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Integrating Technology Into Education Essay
The literature review of the articles present for this assignment suggest a need for reform in the school system to allow for more relevance in the
classroom and an improvement in the educational process. Technology can be an excellent bridge to solve the problem of linking learning with
students in their everyday life. Quick suggests, "too often lesson plans stifle students' thinking rather that reflecting and deepening their ideas," (Quick,
2003, pg 156). A way to incorporate lesson plans into today's' world is by integrating technology into our lessons. Students are surrounded by
technology constantly throughout their daily life, whither through computer, phone, video game, etc. Teachers can incorporate these modes into more content...
Technology is convenient and allows for a quick response time. Technology can also help to inform parents of their options within school choice. Often
times the debate on public education and charter schools are a one sided debate presented through the media of through articles Brooks points out in the
review of. Brouillette's "Charter Schools: Lessons in Reform, those looking for a study of the complexities inherent in the broader movement of charter
school reform will need to look elsewhere," (Brooks, 2003, pg 158). Through the use of technology parents can compare the scores of their neighboring
public school with the scores of the up and coming charter school. This will allow parents the opportunity to make an informed decision on the school
choice of their own student. Assessment is an important part of a classroom. These assessment help drive instruction and sometimes determine funding
for your school. State assessments are taken each year to help achieve a rating for individual schools. Often teachers struggle to meet the needs of these
assessments and to ensure that their students are prepared to take the state assessments. Britten suggests "community input and ongoing communication
by presenting a concise, handsā€“on approach to creating or choosing assessments," (Britten, 2003, pg 102). Assessments are "a critical
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Importance Of Learning Environment Essay
Learning is the best friend in the whole life, he is everywhere and always being around. People need a specific environment to learn, so most people
learn knowledge from school, and they spend their first twenty years of life in the school. Now, schools and teachers have their obligatory
responsibility to teach the knowledge and skills that students should know before they go into the society. Learning is never stopping even though after
graduated from school. All the people like to have a wonderful school life, then it leads to a magnificent work life and family life. Therefore, the ideal
learning environment should be combined with teamwork, should be interesting enough that attract students have passion on, should be learning in a
positive climate, and should be provided multiple materials.
I believe that one plus one greater than two which means teamwork always is the most important learning aspect in the ideal learning environment. The
work did with a team always had more effective results. Each individual has his/her own thoughts and capabilities, so when they combined together in
one team, there will be many problems happening. People are gregarious animals, so they cannot live alone without others. Even later in the workplace,
people have to work together. Therefore, in the classroom, the teachers have to prepare the teamwork for students to practice their skills which are
working with others. Mr. Kanamori shared the story about teamwork in the video "Children Full
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TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION Presently we live in a world where technology is a very vital factor. With each passing moment, a new
technology is being brought into the market that serves to improve our lives in one way or another and that has made it much easier for people to go
about their day to day activities. However, it is important to note that even though technology plays a big role in making our lives easier, it has also
not made learning easier in our educational system. Education has become very expensive and it is also intriguing how technology has changed and
solved educational problems. The 21st century generation is fascinated by the eruption of technological advancements in the educational field. In the
1980s ā€“90s, computers used in schools were less in number as compared to this age where it has become common to see schools filled with advanced
computers. This implementation has altered many ideas of the educational systems and has controlled the lives of students and teachers alike. The
effects of technology in education are related to both teachers and students. Even though technology in its totality has more beneficial approach to the
education system, there are some negative consequences that it brings along such as; technology shouldn't be allowed to be solely depended on in the
field of education because it can't replace skilled teachers, again, it has made people less interactive and has led to shorter attention span. Student tend
not to read emotions
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My Favorite Class Essay
My favorite classes this year were Mrs. Menzel's two english classes. I have learned so much about myself as a reader, student, and an intellectual.
Through both of her classes, we were given endless amounts of opportunity. What I mean by this is, we got to choose our own topics to study,
books to read, and subjects to write about. We were truly treated like adults, which in my eyes, helped prepare us for the "real world". Her
willingness to let us grow as individuals was very inspiring, because she believed that we could do it on our own, with a little push whenever we
needed it. I have gotten the chance to discover that I actually enjoy reading! Specifically, I discovered that Jodi Picoult might be my favorite author
as of now. Also, I realized that writing is one of my favorite things to do, it is a passion of mine and I hope I can continue it somehow with the career
that I choose.
Personally, her two classes have helped me grow as a speaker, writer, and reader. In her CCC class, I was able to write a profile on my dad, which
really strengthened my relationship with him. After printing him a copy, and seeing tears in his eyes made me very grateful for this experience to
share with him how much of a role model he is to me. In her English Lit class, I was able to ask my grandma and mom what books they would
recommend for me. Having these conversations with them made their hearts warm, since I was showing interest in books for once (they are both
book lovers). Her class pushed me to be the best that I can, and it wasn't for the grade that I got. It was for learning about myself, and what I was
capable of. That's when I learned that her classes are actually changing me as a student. For an example, when I was working on a project, I wasn't
basing every single sentence on what the rubric told me to do. I was branching out and working on it because I truly wanted to learn more about the
topic and put my all into it.
Thankfully, I have matured a great amount as a student because of Mrs. Menzel and her life lessons through teaching, and by just being herself. I
truly feel ready for college now because of Mrs. Menzel, and I am grateful for that. This year, I changed my intended major from Business to Education,
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My Vision For My Future Classroom
My Vision
My vision for my future classroom is to create an atmosphere where each individual feels accepted and valued. It is my goal to discover ways to make
learning innovative, enjoyable, creative, and rewarding. I will strive to discover my strengths, then use them to empower my students. Hopefully this
leads to positive outcomes within each student and transforms the way my classroom operates. I would love to teach elementary level students,
preferably grades 1ā€“3, because that is my passion. In this type of classroom, I would teach the basics of every subject for that grade. I believe that I
would excel with the variety that this role has to offer. I am open to teaching anywhere and in any type of school, due to the fact myeducation was both
in public and parochial schools. If possible, I will use technology to enhance my teaching. I would love to incorporate technology into my classroom
because it makes learning more efficient, increases student creativity, and creates endless learning possibilities by giving every student a customizable
learning experience.
