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Instant City, a BaMC-Challenge
Household B-3
Fall 2
Instant City
Household B-3,
Fall 2
- Welcome back – to Instant City, a BaMC Challenge! Oh, and especially a heartwarming Welcome back to you, dear
*excited crickets chirping*
-…. Yeah, I know my audience… now to be honest, this chapter actually took a long, looong time… mostly because I didn’t
really know what to do… how novel… annd because I tried to redo the Numa Key Beach Lots which I had originally placed
simply because I wanted to plaster Numa Key with Beach Lots… and after trying and trying to think of something… I just
gave up and did my usual ‘potter, sew, drink’ to make perfect Plantsims without personality…
-… anyway, lets go back to the household, where…. Ehrm…. Let me check my notes….
*shuffle* *shuffle*… -
‘… so I guess, he forgot your name?’
‘Yeah… Hey, author - are you looking for my nickname or my number – or both?’
*more shuffling*
‘*Sigh*… okay, let me introduce myself, I’m 6th Greatgranddaughter-1 aka Gidget – because I surf… also, I like Gifts… and I
guess that’s it as far as personality goes…’
‘…. Nice to meet you, I guess… I’m B-3, that is B-3, we were once supposed to be astronomers…’
‘…and now we’re basically inventory holders… could somebody please clean all that stuff?’
-… Oh sorry…. *clean* -
‘Thanks… Oh, and I forgot – we also don’t have any personality…!’
-… yeah, so what? –
‘The Plantsims have… well, they don’t have one either, so that’s not as discriminating as I originally intended to say… but
-… you still talking? I’ve already started to write the next slide…-
-… where Gidget… does not find a job… unfortunately we never got a job in business this season….-
-… so it’s back to Numa Key for now…-
-… where we set up the stage for our next flower business…-
-… Robot business…-
-… toy business…-
-… and surfing business…-
-… because everybody's gone surfin‘ - Surfin' Numa Kaaay…-
-… well, actually, we didn’t spend that much time there immediately… instead went to Instant City… to fulfill Gidget’s
Lifetime want of getting 50 first dates….-
‘Wait, we’re doing what now?...’
-… well, I want to try something new…-
‘…oh, okay, it’s not that this is too difficult, I just call the Gipsy and buy cheap dates and…’
‘... Uhm… what number was the Gipsy again?...’
-… yeah… I’ve rarely used the gypsies service in the past, so I had to actually relearn, that you can’t call her on community
lots… and she only seems to show up on downtown community lots, so we’ll be here all day and she doesn’t show up… so I
just thought to do…. The exact same thing I already did in earlier chapters and let Gidget call over random strangers for
dates, just on an unowned community lot for a change…-
‘…*snif*… he rejected me… how did Greatgreatsomethingfather Nate (Household A-3) do that…?’
-… yeah, I’m out of practice too, apparently…-
-… sooo, lets go home….-
-… call the gipsy and….-
-… well, try to get her to a Community lot by inviting her as part of a group…. Just wanted to see, if that works…-
-… weell, it worked, but unfortunately, the option to sell us dates, potions or whatever doesn’t show up… bummer…-
‘Are you done yet? I’m really fed up at this point with this entire Lifetime Want thing… which is kind of a paradox in itself
but… *sigh* I need a drink …’
‘Mind If I join?’
‘… sure, be my guest…’
‘… so about those 50 first dates…’
‘… sorry, not really in the mood… yes, I know, I pay you crap, you give me crap, date ends immediately, rinse and repeat…
but I actually would like to have something more meaningful…’
‘Ahh… perfect date then, perhaps planning future kids and house… that costs extra…’
‘Nah – only Uncles are allowed for procreation anyway… that sickos idea of a challenge…’
- HEEeeeyy…. Okay, kinda true, except for all the lies…-
‘… you are… difficult customers…’
‘…so if you don’t want to buy a date, not even a cheap one… how about you go on a really good one with me…?’
‘… oookay – what’s the catch?’
‘Look – it’s not like I ever got much screen time in that guys game, who knows, how long it will take till I ever appear again…,
so I might as well get some fun out of it… plus you’re kinda cute…’
‘Well, okay…. but no kinky stuff, I don’t wanna end up being slapped all across the neighborhood…’
‘… okay, so it’s a… platonic date, no romance, just having fun… I know I will…’
-… and so Gidget entered her first first date – with the gipsy no less…!.... And yes, we completely (!) refrained from using
romantic interactions, it was dance, hug, tell jokes, more dance, talk, dance, drink, dance, dance… did I mention dance?...-
-… in fact, that date went so extremely well, we almost – almost! – reached a dream date, but alas – no iron bladder for
‘NOOOOOOOOOOoowait, why am I upset again? It’s not like I don’t wanna date somebody else anyways, 50 first dates and
all… still, that was actually quite nice, and dream date or not – guess I found my goal in life: having 50 first dates AND make
a lot of friends, without all the slapdrama later…. Let’s try another… platonic date…!’
-… and so we took a second chance at the first guy Gidget talked to… - and with our increased street rep we won him over…-
-… dated…-
-… and then fell in love – DOH! Yeah, totally forgot about the obligatory kiss at the end of a great date… oh well, he’s an NPC
cook, how often does he show up during community lot visits…-
‘He will show up and there will be slapping, right?’
- No! That was not a foreshadowing, that was… just go on with your platonic dates, will ya ?...-
-… so it’s platonic date No.3….-
-…. Which pushes our reputation to maximum….-
-… and another great date…-
-… and Nr. 4…-
-… and 5…-
‘Wait – we’re doing this now? One slide per date? Where’s the fun, where’s the…?’
- hundred of pictures of your dates, if we only need them for the numbers…-
‘Hey – I am not a number, I’m… I… I… need to go potty…’… *leaves*…
- Darn… elders and their bladders… we should finally stop dating these losers and try someone closer our age…-
‘*Ehrmhem!* Cough*…’
‘Yes? How can I help you? Because the obnoxious cough basically says it all, but go on….’
