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Interpersonal Communication Paper Examples
I met with Jeff this morning, he wanted me to follow up with you regarding SDN/SLB areas. I really appreciate if we could meet for 30 min on
Monday (it appears you are OOF on Tuesday). I would like to close on these conversations next week if possible since I am holding other team because
of opportunity in your team. Please let me know if this time works for you or any other time on Monday (early morning or late evenings are good as
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Interpersonal Communication Essay
Over the past few weeks I have had the chance to learn some things about interpersonal communications. Initially, I was under the self–impression that I
did a pretty good communicating but I was sadly mistaken. There is so much information being presented during this class that it is a little difficult
for me to grasp the concepts as solidly as I should; but feel that over the course of my studies my confidence in in my understanding and being able
to put these concepts into practice will greatly increase. My first assignment to complete is my understanding of the concepts I have learned so far;
picking six concepts, explaining them to the best of my ability, and to offer up examples from my life. I have chosen to talk about more
Every culture and every situation has its high and low points; some situations may even contain high context and low context areas for those who are
less involved. Let's take a look at the town hall meetings; any citizen can attend, the meeting times, and who is in charge, what will be discussed, and is
usually pretty clear on how to participate. All the information needed to attend one of these meetings is of public knowledge.
However, if we are talking about a small town, the people who run the meetings may all know each other very well and have many overlapping
interests. They may all agree on what shall be discussed or what should happen without even talking about it; they have unconscious, unexpressed
values that influence their decisions. Other citizens from the outside may not understand how decisions are really being made. So the town hall
meetings are still low context, but have a high context subgroup that is in turn part of a high context small town society.
What distinguishes the individualist culture from collectivist culture is in how the relation of individual interests and community interests are dealt with.
In a collectivist culture, people are taught that the interests of the community are considered to be the most important.
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Interpersonal Communication Essay
All through this course, I have been finding out about correspondence speculations. Some of these hypotheses incorporate relational, gathering, and
authoritative interchanges. Here, I will talk about each of these types of correspondence and address my general knowledge I have gained in every
form of communication techniques, alongside the different issues I encГґunter in the overall e areas.
Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal communication is best portrayed as the regular, easygoing, discourse we share with companions, family,
and associates, for example, engage in gossip, joke, or casual discussion. As for my overall skills, my general attitudes here on correspondence are far
from perfect. Ordinarily, to a great degree, I more content...
Consequently, more often than not, I have a tendency to be extremely determined, and very unconscious of relating to my partner 's emotions some call
their passionate need or needs. Maybe I am not unconscious, per say, but instead not paying attention to something due to being easily distracted, in
light of the fact emotions tend to make me exceptionally awkward.
I want to address how this course has given me more of an understanding about interpersonal communication and how its help me effectively get my
point across to those whom I am, communicating with while avoiding confrontation or even a simple misunderstanding due to comprehending a topic
wrong. Besides, great correspondence will enable me to continue through prospective employee meetings, speaking with associates and also family and
companions all the more unmistakably with understanding what others are attempting to touch on, through both their non–verbal communication and
verbiage.However, a considerable measure of feeling in my discourse, offering a large number of thoughts, abilities, and general information.
Because of the investigation, I did on individual builds, I know from individual experience that I do discuss any other way with various sorts of
individuals. I generally thought it was because of quite recently knowing they were diverse identities from each
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Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal Communication is a crucial part of everyday life. People communicate in many different ways. It can be as simple as a nod to the
barista at Starbucks or a "have a good day" at the drive–thru window while getting your breakfast sandwich. It can be as involved as participating in a
job interview or a brainstorming session. Every word and every action, or inaction, means something. Even ignoring someone is communicating. By
paying close attention to the details, an outcome can be changed. As we interact during our daily activities we convey our responsiveness, express like
or dislike, and express equality. An encounter as simple as picking up your prescription at the local CVS can involve lots of communication. Is eye
contact more content...
She has on an outfit she pulled off the rack ten minutes ago. Her smile is from ear to ear as she looks over to him. His eyes go big, and his head
moves back over his shoulders. He has, without speaking, expressed his real feelings. He has expressed his dislike for the fashion. It cannot be
taken back. She cannot erase it from her memory. He will live with this for a lifetime, or at least until dinner. That fake smile he forces out and the
uninspired "it's nice" comment will have no effect or may even compound the situation. It is game over for this sad man. Once again "Principle 2:
Interpersonal Communication is Irreversible" (Wood, 29) is evident. It only takes a split second for a facial expression or body movement to have a
long lasting effect. With Dual Perspective (Wood, 36). "...we understand
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Observation Of Interpersonal Communication
This essay will examine information gathered while observing social contact between individuals. The essay will explore the relationship between these
interactions and the concepts of interpersonal communication. The article will discuss relationships and the issues and expression that result from
them. There will be an examination of the Principles of Interpersonal Communication (Wood, 2016) and their effect on routine exchanges between
human beings. While only scratching the surface, this essay will establish a baseline for the continued analysis of individual communication methods.
Therefore, a higher level of proficiency can be attained. Levels of Meaning Observations of Relationship Issues in Everyday Communications
Interpersonal communication is a crucial component of everyday life. Consequently, people communicate in countless different ways every day.
Whether a simple a nod to the barista at Starbucks or a "have a good day" to the cashier at the local Ingles after picking more content...
If during an interview in an office, one of the participants has his phone in his hand and every few moments he glances down at it, what is happening?
That person has conveyed their lack of responsiveness. He has shown that the phone has as much or higher attention than the other person involved.
"Principle 2: Interpersonal Communication is Irreversible" (Wood, 29) presents itself. When the second person leaves the conversation what memories
prevail? The phone in the other persons hand deserves more attention than the conversation. For that reason the outcome becomes irreversible. Why not
put the phone away, fold up the laptop, or put that paperwork to the side? Instead, make effect eye contact, nod as the person speaks, and convey
responsiveness. Subsequently, it only takes a few minutes to show caring and produce a productive irreversible
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The Principles of Interpersonal Communication
1, We cannot not communicate,
Communication is a natural occurrence between all beings. As we communicate naturally, we concentrate on verbal speech to talk. Our bodies on the
other hand give out signals as part of our communication. When we communicate, body language is expressed with intentional and unintentional signs.
Some examples are;
The shrugging and slumping of shoulders
Using hand movements
Raising and lowering of eye brows
Facial expressions
Sighing Schmidt (2004) stated a nod of the head or a raised eye brow may be all that is asked of a listener. We need to be on the look out for implicit
requests for more information that include honest more content...
A statement can not be retracted so one must be clear on commencement of a conversation.
3 Ethical Choices
When conversing with others we must be aware of ethical choices.
Interpersonal communication is used in everyday life but must be used in an appropriate manner. Wood (2003) state, Ethical communication is the
ability to communicate in ways that are interpersonally effective. (pg32).
This is a code of practice which all professionals abide by. With the code of ethics one must honor patients and the feeling he/she expresses, even if
you feel differently.