Basic Information
Splash Math is an app that helps kids review, improve, and refine their personal math skills. The basic app month trail is free, but if parents and
teachers wish to use the app longer they must pay a monthly or annual rate. Also a teacher or parent account must be created before the child is
allowed to play the app. However, this can be beneficial because adults may create individual profiles
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21st Century Classrooms Essay
In education today there is the view to link educational strategies, programs, initiatives, or technology to student achievement. There are many groups
and organizations that are advocating for increased technology literacy. Generally in all aspects of our society, technology has revolutionized and in
many ways simplified while enhancing our way of life. It is no surprise that the public expects that technology should have a similar effect on education
. Over the past 20 years there have been so many advancements in information availability the tools used to increase human knowledge which are
readily available now in education. With all of this readily available technology and information research shows that the integration of 21st Century more content...
In an attempt to provide some insight into this issue I have reviewed quality research from an array of sources where technology infusion in the
classroom has been implemented. Also in addition to improved assessment results in the classroom, one must consider the global workforce and
responsibility that educators must prepare students to compete and successfully interact in the global technology workforce.
Effectiveness of Technology When one is trying to determine the effectiveness of technology in the classroom there are several methodological and
practical issues to consider. First technology is only a single part of instructional activities in the classroom. Assessments used to measure the impact of
the technology are really assessment of the instruction enabled by technology. The outcomes of the assessments are very dependent on the type and
quality of the implementation of the instruction. The social contexts are important in understanding how different types of technology influence
teaching and learning. By providing technology in the classroom cannot be effective alone. Close attention has to be paid to the types of teaching
strategies used with the technology as well as generally used in the classroom. Findings show that even the best strategies and technology provided can
be neutralized by improper use and implementation.
There are many methodological concerns to address. Standardized
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How Technology Has Changed Our Classroom
How to Teach in the Modern Classroom If you were to ask people today what it takes to teach students most would say that all it takes is putting
students in classroom, make them take notes, give them a test, and viola the students have learned the subject. That is simply not true. Teaching in the
modern classroom requires the use of new technology, and teaching methods. As well as understanding how students today act, standards that teachers
have to follow, and
For many teachers today technology is their best friend in the classroom. Technology allows them to present information quickly, and neatly as
compared to hand writing on boards or in grade books. A few examples of technology are the "Reminder 101" app, this app allows teachers to send
out a mass text to all of their students who have app, and reminds the students about assignments that are due, and upcoming events. This allows even
the most forgetful students to have a chance of turning in their assignments on time. Another popular and common device is the "Smart Board" these
have become more and more common in today 's classrooms. The Smart Board is like a large interactive monitor of the teacher 's computer. It is
much easier to use than projectors, and white boards, because how quickly it can be changed from one lesson to the next. For many teachers it is not
just the physical devices that are helpful, but online resources as well. One website that is helpful to teachers is
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Technology Distractions in Education Essay
Times are forever changing, and things in life is constantly evolving to something better or something more efficient ,especially technology. College
campuses are overflowing with students packing Blackberry,iPod's, laptops and cellphones. College student are obsessed with the latest technology and
in today classroom such technology's capture the audience. Moreover, as a learning institution, a college hold's the responsibility to offer it's student the
best technology to help them prepare for their future. In "Facing the Facebook" written by Micheal Bugeja the professor examines the ethical and
educational effect of the time student spend online. In addition, technology could be undermining the educational goal of critical thinking
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For example, online classes which offer's student the convenience of attending class anywhere, at anytime, 24/7, as long as there is an available
computer and access to the internet. This flexibility allows students to continue their current lifestyle with minimal disruptions. Also, the laptop allow
student to take more ameliorate,organized. and quicker notes when used in class. Certainly, these are effective skills to obtain for today's job market.
There is not a job today that does not use a computer for something,we can agree that in order to be successful one must be proficient in the use of
technology, specifically computers. This means that any student that does not know the essential like eā€“mails, word processors, databases, networks ,
and the internet ,will be at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, by practicing these skill student demonstrate problemā€“ solving ability and higherā€“order
thinking( learning& leading with technology, pg. 47). From experience, in a office setting it is very hard to train someone who has little or no
computer skills. Moreover, It is the educator's job to prepare student so they are marketable in today's workforce. Finally, technology play numerous
roles in the for student, but can it such tool build selfā€“esteem? Many student fail to succeed in class because lack of confidence. Maybe your thinking
how can confidence determine motivation. Well look at it like this, for instance, your a adult married with two kids and just returning
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How Technology Has Changed Our Classroom
As a student in the Faculty of Education, I learned a little bit. I discovered how technology was changing the way students are taught in the classroom;
I figured out how to approach the algorithm of multiplication from a variety of angles to accommodate different learning styles; I learned how to
spend four hours labouring over a 30ā€“minute lesson plan to introduce a picture book to a group of Grade two students.
All useful, though not all necessary.
Not once, however, did my course group have a lesson on how to create a harmonious atmosphere of respect in the classroom. Sure, we had a guest
speaker come in to discuss "disciplining the difficult child," and various strategies for classroom management were offered to us by more
And they all have their own needs and wants at any given time. Imagine trying to get 25 adults to do the following, and in perfect sequence:
a) Sit down (in a seat that they don't get to choose, and perhaps next to someone who smells like pee and picks their nose when they think no one's
b) Remain in a hard chair for up to two hours (without sitting crossā€“legged, standing up and stretching, or grumbling about their discomfort).
c) Be silent and pay attention (this means not talking to a nearby friend and not fiddling with the much more engaging blob of silly putty inside the
desk). Tall order, isn't it? But we persist in expecting this type of cookieā€“cutter behaviour from kids during the seven hours we share with them each
day. And when someone in the classroom doesn't feel like conforming to these edicts, we feel threatened.
Harsh criticism is levied upon the perceived troublemaker, we engage in a (usually public) power struggle ā€“ during which one of us is sure to lose face
ā€“ and both parties leave the situation tense, angry, and determined not to be made a fool of again. At the teacher's end, the reins tighten. On thestudent's
part, she loses respect and trust in her guide, therefore making her behaviour even harder to manage.
How to avoid this? Show some respect.
