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Introducing Domain-
Driven Design (DDD)
Steve Smith
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Covers ASP.NET Core 2.x monolithic app development
along with several DDD principles and patterns.
Free Microsoft eBook
Starting down the path…
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What is Domain-Driven Design?
Focus on the problem domain
Not the database, or even the code implementation
Tools for better communication and knowledge discovery
Patterns for modeling solutions
Without tight coupling to infrastructure concerns
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Some new thing?
Domain-Driven Design
published in 2004
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Why You Should Care about DDD
History of
success with
& patterns to
solve difficult
Clear, testable
code that
represents the
Aligns with
practices from
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Customer’s vision/perspective of the problem
Path through a very complex problem
Well-organized and easily tested code
Business logic lives in one place.
Many great patterns to leverage
Benefits of Domain Driven Design
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While Domain-Driven Design provides many technical
benefits, such as maintainability, it should be applied
only to complex domains where the model and the
linguistic processes provide clear benefits in the
communication of complex information, and in the
formulation of a common understanding of the domain.
—Eric Evans
Domain-Driven Design
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Time and Effort
Learning curve (why you’re here)
Only makes sense when there is complexity in the
Team or Company Buy-In to DDD
Drawbacks of DDD
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DDD Concepts
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The Domain
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Core Domain
Your company (or product/division)’s primary space in which they solve customers’ problems
Key differentiator
Problem Domain
The overall domain of the specific problem your application will address / solve
Generic Subdomains
Separate applications or features your application must interact with. Not necessarily core to your app.
What are “domains”
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Domains refer to problem spaces.
Domain Models and Bounded Contexts are
parts of a solution.
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Bounded Contexts
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Appointment Scheduling
Bounded Context
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Explicitly define the context within which a
model applies… Keep the model strictly
consistent within these bounds, but don’t be
distracted or confused by issues outside.
—Eric Evans
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Bounded Context
Appointment Scheduling Billing
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What’s important to one bounded context
may not be (as) important in another.
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Relates to the Solution you are building
The domain represents the problem your solution is solving
Core Domain – the business’s primary focus/industry
Sub-Domain – a particular area within a larger domain. Maps to a software
solution and bounded context.
Bounded Context
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Context Maps
Exam Room
Procedure Invoice
One DB
To Rule Them All
Appointment Scheduler Billing
The Dev Team
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Context Maps
Exam Room
Procedure Invoice
Appointment Scheduler Billing
DB DBAuthentication
Shared Kernel
Team Awesome
Team Ultimate
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A project faces serious problems when
its language is fractured.
—Eric Evans
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Ubiquitous Language
For a single Bounded Context
Used throughout that context, from
conversations to code
Bounded Contexts should also have
names, to aid in disambiguation.
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Problem Domain
The specific problem the software you’re working on
is trying to solve.
Glossary of Terms
Core Domain
The key differentiator for the customer’s business – something
they must do well and cannot outsource.
Separate applications or features your software must
support or interact with.
Bounded Context
A specific responsibility, with explicit boundaries that
separate it from other parts of the system. Usually
corresponds to a specific Sub-Domain.
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Context Mapping
The process of identifying bounded contexts and
their relationships to one another.
Glossary of Terms
Shared Kernel
Part of the model that is shared by two or more teams, who agree
not to change it without collaboration
Ubiquitous Language
A language using terms from the domain model that
programmers and domain experts use to discuss the system
within a particular bounded context.
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The Domain Model
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The Domain Model
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BehaviorsSchedule an appointment for a checkup
Note a pet’s weight
Request lab work
Notify pet owner of vaccinations due
Accept a new patient
Book a room
Not AttributesAppointment.Time Pet.Name Owner.Telephone Room.Number
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Domain Models
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“The basic symptom of an Anemic Domain Model is
that at first blush it looks like the real thing. There are
objects, many named after the nouns in the domain
space, and these objects are connected with the rich
relationships and structure that true domain models
The catch comes when you look at the behavior, and
you realize that there is hardly any behavior on these
objects, making them little more than bags of getters
and setters.”
—Martin Fowler
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Many objects are not fundamentally defined by
their attributes, but rather by a thread of
continuity and identity.
