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My dearest, Iolanta, are you tired?
Tired? I don't know… Yes!
- What is it, my dove?
- I feel that something is missing.
My father, you, Martha,
all my friends, you all live for me.
You enrich my life with love and joy
and I cannot repay you.
It is our duty to serve you.
You are the mistress, we are servants.
No, it isn't true. You are my friends.
Martha, I want something…
But what? I don't know.
My dove, Iolanta, don't go on.
Wait! Come closer.
You're weeping.
How can I stay calm
when you are weeping?
Yes, Martha, I'm weeping,
but I did not show my tears, as you did.
My voice was firm and steady.
You did not touch my eyes.
So how did you know I was shedding tears?
There is something
you are not allowed to tell me.
That's enough!
The music has upset you.
Yes, of course, the music.
Enough of playing, that will do.
If you had played something cheerful...
Thank you, my friends. You played well, but...
Thank you, that is enough.
Later, when the sun's rays do not warm us,
come and cheer me up.
What would you like to do?
Sing, do some spinning?
Or listen to stories?
No, I don't want to do anything.
Pick me some flowers. I'd like to hold them.
The fragrance of the cool, delicate petals
might bring me peace.
Last night I couldn't sleep at all.
Surely we are only given our eyes for weeping?
Tell me, Martha.
Why have I not known sorrow or tears
until now?
I used to spend my days amid heavenly sounds
and the smell of roses.
Whenever I heard the birds singing, whenever
warmth touched the distant pine forests…
Everything would be filled with exultation!
I would join in the triumphant choir.
But now every day I feel a deep reproach
in everything.
The chorus of birds and the rushing stream
evoke sadness and frustration.
Why is night's stillness dearer to me now?
Why do I hear sobbing whenever the
nightingale sings?
Tell me why, Martha!
Enough, dear, there's no need
to torment your soul for nothing.
Crying about what you don’t know
will make God angry.
We bring you buttercups, cornflowers,
mimosa, roses and gillyflowers…
Lily-of-the-valley, the charms of spring,
balsam and scented jasmine.
Touch them, smell their fragrance, fresh and pure.
May their sweetness and the warmth
of spring days drive away doubt and sorrow.
They're soft as velvet, delicate and fragrant.
You'll forget all your misgivings
and sleep will drive away your torment.
May your troubles be over, with joy instead of sorrow!
O flowers, o springtime!
Brigitta, is that you?
No, it's Laura.
I want to thank you, my friends.
Why are you so fond of me?
How can I ever repay your friendship?
Your love is the best reward.
Where's Martha?
I'm here, dear child.
Come here. Let me lean my head on your
shoulder as I used to when I was a child.
And sing me that song,
do you remember? It was my favorite.
Of course.
And you two can sing with me.
No, they'd be bored.
What do you mean?
Don't say that!
Sleep, and let angels' wings
bring you dreams.
As they move softly among us,
full of blessings.
Sleep, let blessed sleep enfold you.
May God hear our prayers and send down
happiness, joy, rest and peace.
King Rene has been searching all over the world
for a physician who can cure his daughter.
In the meantime, to hide Iolanta’s affliction from
the world, her future husband (betrothed at birth)
And even herself, only a small number of people
know where she lives.
Everyone else thinks she s being raised by nuns
at the monastery of Saint Claire.
A bugle call!
The king has arrived.
This, wise doctor, is where
my poor daughter Iolanta lives.
Now you know everything.
You are my only hope for a cure for her.
But where is she? I must see her.
She is asleep, tired out
by the heat and by her walk.
Good - I can examine her more easily
when she is asleep.
Martha and Bertrand, take the doctor
to our little dove.
I await your diagnosis with trepidation.
Allah is great. Put your trust in him.
What will he say? What answer will his science
bring forth?
Will Iolanta see the light…
or shall I always be tortured with the knowledge
that my daughter's world is dark?
God, have pity on me.
Lord, if I am the sinner,
why must a pure angel suffer?
Why have my sins condemned her
to darkness?
Let me hear good news,
and console me with the hope of a cure.
For her, I am prepared to give up my crown,
and all my power and wealth.
Take away everything: my peace,
my happiness.
I will humbly endure it all,
and praise Your name.
Look, I am ready to fall into dust,
to give up everything…
so as not to see my child enveloped by
O Lord, have pity on me!
Your face is passionless, unknowable,
like your science.
I struggle in vain to read the answer
in your eyes.
Have hope, king, Allah is great.
