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Far away from Eden, Ep.8.1.: Sea Change!
Description: Chapter 8.1. of my apocalegacy: your horoscope says: you will change - completely,
Family Name: Apocalypso
Lot Name: Hideout
Categories: Komödie,Lebensgeschichten der Sims,Satire
Mission report 003a, Agent Snuggles:
For summary: As mentioned in earlier
reports, I, Agent Snuggles - from
Blueberrypie360's 'Bearly Alive -
Apocalypse' (Finished, go read it!), was
ordered by high command to find and free
the creator of the Far away from Eden -
Vampogacy, Little Nemo. Research
indicated, that the vile Alien Uranium
Apocalypso - from Ephemeraltoasts
Apocalypse-a-Go-GO - was behind his
disappearance. To find him, I infiltrated a
party of prominent villains from all parts
of the Sim realm, hoping for more
information. Instead, a big explosion
literally 'crashed the party'...
Luckily, someone saved me...
unfortunately, it was...
Disclaimer: Visit for
more great storiesand legacies, and to satisfy your
rule-fetish... =)
... the count, leader of the vampires, who
still terrorize this neighborhood, actually
allied with Uranium Apocalypso... and
currently he confesses his undying love to
me... o_o
" Ooh, my love, my shining star in the
night, how I've waited for you... how
I've longed for you... how I want to
play 'guitar hero' with you..."
mission report 003b: Seems like my
informations about the Count were
correct - he definitely has a screw loose!
"Ookay, know, I'm a bit
surprised about this... change of
events... but... aren't you with
Uranium actually?"
" Oh, my Love, I'm so ashamed by
your cunning intellect... yes, I confess,
I was bound to this vile alien, who
blended me with her shameless
behaviour... her deep, violet eyes
*sigh*, her hot...
*drool*...shmmexy....BUT rest assured,
that she means nothing to me, not
anymore, now, that I found you, my
only, true love..."
mission report 003c: An interesting fact -
it seems, that the Count has a spleen to
completely focus on another woman once
in a while: first the Founder of this legacy,
Anais Eden, then Uranium Apocalypso,
now me... hm, I might use this to my
" Well, then... ehr... I love you too,
Count !, forgive me... "
" You... do? Oh, my love, now I'm the
happiest man alive... well, if I would
be alive, considering I'm undead..."
" Yes, yes, I get it... but first... may I
ask you a favour, Count?"
" A favour? My love, my life and soul
- I mean, if I still had them - are all
yours! Command, and I'll obey!"
"...whatever. See, Count, I'm actually
here for a rescue mission - and
apparently, your... Ex-girlfriend... just
captured the guy I'm trying to rescue.
It's a fat man with a Scuba helmet, do
you know anything about that?"
" A fat man with...? Ah, my love, of
course I know! After all, the vile
Uranium shared even her darkest
secrets with me, like..."
" Great! Now, if you can just show me,
where I can find this guy...?"
" Very well, my love, just follow my
lead, we will be there in no time...and
perhaps we can do some...kinky
things on the way, hehe...*drool* ?"
" Ehrr... we discuss that later, okay?"
mission report 003d: It seems, that I've
actually achieved a breakthrough in my
investigation... hopefully, I'll find Mr.
Nemo now... at least, before the Count
starts getting...
Mission report 003 end.
Meanwhile, at the Uni legacy lot:
" Yes... yes... no, Mom, no sign of her
so far... I know, I know... Yes, we
asked everyone... Mom, don't get
hysteric, a calm mind is necessary to...
no Mom, I'm worried, too, after all,
Bethany knows of the importance of
our family's... no Mom..."
... and a bit later:
"... and she even asked me, if I wasn't
worried at all about Bethany's
disappearance... how can she ask
" Well, partially, that's because your
too damn 'robot', Bea, never showing
emotions.. in other words: you suck."
"... I'm just trying to keep focused,
Brian, it's..."
" Yeah, yeah, bite me... just bite me,
"... and your lazy attitude won't help
much, Brian... seriously, I liked you
more, when you were a 'geek'..."
"Oh, shut up, sis! I'm a werewolf now,
so why should I play 'geek', if I can be
a 'beast', rowwrr...?!"
"... I still liked you more that way...
remember, how much you
appreciated to hug people? Now all
you do is using swear words, play
video games..."
"...and be mean to other people... I
mean, for example, how could you
dare to attack uncle Tony... after all,
what he's done for us..."
" Helloho, it's uncle Tony, we're
talking about... do you know, how
long he had the want to become a
werewolf? He was even thankful, that
I did it, see the apiration points?!"
"... and look, what it did to his hair... I
mean, how many men his age can say,
that they still have natural colored
"'s still not nice, Brian..."
"... yeah, yeah, crybaby... now, if you
excuse me...hey miss, wanna shake
hands?... ZAP!...hahaha..."
"Hopeless... I'm gonna be late for my
next exam...see you..."
... and so, my 'old' life ended, dear reader...
let's admit, Brian was right, I am... or was , I
hope... a coldhearted person... too much
'robot', as he said... in fact, all my life I tried
to be an overachiever at any cost... to make
my dead father proud, for my own ego, as an
inspiring example for my younger siblings...
but it needed the aspiration change at senior
year, to make me realize...
" BOO, you still suck, sis... what a load of
crap are you telling here, just because
you changed into a Family Sim...?!"
" YOU... might be right, Brian..."
" Yeah, yeah, cry... wait, what?"
"Brian, I don't want us to become like
Mom and Uncle tony, always fighting... I
confess, my behaviour was wrong, and
I'm sorry for that...friends?"
" that's definitely a low blow, I
had so hoped for a bit action...okay,
friends, happy?"
"Thank you, Brian, for giving me a new
"Hey, if you now change from a 'robot'
into an chance, girl!"
" *snif*...okay.."
...but Brian wasn't the only one I had to
persuade, that I really tried to change...
Nick, my future-in-law, was perhaps an
even harder case...
... thankfully, I can be persuasive...
... and I mean, REALLY persuasive...
... don't you think so, Mom?
" *Sigh*... Bea, I'm happy, if you're
happy... still, I'd feel better, if I'd
knew, where Bethany is..."
" Don't worry, mom, I'm sure, we'll
find her...after all, Bethany is a big girl
and more than capable taking care of
herself... trust me, she's fine..."
~ Location: Former secret(?) Lair of
Plutonium Apocalypso, now headquarter
of Uranium apocalypso ~
"... Drat!"
"Everything okay, Mom?"
" Hm? Oh, you again... well, besides
the fact, that your stupid hacking
" Hey! Last time you liked it..."
" That was before I realized, that I
can't kill the Eden family with it...
stupid, doubleprotected lot... at least I
got rid of these other clowns... what
was I thinking, inviting all these evil
losers over here... oh well, how's our
'special guest' doing?"
" Uhmm, good according to the
circumstances... she only needed a
bit... alone time, after realizing, that
I'm her father... but I've already taken
care of that..."
"..Waaah! Please, let me out! I wanna
go home! This is soooo mean...
"... Beth, calm down, everything is
gonna be okay..."
"...*snif*... who?... Booger? You're here,
too? And... boy, you know, I
remembered you... well, bigger..."
" *sigh*... that's the problem of every
spare or placeholder family, who's
never played again..."
" Booger, why have they trapped you,
" Well, Beth, that's the standard
procedure for every disobedient
Apocalypso: incarceration... no, wait,
that's actually not the standard
procedure, the standard procedure
would be cowplantation, but since
Natural Science is still restricted..."
" Booger, what do you mean: 'every
Apocalypso'? Okay, I've now
accepted, that... Plutonium is my...
and Uranium... urrgh!...But you...?"
" Oh, please, don't tell me Beth, you
haven't figured that out by now... I'm
your Halfbrother!"
" WHAT???"
" Hello? Alien origin? Nose like your
Father? And Beth, I really wonder,
why you never noticed, that you have
the purple eyes of the apocalypso
" Uhm... well, I... never paid really
attention to the fact, after all, I've
never seen my... well, my mother's
husband eyes, so I didn't know...
*sigh*, how about: 'I didn't want to see
the truth, okay?"
" 'kay, sounds good to me... so, have
Grandma and Dad already set up
your training schedule?"
" schedule?"
" Yes, you know, the 'evil' schedule...
'world domination 101', 'killing for
dummies', 'How to make other Sim's
lifes a rotten nightmare'..."
" Booger, what are you talking about?
I never would do such a... schedule...
I'm not evil, I'm good - see, ten nice
points! - and I never would... why
would they even...?"
