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~ Twikki Island Blues ~
Description: After many years … „Life kicks you in the shin, when it hurts the most!“ (Little Nemo)
Family Name: Outside
Lot Name: 4 Panorama Bay
Categories: Komödie, Lebensgeschichten der Sims, Satire
*seagulls sound*
- Hello and welcome to... wait, is
the camera right? –
*Short Explanation at this point: this was actually
supposed to be the intro for the last Chapter… to
announce, that the hiatus was finally over… okay,
said chapter IS already out(!), but no need to waste all
these staged pics…. More to that later…*
*shuffle* *shuffle*
- ... ehr, no, that's still not how it
should be... -
- ....ah, now we're getting
somewhere...! -
- *ehem* Hello, and Welcome to...
*dramatic pause* finally, FINALLY,
another installation of the ‘Far away
from Eden'-Apocalegacy! -
*crickets chirping*
- ... mmokay, I guess, it's
understandable nobody remembers...
so anyway, I'm Little Nemo and
roughly a lifetime ago I started this
apocalegacy... yeah, I guess, I have
already won the prize for laziest
updater ever, so don't even bother to
try it, you n00bs, ha-ha... oh, okay, I
just went through a bit of problems
for the last few years... but everything
is finally in the green again… wait,
not green…fine, everything’s fine, so
lets start, okay?! -
'You suck, Dad!'
- Ha-ha, and that's where my loving (Sim)
- family comes into play, who have
supported me through the worst of
times... ladies and gentleman, may I
present, that's us: the Outsides*!
- I'm the one with the helmet, this shmexy
mink next to me is my wife Ciel... -
- ...and these are Nicole (Redshirt), Mina
(Ponytail), Emily (Will Wright Shirt) and
Neill (Toddler), our kids... -
'Hey! Why are we only described as the
'Redshirt' or 'Ponytail' kid?! That's
degrading, Dad!'
- ... *sigh*, everybody is a critic... may I at
least start, before you tear me a new
one...? -
- Anyway, before my apocalegacy went on
hiatus, the Eden family faced their biggest
threat ever: Bethoria! Originally known as
second gen spare Bethany Eden, then being
abducted and brainwashed by her evil
grandmother Uranium created by
ephemeraltoast, she turned evil and brought
chaos over the neighborhood... it was so
devastating, that I, the creator himself,
decided to... well, end her, just to realize,
that she would end me(!), if I don't behave...!
- This is also the reason, why (aside from
RL....) we have spent the last few years
searching for a safe place from Bethoria.... -
*last seen in Episode 9.3. – Untold stories – that
the Outsides moved was indicated in Episode
9.3a – a Tribute to Mary Sue...
- ... and now we finally found it:
family, meet our new home... -
- Elsewhere! This nice place, made by
Plasticbox at, is a cozy little
remote village, built on a rocky shore,
with lots of nice houses... -
- ... and this, family, is our new home:
4 Panorama Bay! Isn't it great? -
'Oh, it is really a nice house... much
better than all the hideouts and little
bunkers we spent the last years over...
but... do you think it is safe?'
- Oh don't worry, honey, this time, I
made sure, that we'll be safe from any
evil entities and stuff...! -
'... you got to be kidding us, right,
- ... What? -
'Oh come on, Dad, every time we
moved in the last 20 years...'
'... 11, sis...'
'... 11 years, it was always 'we'll be safe
here!' - and then we suddenly have to
pack and move again!'
'She's right Daddy, and then we
always have to go into the Simbin and
lose our friends, and the Simbin stinks
and all that sucks...' *whine*
'...So what's so special about this hood,
than the last 30...!'
'... 27, sis...'
'...I don't care, Em! In fact, the only
reason, why we moved here, is...'
'... this Diver statue, right?!'
- ... ehr....*ehem* Mina, do you really
believe, your old Dad would risk all
your lives just because...? -
'... so I AM right, right?!'
- Nononononono... okay, the statue is
a nice bonus, but that's not the main
reason! In fact, what I did over the last
years, was to make this the safest
place on earth, trust me with that! -
'What's supposed to be safe here? Are
the Seagulls secret ninjas, or what?'
- ... ehr, no... but that's actually a good
idea, why haven't I thought of that? -
'Because you suck, Dad!'
- ... so you really think I suck Mina? -
- Well, then... if I suck, then why
would I prepare for you... *dun* *dun*
*dun*...? -
- ... your own rooms!!! Remember, you
always wanted your own rooms,
right? Well at least you wanted them
in Episode 8.3...
now*cough*... Anyway, now there are
rooms for all of you; they also have
the same size and equipment, so there
is no need for you to fight over... -
- ... huh? Where did they go? -
'I think, the second you said 'own
rooms' they were already running,
'... oh well, I think I'll follow them...
someone has to keep an eye on them
- ... Emily, sometimes I wish you
would act less adult… well over-adult
actually…. and more like your
sisters...sometimes.... -
' *Sigh* '
- Ciel, honey, what's the matter? I
thought you liked the house? -
'... Nemo, it's not the house... Mina is
right, you know, all this moving
around... our children need a place to
grow up without living in fear of...
you know who I mean....'
- Aww, Ciel... look, I've been a fool,
this is all my fault, I never wanted you
and the kids to get involved into this...
'... you didn't intend to, I know....'
- ... nonono, Betho... ‘she' was my idea,
so it is my fault and therefore also my
responsibility to fix all this... -
- ... and trust me, this time I really
have thought of everything! No more
hideouts with little to no sanitation,
no fortified bunkers with no playing
options for children - Elsewhere will
be our safe haven in the storm! -
- Correct, Neill, if this ene-meany-
greeny woman ever shows her
face here, she'll wish she never
existed! –
'... *sigh*, okay, Mr. Outside, I'll
believe you...'
- Great! Sooo... wanna visit the
bedroom, and... hehe..? -
''re a very dirty man, Mr.
'... by the way, are there any other
neighbors here yet?'
- I've already made plans for whom to
move in. -
'Anyone, we know?'
- Yes and no, we ran into them in the
other hoods, but it is unlikely they
remember us... we'll probably have to
befriend them, again... -
'will there be clubs too? I'd really like
to go out one time again and...'
- What the...? -
'Oh no... GIRLS!'
- Emily, what's going...? -
'Well, according to the statements, my
sisters are apparently still not
completely satisfied with the room
'HAH! I win!'
'Ufff... no fair, I just slipped...!'
'Like I care! Or do you want another
‘Owie... no...' *snif*
'Aaand the winner leaves the arena,
once again undefeated...'
'MINA OUTSIDE! How dare you fight
with your sister? Go to your room!'
'With pleasure, Mom....'
'Waaaah... Daaadddyyyy...'
'Oh Nicole... what's going on...?'
*snif* 'I... I wanted the room...'
- Room? Look, I said, all the rooms
have the same size... -
'... to the seaaaaaside!' *cry*
'Sis, don't cry - I let you decide, which
of the two remaining ones you want,
how does that sound?'
'...b... but none of them is to....
- and so, the battle of the rooms ended
with Mina having the one to the
seaside... -
'Was there ever any doubt who'd
- and Nicole one of the other rooms...
*sigh* -
'This room stinks! I can even see the
local school from it!'
- Nicole, look at it that way: now you
can always see your school friends
and will never be too late for school...
'How is that supposed to be good?!'
- oh, man.... -
-... ehr, and Emily also got her room...
'... and a violin! Thank you, Dad!'
' you think, that was a good idea,
Nemo? Emily's room is right across
ours... you know, how much she can
get into skilling...'
'Ciel, at the point, we go to bed, Em's
so good, she'll play us to sleep with
her masterful skills...'
'Well, that's true, but I guess,
somebody else will keep us awake... '
'... Because Neill will probably wake
us up...'
- Didn't I tell you? Neill of course gets
his own room too! And we will finally
get some sleep! -
'... but what if he wakes up in the
night and cries for us and we aren't
there?! I couldn't find any sleep if I
don't know...!'
- But... I... you...! Look, Neills ‘room’ is
basically the converted floor across
our bedroom, we leave the door open
and everything is fine, okay?! –
' *Sigh* Mr. Outside… I don’t know if
I should kiss you, or …. ‘
- I’ll take the Kiss – and then a bit
more, hehe.. –
*stomach grumbl*
- …. ehr… though to be honest,
right now I could go for …. –
- … a grilled cheese sandwich…
mmh… -
‚Good idea! Go and make us
sandwiches, man…‘
-… Why do I get the feeling, this is
supposed to be a joke about gender
roles…? Oh well…-
*and so we had our first family meal at
our new home…*
‚Munch, Munch, Munch… mhm,
good…can I have seconds, Dad?‘
‚Nope! Sorry Sis, I got the last one…!‘
‚…*Snif*… MOM!‘
‚Mina Outside! Stop teasing your
older sister !....‘
‚Mooo-hom… !...not helping!‘
‚If I might add, while the nutritional
value of meals in the Sims 2 is not
strictly tied to real life, we should
really consider raising our cooking
skills for a more balanced diet…
otherwise a switch to a grilled cheese
aspiration might be in order… this is
grilled cheese family dinner n° 132
‚Wait, you even counted the number
of meals? NEEEEERD…!‘
-… Okay, dinner‘s finished,
everybody go to your room! Unless
you want to help me clean up… -
*everybody already disappeared*
-… yeah, thought so….-
*… and while being left with the
cleaning duty, everybody else settled
into our new home…. Mina
immediately turned on the stereo, as
she apparently is still following her
lifetime want as a professional party
guest, where dancing is essential...
And yes, she gets into fights with her
sister often, but she‘s a good person,
pretty sure, they‘ll get along in the
‚Okay, stereo‘s on, nobody suspects
anything, so I can finally do my Yoga
lessons… and raise my body skill, as
any good professional party guest
needs…. And that way, I can settle
any conflict with my sister in the
future as well… hm….perhaps next
time, I can take over her room too
and she has to move to the couch….!‘
*… of course, it wouldn‘t hurt, if
Nicole might be a bit more self-
dependent … I mean, losing against
her little sister and then come crying
to us every time she gets beat up by
her is pretty… oh nevermind, she‘s a
smart girl too, she‘ll find her way…*
*Loud Sounds of Xylophone randomly
smacked by toddler*
‚Oww, my ears… *ehrm*…
wonderful, Neil! You‘re my favorite
little brother – and my only one… and
you can hit that xylophone really
hard… Hey, how about the next time
my eeny-meeny little sis and me get
into a fight, you could be my knight in
shining armour and beat…?‘
‚WHAT? No – I‘m not scared of her!
I… well, she is my little sister, I can‘t
hurt my younger siblings, but you…?‘
‚… *Snif* Moooom – Neill is mean to
*….yep, totally find her way… *
*… of course, I actually do not want
her to be too smart… at least not until
she‘s older. It‘s difficult enough living
with another genius…*
‚… aha… so according to this book,
apparently many sim players in order
to reduce lag of their game often
switch off the visibility of deco and
other lots in lot mode to make the
game run faster – which creates
problems every time they just want to
take an in-game picture and then
realize, that they forgot to switch
visibility on again, which only leaves
them with the choice to retake the
picture – almost never happens, Sim
players are a lazy bunch - completely
ignore it or actually try to implement
it into the story as some sort of
Fourth-wall-experience – the last
choice is of course only chosen by the
truly dimwitted players….‘
*… thankfully I‘m not alone if it
comes to raising these little rascals…
couldn‘t think of a better partner than
Ciel… *sigh* and then I dragged her
into the mess of this evil villainess…
my poor Ciel, she‘s such a delicate
THIS! Threatening my family?! Over
your dead body… bodies, I don‘t care
how many other ‚You‘s‘ there are…
and THIS! And THAT!...‘
*punching bag: heeeeeelp meee…*
*… as for me… well, I‘m glad, we
were able to deal with the situation so
far… of course, what helped was the
hiatus … I put everything on hold!…
Yep, that‘s the reason actually why
Bethoria couldn‘t hurt us so far in the
first place… of course, as long as she‘s
there, there‘s no hope for the other
people in said neighborhood… or the
hoods she conquered… yes, it‘s all
stuck in Limbo for now…. Of course, I
could just pull the plug, erase the
hood and let everyone there die…..
… but hey, she already threatened me
in my dreams, who is to say, she‘d
threaten me here too even if I delete
….No, I have to do that… I have to
resolve this, one way or the other…. *
‚…Oh, wishing star… well, that‘s at
least one thing in the pic that has to do
with this text here…‘
*… for me and my family… and my
kinda extended family over in FafE…*
- … I have to do this…. !–
-… oh come on, Neill, what am I
supposed to write instead? This is
heavy stuff…!‘
-…*snif* Cieeel! Neill is mean to me
*one hugging-the-insecure-husband-
session later….*
- … separate bedrooms might have
been a good idea… -
-… oh well, as long as she‘s asleep,
might as well start…-
-… off to my secret, fortified
-… down the hatch…-
-… annnd – here we are… might need
a little work though to be a truly
fortified…mmokay, I can do this…
and yes, I promised Ciel not to do
anything stupid, but we need to
resolve this Psycho once and for all…
anyway, my package should arrive
here any minute…. -
*Ding…* Door bell shut off*
‚Uhm… hello? I‘m Mr. Humble, and
I‘ve come to…‘
- *PSSSSSST!* Quiet! Leave the
computer outside and go…there is
a reason, why I boolpropped you
to only arrive now and not this
morning… no need to have my
family to worry…-
‚… bring you a great…‘
*Boolpropped away*
-…. Annnd here we go… everything‘s
set up, special protected room and
specifically superprotected-modified
new computer is installed and batbox
is here to save the day if necessary….