4 Positivity
Positivity in your conversation helps to enhance meetings. There is no right or wrong way to communicate, but better ways to phrase words using
common sense and feelings. To have no negativity in a conversation, everyone becomes relaxed, comfortable and open for a positive conversation.
Wood (2007) states, through all the stages of our lives, our self–esteem is shaped by how others communicate with us. People who lack interpersonal
communication skills are unlikely to rise to the top of their fields, and many of them suffer lowered self–esteem as a result (pg 14). A negative
conversation just compounds stress, uncomfortable feelings and anger which limit communication.
5 Kind and Caring
Communication should be kind as possible without sacrificing either your honesty or the transparency of the message. The way we communicate
depends on who we
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Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal communication is typically a dyadic (between two parties) form of communication. There are two major types of interpersonal
communication used on a day to day basis: interpersonal (friends, family, partners), or impersonal (taxi drivers, shop assistants, etc.). These can be
utilised as an essential tool to enhance an individual's ability in many facets: learning, relationships, professionally, socially and also helping others.
Interpersonal communication is considered the most important form of communication and the most conventional. It is interdependent (mutually
dependant) on visual (sight), auditory (sound), and kinetic (body language) stimuli. Firstly this essay will outline a brief history of
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In its primitive form, animals may have just mastered the essential aspects of nonverbal interpersonal communication. The use of zoosemiotics (study
of animal communication) can show that animals rely profoundly on a nonverbal form of communication. Some examples would be sight, (an animal
stalking its prey) sound, (mating calls for example) and kinesis (a gorilla beating their chest to express dominance)., (2011). Verbal
messages can consist of both oral and written words, DeVito, J. A. (2008).
Verbal and nonverbal messages complement each other, and alone the message is not as definitive. As DeVito, J. A. (2008) quotes, "They are
packaged; verbal and nonverbal signals interact to produce one (ideally) unified message".Verbal communication could also be considered an
essential tool in building rapport, and rapport is arguably the cornerstone of building an effective interpersonal relationship. Molden and Hutchinson
suggest, "Rapport is essentially meeting individuals in their model of the world. We all have different upbringings, experiences and ways of being.
We are all unique, with different beliefs, capabilities and identities. We all see the world differently. To gain rapport with others you need to
acknowledge them and their view of the world. You do not have to agree with it, just recognise and respect it", Molden and Hutchinson, (2006). Verbal
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Interpersonal Communication Essay
In every society nonverbal communication is one of the most powerful tools that a person can use to interpret the message that is being delivered. Even
though verbal communication is fairly straightforward, nonverbal communication allows others to sense the true emotions of the person that is
expressing them. For example even though a person may say that they are not irritated, their usage of voice may display otherwise. Nonverbal
communication not only reveals hidden messages, but it also complements, substitutes, and exaggerates verbal communication.
It was 8:00 a.m. on April 9, 1999 and I was saying goodbye to my parents at the San Francisco Airport. While I was walking away from my parent's
gate more content...
Many people formed this personal space by placing luggage around them, extending a body part, or using a companion to consume space. Most people
stood at least a half an arm's distance away from each other, but if this distance felt threatened people were sure to express nonverbal and sometime
verbal behaviors.
Some individuals gazed away and let out a loud sigh, while others would just gaze at the person invading their space to hopefully make them realize
that they were getting too close for comfort. Individuals would also try and avoid the person invading their space while moving forward, but to the
side to also avoid the person in front of them. Some people would just avoid the line all together and go sit back down in their seat, while others
would verbally say "excuse me" to make the person realize that they were causing uncomfortable feelings.
Verbal behavior was not uncommon in the boarding line, but the way people delivered the messages they spoke had many different meanings. For
example some people would sarcastically say, "Boy this line is moving fast." Sarcasm was obvious in these situations because of the irritating tone of
the sentence, and the chuckles and gasps sometimes followed at the end. Even though most of the people that talked displayed rude and irritated
behaviors, some people were actually patient and concerned. For example one lady actually thought the boarding line was moving pretty fast. Her
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Interpersonal Communication Essays
Although there are several problems that can diminish the effectiveness of interpersonal communication, some tactics can be used in order to minimize
these failures in communication. A recent visit to a hotel sparked a perfect example of this communication opportunity between a patron and the hotel's
front desk employee.
First of all, the history of the confrontation between the patron and the hotel's front desk employee was clouded with expectations and assumptions. For
example, the patron made a reservation for a room by using the hotel chain's national reservation center. This center, in turn, is obligated to give the
information to the individual hotels so that the hotels can then honor the more content...
There were several other conditions that contributed to the communication breakdown between the hotel employee and the patron. For instance, the
hotel employee did not at first give his full attention to the conversation with the patron. By not fully attending the situation, the patron felt that he was
being somewhat ignored or that his problem was not terribly important to the employee even though it was extremely important to the patron (Bolton
26). Moreover, had there existed more initial eye contact between the employee and the patron, positive feelings between the two could have been
greatly increased (DeVito 124). After all, eye contact "expresses interest and a desire to listen" (Bolton 29). Without this eye contact, the
patron likely felt that the employee had no desire to really listen. In addition, the environment was not conducive towards effective communication. For
example, the employee was forced to handle several phone calls, requests from other patrons, and interruptions from other employees during the
confrontation with the patron. Because he was not acting like an effective listener, the employee did not attempt to minimize these environmental
distractions (Bolton 30) and conveyed
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Interpersonal Communication Essay
Competence in interpersonal communication can be assessed both through general interpersonal interactions and non–verbal communication. Both
general competence and non–verbal competence are very important to the way that we communicate and have great influence on the message that we
relay to those with whom we communicate. After watching the conversation recorded between Matt and I, I have realized that although there are some
areas in which I am a competent communicator, there are areas where I could benefit to improve.
General Interpersonal Competence– According to Canary, Cody, and Manusov, there are six criteria used to assess general interpersonal competence.
These six standards are: adaptability, conversational involvement, more content...
Social confirmation helps communicators adapt to their partner and notice their partner's efforts of self–presentation. In this factor, you would adapt to
your partners self–presentation goals in an attempt to understand them better and communicate more efficiently with them. If you can adapt to their
goals it will allow for a more cohesive pattern of communication (Canary, Cody, & Manusov, 2008, p. 506).
Appropriate disclosure refers to the amount of information that is shared in the conversation, including both the breadth and depth of subject matter. In
our conversation, I think we both did very well with this particular concept. Our range of disclosure was quite appropriate for an eight minute
discussion between acquaintances. I feel that if any deeper information would have been disclosed, one or both of us may have felt uncomfortable with
the situation (Canary, Cody, & Manusov, 2008, p. 506).
The ability to express our thoughts clearly and accurately is known as articulation. Sometimes, especially in situations where I am not 100%
comfortable, I tend to jumble my words and say things such as "everything under the books" but
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Interpersonal Communication Essay
Health Professionals (HP) rely on one another 's effective communication to provide quality and safe patient care. As an HP, effective communication is
nevertheless carried to assist patients regarding their medical conditions – personal pain (and comfort). Therefore, it is the main goal to have the
knowledge about professional communication and to gain a collective view of therapeutic and professional interpersonal communication. HP,
inter–professionally, with their combined knowledge and skills can effectively develop nursing care plans for patients of any background – cultural,
religious, etc. Also, effective communication requires a combination of good verbal and non–verbal skills. Increasing awareness in regards to
non– more content...