" Well, Beth, this is actually m...our
fathers idea... See, he's obsessed with
the idea, that a black sheep - I mean,
etc. - Sim, must be a really powerful
being... that's, why I actually exist,
since my Grandma is an Alien, my
mother a zombie..."
" Your mother is a zombie?!"
" *sigh*, yes... well, and then Dad
thought, that one of the grand
vampires was his father, and not in
fact Mr. Big, who..."
" Wait a minute... Mr. Big is... is our
" m-hmm... yeah, well, and since your
family history - Alien Grandma,
Dryad Great-grandma, Robot Great-
grandpa, mother vampire etc... is
pretty weird as well, he thought, he
could succeed this time with the black
sheep thing..."
" So that's it? He captured me, because
he thinks, that I'm a black sheep, and
that he could make me into an... evil
world dominator or so... is he insane?"
" Beth, all apocalypsos are insane to a
certain degree... no offense, half-
sis...but yes, that's in fact the whole
" And if I don't want to?"
" Well, they can't cowplant you, but...
starving to death in here is not a much
better option, Beth..."
"... but, but..."
"Beth, it's not that bad... look at me,
I'm still alive, right? You know, Dad
actually tried to teach me all these
things I told you before, even if I
wasn't a black sheep, but he gave up,
because I always sucked both in
theory and praxis... except in
'Advanced Trickery - make other sims
believe, you're a good guy'... but then,
he and Mom rolled too many death
fears, so they couldn't get rid of me..."
" Oh Booger, all that sounds so... so
terrible, how can you actually live
with such a family...?"
" Oh, I'm used to it, it's in fact normal
for me... oh, and you should meet the
others apocalypsos, like Great-Great-
grandfather Boom-Boom, he's a really
cool guy...but anyway, I guess, you
have a chance to stay good AND
alive, if you just make it impossible
for them to kill you....and it seems,
'your' family never had a problem to
make friends..."
"...*snif*... thanks for helping me,
"Hey, anything for my dear little 'big'
" *Ahem*... I thought, I made my self
clear, no friendly interactions while
" Uhhh... errh... Dad, it's not what it
looks like... we.... we just tried to
strangle each other, yes..."
" Oh, well, okay then... okay, Bethany,
come with me, it's time for your first
soon, at the worst place on earth -
" Okay, let's go straight to the point:
From now on, you'll call me Mr.
Apocalypso, or teacher... or master...
also, in my class, there will be no
chatting during lessons, I don't want
you to exchange mails with your class
mates, no eating, throwing anything
behind my back, only talk when I ask
you... yes, Beth?"
" Da... I mean, Mr. Apocalypso, I'm
the only one here, who should I... and
you know, I never thought, learning
evilness would be so... so
" Beth, most monsters were created in
schools - mobbers, amok guys,
teachers... and you're definitely a
newbie to evilness, so we have to start
from the basics... okay, first question:
you see someone losing his wallet
without noticing, what're you gonna
" Of course picking it up and give it to
" *Sigh*... potty god, give me
- back at the Uni lot: -
"Ack, finally, halfway through... ups, I
feel an aspiration change coming...
ohoh, now this a 'pleasant' surprise...
and my new lifetime want is... wow,
guess I'll need some advice for 'that'
one, hehehe..."
" Hey, sis, n'evening, Mom... guess,
what just has happened to me..."
" ...I said 'Guess, what happened to
me'...hey, do you hear me?!"
" Hm? Oh, sorry, brother, I'm
currently a bit busy with cheering up
mom...what's the matter?"
" Well, sis, seems, like you aren't the
only one with an earth-shattering
aspiration change... because I've
switched now, too - so, say hello to
Brian, the 'Pleasure Wolf, lol..."
" Oh, that's...great, Brian... I guess..."
" Oh yeah, great... not to forget
my new lifetime want....hey, have you
seen Gage Uglacy recently?"
" Do you mean the ugly werewolf,
who always hits on the customers..?...
I guess, he's currently outside, having
a waterfight with those other
looneys... I mean, it's winter, who the way, what do you
want from him...?"
" Oh, just some advice, sis, just some
advice, hehehe..."
"... to get this right: you want some
advice from me, how to 'get lucky
with the girls' ?"
" Yep, that's the whole idea. See, my
new Lifetime want as a Pleasure Sim
are 50 first dates, so I'll better learn
from a pro..."
" Well, boy, I'm flattered, but... I
thought, your family is so popular for
the dating thing, so why ask me?"
" That's true, and I'm definitely not a
Newbie, I had a girlfriend in school
and there's one girl at campus, so
already two dates down... but being a
werewolf is a different matter. It's
itching in my fingers to play pranks
on others and tell dirty jokes... not the
best way to start new relationships...
so why not learn from somebody, who
has experience with 'werewolf
" Well, if you put it that way... okay,
then listen closely to uncle Gage's
advice: first, all girls love furry, so you
have a natural advantage. Second, be
persistent - if a girl says 'No', she
probably already means 'Yes'..."
" Ehr... and how do I know, if it's a
definitive 'No'?"
" Persistent, boy, persistent... nobody
can resist forever, I tell you... Simselfs
are a good example: they are usually
cold as stone first, but in the end, all
your efforts are rewarded with hot,
" Hmmm... okay, Simselfs, do you
" Hey, don't get any weird ideas now,
boy, it needs a lot of experience to
handle them, and the risk is high, that
they'll kill you, if not satisfied... rather
let uncle Gage deal with the Simselfs
and stay with the townies, it's better
for you..."
" Afraid of competition, Mr. Uglacy?"
" Hahaha, good one... but seriously,
it's dangerous, kid..."
"Oh, Danger is my middle name, Mr.
...And with these words, I entered the
'danger' zone... actually, Mr. Uglacy was
right, Simselfs 'are' though subjects... but
hey, nobody in my family was ever afraid
of a challenge... and in the end, it paid
out... and I mean, it REALLY paid out...
be it with avidreader2466...
~avidreader2466 writes the puritanical
green thumb legacy~
...or SayKiwiWithMe...
~ Saykiwiwithme writes the Nervous
Legacy ~
... or Sporks007...
~ Sporks007007 writes the Themeless
... or Soulangel890...
~ Soulangel890 wrote and completed the
big firestorm apocalypse challenge~
...or Michellfobbs...
~Michellfobbs writes the planetary
apocalypse challenge~
...or DrSupremeNerd...
~ DrSupremeNerd writes the Vetinary
Dualegacy ~
...or Maxisbuckle...
~ Maxisbuckle writes the pinstar adult
apocalypse challenge ~
... or Cowforbrains1...
~ Cowforbrains1 wrote the Fear legacy
and the Ashbua Legacy ~
... or Dellyo...
Dellyo writes the 'Apocalypse in Death
... (by the way, just to make it clear, I still
like to play pranks... but I'm really good
to make them forgive me for that, lol...)...
...or Orikes360...
~Orikes360 writes the Pseudo Legacy ~
... or Nickywal...
~ Nickywal wrote the Walker apocalypse
challenge ~
... or fireflower...
Fireflower aka De wrote the pierce
... or Darby...
~Darby writes the 'an unpleasant view'
apocalypse challenge ~
... or Katyann...
~ Katyann writes the Bildungsroman
... or Swiffner... oh, yeah, she said, she
prefers girls, but hey, that even doubles
the fun, hehehe...
~ Swiffner completed the Ancient
Mythology Alphabet challenge ~
... or Dor...
~ Dor aka Mitinkitten, wrote the
Miyazakis Art legacy - best legacy 4eva!!!
...or professorbutters...
~ Professorbutters writes the
squeakyclean legacy ~
...or Hippielayla86...
~ Hippielayla writes the 'Peters
apocalypse' challenge ~
... or Smoothiequeen87...
~Smoothiequeen writes the 'a villainous
apocalypse' challenge ~
... or Dwhalen213's hubby... yeah, well,
that was actually a mistake, but I guess,
after so many Simselfs, I couldn't think
totally straight anymore... get it?
'Straight', hahaha...
~ Dwhalen213 writes the 'Legosta twins'
Apocalypse challenge ~
... or starfrostplayer...
~Starfrostplayer writes the Legacy of
... or Purplebunnysarah...
~ Purplebunnysarah writes 'a piratical
... or Dwhalen213 or...
"Stop! For all that is holy, boy, stop!
You're ruining me! How should I
maintain my status as the
'Gagemeister', if you're working
yourself through the entire Simself
population?! "
"Hey, chill out, man...*smooch*... I'm
not 'that' focused on Simselfs... after
all, there aren't enough Simselfs in this
neighborhood for fifty first dates, so I
had some townies on the way, too...
and I'm nearly through anyway..."
"... just one more kiss..."
