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Girish Srivastava

 Introduction to jscript.
 Difference between Jscript, JavaScript and



Programming logic techniques of the Jscript.
Writing Jscript statements and coding.
OOPs Concept.
Understanding JScript objects.
Working with methods .
The JScript object hierarchy.
Practice Examples
Topics has to be covered…
Day 1
Introduction to jscript.
Javascript vs jscript and other
scripting languages.

Day 2
OOPs Concept
Understanding JScript objects

Array handling
Exception Handling

Array Object
Error Object

The role of objects in JScript
Programming logic techniques Working with methods and
of the Jscript
Writing Jscript statements and The JScript object hierarchy
String Handling
Object Literals


What Is script ?
 In computer programming, a script is a program


or sequence of instructions that is interpreted or
carried out by another program rather than by the
computer processer (as a compiled program is).
 A script is sometimes used to mean a list of
operating system commands that are pre-stored
in a file and performed sequentially by the
operating system's command interpreter
whenever the list name is entered as a single
 Multimedia development programs use "script" to
mean the sequence of instructions that you enter
to indicate how a multimedia sequence of files will
What Is scripting language ?
 A scripting language is a form of programming


language that is usually interpreted rather than
 Conventional programs are converted
permanently into executable files before they are
run. In contrast, programs in scripting language
are interpreted one command at a time.
 Scripting languages can be used to create
specialized GUIs (graphical user interfaces) and
forms that enhance the convenience of search
engines, Web-based e-mail and e-commerce.
 For Example: C
shell, JavaScript, Jscript, Perl, PHP, Python, VBS
Introduction of JScript
 JScript is a scripting language from Microsoft that is

expressly designed for use within Web pages. It
adheres to the ECMAScript standard and is basically
Microsoft's equivalent to Netscape's earlier and more
widely used JavaScript.
 ECMAScript (European Computer Manufacturers

Association Script)
 ECMAScript is a standard script language, developed

with the cooperation of Netscape and Microsoft and
mainly derived from Netscape's JavaScript, the widelyused scripting language that is used in Web pages to
affect how they look or behave for the user.
 ECMAScript is object-oriented and conceived as a core
language to which can be added the objects of any
specific domain or context such as the idea of a 10/15/2013
Using JScript
 JScript is an interpreted, object-based scripting

language. Although it has fewer capabilities than fullfledged object-oriented languages like C++, JScript is
more than sufficiently powerful for its intended
 JScript is not a cut-down version of another language
(it is only distantly and indirectly related to Java, for
example), nor is it a simplification of anything.
 You cannot write stand-alone applications in it, and it
has no built-in support for reading or writing files.
 Jscript scripts can run only in the presence of an
interpreter or "host", such as Active Server Pages
(ASP), Internet Explorer, or Windows Script Host.

JavaScript Vs JScript Vs VBScript
 JavaScript
 JavaScript is a light weight and very simple Scripting Language

that has Object Oriented capabilities and most importantly it is a
cross platform Scripting Language.
 These scripts can be integrated directly into the HTML code.
 JavaScript was originally developed by Netscape.
 Here is a simple example showing a text in a web page using

<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("Hello JavaScript");

 Jscript
 Actually JScript is just the Microsoft's version of

JavaScript. Microsoft thought of implementing their own
version of JavaScript and they named it as JScript.
 But in some situations JScript is not behaving like
 Take a simple example: Let's declare a variable called
temp in JavaScript code and create a object within the
page having the field id as "temp".
var temp = 'Hello';
And trying to set the value of object temp in the page to
the value of variable temp.
document.getElementById('temp').innerHTML = temp;

 In the above example, is working fine, but the JScript gives a

 reason behind this is, in here JScript does not recognize the
difference between var
temp and document.getElementById('temp'). So he treats as
both of them are referring to one single object. But
JavaScript recognises the temp variable and the object within
the page having id "temp" as two entirely separate fields.
 So this is a one significant difference between JavaScript and
 here is a simple example showing a text in a web page using JScript.


<script type="text/JScript">
document.write("Hello JScript");

 VBScript is Microsoft's Scripting Language just as JScript.
 It is actually a child of Microsoft's Visual Basic for use with

web pages and other applications that uses Microsoft
ActiveX controls.
 VBScript is very similar to JavaScript, but VBScript
syntaxes are more similar to Visual Basic.

 Comparison of JavaScript and VBScript




Both languages are easy to learn and
do not require any expensive
development tools.

JavaScript is the default scripting
language for browsers but VBScript
must be specified as the scripting

Both can be used to enhance web

JavaScript has cross-platform support
from all popular browsers while
VBScript is supported MS IE only.

Both can abuse and run malicious
scripts on clients' machines.

JavaScript is case sensitive but
VBScript is not this would not be
prone to as many syntax errors like
missing >
JavaScript uses the same character
for concatenation as it does for
addition (the + character) while the '&'
concatenating character is used in
VBScript. This is another source of
errors in JavaScript.


 Here is a simple example showing a text in a web

page using VBScript.
<script type="text/vbscript">
document.write("Hello VBScript");

 The following table lists the version of Microsoft JScript implemented by host

Host application

JScript version

Internet Explorer 3.0
Internet Information Server 3.0


Internet Explorer 4.0


Internet Information Server 4.0


Visual Studio 6.0


Internet Explorer 5.0


Internet Explorer 5.01


Windows 2000


Internet Explorer 5.5


Internet Explorer 6.0


Windows XP (through SP2)


Internet Explorer 7.0


Windows XP SP3



Windows Vista


Internet Explorer 8.0


Applications Fundamentals
 Practical Learning: Adding the Compiler to the Path
 Start Windows Explorer and locate the folder where

your jsc application is installed. Here is an example:


 Click Start -> Control Panel
 Double-click System
 In the System Properties dialog box, click the Advanced


tab and click Environment Variables
In the System Variables section, click Path and click
Press End or get to the end of the string
Type ; followed by the complete path to the compiler.
Click OK on each dialog box

Practical Learning: Introducing Jscript
 Start Notepad and in it, type print("Welcome to the

Wonderful World of JScript ");
To save the file, on the main menu, click File -> Save
Select and display the C: drive in the Save In combo box
Click the Create New Folder button
Type JScript Lessons
Press Enter twice or display the new folder in the Save In
combo box
Click the Create New Folder button again
Type Exercise1 and press Enter twice or display the new
folder in the Save In combo box
Save the file as exercise.js
Practical Learning: Compiling an
 To test the application, open the Command Prompt

and change to the folder in which you created the
Jscript file.