Listen. No, really listen. Stop what you're doing. Make eye contact. Your current task isn't that much more important than the concern of the person
whose job it's
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The Effect Of Technology On The Classroom Essay
There is a growing trend in the use of technology in the classroom. As a teacher, I am always looking for ways to use manipulatives in my lessons to
increase meaning and authenticity for students. I would love to keep my students engaged, motivated and interactive in the classroom and still be able
to get through the content each day. In order to achieve this, I need to have an arsenal of tools to draw from. That is why I agree with (Tataroglu &
Erduran, 2010) as stated in the International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education (IEJEE) that "The use of technologies like IWBs in the
classroom can provide teachers and students convenience and variety. "
We live in a day and age in which students have all kinds of electronic gadgets and can get hold of information within seconds through the net. We live
in a highly technological society. Unless teachers are open and willing to step outside their comfort zone and use different tools in their classrooms to
match students' abilities and interests, it will be impossible for them to keep students motivated and engaged. If teaching is all about content, then
students do not need to go to school as they can access all the content at a lightning speed rate from the net. I am of the opinion that teaching is all
about helping students build the skills needed to become better members of society. That is why I am a huge advocate of using technology in the
IEJEE, piqued my interest because it recounted an elementary
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Introduction When we teach we all have our own reason behind why we want to be a teacher, how our classroom will run, and our personal
philosophy of what educating the future of America should entail. Just like how we need a framework for our on teaching philosophy and the
management of our classrooms, we need a framework to be the backbone to our development of an integrated curriculum. Our framework originates
from four main areas: cognitivism, social constructivism, Howard Garner's Multiple Intelligences, and brainā€“based learning. Just as unique as our
students are who come into our classroom, our framework needs to be unique as well, it cannot just include one of the four main area, it needs to be a
mixture of the four main areas. This allows for differentiated instruction which provides the opportunity for all students to be successful due to the wide
range of content, assessments, activities, and interactions performed within the curriculum (Renaud, 2016). "In differentiated classrooms, teachers
begin where students are, not at the front of a curriculum guide," thus they build upon each students' prior knowledge and accept that each student will
be in different skill levels and need to appeal to different interests and varied rates and complexity of instruction (Tomlinson, 1990). Thus, each
theoretical theory will be discussed along with how learning, instruction and assessments unfold in each framework.
Theoretical Perspectives There are several learning theories
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How Technology Has Changed Our Visual Learning
Introduction: Look around this classroom, over there lies the projector we use for of our visual learning. Over there lies the teacher 's computer
which she uses to make handouts and other learning tools. Over there lies the speaker in, which we have for auditory learning. The future is bright
and it 's going to be brighter than ever before. Look at all the opportunities we will get in the future through technology, education and jobs. Today I 'm
here to convince to you that the future is bright.
Look at what has already been done through technology.
We have come up with some of the most amazing ideas ever.
Technology has helped us to accomplish simple tasks, and bring us to the world we live in now.
Simple pieces of technology such as heaters and microwaves may seem like nothing. But can you imagine waking up in the morning to a ā€“5 degree
house, or not being able to warm up your food. It would be painful right?
Look around you. Probably only a few centimeters away is your beloved phone, computer, and tablet. Look around this classroom, projectors, heaters,
speakers, laptops, phones and many more.
The internet is also a form of technology that has revolutionised the way of life. So many people will argue about how the internet is ruining our lives
with Bad role models, over obsessions and many others. ~But everything aside; the internet is an amazing place that has improved our way of life.
Technology is transforming our lives.
I don 't know about you
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Diversity in the Classroom Essay
Diversity in classrooms can open student's minds to all the world has to offer. At times diversity and understanding of culture, deviant experiences and
perspectives can be difficult to fulfill, but with appropriate strategies and resources, it can lead students gaining a high level of respect for those unlike
them, preferably than a judgmental and prejudiced view. Diversity has broad ranges of spectrums. Students from all across the continent; students from
political refugees, indigenous Americans, and immigrants bring their culture and linguistic skills to American classrooms. Students do not only bring
their cultures and linguistic skills, but they bring their ethnics, talents, and skills. In addition, their age and gender are more content...
Every student and teacher has a cultural identity. Their cultural identity is defined by their beliefs, values and behaviors. Their cultures can be different
among others, which creates diversity. Classrooms full of students and teachers with different backgrounds can be beneficial for students and teachers
themselves. By exploring and accepting many differences and cultures of people among them, they are taught to understand cultural differences, they
from a strong sense of their own cultural identity. Once students and teachers are aware of cultural differences, they become aware of racism and can
fight to eradiate it. Through their unbiased understanding of the differences between cultures and races, they are able to come to a point of acceptance
of themselves and others. If you noticed in my previous paragraph, I mentioned the different types of diversity. Diversity emphasizes how different
students and teachers are, but when explored in a classroom, can be used to reveal our similarities. Once students and teachers grasp the concept of
diversity, displayed through everyday interactions with diverse groups of students and teachers, racism begins to disappear. In addition, positive sense
of self can be developed once students and teachers have an understanding of their own uniqueness through experiences and understanding of diversity.
Once teachers and students
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Technology In Classrooms When people walk into a classroom and a teacher is up front lecturing, all they see are heads down on desks. As they
walk around people are sleeping and doodling things like "I love you", and writing their names 1000 different ways. The room makes someone feel
like they are standing in a funeral home. It is boring and no one pays any attention, and anyone could notice that when there is dried drool on the
desks for the next class. Not all classrooms are bland though. If someone would walk into a room with technology being used, such as computer
interaction, powerpoint presentations, and upbeat music that teaches students a fun way to remember conjunctions, there is a lot less drool on the
desks. There is much more interaction in that type of environment, because students are tired of being lectured for seven hours a day, five days a
week and want a new and interesting learning technique. Schools need to have technology in all their classrooms, so students stay interested and
involved. No one likes to take notes the same way everyday. "Okay everyone please take out your notebooks and pencil for notes today," says every
teacher, always. Hand cramps, sloppy handwriting that later can't be read when someone is trying to study, and unorganization. Gregory Hamel states,
"Using laptops for the purpose of note taking can be very beneficial, since a strong typist can record notes much faster than writing by hand." When
students take notes on paper,
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Effect Of Blended Learning On The Classroom
As the 21st century has confronted us with the technological revolution and "change [has become] the hallmark of our time ", we have had to adapt in
almost all areas of life. It is only logical that the education sector has also experienced innumerable adjustments. The combination of trying to maintain
the classical faceā€“toā€“face concept of teaching yet integrating a technological aspect has come to coin the term 'blended learning'. There are many
discussions and disputes as this phenomenon has come about as to what blended learning actually involves and what is its fixed definition as outlined
by Driscoll's four blended learning concepts. For the purpose of this essay I will be referring to the mix and combination of faceā€“toā€“face tutorial with
any form of webā€“based or instructional technology (from collaborative learning, audio, video, interactive whiteboards to online platforms). I will be
analysing the effects of blended learning in the pedagogical process in terms of timeā€“efficiency, increased outreach for language learning opportunities,
motivation and autonomous learning, learner and personality types and crucially, in language learning increased accessibility of "Ethnographic
methods such as the use of 'authentic' material and contact with native speakers ". The 21st century pace of life has brought about a new lifestyle in
all sectors, through which people's time has become ever more precious. With the help of the technological revolution almost all areas of life
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Technology in Teaching and Learning Essay
Educational technologies are being utilized in every way shape and form, from inline gaming to numeracy, literacy and painting by numbers. From
learning to leisure we have embraced the internet, in online chat rooms we communicate, interact and move into future learning through educational
programmes and technology that lets us learn virtually. Instruction and directions are sent across cyberspace which change perceptions and give us an
insight into different cultures far away across the other side of the world .The enigma that is cyberspace has the capacity to change our way of
thinking, learning and teaching, and it is this teaching aspect that most interests me. As classroom based beings, teachers and the technological
movement more content...