~ Kira aka CHrystalCrossing writes the
'Apoclypse of grief'-challenge~
"... and.. tada... lifetime want: fifty first
dates fulfilled - Yeha!"
"...okay, thanks babe, we had a great
time and a dreamdate, too, now good-
bye - don't forget to bring me flowers
" H-hey, that's all? One Kiss, and the
date is over?"
" 25.000 aspiration points, girl, that's
nearly a maxed dating meter, what
more do you want? I don't make the
rules of this game..."
" like bringing flowers over and over
and... hey, wait a minute...there are
some guys in the picture, I didn't date
guys... well, except that one time..."
" These are mine, little brother..."
"What? I thought, you were a family
Sim now, Sis...and what does Nick say
to that?
" Oh, Nicolai likes it, if I talk about my
'imaginary' erotic adventures..."
"... you know, anyone with high moral
standards should give you a lecture
now... but since it's me, I just say
" Thanks, Brian..."
... and now to something completely
different: Bluewater village, Ground zero
... the (former) GIeke Residence:
*Bark* *Claf* *Bark* (translation: Hey,
anybody still alive? I'm hungry, feed me!)
"...what was in the last drink, my head
feels like...horns?"
" Oh my... I mean, Holy Shi... I'm a
teenager again! Even better: I'm a
demon again!"
Remember her from last chapter? It's
actually the Countess, just a bit
younger... watch the previous chapter for
more info...
" Countess, is... is that you?"
"Huh? Who are..."
"...hey, isn't that you, Albert?"
" Y... yeah, seems so..."
"Okay, now this is totally weird... I'm
a demon again, and you're a child...
what happened?"
" It... appears, that the time chamber
had a little malfunction, and its
temporal energies somehow changed
us into earlier version of ourse... Oh
no, my android! He fell into the
chamber, when this explosion hit!
Heavens, he was on Rampage mode!
If he accidentely travels back in time,
he could change history by
" *Sigh* kid, if you'd told me earlier,
that you build a killer androi... wait a
minute, you wanted him to kill me,
you little miscreant...!... oh well,
nevermind... okay, I can assure you,
that this guy wont cause any troubles
to history... in fact, I knew that... holy
crap, that means, that your this green
[censored]'s grandfather...!"
What are you talking about,
"Oh, forget it... where is this crazy
Apoca-servo, by the way? Also
traveling through time?"
" No... he's... well.."
" *Brzzl*... ERROR... this lot breaks the
natural science restriction, no floor
elevation allowed... ERROR...unable
to follow apocafying protocol...
" He... changed back into a metal
block? Okay, that's it, now I've seen it
"... after all, now that I'm a demon
again, I'm finally able to return
home... bye, Albert!"
" Hey! stay here! Countess, you can't
leave me here! I'm just a child now,
what if the Social Service sees me? I
don#t want to go to the..."
" Sorry, kid, I'm not your babysitter...
Yeah, Hell, here I come!!"
" Countess, wait, I...!"
- insert sound of loud, teleporter-like noise
here, with the smell of sulphur and acid -
" Oh... no... *snif*... I'm totally alone
now... Mom, Dad, the Countess, my
Android... I don't want to go to the
" *Ssssh* Albert, don't cry... everything
is alright, you're not alone anymore..."
" *Snif*... who...?"
" DAD! MOM! You're alive again!"
" Yes, son, and all thanks to your
incredible time chamber... seems like
it even reverted us back to our alive,
non-vampire state..."
" Wow, now that's weird... how big
are the chance that this happens...?"
" *Brrzl*... chances are irrelevant, you
have broken the rules, you have
broken the rules... ERROR, not
allowed ressurection, hacked objects,
not allowed devampirisation, ERROR,
ERROR, ERROR... hey, does anybody
listen to me, you - break - the - rules,
you... *Brrzl* "
" OH Gerd, honey, isn't it wonderful,
to be alive again..?... and we even got
rid of the Countess... we are free!"
" Yeah, babe, but we there are still
some things, we have to solve... like
ending the permawinter that our
malfunctioning weather machine has
caused...or rebuild our house, for that
" Oh, Gerd, you're right... but we'll
need money for that, and that really
fast, or we'll get frozen..."
" Yeah.... *sigh* one problem solved,
another one arises... guess, the
Countess doesn't have the problem of
getting a cold, where she went..."
meanwhile, at a really warm place...
" Rock, Paper..."
" YES! I DID IT! 25% of hell for me! I
" DAMN! I hate this game! Why
couldn't it be a chess match, like the
Reaper does it...?"
"... Dum-de-dum, Oh, Ich bau mir
einen neuen Reichstag (translation:
Dum-de-dum, Oh, I build myself a new
Remember Sonicdude (wrote the Valistor
A few chapters before, he started to
bargain with HIM (you know, who is
meant...): his Ex-girlfriend's (the founder
of this legacy) adress against a part of hell
to rule(!)...
Also in the background, see HIS
grandson, Simler... dont worry,
punishment is on the way... ;)
" See, Christina? I did it! I'm a ruler of
hell now!"
" ... Great Dad... took you long
enough, after all... by the way, you
have a grandson now... "
" A grand...? Ohoh, Chrissi, you bad
" Hell yeah, Mr. 'Dude', your daughter
is surely a first class b..."
" SHUT UP, MAXWELL! And to make
it totally clear for both of you: I'm not
going to call my boy Anti-Chris or
something like that, understood?!"
" ... sorry, dear..."
And here's Christina, Sonicdude's
Offspring from a pregnancy experiment
with the creator of this story... and it
seems, she's now the mother of the An...
ehr...oh, nevermind...
"...anyway, I won! Soooo... we're clear
on all part of the terms, right?"
" Yeah, yeah... but first you'll tell me,
where Anais is, then I hand you over
the property documents!"
" Nu, uh, first the documents, then the
address, do you think, I'm stupid? "
" *Sigh*... I have to admit, Mr.
Sonicdude... in all the millenia I've
never found such a hard bargaining
partner... okay, you've won, I...."
- insert loud teleportation noise here...
sulphur and acid smell not necessary, we
are already in hell...
"...what the...?...Hey, you're..."
" Oh dammit, not even a few seconds
back home, and the first thing I see, is
my Ex... "
"'re Lilith! Girl, we haven't seen
each other for an eternity - literally!
How're you doing and... wow, you
look as lovely as the first time we
" Urgh... spare me your love
confession, you little, treacherous..."
" Aww... but Lilith... why so angry,
that doesn't suit your sweet face... was
it something I did...?"
" SOMETHING YOU DID?! I tell you
what you did: you betrayed me with
another girl, turned me into a grand
vampire - and do you think, gypsies sell
their vamp-d to their main source of
income? -, I wasn't able to go back to hell
for thousands of years, had to deal with
the Count and his stupidity, with
vampires, dancing zombies, aliens,
robots and other morons... AND YOU
HELL!' "
"Uh... girl... it that's still about Anais..."
FAMILY... well, except Antoine perhaps,
" W..wait, don't tell me, you know where
they are...?"
" YOOOOUUUU... *Hfff*, know what,
I'm done with you... I don't care
anymore... I have my life back, why
should I even bother... leave me alone,
get lucky with this hoe..."
" Yes, okay, but could you please tell me,
where she is?"
"... ..just follow the vampires, dancing
zombies and other crap, can't miss it..."
"...I'm out of here... hey Maxwell, long
time no see... ohoh, who's that?"
"Hey Lilith... yeah, well seems like I'm
a daddy now, right? I'm going to call
"...uh, not Anti-chris, okay... how
about… Damien instead...?"
"Bye, Lilith... and thanks for saving
me from handing over hell..."
" Wh.. what?"
" Yep, that's right, Mr. Sonicdude, our
contract is void now... why sould I
pay for an information, I already
" YOU... you can't do that! We've
already agreed on everything, you just
can't say 'it's over', you...!"
" Oh, can't I ? Well, watch me..."
" I.. I will crash satellites on your head,
sprinkle you with acid-canons, torture
you with poisoned feathers..."
" Mister Sonicdude... If you haven't
realized already, I'm the ruler of hell...
no matter, what kind of torture you
can think of, I've already seen it...
even more, most things came from my
mind...and about the threats of a mere
mortal I can only yawn..."
" but... but ... that's not fair!"
" Of course it's not fair! This is hell
after all, it's supposed to be unfair!"
" but.. but.."
" But tell you what, you really
impressed me... the bargaining, the
ideas... well, I might be unfair, but not
that unfair... so I guess, I can you a
consolidation price instead..."
"... you can have my grandson."
" WAS?! (translation: What?!)
" WHAT?!"
" O..opa, ich... (translation: Grandpa,
" Instead of hell, you want to give me
this... this... are you insane?!"
