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(Scriptural Perspective)
N. A. B. Obute
Forwarded by Dr. R. K. Verma
I dedicate this wonderful book to my beloved mother, Madam Martha Patrick
Obute. She’s a woman of great repute. She has contributed immensely to my
personality through the guide of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit of God has always been my helper in all my undertakings. I am
totally grateful that through its ministry I have been able to do this book.
All my great and wonderful mentors, friends, brothers, sisters out there, I
appreciate your immense contribution in making this book a reality. Most
especially Senator Mbata Azuta John.
Where else can I find your rarest kind of your love for me? The good Lord will
bless you all. I highly appreciate your great contribution. You are blessed of God.
Obute Nathan Agada
Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
Poetry is what Milton saw when he became blind! It’s all about thought visualized
and constructively put down in words expressed in pictorial form.
Well, this is the long awaited poems and Citations from the book.
For many years running now, different folks that came my way as friends,
mentors, brothers and sisters have asked me to put the praises offered by me to
God inform of citations and poems into a readable note.
To God be the Glory, this is just it! Of the different background range freely
through themes of love for God and relationships with our better half and the joy
of friendship.
It’s made up of emotional poems,… religious poems, and Narrative Poems….
The language usage is simple, direct and interpretable. Most of the poems
inculcate the Enjambment device.
Read these poems and citations meditatively. You are permitted to go over and
over again. And through this, the holy spirit will help interpret the deep meaning
of the poems and citations to you.
Obute Nathan Agada
Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
The title of this book is: Inspiring poems & citations from the book (Scriptural
Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of feelings. It takes its origin from emotion
recollected in tranquility. This is exactly what the author has just done.
This is undoubtedly a highly inspired and faith motivated book.
From the author‘s background, the book suggests a quest of fresh air to the
parade of motivational books in our contemporary Christian Literature world.
The theme of the Book is centred on a radical understanding of what true
Christianity is; the love and mercy of God; the makeup of our would be wives;
Satan devices.
The title of the book is really alluring and motivational which makes the book
readable as it goes a long way to unravel the mystery of the word of God in some
key areas of our lives.
l highly recommend this book to everyone , young and old irrespective of colour,
creed or caste. For the young, it gives them a good background of God‘s love and
for the old, for reproof and correction where necessary.
The message of the author transcends denominational boundaries. The Poems
contain truth that cannot be wished away; great motivational truth with
eschatological background.
I highly commend the author for his bold attempt and unprecedented
contribution in reminding us the extent of God's love for us.
Sincerely, the book is enriching, informative. I recommend this book to you all.
Beloved! I urge you to pick a copy. Don't hesitate!
Dr. R. K Verma.
B.Sc.(Hon). M. Sc (Hon) B. Med. PhD
Medical Director,
Fat Bull Clinic,
Port Harcourt.
Christianity is
Not the tight turban
Sitting upon unwashed hair
Not the unpainted lips
Though occupied with gossips.
Not the sword tie of the usher
Though he is a lecher
It supersedes the Preacher’s logic
Spewed on the pew.
It transcends the dust
Raised by your dancing feet
Not your charisma that lacks charity
Not your speaking in tongues.
Though devoid of truth
Not your hands raised for a miracle
Though you visit an oracle 5
Not your zealous purse.
Emptied in the offering bag....
Not your high heels laced with lies
Not your song thirsty for applause
Leaving a sinner untouched
Not even your mini skirt, not your gown or skimpy tight
Fluttering fornication into the sanctuary....
Christianity is a scene
seen not by sin....
There is a manner for you...
Touch not the serpent‘s apple!
The lion's pride is far
From a swine!
Snakes and men are foes....
There is a manna for you....
Touch not the serpent's apple!
Can your naked body
Cope with a hot bullet?
Can the eagle and the hen
Meet and mate?
There is a manna for you...
Touch not the serpent's apple!
Snakes and men are foes...
Salt and snails are foes.... Thus is sin in the life of a man
Look at the ways of the Lord
Look at the thoughts of the Lord
They both have a semblance
Bathed in the order of amazing wonders!
He made the Biology that surrounds
The outpouring of rain on mankind in a dazzling maze
A baby is born to a father....
To become a father of a baby, wonderful...
Ponder thro' the glittering of the meteors & comets
Like the flaming sword at the east side in Eden
Fathom thro' the setting of the planets
Like an army settled in battle array in its perplexities....
The breath that comes from His nostril is holy
The sweat flowing thro‘his beard down to His toes is
The spit that comes from His gate of food entrance
Scents like the choicest perfume of Jerusalem.
Our Lord most High is wonderful.... Wonderful is the
He watches over your left and right sides
He watches over your back and front
He displays these to His faithful
Ranging from ages since Belshazzer & Nebuchadnezzar.
Like the magic display by the sun daily
Of not leaving its boundary
Is the Lord’s protection towards us
In its outer amazement and splendour....
Quenched the fiery flame of Nebuchadnezzar
Made the teeth of a flesh eater icy
Thus He delivered to His faithful
Who can ponder His protective aura....
Halleluiah to His name
And protection is His name...
The world is a winning place
The world is a place you can lose too...
If you know how to acquire victory, you'll win
If you work towards failure, you‘ll lose....
Things of the world are really worth-while!
The world is not something of a day's thought!
Whenever I stay and ponder about the world
It appears to be a riddle! In it’s this or that daze
You cannot do bad to achieve good!
The world is a place of achievement!
And one can achieve something negative or positive
By applying opportunity cost on bad and good.
The world is a looking glass!
It gives back to everyman.
The reflection of his own face...
It‘s what you sow that you will reap....
Men of the world,
It’s what you put into life
That you will get from it
Life is really what you make it... be aware!
Show me the person that deserves best life companions!
Show me the man that seeks the happiest home!
Show me the person that deserves best children
Then l will show you a man of purity….
Show me the best qualified for positions of responsibility
Show me the man that can guide your wife on your absence
Show me the person you can trust and confide in
Then l will show you a man of purity...
Show me the person that is most qualified for spiritual work
Show me the man that is qualify for Christian service
Show me the person that has a true sense of value
Then l will show you a man of purity...
Show me that man with a strong will!
Show me the person that is strong physically, mentally and
Show me the man that is not always a prey to disease
Then l will show you a man of purity...
Show me who has the best people as friends!
Show me the man that have a happy marriage!
Show me the person highly blessed, satisfied and favoured!
Then l will show you a man of purity...
Who is the author of all purity
IESUS! The perfect Son of Zion is the one...
Today ye shall be with me together in paradise!
Here He goes displacing His mercy...
Even at the cross of Calvary!
A Malcolm “X” now sits beside prince of righteousness!
He screamed like one that enters into boiling water
as a thorn was crowned on His head,... Spit was splashed on
His face! '
Insult was reigned on His person!
Salty vinegar became water for Him to drink...
He was pierced with sword into His stomach
Blood oozes out like water that comes out of Bar Beach in
Victoria Island
His tender and babyish bones were broken!
Like an animal bones usually broken in a bone-breaking
He was nicknamed Beelzebub, the wicked man of Eden!
But He is an arc enemy of Beelzebub
He was called a law breaker
But He came to perfect all laws...
He was accused been friends of the sinners!
But He came for the sinners...
No act of revenge was done by Him!
Rather He said Father forgive them for they
Know not what they do...
In a manner that challenge all human catholic intellectual
The Adulteress doomed for death was shown mercy
Thousands were healed by Him
Oh! What manner of mercy is this...
Alas! Jesus is the father of mercy...
Dreams spewed in the mind!
Felt all day long indeed...
Hope to achieve in full!
Struggled by actions to fulfill...
The wind blew to where it listed!
Show me the person that is strong physically, mentally and
Show me the man that is not always a prey to disease
Then I will show you a man of purity...
Show me who has the best people as friends!
Show me the man that have a happy marriage!
Show me the person highly blessed, satisfied and favourel
Then l will show you a man of purity... ‘
Who is the author of all purity
JESUS! The perfect Son of Zion is the one...
Today ye shall be with me together in paradise!
Here He goes displacing His mercy...
Even at the cross of Calvary!
A Malcolm “X” now sits beside prince of righteousness!
He screamed like one that enters into boiling water
as a thorn was crowned on His head ,... Spit was splashed o
His face!
Insult was reigned on His person!
Salty vinegar becomes water for Him to drink...
He was pierced with sword into His stomach
Blood oozes out like water that comes out of Bar Beach in
Victoria Island
His tender and babyish bones were broken!
Like an animal bones usually broken in a bone-breaking
He was nicknamed Beelzebub, the wicked man of Eden!
But He is an arc enemy of Beelzebub
He was called a law breaker
But He came to perfect all laws...
He was accused been friends of the sinners!
But He came for the sinners...
No act of revenge was done by Him!
Rather He said Father forgive them for they
Know not what they do…
In a manner that challenge all human catholic intellectual
The Adulteress doomed for death was shown mercy
Thousands were healed by Him
Oh! What manner of mercy is this...!
Alas! Jesus is the father of mercy...
Dreams spewed in the mind!
Felt all day long indeed...
Hope to achieve in full!
Struggled by actions to fulfill...
The wind blew to where it listed!