Indeed, great and kind.
Wait. Let me give my decision.
Your majesty, a cure is possible,
but only...
Say it - what is your price? I'd give everything
in my power if you could make her see.
She must be told about her misfortune.
About her blindness?
Can you promise to restore her sight?
Everything lies in God's power. Science has
limitations. I cannot promise...
So I must reveal to my daughter the full depth
of her misfortune
and still not be able to expect a happy outcome?
Cruel Moor, you show no sympathy for a father
in his suffering.
I was wrong to put my hope in you. From now
on, I will trust nobody. Farewell.
You may do as you please,
but first let me speak.
You may accept my decision or ignore it,
but I am must give you my advice.
Two worlds, the physical and the spiritual,
make up creation.
Here the divine will has brought them together,
like inseparable friends.
Some answers do not lie
in the world of the flesh.
Like everything in nature, the sense of sight
is not just a physical matter.
Before our mortal, bodily eyes can see light…
we need the concept of vision
in our immortal souls.
When our minds are opened to this universal
truth, then, it is possible
the force of will can cast light into the darkness
of the body.
Oh God! Then have I been wrong until now?
I feel a terrible doubt...
Now you must decide. You know my verdict.
I cannot begin her treatment
Until Iolanta knows about her blindness
and yearns to be cured.
I shall stay here in the castle till evening
and await your decision.
Oh, my daughter Iolanta!
No, no! It cannot be!
Death is the penalty for any who reveals the
secret to her.
That is my decision, and the doctor must defer
to the father.
Hold on. Let’s rest here.
Keep going! I see a gate.
- What sort of gate?
- Follow me.
Where are we? Is there really a paradise
among the wild rocks?
Look what someone has written:
“Turn back, do not enter, on pain of death.”
- Robert, what have we found?
- I don't understand.
- Let’s leave!
- No, God forbid we should leave this paradise.
I am so tired of wandering through thickets and
rocks. We have travelled far enough.
But what if somebody finds us here?
So what? He might get a little angry.
But we’ll pacify him with a sword.
And besides, the longer I can put off claiming
Iolanta's hand from King René, the better.
If only she would vanish without a trace!...
I would happily get lost in the wilderness
so as not to see her.
The king would probably agree to annul your
betrothal. They say he is good and wise.
Yes, Vaudémont, if only he would.
But what if she is lovely?
- Who, Iolanta?
- Yes.
I expect she is prim and haughty. I know nuns.
With all their benedictions and amens…
They are as cold and heartless as a stone.
Who can compare with my Mathilde with her
sparkling black eyes
Like the stars on an autumn night?
She is full of passion.
Everything about her intoxicates
and burns like wine.
One glance from her, like a strike of lightning,
ignites a flame in your blood.
When she laughs,
a row of pearls lights up her face.
Her eyes speak of passion,
wild and exuberant.
They call you to bliss,
the bliss of kisses, of unrestrained desire.
One caress from her snow-white hand,
makes you forget all your troubles
And bring joy without measure,
without end.
Who can compare with my Mathilde with her
sparkling black eyes
Like the stars on an autumn night?
She is full of passion.
Everything about her intoxicates
and burns like wine.
No, I am not tempted by the charms
of a wild beauty.
Tender looks that promise bliss
do not arouse me to passion.
No! Steeped in the stillness of midnight,
the love within me dreams…
Of a chaste angel,
heavenly, gentle and magical to behold.
An image of light, an image of strange beauty,
graceful and kind.
A guest from a heavenly place,
whiter than the spring snow…
Purer than the lily-of-the-valley,
more delicate than meadow flowers.
That is what I wait for and long for.
Come to me, radiant angel, source of love,
Warm my heart and bring it to life.
As the clouds melt away,
shine your light into the darkness of my soul.
Come, radiant angel! I am waiting!
My heart is weary!
I am waiting! Hurry!
Come to me!
I am waiting, radiant angel.
Come to me!
But where are we?
What magician lives in such a paradise?
Robert, look, there are dainty footprints...
Perhaps a fairy.
They're leading to the terrace.
Knock at the door.
The door wasn't locked. It opened at once.
I hardly touched it.
What's there?
Robert! What do I see!
A sorceress?
No, an angel.
Oh Creator! How beautiful she is!
Let me see.
She's nothing but a little girl.
You must be blind!
You spoke so coldly.
How can such a vision of virginal beauty
not stir your heart?
Let's go. It's dangerous to stay here.
The girl's strange slumber looks unnatural.