" No, no, I insist on that... believe me,
having him around, is truely a living
hell, so you'll get in fact, what you
"...and now excuse me please, I have
to plan my travel up to earth, have a
nice day, you two..."
" You... you... come back! We're not
finished yet! I want my money back!
I'm cancelling my vacation here
immediately! I'll tell everyone of the
bad service here...!"
"... Opa, das kann nicht dein Ernst
sein... (translation: Grandpa, you can't be
"... and you... you aren't allowed to
speak, as long as your master hasn't
allowed it, you dog! Burn!"
" I said 'Burn', not 'electrocute', you
Congrats to Graduation, Sis!"
" Haha, thanks, Brian... but please,
stop howling, I'm nearly peeing my
" Well, that's why I'm doing it..."
" You're mean..."
" Yes, I am!"
" Happy graduation, Hun!"
" Oh Nick, I'm so happy...*sigh*, if
only Beth could be here right now..."
" Bah, I think, she's okay... I mean
she's a romance Sim, Romance Sims
always have a head of their own, so
perhaps she just followed a bus full
with muscular bodybuilders..."
" That's not funny, Nick, Beth could be
in danger..."
" ...and therefore we have to moan and
cry all day? Sorry, doll, but I have
better plans... like... an engagement
" Oh, Nick..."
[insert romantic music here]
...and so, my time at college ended - GPA
4.0., around 50 friends, an uni lot for
future generations, a community
business, that reached level 10, I earned
around 70.000 in cash - oh, and I became
a prominent singer among the zombie
community in our neighborhood... well,
not as succesful as my Grandma, but it
has to be enough...
... besides, I think, I've gained a good
consolidation price...
... minus the morning sickness, of course...
" Bawa wik?"
" No, not sick, just working on the
next generation, know, it's
actually unbelievable, you're really
my uncle, and my child will be your
grandnephew... talk about late
... yes, you've read right, dear reader,
Uncle Jun - Alexandre Junior, to be
precise - is my Grandmother Anais
youngest child - and she would be able to
spawn more kids, if she wants...!
...perhaps it isn't such a bad idea to die a
natural death... uncle Tony for example
has decided to do so... but before that, it
seems, that he wants to mold his brother
into a spittin' image of himself...
...because uncle Jun already shows this
hunger... the hunger for knowledge... I
mean, how many children do you know,
who already can tell you everything about
the chemical reactions, anatomical
changes and biological processes during a
pregnancy... okay, I was like him at that
time, but it's a different thing, if you're
one who's pregnant...
... and the initial pain is different as well,
if you're the one who goes through it...
... but so is the joy... welcome to this
world, Cecil Maurice Eden!
Grandma and Grandpa adored little Cecil
from the start - and put a bit of my stress
away, so I could finally start searching for
a job...
... and it took me only three days to find
the one I was searching for... or better, I
was meant for...
...a job as a musician! My career in college
had me already prepared for 'professional'
singing, so it was obvious, which career
I'd choose... I'll be easily on top in no...
oh, look at the time, I have to go... see you,
and thanks for listening!
"YeeeHaaa.. another point for me!
This'll be a new high score...!"
"Oh....erh... Hi, ma... ehr, I was just..."
" Yes, I see..."
" ...sooo, my *dear* Plutonium... how's
our student doing...?"
" Well, Ma...see, Bethany is.. she
" Yesss...?"
" *sigh*... well, she's totally perfect, if
it's about theory... you should see her
thesis of all the possibilities you could
kill somebody succesfully...heck, there
were some methods, even I didn't
"and in practice...?"
"UH, well... that's..."
" Uh, Da... I mean, Mr. Apocalypso?
I'm finished with my essay about the
Marquis de SimSade - boy, I didn't
knew, that he was in fact a
revolutionary and fought for a free
Simhood - may I now go play some
kicky bag with the others? Oh, and
Mrs. Julia wanted to show me some
new cosmetic tips, and Larch
promised me to..."
I'm telling you to drill her to become
evil, and all you do, is to put her into a
classroom and give her homework!"
"Ma... it's not that easy... I've made big
progress with her, she's already
starting to forget her homework
"....Okay, that was the last straw! The
Count's missing, my other Self in
SnootCB's 'hood just turned into a
family Sim, my son 's an imbecile, my
granddaughter is a potty goddamn
goody girl... I can't take this any
"M... Ma, calm down, I...."
" SILENCE!... from now on, I''ll take
things into my own hands... Girl,
come here, we need to... 'talk'...!"
Soon - into an old abandoned factory
made by V1ndicare at, that just
needed to be in the story, because it's so
" G... Grandma, what are we doing
here? I thought you just wanted to
" No, no talking anymore, no stupid
studies... to be evil, the best way to
achieve it, is practice..."
" Can't I just write a theory over...?"
" No! But don't worry, I've already
took care, that you'll learn it in the
easiest way possible..."
" Y... you're not going to hurt me,
Grandma, do you?"
"No, but I want you to hurt somebody
else, dear... ah, there he comes..."
" Hello Uranium, hello guys, Wow,
now that's a great place for an evil
me... *gasp*... Be.. Bethany, you here?"
" N... Nick Wood? Is that you?"
" Hello to you too, Mr. Wood, thanks
for coming..."
" W... what is the meaning of this,
" Oh, no big mystery, Beth, Mr. Wood
is just one of my minions..."
" What?!"
" And a really useful one... see, to
finally get rid of your family, I wanted
him to infiltrate and kill you all... and
he was rather successful so far, he
already killed your uncle and your
" Uh, yeah, about the killing thing...
Uranium, may I ask you a favor? I
mean, can we keep my fiancé alive?
See, I really like her, I mean, I admire
Loki Beaker, but I always had a weak
spot for Chloe Single..."
" YOU... you want to kill my family?!"
"No, dear, he'd already started...
though I had hoped, there would be
another death soon..."
"Hey, they are getting more careful...
my mother-in-law for example runs
around with guns the whole day... oh,
but I've already 'preparated' them, one
shot, then 'BOOM'..."
" Impressive..."
" YOU... YOU... TRAITOR!!"
" Uh... isn't she on our side? I figured,
since she's here..."
" Oh, she isn't... not yet... but
"Perfect, dear, that's the spirit... seems
like your evil genes are finally kicking
in... oh by the way, he also said one
time, that your butt looks too big for
" I'd never..AUUGH!"
" H...HELP! I...ARRG!"
"WOOO, finally some action!"
"Impressive, Uranium, sacrificing
your own minion..."
" Bah, he was already turning against
me as well, Larsee, trying to bargain,
you've heard him... besides, I want the
whole family dead, so this includes
him, too..."
"I can feel it... the force is strong with
her... it's true, fear is the path to the
dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger
to hate, hate to..."
" Yeah, yeah, something like that,
" Uhhh... do you think it's normal, that
flames start to erupt during a fight?"
" Uh, oh, this is not looking good... m..
maybe we should better take shelter,
before it's going to..."
" W...w... what... happened? W....
" *Unng*... that's it, I quit... Uranium,
do you hear me? Everyone around
you is constantly in danger.."
" *Hhfff*... everyone still alive? I
mean, in one part?"
" Y...yeah, seems so... but where's
Over here, Dad...
" B... Bethany? Is... is that you?"
Yes, Grandma...
" B... Bethany... e... everything okay?"
Oh, yes, Grandma... fact, I feel better than ever
... better than ever, hahahar...!... well,
but I could some new clothes...
to be continued
Epilogue I:
"...Uhnn... Nick, where are you? I... I
think, another baby is coming..."
Epilogue II:
Mission report 004:
The. Count. is. the. biggest. idiot. ever!
" Hello, my dear strange passer-by's...
uh, could you tell me the way to the
ultra-secret prison, where the creator
of this neighborhood is trapped? It
seems, that I've got a bit lost..."
" Uh... no?"
"Mate, pinch me... oh yeah, you don't
have anything to pinch... anyway, I've
never expected to see someone, who is
even dumber than you..."
" Oh, thank you Capt'n..."

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Far away from Eden, Ep.8.1.: Sea Change!