—Eric Evans
Domain-Driven Design
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Entities Have Identity & Are Mutable
Jan 12 10:00 am
& Vaccinations
XXXX 9:30 am
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in the
Domain-Driven Design, p. 65
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Entities should minimize direct access to their state (e.g. public property setters)
Encapsulate changes by exposing well-defined methods
Entities should be responsible for their own behavior
Be especially wary of collection properties!
EF Core 1.1+ supports encapsulation of properties (exposing IEnumerable or ReadOnlyCollection)
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Dependencies and Entities
Don’t inject dependencies into entity constructors
And of course don’t new up or call static infrastructure dependencies
This often leads to moving interesting behavior out of entities
and into services
Consider raising domain events
Behavior requiring dependencies shifts to domain event handlers
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Value Object
Measures, quantifies, or describes a
thing in the domain.
Identity is based on composition of
Compared using all values
No side effects
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Value Object Example
Company Worth: $50,000,000
$ 50,000,000
Worth (Value Object)
Monetary Unit (string) “U.S. Dollar”
Amount (decimal): 50000000
Company (Entity)
ID (guid): 9F63CE8D-9F1E-45E0-85AB-C098CC15F8E6
Worth Unit (string): “US Dollar”
Worth Amount (decimal): 50000000
Company (Entity)
ID (guid): 9F63CE8D-9F1E-45E0-85AB-C098CC15F8E6
Source: (Ward Cunningham)
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public class DateTimeRange
public DateTimeRange(DateTime start, DateTime end)
public DateTime Start { get; private set; }
public DateTime End { get; private set; }
Patient Appointment
10:00 am Jan 4, 2014 – 11:00 am Jan 4, 2014
Staff Meeting
2:00 pm Feb 1, 2014 – 3:15 pm Feb 1, 2014
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It may surprise you to learn that we should strive
to model using Value Objects instead of Entities
wherever possible. Even when a domain concept
must be modeled as an Entity, the Entity’s design
should be biased toward serving as
a value container rather than a child Entity
—Vaughn Vernon
Implementing Domain Driven Design
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Customer Aggregate
Product Aggregate
Aggregate Root Aggregate Root
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Product Aggregate
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An aggregate is a cluster of associated objects
that we treat as a unit for the purpose of data
—Eric Evans
Domain-Driven Design
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Important operations that don’t belong to a particular Entity or Value Object
Good Domain Services:
Not a natural part of an Entity or Value Object
Have an interface defined in terms of other domain model elements
Are stateless (but may have side effects)
Live in the Core of the application
Domain Services
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Examples of Services in Different Layers
UI Layer
& Application Layer
(“Application Core”)
Message Sending
Message Processing
XML Parsing
UI Services
Transfer Between Accounts
Process Order
Send Email
Log to a File
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Palaeoclimate archives: Core repository of AWI
Hannes Grobe/AWI
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
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A repository represents all objects of a certain
type as a conceptual set…like a collection with
more elaborate querying capability.
—Eric Evans
Domain-Driven Design
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Provides common abstraction for persistence
Promotes Separation of Concerns
Communicates Design Decisions
Enables Testability
Improved Maintainability
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Client code can be ignorant of
repository implementation
…but developers cannot
Query Errors
use of eager or
lazy loading
Fetching more
data than
Common Repository Blunders
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Enforce proper Aggregate usage by only creating Repositories
for Aggregates
Use Marker Interfaces to identity Aggregate Roots
Constrain generic repository implementations to work with
Aggregate Root types only
Repositories and Aggregates
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Avoid returning IQueryable results
Initially, use separate methods for specialized queries and commands
Address method explosion, SRP violation, and too much Repository complexity with
the Specification pattern
Repository Method Tips
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Domain Events (one of my favorites)
Learn more about these from my Pluralsight courses:
• DDD Fundamentals
• Design Patterns Library
Also check out Jimmy Bogard’s DDD talk at 12:15 today in Nile
More Patterns (we don’t have time for)
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Or tweet me @ardalis and I’ll answer
Let me know if I can help your team
get up to speed with DDD, Clean
Architecture, and/or .NET Core.
