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Far away from Eden ep. 7.1. : History repeats ?
Chapter 7.1. of my apocalegacy: Campus, Vampires, Zombies, Demons - and Subplots, lots off!!
Family Name: Wohnheimer
Lot Name: Oasen-Wohnheim (5 Zimmer)
Categories: Komödie,Lebensgeschichten der Sims,Satire
" *ahem*...'Hello and Welcome to the
next installment of Little Nemo's aka
TwilightOutside's first (Apoca)Legacy
ever, this time starring me, Beatrice Eden,
granddaughter to the Founder Anais
Eden, from Nemo's lost neighborhood,
Edenville. For a quick background of'...
no, this won't work, considering the
fact I don't have an own introductory
chapter... but I still advise anyone to
read the former episodes first....well,
let's continue here instead: 'Rules for
the Legacy Challenge and Apcoalypse
Challenge by Pinstar can be found at'.... oh, and
the updated AC version for Bon
Voayage in the Apocalypse Chat at or the exchange,
of course..."
fun fact: Compare Beatrice's introduction
with the introduction of episode 1 of this
" 'As perhaps you've already
recognized, like most other
apocalypse challenges, we're at the
campus at La Fiesta Tech, there are
already enough fre...' no, this is
offensive, besides, regarding the
number of fre... of people not
matching the common requirements
of society in this neighrborhood -
vampires, zombies, aliens and
simselfs specifically- , 'normal' people
start to achieve this status...
Anyway: 'A short Look at my
personality: I'm a virgo, with a
personality of 4/7/8/3/3 - born
10/3/7/7/3. My turn-ons are custom
hair and glasses, my turn-offs
muscle's'... note to myself: change
turn-on's/off's later...'...and I rolled
popularity for myself - lifetime want
become a hall of famer...'*sigh*, not
achievably in college, hopefully an
aspiration change'll help..."
" Hmmmm...'... this time, I start at an
empty lot, to av...', no, not totally
correct... in fact, I'll start at the 'former'
empty lot my grandmother lived
on(!)... with all the achievements she
left here... 125 bottles of Elixir = 5
Legacy points...
...Somehow this place... it makes me
admire my grandmother... she was an
extraordinary Student... in honour of
her I wont delete these objects - since
they're restricted by the handicaps
anyway, this wont be such a
Ehrr... well, where was I...? Ah yes: '
to make it harder, Legacy handicaps were
added, as it were:
- The Apocalypse (obviously - though
there wasn't a nuclear disaster, but
vampires taking control over the
neighborhood... watch chapter 2...),
- Aspiring to do it the hard way,
- Do it yourself,
- Free roaming Ghosts,
- Fearless,
- Matriarchy,
- Noble Composure,
- One way street,
- Presidential Physical Fitness,
- Storyteller,
- and True love... whew, that's 19 points
in total...
Originally 'middle of nowhere' was
another handicap, but with the rule
update for the AC with pets - who
couldn't go to work without a carpool -
Pinstar ruled, that these handicaps could
not be combined anymore...'... okay, did I
forget to mention something... ah,
'...Okay, since the lot already costs
around 200 Simoleons, we have to choose
our equipment carefully...',.. yes, this is
still a vital maxime, although unlike
my Grandmother, I have a larger
amount of cash - 9500,- precisely - to
spend... and unlike her, the possibility
to create a student residence - though
sadly not a student union - for
common generations, as long as one of
our family stays here..."
"... and, since my younger brother
Brian will join me soon, I'll start right
now... first step: after removing some
of the bottles, I'll create foundation
elements and buy one stilt - a non-
talking one, basically to avoid further
subplots -, then use it to place a floor
at the next level..."
"... so I'll have a roof covering the
driveway I'll place now, while I add
further foundation elements..."
"... before I sell the luxurious chair
from my inventory - a (non-restricted)
gift from my mother for college and
part of the Glamour accessory add-on
- for additional 1200 Simoleons..."
"... to add further build elements and
also buy an expensive (and motive-
regaining) hot car for campus and
downtown excursions..."