What's the matter with you?
You've gone pale, Vaudémont.
How peaceful she looks.
He's bewitched. Answer me! Let's go.
Shake off this spell and come with me!
Quiet, Robert. Don't disturb the sleep
of this heavenly being.
Whatever happens, I will save you.
I can't let you stay here.
Don't open your eyes! I could not bear their
radiance. Let me admire you.
Robert, she is awake. You woke her.
She's coming here!
- I will not let her touch you. Let's go!
- No, never!
Who's there?
A Burgundian knight.
Don't tell her who we are. Say nothing.
My name is Vaudémont.
I don't know your voices. Who are you?
We lost our way
through the mountains and forests.
You must be tired.
I'll get some wine. It will restore your strength.
This is paradise.
No, it's a trap. We are in danger.
It won't take me so easily.
I’m not ready to die yet.
Stay here. I'll go and fetch
a band of brave men.
I'll come back and save you
and your beautiful maiden.
Don't be afraid. Wait for me.
Here is some wine, good knights.
It is my father's favorite.
Could this kill me?
So be it! From her hands,
I would happily accept death.
Where is your friend?
I was glad he was here.
My friend has gone
but he will come back.
- Gone? What a pity.
- Pity? Why.
I'm glad to have the company of everyone who
comes here. I'm rarely alone.
My friends must have left me while I was asleep.
Now they don’t know that I’m awake.
I am the one who woke you.
Please forgive me.
You lay before me, like a vision of pure,
heavenly beauty…
Like an image from a dream,
the embodiment of inspiration.
I could not help the cry of joy that woke you,
and then an angel came to earth
before my eyes.
But now I see that you are not a vision.
You live, suffer, inspire love,
and feel love in return.
I don't understand you...I don't know…
Yet your words sound so strangely pleasing,
they make my head spin. It is strange.
Feelings are stirring within me, but with them
comes a terrible doubt.
Should I listen to you? What for? Why?
Why are you praising me?
This is the first time we have met.
What you wish is my command,
so I will hide my passion from you.
But to prove this was no dream
or illusion of joy…
…give me a rose from that bush
as a parting gift.
It will remind me of our meeting,
and of your rosy cheeks.
But I asked for a red rose.
What sort of rose is that? I don't know.
I asked for one of those roses...
Which one? I don't understand.
Give me back the one I gave you,
and I will pick you another.
Oh, no! Like you, it is fair.
I will keep it as a memento
and a symbol of your purity.
But pick me a red rose too,
and I will put them both on my shield,
and be true to them till I die.
I will gladly give you another rose.
What? You've given me another white rose.
Again? I asked you to pick a red one!
What does 'red' mean?
What a thought!
- Tell me, how many roses have I picked?
- Give them to me.
Where are they?
You're playing games. It isn't difficult.
- No, tell me without touching.
- Without touching? Is that possible?
God in heaven! She's blind, poor girl.
Come on, where are your flowers?
Knight, where are you?
I don't understand your silence. How could I
have offended you?
What am I guilty of? I rarely meet strangers
here. I have so much to learn.
Teach me. I'm young, and I'll be a willing pupil.
You're silent. Don't you want to be with me?
So be it.
Your wish is my command. I will hide my
sadness from everyone.
But to prove this was not a dream, not an
illusion of joy…
Give me one of those roses
as a memento of our meeting.
Child, don’t cry!
So you haven't gone yet?
Poor girl! Tell me, has it never occurred
to you, even in passing, that cruel fate
has deprived you of a precious gift?
Have you never known why
your lifeless eyes shine on your face?
Why was I given eyes? So as to weep.
Weep in the darkness of an eternal night!
Don't you know that if you shed tears,
your sorrows pass more quickly?
It's the same as in nature, when after summer
storms everything is more fresh and fragrant.
So there is no longing in your breast,
to see the light and the glory of creation?
What does 'see' mean?
To know God's light.
What is 'light'?
It's the first-born of creation, God's first gift
to the world, God's glory made clear,
the finest pearl in his crown.
The sun, the sky and the shining stars fill our
world, nature and all its creatures, with beauty.
Anyone who does not know the goodness of
light, cannot love life. God's world, shrouded in
darkness, is alien to the heart.
Unworthy as I am, I saw you,
a maiden of beauty, by this light:
Your chaste, slender figure,
your sweet face and all its features.
Yes, it is the first-born of creation,
God's best gift to the world.
You speak so strangely.
I don't know what is happening to me.
I've never known such happiness.