  • 1. Far away from Eden, Ep.8.1.: Sea Change! Description: Chapter 8.1. of my apocalegacy: your horoscope says: you will change - completely, HARHARHAR...! Family Name: Apocalypso Lot Name: Hideout Categories: Komödie,Lebensgeschichten der Sims,Satire
  • 2. Mission report 003a, Agent Snuggles: For summary: As mentioned in earlier reports, I, Agent Snuggles - from Blueberrypie360's 'Bearly Alive - Apocalypse' (Finished, go read it!), was ordered by high command to find and free the creator of the Far away from Eden - Vampogacy, Little Nemo. Research indicated, that the vile Alien Uranium Apocalypso - from Ephemeraltoasts Apocalypse-a-Go-GO - was behind his disappearance. To find him, I infiltrated a party of prominent villains from all parts of the Sim realm, hoping for more information. Instead, a big explosion literally 'crashed the party'... Luckily, someone saved me... unfortunately, it was... ------ Disclaimer: Visit for more great storiesand legacies, and to satisfy your rule-fetish... =)
  • 3. ... the count, leader of the vampires, who still terrorize this neighborhood, actually allied with Uranium Apocalypso... and currently he confesses his undying love to me... o_o " Ooh, my love, my shining star in the night, how I've waited for you... how I've longed for you... how I want to play 'guitar hero' with you..." mission report 003b: Seems like my informations about the Count were correct - he definitely has a screw loose!
  • 4. "Ookay, know, I'm a bit surprised about this... change of events... but... aren't you with Uranium actually?" " Oh, my Love, I'm so ashamed by your cunning intellect... yes, I confess, I was bound to this vile alien, who blended me with her shameless behaviour... her deep, violet eyes *sigh*, her hot... *drool*...shmmexy....BUT rest assured, that she means nothing to me, not anymore, now, that I found you, my only, true love..." mission report 003c: An interesting fact - it seems, that the Count has a spleen to completely focus on another woman once in a while: first the Founder of this legacy, Anais Eden, then Uranium Apocalypso, now me... hm, I might use this to my advantage...
  • 5. " Well, then... ehr... I love you too, Count !, forgive me... " " You... do? Oh, my love, now I'm the happiest man alive... well, if I would be alive, considering I'm undead..." " Yes, yes, I get it... but first... may I ask you a favour, Count?" " A favour? My love, my life and soul - I mean, if I still had them - are all yours! Command, and I'll obey!" "...whatever. See, Count, I'm actually here for a rescue mission - and apparently, your... Ex-girlfriend... just captured the guy I'm trying to rescue. It's a fat man with a Scuba helmet, do you know anything about that?" " A fat man with...? Ah, my love, of course I know! After all, the vile Uranium shared even her darkest secrets with me, like..."
  • 6. " Great! Now, if you can just show me, where I can find this guy...?" " Very well, my love, just follow my lead, we will be there in no time...and perhaps we can do some...kinky things on the way, hehe...*drool* ?" " Ehrr... we discuss that later, okay?" mission report 003d: It seems, that I've actually achieved a breakthrough in my investigation... hopefully, I'll find Mr. Nemo now... at least, before the Count starts getting... brrr... Mission report 003 end.
  • 7. Meanwhile, at the Uni legacy lot: " Yes... yes... no, Mom, no sign of her so far... I know, I know... Yes, we asked everyone... Mom, don't get hysteric, a calm mind is necessary to... no Mom, I'm worried, too, after all, Bethany knows of the importance of our family's... no Mom..."
  • 8. ... and a bit later: "... and she even asked me, if I wasn't worried at all about Bethany's disappearance... how can she ask that?" " Well, partially, that's because your too damn 'robot', Bea, never showing emotions.. in other words: you suck." "... I'm just trying to keep focused, Brian, it's..." " Yeah, yeah, bite me... just bite me, okay?!" "... and your lazy attitude won't help much, Brian... seriously, I liked you more, when you were a 'geek'..."
  • 9. "Oh, shut up, sis! I'm a werewolf now, so why should I play 'geek', if I can be a 'beast', rowwrr...?!" "... I still liked you more that way... remember, how much you appreciated to hug people? Now all you do is using swear words, play video games..."
  • 10. "...and be mean to other people... I mean, for example, how could you dare to attack uncle Tony... after all, what he's done for us..." " Helloho, it's uncle Tony, we're talking about... do you know, how long he had the want to become a werewolf? He was even thankful, that I did it, see the apiration points?!"
  • 11. "... and look, what it did to his hair... I mean, how many men his age can say, that they still have natural colored hair?!" "'s still not nice, Brian..."
  • 12. "... yeah, yeah, crybaby... now, if you excuse me...hey miss, wanna shake hands?... ZAP!...hahaha..." "Hopeless... I'm gonna be late for my next exam...see you..."
  • 13. ... and so, my 'old' life ended, dear reader... let's admit, Brian was right, I am... or was , I hope... a coldhearted person... too much 'robot', as he said... in fact, all my life I tried to be an overachiever at any cost... to make my dead father proud, for my own ego, as an inspiring example for my younger siblings... but it needed the aspiration change at senior year, to make me realize... " BOO, you still suck, sis... what a load of crap are you telling here, just because you changed into a Family Sim...?!" " YOU... might be right, Brian..." " Yeah, yeah, cry... wait, what?" "Brian, I don't want us to become like Mom and Uncle tony, always fighting... I confess, my behaviour was wrong, and I'm sorry for that...friends?" " that's definitely a low blow, I had so hoped for a bit action...okay, friends, happy?" "Thank you, Brian, for giving me a new chance..." "Hey, if you now change from a 'robot' into an chance, girl!" " *snif*...okay.." "AAG!" ;)
  • 14. ...but Brian wasn't the only one I had to persuade, that I really tried to change... Nick, my future-in-law, was perhaps an even harder case...
  • 15. ... thankfully, I can be persuasive...
  • 16. ... and I mean, REALLY persuasive...
  • 17. ... don't you think so, Mom? " *Sigh*... Bea, I'm happy, if you're happy... still, I'd feel better, if I'd knew, where Bethany is..." " Don't worry, mom, I'm sure, we'll find her...after all, Bethany is a big girl and more than capable taking care of herself... trust me, she's fine..."
  • 18. ~ Location: Former secret(?) Lair of Plutonium Apocalypso, now headquarter of Uranium apocalypso ~
  • 19. "... Drat!" "Everything okay, Mom?" " Hm? Oh, you again... well, besides the fact, that your stupid hacking program..." " Hey! Last time you liked it..." " That was before I realized, that I can't kill the Eden family with it... stupid, doubleprotected lot... at least I got rid of these other clowns... what was I thinking, inviting all these evil losers over here... oh well, how's our 'special guest' doing?" " Uhmm, good according to the circumstances... she only needed a bit... alone time, after realizing, that I'm her father... but I've already taken care of that..."
  • 20. "..Waaah! Please, let me out! I wanna go home! This is soooo mean... *snif*..." "... Beth, calm down, everything is gonna be okay..."
  • 21. "...*snif*... who?... Booger? You're here, too? And... boy, you know, I remembered you... well, bigger..." " *sigh*... that's the problem of every spare or placeholder family, who's never played again..."
  • 22. " Booger, why have they trapped you, too?" " Well, Beth, that's the standard procedure for every disobedient Apocalypso: incarceration... no, wait, that's actually not the standard procedure, the standard procedure would be cowplantation, but since Natural Science is still restricted..." " Booger, what do you mean: 'every Apocalypso'? Okay, I've now accepted, that... Plutonium is my... and Uranium... urrgh!...But you...?"
  • 23. " Oh, please, don't tell me Beth, you haven't figured that out by now... I'm your Halfbrother!" " WHAT???" " Hello? Alien origin? Nose like your Father? And Beth, I really wonder, why you never noticed, that you have the purple eyes of the apocalypso family..." " Uhm... well, I... never paid really attention to the fact, after all, I've never seen my... well, my mother's husband eyes, so I didn't know... *sigh*, how about: 'I didn't want to see the truth, okay?"
  • 24. " 'kay, sounds good to me... so, have Grandma and Dad already set up your training schedule?" " schedule?" " Yes, you know, the 'evil' schedule... 'world domination 101', 'killing for dummies', 'How to make other Sim's lifes a rotten nightmare'..."
  • 25. " Booger, what are you talking about? I never would do such a... schedule... I'm not evil, I'm good - see, ten nice points! - and I never would... why would they even...?"
  • 26. " Well, Beth, this is actually m...our fathers idea... See, he's obsessed with the idea, that a black sheep - I mean, an Alien/Vampire/Plantsim/Zombie/ etc. - Sim, must be a really powerful being... that's, why I actually exist, since my Grandma is an Alien, my mother a zombie..." " Your mother is a zombie?!" " *sigh*, yes... well, and then Dad thought, that one of the grand vampires was his father, and not in fact Mr. Big, who..." " Wait a minute... Mr. Big is... is our grandfather?" " m-hmm... yeah, well, and since your family history - Alien Grandma, Dryad Great-grandma, Robot Great- grandpa, mother vampire etc... is pretty weird as well, he thought, he could succeed this time with the black sheep thing..."
