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How to choose the Best School for your children in Paris and Ile-de-France.
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Finding an educational institution that will ensure that your child has a solid
academic foundation as well as build just as solid lifetime relationships may be
difficult. This difficulty is increased if there is a language barrier between your
child and those whom he attends school with.
Moving abroad places stress on both the parents and the student. And even the
thought of weeding through the hundreds of bilingual institutions to choose from
in order to find the perfect fit for your student could leave you feeling exhausted.
This would will help.
In this book, we’ve outlined a few great bilingual institutions found in Paris and
Ile de France. Each description gives a brief overview of each school’s high point,
grade levels and focus to assist in your search for the perfect education institute.
Early Learning
Whether your child speaks English or French as a first language you are sure to
find a program that will suite your needs.
Lennen Bilingual Schools​, for example, believes it’s important to start your
child’s education early in order to ensure a solid academic foundation. This
school starts between the ages of 2 to 3 through 11 years. This dual immersion
program allows French speaking students to attend their classes in English and
the English speaking students to attend their classes in French. This allows
children to learn through play.
For families who have relocated it may be difficult to find options that offer the
quality education you desire while making your children feel comfortable in
their new surroundings. At ​Ecole Jeannine Manuel​, you’ll get educational
options which bring together students who have the common factor of relocation.
Students start taking French lessons as soon as possible and eventually began
taking as many classes as possible in French. Students are also exposed to the
cultural aspects of France to become comfortable as a whole.
Complete Schooling
Another featured school in here is the ​Sections Internationales de Sevres​.
Founded in 1960, this school is one of Paris’ first bilingual schools. Students who
attend have either a French- English or a French- German school career. The
school offers classes all the way from pre-school to high-school allowing students
to build solid relationships from a young age throughout their schooling.
Another schooling option that offers academics from age 4 to 19 is ​Lycee
International Saint-Germain-En-Laye​. This school works to ensure that
American students hold firm to their American heritage while learning in Paris.
They also focus on self confidence in order to build leadership values.
Established in 1954 the ​British School of France takes its students from an early
age until university age. With over 50 nationalities represented within the school
the school boasts of a very high standard of English education. This school is
located in the suburbs of Paris and its charm reflects the charm of its
Melting Pot
Ecole Internationale Bilingue offers students the opportunity to build a
well-rounded education by learning with other houses based on the same
premises. This is believed to build both secular and bilingual skills while
learning first hand cultural differences. The academic standards are very high
and they conform to the British, American and IBO qualifications.
American School of Paris was founded post World War 2 when a serious need
arose for international communities who found refuge in France, to have access
to education not necessarily offered by the local Parisian schools.
The Parisian suburb of Saint-Cloud not only houses the first American school in
France, it also houses the first international school in Europe. This prestigious school
enrolls pupils from all over the world with the aim not only to prepare them for some
of the best universities in the world, but also to ensure that their education process is
structured and disciplined with a sense of Parisian flair. Rearing sophisticated yet
well-spoken and well-rounded individuals is not any easy task in today's society,
however, when you add respect and consideration to the daily lives of these young
individuals there is no choice other than excelling in any chosen avenue.
The education process takes the pupils all the way from lower school, starting at the
age of 4 right up to upper school which usually ends at age 18. Parents who have found
the need to have their children based in an International school, usually have the same
thing in common: acceptance of diversity. Not only does the school accept diversity, it
is the very foundation the school is built on.
American School of Paris was founded post World War II when a serious need arose
for international communities who found refuge in France, to have access to education
not necessarily offered by the local Parisian schools. Cultural and language barriers
were cited, and with this in mind, the American School of Paris was formed in 1946.
The school does not simply only offer the American High School Diploma, it also assists
with Advanced Placement courses and also offers the International Baccalaureate (IB).
ASP was one of the founding schools of the IB and has been offering it for more than 30
years. It is vital to the school that placements in prestigious tertiary institutions
continue in order for these young adults to become international ambassadors, no
matter their chosen field.
What sets the school apart from others is the sense of community. Every child is
treated as an individual and the fostering of acceptance and respect is an important
aspect of the job. As these children hail from many parts of the world, proper
discipline and correct ways of addressing each other are vital to the school's success.
From an early age children are encouraged to have an internationally based mindset.
The curriculum forms a very firm foundation, and the success of the school is
attributed to this. In order for the school to succeed on the international stage and
provide an opportunity for every one of its children to succeed academically, the
school understands that the exposure to extracurricular activities is crucial. Athletics is
a vital part of any student’s journey, as it fosters camaraderie and sportsmanship. The
Visual and Performing Arts department encourages students to have a greater
understanding and appreciation for art. The stimulation of the creative side of any
student has shown to have a great impact on their student life. Service Learning is one
of the most important aspects of tuition as it forms a great foundation for the
understanding of being a global citizen.
American School of Paris
For Admissions inquiries, check the ​Admissions area​of their website.
For Employment inquiries, check the Employment at ASP pages.
41 rue Pasteur
92210 Saint-Cloud
Tel: +33 (0)1 41 12 82 82
Fax: +33 (0)1 46 02 23 90
The academic standards are incredibly high, as they conform to the British,
American and IBO qualifications.
Students who attend EIB not only have a well-rounded education, they also
experience this education with students from other houses based on the same
premises. The schools include the following:
• EIB Victor Hugo School: International preschool to high school
• EIB Lamartine: French preschool and primary
• EIB Monceau: Immersion classes, French preschool and primary
• Collège EIB Monceau: French middle school
• Lycée EIB Etoile: French high school
This gives the children to form part of much larger global community as the
school is both secular and bilingual. This affords the children the opportunity to
embrace cultural diversity as well as embrace their own, as well as other cultural
The academic standards are incredibly high, as they conform to the British,
American and IBO qualifications. The school also conforms to the French national
curriculum which is under contract with the Ministry of Education. In terms of
the accreditations, the school is accredited by the University of Cambridge
International Examinations to provide the Cambridge International Curriculum,
the International Baccalaureate teaching program, the Edexcel general and
professional qualifications, the College Board to deliver American programs as
well as Fullbright which recognizes American certifications and qualifications.
Apart from being academically strong enough to have students accepted as a host
of reputable universities like Oxford, Cambridge and MIT, the balance in terms of
other activities are also important. Students are encouraged to take part in sports,
art classes and music. This has proven an increased learning ability.
The school offers a Summer Program that is aimed at not only improve the
English and French language skills of the students, but also ensure that there is
proper interaction. The Summer Program incorporates learning the languages as
well as taking part in exciting field trips and fun interactive projects.
The students are in an environment that does not only encourage
self-enhancement, but also the uplifting of those around them. Students are
encouraged to perform and a lot of guidance and support is available to the
students. The classes are kept small to ensure that the students are given the
necessary individual attention they may need, and extra classes are also available
to those students who may be experiencing challenges.
​View EIB Brochure
The school is not only committed to uplifting the student, but also encourages the
student to take part in humanitarian initiatives. There are different options that
come up from time to time, and the commitment to these projects will not only
foster a better future for the recipient, but will also change the student in the
sense that the world has suddenly become larger than just their own lives. This is
an important principle to learn, as it forms the foundation for a strong sense of
social responsibility.
Ecole Internationale Bilingue
117 boulevard Malesherbes
75008 Paris
Email: ​
Tel: 01 45 63 62 22
The ultimate goal is to not just make students proficient in French and the other
chosen subjects, but also prepare them for tertiary education.
Children who are happy flourish and those who don’t have to curb their
enthusiasm even more so. This is what sets this school apart from the rest, as the
children are encouraged to explore and invent. Children are by nature curious
beings and by harnessing this curiosity as part of the curriculum; the child
becomes a willing and participating student. Studying and interacting with other
students should be something the children want to do and by creating the right
behaviors, instilling this desire only takes a few years.
A culture of cultural acceptance is an international culture and sets the course for
these students. The school offers a curriculum that stretches from pre-school
right up to pre-university. Students are given the opportunity to follow a
pedagogical innovation method to ensure that learning remains fun and
inventive. This has proven to be successful as the school consistently ranks in the
top 5 French schools, and follows the French Baccalaureate as well as the
International Baccalaureate programs, giving the students the best opportunities
to further their studies.
International students take part in an adaptation class as relocation could be
draining on the student and parents. The program is focused on integrating
students with as little as possible disruption and by fostering deep and enduring
relationships in order to assure that the students and their parents connect with
people in a similar situation as them. Part of this is also ensuring that the
students start taking up French lessons as soon as possible, and eventually
moving towards taking as many classes in French as possible in order to master
the language at the end of the curriculum. International students are also
exposed to cultural and historical landmarks to get a feeling of the French culture
as a whole.
The ultimate goal is to not just make students proficient in French and the other
chosen subjects, but also prepare them for tertiary education. The College
Counsellor is appointed to ensure that the students receive proper guidance and
testing to ensure that they are heading in the right direction. Tests and interviews
form the basis of these meetings, ensuring that the student’s wishes and aptitudes
In order to ensure balance, participation in athletics is encouraged. Students who
tend to partake in physical activity tend to find working together as a team a lot
easier. The cultural side of the student’s school career is also important. The
students have the option of joining theatre productions, street dance, hiking,
music, debate and photography. Giving back to the community is also an
important principle of the school and students are encouraged to participate in
Something that may not be known is the fact that the school offers Chinese as a
compulsory subject for half an hour per day, from grade 3 to grade 5. After grade
5 this is an option for students to continue with, but no longer compulsory. The
school also offers other languages like German, Italian or Spanish. This makes a
great entry for the student as a world citizen.
