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Practical Insights into how to Integrate Islamic Finance into
the Existing Banking and Finance System

Liquid Learning in partnership with La Trobe University is delighted to
present Australia’s premier industry event on Islamic Finance.

featured speakers
        Dr Salman Syed Ali Senior Economist
        Islamic Development Bank & IRTI Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

        Senator the Hon Nick Sherry Assistant Treasurer
        Commonwealth of Australia

        Professor Paul Johnson Vice-Chancellor
                                                                             8 & 9 June 2010
        La Trobe University                                                  Rendezvous Hotel, Melbourne
        Associate Professor Ishaq Bhatti Director of Islamic Banking and
        Finance Program                                                      EXPLORE
        La Trobe University
        Professor Akhtar Kalam Chairman
        Muslim Community Co-operative Australia (MCCA)
                                                                             Direct Commentary from the
                                                                             Government on the Future of
        Geoff Weir Director
        Australian Financial Centre Forum
                                                                             Islamic Finance in Australia
        Andrew Gregory Director
                                                                             Integrating Islamic Finance into
        innovatefp                                                           the Conventional Banking and
        Gerard Kennedy Principal                                             Finance Systems
        Macpherson+Kelley Lawyers
                                                                             Future Opportunities for New
        Richard Buchanan Director
        Greenwoods & Freehills                                               Shariah Compliant Financial
        Professor Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi Qatar Foundation Professor
        Qatar University, Qatar                                              Emerging Tax and Legal Issues
        Luhua Tang Senior Industry Adviser, Financial Services               Surrounding Islamic Finance

        Imran Lum Manager, Community Finance and Development                 PLUS workshop
        National Australia Bank                                              One Separately Bookable Half-Day
                                                                             Workshop on 10 June 2010
        Lorraine Allan Senior Adviser, Corporations and Financial Services
        The Treasury                                                         EARLY BIRD DISCOUNTS
                                                                             Book & Pay by 26 March 2010 to receive
        Emmanuel Alfieris Head of Trade
        Westpac                                                              additional Super Saver Discounts!

                                                                             Phone: +61 2 9437 1311
                                                                             Fax: +61 2 9437 1093

 SUPPORTERS                            LEGAL PARTNER
The Opportunit
 Day One 8 June 2010
                                                                                                 include the concept of wealth and property, ownership and
                                                                                                 possession, transfer of property and modes of transfer,
8.15 - 8.45	   Registration and Morning Coffee                                                   and the basics of valid contracts. This material has been
                                                                                                 developed down the ages by the renowned jurists of Islam
8.45 - 9.00	   Official Welcome and Opening Remarks 		                                           during the past 1300 years. This fund of legal knowledge
               from the Chair                                                                    and jurisprudential thought needs to be couched in today’s
               Professor Paul Johnson Vice-Chancellor                                            legal language in order to be fully and properly utilised.
               La Trobe University                                                               These concepts also include gharar, qimar, riba and similar
                                                                                                 other prohibitions. Explore:
9.00 - 9.45	   OPENING KEYNOTE ADDRESS                                                           • Nature and basic features of Islamic law of business and
               The Future of Islamic Finance in Australia                                           finance
               With Islamic finance gaining more and more traction within                        • Concepts of wealth and property
               both Australian markets and the media, and Australia’s                            • Key concepts of valid business transactions
               geographic position presenting an important window to a
                                                                                                 Professor Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi Qatar
               rapidly growing and accessible Islamic market, now is the
                                                                                                 Foundation Professor
               perfect time to seize the opportunity that Islamic finance
               promises to bring to Australia. In this opening keynote
                                                                                                 Qatar University, Qatar
               address, the Assistant Treasurer Nick Sherry will discuss          12.00 - 12.15	 Questions and Discussion
               the future of Islamic finance in Australia, the current barriers
               that still exist and the opportunities that lie ahead as we        12.15 - 1.15	 Networking Lunch
               move forward. Explore:
                                                                                  1.15 - 2.00	   EXPERT ANALYSIS
               • The Government’s stance on Islamic finance
               • How Islamic finance fits within the conventional Australian                     Aligning Product Development with Local and
                 banking systems                                                                 Global Opportunities / Demand
               • The opportunities that Islamic finance brings to Australia                      The growth, breadth and geographic reach of Islamic
                                                                                                 banking, finance and investment presents the Australian
               Senator the Hon Nick Sherry Assistant Treasurer                                   financial services sector with both general and specific
               Commonwealth of Australia                                                         opportunities for intermediation. Andrew will discuss:
                                                                                                 • Factors that may drive the development of local products
9.45 - 10.00	 Questions and Discussion
                                                                                                   with both global and local appeal
10.00 - 10.15	 Morning Tea                                                                       • The development of specific, Shariah compliant solutions