Yeah, call me paranoid, but I‘m not
restarting this hood if I‘m not
prepared for everything… actually
should have brought coffee…
nevermind…. Here we go….-
*Starts game…*
12324535345.7 THREATS ON YOUR
-… wouldn‘t I‘ve known it… and
now… – let‘s do this!...-
*Note: as being said, this chapter was supposed to be
the intro for the last chapter…. So basically at this
point, you would have read chapter 9.3999a…. *
-… though to be on the safe side, lets not
start with the main hood … I‘m going to
open the Bluewater village Business
district instead…
*loads Bluewater village*
**frizzle* *image distortions**
- …hm, bit jittery, but seems to be
working… any warnings on
PROGRAM V.3.999/a FOUND - 0 –
-… hm, strange…where is she? I mean,
‚horray, no threat‘, but this actually
unnerves me more than… never mind…
well, lets load the Priso… I mean, the
Simself lair…
*SimSim Correctional facility a.ka. Simself
Lair loading*
-… okay, here we are… hm,
everythings quiet… well, that‘s kinda
expected, Bethoria killed everyone
after all*…-
*Note: for everyone who read chapter
9.3.999A… yeah, everyone was alive and
well at the end of that chapter, but… oh
well, you‘ll see…
-… wait… where are the corpses…?
Actually, where is anyone?? Did they
already decompose? Did she eat
them? *Brrr* Unbelievable, that this is
a feasible possibilit… wait, there‘s
someone over there, behind the
windo… bars, prison bars, yeah…! –
*moves camera*
- dum-dum-de-dum… *whistles* -
- …hey, that‘s me! I mean, other me – I
mean doppelganger… dangit, I
already sound as crazy as that green
monster… -
-…and then 28th Great-Grandaughter-1
aka Helen, hit by Servo I-1‘s spell,
transforms into… yes, perfect! Now
only a few more weeks of CC
Plantsim search, then…-
-… uhm, Hello? Nemo, can you hear
me? It‘s me, Nemo…!...-
- EEKS! WHO… WHAT?....who is
there? *scared* -
- Hey! Chillax, Bro! It‘s just me! Nemo!
Sorry, it took so long to get back to
you….Good news: me and Ciel and
the kids finally found a safe spot!
Annd – I now have gathered all the
means to fight Bethoria! So lets tear
this Bi… I mean lets tear bethoria a
new…! -
Are you nuts??! You‘ve been gone
for… what?... 11 years! ELEVEN
YEARS!! And now you have the
nerve to show up and…??! –
- Hey, I had to make sure my… our
family was safe! And I had to get
all the stuff together for the fight
- ELEVEN YEARS! And by the way,
we resolved Bethoria four years
- WHA…? –
- Under what rock did you hide,
man?? At the this point, Sims 3 is
already Sim history and Sims 4 has
like 50 addons already…and none
of them were destroyed by a green
monster or so…! Did you get at
least a new Laptop to finally play
them properly??? –
- Uhm… -
- Oh for….What have I done to
deserve this? 11 years hiatus, so
this jerk can be with my family
while I…!-
- H..HEY! I didn‘t…. Listen, if a
doppelganger merges back, he has
lived this ‚other‘ life just as he did
his ‚own‘ and vice versa, so no
need to feel jealous and… -
- Oh, spare me the explain-o-crap, I
can do that myself…but a little bit
of update in between might have
been nice… -
- Listen, I kept everyone on aging
off, so you didn‘t miss any
birthdays or…-
- … so we still need to change Neills
diapers? In lorinsv60‘s BaCC, he‘s
already past Uni and…! –
- Okay, that‘s it! What‘s your beef?!
And how did you beat Bethoria
and why is everyone gone and..?-
- You know what??! HERE!! –
*sends Links*
- First one‘s the Link to the finishing
chapter of the Bethoria arc! FOUR
friggin years ago!! Also – with you
hiding, the neighborhood being on
hiatus, nothing happening, the
Simselves… left! What‘s the point
of staying here?! No amount of
bubble blowers can fight that!! Oh,
and also check out my ‚attempt‘ at
an Build a Metropolis Challenge
(BAMC) if you‘re at it, to see what
I(!) did while you…!!! -
- *Sends more Links* -
- Rrrgh… Now if you excuse me, I
need to get high on bubbles to cool
myself off…! –
- *stomps off*
- … this is not going to be awkward
in the slightest when… if we ever
merge back….-
* One ! Year ! Later…! *
-… Ahhh, that was relaxing and… well
bubbly… and I guess I got the anger
finally out my syst…. WOAH! Dude, you
-…Soo much to read, soo…Instant City…
and Anais… and Bethoria…how… how
long have I been down here?? -
- …A year… according to the
description… honestly man, you look
- Not helping, man…!... But I guess, an
apology is in order for… abandoning
you…. By the way, which one of the
two Nemos…? –
- I‘m the one who stayed at the Lair,
actually merging with the one who
would have become a ghost… ‚real‘
one is still hiding, ask Agent
Snuggles… nuff said? -
- Okay, okay, TMI… this whole thing
has already gone waaaay too
*Okay, so basically this is how I felt during all the Years trying to
figure out if I should ever continue with Far away from Eden…
Thanks again to Ani-Mei finally helping to kick me through the
writers block… temporarily…now I could have included this
Pep Talk here too(!) into another pic-heavy subplot…. buuut lets
try and not get back to old habits too quickly…not that I can
avoid it *mind spinning already again from remembering teh
subplots supposed to occur afterwards…*
-… agreed! Plus it‘s been a year since I
updated my BaMC, so apology
accepted if only for the fact that I need
to finally get the I-1 household
-…and the apocalypse challenge?...-
- Actually, already did more
*sends links*
- Oh nooo….-
- Hey, be grateful *I* was at least
prolific there too, even if not as
much as… but honestly – what did
you do?? And you DID move
there because of the statue…! –
-… good choice, bro, good choice…-
-…. Thanks… -
‚Okay, now that ‚we‘ are up to date,
lets update the fictional crowd
supposingly reading this crap
too…now, where were we last time
with the ‚normal‘ apocalypse
anyway…?... Oh, right….-
‚Dear Family,
If you read this, I‘m already gone…
- And if you start crying now, I‘m
gonna punch you from the grave! I
am an elder, okay?! I‘m on my last
day – and I‘m permaplat, best way to
get out of this ridiculous challenge…
Now, admittedly, I might not have
reached everything in my life, like finding
out who killed my brother… or my sisters
husband… or maximizing all my skills
and badges… or getting kids or becoming
rich or having lots of friends…
…Dangit, now I‘m really
- Oh screw it, I guess I find out the
murderer in the afterlife anyway, so that‘s
two down, and the rest… hey, I‘m a Sim,
there‘s probably some way to remove this
death tag… plus skilling is overrated…‘
‚…though I am going to miss my
gardening over at Twikki Island…‘
‚… even got a Gold Gardening out of it…‘
‚… and some mouthwatering fruits as
‚… soooo now that I think of it - why the
heck didn‘t I just kinda cheat my way to
max skills…?... I mean, I had oranges,
lemons, eggplants too… I could have
gotten all those skils just by making lots of
juice* and…?‘
*Eggplant Juice (2 Eggplants) = 1 Skill Point
Orangeade (4 oranges, 2 Lemons) = Badge points
‚… oh…. right…!‘
‚…okay… probably shouldn‘t have
laughed at my nephew for catching a
lifetime of oversized right boots… or
secure the juice maker better so the little
brat couldn‘t swoop the contents…not
sure if I should be angry with or proud of
him for being so cunning….yes, Cecile,
I‘m writing this primarily for you, you
‚…anyway, while the boot juice knocked
me out for some time, the family
apparently enjoyed a nice little session at
our vacation homes newest achievement, a
small pond… which seems to be somehow
connected to the open sea… how else can
you explain all the fish… probably some
underwater tunnel suddenly opening up
or so…‘
‚… we actually named it ‚Cecile‘s Pond‘,
because of course he had discovered it…
again, writing to you, kid…. And then
the pond probably took some sort of
voodoo revenge on him for being
discovered, that‘s why for the entirety of
the vacation he only fished boots… ‘
‚…while the rest of the family was much
‚ for me, the boot accident didn‘t
really entice me to do some fishing
myself… besides, during the night, I
transformed into a werewolf again, and
wolfs are more into trees than fishes,
strolling around…‘
‚…though that didn‘t mean, that I
suddenly decided to give in to my primal
senses, I am a…Robot-Dryad-Werewolf-
Sim… but a Sim nonetheless, and a
Science Sim of course… so on the last
days of our vacation I finally caught that
Wannabe-Ghost-Pirate… yeah well, I
wanted to know a bit about the afterlife
from him, considering he‘s the most
talkative of ghosts you can meet…
unfortunately, except for the shanty, most
he told me was garbage, like recently
having a run-in with a non-pirate –
because he didn‘t have a hat (…) – and his
‚wooden‘ mate… and here I thought,
senility is something you experience
before your death, not after…‘
‚… but back to my original comment: I
am going to miss Twikki… too bad you
can only get here by vacation, and
vacation time is limited… so we had to
return at some point… back to the
vampocalypse… so yeah, I am pretty sure
everyone shared my view on this matter…
not that we have a choice, we need to get
back to clean up the mess…‘
‚…so in retrospect…‘
‚Antoine Eden! Are you working on
your eulogy again?! I told you to stop
that! You‘re not that old!‘
‚Your mother is right, son… look, I
respect your… curiosity *shudder*… to
see what happens if you die of old age
in platinum… but please, don‘t ruin
this vacation on the last mile with
‚Okay, okay! Jeez – I‘m the one dying
here, you should think I‘d get some
consolation for that, not literary
‚Well excuse me for listening to losing
another child!‘
‚*Sigh*… look Mom, from a technical
viewpoint, I turn into a ghost…
Alexandré and Ben are spooking
around our place for years
now…believe me, it took some time
for me too, to figure out that the
whole ‚Oh he‘s dead, sooo sad…‘ spiel is
kinda stupid, if you know what‘s in
store for you…!‘
‚…by the way, aren‘t we forgetting
‚… oh great, now I have to rework the
‚voodoo pond revenge‘ part again…‘
‚Cecile Maurice Eden! You come here
this Instant (City)*! We need to get
home… annnd out of the sun, being
vampires and stuff...‘
‚Well… we could have gone home
ealier, dear…‘
‚And miss out on our remaining
vacation time? Besides, Amaryllis and
Nicolai have already cramped
themselves into the taxi‘s trunk, and
there aren‘t any airholes there… I
mean, vampire or not, that can‘t be
*Shameless self-advertising by the Instant BaMC
marketing department…*
‚… and so, with a final view to our
vacation home… especially final for some
‚…we returned home..‘
‚… welcomed by those we left behind…‘
‚Awww, hello…ehrrm… what was
the name of our pet again? No
seriously, I forgot, it feels like years…‘
‚OWWW ! *Hnnf*… okay, probably
deserved that… right, Blender, wasn‘t
it? Chased away a stray dog two times
her size…‘
‚… yes it was my stray pet, Blender,
whom I adopted to have a friend for our
other cat, Barry, third-generation heir of
our pet dynasty… unfortunately, so far
there weren‘t any kittens in sight between
these two, albeit they tried…. Might have
something to do with the household being
too full… thankfully, there will be a spot
freed up in the future and…‘
STUPID §$%&§…! *grabs eulogy*
‚MOM! NO!‘ *ensuing brawl*
‚Uhmmm… Hi, Family! Welcome
back…. And should I even ask why
Grandma and Uncle Tony are
*entangles from fight*
‚Awww, Bea… I missed you, dear!‘
‚I missed you all too, Grandma –
wished I could have come with you
but… you know, babies and not being
able to go on vacation and stuff…‘
‚Yeah, I hope you‘re alright? ‚General‘
Don and his zombies taking good care
of you…?‘
‚GRANDM… oh, you mean,
protecting me and Celia and…?...
Ehrm, yeah, yes… yes, they did…!...
Now… where‘s my mom? …Annnd
my husband, not to forget?‘
‚Oh, right…. Jerry, be a dear and open
the trunk?‘
‚Well, you can‘t call two cabs to go
home, can you? No seriously, you
can‘t in this game….!‘
‚… and whom do we have here?