Non–verbal communication is a type of communication with the absence of words and is usually controlled unconsciously. Non–verbal
communication use forms which are hard to control, such as facial expressions, gestures, eye–to–eye contacts, postures, and touch (Kozier & Erb,
2016). Non–verbal communication often tells more about what a person is feeling more than what it is said. Contemporary believes that verbal and
non–verbal communication should be treated as an integrated communication construct (Stewart, 2011). Interlocutors interact through unspoken
dialogue, whereas the sender 's messages are interpreted by the receiver beyond words themselves. It is to be aware of that the content of the
communication highly depends on the interlocutor 's understanding of the communication sequence, hence, patients from difference background
varies. The decoding of messages is based on the receiver 's individual factors and subjective perceptions. In a health care setting, it is likely to happen
that non–verbal messages will be misinterpreted, as mentioned, patients have different background believing in different values and beliefs. An HP with
the lack of knowledge in conflict management will create a huge gap between the nurse–patient relationship. Conflict is any disagreement between two
people, HP, and patients, in a health care setting. The differences in opinions, emotions, beliefs, and behaviours can result in a clash or perceived threat
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Interpersonal Communication Essay
I.Introduction AND Thesis Statement
Interpersonal communication is key to the life of a healthy relationship or marriage. Without communicating relationships and marriage will end
failing. One of the biggest challenges with interpersonal communication lies in our ability to share our thoughts and concerns, conducted by feelings,
desires, goals and needs, with another person
1)Explain the principles of and barriers to effective interpersonal communications. (You don't have to list the objectives in this order, but be sure you
cover all of them.)
A.In any relationship, communication is key. However, with any relationship there are going to be barriers that will effective communication.
B.Misperceptions iw a barrier in more content...
2)Analyze the role of communication in developing and maintaining one's self–concept, self–image, and self–esteem.
a.Topic Sentence As an individual both most must focus your center of attention on learning who you are as individuals an understanding your
self–concept, self–image and self–esteem. When you understand how you vision yourself and can express your views properly, then you can start
revealing deeper pieces of yourself to one another.
b.Supporting Evidence: Understanding who you are allows for greater perception into communication competence in gaining respect for
"communication appropriateness" and "communication effectiveness" or knowing your audience and having a goal in mind.
i.Communication competence in knowledge, motivation, and skill. ii. "Communication competence is an important interpersonal skill, and it requires
awareness of our individual communication patterns" (Bevan & Sole, 2014).
c.Avoid just using a quote from a source. Explain what you think the author means. With communication competence, you can more effectively
approach any situation that requires communication with purpose. Anyone can small talk, but it takes a skilled individual to communicate a message
with a goal to be met at the end.
d.Why does this matter generally? Why does this matter for your couple? Small talk is not where the relationship will be built. The relationship is
going to grow and strengthen
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Essay about Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal communication is the process of people exchanging messages in relationships. Ranging from role relationships, to interpersonal
relationships, to close and intimate relationships, each one of our interactions contribute to the formation, strengthening or weakening of relationships.
Through these interactions and relationships, people fulfill the main interpersonal needs, consisting of social inclusion, affection and behavioral
control. By exploring communication theories, such as social identity theory, self–expansion theory, uncertainty reduction theory and expectancy
violation theory, I learned more about myself, as well as my relationships and surroundings. Through communication, we socially construct our
identities; more content...
We present our self–image, receive feedback through interaction, and then form roles and associations in groups to discover our own selves. Further
developing identity, in the self–expansion theory, identity is formed as we develop closer, deeper relationships. While seeking self–expansion of
identity in close relationships, the exposure to new experiences and perceptions further develop identities. I chose to apply theories associated with
identity because they are relevant in our everyday lives. Identity perceptions of ourselves derive from our relationships and our surroundings. If we did
not engage in interpersonal interactions with others, we would be less aware of ourselves and ou r associations with our surroundings. In order to
deepen the knowledge of identities, it is necessary to experience different perspectives through varying interactions and communication styles. Along
with these theories regarding self–identity and identity management, changes in perceived identities can cause uncertainty in some relationships.
Uncertainty is the inability to predict or explain actions or behaviors from another individual (Burgoon). Individuals can experience self, partner or
relational uncertainty, in which they are unsure about their own identity or state of their relationships. It is part of human nature to want to reduce
uncertainty in relationships, but
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Interpersonal Communication Essay
Interpersonal communication is the technique we use to communicate our ideas, thoughts and feelings to one and other. (Eunson 2012:256) People use
visual, written, oral, sense and nonverbal means to communicate. Individuals have communicated with each other for centuries through the medium of
letters, telephone, groups with public speaking and one to one conversations. With the introduction of mass media ideas could spread to larger
audiences however the means of imparting information required high level skills and equipment not available to the individual. The highly effective
tools of the mass media have now become the tools of the individual to use in the digital age to help with interpersonal communication. Electronic
communication more content...
The internet enables communication in two ways with instant feedback, whilst the broadcast and print media is only one and feedback is limited. The
effective tools of broadcast media have now become the tools for interpersonal communication. 

With the population growing and our network
expanding rapidly throughout the world, electronic communication has benefited people immensely. It gives them the privilege to share and connect
globally with anyone, like distance family members, friends and work colleagues through various social networking websites such as Twitter, Flickr,
Google+ and Facebook. An interpersonal communication technique such as visual communication is used regularly in these websites. Being able to
see your social group's latest photos and video which are updated daily, lets you feel more connected to people you don't see in person often. (Sless
1987:187) Another form of visual communication is through visual aids to convey ideas and information in ways that can be read orlooked upon. It
includes signs, typography, drawings, graphic design and electronic resources. It aims to communicate through personal perspective. If the viewer has
an opinion about an image purely based on their personal thoughts they respond differently in their thoughts and values as someone else might. (Smith
2005:12) Electronic communication is commonly used in business meetings. Using various modes as power points, videos, photos and animation,
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Interpersonal Communication Course Reflection
1. At the start of this course, I wasn't familiar with the concepts of interpersonal communication in an academic way. Now that I've been in the course,
I realize that I was familiar with the concepts as they've occurred within my life, although these happenings didn't have a name. Due to the fact that
these concepts didn't have a name, they weren't fully acknowledged within my life. For example, I came into this course with a grasp of my conflicts
and romantic relationship. I knew the necessities, my needs, his needs, and our areas that needed work. I also was having conflict struggles with my
boyfriend's mother and had what I thought was an understanding of the situation. However, I was struggling to navigate effectively within
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As such, I am now working to comprehend areas of conflict from a new perspective.