                                                                                                 Andrew Gregory Director
               Developing Australia as a Financial Centre
               - The Relevance of Islamic Finance                                 2.00 - 2.15	   Questions and Discussion
               As a capital importing country, it is vital that Australia has
               access to offshore savings pools at competitive rates. This        2.15 - 3.00	   CASE STUDY
               was one of the key areas of focus of the Johnson Report.                          Opportunities for Islamic Investment and
               The presentation will provide some background to the                              Finance in the Australian Economy
               Johnson Report and its objectives, focusing on:                                   There are segments in the Australian Economy that display
               • The importance of accessing offshore savings pools in                           characteristics Islamic investors would find attractive. With
                 the broader context of developing Australia as a financial                      the right structures, investment opportunities are available
                 centre                                                                          now in commodities, property, capital goods funding and
                                                                                                 physical trade flows. Emmanuel will cover some of the
               • The two key recommendations in the Report relating to                           opportunities in these segments and discuss:
                 this objective, namely:
                                                                                                 • Advantages of Islamic finance friendly segments of the
                 	 - abolition of withholding tax on offshore borrowings by 	                      Australian economy
                 	 banks and other financial intermediaries                                      • Market forces supporting the success of potential
                 	 - ensuring a level tax and regulatory playing field for 	                       participants prepared to invest effort in developing Islamic
                 	 Shariah compliant financial instruments                                         products in Australia
               Geoff Weir Director                                                               • Evolving policy framework - what can be done now and
               Australian Financial Centre Forum                                                   further regulatory changes that will support more rapid
                                                                                                   development of an Islamic finance sector in Australia
11.00 - 11.15	 Questions and Discussion
                                                                                                 Emmanuel Alfieris Head of Trade
11.15 - 12.00	 CASE STUDY                                                                        Westpac
               Fundamentals of the Islamic Law of Business
               and Finance - Key Shariah Concepts
               The Islamic Law of Business and Finance is based on
               a set of principles and concepts which permeate the
               entire corpus of Shariah Law. Without understanding
               these fundamental principles and key concepts, true
               and meaningful application of this law is difficult. These

       PLUS WORKSHOP!                                                                             EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT
       One Post-Forum Half-Day                                                                    Receive $100 off registration if you
       Workshop on 10 June 2010                                                                   register and pay by 7 May 2010
ties Presented by Islamic Finance
                                                                                     Day Two                  9 June 2010
3.00 - 3.15	    Questions and Discussion
3.15 - 3.30	    Afternoon Tea
                                                                                     8.30 - 8.55	   Morning Coffee
 3.30 - 4.15	   CASE STUDY
                                                                                     8.55 - 9.00	   Opening Remarks from the Chair
                Meeting Human Capital Needs in the Islamic
                Banking and Finance Industry                                         9.00 - 9.45	   OPENING INTERNATIONAL CASE STUDY
                With enormous recent growth in Islamic finance, due to the
                                                                                                    International Developments in Islamic
                Muslim population reaching 2.5 billion and half of the Muslim
                world practicing Islamic banking and finance, capturing the
                savings of the global Muslim population around the world                            This presentation will provide an international perspective
                provides untold potential for financial institutions across                         on the issues from an organisation at the heart of the
                Australia. Furthermore, to maximise this potential it’s imperative                  Islamic banking world. This session explores:
                that Australian banks can offer Shariah compliant products                          • Current state of Islamic finance
                in the near future. As per Bankers’ Magazine’s recent report                        • Drivers for international growth in Islamic banking
                – the Islamic finance industry will require more than 50,000                        • Future prospects
                staff in the next seven to ten years, and La Trobe is taking a
                leadership role in training Islamic finance to cater to the global                  Dr Salman Syed Ali Senior Economist
                growing demand for human capital to meet the future human                           Islamic Development Bank & IRTI Jeddah, Saudi
                capital needs. This session will cover:                                             Arabia
                • Financiers and bankers need to understand the                      9.45 - 10.00	 Questions and Discussion
                  principles, operations, techniques and mechanism of
                  Islamic finance and financial products as well as the              10.00 - 10.15	 Morning Tea
                  dynamics of Islamic financial and capital markets.
                • Understanding of Shariah / Islamic commercial laws                 10.15 - 11.00	 CASE STUDY
                  and Shariah board structure                                                       Islamic Finance in Australian Commercial
                • Programs for professional certified qualifications                                Banks
                • Preparing students to enter and work in the Islamic                               In 2009, NAB introduced Shariah compliant loans that
                  financial sector both overseas and in Australia                                   do not charge interest, to comply with Shariah law.
                                                                                                    Instead, the National Australia Bank structured an Islam-
                Associate Professor Ishaq Bhatti Director of                                        approved line of finance to make money from alternative
                Islamic Banking and Finance Program                                                 methods; the profit margin is built in from the start and
                La Trobe University                                                                 it has the advantage of making the loan immune from
                                                                                                    future interest rate rises. Although, strictly speaking, this
4.15 - 4.30	    Questions and Discussion                                                            is more of a charitable function from NAB it certainly
                                                                                                    points to increased interest in Islamic finance from one
4.30	           Concluding Remarks from the Chair                                                   of Australia’s ‘big 4’. In this session, Steve will discuss
                                                                                                    NAB’s views on Islamic finance and how it can work for a
4.30 - 5.30	    Networking Reception
                                                                                                    commercial bank.
                                                                                                    • NAB’s view of the market
                                                                                                    • Other potential avenues of interest
                                                                                                    • Australian commercial banks / Islamic finance and
                                                                                                       Australia’s role in developing this product
                                                                                                    Imran Lum Manager, Community Finance and
                                                                                                    National Australia Bank
                                                                                     11.00 - 11.15	 Questions and Discussion