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Steve Smith
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Decoupling with Domain Events
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Repositories ✓
Factories ✓
Services ✓
Entities ✓
Value Objects ✓
Aggregates ✓
Oh yeah, Domain Events
Usually the last kid picked from
the DDD patterns I’m right
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Domain Events not covered in original DDD book (2004)
Covered by Martin Fowler in 2005
Evans published article on them in 2010
Domain-Driven Design
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Application Events
Page Load, Button Click, Window Scroll
System Events
Restart, Backup Completed
Domain Events
Appointment Confirmed, Checkout Completed, Analysis Finished
Kinds of Events
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Given a customer has created an order
When the customer completes their purchase
Then the customer receives an email confirmation
An example scenario
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Checkout(Order order)
- Save pending order in database
- Send confirmation email
An example solution
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So far, so good
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Given a customer has created an order
When the customer completes their purchase
Then the customer’s card is charged
And if it fails, send a different message to the customer
Then inventory is checked to ensure the order can be fulfilled
And if not a different message is sent to the customer
More requirements
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Checkout(Order order)
oAttempt to process payment
oIf payment fails, send notification email; exit
oSave pending order in database
oConfirm inventory is available
oIf insufficient email, send notification email; exit
oSend successful order confirmation email
An example solution
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Complexity is growing
Must change with each new requirement
Open/Closed Principle
Checkout’s responsibilities are growing
Single Responsibility Principle
Potentially different abstraction levels (emails, order processing rules)
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The Hollywood Principle
“Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You”
See also Inversion of Control
Events allow other code to respond to something happening
Code initiating change doesn’t need to know about all follow-on activities
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Checkout(Order order)
- Dispatch new OrderCompletedEvent(order)
Event Handlers:
An event-driven solution
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An Event
Something that happened
…that other parts of the application may need to know about
It’s a message
…which should be immutable, since it represents the past
Usually asynchronous
…especially across process boundaries
Event-Driven Programming
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Model something that happens which is of interest to a domain expert
May lead to (or result from) a state change in a domain object
Are part of the domain model
Are usually handled synchronously within the application (but may themselves raise
events outside of the application)
Domain Events
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An event is raised
Handlers within the current process handle the event
If external applications need to be notified, specific handlers can adapt and send
events to these applications as well
If unknown or future external applications will need to respond to events, a service
bus can be implemented
Event Processing
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How do you add logic to entities that affects multiple entities?
When a customer’s total amount purchased exceeds $1000, notify a salesperson to
contact them.
Common Scenario
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How do you add logic to entities that affects multiple entities?
Don’t solve this by using Dependency Injection on your entities. You should be able to
easily instantiate entities without dependencies.
Avoid: Injecting Dependencies into Entities
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How do you add logic to entities that affects multiple entities?
Don’t move logic that belongs within an entity into a service just because other
entities are interested in what’s happening. This leads to the anemic domain model
Only do this if the behavior spans multiple aggregates, in which case, the logic doesn’t
belong to a particular entity or aggregate.
Avoid: Shifting Entity logic to Services
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How do you add logic to entities that affects multiple entities?
Raise a domain event to represent the action that took place.
Handle the domain event in a handler that collaborates with other entities.
Alternately, have the Aggregate Root register for events raised by members of its
Use Domain Events (and perhaps Aggregates)

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Introducing Domain Driven Design - codemash

  • 1. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Introducing Domain- Driven Design (DDD) @ardalis Steve Smith
  • 2. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Tweet Away! • Live Tweeting and Photos are encouraged • Questions and Feedback are welcome • Use #Codemash and/or #DDDesign • (and mention @ardalis)
  • 3. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Online Training See me after for: • 1-month free Pluralsight pass • 20% off any DevIQ course
  • 4. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Sample: Covers ASP.NET Core 2.x monolithic app development along with several DDD principles and patterns. Free Microsoft eBook
  • 6. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) What is Domain-Driven Design? Focus on the problem domain Not the database, or even the code implementation Tools for better communication and knowledge discovery Patterns for modeling solutions Without tight coupling to infrastructure concerns
  • 7. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Some new thing? Domain-Driven Design published in 2004
  • 8. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Why You Should Care about DDD History of success with complex projects Principles & patterns to solve difficult problems Clear, testable code that represents the domain Aligns with practices from experts’ experience
  • 9. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Flexible Customer’s vision/perspective of the problem Path through a very complex problem Well-organized and easily tested code Business logic lives in one place. Many great patterns to leverage Benefits of Domain Driven Design
  • 10. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) While Domain-Driven Design provides many technical benefits, such as maintainability, it should be applied only to complex domains where the model and the linguistic processes provide clear benefits in the communication of complex information, and in the formulation of a common understanding of the domain. —Eric Evans Domain-Driven Design
  • 11. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Time and Effort Learning curve (why you’re here) Only makes sense when there is complexity in the problem Team or Company Buy-In to DDD Drawbacks of DDD
  • 12. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) DDD Concepts
  • 13.