École Jeannine Manuel
70, rue du Théâtre - 75015 Paris
Tel : 01 44 37 00 80 - Fax : 01 45 79 06 66
Primaire - Collège - Lycée
Email : ​
The school follows the International Baccalaureate program, equipping the
students with the best opportunity possible to be accepted to well-known and
respected tertiary education facilities.
The school is an IB world school based within the French education system, and
strives to teach its students not only social responsibility, but also compassion
and knowledge. A student who is keenly aware of their surroundings and their
inner-self is able to explore their own natural curiosity. The school encourages
the students to first dream and then to start working on the path to reaching that
dream. The students are made aware of differences in the respective cultures and
a deep sense of respect and understanding is nurtured in these students. It is vital
to the success of the school as well as the student that they understand their role
on the international stage and how to be an effective and responsible global
The school works on an IDEALS principle, which translates to: International,
Democratic, Environment, Adventure, Lead and Serve. This is to foster that sense
of adventure that should never fade away, however, is sometimes suppressed
when the student is in the wrong environment. The school aims to be the right
environment for the student to be able to express themselves, as well as try
different avenues and to now only conform to the mould. The school encourages
it through daily teachings, as well as field trips, education sessions and exchange
The seven year International Studies program is designed for students to excel in
their chosen path after graduating from the school. The school follows the
International Baccalaureate program, equipping the students with the best
opportunity possible to be accepted to well-known and respected tertiary
education facilities. This is a great opportunity for English speaking students, as
they are able to further their studies in a foreign environment, however, without
the language barriers. They are also able to engage with French-speaking
students, who will assist in improving not only their French skills, but also give
them a more natural approach to cultural heritage.
Projects, field trips and analytical analysis is the focus of the curriculum, which
puts the student in a better position to relate to the global community and start
engaging in live at campus when they go on to university. This transition should
be smooth and seems to be what the majority of schools are lacking, by just
implementing the run of the mill curriculum. The children sit for exams, and they
are measured on the academic achievements, however, their participation in
sports and other activities is just as crucial, as it forms a solid foundation. The
total well being of the student is very important, and support and encouragement
are part of everyday life. The educators are well trained and their aim is to see
that the students are hopeful, enthusiastic and full of energy to take on the
challenges every new day may offer.
Ermitage International School of France
Lower School: +33 (0)1 39 62 04 02
Middle School: +33 (0)1 39 62 79 80
Upper School, Lycée: +33 (0)1 39 62 04 81
Upper School, International Studies Office: +33 (0)1 39 62 80 62
To contact their individual departments by phone or email, you can visit
their ​directory​.
Or on ​Facebook​.
Eurécole understands that in order for students to succeed in life, their well being
needs to be taken care of.
Honesty, courage and tolerance are the building blocks for building a sure
foundation for students to become global citizens. This is embedded in the
students from an early age, as it is important to let this shape their journey
ahead. There are many different cultures represented at the school, therefore
embracing cultural diversity is an absolute must. The students are encouraged to
their differences as a common denominator as opposed to differentiator. Due to
the vast international representation at the school, the school regularly
encourages trips through European mainland, USA and the UK. Travelling seems
to not only encourage a deeper enduring acceptance of other cultures; it also
creates the platform for different perspectives to come into play.
The school takes care of three phases: nursery, primary and secondary. Nursery
is mainly the incorporation of fine motor skills, pre-reading, pre-maths, etc.
During the nursery phase, physical activity is important as well as languages. The
younger children are when they start learning languages, the better as they tend
to learn it faster than their older counterparts. They also tend to develop the
correct accent. Long recreational periods also ensure that the students have an
opportunity to do some physical activity as well as improve their social skills.
Primary schools still encourage physical activity and socializing, as well as the
implementation of Algebra and Latin. Art and sports start featuring during
primary school as well to ensure that the students are well balanced. Primary
school lasts for a period of five years. Eurécole understands that in order for
students to succeed in life, their well being needs to be taken care of. Secondary
school takes care of this by maintaining a high focus on physical activity. It also
focuses on key areas for self-development like logical thinking, self-discipline,
develop research skills and also ensure that they not only retain their curiosity,
but use and develop it. For the school, it is vital that the students are equipped for
success and, for this reason; there is personal interaction with each child every
day. The classes are small enough for this to be facilitated.
Due to a special relationship that exists between the school and Après-school in
India, the students are exposed to the opportunity to take part in social
responsibility. This opportunity is not forced on the student or their parents,
however, to date has been fairly successful to ensure that the student there are
able to continue with their schooling without having to be worried about the cost
of education. Thus far, the school has been able to support two children with
their schooling through internal fundraising. The success of this will be the
platform of many good things to come and has awakened the student’s hearts to
realizing that not everyone in the global community has immediate and proper
access to education.
EURÉCOLE - école maternelle
EURÉCOLE - école élémentaire
EURÉCOLE - collège
EURÉCOLE - Formation​
Forest International School follows the English National Curriculum (ENC) and
the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) to ensure that the children have a
solid educational background.
The building blocks for a healthy view of schooling and the importance of loving
the learning process starts from an early age, which the school understands. The
school takes children through the nursery, preschool and primary school phases.
This solidifies the children's warmness to those from other cultural backgrounds.
Placing your child in an international school sets the child apart, in the sense that
growing up and spending their formation years with children, who come from
other backgrounds; make it easier for the children to associate with others on the
international stage.
They will also have respect for other cultures from an early age, and knowing
what makes other people different somehow boosts the confidence and
leadership abilities, as different nationalities will not deter them from taking on
international platforms.
Forest International School follows the English National Curriculum (ENC) and
the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) to ensure that the children have a
solid educational background. The IPC curriculum focuses on children having
exposure to not only the academic side of education, but also physical activity
and exposure to the cultural side of things. Child growth and development takes
more than just reading a book or two, and physical activity does not only teach
the child’s motor skills, it also creates an environment where further friendships
can be formed. Physical exercise also ensures that more oxygen comes into the
bloodstream and better circulation, which makes it easier for the children to
concentrate and focus on their studies. The cultural aspect takes care of activities
that children going through an ordinary school system may not be exposed to, for
instance, art and music. Both of these aspects are critical to ensuring a
well-balanced child.
The school prides itself on the fact that it creates a tight-knit community, as not
only are many of the children from international backgrounds, but also the
teachers. This helps the children bond with the teachers and each other quicker.
A sense of community is needed to ensure that the children thrive and that they
are more susceptible to integration. A variety of events and special meetings
hosted by the Parent Association makes this integration pleasurable for the whole
There is a strong focus on health, and the children are given healthy meals during
lunch breaks. The children are also permitted to bring their own food from
home. The school also hosts a holiday club which involves a natural exploration
and experimentation of the playground, which is fondly dubbed “The Forest”.
They are not only limited to playground time, during Summer School the children
also learn to cook basic meals and yummy treats, as well as painting and fruit
picking. They are also known to come up with their best play-acting productions
during Summer School which serves to be a treat for children and parents alike.
Another important aspect of physical education that is offered during Summer
School is swimming, which is not only a great way to keep fit and healthy, but for
children, it is endless fun.
Forest International School
Address : 28 Chemin du Tour d'Échelle du Mur de Clôture de la Forêt de Marly,
78750 Mareil-Marly
Tel : 01 39 16 87 35
The school focuses on creating a holistic atmosphere for students to be
themselves and let others be themselves too as the only thing that is the same is
that they are all different.
An international student is so much more than just a student happening to be
studying at a foreign school, an international student is a student who is a global
citizen and embraces cultural diversity. It is a student who is ever seeking to
know more, learn more and do more. The student seeks to find solutions and
build relationships, whilst knowing the importance of being a well-rounded
student. The International School of Paris is just one of those institutions that
embody the development of the characteristics of the international student, by
knowing where guidance is needed. Small classes and state of the art facilities
allow these objectives to be achieved.
The school strives to encourage its students to form a healthy view of learning
and education. They want students to always have the confidence to want to
know more in order for them to reach their maximum potential. This is not only
done through examinations only and it is important that students are engaged
and involved in projects, discussions, debates and interactive scenarios. They
would also be mindful of those with other backgrounds and come from other
parts of the world, where difference is considered normal. Embracing other
students who not only look and speak different will set the stage for the
international community. How they communicate with each other is at the centre
of this cultural acceptance.
A keen focus on the planet is not only one of the key focus areas of the school; it
also forms part of their daily education. The students are equipped with gardens,
one of them being a rooftop garden. The students are also encouraged to
participate in outreach programmes. The last two were both successfully
scheduled trips to Ghana, where the kids learnt to interact with people from West
Africa. This humanitarian project was focused on ensuring that subjects like
math, science, computer literacy and English became a reality for this
community. They were also responsible for building a library and providing the
books, as well as ensure that the community started understanding the
importance of learning to recycle.
