delman driver take them for a fun ride around the Monas park. Delman are often rented by a Betawi family to transport kids around the neighborhood to celebrate a sunatan ceremony (circumcision). When rented for parties such as this, the delman are often decorated with traditional Betawi ornamentation which lends a very festive air. Bargain ahead of time to settle on a price as the price varies depending on the distance. • Train A commuter train (kereta api) runs several times daily from Bogor to Jakarta. These trains are quite simply furnished and often quite dirty. Scores of passengers brave the dangers and seat themselves atop the trains to avoid paying the fares. To go by commuter train, you have to pay IDR 1,000 until IDR 1,500 Trains to other major cities on Java leave Jakarta from train stations at Gambir, Tanah Abang and Senin. Different classes of service are available, with the first class or executive class being quite comfortable. Some trains are bookable in advance. Trains are a good transportation option for inter-city travel on a budget. • Mikrolet/Angkot (Public Vans)
  • 39. Welcome To Jakarta 39 Reception Booklet 2010 Mikrolet and angkot (these vehicles go by other names as well) are smaller vans/mini-buses that serve set routes on smaller main roads. They seat 9-12 people, depending on the type. Fares run from Rp 2,000 to 4,000, depending on the distance. The beginning and end points of the routes are visible on the front and back of each bus, along with a route number. For example, Tanah Abang - Meruya M11. • Ojek Ojek “motorcycle taxis” began appearing in Jakarta after becak were banned in 1994. Ojek service began as a people's initiative to provide a transportation options for people who used to use becak from main roads into housing complexes. There is no government licensing for or control over ojek. By law all motorcycle passengers should wear helmets, so ojek drivers should have a spare for you to wear. Ojek tend to congregate at t-junctions on main roads and near smaller roads that are not serviced by bus routes. Ladies have a careful balancing act if wearing a dress and must sit sidewise on the back of the vehicle. Bargain before you get on - ask a local what the price should be first. • Ojek Sepeda (Bicycle Taxi)
  • 40. Welcome To Jakarta 40 Reception Booklet 2010 Rarely seen in areas of Jakarta outside Kota and Tanjung Priok in North Jakarta. Ojek Sepeda “bicycle taxis” operate much like ojek, except for shorter distances. • Taxi It is recommended for first timers and tourist who do not want to get fussy to move around the town to get a taxi anywhere they want to go around the city. In most of the hotels and shopping malls, there are taxi counters on site. Or if you happen to be on the street, taxi can be hailed wherever you are (you do not need to find a stopping place such as taxi stand because there is no such thing in Jakarta, except at shopping malls and offices). Taxi can also be ordered through telephone. They did not charge delivery order but they will have a minimum order if you call the taxi. All taxis in Jakarta are metered. The most reputable taxi company would be Blue Bird Taxi Group. They have blue coloured taxi with bird logo. However due to many new taxi operators try to get passengers, they copycat this taxi color schemes. So the way to determine that you take the correct taxi is to see the front screen of the car. Blue Bird taxi will have a "BLUE BIRD GROUP" wording on the top of their windscreen. This taxi charges IDR 6,000 flag fall and about IDR 3,000/km. Some of the older taxis still charge the old rate, about 30% cheaper. In general it is better to pay the extra. Blue Bird also have a premium taxi line called Silver Bird Taxi. These are operated by black Mercedes Benz C-Class. Fare is a bit more expensive, but this taxi is more comfortable and the drivers are more experienced. These are the favourites among the executives and expats. The Silverbird taxis charge IDR 6,900 flag fall, and about IDR 3,700/km and IDR 55,000/hour for waiting - good value for money for a little extra.
  • 41. Welcome To Jakarta 41 Reception Booklet 2010 • River Taxi Back in time, long before taxis, bajaj and becak , Jakarta's residents traveled the many canals and rivers and canals in a variety of boats. Today there are still places in Jakarta where you can find boats used to cross. These boatmen take people across a river often from a major road to the kampung on the other side/so that they don't have to travel way out of their way. • Jakarta Busway The newest project, The Jakarta Busway is the series of bus lines operating on certain routes with the bus is running from the right side of the lane in its designated lane. There are 7 corridors open and you can move anywhere you like at a flat rate. At the time, it costs Rp3500 per ride. More and more people use the service and it's somewhat can cause inconvenience because of the crowded buses. For tourist staying in the city center, they can move around the town easily. Now, the busway connect you to virtually any public places in the city such as Ancol recreation park, Ragunan zoo, to Blok M shopping area. You just need to study where you should study the transfer point and which station you should alight at.