But you are wrong.
To praise God forever, I don't need the light.
The beauty of creation is limitless.
The day's warmth and fragrance,
the sounds of nature, and I myself,
all reveal God, unseen and good.
Can anyone see birds twittering in a rosebush,
or the sweet gurgling of a stream as it runs
through the sand?
Can you see the thunder in the sky
or the song of the nightingale?
The sound of your voice, your words?
No, to know the beauty of the universe,
I don’t need light…
But to be more like you,
I would like to see the sunlight…
The first-born of creation, God's first gift
to the world…
God's glory made clear,
the finest pearl in his crown.
You are right!
God’s goodness is limitless,
even in a world shrouded by darkness.
The light of truth shines in your heart.
Before that light, our earthly light
is fleeting and dim.
Iolanta! Where are you?
My friends are calling. Martha!
They are surprised I am awake so soon.
Where is my daughter?
My father’s voice. You’ll get to meet him.
My darling!
You're not alone.
How did you enter here, and who are you?
Burgundian night. I wandered in by chance.
Did you speak to her?
Oh yes, father, he revealed much to me.
His words filled me with joy.
He explained what light means,
and pitied me so much for being blind.
Oh Creator!
Unfortunate man, what have you done!
God, why must I endure this punishment?
It is not punishment,
but salvation for your daughter.
Blinded by false reasoning,
you wanted to hide her affliction.
But now you see that it is impossible
to keep the concept of light hidden.
Her conscience has awoken. Have hope, that
desire to see will awake light in her.
He told me the truth. But in his words there was
tenderness, and I heard him with pleasure.
Madman! How dare you break the king’s rule?
You will die! You will pay for what you’ve done.
What have I done?
What has my ardor cost her? Instead of
happiness, a trial for my beloved.
Lord have mercy on us all!
My little dove, Iolanta, listen. I have brought a
doctor. He can return you to the light.
Tell me, do you want to see?
How can I yearn for what I can only dimly
understand? But if my father wishes, I will obey.
I am losing all hope of a cure.
These are the fruits of your system:
lacks the desire to see the light.
Wait! Now I see that you were right. But
there is still hope. God has given me an idea.
Begin your treatment, oh great doctor!
May the Lord help you!
And you, the cause of our misfortune, answer:
did you read this sign when you entered?
I did.
And yet you dared enter?
As you can see, indeed, I dared.
You remember that the sign condemns
you to death?
I remember.
So, if her treatment does not work –
you will die!
Oh my God, the poor knight!
What is the king planning?
Father, wait. Did I understand you correctly?
He must die?
Yes, he must be executed.
This can’t be. I don’t believe you. You are
merciful. You could never be so inhumane.
He will die if your treatment doesn’t work.
Poor Iolanta, she suffers so. Have pity!
No, he will die. Your pleas are in vain.
Doctor, where are you? Tell me at once,
what torment must I endure?
All you have to do is desire to see the light.
No, tell me the torture, the pain I must endure.
I will bear it, uncomplaining, to save him.
He is dear to me. He was the first to tell me
of the light, and he warmed my heart.
Now I believe and know that light…
Is the first-born of creation, God’s glory made
clear, the finest pearl in his crown.
Bright angel! I bow down before you,
holy maiden.
Whether you see or remain blind
you are mine forever.
I swear on my honor as a knight. I will belong
to you alone. Even if I must face execution,
I accept death for your sake.
No, knight, no. Life is lovely,
you must live, please live.
I will see. Yes! Give me your hand.
Now let me touch your face...
Like this.
Doctor, begin your treatment.
Now I will withstand anything.
Father, hold me tight. Be hopeful!
I will see, and he will live.
The Lord be with you, pure angel.
Now I believe you will be saved, dear angel.
Like the lamb of God
she goes to her suffering.
Forgive me, I deceived you so as to awaken
in my daughter the desire for sight.
You were condemned to death.
Now you are free to go.
You were about to execute me for my offense.
Who are you, that you have such authority
over a man’s life?
It seems I should be the one
asking you this question.
I am Vaudémont, Count of Issoudun,
Champagne, Clervaux and Montargis.
I am a friend of Robert,
Duke of Burgundy.
However rich and noble you may be,
you will not demean your name...
If you agree to give me your daughter’s hand
in marriage.
No, knight. Though I would be glad
to allow the union, I must refuse.
My daughter was betrothed to another man
while she was still a child.
I will contest his rights.
No, you will bow before him.
Who is he?