Knowing no where it blew as it lasted...
Strangled in a labyrinth of a dazzling maze!
As it traveled zigzardly to its final destined haze...
In the amazing maze journey of Joseph
Destiny located him in a quicker...
Mordecai loaded with fiery adventures!
Threaded his ways to his inheritances...
Here it goes with an inflexible aim...
Yet a flexible medium
As we are held tightly by our actions!
Woh! Men of the world… character is destiny...
We were doomed for hell
Dancing our way into the pit of hell
Believing we were the wisest of all...
As we unknowingly showcase iniquities in our shops....
Engaged in wild beast like prostitution
Ominously involved in arm-robbery by intimidation
Turning white to black like a red devil in action...
Woh! We were gruesomely wicked...
Unmerited favour gave us benefits of salvation
As he forgave our trespasses, no more condemnation
Healed our infirmities and sets us free from damnation
Promoted us to our destined heights...
He makes forces of darkness bow before us
He displays his amazing protection upon us
Each day He loads His benefits towards us
And gave us unending joy...
Alas! What amazing benefits are these
Oh! He has not paid us according to our sins
God Almighty ...our God gave us all these
Is the one that daily loads us with benefits.
The Lord our God is with us...
The shout of the King is among us....
God... our God brought us out of all bondages
We have the strength of a wild ox...
No curse can be placed on us...
No witchcraft can be done against us!
See what wonders God has done for us...
We rise up like a lion that will not rest until
It has destroyed it preys ..........
Life is all about choices
You choose houses, cars, jobs and even wives and
You have the choice to start and of course to finish...
To say yes or to say no!
To succeed or to fail
To be lazy or to be diligent
To give up or to uphold on!
To do ‘good’ or to do evil!
To be sad or to be happy!
To love or to hate
To embrace or to refrain
Above all to live or to die...
Shedrach, Meshack & Abednego made a choice!
To obey God rather than man....
Daniel made a choice
Never to defile himself with the Kings meat...
Joseph made a choice
By walking away from Potiphar's wife and got the throne
wealth Abraham made a choice by leaving his
Kinsfolk to get into a financial covenant
Samson made a choice by
Sleeping in Delilah‘s laps and destroyed his destiny
Eli’s children made the choice to fornicate with
Members of their church and got God’s anger...
So friends think of your choices
And fulfill your destiny with ease ....
Failure ensnares and entraps
It makes one a pauper!
It brings one to the bottom line of all things
And makes one doubt the efficacy of God...
Thus, next time...lets aim high at success! '
It becomes a reality for the resolute and determined
It's not a mirage... it’s quite attainable!
You need to rise early and prepare quite early for it...
Knock fully and firmly on the door of it
its bounds to open...advance to it by faith .
As the eagles soar high profits to press on!
Its not far away...its right there at our door waiting...let_
possess it.
It breaks record where others have failed...
It looks at the gains of rain...not the pains!
It makes a majority in one man!
It made the teeth of a flesh eater icy!
It says yes to what the world says no to...
It holds on when everybody has let go...
It‘s the surest ways of pleasing God!
It's the strength of all believers...
By faith Abraham went where he knew not
Sarah received strength to conceive by faith
Enoch was translated not to test death!
The fiery flame of Nebuchadnezzar was quenched...
l was dead in me righteous with God!
l crept into Hades of incurable made me
whole l
Torments of perdition assailed me!
Faith gave me victory...
Embattled with legion of gave me
In the mist of abject poverty faith boomerang me into
It makes me hold on when there is nothing in me...
Except the will, which says, hold on...hold on...
Oh! Sin, you created anguish for Samson
Sorrow fettered your captures soul....
Oh! Sin, you made the Israelite become an Ostrich why in
the wilderness!
By living the eggs that needed to be hatched to complain….
Oh! Sin, you made Uzzah had bloodshot eyes
lcy hand of death gripped him like a vagabond .......
Oh! Sin, you made Soul always fighting....
Which usurp the throne from him...earned him six feet
Oh! Sin, you are a merciless master!
You steal the vineyard .....
Oh! Sin you quench the lamp of the spirit
And you stain pure garment....
Oh! Sin, you have cut man off from fellowship!
With God his creator at the Garden of Eden...
Oh! Sin you have weakened the nations and destroyed
From the days of Belshazzar to this day...
Oh! Sin, you have made many wombs today a hidden grave
A place created by God for fruitfulness and increase...
Oh! Sin you have reduced many dignitaries to nothing.
You have written many names in the book of eternal death
Oh! Sin you have said, who can deliver mankind out of your
Oh! Sin, though many people in the world today may still
like you
But the entire Kingdom of God hates you with a passion!
You are a yoke and a reproach, deceiver, and a killer.
Oh! Sin you are a gateway to hell fire and bottomless pits is
your kingdom
You are already doomed to destruction by the BLOOD OF
God, our God shall judge you forever and ever...
It’s the most powerful lifeline in the journey of success
It’s capable of elevating a man to limelight...
Is the giant that occupies the mind continuously
The one who desires to succeed ...does...
It’s a friend that sticketh closer than a brother!
As john Rockefeller will define it...
It’s volatile and aptly magnetic
It will not relent until it finds reality and accomplishment.
The power of desire is vision
It’s expressed through action and utterance...
Alas! Blind Bartimeus craved for sight and his eyes were
The crave in you will yearn to create new things...
Friends! lf you don‘t crave, you don‘t create
Thus! O'er to you! Wake up your inside now!
It's the spiritual input of every success...
Your word creates for you what you say!
Your situation now is the product of your past speech...
Thus! The real success is in your words...
O'er to you! What you say is what you get!
The words you utter rate you....
Living words come from living people...
Hence! Let your word carry what you have inside!
Speeches are to be used sparingly and aptly....
A man shall eat good out of the proceed of his mouth
Friends! Whatever you say, that you believe, you'll get
Go forth and utter words of life....
There are riches in your storehouse
But my Lord we are so poor
There is power in thy storehouse
But the cripple clothes our door.
There is wisdom in thy store house
But in ignorance we grope
There is revival in thy store house
But we've millions without hope
There is freedom in thy store house
But thy people so bound
There is glory in thy store house
But it does not shine
There is love within thy store house
But thy people are sorry
There's compassion in thy storehouse
Then, my saviour, why, oh, why
Are thy people stony-hearted
And our eyes so desert dry.
I now desire
With strong crave
To tunnel clean & neat
Oh! Blessed Jesus
Rule o'er my entire life.
Oh! Lord Jesus, take me to higher ground
Endure with fire
Thy unending glory dwells within
Oh blessed Jesus
And set me apart from iniquity.
At any loss or gain
Oh! Jesus! I choose thy cross
Earth's values I deplore
Thy blood doth now
Thy victory I cherish I’m free from you
Endure within
Give thy pity...tears
Thou dost, my beloved Jesus
Heal my lost years.
These hopelessness and fears
For a number of years
Have fettered up my soul
Oh blessed be Jesus
Come now and take charge.
Great grace of Jesus & eternal grace reach the lost through me
Tenderness for every race do I ask of thee
Love them. Lift them, reach them teach them
Great grace of Jesus, eternal grace reach the lost through me
Real life of Jesus, eternal life... pours thyself through me
Nothing short of your own life do l ask of thee
Life compelling, life that is telling
Real life of Jesus, eternal life pours thyself through me.
Nothing short of your spirit power do I ask of thee
Urge me...purge me...hide me
Spirit of the living God, pray thy mind through me
Living God spirit pray thy mind through me.
Power of the eternal God, flow thy power through me
Holy, apostolic power do l ask of thee
Holy. . .lowly for thy amazing glory
Power of the eternal God, flow thy power through me
Mercy of the living God. . .channel your love thro me
Nothing short of Calvary love meets the need of me
Love that that burns fiercely
Mercy of the living your love thro me.
God touched our weary bodies with His power
And gave us strength for many a trying hour
In which we might have faltered
Had not you, our intercessors
Faithful been and true
Because you prayed
God touched our eager fingers with His skill
Enabling us to do His blessed will
With scalpel, suture, bandage better still
He healed the sick and wounded, cured the ill.
Because you prayed
God touched our lips with coals from altar fire
Gave spirit fullness and did so inspire A
That when we spoke, sin blinded souls did see
Sins claims were broken captives were made whole
Because you prayed
The dwellers in the dark have found the light
The glad, good news has banished heathen night
The message of the cross so long delayed
He brought them life at last because you prayed.
Thus wake up my brother lets pray continuously....
Prune my withered branch my highly beloved Jesus
Dung my fruitless free as l wait patiently....
Spring up my dried out well for that reason you came...
O Christ of Calvary....
Touch my dimming eyes now i
Oil my stammering tongue so that l can fully speak you
Complete, dear Lord, in me
What thou hast scarce begun that l long for...
Empower me for the lead
Clean me for thy will
Correct me with thy rod always
And may l love thee still in my chastisement
Of thy suffering, Lord
l pray, fill me up
That l may follow thee
Oh let me sip thy cup. That I taste for greatly....
Here goes the story of my guy
Which is as old and as true as the sky...
It has a sweet smelling savour
Like the palatable profiterole cream puff of Baltimore...