3. Despite all of the newfound knowledge that has been obtained during the course, it can be difficult to apply the concepts that we've learned to every
situation that we're faced with. I realized that even though I'd love to resolve conflicts simply with some of the tips from the textbook and lectures,
applying such thinking and problem solving methods can be a challenge. Although I believed that I made an attempt to not make assumptions
(particularly the assumptions of consistency and communicator independence). Although acknowledging the types of assumptions that we make and
how they negatively can impact our relationships is useful, in the early stages of conflict it can be difficult to recognize that such assumptions are
being made. For example, my boyfriend's mother had made an informal agreement with me (or so I had thought it to be informal). I had told her that I
would communicate with the other party involved to set a schedule. She and I had both made the assumptions of consistency and simple meaning,
causing us to take words at face value without much thought or further discussion. A miscommunication ensued causing her to say some really hurtful
things towards me. My boyfriend became involved and a full on feud ensued. During this time, I had refused to understand her perception of the
situation allowing the assumption of communicator independence to occur. While in hindsight,
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Interpersonal Communication Essay
Interpersonal communication is the most important kind of communication. It happens when two individuals are in a close proximity to each other,
and they are able to provide immediate feedback to one another. IPC (interpersonal communication) is the way we express our thoughts, feelings, and
ideas to the people around us. Interpersonal communication is something you need to do well as it affects many aspects of your life.
Interpersonal communication is a learned skill that can be improved with knowledge and practice. What makes these skills necessary is that they allow
you to express your thoughts, feelings, and any information quickly and orderly. These skills can help you understand someone, and can even help you
make more content...
Also, when sending the message the sender should try to ask their question is a way that requires an answer. If they are able to make the listener
respond they are more likely to do what the sender has asked them to do. Another way to send a clear message is to respect the individual that is being
communicated with. If the sender is polite and respectful they are more likely to be respected in turn.
The final step in the road to exemplary interpersonal communication is to affirm. Affirm means to inform the listener why your request or statement is
so important to you. If the sender wants to have something done for them, people are more likely to be helpful and cooperative if the something in
question has meaning and is not just a waste of their time.
Interpersonal communication is used in every part of life. From the moment you wake up in the morning to the second you fall asleep at night, it is a
guarantee you have used interpersonal communication in some way. IPC can be used in your workplace, no matter where you work. It can occur in
your personal life. Interpersonal communication has even found an outlet in the most recently developed form of communication, the Internet.
Using interpersonal communication when dealing with careers is staggeringly important. In the work force being intelligent isn't enough anymore. If a
person is unable to communicate well with their coworkers and the people charge of them, they will not be
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I chose the topic of self–concept through interpersonal communication because I had an interest in it. This interest is because I didn't understand that
one's self–concept affected the way one is perceived by others. I learned self–concept through class discussions, but I wanted a better understanding of
how communication affects one's self–concept and how it affects one's perception
One's self–concept affects one's perception, attitude and behavior, which can be demonstrated during the process of interpersonal communication.
Aspects of one's life influence their self–concept, which not only affect how people perceive them but how they perceive themselves. Such things are
gender, motivational level and psychological type. It is more content...
One will either come out of a situation with a positive or negative concept of these surroundings. Poor communication can cause one to have a poor
perception of oneself. One's emotional state, dislikes, likes values and body image are affected by the opinions of others and can render one to have
an inferior and insecure self–concept.
How one communicates is also influenced by gender. Studies show that ones sex can place a person in a gender role expectation. Women and Men
communicate differently and because sexual identity is defined through same sex parent or role model, women and men can get into gender role
expectations. These expectations influence their perception attitudes and behavior that will result in a communication style. This early self–concept
can effect each one's interpersonal relations. Women for instance are much–attached human beings they have very early identification with their
mothers, and this can cause an on going pattern of role expectation. It can lead to interpersonal communication skills that are very nurturing and
understanding. Women are not threatened by intimacy and communicating at a close range with people. Similarly, men also have an early
identification process not with their mother, but their fathers. Men tend to be fairly reserved, and quite. Men are most comfortable when there is a
level of separation. This male role will contribute to the communication processes and it can cause communication to
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Interpersonal Communication
Title Student's Name
COM200: Interpersonal Communication
Instructor's Name
Date (Sample March 19, 2014)
Introduction– Thesis Statement * If you're having difficulties writing a thesis, use the thesis generator in the Ashford Writing Center– https:/
/–tools–thesis–generator.html. Remember, a thesis should make a claim – a definitive statement – about some issue. Here is
an example: Effective communication is the most important factor in a successful relationship. Without it, chances are, a relationship will fail. 1) Body
Paragraph # 1 – Explain the principles of and barriers to effective interpersonal communications. (You don't have to list the objectives in this order, but
be sure you cover more content...
iv. And don't forget citations (Bevan & Sole, 2014, p.75).
c. Explanation of the central points from the article(s): Avoid just using a quote from a source. Explain what you think the author means. d. Why does
this matter generally? Why does this matter for your couple? * Body Paragraph #3 – Differentiate appropriate levels of self–disclosure and emotional
intelligence in various relationships. e. Topic Sentence: Remember, in this one, you are required to cover two topics. You will likely need at least
two paragraphs, with two topic sentences. f. Supporting Evidence: The best papers will use an academic source and personal experience. v. If you
have more than one point, use a separate line for each. vi. And don't forget citations (Bevan & Sole, 2014, p.75).
g. Explanation of the central points from the article(s): Avoid just using a quote from a source. Explain what you think the author means. h.
Explanation: i. Why does this matter generally? Why does this matter for your couple? 2) Body Paragraph #4 – Describe strategies for using
communication techniques to resolve interpersonal conflicts. j. Topic Sentence: k. Supporting Evidence: The best papers will use an academic source
and personal experience. vii. If you have more than one point, use a separate line for each.
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Interpersonal Communication Essay
Interpersonal communication theories are interesting and compelling to read. They are astonishingly relatable to one's everyday life. As one reads an
interpersonal communication theory, he or she may find himself or herself thinking of instances in daily life and relationships that directly correspond
with the theory. I found the theories to be eerily similar to how many people behave, communicate, and think with regards to interacting with one
another. Interpersonal communication theories describe the communication between two or more individuals through verbal, non verbal, and written
communication. I believe the theories are some of the easiest to comprehend perhaps due to the direct correlation with people's lives. Through my own more content...
The first, selective exposure, consists of avoiding information that is inconsistent with an individual's beliefs or attitudes. An example of this
hypothesis is spending time with people who share the same beliefs and are "like" oneself in order to prevent dissonance from inconsistent things. "A
fear of dissonance would lead to a reluctance to take action–a reluctance to commit oneself" (Festinger 31). The second, post decision dissonance,
occurs after a difficult decision and creates a need for reassurance. The importance, difficulty, and irreversibility of the decision increase the dissonance.