                                                                                     11.15 - 12.00	 CASE STUDY
                                                                                                    Shariah Compliant Products within Australia
                                                                                                    Since beginning operations in 1989, MCCA has
                                                                                                    cemented its position at the forefront of Shariah
                                                                                                    compliant finance and investment in Australia. They
                                                                                                    provide innovative products for individuals and
                                                                                                    businesses, enabling them to participate fully in economic
                                                                                                    life without compromising the tenets of their faith. In this
                                                                                                    session, Chabaan will discuss the opportunities available
                                                                                                    to financial institutions through offering Shariah compliant
                                                                                                    • Shariah compliant investment
                                                                                                    • Wealth management services

                SUPER SAVER DISCOUNT
                Receive $200 off registration if you
                register and pay by 26 March 2010
Integrating Islamic Finance into Conventional Banking
               • Dealing with property financing                                          panellists will discuss the fundamental topics, collate their
                                                                                          message and forecast where Islamic finance is heading as
               Professor Akhtar Kalam Chairman
                                                                                          we move onwards. Consolidating the information, the panel
               Muslim Community Co-operative Australia                                    will give a final overview on how Islamic finance stands to fit in
               (MCCA)                                                                     with our existing banking system. Panellists include:
12.00 - 12.15	 Questions and Discussion                                                   Gary Johnston Global Leader, Financial Services
12.15 - 1.15	 Networking Lunch                                                            Austrade
                                                                                          Vicky Wilkinson Principal Advisor, Corporations and
1.15 - 2.00	   EXPERT COMMENTARY                                                          Financial Services Division
               Barriers To Inbound Investment - A Tax Outlook                             The Treasury
               While Australia may lay claim to competitive advantages
                                                                                          Dr Salman Syed Ali Senior Economist
               in terms of attracting Islamic capital with the strength of
               its economy and high quality property, infrastructure and
                                                                                          Islamic Development Bank & IRTI Jeddah, Saudi
               agribusiness assets, it is difficult to imagine that inefficient           Arabia
               tax outcomes will not be a barrier to inbound investment.                  Dr Hayat Khan Lecturer School of Economics and
               This was clearly recognised in the recent Johnson Report.                  Finance
               As such, this session will focus on:                                       La Trobe University
               • Whether the current Australian tax system can provide
                                                                                  4.15	   Closing Remarks from the Chair and Close of
                  tax neutral outcomes for Islamic Financing structures
                  – specifically Murabaha and Sukuk al-Ijara                              Forum
               • What steps are currently being taken by the Australian
                  Taxation Office, Treasury and other industry bodies such
                  as AFMA to progress certainty on the current Australian
                  tax outcomes
               • What lessons can be learned from the way other
                  jurisdictions have attempted to put Shariah compliant
                  investments on an equal tax footing with traditional forms
                  of investment
               Richard Buchanan Director
               Greenwoods & Freehills Pty Ltd
2.00 - 2.15	   Questions and Discussion
2.15 - 2.30	   Afternoon Tea
2.30 - 3.15	   EXPERT COMMENTARY
               Shariah Financing in Australia
               Macpherson+Kelley Lawyers (M+K) worked with the
               MCCA to establish Australia’s first Islamic finance fund. The
               fund was established to enable the Muslim Community
               to overcome difficulties it faces in meeting its financial
               needs in a Western Society in a way that is compliant
               with Shariah laws. In this session, Gerard will discuss his
               experiences in dealing with Shariah financing, and remove
               the daunting image it can often carry, allowing the audience
               to understand the legal mechanics behind setting up and
               running an Islamic financial product with a client, exploring:
               • How the first managed discretionary account was
               • Procedures used in creating the first mortgage fund
               • Techniques involved in laying the legal groundwork
               • The next step (takaful)
               Gerard Kennedy Principal
               M+K Lawyers
3.15 - 3.30	   Questions and Discussion
               Taking Stock and Addressing the Challenges
               This closing session, including a Q & A, distils the key
               issues raised over the two days of the forum. Our expert

  Phone: +61 2 9437 1311
  Fax: +61 2 9437 1093
Workshop                          10 June 2010

9.00 - 12.30		 WORKSHOP
The Mechanics of Islamic Finance - The Fundamentals
Islamic finance has already announced itself to Australian shores. Companies from various sectors are already pouncing on the vast opportunities
it brings and over the last two days you will have seen how to ensure that you too, are seizing those opportunities. But what exactly is Islamic
finance and how does it actually work? In this highly interactive session, Dr AbulKhair Jalaluddin will draw on his extensive experience to discuss
the workings of Islamic finance in depth, explain how specific Islamic financial products behave and talk about the theory behind Islamic finance.
You will leave this session with a thorough understanding of Islamic finance and its mechanics. Explore:
•    Islamic finance in the contemporary world
•    Methods of Islamic finance (including Mudharabah [joint venture], Musharakah [partnership], Murabahah [cost plus financing], Ijarah [leasing])
•    Major products of Islamic finance (Retail Banking, Loans, Sukuk, Project Financing, Superannuation, Insurance [Takaful])
•    Taxation of Islamic finance in Australia
Expert Facilitator: Dr AbulKhair Jalaluddin Director
Muslim Community Co-operative Australia (MCCA)
Dr. AbulKhair Jalaluddin is a Director of the Muslim Community Co-operative Australia (MCCA). He has over 10 years of experience in Islamic finance
and investments in Malaysia. He published a number of papers in refereed journals including Economic Papers published by the Australian Economics
Society. He has also presented research papers on Islamic finance in international seminars and conferences.