‘Darn right I have something to say! Elders aren’t losers! We are great for Dates! We can do Dream Dates as long as we
want! Go on! Try me…!’
‘… that makes no sense, and I’m sure you have dementia… but if it gets you out of my leafs…’
‘… annnd – Dream Date! See, what did I tell you?’
‘Yeah, yeah… you’re something, alright…*chug*… now how many of you elders are left? Because If I need to prove, that I’m
not anti-elderist, might as well get the remaining 44 first dates as well…’
-… sounds like a challenge to me…-
‘*Chug* Oh *chug* up…’
-… and so, having added the platonic dates only with elders handicap, we continue… Next is Link, who…-
-… sorry, I mean, the *Great* and *Powerful* Link…-
-… whom we manage to have a great 7th date with…-
- …well, you are the ‘Great’ Link, not the ‘Dream’ Link… you are also not the ‘Link to the past’ or the ‘Missing Link’ or…-
‘*Leaves furious*’
-… with that resolved, we take on our next dates… some actually tell us exactly what we’ll get from them….-
-… while others, like Vonnie, are just excited to get on the ride…-
-… and still finish on a high note…-
-… others need a little convincing to even try…-
-… while others desperately beg to get a date even once before they kick the bucket….-
-… well, I guess, he can die happy now…-
‘It still was only a platonic date, so why…?’
-…compared to zero dates…? –
‘… point taken…’
-… btw, if you’re asking where the Servos are… wait, you aren’t asking, are you? Oh well…-
-… so we continue making those with one foot in the grave happy without touching….-
-… which got boring pretty fast…-
-… so we visited the old clothing shop still in possession of the B-3 household (see all the way back in the first spring) for a
quick stop … -
-… and call over some (literally) good friends….-
-… and give them a quick makeover, because seriously, why are the NPC cooks all without a chef’s hat? …-
‘… or a space helmet?’
-… we sold him one back on the moon, it always shows up on the makeover station, despite only showing up with
outerwear in the game…-
-… anyway, Cook Nr. 2 with the weak bladder…-
-… and Nr. 3…-
‘Wow – that looks good on you, sweetie…’
‘… just my luck… first one to ever have crush on me, and it’s somebody I have negative chemistry with…’
- Great, you don’t want her! So please go away, we have to do more makeovers…-
-… like this one… wow, time flies by, I was getting sick of all the makeovers…-
‘it were only four…’
-.. You still here? Go away, we have more platonic elder dates to do…! -
-… starting with Nr. 14… by the way, one thing Plantsims can do to make elder dates a success – producing spores of
-…of course, platonic dates are still a game of chance, so a dream date is pretty hard to achieve, as Gidget’s memories show
(last one only a great date, of course forgot to take a pic)…-
-… and if it’s not the elders wasting precious dating time by getting swindled by the charlatan…-
-… it’s their bladder again… that and the fact, that this guy was a tough cookie who we really needed a lot of persuasion to
even go on a date…-
‘Well excuse me for not being subject to an insane ploy to do dates that end without going for…’
*runs away*
-… so worth it…-
-… moving on, Date Nr. 17…-
-… and 18…-
‘… and I’m telling you – Sam, wasn’t it? – these platonic dates are actually really hard. I mean, I only had to initiate the date
to make it count, but now this guy wants them to be as good respectively dreamy as possible…’
‘Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine…’
‘..There! I made him say it – Happy?! Can I get a break again…?’
-… okay…. And Yeah, the bartenders name is Sam..uel… I needed a Casablanca quote somewhere…-
-… so it’s back to the clothing shop for some makeover time with…-
‘Nu-Uh! I am not going to do a makeover, I’m fine with the way I am!’
-… okay, first time for everything – this is literally the first time a Sim refuses to get a makeover at the makeover table, I
thought unlike the makeover chair this was not only without any makeover mishaps but also unrefusable….-
-… of course, nobody can refuse a makeover forever… -
‘Oh my… I am certainly surprised – pleasantly surprised…’
-… nothing against Afros, but you weren’t the type… anyway, lets go back to dating…-
‘WHAT? My break so far consisted of giving this guy a makeover, and now…?!’
- Other people use their free time to go on dates, not off… -
-… so back to dates, Nr. 19…-
-… 20…-
-…. 21…-
-… 22..-
-…. 23….-
-… 24….-
-… okay, while I never got around actually shooting a picture of it, Gidget more than once showed the ‘the same thing
again?!’ animation, even if she fulfilled a want with her action, so this reaction is totally in character… -
-… now this time, there weren’t any real dire cases of elders in desperate needs for a makeover – most of them were
witches/warlocks anyway, which always works great for elders – so I decided that we try something new and go – bug-
‘Ehrm… excuse me, shouldn’t we go into the wild for this instead of just looking up the little patch of grass along the
- And this is why Sims 2 is great! Even down the street, the environment is totally alright – then again, climate change is
only a myth, right? Right?! –
‘… I have no idea what you’re talking about…’
-… 25…-
‘WHAA… ? … We’re back at this again?’
-… and we’re halfway through, so keep on going…-
-… 26…-
-… 27…-
-… 29…-
-… 30…-
-.. 31…-
-… 32…-
-… 33…-
-… 34…-
-… 35…-
-… 36…-
‘Seriously – why are you doing this? Do really think somebody is going to read this?’
- Proof! –
‘… proof?’
- Playing a challenge here, showing that I do this by the book…-
‘This is ridiculous! You could have staged all of this, or used maxmotives or…’
- … and it would take as much time to stage this in a convincing way as doing it by the book…! Now come on, next date.. –
-… 37…-
-… thirty… Hey! –
‘Low sun motive, moron… and I even get paid for standing under the greenhouse lights…’
-… ah, okay – carry on, the get on with…-
-… Nr. 38…-
-… 39…-
-… 40…-
-… 41…-
-… 42…-
-… 43….-
-… 44…-
-… 45…-
-… 46…-
-… 47…-
-… 48…-
‘Hey! What’s going on here?’