Therefore, individuals seek reassuring information or people to reduce their inner dissonance. Lastly, minimal justification is a counter–attitudinal
action leading to an attitudinal change. In other words, a minimal reward should be used to make an attitudinal change. This theory has proven very
applicable to my life. In life, I tend to have a problem with making difficult decisions without continuously asking myself whether or not I have made
the right one. These decisions range from using my time wisely to deciding where to attend college. The hypotheses selective exposure and post
decision dissonance have provided greater insight into my behavior. With regards to selective exposure, I have the tendency to spend time with
individuals who most likely
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Interpersonal Communication Paper Examples

  • 1. Interpersonal Communication Paper Examples I met with Jeff this morning, he wanted me to follow up with you regarding SDN/SLB areas. I really appreciate if we could meet for 30 min on Monday (it appears you are OOF on Tuesday). I would like to close on these conversations next week if possible since I am holding other team because of opportunity in your team. Please let me know if this time works for you or any other time on Monday (early morning or late evenings are good as well) Get more content on
  • 2. Interpersonal Communication Essay Over the past few weeks I have had the chance to learn some things about interpersonal communications. Initially, I was under the self–impression that I did a pretty good communicating but I was sadly mistaken. There is so much information being presented during this class that it is a little difficult for me to grasp the concepts as solidly as I should; but feel that over the course of my studies my confidence in in my understanding and being able to put these concepts into practice will greatly increase. My first assignment to complete is my understanding of the concepts I have learned so far; picking six concepts, explaining them to the best of my ability, and to offer up examples from my life. I have chosen to talk about more content... Every culture and every situation has its high and low points; some situations may even contain high context and low context areas for those who are less involved. Let's take a look at the town hall meetings; any citizen can attend, the meeting times, and who is in charge, what will be discussed, and is usually pretty clear on how to participate. All the information needed to attend one of these meetings is of public knowledge. However, if we are talking about a small town, the people who run the meetings may all know each other very well and have many overlapping interests. They may all agree on what shall be discussed or what should happen without even talking about it; they have unconscious, unexpressed values that influence their decisions. Other citizens from the outside may not understand how decisions are really being made. So the town hall meetings are still low context, but have a high context subgroup that is in turn part of a high context small town society. What distinguishes the individualist culture from collectivist culture is in how the relation of individual interests and community interests are dealt with. In a collectivist culture, people are taught that the interests of the community are considered to be the most important. Get more content on
  • 3. Interpersonal Communication Essay All through this course, I have been finding out about correspondence speculations. Some of these hypotheses incorporate relational, gathering, and authoritative interchanges. Here, I will talk about each of these types of correspondence and address my general knowledge I have gained in every form of communication techniques, alongside the different issues I encГґunter in the overall e areas. Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal communication is best portrayed as the regular, easygoing, discourse we share with companions, family, and associates, for example, engage in gossip, joke, or casual discussion. As for my overall skills, my general attitudes here on correspondence are far from perfect. Ordinarily, to a great degree, I more content... Consequently, more often than not, I have a tendency to be extremely determined, and very unconscious of relating to my partner 's emotions some call their passionate need or needs. Maybe I am not unconscious, per say, but instead not paying attention to something due to being easily distracted, in light of the fact emotions tend to make me exceptionally awkward. I want to address how this course has given me more of an understanding about interpersonal communication and how its help me effectively get my point across to those whom I am, communicating with while avoiding confrontation or even a simple misunderstanding due to comprehending a topic wrong. Besides, great correspondence will enable me to continue through prospective employee meetings, speaking with associates and also family and companions all the more unmistakably with understanding what others are attempting to touch on, through both their non–verbal communication and verbiage.However, a considerable measure of feeling in my discourse, offering a large number of thoughts, abilities, and general information. Because of the investigation, I did on individual builds, I know from individual experience that I do discuss any other way with various sorts of individuals. I generally thought it was because of quite recently knowing they were diverse identities from each Get more content on
  • 4. Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication is a crucial part of everyday life. People communicate in many different ways. It can be as simple as a nod to the barista at Starbucks or a "have a good day" at the drive–thru window while getting your breakfast sandwich. It can be as involved as participating in a job interview or a brainstorming session. Every word and every action, or inaction, means something. Even ignoring someone is communicating. By paying close attention to the details, an outcome can be changed. As we interact during our daily activities we convey our responsiveness, express like or dislike, and express equality. An encounter as simple as picking up your prescription at the local CVS can involve lots of communication. Is eye contact more content... She has on an outfit she pulled off the rack ten minutes ago. Her smile is from ear to ear as she looks over to him. His eyes go big, and his head moves back over his shoulders. He has, without speaking, expressed his real feelings. He has expressed his dislike for the fashion. It cannot be taken back. She cannot erase it from her memory. He will live with this for a lifetime, or at least until dinner. That fake smile he forces out and the uninspired "it's nice" comment will have no effect or may even compound the situation. It is game over for this sad man. Once again "Principle 2: Interpersonal Communication is Irreversible" (Wood, 29) is evident. It only takes a split second for a facial expression or body movement to have a long lasting effect. With Dual Perspective (Wood, 36). "...we understand Get more content on
  • 5. Observation Of Interpersonal Communication This essay will examine information gathered while observing social contact between individuals. The essay will explore the relationship between these interactions and the concepts of interpersonal communication. The article will discuss relationships and the issues and expression that result from them. There will be an examination of the Principles of Interpersonal Communication (Wood, 2016) and their effect on routine exchanges between human beings. While only scratching the surface, this essay will establish a baseline for the continued analysis of individual communication methods. Therefore, a higher level of proficiency can be attained. Levels of Meaning Observations of Relationship Issues in Everyday Communications Interpersonal communication is a crucial component of everyday life. Consequently, people communicate in countless different ways every day. Whether a simple a nod to the barista at Starbucks or a "have a good day" to the cashier at the local Ingles after picking more content... If during an interview in an office, one of the participants has his phone in his hand and every few moments he glances down at it, what is happening? That person has conveyed their lack of responsiveness. He has shown that the phone has as much or higher attention than the other person involved. "Principle 2: Interpersonal Communication is Irreversible" (Wood, 29) presents itself. When the second person leaves the conversation what memories prevail? The phone in the other persons hand deserves more attention than the conversation. For that reason the outcome becomes irreversible. Why not put the phone away, fold up the laptop, or put that paperwork to the side? Instead, make effect eye contact, nod as the person speaks, and convey responsiveness. Subsequently, it only takes a few minutes to show caring and produce a productive irreversible Get more content on