Apart from ensuring that the students excelled academically by using the
principles of the International Baccalaureate programmes to try and lay a
foundation for further studies after completing grade 12, the school is also very
proud of its sports teams with a great representation in the soccer, volleyball,
swimming and basketball teams. The school is also fond of hosting plays and
showcase their talent. The rooftop gardens also provide a stimulating atmosphere
for those students who wish to practice their brush strokes and perhaps be the
next great artist. The school focuses on creating a holistic atmosphere for
students to be themselves and let others be themselves too as the only thing that
is the same is that they are all different.
International School of Paris
6 Rue Beethoven, 75016 Paris, France
Tel: +33 (0)1 42 24 09 54
Fax:+33 (0)1 45 27 15 93
The curriculum follows a strong foundation with all the important aspects of
child development covered. This includes mathematics, science, social studies,
physical education, music & movement and language arts..
The importance of starting small in terms of getting a good solid education
embedded in students is vital, to ensure not only short term success, but also long
term appreciation of education. It is crucial to start the love of learning from an
early age in order to encourage students to have a positive outlook on not only
their academic achievements, but also have a firm grasp on building enduring
relationships with their peers. The school starts this process between the ages of
2-3 and takes care of the educational needs of the children right up until the age
of 11.
Immersion is a tool used to encourage students to take their classes in French,
even though they are English speaking. This assists the child to have a much
quicker response time to learning the language as in any other environment,
other than a home environment. This is a dual immersion program, as it also
allows for the French speaking students to attend their classes in English. This is
done by having an English and French teacher present, thus the children are
educated in both languages. This is done in two stages, part and full immersion.
The children are encouraged to explore, ask questions, build good social skills
and learn through play. The child’s natural sense of wonder and their inquisitive
nature is never quenched; instead it is nurtured in order for the child to develop
a natural approach to learning, and putting what they’ve learnt into practice. The
school creates a safe environment for the children to do this, as it also encourages
good relationships with their fellow students. As the school is an international
one, the children will come into contact with children from other nationalities,
which in turn help the children to build deep, enduring relationships, and also
learn the skills of acceptance, camaraderie and how to become better global
The curriculum follows a strong foundation with all the important aspects of
child development covered. This includes mathematics, science, social studies,
physical education, music & movement and language arts.
Music & movement is a very interesting period for the children, as they are
immersed in music and song, whilst being encouraged to exercise their motor
skills in terms of following musical movements like beat and rhythm. The
children are also encouraged to use the instruments to come up with their own
music as this develops a very important skill set which becomes important in
further studies. Physical education is another focus of the school, as a healthy
body harbours a healthy mind. Children also learn the importance of
sportsmanship, as well as the range and motion possible within their own bodies
and the importance of practicing to get past the limitations of these ranges and
motions. This is important as it is a very important building block for discipline.
The Lennen Bilingual School​has three locations, all in the heart of Paris!
65 quai d'Orsay
75007 Paris
Tel: +33 (0) 1 47 05 66 55
Fax: +33 (0) 1 47 05 17 18
145 rue Saint Dominique
75007 Paris
Tel: +33 (0) 1 53 59 90 73
Fax: +33 (0) 1 53 59 92 51
Primary School
176 rue de Grenelle
75007 Paris
Tel: +33 (0) 1 44 42 99 00
Fax: +33 (0) 1 44 42 01 93
The curriculum is American based, therefore these students will be well rounded
upon graduation as it follows the French school system method, thus the students
are exposed to both aspects.
The American section of the school has students enrolled from the age of 4 right
up to the age of 19, going through the various stages of development, from
kindergarten to high school. Even though the school is based in Paris, there is no
reason for the students not to have exposure to their American heritage,
therefore it is imperative that this is instilled in them from a young age the school
is keenly aware that these students enjoy dual citizenship in both France and the
United States. It is, therefore, important for the students to be global citizens with
a keen awareness of their roots. The curriculum is American based, therefore
these students will be well rounded upon graduation as it follows the French
school system method, thus the students are exposed to both aspects.
Leadership development is a very important part of a student’s tenure at the
school. The sense of self-awareness and self-confidence is instilled in every
student in order for them to develop these leadership abilities. Even though there
are those who are born leaders, there are also those who can learn the skill. It is
also vital for the students to develop intellectual curiosity, which in turn
strengthens their desire for learning. Students who want to learn tend to perform
better than those who do not have that desire. The school aims to have these
qualities instilled in the students, whilst ensuring that they are in a secure
environment to do so. This is achieved by not only challenging the student, but
also creating an atmosphere of caring and support.
Extracurricular activities offer the other hand of the balance beam which allows
the students freedom of expression, as well as engaging in other cultural
experiences and sports. The total wellbeing of the students is crucial in order for
them to achieve their goals and have a good educational experience. This will
ensure that their intellectual curiosity never dies down. Activities like
participating in the drama team, school publications and music groups, belonging
to the art community or the student body are just some of the things students can
participate in to improve their own self-confidence as well as building deep and
enduring relationships.
Trips to Normandy, London and Amsterdam form part of the possibilities of
being a student at this school. This is an opportunity for students to bond whilst
having an incredible experience, taking in the history and culture. The school
also has a keen sense of social responsibility which it imparts to the students,
creating a more responsible global citizen. These students learn from an early
age the advantages of taking care of the environment and not taking it for
Lycée International Saint-Germain-En-Laye
2 Rue du Fer à Cheval, 78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Phone: 01 39 10 94 11
With over 50 nationalities represented at the school, it is vital that the true
standards of English education be uplifted and maintained.
Established in 1954, the British School of France has set the tone for achievement
and academic excellence across not only France, but an international stage as
well. Taking the development of children from nursery age right up until
university, it is with care and diligence that students are given the best
opportunity to succeed. With over 50 nationalities represented at the school, it is
vital that the true standards of English education be uplifted and maintained.
The British School of Paris was the very first school in France to issue their
students with iPads from reception up to their 13th year. Technological
advancement has played a big part in terms of bringing the best in education to
the student. It is also vital that the student experiences quality presentation
methods and, therefore, the interactive whiteboards have been introduced. The
curriculum is based on the National Curriculum for England and Wales and with
a success ratio of over 90% of the students being placed at choice universities
internationally, success is part of the school's genetics. What sets the school apart
from others is its strong belief and implementation of the pastoral system, as it
fosters caring and respectful personalities. This behavior, if learnt young, will be
emulated and has the potential of making a great impact on the global
The school itself is based on the banks of the Seine, in a little town called
Croissy-Sur-Seine in the western suburbs of Paris. The wealth of cultural
influence the city of Paris exudes over the world cannot be ignored and to the
delight of the students and parents alike, this great city’s treasures are exposed
during the many field trips and curriculum-specific events. A love of culture
creates a platform for diversity to be encouraged, ensuring that the students not
only feel at home, but learn this ability in order to pay it forward as well.
As this is an international school with the student population not entirely British,
the school understands the needs of those who do not have English as their first
language. There are different options available to assist in this regard, depending
on the proficiency.
Proper planning for the future is a very important aspect and all students are
taken through a process where they are assessed and proper career guidance is
given. This is vital when deciding on tertiary education. The students are not only
prepared for university, they are also prepared for the workplace. This process
starts from year 10 and 11, to ensure there is sufficient time to prepare the
student for possibly the most important decision. This decision is then brought
home by achieving their academic goals. The school also believes that there is a
very important link between academics, sports and culture. The school prides
itself on the achievements of its students, whether on the sports field, culturally
and academically. The school will continue supporting the goals and
achievements of their students even after they have entered the workplace or
enrolled in a university.
The British School of Paris
Address: 38 Quai de l'Écluse, 78290 Croissy
Tel: 01 34 80 45 90
Marymount International School prides itself in its expression of the Catholic
faith and starts each day with prayer.
It is imperative that students get an early start to the best education and
therefore Marymount International School of Paris has found it necessary to
introduce a specialized curriculum for 2-3-year-olds. With the main focus on art,
not only will the students become more aware of their surroundings, it is also an
important part in ensuring that the student is in an environment where it can
interact with other children from an early age. This early start in development
will no doubt be an important building block for the student’s future. The school
takes its students through an interactive curriculum and interaction with
technology forms part of this. Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students are
exposed to technology by letting them learn tablet interactions. The school
facilitates education up to grade 8, with a strong focus on mathematics, literacy
and technology.
Marymount International School prides itself in its expression of the Catholic
faith and starts each day with prayer. The focus is to provide the student the
opportunity and freedom to express their Catholic faith, as well as embraces
those who may not have the same background. The school is part of the Religious
of the Sacred Heart of Mary (RSHM) movement. It is not only important to the
school that the students excel in the academics, sports and culture, but also in
their personal lives.
The school is willing to assist those we need to be assisted, to get them where they
need to be as every child has the potential to reach great levels. In order for this
to happen though, it takes time and dedication from both the student and the
faculty. There are various resources the children can make use of and the
wellness program at school is also designed to help all students participate at
their optimum levels. The classes are very small, with only a few students per
class, giving the teacher optimal time to spend with each and also pick up where
there may be any hurdles or questions. Each student is treated as an individual
and ultimately fulfills the mission of the school: “That all may have life”.