Look at his motives and mine
They have a semblance at all time. ._
Like motives are aptly magnetic in opinions
And produce in them like opinions and resolutions...
Look at the diversity of his genius Made him a closer
approach to a
Leonardo da Vinci in the Niger....
His reputation among his peers is more universal
Than that of Paul O‘Neal, Dick Cheney a human dynamo of energy.
Wow! What an altruistic guy he is...
Quintessential benefactor to most of his friends...
A perfect Don quixotic figure! ... Master interconnectivity
Like the causeway in fifth avenue in Colorado Denver
Alas! What an object of immaculate afflatus! he is...
An incipient Cicero of all ages...
Displaying his magical oratorical prowess
Like senator Douglas of Michigan in excellence
Here she goes tantalizing me
As she whispers, this is my guy... my guy.
Her voice is like the quiver bird of the west
That can be heard in the darkest night
Alas! Here is an enigma bathed in the euphoria
Of her magical beautiful prowess shinning
Like the gold of Johannesburg
She does not need the brain of Plato
In analyzing straight or crooked situations
She is an embodiment of knowledge
Displaying wisdom that is unparallel...
Wow! She is an epitome of wisdom
Here she goes exuding in one of the rarest good virtues
Of the holy woman of Jerusalem...
Anywhere she goes her unprecedented character'
Reflects like the flaming sword ~
At east side of the Garden of Eden...
The sound of the would be baby
In her womb can be heard
Who is the fortunate man
That owns the beautiful seed in her womb
Greatest glory be to God in the highest
Here am, Mr. Obute Natx Agada
The fortunate man... that
Have a would-be baby from her womb.
Alas! She is a paragon of beauty
Having a form of nose -
That protrudes like
Daffodils of Trafalgar Square.
Wow! What a colossal colour she has
Glittering like an African model
Which has not been mixed with the body bleaching
Euphoria of our time
Her worth is far beyond
Choicest gold of Johannesburg
What an embodiment of invaluable value
She is far in beauty than Indian princes.
The bones built in her physique
Look like those magnificent edifices in Chicago
Glittering out in outer amazement in its splendour and
Her neck is like a tower of ivory
Have a glance at her lips....
It looks like the colossal Michael Angelo‘s blood red paint
Her eyes are like the pools in Philadelphia...
which is as clear as noonday sunshine.
Her lips drip honey _
Sweet meats and milk are under her tongue
and the fragrance of her garment is like
the fragrance of Jerusalem
Turn your eyes from me... alamode woman you are...
For the torment me, Come to me my femme fatale....
You are beautiful, my beloved
You are lovely as Jerusalem....
How beautiful are your feet in sandals
Your rounded and voluptuous thighs are like jewels
The hand work of an artist...
Towering up like the state empire building in Seattle.
You are really beautiful my beloved
She is beautiful made... She is beautifully made.
The smiles flashed on me
From her radiate unprecedented love...
The display of her love on me
Can be felt in the mist of all odds.
Yesterday! She gesticulated on her restlessness
As she goes about in an obsession of her love for me
Today! She holds unto her story of insomnia
All for the love penguins has for water in the sea.
Hurray! A Cleopatra is born for me...
With a colossal beauty like the princess of Wales
It does not need the clairvoyance of Nostradamus
To prophesy to me that she loves me... for l know she loves me
I have journeyed to the moon
I have voyaged to Pluto
I have tailed the meteor to the heavens
All for the search for my missing rib...
Here goes my mum’s preaching…
Whatever a man is looking for is by his side
No one has whisper to me to look here
Except the excellent mum God has given me
Greatest glory be to God in the highest
I looked through
Only to discover a priceless gold
Of an inestimable worth
And that is my missing rib…
Greatness where are you!
Greatness how can we find you f
Or get hold of you
When the need comes or is reach...
What ways are we to follow?
In order to reach you
You know everybody talks of wanting you”
How are our quest and desires for you be accomplished!
Greatness! l know that you are sometimes or occasionally
Hidden up in the heavens
I know when the people that work towards you
Are in your way, you will shine upon them and give them
Light so that may see your goodness.
Greatness! Where are you in the working field?
Which field are you?
How will someone know your line of exploit
This can only be answered by God Almighty
Thus, God of Modeccai, we want you
To show or manifest to us
Where greatness is
In the business world, corporate or manufacturing world
I believe! I trust! I know
That a time will come which is now
When greatness will surely overshadows
Those who works towards it...
We must follow the status laid down by God to achieve it
Greatness! I love you! I need you....
I will always live and work towards you
Wherever you go or stay
I will always look for you till the end of time.
A free dinner was offered her
At Piccadilly in an Eldora do...
Precious choice gold rings of Johannesburg
Came knocking at her door as a gift...
Elegantly tantalized and gorgeous robes from London St. Michael
Was presented to her
Which shines and glitter like snow-cloud?
Top of the Jungfrau towering against the blue skies of
A customer‘s specification of a dodge neon
Was designed for her like a hereon...
A party of celebrities attended by the crème-de-a-crème
Black community glitterati of Denver was organized for her
Woh! She eagerly sighs to her tantalizer
How she does not need all these...
Gold and silver mean nothing to her she whispers!
Hurray! She knows what she desires...
Just as the coral insect takes from the running tides
The element it needs...
She chuckles! I need lemon and pomegranate
Alas! That is my lemonade Glo
In haste she collects cucumber from my hand
As she munch it like one of the over starved
Lion of the Tundra…
She desires real love devoid of materiality!
As she hails me as l present her desired fruit to her
And that is my priceless damsel...
Here I am going to Colorado Denver
Here she is, going to Garden City...
Little Romeo was brought up in the central and west side or
the Niger
Little Juliet was brought up in the East side of the Niger...
Graceful Romeo whose handsomeness
is like that of Absalom had his citadel of learning in the
Comely Juliet whose beauty
is like that of Cleopatra of Egypt had her Harvard in the
Elegant Romeo speaks native ldoma
Gorgeous Juliet speaks native lgbo
A language interpreter is needed for Juliet to understand
As both are grossly involved in the euphoria of the tower of
If not the great Yakubu Gowon of our time
Who has made us walk through the cause way
That leads the east side to the central side of the Niger
To make us meet in the new world... Jigawa.
We wouldn't have met...
The pianic voice of the early
Morning nightingale could be heard quickly
As the new down of a new year
Come in a quicker....
Eager to fulfill a purpose...
In a flash... we started as a Roman Catholic
A daily struggle on where our heritage lies intensifies
As we see ourselves in a euphoria of change of a location.
In haste we rush to relocate
As divinely directed...
A daze of an unexpected disappointment
Crept into our way... and that‘s how it all started.
In a labyrinth of affairs...
Divine intervention came like a meteor!
We journeyed to the unknown
As each day passes, we battle with sorrow
Fear and sorrow
Live with us for a number of months
Have fettered up our soul
And we jerked forward to realize that we are in a loss.
Divine cornering
Directed us to a prophet in a Pentecostal
Who brought us out of our Egypt and by him we were
A step to fulfill our dream came in like a comet
We are deeply and grossly involved in it
To achieve in a flash
All of a sudden...all dreams dashed.
We rose up courageously like a lion
That will never accept defeat
We toil to the left and to the right
In vain our toils to the nook and crannies of Nigeria.
We called ourselves together
And we ask ourselves...what’s up?
Only to discover we disobeyed God
Therefore, year 2003 became a reproach unto us
Despite… we sow good with joy in the mist of our sorrow
Bless be God of my father... Abraham
Who hath not given us a prey to our enemies
Our soul is escaped ...the snare is broken
And we are escaped into the year of our harvest of our
Goodly reaping of our sowing in tears.
There is a miracle called friendship
Its dwells in the heart....
You don‘t know how it happens
Or when it gets started....
But you know the special lift
It brings!
As you grossly engage yourself
And you realize its friendship....
It's God's most veritable gift
It's a medicine of life....
Friends are a very rare jewel….
Like a jewel in a savannah
They make you smile & encourage you to succeed
They lend an ear, they share a word of praise
Like the praises offered by lilies to God daily....
And they will always want to open their heart to you….
The pangs of excruciating pains
Grip on us in its torrid throes….
Unbearable agony surrounds us
As our bones quiver like the jerking of the satellite in its orbit
We cry day & night
Like a woman in labour…
whom has been snatched away.
From the cold grip of an icy grave….
We tried to munch a delicacy
Our appetite is in a logjam…. No avail... to our lost of
A step to fulfill our dream came in like a comet
We are deeply and grossly involved in it
To achieve in a flash
All of a sudden...all dreams dashed.
We rose up courageously like a lion
That will never accept defeat
We toil to the left and to the right
In vain our toils to the nook and crannies of Nigeria.
We called ourselves together
And we ask ourselves...what‘s up?
Only to discover we disobeyed God
Therefore, year 2003 became a reproach unto us
Despite...we sow good with joy in the mist of our sorrow
Bless be God of my father… Abraham
Who hath not given us a prey to our enemies
Our soul is escaped ...the snare is broken
And we are escaped into the year of our harvest of our
Goodly reaping of our sowing in tears.
