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In this anthology,
You will find the poem’s taking you through the
essence of Nature, Love, Serendipity, Retaliation, Life
Situations and Fusion Poetry . Lines from, “The Star
Light Night” by Gerard Manley Hopkins has been
presented with a new attire as fusion Poetry, “Look At
The Stars”.
It can be said that these are the words that voice my
innermost feelings and emotions,
“I long to live in that land, where men live as one,
irrespective of color, culture, race and religion!”
Saleema Mahmoodi
“In this mechanical world, your poetry
has made me realize that man is high
above a machine.”
Syed Sajid Ali
Is The Nature Divine? Divine Is Nature!
At day break, under the tree I sat reclined!
Understanding the beautiful Nature divine!
And a simple query crept my mind,
Is the Nature divine? Or divine is “Nature”?
My humane thoughts carried close to mankind,
And imagination reflected the curiosity of mind,
My soul yearned to explore the secrets of Nature,
But my ears alien, to the language of her wonders!
The cool breeze swept past, flirting with my senses,
But I could not understand the secrets of-
her pure garments!
Then heard the sweet song the birds sing,
But couldn’t interpret the message, they did bring,
I looked at the beautiful flowers, glowing faces,
Couldn’t understand the secret of -
their varied colors and fragrance
I touched the cool brook swiftly jostling!
Could not unravel the secret of its thirst quenching!
The hot sun blazing gilded the roof tops,
Couldn’t understand its temperament so hot!
I looked upon the Nature and its pristine beauty!
Then for sure, knew it’s divine, rich bounty!
Alas! Until today,
Humanity could not interpret, its true message,
Perhaps, it’ll take today, tomorrow, and several ages.
Conserve The Nature For A Better Future
Said the deer to bear,
Dear friend, how come you’re here?
The bear laughed and said,
Because the poacher I fear.
Man is innocent I swear
If he keeps killing us,
The day is not far when he will miss us!
Little does he realize?
That give and take policy is wise.
If he loves and cares for us,
We swear life would be harmonious,
With trees, flowers and butterflies .
So let’s conserve and preserve the Nature,
For a sustainable, and a better future.
That Bliss!
How can I take away my eyes roving that beautiful face again?
I’m spell bound, unconscious, how can my conscious I regain?
Your eyes, a deep ocean, unfathomable, I devour,
A peg intoxicates my soul, from them I savor,
Peg after peg until the intoxication I succor
Let me get lost in this state of bliss for ever,
It’s worth living with you that way for ages together.
But a moment away from you, I can never imagine my dear!
Thinking of you!
The Moon was mystic the stars bright sparkling,
The sky was blue, with sea reflecting!
The night was serene, the world retired,
But young “girl” stood tormenting with a turbulent mind,
The cause for her uneasiness and restlessness well known,
As she was not with her lover and was all alone!
Thoughts of him brought tears to her eyes!
Lips trembled, heart wept and cried,
At that moment her beloved’s presence she felt,
Well known tip toes, and familiar Jasmine scent,
Feeling their softness, she lifted them close to her heart!
Tears rolled out of her innocent eyes, very fast,
She asked, “O tears what made you leave your place?”
Replied the tears, “Your lover occupied our space!”
That “Full Moon” Night!
Coming spring on the full moon night when we meet,
I’ve dreamt of making it memorable and sweet,
I’ll lay my heart in your delicate tiptoe,
In the shade of eyelashes spread on the floor,
The heart that’s bleated in your waiting,
Needs the touch so warm and soothing,
Let the wavy hair on your cheeks be ruffled,
Give me the pleasure to set them and shuffle,
Let me get sunken in the whirlpool eyes of yours,
And never come out of the loving looks that devour,
Allow me to get drunken with your love so divine,
Which is more intoxicating than the most delicious wine?
Those fingers, with that soft feather touch -
Will sooth my restless soul so much,
Every breath of mine will take your name,
Your lips will touch mine and say the same
Lastly, you’ll say am yours my dear,
Never let me go, just hold me near,
After I’ve waited for you so long!
I’ll never let you go “to me” you, belong!
Beside You I’ll Stay!
Tell me, will you love me every day?
Then there, beside you I will stay!
Would you make me smile throughout the day?
Then there, beside you, I will stay!
At night will you in your arms lovingly sway?
Then there, beside you, I will stay!
When the time is too testing, for my help will you pray?
Then there beside you, I’ll stay!
When the world betrays, will you for my loyalty crave?
Then there beside you I’ll stay!
Tell me, will you seek my support to tread the lonely
Then there beside you I’ll stay!
Tell me will you be the shadow of my image, every
Then there beside you forever will I stay!
I’m Forever There, For You!
Wave’s crashing on the shore line all day,
Brought the message from you that say’s
“I’m forever free for you”,
You can love me; Your love’s so true!
Soothing music in my ears
Said, you’ll find that I’m for you here,
Just sit back and listen, without fear,
You’ll feel me saying, “I love you dear”
No matter where you are,
You can hear it too,
I’m not guilty for having loved you,
For sure I know my love’s so true!
Just imagine the crashing of waves, closing your eyes,
You’ll feel me, close besides!
Look At The Stars
Look at the stars!
Look, look, up at the skies!
O’ look at all the fire folks
Sitting in the air!
The bright boroughs,
The circle-citadels there!
O’ look at their arms fair!
Crossing in rectangles circles and square!
Holding the serene beauty of the night,
The tickling wind on misty tides
Blowing, fairly gliding the waves,
Creating ripples, sighs and swears
The promise never to part and despair!
With lips soft gently touching each other,
The glow and aura around them gathered!
The moon shown smiling and embarrassed,
Trying to hide behind the silvery cloud
As folk sitting in the air,
Seemed to be too engrossed to bother or care,
Lest the moonlight would reveal to the world,
The moment of intimacy in the air!
Of folk unaware of depression moaning or despair!
Ignorant of pain and suffering,
Enjoying the nature’s bliss,
In the foamy smooth bed of skies
How enchanting and lovely they look in their bright boroughs,
And circle citadels,
With arms twined each other
Getting sunken! Lost in each others eyes,
Under the veils of clouds and blue skies
Till the bright boroughs and citadels,
Will be shone, by the sun’s glare
O’ look at the fire folk then blushing in the air!
The morning sky will conceal the love affair!
Of the folk sitting in the air!
Is Oil Thicker Than Blood?