This technology helps students to demonstrate their potential and develop social constructs that aid in collaborative learning and in turn teaching. It is
access to interactive technology, the internet, whiteboard or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) that has given me an entertaining platform on which
to engage learners. Most of this generation of teens have the advantage of being digitally aware, with onā€“line gaming, Face book and Twitter part of
everyday conversations. For these learners keyboard skills are almost inherent, yet for some it has generated a further problem. It is the letters on the
keyboard itself that creates a barrier to interactive action learning, this is the case for some of my students and indeed for myself as a facilitator of
learning for non readers.
Dearing, (1997 p.20) mentions.
"New technology is changing the way information is stored and transmitted. This has implications for both the skills which higher education needs to
develop and the way in which it is delivered. Universities may invest millions of pounds in the provision of computer hardware without ever seriously
considering the educational results such investment may deliver.
This is true of Entry level learning also. Mumford, (1995 pp.55ā€“57) "However, the student must be exposed to the technology in a
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Essay about The Future Classroom
When we look at our society today, there is no doubt that our education system is undergoing another revolution. Technology has advanced to the point
where it has made information widely accessible, and its convenience has established new means of independent learning. Students are able to learn
from a seamlessly infinite resource, and now schools face a competitor in the distribution of knowledge. Now as schools attempt to integrate technology
into the school environment, there are challenges in defining the next generation of classrooms. Through our Alternate Worlds class, we have
attempted to integrate technology into the class with both success and disappointment. However, though technology provides a great resource for
education, more content...
Like a future classroom our class embraces technology as a tool for education. Through websites, blogs, and streaming online media, our class takes all
forms except the traditional lecture style. Another way in which this class is an example of a future classroom is in the way we communicate. Through
forums, chat boxes and emails, our class communicates through instant mediums instead of faceā€“toā€“face contact. One final way in which this class is a
model for future classrooms is in the responsibility that students have for their own education. Students in our class make their own schedule to keep
up in class and are bounded by a loose schedule. Students are given flexibility in where and when they want to work, which is different from traditional
classrooms that meet on strict schedules.
Though our online class exemplifies many characteristics of a future classroom, our class stays traditional in several ways. One similarity between
our classroom and a traditional classroom is that students still hold the responsibility for submitting in work to be graded. Students still need to be
assessed on whether or not they are keeping on task with readings, and so assignments and projects are still used like in traditional education settings.
Our class is also similar to traditional classes in which there is a professor who takes part in ensuring that we stay actively on schedule
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Technology is becoming increasingly important in everyday life, however; many believe that technology in education is lagging behind other key
sectors important to society. The science curriculum is based on the Te Kete Ipurangi which outlines the guidelines for New Zealand curriculum. The
importance of chemistry is that students should be able to make connections between concepts of chemistry and their applications and show an
understanding of the role chemistry plays in the world around them. This research aims to develop a database for teachers to consult and develop uses
for technology for different unit standards. This research will examine whether technology is being used to its full potential in science classrooms. The
issue many believe in today's education system in New Zealand is that it is too prescribed and does not allow flexibility in pedagogy and students
learning. Because of this, many teachers are sticking to a pen and paper rather than a stylus and a tablet. The research will focus on whether
technologyā€“based classrooms are having positive outcomes for students learning and results or whether technology is a distraction and takes the focus
away from the true science that is being learnt.
The aim of the project is to create a database for the different uses of technology in a science classroom for teachers to access to develop a wider
range of pedagogical methods. This project will focus on two unit standards in NCEA. This first is for level one students
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Technology in Schools in 2030 Essay
I stepped through the doors of our energy efficient paperless school, one where students are encouraged to explore; it is focused around collaboration,
gaming, virtual learning and 3D holographic technology, where all the surfaces are interactive and dynamic. The words came flowing; learning,
feedback, group dynamics, eā€“portfolios, programmable and adjustable capsules...yes the day has began. Through 'Berkeley's world' (BW) the game
designed just for the school I got a request to show a visitor around for the day....Mrs. Daily. Upon stepping through the doors my alert came on my
device welcoming me and also analyzing my mood and basic health stat so I smiled because of the results. Mrs. Daily looked at me puzzled; I
explained to her that more content...