"... which I'll immediately start... and
while I will do a first inspection to the
'apocalyptical' campus ground, I
advise you to read the following sup-
plot elements of this chapter, to gain
vital information of the current state
of the different fractions in our
neighborhood... thank you, and see
you hopefully later..."
Location: F.a.f.E Simself Lair, former
SimSim Prison by HaspHiba3:
" And now...."
"... Smile!"
" Hello to you all!"
" Wow, the first Simself crowd of
2008,... that's now... around 60
Simselfs on this lot!... we really get
some traffic here..."
from left to right:
- LorinV60, completed the 'an apocalypse
scrap book'-AC, writes the 'romancing
" Greetings to the readers!"
*Meow?* (translation: can anybody
hug me, please?)
from left to right:
- DrSupremeNerd - writes the Vetinary
- Starfrostplayer - writes the Legacy of
Doom -Legacy
- BlueberryPie360 - writes the 'Bearly
alive' Apocalypse Challenge
- NoName aka Shadowyfigure24 - writes
the Guild Wars Apocalypse -
Trythalona's last Hope - Apocalypse
- Dellyo aka Kathie - writes the
'Apocalypse in Death Valley'-Challenge
- Wontons4life - writes the 'Dance the
- Dwhalen213 and her Hubby Sean -
writes the Legosta Twins - Apocalypse
challenge - they started smooching on
their own, I swear!
- plus, Robbie the cat and his kitten Bette
from the Eden household, gifted to the
Simselfs to avoid starvation of them due to
the culinary restriction.
" Okay, once again, I'd like to
welcome you all here at the F.a.f.E.,
hope you'll enjoy your stay, and
advise to follow the common rules,
such as not killing each other, don't
pee in the pool, don't make babies
with Gage... yep, he's here, though we
temporarily banned him from the lot,
in case anyone of you here is allergic
to werewolf hairs...or Gage
so, any questions?"
" Oh, oh, I have one!"
" Yes, Starfrost?"
" What about Nemo? The story says,
that Uranium has captured him to get
control of this neighborhood and the
vampires here... which is strange,
since... well, we are inhis story, or
"... Starfrost, you know, you're
breaking the fourth wall with that,
"... and what I really want to know, is,
what you're going to do about that? I
mean, you sit here, partying around...
has nobody thought of...ehr... a secret
rescue team or so to...well, 'finding
Nemo' ?"
" Well, Star, if you really want to
know, you should ask... Nemo
" Ehrr.. Hello..."
"Hey, it's him!"
"Nemo's back!
" Did we miss a subplot sequence...?"
" Hey, Nemo, where's your
" Ehr, well.."
" Nemo, wie konntest du Uranium
entkommen? "
"...I beg your pardon?"
" Hallo, Deutsch? Du kommst aus
Deutschland, also verstehst du mich
doch... oder liegt das am Helm?"
" Ehrrr.. ah, yes , now I understand
you... sorry, no, it wasn't the helmet,
I'm just not... well, used to German..."
" Was?... I mean: What?"
" Well, truth to be told, I'm not... well,
I am partially, but... oh the heck, I'm
not the 'real' Nemo...
and no, 'he' didn't escape Uranium...
okay, now it's out..."
" ??? "
" Oh, okay, to give you the whole
concept: you know, that you can
upload Simselfs to the exchange,
" Yes..."
" Well, what you possibly don't know,
is that, while there is now the
possibility to download you at an
unlimited number, it's still 'you', who
appears in another
creators/stringpullers etc. realm...
limited in power, a bit different in
character, but still you... it's like...
living in multiple bodies at the same
time... sometimes you don't know
directly, where one of these 'Selfs' are,
but deep within your
subconsciousness, you still know..."
" ??? "
" I know, it sounds strange, but
believe me, it's the case... I made this
experience after what happened to
me... or him... whatever..."
" Well, to sum it up short... due to a
rare combination of factors... the first
Simselfs, m...him giving them enough
money to make any fortune Sim
insane, *sob*... growing custom
content, writer's block etc... well,
Uranium was not only able to capture
m..him, but in the same process to...