There is a miracle called friendship
Its dwells in the heart....
You don‘t know how it happens…
Or when it gets started....
But you know the special lift
It brings!
As you grossly engage yourself
And you realize its friendship....
It's God's most veritable gift
It's a medicine of life....
Friends are a very rare jewel....
Like a jewel in a savannah
They make you smile & encourage you to succeed
They lend an ear, they share a word of praise
Like the praises offered by Lilies to God daily…
And they will always want to open their heart to you….
The pangs of excruciating pains
Grip on us in its torrid throes…
Unbearable agony surrounds us
As our bones quiver like the jerking of the satellite in it‘s
We cry day & night
Like a woman in labour
Who has been snatched away…
from the cold grip of an icy grave….
We tried to munch a delicacy
Our appetite is in a logjam… no avail... to our lost of
We accept the status quo...
And Mutter… we are sick….
We journeyed to Pluto through Jupiter
And came back to Mercury.
And remained in the pool of Bethsaida for decades of years
all for the search for a balm for our infirmities....
We ask rhetorically.....
Is there no balm in Gilead? '
Greatest glory be to God in the highest t
Whose desires for us is to prosper in health even as our soul
Thus, He sent His words and they healeth us....
It's a gateway to all great height
Its brings men of Lilliputian feet
To the zenith of all things
It‘s the surest means of being ahead of all beings.
Meekness is Moses....
Unto him God revealeth His secret Acts....
By sacrifices Solomon exudes in meekness!
He became a potentate of all times....
No man climbs to the top
Except by my flowing tap…
I am the succor to the lowly in heart
I rise from dungeon, pitch tent in high places of the earth
No one chooses me and remain in a pit
Utmost top is the haven of those that chooses me meet….
Long life is in my left and right hand...
And only the meek shall possess the land....
There‘s nothing so real as the thing that you see....
The eyes and the mind and the heart will agree....
So what can be better than an object to view....
I say it will work and convince not a few
The home is the place for this sinful device
The people, deceived, will think it’s quite nice
The world will possess it-most Christian can’t tell
That it’s the entire devil, and was plotted in hell...
We will sell them with pictures of the latest news
And while they are still looking, we will advertise boozes
At the soul damning cigarette also they will
Until they forget what God says in His bible....
At first sight it will shock them; they will seem in a daze
But soon they will be hardened and continue to gaze
We will give them some gospels that is not strong
And a few sacred songs to string them along....
They will take in the ads with the latest of fashions...
And soon watch the shows that stir evil passion....
Murder and love making scenes they will behold
Until their souls will be bitterly cold....
The old family altar which once held in such charm...
Will soon lose its place without much alarm
Praying in secret will also be lost...
As they look at the screen without counting the cost....
The compromising preachers who don‘t take their stand
Will embrace this new vision and think it’s grand
They will help fool the people and cause them to sin
By seeking this evil and taking it in...
Influence is great and this you can see
Just look at my fall and you will have to agree
It won’t take too long my demons to tell
That the vision of Satan will populate hell
Divorce will increase sex crimes will abound
Much innocent blood will be spilled on the ground
The home will be damned in short order l say….
When this vision of mine comes into stay....
Get busy my cohort and put this thing out
We will see if the church can continue to shout
The holiness people who stand in our way
Will soon hush their crying against show & play.
We will cover the earth with this Devils vision
Though we will camouflage it with the treat
Till the Anti Christ comes and takes over his seat....
He will then rule the world while the viewers behold....
The face of the beast to which they were sold
We will win through deception
This can’t fail, though some holiness preacher....
Will wage war against it....
This is mystery unexplainable
Stick fast to fast is good... the time of the devil is up....
In love God Created Heaven and the Earth
In love He made the Firmament....
The whole Terrestrials & Earthly structures raging from
Stalagmite to Meteor to Pluto are origin of God’s Love....
Jesus Was accused falsely a drunkard
Spit was splashed on His face
The Saviour of the world rejected to an Anini
In love Unexplainable He forgave them....
Wow! This love is amazing....
He went to Hades for the sake of Love...
Show your hate, revenge or anger. But No!
Is not in my nature to do that, He told them....
Of a truth Jesus Love is All....
Glory to Jesus...Mama Jerusalem is found….
I have journeyed to the moon…
I have traveled to Pluto
I have trailed the comet to the Heavens…
All for the search for mama Jerusalem...
Here goes a word from the King of kings!
Seek, and ye shall find...
Whatsoever a man is looking for is by his side…
My heart pants for her as I keep searching…
Mama Jerusalem is the mother of the Lion of Judea…
The lover of Jesus and the friends of Jesus…
Wonderful mama. Full of grace. The Lord is with you. You are
blessed amongst women!
No one has whisper to me to look here!
Except the mighty Angel of the Lord…
Who gave me a gift of a SIM card
That made me to meet mama Jerusalem…
We wouldn't have met
I need you....
To breathe life into me
To accept me as I am here now
To show me I am worth something to you!
And you want me to be with you....
I need you....
To accept me the way I think
Even if at times I contradict myself
And changed my mind
Your understanding does this....
I need you....
To agree with me
Even when we don‘t agree
But just to disagree to agree
Because to agree is more divine....
I need you....
To be glad I'm here
To be glad I'm myself
To help me like myself
To help me like what I do. What I make...what I have…
I need you....
At times to give me signs
That you accept me
That you see I'm worthwhile
That you want me as a... (please complete).
I need you...
To make me feel
You want to be with me
Not just for this moment
And then walk away
And forget me
but to be forever...
My wish for you…
Comfort in difficult days…
Smiles when sadness intrudes
Rainbow to follow the cloud
Laughter to kiss your lips
Sunsets to warm your heart
Gentle hugs when spirit sags
Friendship to brightens your being
Beauty for the eyes to see
Confidence for when you doubt
Faith so that you can believe
Courage to know yourself
Patience to accept the truth
And love to complete your life
You are special, unique & priceless... one of a kind…
Here we are in a gross…
Down by the meddow
By the dazzling clear water
I sat on the low green grass...Oh! What a beautiful scene
The trees chartered
With the music of birds
The land stamped and murmured…
with cattle feeding afar....
Then suddenly from the blues
I cast my gaze to behold
A sight...
A human image l couldn't decipher
Walking with dignity toward me
Up l arose to have a better sight
Now, beauty in its perfection
Steps of grace and confidence
Alas! It was a woman
Her eyes deep with love and understanding…
In her hands were flowers with petals of humility...
Chastity… dignity… Godly… love and perfection…
On his head was a rainbow of greatness
Suddenly she broke into a legs joined
In the race soon in a closed and tight embrace
Oh! What a blissful moment with the greatest of all
May be God wants us to meet a few wrong people
Before meeting the right one....
So that when we finally meet the right person
We will know how to be grateful for that gift....
When the door of happiness closes, another opens....
But often times we look so long at the closed door
That we don‘t see
The effectual door which has been opened to us....
Its true that we don‘t know what we‘ve got
Until we lose it....
But it’s also true that we don‘t know what we are missing
Until it arrives... which are you and your family!
Where on planet earth
Can we find the nature of her great grace of giving...
In the darkest night and in the mist of only one cruz of oil
left in the house!
She is still found in her great grace of giving....
Her heart kept on panting to and fro the earth!
Thinking of who to bless....
She can only enjoy exceeding joy unspeakable when she
helps someone...
Her grace for giving is angelic...
Here she goes displaying her rarest virtues
Like the greatest woman of Jerusalem....
She is the heavenly Mama!
Due For the season....
A fish lives in the sea and tis much pride...
For fair without the fair within to hide
I have been a bachelor free and unattached to any woman
for decades....
Wooh! My femme fatale has come l am now bonded.
Sunny mutters…
Boisterously sunny chuckles and sighs....
Gat beauty is Angelic and Heavenly!
Her beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear….
Compared to other ladies, she is like a snow-white dove
among crows....
Here is Sunny again to Gat....
Take your eyes from me for the torment me… you are
beautiful my beloved!
Come to me you are as beautiful as Jerusalem...Your lip
drips honey!
Your feet in sandal like a work of an artiste....
I never saw greatness with my beloved!
Until an outing with my damsel to mama and papa
A family that carries rainbow of greatness
from the crown of her head to the tip of her feet....
Mama and family hold not their peace again as the mutter....
Sunny! Our bosom son bears himself like a portly gentleman....
And, to say truth, Aliyu’s family brags of him!
To be a virtuous and well governed youth....
Loco citato the party started…
Delicacies worth good Naira was lavished on the table
Choicest wine taken by the glitterati of the Nigeria Politicos
Became the water we drank….
Snap shot was done to us
Unbeatable gifts from Manhattan Boutique unfolded for us
A Royal welcome unfathomable indeed….
In an amazing maze we were dazed!
Gat declares....
Weeks ahead will be traded with insomnia!
A dazzling thought overwhelmed me
As me think sleep is far till this love is fully grasped....
Mama and Papa... you are dear to us like Jerusalem!
Thank you for hosting a would be family like
Sunny's... Natx utters!