I projected my gaming session on the wall so Mrs. Daily could see how our tasks are carried out on a daily basis. We collaborate and share
information a lot using the "mission and quest" gaming strategies. Each player can check the boss' page and learn about strategies used by
successful guilds which they can probably implement in their own classes. We also use this to inspect our equipment, structure or material. As it
relates to developing objectives and strategies and the actions to achieve them our raid leaders have schedules of expectations regarding when
players can move on to more advanced bosses. The guilds meet on a regular basis to discuss the plans and analyze goals to determine the
successes and failures. These sessions are also used to review updates that are made to games by publishers to explore the content and possibly
have some crash courses. Our principal is in charge of the combat log where she documents and records information. During a raid as the leader she
may reward or punish members by removing or adding points from their balance. Each player can access their combat logs to analyze the
information in order to improve their performance. Mrs. Daily was blown away and when she finally was able to speak she uttered "how do you
communicate with persons outside?" Our guilds and raids have persons in charge of recruiting. Their job is to focus on communication
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Integrating Technology Into Education Essay

  • 1. Integrating Technology Into Education Essay The literature review of the articles present for this assignment suggest a need for reform in the school system to allow for more relevance in the classroom and an improvement in the educational process. Technology can be an excellent bridge to solve the problem of linking learning with students in their everyday life. Quick suggests, "too often lesson plans stifle students' thinking rather that reflecting and deepening their ideas," (Quick, 2003, pg 156). A way to incorporate lesson plans into today's' world is by integrating technology into our lessons. Students are surrounded by technology constantly throughout their daily life, whither through computer, phone, video game, etc. Teachers can incorporate these modes into more content... Technology is convenient and allows for a quick response time. Technology can also help to inform parents of their options within school choice. Often times the debate on public education and charter schools are a one sided debate presented through the media of through articles Brooks points out in the review of. Brouillette's "Charter Schools: Lessons in Reform, those looking for a study of the complexities inherent in the broader movement of charter school reform will need to look elsewhere," (Brooks, 2003, pg 158). Through the use of technology parents can compare the scores of their neighboring public school with the scores of the up and coming charter school. This will allow parents the opportunity to make an informed decision on the school choice of their own student. Assessment is an important part of a classroom. These assessment help drive instruction and sometimes determine funding for your school. State assessments are taken each year to help achieve a rating for individual schools. Often teachers struggle to meet the needs of these assessments and to ensure that their students are prepared to take the state assessments. Britten suggests "community input and ongoing communication by presenting a concise, handsā€“on approach to creating or choosing assessments," (Britten, 2003, pg 102). Assessments are "a critical Get more content on
  • 2. Importance Of Learning Environment Essay Learning is the best friend in the whole life, he is everywhere and always being around. People need a specific environment to learn, so most people learn knowledge from school, and they spend their first twenty years of life in the school. Now, schools and teachers have their obligatory responsibility to teach the knowledge and skills that students should know before they go into the society. Learning is never stopping even though after graduated from school. All the people like to have a wonderful school life, then it leads to a magnificent work life and family life. Therefore, the ideal learning environment should be combined with teamwork, should be interesting enough that attract students have passion on, should be learning in a positive climate, and should be provided multiple materials. I believe that one plus one greater than two which means teamwork always is the most important learning aspect in the ideal learning environment. The work did with a team always had more effective results. Each individual has his/her own thoughts and capabilities, so when they combined together in one team, there will be many problems happening. People are gregarious animals, so they cannot live alone without others. Even later in the workplace, people have to work together. Therefore, in the classroom, the teachers have to prepare the teamwork for students to practice their skills which are working with others. Mr. Kanamori shared the story about teamwork in the video "Children Full Get more content on
  • 3. TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION Presently we live in a world where technology is a very vital factor. With each passing moment, a new technology is being brought into the market that serves to improve our lives in one way or another and that has made it much easier for people to go about their day to day activities. However, it is important to note that even though technology plays a big role in making our lives easier, it has also not made learning easier in our educational system. Education has become very expensive and it is also intriguing how technology has changed and solved educational problems. The 21st century generation is fascinated by the eruption of technological advancements in the educational field. In the 1980s ā€“90s, computers used in schools were less in number as compared to this age where it has become common to see schools filled with advanced computers. This implementation has altered many ideas of the educational systems and has controlled the lives of students and teachers alike. The effects of technology in education are related to both teachers and students. Even though technology in its totality has more beneficial approach to the education system, there are some negative consequences that it brings along such as; technology shouldn't be allowed to be solely depended on in the field of education because it can't replace skilled teachers, again, it has made people less interactive and has led to shorter attention span. Student tend not to read emotions Get more content on
  • 4. My Favorite Class Essay My favorite classes this year were Mrs. Menzel's two english classes. I have learned so much about myself as a reader, student, and an intellectual. Through both of her classes, we were given endless amounts of opportunity. What I mean by this is, we got to choose our own topics to study, books to read, and subjects to write about. We were truly treated like adults, which in my eyes, helped prepare us for the "real world". Her willingness to let us grow as individuals was very inspiring, because she believed that we could do it on our own, with a little push whenever we needed it. I have gotten the chance to discover that I actually enjoy reading! Specifically, I discovered that Jodi Picoult might be my favorite author as of now. Also, I realized that writing is one of my favorite things to do, it is a passion of mine and I hope I can continue it somehow with the career that I choose. Personally, her two classes have helped me grow as a speaker, writer, and reader. In her CCC class, I was able to write a profile on my dad, which really strengthened my relationship with him. After printing him a copy, and seeing tears in his eyes made me very grateful for this experience to share with him how much of a role model he is to me. In her English Lit class, I was able to ask my grandma and mom what books they would recommend for me. Having these conversations with them made their hearts warm, since I was showing interest in books for once (they are both book lovers). Her class pushed me to be the best that I can, and it wasn't for the grade that I got. It was for learning about myself, and what I was capable of. That's when I learned that her classes are actually changing me as a student. For an example, when I was working on a project, I wasn't basing every single sentence on what the rubric told me to do. I was branching out and working on it because I truly wanted to learn more about the topic and put my all into it. Thankfully, I have matured a great amount as a student because of Mrs. Menzel and her life lessons through teaching, and by just being herself. I truly feel ready for college now because of Mrs. Menzel, and I am grateful for that. This year, I changed my intended major from Business to Education, Get more content on