  • 42. Welcome To Jakarta 42 Reception Booklet 2010 Getting in Other Cities • Plane The only rapid means of long-distance travel within Indonesia is the plane. The two largest domestic carriers are Garuda ( and Merpati (, although low-cost carriers such as Lion Air (, Adam Air (, Bouraq (, Mandala (, Sriwijaya and a host of imitators are gaining markets with prices that compare favorably to land travel (especially if a 1 hour flight compared to a 24 hour bus trip is an important consideration to you). Prices are low by international standards, but steep compared to ferries, and the safety record of the smaller companies is dubious. Some Local Travel Agents to provide the ticket services are : Interasia Tour & Travel Address: Jalan Tanjung Duren Barat III No.1, Tomang Ria, Jakarta Barat 11470 Indonesia Phone: +62 021 5631450, Fax: +62 021 56967185 Lintas Tour Address: Jalan Kebon Kacang Raya Flat I No. 3 Jakarta Pusat Indonesia Phone: +62 021 3142895, Fax : +62 021 3144117 PT. Gembala Eka Travelindo (Getra Tours) Address: Jalan Mangga No.1B, Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat 10610 Indonesia Phone: +62 021 4224366, Fax: +62 021 4269175
  • 43. Welcome To Jakarta 43 Reception Booklet 2010 Pameda Pacific Travel Address: Jalan Let. Jend Soeprapto 121 B1 No.8 Jakarta Indonesia Phone: +62 021 4265412, Fax: +62 021 4265409 Masindo Buana Wisata Address: Jalan Tebet Timur Dalam Raya No.117, Jakarta 12820 Indonesia Phone: +62 021 8293250, Fax: +62 021 8308661 • Boat Indonesia is all islands and consequently ferries have long been the most popular means of inter island travel. The largest company is PELNI, which visits practically every inhabited island in Indonesia. Schedules are notional and creature comforts sparse. • Bus The major types of buses are air-conditioned bus (AC) and non-air-conditioned bus (non-AC or "economy class"). The airconditioned chartered buses can be rented with its drivers for a tourist group. Indonesian bus companies offer intercity and interprovince routes. The interprovince routes usually include transportation to other islands mainly between Java island and Sumatra island. Currency and Medium of Payment Indonesia's currency is the rupiah (IDR), abbreviated Rp. The rupiah's value plummeted during the 1997 economic crisis and has slowly drifted downward ever since, and as of 2005 you need almost Rp 10,000 to buy one US dollar. The trailing three zeros are often abbreviated with rb (ribu, thousand) or even dropped completely, and for more expensive items you will often even see jt (juta, million). The largest banknote is Rp 100,000, which may only be US$10 but is still inconveniently large for most purchases. Next in the series are Rp 50,000, Rp 20,000, Rp 10,000, Rp 5,000 and finally Rp 1,000. Bill size is the easiest way to distinguish them, as the designs — all pale pastel shades of yellow, green and brown — are confusingly similar and the smaller bills in particular are often filthy and mangled. A chronic shortage of small change has been to some extent alleviated by a new flood of plasticky aluminum coins, available in denominations of Rp 500, Rp 200, Rp 100, Rp 50 and the thoroughly useless Rp 25. Older golden metallic versions are also still floating around, and you may occasionally even run into a sub-1000 banknote. Bills printed in 1992 or earlier are no longer in circulation, but can be exchanged at banks. US dollars are the second currency of Indonesia and will be accepted by anyone in a pinch, but are typically used as an investment and for larger purchases, not buying a bowl of noodles on the street. Money exchangers are very picky around bill condition, pre-1999 bills or imperfect bills (ripped, wrinkled, stained, etc) will often be rejected. In the reverse direction, they will be happy to turn your dirty rupiah into spiffy dollars, but the spread is often considerable (10% is not unusual). ATMs are common in the larger cities and generally reliable. Be careful when using credit cards, as cloning and fraud are a major problem in Indonesia.
  • 44. Welcome To Jakarta 44 Reception Booklet 2010 Jakarta Business Tips Jakarta Dress Code In business circles, wearing a suit is the norm for both men and women. For formal occasions, either a suit or a long-sleeved, good quality, batik shirt are recommended for men, whilst evening or cocktail dresses are suitable for women. As Indonesia is primarily a Muslim country, modesty in dress is advised; remember to cover up if you intend visiting a mosque. Greeting Someone in Jakarta The usual way to greet people in Jakarta, particularly where business is concerned, is by shaking hands. Some Muslim women do not shake hands, due to their religious beliefs. Jakarta Business Hours and Banking Hours of business in Jakarta are Monday to Friday, 09:00 till 13:00 and 14:00 till 17:00. Most places of business will also trade Saturday mornings 09:00 to 13:00. Banks will not be open on Saturday morning but will be open during the week from 09:30 to 15:00. Jakarta Smoking There is a ban on smoking on public transport in Jakarta and the visitor should observe this even if the locals often do not. In business, it is advisable to refrain and take cues from the host. VISA 1. Single Entry Socio Cultural Visa This visa is issued by the Indonesian Embassy to applicants who are going to Indonesia for a social/cultural visit, such as visiting relatives/friends; social organizations; exchange visits between educational institutions; undertaking research and attending training program in Indonesia. This visa is Single Entry with Maximum length of stay 60 days. Extensions can be applied for and obtained in Indonesia from the Immigration Authorities. Visa extension is granted for 30 days each. You can extend your social cultural visa up to 4 times for a total maximum stay of 180 days. The two first extensions will be granted by your Immigration office, while the two last will require a prior approval from the District office before issuance by the Immigration Office.