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  • 1. INSPIRING POEMS AND CITATIONS FROM THE BOOK (Scriptural Perspective) N. A. B. Obute Forwarded by Dr. R. K. Verma DEDICATION I dedicate this wonderful book to my beloved mother, Madam Martha Patrick Obute. She’s a woman of great repute. She has contributed immensely to my personality through the guide of the Holy Spirit. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Holy Spirit of God has always been my helper in all my undertakings. I am totally grateful that through its ministry I have been able to do this book. All my great and wonderful mentors, friends, brothers, sisters out there, I appreciate your immense contribution in making this book a reality. Most especially Senator Mbata Azuta John. Where else can I find your rarest kind of your love for me? The good Lord will bless you all. I highly appreciate your great contribution. You are blessed of God. Cheers! Obute Nathan Agada 08033559938 Port Harcourt, Rivers State. INTRODUCTION Poetry is what Milton saw when he became blind! It’s all about thought visualized and constructively put down in words expressed in pictorial form. Well, this is the long awaited poems and Citations from the book.
  • 2. For many years running now, different folks that came my way as friends, mentors, brothers and sisters have asked me to put the praises offered by me to God inform of citations and poems into a readable note. To God be the Glory, this is just it! Of the different background range freely through themes of love for God and relationships with our better half and the joy of friendship. It’s made up of emotional poems,… religious poems, and Narrative Poems…. The language usage is simple, direct and interpretable. Most of the poems inculcate the Enjambment device. Read these poems and citations meditatively. You are permitted to go over and over again. And through this, the holy spirit will help interpret the deep meaning of the poems and citations to you. Glory! Obute Nathan Agada 08033559938 Port Harcourt, Rivers State. FORWARD The title of this book is: Inspiring poems & citations from the book (Scriptural Perspective). Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of feelings. It takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility. This is exactly what the author has just done. This is undoubtedly a highly inspired and faith motivated book. From the author‘s background, the book suggests a quest of fresh air to the parade of motivational books in our contemporary Christian Literature world. The theme of the Book is centred on a radical understanding of what true Christianity is; the love and mercy of God; the makeup of our would be wives; Satan devices. The title of the book is really alluring and motivational which makes the book readable as it goes a long way to unravel the mystery of the word of God in some key areas of our lives.
  • 3. l highly recommend this book to everyone , young and old irrespective of colour, creed or caste. For the young, it gives them a good background of God‘s love and for the old, for reproof and correction where necessary. The message of the author transcends denominational boundaries. The Poems contain truth that cannot be wished away; great motivational truth with eschatological background. I highly commend the author for his bold attempt and unprecedented contribution in reminding us the extent of God's love for us. Sincerely, the book is enriching, informative. I recommend this book to you all. Beloved! I urge you to pick a copy. Don't hesitate! Dr. R. K Verma. B.Sc.(Hon). M. Sc (Hon) B. Med. PhD Medical Director, Fat Bull Clinic, Port Harcourt. CHRISTIANITY Christianity is Not the tight turban Sitting upon unwashed hair Not the unpainted lips Though occupied with gossips. Not the sword tie of the usher Though he is a lecher It supersedes the Preacher’s logic Spewed on the pew. It transcends the dust Raised by your dancing feet Not your charisma that lacks charity Not your speaking in tongues.
  • 4. Though devoid of truth Not your hands raised for a miracle Though you visit an oracle 5 Not your zealous purse. Emptied in the offering bag.... Not your high heels laced with lies Not your song thirsty for applause Leaving a sinner untouched Not even your mini skirt, not your gown or skimpy tight Fluttering fornication into the sanctuary.... Christianity is a scene seen not by sin.... THE ENEMY DF MAN! There is a manner for you... Touch not the serpent‘s apple! The lion's pride is far From a swine! Snakes and men are foes.... There is a manna for you.... Touch not the serpent's apple! Can your naked body Cope with a hot bullet? Can the eagle and the hen Meet and mate? There is a manna for you... Touch not the serpent's apple! Snakes and men are foes... Salt and snails are foes.... Thus is sin in the life of a man WONDERFUL IS THE LORD! Look at the ways of the Lord Look at the thoughts of the Lord
  • 5. They both have a semblance Bathed in the order of amazing wonders! He made the Biology that surrounds The outpouring of rain on mankind in a dazzling maze A baby is born to a father.... To become a father of a baby, wonderful... Ponder thro' the glittering of the meteors & comets Like the flaming sword at the east side in Eden Fathom thro' the setting of the planets Like an army settled in battle array in its perplexities.... The breath that comes from His nostril is holy The sweat flowing thro‘his beard down to His toes is wonderful The spit that comes from His gate of food entrance Scents like the choicest perfume of Jerusalem. Our Lord most High is wonderful.... Wonderful is the Lord... PROTECTION IS HIS NAME.... He watches over your left and right sides He watches over your back and front He displays these to His faithful Ranging from ages since Belshazzer & Nebuchadnezzar. Like the magic display by the sun daily Of not leaving its boundary Is the Lord’s protection towards us In its outer amazement and splendour.... Quenched the fiery flame of Nebuchadnezzar Made the teeth of a flesh eater icy Thus He delivered to His faithful Who can ponder His protective aura....
  • 6. Halleluiah to His name And protection is His name... THE WORLD The world is a winning place The world is a place you can lose too... If you know how to acquire victory, you'll win If you work towards failure, you‘ll lose.... Things of the world are really worth-while! The world is not something of a day's thought! Whenever I stay and ponder about the world It appears to be a riddle! In it’s this or that daze You cannot do bad to achieve good! The world is a place of achievement! And one can achieve something negative or positive By applying opportunity cost on bad and good. The world is a looking glass! It gives back to everyman. The reflection of his own face... It‘s what you sow that you will reap.... Men of the world, It’s what you put into life That you will get from it Life is really what you make it... be aware! PURITY... IT'S ALL GAINS! Show me the person that deserves best life companions! Show me the man that seeks the happiest home! Show me the person that deserves best children Then l will show you a man of purity…. Show me the best qualified for positions of responsibility
  • 7. Show me the man that can guide your wife on your absence Show me the person you can trust and confide in Then l will show you a man of purity... Show me the person that is most qualified for spiritual work Show me the man that is qualify for Christian service Show me the person that has a true sense of value Then l will show you a man of purity... Show me that man with a strong will! Show me the person that is strong physically, mentally and spiritually Show me the man that is not always a prey to disease Then l will show you a man of purity... Show me who has the best people as friends! Show me the man that have a happy marriage! Show me the person highly blessed, satisfied and favoured! Then l will show you a man of purity... Who is the author of all purity IESUS! The perfect Son of Zion is the one... JESUS IS THE FATHER OF MERCY! Today ye shall be with me together in paradise! Here He goes displacing His mercy... Even at the cross of Calvary! A Malcolm “X” now sits beside prince of righteousness! He screamed like one that enters into boiling water as a thorn was crowned on His head,... Spit was splashed on His face! ' Insult was reigned on His person! Salty vinegar became water for Him to drink... He was pierced with sword into His stomach Blood oozes out like water that comes out of Bar Beach in
  • 8. Victoria Island His tender and babyish bones were broken! Like an animal bones usually broken in a bone-breaking factory! He was nicknamed Beelzebub, the wicked man of Eden! But He is an arc enemy of Beelzebub He was called a law breaker But He came to perfect all laws... He was accused been friends of the sinners! But He came for the sinners... No act of revenge was done by Him! Rather He said Father forgive them for they Know not what they do... In a manner that challenge all human catholic intellectual corpus... The Adulteress doomed for death was shown mercy Thousands were healed by Him Oh! What manner of mercy is this... Alas! Jesus is the father of mercy... DESTINY! Dreams spewed in the mind! Felt all day long indeed... Hope to achieve in full! Struggled by actions to fulfill... The wind blew to where it listed! Show me the person that is strong physically, mentally and spiritually Show me the man that is not always a prey to disease Then I will show you a man of purity... Show me who has the best people as friends!