After school activities are important to maintain balance, as well as the
opportunity to participate and play in sports. Athletics is encouraged, and the
participation in sports should not distract from studies, rather, it should enhance
the overall school experience. Many friendships have been fostered on the
sporting grounds.
Spring and summer camps are arranged to ensure that the students have all
opportunities to further fine-tune their abilities and development. These camps
include Language, Sports, Musical and Art camps. The purpose is to have the
children absorb information whilst experiencing the truly American summer
camp feel.
Marymount International School, Paris
Address: 72 Boulevard de la Saussaye, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine
Tel: 01 46 24 10 51
The school also enjoyed a 100% pass rate for the Baccalaureate exam of which
60% received honors.
Excellence is not something that we’re born with, it is something we practice
every single day. With this in mind, it’s easy to see why the school has a 99%
success ratio, of which 90% with distinction. The school also enjoyed a 100% pass
rate for the Baccalaureate exam of which 60% received honors. Success can be
measured in the peace and contentment of the students, knowing that each day
they’re working towards a better future. The school offers a bilingual education
platform, where the students either have a French-English or a French-German
school career. It’s also not enough to just teach these languages, it is also vital for
the students to understand the heritage of these languages and be exposed to the
cultural aspects of these languages.
Creating a socially diverse atmosphere helps in building a strong foundation for
relationships between students, teachers and parents. Just like the students, the
teachers also hail from all parts of the world and the sense of a global community
is thus enhanced. The sense of family is very important to the school as it creates
an informal and friendly atmosphere. Parents also form an integral part of the
daily running of the school and a number of parents volunteer in various
departments of the school, for instance, the library or on sports days.
What makes the school so unique is that it was one of the first international
bilingual schools and was founded in 1960. Paris is known for its international
community, thus the need for the school to incorporate French, English and
German was crucial. With many of the parents working for Unesco, the need to
be able to send their children to a French school and still retaining some of their
own heritage was important.
The school has classes running all the way from preschool to high school and
incorporates a very vigorous academic cycle. The syllabus is pushed hard to
ensure that the students are above standard and that students who are struggling
can be assisted immediately. The classes are small enough for individual
attention to be given to the students. Students who seem to struggle to keep up
will be encouraged and assisted after school to ensure that they get the most out
of their schooling career. Many old students who recall their time at the school
remember it as the best time of their lives. The school's aim is to keep it that way.
Cultural exposure and physical activity are two added ingredients to the student’s
success and regular field trips are arranged in order for students to get exposed
to both. A balanced child is a happy child and a happy child finds it a bit easier to
learn new things.
Sections Internationales de Sèvres
1 Parvis Charles de Gaulle, 92310 Sèvres
Tel : 01 72 77 70 40
The goal of this school is to spotlight Canada’s passion of achieving academic
excellence and interacting with parents while allowing each student to maintain
The Canadian Bilingual School of Paris was founded by Dr. Helene Leone in 2011
to fill a void left by a lack of Canadian schools in France. Dr. Leone wanted to
bridge the gap of two countries that are an ocean apart yet connected with the
same rich culture and language. The goal of this school is to spotlight Canada’s
passion of achieving academic excellence and interacting with parents while
allowing each student to maintain individuality.
Our school offers students and parents a unique bi-cultural experience. We bring
Canada to France by giving students the opportunity to take courses of study in
both English and French. Our prime location in one of the most beautiful and
prestigious areas of Paris encourages our students to fully embrace their culture.
In the heart of the 8​th
district we are only a short walk to the Canadian Embassy
and the Elysée Palace.
Our school encourages the students to embrace learning. Each member of our
faculty holds a valid British Columbia Certificate of Qualifications. We offer small
class sizes which typically do not exceed a sixteen to one ratio. We feel that
smaller classes provide an environment that supports the well-being of each
student and promotes personalized learning and academic achievement.
We follow the British Columbia Ministry of Education’s provincially prescribed
curriculum with program offerings to both native and non-native speakers of
English and/or French. Language support is provided for all students in grades
Kindergarten through Ninth with English as a Second Language and French as a
Second Language classes.
The school day is from 8:20 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. Monday through Friday. Courses are
taught on a block schedule where students are able to spend ample but not overly
excessive time in each class session. Each block is fifty minutes long which
ensures that students maintain a fresh mind to learn throughout the school day.
Students also have two scheduled recesses (one in the morning and one in the
afternoon) as well as a lunch period which is taken mid-day.
Course offerings and support is provided for students from age 3 to 19 years.
● Primary School is offered for children from Preschool to grade five. These
courses are designed to challenge students within the ages of three to ten
years. This level strives to ensure students have a solid learning foundation
to build upon in Middle School.
● Middle School offers study options for students who are ages eleven to
fifteen. Students in grades six through nine will take advantage of this
academic platform designed to help them explore learning as a method of
● Secondary School courses are offered to students whose ages range from
sixteen to nineteen. Secondary studies assist students from grades ten
through twelve with the preparation of college and real world experiences.
5 rue d’Aguesseau
75008, Paris France
Tel: 33 01 43 87 00 44
Fax: 33 01 43 87 58 01
In Canada:
Toll-free: 1-844-795-7494
Tel: 1-778-655-0455
Fax: 1-844-595-4291
For further Information concerning the Canadian Bilingual School of Paris please
We nurture curiosity, creativity and imagination. Our belief is that education
should work to build a like-minded community.
Kingsworth as an acronym which represents:
Kaleidoscope of cultures
Impactful on the community
Non-stop pursuit of excellence
Growth of the individual in the community
Spirit of enquiry
Well balanced
Respecting myself, my peers, my elders
Transforming through lifelong learning
High aimers (and achievers)
Kingsworth strives to plant a deep passion for education into students, rooted in
tradition, ambition and pride.
Kingsworth offers boys and girls in the heart of Paris a well-rounded quality
education. We believe in small class sizes that nurture a child’s academic growth.
We work hard to ensure that students have excellent academic and personal
development by offering a unique blend of serious courses in a relaxed
supportive atmosphere.
We nurture curiosity, creativity and imagination. Our belief is that education
should work to build a like-minded community.
We have a team of qualified educators whose goal is to prepare students for top
United Kingdom and United States college and university entry.
Kingsworth offers an internationally recognized program for children ages 11 to
18 as well as core subjects from year 7, 8 and 9 to any International School.
A special emphasis is placed upon traditional whole class teaching but other
methods of teaching such as group work, self-study and individualized learning
are also utilized. It is fundamental that each student has individual and personal
academic development.
The entire school meets during an assembly each Monday morning to speak with
their Form Tutor at 8:45 a.m. who is there to assist the student throughout the
school year. Classes are from 9:00 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. and are fifty minutes long.
The school day is also broken up with lunch, breaks, and extracurricular
Another key part of the academic program at Kingsworth is independent work.
Students are given a homework timetable at the beginning of each academic year
and are expected to complete homework each evening and weekend.
Independent work allows teachers to better understand the progress of each
Kingsworth offers academic offerings beginning at age eleven. Levels 7, 8, and 9
are known as the lower levels. Year seven consists of students who are ages
11-12, year eight are ages 12-13 and year nine are students ages 13 to 14 years.
Kingsworth also offers a varied choice at GCSE and IGSE which equips students
with the knowledge needed to make academic choices at the AS and A Levels. All
students in years 10 and 11 (ages 14-16) take IGCSE courses in 8, 9 or 10 subjects,
depending on the student’s personal ability.
Sixth Form (ages 16-18) offers courses at AS and A-level as well as the new
International A Level certificate. The AS-level assessment examinations take
place at the end of the lower sixth year and progression into the upper sixth is
normally dependent on the student’s satisfactory performance. Most students
will follow AS level courses in four subjects in the lower sixth form and will
continue with three or four in the upper sixth form. In addition, some students
can enter for General Studies A or AS level.
56 Rue de Passy
75016, Paris, France
Phone: 33 1 42 88 67 38
Mobile 33 6 75 77 82 39
While Expats Paris editorial team has made reasonable efforts to ensure the
accuracy and timeliness of the information contained herein, Expats Paris and its
publishing partners assume no liability with respect to loss or damage caused, or
alleged to be caused, by any reliance on any information contained herein and
disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or
reliability of said information. Expats Paris makes no representations or
warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this
work and specifically disclaims all warranties. The advice and strategies
contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. It is the complete
responsibility of the reader to ensure they are adhering to all local, regional,
national and international laws. This publication is designed to provide accurate
and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered.
This book does not set out to give anything other than a glimpse of certain aspects
of this area of Bilingual and International Schools and professional advice should
always be sought from a duly specialized practitioner prior to undertaking any
steps whatsoever.
15 Allée d’Andrezieux
75018 Paris, Ile-de-France

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Internationalschoolsguidein paris

  • 1. INTERNATIONAL & BILINGUAL SCHOOLS IN PARIS AND ILE-DE-FRANCE. How to choose the Best School for your children in Paris and Ile-de-France.