Awww, it‘s my little
Greatgranddaughter Celia! Missed
Greatgranny? Dudududu… who‘s my
little girl, huh? Huh?‘
‚Dudududu… who‘s my little girl,
huh? Huh?‘
*Smoosh* *Tickle*
‚*Giggle* Nick! Stop that! What‘s
gotten into you?‘
‚What? Can‘t a husband return from a
looong vacation and be happy to see
his wife again and then…hehe?‘
‚Well, technically, we‘re still only
engaged, because we want a real
wedding and wedding arches are still
restricted by Natural science and….‘
‚Shush! Less Talky, more Smoochy…‘
‚…Wow…. That was… wow!‘
‚Hehehe… not bad for a ‚Loki Beaker
lookalike‘, right?‘
‚Oh, shush you…!...and I never
thought, you were…. But calling me
‚Circe‘ was kinda… kinky…‘
‚… well, I wanted to say ‚Chloe‘ first
but… ehrm… anyway… there… is…
something I wanted to tell you, dear…
or rather ask…?‘
‚Well… you see, I might have… made
some bad choices in the past… you
might say even… eeevil ones… and
truth to be told, I‘m not sure if it‘s a
good time to tell you that now
after…ehrm…. but during this
vacation… I realized, I missed
you…very , very much…‘
‚… so what I would like to ask you
now… if I… did something bad…
really bad… could you forgive me?‘
‚Uhmmm… that‘s kind of a sudden
shift here, Nick… I mean, one Instant
(City)* we‘re cuddling on the bed and
the next…and I can‘t really tell you if I
could forgive you if I don‘t really
know what you… EEEEEEEKS!!!‘
*Sudden Ghost Appearance*
*runs off*
‚UGGH… *Whisper* You needed to ruin
that, did you?! Just because I…. Look, I‘m
sorry, okay? Uranium cut contact with me,
your niece‘s the mother of my children, I
had a relaxing vacation… and you‘re the
nice guy, remember – give me a second
*Ghost Thoughts: Yay, Beeeed…!*
*Another Shameless self-advertising by the Instant BaMC
marketing department…*
** To see what Nick talked about, read Chapter 6.3 of Far
away from Eden…
Elsewhere… no, not the hood by
Plasticbox, I meant the location of the
vacation of the Uni household in Twikki
*Scrub* *Scrub* *scrub*
‚*Whew*… wow, that is a lot of
grease… why were we so eager again
to eat real food instead of just
continue to live on dates and
‚Beth?! How far are you? And where‘s
your brother?!‘
‚Almost done, Uncle June *mumble*
slavedriver *mumble*‘
‚Uhmmm... Ehrrm, I said: Brian is
outside; He said he is taking care the
local plantlife…I think…?‘
‚Ah… reaaally clever – ‚plantlife‘…
because she wears a Haku Lei…. This
is so stupid…‘
‚…a me kekahi manawa ke hoike nei
kaʻana like 'ana i ka nui hau
‚Nephew! Stop pretending like you
can speak Hawaiian, everybody can
see you‘re using an online translator…
and clear away all the rubble you left
on the lawn, I almost fell into the hole
you dug…! Seriously, you too are
incorrigable, the cab is almost there
and all you do is fooling around…
now get your trunks and come, we
need to reverse an apocalypse as well
as bring some knowledge of
pseudohawaiian culture back to the
‚*Sigh*, yes uncle… *mumble*
spoilsport *mumble*‘
‚*Mumble* ungrateful profligates
‚I said ‚Ungrateful Profligates‘!‘
‚…you don‘t have to say it out loud…‘
‚Whatever…. Okay, where is your
sister again now?!‘
‚Uhmm… she said she is taking care
of the local plantlife…‘
‚WHA… OH for…!‘
‚ BETH! Stop Making Out with
whomever you are with this Instant
‚You heard me!‘
‚But I need to prepare the soil for the
‚GAH! I don‘t want to know whether
you‘re really just gardening or…
anyway, the cab is there, we won‘t be
able to get back here anyway for some
*And the Shameless self-advertising by the Instant BaMC
marketing department continues…*
- One uneventful return home later…-
‚…Aaah, home sweet home…
zombies, vampires, evil aliens… not to
forget giant armies of Eol‘s we are not
allowed to drink but instead clutter
up our backyard… followed by giant
armies of rose bouquets brought ALL
the way from Twikki Island because
you two can‘t keep it in your pants
even during vacation…!‘
‚*Sigh*… if somebody needs me, I‘m
off to do something productive with
my life…‘
‚… getting a Gold Robot Badge if we
can‘t make Robots anyway?‘
‚…shut up…‘
‚… also Uncle, I just graduated 4.0 –
my thesis on the different Twikki
Island Ice Cream sorts was a smash!‘
*Chews through screwdriver in envy…*
‚…Are we there yet?!‘
‚*Sigh*… yes. Yes we are there…
finally! Why did I let you convince me
to come for Brian‘s graduation party?
We could have just stayed at home
like the others and prepare the
welcome home party….‘
‚Because I wanna see the university!
Uncle Tony says that you can have
lots of cool adventures here, like
playing pool and dancing and…‘
‚That‘s what you call adventures?‘
‚It‘s better than sitting around reading
books while you guys raise our
motives via outings, mom…!‘
‚…Good point… still I think your
uncle might have exaggereated a bit
after the boot juice accident and…‘
‚HOOOOOOWL…Hello Sis! Welcome
to my hot graduation party!‘
‚Hello Brian… glad I could make it…
Mom, Nick and all the others say
Congratulations to you passing with
honors … like me….‘
‚Hehehe… didn‘t think I had it in me,
‚Well, I DO know, that you are on
pretty good terms with the female
‚Ehrm… so where‘s Uncle Tony? I
invited him on the phone this
Tuesday (Phone restriction) to come
too …‘
‚*Sigh*… you do know, that Uncle
Antoine is getting older… it‘s not easy
to make it all the way up to La Fiesta
tech and…‘
‚*HUFF*… *HUFF*… Man, that was
wild ride…didn‘t think I‘m still in
such good shape…!‘
‚This is a stupid acknowledgement of
me being a werewolf… but I guess, I‘d
have to put up with that for a few
more days…‘
‚Awww, Uncle… don‘t say that…
Look, I‘ve got a present for you!‘
‚Please don‘t tell me, that this is some
kind of subplot worming ist way into
the story just to drag this out a few
more pages…‘
‚No – look, Uncle, I know you are…
about to see the radishes from below
or whatever… so before I can never
say again ‚It‘s good that you are there‘
I‘d rather do this…!‘
‚…. *snif*… that‘s actually quite
‚Awww… I knew you‘d like it, Wolf-
Bro!‘ *Wolf-Bro Hug*
‚*Unnf* …and now we‘re back to
being just silly… just graduate
‚Hmm… congratulations… seems like
you lucked out in the clothing
department, most Sims graduate in a
tanga or polka-dots….‘
‚Congrats, nephew… now with you
out of the house, things will most
likely be less chaotic… admittedly
that‘s my fault, I was too lenient on
you two… but things will change
drastically from now on, right, niece?‘
*paralyzed from fear in an instant (city)*
*yes, it doesn‘t make any sense, but another shameless
self-advertisment etc. etc.
‚…Ina oe make Hula Halau me aʻu,
A laila, ua hiki iaʻu ke hana aku i kekahi
"E hōʻike iāʻoukou, a iaʻu hui i loa...‘
‚…Okay, I have no idea what you are
singing, Brian, but it sounds nice…
what is it?‘
‚he said – in a terrible Hawaiian - : If
you wanna hula dance with me,
Then I could do anything
'Cause you and me add up perfectly….’
‘… okay, now I’m really jealous of you
two… next time I’m going on the
vacation too…’
‘Well, my seat in the cab will be free
‘Okay – way to ruin the mood, Wolf-
‘I am so gonna haunt you from the
‚… and now another hole-in-one…!‘
‚That‘s not pool billiard, that‘s golf…!‘
‚… Touchdown!‘
‚That‘s football…‘
‚Wrong Game again… you suck at
this, bro…‘
‚At games? Never…!‘
‚…Because I‘m gonna get a job in the
gamer career and show you noobs…!‘
‚Wow… that was the silliest angle
ever used in this Challenge to explain
why somebody would get a job in the
gamer career…‘
‚*Psssst* - stop breaking the fourth
wall, Sis…!‘
‚… and why is it called the fourth wall
in a two-dimensional-displayed story?
Shouldn‘t it be the third wall?‘
‚You do realize, if we continue
bickering like this, we end up just as
bland as these one-dimensional
personality-devoid Sims in Insta….
NOPE, not going to say it – I refuse to
do this shameless advertising….!‘*
*Shameless Selfadvertising Department: ‚Awwwww….‘ 
‚… and so, Brian finally found his
calling… overloading servers and
restoring the telephone lines or
‚… driving of into the sunset together
with his sister who still has to be in the
music career to keep off the winter…the
last time I ever saw these two…‘
‚… so in retrospect…‘
WRITE MY…!...oops…. Ehrmm, Hi
Grim… sorry, thought that was Mom
‚… Never mind… nobody would have
listened to the eulogy anyway…
‚… so I guess, this is it…?‘
‚YEP…. OR AS THEY SAY: ʻae !‘
‚Hm… so you speak Hawaiian too?‘
‚Well, I never undertook surfing, but I
liked Twikki Island….‘
‚Well… guess I won‘t get to see the
real deal anymore…‘
‚… you do realize, that I‘m not really
buying the whole ‚oh, I just happen to
wear a lei and are with two hula girls
while carrying a drink with me just
randomly offering you a trip to Hawaii‘
‚Should I feel flattered about this
or…?... *chug*… wow, that‘s some
good beverage…!‘
‚I‘m pretty sure you say that to all
people dying of old age in
platinum….!...but I‘m game!‘
‚…you just saw that Hawaian Disney
movie, right?‘
‚…like what?‘
‚I don‘t understand what…‘
- Antoine Eden
- Death by Old Age
- 81 Days old
- maximized all Skills
- earned over 100.000 Simoleons
- became Minister of Education
- Lifted Education Restriction
- fulfilled Lifetime Want: become
Minister of Education
MMMMMM *tearyeayes*‘
‚….Antoine… I know, you‘re going to
punch your big sister from the
grave… but… I‘m still sad…‘
- Later … -
‚*Cries*… Anais… you can stop now,
it‘s night… still can‘t believe he‘s
gone… I mean, he did talk a lot about
it in his last days, but… it still hurts….
… Anais?‘
MMMMMM!!!!!!...... *tearyeyes*…‘
*gets 1.000 Simoleons inheritance*
‚… Uncle Tony?‘
*gets 2.000 Simoleons inheritance*
‚… *sigh*… wow, now I feel bad…
not going to lie, I will not miss the old
grump, but putting me into his will…
…this might become really awkward
now , if he really figures out the
Whodunnit for his brother and his
sisters husband in the afterlife…‘
*gets 5.000 inheritance*
‚*Snif*… thanks Bro… I don‘t care
about the money, but that you… I‘m
going to paint a picture from my mind
so I will always remember you…‘
‚… there! Pretty life-like, don‘t you
*Ghostly Hmmf *
‚… yeah, you‘re right… the upper line
needs a little more gold….‘
*Ghost Thoughts: Yay, Beeeed…!... Wait,
didn‘t I want to punch somebody?...
…yay, beeed….!*
- Meanwhile…-
‚…HOPP! Yes – finally! It felt like I‘ve
been a kid a for ages! Hmmm… I
wonder what aspiration I‘ll…?‘
*dice roll*
‚…Popularity! Of course! I want to be
famous as my parents and
grandparents, but also friends with
everyone and keeping the family
together… you will be proud of me,
Uncle Tony…‘
‚… Uncle Tony? Excuse me, your
father being right here and your only
concern is to make a dead old grump
be proud of him?‘
‚Aww, but Dad… Uncle Tony was a
great guy! We had so much fun on
Twikki Island and…‘
‚… and that‘s what you base your
entire character on from now on? You
should use my ReNuYuSenso Orb, get
a Science Aspiration, become a Mad
Scientist like me – that would make
me proud… ‘
‚… You‘re Fortune, Dad…and Uncle
Toni actually was Science… !‘
‚…and to be honest, while I‘m okay
with you being a Loki Beaker Fan, I‘d
rather not become a nervous Test
subject for you…‘
‚This has nothing to do with…!... go
talk to your Mother, I‘m busy with…
being busy, yeah…‘
‚Yes Dear? By the way,
Congratulations growing up so
well…! Sorry that we didn‘t throw a
party for you, but without a birthday
cake because of the cooking
‚That‘s okay Mom, I actually had a
fear of having a party…‘
‚… and then you become a Popularity
‚… you know, you just answered my
question, why Dad acts so…
contradictory… genetics, I guess…‘
‚… yes, dear, I noticed that too… I
kinda suspect that ‚Mad‘ Scientist isn‘t
just a job description… he recently
tried to tell me something about…
having done something… bad…‘
‚…Do you think he cheated on you?‘
‚ *blush* … NO! OF COURSE NOT!
HOW DARE… *ehem*… no, I‘m
pretty sure, he wouldn‘t do that…
okay, I‘m off to change your baby
sisters diapers now…‘
*gets 4.000 inheritance*
‚*Snif*… Wolf-Bro… just when I had
invented this cool nickname…
*HOOO…Oh right, shouldn‘t do that
at home, before anybody gets a
bladder failure… *Whisper* Hooowl*…‘
‚OHOH!… Barry and Blender…trying
again, you too? Well, okay, as a
certain Wolf-Bro once said, now that
there is a spot free in the household…‘
(translated from Cat Speak: Privacy, you Pervs!!)
‚…*Grmbl*… dang cats, going at it
again… only thing worse is that
Ottomas kid with his ridiculous new
‚Dad, don‘t we actually make money
here at our home business by giving
anyone a haircut with our styling
station for a ridiculous amount of
money? As a Fortune Sims, shouldn‘t
you be happy about that…?‘
‚… You ask way too many questions
you‘re not supposed to ask, son…‘
‚Speaking of questions, Dad, what did
you want to tell Mom after coming
back from our vacation…?‘
‚Okay – That‘s it! I‘m not going to
have a discussion with you anymore!