Oil flows with vicious surge in greedy mind,
Through layers of the earth, deep hard to find,
Blood, thin, pure superficial flows,
Subtle feelings, nourishing through heart beating slow,
Man, in whom the warring impulses dwell,
Oil is the aspiration, greed in fortune’s well.
Is oil, thicker than blood?
Is humanity and its ethos dead?
Human lives are exploited at the cost of futile dreams,
Powerful nations explore the oily boundaries.
Alas! Life is cheaper than oil!
Tanks are fuelled with bloodshed on soil.
Life is worthless, in meeting ambitious needs,
Humanity has become an artifact of mendacity and greed!
Let Me Rest There In Tranquility!
Showers of love if you couldn’t pour,
A drop would satiate the deserted heart sore,
A goblet until the brim you couldn’t serve,
A drop could also quench the thirst severe!
If I couldn’t get sunken deep in those eyes,
Only a glance of yours would suffice,
It could be a blink or a mere whisper,
That sweet moment would last forever!
Love me not for that blinking moment!
Touch me not for that mere instant,
Make space in heart for me as your lover,
Let me rest there in tranquility forever!
A Night Thought
Lo! Where the moon along the sky,
Sail with her happy destiny,
Oft is she hid from mortal eye or dimly seen!
You and I together will hide from deaths evil sight,
Sunken in the whirl pool eyes of yours for ever!
Let’s live the nights, that look lively,
Like the swirling of sea waves in the conch so clear!
The sweet words of your love and caress buzzing in my ears!
Sinking deep in to the abyss that makes me stupefied,
Soft lips of yours in me arise, strong emotions betide.
Like the cool sea breezes playing with the rising mystic tides!
Your arms so strong behold me, but too gentle your hands,
The strengthening warmth of your possession lingers over mind,
Like husky breeze upon the warm sand
The tingling of my heart makes me feel your mine,
And never shall we part,
Like the moon along the sky sail with, her happy destiny
You and I together will live in bliss till eternity.
That Secret!
The beautiful Moon blushed, enshrouded by the loving Sun!
Hiding behind the veil of clouds, after the night’s fun.
The grass spread like the carpet vast green!
Wet and husky, with dew drops sheen.
Young green leaves unfurled, flirting with juvenile Sunlight
The dew drops like pearls over the colored petals bright.
The Tulips blossomed with anthers dangling out!
Butterflies sucking nectar , the Bees dancing around.
The pretty maid smiled and yawned
Stretched arms that her lover, over the night had twined!
Her eyes drooped, eye lashes veiled,
That secret bliss! Of night she hailed!
Life Situations
What Is Life?
Life is bliss, if you enjoy it!
Life is a song, if you sing it!
Life is an ocean, if you fathom it!
Life is an emotion, if you feel it!
Life is an experience, if you gather it!
Life is an exile, if you isolate it!
Life is a puzzle, if you cannot solve it!
Life is dynamic, if you move with it!
Life is a challenge, if you accept it!
Life is journey, if you travel it!
Ultimately, what is life?
A philosophy relevant to existence!
Try, resolving it!
What Is Honesty?
What is honesty?
Is it a sense of integrity?
Does it come naturally?
Is it complex, applied contextually?
Honesty is indeed painful.
A conflict of ethos, or being comfortable?
It’s a tag given to your good deeds,
For people who shun, their lust and greed.
Its perception is being true and nice
It’s a struggle between desire and compromise.
It’s indeed a difficult virtue to nurture,
It’s in fact related to society and culture,
Ultimately what is honesty?
It’s a virtue when valued, changes destiny!
The Workaholic And The Slacker
“Hey you!” said the workaholic to a slacker,
“Why don’t you work rather than be an idler?”
“What is work?” asked the slacker.
Is it doing something about nothing?
The workaholic smiled and said,
“It’s doing something about everything”.
Replied the slacker, “According to me work is leisure, to do as little as
And pretend to move around things from their resting place, so plausible;
We fritter away much of our time, and call it hard work,
Do we get anything out of it, except pain and headache?
Just relax, be a lounger, rest and idle.
Life is bliss, enjoy and think as less as possible!
On hearing this, the workaholic scorned,
And advised the , slacker who reckoned ,
“It’s the moral duty of a man, not to waste a single moment,
To keep working relentlessly, be happy and not repent”,
An idle mind is a Devil’s den,
It is said that work always yields pleasure and eventually gets rewarded .
The Land Beyond My Reach!
I’m wondering, whether there could be a ‘place’ and ‘time’,
That not too many know, without violence and crime,
Does anyone know of, a place where water is clean?
Nor too many know; why the Earth is round, ever so green
Is there a land, with homes for every one? No one’s in need?
With none to cry of hunger, nor die of greed!
A land where children are cherished, not neglected?
Or knows of one, where elders are loved and respected!
I long to live in that land, where men live as one,
Irrespective of color , culture, race and religion.
But it’s just a dream; this land is far beyond my reach!
Yet it could become a reality, to the future generation I “preach”!
The Spider And The Fly
Said a spider to the fly
“What makes you tease man by your tickling strokes”?
The fly retorted, “My tantalizing sensation is far less scary,
than your cobweb spokes”!
The spider smiled slyly and enquired the fly,
“Have you seen the mosquito whose dance and song sound so silly”?
It zeroes on human flesh, feasts on human blood!
The fly chuckled and said, “I’ve seen a more dreadful creature than me”,
The bed bug, which lies in wait for men in Still of the night,
Makes a stealthy move, over head to feet,
Sucks human blood, makes them toss in bed
Shattering their dreams so sweet!
Both of them amusingly said, had we not pestered man so,
Every animal would have gone unnoticed, by human ego.
Man destroys my web painstakingly designed at dizzy height,
And kills a fly, by the stroke of his hand and might!
God created all creatures besides men, for them to realize.
That every creature is mighty, irrespective of its color, and size.
That Compliment Indeed Made A Difference!
For every little thing I did, I craved appreciation.
Ensured every little job was done –
up to a great degree of perfection.
Yet I was never flanked by any compliment or recognition,
That made me edgy, loss of confidence leading to dejection.
I strained my neck before the canvas,
the eye of the beholder just skimmed
Without a comment it was pushed to a corner
With a face so, grim.
I cooked a meal very presentable, to the gourmets delight,
He savoured it bit by bit showing no sign of appetite,
I carefully made myself, with right blush and gloss---
to attract his attention,
Yet to my dissatisfaction, only got a casual glance across!