Wait, I hear a noise...
What is it? Who's there?
That's my friend, the Duke of Burgundy.
We must admit them at once.
Now you will know who your rival is.
I have come back to rescue you.
What do I see? King René?
René? King of Provence?
Yes, brave knight.
Now you know everything.
You are in love with Iolanta,
betrothed to Duke Robert.
Robert, my duke! My friend!
You wanted to confess everything to the king.
This is neither the time nor the place.
Now or never!
Robert, your confession will give me life.
I have fallen in love with Iolanta.
There's no happiness for me without her.
Robert, I beg you.
Your majesty, I am here to fulfill my promise.
I was betrothed to Iolanta as a child.
But now I am a man, and I love Mathilde,
Countess of Lorraine.
My fate is in your hands. If you command it,
I will take your daughter before the altar.
But in my heart I will be faithful to Mathilde.
You are noble in your honesty.
I release you from your vow.
Thank you, your majesty!
Now, my dear Count, I agree to give you
Iolanta if she regains her sight.
Your majesty, I love your daughter as she is,
and want to be with her through joy and sorrow.
Whether or not she sees the light,
I give my life to her.
She is yours, my dear son.
My good father!
Is Iolanta really blind?
Her fate is in the doctor's hands.
Bertrand, tell us, how is the treatment?
It is finished.
Iolanta can see?
I do not know. I could not stay any longer.
A stone would have melted at such a sight.
Quiet as a lamb, firm as a rock, she sat
and murmured: ‘My dear knight, please live.'
God be gracious to us.
Iolanta can see!
Iolanta can see the light.
Hush! The doctor is leading her here.
God, now I have had this moment,
take my life in return.
Where am I?
Where are you leading me, doctor?
Let me see the light again
that flashed before my eyes.
There it is!
It's unbearably bright!
What is that?
Your garden, your trees, your flowers.
No, I don't know them.
I've never been here. I'm frightened.
Doctor, where are you? I'm frightened.
Everything is crowding around me.
Something's falling...
It's as if everything is coming down to crush me.
I'm dying. Doctor, save me.
Look up. You're not frightened of the sky.
How wonderful! How radiant!
What is it? God? God's spirit?
Light and heaven.
Heaven? Is God in heaven?
I am here before you.
Good, great, unchanging Lord,
you showed yourself to me in the darkness.
Let me know you, Creator of the universe,
in the light of day.
Now, look around you.
Who is this?
I don't understand.
People like me?
Yes, you know them.
I don't know them.
Don't you know me?
O Lord! Who is this?
My father! I know your face now. I beg you,
protect me in this world of light.
My angel, I am old, and growing weak.
Here is your protector.
A protector who will be faithful unto death.
My friend, I hear your voice again!
You gave me light. You gave me love.
And that light will always be my guiding star.
Praise to the Creator, giver of all blessings.
Receive this praise from your humble servant.
My voice is weak, and my gaze is timid.
A host of the blessed and cherubim
stand before you and worship.
But you are great and merciful,
and your love is unbounded.
You shine in the smallest of your creatures
like sunlight in a drop of water.
Praise to you, God,
the bringer of blessings.
Glory to God omnipotent.
Hosanna in the highest.
You are the light of truth.
Glory to you, Lord most high.
Praise to you!
Praise to you!
Praise to you!
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
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Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1
Iolanta Draft 1

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renaissance poems
Women's Anatomy of Arousal
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Women's Anatomy of Arousal
How To Reach Your Higher Self and Increase Your Capacity to Love Through Enli...
How To Reach Your Higher Self and Increase Your Capacity to Love Through Enli...How To Reach Your Higher Self and Increase Your Capacity to Love Through Enli...
How To Reach Your Higher Self and Increase Your Capacity to Love Through Enli...
Book of WISDOM.
Book of WISDOM.Book of WISDOM.
Book of WISDOM.
Gifting To Daughters And Mom
Gifting To Daughters And MomGifting To Daughters And Mom
Gifting To Daughters And Mom

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"No Indian knows English" - Yeats
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Eternal fragrance of peace
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Madama Butterfly
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The rule of four (poems by Cyrus A. Diaz )
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Tribute To Women
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Poems to Pictures
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Poems to Pictures
Poetry binder
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Poetry binder
Poetry - Saleema Mahmoodi
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Poetry Ebook – “One Hundred and More”
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The Quest for Peace, Dark Moon Saga 1.75
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Mcaninch poetry anthology
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Iolanta Draft 1