'separate' him from his other 'Selfs' -
it's like... 'corporeal schizophrenia' or
so - so we don't know, where the 'real'
Nemo is....
...Okay, sometimes I...we can receive
some of his thoughts, but we can't
communicate with him, and he
doesn't seem to know the place, where
he's captured either... and finally,
none of 'us' - power limit, remember?
- has the power to control the
neighborhood nor face Uranium... and
no other Simself here as well, not even
Ephemeraltoast, even if it's her Sim,
but since it's not her legacy, so... well,
only thing, 'I' can do, is to give
comments to the storyline, as I've
already did, while the actually
storyline is written by the family
*crickets chirping*
" Huh? Hey, where are you all of a
sudden?... Uh, that's angsty... am I in
the twilight zone?"
" Nemoclone, what are you still doing
there? Come in, there is a free place at
the bubble blower for you...!"
" Hey, my name isn't 'Nemoclone', I'm
Nemo... sort of...*Sigh*, why does
nobody ever listen to me....?"
Change of Location... yes, that's still me,
and I'm not 'Nemoclone', is that
clear...?... well, insert metallic, electronic
and mechanical sounds here for the
"... Pffft, are you finished some
day..?... damn, to think, how fast some
other Sims are able to get a robot gold
the Countess: former allied to the Count,
the 'official' leader of the evil vampire
army - unofficially, a chipmunk could do
better work - now on her own, officially
trying to redeem herself by reversing the
effects of the 'vampocalypse'... we'll see,
we'll see...
" Okay, that's it!! How often do I have
to tell you, Countess, that a robot gold
badge is not, I repeat, is NOT enough
for what you want me to do... this
involves great mechanical skills,
knowledge... heck, I'll have to rewrite
the basic of physic for that...!!!"
Note: Remember Albert Gieke? The Son of
Lucy and Gerard Gieke (- the OfB Nerd)
from chapter 2 (- little picture)? If not...
well, read episode 2 and the following
chapters... seems, that he has grown up...
" Yeah, yeah, whatever... I'm a
Pleasure Sim, why should I bother
with these details, otherwise I'd have
done this stuff myself... and didn't
need to rely on incompetent idiots all
the time... like your parents, for
example... "
" Watch your tongue, boy... I may rely
on you now, but I'm not in the mood
for another one of your stupid
outbreaks.. and it's up to your choice
joining your parents..."
[insert spiritual music here:]
" *Sigh*... she's so rough with him all
the time... oh Gerard, we shouldn't
have tried to delay your work, even if
it was threatening the whole
"... yes, I know... but It would've been
too dangerous giving her this
technology... hopefully Albert has
more luck than us... *sigh*, if only you
hadn't been a secret spy of her trying
to seduce me..."
"Oh Gerard, I'm still so sorry... but at
that time, and being a knowledge
Sim... I just couldn't resist the offer to
turn into a vampir, be a secret spy and
conquer the neighborhood... can you
ever forgive me?"
" Oh, never mind... I'd have done the
same thing..."
" *Snif*.. oh, Gerard..."
" *Snif* WAAAAH, you killed my
parents, you soulless murder! I'm
totally alone now! you even forced me
to grow up before I could go to
reopened college... I swear, one day,
I'll take revenge and then you'll...!!!"
" Bla, bla... yes, I know, you've told me
already... sorry 'Fatman', but this
whole 'Avenge-my-parents-death'-
thing wont work, because I'm the one
here, who strikes fear into the hearts
of the weak and wears black... not to
mention that I can turn into a real
bat... now if you'll excuse me, I have
the need bite to bite some people after
this boredom... and don't forget, try to
run and you'll regret it, you hear
" Pffft, what a whiner... does
somebody even count as a knowledge
Sim, who never rolls the want to
become a vampire, see his parents
ghost etc. at all...? "
*Bark, bark, Bark, Bark* (translation:
Secret Agent Flea to secret Werewolf
empire central: Elvis has left the building,
I repeat, Elvis has left the Building... )
Note: if you've read the former chapters,
you now, that the dogs of the
neighborhood are in fact spies of the secret
werewolf empire... too bad, that there still
aren't any werewolves yet, except Gage...
and hey, I didn't thought that out, that
was the 'real' Nemo, okay...?