  • 6. The Principles of Interpersonal Communication 1, We cannot not communicate, Communication is a natural occurrence between all beings. As we communicate naturally, we concentrate on verbal speech to talk. Our bodies on the other hand give out signals as part of our communication. When we communicate, body language is expressed with intentional and unintentional signs. Some examples are; The shrugging and slumping of shoulders Using hand movements Raising and lowering of eye brows Facial expressions Sighing Schmidt (2004) stated a nod of the head or a raised eye brow may be all that is asked of a listener. We need to be on the look out for implicit requests for more information that include honest more content... A statement can not be retracted so one must be clear on commencement of a conversation. 3 Ethical Choices When conversing with others we must be aware of ethical choices. Interpersonal communication is used in everyday life but must be used in an appropriate manner. Wood (2003) state, Ethical communication is the ability to communicate in ways that are interpersonally effective. (pg32). This is a code of practice which all professionals abide by. With the code of ethics one must honor patients and the feeling he/she expresses, even if you feel differently. 4 Positivity Positivity in your conversation helps to enhance meetings. There is no right or wrong way to communicate, but better ways to phrase words using common sense and feelings. To have no negativity in a conversation, everyone becomes relaxed, comfortable and open for a positive conversation. Wood (2007) states, through all the stages of our lives, our self–esteem is shaped by how others communicate with us. People who lack interpersonal communication skills are unlikely to rise to the top of their fields, and many of them suffer lowered self–esteem as a result (pg 14). A negative conversation just compounds stress, uncomfortable feelings and anger which limit communication. 5 Kind and Caring
  • 7. Communication should be kind as possible without sacrificing either your honesty or the transparency of the message. The way we communicate depends on who we Get more content on
  • 8. Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal communication is typically a dyadic (between two parties) form of communication. There are two major types of interpersonal communication used on a day to day basis: interpersonal (friends, family, partners), or impersonal (taxi drivers, shop assistants, etc.). These can be utilised as an essential tool to enhance an individual's ability in many facets: learning, relationships, professionally, socially and also helping others. Interpersonal communication is considered the most important form of communication and the most conventional. It is interdependent (mutually dependant) on visual (sight), auditory (sound), and kinetic (body language) stimuli. Firstly this essay will outline a brief history of more content... In its primitive form, animals may have just mastered the essential aspects of nonverbal interpersonal communication. The use of zoosemiotics (study of animal communication) can show that animals rely profoundly on a nonverbal form of communication. Some examples would be sight, (an animal stalking its prey) sound, (mating calls for example) and kinesis (a gorilla beating their chest to express dominance)., (2011). Verbal messages can consist of both oral and written words, DeVito, J. A. (2008). Verbal and nonverbal messages complement each other, and alone the message is not as definitive. As DeVito, J. A. (2008) quotes, "They are packaged; verbal and nonverbal signals interact to produce one (ideally) unified message".Verbal communication could also be considered an essential tool in building rapport, and rapport is arguably the cornerstone of building an effective interpersonal relationship. Molden and Hutchinson suggest, "Rapport is essentially meeting individuals in their model of the world. We all have different upbringings, experiences and ways of being. We are all unique, with different beliefs, capabilities and identities. We all see the world differently. To gain rapport with others you need to acknowledge them and their view of the world. You do not have to agree with it, just recognise and respect it", Molden and Hutchinson, (2006). Verbal Get more content on
  • 9. Interpersonal Communication Essay In every society nonverbal communication is one of the most powerful tools that a person can use to interpret the message that is being delivered. Even though verbal communication is fairly straightforward, nonverbal communication allows others to sense the true emotions of the person that is expressing them. For example even though a person may say that they are not irritated, their usage of voice may display otherwise. Nonverbal communication not only reveals hidden messages, but it also complements, substitutes, and exaggerates verbal communication. It was 8:00 a.m. on April 9, 1999 and I was saying goodbye to my parents at the San Francisco Airport. While I was walking away from my parent's gate more content... Many people formed this personal space by placing luggage around them, extending a body part, or using a companion to consume space. Most people stood at least a half an arm's distance away from each other, but if this distance felt threatened people were sure to express nonverbal and sometime verbal behaviors. Some individuals gazed away and let out a loud sigh, while others would just gaze at the person invading their space to hopefully make them realize that they were getting too close for comfort. Individuals would also try and avoid the person invading their space while moving forward, but to the side to also avoid the person in front of them. Some people would just avoid the line all together and go sit back down in their seat, while others would verbally say "excuse me" to make the person realize that they were causing uncomfortable feelings. Verbal behavior was not uncommon in the boarding line, but the way people delivered the messages they spoke had many different meanings. For example some people would sarcastically say, "Boy this line is moving fast." Sarcasm was obvious in these situations because of the irritating tone of the sentence, and the chuckles and gasps sometimes followed at the end. Even though most of the people that talked displayed rude and irritated behaviors, some people were actually patient and concerned. For example one lady actually thought the boarding line was moving pretty fast. Her Get more content on
  • 10. Interpersonal Communication Essays Although there are several problems that can diminish the effectiveness of interpersonal communication, some tactics can be used in order to minimize these failures in communication. A recent visit to a hotel sparked a perfect example of this communication opportunity between a patron and the hotel's front desk employee. First of all, the history of the confrontation between the patron and the hotel's front desk employee was clouded with expectations and assumptions. For example, the patron made a reservation for a room by using the hotel chain's national reservation center. This center, in turn, is obligated to give the information to the individual hotels so that the hotels can then honor the more content... There were several other conditions that contributed to the communication breakdown between the hotel employee and the patron. For instance, the hotel employee did not at first give his full attention to the conversation with the patron. By not fully attending the situation, the patron felt that he was being somewhat ignored or that his problem was not terribly important to the employee even though it was extremely important to the patron (Bolton 26). Moreover, had there existed more initial eye contact between the employee and the patron, positive feelings between the two could have been greatly increased (DeVito 124). After all, eye contact "expresses interest and a desire to listen" (Bolton 29). Without this eye contact, the patron likely felt that the employee had no desire to really listen. In addition, the environment was not conducive towards effective communication. For example, the employee was forced to handle several phone calls, requests from other patrons, and interruptions from other employees during the confrontation with the patron. Because he was not acting like an effective listener, the employee did not attempt to minimize these environmental distractions (Bolton 30) and conveyed Get more content on