  • 14. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) The Domain
  • 15. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Core Domain Your company (or product/division)’s primary space in which they solve customers’ problems Key differentiator Problem Domain The overall domain of the specific problem your application will address / solve Generic Subdomains Separate applications or features your application must interact with. Not necessarily core to your app. What are “domains”
  • 16. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Domains refer to problem spaces. Domain Models and Bounded Contexts are parts of a solution.
  • 17. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Bounded Contexts Domain-Driven Design
  • 18. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Appointment Scheduling Bounded Context Billing
  • 19. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Explicitly define the context within which a model applies… Keep the model strictly consistent within these bounds, but don’t be distracted or confused by issues outside. —Eric Evans
  • 20. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Bounded Context Appointment Scheduling Billing
  • 21. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) What’s important to one bounded context may not be (as) important in another.
  • 22. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark)
  • 23. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark)
  • 24. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Relates to the Solution you are building The domain represents the problem your solution is solving Core Domain – the business’s primary focus/industry Sub-Domain – a particular area within a larger domain. Maps to a software solution and bounded context. Bounded Context
  • 25. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Context Maps Client Patient Appointment Notification Exam Room Client Procedure Invoice Notification One DB To Rule Them All Appointment Scheduler Billing vet-managr The Dev Team
  • 26. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Context Maps Client Patient Appointment Notification Exam Room Client Procedure Invoice Notification Appointment Scheduler Billing DB DBAuthentication User Shared Kernel vet-appt-sched Team Awesome vet-billing Team Ultimate
  • 27. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Ubiquitous Language
  • 28. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) A project faces serious problems when its language is fractured. —Eric Evans
  • 29. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Ubiquitous Language For a single Bounded Context Used throughout that context, from conversations to code Bounded Contexts should also have names, to aid in disambiguation.
  • 30. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Problem Domain The specific problem the software you’re working on is trying to solve. Glossary of Terms Core Domain The key differentiator for the customer’s business – something they must do well and cannot outsource. Sub-Domains Separate applications or features your software must support or interact with. Bounded Context A specific responsibility, with explicit boundaries that separate it from other parts of the system. Usually corresponds to a specific Sub-Domain.
  • 31. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Context Mapping The process of identifying bounded contexts and their relationships to one another. Glossary of Terms Shared Kernel Part of the model that is shared by two or more teams, who agree not to change it without collaboration Ubiquitous Language A language using terms from the domain model that programmers and domain experts use to discuss the system within a particular bounded context.