" Grrrr... and I still swear, she'll pay..."
"... and I will get my revenge..."
"... and you're going to help me with
that, my friend, right?"
...oh, oh... to be continued... arg, why I
can't just tell and show you ... damn
Anyway, next Location: the Counts
Castle, headquarter of the evil vampire
army - and yes, it's Uranium Apocalypso
from Ephemeraltoast's Apocalpyse A -Go-
Go, who is really in charge, while the
Count..., well...
"... and if you steal my underwear just
one more time, I'll skin you alive and
wear you as a coat, is that clear?!!!"
" Ooooh... but I like to wear these
things, my love...*drool*..."
" Oh, you...hrrgh... buy some yourself,
" Uhhm... couldn't you do that for me,
my Love... I mean, I'm a Count, what
will people think, if I...?"
"... I don't believe this, there are
dozends of Counts out there, but I'm
the one stuck with Count
Crossdresser-in-the-closet...!... Okay,
but at least make yourself useful then,
go downtown, bite some people, and
stop looking like a puppy at me,
Note: for the Counts hidden desires,
watch the former chapter... Warning:
don't get blind while looking at him...
" *Sigh*... she's always so rough...
awww, if I just weren't so in love with
and so...
" Gaaaaze..."
... both the Count AND the Countess...
...paid the downtown a visit,....
... and raised the local vampire population
... and this time, they didn't even stop by
biting only regular townies, Simselves
were on their list, too, like Renee aka
Cowforbrains (Ashbua Legacy,
AgainLegacy et al.)- well, she already was
a zombie and/or werewolf before, so being
a vampire isn't that bad...
... or Willowdanin ( Armageddon
Apocalypse Challenge)....
...or MichelleFobbs (a Planetary
Apocalypse -Challenge)...
...or SnootCB (the Apocachocolypse AC)...
...and now for a little Break from our
regular schedule:
"Bleh!... Hi folks, I'm the rich guy from
bon voyage, who tramps around with
his family... as you see, I've got
infected with vampirism... so don't
forget, to prevent getting any diseases
while traveling to foreign countries,
get your shots first, its better, believe
"Urrrrgl... right, dear citizens, health
protection is important, say's zombie
maior Goopy too... so if you go to vote
this year,remember how important a
functioning health care system is and
vote again for Goopy!"
... this totally pointless election special
was brought to you on request of zombie
maior Goopy... sorry, these subplots have
a life of their own, can't do anything
about this... though my advise, if there is
an election and you won't vote, don't stay
at home, rather give it to Goopy literally...
it won't count, but they're still part of the
actual percentage of all voters, and can
give politicians headaches, if their
percentage of votes sounds lower... ;)
... and now - you all had your shots now,
right? - up to a new location... insert
hawaian beach music here....
"... Aaaah, that's life...."
... and yes, that's Sonicdude (the Valistor
Legacy) again, Leader of the zombie army
of this neighborhood... or rather, zombie
dance group, or dancing army, or...
" Daaad...!"
" *grunt*.... Oh, please, what is it this
time? First you scream: 'Are we there
yet?' all the time on the way here..."
" I did not!"
" ... well, then it must've been in a
movie I've seen... anyway, what're
you complaining about? It's warm, the
organisation of this place is great,
interesting scenery..."
" DAD, THIS IS..."
... and this is his daughter Christ(!)ina... a
pregnancy experiment with one of.. the
'other' Nemos in fact... poor girl...
" ... HELL!!!!"
...replace hawaian beach music with punk
and heavy metall, including screams of
the damned, sounds of burning flesh,
molten lava and... hawaian beach music in
a loop for the rest of your life...
oh, and again: this is parody-only,
hopefully nobody gets offended by making
fun of religious themes...
" Ah, Ah, Ah, isss sssomebody here
ssscreaming... oh, new guestssss...
temporarily or permanent, yessss?"
" Temporarily... though with this brat
I'm ready to take another vacation
right after this one..."