I learnt to have confidence in myself---
believed I could do it
Not receiving a compliment eventually became a freeing experience.
And one fine day, his tepid “quite nice” changed to very nice!
That very compliment changed my attitude towards life!
Appreciation of good qualities, positively develop confidence,
That one compliment indeed, made all the difference!
That Beacon
I tread the path finite,
To reach the destination, infinite.
To reach that divine beacon of light,
The material constraints I have to fight.
That divine light to be perceived,
The spirituality is to be achieved.
I feel it apparently pervasive,
Though, it seems frustratingly evasive.
I want to bath, in that divine beacon.
In the hope of purifying my soul I reckon.
Learn To Stand Tall
Learn to stand tall, without standing on someone
Learn to be victorious, without making a victim of anyone
Learn how to oar your ship ashore, without leaving someone sinking in the
storms that roar
Learn to be adequately powerful within fair measure, without making
anyone in adequate using your power,
Learn to produce prosperity from seeds of hard work and toil, without
harvesting the crop of someone’s fertile soil.
A Teachers Wish!
Remember me not as a teacher beautiful glamorous,
Nor a teacher who is uncouth, rude and treacherous,
Do remember me as a teacher kind, within your reach,
Who cherishes and cares for you, not only “teach”!
Remember me not as a teacher, who only assigns the exercise,
But do remember me as one who praises your efforts and recognize.
Remember me not as a dominating authority and a problem poser,
Do remember me as a guide, friend and philosopher,
Remember me not as a bore who with “chalk and talk”, words will
But do remember me as the one who shared novel ideas with you
more and more!
Remember me not the one with remote ideas, as water in a stagnant
Remember me as a river flowing with information, innovative and
I ask you to remember me this way, for ever!
As I do remember my teachers within my being, whenever!
On Human Cloning
Said one clone to the other “hello brother”!
What makes you steal my looks and behavior?
Chuckled the cloned one slyly,
If you are the cause what’s your reply?
Oh! Yeah, I was the model for your design,
For “the looks, structure, identity and sign”!
But what makes you ape my thoughts and looks?
Dear brother, “I am sorry your identity I took!”
Oh! The creator didn’t want a replica of me!
But the designers desire, replicated me!
Said, the cloned “if you commit the offence,
Maybe I’ll have to bear and defend” !
Hey, if you are” so” well designed and perfect!
I wonder then who’ll have a defect?
If every organism is cloned to the degree of perfection!
Then life and form will have no variation!
My aesthetic sight will loose the vision,
Of different colors, variety and distinction!
Ultimately nature will loose its identification.
Pride Sustains None!
Is the sun valued for its height or sunlight?
Is the ocean regarded for its vastness or might?
Are Men respected for their riches or philanthropy?
Are developed Nations honored for their might, or magnanimity?
Huge glaciers at height gradually loom, to snow flakes, tiny.
Vast Oceans get reduced to drops of water that rest with serenity.
Thunder so roaring, eventually as silent slumber calms down,
Sunlight so yellow, changes to orange and fades into brown.
Mountains that stand touching skies, whither to form pebbles,
Storming winds after a distance settle as breeze so subtle.
Proportion does not determine the abilities of anyone,
Virtues make a person ,’wise’ , arrogance and pride sustains none!
Ode To A Woman!
Said Adam to, Eve who was shuddering with fear
Behold my hand and follow me dear
With that ‘step’ a beautiful woman was s born!
The god’s creation and world to adorn
Accused by god, for the act of temptation,
Woman was the cause of life and creation,
Bearing the progeny from generation to generation!
That very woman from ages together,
Keeps changing roles as , a daughter, wife and mother.
And learns to be patient and to bear
Men’s torture and never despair.
Severe hardships have taught her to toil,
Always to strive for best and never to foil
She’s compared to the moon in the arms of a lover,
Or a betrayer, in the heart of a loser.
She’s Meera when ecstatic in love and devotion,
Or, Mother Teresa in, charity and dedication.
Florence Nightingale in healing and medication
Helen Keller in acquiring sense and perception
Her shoulder she lends ‘for men in despair’
Her arms she lays for a feeble child in care.
Her heart she shares with men in love and desire
Her finger she holds and steps with toddler
And marches in a battlefield as a brave soldier
And builds a ‘sweet home’, as a homemaker.
‘O woman in every way you’re tremendous,
Without you, life on earth would be oblivious!
In this world of unrest and unease
Your motivation and inspiration can bring about peace!
You are the architect, who can better design,
The future generation and a ‘world very fine’!
My Dear Husband!
You are a blessing that came into my life
It’s my belief you made a “difference” in my life!
When I was lonely, lost and dejected,
You were there to share, love and connected
When, I used to return from work, weary and tired,
Your love made me feel relaxed and comforted.
I miss going places with you having fun,
The way you’d hold me safe, from danger and the evil one
When I used to feel burden of domestic chores, “mighty”
You lend a helping hand and made it seem very easy.
I remember when times got rough, when we argued,
You use to fondle me, kiss and always make up.
Every day that goes by, away from you
My loneliness, reminds me, how much I miss you!
For your love, I will travel until I can no longer walk !
Run into your loving arms, so protective and strong.
What else could have my heart, ever wished?
Then to be close to you, as long as I live!
Monsoon Girl!
The rains had failed, the, raging Sun hue
The temperature raised and deafening noise grew,
Savagely around, the dusty sand blew,
Sky seemed very dark with no tinge of blue,
Women and men! Clustered together,
To pray for the much awaited, “monsoon”
The young girl stood gazing towards the dark sky
With eyes so wide and a gleam so bright,
All the wishes and prayers gone unheard, in vain!
There was not a single drop or shower of rain!
The girl’s cheeks flushed, heart unbearable
Undaunted stood, at the clouds she looked!
The innocence tempted, the clouds melted
Gushed down to feel the glowing cheeks smelted!
The first monsoon drops, down the whirlpool eyes flirting,
She blinked and enclosed the drops intoxicating
Felt the strange bliss and was stupefied!
Her soul was touched and felt gratified,
Triumphant was she, the nature yielded to her innocence!
Only a “girl” could achieve what none could have done!
Mohammad (PBUH) The Prophet
His name is engraved in Quran as the best in the entire creation!
He is pure, clean, beacon of light, on the road to right destination.
Friend of invalids the needy, and strangers in strange lands.