•Type jsc exercise.js and press Enter
•When the program has finished compiling,
type exercise and press Enter

A Custom Name for an Executable
 As mentioned above, if you compile your application by

simply invoking the name of the script file that contains
the code, an executable with the same name as the file
would be created.
 Fortunately, when compiling the file, you can specify the
name you want for the executable.
 jsc /out:ApplicationName File.js

 you must first call the compiler as done previously. It must be

followed by /out: which indicates that you are going to specify the
name of the executable.
 After the /out: factor, type the desired name that will hold the name
of the new application instead of the name of the file.
 Lastly, type the name of the file that contains the script and make
sure you append its extension.

To compile with debugging information
using jsc
 At the command prompt, type

jsc /debug file.js
The command compiles the program
named file.js with the /debug option to produce the
executable named file.exe and a file
named file.pdb that contains debugging information.
Debugging JScript with Visual Studio

Programming logic techniques of the
 Variables
 Statements
 Data types
 Comments
 Operators and its Precedence

 Controlling Program flow
 Jscript reserve words
 Conditions and Loops


 A typical program uses various and different values.

Some are used for display to the user. Some are
requested from the user.
 To manage these various values, the compiler reserves
some sections of the computer memory to store them.
 To declare a variable, type var, followed by a name for
the variable, followed by a colon, and followed by a
word that defines the type of value that would be stored
in this memory space.

ovar VariableName : DataType;
 This means that, to declare a variable, you must

provide a name and specify the type of information the
variable will carry.
 An identifier is a word that is used to identify an entity in

a program. There are rules you must follow when
naming your variables. They are:
 The first character must be a letter
(a, b, c,…, z, A, B, C, …, or Z) or an underscore (_).
Examples are _pages, country, or sound
 After the first character, the name can contain
letters, underscores, or digits (0, 1, 2, 3,…, or 9).
Examples are number1, _page6, complete_sound
 The complete name must not be one of the words
reserved for the compilers own use


 JScript is case-sensitive. This means that

case, CASE, and Case are three different words. Based
on these rules, avoid using the following reserved words
to name your variables:















Comments And Escape Sequence
 A comment is a line or paragraph of text that the

compiler would not consider when examining the code
of a program.
 To display a comment on a line of text, start the line
with two forward slashes //. Anything on the right side
of // would be ignored. Here is an example:

// This line will be ignored. I can write in it anything I

 The above type of comment is used on only one line.

You can also start a comment with /*. This type of
comment ends with */.
 Anything between this combination of /* and */ would
not be read by the compiler. Therefore, you can 10/15/2013
this technique to span a comment on more than one
Escape Sequences
 An escape sequence is a special character that

displays non-visibly. For example, you can use this
type of character to indicate the end of line, that is,
to ask the program to continue on the next line.
 An escape sequence is represented by a backslash
character, , followed by another character or
symbol. For example, the escape sequence that
moves to the next line is n.
 An escape can be included in single-quotes as in
'n'. It can also be provided in double-quotes as "n".


Escape Sequence





Horizontal Tab


New line


Vertical Tab


Form feed


Carriage return

Causes a carriage return


Any Character

Matches any white space character


Any Character

Matches any non-white space character


Single Quote

Displays a single quote


Double Quote

Displays a double quote


Displays a backslash ()




2-Digit Hex


4-Digit Hex


Takes the cursor back by one space
Takes the cursor to the next tab stop
Takes the cursor to the beginning of the
next line
Performs a vertical tab

Displays an ASCII character from an octal
Displays a hexadecimal number with two
Displays a hexadecimal number with four
Data Types
 A data type is a word that indicates the amount of

memory needed to store the value of a variable.
 As there are various types of values used in a program,
there are also different data types. Some data types are
meant to hold numbers. Some others are form particular
values such as one being true or false.
 In short, data types are specifications of how to handle
variables. The interpreter needs to know how much
memory he shall reserve for the data, and what can be
done with these.


Data Type




a single character,
enclosed in single
quotation marks

var c: char = ’a’;


a sequence of
characters, enclosed in
double quotation marks

var s: String = "Hello";


a 32-bit integer value,
ranging from 2.147.483.648 to

var i: int = 1;


a unsigned 32-bit integer,
ranging from 0 to

var i: uint = 1;


a boolean value that is
either true or false

var b: boolean = false;


floating point number of
double precision (about
15 digits)

var d: double = 0.123;

object representing a

var date: Date



Type mismatch
import System;
var s: int = 3;
s = s + 5;
s = "I’m not an integer!";

import System;
var s = 5;
s = "I’m a string!";
s = s + 3;

NOTE: If you do not initialize a variable, i.e. if you declare a variable
without setting it to a certain value, requesting the value will return NaN
(Not a Number) or ”undefined”, depending on the context in which the
variable was interpreted. For example,
import System;
var i;
Console.WriteLine( "Value of i: " + i);
Console.WriteLine( "Value of 2*i: " + 2*i);
will produce the output ”Value of i: undefined” and ”Value of i: NaN”,
because in the first case we have a type conversion to string, in the
Operators and Operands
 An operation is an action performed on one or more

values either to modify the value held by one or both of
the variables, or to produce a new value by combining
existing values.
 Therefore, an operation is performed using at least one
symbol and at least one value. The symbol used in an
operation is called an operator. A value involved in an
operation is called an operand.
 A unary operator is an operator that performs its
operation on only one operand. An operator is referred to
as binary if it operates on two operands.