" Ah, I ssseeee.... zeeee 'villainsssss
special', right? "
" Correct... first I thought about
Kuba,... what was the name of that
place... Gu... Guan... anyway, Hell had
better prices, and the exchange for
souls was currently better than
" D....DAAAD, THAT IS...."
" ....'HIM' !!!!"
" Didn't I tell you to stop screaming, if
other people are around... and he's the
manager of this place, so would you
please finally behave, okay?!"
Note: Remember 'him'? A tip: think of
Eden... or just read episode 4 again...
" Oh, no ssssweeaaat, Mr...
Ssssonicdude, right? We've already
had contact, yessss?"
"Hm? Oh, yesss... I mean, yes, we
did... you're still not going to hand me
over hell, right?"
" Ssssorry, I'm afraid not... and zissss
issss your daughter, right?"
" Yes... sadly, she didn't turn quite
right... must've been bad blood from
her mother.... you wouldn't possibly
trade her against a vacation house
" Again I'm sssorrry, Mr.
Ssssonicdude... ssspoiled bratsss aren't
my favourite Ssssoulssss either... in
fact, even my own ccchildren didn't
turn out sssso...oh, well..."
" You have children?"
" Oh, yessss.... in fact, I've tried lotsss
of timessss over zeee millenia to get a
decccent heir... ssstill no sssuccesss,
"... Boss, have you time?"
"...excussse me a moment... yeeesss,
" There is a guy, who want's to speak
with you... say's, he's your
" Oh for zzze love of... I mean, if you
jussst ssspeak of 'me'... okay, sssend
him over...."
"... and there is another petition from
the potty god followers, they're still
complaining about the fact, that they
are all sent here..."
" I don't have zzeee time for that yet,
jusssst double zzzzheir
punissshment... oh, and ssstill no
toiletssss for them, yesss?"
" Sure thing, boss!"
Note: credits to Ophidia for making the
Ssss... snake skin at mts2, and for pontiac
1979 to make Maxwell's horns... and to
the guy, who made the red skin and
uploaded it at the exchange...
" ...Ssssooo..."
" Ähh... Hallo, Opa... " [translation:
Hello, Grandfather...]
" Adolph... you're ssstarting to annoy
me.... what issss it zzzisss time... again
not allowed to artssss academy?
Cccchurchill? Or jussst your favourite
religssssion again?"
" Ich... ich... sie haben mich gekillt...
[translation: I... I... they killed me...]"
" And now you're asssking me to...
" Ich...."
" I told you, Adolph, zzzhat I wont
tolerate your failuresss anymore... !"
" Ich... Ich.... WAAAAH... *sob*!"
" Ah, ah... Adolph.... ssstop crying....
I'm sssorry, my temper... you're ssstill
my favourite grandsssson after all....
okay? Now come, I'll sssend Mr. Grim
a note, you'll be ressssurrected in no
Note: I think, I can speak for the 'real'
Nemo as well, that this is again meant as
a parody, and after all, It's 'Simler', not...
but I already said last time, that he'll
pay... prepare for more...
" Ah, thisss boy isss driving me zzeee
nutsss... but I'm ssstill proud of him...
hisss father turned out to be zzza
nearly complete failure, but he... had
potenzzzial... too bad, zzzzat zzzis is
ssstill no guarantee for
" Brrr... I never understood, why they
made you boss here... but if he's your
" Grandsssson, pleasse... and assss I
sssaid, he'sss rather dumb.... though
not the worssst of my ancessstors...
well, that'sss the crosss with zzeee
women, you'll never find zzeee right
"... *sigh*... and accctually it'ssss no
wonder... becaussse I've already
found zzzeeee right one... but...well, I
wasss young at zzzat time, and then
ssshe broke up with me.... I ssshould
have forgiven her zzzat inssstead....
Oh [csssencored]...."
Note: watch ep. 4 again... ;)
" Well... only for information... why
didn't you at least try it then..or force
her to come back to you, if it's stil
" Sssadly, Mr. Ssssonicdude, this wont
be posssible anymore... asss I sssaid, I
wassss young, and it hasss been a long
time ssssincce then... and ssshe never
came down here, ssso...."