‘Oh Hey - aren’t you Professor Disc? My ancient ancestor?’
‘… excuse me?’
‘Hi – Gidget – or 6th Greagranddaughter-3 to you, if you prefer that – which means, that not we’re 9 generations apart, so
you’re like my grandfather from the 19th century compared to me…!’
‘… Oh… well then… carry on with whatever you’re doing, I’m going to… think about what you just said…’
-… and with that, the Professor disappeared again… -
-… anyway, 49…-
-… annnd – 50! YEAH! And we got a lot of dream dates with only one accidental crush in between out of it…!-
-… and as a thanks our 5oth date partner gets a makeover out of it…-
-… and Nr. 49 gets a consolidation price as well… -
‘Great – can I go now? You know, permaplat or not – that was hard!’
- Do you know how many BFF’s you’ll get from this? –
‘… not worth it…’
-… whatever… but okay, you deserve another break…-
-… so it’s time for moar bug hunting! –
‘… ugh, whyyyy…?’
- Because I want to see a complete bug collection just once…. Unfortunately I figured out, that you need enthusiasm 8 in
nature to find all bugs, butterflies and spiders…-
-… so we went home after all…-
-… to receive our flowery rewards….-
-… from both sides of the lot…-
-… while Gidget…-
‘…*sigh*… why even bother… you know, last chapter, with the presents given to me and all that stuff, I had hoped I’d be
given some personality, but instead….’
- We have 89 households to go through, lots of Sims to add – we can do personality later… much, much later…-
‘ *Sigh*… okay, next generation of blank people coming up…’
-… and with that, the seventh Generation springs into existence, starting with 7th Greatgranddaughter-1…-
[ALSO: This is the 10th Generation born/spawned in this neighborhood, so we basically have now a legacy run complete! ]
-… 7th Greatgranddaughter-2….-
-… 7th Greatgrandson-1….-
-… and 7th Greatgranddaughter-3, the only one with a different hair color then black, blonde…-
-… and then… uhm… Gidget, you missed one plantbaby… -
‘… nope, not in the mood anymore… I thought, that would be a little bit more fulfilling…’
-… … … well, you’re throwing a want for dates again, so I guess, we could actually go a little further this time…-
-… so lets get back to the clothing shop, look into your contact list and…-
‘… so you called me over, because during your dates-capades, you socialized with me somewhere, so that… you now want
to go on a date and…?’
‘… yeah… Uncle ‘Chris Austin’, wasn’t it?’
‘Wow, you actually know my ‘nickname’-name!... Anyway, you said, spawning plantbabies wasn’t really fulfilling… so now
you want… isn’t that a bit…?’
‘Could you please stop the topic and start the date?’
‘… feeling a bit used here now…’
‘In my defense – I’m the one currently being player-controlled here…’
‘…. Plus, I can be a really good friend, if that’s any consolation…’
‘…wow, you’re actually good at making a Date great without kinky stuff, niece…’
‘Heh – yes, I am –but to be honest, I really wanted to try something different for once…’
‘… okay…. First time holding hands…’
‘…. Wow – I never got to Dream date so fast… so that’s what falling in love is about…?’
‘… I think, love is overrated… buuut I’m a little bit more willing now to do… that thing you wanted to…’
‘Okay – well, then lets hop into this clothing booth and…’
‘Ehrm – sorry, but we have this little tradition in…’our’… family….hehe…’
-… okay, to cut this short, due to whatever reason, we got a jumping bug with the clothing booth… so I placed the photo
booth to get this out of the way…-
‘…. Wow, to think, I missed out on this all the time…’
‘… yeah, I liked that too… soo – I guess that’s it – with us having little personality and stuff, a real relationship wouldn’t
‘Hmm… it’s sad, but can’t be avoided…. At least not with an author who is both parts perverted and uptight…’
-… here I am writing this down… guess, I can add masochist to the list…-
-… let’s move on – while Gidget teaches her plant babies nursery rhymes…-
-… the Servos go to work…-
‘Wow – over a hundred slides and you never even mentioned us…!’
-Not true, I mentioned you in slide 38… anyway – Chance Card for Serva B-3! …-
-… and again, she trusts that her Boss doesn’t leave the Company, and instead gets the job herself and a bonus in
-… and after this, she goes straight to work again – and another chance card…! -
-… and instead of helping Landgraab building a sea port, we buy Trucks, which Landgrabb then rents to transport building
materials he wanted to use for the sea port and instead now builds lots…, which earns us money from the shares for his
-… annd that’s it – 2 more potential business districts, Servo B-3 becomes perma-plat…-
‘… and now you forget about us again, right?’
-… if I say ‘yes’, what are you going to do about it, hm? –
-… thanks for stopping with the snarky comments…-
Potential Business
Districts: 31 + 2
-… in the meantime – baby bump! -
-…and also: enthusiasm for nature! -
-… reaching 8 points of enthusiasm…-
-… and TA-DA! 30 Insects collected!...-
-… and here’s how a complete Insect Collection looks!... … … .. . Okay, so while this is the first time ever I actually got a
complete collection, it… is not that great a reward… didn’t check the environment or fun score, but… *sigh*….-
-… so it’s time to go home again, watch Serva B-3 getting permaplat as well…-
-… and watching the kids grow up…-
-.. Getting their personalities and turn-ons/offs… hm, Fortune, fat & brown hair, no cooking… a fat, brown haired rich man
useless in the kitchen… no idea who that could be – any ideas…?...-
-… romance, red and blonde both wanted, but not creative… I always think, that wanting different hair colors means several
relationships… works with a romance sim…-
-… okay, popular, likes … glasses and makeup, but no face paint… okay, somebody with glasses wearing makeup no never
joined the circus shouldn’t be too hard to find….-
-… finally, Science, fat yet charismatic wanted, no red hairs… okay, doable too…-
‘Does it even matter? We’re only allowed to date inside the family *shudder* - so why bother?’