Go on, do something for your
popularity aspiration, find yourself
some friends with ridiculous
‚Okay, okay… jeez Dad, no need to act
mad and… ooh, right, ‚mad‘…‘
‚… well, guess there‘s no need
arguing with ‚mad‘ people… hmmm,
okay, I should find somebody with a
ridiculous haircut to befriend…not
‚Yeah – go for it, nephew…!‘
‚Uncle Brian!‘
‚What? Now that Uncle Tony has
decided to become a ghost, somebody
has to fill the role of big
Uncle…besides, I had a girlfriend
with an unusual haircut as well when
I was your age… wow, that takes me
back, like years back – up till Episode
‚Yeah well, I think I can do this
myself… thanks anyway…‘
‚I aim to please… now where‘s the
page with the high scores of my recent
victories to overload this game server
blocking our telephones…?‘
‚… okay, what would uncle Brian
do…?...Uhmm… Heeeey, Hot Stuff…
Uhmm… You look so….ehrm… Hot
*Baah, Jumbok – who has been silent
for a long time (episode 6.3) because
there‘s no follower Jumbok could
talk to or anybody who wants to talk
to Jumbok… *snif* - thinks, the boy
has no idea how to swoon a
‚Ooooh… you‘re so forward…
*… and now Jumbok continues to be
silent again, because these people are
all morons, Jumbok doesn‘t want to
talk to these people…*
‚… wow, that was much easier than I
thought… always thought, you have
to look muscular and big and strong
and be a mountain of confidence to
even get to first base….‘
‚… or have good manners or be polite
or be a good dancer…‘
‚… or be good at kissing…‘
*Hmrg – Okay, Jumbok gets it, kid!
You DO know how to swoon a girl…
but seriously, you‘re lucky that she‘s
a Sim Teen, this would never work
in the real world…*
‚Hey girl, you do know it‘s strange,
but everytime we kiss, I swear, the
eyes of this ugly statue nobody wants
to look at lights up…‘
‚…Awwwwww…. Welcome to the
family, little one…hmmm, what shall
be your name…?‘
‚...what? NO! Of course we wont
name you ‚4th generation Cat-1‘!
What do you think where we are?
Instant Ci…*?... AW, come on, again
with the advertising?! What‘s wrong
with you?!‘
*Instant City shameless selfadvertising department slinks
off hanging head in shame…*
‚Man, they‘re trying it everytime…
anyway, I‘m gonna name you…
‚Glad you like it… and gladly, you‘re
only one... With the culinary
restriction, we have to give some of
you away anyway…‘
‚…yeah, sorry little buddy… we
would like to keep your parents and
you together as long as possible…but
we need more room for more family
‚Yes, I know, it sounds cruel, tearing
‚your‘ family apart like this, but…
view it from this perspective, I just
lost a son due to old age, no chance
reviving him in the future… and your
father Barry just turned into an
elder… by giving them away to other
households, your parents will live
long enough to see you grow up, have
your own family and…‘
‚…and of course – we will take care
that they will be given to a nice,
friendly family…!‘
‚… mmm, the meat is a bit old…‘
‚Uhm, Mr… Mohawk Zombie or
whatever… we don‘t sell these cats to
be eaten…‘
‚I thought you wanted to ge rid of
‚… to a nice and loving home!‘
‚… in an apocalypse?‘
‚… my mom is very good friends with
the general of you zombies…!‘
‚*Snort*… hehe… yeah, that‘s a good
way to say it, kid… very, very good
‚… what‘s that supposed to mean?!‘
‚Ah, nothing, boy… here, take the
money, and no, we wont eat your cats,
we‘re not that kind of zombies…‘
‚…and what kind of zombies are you
and what do you want with cats?‘
‚… the kind that is afraid to get eaten
by mice and rats, if you want to
‚Oh…. That makes sense… kinda…
still, if anything happens to them…!‘
‚… we will get chewed out by our
mighty general your mom is veery
good friends with, I get it…‘
‚Ooooh… you‘re so business-minded
and clever, Cecil… *swooned*‘
‚Your girlfriend is kind of… ….‘
‚…yeah, I know… *sigh*…‘
‚Hehehe… man, that kid is dumb, not
realizing that his mom… anyway, the
guys at home will be happy to have
something juicy on the plate for
once… these cats definitely have more
brains than anybody else in this
neighborhood! Isn‘t that right, kitty?‘
‚Hm? Silent treatment? Doesn‘t
matter, gonna eat you anyway,
starting with the tail,
omnomnomnom, hehehe…‘
Note: Barry and Blender made it safely to the rest
of their family at the Simself Lair on their own …
The Mohawk Zombie was killed by the other
zombies because of the stench he emitted from the
mouth… since he was a zombie he got revived
later but only after painful chemical cleaning…
the Skunk took on a job in the parfume
industry… the writer of this note was thrown
into an asylum… the moon was made of cheese
and inhabited by moon cats and dogs…
‚… I still can‘t believe, you sold them
to the zombies!‘
‚…aw, Mom…‘
‚NO! Not getting out of this one,
young man…‘
‚Mom, I thought since you were
friends with General Don…‘
‚He is only a general by a made-up
title, not any kind of real power….!‘
‚Okay, I get it… ! Look, I‘m sorry,
Mom, I‘ll talk to the guy and get them
back and…‘
‚No – I‘ll talk to Don, he‘ll make sure
that Barry and Blender are safe…‘
‚… by the way, Mom… the zombie
made some comments about you and
Don, as if… ehrm…?‘
‚WHAT?! OH THIS… ehrm, don‘t
worry dear, I will go to General Don
Zombie, he will make chili out of that
guy if he‘s done something to our
cats…!... Hey, let‘s take a photo
‚…There? Isn‘t that nice? Shows how
much fun we had together and…‘
‚Why am I under the impression, that
you‘re evading the question, mom…?‘
‚Oh, oh, oh, let‘s dance – you need to
go to college soon, so we need as
many scholarship as you can get to
have an easier start…!‘
*wild dance*
‚Ehrm… yeah… oh hey, Mr…
uhmm… head-burned-off zombie….?‘
‚Do you know that Mohawk Zombie?
He bought cats from us and..?‘
‚Oh, that stinker! Tried to eat a
skunk… moron! And You sold cats to
him? Wanted to get rid of them,
‚NO – I…‘
‚Ehehe, don‘t worry, that guy couldn‘t
eat his own ass if he… come to think
of it, neither could I… okay, bad
example… let‘s say, he could never
eat a pussy like our general eats this
gree.. AAKH!‘ *Gets strangled by Cecil‘s
*continues strangling*
‚Oookay…. That was weird with
Mom… I admit, that guy wasn‘t a
model of culture and manners, but she
didn‘t have to kill him…again… oh
well, off to my new job in the anti-
vampire military founded by my
grandpa to get another scholarship…‘
‚HELLOO-HO! Guess who‘s home
and become top of his career path?..‘
‚…YES! That‘s right! Uncle Brian has
finally overloaded the Servers – the
telephone line is ours again…!‘
‚Thanks for the praise, nephew…!
Yep, without hours of devotion on
pwning these noobs, we‘d never
gotten our phones back… by the way,
I thought we could buy a satellite
mobile or so, they‘re all the rage
now… or so I heard….‘
‚… and another upside of topping the
career is this pretty cool suit…‘
‚*Click* *click* *click*…‘
‚…Would you please stop wasting all
your time on the internet, Cecil?‘
‚But Grandma… I‘m learning a lot
from all these pages… and then
there‘s this adorable kitten video….!‘
‚Amaryllis, what did you expect? The
telephone is back, people will start
bingewatching the internet again….
For research, for study….and all the
other excuses….besides, Cecil has
maxed all his skills, pool billard,
dancing…. Let him have a bit of fun,
it‘s probably his last days, before he
can go to University, where all he will
know is to study hard and look into
books, right? And all without family
supervision… *wink* *wink*….‘
*rapid filling out online form for La Fiesta
‚… Bye, Cecil! Too bad, Bea is on tour
again with Don and his Zombies… ‘
‚Uhm… Greatgrandma? You know,
I‘ve heard some rumours… do you
think, Mom and General Don…?‘
‚Oh hey, there‘s your Cab – Come on,
hop in, give Uncle June and Aunt
Bethany a big hug from me! And
don‘t break to many hearts,
‚… does anybody deliberately
overhear what I‘m asking or…? Oh
well, bye, see you next chapter…. ‘
To be continued….
….Annnd – that‘s wraps up the first
Chapter a.B. (after Bethoria) …
– word of explanation: we basically assume,
that for the Eden household, anything
related to Bethoria never happened – which
includes for example, that Nicholai Wood
was never killed by Bethany in Episode 8.1.
and therefore Beatrice never needed
consolation by Don in Episode 8.2… also,
Bethany escaped her Captors as shown in
episode 9.3…..
… of course that opens a big can of worms
with questions like: what happened to – or
was experienced by - all the other families
involved in the bethoria arc, the
Apocalypsos, the Zombies (specifically
Don), the Simselfs, the Giekes, Jack and
Frank Stilt etc…?...
-…. rulewise, I have to repeat, that this was
all recorded waaay before the last
apocalypse challenge rules update, so we‘re
basically still running on Freetime rules
In any case, it felt good getting back into the
apocalypse… though it feels more difficult
to write if you can‘t simply assume, that
your Sims have no personality like in
another challenge… now if you excuse me, I
need to have a word with a certain
advertising department….
-… and done! Worked the second
Hiatus in, gonna send that now… -
- Wait! We had a second Hiatus? –
- Yeah well, stuff happened… like a
dead mom or putting your life
back together after that…-
- Relax, I‘m over it….kinda… but
whom am I telling
this?…Anyway, you should get
back to yo… m… our family
now… -
- ..! -
- Uhm… you did… tell them that
this here might take a while… like
a year…? –
- …!!! -
- Ciel, honey, I can…! – *wump*
THAT, YOU…!‘ *Wump*
‚Nooo… not the soft cushion! I
confess, I confess!...-
‚ Mom! Dad! What the… are you
doing there?!‘
‚Oh, Mom‘s just acting out because
Dad‘s been gone for a year…‘
‚Wait, Dad‘s been gone for…???‘
‚Sims Time, Sis… anyway, since Dad‘s
been quoting Monty Python Jokes
already, I propose we go camping
tonight to avoid any trauma from
Parental Make Up Woohoo Noises…‘
‚Seriously Em… how are we related

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Orpah Winfrey Dwayne Johnson: Titans of Influence and InspirationOrpah Winfrey Dwayne Johnson: Titans of Influence and Inspiration
Orpah Winfrey Dwayne Johnson: Titans of Influence and Inspiration

Far away from Eden - Ep.10.1: Twikki Island Blues

  • 1. EPISODE 10.1 ~ Twikki Island Blues ~ Description: After many years … „Life kicks you in the shin, when it hurts the most!“ (Little Nemo) Family Name: Outside Lot Name: 4 Panorama Bay Categories: Komödie, Lebensgeschichten der Sims, Satire
  • 2. *seagulls sound* - Hello and welcome to... wait, is the camera right? – -------------------- *Short Explanation at this point: this was actually supposed to be the intro for the last Chapter… to announce, that the hiatus was finally over… okay, said chapter IS already out(!), but no need to waste all these staged pics…. More to that later…*
  • 3. *shuffle* *shuffle* - ... ehr, no, that's still not how it should be... - *shuffle* - ....ah, now we're getting somewhere...! -
  • 4. - *ehem* Hello, and Welcome to... *dramatic pause* finally, FINALLY, another installation of the ‘Far away from Eden'-Apocalegacy! - *crickets chirping* - ... mmokay, I guess, it's understandable nobody remembers... so anyway, I'm Little Nemo and roughly a lifetime ago I started this apocalegacy... yeah, I guess, I have already won the prize for laziest updater ever, so don't even bother to try it, you n00bs, ha-ha... oh, okay, I just went through a bit of problems for the last few years... but everything is finally in the green again… wait, not green…fine, everything’s fine, so lets start, okay?! - 'You suck, Dad!'
  • 5. - Ha-ha, and that's where my loving (Sim) - family comes into play, who have supported me through the worst of times... ladies and gentleman, may I present, that's us: the Outsides*! - I'm the one with the helmet, this shmexy mink next to me is my wife Ciel... - '...Charmer...' - ...and these are Nicole (Redshirt), Mina (Ponytail), Emily (Will Wright Shirt) and Neill (Toddler), our kids... - 'Hey! Why are we only described as the 'Redshirt' or 'Ponytail' kid?! That's degrading, Dad!' - ... *sigh*, everybody is a critic... may I at least start, before you tear me a new one...? - - Anyway, before my apocalegacy went on hiatus, the Eden family faced their biggest threat ever: Bethoria! Originally known as second gen spare Bethany Eden, then being abducted and brainwashed by her evil grandmother Uranium created by ephemeraltoast, she turned evil and brought chaos over the neighborhood... it was so devastating, that I, the creator himself, decided to... well, end her, just to realize, that she would end me(!), if I don't behave...! - This is also the reason, why (aside from RL....) we have spent the last few years searching for a safe place from Bethoria.... - ---- *last seen in Episode 9.3. – Untold stories – that the Outsides moved was indicated in Episode 9.3a – a Tribute to Mary Sue...