" Wait, so you don't know...???"
" What?"
"... Hm...well, what if I tell you, that I
know...uhm... a way, to get your girl
back, alive and still sexy?"
"... Do you mean zzzat... for real?"
" Yes... yes, of course, now what
would you give me for that, hm?"
"... what issss your pricssse...?"
" I want the HELL! "
insert thunder cracks and DUN DUN
DUN DUN DUN here...
" The... Hell?! Are you insane?!!"
" Hey, where did your funny 'Ssssnake
accent' go...?"
" Screw the accent, that's only for paying
customers, and you're lucky, that I'm still
bound to the contract, or I'd keep you
here right now... and believe me, It'll be a
feast for me, once you come down here
permanently, to get the information out
of you..."
" Oh, this'll be a long time then, because
once I've conquered the world... how
many cowplant victims are currently
living there...?"
" You're pushing your Luck, kiddo..."
" Okay, okay, how about a partnership
then at least... 50% of hell's worth, okay?"
" YOU.... 0,00001 %, not more..."
" 49,9999 %, or we'll forget it..."
" NO!"
" then forget it..."
" .... 0,05 %, and I'm really generous with
" ... 49,5 %, or I'll go..."
" Grrnghrmblnr... Last offer: 0,5 %!"
" 49, 499999%"
" You're kidding, right..?.. 0,1 %, and I'll
get your daughter in exchange!"
" Never...!...and I want a harem of demon
chicks for her at least!"
" DAD!"
" A demon..?.. you'll get my grandmother
at most!"
" At least five demon chicks...!"
" One!"
" Daaaddddy... *sob*"
" Hehe, don't worry, sweetheart... if
there's something, the boss likes more
than punishing souls, it's striking a good
deal... and this one'll take quite some
time, I think... sooo, in the meantime,
how about us spending some 'quality
time' together, hmmm...?"
... sadly, to be continued...oh, I see, we're
through with the sub-plots for now... okay,
finally back to Beatrice and her campus
"... oh, hello, dear readers, sub-plots
are over? Then, let me tell you now,
what happened to me in the
meantime... currently I spend some of
my time at the Temporary Campus
... which was built, while the political
instability still wont allow bigger
buildings, if they aren't for vampires
only... no great comfort, but enjoyable...
we have a sauna, massage dishes, a camp
fire...well, it's a start...
... and this is the Campus Temporary
Centre...nothing big either...
... but at least it offers a basic standard of
educational needs... CIP Pool, books, a big
television screen for guest lecturers...
most of our professors are actually guest
lecturers, who adivse us via the media
from outside the country...
... and, of course, an electronics stand
with cellphones... still, there seems to be a
lag from the overload of the
communication servers even here at
campus... this made it harder for me, to
get in contact with the members of the
secret society, that my Grandmother
Luckily, I was able to trace them down by
old pictures, showing my grandmother
with members of the society - like this one
- or, according to time passed, probably
his son, who just falls to the admirable
money grabbing skills of this obviously
treacherous NPC... I wonder, if I'll could
achieve these skills, too?
...another member was Maja, actually the
second person my Grandmother was ever
friend of... she became the Connection
student for Vampires at Campus, working
for a better understanding between
vampires and non-vampires... a honorable
goal, Hopefully it'll work out...
... finally, since I'd achieved enough
friendships with secret society members -
the beforementioned as well as my
Grandmother - I also became friends with
our Prof... she knew my Grandmother,
and immediately followed my Uncle's
call, when they reopened campus... she
had a safe place downtown, but no car, so
I took her with me a few times... of course,
this wasn't in any way related to the fact,
that I was one of her best students...
...and still determined to my goal, to get
even with my Grandmothers 'greatest'
achievement... 130 best friends!...
Admittedly, times are harder, friendships
do easier end now... but I'll try hard, and
I have some advantages unlike my
Grandmother : Business perks for advance
friendship, maximized skills... and a
bigger pool of possibly friends, alive and
undead, then she ever had...