-... I shouldn’t have started with that idea until the 20th generation … *sigh*…-
-… okay, all grown-up, it’s finally time to return to the lot we visited first this household, the Coast village at Numa Key… of
course, the kids first need to learn the tricks of the trade aka business perks….-
-… and then the additional skills… and since this is a good group shot, I can finally give them their nicknames… since we
were talking about ‘platonic dates’ all chapter long, we’re going with names of Greek philosophers this time…. Sooo…
- 7th Greatgrandson-1 - Plato – since he’s the only boy up to now in the group, easy…
- 7th Greatgranddaughter-1 - Aspasia
- 7th Greatgranddaughter-2 - Hypatia
- And 7th Greatgranddaughter-3 – Phintys
‘While we are pretty sure, that this is not how nicknames work, this is probably not the first time, this was discussed,
soooo… philosophers it is…’
-… and after that… time for raising the business level and selling these surfboards!...-
-… and Level 5…-
-…. And 10… yep, fast and eventless…-
‘and to think, we could have jumped here from slide 10, with a short summary… ‘
-… oh, shut up…-
-… next stop – the Nurnberg Hotel by RockWitU… remade into a shopping mile and renamed to Numa Key Complex…
(I needed beach lots that didn’t hate each other when placing them, but also Community lots only… and a hotel is kinda a
community lot, right?)…-
-… though it was a pain adding some more shops to the promenade as I was sick of placing the same shops over and over on
every lot… plus, the lot is soo big, my old computer can barely handle it….-
-… so once again, we focused on easily restockable items, practicing our sales skills…-
-… getting Gold Sales Badges…-
-…Learning the fire dance from the local yokel…-
-… making it to level 5…-
-… oh and also – another very first time for me, kinda like the bug collection - tried out the glass shard necklace we can find
at the beach… and I’m impressed, the bluish glass looks great…-
-… then, another crème prize…-
-… and a bit of autonomous painting… wait, what?…-
‘Yeah well, what you do here is so boring, we actually started to act on our own and painted… I actually painted a
masterpiece here without anyone telling me… what does that say about your playstyle…’
-… that I am a fair player who allows his Sims to have all the freedom they want?...-
‘We loathe you soo much….’
‘… that’s why we all start now painting with free will… what do you say to that??!’
-… that you needed me to sell the painting to get a free easel? –
-…plus loathing by painting sounds silly?... –
‘… I blame my lack of personality for this…’
-… meanwhile: level 10…
…yeah, the last 2 slides were simply including another first – Sims who start painting, and then actually finish the painting
on their own… usually it’s a lot of unfinished master pieces all around…-
-… okay, so everyone in the household now has the money perks, so only thing left is pottery…-
-… sewing…-
-… waiting for the Servos to catch up…-
-… visit GREATGRANDAUNTS Caitlin's fruit juice shop…-
-… drink…-
-… and that’s it…-
‘… and none of us got any personality at all.. *sigh*…’
- Are we still going on with this? It’s a work in progress, not a race…-
‘Yes – but it still sucks…’
-… what you’re saying is: I want my own chapter to develop one, right? Riiight?!... –
‘WHAT? No, that’s not what I meant, I…!!’
- *Ahem*… later: …-
‘… and - here ya go…’
‘YAY – Prese…!... Wait, No! I don’t wanna…!’
‘Congratulations –Phyntis, wasn’t it? You’re the next Generation to move out and have babies…’
‘But Mom…!’
‘Look, he already wrote ‘later’, meaning that you gonna do this… be happy, that you have a job want, so you don’t have to
waste time on platonic dates, kid… ‘
-… and so our intrepid heroine set out to…-
‘Oh shut up… why me?’
- Blonde hair…-
‘Blonde hair?’
-… Variety, Phyntis… last households all ended up black-haired…-
‘… so it’s a ‘hair’-brained scheme…?’
-… and you’re developing a personality already, congrats…. -
-…. And with Phyntis moving out, we still had some time left, so…-
‘ugh… cheese cake? Now when I said I wanted to… I didn’t mean that you can now just…’
- 6 Household members right now, sooo…-
-… yay, twins!...-
‘AUUUUGH – I don’t know what hurts more, this or… AYYY… okay, this here hurts more, seriously…!’
-… and here’s the first new member for our household, 7th Greatgrandson-2…-
-… and his brother, 7th Greatgrandson-3 – thankfully with different skins, I was afraid, since the last results had the same
skin color, there would be no more variety…-
‘That is all they are to you – right?’
- They are babies, know how interesting babies are in this game? Interesting enough to put them into cribs with
snapdragons keeping track of their motives…-
‘… I would call you heartless, but you would take that as a compliment…’
-… and with that said, winter was come…-
-… closing out another chapter of Instant City – a BaMC Challenge… remember what I said at the beginning? Yep, didn’t
really know what to do… so it wasn’t a good chapter… however, it was fun playing it, mind you – finding out new things
after playing the game for years is always fun…
Anyway, better luck next time with a new chapter of Instant City – a BaMC Challenge!