  • 27. " So that's it? He captured me, because he thinks, that I'm a black sheep, and that he could make me into an... evil world dominator or so... is he insane?" " Beth, all apocalypsos are insane to a certain degree... no offense, half- sis...but yes, that's in fact the whole idea!" " And if I don't want to?" " Well, they can't cowplant you, but... starving to death in here is not a much better option, Beth..."
  • 28. "... but, but..." "Beth, it's not that bad... look at me, I'm still alive, right? You know, Dad actually tried to teach me all these things I told you before, even if I wasn't a black sheep, but he gave up, because I always sucked both in theory and praxis... except in 'Advanced Trickery - make other sims believe, you're a good guy'... but then, he and Mom rolled too many death fears, so they couldn't get rid of me..." " Oh Booger, all that sounds so... so terrible, how can you actually live with such a family...?" " Oh, I'm used to it, it's in fact normal for me... oh, and you should meet the others apocalypsos, like Great-Great- grandfather Boom-Boom, he's a really cool guy...but anyway, I guess, you have a chance to stay good AND alive, if you just make it impossible for them to kill you....and it seems, 'your' family never had a problem to make friends..."
  • 29. "...*snif*... thanks for helping me, Booger..." "Hey, anything for my dear little 'big' half-sister...."
  • 30. " *Ahem*... I thought, I made my self clear, no friendly interactions while imprisoned..." " Uhhh... errh... Dad, it's not what it looks like... we.... we just tried to strangle each other, yes..." " Oh, well, okay then... okay, Bethany, come with me, it's time for your first lesson..."
  • 31. soon, at the worst place on earth - school(!): " Okay, let's go straight to the point: From now on, you'll call me Mr. Apocalypso, or teacher... or master... also, in my class, there will be no chatting during lessons, I don't want you to exchange mails with your class mates, no eating, throwing anything behind my back, only talk when I ask you... yes, Beth?" " Da... I mean, Mr. Apocalypso, I'm the only one here, who should I... and you know, I never thought, learning evilness would be so... so 'schoolish'...." " Beth, most monsters were created in schools - mobbers, amok guys, teachers... and you're definitely a newbie to evilness, so we have to start from the basics... okay, first question: you see someone losing his wallet without noticing, what're you gonna do?" " Of course picking it up and give it to him!" " *Sigh*... potty god, give me strength..."
  • 32. - back at the Uni lot: - "Ack, finally, halfway through... ups, I feel an aspiration change coming... ohoh, now this a 'pleasant' surprise... and my new lifetime want is... wow, guess I'll need some advice for 'that' one, hehehe..."
  • 33. " Hey, sis, n'evening, Mom... guess, what just has happened to me..." "...baradaba..HOOOW!" " ...I said 'Guess, what happened to me'...hey, do you hear me?!" " Hm? Oh, sorry, brother, I'm currently a bit busy with cheering up mom...what's the matter?" " Well, sis, seems, like you aren't the only one with an earth-shattering aspiration change... because I've switched now, too - so, say hello to Brian, the 'Pleasure Wolf, lol..." " Oh, that's...great, Brian... I guess..." " Oh yeah, great... not to forget my new lifetime want....hey, have you seen Gage Uglacy recently?" " Do you mean the ugly werewolf, who always hits on the customers..?... I guess, he's currently outside, having a waterfight with those other looneys... I mean, it's winter, who the way, what do you want from him...?" " Oh, just some advice, sis, just some advice, hehehe..."
  • 34. soon: "... to get this right: you want some advice from me, how to 'get lucky with the girls' ?" " Yep, that's the whole idea. See, my new Lifetime want as a Pleasure Sim are 50 first dates, so I'll better learn from a pro..."
  • 35. " Well, boy, I'm flattered, but... I thought, your family is so popular for the dating thing, so why ask me?" " That's true, and I'm definitely not a Newbie, I had a girlfriend in school and there's one girl at campus, so already two dates down... but being a werewolf is a different matter. It's itching in my fingers to play pranks on others and tell dirty jokes... not the best way to start new relationships... so why not learn from somebody, who has experience with 'werewolf dating'..."
  • 36. " Well, if you put it that way... okay, then listen closely to uncle Gage's advice: first, all girls love furry, so you have a natural advantage. Second, be persistent - if a girl says 'No', she probably already means 'Yes'..." " Ehr... and how do I know, if it's a definitive 'No'?" " Persistent, boy, persistent... nobody can resist forever, I tell you... Simselfs are a good example: they are usually cold as stone first, but in the end, all your efforts are rewarded with hot, passionate...hehehe..." " Hmmm... okay, Simselfs, do you say?" " Hey, don't get any weird ideas now, boy, it needs a lot of experience to handle them, and the risk is high, that they'll kill you, if not satisfied... rather let uncle Gage deal with the Simselfs and stay with the townies, it's better for you..." " Afraid of competition, Mr. Uglacy?" " Hahaha, good one... but seriously, it's dangerous, kid..." "Oh, Danger is my middle name, Mr. Uglacy..."
  • 37. ...And with these words, I entered the 'danger' zone... actually, Mr. Uglacy was right, Simselfs 'are' though subjects... but hey, nobody in my family was ever afraid of a challenge... and in the end, it paid out... and I mean, it REALLY paid out... be it with avidreader2466... ----- ~avidreader2466 writes the puritanical green thumb legacy~
  • 38. ...or SayKiwiWithMe... ---- ~ Saykiwiwithme writes the Nervous Legacy ~
  • 39. ... or Sporks007... ------- ~ Sporks007007 writes the Themeless Legacy~
  • 40. ... or Soulangel890... --------- ~ Soulangel890 wrote and completed the big firestorm apocalypse challenge~
  • 41. ...or Michellfobbs... ------- ~Michellfobbs writes the planetary apocalypse challenge~
  • 42. ...or DrSupremeNerd... --------- ~ DrSupremeNerd writes the Vetinary Dualegacy ~
  • 43. ...or Maxisbuckle... ----- ~ Maxisbuckle writes the pinstar adult apocalypse challenge ~
  • 44. ... or Cowforbrains1... ----- ~ Cowforbrains1 wrote the Fear legacy and the Ashbua Legacy ~
  • 45. ... or Dellyo... -------------- Dellyo writes the 'Apocalypse in Death valley'-challenge
  • 46. ... (by the way, just to make it clear, I still like to play pranks... but I'm really good to make them forgive me for that, lol...)...
  • 48. ... or Nickywal... ------ ~ Nickywal wrote the Walker apocalypse challenge ~
  • 49. ... or fireflower... ----- Fireflower aka De wrote the pierce legacy~
  • 50. ... or Darby... ----- ~Darby writes the 'an unpleasant view' apocalypse challenge ~
  • 51. ... or Katyann... ----- ~ Katyann writes the Bildungsroman legacy~
  • 52. ... or Swiffner... oh, yeah, she said, she prefers girls, but hey, that even doubles the fun, hehehe... ---- ~ Swiffner completed the Ancient Mythology Alphabet challenge ~
  • 53. ... or Dor... ----- ~ Dor aka Mitinkitten, wrote the Miyazakis Art legacy - best legacy 4eva!!!
  • 54. ...or professorbutters... ---- ~ Professorbutters writes the squeakyclean legacy ~
  • 55. ...or Hippielayla86... ---- ~ Hippielayla writes the 'Peters apocalypse' challenge ~
  • 56. ... or Smoothiequeen87... ---- ~Smoothiequeen writes the 'a villainous apocalypse' challenge ~
  • 57. ... or Dwhalen213's hubby... yeah, well, that was actually a mistake, but I guess, after so many Simselfs, I couldn't think totally straight anymore... get it? 'Straight', hahaha... ---- ~ Dwhalen213 writes the 'Legosta twins' Apocalypse challenge ~
  • 59. ... or Purplebunnysarah... --- ~ Purplebunnysarah writes 'a piratical legacy'~
  • 60. ... or Dwhalen213 or... "Stop! For all that is holy, boy, stop! You're ruining me! How should I maintain my status as the 'Gagemeister', if you're working yourself through the entire Simself population?! " "Hey, chill out, man...*smooch*... I'm not 'that' focused on Simselfs... after all, there aren't enough Simselfs in this neighborhood for fifty first dates, so I had some townies on the way, too... and I'm nearly through anyway..."
  • 61. "... just one more kiss..." ----- ~ Kira aka CHrystalCrossing writes the 'Apoclypse of grief'-challenge~
  • 62. "... and.. tada... lifetime want: fifty first dates fulfilled - Yeha!"
  • 63. "...okay, thanks babe, we had a great time and a dreamdate, too, now good- bye - don't forget to bring me flowers later..." " H-hey, that's all? One Kiss, and the date is over?" " 25.000 aspiration points, girl, that's nearly a maxed dating meter, what more do you want? I don't make the rules of this game..."