  • 2. COPYRIGHTS PROTECTION   The information contained in this book is protected under all French, European and International Copyright Laws and Treaties. Therefore any use or reprint of the material in the book is prohibited. Users may not transmit or reproduce the material in any way shape or form – mechanically or electronically such as recording, photocopying or information storage and retrieval system – without getting prior written permission from the publisher/author. TRADEMARKS Trademarks, links service marks, product names or names featured in this publication are assumed the property of their owners and are used as reference only. 1
  • 3. NOTE TO THE READER   While Expats Paris editorial team has made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information contained herein, Expats Paris and its publishing partners assume no liability with respect to loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, by any reliance on any information contained herein and disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of said information. Expats Paris makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaims all warranties. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. It is the complete responsibility of the reader to ensure they are adhering to all local, regional, national and international laws. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. 2
  • 4. INTRODUCTION Finding an educational institution that will ensure that your child has a solid academic foundation as well as build just as solid lifetime relationships may be difficult. This difficulty is increased if there is a language barrier between your child and those whom he attends school with. Moving abroad places stress on both the parents and the student. And even the thought of weeding through the hundreds of bilingual institutions to choose from in order to find the perfect fit for your student could leave you feeling exhausted. This would will help. In this book, we’ve outlined a few great bilingual institutions found in Paris and Ile de France. Each description gives a brief overview of each school’s high point, grade levels and focus to assist in your search for the perfect education institute. Early Learning Whether your child speaks English or French as a first language you are sure to find a program that will suite your needs. Lennen Bilingual Schools​, for example, believes it’s important to start your child’s education early in order to ensure a solid academic foundation. This school starts between the ages of 2 to 3 through 11 years. This dual immersion program allows French speaking students to attend their classes in English and the English speaking students to attend their classes in French. This allows children to learn through play. Relocation For families who have relocated it may be difficult to find options that offer the quality education you desire while making your children feel comfortable in their new surroundings. At ​Ecole Jeannine Manuel​, you’ll get educational options which bring together students who have the common factor of relocation. Students start taking French lessons as soon as possible and eventually began 3
  • 5. taking as many classes as possible in French. Students are also exposed to the cultural aspects of France to become comfortable as a whole. Complete Schooling Another featured school in here is the ​Sections Internationales de Sevres​. Founded in 1960, this school is one of Paris’ first bilingual schools. Students who attend have either a French- English or a French- German school career. The school offers classes all the way from pre-school to high-school allowing students to build solid relationships from a young age throughout their schooling. Another schooling option that offers academics from age 4 to 19 is ​Lycee International Saint-Germain-En-Laye​. This school works to ensure that American students hold firm to their American heritage while learning in Paris. They also focus on self confidence in order to build leadership values. Established in 1954 the ​British School of France takes its students from an early age until university age. With over 50 nationalities represented within the school the school boasts of a very high standard of English education. This school is located in the suburbs of Paris and its charm reflects the charm of its surroundings. Melting Pot Ecole Internationale Bilingue offers students the opportunity to build a well-rounded education by learning with other houses based on the same premises. This is believed to build both secular and bilingual skills while learning first hand cultural differences. The academic standards are very high and they conform to the British, American and IBO qualifications. 4
  • 6. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF PARIS.   “ American School of Paris was founded post World War 2 when a serious need arose for international communities who found refuge in France, to have access to education not necessarily offered by the local Parisian schools. ”       5
  • 7. The Parisian suburb of Saint-Cloud not only houses the first American school in France, it also houses the first international school in Europe. This prestigious school enrolls pupils from all over the world with the aim not only to prepare them for some of the best universities in the world, but also to ensure that their education process is structured and disciplined with a sense of Parisian flair. Rearing sophisticated yet well-spoken and well-rounded individuals is not any easy task in today's society, however, when you add respect and consideration to the daily lives of these young individuals there is no choice other than excelling in any chosen avenue. The education process takes the pupils all the way from lower school, starting at the age of 4 right up to upper school which usually ends at age 18. Parents who have found the need to have their children based in an International school, usually have the same thing in common: acceptance of diversity. Not only does the school accept diversity, it is the very foundation the school is built on. American School of Paris was founded post World War II when a serious need arose for international communities who found refuge in France, to have access to education not necessarily offered by the local Parisian schools. Cultural and language barriers were cited, and with this in mind, the American School of Paris was formed in 1946. The school does not simply only offer the American High School Diploma, it also assists with Advanced Placement courses and also offers the International Baccalaureate (IB). ASP was one of the founding schools of the IB and has been offering it for more than 30 years. It is vital to the school that placements in prestigious tertiary institutions continue in order for these young adults to become international ambassadors, no matter their chosen field. What sets the school apart from others is the sense of community. Every child is treated as an individual and the fostering of acceptance and respect is an important aspect of the job. As these children hail from many parts of the world, proper discipline and correct ways of addressing each other are vital to the school's success. From an early age children are encouraged to have an internationally based mindset. The curriculum forms a very firm foundation, and the success of the school is attributed to this. In order for the school to succeed on the international stage and provide an opportunity for every one of its children to succeed academically, the school understands that the exposure to extracurricular activities is crucial. Athletics is a vital part of any student’s journey, as it fosters camaraderie and sportsmanship. The Visual and Performing Arts department encourages students to have a greater understanding and appreciation for art. The stimulation of the creative side of any student has shown to have a great impact on their student life. Service Learning is one of the most important aspects of tuition as it forms a great foundation for the understanding of being a global citizen. 6
  • 8. Contacts American School of Paris For Admissions inquiries, check the ​Admissions area​of their website. For Employment inquiries, check the Employment at ASP pages. 41 rue Pasteur 92210 Saint-Cloud Tel: +33 (0)1 41 12 82 82 Fax: +33 (0)1 46 02 23 90                             7
  • 9. ÉCOLE INTERNATIONALE BILINGUE “ The academic standards are incredibly high, as they conform to the British, American and IBO qualifications. ”           8
  • 10. Students who attend EIB not only have a well-rounded education, they also experience this education with students from other houses based on the same premises. The schools include the following: • EIB Victor Hugo School: International preschool to high school • EIB Lamartine: French preschool and primary • EIB Monceau: Immersion classes, French preschool and primary • Collège EIB Monceau: French middle school • Lycée EIB Etoile: French high school This gives the children to form part of much larger global community as the school is both secular and bilingual. This affords the children the opportunity to embrace cultural diversity as well as embrace their own, as well as other cultural differences. The academic standards are incredibly high, as they conform to the British, American and IBO qualifications. The school also conforms to the French national curriculum which is under contract with the Ministry of Education. In terms of the accreditations, the school is accredited by the University of Cambridge International Examinations to provide the Cambridge International Curriculum, the International Baccalaureate teaching program, the Edexcel general and professional qualifications, the College Board to deliver American programs as well as Fullbright which recognizes American certifications and qualifications. Apart from being academically strong enough to have students accepted as a host of reputable universities like Oxford, Cambridge and MIT, the balance in terms of other activities are also important. Students are encouraged to take part in sports, art classes and music. This has proven an increased learning ability. The school offers a Summer Program that is aimed at not only improve the English and French language skills of the students, but also ensure that there is proper interaction. The Summer Program incorporates learning the languages as well as taking part in exciting field trips and fun interactive projects. The students are in an environment that does not only encourage self-enhancement, but also the uplifting of those around them. Students are encouraged to perform and a lot of guidance and support is available to the students. The classes are kept small to ensure that the students are given the 9
  • 11. necessary individual attention they may need, and extra classes are also available to those students who may be experiencing challenges. ​View EIB Brochure The school is not only committed to uplifting the student, but also encourages the student to take part in humanitarian initiatives. There are different options that come up from time to time, and the commitment to these projects will not only foster a better future for the recipient, but will also change the student in the sense that the world has suddenly become larger than just their own lives. This is an important principle to learn, as it forms the foundation for a strong sense of social responsibility. Contacts Ecole Internationale Bilingue 117 boulevard Malesherbes 75008 Paris Email: ​ Tel: 01 45 63 62 22           10
  • 12. ÉCOLE JEANNINE MANUEL “ The ultimate goal is to not just make students proficient in French and the other chosen subjects, but also prepare them for tertiary education. ”       11
  • 13. Children who are happy flourish and those who don’t have to curb their enthusiasm even more so. This is what sets this school apart from the rest, as the children are encouraged to explore and invent. Children are by nature curious beings and by harnessing this curiosity as part of the curriculum; the child becomes a willing and participating student. Studying and interacting with other students should be something the children want to do and by creating the right behaviors, instilling this desire only takes a few years. A culture of cultural acceptance is an international culture and sets the course for these students. The school offers a curriculum that stretches from pre-school right up to pre-university. Students are given the opportunity to follow a pedagogical innovation method to ensure that learning remains fun and inventive. This has proven to be successful as the school consistently ranks in the top 5 French schools, and follows the French Baccalaureate as well as the International Baccalaureate programs, giving the students the best opportunities to further their studies. International students take part in an adaptation class as relocation could be draining on the student and parents. The program is focused on integrating students with as little as possible disruption and by fostering deep and enduring relationships in order to assure that the students and their parents connect with people in a similar situation as them. Part of this is also ensuring that the students start taking up French lessons as soon as possible, and eventually moving towards taking as many classes in French as possible in order to master the language at the end of the curriculum. International students are also exposed to cultural and historical landmarks to get a feeling of the French culture as a whole. The ultimate goal is to not just make students proficient in French and the other chosen subjects, but also prepare them for tertiary education. The College Counsellor is appointed to ensure that the students receive proper guidance and testing to ensure that they are heading in the right direction. Tests and interviews form the basis of these meetings, ensuring that the student’s wishes and aptitudes align. In order to ensure balance, participation in athletics is encouraged. Students who tend to partake in physical activity tend to find working together as a team a lot easier. The cultural side of the student’s school career is also important. The students have the option of joining theatre productions, street dance, hiking, 12