Happy Simming! -
Playables = 242 +6
Households = 89
Community Lots = 192
Business Districts = 7
SM = 1[Starter] + 1[1st Bus.] + 35[7 BD] + 38[192 Bus.] = 75
= 248 x 75 = 18600

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Instant City - a BaMC Challenge: Household B-3, Fall 2

  • 1. Instant City, a BaMC-Challenge Household B-3 Fall 2 Instant City Household B-3, Fall 2
  • 2. - Welcome back – to Instant City, a BaMC Challenge! Oh, and especially a heartwarming Welcome back to you, dear crickets…- *excited crickets chirping* -…. Yeah, I know my audience… now to be honest, this chapter actually took a long, looong time… mostly because I didn’t really know what to do… how novel… annd because I tried to redo the Numa Key Beach Lots which I had originally placed simply because I wanted to plaster Numa Key with Beach Lots… and after trying and trying to think of something… I just gave up and did my usual ‘potter, sew, drink’ to make perfect Plantsims without personality…
  • 3. -… anyway, lets go back to the household, where…. Ehrm…. Let me check my notes…. *shuffle* *shuffle*… - ‘… so I guess, he forgot your name?’ ‘Yeah… Hey, author - are you looking for my nickname or my number – or both?’ *more shuffling* ‘*Sigh*… okay, let me introduce myself, I’m 6th Greatgranddaughter-1 aka Gidget – because I surf… also, I like Gifts… and I guess that’s it as far as personality goes…’ ‘…. Nice to meet you, I guess… I’m B-3, that is B-3, we were once supposed to be astronomers…’
  • 4. ‘…and now we’re basically inventory holders… could somebody please clean all that stuff?’ -… Oh sorry…. *clean* - ‘Thanks… Oh, and I forgot – we also don’t have any personality…!’ -… yeah, so what? – ‘The Plantsims have… well, they don’t have one either, so that’s not as discriminating as I originally intended to say… but still…’ -… you still talking? I’ve already started to write the next slide…-
  • 5. -… where Gidget… does not find a job… unfortunately we never got a job in business this season….-
  • 6. -… so it’s back to Numa Key for now…-
  • 7. -… where we set up the stage for our next flower business…-
  • 10. -… and surfing business…-
  • 11. -… because everybody's gone surfin‘ - Surfin' Numa Kaaay…-
  • 12. -… well, actually, we didn’t spend that much time there immediately… instead went to Instant City… to fulfill Gidget’s Lifetime want of getting 50 first dates….- ‘Wait, we’re doing what now?...’ -… well, I want to try something new…- ‘…oh, okay, it’s not that this is too difficult, I just call the Gipsy and buy cheap dates and…’
  • 13. ‘... Uhm… what number was the Gipsy again?...’ -… yeah… I’ve rarely used the gypsies service in the past, so I had to actually relearn, that you can’t call her on community lots… and she only seems to show up on downtown community lots, so we’ll be here all day and she doesn’t show up… so I just thought to do…. The exact same thing I already did in earlier chapters and let Gidget call over random strangers for dates, just on an unowned community lot for a change…-
  • 14. ‘…*snif*… he rejected me… how did Greatgreatsomethingfather Nate (Household A-3) do that…?’ -… yeah, I’m out of practice too, apparently…-
  • 15. -… sooo, lets go home….-
  • 16. -… call the gipsy and….-
  • 17. -… well, try to get her to a Community lot by inviting her as part of a group…. Just wanted to see, if that works…-
  • 18. -… weell, it worked, but unfortunately, the option to sell us dates, potions or whatever doesn’t show up… bummer…- ‘Are you done yet? I’m really fed up at this point with this entire Lifetime Want thing… which is kind of a paradox in itself but… *sigh* I need a drink …’ ‘Mind If I join?’ ‘… sure, be my guest…’
  • 19. ‘… so about those 50 first dates…’ ‘… sorry, not really in the mood… yes, I know, I pay you crap, you give me crap, date ends immediately, rinse and repeat… but I actually would like to have something more meaningful…’ ‘Ahh… perfect date then, perhaps planning future kids and house… that costs extra…’ ‘Nah – only Uncles are allowed for procreation anyway… that sickos idea of a challenge…’ - HEEeeeyy…. Okay, kinda true, except for all the lies…- ‘… you are… difficult customers…’
  • 20. ‘…so if you don’t want to buy a date, not even a cheap one… how about you go on a really good one with me…?’ ‘… oookay – what’s the catch?’ ‘Look – it’s not like I ever got much screen time in that guys game, who knows, how long it will take till I ever appear again…, so I might as well get some fun out of it… plus you’re kinda cute…’ ‘Well, okay…. but no kinky stuff, I don’t wanna end up being slapped all across the neighborhood…’ ‘… okay, so it’s a… platonic date, no romance, just having fun… I know I will…’
  • 21. -… and so Gidget entered her first first date – with the gipsy no less…!.... And yes, we completely (!) refrained from using romantic interactions, it was dance, hug, tell jokes, more dance, talk, dance, drink, dance, dance… did I mention dance?...-
  • 22. -… in fact, that date went so extremely well, we almost – almost! – reached a dream date, but alas – no iron bladder for gypsies….- ‘NOOOOOOOOOOoowait, why am I upset again? It’s not like I don’t wanna date somebody else anyways, 50 first dates and all… still, that was actually quite nice, and dream date or not – guess I found my goal in life: having 50 first dates AND make a lot of friends, without all the slapdrama later…. Let’s try another… platonic date…!’