ABOUT THE EVENT                                                                   WHO WILL ATTEND
The Government has recently stated that promoting Australia                       •     Commercial Banks
as a financial services hub is a key priority. This, together                     •     Investment Banks
with the current review of the tax laws relating to financial                     •     Wealth / Investment Management
transactions to ensure neutrality for the treatment of Shariah-                   •     Funds Management
compliant equivalent products (especially bonds [sukuk] and                       •     Law
home financing), provides us with a picture of how close                          •     Tax / Accounting
Islamic finance is to becoming a standard arm of all financial                    •     Insurance
institutions.                                                                     •     Property Financiers / Mortgage Markets
This Forum will provide its audience with a unique opportunity                    •     Finance Advisors
to propel themselves to the forefront of Islamic finance, giving
                                                                                  •     Debt / Credit Markets
                                                                                  •     Government / Financial Services Policy
you the best possible chance of fully capitalising on the growth
of Islamic finance in Australia and New Zealand. With open
discussions and insights from key people involved in decision
making at a Governmental level, alongside presentations from
industry players within Australia and international Shariah
scholars, this event will allow you to fully appreciate the
enormous potential of Islamic finance. Most importantly, it will
                                                                                  Please visit our website for program updates:
provide the tools and knowledge of how to begin and expand
into new markets.

                                           La Trobe University is committed to providing quality teaching, informed by research across
                                           all our business, economics and finance disciplines and maintaining and enhancing our
                                           outstanding international research reputation. La Trobe University is the Australian pioneer in
                                           specialist Islamic banking and finance education.

                                                                                       SPONSOR TODAY!
            To request an electronic version
                                                                                       Limited sponsorship and exhibition opportunities
            for easy circulation, email                                                available. For your chance to brand yourself as a
                                              market leader, please call: +61 2 9437 1311 or email:
ISLAMIC FINANCE 2010                                                                                                                                                                           Booking Form
    8 & 9 June 2010

    Rendezvous Hotel, Melbourne
    328 Flinders Street                                                             SUPER SAVER DISCOUNTS                                                                 EARLY BIRD DISCOUNTS
    Melbourne VIC 3000                                                              Receive $200 off registration if you                                                  Receive $100 off registration if you
    Ph: +61 3 9250 1811                                                             book and pay by 26 March 2010                                                         book and pay by 7 May 2010

1                                 Organisation Name

                                  Address                                                                                                             City / Suburb                                                 State                  Postcode
       Registration Information

                                  Title             Full Name or TBA                                 Title               Full Name or TBA                                            Title               Full Name or TBA

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                                              c Forum                   c Workshop                              c Forum                         c Workshop                                     c Forum                         c Workshop

2                                   c Please confirm my registration for Islamic Finance 2010

                                   No. #
                                                                                                                                                                               * Please photocopy this form if more than three will attend

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Group Discounts Available:
                                               Options (per person)                              Standard Rate                        Early Bird Rate*                       Super Saver Rate **                  4+ people: 10% off Standard Rate
                                             Forum + 1 Half-day Workshop (2.5 days)        $2995 + GST = ($3294.50)                $2895 + GST = ($3184.50)                $2795 + GST = ($3074.50)               Group Discounts apply for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  bookings made simultaneously
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and on one invoice only. Only
       Your Investment

                                             Forum Only (2 days)                           $2495+ GST = ($2744.50)                 $2395 + GST = ($2634.50)                $2295 + GST = ($2524.50)               one discount applies. Group,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MCCA and IFS Australia member
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  discounts apply to standard
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  rates only. Group discounts
                                             1 Half-day Workshop (0.5 day)                  $695 + GST = ($764.50)                             N/A                                       N/A                      are not applicable to Early Bird
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  or Super Saver rate. Individual
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  workshops and masterclass not
                                     c MCCA & IFS members tick box to receive 10% discount off standard rate                                                                                                      valid with Super Saver or Early Bird
                                            (To be claimed at the time of registration)                                                                                                                           Discounts. 
                                                                                                                                           TOTAL incl GST
                                   * Receive $100 off registration if you register and pay by 7 May 2010
                                   ** Receive $200 off registration if you register and pay by 26 March 2010                                                        All prices listed in Australian Dollars                   IFS0610 - I
                                   Note: Course Materials, refreshments & lunches are included. Travel and accommodation are NOT included.