  • 6. - ... and now we finally found it: family, meet our new home... -
  • 7. - Elsewhere! This nice place, made by Plasticbox at, is a cozy little remote village, built on a rocky shore, with lots of nice houses... -
  • 8. - ... and this, family, is our new home: 4 Panorama Bay! Isn't it great? - 'Oh, it is really a nice house... much better than all the hideouts and little bunkers we spent the last years over... but... do you think it is safe?' - Oh don't worry, honey, this time, I made sure, that we'll be safe from any evil entities and stuff...! - '... you got to be kidding us, right, Dad?'
  • 9. - ... What? - 'Oh come on, Dad, every time we moved in the last 20 years...' '... 11, sis...' '... 11 years, it was always 'we'll be safe here!' - and then we suddenly have to pack and move again!' 'She's right Daddy, and then we always have to go into the Simbin and lose our friends, and the Simbin stinks and all that sucks...' *whine* '...So what's so special about this hood, than the last 30...!' '... 27, sis...' '...I don't care, Em! In fact, the only reason, why we moved here, is...'
  • 10. '... this Diver statue, right?!' - ... ehr....*ehem* Mina, do you really believe, your old Dad would risk all your lives just because...? - '... so I AM right, right?!'
  • 11. - Nononononono... okay, the statue is a nice bonus, but that's not the main reason! In fact, what I did over the last years, was to make this the safest place on earth, trust me with that! - 'What's supposed to be safe here? Are the Seagulls secret ninjas, or what?' - ... ehr, no... but that's actually a good idea, why haven't I thought of that? - 'Because you suck, Dad!' - ... so you really think I suck Mina? - 'Yes!' - Well, then... if I suck, then why would I prepare for you... *dun* *dun* *dun*...? -
  • 12. - ... your own rooms!!! Remember, you always wanted your own rooms, right? Well at least you wanted them in Episode 8.3... *cough*anddon'tellmeyouwantponies now*cough*... Anyway, now there are rooms for all of you; they also have the same size and equipment, so there is no need for you to fight over... -
  • 13. - ... huh? Where did they go? - 'I think, the second you said 'own rooms' they were already running, Dad...'
  • 14. '... oh well, I think I'll follow them... someone has to keep an eye on them both...' - ... Emily, sometimes I wish you would act less adult… well over-adult actually…. and more like your sisters...sometimes.... - ' *Sigh* ' - Ciel, honey, what's the matter? I thought you liked the house? - '... Nemo, it's not the house... Mina is right, you know, all this moving around... our children need a place to grow up without living in fear of... you know who I mean....'
  • 15. - Aww, Ciel... look, I've been a fool, this is all my fault, I never wanted you and the kids to get involved into this... - '... you didn't intend to, I know....' - ... nonono, Betho... ‘she' was my idea, so it is my fault and therefore also my responsibility to fix all this... -
  • 16. - ... and trust me, this time I really have thought of everything! No more hideouts with little to no sanitation, no fortified bunkers with no playing options for children - Elsewhere will be our safe haven in the storm! - 'Wawawa-nana!' - Correct, Neill, if this ene-meany- greeny woman ever shows her face here, she'll wish she never existed! – '... *sigh*, okay, Mr. Outside, I'll believe you...' - Great! Sooo... wanna visit the bedroom, and... hehe..? - ''re a very dirty man, Mr. Outside..!'
  • 17. '... by the way, are there any other neighbors here yet?' - I've already made plans for whom to move in. - 'Anyone, we know?' - Yes and no, we ran into them in the other hoods, but it is unlikely they remember us... we'll probably have to befriend them, again... - 'will there be clubs too? I'd really like to go out one time again and...'
  • 18. *KAPOW* *WHAM* *BAM* - What the...? - *MINE*MINE*MINE* *NO*MINE* 'Oh no... GIRLS!' - Emily, what's going...? - 'Well, according to the statements, my sisters are apparently still not completely satisfied with the room situation...'
  • 19. BANG* 'HAH! I win!' 'Ufff... no fair, I just slipped...!' 'Like I care! Or do you want another beating?' ‘Owie... no...' *snif*
  • 20. 'Aaand the winner leaves the arena, once again undefeated...' 'MINA OUTSIDE! How dare you fight with your sister? Go to your room!' 'With pleasure, Mom....' 'Waaaah... Daaadddyyyy...' 'Oh Nicole... what's going on...?' *snif* 'I... I wanted the room...' - Room? Look, I said, all the rooms have the same size... - '... to the seaaaaaside!' *cry* 'Sis, don't cry - I let you decide, which of the two remaining ones you want, how does that sound?' '...b... but none of them is to.... waaaah!'
  • 21. - and so, the battle of the rooms ended with Mina having the one to the seaside... - 'Was there ever any doubt who'd win?!'
  • 22. - and Nicole one of the other rooms... *sigh* - 'This room stinks! I can even see the local school from it!' - Nicole, look at it that way: now you can always see your school friends and will never be too late for school... - 'How is that supposed to be good?!' - oh, man.... -
  • 23. -... ehr, and Emily also got her room... - '... and a violin! Thank you, Dad!' ' you think, that was a good idea, Nemo? Emily's room is right across ours... you know, how much she can get into skilling...' 'Ciel, at the point, we go to bed, Em's so good, she'll play us to sleep with her masterful skills...' 'Well, that's true, but I guess, somebody else will keep us awake... '
  • 24. '... Because Neill will probably wake us up...' - Didn't I tell you? Neill of course gets his own room too! And we will finally get some sleep! - '... but what if he wakes up in the night and cries for us and we aren't there?! I couldn't find any sleep if I don't know...!' - But... I... you...! Look, Neills ‘room’ is basically the converted floor across our bedroom, we leave the door open and everything is fine, okay?! – ' *Sigh* Mr. Outside… I don’t know if I should kiss you, or …. ‘ - I’ll take the Kiss – and then a bit more, hehe.. – *stomach grumbl* - …. ehr… though to be honest, right now I could go for …. –
  • 25. - … a grilled cheese sandwich… mmh… - ‚Good idea! Go and make us sandwiches, man…‘ -… Why do I get the feeling, this is supposed to be a joke about gender roles…? Oh well…-
  • 26. *and so we had our first family meal at our new home…* ‚Munch, Munch, Munch… mhm, good…can I have seconds, Dad?‘ ‚Nope! Sorry Sis, I got the last one…!‘ ‚…*Snif*… MOM!‘ ‚Mina Outside! Stop teasing your older sister !....‘ ‚Mooo-hom… !...not helping!‘ ‚If I might add, while the nutritional value of meals in the Sims 2 is not strictly tied to real life, we should really consider raising our cooking skills for a more balanced diet… otherwise a switch to a grilled cheese aspiration might be in order… this is grilled cheese family dinner n° 132 already…‘ ‚Wait, you even counted the number of meals? NEEEEERD…!‘ ‚MINA!‘ -… Okay, dinner‘s finished, everybody go to your room! Unless you want to help me clean up… - *everybody already disappeared* -… yeah, thought so….-
  • 27. *… and while being left with the cleaning duty, everybody else settled into our new home…. Mina immediately turned on the stereo, as she apparently is still following her lifetime want as a professional party guest, where dancing is essential... And yes, she gets into fights with her sister often, but she‘s a good person, pretty sure, they‘ll get along in the future….* ----- ‚Okay, stereo‘s on, nobody suspects anything, so I can finally do my Yoga lessons… and raise my body skill, as any good professional party guest needs…. And that way, I can settle any conflict with my sister in the future as well… hm….perhaps next time, I can take over her room too and she has to move to the couch….!‘
  • 28. *… of course, it wouldn‘t hurt, if Nicole might be a bit more self- dependent … I mean, losing against her little sister and then come crying to us every time she gets beat up by her is pretty… oh nevermind, she‘s a smart girl too, she‘ll find her way…* ---- ‚LALALALALALA…!‘ *Loud Sounds of Xylophone randomly smacked by toddler* ‚Oww, my ears… *ehrm*… wonderful, Neil! You‘re my favorite little brother – and my only one… and you can hit that xylophone really hard… Hey, how about the next time my eeny-meeny little sis and me get into a fight, you could be my knight in shining armour and beat…?‘ ‚Aw-na-wa-ma-*burp*‘ ‚WHAT? No – I‘m not scared of her! I… well, she is my little sister, I can‘t hurt my younger siblings, but you…?‘ ‚Wawa!‘ ‚… *Snif* Moooom – Neill is mean to me…!‘ ----- *….yep, totally find her way… *
  • 29. *… of course, I actually do not want her to be too smart… at least not until she‘s older. It‘s difficult enough living with another genius…* --- ‚… aha… so according to this book, apparently many sim players in order to reduce lag of their game often switch off the visibility of deco and other lots in lot mode to make the game run faster – which creates problems every time they just want to take an in-game picture and then realize, that they forgot to switch visibility on again, which only leaves them with the choice to retake the picture – almost never happens, Sim players are a lazy bunch - completely ignore it or actually try to implement it into the story as some sort of Fourth-wall-experience – the last choice is of course only chosen by the truly dimwitted players….‘ ----- *…see?...*
  • 30. *… thankfully I‘m not alone if it comes to raising these little rascals… couldn‘t think of a better partner than Ciel… *sigh* and then I dragged her into the mess of this evil villainess… my poor Ciel, she‘s such a delicate flower…* ---- ‚HNG! TAKE THIS! AND THIS! AND THIS! Threatening my family?! Over your dead body… bodies, I don‘t care how many other ‚You‘s‘ there are… and THIS! And THAT!...‘ *punching bag: heeeeeelp meee…*
  • 31. *… as for me… well, I‘m glad, we were able to deal with the situation so far… of course, what helped was the hiatus … I put everything on hold!… Yep, that‘s the reason actually why Bethoria couldn‘t hurt us so far in the first place… of course, as long as she‘s there, there‘s no hope for the other people in said neighborhood… or the hoods she conquered… yes, it‘s all stuck in Limbo for now…. Of course, I could just pull the plug, erase the hood and let everyone there die….. … but hey, she already threatened me in my dreams, who is to say, she‘d threaten me here too even if I delete FafE?! ….No, I have to do that… I have to resolve this, one way or the other…. * ‚…Oh, wishing star… well, that‘s at least one thing in the pic that has to do with this text here…‘
  • 32. *… for me and my family… and my kinda extended family over in FafE…*
  • 33. - … I have to do this…. !– ‚DOJDAWA!‘ -… oh come on, Neill, what am I supposed to write instead? This is heavy stuff…!‘ ‚WAWAWAWA!‘ -…*snif* Cieeel! Neill is mean to me toooo…!‘
  • 36. -… off to my secret, fortified hideout…- *creak*
  • 37. -… down the hatch…-
  • 38. -… annnd – here we are… might need a little work though to be a truly fortified…mmokay, I can do this… and yes, I promised Ciel not to do anything stupid, but we need to resolve this Psycho once and for all… anyway, my package should arrive here any minute…. -
  • 39. *Ding…* Door bell shut off* ‚Uhm… hello? I‘m Mr. Humble, and I‘ve come to…‘ - *PSSSSSST!* Quiet! Leave the computer outside and go…there is a reason, why I boolpropped you to only arrive now and not this morning… no need to have my family to worry…- ‚… bring you a great…‘ *Boolpropped away*
  • 40. *later…* -…. Annnd here we go… everything‘s set up, special protected room and specifically superprotected-modified new computer is installed and batbox is here to save the day if necessary…. Yeah, call me paranoid, but I‘m not restarting this hood if I‘m not prepared for everything… actually should have brought coffee… nevermind…. Here we go….- *Starts game…* …heHeheehrrrg… *ANTI-BETHORIA DEFENSE PROGRAM V.3.999/a FOUND 12324535345.7 THREATS ON YOUR COMPUTER – REMOVED* -… wouldn‘t I‘ve known it… and now… – let‘s do this!...- -------------------------------- *Note: as being said, this chapter was supposed to be the intro for the last chapter…. So basically at this point, you would have read chapter 9.3999a…. *
  • 41. -… though to be on the safe side, lets not start with the main hood … I‘m going to open the Bluewater village Business district instead… *loads Bluewater village* **frizzle* *image distortions** - …hm, bit jittery, but seems to be working… any warnings on Bethoria…?...- *ANTI-BETHORIA DEFENSE PROGRAM V.3.999/a FOUND - 0 – THREATS IN THIS BUSINESS DISTRICT* -… hm, strange…where is she? I mean, ‚horray, no threat‘, but this actually unnerves me more than… never mind… well, lets load the Priso… I mean, the Simself lair… *SimSim Correctional facility a.ka. Simself Lair loading*