  • 23. -… and so we took a second chance at the first guy Gidget talked to… - and with our increased street rep we won him over…-
  • 25. -… and then fell in love – DOH! Yeah, totally forgot about the obligatory kiss at the end of a great date… oh well, he’s an NPC cook, how often does he show up during community lot visits…- ‘He will show up and there will be slapping, right?’ - No! That was not a foreshadowing, that was… just go on with your platonic dates, will ya ?...-
  • 26. -… so it’s platonic date No.3….-
  • 27. -…. Which pushes our reputation to maximum….-
  • 28. -… and another great date…-
  • 29. -… and Nr. 4…-
  • 30. -… and 5…- ‘Wait – we’re doing this now? One slide per date? Where’s the fun, where’s the…?’ - hundred of pictures of your dates, if we only need them for the numbers…- ‘Hey – I am not a number, I’m… I… I… need to go potty…’… *leaves*… - Darn… elders and their bladders… we should finally stop dating these losers and try someone closer our age…- ‘*Ehrmhem!* Cough*…’
  • 31. ‘Yes? How can I help you? Because the obnoxious cough basically says it all, but go on….’ ‘Darn right I have something to say! Elders aren’t losers! We are great for Dates! We can do Dream Dates as long as we want! Go on! Try me…!’ ‘… that makes no sense, and I’m sure you have dementia… but if it gets you out of my leafs…’
  • 32. ‘… annnd – Dream Date! See, what did I tell you?’ ‘Yeah, yeah… you’re something, alright…*chug*… now how many of you elders are left? Because If I need to prove, that I’m not anti-elderist, might as well get the remaining 44 first dates as well…’ -… sounds like a challenge to me…- ‘*Chug* Oh *chug* up…’
  • 33. -… and so, having added the platonic dates only with elders handicap, we continue… Next is Link, who…- ‘*AHEM!*’ -… sorry, I mean, the *Great* and *Powerful* Link…-
  • 34. -… whom we manage to have a great 7th date with…- ‘WHAT?!!’ - …well, you are the ‘Great’ Link, not the ‘Dream’ Link… you are also not the ‘Link to the past’ or the ‘Missing Link’ or…- ‘*Leaves furious*’
  • 35. -… with that resolved, we take on our next dates… some actually tell us exactly what we’ll get from them….-
  • 36. -… while others, like Vonnie, are just excited to get on the ride…-
  • 37. -… and still finish on a high note…-
  • 38. -… others need a little convincing to even try…-
  • 39. -… while others desperately beg to get a date even once before they kick the bucket….-
  • 40. -… well, I guess, he can die happy now…- ‘It still was only a platonic date, so why…?’ -…compared to zero dates…? – ‘… point taken…’
  • 41. -… btw, if you’re asking where the Servos are… wait, you aren’t asking, are you? Oh well…-
  • 42. -… so we continue making those with one foot in the grave happy without touching….-
  • 43. -… which got boring pretty fast…-
  • 44. -… so we visited the old clothing shop still in possession of the B-3 household (see all the way back in the first spring) for a quick stop … -
  • 45. -… and call over some (literally) good friends….-
  • 46. -… and give them a quick makeover, because seriously, why are the NPC cooks all without a chef’s hat? …- ‘… or a space helmet?’ -… we sold him one back on the moon, it always shows up on the makeover station, despite only showing up with outerwear in the game…-
  • 47. -… anyway, Cook Nr. 2 with the weak bladder…-
  • 48. -… and Nr. 3…- ‘Wow – that looks good on you, sweetie…’ ‘… just my luck… first one to ever have crush on me, and it’s somebody I have negative chemistry with…’ - Great, you don’t want her! So please go away, we have to do more makeovers…-
  • 49. -… like this one… wow, time flies by, I was getting sick of all the makeovers…- ‘it were only four…’ -.. You still here? Go away, we have more platonic elder dates to do…! -
  • 50. -… starting with Nr. 14… by the way, one thing Plantsims can do to make elder dates a success – producing spores of happiness…-
  • 51. -…of course, platonic dates are still a game of chance, so a dream date is pretty hard to achieve, as Gidget’s memories show (last one only a great date, of course forgot to take a pic)…-
  • 52. -… and if it’s not the elders wasting precious dating time by getting swindled by the charlatan…-
  • 53. -… it’s their bladder again… that and the fact, that this guy was a tough cookie who we really needed a lot of persuasion to even go on a date…- ‘Well excuse me for not being subject to an insane ploy to do dates that end without going for…’ - PERVERT! BIGFOOT POLICE! SICK THE SICK!...- *runs away* -… so worth it…-
  • 54. -… moving on, Date Nr. 17…-
  • 55. -… and 18…- ‘… and I’m telling you – Sam, wasn’t it? – these platonic dates are actually really hard. I mean, I only had to initiate the date to make it count, but now this guy wants them to be as good respectively dreamy as possible…’ ‘Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine…’ ‘..There! I made him say it – Happy?! Can I get a break again…?’ -… okay…. And Yeah, the bartenders name is Sam..uel… I needed a Casablanca quote somewhere…-
  • 56. -… so it’s back to the clothing shop for some makeover time with…- ‘Nu-Uh! I am not going to do a makeover, I’m fine with the way I am!’ -… okay, first time for everything – this is literally the first time a Sim refuses to get a makeover at the makeover table, I thought unlike the makeover chair this was not only without any makeover mishaps but also unrefusable….-
  • 57. -… of course, nobody can refuse a makeover forever… - ‘Oh my… I am certainly surprised – pleasantly surprised…’ -… nothing against Afros, but you weren’t the type… anyway, lets go back to dating…- ‘WHAT? My break so far consisted of giving this guy a makeover, and now…?!’ - Other people use their free time to go on dates, not off… -
  • 58. -… so back to dates, Nr. 19…-
  • 63. -… 24….- ‘STOP! SICK OF IT! BREAK!’ -… okay, while I never got around actually shooting a picture of it, Gidget more than once showed the ‘the same thing again?!’ animation, even if she fulfilled a want with her action, so this reaction is totally in character… -
  • 64. -… now this time, there weren’t any real dire cases of elders in desperate needs for a makeover – most of them were witches/warlocks anyway, which always works great for elders – so I decided that we try something new and go – bug- hunting…- ‘Ehrm… excuse me, shouldn’t we go into the wild for this instead of just looking up the little patch of grass along the street…?’ - And this is why Sims 2 is great! Even down the street, the environment is totally alright – then again, climate change is only a myth, right? Right?! – ‘… I have no idea what you’re talking about…’