                                  Fax this form to: +61 2 9437 1093	 Please call us if you require any assistance on: +61 2 9437 1311

3                                 Please Note: Payment is required prior to attending this event

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    If you are unable to attend this event, you may send a substitute delegate in your place at no additional cost. Please              Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd has taken due care in selecting qualified professionals as its authors and course
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Islamic Finance 2010 Melbourne Australia

  • 1. ISLAMIC FINANCE 2010 Practical Insights into how to Integrate Islamic Finance into the Existing Banking and Finance System Liquid Learning in partnership with La Trobe University is delighted to present Australia’s premier industry event on Islamic Finance. featured speakers Dr Salman Syed Ali Senior Economist Islamic Development Bank & IRTI Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Senator the Hon Nick Sherry Assistant Treasurer Commonwealth of Australia Professor Paul Johnson Vice-Chancellor 8 & 9 June 2010 La Trobe University Rendezvous Hotel, Melbourne Associate Professor Ishaq Bhatti Director of Islamic Banking and Finance Program EXPLORE La Trobe University Professor Akhtar Kalam Chairman Muslim Community Co-operative Australia (MCCA) Direct Commentary from the Government on the Future of Geoff Weir Director Australian Financial Centre Forum Islamic Finance in Australia Andrew Gregory Director Integrating Islamic Finance into innovatefp the Conventional Banking and Gerard Kennedy Principal Finance Systems Macpherson+Kelley Lawyers Future Opportunities for New Richard Buchanan Director Greenwoods & Freehills Shariah Compliant Financial Professor Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi Qatar Foundation Professor Products Qatar University, Qatar Emerging Tax and Legal Issues Luhua Tang Senior Industry Adviser, Financial Services Surrounding Islamic Finance Austrade Imran Lum Manager, Community Finance and Development PLUS workshop National Australia Bank One Separately Bookable Half-Day Workshop on 10 June 2010 Lorraine Allan Senior Adviser, Corporations and Financial Services Division The Treasury EARLY BIRD DISCOUNTS Book & Pay by 26 March 2010 to receive Emmanuel Alfieris Head of Trade Westpac additional Super Saver Discounts! Phone: +61 2 9437 1311 Fax: +61 2 9437 1093 LEAD PARTNER SUPPORTERS LEGAL PARTNER
  • 2. The Opportunit Day One 8 June 2010 include the concept of wealth and property, ownership and possession, transfer of property and modes of transfer, 8.15 - 8.45 Registration and Morning Coffee and the basics of valid contracts. This material has been developed down the ages by the renowned jurists of Islam 8.45 - 9.00 Official Welcome and Opening Remarks during the past 1300 years. This fund of legal knowledge from the Chair and jurisprudential thought needs to be couched in today’s Professor Paul Johnson Vice-Chancellor legal language in order to be fully and properly utilised. La Trobe University These concepts also include gharar, qimar, riba and similar other prohibitions. Explore: 9.00 - 9.45 OPENING KEYNOTE ADDRESS • Nature and basic features of Islamic law of business and The Future of Islamic Finance in Australia finance With Islamic finance gaining more and more traction within • Concepts of wealth and property both Australian markets and the media, and Australia’s • Key concepts of valid business transactions geographic position presenting an important window to a Professor Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi Qatar rapidly growing and accessible Islamic market, now is the Foundation Professor perfect time to seize the opportunity that Islamic finance promises to bring to Australia. In this opening keynote Qatar University, Qatar address, the Assistant Treasurer Nick Sherry will discuss 12.00 - 12.15 Questions and Discussion the future of Islamic finance in Australia, the current barriers that still exist and the opportunities that lie ahead as we 12.15 - 1.15 Networking Lunch move forward. Explore: 1.15 - 2.00 EXPERT ANALYSIS • The Government’s stance on Islamic finance • How Islamic finance fits within the conventional Australian Aligning Product Development with Local and banking systems Global Opportunities / Demand • The opportunities that Islamic finance brings to Australia The growth, breadth and geographic reach of Islamic banking, finance and investment presents the Australian Senator the Hon Nick Sherry Assistant Treasurer financial services sector with both general and specific Commonwealth of Australia opportunities for intermediation. Andrew will discuss: • Factors that may drive the development of local products 9.45 - 10.00 Questions and Discussion with both global and local appeal 10.00 - 10.15 Morning Tea • The development of specific, Shariah compliant solutions 10.15 - 11.00 KEYNOTE EXPERT ANALYSIS Andrew Gregory Director innovatefp Developing Australia as a Financial Centre - The Relevance of Islamic Finance 2.00 - 2.15 Questions and Discussion As a capital importing country, it is vital that Australia has access to offshore savings pools at competitive rates. This 2.15 - 3.00 CASE STUDY was one of the key areas of focus of the Johnson Report. Opportunities for Islamic Investment and The presentation will provide some background to the Finance in the Australian Economy Johnson Report and its objectives, focusing on: There are segments in the Australian Economy that display • The importance of accessing offshore savings pools in characteristics Islamic investors would find attractive. With the broader context of developing Australia as a financial the right structures, investment opportunities are available centre now in commodities, property, capital goods funding and physical trade flows. Emmanuel will cover some of the • The two key recommendations in the Report relating to opportunities in these segments and discuss: this objective, namely: • Advantages of Islamic finance friendly