  • 14. music, debate and photography. Giving back to the community is also an important principle of the school and students are encouraged to participate in fundraisers. Something that may not be known is the fact that the school offers Chinese as a compulsory subject for half an hour per day, from grade 3 to grade 5. After grade 5 this is an option for students to continue with, but no longer compulsory. The school also offers other languages like German, Italian or Spanish. This makes a great entry for the student as a world citizen. Contacts École Jeannine Manuel 70, rue du Théâtre - 75015 Paris Tel : 01 44 37 00 80 - Fax : 01 45 79 06 66 Primaire - Collège - Lycée Email : ​ 13
  • 15. ERMITAGE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF FRANCE. “ The school follows the International Baccalaureate program, equipping the students with the best opportunity possible to be accepted to well-known and respected tertiary education facilities. ” 14
  • 16. The school is an IB world school based within the French education system, and strives to teach its students not only social responsibility, but also compassion and knowledge. A student who is keenly aware of their surroundings and their inner-self is able to explore their own natural curiosity. The school encourages the students to first dream and then to start working on the path to reaching that dream. The students are made aware of differences in the respective cultures and a deep sense of respect and understanding is nurtured in these students. It is vital to the success of the school as well as the student that they understand their role on the international stage and how to be an effective and responsible global citizen. The school works on an IDEALS principle, which translates to: International, Democratic, Environment, Adventure, Lead and Serve. This is to foster that sense of adventure that should never fade away, however, is sometimes suppressed when the student is in the wrong environment. The school aims to be the right environment for the student to be able to express themselves, as well as try different avenues and to now only conform to the mould. The school encourages it through daily teachings, as well as field trips, education sessions and exchange programs. The seven year International Studies program is designed for students to excel in their chosen path after graduating from the school. The school follows the International Baccalaureate program, equipping the students with the best opportunity possible to be accepted to well-known and respected tertiary education facilities. This is a great opportunity for English speaking students, as they are able to further their studies in a foreign environment, however, without the language barriers. They are also able to engage with French-speaking students, who will assist in improving not only their French skills, but also give them a more natural approach to cultural heritage. Projects, field trips and analytical analysis is the focus of the curriculum, which puts the student in a better position to relate to the global community and start engaging in live at campus when they go on to university. This transition should be smooth and seems to be what the majority of schools are lacking, by just implementing the run of the mill curriculum. The children sit for exams, and they are measured on the academic achievements, however, their participation in sports and other activities is just as crucial, as it forms a solid foundation. The total well being of the student is very important, and support and encouragement are part of everyday life. The educators are well trained and their aim is to see 15
  • 17. that the students are hopeful, enthusiastic and full of energy to take on the challenges every new day may offer. Contacts Ermitage International School of France Lower School: +33 (0)1 39 62 04 02 Middle School: +33 (0)1 39 62 79 80 Upper School, Lycée: +33 (0)1 39 62 04 81 Upper School, International Studies Office: +33 (0)1 39 62 80 62 To contact their individual departments by phone or email, you can visit their ​directory​. Or on ​Facebook​.           16
  • 18. EURÉCOLE  “ Eurécole understands that in order for students to succeed in life, their well being needs to be taken care of. ”   17
  • 19. Honesty, courage and tolerance are the building blocks for building a sure foundation for students to become global citizens. This is embedded in the students from an early age, as it is important to let this shape their journey ahead. There are many different cultures represented at the school, therefore embracing cultural diversity is an absolute must. The students are encouraged to their differences as a common denominator as opposed to differentiator. Due to the vast international representation at the school, the school regularly encourages trips through European mainland, USA and the UK. Travelling seems to not only encourage a deeper enduring acceptance of other cultures; it also creates the platform for different perspectives to come into play. The school takes care of three phases: nursery, primary and secondary. Nursery is mainly the incorporation of fine motor skills, pre-reading, pre-maths, etc. During the nursery phase, physical activity is important as well as languages. The younger children are when they start learning languages, the better as they tend to learn it faster than their older counterparts. They also tend to develop the correct accent. Long recreational periods also ensure that the students have an opportunity to do some physical activity as well as improve their social skills. Primary schools still encourage physical activity and socializing, as well as the implementation of Algebra and Latin. Art and sports start featuring during primary school as well to ensure that the students are well balanced. Primary school lasts for a period of five years. Eurécole understands that in order for students to succeed in life, their well being needs to be taken care of. Secondary school takes care of this by maintaining a high focus on physical activity. It also focuses on key areas for self-development like logical thinking, self-discipline, develop research skills and also ensure that they not only retain their curiosity, but use and develop it. For the school, it is vital that the students are equipped for success and, for this reason; there is personal interaction with each child every day. The classes are small enough for this to be facilitated. Due to a special relationship that exists between the school and Après-school in India, the students are exposed to the opportunity to take part in social responsibility. This opportunity is not forced on the student or their parents, however, to date has been fairly successful to ensure that the student there are able to continue with their schooling without having to be worried about the cost of education. Thus far, the school has been able to support two children with their schooling through internal fundraising. The success of this will be the 18
  • 20. platform of many good things to come and has awakened the student’s hearts to realizing that not everyone in the global community has immediate and proper access to education. Contacts EURÉCOLE - école maternelle EURÉCOLE - école élémentaire EURÉCOLE - collège EURÉCOLE - Formation​                           19
  • 21. FOREST INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL  “ Forest International School follows the English National Curriculum (ENC) and the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) to ensure that the children have a solid educational background. ”     20
  • 22. The building blocks for a healthy view of schooling and the importance of loving the learning process starts from an early age, which the school understands. The school takes children through the nursery, preschool and primary school phases. This solidifies the children's warmness to those from other cultural backgrounds. Placing your child in an international school sets the child apart, in the sense that growing up and spending their formation years with children, who come from other backgrounds; make it easier for the children to associate with others on the international stage. They will also have respect for other cultures from an early age, and knowing what makes other people different somehow boosts the confidence and leadership abilities, as different nationalities will not deter them from taking on international platforms. Forest International School follows the English National Curriculum (ENC) and the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) to ensure that the children have a solid educational background. The IPC curriculum focuses on children having exposure to not only the academic side of education, but also physical activity and exposure to the cultural side of things. Child growth and development takes more than just reading a book or two, and physical activity does not only teach the child’s motor skills, it also creates an environment where further friendships can be formed. Physical exercise also ensures that more oxygen comes into the bloodstream and better circulation, which makes it easier for the children to concentrate and focus on their studies. The cultural aspect takes care of activities that children going through an ordinary school system may not be exposed to, for instance, art and music. Both of these aspects are critical to ensuring a well-balanced child. The school prides itself on the fact that it creates a tight-knit community, as not only are many of the children from international backgrounds, but also the teachers. This helps the children bond with the teachers and each other quicker. A sense of community is needed to ensure that the children thrive and that they are more susceptible to integration. A variety of events and special meetings hosted by the Parent Association makes this integration pleasurable for the whole family. There is a strong focus on health, and the children are given healthy meals during lunch breaks. The children are also permitted to bring their own food from home. The school also hosts a holiday club which involves a natural exploration 21
  • 23. and experimentation of the playground, which is fondly dubbed “The Forest”. They are not only limited to playground time, during Summer School the children also learn to cook basic meals and yummy treats, as well as painting and fruit picking. They are also known to come up with their best play-acting productions during Summer School which serves to be a treat for children and parents alike. Another important aspect of physical education that is offered during Summer School is swimming, which is not only a great way to keep fit and healthy, but for children, it is endless fun. Contacts Forest International School Address : 28 Chemin du Tour d'Échelle du Mur de Clôture de la Forêt de Marly, 78750 Mareil-Marly Tel : 01 39 16 87 35 22
  • 24. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PARIS.  “ The school focuses on creating a holistic atmosphere for students to be themselves and let others be themselves too as the only thing that is the same is that they are all different. ”   23