  • 45. Welcome To Jakarta 45 Reception Booklet 2010 Visa will only be issued by the Embassy after receiving the authorization direct from the Immigration office in Indonesia. Visa is issued within five to six working days from receipt of application provided all documents are in order. Be careful with this VISA, if you are late to extend this VISA, the local immigration will charge IDR 200.000 per day. Cost of this visa is USD 45 and for the extension is IDR 250.000 Required documents which should be submitted are as follows: 1. Passport (with a minimum validity of 6 months from the date of entry into Indonesia) 2. One completed visa application form 3. One coloured passport size photograph. 4. Evidence that the applicant has sufficient funds to cover the cost of applicant's intended stay in Indonesia (Bank Statement dated less than a month with a minimum balance of £1,000.- or traveler's cheque). 5. Evidence of obligation in the applicant's country of permanent residence (e.g. a letter from employer/ college/ school, certifying the applicant's intention to return after the visit to Indonesia). 6. Written approval from the Immigration Office in Indonesia should the duration of visit is to exceed 60 days. 7. A letter of invitation from the applicant's family/relatives/friends/social organizations in Indonesia, and copy of their passport (main details only) or ID à we will provide you with this 8. Evidence of sufficient funds or a third party letter guaranteeing to support the applicant financially during his/her stay, together with documentary evidence of ability to do so. à we will provide you with this (but sometimes this is not needed) 2. Limited Stay Visa (VITAS) VITAS enables the incoming intern to stay in Indonesia within 6 – 24 months. However this VISA arrangement needs a long time and procedures. The time required to issue the visa at least 2 months. Cost of this visa depends on the validity period: o Limited Stay Period Visa (up to 6 months) USD 50 o Limited Stay Period Visa (up to 12 months) USD 100 o Limited Stay Period Visa (up to 24 months) USD 175 Fee to extent this visa: o 6 months extension: IDR 350,000 o 1 year extension: IDR 700,000 o 2 years extension: IDR 1,200,000
  • 46. Welcome To Jakarta 46 Reception Booklet 2010 Required documents which should be submitted are as follows: 1. CV (resume) 2. Health certificate 3. Copy of Bank account 4. GPA (academic transcript) 5. Copy of passport Your passport must be valid for: • 12 months passport validity remaining to apply for a 6 months Limited Stay Period Visa • 18 months passport validity remaining to apply for a 12 months Limited Stay Period Visa • 30 months passport validity remaining to apply for a 24 months Limited Stay Period Visa 6. Authorization letter from intern à we will give you the blank form 7. Recommendation letter from university to DIKTI à we will provide you with this. The process of this letter will be required about 2 weeks 8. Recommendation letter from DIKTI to BKLN à we will provide you with this. The process of this letter will be required about 1-2 weeks 9. Recommendation letter from BKLN to Central Immigration Office à we will provide you with this. The process of this letter will be required about 1-2 weeks 10. Recommendation letter from university to Central Immigration Office à we will provide you with this. 11. Approval letter from Central Immigration Office à we will provide you with this. To get this letter we will be required to wait for 1 week. For information on visas and documentation required for them, call the South Jakarta Immigration office at +6221-522-4658 ext 2203 or 2200. Emergency Numbers Police: 110 Fire: 113 Ambulance - 118 Amex: +44 1273 696933 Diners Club: (62) (21) 5701255 Visa: (1) 410 581 9091 Directorate - General of Tourism: 386 0934 Holidays (conditional) New Year’s Day Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice)
  • 47. Welcome To Jakarta 47 Reception Booklet 2010 Chinese New Year Muharram (Islamic New Year) Good Friday Nyepi (Hindu New Year) Mouloud (Birth of the Prophet) Ascension Waisak Day (Buddha’s Birthday) Indonesian Independence Day Lailat al Miraj (Ascension of the Prophet) Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan) Christmas Day Unique gifts from Indonesia • Batik • Wayang
  • 48. Welcome To Jakarta 48 Reception Booklet 2010 Unique Lingo Unique lingo! Normally we use bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian lingo), but in Jakarta, Betawi dialect and “bahasa gaul” (slank lingo) involved to the standard Indonesian all-together. It makes something new and different in hearing and sometimes the meaning. Here we enclosed several 'bahasa gaul' which used daily. English Indonesian Slank Lingo I saya gue, aku You anda kamu, lo Good morning selamat pagi 'met pagi Good evening selamat malam 'met malam Nice to meet you senang berjumpa dengan anda Seneng ketemu lo Take care hati-hati titi deejay (acronym from 'hati-hati di jalan') See you sampai jumpa ketemu lagi Trully sorry if I made mistake maaf bila saya berbuat kesalahan kalo ade saleh maapin aye I'm sorry maafkan saya maapin aye Finish sudah, selesai sutra, kelar 'bo Yes ya iye, yo-i No tidak nggak, gak, enggak AIESEC University of Indonesia AIESEC in Indonesia was founded at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia in March 1984, in the 36th AIESEC International Congress, Avignon, France. The Local Committee is located in the suburbs of South Jakarta, Depok, quite far from central of Jakarta. Currently we have about 80 active members.
  • 49. Welcome To Jakarta 49 Reception Booklet 2010 LCUI Members