... but of course, I didn't let my other
skills go loose... so I achieved a Gold
stylist Badge on my travels, be
upright, this achievement was also
connected to a loss...well, I've just had
achieved my Silver badge together with
Jon, a student I shared three bolts with
... when all of a sudden, the Count
appeared, making him the next victim of
his diabolical scheme... I only could escape
with sheer luck... only to find, that the
Count had strangely plundered the whole
underwear section, just when I had
enough money from styling to spend into
new clothes...*sigh*
... but nevermind... while downtown, I
met of course some of my family members,
too... and also Nicolai, the spouse selected
for me, when I was chosen Heiress...
strangely, he wasn't too pleased seeing me
... but I added that to the fact, that I still
had to study four more years, until we
could get married and found the next
generation... still, I already discussed the
number of babies we'd need to continue
the legacy... I suggested him to have three
babies at least, plus additonal ones, if they
weren't girls...
... his reaction, however... was bit a cold...
... and then he accused me of being a
heartless monster... only thinking about
achieving babies, like they were skill
points... not to mention 'his' feelings, if
he'd even get any right in this decision, if
he even wants children...
...In fact, deep down, he was touching a
nerve... I've really never thought about
that... and I started to wonder, if it was
the same, when my dear father, General
Long, joined our family... had anyone ever
asked him, when it was opened to him,
that he had to marry my baby mother and
have children with her...?
... with that in mind, I assured him, that
of course he had a right to discuss the
topic with me... only circumstances
forbade, to decide against children at all...
but if there was anything, to made this...
sacrifice easier for him...?
... his anwser was quite... perplexing at
first, but in the end somehow logical...:
'Money'!... well, as a Fortune Sim, he
clearly suffered great from the
vampocalypse and his restrictions,
regarding buying new objects... so money
was the only thing, that could possibly
brighten his days... though I had hoped
for... something else as a compensation...,
but never mind...
... and since there was a still a College
house to build, too, I found, it was a good
time, to try out the new options brought
in with the Bon voyage Add-on... though I
couldn't imagine, that there was actually
a chance to dig up any treasures here, far
away from any sea's or piratical
... so I was more then surprised, to find
anything at all during my digging... like
... or water pipes...and of course, the water
was still poisoned due to evil vampires
... but even these misfortunes couldn't
stop me from continuing this quest...
... and in the end, it paid out...happy, I
was able to give my grandmother the
achievements of my diggings for Nicolai...
... three treasure maps, which probably
showed the way to three pirate treasures!
" Pffft... couldn't you give me a real
treasure instead? what should I do
with these maps? Do you think, I'll
follwo these maps now... only to find
out, that there aren't probably any
treasures, but perhaps only stupid
medicin men, zen guys and bigfoot's
... again, there were things I didn't really
thought about... so I had to switch to
another way to get money...
... but it wasn't until my Uncle Antoine,
who visited downtown...
... to meet his new girlfriend, to help me
find another solution... though this isn't
about his new girlfirend, but his other
...Ephemeraltoast, writer of the
Apocalypse A-Go-GO... a real surprise for
me, since my Uncle was normally rather...
biased against Simselfs...perhaps it was
really true, and age has... well dampened
his sharp intellect a bit...
" Haha, won again!"
" Damn, how can you possibly win
every time?"
" Well, if you're always trying it with
" That's not a paper, that's a treasure
map, and treasure maps belong to
pirates, and pirates always win..."
" Well, this isn't a scissor either, it's a
double forked Hook, and Hooks
belong to pirates as well..."
" Really?"
" Yup!"
" Damn..."
... then again, Simselfs aren't known for
their sharp intellect, either...
... though there are exceptions...
" Greetings, dear Simself, I'm sorry,
but I just couldn't overhear you and
my uncle talking about pirates right
now... see, I'm currently on a quest
digging for pirate treasures, but so far
I don't know, where to search
exactly... you can, by any means,
provide me with any vital information
about pirate treasures and possible
"... You know, you're a weirdo: you
claim to be a Popularity Sim, but
you're acting like a [censored]
Knowledge you actually
listen to your own words at all...?"