  • 9. Show me the man that have a happy marriage! Show me the person highly blessed, satisfied and favourel Then l will show you a man of purity... ‘ Who is the author of all purity JESUS! The perfect Son of Zion is the one... JESUS IS THE FATHER OF MERCY! Today ye shall be with me together in paradise! Here He goes displacing His mercy... Even at the cross of Calvary! A Malcolm “X” now sits beside prince of righteousness! He screamed like one that enters into boiling water as a thorn was crowned on His head ,... Spit was splashed o His face! Insult was reigned on His person! Salty vinegar becomes water for Him to drink... He was pierced with sword into His stomach Blood oozes out like water that comes out of Bar Beach in Victoria Island His tender and babyish bones were broken! Like an animal bones usually broken in a bone-breaking factory! He was nicknamed Beelzebub, the wicked man of Eden! But He is an arc enemy of Beelzebub He was called a law breaker But He came to perfect all laws... He was accused been friends of the sinners! But He came for the sinners... No act of revenge was done by Him! Rather He said Father forgive them for they Know not what they do…
  • 10. In a manner that challenge all human catholic intellectual Corpus… The Adulteress doomed for death was shown mercy Thousands were healed by Him Oh! What manner of mercy is this...! Alas! Jesus is the father of mercy... DESTINY! Dreams spewed in the mind! Felt all day long indeed... Hope to achieve in full! Struggled by actions to fulfill... The wind blew to where it listed! Knowing no where it blew as it lasted... Strangled in a labyrinth of a dazzling maze! As it traveled zigzardly to its final destined haze... In the amazing maze journey of Joseph Destiny located him in a quicker... Mordecai loaded with fiery adventures! Threaded his ways to his inheritances... Here it goes with an inflexible aim... Yet a flexible medium As we are held tightly by our actions! Woh! Men of the world… character is destiny... HE LOADS US WITH BENEFITS! We were doomed for hell Dancing our way into the pit of hell Believing we were the wisest of all... As we unknowingly showcase iniquities in our shops.... Engaged in wild beast like prostitution Ominously involved in arm-robbery by intimidation
  • 11. Turning white to black like a red devil in action... Woh! We were gruesomely wicked... Unmerited favour gave us benefits of salvation As he forgave our trespasses, no more condemnation Healed our infirmities and sets us free from damnation Promoted us to our destined heights... He makes forces of darkness bow before us He displays his amazing protection upon us Each day He loads His benefits towards us And gave us unending joy... Alas! What amazing benefits are these Oh! He has not paid us according to our sins God Almighty ...our God gave us all these Is the one that daily loads us with benefits. BELIEVER’S VICTORY The Lord our God is with us... The shout of the King is among us.... God... our God brought us out of all bondages We have the strength of a wild ox... No curse can be placed on us... No witchcraft can be done against us! See what wonders God has done for us... We rise up like a lion that will not rest until It has destroyed it preys .......... CHOICE Life is all about choices You choose houses, cars, jobs and even wives and husbands! You have the choice to start and of course to finish...
  • 12. To say yes or to say no! To succeed or to fail To be lazy or to be diligent To give up or to uphold on! To do ‘good’ or to do evil! To be sad or to be happy! To love or to hate To embrace or to refrain Above all to live or to die... Shedrach, Meshack & Abednego made a choice! To obey God rather than man.... Daniel made a choice Never to defile himself with the Kings meat... Joseph made a choice By walking away from Potiphar's wife and got the throne wealth Abraham made a choice by leaving his Kinsfolk to get into a financial covenant Samson made a choice by Sleeping in Delilah‘s laps and destroyed his destiny Eli’s children made the choice to fornicate with Members of their church and got God’s anger... So friends think of your choices And fulfill your destiny with ease .... GO FOR SUCCESS...NOT FAILURE Failure ensnares and entraps It makes one a pauper! It brings one to the bottom line of all things And makes one doubt the efficacy of God... Thus, next time...lets aim high at success! '
  • 13. It becomes a reality for the resolute and determined mind.... It's not a mirage... it’s quite attainable! You need to rise early and prepare quite early for it... Knock fully and firmly on the door of it its bounds to open...advance to it by faith . As the eagles soar high profits to press on! Its not far away...its right there at our door waiting...let_ possess it. FAITH It breaks record where others have failed... It looks at the gains of rain...not the pains! It makes a majority in one man! It made the teeth of a flesh eater icy! It says yes to what the world says no to... It holds on when everybody has let go... It‘s the surest ways of pleasing God! It's the strength of all believers... By faith Abraham went where he knew not Sarah received strength to conceive by faith Enoch was translated not to test death! The fiery flame of Nebuchadnezzar was quenched... l was dead in me righteous with God! l crept into Hades of incurable made me whole l Torments of perdition assailed me! Faith gave me victory... Embattled with legion of gave me deliverance! In the mist of abject poverty faith boomerang me into abundance!
  • 14. It makes me hold on when there is nothing in me... Except the will, which says, hold on...hold on... THE SIN IN MAN. Oh! Sin, you created anguish for Samson Sorrow fettered your captures soul.... Oh! Sin, you made the Israelite become an Ostrich why in the wilderness! By living the eggs that needed to be hatched to complain…. Oh! Sin, you made Uzzah had bloodshot eyes lcy hand of death gripped him like a vagabond ....... Oh! Sin, you made Soul always fighting.... Which usurp the throne from him...earned him six feet aboard! Oh! Sin, you are a merciless master! You steal the vineyard ..... Oh! Sin you quench the lamp of the spirit And you stain pure garment.... Oh! Sin, you have cut man off from fellowship! With God his creator at the Garden of Eden... Oh! Sin you have weakened the nations and destroyed generations! From the days of Belshazzar to this day... Oh! Sin, you have made many wombs today a hidden grave A place created by God for fruitfulness and increase... Oh! Sin you have reduced many dignitaries to nothing. You have written many names in the book of eternal death Oh! Sin you have said, who can deliver mankind out of your hands Oh! Sin, though many people in the world today may still like you But the entire Kingdom of God hates you with a passion! You are a yoke and a reproach, deceiver, and a killer.
  • 15. Oh! Sin you are a gateway to hell fire and bottomless pits is your kingdom You are already doomed to destruction by the BLOOD OF ]ESUS God, our God shall judge you forever and ever... DESIRE It’s the most powerful lifeline in the journey of success It’s capable of elevating a man to limelight... Is the giant that occupies the mind continuously The one who desires to succeed ...does... It’s a friend that sticketh closer than a brother! As john Rockefeller will define it... It’s volatile and aptly magnetic It will not relent until it finds reality and accomplishment. The power of desire is vision It’s expressed through action and utterance... Alas! Blind Bartimeus craved for sight and his eyes were opened The crave in you will yearn to create new things... Friends! lf you don‘t crave, you don‘t create Thus! O'er to you! Wake up your inside now! SPEECH It's the spiritual input of every success... Your word creates for you what you say! Your situation now is the product of your past speech... Thus! The real success is in your words... O'er to you! What you say is what you get! The words you utter rate you.... Living words come from living people... Hence! Let your word carry what you have inside!
  • 16. Speeches are to be used sparingly and aptly.... A man shall eat good out of the proceed of his mouth Friends! Whatever you say, that you believe, you'll get Go forth and utter words of life.... THY HOUSE DH! LDFID There are riches in your storehouse But my Lord we are so poor There is power in thy storehouse But the cripple clothes our door. There is wisdom in thy store house But in ignorance we grope There is revival in thy store house But we've millions without hope There is freedom in thy store house But thy people so bound There is glory in thy store house But it does not shine There is love within thy store house But thy people are sorry There's compassion in thy storehouse Then, my saviour, why, oh, why Are thy people stony-hearted And our eyes so desert dry. OH! LORD JESUS... REVIVE! I now desire With strong crave To tunnel clean & neat Oh! Blessed Jesus Revive....
  • 17. Rule o'er my entire life. Oh! Lord Jesus, take me to higher ground Endure with fire Thy unending glory dwells within Oh blessed Jesus Revive And set me apart from iniquity. At any loss or gain Oh! Jesus! I choose thy cross Earth's values I deplore Thy blood doth now Revive… Thy victory I cherish I’m free from you Endure within Give thy pity...tears Thou dost, my beloved Jesus (Revive Heal my lost years. These hopelessness and fears For a number of years Have fettered up my soul Oh blessed be Jesus Revive... Come now and take charge. JESUS FILL ME IN YOUR LOVE Great grace of Jesus & eternal grace reach the lost through me Tenderness for every race do I ask of thee Love them. Lift them, reach them teach them Great grace of Jesus, eternal grace reach the lost through me
  • 18. Real life of Jesus, eternal life... pours thyself through me Nothing short of your own life do l ask of thee Life compelling, life that is telling Real life of Jesus, eternal life pours thyself through me. Nothing short of your spirit power do I ask of thee Urge me...purge me...hide me Spirit of the living God, pray thy mind through me Living God spirit pray thy mind through me. Power of the eternal God, flow thy power through me Holy, apostolic power do l ask of thee Holy. . .lowly for thy amazing glory Power of the eternal God, flow thy power through me Mercy of the living God. . .channel your love thro me Nothing short of Calvary love meets the need of me Love that that burns fiercely Mercy of the living your love thro me. BECAUSE YOU PRAYED God touched our weary bodies with His power And gave us strength for many a trying hour In which we might have faltered Had not you, our intercessors Faithful been and true Because you prayed God touched our eager fingers with His skill Enabling us to do His blessed will With scalpel, suture, bandage better still He healed the sick and wounded, cured the ill. Because you prayed God touched our lips with coals from altar fire Gave spirit fullness and did so inspire A
  • 19. That when we spoke, sin blinded souls did see Sins claims were broken captives were made whole Because you prayed The dwellers in the dark have found the light The glad, good news has banished heathen night The message of the cross so long delayed He brought them life at last because you prayed. Thus wake up my brother lets pray continuously.... OH! LET ME SIP THY CUP Prune my withered branch my highly beloved Jesus Dung my fruitless free as l wait patiently.... Spring up my dried out well for that reason you came... O Christ of Calvary.... Touch my dimming eyes now i Oil my stammering tongue so that l can fully speak you out... Complete, dear Lord, in me What thou hast scarce begun that l long for... Empower me for the lead Clean me for thy will Correct me with thy rod always And may l love thee still in my chastisement Of thy suffering, Lord l pray, fill me up That l may follow thee Oh let me sip thy cup. That I taste for greatly.... THIS IS MY GUY...SHE WHISPERS! Here goes the story of my guy Which is as old and as true as the sky... It has a sweet smelling savour
  • 20. Like the palatable profiterole cream puff of Baltimore... Look at his motives and mine They have a semblance at all time. ._ Like motives are aptly magnetic in opinions And produce in them like opinions and resolutions... Look at the diversity of his genius Made him a closer approach to a Leonardo da Vinci in the Niger.... His reputation among his peers is more universal Than that of Paul O‘Neal, Dick Cheney a human dynamo of energy. Wow! What an altruistic guy he is... Quintessential benefactor to most of his friends... A perfect Don quixotic figure! ... Master interconnectivity himself Like the causeway in fifth avenue in Colorado Denver Alas! What an object of immaculate afflatus! he is... An incipient Cicero of all ages... Displaying his magical oratorical prowess Like senator Douglas of Michigan in excellence Here she goes tantalizing me As she whispers, this is my guy... my guy. THE FRUIT FROM HER SEED Her voice is like the quiver bird of the west That can be heard in the darkest night Alas! Here is an enigma bathed in the euphoria Of her magical beautiful prowess shinning Like the gold of Johannesburg She does not need the brain of Plato In analyzing straight or crooked situations She is an embodiment of knowledge
  • 21. Displaying wisdom that is unparallel... Wow! She is an epitome of wisdom Here she goes exuding in one of the rarest good virtues Of the holy woman of Jerusalem... Anywhere she goes her unprecedented character' Reflects like the flaming sword ~ At east side of the Garden of Eden... The sound of the would be baby In her womb can be heard Who is the fortunate man That owns the beautiful seed in her womb Greatest glory be to God in the highest Here am, Mr. Obute Natx Agada The fortunate man... that Have a would-be baby from her womb. SHE IS BEAUTIFUL MADE Alas! She is a paragon of beauty Having a form of nose - That protrudes like Daffodils of Trafalgar Square. Wow! What a colossal colour she has Glittering like an African model Which has not been mixed with the body bleaching Euphoria of our time Her worth is far beyond Choicest gold of Johannesburg What an embodiment of invaluable value She is far in beauty than Indian princes.