Guide of every believer, and all the holy ascendants
He is as bright as the mid-day sun and the full moon
Buraq his horse, Mehraj his journey, abode is in seventh heaven
He was entitled as Al-Sadiq Al-Amin,
His etiquettes are to be followed by every Muslim
In this world of unrest and unease,
His teachings will lead us to the right path, and peace
Thy Beautiful Names!
Oh Allah I beseech you with Thy beautiful names you’ve named thyself!
In the name of honored and exalted position of thy throne!
In the name of utmost extent of thy mercy, expressed in Qur’an
If all the trees on the earth were to become pens -
ink, the seven oceans of the world ,
Verily, the name and words of Allah could not be fully written down.
I beseech you with your name AR-Rashidu to show the right path
And AS- Saburu to be patient and seek mercy from Thy wrath
I beseech you by the name Al-Ghaniyyu the self sufficient
To provide me enough, and not on others to be dependant
I beseech you by the name Al Fattahu the reliever
Relieve my troubles, pain and sorrow, oh hearer!
I beseech you by the name AR- Rahman, the merciful!
I seek mercy from Thy displeasure, anger and fury
Al-Ghaffaru, for you to punish there are many
But for me to forgive there is none, except you!
AR-Razzaqu let me partake of food that is right and pure
Not the one gained by misdeeds or impure!
Lastly I beseech you by all Thy beautiful names you can be invoked
Show your blessing on one and all the believing folk!
Live And Let Others Live!
Heights of fantasy flew me to a land with no concrete walls or cement
Vast Nature from horizon to horizon only huts hamlets and their inhabitants
The simplicity, serenity, neither transport nor pollution
Vast Ocean, huge mountains, simple people, the Gift of creation.
Magnificent environment and reverence to Nature inherent in their cultural
The beautiful birds, colorful butterflies, insects and moths.
Where fire bakes the bread, fresh wind blows, pure water flows.
No greed found in enjoying Nature, life governed by ethos.
The dream was too short lived as I landed back to grounds of reality
Where, resources are exploited by the contractors of humanity.
Every hand is on trigger and the war mongers are on running spree.
To convert the world into flames and ashes, playing with Man’s destiny
Survival of all creatures and the global family-
is at a stake in this hour of peril and calamity
Nuclear energy and technology are not enough to sustain life.
Live and let others live is the philosophy very wise.
Life Goes On Flowing!
Keep your feet firm on the ground, so that, you can touch the sky said the
bird, when I desired to soar like it in the air.
Be rooted in the visible, so that you can reach the invisible light
Said the tree, when I desired to gather all the bright sunlight.
“The world spreads in to Godliness and Godliness into the world, like ripples
in the sea”
Said the water, when I wanted to fathom the boundary of creativity.
“Don’t create duality and antagonism, there is no boundary the world is a
whole circle”
Said the whirl pool wind , when I desired to be isolated, single.
Where do you end and I begin? Where can we drawn a line between you
And me?
Said the air, “life goes flowing without demarcation, I am within you, and
you are within me” !
Learn To Stand Tall
Learn to stand tall, without standing on someone.
Learn to be victorious, without making a victim of anyone.
Learn to oar your ship ashore,
without leaving someone ,Sinking in the storms that roar.
Learn to be adequately powerful within fair measure,
Without, making anyone Inadequate, using your power.
Learn to produce prosperity from seeds of hard work and toil,
Without harvesting the crop of someone’s fertile soil .
An Interview With God!
O God! From you we come, to you we shall go,
Then why are the levels of comfort different on this journey so?
God replied, “If the treatment was same for all, how would the good be
lifted and
bad befall?
While we know, how we are born, and how we die, but only we don’t
know “ why”?
God said, “To know when and how is fine, but if you knew “why” you
never live a life, only to die “!
You created human, gave Men life, then why do you inflict, sorrow grief
and pain?
God smiled! “If life was only pleasure, happiness and fun, then who would
to me, ever return “?
You say, you are the most just, beneficent and merciful, then why are men
treated differently, some niggardly, and few blissful?
“My treatment is “just” according to their deeds, some deserve pain and
a few, showers of bliss “!
What is the scale of rating for good and bad according to your test?
“Being honest, simple, divine, loving the fellow men, according to me are
the best,
Dishonest, maligned, vicious and imprudent will be rated the worst”!
O God! Lastly I would ask you one simple question, please give the answer
correctly with proper definition!
What is the meaning of “life” according to you?
God replied, “Living it pure simple, divine and a peaceful coexistence
with Nature, for a better today, and a bright prospective future “!
An Ode To Pain!
The victims of war groaning with pain,
Lay helpless around in fear and disdain,
Mostly children, ignorant and innocent,
Not knowing the reason or cause for punishment.
A few stood pelting stones and pebbles,
With home-made slings at armored soldiers,
For the small pebbles the rhetoric fierce gunshot,
For the ping of the sling, the bullet shot.
Weapons of mass destruction against innocent-toy weapons,
Sophistication versus primitive means of destruction.
Is this war justified in terms of proportion?
Defeated sling shot betrayed by rhetoric heroism,
Yet it is deemed an act of terrorism.
How human values and emotions are toyed!
The torment, pain, civilization destroyed!
The term defines two acts differently,
One is heroism, the other is terrorism surely!
Humanity is at stake, oh human being!
It is time to relieve man from pain and moaning!
Labor Yields!
The ants had killed a big insect,
Tore it to bits and dissected!
Carried those pieces up the wall of the pit,
Each ant held it bit by bit,
In addition, every one carried twice its weight,
Never tarried, rested, or waited
Up they reached the pit and slipped!
Down they fell each time they lost the grip,
The load they carried and heavily toiled,
At last, one of them made to the top!
Moreover, all the others held her to the spot!
Slowly, they made a big long chain,
Carried the load with less effort and pain,
At last their labor did yield!
All of them had enough food to feed,
Friends if we share and together proceed,
Every task can be easy and successfully achieved!
Ode To The Emirates!
Status, Prestige and Soul,
UAE is the country that has them all.
Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras al Khaimah, Fujairah, Ummul Quwwain
and Ajman,
Are ruled by the legacy of benevolent ruler, Sheikh Zayed Al-Nahyan.
The country homes, warm, hospitable, civilized Emiratis,
Who smile and enchant every visitor to their country!
Sheikh Mohammad is a strong man with scientific and technological
Sheikh Hamdan is the poet, a dream come true of younger generation!