  • 25. An international student is so much more than just a student happening to be studying at a foreign school, an international student is a student who is a global citizen and embraces cultural diversity. It is a student who is ever seeking to know more, learn more and do more. The student seeks to find solutions and build relationships, whilst knowing the importance of being a well-rounded student. The International School of Paris is just one of those institutions that embody the development of the characteristics of the international student, by knowing where guidance is needed. Small classes and state of the art facilities allow these objectives to be achieved. The school strives to encourage its students to form a healthy view of learning and education. They want students to always have the confidence to want to know more in order for them to reach their maximum potential. This is not only done through examinations only and it is important that students are engaged and involved in projects, discussions, debates and interactive scenarios. They would also be mindful of those with other backgrounds and come from other parts of the world, where difference is considered normal. Embracing other students who not only look and speak different will set the stage for the international community. How they communicate with each other is at the centre of this cultural acceptance. A keen focus on the planet is not only one of the key focus areas of the school; it also forms part of their daily education. The students are equipped with gardens, one of them being a rooftop garden. The students are also encouraged to participate in outreach programmes. The last two were both successfully scheduled trips to Ghana, where the kids learnt to interact with people from West Africa. This humanitarian project was focused on ensuring that subjects like math, science, computer literacy and English became a reality for this community. They were also responsible for building a library and providing the books, as well as ensure that the community started understanding the importance of learning to recycle. Apart from ensuring that the students excelled academically by using the principles of the International Baccalaureate programmes to try and lay a foundation for further studies after completing grade 12, the school is also very proud of its sports teams with a great representation in the soccer, volleyball, swimming and basketball teams. The school is also fond of hosting plays and showcase their talent. The rooftop gardens also provide a stimulating atmosphere 24
  • 26. for those students who wish to practice their brush strokes and perhaps be the next great artist. The school focuses on creating a holistic atmosphere for students to be themselves and let others be themselves too as the only thing that is the same is that they are all different. Contacts International School of Paris 6 Rue Beethoven, 75016 Paris, France Tel: +33 (0)1 42 24 09 54 Fax:+33 (0)1 45 27 15 93 25
  • 27. 26
  • 28. LENNEN BILINGUAL SCHOOLS.  “ The curriculum follows a strong foundation with all the important aspects of child development covered. This includes mathematics, science, social studies, physical education, music & movement and language arts.. ”   27
  • 29. The importance of starting small in terms of getting a good solid education embedded in students is vital, to ensure not only short term success, but also long term appreciation of education. It is crucial to start the love of learning from an early age in order to encourage students to have a positive outlook on not only their academic achievements, but also have a firm grasp on building enduring relationships with their peers. The school starts this process between the ages of 2-3 and takes care of the educational needs of the children right up until the age of 11. Immersion is a tool used to encourage students to take their classes in French, even though they are English speaking. This assists the child to have a much quicker response time to learning the language as in any other environment, other than a home environment. This is a dual immersion program, as it also allows for the French speaking students to attend their classes in English. This is done by having an English and French teacher present, thus the children are educated in both languages. This is done in two stages, part and full immersion. The children are encouraged to explore, ask questions, build good social skills and learn through play. The child’s natural sense of wonder and their inquisitive nature is never quenched; instead it is nurtured in order for the child to develop a natural approach to learning, and putting what they’ve learnt into practice. The school creates a safe environment for the children to do this, as it also encourages good relationships with their fellow students. As the school is an international one, the children will come into contact with children from other nationalities, which in turn help the children to build deep, enduring relationships, and also learn the skills of acceptance, camaraderie and how to become better global citizens. The curriculum follows a strong foundation with all the important aspects of child development covered. This includes mathematics, science, social studies, physical education, music & movement and language arts. Music & movement is a very interesting period for the children, as they are immersed in music and song, whilst being encouraged to exercise their motor skills in terms of following musical movements like beat and rhythm. The children are also encouraged to use the instruments to come up with their own music as this develops a very important skill set which becomes important in further studies. Physical education is another focus of the school, as a healthy body harbours a healthy mind. Children also learn the importance of 28
  • 30. sportsmanship, as well as the range and motion possible within their own bodies and the importance of practicing to get past the limitations of these ranges and motions. This is important as it is a very important building block for discipline. Contacts The Lennen Bilingual School​has three locations, all in the heart of Paris! Preschool 65 quai d'Orsay 75007 Paris Tel: +33 (0) 1 47 05 66 55 Fax: +33 (0) 1 47 05 17 18 Kindergarten 145 rue Saint Dominique 75007 Paris Tel: +33 (0) 1 53 59 90 73 Fax: +33 (0) 1 53 59 92 51 Primary School 176 rue de Grenelle 75007 Paris Tel: +33 (0) 1 44 42 99 00 Fax: +33 (0) 1 44 42 01 93 29
  • 31. LYCÉE INTERNATIONAL SAINT-GERMAIN-EN-LAYE.  “ The curriculum is American based, therefore these students will be well rounded upon graduation as it follows the French school system method, thus the students are exposed to both aspects. ” 30
  • 32. The American section of the school has students enrolled from the age of 4 right up to the age of 19, going through the various stages of development, from kindergarten to high school. Even though the school is based in Paris, there is no reason for the students not to have exposure to their American heritage, therefore it is imperative that this is instilled in them from a young age the school is keenly aware that these students enjoy dual citizenship in both France and the United States. It is, therefore, important for the students to be global citizens with a keen awareness of their roots. The curriculum is American based, therefore these students will be well rounded upon graduation as it follows the French school system method, thus the students are exposed to both aspects. Leadership development is a very important part of a student’s tenure at the school. The sense of self-awareness and self-confidence is instilled in every student in order for them to develop these leadership abilities. Even though there are those who are born leaders, there are also those who can learn the skill. It is also vital for the students to develop intellectual curiosity, which in turn strengthens their desire for learning. Students who want to learn tend to perform better than those who do not have that desire. The school aims to have these qualities instilled in the students, whilst ensuring that they are in a secure environment to do so. This is achieved by not only challenging the student, but also creating an atmosphere of caring and support. Extracurricular activities offer the other hand of the balance beam which allows the students freedom of expression, as well as engaging in other cultural experiences and sports. The total wellbeing of the students is crucial in order for them to achieve their goals and have a good educational experience. This will ensure that their intellectual curiosity never dies down. Activities like participating in the drama team, school publications and music groups, belonging to the art community or the student body are just some of the things students can participate in to improve their own self-confidence as well as building deep and enduring relationships. Trips to Normandy, London and Amsterdam form part of the possibilities of being a student at this school. This is an opportunity for students to bond whilst having an incredible experience, taking in the history and culture. The school also has a keen sense of social responsibility which it imparts to the students, creating a more responsible global citizen. These students learn from an early age the advantages of taking care of the environment and not taking it for granted. 31
  • 33. Contacts Lycée International Saint-Germain-En-Laye 2 Rue du Fer à Cheval, 78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye Phone: 01 39 10 94 11 32
  • 34. THE BRITISH SCHOOL OF PARIS.  “ With over 50 nationalities represented at the school, it is vital that the true standards of English education be uplifted and maintained. ” 33
  • 35. Established in 1954, the British School of France has set the tone for achievement and academic excellence across not only France, but an international stage as well. Taking the development of children from nursery age right up until university, it is with care and diligence that students are given the best opportunity to succeed. With over 50 nationalities represented at the school, it is vital that the true standards of English education be uplifted and maintained. The British School of Paris was the very first school in France to issue their students with iPads from reception up to their 13th year. Technological advancement has played a big part in terms of bringing the best in education to the student. It is also vital that the student experiences quality presentation methods and, therefore, the interactive whiteboards have been introduced. The curriculum is based on the National Curriculum for England and Wales and with a success ratio of over 90% of the students being placed at choice universities internationally, success is part of the school's genetics. What sets the school apart from others is its strong belief and implementation of the pastoral system, as it fosters caring and respectful personalities. This behavior, if learnt young, will be emulated and has the potential of making a great impact on the global community. The school itself is based on the banks of the Seine, in a little town called Croissy-Sur-Seine in the western suburbs of Paris. The wealth of cultural influence the city of Paris exudes over the world cannot be ignored and to the delight of the students and parents alike, this great city’s treasures are exposed during the many field trips and curriculum-specific events. A love of culture creates a platform for diversity to be encouraged, ensuring that the students not only feel at home, but learn this ability in order to pay it forward as well. As this is an international school with the student population not entirely British, the school understands the needs of those who do not have English as their first language. There are different options available to assist in this regard, depending on the proficiency. Proper planning for the future is a very important aspect and all students are taken through a process where they are assessed and proper career guidance is given. This is vital when deciding on tertiary education. The students are not only prepared for university, they are also prepared for the workplace. This process starts from year 10 and 11, to ensure there is sufficient time to prepare the 34
  • 36. student for possibly the most important decision. This decision is then brought home by achieving their academic goals. The school also believes that there is a very important link between academics, sports and culture. The school prides itself on the achievements of its students, whether on the sports field, culturally and academically. The school will continue supporting the goals and achievements of their students even after they have entered the workplace or enrolled in a university. Contacts The British School of Paris Address: 38 Quai de l'Écluse, 78290 Croissy Tel: 01 34 80 45 90 35
  • 37. MARYMOUNT INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PARIS.  “ Marymount International School prides itself in its expression of the Catholic faith and starts each day with prayer. ” 36