  • 11. Interpersonal Communication Essay Competence in interpersonal communication can be assessed both through general interpersonal interactions and non–verbal communication. Both general competence and non–verbal competence are very important to the way that we communicate and have great influence on the message that we relay to those with whom we communicate. After watching the conversation recorded between Matt and I, I have realized that although there are some areas in which I am a competent communicator, there are areas where I could benefit to improve. General Interpersonal Competence– According to Canary, Cody, and Manusov, there are six criteria used to assess general interpersonal competence. These six standards are: adaptability, conversational involvement, more content... Social confirmation helps communicators adapt to their partner and notice their partner's efforts of self–presentation. In this factor, you would adapt to your partners self–presentation goals in an attempt to understand them better and communicate more efficiently with them. If you can adapt to their goals it will allow for a more cohesive pattern of communication (Canary, Cody, & Manusov, 2008, p. 506). Appropriate disclosure refers to the amount of information that is shared in the conversation, including both the breadth and depth of subject matter. In our conversation, I think we both did very well with this particular concept. Our range of disclosure was quite appropriate for an eight minute discussion between acquaintances. I feel that if any deeper information would have been disclosed, one or both of us may have felt uncomfortable with the situation (Canary, Cody, & Manusov, 2008, p. 506). The ability to express our thoughts clearly and accurately is known as articulation. Sometimes, especially in situations where I am not 100% comfortable, I tend to jumble my words and say things such as "everything under the books" but Get more content on
  • 12. Interpersonal Communication Essay Health Professionals (HP) rely on one another 's effective communication to provide quality and safe patient care. As an HP, effective communication is nevertheless carried to assist patients regarding their medical conditions – personal pain (and comfort). Therefore, it is the main goal to have the knowledge about professional communication and to gain a collective view of therapeutic and professional interpersonal communication. HP, inter–professionally, with their combined knowledge and skills can effectively develop nursing care plans for patients of any background – cultural, religious, etc. Also, effective communication requires a combination of good verbal and non–verbal skills. Increasing awareness in regards to non– more content... Non–verbal communication is a type of communication with the absence of words and is usually controlled unconsciously. Non–verbal communication use forms which are hard to control, such as facial expressions, gestures, eye–to–eye contacts, postures, and touch (Kozier & Erb, 2016). Non–verbal communication often tells more about what a person is feeling more than what it is said. Contemporary believes that verbal and non–verbal communication should be treated as an integrated communication construct (Stewart, 2011). Interlocutors interact through unspoken dialogue, whereas the sender 's messages are interpreted by the receiver beyond words themselves. It is to be aware of that the content of the communication highly depends on the interlocutor 's understanding of the communication sequence, hence, patients from difference background varies. The decoding of messages is based on the receiver 's individual factors and subjective perceptions. In a health care setting, it is likely to happen that non–verbal messages will be misinterpreted, as mentioned, patients have different background believing in different values and beliefs. An HP with the lack of knowledge in conflict management will create a huge gap between the nurse–patient relationship. Conflict is any disagreement between two people, HP, and patients, in a health care setting. The differences in opinions, emotions, beliefs, and behaviours can result in a clash or perceived threat to Get more content on
  • 13. Interpersonal Communication Essay I.Introduction AND Thesis Statement Interpersonal communication is key to the life of a healthy relationship or marriage. Without communicating relationships and marriage will end failing. One of the biggest challenges with interpersonal communication lies in our ability to share our thoughts and concerns, conducted by feelings, desires, goals and needs, with another person 1)Explain the principles of and barriers to effective interpersonal communications. (You don't have to list the objectives in this order, but be sure you cover all of them.) A.In any relationship, communication is key. However, with any relationship there are going to be barriers that will effective communication. B.Misperceptions iw a barrier in more content... 2)Analyze the role of communication in developing and maintaining one's self–concept, self–image, and self–esteem. a.Topic Sentence As an individual both most must focus your center of attention on learning who you are as individuals an understanding your self–concept, self–image and self–esteem. When you understand how you vision yourself and can express your views properly, then you can start revealing deeper pieces of yourself to one another. b.Supporting Evidence: Understanding who you are allows for greater perception into communication competence in gaining respect for "communication appropriateness" and "communication effectiveness" or knowing your audience and having a goal in mind. i.Communication competence in knowledge, motivation, and skill. ii. "Communication competence is an important interpersonal skill, and it requires awareness of our individual communication patterns" (Bevan & Sole, 2014). c.Avoid just using a quote from a source. Explain what you think the author means. With communication competence, you can more effectively approach any situation that requires communication with purpose. Anyone can small talk, but it takes a skilled individual to communicate a message with a goal to be met at the end. d.Why does this matter generally? Why does this matter for your couple? Small talk is not where the relationship will be built. The relationship is going to grow and strengthen Get more content on
  • 14. Essay about Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal communication is the process of people exchanging messages in relationships. Ranging from role relationships, to interpersonal relationships, to close and intimate relationships, each one of our interactions contribute to the formation, strengthening or weakening of relationships. Through these interactions and relationships, people fulfill the main interpersonal needs, consisting of social inclusion, affection and behavioral control. By exploring communication theories, such as social identity theory, self–expansion theory, uncertainty reduction theory and expectancy violation theory, I learned more about myself, as well as my relationships and surroundings. Through communication, we socially construct our identities; more content... We present our self–image, receive feedback through interaction, and then form roles and associations in groups to discover our own selves. Further developing identity, in the self–expansion theory, identity is formed as we develop closer, deeper relationships. While seeking self–expansion of identity in close relationships, the exposure to new experiences and perceptions further develop identities. I chose to apply theories associated with identity because they are relevant in our everyday lives. Identity perceptions of ourselves derive from our relationships and our surroundings. If we did not engage in interpersonal interactions with others, we would be less aware of ourselves and ou r associations with our surroundings. In order to deepen the knowledge of identities, it is necessary to experience different perspectives through varying interactions and communication styles. Along with these theories regarding self–identity and identity management, changes in perceived identities can cause uncertainty in some relationships. Uncertainty is the inability to predict or explain actions or behaviors from another individual (Burgoon). Individuals can experience self, partner or relational uncertainty, in which they are unsure about their own identity or state of their relationships. It is part of human nature to want to reduce uncertainty in relationships, but Get more content on
  • 15. Interpersonal Communication Essay Interpersonal communication is the technique we use to communicate our ideas, thoughts and feelings to one and other. (Eunson 2012:256) People use visual, written, oral, sense and nonverbal means to communicate. Individuals have communicated with each other for centuries through the medium of letters, telephone, groups with public speaking and one to one conversations. With the introduction of mass media ideas could spread to larger audiences however the means of imparting information required high level skills and equipment not available to the individual. The highly effective tools of the mass media have now become the tools of the individual to use in the digital age to help with interpersonal communication. Electronic communication more content... The internet enables communication in two ways with instant feedback, whilst the broadcast and print media is only one and feedback is limited. The effective tools of broadcast media have now become the tools for interpersonal communication. 