Yearning for a tulip in the desert sand was earlier a fantasy.
But the ruler of Emirates has made it possible fact, a reality!
The country with its incredible sky scrapers and towers that loom
In the night appear, like a bride decked to meet her bridegroom.
This pristine beauty and glamour make me utter “Subhanallah”.
Let the people of this country and its rulers live ever happily “Inshaallah”.
Poetry - Saleema Mahmoodi
Poetry - Saleema Mahmoodi

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Poetry - Saleema Mahmoodi

  • 1. In this anthology, You will find the poem’s taking you through the essence of Nature, Love, Serendipity, Retaliation, Life Situations and Fusion Poetry . Lines from, “The Star Light Night” by Gerard Manley Hopkins has been presented with a new attire as fusion Poetry, “Look At The Stars”. It can be said that these are the words that voice my innermost feelings and emotions, “I long to live in that land, where men live as one, irrespective of color, culture, race and religion!” Saleema Mahmoodi
  • 2. Foreword “In this mechanical world, your poetry has made me realize that man is high above a machine.” “Husband” Syed Sajid Ali
  • 4. Is The Nature Divine? Divine Is Nature! At day break, under the tree I sat reclined! Understanding the beautiful Nature divine! And a simple query crept my mind, Is the Nature divine? Or divine is “Nature”? My humane thoughts carried close to mankind, And imagination reflected the curiosity of mind, My soul yearned to explore the secrets of Nature, But my ears alien, to the language of her wonders! The cool breeze swept past, flirting with my senses, But I could not understand the secrets of- her pure garments! Then heard the sweet song the birds sing, But couldn’t interpret the message, they did bring,
  • 5. I looked at the beautiful flowers, glowing faces, Couldn’t understand the secret of - their varied colors and fragrance I touched the cool brook swiftly jostling! Could not unravel the secret of its thirst quenching! The hot sun blazing gilded the roof tops, Couldn’t understand its temperament so hot! I looked upon the Nature and its pristine beauty! Then for sure, knew it’s divine, rich bounty! Alas! Until today, Humanity could not interpret, its true message, Perhaps, it’ll take today, tomorrow, and several ages.
  • 6. Conserve The Nature For A Better Future Said the deer to bear, Dear friend, how come you’re here? The bear laughed and said, Because the poacher I fear. Man is innocent I swear If he keeps killing us, The day is not far when he will miss us! Little does he realize? That give and take policy is wise. If he loves and cares for us, We swear life would be harmonious, With trees, flowers and butterflies . So let’s conserve and preserve the Nature, For a sustainable, and a better future.
  • 8. That Bliss! How can I take away my eyes roving that beautiful face again? I’m spell bound, unconscious, how can my conscious I regain? Your eyes, a deep ocean, unfathomable, I devour, A peg intoxicates my soul, from them I savor, Peg after peg until the intoxication I succor Let me get lost in this state of bliss for ever, It’s worth living with you that way for ages together. But a moment away from you, I can never imagine my dear!
  • 9. Thinking of you! The Moon was mystic the stars bright sparkling, The sky was blue, with sea reflecting! The night was serene, the world retired, But young “girl” stood tormenting with a turbulent mind, The cause for her uneasiness and restlessness well known, As she was not with her lover and was all alone! Thoughts of him brought tears to her eyes! Lips trembled, heart wept and cried, At that moment her beloved’s presence she felt, Well known tip toes, and familiar Jasmine scent, Feeling their softness, she lifted them close to her heart! Tears rolled out of her innocent eyes, very fast, She asked, “O tears what made you leave your place?” Replied the tears, “Your lover occupied our space!”
  • 10. That “Full Moon” Night! Coming spring on the full moon night when we meet, I’ve dreamt of making it memorable and sweet, I’ll lay my heart in your delicate tiptoe, In the shade of eyelashes spread on the floor, The heart that’s bleated in your waiting, Needs the touch so warm and soothing, Let the wavy hair on your cheeks be ruffled, Give me the pleasure to set them and shuffle, Let me get sunken in the whirlpool eyes of yours, And never come out of the loving looks that devour, Allow me to get drunken with your love so divine, Which is more intoxicating than the most delicious wine? Those fingers, with that soft feather touch - Will sooth my restless soul so much, Every breath of mine will take your name, Your lips will touch mine and say the same Lastly, you’ll say am yours my dear, Never let me go, just hold me near, After I’ve waited for you so long! I’ll never let you go “to me” you, belong!
  • 11. Beside You I’ll Stay! Tell me, will you love me every day? Then there, beside you I will stay! Would you make me smile throughout the day? Then there, beside you, I will stay! At night will you in your arms lovingly sway? Then there, beside you, I will stay! When the time is too testing, for my help will you pray? Then there beside you, I’ll stay! When the world betrays, will you for my loyalty crave? Then there beside you I’ll stay! Tell me, will you seek my support to tread the lonely pathway? Then there beside you I’ll stay! Tell me will you be the shadow of my image, every where? Then there beside you forever will I stay!
  • 12. I’m Forever There, For You! Wave’s crashing on the shore line all day, Brought the message from you that say’s “I’m forever free for you”, You can love me; Your love’s so true! Soothing music in my ears Said, you’ll find that I’m for you here, Just sit back and listen, without fear, You’ll feel me saying, “I love you dear” No matter where you are, You can hear it too, I’m not guilty for having loved you, For sure I know my love’s so true! Just imagine the crashing of waves, closing your eyes, You’ll feel me, close besides!
  • 13. Look At The Stars Look at the stars! Look, look, up at the skies! O’ look at all the fire folks Sitting in the air! The bright boroughs, The circle-citadels there! O’ look at their arms fair! Crossing in rectangles circles and square! Holding the serene beauty of the night, The tickling wind on misty tides Blowing, fairly gliding the waves, Creating ripples, sighs and swears The promise never to part and despair! With lips soft gently touching each other, The glow and aura around them gathered! The moon shown smiling and embarrassed, Trying to hide behind the silvery cloud As folk sitting in the air, Seemed to be too engrossed to bother or care,
  • 14. Lest the moonlight would reveal to the world, The moment of intimacy in the air! Of folk unaware of depression moaning or despair! Ignorant of pain and suffering, Enjoying the nature’s bliss, In the foamy smooth bed of skies How enchanting and lovely they look in their bright boroughs, And circle citadels, With arms twined each other Getting sunken! Lost in each others eyes, Under the veils of clouds and blue skies Till the bright boroughs and citadels, Will be shone, by the sun’s glare O’ look at the fire folk then blushing in the air! The morning sky will conceal the love affair! Of the folk sitting in the air!