  • 5. My Vision For My Future Classroom My Vision My vision for my future classroom is to create an atmosphere where each individual feels accepted and valued. It is my goal to discover ways to make learning innovative, enjoyable, creative, and rewarding. I will strive to discover my strengths, then use them to empower my students. Hopefully this leads to positive outcomes within each student and transforms the way my classroom operates. I would love to teach elementary level students, preferably grades 1ā€“3, because that is my passion. In this type of classroom, I would teach the basics of every subject for that grade. I believe that I would excel with the variety that this role has to offer. I am open to teaching anywhere and in any type of school, due to the fact myeducation was both in public and parochial schools. If possible, I will use technology to enhance my teaching. I would love to incorporate technology into my classroom because it makes learning more efficient, increases student creativity, and creates endless learning possibilities by giving every student a customizable learning experience. Basic Information Splash Math is an app that helps kids review, improve, and refine their personal math skills. The basic app month trail is free, but if parents and teachers wish to use the app longer they must pay a monthly or annual rate. Also a teacher or parent account must be created before the child is allowed to play the app. However, this can be beneficial because adults may create individual profiles Get more content on
  • 6. 21st Century Classrooms Essay In education today there is the view to link educational strategies, programs, initiatives, or technology to student achievement. There are many groups and organizations that are advocating for increased technology literacy. Generally in all aspects of our society, technology has revolutionized and in many ways simplified while enhancing our way of life. It is no surprise that the public expects that technology should have a similar effect on education . Over the past 20 years there have been so many advancements in information availability the tools used to increase human knowledge which are readily available now in education. With all of this readily available technology and information research shows that the integration of 21st Century more content... In an attempt to provide some insight into this issue I have reviewed quality research from an array of sources where technology infusion in the classroom has been implemented. Also in addition to improved assessment results in the classroom, one must consider the global workforce and responsibility that educators must prepare students to compete and successfully interact in the global technology workforce. Effectiveness of Technology When one is trying to determine the effectiveness of technology in the classroom there are several methodological and practical issues to consider. First technology is only a single part of instructional activities in the classroom. Assessments used to measure the impact of the technology are really assessment of the instruction enabled by technology. The outcomes of the assessments are very dependent on the type and quality of the implementation of the instruction. The social contexts are important in understanding how different types of technology influence teaching and learning. By providing technology in the classroom cannot be effective alone. Close attention has to be paid to the types of teaching strategies used with the technology as well as generally used in the classroom. Findings show that even the best strategies and technology provided can be neutralized by improper use and implementation. There are many methodological concerns to address. Standardized Get more content on
  • 7. How Technology Has Changed Our Classroom How to Teach in the Modern Classroom If you were to ask people today what it takes to teach students most would say that all it takes is putting students in classroom, make them take notes, give them a test, and viola the students have learned the subject. That is simply not true. Teaching in the modern classroom requires the use of new technology, and teaching methods. As well as understanding how students today act, standards that teachers have to follow, and Technology For many teachers today technology is their best friend in the classroom. Technology allows them to present information quickly, and neatly as compared to hand writing on boards or in grade books. A few examples of technology are the "Reminder 101" app, this app allows teachers to send out a mass text to all of their students who have app, and reminds the students about assignments that are due, and upcoming events. This allows even the most forgetful students to have a chance of turning in their assignments on time. Another popular and common device is the "Smart Board" these have become more and more common in today 's classrooms. The Smart Board is like a large interactive monitor of the teacher 's computer. It is much easier to use than projectors, and white boards, because how quickly it can be changed from one lesson to the next. For many teachers it is not just the physical devices that are helpful, but online resources as well. One website that is helpful to teachers is Get more content on
  • 8. Technology Distractions in Education Essay Times are forever changing, and things in life is constantly evolving to something better or something more efficient ,especially technology. College campuses are overflowing with students packing Blackberry,iPod's, laptops and cellphones. College student are obsessed with the latest technology and in today classroom such technology's capture the audience. Moreover, as a learning institution, a college hold's the responsibility to offer it's student the best technology to help them prepare for their future. In "Facing the Facebook" written by Micheal Bugeja the professor examines the ethical and educational effect of the time student spend online. In addition, technology could be undermining the educational goal of critical thinking more content... For example, online classes which offer's student the convenience of attending class anywhere, at anytime, 24/7, as long as there is an available computer and access to the internet. This flexibility allows students to continue their current lifestyle with minimal disruptions. Also, the laptop allow student to take more ameliorate,organized. and quicker notes when used in class. Certainly, these are effective skills to obtain for today's job market. There is not a job today that does not use a computer for something,we can agree that in order to be successful one must be proficient in the use of technology, specifically computers. This means that any student that does not know the essential like eā€“mails, word processors, databases, networks , and the internet ,will be at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, by practicing these skill student demonstrate problemā€“ solving ability and higherā€“order thinking( learning& leading with technology, pg. 47). From experience, in a office setting it is very hard to train someone who has little or no computer skills. Moreover, It is the educator's job to prepare student so they are marketable in today's workforce. Finally, technology play numerous roles in the for student, but can it such tool build selfā€“esteem? Many student fail to succeed in class because lack of confidence. Maybe your thinking how can confidence determine motivation. Well look at it like this, for instance, your a adult married with two kids and just returning Get more content on
  • 9. How Technology Has Changed Our Classroom As a student in the Faculty of Education, I learned a little bit. I discovered how technology was changing the way students are taught in the classroom; I figured out how to approach the algorithm of multiplication from a variety of angles to accommodate different learning styles; I learned how to spend four hours labouring over a 30ā€“minute lesson plan to introduce a picture book to a group of Grade two students. All useful, though not all necessary. Not once, however, did my course group have a lesson on how to create a harmonious atmosphere of respect in the classroom. Sure, we had a guest speaker come in to discuss "disciplining the difficult child," and various strategies for classroom management were offered to us by more content... And they all have their own needs and wants at any given time. Imagine trying to get 25 adults to do the following, and in perfect sequence: a) Sit down (in a seat that they don't get to choose, and perhaps next to someone who smells like pee and picks their nose when they think no one's looking). b) Remain in a hard chair for up to two hours (without sitting crossā€“legged, standing up and stretching, or grumbling about their discomfort). c) Be silent and pay attention (this means not talking to a nearby friend and not fiddling with the much more engaging blob of silly putty inside the desk). Tall order, isn't it? But we persist in expecting this type of cookieā€“cutter behaviour from kids during the seven hours we share with them each day. And when someone in the classroom doesn't feel like conforming to these edicts, we feel threatened. Harsh criticism is levied upon the perceived troublemaker, we engage in a (usually public) power struggle ā€“ during which one of us is sure to lose face ā€“ and both parties leave the situation tense, angry, and determined not to be made a fool of again. At the teacher's end, the reins tighten. On thestudent's part, she loses respect and trust in her guide, therefore making her behaviour even harder to manage. How to avoid this? Show some respect.