  • 38. It is imperative that students get an early start to the best education and therefore Marymount International School of Paris has found it necessary to introduce a specialized curriculum for 2-3-year-olds. With the main focus on art, not only will the students become more aware of their surroundings, it is also an important part in ensuring that the student is in an environment where it can interact with other children from an early age. This early start in development will no doubt be an important building block for the student’s future. The school takes its students through an interactive curriculum and interaction with technology forms part of this. Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students are exposed to technology by letting them learn tablet interactions. The school facilitates education up to grade 8, with a strong focus on mathematics, literacy and technology. Marymount International School prides itself in its expression of the Catholic faith and starts each day with prayer. The focus is to provide the student the opportunity and freedom to express their Catholic faith, as well as embraces those who may not have the same background. The school is part of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary (RSHM) movement. It is not only important to the school that the students excel in the academics, sports and culture, but also in their personal lives. The school is willing to assist those we need to be assisted, to get them where they need to be as every child has the potential to reach great levels. In order for this to happen though, it takes time and dedication from both the student and the faculty. There are various resources the children can make use of and the wellness program at school is also designed to help all students participate at their optimum levels. The classes are very small, with only a few students per class, giving the teacher optimal time to spend with each and also pick up where there may be any hurdles or questions. Each student is treated as an individual and ultimately fulfills the mission of the school: “That all may have life”. After school activities are important to maintain balance, as well as the opportunity to participate and play in sports. Athletics is encouraged, and the participation in sports should not distract from studies, rather, it should enhance the overall school experience. Many friendships have been fostered on the sporting grounds. 37
  • 39. Spring and summer camps are arranged to ensure that the students have all opportunities to further fine-tune their abilities and development. These camps include Language, Sports, Musical and Art camps. The purpose is to have the children absorb information whilst experiencing the truly American summer camp feel. Contact Marymount International School, Paris Address: 72 Boulevard de la Saussaye, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine Tel: 01 46 24 10 51 38
  • 40. SECTION INTERNATIONALE DE SÈVRES. “ The school also enjoyed a 100% pass rate for the Baccalaureate exam of which 60% received honors. ” 39
  • 41. Excellence is not something that we’re born with, it is something we practice every single day. With this in mind, it’s easy to see why the school has a 99% success ratio, of which 90% with distinction. The school also enjoyed a 100% pass rate for the Baccalaureate exam of which 60% received honors. Success can be measured in the peace and contentment of the students, knowing that each day they’re working towards a better future. The school offers a bilingual education platform, where the students either have a French-English or a French-German school career. It’s also not enough to just teach these languages, it is also vital for the students to understand the heritage of these languages and be exposed to the cultural aspects of these languages. Creating a socially diverse atmosphere helps in building a strong foundation for relationships between students, teachers and parents. Just like the students, the teachers also hail from all parts of the world and the sense of a global community is thus enhanced. The sense of family is very important to the school as it creates an informal and friendly atmosphere. Parents also form an integral part of the daily running of the school and a number of parents volunteer in various departments of the school, for instance, the library or on sports days. What makes the school so unique is that it was one of the first international bilingual schools and was founded in 1960. Paris is known for its international community, thus the need for the school to incorporate French, English and German was crucial. With many of the parents working for Unesco, the need to be able to send their children to a French school and still retaining some of their own heritage was important. The school has classes running all the way from preschool to high school and incorporates a very vigorous academic cycle. The syllabus is pushed hard to ensure that the students are above standard and that students who are struggling can be assisted immediately. The classes are small enough for individual attention to be given to the students. Students who seem to struggle to keep up will be encouraged and assisted after school to ensure that they get the most out of their schooling career. Many old students who recall their time at the school remember it as the best time of their lives. The school's aim is to keep it that way. 40
  • 42. Cultural exposure and physical activity are two added ingredients to the student’s success and regular field trips are arranged in order for students to get exposed to both. A balanced child is a happy child and a happy child finds it a bit easier to learn new things. Contacts Sections Internationales de Sèvres 1 Parvis Charles de Gaulle, 92310 Sèvres Tel : 01 72 77 70 40 41
  • 43. CANADIAN BILINGUAL SCHOOL OF PARIS. “ The goal of this school is to spotlight Canada’s passion of achieving academic excellence and interacting with parents while allowing each student to maintain individuality. - DR. HELENE H. L ” 42
  • 44. History: The Canadian Bilingual School of Paris was founded by Dr. Helene Leone in 2011 to fill a void left by a lack of Canadian schools in France. Dr. Leone wanted to bridge the gap of two countries that are an ocean apart yet connected with the same rich culture and language. The goal of this school is to spotlight Canada’s passion of achieving academic excellence and interacting with parents while allowing each student to maintain individuality. Values: Our school offers students and parents a unique bi-cultural experience. We bring Canada to France by giving students the opportunity to take courses of study in both English and French. Our prime location in one of the most beautiful and prestigious areas of Paris encourages our students to fully embrace their culture. In the heart of the 8​th district we are only a short walk to the Canadian Embassy and the Elysée Palace. Our school encourages the students to embrace learning. Each member of our faculty holds a valid British Columbia Certificate of Qualifications. We offer small class sizes which typically do not exceed a sixteen to one ratio. We feel that smaller classes provide an environment that supports the well-being of each student and promotes personalized learning and academic achievement. Curriculum: We follow the British Columbia Ministry of Education’s provincially prescribed curriculum with program offerings to both native and non-native speakers of English and/or French. Language support is provided for all students in grades Kindergarten through Ninth with English as a Second Language and French as a Second Language classes. The school day is from 8:20 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. Monday through Friday. Courses are taught on a block schedule where students are able to spend ample but not overly excessive time in each class session. Each block is fifty minutes long which ensures that students maintain a fresh mind to learn throughout the school day. Students also have two scheduled recesses (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) as well as a lunch period which is taken mid-day. Levels: Course offerings and support is provided for students from age 3 to 19 years. 43
  • 45. ● Primary School is offered for children from Preschool to grade five. These courses are designed to challenge students within the ages of three to ten years. This level strives to ensure students have a solid learning foundation to build upon in Middle School. ● Middle School offers study options for students who are ages eleven to fifteen. Students in grades six through nine will take advantage of this academic platform designed to help them explore learning as a method of integration. ● Secondary School courses are offered to students whose ages range from sixteen to nineteen. Secondary studies assist students from grades ten through twelve with the preparation of college and real world experiences. Contacts: 5 rue d’Aguesseau 75008, Paris France Tel: 33 01 43 87 00 44 Fax: 33 01 43 87 58 01 In Canada: Toll-free: 1-844-795-7494 Tel: 1-778-655-0455 Fax: 1-844-595-4291 For further Information concerning the Canadian Bilingual School of Paris please email: 44
  • 46. KINGSWORTH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL. “ We nurture curiosity, creativity and imagination. Our belief is that education should work to build a like-minded community. ” 45
  • 47. History: Kingsworth as an acronym which represents: Kaleidoscope of cultures Impactful on the community Non-stop pursuit of excellence Growth of the individual in the community Spirit of enquiry Well balanced Ownership Respecting myself, my peers, my elders Transforming through lifelong learning High aimers (and achievers) Kingsworth strives to plant a deep passion for education into students, rooted in tradition, ambition and pride. Values: Kingsworth offers boys and girls in the heart of Paris a well-rounded quality education. We believe in small class sizes that nurture a child’s academic growth. We work hard to ensure that students have excellent academic and personal development by offering a unique blend of serious courses in a relaxed supportive atmosphere. We nurture curiosity, creativity and imagination. Our belief is that education should work to build a like-minded community. Curriculum: We have a team of qualified educators whose goal is to prepare students for top United Kingdom and United States college and university entry. Kingsworth offers an internationally recognized program for children ages 11 to 18 as well as core subjects from year 7, 8 and 9 to any International School. 46
  • 48. A special emphasis is placed upon traditional whole class teaching but other methods of teaching such as group work, self-study and individualized learning are also utilized. It is fundamental that each student has individual and personal academic development. The entire school meets during an assembly each Monday morning to speak with their Form Tutor at 8:45 a.m. who is there to assist the student throughout the school year. Classes are from 9:00 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. and are fifty minutes long. The school day is also broken up with lunch, breaks, and extracurricular activities. Another key part of the academic program at Kingsworth is independent work. Students are given a homework timetable at the beginning of each academic year and are expected to complete homework each evening and weekend. Independent work allows teachers to better understand the progress of each student. Levels: Kingsworth offers academic offerings beginning at age eleven. Levels 7, 8, and 9 are known as the lower levels. Year seven consists of students who are ages 11-12, year eight are ages 12-13 and year nine are students ages 13 to 14 years. Kingsworth also offers a varied choice at GCSE and IGSE which equips students with the knowledge needed to make academic choices at the AS and A Levels. All students in years 10 and 11 (ages 14-16) take IGCSE courses in 8, 9 or 10 subjects, depending on the student’s personal ability. Sixth Form (ages 16-18) offers courses at AS and A-level as well as the new International A Level certificate. The AS-level assessment examinations take place at the end of the lower sixth year and progression into the upper sixth is normally dependent on the student’s satisfactory performance. Most students will follow AS level courses in four subjects in the lower sixth form and will continue with three or four in the upper sixth form. In addition, some students can enter for General Studies A or AS level. 47
  • 49. Contact: 56 Rue de Passy 75016, Paris, France Phone: 33 1 42 88 67 38 Mobile 33 6 75 77 82 39 48
  • 50. DISCLAIMER While Expats Paris editorial team has made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information contained herein, Expats Paris and its publishing partners assume no liability with respect to loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, by any reliance on any information contained herein and disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of said information. Expats Paris makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaims all warranties. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. It is the complete responsibility of the reader to ensure they are adhering to all local, regional, national and international laws. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. This book does not set out to give anything other than a glimpse of certain aspects of this area of Bilingual and International Schools and professional advice should always be sought from a duly specialized practitioner prior to undertaking any steps whatsoever. 49
  • 51. © EXPATS PARIS 15 Allée d’Andrezieux 75018 Paris, Ile-de-France 50