  • 15. Is Oil Thicker Than Blood? Oil flows with vicious surge in greedy mind, Through layers of the earth, deep hard to find, Blood, thin, pure superficial flows, Subtle feelings, nourishing through heart beating slow, Man, in whom the warring impulses dwell, Oil is the aspiration, greed in fortune’s well. Is oil, thicker than blood? Is humanity and its ethos dead? Human lives are exploited at the cost of futile dreams, Powerful nations explore the oily boundaries. Alas! Life is cheaper than oil! Tanks are fuelled with bloodshed on soil. Life is worthless, in meeting ambitious needs, Humanity has become an artifact of mendacity and greed!
  • 16. Let Me Rest There In Tranquility! Showers of love if you couldn’t pour, A drop would satiate the deserted heart sore, A goblet until the brim you couldn’t serve, A drop could also quench the thirst severe! If I couldn’t get sunken deep in those eyes, Only a glance of yours would suffice, It could be a blink or a mere whisper, That sweet moment would last forever! Love me not for that blinking moment! Touch me not for that mere instant, Make space in heart for me as your lover, Let me rest there in tranquility forever!
  • 17. A Night Thought Lo! Where the moon along the sky, Sail with her happy destiny, Oft is she hid from mortal eye or dimly seen! You and I together will hide from deaths evil sight, Sunken in the whirl pool eyes of yours for ever! Let’s live the nights, that look lively, Like the swirling of sea waves in the conch so clear! The sweet words of your love and caress buzzing in my ears! Sinking deep in to the abyss that makes me stupefied, Soft lips of yours in me arise, strong emotions betide. Like the cool sea breezes playing with the rising mystic tides! Your arms so strong behold me, but too gentle your hands, The strengthening warmth of your possession lingers over mind, Like husky breeze upon the warm sand The tingling of my heart makes me feel your mine, And never shall we part, Like the moon along the sky sail with, her happy destiny You and I together will live in bliss till eternity.
  • 18. That Secret! The beautiful Moon blushed, enshrouded by the loving Sun! Hiding behind the veil of clouds, after the night’s fun. The grass spread like the carpet vast green! Wet and husky, with dew drops sheen. Young green leaves unfurled, flirting with juvenile Sunlight The dew drops like pearls over the colored petals bright. The Tulips blossomed with anthers dangling out! Butterflies sucking nectar , the Bees dancing around. The pretty maid smiled and yawned Stretched arms that her lover, over the night had twined! Her eyes drooped, eye lashes veiled, That secret bliss! Of night she hailed!
  • 21. What Is Life? Life is bliss, if you enjoy it! Life is a song, if you sing it! Life is an ocean, if you fathom it! Life is an emotion, if you feel it! Life is an experience, if you gather it! Life is an exile, if you isolate it! Life is a puzzle, if you cannot solve it! Life is dynamic, if you move with it! Life is a challenge, if you accept it! Life is journey, if you travel it! Ultimately, what is life? A philosophy relevant to existence! Try, resolving it!
  • 22. What Is Honesty? What is honesty? Is it a sense of integrity? Does it come naturally? Is it complex, applied contextually? Honesty is indeed painful. A conflict of ethos, or being comfortable? It’s a tag given to your good deeds, For people who shun, their lust and greed. Its perception is being true and nice It’s a struggle between desire and compromise. It’s indeed a difficult virtue to nurture, It’s in fact related to society and culture, Ultimately what is honesty? It’s a virtue when valued, changes destiny!
  • 23. The Workaholic And The Slacker “Hey you!” said the workaholic to a slacker, “Why don’t you work rather than be an idler?” “What is work?” asked the slacker. Is it doing something about nothing? The workaholic smiled and said, “It’s doing something about everything”. Replied the slacker, “According to me work is leisure, to do as little as possible, And pretend to move around things from their resting place, so plausible; We fritter away much of our time, and call it hard work, Do we get anything out of it, except pain and headache? Just relax, be a lounger, rest and idle. Life is bliss, enjoy and think as less as possible! On hearing this, the workaholic scorned, And advised the , slacker who reckoned , “It’s the moral duty of a man, not to waste a single moment, To keep working relentlessly, be happy and not repent”, An idle mind is a Devil’s den, It is said that work always yields pleasure and eventually gets rewarded .
  • 24. The Land Beyond My Reach! I’m wondering, whether there could be a ‘place’ and ‘time’, That not too many know, without violence and crime, Does anyone know of, a place where water is clean? Nor too many know; why the Earth is round, ever so green Is there a land, with homes for every one? No one’s in need? With none to cry of hunger, nor die of greed! A land where children are cherished, not neglected? Or knows of one, where elders are loved and respected! I long to live in that land, where men live as one, Irrespective of color , culture, race and religion. But it’s just a dream; this land is far beyond my reach! Yet it could become a reality, to the future generation I “preach”!
  • 25. The Spider And The Fly Said a spider to the fly “What makes you tease man by your tickling strokes”? The fly retorted, “My tantalizing sensation is far less scary, than your cobweb spokes”! The spider smiled slyly and enquired the fly, “Have you seen the mosquito whose dance and song sound so silly”? It zeroes on human flesh, feasts on human blood! The fly chuckled and said, “I’ve seen a more dreadful creature than me”, The bed bug, which lies in wait for men in Still of the night, Makes a stealthy move, over head to feet, Sucks human blood, makes them toss in bed Shattering their dreams so sweet! Both of them amusingly said, had we not pestered man so, Every animal would have gone unnoticed, by human ego. Man destroys my web painstakingly designed at dizzy height, And kills a fly, by the stroke of his hand and might! God created all creatures besides men, for them to realize. That every creature is mighty, irrespective of its color, and size.
  • 27. That Compliment Indeed Made A Difference! For every little thing I did, I craved appreciation. Ensured every little job was done – up to a great degree of perfection. Yet I was never flanked by any compliment or recognition, That made me edgy, loss of confidence leading to dejection. I strained my neck before the canvas, the eye of the beholder just skimmed Without a comment it was pushed to a corner With a face so, grim. I cooked a meal very presentable, to the gourmets delight, He savoured it bit by bit showing no sign of appetite, I carefully made myself, with right blush and gloss--- to attract his attention, Yet to my dissatisfaction, only got a casual glance across! I learnt to have confidence in myself--- believed I could do it Not receiving a compliment eventually became a freeing experience. And one fine day, his tepid “quite nice” changed to very nice! That very compliment changed my attitude towards life! Appreciation of good qualities, positively develop confidence, That one compliment indeed, made all the difference!