  • 42. -… okay, here we are… hm, everythings quiet… well, that‘s kinda expected, Bethoria killed everyone after all*…- ----------------- *Note: for everyone who read chapter 9.3.999A… yeah, everyone was alive and well at the end of that chapter, but… oh well, you‘ll see…
  • 43. -… wait… where are the corpses…? Actually, where is anyone?? Did they already decompose? Did she eat them? *Brrr* Unbelievable, that this is a feasible possibilit… wait, there‘s someone over there, behind the windo… bars, prison bars, yeah…! – *moves camera*
  • 44. - dum-dum-de-dum… *whistles* - *typing* - …hey, that‘s me! I mean, other me – I mean doppelganger… dangit, I already sound as crazy as that green monster… -
  • 45. -…and then 28th Great-Grandaughter-1 aka Helen, hit by Servo I-1‘s spell, transforms into… yes, perfect! Now only a few more weeks of CC Plantsim search, then…-
  • 46. -… uhm, Hello? Nemo, can you hear me? It‘s me, Nemo…!...-
  • 47. - EEKS! WHO… WHAT?....who is there? *scared* -
  • 48. - Hey! Chillax, Bro! It‘s just me! Nemo! Sorry, it took so long to get back to you….Good news: me and Ciel and the kids finally found a safe spot! Annd – I now have gathered all the means to fight Bethoria! So lets tear this Bi… I mean lets tear bethoria a new…! -
  • 49. - WOH! HEY! STOP! OUT TIME! Are you nuts??! You‘ve been gone for… what?... 11 years! ELEVEN YEARS!! And now you have the nerve to show up and…??! – - Hey, I had to make sure my… our family was safe! And I had to get all the stuff together for the fight and…! - ELEVEN YEARS! And by the way, we resolved Bethoria four years ago!!– - WHA…? – - Under what rock did you hide, man?? At the this point, Sims 3 is already Sim history and Sims 4 has like 50 addons already…and none of them were destroyed by a green monster or so…! Did you get at least a new Laptop to finally play them properly??? – - Uhm… -
  • 50. - Oh for….What have I done to deserve this? 11 years hiatus, so this jerk can be with my family while I…!- - H..HEY! I didn‘t…. Listen, if a doppelganger merges back, he has lived this ‚other‘ life just as he did his ‚own‘ and vice versa, so no need to feel jealous and… - - Oh, spare me the explain-o-crap, I can do that myself…but a little bit of update in between might have been nice… - - Listen, I kept everyone on aging off, so you didn‘t miss any birthdays or…- - … so we still need to change Neills diapers? In lorinsv60‘s BaCC, he‘s already past Uni and…! – - Okay, that‘s it! What‘s your beef?! And how did you beat Bethoria and why is everyone gone and..?-
  • 51. - You know what??! HERE!! – *sends Links* - First one‘s the Link to the finishing chapter of the Bethoria arc! FOUR friggin years ago!! Also – with you hiding, the neighborhood being on hiatus, nothing happening, the Simselves… left! What‘s the point of staying here?! No amount of bubble blowers can fight that!! Oh, and also check out my ‚attempt‘ at an Build a Metropolis Challenge (BAMC) if you‘re at it, to see what I(!) did while you…!!! - - *Sends more Links* - - Rrrgh… Now if you excuse me, I need to get high on bubbles to cool myself off…! – - *stomps off* - … this is not going to be awkward in the slightest when… if we ever merge back….-
  • 52. * One ! Year ! Later…! * ---------------------------------------- -… Ahhh, that was relaxing and… well bubbly… and I guess I got the anger finally out my syst…. WOAH! Dude, you okay???- -…Soo much to read, soo…Instant City… and Anais… and Bethoria…how… how long have I been down here?? - - …A year… according to the description… honestly man, you look like…!– - Not helping, man…!... But I guess, an apology is in order for… abandoning you…. By the way, which one of the two Nemos…? – - I‘m the one who stayed at the Lair, actually merging with the one who would have become a ghost… ‚real‘ one is still hiding, ask Agent Snuggles… nuff said? - - Okay, okay, TMI… this whole thing has already gone waaaay too meta…..- ----------------------------------- *Okay, so basically this is how I felt during all the Years trying to figure out if I should ever continue with Far away from Eden… Thanks again to Ani-Mei finally helping to kick me through the writers block… temporarily…now I could have included this Pep Talk here too(!) into another pic-heavy subplot…. buuut lets try and not get back to old habits too quickly…not that I can avoid it *mind spinning already again from remembering teh subplots supposed to occur afterwards…*
  • 53. -… agreed! Plus it‘s been a year since I updated my BaMC, so apology accepted if only for the fact that I need to finally get the I-1 household done…- -…and the apocalypse challenge?...- - Actually, already did more chapters…- *sends links* - Oh nooo….- - Hey, be grateful *I* was at least prolific there too, even if not as much as… but honestly – what did you do?? And you DID move there because of the statue…! – -….- -… good choice, bro, good choice…-
  • 54. -…. Thanks… - ‚Okay, now that ‚we‘ are up to date, lets update the fictional crowd supposingly reading this crap too…now, where were we last time with the ‚normal‘ apocalypse anyway…?... Oh, right….-
  • 55. ‚Dear Family, If you read this, I‘m already gone… - And if you start crying now, I‘m gonna punch you from the grave! I am an elder, okay?! I‘m on my last day – and I‘m permaplat, best way to get out of this ridiculous challenge… Now, admittedly, I might not have reached everything in my life, like finding out who killed my brother… or my sisters husband… or maximizing all my skills and badges… or getting kids or becoming rich or having lots of friends… …Dangit, now I‘m really reconsidering…. - Oh screw it, I guess I find out the murderer in the afterlife anyway, so that‘s two down, and the rest… hey, I‘m a Sim, there‘s probably some way to remove this death tag… plus skilling is overrated…‘
  • 56. ‚…though I am going to miss my gardening over at Twikki Island…‘
  • 57. ‚… even got a Gold Gardening out of it…‘
  • 58. ‚… and some mouthwatering fruits as well…‘
  • 59. ‚… soooo now that I think of it - why the heck didn‘t I just kinda cheat my way to max skills…?... I mean, I had oranges, lemons, eggplants too… I could have gotten all those skils just by making lots of juice* and…?‘ -------------------- *Eggplant Juice (2 Eggplants) = 1 Skill Point Orangeade (4 oranges, 2 Lemons) = Badge points
  • 61. ‚…okay… probably shouldn‘t have laughed at my nephew for catching a lifetime of oversized right boots… or secure the juice maker better so the little brat couldn‘t swoop the contents…not sure if I should be angry with or proud of him for being so cunning….yes, Cecile, I‘m writing this primarily for you, you little…!‘
  • 62. ‚…anyway, while the boot juice knocked me out for some time, the family apparently enjoyed a nice little session at our vacation homes newest achievement, a small pond… which seems to be somehow connected to the open sea… how else can you explain all the fish… probably some underwater tunnel suddenly opening up or so…‘
  • 63. ‚… we actually named it ‚Cecile‘s Pond‘, because of course he had discovered it… again, writing to you, kid…. And then the pond probably took some sort of voodoo revenge on him for being discovered, that‘s why for the entirety of the vacation he only fished boots… ‘
  • 64. ‚…while the rest of the family was much luckier…‘
  • 65. ‚ for me, the boot accident didn‘t really entice me to do some fishing myself… besides, during the night, I transformed into a werewolf again, and wolfs are more into trees than fishes, strolling around…‘
  • 66. ‚…though that didn‘t mean, that I suddenly decided to give in to my primal senses, I am a…Robot-Dryad-Werewolf- Sim… but a Sim nonetheless, and a Science Sim of course… so on the last days of our vacation I finally caught that Wannabe-Ghost-Pirate… yeah well, I wanted to know a bit about the afterlife from him, considering he‘s the most talkative of ghosts you can meet… unfortunately, except for the shanty, most he told me was garbage, like recently having a run-in with a non-pirate – because he didn‘t have a hat (…) – and his ‚wooden‘ mate… and here I thought, senility is something you experience before your death, not after…‘
  • 67. ‚… but back to my original comment: I am going to miss Twikki… too bad you can only get here by vacation, and vacation time is limited… so we had to return at some point… back to the vampocalypse… so yeah, I am pretty sure everyone shared my view on this matter… not that we have a choice, we need to get back to clean up the mess…‘
  • 68. ‚…so in retrospect…‘ ‚Antoine Eden! Are you working on your eulogy again?! I told you to stop that! You‘re not that old!‘ ‚Your mother is right, son… look, I respect your… curiosity *shudder*… to see what happens if you die of old age in platinum… but please, don‘t ruin this vacation on the last mile with *this*!‘ ‚Okay, okay! Jeez – I‘m the one dying here, you should think I‘d get some consolation for that, not literary criticism…‘ ‚Well excuse me for listening to losing another child!‘ ‚*Sigh*… look Mom, from a technical viewpoint, I turn into a ghost… Alexandré and Ben are spooking around our place for years now…believe me, it took some time for me too, to figure out that the whole ‚Oh he‘s dead, sooo sad…‘ spiel is kinda stupid, if you know what‘s in store for you…!‘
  • 69. ‚…by the way, aren‘t we forgetting something…?‘ ‚YEEES! YEEEES! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! I GOT ONE!!!‘ ‚… oh great, now I have to rework the ‚voodoo pond revenge‘ part again…‘ ‚Cecile Maurice Eden! You come here this Instant (City)*! We need to get home… annnd out of the sun, being vampires and stuff...‘ ‚Well… we could have gone home ealier, dear…‘ ‚And miss out on our remaining vacation time? Besides, Amaryllis and Nicolai have already cramped themselves into the taxi‘s trunk, and there aren‘t any airholes there… I mean, vampire or not, that can‘t be healthy…‘ ----- *Shameless self-advertising by the Instant BaMC marketing department…*
  • 70. ‚… and so, with a final view to our vacation home… especially final for some people…‘ ‚ANTOINE!‘
  • 72. ‚… welcomed by those we left behind…‘ ‚Awww, hello…ehrrm… what was the name of our pet again? No seriously, I forgot, it feels like years…‘ *HISSSSS… MEOWW!* ‚OWWW ! *Hnnf*… okay, probably deserved that… right, Blender, wasn‘t it? Chased away a stray dog two times her size…‘ ‚… yes it was my stray pet, Blender, whom I adopted to have a friend for our other cat, Barry, third-generation heir of our pet dynasty… unfortunately, so far there weren‘t any kittens in sight between these two, albeit they tried…. Might have something to do with the household being too full… thankfully, there will be a spot freed up in the future and…‘ ‚OKAY, THAT‘S IT! GIVE ME THIS STUPID §$%&§…! *grabs eulogy* ‚MOM! NO!‘ *ensuing brawl*
  • 73. ‚Uhmmm… Hi, Family! Welcome back…. And should I even ask why Grandma and Uncle Tony are fighting?‘
  • 74. *entangles from fight* ‚Awww, Bea… I missed you, dear!‘ *Hugs* ‚I missed you all too, Grandma – wished I could have come with you but… you know, babies and not being able to go on vacation and stuff…‘ ‚Yeah, I hope you‘re alright? ‚General‘ Don and his zombies taking good care of you…?‘ ‚GRANDM… oh, you mean, protecting me and Celia and…?... Ehrm, yeah, yes… yes, they did…!... Now… where‘s my mom? …Annnd my husband, not to forget?‘ ‚Oh, right…. Jerry, be a dear and open the trunk?‘ ‚GRANDMA!‘ ‚Well, you can‘t call two cabs to go home, can you? No seriously, you can‘t in this game….!‘
  • 75. ‚… and whom do we have here? Awww, it‘s my little Greatgranddaughter Celia! Missed Greatgranny? Dudududu… who‘s my little girl, huh? Huh?‘
  • 76. ‚Dudududu… who‘s my little girl, huh? Huh?‘ *Smoosh* *Tickle* ‚*Giggle* Nick! Stop that! What‘s gotten into you?‘ ‚What? Can‘t a husband return from a looong vacation and be happy to see his wife again and then…hehe?‘ ‚Well, technically, we‘re still only engaged, because we want a real wedding and wedding arches are still restricted by Natural science and….‘ ‚Shush! Less Talky, more Smoochy…‘
  • 77. *later* ----------------------------------------------- ‚…Wow…. That was… wow!‘ ‚Hehehe… not bad for a ‚Loki Beaker lookalike‘, right?‘ ‚Oh, shush you…!...and I never thought, you were…. But calling me ‚Circe‘ was kinda… kinky…‘ ‚… well, I wanted to say ‚Chloe‘ first but… ehrm… anyway… there… is… something I wanted to tell you, dear… or rather ask…?‘ ‚…oh?‘ ‚Well… you see, I might have… made some bad choices in the past… you might say even… eeevil ones… and truth to be told, I‘m not sure if it‘s a good time to tell you that now after…ehrm…. but during this vacation… I realized, I missed you…very , very much…‘