  • 65. -… 25…- ‘WHAA… ? … We’re back at this again?’ -… and we’re halfway through, so keep on going…-
  • 76. -… 36…- ‘Seriously – why are you doing this? Do really think somebody is going to read this?’ - Proof! – ‘… proof?’ - Playing a challenge here, showing that I do this by the book…- ‘This is ridiculous! You could have staged all of this, or used maxmotives or…’ - … and it would take as much time to stage this in a convincing way as doing it by the book…! Now come on, next date.. –
  • 78. -… thirty… Hey! – ‘Low sun motive, moron… and I even get paid for standing under the greenhouse lights…’ -… ah, okay – carry on, the get on with…-
  • 89. -… 48…- ‘Hey! What’s going on here?’ ‘Oh Hey - aren’t you Professor Disc? My ancient ancestor?’ ‘… excuse me?’ ‘Hi – Gidget – or 6th Greagranddaughter-3 to you, if you prefer that – which means, that not we’re 9 generations apart, so you’re like my grandfather from the 19th century compared to me…!’ ‘… Oh… well then… carry on with whatever you’re doing, I’m going to… think about what you just said…’ -… and with that, the Professor disappeared again… -
  • 91. -… annnd – 50! YEAH! And we got a lot of dream dates with only one accidental crush in between out of it…!-
  • 92. -… and as a thanks our 5oth date partner gets a makeover out of it…-
  • 93. -… and Nr. 49 gets a consolidation price as well… - ‘Great – can I go now? You know, permaplat or not – that was hard!’ - Do you know how many BFF’s you’ll get from this? – ‘… not worth it…’ -… whatever… but okay, you deserve another break…-
  • 94. -… so it’s time for moar bug hunting! – ‘… ugh, whyyyy…?’ - Because I want to see a complete bug collection just once…. Unfortunately I figured out, that you need enthusiasm 8 in nature to find all bugs, butterflies and spiders…-
  • 95. -… so we went home after all…-
  • 96. -… to receive our flowery rewards….-
  • 97. -… from both sides of the lot…-
  • 98. -… while Gidget…- ‘…*sigh*… why even bother… you know, last chapter, with the presents given to me and all that stuff, I had hoped I’d be given some personality, but instead….’ - We have 89 households to go through, lots of Sims to add – we can do personality later… much, much later…- ‘ *Sigh*… okay, next generation of blank people coming up…’
  • 99. -… and with that, the seventh Generation springs into existence, starting with 7th Greatgranddaughter-1…- [ALSO: This is the 10th Generation born/spawned in this neighborhood, so we basically have now a legacy run complete! ]
  • 102. -… and 7th Greatgranddaughter-3, the only one with a different hair color then black, blonde…-
  • 103. -… and then… uhm… Gidget, you missed one plantbaby… - ‘… nope, not in the mood anymore… I thought, that would be a little bit more fulfilling…’ -… … … well, you’re throwing a want for dates again, so I guess, we could actually go a little further this time…-
  • 104. -… so lets get back to the clothing shop, look into your contact list and…-
  • 105. ‘… so you called me over, because during your dates-capades, you socialized with me somewhere, so that… you now want to go on a date and…?’ ‘… yeah… Uncle ‘Chris Austin’, wasn’t it?’ ‘Wow, you actually know my ‘nickname’-name!... Anyway, you said, spawning plantbabies wasn’t really fulfilling… so now you want… isn’t that a bit…?’ ‘Could you please stop the topic and start the date?’ ‘… feeling a bit used here now…’ ‘In my defense – I’m the one currently being player-controlled here…’
  • 106. ‘…. Plus, I can be a really good friend, if that’s any consolation…’ ‘…wow, you’re actually good at making a Date great without kinky stuff, niece…’ ‘Heh – yes, I am –but to be honest, I really wanted to try something different for once…’
  • 107. ‘… okay…. First time holding hands…’
  • 108. ‘…. Wow – I never got to Dream date so fast… so that’s what falling in love is about…?’ ‘… I think, love is overrated… buuut I’m a little bit more willing now to do… that thing you wanted to…’ ‘Okay – well, then lets hop into this clothing booth and…’ ‘Ehrm – sorry, but we have this little tradition in…’our’… family….hehe…’
  • 109. ‘…WOO-HOO..!’ -… okay, to cut this short, due to whatever reason, we got a jumping bug with the clothing booth… so I placed the photo booth to get this out of the way…-
  • 110. ‘…. Wow, to think, I missed out on this all the time…’ ‘… yeah, I liked that too… soo – I guess that’s it – with us having little personality and stuff, a real relationship wouldn’t work…’ ‘Hmm… it’s sad, but can’t be avoided…. At least not with an author who is both parts perverted and uptight…’ -… here I am writing this down… guess, I can add masochist to the list…-
  • 111. -… let’s move on – while Gidget teaches her plant babies nursery rhymes…-
  • 112. -… the Servos go to work…- ‘Wow – over a hundred slides and you never even mentioned us…!’ -Not true, I mentioned you in slide 38… anyway – Chance Card for Serva B-3! …-
  • 113. -… and again, she trusts that her Boss doesn’t leave the Company, and instead gets the job herself and a bonus in advance…-
  • 114. -… and after this, she goes straight to work again – and another chance card…! -
  • 115. -… and instead of helping Landgraab building a sea port, we buy Trucks, which Landgrabb then rents to transport building materials he wanted to use for the sea port and instead now builds lots…, which earns us money from the shares for his company…-
  • 116. -… annd that’s it – 2 more potential business districts, Servo B-3 becomes perma-plat…- ‘… and now you forget about us again, right?’ -… if I say ‘yes’, what are you going to do about it, hm? – ‘…’ -… thanks for stopping with the snarky comments…- Potential Business Districts: 31 + 2
  • 117. -… in the meantime – baby bump! -
  • 118. -…and also: enthusiasm for nature! -
  • 119. -… reaching 8 points of enthusiasm…-
  • 120. -… and TA-DA! 30 Insects collected!...-
  • 121. -… and here’s how a complete Insect Collection looks!... … … .. . Okay, so while this is the first time ever I actually got a complete collection, it… is not that great a reward… didn’t check the environment or fun score, but… *sigh*….-
  • 122. -… so it’s time to go home again, watch Serva B-3 getting permaplat as well…-