  • 28. That Beacon I tread the path finite, To reach the destination, infinite. To reach that divine beacon of light, The material constraints I have to fight. That divine light to be perceived, The spirituality is to be achieved. I feel it apparently pervasive, Though, it seems frustratingly evasive. I want to bath, in that divine beacon. In the hope of purifying my soul I reckon.
  • 29. Learn To Stand Tall Learn to stand tall, without standing on someone Learn to be victorious, without making a victim of anyone Learn how to oar your ship ashore, without leaving someone sinking in the storms that roar Learn to be adequately powerful within fair measure, without making anyone in adequate using your power, Learn to produce prosperity from seeds of hard work and toil, without harvesting the crop of someone’s fertile soil.
  • 30. A Teachers Wish! Remember me not as a teacher beautiful glamorous, Nor a teacher who is uncouth, rude and treacherous, Do remember me as a teacher kind, within your reach, Who cherishes and cares for you, not only “teach”! Remember me not as a teacher, who only assigns the exercise, But do remember me as one who praises your efforts and recognize. Remember me not as a dominating authority and a problem poser, Do remember me as a guide, friend and philosopher, Remember me not as a bore who with “chalk and talk”, words will pour! But do remember me as the one who shared novel ideas with you more and more! Remember me not the one with remote ideas, as water in a stagnant pond! Remember me as a river flowing with information, innovative and poignant!! I ask you to remember me this way, for ever! As I do remember my teachers within my being, whenever!
  • 31. On Human Cloning Said one clone to the other “hello brother”! What makes you steal my looks and behavior? Chuckled the cloned one slyly, If you are the cause what’s your reply? Oh! Yeah, I was the model for your design, For “the looks, structure, identity and sign”! But what makes you ape my thoughts and looks? Dear brother, “I am sorry your identity I took!” Oh! The creator didn’t want a replica of me! But the designers desire, replicated me! Said, the cloned “if you commit the offence, Maybe I’ll have to bear and defend” ! Hey, if you are” so” well designed and perfect! I wonder then who’ll have a defect? If every organism is cloned to the degree of perfection! Then life and form will have no variation! My aesthetic sight will loose the vision, Of different colors, variety and distinction! Ultimately nature will loose its identification.
  • 32. Pride Sustains None! Is the sun valued for its height or sunlight? Is the ocean regarded for its vastness or might? Are Men respected for their riches or philanthropy? Are developed Nations honored for their might, or magnanimity? Huge glaciers at height gradually loom, to snow flakes, tiny. Vast Oceans get reduced to drops of water that rest with serenity. Thunder so roaring, eventually as silent slumber calms down, Sunlight so yellow, changes to orange and fades into brown. Mountains that stand touching skies, whither to form pebbles, Storming winds after a distance settle as breeze so subtle. Proportion does not determine the abilities of anyone, Virtues make a person ,’wise’ , arrogance and pride sustains none!
  • 33. Ode To A Woman! Said Adam to, Eve who was shuddering with fear Behold my hand and follow me dear With that ‘step’ a beautiful woman was s born! The god’s creation and world to adorn Accused by god, for the act of temptation, Woman was the cause of life and creation, Bearing the progeny from generation to generation! That very woman from ages together, Keeps changing roles as , a daughter, wife and mother. And learns to be patient and to bear Men’s torture and never despair. Severe hardships have taught her to toil, Always to strive for best and never to foil She’s compared to the moon in the arms of a lover, Or a betrayer, in the heart of a loser.
  • 34. She’s Meera when ecstatic in love and devotion, Or, Mother Teresa in, charity and dedication. Florence Nightingale in healing and medication Helen Keller in acquiring sense and perception Her shoulder she lends ‘for men in despair’ Her arms she lays for a feeble child in care. Her heart she shares with men in love and desire Her finger she holds and steps with toddler And marches in a battlefield as a brave soldier And builds a ‘sweet home’, as a homemaker. ‘O woman in every way you’re tremendous, Without you, life on earth would be oblivious! In this world of unrest and unease Your motivation and inspiration can bring about peace! You are the architect, who can better design, The future generation and a ‘world very fine’!
  • 35. My Dear Husband! You are a blessing that came into my life It’s my belief you made a “difference” in my life! When I was lonely, lost and dejected, You were there to share, love and connected When, I used to return from work, weary and tired, Your love made me feel relaxed and comforted. I miss going places with you having fun, The way you’d hold me safe, from danger and the evil one When I used to feel burden of domestic chores, “mighty” You lend a helping hand and made it seem very easy. I remember when times got rough, when we argued, You use to fondle me, kiss and always make up. Every day that goes by, away from you My loneliness, reminds me, how much I miss you! For your love, I will travel until I can no longer walk ! Run into your loving arms, so protective and strong. What else could have my heart, ever wished? Then to be close to you, as long as I live!
  • 36. Monsoon Girl! The rains had failed, the, raging Sun hue The temperature raised and deafening noise grew, Savagely around, the dusty sand blew, Sky seemed very dark with no tinge of blue, Women and men! Clustered together, To pray for the much awaited, “monsoon” The young girl stood gazing towards the dark sky With eyes so wide and a gleam so bright, All the wishes and prayers gone unheard, in vain! There was not a single drop or shower of rain! The girl’s cheeks flushed, heart unbearable Undaunted stood, at the clouds she looked! The innocence tempted, the clouds melted Gushed down to feel the glowing cheeks smelted! The first monsoon drops, down the whirlpool eyes flirting, She blinked and enclosed the drops intoxicating Felt the strange bliss and was stupefied! Her soul was touched and felt gratified, Triumphant was she, the nature yielded to her innocence! Only a “girl” could achieve what none could have done!