  • 64. " like bringing flowers over and over and... hey, wait a minute...there are some guys in the picture, I didn't date guys... well, except that one time..." " These are mine, little brother..." "What? I thought, you were a family Sim now, Sis...and what does Nick say to that? " Oh, Nicolai likes it, if I talk about my 'imaginary' erotic adventures..." "... you know, anyone with high moral standards should give you a lecture now... but since it's me, I just say 'Neeeeaaaat'...." " Thanks, Brian..."
  • 65. ... and now to something completely different: Bluewater village, Ground zero 1/2...
  • 66. ... the (former) GIeke Residence: *Bark* *Claf* *Bark* (translation: Hey, anybody still alive? I'm hungry, feed me!) "Unnng...."
  • 67. "...what was in the last drink, my head feels like...horns?"
  • 68. " Oh my... I mean, Holy Shi... I'm a teenager again! Even better: I'm a demon again!" ----- Remember her from last chapter? It's actually the Countess, just a bit younger... watch the previous chapter for more info...
  • 69. " Countess, is... is that you?" "Huh? Who are..."
  • 70. "...hey, isn't that you, Albert?" " Y... yeah, seems so..." "Okay, now this is totally weird... I'm a demon again, and you're a child... what happened?" " It... appears, that the time chamber had a little malfunction, and its temporal energies somehow changed us into earlier version of ourse... Oh no, my android! He fell into the chamber, when this explosion hit! Heavens, he was on Rampage mode! If he accidentely travels back in time, he could change history by destroying...!" " *Sigh* kid, if you'd told me earlier, that you build a killer androi... wait a minute, you wanted him to kill me, you little miscreant...!... oh well, nevermind... okay, I can assure you, that this guy wont cause any troubles to history... in fact, I knew that... holy crap, that means, that your this green [censored]'s grandfather...!" What are you talking about, Countess?" "Oh, forget it... where is this crazy Apoca-servo, by the way? Also traveling through time?"
  • 71. " No... he's... well.." " *Brzzl*... ERROR... this lot breaks the natural science restriction, no floor elevation allowed... ERROR...unable to follow apocafying protocol... *Brrrz*..." " He... changed back into a metal block? Okay, that's it, now I've seen it all..."
  • 72. "... after all, now that I'm a demon again, I'm finally able to return home... bye, Albert!"
  • 73. " Hey! stay here! Countess, you can't leave me here! I'm just a child now, what if the Social Service sees me? I don#t want to go to the..." " Sorry, kid, I'm not your babysitter... Yeah, Hell, here I come!!" " Countess, wait, I...!" - insert sound of loud, teleporter-like noise here, with the smell of sulphur and acid -
  • 74. " Oh... no... *snif*... I'm totally alone now... Mom, Dad, the Countess, my Android... I don't want to go to the orphanage... BOOHOOOOHOOOO...." " *Ssssh* Albert, don't cry... everything is alright, you're not alone anymore..." " *Snif*... who...?"
  • 75. " DAD! MOM! You're alive again!" " Yes, son, and all thanks to your incredible time chamber... seems like it even reverted us back to our alive, non-vampire state..." " Wow, now that's weird... how big are the chance that this happens...?" " *Brrzl*... chances are irrelevant, you have broken the rules, you have broken the rules... ERROR, not allowed ressurection, hacked objects, not allowed devampirisation, ERROR, ERROR, ERROR... hey, does anybody listen to me, you - break - the - rules, you... *Brrzl* "
  • 76. " OH Gerd, honey, isn't it wonderful, to be alive again..?... and we even got rid of the Countess... we are free!" " Yeah, babe, but we there are still some things, we have to solve... like ending the permawinter that our malfunctioning weather machine has caused...or rebuild our house, for that matter..." " Oh, Gerd, you're right... but we'll need money for that, and that really fast, or we'll get frozen..." " Yeah.... *sigh* one problem solved, another one arises... guess, the Countess doesn't have the problem of getting a cold, where she went..."
  • 77. meanwhile, at a really warm place... " Rock, Paper..."
  • 78. " YES! I DID IT! 25% of hell for me! I ROCK!" " DAMN! I hate this game! Why couldn't it be a chess match, like the Reaper does it...?" "... Dum-de-dum, Oh, Ich bau mir einen neuen Reichstag (translation: Dum-de-dum, Oh, I build myself a new 'Reichstag'...) --- Remember Sonicdude (wrote the Valistor Legacy)? A few chapters before, he started to bargain with HIM (you know, who is meant...): his Ex-girlfriend's (the founder of this legacy) adress against a part of hell to rule(!)... Also in the background, see HIS grandson, Simler... dont worry, punishment is on the way... ;)
  • 79. " See, Christina? I did it! I'm a ruler of hell now!" " ... Great Dad... took you long enough, after all... by the way, you have a grandson now... " " A grand...? Ohoh, Chrissi, you bad girl....." " Hell yeah, Mr. 'Dude', your daughter is surely a first class b..." " SHUT UP, MAXWELL! And to make it totally clear for both of you: I'm not going to call my boy Anti-Chris or something like that, understood?!" " ... sorry, dear..." ------ And here's Christina, Sonicdude's Offspring from a pregnancy experiment with the creator of this story... and it seems, she's now the mother of the An... ehr...oh, nevermind...
  • 80. "...anyway, I won! Soooo... we're clear on all part of the terms, right?" " Yeah, yeah... but first you'll tell me, where Anais is, then I hand you over the property documents!" " Nu, uh, first the documents, then the address, do you think, I'm stupid? " " *Sigh*... I have to admit, Mr. Sonicdude... in all the millenia I've never found such a hard bargaining partner... okay, you've won, I...." - insert loud teleportation noise here... sulphur and acid smell not necessary, we are already in hell...
  • 81. "...what the...?...Hey, you're..." " Oh dammit, not even a few seconds back home, and the first thing I see, is my Ex... "
  • 82. "'re Lilith! Girl, we haven't seen each other for an eternity - literally! How're you doing and... wow, you look as lovely as the first time we met...!" " Urgh... spare me your love confession, you little, treacherous..." " Aww... but Lilith... why so angry, that doesn't suit your sweet face... was it something I did...?"
  • 83. " SOMETHING YOU DID?! I tell you what you did: you betrayed me with another girl, turned me into a grand vampire - and do you think, gypsies sell their vamp-d to their main source of income? -, I wasn't able to go back to hell for thousands of years, had to deal with the Count and his stupidity, with vampires, dancing zombies, aliens, robots and other morons... AND YOU ASK ME, WHAT YOU DID??!! I HATE YOU... AND IF WE WEREN'T ALREADY THERE, I'D SAY: 'GO TO HELL!' " "Uh... girl... it that's still about Anais..." " DON'T SAY THAT NAME! I NEVER WANT TO HEAR IT! I HATE THIS GREEN FREAK AND HER WHOLE FAMILY... well, except Antoine perhaps, but..." " W..wait, don't tell me, you know where they are...?" " YOOOOUUUU... *Hfff*, know what, I'm done with you... I don't care anymore... I have my life back, why should I even bother... leave me alone, get lucky with this hoe..." " Yes, okay, but could you please tell me, where she is?" "... ..just follow the vampires, dancing zombies and other crap, can't miss it..."
  • 84. "...I'm out of here... hey Maxwell, long time no see... ohoh, who's that?" "Hey Lilith... yeah, well seems like I'm a daddy now, right? I'm going to call him..." " MAXWELL!" "...uh, not Anti-chris, okay... how about… Damien instead...?" "Bye, Lilith... and thanks for saving me from handing over hell..." " Wh.. what?" " Yep, that's right, Mr. Sonicdude, our contract is void now... why sould I pay for an information, I already have?"
  • 85. " YOU... you can't do that! We've already agreed on everything, you just can't say 'it's over', you...!" " Oh, can't I ? Well, watch me..." " I.. I will crash satellites on your head, sprinkle you with acid-canons, torture you with poisoned feathers..." " Mister Sonicdude... If you haven't realized already, I'm the ruler of hell... no matter, what kind of torture you can think of, I've already seen it... even more, most things came from my mind...and about the threats of a mere mortal I can only yawn..."
  • 86. " but... but ... that's not fair!" " Of course it's not fair! This is hell after all, it's supposed to be unfair!" " but.. but.." " But tell you what, you really impressed me... the bargaining, the ideas... well, I might be unfair, but not that unfair... so I guess, I can you a consolidation price instead..."