  • 22. The bones built in her physique Look like those magnificent edifices in Chicago Glittering out in outer amazement in its splendour and majesty. Her neck is like a tower of ivory Have a glance at her lips.... It looks like the colossal Michael Angelo‘s blood red paint Her eyes are like the pools in Philadelphia... which is as clear as noonday sunshine. Her lips drip honey _ Sweet meats and milk are under her tongue and the fragrance of her garment is like the fragrance of Jerusalem Turn your eyes from me... alamode woman you are... For the torment me, Come to me my femme fatale.... You are beautiful, my beloved You are lovely as Jerusalem.... How beautiful are your feet in sandals Your rounded and voluptuous thighs are like jewels The hand work of an artist... Towering up like the state empire building in Seattle. You are really beautiful my beloved She is beautiful made... She is beautifully made. I KNOW SHE LOVES ME The smiles flashed on me From her radiate unprecedented love... The display of her love on me Can be felt in the mist of all odds. Yesterday! She gesticulated on her restlessness As she goes about in an obsession of her love for me
  • 23. Today! She holds unto her story of insomnia All for the love penguins has for water in the sea. Hurray! A Cleopatra is born for me... With a colossal beauty like the princess of Wales It does not need the clairvoyance of Nostradamus To prophesy to me that she loves me... for l know she loves me HERE IS MY MISSING RIB... I have journeyed to the moon I have voyaged to Pluto I have tailed the meteor to the heavens All for the search for my missing rib... Here goes my mum’s preaching… Whatever a man is looking for is by his side No one has whisper to me to look here Except the excellent mum God has given me Greatest glory be to God in the highest I looked through Only to discover a priceless gold Of an inestimable worth And that is my missing rib… GREATNESS Greatness where are you! Greatness how can we find you f Or get hold of you When the need comes or is reach... What ways are we to follow? In order to reach you You know everybody talks of wanting you” How are our quest and desires for you be accomplished!
  • 24. Greatness! l know that you are sometimes or occasionally Hidden up in the heavens I know when the people that work towards you Are in your way, you will shine upon them and give them Light so that may see your goodness. Greatness! Where are you in the working field? Which field are you? How will someone know your line of exploit This can only be answered by God Almighty Thus, God of Modeccai, we want you To show or manifest to us Where greatness is In the business world, corporate or manufacturing world I believe! I trust! I know That a time will come which is now When greatness will surely overshadows Those who works towards it... We must follow the status laid down by God to achieve it Greatness! I love you! I need you.... I will always live and work towards you Wherever you go or stay I will always look for you till the end of time. MY PRICELESS DAMSEL A free dinner was offered her At Piccadilly in an Eldora do... Precious choice gold rings of Johannesburg Came knocking at her door as a gift... Elegantly tantalized and gorgeous robes from London St. Michael Was presented to her Which shines and glitter like snow-cloud?
  • 25. Top of the Jungfrau towering against the blue skies of Switzerland A customer‘s specification of a dodge neon Was designed for her like a hereon... A party of celebrities attended by the crème-de-a-crème Black community glitterati of Denver was organized for her Woh! She eagerly sighs to her tantalizer How she does not need all these... Gold and silver mean nothing to her she whispers! Hurray! She knows what she desires... Just as the coral insect takes from the running tides The element it needs... She chuckles! I need lemon and pomegranate Alas! That is my lemonade Glo In haste she collects cucumber from my hand As she munch it like one of the over starved Lion of the Tundra… She desires real love devoid of materiality! As she hails me as l present her desired fruit to her And that is my priceless damsel... WE WOULDN’T HAVE MET Here I am going to Colorado Denver Here she is, going to Garden City... Little Romeo was brought up in the central and west side or the Niger Little Juliet was brought up in the East side of the Niger... Graceful Romeo whose handsomeness is like that of Absalom had his citadel of learning in the Savannah Comely Juliet whose beauty
  • 26. is like that of Cleopatra of Egypt had her Harvard in the tropics. Elegant Romeo speaks native ldoma Gorgeous Juliet speaks native lgbo A language interpreter is needed for Juliet to understand Romeo... As both are grossly involved in the euphoria of the tower of Babel... If not the great Yakubu Gowon of our time Who has made us walk through the cause way That leads the east side to the central side of the Niger To make us meet in the new world... Jigawa. We wouldn't have met... MY JOSEPH JOURNEY TO EGYPT The pianic voice of the early Morning nightingale could be heard quickly As the new down of a new year Come in a quicker.... Eager to fulfill a purpose... In a flash... we started as a Roman Catholic A daily struggle on where our heritage lies intensifies As we see ourselves in a euphoria of change of a location. In haste we rush to relocate As divinely directed... A daze of an unexpected disappointment Crept into our way... and that‘s how it all started. In a labyrinth of affairs... Divine intervention came like a meteor! We journeyed to the unknown As each day passes, we battle with sorrow
  • 27. Fear and sorrow Live with us for a number of months Have fettered up our soul And we jerked forward to realize that we are in a loss. Divine cornering Directed us to a prophet in a Pentecostal Who brought us out of our Egypt and by him we were preserved A step to fulfill our dream came in like a comet We are deeply and grossly involved in it To achieve in a flash All of a sudden...all dreams dashed. We rose up courageously like a lion That will never accept defeat We toil to the left and to the right In vain our toils to the nook and crannies of Nigeria. We called ourselves together And we ask ourselves...what’s up? Only to discover we disobeyed God Therefore, year 2003 became a reproach unto us Despite… we sow good with joy in the mist of our sorrow Bless be God of my father... Abraham Who hath not given us a prey to our enemies Our soul is escaped ...the snare is broken And we are escaped into the year of our harvest of our Goodly reaping of our sowing in tears. FRIENDSHIP There is a miracle called friendship Its dwells in the heart....
  • 28. You don‘t know how it happens Or when it gets started.... But you know the special lift It brings! As you grossly engage yourself And you realize its friendship.... It's God's most veritable gift It's a medicine of life.... Friends are a very rare jewel…. Like a jewel in a savannah They make you smile & encourage you to succeed They lend an ear, they share a word of praise Like the praises offered by lilies to God daily.... And they will always want to open their heart to you…. HE HEALETH US The pangs of excruciating pains Grip on us in its torrid throes…. Unbearable agony surrounds us As our bones quiver like the jerking of the satellite in its orbit We cry day & night Like a woman in labour… whom has been snatched away. From the cold grip of an icy grave…. We tried to munch a delicacy Our appetite is in a logjam…. No avail... to our lost of A step to fulfill our dream came in like a comet We are deeply and grossly involved in it To achieve in a flash All of a sudden...all dreams dashed.