  • 10. Listen. No, really listen. Stop what you're doing. Make eye contact. Your current task isn't that much more important than the concern of the person whose job it's Get more content on
  • 11. The Effect Of Technology On The Classroom Essay There is a growing trend in the use of technology in the classroom. As a teacher, I am always looking for ways to use manipulatives in my lessons to increase meaning and authenticity for students. I would love to keep my students engaged, motivated and interactive in the classroom and still be able to get through the content each day. In order to achieve this, I need to have an arsenal of tools to draw from. That is why I agree with (Tataroglu & Erduran, 2010) as stated in the International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education (IEJEE) that "The use of technologies like IWBs in the classroom can provide teachers and students convenience and variety. " We live in a day and age in which students have all kinds of electronic gadgets and can get hold of information within seconds through the net. We live in a highly technological society. Unless teachers are open and willing to step outside their comfort zone and use different tools in their classrooms to match students' abilities and interests, it will be impossible for them to keep students motivated and engaged. If teaching is all about content, then students do not need to go to school as they can access all the content at a lightning speed rate from the net. I am of the opinion that teaching is all about helping students build the skills needed to become better members of society. That is why I am a huge advocate of using technology in the classroom. IEJEE, piqued my interest because it recounted an elementary Get more content on
  • 12. Introduction When we teach we all have our own reason behind why we want to be a teacher, how our classroom will run, and our personal philosophy of what educating the future of America should entail. Just like how we need a framework for our on teaching philosophy and the management of our classrooms, we need a framework to be the backbone to our development of an integrated curriculum. Our framework originates from four main areas: cognitivism, social constructivism, Howard Garner's Multiple Intelligences, and brainā€“based learning. Just as unique as our students are who come into our classroom, our framework needs to be unique as well, it cannot just include one of the four main area, it needs to be a mixture of the four main areas. This allows for differentiated instruction which provides the opportunity for all students to be successful due to the wide range of content, assessments, activities, and interactions performed within the curriculum (Renaud, 2016). "In differentiated classrooms, teachers begin where students are, not at the front of a curriculum guide," thus they build upon each students' prior knowledge and accept that each student will be in different skill levels and need to appeal to different interests and varied rates and complexity of instruction (Tomlinson, 1990). Thus, each theoretical theory will be discussed along with how learning, instruction and assessments unfold in each framework. Theoretical Perspectives There are several learning theories Get more content on
  • 13. How Technology Has Changed Our Visual Learning Introduction: Look around this classroom, over there lies the projector we use for of our visual learning. Over there lies the teacher 's computer which she uses to make handouts and other learning tools. Over there lies the speaker in, which we have for auditory learning. The future is bright and it 's going to be brighter than ever before. Look at all the opportunities we will get in the future through technology, education and jobs. Today I 'm here to convince to you that the future is bright. Technology: Look at what has already been done through technology. We have come up with some of the most amazing ideas ever. Technology has helped us to accomplish simple tasks, and bring us to the world we live in now. Simple pieces of technology such as heaters and microwaves may seem like nothing. But can you imagine waking up in the morning to a ā€“5 degree house, or not being able to warm up your food. It would be painful right? Look around you. Probably only a few centimeters away is your beloved phone, computer, and tablet. Look around this classroom, projectors, heaters, speakers, laptops, phones and many more. The internet is also a form of technology that has revolutionised the way of life. So many people will argue about how the internet is ruining our lives with Bad role models, over obsessions and many others. ~But everything aside; the internet is an amazing place that has improved our way of life. Technology is transforming our lives. I don 't know about you Get more content on
  • 14. Diversity in the Classroom Essay Diversity in classrooms can open student's minds to all the world has to offer. At times diversity and understanding of culture, deviant experiences and perspectives can be difficult to fulfill, but with appropriate strategies and resources, it can lead students gaining a high level of respect for those unlike them, preferably than a judgmental and prejudiced view. Diversity has broad ranges of spectrums. Students from all across the continent; students from political refugees, indigenous Americans, and immigrants bring their culture and linguistic skills to American classrooms. Students do not only bring their cultures and linguistic skills, but they bring their ethnics, talents, and skills. In addition, their age and gender are more content... Every student and teacher has a cultural identity. Their cultural identity is defined by their beliefs, values and behaviors. Their cultures can be different among others, which creates diversity. Classrooms full of students and teachers with different backgrounds can be beneficial for students and teachers themselves. By exploring and accepting many differences and cultures of people among them, they are taught to understand cultural differences, they from a strong sense of their own cultural identity. Once students and teachers are aware of cultural differences, they become aware of racism and can fight to eradiate it. Through their unbiased understanding of the differences between cultures and races, they are able to come to a point of acceptance of themselves and others. If you noticed in my previous paragraph, I mentioned the different types of diversity. Diversity emphasizes how different students and teachers are, but when explored in a classroom, can be used to reveal our similarities. Once students and teachers grasp the concept of diversity, displayed through everyday interactions with diverse groups of students and teachers, racism begins to disappear. In addition, positive sense of self can be developed once students and teachers have an understanding of their own uniqueness through experiences and understanding of diversity. Once teachers and students Get more content on
  • 15. Technology In Classrooms When people walk into a classroom and a teacher is up front lecturing, all they see are heads down on desks. As they walk around people are sleeping and doodling things like "I love you", and writing their names 1000 different ways. The room makes someone feel like they are standing in a funeral home. It is boring and no one pays any attention, and anyone could notice that when there is dried drool on the desks for the next class. Not all classrooms are bland though. If someone would walk into a room with technology being used, such as computer interaction, powerpoint presentations, and upbeat music that teaches students a fun way to remember conjunctions, there is a lot less drool on the desks. There is much more interaction in that type of environment, because students are tired of being lectured for seven hours a day, five days a week and want a new and interesting learning technique. Schools need to have technology in all their classrooms, so students stay interested and involved. No one likes to take notes the same way everyday. "Okay everyone please take out your notebooks and pencil for notes today," says every teacher, always. Hand cramps, sloppy handwriting that later can't be read when someone is trying to study, and unorganization. Gregory Hamel states, "Using laptops for the purpose of note taking can be very beneficial, since a strong typist can record notes much faster than writing by hand." When students take notes on paper, Get more content on