  • 37. Mohammad (PBUH) The Prophet His name is engraved in Quran as the best in the entire creation! He is pure, clean, beacon of light, on the road to right destination. Friend of invalids the needy, and strangers in strange lands. Guide of every believer, and all the holy ascendants He is as bright as the mid-day sun and the full moon Buraq his horse, Mehraj his journey, abode is in seventh heaven He was entitled as Al-Sadiq Al-Amin, His etiquettes are to be followed by every Muslim In this world of unrest and unease, His teachings will lead us to the right path, and peace
  • 38. Thy Beautiful Names! Oh Allah I beseech you with Thy beautiful names you’ve named thyself! In the name of honored and exalted position of thy throne! In the name of utmost extent of thy mercy, expressed in Qur’an If all the trees on the earth were to become pens - ink, the seven oceans of the world , Verily, the name and words of Allah could not be fully written down. I beseech you with your name AR-Rashidu to show the right path And AS- Saburu to be patient and seek mercy from Thy wrath I beseech you by the name Al-Ghaniyyu the self sufficient To provide me enough, and not on others to be dependant I beseech you by the name Al Fattahu the reliever Relieve my troubles, pain and sorrow, oh hearer! I beseech you by the name AR- Rahman, the merciful! I seek mercy from Thy displeasure, anger and fury Al-Ghaffaru, for you to punish there are many But for me to forgive there is none, except you! AR-Razzaqu let me partake of food that is right and pure Not the one gained by misdeeds or impure! Lastly I beseech you by all Thy beautiful names you can be invoked Show your blessing on one and all the believing folk!
  • 39. Live And Let Others Live! Heights of fantasy flew me to a land with no concrete walls or cement Vast Nature from horizon to horizon only huts hamlets and their inhabitants The simplicity, serenity, neither transport nor pollution Vast Ocean, huge mountains, simple people, the Gift of creation. Magnificent environment and reverence to Nature inherent in their cultural ethos. The beautiful birds, colorful butterflies, insects and moths. Where fire bakes the bread, fresh wind blows, pure water flows. No greed found in enjoying Nature, life governed by ethos. The dream was too short lived as I landed back to grounds of reality Where, resources are exploited by the contractors of humanity. Every hand is on trigger and the war mongers are on running spree. To convert the world into flames and ashes, playing with Man’s destiny Survival of all creatures and the global family- is at a stake in this hour of peril and calamity Nuclear energy and technology are not enough to sustain life. Live and let others live is the philosophy very wise.
  • 40. Life Goes On Flowing! Keep your feet firm on the ground, so that, you can touch the sky said the bird, when I desired to soar like it in the air. Be rooted in the visible, so that you can reach the invisible light Said the tree, when I desired to gather all the bright sunlight. “The world spreads in to Godliness and Godliness into the world, like ripples in the sea” Said the water, when I wanted to fathom the boundary of creativity. “Don’t create duality and antagonism, there is no boundary the world is a whole circle” Said the whirl pool wind , when I desired to be isolated, single. Where do you end and I begin? Where can we drawn a line between you And me? Said the air, “life goes flowing without demarcation, I am within you, and you are within me” !
  • 41. Learn To Stand Tall Learn to stand tall, without standing on someone. Learn to be victorious, without making a victim of anyone. Learn to oar your ship ashore, without leaving someone ,Sinking in the storms that roar. Learn to be adequately powerful within fair measure, Without, making anyone Inadequate, using your power. Learn to produce prosperity from seeds of hard work and toil, Without harvesting the crop of someone’s fertile soil .
  • 42. An Interview With God! O God! From you we come, to you we shall go, Then why are the levels of comfort different on this journey so? God replied, “If the treatment was same for all, how would the good be lifted and bad befall? While we know, how we are born, and how we die, but only we don’t know “ why”? God said, “To know when and how is fine, but if you knew “why” you would never live a life, only to die “! You created human, gave Men life, then why do you inflict, sorrow grief and pain? God smiled! “If life was only pleasure, happiness and fun, then who would to me, ever return “? You say, you are the most just, beneficent and merciful, then why are men treated differently, some niggardly, and few blissful?
  • 43. “My treatment is “just” according to their deeds, some deserve pain and a few, showers of bliss “! What is the scale of rating for good and bad according to your test? “Being honest, simple, divine, loving the fellow men, according to me are the best, Dishonest, maligned, vicious and imprudent will be rated the worst”! O God! Lastly I would ask you one simple question, please give the answer correctly with proper definition! What is the meaning of “life” according to you? God replied, “Living it pure simple, divine and a peaceful coexistence with Nature, for a better today, and a bright prospective future “!
  • 44. An Ode To Pain! The victims of war groaning with pain, Lay helpless around in fear and disdain, Mostly children, ignorant and innocent, Not knowing the reason or cause for punishment. A few stood pelting stones and pebbles, With home-made slings at armored soldiers, For the small pebbles the rhetoric fierce gunshot, For the ping of the sling, the bullet shot. Weapons of mass destruction against innocent-toy weapons, Sophistication versus primitive means of destruction. Is this war justified in terms of proportion? Defeated sling shot betrayed by rhetoric heroism, Yet it is deemed an act of terrorism. How human values and emotions are toyed! The torment, pain, civilization destroyed! The term defines two acts differently, One is heroism, the other is terrorism surely! Humanity is at stake, oh human being! It is time to relieve man from pain and moaning!
  • 45. Labor Yields! The ants had killed a big insect, Tore it to bits and dissected! Carried those pieces up the wall of the pit, Each ant held it bit by bit, In addition, every one carried twice its weight, Never tarried, rested, or waited Up they reached the pit and slipped! Down they fell each time they lost the grip, The load they carried and heavily toiled, At last, one of them made to the top! Moreover, all the others held her to the spot! Slowly, they made a big long chain, Carried the load with less effort and pain, At last their labor did yield! All of them had enough food to feed, Friends if we share and together proceed, Every task can be easy and successfully achieved!
  • 46. Ode To The Emirates! Status, Prestige and Soul, UAE is the country that has them all. Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras al Khaimah, Fujairah, Ummul Quwwain and Ajman, Are ruled by the legacy of benevolent ruler, Sheikh Zayed Al-Nahyan. The country homes, warm, hospitable, civilized Emiratis, Who smile and enchant every visitor to their country! Sheikh Mohammad is a strong man with scientific and technological vision, Sheikh Hamdan is the poet, a dream come true of younger generation! Yearning for a tulip in the desert sand was earlier a fantasy. But the ruler of Emirates has made it possible fact, a reality! , The country with its incredible sky scrapers and towers that loom In the night appear, like a bride decked to meet her bridegroom. This pristine beauty and glamour make me utter “Subhanallah”. Let the people of this country and its rulers live ever happily “Inshaallah”.