  • 123. -… and watching the kids grow up…-
  • 124. -.. Getting their personalities and turn-ons/offs… hm, Fortune, fat & brown hair, no cooking… a fat, brown haired rich man useless in the kitchen… no idea who that could be – any ideas…?...-
  • 125. -… romance, red and blonde both wanted, but not creative… I always think, that wanting different hair colors means several relationships… works with a romance sim…-
  • 126. -… okay, popular, likes … glasses and makeup, but no face paint… okay, somebody with glasses wearing makeup no never joined the circus shouldn’t be too hard to find….-
  • 127. -… finally, Science, fat yet charismatic wanted, no red hairs… okay, doable too…- ‘Does it even matter? We’re only allowed to date inside the family *shudder* - so why bother?’ -... I shouldn’t have started with that idea until the 20th generation … *sigh*…-
  • 128. -… okay, all grown-up, it’s finally time to return to the lot we visited first this household, the Coast village at Numa Key… of course, the kids first need to learn the tricks of the trade aka business perks….-
  • 129. -… and then the additional skills… and since this is a good group shot, I can finally give them their nicknames… since we were talking about ‘platonic dates’ all chapter long, we’re going with names of Greek philosophers this time…. Sooo… - 7th Greatgrandson-1 - Plato – since he’s the only boy up to now in the group, easy… - 7th Greatgranddaughter-1 - Aspasia - 7th Greatgranddaughter-2 - Hypatia - And 7th Greatgranddaughter-3 – Phintys ‘While we are pretty sure, that this is not how nicknames work, this is probably not the first time, this was discussed, soooo… philosophers it is…’
  • 130. -… and after that… time for raising the business level and selling these surfboards!...-
  • 131. -… and Level 5…-
  • 132. -…. And 10… yep, fast and eventless…- ‘and to think, we could have jumped here from slide 10, with a short summary… ‘ -… oh, shut up…-
  • 133. -… next stop – the Nurnberg Hotel by RockWitU… remade into a shopping mile and renamed to Numa Key Complex… (I needed beach lots that didn’t hate each other when placing them, but also Community lots only… and a hotel is kinda a community lot, right?)…-
  • 134. -… though it was a pain adding some more shops to the promenade as I was sick of placing the same shops over and over on every lot… plus, the lot is soo big, my old computer can barely handle it….-
  • 135. -… so once again, we focused on easily restockable items, practicing our sales skills…-
  • 136. -… getting Gold Sales Badges…-
  • 137. -…Learning the fire dance from the local yokel…- ‘Hey!’
  • 138. -… making it to level 5…-
  • 139. -… oh and also – another very first time for me, kinda like the bug collection - tried out the glass shard necklace we can find at the beach… and I’m impressed, the bluish glass looks great…-
  • 140. -… then, another crème prize…-
  • 141. -… and a bit of autonomous painting… wait, what?…- ‘Yeah well, what you do here is so boring, we actually started to act on our own and painted… I actually painted a masterpiece here without anyone telling me… what does that say about your playstyle…’ -… that I am a fair player who allows his Sims to have all the freedom they want?...- ‘We loathe you soo much….’
  • 142. ‘… that’s why we all start now painting with free will… what do you say to that??!’ -… that you needed me to sell the painting to get a free easel? – ‘…’ -…plus loathing by painting sounds silly?... – ‘… I blame my lack of personality for this…’
  • 143. -… meanwhile: level 10… …yeah, the last 2 slides were simply including another first – Sims who start painting, and then actually finish the painting on their own… usually it’s a lot of unfinished master pieces all around…-
  • 144. -… okay, so everyone in the household now has the money perks, so only thing left is pottery…-
  • 146. -… waiting for the Servos to catch up…-
  • 147. -… visit GREATGRANDAUNTS Caitlin's fruit juice shop…-
  • 149. -… and that’s it…- ‘… and none of us got any personality at all.. *sigh*…’ - Are we still going on with this? It’s a work in progress, not a race…- ‘Yes – but it still sucks…’ -… what you’re saying is: I want my own chapter to develop one, right? Riiight?!... – ‘WHAT? No, that’s not what I meant, I…!!’
  • 150. - *Ahem*… later: …- ‘… and - here ya go…’ ‘YAY – Prese…!... Wait, No! I don’t wanna…!’ ‘Congratulations –Phyntis, wasn’t it? You’re the next Generation to move out and have babies…’ ‘But Mom…!’ ‘Look, he already wrote ‘later’, meaning that you gonna do this… be happy, that you have a job want, so you don’t have to waste time on platonic dates, kid… ‘
  • 151. -… and so our intrepid heroine set out to…- ‘Oh shut up… why me?’ - Blonde hair…- ‘Blonde hair?’ -… Variety, Phyntis… last households all ended up black-haired…- ‘… so it’s a ‘hair’-brained scheme…?’ -… and you’re developing a personality already, congrats…. -
  • 152. -…. And with Phyntis moving out, we still had some time left, so…- ‘ugh… cheese cake? Now when I said I wanted to… I didn’t mean that you can now just…’ - 6 Household members right now, sooo…-
  • 153. -… yay, twins!...- ‘AUUUUGH – I don’t know what hurts more, this or… AYYY… okay, this here hurts more, seriously…!’
  • 154. -… and here’s the first new member for our household, 7th Greatgrandson-2…-
  • 155. -… and his brother, 7th Greatgrandson-3 – thankfully with different skins, I was afraid, since the last results had the same skin color, there would be no more variety…- ‘That is all they are to you – right?’ - They are babies, know how interesting babies are in this game? Interesting enough to put them into cribs with snapdragons keeping track of their motives…- ‘… I would call you heartless, but you would take that as a compliment…’
  • 156. -… and with that said, winter was come…-
  • 157. -… closing out another chapter of Instant City – a BaMC Challenge… remember what I said at the beginning? Yep, didn’t really know what to do… so it wasn’t a good chapter… however, it was fun playing it, mind you – finding out new things after playing the game for years is always fun… Anyway, better luck next time with a new chapter of Instant City – a BaMC Challenge! Happy Simming! - Population: Playables = 242 +6 Households = 89 Community Lots = 192 Business Districts = 7 SM = 1[Starter] + 1[1st Bus.] + 35[7 BD] + 38[192 Bus.] = 75 = 248 x 75 = 18600