  • 32. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) The Domain Model Domain-Driven Design
  • 33. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark)
  • 35. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) BehaviorsSchedule an appointment for a checkup Note a pet’s weight Request lab work Notify pet owner of vaccinations due Accept a new patient Book a room Not AttributesAppointment.Time Pet.Name Owner.Telephone Room.Number FOCUS ON
  • 36. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Rich Domain ModelsAnemic Domain Models
  • 37. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) “The basic symptom of an Anemic Domain Model is that at first blush it looks like the real thing. There are objects, many named after the nouns in the domain space, and these objects are connected with the rich relationships and structure that true domain models have. The catch comes when you look at the behavior, and you realize that there is hardly any behavior on these objects, making them little more than bags of getters and setters.” —Martin Fowler
  • 38. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Many objects are not fundamentally defined by their attributes, but rather by a thread of continuity and identity. —Eric Evans Domain-Driven Design
  • 39. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Entities Have Identity & Are Mutable Jan 12 10:00 am Check-Up Snickerdoodle Appointment ID=358 & Vaccinations ID=172 XXXX 9:30 am
  • 40. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) ENTITIES Entities in the Navigation Map Evans, Domain-Driven Design, p. 65
  • 41. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Entities should minimize direct access to their state (e.g. public property setters) Encapsulate changes by exposing well-defined methods Entities should be responsible for their own behavior Be especially wary of collection properties! EF Core 1.1+ supports encapsulation of properties (exposing IEnumerable or ReadOnlyCollection) Encapsulation
  • 42. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Dependencies and Entities Don’t inject dependencies into entity constructors And of course don’t new up or call static infrastructure dependencies This often leads to moving interesting behavior out of entities and into services Consider raising domain events Behavior requiring dependencies shifts to domain event handlers
  • 43. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) VALUE OBJECTS
  • 44. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Value Object Measures, quantifies, or describes a thing in the domain. Identity is based on composition of values Immutable Compared using all values No side effects
  • 45. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Value Object Example Company Worth: $50,000,000 $ 50,000,000 Worth (Value Object) Monetary Unit (string) “U.S. Dollar” Amount (decimal): 50000000 Company (Entity) ID (guid): 9F63CE8D-9F1E-45E0-85AB-C098CC15F8E6 Worth Unit (string): “US Dollar” Worth Amount (decimal): 50000000 Company (Entity) ID (guid): 9F63CE8D-9F1E-45E0-85AB-C098CC15F8E6 Worth { Source: (Ward Cunningham)
  • 46. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) DateTimeRange public class DateTimeRange { public DateTimeRange(DateTime start, DateTime end) { Start=start; End=end; } public DateTime Start { get; private set; } public DateTime End { get; private set; } … } Patient Appointment 10:00 am Jan 4, 2014 – 11:00 am Jan 4, 2014 Staff Meeting 2:00 pm Feb 1, 2014 – 3:15 pm Feb 1, 2014
  • 47. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) It may surprise you to learn that we should strive to model using Value Objects instead of Entities wherever possible. Even when a domain concept must be modeled as an Entity, the Entity’s design should be biased toward serving as a value container rather than a child Entity container. —Vaughn Vernon Implementing Domain Driven Design
  • 49. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Aggregates
  • 50. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Aggregates
  • 51. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Aggregates Customer Address Customer Aggregate Product Component Product Aggregate 1 N N 1 Aggregate Root Aggregate Root
  • 52. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Aggregates Product Component Product Aggregate N 1
  • 53. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) An aggregate is a cluster of associated objects that we treat as a unit for the purpose of data changes. —Eric Evans Domain-Driven Design
  • 54. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Important operations that don’t belong to a particular Entity or Value Object Good Domain Services: Not a natural part of an Entity or Value Object Have an interface defined in terms of other domain model elements Are stateless (but may have side effects) Live in the Core of the application Domain Services Result Value Object Entity 2 Entity 1 Service
  • 55. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Examples of Services in Different Layers UI Layer & Application Layer InfrastructureDomain (“Application Core”) Message Sending Message Processing XML Parsing UI Services Transfer Between Accounts Process Order Send Email Log to a File
  • 56. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Repository Palaeoclimate archives: Core repository of AWI Hannes Grobe/AWI Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
  • 57. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) A repository represents all objects of a certain type as a conceptual set…like a collection with more elaborate querying capability. —Eric Evans Domain-Driven Design
  • 58. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Repository Benefits Provides common abstraction for persistence Promotes Separation of Concerns Communicates Design Decisions Enables Testability Improved Maintainability
  • 59. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Client code can be ignorant of repository implementation …but developers cannot N+1 Query Errors Inappropriate use of eager or lazy loading Fetching more data than required Common Repository Blunders
  • 60. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Enforce proper Aggregate usage by only creating Repositories for Aggregates Use Marker Interfaces to identity Aggregate Roots Constrain generic repository implementations to work with Aggregate Root types only Repositories and Aggregates
  • 61. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Avoid returning IQueryable results Initially, use separate methods for specialized queries and commands Address method explosion, SRP violation, and too much Repository complexity with the Specification pattern Repository Method Tips
  • 62. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Domain Events (one of my favorites) Specification Learn more about these from my Pluralsight courses: • DDD Fundamentals • Design Patterns Library Also check out Jimmy Bogard’s DDD talk at 12:15 today in Nile More Patterns (we don’t have time for)
  • 63. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Or tweet me @ardalis and I’ll answer later. Let me know if I can help your team get up to speed with DDD, Clean Architecture, and/or .NET Core. Questions?