JScript Operators
























Less than


Bitwise Left








Greater than


Right Shift




Less than or
equal to


Right Shift




Greater than
or equal to














Bitwise OR







Logical OR










Operator Precedence


. [] ()

Field access, array indexing, and function calls

++ -- - ~ ! typeof new void delete Unary operators, return data type, object creation, undefined values

Multiplication, division, modulo division


Addition, subtraction, string concatenation

<< >> >>>

Bit shifting

< <= > >=

Less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to

== != === !==

Equality, inequality, identity, nonidentity


Bitwise AND


Bitwise XOR


Bitwise OR


Logical AND


Logical OR



= OP=

Assignment, assignment with operation



Multiple evaluation

Sample Example
import System;
var a: boolean = true;
var b: boolean = false;
Console.WriteLine("a AND b = " + (a && b));
Console.WriteLine("a OR b = " + (a || b));

”a And b = false”
”a OR b = true”


Program Flow
 if..else-statements
import System;
var i=Math.random();
if (i<0.5) Console.WriteLine("This number " + i + " is smaller than 0.5");
else Console.WriteLine("This number " + i + " is larger than or equals

 Here, the code following the if-condition is executed

if the condition is true, and the code following the
else-statement is executed if the statement is false.
This is what you should notice:


• the boolean expression has to be set in parenthesis
• the if-clause here only consists of one command. It has to be closed
by a semicolon
• the else-clause also only consists of one command and has10/15/2013
to be
closed by a semicolon
 The for-loops allow to repeat a command or block of

code for a certain time. Usually, a counter is counted up
until a certain condition does not hold any more.
import System;
var i;
for (i=1;i<10;i++) Console.WriteLine("This is the " + i + ".

import System;
var weekday = ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday",
var j;
for (j in weekday) Console.WriteLine(weekday[j]);

 The while-loops are similar to the for-loops, but the

header of the while loop has no section for
initializing and no section for incrementation, but just
the section for a comparison, the while-condition.


import System;
var steps = 10;
while (steps >= 1) {
if (steps > 1) Console.WriteLine(" There are" +
steps + " to do.");
else Console.WriteLine("Now there is only one
more step");
 do...while loop in JScript that is similar to the while

loop, except that it is guaranteed to always execute at
least once, since the condition is tested at the end of the
loop, rather than at the start.


import System;
var x = 0;
x = Console.WriteLine("What is my favourite
number?", x);
} while ((x != 42) && (x != null));
if (x == null)
Console.WriteLine("You gave up!");

 A function is a piece of code that is encapsulated and

can be executed by calling the command under which
the function is defined.
 JScript supports two kinds of functions: those that are
built into the language, and those you create yourself.
o Special Built-in Functions

 The JScript language includes several built-in functions.

Some of them let you handle expressions and special
characters, and convert strings to numeric values.
 For example, escape() and unescape() are used to
convert characters that have special meanings in HTML
code, characters that you cannot just put directly into
text. For example, the angle brackets, "<" and ">",
delineate HTML tags.


•Escape function: Encodes String objectsthese
 The escape function takes as its argument any of so
special characters, and all computers.
they can be read onreturns the escape code for the
character. Each escape code consists of a percent sign
•The escape method returns a string value
(%) followed by a two-digit number.
(in Unicode format) that contains the
 The unescape function is the exact inverse. It takes as
contents ofacharstring. All spaces, sign and a
its argument string consisting of a percent
punctuation, accented characters, and any other
two-digit number, and returns a character.
non-ASCII characters are replacedwhich %xx
 Another useful built-in function is eval(), with
evaluates where mathematical expression
encoding, any validxx is equivalent to thethat is
presented in string form. The eval() function character.
hexadecimal number representing thetakes one
argument, the expression to be evaluated.
For example,anExpression = "6 * 9returned as "%20.“
a space is % 7";
• var
• var total = a value greater than 255 the
•Characters with eval(anExpression); // Assigns the value 5 toare
variable total.
stored using yetAnotherExpression = "6 * (9 % 7)";
• var the %uxxxx format.
• total = eval(yetAnotherExpression); //Assigns the encoded
•Unescape Method: Decodes String objectsvalue 12 to
Creating Your Own Functions
 You can create your own functions and use them where

you need them. A function definition consists of a
function statement and a block of JScript statements.
 For Example:

import System;
function factorial(n)
var i;
var f=1;
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) f=f*i;
return f;

Wait functions


// The namespace "System.Threading" provides
the "Thread"-class which
// includes the "Sleep"-method
import System.Threading;
var i;
for (i=0; i<=5; i++)
// Wait for 500 ms
// Display the variable i in the Output window
System.Console.WriteLine("Number: "+i);
JScript Objects
 JScript objects are collections of properties and

 A method is a function that is a member of an object,
and a property is a value or set of values (in the form of
an array or object).
 Objects as Arrays

 In JScript, objects and arrays are handled identically.
 You can refer to any of the members of an object :
o either by name (using the name of the object, followed by a
period, followed by the name of the property)
o or by its array subscript index.

 All objects in JScript support "expando" properties, or

properties that can be added and removed dynamically
at run time.