  • 78. ‚… so what I would like to ask you now… if I… did something bad… really bad… could you forgive me?‘ ‚Uhmmm… that‘s kind of a sudden shift here, Nick… I mean, one Instant (City)* we‘re cuddling on the bed and the next…and I can‘t really tell you if I could forgive you if I don‘t really know what you… EEEEEEEKS!!!‘ *Sudden Ghost Appearance* ‚AAAAKH! UNCLE ALEX! GET OUT! YOU‘RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE NICE GUY, EVEN AS A GHOST!‘ *runs off* ‚UGGH… *Whisper* You needed to ruin that, did you?! Just because I…. Look, I‘m sorry, okay? Uranium cut contact with me, your niece‘s the mother of my children, I had a relaxing vacation… and you‘re the nice guy, remember – give me a second chance…**‘ *Ghost Thoughts: Yay, Beeeed…!* ----- *Another Shameless self-advertising by the Instant BaMC marketing department…* ** To see what Nick talked about, read Chapter 6.3 of Far away from Eden…
  • 79. Elsewhere… no, not the hood by Plasticbox, I meant the location of the vacation of the Uni household in Twikki Island: *Scrub* *Scrub* *scrub* ‚*Whew*… wow, that is a lot of grease… why were we so eager again to eat real food instead of just continue to live on dates and outings…?‘ ‚Beth?! How far are you? And where‘s your brother?!‘ ‚Almost done, Uncle June *mumble* slavedriver *mumble*‘ ‚WHAT?!‘ ‚Uhmmm... Ehrrm, I said: Brian is outside; He said he is taking care the local plantlife…I think…?‘ ‚WHAT?!‘
  • 80. ‚Ah… reaaally clever – ‚plantlife‘… because she wears a Haku Lei…. This is so stupid…‘ ‚…a me kekahi manawa ke hoike nei kaʻana like 'ana i ka nui hau kalima…!‘ ‚Nephew! Stop pretending like you can speak Hawaiian, everybody can see you‘re using an online translator… and clear away all the rubble you left on the lawn, I almost fell into the hole you dug…! Seriously, you too are incorrigable, the cab is almost there and all you do is fooling around… now get your trunks and come, we need to reverse an apocalypse as well as bring some knowledge of pseudohawaiian culture back to the hood…‘ ‚*Sigh*, yes uncle… *mumble* spoilsport *mumble*‘ ‚WHAT?!‘
  • 81. ‚*Mumble* ungrateful profligates *mumble*…‘ ‚WHAT?!‘ ‚I said ‚Ungrateful Profligates‘!‘ ‚…you don‘t have to say it out loud…‘ ‚Whatever…. Okay, where is your sister again now?!‘ ‚Uhmm… she said she is taking care of the local plantlife…‘ ‚WHA… OH for…!‘
  • 82. ‚ BETH! Stop Making Out with whomever you are with this Instant (City)*!‘ ‚WHAT?!‘ ‚You heard me!‘ ‚But I need to prepare the soil for the seedlings…!‘ ‚GAH! I don‘t want to know whether you‘re really just gardening or… anyway, the cab is there, we won‘t be able to get back here anyway for some time…!‘ ------------------------- *And the Shameless self-advertising by the Instant BaMC marketing department continues…*
  • 83. - One uneventful return home later…- ‚…Aaah, home sweet home… zombies, vampires, evil aliens… not to forget giant armies of Eol‘s we are not allowed to drink but instead clutter up our backyard… followed by giant armies of rose bouquets brought ALL the way from Twikki Island because you two can‘t keep it in your pants even during vacation…!‘
  • 84. ‚*Sigh*… if somebody needs me, I‘m off to do something productive with my life…‘ ‚… getting a Gold Robot Badge if we can‘t make Robots anyway?‘ ‚…shut up…‘
  • 85. ‚… also Uncle, I just graduated 4.0 – my thesis on the different Twikki Island Ice Cream sorts was a smash!‘ ‚…‘ *Chews through screwdriver in envy…*
  • 86. ‚…Are we there yet?!‘ ‚*Sigh*… yes. Yes we are there… finally! Why did I let you convince me to come for Brian‘s graduation party? We could have just stayed at home like the others and prepare the welcome home party….‘ ‚Because I wanna see the university! Uncle Tony says that you can have lots of cool adventures here, like playing pool and dancing and…‘ ‚That‘s what you call adventures?‘ ‚It‘s better than sitting around reading books while you guys raise our motives via outings, mom…!‘ ‚…Good point… still I think your uncle might have exaggereated a bit after the boot juice accident and…‘
  • 87. ‚HOOOOOOWL…Hello Sis! Welcome to my hot graduation party!‘ ‚Hello Brian… glad I could make it… Mom, Nick and all the others say Congratulations to you passing with honors … like me….‘ ‚Hehehe… didn‘t think I had it in me, right…?‘ ‚Well, I DO know, that you are on pretty good terms with the female professors….‘ ‚Ehrm… so where‘s Uncle Tony? I invited him on the phone this Tuesday (Phone restriction) to come too …‘ ‚*Sigh*… you do know, that Uncle Antoine is getting older… it‘s not easy to make it all the way up to La Fiesta tech and…‘ ‚*HUFF*… *HUFF*… Man, that was wild ride…didn‘t think I‘m still in such good shape…!‘
  • 88. ‚HEY – UNCLE! WOLF-BRO!‘ ‚This is a stupid acknowledgement of me being a werewolf… but I guess, I‘d have to put up with that for a few more days…‘ ‚Awww, Uncle… don‘t say that… Look, I‘ve got a present for you!‘ ‚Please don‘t tell me, that this is some kind of subplot worming ist way into the story just to drag this out a few more pages…‘ ‚No – look, Uncle, I know you are… about to see the radishes from below or whatever… so before I can never say again ‚It‘s good that you are there‘ I‘d rather do this…!‘ ‚…. *snif*… that‘s actually quite heartwarming…‘ ‚Awww… I knew you‘d like it, Wolf- Bro!‘ *Wolf-Bro Hug* ‚*Unnf* …and now we‘re back to being just silly… just graduate already!‘
  • 90. ‚…Woaah!‘ ‚Hmm… congratulations… seems like you lucked out in the clothing department, most Sims graduate in a tanga or polka-dots….‘
  • 91. ‚Congrats, nephew… now with you out of the house, things will most likely be less chaotic… admittedly that‘s my fault, I was too lenient on you two… but things will change drastically from now on, right, niece?‘
  • 92. *paralyzed from fear in an instant (city)* -------------------- *yes, it doesn‘t make any sense, but another shameless self-advertisment etc. etc.
  • 93. ‚…Ina oe make Hula Halau me aʻu, A laila, ua hiki iaʻu ke hana aku i kekahi mea "E hōʻike iāʻoukou, a iaʻu hui i loa...‘ ‚…Okay, I have no idea what you are singing, Brian, but it sounds nice… what is it?‘ ‚he said – in a terrible Hawaiian - : If you wanna hula dance with me, Then I could do anything 'Cause you and me add up perfectly….’ ‘… okay, now I’m really jealous of you two… next time I’m going on the vacation too…’ ‘Well, my seat in the cab will be free then…’ ‘Okay – way to ruin the mood, Wolf- Bro…’ ‘I am so gonna haunt you from the grave…
  • 94. ‚… and now another hole-in-one…!‘ ‚That‘s not pool billiard, that‘s golf…!‘ ‚… Touchdown!‘ ‚That‘s football…‘ ‚…checkmate?‘ ‚Wrong Game again… you suck at this, bro…‘ ‚At games? Never…!‘
  • 95. ‚…Because I‘m gonna get a job in the gamer career and show you noobs…!‘ ‚Wow… that was the silliest angle ever used in this Challenge to explain why somebody would get a job in the gamer career…‘ ‚*Psssst* - stop breaking the fourth wall, Sis…!‘ ‚… and why is it called the fourth wall in a two-dimensional-displayed story? Shouldn‘t it be the third wall?‘ ‚You do realize, if we continue bickering like this, we end up just as bland as these one-dimensional personality-devoid Sims in Insta…. NOPE, not going to say it – I refuse to do this shameless advertising….!‘* ------------- *Shameless Selfadvertising Department: ‚Awwwww….‘ 
  • 96. ‚… and so, Brian finally found his calling… overloading servers and restoring the telephone lines or whatever…‘
  • 97. ‚… driving of into the sunset together with his sister who still has to be in the music career to keep off the winter…the last time I ever saw these two…‘
  • 98. ‚… so in retrospect…‘ ‚ANTOINE EDEN...‘ ‚FOR THE LAST TIME: LET ME WRITE MY…!...oops…. Ehrmm, Hi Grim… sorry, thought that was Mom again…‘ ‚… OKAY…. YOU KNOW, I‘D LOVE TO SAY: TAKE YOUR TIME, I CAN COME BACK LATER… BUT ACTUALLY, I CAN‘T….!‘ ‚… Never mind… nobody would have listened to the eulogy anyway… pity…‘
  • 99. ‚… so I guess, this is it…?‘ ‚YEP…. OR AS THEY SAY: ʻae !‘ ‚Hm… so you speak Hawaiian too?‘ ‚MARGINALLY… I GOT MY DIPLOMA IN ADVANCED REAPING THERE, BUT ADMITTEDLY IT‘S MORE OF AN HONORARY DEGREE, I AM APPARENTLY THE BEST IN MY BUSINESS. MOST OF THE TIME I JUST TOOK SURFING LESSONS…‘ ‚Well, I never undertook surfing, but I liked Twikki Island….‘ ‚THIS CHEAP KNOCK-OFF? BELIEVE ME, IT‘S NOTHING COMPARED TO THE REAL DEAL…‘ ‚Well… guess I won‘t get to see the real deal anymore…‘
  • 100. ‚…TELL YOU WHAT? HOW ABOUT WE MAKE A QUICK DETOUR THERE BEFORE YOU SEE THE BIG ‚AFTER‘? HERE, HAVE SOME ‚MAI TAI‘ FOR THE ROAD!...‘ ‚… you do realize, that I‘m not really buying the whole ‚oh, I just happen to wear a lei and are with two hula girls while carrying a drink with me just randomly offering you a trip to Hawaii‘ thing…‘ ‚YEAH – YOU GOT ME! I WAS GOING TO DO IT ANYWAY, AND YOU CAN‘T REFUSE IT, SO WHAT? BESIDES, I WOULDN‘T HAVE MISSED THIS MEETING FOR THE WORLD – YOU‘RE LITERALLY THE FIRST SIM IN THIS GUY‘S GAME TO DIE OF OLD AGE WITHOUT CHEATING…!‘ ‚Should I feel flattered about this or…?... *chug*… wow, that‘s some good beverage…!‘
  • 101. ‚…SEE? SO LET‘S GO - SUN, DRINKS AND TIKIS ARE WAITING FOR US!‘ ‚I‘m pretty sure you say that to all people dying of old age in platinum….!...but I‘m game!‘ ‚GREAT – MOVE ALONG. AND LATER, WE COULD DISCUSS A FEW MORE THINGS, LIKE ANCIENT HAWAIIAN CULTURE…‘ ‚…you just saw that Hawaian Disney movie, right?‘ ‚…OH SHUT UP…BESIDES, WE ALSO NEED TO TALK ABOUT A FEW LESS UPLIFTING MATTERS…‘ ‚…like what?‘ ‚…YEAH, THAT‘S GOING TO BE A BIGGIE, SHE REALLY DID A GOOD JOB ON YOUR MEMORIES…‘ ‚I don‘t understand what…‘ *vanishes*
  • 102. DEATH NOTE: - Antoine Eden - Death by Old Age - 81 Days old - maximized all Skills - earned over 100.000 Simoleons - became Minister of Education - Lifted Education Restriction - fulfilled Lifetime Want: become Minister of Education
  • 104. ‚….Antoine… I know, you‘re going to punch your big sister from the grave… but… I‘m still sad…‘
  • 106. - Later … - -------------------------- ‚OMMMMMM…‘ ‚*Cries*… Anais… you can stop now, it‘s night… still can‘t believe he‘s gone… I mean, he did talk a lot about it in his last days, but… it still hurts…. … Anais?‘ ‚OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMM!!!!!!...... *tearyeyes*…‘
  • 107. *gets 1.000 Simoleons inheritance* ‚… Uncle Tony?‘
  • 108. *gets 2.000 Simoleons inheritance* ‚… *sigh*… wow, now I feel bad… not going to lie, I will not miss the old grump, but putting me into his will… …this might become really awkward now , if he really figures out the Whodunnit for his brother and his sisters husband in the afterlife…‘
  • 109. *gets 5.000 inheritance* ‚*Snif*… thanks Bro… I don‘t care about the money, but that you… I‘m going to paint a picture from my mind so I will always remember you…‘
  • 110. ‚… there! Pretty life-like, don‘t you think…?‘
  • 111. *Ghostly Hmmf * ‚… yeah, you‘re right… the upper line needs a little more gold….‘
  • 112. *Ghost Thoughts: Yay, Beeeed…!... Wait, didn‘t I want to punch somebody?... … …yay, beeed….!*
  • 114. ‚…HOPP! Yes – finally! It felt like I‘ve been a kid a for ages! Hmmm… I wonder what aspiration I‘ll…?‘ *dice roll* ‚…Popularity! Of course! I want to be famous as my parents and grandparents, but also friends with everyone and keeping the family together… you will be proud of me, Uncle Tony…‘
  • 115. ‚… Uncle Tony? Excuse me, your father being right here and your only concern is to make a dead old grump be proud of him?‘ ‚Aww, but Dad… Uncle Tony was a great guy! We had so much fun on Twikki Island and…‘ ‚… and that‘s what you base your entire character on from now on? You should use my ReNuYuSenso Orb, get a Science Aspiration, become a Mad Scientist like me – that would make me proud… ‘ ‚… You‘re Fortune, Dad…and Uncle Toni actually was Science… !‘ ‚…‘ ‚…and to be honest, while I‘m okay with you being a Loki Beaker Fan, I‘d rather not become a nervous Test subject for you…‘ ‚This has nothing to do with…!... go talk to your Mother, I‘m busy with… being busy, yeah…‘
  • 116. ‚…Mom?‘ ‚Yes Dear? By the way, Congratulations growing up so well…! Sorry that we didn‘t throw a party for you, but without a birthday cake because of the cooking restriction…‘ ‚That‘s okay Mom, I actually had a fear of having a party…‘ ‚… and then you become a Popularity Sim?‘ ‚… you know, you just answered my question, why Dad acts so… contradictory… genetics, I guess…‘ ‚… yes, dear, I noticed that too… I kinda suspect that ‚Mad‘ Scientist isn‘t just a job description… he recently tried to tell me something about… having done something… bad…‘ ‚…Do you think he cheated on you?‘ ‚ *blush* … NO! OF COURSE NOT! HOW DARE… *ehem*… no, I‘m pretty sure, he wouldn‘t do that… okay, I‘m off to change your baby sisters diapers now…‘
  • 117. *gets 4.000 inheritance* ‚*Snif*… Wolf-Bro… just when I had invented this cool nickname… *HOOO…Oh right, shouldn‘t do that at home, before anybody gets a bladder failure… *Whisper* Hooowl*…‘ *Scuttle* ‚…Huh?‘
  • 118. ‚OHOH!… Barry and Blender…trying again, you too? Well, okay, as a certain Wolf-Bro once said, now that there is a spot free in the household…‘ *Lullaby* *HSSSSS- MRRREOWWW* (translated from Cat Speak: Privacy, you Pervs!!)