segments of the - abolition of withholding tax on offshore borrowings by Australian economy banks and other financial intermediaries • Market forces supporting the success of potential - ensuring a level tax and regulatory playing field for participants prepared to invest effort in developing Islamic Shariah compliant financial instruments products in Australia Geoff Weir Director • Evolving policy framework - what can be done now and Australian Financial Centre Forum further regulatory changes that will support more rapid development of an Islamic finance sector in Australia 11.00 - 11.15 Questions and Discussion Emmanuel Alfieris Head of Trade 11.15 - 12.00 CASE STUDY Westpac Fundamentals of the Islamic Law of Business and Finance - Key Shariah Concepts The Islamic Law of Business and Finance is based on a set of principles and concepts which permeate the entire corpus of Shariah Law. Without understanding these fundamental principles and key concepts, true and meaningful application of this law is difficult. These PLUS WORKSHOP! EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT One Post-Forum Half-Day Receive $100 off registration if you Workshop on 10 June 2010 register and pay by 7 May 2010
  • 3. ties Presented by Islamic Finance Day Two 9 June 2010 3.00 - 3.15 Questions and Discussion 3.15 - 3.30 Afternoon Tea 8.30 - 8.55 Morning Coffee 3.30 - 4.15 CASE STUDY 8.55 - 9.00 Opening Remarks from the Chair Meeting Human Capital Needs in the Islamic Banking and Finance Industry 9.00 - 9.45 OPENING INTERNATIONAL CASE STUDY With enormous recent growth in Islamic finance, due to the International Developments in Islamic Muslim population reaching 2.5 billion and half of the Muslim world practicing Islamic banking and finance, capturing the Finance savings of the global Muslim population around the world This presentation will provide an international perspective provides untold potential for financial institutions across on the issues from an organisation at the heart of the Australia. Furthermore, to maximise this potential it’s imperative Islamic banking world. This session explores: that Australian banks can offer Shariah compliant products • Current state of Islamic finance in the near future. As per Bankers’ Magazine’s recent report • Drivers for international growth in Islamic banking – the Islamic finance industry will require more than 50,000 • Future prospects staff in the next seven to ten years, and La Trobe is taking a leadership role in training Islamic finance to cater to the global Dr Salman Syed Ali Senior Economist growing demand for human capital to meet the future human Islamic Development Bank & IRTI Jeddah, Saudi capital needs. This session will cover: Arabia • Financiers and bankers need to understand the 9.45 - 10.00 Questions and Discussion principles, operations, techniques and mechanism of Islamic finance and financial products as well as the 10.00 - 10.15 Morning Tea dynamics of Islamic financial and capital markets. • Understanding of Shariah / Islamic commercial laws 10.15 - 11.00 CASE STUDY and Shariah board structure Islamic Finance in Australian Commercial • Programs for professional certified qualifications Banks • Preparing students to enter and work in the Islamic In 2009, NAB introduced Shariah compliant loans that financial sector both overseas and in Australia do not charge interest, to comply with Shariah law. Instead, the National Australia Bank structured an Islam- Associate Professor Ishaq Bhatti Director of approved line of finance to make money from alternative Islamic Banking and Finance Program methods; the profit margin is built in from the start and La Trobe University it has the advantage of making the loan immune from future interest rate rises. Although, strictly speaking, this 4.15 - 4.30 Questions and Discussion is more of a charitable function from NAB it certainly points to increased interest in Islamic finance from one 4.30 Concluding Remarks from the Chair of Australia’s ‘big 4’. In this session, Steve will discuss NAB’s views on Islamic finance and how it can work for a 4.30 - 5.30 Networking Reception commercial bank. • NAB’s view of the market • Other potential avenues of interest • Australian commercial banks / Islamic finance and Australia’s role in developing this product Imran Lum Manager, Community Finance and Development National Australia Bank 11.00 - 11.15 Questions and Discussion 11.15 - 12.00 CASE STUDY Shariah Compliant Products within Australia Since beginning operations in 1989, MCCA has cemented its position at the forefront of Shariah compliant finance and investment in Australia. They provide innovative products for individuals and businesses, enabling them to participate fully in economic life without compromising the tenets of their faith. In this session, Chabaan will discuss the opportunities available to financial institutions through offering Shariah compliant products: • Shariah compliant investment • Wealth management services SUPER SAVER DISCOUNT Receive $200 off registration if you register and pay by 26 March 2010
  • 4. Integrating Islamic Finance into Conventional Banking • Dealing with property financing panellists will discuss the fundamental topics, collate their message and forecast where Islamic finance is heading as Professor Akhtar Kalam Chairman we move onwards. Consolidating the information, the panel Muslim Community Co-operative Australia will give a final overview on how Islamic finance stands to fit in (MCCA) with our existing banking system. Panellists include: 12.00 - 12.15 Questions and Discussion Gary Johnston Global Leader, Financial Services 12.15 - 1.15 Networking Lunch Austrade Vicky Wilkinson Principal Advisor, Corporations and 1.15 - 2.00 EXPERT COMMENTARY Financial Services Division Barriers To Inbound Investment - A Tax Outlook The Treasury While Australia may lay claim to competitive advantages Dr Salman Syed Ali Senior Economist in terms of attracting Islamic capital with the strength of its economy and high quality property, infrastructure and Islamic Development Bank & IRTI Jeddah, Saudi agribusiness