• var myObj = new Object();

 The fact that objects can have other objects as

properties lets you generate arrays with more than one
subscript, which are not directly supported. The following
code creates a multiplication table for values from 0
times 0 through 16 times 16.
var multTable = new Array(17); // Make the shell that will become the
for (var j = 0; j < multTable.length; j++) { // Prepare to fill it with rows.
var aRow = new Array(17); // Create a row.
for (var i = 0; i < aRow.length; i++) { // Prepare to fill the row.
aRow[i] = (i + " times " + j + " = " + i*j); // Make and place one value.
multTable[j] = aRow; // Put the filled row into the table.

JScript Reserved Keywords
 JScript has a number of reserved keywords that you

cannot use as identifiers.
 These words come in three types: JScript reserved
keywords, future reserved words, and words to avoid.
 Reserved words have a specific meaning to the JScript
language, as they are part of the language syntax.
Using a reserved word causes a compilation error when
loading your script.
 JScript also has a list of future reserved words. These
words are not currently part of the JScript language,
although they are reserved for future use.


 Reserved Words

















Instanceof Throw











•Future Reserved Words





Implement Package




















 Recursion is an important programming technique. It is

used to have a function call itself from within itself.
 One handy example is the calculation of factorials. The
factorials of 0 and 1 are both defined specifically to be
 The factorials of larger numbers are calculated by
multiplying 1 * 2 * ..., incrementing by 1 until you reach
the number for which you're calculating the factorial.
 Recursion and iteration (looping) are strongly related anything that can be done with recursion can be done
with iteration, and vice-versa.


 Here is the factorial function again, this time written in

JScript code.


// Function to calculate factorials. If an invalid
// number is passed in (ie, one less than zero), -1
// is returned to signify an error. Otherwise, the
// number is converted to the nearest integer, and its
// factorial is returned.
function factorial(aNumber) {
aNumber = Math.floor(aNumber); // If the number is not an integer,
round it down.
if (aNumber < 0) { // If the number is less than zero, reject it.
return -1;
if (aNumber == 0) { // If the number is 0, its factorial is 1.
return 1;
else return (aNumber * factorial(aNumber - 1)); // Otherwise, recurse
until done.
Variable Scope
 JScript has two scopes: global and local.
 If you declare a variable outside of any function

definition, it is a global variable, and its value is
accessible and modifiable throughout your program.
 If you declare a variable inside of a function definition,
that variable is local.
 It is created and destroyed every time the function is
executed; it cannot be accessed by anything outside the
 A local variable can have the same name as a global
variable, but it is entirely distinct and separate.
 Consequently, changing the value of one variable has
no effect on the other. Inside the function in which the
49 local variable is declared, only the local version has


var aNumber = 100;
var withAdditive = 0;
withAdditive += aNumber; // withAdditive is now
withAdditive += aNumber; // withAdditive is now
function tweak() {
var newThing = 0; // Explicit declaration of the
newThing variable.
aNumber = 42;
if (false) {
var aNumber; // This statement is never executed.
aNumber = "Hello!"; // This statement is never
Special Characters
 JScript provides special characters that allow you to

include in strings some characters you cannot type
 Each of these characters begins with a backslash. The
backslash is an escape character you use to inform the
JScriptEscape Sequence the next character is special.
interpreter that

Line feed (new line)


Carriage return


Horizontal tab (Ctrl-I)


Single quotation mark


Double quotation mark



Exception Handling
 try...catch.finally Statement
 The try...catch.finally statement provides a way to

handle some or all of the possible errors that may
occur in a given block of code, while still running code.
 If errors occur that the programmer has not
handled, Jscript simply provides its normal error
message to a user, as if there was no error handling.


try {
//Required. Statements where an error
can occur.
//Required. Any variable name.
The initial value of exception is the value of
the thrown error.
} //Optional. Statements to handle errors occurring in the
finally {
//Optional. Statements that are
 The following example shows how JScript exception handling works.


try {
print("Outer try running..");
This produces the following output
try {
print("Nested try running..."); Outer try running..
Nested try running...
throw "an error";
Nested catch caught an error
Nested finally is running...
catch(e) {
print("Nested catch caught " + e); catch caught an error rethrown
throw e + " re-thrown";
Outer finally running
finally {
print("Nested finally is running...");
catch(e) {
print("Outer catch caught " + e);}
finally {
print("Outer finally running");}
// Change this for Windows Script Host to say
Programming Concepts Compared in Different Languages with Code Examp
function print(s){