  • 87. "... you can have my grandson." " WAS?! (translation: What?!) " WHAT?!" " O..opa, ich... (translation: Grandpa, I...) " Instead of hell, you want to give me this... this... are you insane?!" " No, no, I insist on that... believe me, having him around, is truely a living hell, so you'll get in fact, what you wanted..."
  • 88. "...and now excuse me please, I have to plan my travel up to earth, have a nice day, you two..." " You... you... come back! We're not finished yet! I want my money back! I'm cancelling my vacation here immediately! I'll tell everyone of the bad service here...!" "... Opa, das kann nicht dein Ernst sein... (translation: Grandpa, you can't be serious...)"
  • 89. "... and you... you aren't allowed to speak, as long as your master hasn't allowed it, you dog! Burn!" " AAAIIIIIIEEEEEYYYYYY!!!" " I said 'Burn', not 'electrocute', you moron...!" " AAAAAWWWWWWWOOOOOO..."
  • 90. "....WOOOOOOOOHOOOH! Congrats to Graduation, Sis!" " Haha, thanks, Brian... but please, stop howling, I'm nearly peeing my pants..." " Well, that's why I'm doing it..." " You're mean..." " Yes, I am!"
  • 91. " Happy graduation, Hun!" " Oh Nick, I'm so happy...*sigh*, if only Beth could be here right now..." " Bah, I think, she's okay... I mean she's a romance Sim, Romance Sims always have a head of their own, so perhaps she just followed a bus full with muscular bodybuilders..." " That's not funny, Nick, Beth could be in danger..." " ...and therefore we have to moan and cry all day? Sorry, doll, but I have better plans... like... an engagement ring?" " Oh, Nick..." [insert romantic music here]
  • 92. ...and so, my time at college ended - GPA 4.0., around 50 friends, an uni lot for future generations, a community business, that reached level 10, I earned around 70.000 in cash - oh, and I became a prominent singer among the zombie community in our neighborhood... well, not as succesful as my Grandma, but it has to be enough...
  • 93. ... besides, I think, I've gained a good consolidation price...
  • 94. ... minus the morning sickness, of course... " Bawa wik?" " No, not sick, just working on the next generation, know, it's actually unbelievable, you're really my uncle, and my child will be your grandnephew... talk about late pregnancies..."
  • 95. ... yes, you've read right, dear reader, Uncle Jun - Alexandre Junior, to be precise - is my Grandmother Anais youngest child - and she would be able to spawn more kids, if she wants...!
  • 96. ...perhaps it isn't such a bad idea to die a natural death... uncle Tony for example has decided to do so... but before that, it seems, that he wants to mold his brother into a spittin' image of himself...
  • 97. ...because uncle Jun already shows this hunger... the hunger for knowledge... I mean, how many children do you know, who already can tell you everything about the chemical reactions, anatomical changes and biological processes during a pregnancy... okay, I was like him at that time, but it's a different thing, if you're one who's pregnant...
  • 98. ... and the initial pain is different as well, if you're the one who goes through it...
  • 99. ... but so is the joy... welcome to this world, Cecil Maurice Eden!
  • 100. Grandma and Grandpa adored little Cecil from the start - and put a bit of my stress away, so I could finally start searching for a job...
  • 101. ... and it took me only three days to find the one I was searching for... or better, I was meant for...
  • 102. ...a job as a musician! My career in college had me already prepared for 'professional' singing, so it was obvious, which career I'd choose... I'll be easily on top in no... oh, look at the time, I have to go... see you, and thanks for listening!
  • 103. Elsewhere: "YeeeHaaa.. another point for me! This'll be a new high score...!" *AHEM* "Oh....erh... Hi, ma... ehr, I was just..." " Yes, I see..."
  • 104. " ...sooo, my *dear* Plutonium... how's our student doing...?" " Well, Ma...see, Bethany is.. she is...well..." " Yesss...?" " *sigh*... well, she's totally perfect, if it's about theory... you should see her thesis of all the possibilities you could kill somebody succesfully...heck, there were some methods, even I didn't knew...!" "and in practice...?" "UH, well... that's..."
  • 105. " Uh, Da... I mean, Mr. Apocalypso? I'm finished with my essay about the Marquis de SimSade - boy, I didn't knew, that he was in fact a revolutionary and fought for a free Simhood - may I now go play some kicky bag with the others? Oh, and Mrs. Julia wanted to show me some new cosmetic tips, and Larch promised me to..." " OH, I KNEW IT! YOU'RE USELESS! I'm telling you to drill her to become evil, and all you do, is to put her into a classroom and give her homework!" "Ma... it's not that easy... I've made big progress with her, she's already starting to forget her homework and..." "....Okay, that was the last straw! The Count's missing, my other Self in SnootCB's 'hood just turned into a family Sim, my son 's an imbecile, my granddaughter is a potty goddamn goody girl... I can't take this any more!!!" "M... Ma, calm down, I...." " SILENCE!... from now on, I''ll take things into my own hands... Girl, come here, we need to... 'talk'...!"
  • 106. Soon - into an old abandoned factory made by V1ndicare at, that just needed to be in the story, because it's so cool....
  • 107. " G... Grandma, what are we doing here? I thought you just wanted to talk..." " No, no talking anymore, no stupid studies... to be evil, the best way to achieve it, is practice..." " Can't I just write a theory over...?" " No! But don't worry, I've already took care, that you'll learn it in the easiest way possible..." " Y... you're not going to hurt me, Grandma, do you?" "No, but I want you to hurt somebody else, dear... ah, there he comes..."
  • 108. " Hello Uranium, hello guys, Wow, now that's a great place for an evil me... *gasp*... Be.. Bethany, you here?" " N... Nick Wood? Is that you?" " Hello to you too, Mr. Wood, thanks for coming..." " W... what is the meaning of this, Grandma?"
  • 109. " Oh, no big mystery, Beth, Mr. Wood is just one of my minions..." " What?!" " And a really useful one... see, to finally get rid of your family, I wanted him to infiltrate and kill you all... and he was rather successful so far, he already killed your uncle and your stepfather..." " Uh, yeah, about the killing thing... Uranium, may I ask you a favor? I mean, can we keep my fiancé alive? See, I really like her, I mean, I admire Loki Beaker, but I always had a weak spot for Chloe Single..."
  • 110. " YOU... you want to kill my family?!" "No, dear, he'd already started... though I had hoped, there would be another death soon..." "Hey, they are getting more careful... my mother-in-law for example runs around with guns the whole day... oh, but I've already 'preparated' them, one shot, then 'BOOM'..." " Impressive..." " YOU... YOU... TRAITOR!!" " Uh... isn't she on our side? I figured, since she's here..." " Oh, she isn't... not yet... but hopefully..."
  • 111. *Slap*Slap*Slap* " YOU... YOU SWINE! BASTARD! CREEP! TWAT! SON OF A...!" " OWEEH!" "Perfect, dear, that's the spirit... seems like your evil genes are finally kicking in... oh by the way, he also said one time, that your butt looks too big for him..." " I'd never..AUUGH!"
  • 112. " H...HELP! I...ARRG!" "WOOO, finally some action!" "Impressive, Uranium, sacrificing your own minion..." " Bah, he was already turning against me as well, Larsee, trying to bargain, you've heard him... besides, I want the whole family dead, so this includes him, too..." "I can feel it... the force is strong with her... it's true, fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger to hate, hate to..." " Yeah, yeah, something like that, Lord..."
  • 114. " Uhhh... do you think it's normal, that flames start to erupt during a fight?" " Uh, oh, this is not looking good... m.. maybe we should better take shelter, before it's going to..."
  • 116. " W...w... what... happened? W.... who...?"
  • 117. " *Unng*... that's it, I quit... Uranium, do you hear me? Everyone around you is constantly in danger.." " *Hhfff*... everyone still alive? I mean, in one part?" " Y...yeah, seems so... but where's Bethany...?" Over here, Dad... " B... Bethany? Is... is that you?" Yes, Grandma... " B... Bethany... e... everything okay?"
  • 119. fact, I feel better than ever before...
  • 120. ... better than ever, hahahar...!... well, but I could some new clothes... *DUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUN DUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUN DUN* to be continued
  • 121. Epilogue I: "...Uhnn... Nick, where are you? I... I think, another baby is coming..."
  • 122. Epilogue II: Mission report 004: The. Count. is. the. biggest. idiot. ever! " Hello, my dear strange passer-by's... uh, could you tell me the way to the ultra-secret prison, where the creator of this neighborhood is trapped? It seems, that I've got a bit lost..." " Uh... no?" "Mate, pinch me... oh yeah, you don't have anything to pinch... anyway, I've never expected to see someone, who is even dumber than you..." " Oh, thank you Capt'n..."