  • 64. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) No Content Here (Reserved for Course Previews) Thanks! Follow us: /DevIQPage @deviq • full-length courses • samples • member-only events Enroll in DevIQ for access to: @ardalis | Steve Smith
  • 65. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Decoupling with Domain Events Domain-Driven Design
  • 66. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Repositories ✓ Factories ✓ Services ✓ Entities ✓ Value Objects ✓ Aggregates ✓ Oh yeah, Domain Events Usually the last kid picked from the DDD patterns I’m right here!
  • 67. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Domain Events not covered in original DDD book (2004) Covered by Martin Fowler in 2005 Evans published article on them in 2010 Domain-Driven Design
  • 68. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Application Events Page Load, Button Click, Window Scroll System Events Restart, Backup Completed Domain Events Appointment Confirmed, Checkout Completed, Analysis Finished Kinds of Events
  • 69. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Given a customer has created an order When the customer completes their purchase Then the customer receives an email confirmation An example scenario
  • 70. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) OrderService Checkout(Order order) - Save pending order in database - Send confirmation email An example solution
  • 71. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) So far, so good
  • 72. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Given a customer has created an order When the customer completes their purchase Then the customer’s card is charged And if it fails, send a different message to the customer Then inventory is checked to ensure the order can be fulfilled And if not a different message is sent to the customer More requirements
  • 73. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) OrderService Checkout(Order order) oAttempt to process payment oIf payment fails, send notification email; exit oSave pending order in database oConfirm inventory is available oIf insufficient email, send notification email; exit oSend successful order confirmation email An example solution
  • 74. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Complexity is growing Must change with each new requirement Open/Closed Principle Checkout’s responsibilities are growing Single Responsibility Principle Potentially different abstraction levels (emails, order processing rules) Analysis
  • 75. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) The Hollywood Principle “Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You” See also Inversion of Control Events allow other code to respond to something happening Code initiating change doesn’t need to know about all follow-on activities
  • 76. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) OrderService Checkout(Order order) - Dispatch new OrderCompletedEvent(order) Event Handlers: OrderPaymentHandler OrderInventoryHandler OrderNotificationHandler An event-driven solution
  • 77. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) An Event Something that happened …that other parts of the application may need to know about It’s a message …which should be immutable, since it represents the past Usually asynchronous …especially across process boundaries Event-Driven Programming
  • 78. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) Model something that happens which is of interest to a domain expert May lead to (or result from) a state change in a domain object Are part of the domain model Are usually handled synchronously within the application (but may themselves raise events outside of the application) Domain Events
  • 79. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) An event is raised Handlers within the current process handle the event If external applications need to be notified, specific handlers can adapt and send events to these applications as well If unknown or future external applications will need to respond to events, a service bus can be implemented Event Processing
  • 80. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) How do you add logic to entities that affects multiple entities? Example: When a customer’s total amount purchased exceeds $1000, notify a salesperson to contact them. Common Scenario
  • 81. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) How do you add logic to entities that affects multiple entities? Don’t solve this by using Dependency Injection on your entities. You should be able to easily instantiate entities without dependencies. Avoid: Injecting Dependencies into Entities
  • 82. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) How do you add logic to entities that affects multiple entities? Don’t move logic that belongs within an entity into a service just because other entities are interested in what’s happening. This leads to the anemic domain model antipattern. Only do this if the behavior spans multiple aggregates, in which case, the logic doesn’t belong to a particular entity or aggregate. Avoid: Shifting Entity logic to Services
  • 83. No Content Here (Reserved for Watermark) How do you add logic to entities that affects multiple entities? Raise a domain event to represent the action that took place. Handle the domain event in a handler that collaborates with other entities. Alternately, have the Aggregate Root register for events raised by members of its Aggregate. Use Domain Events (and perhaps Aggregates)