  • 119. ‚…*Grmbl*… dang cats, going at it again… only thing worse is that Ottomas kid with his ridiculous new haircut….!‘ ‚Dad, don‘t we actually make money here at our home business by giving anyone a haircut with our styling station for a ridiculous amount of money? As a Fortune Sims, shouldn‘t you be happy about that…?‘ ‚… You ask way too many questions you‘re not supposed to ask, son…‘ ‚Speaking of questions, Dad, what did you want to tell Mom after coming back from our vacation…?‘ ‚Okay – That‘s it! I‘m not going to have a discussion with you anymore! Go on, do something for your popularity aspiration, find yourself some friends with ridiculous haircuts…!‘ ‚Okay, okay… jeez Dad, no need to act mad and… ooh, right, ‚mad‘…‘
  • 120. ‚… well, guess there‘s no need arguing with ‚mad‘ people… hmmm, okay, I should find somebody with a ridiculous haircut to befriend…not bad…‘ ‚Yeah – go for it, nephew…!‘ ‚Uncle Brian!‘ ‚What? Now that Uncle Tony has decided to become a ghost, somebody has to fill the role of big Uncle…besides, I had a girlfriend with an unusual haircut as well when I was your age… wow, that takes me back, like years back – up till Episode 6.3…‘ ‚Yeah well, I think I can do this myself… thanks anyway…‘ ‚I aim to please… now where‘s the page with the high scores of my recent victories to overload this game server blocking our telephones…?‘
  • 121. ‚… okay, what would uncle Brian do…?...Uhmm… Heeeey, Hot Stuff… Uhmm… You look so….ehrm… Hot and…?‘ *Baah, Jumbok – who has been silent for a long time (episode 6.3) because there‘s no follower Jumbok could talk to or anybody who wants to talk to Jumbok… *snif* - thinks, the boy has no idea how to swoon a woman…* ‚Ooooh… you‘re so forward… *giggle*…*swooned*…‘ *… and now Jumbok continues to be silent again, because these people are all morons, Jumbok doesn‘t want to talk to these people…*
  • 122. ‚… wow, that was much easier than I thought… always thought, you have to look muscular and big and strong and be a mountain of confidence to even get to first base….‘
  • 123. ‚… or have good manners or be polite or be a good dancer…‘
  • 124. ‚… or be good at kissing…‘
  • 125. ‚…or…‘ ‚*Swooooooooooon*…‘ *Hmrg – Okay, Jumbok gets it, kid! You DO know how to swoon a girl… but seriously, you‘re lucky that she‘s a Sim Teen, this would never work in the real world…* ‚Hey girl, you do know it‘s strange, but everytime we kiss, I swear, the eyes of this ugly statue nobody wants to look at lights up…‘ *JUMBOK BITES TEETH TO NEVER SPEAK AGAIN….*
  • 127. ‚…Awwwwww…. Welcome to the family, little one…hmmm, what shall be your name…?‘ *Meow?* ‚...what? NO! Of course we wont name you ‚4th generation Cat-1‘! What do you think where we are? Instant Ci…*?... AW, come on, again with the advertising?! What‘s wrong with you?!‘ *Instant City shameless selfadvertising department slinks off hanging head in shame…* ‚Man, they‘re trying it everytime… anyway, I‘m gonna name you… Charlie!‘ *Meow!* ‚Glad you like it… and gladly, you‘re only one... With the culinary restriction, we have to give some of you away anyway…‘ *Meow?*
  • 128. ‚…yeah, sorry little buddy… we would like to keep your parents and you together as long as possible…but we need more room for more family members…‘ *MEOOWWWWRRR* *HSSSS* ‚Yes, I know, it sounds cruel, tearing ‚your‘ family apart like this, but… view it from this perspective, I just lost a son due to old age, no chance reviving him in the future… and your father Barry just turned into an elder… by giving them away to other households, your parents will live long enough to see you grow up, have your own family and…‘ *…Meow?* ‚…and of course – we will take care that they will be given to a nice, friendly family…!‘
  • 129. ‚… mmm, the meat is a bit old…‘ *Meow?* ‚Uhm, Mr… Mohawk Zombie or whatever… we don‘t sell these cats to be eaten…‘ ‚I thought you wanted to ge rid of them…?‘ ‚… to a nice and loving home!‘ ‚… in an apocalypse?‘ ‚… my mom is very good friends with the general of you zombies…!‘
  • 130. ‚*Snort*… hehe… yeah, that‘s a good way to say it, kid… very, very good friends…!‘ ‚… what‘s that supposed to mean?!‘ ‚Ah, nothing, boy… here, take the money, and no, we wont eat your cats, we‘re not that kind of zombies…‘ ‚…and what kind of zombies are you and what do you want with cats?‘ ‚… the kind that is afraid to get eaten by mice and rats, if you want to know…‘ ‚Oh…. That makes sense… kinda… still, if anything happens to them…!‘ ‚… we will get chewed out by our mighty general your mom is veery good friends with, I get it…‘ ‚Ooooh… you‘re so business-minded and clever, Cecil… *swooned*‘ ‚Your girlfriend is kind of… ….‘ ‚…yeah, I know… *sigh*…‘
  • 131. ‚Hehehe… man, that kid is dumb, not realizing that his mom… anyway, the guys at home will be happy to have something juicy on the plate for once… these cats definitely have more brains than anybody else in this neighborhood! Isn‘t that right, kitty?‘ *skunk* ‚Hm? Silent treatment? Doesn‘t matter, gonna eat you anyway, starting with the tail, omnomnomnom, hehehe…‘ ----------------- Note: Barry and Blender made it safely to the rest of their family at the Simself Lair on their own … The Mohawk Zombie was killed by the other zombies because of the stench he emitted from the mouth… since he was a zombie he got revived later but only after painful chemical cleaning… the Skunk took on a job in the parfume industry… the writer of this note was thrown into an asylum… the moon was made of cheese and inhabited by moon cats and dogs… muhahahhahah…!
  • 132. ‚… I still can‘t believe, you sold them to the zombies!‘ ‚…aw, Mom…‘ ‚NO! Not getting out of this one, young man…‘ ‚Mom, I thought since you were friends with General Don…‘ ‚He is only a general by a made-up title, not any kind of real power….!‘ ‚Okay, I get it… ! Look, I‘m sorry, Mom, I‘ll talk to the guy and get them back and…‘ ‚No – I‘ll talk to Don, he‘ll make sure that Barry and Blender are safe…‘ ‚… by the way, Mom… the zombie made some comments about you and Don, as if… ehrm…?‘ ‚WHAT?! OH THIS… ehrm, don‘t worry dear, I will go to General Don Zombie, he will make chili out of that guy if he‘s done something to our cats…!... Hey, let‘s take a photo together…!‘
  • 133. ‚…There? Isn‘t that nice? Shows how much fun we had together and…‘ ‚Why am I under the impression, that you‘re evading the question, mom…?‘ ‚Oh, oh, oh, let‘s dance – you need to go to college soon, so we need as many scholarship as you can get to have an easier start…!‘
  • 134. ‚DADADA…LALALA…‘ *wild dance* ‚Ehrm… yeah… oh hey, Mr… uhmm… head-burned-off zombie….?‘ ‚…yeah?‘ ‚Do you know that Mohawk Zombie? He bought cats from us and..?‘ ‚Oh, that stinker! Tried to eat a skunk… moron! And You sold cats to him? Wanted to get rid of them, right?‘ ‚NO – I…‘ ‚Ehehe, don‘t worry, that guy couldn‘t eat his own ass if he… come to think of it, neither could I… okay, bad example… let‘s say, he could never eat a pussy like our general eats this gree.. AAKH!‘ *Gets strangled by Cecil‘s Mom* ‚WHAT DID YOU DO TO OUR PUSSYCATS?!!!!‘ *continues strangling*
  • 135. ‚Oookay…. That was weird with Mom… I admit, that guy wasn‘t a model of culture and manners, but she didn‘t have to kill him…again… oh well, off to my new job in the anti- vampire military founded by my grandpa to get another scholarship…‘
  • 136. …later… --------------------------- ‚HELLOO-HO! Guess who‘s home and become top of his career path?..‘
  • 137. ‚…YES! That‘s right! Uncle Brian has finally overloaded the Servers – the telephone line is ours again…!‘ ‚Thanks for the praise, nephew…! Yep, without hours of devotion on pwning these noobs, we‘d never gotten our phones back… by the way, I thought we could buy a satellite mobile or so, they‘re all the rage now… or so I heard….‘
  • 138. ‚… and another upside of topping the career is this pretty cool suit…‘
  • 139. ‚*Click* *click* *click*…‘ ‚…Would you please stop wasting all your time on the internet, Cecil?‘ ‚But Grandma… I‘m learning a lot from all these pages… and then there‘s this adorable kitten video….!‘ ‚Amaryllis, what did you expect? The telephone is back, people will start bingewatching the internet again…. For research, for study….and all the other excuses….besides, Cecil has maxed all his skills, pool billard, dancing…. Let him have a bit of fun, it‘s probably his last days, before he can go to University, where all he will know is to study hard and look into books, right? And all without family supervision… *wink* *wink*….‘ *rapid filling out online form for La Fiesta Tech…*
  • 140. ‚… Bye, Cecil! Too bad, Bea is on tour again with Don and his Zombies… ‘ ‚Uhm… Greatgrandma? You know, I‘ve heard some rumours… do you think, Mom and General Don…?‘ ‚Oh hey, there‘s your Cab – Come on, hop in, give Uncle June and Aunt Bethany a big hug from me! And don‘t break to many hearts, Casanova!‘ ‚… does anybody deliberately overhear what I‘m asking or…? Oh well, bye, see you next chapter…. ‘ ----------------- To be continued….
  • 141. ….Annnd – that‘s wraps up the first Chapter a.B. (after Bethoria) … – word of explanation: we basically assume, that for the Eden household, anything related to Bethoria never happened – which includes for example, that Nicholai Wood was never killed by Bethany in Episode 8.1. and therefore Beatrice never needed consolation by Don in Episode 8.2… also, Bethany escaped her Captors as shown in episode 9.3….. … of course that opens a big can of worms with questions like: what happened to – or was experienced by - all the other families involved in the bethoria arc, the Apocalypsos, the Zombies (specifically Don), the Simselfs, the Giekes, Jack and Frank Stilt etc…?... -…. rulewise, I have to repeat, that this was all recorded waaay before the last apocalypse challenge rules update, so we‘re basically still running on Freetime rules here…. In any case, it felt good getting back into the apocalypse… though it feels more difficult to write if you can‘t simply assume, that your Sims have no personality like in another challenge… now if you excuse me, I need to have a word with a certain advertising department…. - HAPPY SIMMING! -
  • 142. EPILOGUE: -… and done! Worked the second Hiatus in, gonna send that now… - - Wait! We had a second Hiatus? – - Yeah well, stuff happened… like a dead mom or putting your life back together after that…- -…- - Relax, I‘m over it….kinda… but whom am I telling this?…Anyway, you should get back to yo… m… our family now… - - ..! - - Uhm… you did… tell them that this here might take a while… like a year…? – - …!!! -
  • 143. ‚WHERE!! HAVE!! YOU!! BEEN?!!‘ *wump* - Ciel, honey, I can…! – *wump* ‚YOU‘VE BEEN GONE FOR A YEAR! I‘VE BEEN WORRIED SICK! TAKE THAT, YOU…!‘ *Wump* ‚Nooo… not the soft cushion! I confess, I confess!...- ‚ Mom! Dad! What the… are you doing there?!‘ ‚Oh, Mom‘s just acting out because Dad‘s been gone for a year…‘ ‚Wait, Dad‘s been gone for…???‘ ‚Sims Time, Sis… anyway, since Dad‘s been quoting Monty Python Jokes already, I propose we go camping tonight to avoid any trauma from Parental Make Up Woohoo Noises…‘ ‚Seriously Em… how are we related again…?‘