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Jscript part1

  • 2. Objective  Introduction to jscript.  Difference between Jscript, JavaScript and        2  VBScript. Versions. Programming logic techniques of the Jscript. Writing Jscript statements and coding. OOPs Concept. Understanding JScript objects. Working with methods . The JScript object hierarchy. Practice Examples 10/15/2013
  • 3. Topics has to be covered… Day 1 Introduction to jscript. Javascript vs jscript and other scripting languages. Versions. Day 2 OOPs Concept Understanding JScript objects Array handling Exception Handling Array Object Error Object The role of objects in JScript programming Programming logic techniques Working with methods and of the Jscript properties Writing Jscript statements and The JScript object hierarchy coding String Handling Object Literals 3 10/15/2013
  • 4. What Is script ?  In computer programming, a script is a program 4 or sequence of instructions that is interpreted or carried out by another program rather than by the computer processer (as a compiled program is).  A script is sometimes used to mean a list of operating system commands that are pre-stored in a file and performed sequentially by the operating system's command interpreter whenever the list name is entered as a single command.  Multimedia development programs use "script" to mean the sequence of instructions that you enter 10/15/2013 to indicate how a multimedia sequence of files will
  • 5. What Is scripting language ?  A scripting language is a form of programming 5 language that is usually interpreted rather than compiled.  Conventional programs are converted permanently into executable files before they are run. In contrast, programs in scripting language are interpreted one command at a time.  Scripting languages can be used to create specialized GUIs (graphical user interfaces) and forms that enhance the convenience of search engines, Web-based e-mail and e-commerce.  For Example: C 10/15/2013 shell, JavaScript, Jscript, Perl, PHP, Python, VBS
  • 6. Introduction of JScript  JScript is a scripting language from Microsoft that is expressly designed for use within Web pages. It adheres to the ECMAScript standard and is basically Microsoft's equivalent to Netscape's earlier and more widely used JavaScript.  ECMAScript (European Computer Manufacturers Association Script)  ECMAScript is a standard script language, developed with the cooperation of Netscape and Microsoft and mainly derived from Netscape's JavaScript, the widelyused scripting language that is used in Web pages to affect how they look or behave for the user.  ECMAScript is object-oriented and conceived as a core language to which can be added the objects of any 6 specific domain or context such as the idea of a 10/15/2013
  • 7. Using JScript  JScript is an interpreted, object-based scripting language. Although it has fewer capabilities than fullfledged object-oriented languages like C++, JScript is more than sufficiently powerful for its intended purposes.  JScript is not a cut-down version of another language (it is only distantly and indirectly related to Java, for example), nor is it a simplification of anything.  You cannot write stand-alone applications in it, and it has no built-in support for reading or writing files.  Jscript scripts can run only in the presence of an interpreter or "host", such as Active Server Pages (ASP), Internet Explorer, or Windows Script Host. 7 10/15/2013
  • 8. JavaScript Vs JScript Vs VBScript  JavaScript  JavaScript is a light weight and very simple Scripting Language that has Object Oriented capabilities and most importantly it is a cross platform Scripting Language.  These scripts can be integrated directly into the HTML code.  JavaScript was originally developed by Netscape.  Here is a simple example showing a text in a web page using JavaScript. <html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> { document.write("Hello JavaScript"); } </script> </body> </html> 8 10/15/2013
  • 9.  Jscript  Actually JScript is just the Microsoft's version of JavaScript. Microsoft thought of implementing their own version of JavaScript and they named it as JScript.  But in some situations JScript is not behaving like JavaScript.  Take a simple example: Let's declare a variable called temp in JavaScript code and create a object within the page having the field id as "temp". var temp = 'Hello'; And trying to set the value of object temp in the page to the value of variable temp. document.getElementById('temp').innerHTML = temp; 9 10/15/2013
  • 10. Cont…  In the above example, is working fine, but the JScript gives a error.  reason behind this is, in here JScript does not recognize the difference between var temp and document.getElementById('temp'). So he treats as both of them are referring to one single object. But JavaScript recognises the temp variable and the object within the page having id "temp" as two entirely separate fields.  So this is a one significant difference between JavaScript and JScript.  here is a simple example showing a text in a web page using JScript. 10 <html> <body> <script type="text/JScript"> { document.write("Hello JScript"); } </script> </body> </html> 10/15/2013
  • 11. VBScript  VBScript is Microsoft's Scripting Language just as JScript.  It is actually a child of Microsoft's Visual Basic for use with web pages and other applications that uses Microsoft ActiveX controls.  VBScript is very similar to JavaScript, but VBScript syntaxes are more similar to Visual Basic.  Comparison of JavaScript and VBScript 11 10/15/2013
  • 12. Cont… Similarities Differences Both languages are easy to learn and do not require any expensive development tools. JavaScript is the default scripting language for browsers but VBScript must be specified as the scripting language. Both can be used to enhance web pages. JavaScript has cross-platform support from all popular browsers while VBScript is supported MS IE only. Both can abuse and run malicious scripts on clients' machines. JavaScript is case sensitive but VBScript is not this would not be prone to as many syntax errors like missing > JavaScript uses the same character for concatenation as it does for addition (the + character) while the '&' concatenating character is used in VBScript. This is another source of errors in JavaScript. 12 10/15/2013
  • 13. Cont…  Here is a simple example showing a text in a web page using VBScript. <html> <body> <script type="text/vbscript"> { document.write("Hello VBScript"); } </script> </body> </html> 13 10/15/2013
  • 14. Version  The following table lists the version of Microsoft JScript implemented by host applications. Host application JScript version Internet Explorer 3.0 Internet Information Server 3.0 2.0 Internet Explorer 4.0 3.0 Internet Information Server 4.0 3.0 Visual Studio 6.0 4.0 Internet Explorer 5.0 5.0 Internet Explorer 5.01 5.1 Windows 2000 5.1 Internet Explorer 5.5 5.5 Internet Explorer 6.0 5.6 Windows XP (through SP2) 5.6 Internet Explorer 7.0 5.7 Windows XP SP3 14 1.0 5.7 Windows Vista 5.7 Internet Explorer 8.0 5.8 10/15/2013