assets, it is difficult to imagine that inefficient Arabia tax outcomes will not be a barrier to inbound investment. Dr Hayat Khan Lecturer School of Economics and This was clearly recognised in the recent Johnson Report. Finance As such, this session will focus on: La Trobe University • Whether the current Australian tax system can provide 4.15 Closing Remarks from the Chair and Close of tax neutral outcomes for Islamic Financing structures – specifically Murabaha and Sukuk al-Ijara Forum • What steps are currently being taken by the Australian Taxation Office, Treasury and other industry bodies such as AFMA to progress certainty on the current Australian tax outcomes • What lessons can be learned from the way other jurisdictions have attempted to put Shariah compliant investments on an equal tax footing with traditional forms of investment Richard Buchanan Director Greenwoods & Freehills Pty Ltd 2.00 - 2.15 Questions and Discussion 2.15 - 2.30 Afternoon Tea 2.30 - 3.15 EXPERT COMMENTARY Shariah Financing in Australia Macpherson+Kelley Lawyers (M+K) worked with the MCCA to establish Australia’s first Islamic finance fund. The fund was established to enable the Muslim Community to overcome difficulties it faces in meeting its financial needs in a Western Society in a way that is compliant with Shariah laws. In this session, Gerard will discuss his experiences in dealing with Shariah financing, and remove the daunting image it can often carry, allowing the audience to understand the legal mechanics behind setting up and running an Islamic financial product with a client, exploring: • How the first managed discretionary account was established • Procedures used in creating the first mortgage fund • Techniques involved in laying the legal groundwork • The next step (takaful) Gerard Kennedy Principal M+K Lawyers 3.15 - 3.30 Questions and Discussion 3.30 - 4.15 ROUNDTABLE PANEL DISCUSSION Taking Stock and Addressing the Challenges Ahead This closing session, including a Q & A, distils the key issues raised over the two days of the forum. Our expert Phone: +61 2 9437 1311 Fax: +61 2 9437 1093
  • 5. Workshop 10 June 2010 9.00 - 12.30 WORKSHOP The Mechanics of Islamic Finance - The Fundamentals Islamic finance has already announced itself to Australian shores. Companies from various sectors are already pouncing on the vast opportunities it brings and over the last two days you will have seen how to ensure that you too, are seizing those opportunities. But what exactly is Islamic finance and how does it actually work? In this highly interactive session, Dr AbulKhair Jalaluddin will draw on his extensive experience to discuss the workings of Islamic finance in depth, explain how specific Islamic financial products behave and talk about the theory behind Islamic finance. You will leave this session with a thorough understanding of Islamic finance and its mechanics. Explore: • Islamic finance in the contemporary world • Methods of Islamic finance (including Mudharabah [joint venture], Musharakah [partnership], Murabahah [cost plus financing], Ijarah [leasing]) • Major products of Islamic finance (Retail Banking, Loans, Sukuk, Project Financing, Superannuation, Insurance [Takaful]) • Taxation of Islamic finance in Australia Expert Facilitator: Dr AbulKhair Jalaluddin Director Muslim Community Co-operative Australia (MCCA) Dr. AbulKhair Jalaluddin is a Director of the Muslim Community Co-operative Australia (MCCA). He has over 10 years of experience in Islamic finance and investments in Malaysia. He published a number of papers in refereed journals including Economic Papers published by the Australian Economics Society. He has also presented research papers on Islamic finance in international seminars and conferences. ABOUT THE EVENT WHO WILL ATTEND The Government has recently stated that promoting Australia • Commercial Banks as a financial services hub is a key priority. This, together • Investment Banks with the current review of the tax laws relating to financial • Wealth / Investment Management transactions to ensure neutrality for the treatment of Shariah- • Funds Management compliant equivalent products (especially bonds [sukuk] and • Law home financing), provides us with a picture of how close • Tax / Accounting Islamic finance is to becoming a standard arm of all financial • Insurance institutions. • Property Financiers / Mortgage Markets This Forum will provide its audience with a unique opportunity • Finance Advisors to propel themselves to the forefront of Islamic finance, giving • Debt / Credit Markets • Government / Financial Services Policy you the best possible chance of fully capitalising on the growth of Islamic finance in Australia and New Zealand. With open discussions and insights from key people involved in decision making at a Governmental level, alongside presentations from industry players within Australia and international Shariah scholars, this event will allow you to fully appreciate the enormous potential of Islamic finance. Most importantly, it will Please visit our website for program updates: provide the tools and knowledge of how to begin and expand into new markets. ABOUT THE CONFERENCE ABOUT THE LEAD PARTNER La Trobe University is committed to providing quality teaching, informed by research across all our business, economics and finance disciplines and maintaining and enhancing our outstanding international research reputation. La Trobe University is the Australian pioneer in specialist Islamic banking and finance education. ! SPONSOR TODAY! To request an electronic version Limited sponsorship and exhibition opportunities for easy circulation, email available. For your chance to brand yourself as a market leader, please call: +61 2 9437 1311 or email:
  • 6. ISLAMIC FINANCE 2010 Booking Form 8 & 9 June 2010 Rendezvous Hotel, Melbourne 328 Flinders Street SUPER SAVER DISCOUNTS EARLY BIRD DISCOUNTS Melbourne VIC 3000 Receive $200 off registration if you Receive $100 off registration if you Ph: +61 3 9250 1811 book and pay by 26 March 2010 book and pay by 7 May 2010 1 Organisation Name Address City / Suburb State Postcode Registration Information Title Full Name or TBA Title Full Name or TBA Title Full Name or TBA Position Position Position Phone Fax Phone Fax Phone Fax Email Email Email c Forum c Workshop c Forum c Workshop c Forum c Workshop 2 c Please confirm my registration for Islamic Finance 2010 No. # * Please photocopy this form if more than three will attend Group Discounts Available: Options (per person) Standard Rate Early Bird Rate* Super Saver Rate ** 4+ people: 10% off Standard Rate Conditions: Forum + 1 Half-day Workshop (2.5 days) $2995 + GST = ($3294.50) $2895 + GST = ($3184.50) $2795 + GST = ($3074.50) Group Discounts apply for bookings made simultaneously and on one invoice only. Only Your Investment Forum Only (2 days) $2495+ GST = ($2744.50) $2395 + GST = ($2634.50) $2295 + GST = ($2524.50) one discount applies. Group, MCCA and IFS Australia member discounts apply to standard rates only. Group discounts 1 Half-day Workshop (0.5 day) $695 + GST = ($764.50) N/A N/A are not applicable to Early Bird or Super Saver rate. Individual workshops and masterclass not c MCCA & IFS members tick box to receive 10% discount off standard rate valid with Super Saver or Early Bird (To be claimed at the time of registration) Discounts.  TOTAL incl GST * Receive $100 off registration if you register and pay by 7 May 2010 ** Receive $200 off registration if you register and pay by 26 March 2010 All prices listed in Australian Dollars IFS0610 - I Note: Course Materials, refreshments & lunches are included. Travel and accommodation are NOT included. Fax this form to: +61 2 9437 1093 Please call us if you require any assistance on: +61 2 9437 1311 3 Please Note: Payment is required prior to attending this event Credit Card Details - Please charge my credit card for this registration: Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Card Type Please transfer funds directly to: c Visa c MasterCard c Diners Club c American Express Payment Details c Credit Card Westpac Account Name: Liquid Learning Note: 2% surcharge applies to Diners Club and American Express payments Group Pty Ltd c Cheque (payable to Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd) BSB: 032 002 Card Number Expiry Account No: 407 273 c Electronic Funds Transfer c Please invoice me: Full name as on card Amount Purchase Order No.# Cardholder’s Contact Number Signature Please quote ref IFS0610 and registrant name X 4 Authorisation Authorisation Manager Details: This registration is invalid without a signature. Name Position Signature Date X 5 Fax Mail Email Phone Send To Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd 7 +61 2 9437 1093 * PO Box 48 St Leonards NSW 2065 : ) +61 2 9437 1311 Cancellation Policy Disclaimer If you are unable to attend this event, you may send a substitute delegate in your place at no additional cost. Please Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd has taken due care in selecting qualified professionals as its authors and course advise us of any substitutions as soon as possible. Alternatively, you may transfer your registration to another Liquid facilitators. The information provided by course facilitators is not produced by Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd and should Learning event. A 10% service fee may apply. Should you wish to cancel your registration, please notify us in writing not be regarded as advice. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd accepts no responsibility for reliance on such information and as soon as possible and a credit note will be issued valid for use towards any future Liquid Learning event held in the recommends that its clients seek further professional advice. twelve months following date of issuance. A 10% service fee may apply. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd does not provide refunds for cancellation. The prices above are based on one person per registration. It is not possible for multiple people Privacy Statement to attend within any day of the conference on a single registration. Split tickets, ie a different person attending each day Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd is committed to your privacy. All information collected on this registration will be held in of the conference, can be arranged. A fee will apply. Please call us for details. the strictest of confidence and in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd will add your information to a secure database. This will be used primarily to contact you for ongoing research, product development Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd takes all care to produce high quality events that deliver as promised. All advertised and notice of future events and services offered by Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd. Occasionally you may receive details are correct at time of publishing. However, when circumstances beyond our control prevail, we reserve the information from organisations associated with Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd. If you do not wish to receive such right to change program content, facilitators or venues. We also reserve the right to cancel or reschedule events if information please tick this box: circumstances arise whereby performance of the event is no longer feasible, possible or legal. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from any changes to or cancelling or rescheduling of an event. To update or have your details deleted please advise our Database team at Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd, If an event is cancelled or rescheduled, Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd will make every effort to contact every registered Level 4, 619 Pacific Hwy, St Leonards NSW 2065, PH: +61 2 9437 1311, FX: +61 2 9437 1093, delegate; if an event is cancelled or you are unable to attend the rescheduled event you will be issued with a credit note email:  valid for use towards any future Liquid Learning event held in the twelve months following date of issuance. © 2010 Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd ACN 108 415 354