With the population growing and our network expanding rapidly throughout the world, electronic communication has benefited people immensely. It gives them the privilege to share and connect globally with anyone, like distance family members, friends and work colleagues through various social networking websites such as Twitter, Flickr, Google+ and Facebook. An interpersonal communication technique such as visual communication is used regularly in these websites. Being able to see your social group's latest photos and video which are updated daily, lets you feel more connected to people you don't see in person often. (Sless 1987:187) Another form of visual communication is through visual aids to convey ideas and information in ways that can be read orlooked upon. It includes signs, typography, drawings, graphic design and electronic resources. It aims to communicate through personal perspective. If the viewer has an opinion about an image purely based on their personal thoughts they respond differently in their thoughts and values as someone else might. (Smith 2005:12) Electronic communication is commonly used in business meetings. Using various modes as power points, videos, photos and animation, Get more content on
  • 16. Interpersonal Communication Course Reflection 1. At the start of this course, I wasn't familiar with the concepts of interpersonal communication in an academic way. Now that I've been in the course, I realize that I was familiar with the concepts as they've occurred within my life, although these happenings didn't have a name. Due to the fact that these concepts didn't have a name, they weren't fully acknowledged within my life. For example, I came into this course with a grasp of my conflicts and romantic relationship. I knew the necessities, my needs, his needs, and our areas that needed work. I also was having conflict struggles with my boyfriend's mother and had what I thought was an understanding of the situation. However, I was struggling to navigate effectively within more content... As such, I am now working to comprehend areas of conflict from a new perspective. 3. Despite all of the newfound knowledge that has been obtained during the course, it can be difficult to apply the concepts that we've learned to every situation that we're faced with. I realized that even though I'd love to resolve conflicts simply with some of the tips from the textbook and lectures, applying such thinking and problem solving methods can be a challenge. Although I believed that I made an attempt to not make assumptions (particularly the assumptions of consistency and communicator independence). Although acknowledging the types of assumptions that we make and how they negatively can impact our relationships is useful, in the early stages of conflict it can be difficult to recognize that such assumptions are being made. For example, my boyfriend's mother had made an informal agreement with me (or so I had thought it to be informal). I had told her that I would communicate with the other party involved to set a schedule. She and I had both made the assumptions of consistency and simple meaning, causing us to take words at face value without much thought or further discussion. A miscommunication ensued causing her to say some really hurtful things towards me. My boyfriend became involved and a full on feud ensued. During this time, I had refused to understand her perception of the situation allowing the assumption of communicator independence to occur. While in hindsight, Get more content on
  • 17. Interpersonal Communication Essay Interpersonal communication is the most important kind of communication. It happens when two individuals are in a close proximity to each other, and they are able to provide immediate feedback to one another. IPC (interpersonal communication) is the way we express our thoughts, feelings, and ideas to the people around us. Interpersonal communication is something you need to do well as it affects many aspects of your life. Interpersonal communication is a learned skill that can be improved with knowledge and practice. What makes these skills necessary is that they allow you to express your thoughts, feelings, and any information quickly and orderly. These skills can help you understand someone, and can even help you make more content... Also, when sending the message the sender should try to ask their question is a way that requires an answer. If they are able to make the listener respond they are more likely to do what the sender has asked them to do. Another way to send a clear message is to respect the individual that is being communicated with. If the sender is polite and respectful they are more likely to be respected in turn. The final step in the road to exemplary interpersonal communication is to affirm. Affirm means to inform the listener why your request or statement is so important to you. If the sender wants to have something done for them, people are more likely to be helpful and cooperative if the something in question has meaning and is not just a waste of their time. Interpersonal communication is used in every part of life. From the moment you wake up in the morning to the second you fall asleep at night, it is a guarantee you have used interpersonal communication in some way. IPC can be used in your workplace, no matter where you work. It can occur in your personal life. Interpersonal communication has even found an outlet in the most recently developed form of communication, the Internet. Using interpersonal communication when dealing with careers is staggeringly important. In the work force being intelligent isn't enough anymore. If a person is unable to communicate well with their coworkers and the people charge of them, they will not be Get more content on
  • 18. I chose the topic of self–concept through interpersonal communication because I had an interest in it. This interest is because I didn't understand that one's self–concept affected the way one is perceived by others. I learned self–concept through class discussions, but I wanted a better understanding of how communication affects one's self–concept and how it affects one's perception One's self–concept affects one's perception, attitude and behavior, which can be demonstrated during the process of interpersonal communication. Aspects of one's life influence their self–concept, which not only affect how people perceive them but how they perceive themselves. Such things are gender, motivational level and psychological type. It is more content... One will either come out of a situation with a positive or negative concept of these surroundings. Poor communication can cause one to have a poor perception of oneself. One's emotional state, dislikes, likes values and body image are affected by the opinions of others and can render one to have an inferior and insecure self–concept. How one communicates is also influenced by gender. Studies show that ones sex can place a person in a gender role expectation. Women and Men communicate differently and because sexual identity is defined through same sex parent or role model, women and men can get into gender role expectations. These expectations influence their perception attitudes and behavior that will result in a communication style. This early self–concept can effect each one's interpersonal relations. Women for instance are much–attached human beings they have very early identification with their mothers, and this can cause an on going pattern of role expectation. It can lead to interpersonal communication skills that are very nurturing and understanding. Women are not threatened by intimacy and communicating at a close range with people. Similarly, men also have an early identification process not with their mother, but their fathers. Men tend to be fairly reserved, and quite. Men are most comfortable when there is a level of separation. This male role will contribute to the communication processes and it can cause communication to Get more content on
  • 19. Interpersonal Communication Title Student's Name COM200: Interpersonal Communication Instructor's Name Date (Sample March 19, 2014) Introduction– Thesis Statement * If you're having difficulties writing a thesis, use the thesis generator in the Ashford Writing Center– https:/ /–tools–thesis–generator.html. Remember, a thesis should make a claim – a definitive statement – about some issue. Here is an example: Effective communication is the most important factor in a successful relationship. Without it, chances are, a relationship will fail. 1) Body Paragraph # 1 – Explain the principles of and barriers to effective interpersonal communications. (You don't have to list the objectives in this order, but be sure you cover more content... iv. And don't forget citations (Bevan & Sole, 2014, p.75). c. Explanation of the central points from the article(s): Avoid just using a quote from a source. Explain what you think the author means. d. Why does this matter generally? Why does this matter for your couple? * Body Paragraph #3 – Differentiate appropriate levels of self–disclosure and emotional intelligence in various relationships. e. Topic Sentence: Remember, in this one, you are required to cover two topics. You will likely need at least two paragraphs, with two topic sentences. f. Supporting Evidence: The best papers will use an academic source and personal experience. v. If you have more than one point, use a separate line for each. vi. And don't forget citations (Bevan & Sole, 2014, p.75). g. Explanation of the central points from the article(s): Avoid just using a quote from a source. Explain what you think the author means. h. Explanation: i. Why does this matter generally? Why does this matter for your couple? 2) Body Paragraph #4 – Describe strategies for using communication techniques to resolve interpersonal conflicts. j. Topic Sentence: k. Supporting Evidence: The best papers will use an academic source and personal experience. vii. If you have more than one point, use a separate line for each. Get more content on
  • 20. Interpersonal Communication Essay Interpersonal communication theories are interesting and compelling to read. They are astonishingly relatable to one's everyday life. As one reads an interpersonal communication theory, he or she may find himself or herself thinking of instances in daily life and relationships that directly correspond with the theory. I found the theories to be eerily similar to how many people behave, communicate, and think with regards to interacting with one another. Interpersonal communication theories describe the communication between two or more individuals through verbal, non verbal, and written communication. I believe the theories are some of the easiest to comprehend perhaps due to the direct correlation with people's lives. Through my own more content... The first, selective exposure, consists of avoiding information that is inconsistent with an individual's beliefs or attitudes. An example of this hypothesis is spending time with people who share the same beliefs and are "like" oneself in order to prevent dissonance from inconsistent things. "A fear of dissonance would lead to a reluctance to take action–a reluctance to commit oneself" (Festinger 31). The second, post decision dissonance, occurs after a difficult decision and creates a need for reassurance. The importance, difficulty, and irreversibility of the decision increase the dissonance. Therefore, individuals seek reassuring information or people to reduce their inner dissonance. Lastly, minimal justification is a counter–attitudinal action leading to an attitudinal change. In other words, a minimal reward should be used to make an attitudinal change. This theory has proven very applicable to my life. In life, I tend to have a problem with making difficult decisions without continuously asking myself whether or not I have made the right one. These decisions range from using my time wisely to deciding where to attend college. The hypotheses selective exposure and post decision dissonance have provided greater insight into my behavior. With regards to selective exposure, I have the tendency to spend time with individuals who most likely Get more content on