  • 15. Applications Fundamentals  Practical Learning: Adding the Compiler to the Path  Start Windows Explorer and locate the folder where your jsc application is installed. Here is an example: 15 10/15/2013
  • 16. Cont…  Click Start -> Control Panel  Double-click System  In the System Properties dialog box, click the Advanced     16 tab and click Environment Variables In the System Variables section, click Path and click Edit Press End or get to the end of the string Type ; followed by the complete path to the compiler. Click OK on each dialog box 10/15/2013
  • 17. Practical Learning: Introducing Jscript Code  Start Notepad and in it, type print("Welcome to the         17 Wonderful World of JScript "); To save the file, on the main menu, click File -> Save Select and display the C: drive in the Save In combo box Click the Create New Folder button Type JScript Lessons Press Enter twice or display the new folder in the Save In combo box Click the Create New Folder button again Type Exercise1 and press Enter twice or display the new folder in the Save In combo box Save the file as exercise.js 10/15/2013
  • 18. Practical Learning: Compiling an Application  To test the application, open the Command Prompt and change to the folder in which you created the Jscript file. 18 •Type jsc exercise.js and press Enter •When the program has finished compiling, type exercise and press Enter 10/15/2013
  • 19. A Custom Name for an Executable  As mentioned above, if you compile your application by simply invoking the name of the script file that contains the code, an executable with the same name as the file would be created.  Fortunately, when compiling the file, you can specify the name you want for the executable.  jsc /out:ApplicationName File.js  you must first call the compiler as done previously. It must be followed by /out: which indicates that you are going to specify the name of the executable.  After the /out: factor, type the desired name that will hold the name of the new application instead of the name of the file.  Lastly, type the name of the file that contains the script and make sure you append its extension. 19 10/15/2013
  • 20. To compile with debugging information using jsc  At the command prompt, type jsc /debug file.js The command compiles the program named file.js with the /debug option to produce the executable named file.exe and a file named file.pdb that contains debugging information. Debugging JScript with Visual Studio 20 10/15/2013
  • 21. Programming logic techniques of the Jscript  Variables  Statements  Data types  Comments  Operators and its Precedence  Controlling Program flow  Jscript reserve words  Conditions and Loops 21 10/15/2013
  • 22. Variables  A typical program uses various and different values. Some are used for display to the user. Some are requested from the user.  To manage these various values, the compiler reserves some sections of the computer memory to store them.  To declare a variable, type var, followed by a name for the variable, followed by a colon, and followed by a word that defines the type of value that would be stored in this memory space. ovar VariableName : DataType;  This means that, to declare a variable, you must 22 provide a name and specify the type of information the 10/15/2013 variable will carry.
  • 23. Identifiers  An identifier is a word that is used to identify an entity in a program. There are rules you must follow when naming your variables. They are:  The first character must be a letter (a, b, c,…, z, A, B, C, …, or Z) or an underscore (_). Examples are _pages, country, or sound  After the first character, the name can contain letters, underscores, or digits (0, 1, 2, 3,…, or 9). Examples are number1, _page6, complete_sound  The complete name must not be one of the words reserved for the compilers own use 23 10/15/2013
  • 24. Cont…  JScript is case-sensitive. This means that case, CASE, and Case are three different words. Based on these rules, avoid using the following reserved words to name your variables: abstract char default export break const do false byte continue double final for 24 boolean class delete extends function get if in new return super typeof while instanceof null sbyte switch uint with int package set this ulong interface private short throw ushort case debugger else finally implement s internal protected static true var catch decimal enum float import long public try void 10/15/2013
  • 25. Comments And Escape Sequence  A comment is a line or paragraph of text that the compiler would not consider when examining the code of a program.  To display a comment on a line of text, start the line with two forward slashes //. Anything on the right side of // would be ignored. Here is an example:  // This line will be ignored. I can write in it anything I want  The above type of comment is used on only one line. You can also start a comment with /*. This type of comment ends with */.  Anything between this combination of /* and */ would not be read by the compiler. Therefore, you can 10/15/2013 use 25 this technique to span a comment on more than one
  • 26. Escape Sequences  An escape sequence is a special character that displays non-visibly. For example, you can use this type of character to indicate the end of line, that is, to ask the program to continue on the next line.  An escape sequence is represented by a backslash character, , followed by another character or symbol. For example, the escape sequence that moves to the next line is n.  An escape can be included in single-quotes as in 'n'. It can also be provided in double-quotes as "n". 26 10/15/2013
  • 27. Cont… Escape Sequence Name b Backspace t Horizontal Tab n New line v Vertical Tab f Form feed r Carriage return Causes a carriage return s Any Character Matches any white space character S Any Character Matches any non-white space character ' Single Quote Displays a single quote " Double Quote Displays a double quote Backslash Displays a backslash () h Character xhh 2-Digit Hex xhhhh 4-Digit Hex 27 Description Takes the cursor back by one space Takes the cursor to the next tab stop Takes the cursor to the beginning of the next line Performs a vertical tab Displays an ASCII character from an octal number Displays a hexadecimal number with two digits Displays a hexadecimal number with four 10/15/2013 digits
  • 28. Data Types  A data type is a word that indicates the amount of memory needed to store the value of a variable.  As there are various types of values used in a program, there are also different data types. Some data types are meant to hold numbers. Some others are form particular values such as one being true or false.  In short, data types are specifications of how to handle variables. The interpreter needs to know how much memory he shall reserve for the data, and what can be done with these. 28 10/15/2013
  • 29. Cont… Data Type Description Example Char a single character, enclosed in single quotation marks var c: char = ’a’; String a sequence of characters, enclosed in double quotation marks var s: String = "Hello"; Int a 32-bit integer value, ranging from 2.147.483.648 to 2.147.483.647 var i: int = 1; Uint a unsigned 32-bit integer, ranging from 0 to 4.294.967.295 var i: uint = 1; Boolean a boolean value that is either true or false var b: boolean = false; Double floating point number of double precision (about 15 digits) var d: double = 0.123; object representing a var date: Date 29 Date 10/15/2013