  • 16. Effect Of Blended Learning On The Classroom As the 21st century has confronted us with the technological revolution and "change [has become] the hallmark of our time ", we have had to adapt in almost all areas of life. It is only logical that the education sector has also experienced innumerable adjustments. The combination of trying to maintain the classical faceā€“toā€“face concept of teaching yet integrating a technological aspect has come to coin the term 'blended learning'. There are many discussions and disputes as this phenomenon has come about as to what blended learning actually involves and what is its fixed definition as outlined by Driscoll's four blended learning concepts. For the purpose of this essay I will be referring to the mix and combination of faceā€“toā€“face tutorial with any form of webā€“based or instructional technology (from collaborative learning, audio, video, interactive whiteboards to online platforms). I will be analysing the effects of blended learning in the pedagogical process in terms of timeā€“efficiency, increased outreach for language learning opportunities, motivation and autonomous learning, learner and personality types and crucially, in language learning increased accessibility of "Ethnographic methods such as the use of 'authentic' material and contact with native speakers ". The 21st century pace of life has brought about a new lifestyle in all sectors, through which people's time has become ever more precious. With the help of the technological revolution almost all areas of life Get more content on
  • 17. Technology in Teaching and Learning Essay Educational technologies are being utilized in every way shape and form, from inline gaming to numeracy, literacy and painting by numbers. From learning to leisure we have embraced the internet, in online chat rooms we communicate, interact and move into future learning through educational programmes and technology that lets us learn virtually. Instruction and directions are sent across cyberspace which change perceptions and give us an insight into different cultures far away across the other side of the world .The enigma that is cyberspace has the capacity to change our way of thinking, learning and teaching, and it is this teaching aspect that most interests me. As classroom based beings, teachers and the technological movement more content... This technology helps students to demonstrate their potential and develop social constructs that aid in collaborative learning and in turn teaching. It is access to interactive technology, the internet, whiteboard or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) that has given me an entertaining platform on which to engage learners. Most of this generation of teens have the advantage of being digitally aware, with onā€“line gaming, Face book and Twitter part of everyday conversations. For these learners keyboard skills are almost inherent, yet for some it has generated a further problem. It is the letters on the keyboard itself that creates a barrier to interactive action learning, this is the case for some of my students and indeed for myself as a facilitator of learning for non readers. Dearing, (1997 p.20) mentions. "New technology is changing the way information is stored and transmitted. This has implications for both the skills which higher education needs to develop and the way in which it is delivered. Universities may invest millions of pounds in the provision of computer hardware without ever seriously considering the educational results such investment may deliver. This is true of Entry level learning also. Mumford, (1995 pp.55ā€“57) "However, the student must be exposed to the technology in a Get more content on
  • 18. Essay about The Future Classroom When we look at our society today, there is no doubt that our education system is undergoing another revolution. Technology has advanced to the point where it has made information widely accessible, and its convenience has established new means of independent learning. Students are able to learn from a seamlessly infinite resource, and now schools face a competitor in the distribution of knowledge. Now as schools attempt to integrate technology into the school environment, there are challenges in defining the next generation of classrooms. Through our Alternate Worlds class, we have attempted to integrate technology into the class with both success and disappointment. However, though technology provides a great resource for education, more content... Like a future classroom our class embraces technology as a tool for education. Through websites, blogs, and streaming online media, our class takes all forms except the traditional lecture style. Another way in which this class is an example of a future classroom is in the way we communicate. Through forums, chat boxes and emails, our class communicates through instant mediums instead of faceā€“toā€“face contact. One final way in which this class is a model for future classrooms is in the responsibility that students have for their own education. Students in our class make their own schedule to keep up in class and are bounded by a loose schedule. Students are given flexibility in where and when they want to work, which is different from traditional classrooms that meet on strict schedules. Though our online class exemplifies many characteristics of a future classroom, our class stays traditional in several ways. One similarity between our classroom and a traditional classroom is that students still hold the responsibility for submitting in work to be graded. Students still need to be assessed on whether or not they are keeping on task with readings, and so assignments and projects are still used like in traditional education settings. Our class is also similar to traditional classes in which there is a professor who takes part in ensuring that we stay actively on schedule Get more content on
  • 19. Technology is becoming increasingly important in everyday life, however; many believe that technology in education is lagging behind other key sectors important to society. The science curriculum is based on the Te Kete Ipurangi which outlines the guidelines for New Zealand curriculum. The importance of chemistry is that students should be able to make connections between concepts of chemistry and their applications and show an understanding of the role chemistry plays in the world around them. This research aims to develop a database for teachers to consult and develop uses for technology for different unit standards. This research will examine whether technology is being used to its full potential in science classrooms. The issue many believe in today's education system in New Zealand is that it is too prescribed and does not allow flexibility in pedagogy and students learning. Because of this, many teachers are sticking to a pen and paper rather than a stylus and a tablet. The research will focus on whether technologyā€“based classrooms are having positive outcomes for students learning and results or whether technology is a distraction and takes the focus away from the true science that is being learnt. The aim of the project is to create a database for the different uses of technology in a science classroom for teachers to access to develop a wider range of pedagogical methods. This project will focus on two unit standards in NCEA. This first is for level one students Get more content on
  • 20. Technology in Schools in 2030 Essay I stepped through the doors of our energy efficient paperless school, one where students are encouraged to explore; it is focused around collaboration, gaming, virtual learning and 3D holographic technology, where all the surfaces are interactive and dynamic. The words came flowing; learning, feedback, group dynamics, eā€“portfolios, programmable and adjustable capsules...yes the day has began. Through 'Berkeley's world' (BW) the game designed just for the school I got a request to show a visitor around for the day....Mrs. Daily. Upon stepping through the doors my alert came on my device welcoming me and also analyzing my mood and basic health stat so I smiled because of the results. Mrs. Daily looked at me puzzled; I explained to her that more content... I projected my gaming session on the wall so Mrs. Daily could see how our tasks are carried out on a daily basis. We collaborate and share information a lot using the "mission and quest" gaming strategies. Each player can check the boss' page and learn about strategies used by successful guilds which they can probably implement in their own classes. We also use this to inspect our equipment, structure or material. As it relates to developing objectives and strategies and the actions to achieve them our raid leaders have schedules of expectations regarding when players can move on to more advanced bosses. The guilds meet on a regular basis to discuss the plans and analyze goals to determine the successes and failures. These sessions are also used to review updates that are made to games by publishers to explore the content and possibly have some crash courses. Our principal is in charge of the combat log where she documents and records information. During a raid as the leader she may reward or punish members by removing or adding points from their balance. Each player can access their combat logs to analyze the information in order to improve their performance. Mrs. Daily was blown away and when she finally was able to speak she uttered "how do you communicate with persons outside?" Our guilds and raids have persons in charge of recruiting. Their job is to focus on communication Get more content on