  • 29. We rose up courageously like a lion That will never accept defeat We toil to the left and to the right In vain our toils to the nook and crannies of Nigeria. We called ourselves together And we ask ourselves...what‘s up? Only to discover we disobeyed God Therefore, year 2003 became a reproach unto us Despite...we sow good with joy in the mist of our sorrow Bless be God of my father… Abraham Who hath not given us a prey to our enemies Our soul is escaped ...the snare is broken And we are escaped into the year of our harvest of our Goodly reaping of our sowing in tears. FRIENDSHIP There is a miracle called friendship Its dwells in the heart.... You don‘t know how it happens… Or when it gets started.... But you know the special lift It brings! As you grossly engage yourself And you realize its friendship.... It's God's most veritable gift It's a medicine of life.... Friends are a very rare jewel.... Like a jewel in a savannah They make you smile & encourage you to succeed They lend an ear, they share a word of praise Like the praises offered by Lilies to God daily…
  • 30. And they will always want to open their heart to you…. HE HEALETH US The pangs of excruciating pains Grip on us in its torrid throes… Unbearable agony surrounds us As our bones quiver like the jerking of the satellite in it‘s orbit We cry day & night Like a woman in labour Who has been snatched away… from the cold grip of an icy grave…. We tried to munch a delicacy Our appetite is in a logjam… no avail... to our lost of Strength! We accept the status quo... And Mutter… we are sick…. We journeyed to Pluto through Jupiter And came back to Mercury. And remained in the pool of Bethsaida for decades of years all for the search for a balm for our infirmities.... We ask rhetorically..... Is there no balm in Gilead? ' Greatest glory be to God in the highest t Whose desires for us is to prosper in health even as our soul prospereth Thus, He sent His words and they healeth us.... HUMILITY It's a gateway to all great height Its brings men of Lilliputian feet To the zenith of all things It‘s the surest means of being ahead of all beings.
  • 31. Meekness is Moses.... Unto him God revealeth His secret Acts.... By sacrifices Solomon exudes in meekness! He became a potentate of all times.... No man climbs to the top Except by my flowing tap… I am the succor to the lowly in heart I rise from dungeon, pitch tent in high places of the earth No one chooses me and remain in a pit Utmost top is the haven of those that chooses me meet…. Long life is in my left and right hand... And only the meek shall possess the land.... THE DEVILS VISION There‘s nothing so real as the thing that you see.... The eyes and the mind and the heart will agree.... So what can be better than an object to view.... I say it will work and convince not a few The home is the place for this sinful device The people, deceived, will think it’s quite nice The world will possess it-most Christian can’t tell That it’s the entire devil, and was plotted in hell... We will sell them with pictures of the latest news And while they are still looking, we will advertise boozes At the soul damning cigarette also they will Until they forget what God says in His bible.... At first sight it will shock them; they will seem in a daze But soon they will be hardened and continue to gaze We will give them some gospels that is not strong And a few sacred songs to string them along....
  • 32. They will take in the ads with the latest of fashions... And soon watch the shows that stir evil passion.... Murder and love making scenes they will behold Until their souls will be bitterly cold.... The old family altar which once held in such charm... Will soon lose its place without much alarm Praying in secret will also be lost... As they look at the screen without counting the cost.... The compromising preachers who don‘t take their stand Will embrace this new vision and think it’s grand They will help fool the people and cause them to sin By seeking this evil and taking it in... Influence is great and this you can see Just look at my fall and you will have to agree It won’t take too long my demons to tell That the vision of Satan will populate hell Divorce will increase sex crimes will abound Much innocent blood will be spilled on the ground The home will be damned in short order l say…. When this vision of mine comes into stay.... Get busy my cohort and put this thing out We will see if the church can continue to shout The holiness people who stand in our way Will soon hush their crying against show & play. We will cover the earth with this Devils vision Though we will camouflage it with the treat Till the Anti Christ comes and takes over his seat.... He will then rule the world while the viewers behold.... The face of the beast to which they were sold We will win through deception
  • 33. This can’t fail, though some holiness preacher.... Will wage war against it.... This is mystery unexplainable Stick fast to fast is good... the time of the devil is up.... JESUS LOVE IS ALL… In love God Created Heaven and the Earth In love He made the Firmament.... The whole Terrestrials & Earthly structures raging from Stalagmite to Meteor to Pluto are origin of God’s Love.... Jesus Was accused falsely a drunkard Spit was splashed on His face The Saviour of the world rejected to an Anini In love Unexplainable He forgave them.... Wow! This love is amazing.... He went to Hades for the sake of Love... Show your hate, revenge or anger. But No! Is not in my nature to do that, He told them.... Of a truth Jesus Love is All.... Glory to Jesus...Mama Jerusalem is found…. WE WOULDN'T HAVE MET!!! I have journeyed to the moon… I have traveled to Pluto I have trailed the comet to the Heavens… All for the search for mama Jerusalem... Here goes a word from the King of kings! Seek, and ye shall find... Whatsoever a man is looking for is by his side… My heart pants for her as I keep searching… Mama Jerusalem is the mother of the Lion of Judea… The lover of Jesus and the friends of Jesus…
  • 34. Wonderful mama. Full of grace. The Lord is with you. You are blessed amongst women! No one has whisper to me to look here! Except the mighty Angel of the Lord… Who gave me a gift of a SIM card That made me to meet mama Jerusalem… We wouldn't have met I NEED YOU! I need you.... To breathe life into me To accept me as I am here now To show me I am worth something to you! And you want me to be with you.... I need you.... To accept me the way I think Even if at times I contradict myself And changed my mind Your understanding does this.... I need you.... To agree with me Even when we don‘t agree But just to disagree to agree Because to agree is more divine.... I need you.... To be glad I'm here To be glad I'm myself To help me like myself To help me like what I do. What I make...what I have… I need you.... At times to give me signs That you accept me
  • 35. That you see I'm worthwhile That you want me as a... (please complete). I need you... To make me feel You want to be with me Not just for this moment And then walk away And forget me but to be forever... My wish for you… Comfort in difficult days… Smiles when sadness intrudes Rainbow to follow the cloud Laughter to kiss your lips Sunsets to warm your heart Gentle hugs when spirit sags Friendship to brightens your being Beauty for the eyes to see Confidence for when you doubt Faith so that you can believe Courage to know yourself Patience to accept the truth And love to complete your life You are special, unique & priceless... one of a kind… MY OWN LOVE! Here we are in a gross… Down by the meddow By the dazzling clear water I sat on the low green grass...Oh! What a beautiful scene
  • 36. The trees chartered With the music of birds The land stamped and murmured… with cattle feeding afar.... Then suddenly from the blues I cast my gaze to behold A sight... A human image l couldn't decipher Walking with dignity toward me Up l arose to have a better sight Now, beauty in its perfection Steps of grace and confidence Alas! It was a woman Her eyes deep with love and understanding… In her hands were flowers with petals of humility... Chastity… dignity… Godly… love and perfection… On his head was a rainbow of greatness Suddenly she broke into a legs joined In the race soon in a closed and tight embrace Oh! What a blissful moment with the greatest of all Women…. MAMA... THE AMAZING GIVER! May be God wants us to meet a few wrong people Before meeting the right one.... So that when we finally meet the right person We will know how to be grateful for that gift.... When the door of happiness closes, another opens.... But often times we look so long at the closed door That we don‘t see The effectual door which has been opened to us....
  • 37. Its true that we don‘t know what we‘ve got Until we lose it.... But it’s also true that we don‘t know what we are missing Until it arrives... which are you and your family! Where on planet earth Can we find the nature of her great grace of giving... In the darkest night and in the mist of only one cruz of oil left in the house! She is still found in her great grace of giving.... Her heart kept on panting to and fro the earth! Thinking of who to bless.... She can only enjoy exceeding joy unspeakable when she helps someone... Her grace for giving is angelic... Here she goes displaying her rarest virtues Like the greatest woman of Jerusalem.... She is the heavenly Mama! Due For the season.... SUNNY & GAT IN LOVE WORLD WITH MAMA & PAPA! A fish lives in the sea and tis much pride... For fair without the fair within to hide I have been a bachelor free and unattached to any woman for decades.... Wooh! My femme fatale has come l am now bonded. Sunny mutters… Boisterously sunny chuckles and sighs.... Gat beauty is Angelic and Heavenly! Her beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear…. Compared to other ladies, she is like a snow-white dove among crows.... Here is Sunny again to Gat....
  • 38. Take your eyes from me for the torment me… you are beautiful my beloved! Come to me you are as beautiful as Jerusalem...Your lip drips honey! Your feet in sandal like a work of an artiste.... I never saw greatness with my beloved! Until an outing with my damsel to mama and papa A family that carries rainbow of greatness from the crown of her head to the tip of her feet.... Mama and family hold not their peace again as the mutter.... Sunny! Our bosom son bears himself like a portly gentleman.... And, to say truth, Aliyu’s family brags of him! To be a virtuous and well governed youth.... Loco citato the party started… Delicacies worth good Naira was lavished on the table Choicest wine taken by the glitterati of the Nigeria Politicos Became the water we drank…. Snap shot was done to us Unbeatable gifts from Manhattan Boutique unfolded for us A Royal welcome unfathomable indeed…. In an amazing maze we were dazed! Gat declares.... Weeks ahead will be traded with insomnia! A dazzling thought overwhelmed me As me think sleep is far till this love is fully grasped.... Mama and Papa... you are dear to us like Jerusalem! Thank you for hosting a would be family like Sunny's... Natx utters!