  • 30. Type mismatch import System; var s: int = 3; s = s + 5; Console.WriteLine(s); s = "I’m not an integer!"; Console.WriteLine(s); import System; var s = 5; s = "I’m a string!"; s = s + 3; Console.WriteLine(s); NOTE: If you do not initialize a variable, i.e. if you declare a variable without setting it to a certain value, requesting the value will return NaN (Not a Number) or ”undefined”, depending on the context in which the variable was interpreted. For example, import System; var i; Console.WriteLine( "Value of i: " + i); Console.WriteLine( "Value of 2*i: " + 2*i); will produce the output ”Value of i: undefined” and ”Value of i: NaN”, 10/15/2013 30 because in the first case we have a type conversion to string, in the
  • 31. Operators and Operands  An operation is an action performed on one or more values either to modify the value held by one or both of the variables, or to produce a new value by combining existing values.  Therefore, an operation is performed using at least one symbol and at least one value. The symbol used in an operation is called an operator. A value involved in an operation is called an operand.  A unary operator is an operator that performs its operation on only one operand. An operator is referred to as binary if it operates on two operands. 31 10/15/2013
  • 32. JScript Operators Computational Description Symbol Unary negation - Increment Logical Description Bitwise Symbol Description Assignment Symbol Description Symbol Miscellaneous Description Symbol Logical NOT ! Bitwise NOT ~ Assignment = delete Delete ++ Less than < Bitwise Left Shift << Compound Assignment OP= typeof Typeof Decrement -- Greater than > Bitwise Right Shift >> Multiplicati on * Less than or equal to <= Unsigned Right Shift >>> Division / Greater than or equal to >= Bitwise AND & Modulo arithmetic % Equality == Bitwise XOR ^ Addition + Inequality != Bitwise OR | Subtraction - Logical AND Void && Logical OR || Conditional (trinary) ?: Comma 32 void , Identity === 10/15/2013
  • 33. Operator Precedence Operator Description . [] () Field access, array indexing, and function calls ++ -- - ~ ! typeof new void delete Unary operators, return data type, object creation, undefined values */% Multiplication, division, modulo division +-+ Addition, subtraction, string concatenation << >> >>> Bit shifting < <= > >= Less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to == != === !== Equality, inequality, identity, nonidentity & Bitwise AND ^ Bitwise XOR | Bitwise OR && Logical AND || Logical OR ?: Conditional = OP= Assignment, assignment with operation 33 , Multiple evaluation 10/15/2013
  • 34. Sample Example import System; var a: boolean = true; var b: boolean = false; Console.WriteLine("a AND b = " + (a && b)); Console.WriteLine("a OR b = " + (a || b)); Output: ”a And b = false” ”a OR b = true” 34 10/15/2013
  • 35. Program Flow  if..else-statements import System; var i=Math.random(); if (i<0.5) Console.WriteLine("This number " + i + " is smaller than 0.5"); else Console.WriteLine("This number " + i + " is larger than or equals 0.5");  Here, the code following the if-condition is executed if the condition is true, and the code following the else-statement is executed if the statement is false. This is what you should notice: 35 • the boolean expression has to be set in parenthesis • the if-clause here only consists of one command. It has to be closed by a semicolon • the else-clause also only consists of one command and has10/15/2013 to be closed by a semicolon
  • 36. for-Loops  The for-loops allow to repeat a command or block of code for a certain time. Usually, a counter is counted up until a certain condition does not hold any more. import System; var i; for (i=1;i<10;i++) Console.WriteLine("This is the " + i + ". line.");  import System; var weekday = ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday"]; var j; for (j in weekday) Console.WriteLine(weekday[j]); 36 10/15/2013
  • 37. while-Loops  The while-loops are similar to the for-loops, but the header of the while loop has no section for initializing and no section for incrementation, but just the section for a comparison, the while-condition. 37 import System; var steps = 10; while (steps >= 1) { if (steps > 1) Console.WriteLine(" There are" + steps + " to do."); else Console.WriteLine("Now there is only one more step"); steps--; } 10/15/2013
  • 38. do...while  do...while loop in JScript that is similar to the while loop, except that it is guaranteed to always execute at least once, since the condition is tested at the end of the loop, rather than at the start. 38 import System; var x = 0; do { x = Console.WriteLine("What is my favourite number?", x); } while ((x != 42) && (x != null)); if (x == null) Console.WriteLine("You gave up!"); else 10/15/2013
  • 39. Functions  A function is a piece of code that is encapsulated and can be executed by calling the command under which the function is defined.  JScript supports two kinds of functions: those that are built into the language, and those you create yourself. o Special Built-in Functions  The JScript language includes several built-in functions. Some of them let you handle expressions and special characters, and convert strings to numeric values.  For example, escape() and unescape() are used to convert characters that have special meanings in HTML code, characters that you cannot just put directly into text. For example, the angle brackets, "<" and ">", delineate HTML tags. 39 10/15/2013
  • 40. Cont… •Escape function: Encodes String objectsthese  The escape function takes as its argument any of so special characters, and all computers. they can be read onreturns the escape code for the character. Each escape code consists of a percent sign •The escape method returns a string value (%) followed by a two-digit number. (in Unicode format) that contains the  The unescape function is the exact inverse. It takes as contents ofacharstring. All spaces, sign and a its argument string consisting of a percent punctuation, accented characters, and any other two-digit number, and returns a character. non-ASCII characters are replacedwhich %xx  Another useful built-in function is eval(), with evaluates where mathematical expression encoding, any validxx is equivalent to thethat is presented in string form. The eval() function character. hexadecimal number representing thetakes one argument, the expression to be evaluated. For example,anExpression = "6 * 9returned as "%20.“ a space is % 7"; • var • var total = a value greater than 255 the •Characters with eval(anExpression); // Assigns the value 5 toare variable total. stored using yetAnotherExpression = "6 * (9 % 7)"; • var the %uxxxx format. 10/15/2013 40 • total = eval(yetAnotherExpression); //Assigns the encoded •Unescape Method: Decodes String objectsvalue 12 to
  • 41. Creating Your Own Functions  You can create your own functions and use them where you need them. A function definition consists of a function statement and a block of JScript statements.  For Example: import System; function factorial(n) { var i; var f=1; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) f=f*i; return f; } Console.WriteLine(factorial(8)); 41 10/15/2013
  • 42. Wait functions 42 // The namespace "System.Threading" provides the "Thread"-class which // includes the "Sleep"-method import System.Threading; var i; for (i=0; i<=5; i++) { // Wait for 500 ms Thread.Sleep(500); // Display the variable i in the Output window System.Console.WriteLine("Number: "+i); } 10/15/2013
  • 43. JScript Objects  JScript objects are collections of properties and methods.  A method is a function that is a member of an object, and a property is a value or set of values (in the form of an array or object).  Objects as Arrays  In JScript, objects and arrays are handled identically.  You can refer to any of the members of an object : o either by name (using the name of the object, followed by a period, followed by the name of the property) o or by its array subscript index.  All objects in JScript support "expando" properties, or properties that can be added and removed dynamically at run time. 43 • var myObj = new Object(); 10/15/2013
  • 44. Cont…  The fact that objects can have other objects as properties lets you generate arrays with more than one subscript, which are not directly supported. The following code creates a multiplication table for values from 0 times 0 through 16 times 16. var multTable = new Array(17); // Make the shell that will become the table. for (var j = 0; j < multTable.length; j++) { // Prepare to fill it with rows. var aRow = new Array(17); // Create a row. for (var i = 0; i < aRow.length; i++) { // Prepare to fill the row. aRow[i] = (i + " times " + j + " = " + i*j); // Make and place one value. } multTable[j] = aRow; // Put the filled row into the table. Console.WriteLine(multTable[j]); } 44 10/15/2013
  • 45. JScript Reserved Keywords  JScript has a number of reserved keywords that you cannot use as identifiers.  These words come in three types: JScript reserved keywords, future reserved words, and words to avoid.  Reserved words have a specific meaning to the JScript language, as they are part of the language syntax. Using a reserved word causes a compilation error when loading your script.  JScript also has a list of future reserved words. These words are not currently part of the JScript language, although they are reserved for future use. 45 10/15/2013
  • 46. Cont…  Reserved Words break delete function return typeof Case Do If Switch Var Catch Else In This Void Continue False Instanceof Throw While Debugger Finally New True With Default For Null try •Future Reserved Words Abstract Double Goto Boolean Enum Implement Package s Super Byte Export Import Private Synchronize d Char Extends Int Protecte d Throws Public Transient 46 Class Final Interface Native Static 10/15/2013
  • 47. Recursion  Recursion is an important programming technique. It is used to have a function call itself from within itself.  One handy example is the calculation of factorials. The factorials of 0 and 1 are both defined specifically to be 1.  The factorials of larger numbers are calculated by multiplying 1 * 2 * ..., incrementing by 1 until you reach the number for which you're calculating the factorial.  Recursion and iteration (looping) are strongly related anything that can be done with recursion can be done with iteration, and vice-versa. 47 10/15/2013
  • 48. Cont…  Here is the factorial function again, this time written in JScript code. 48 // Function to calculate factorials. If an invalid // number is passed in (ie, one less than zero), -1 // is returned to signify an error. Otherwise, the // number is converted to the nearest integer, and its // factorial is returned. function factorial(aNumber) { aNumber = Math.floor(aNumber); // If the number is not an integer, round it down. if (aNumber < 0) { // If the number is less than zero, reject it. return -1; } if (aNumber == 0) { // If the number is 0, its factorial is 1. return 1; } else return (aNumber * factorial(aNumber - 1)); // Otherwise, recurse until done. 10/15/2013 }
  • 49. Variable Scope  JScript has two scopes: global and local.  If you declare a variable outside of any function definition, it is a global variable, and its value is accessible and modifiable throughout your program.  If you declare a variable inside of a function definition, that variable is local.  It is created and destroyed every time the function is executed; it cannot be accessed by anything outside the function.  A local variable can have the same name as a global variable, but it is entirely distinct and separate.  Consequently, changing the value of one variable has no effect on the other. Inside the function in which the 10/15/2013 49 local variable is declared, only the local version has
  • 50. Example: 50 var aNumber = 100; var withAdditive = 0; withAdditive += aNumber; // withAdditive is now 100. tweak(); withAdditive += aNumber; // withAdditive is now 200. function tweak() { var newThing = 0; // Explicit declaration of the newThing variable. aNumber = 42; if (false) { var aNumber; // This statement is never executed. aNumber = "Hello!"; // This statement is never 10/15/2013 executed.
  • 51. Special Characters  JScript provides special characters that allow you to include in strings some characters you cannot type directly.  Each of these characters begins with a backslash. The backslash is an escape character you use to inform the JScriptEscape Sequence the next character is special. interpreter that Character b n Line feed (new line) r Carriage return t Horizontal tab (Ctrl-I) ’ Single quotation mark ” Double quotation mark 51 Backspace Backslash 10/15/2013
  • 52. Exception Handling  try...catch.finally Statement  The try...catch.finally statement provides a way to handle some or all of the possible errors that may occur in a given block of code, while still running code.  If errors occur that the programmer has not handled, Jscript simply provides its normal error message to a user, as if there was no error handling. 52 try { tryStatements //Required. Statements where an error can occur. } catch(exception){ catchStatements //Required. Any variable name. The initial value of exception is the value of the thrown error. } //Optional. Statements to handle errors occurring in the associated tryStatements. finally { 10/15/2013 finallyStatements //Optional. Statements that are
  • 53. Example  The following example shows how JScript exception handling works. 53 try { print("Outer try running.."); This produces the following output try { print("Nested try running..."); Outer try running.. Nested try running... throw "an error"; Nested catch caught an error } Nested finally is running... catch(e) { Outer print("Nested catch caught " + e); catch caught an error rethrown throw e + " re-thrown"; Outer finally running } finally { print("Nested finally is running..."); }} catch(e) { print("Outer catch caught " + e);} finally { print("Outer finally running");} // Change this for Windows Script Host to say Programming Concepts Compared in Different Languages with Code Examp WScript.Echo(s) function print(s){ 10/15/2013 document.write(s);}