"... Oh, I'm sorry, if my manner of
speak causes you any inconvenience,
if you want I'll try adapt it to a level
better understandable for
you...*ahem*... 'Hey buddie, got infos
fer' me? I'm currently digging fer'
nothing, that sucks... now gimme'
some words already..."
"... how did you actually get any
friends at all?"
"... ehr... I stun them?"
"...whatever... okay, to answer your
question: if you're searching for
treasures, the best way to find them,
is... to forget it! "
"... I beg your pardon...?"
" *sigh*, for someone so smart, you're
amazingly dumb... girl, most pirates
never ever even had enough money,
that it was neccessary to dig the
smallest hole in the ground... Tortuga,
Port Royal... all these places were
made to let pirates lose their money
faster, then they could earn it... I'm
surprised, that you even tried it... I
mean, who would be so dumb to
think, that they could actually find
anything else, then..."
- absolute unavoidable subplot sequence
with Jack Sparrow and Frank the Stilt -
"... bones, waterpipes... I'm starting to
loose hope, mate..."
" Oh, oh, oh, Captain, why don't we
just hide a treasure first and then
search for it? I bet, we'll find a
treasure then!"
"Mate, we're 'searching' for a treasure,
because we don't have one..."
" Ohhh, I haven't thought of that..."
"... if we could at least find anything to
get out us out of this
neighborhood...too many Undeads
here, Mate, I can tell..."
"... well, anyway... if you really want
to make money... Sing!"
" ... I beg your pardon?"
" *sigh*, Girl, you've got all 10
creativity points... just start singing
and wait for other to give you money
for that... heck, you can even make
friends that way... never thought of
"... in fact, I've already thought about
it... but found it a rather unlogical
solution... I don't think, that people
will share money under these harsh
" Oh, for the love of... tell you what,
just do it... now if you'd excuse me, I
have the need to ask a certain helmet
guy, if all his Sims are Thesaurus
addicted, but don't have any social
... uh, oh...
... though I didn't achieve the information
I had hoped for, I followed the Simselfs
advice... and was surprised, to find so
many admirers of music, even in this
harsh times...
... were it Simselfs or regular townies, at
the disco or regular lots...
...with or without stink... *ahem*.. well,
but I earned my first five thousand rather
... though what I didn't expect, was the
interest I seemed to cause for a specific
fraction, the zombies(!)... of course, I was
relieved, that they only wanted to talk
with me, not devour me alive...
... instead I had the Honour, to meet the
Leader of the zombies in our
neighborhood, General Don Zombie...
Don Zombie, made my Maxis... and
Candie020765 of course, was named
General by Sonicdude, while being on
vacation... see former... well, you know
" Hello, Bea, I'm pleased to meet you...
the Guys said, you're a really good
" Thank you, Mr. Zombie... uhm,
you're not going to devour me, right?"
" Wha... no, of course not... unless
you're bowl of chili in disguise... or a
bottle of Booze... what wouldn't I do
for some booze now..."
"... I'm sorry to interrupt you, Mr.
Zombie, but... according to my
knowledge of the existing fractions in
these neighborhood, aren't zombies...
well, declared as evil forces? At least
there was a claim, that they try to
conquer the neighborhood, too, which
" Pfft... not this old story again...."
" Is this an anwser to my question?"
"... Mrs. Eden, I assure you... I never
wanted this whole conquering-the-
neighborhood-thing... I'm a rather
peaceful guy, who just got a job he
never wanted... believe me, I'd be
happy, if I could live in peace with my
family and with enough booze and
chili, far away from the troubles of
this neighborhood... "
"... Hm, yes, this sounds convincing...
still, I don't understand, why you're
interested into my musical skills
" Oh, rather easy, Mrs. Eden... see, the
guy who actually called me here,
wanted dancing zombies... don't know
why... well,as I said, I'm not really into
conquest... and since booze and chili
doesn't even seem to exist here... why
not spent my time with something
useful at least...?... and well, dancing
requires music, so..."
" May I interpret the meaning of your
words the way, that you... want to
hire me to sing for your zombies?"
"... well, yes, Bea, that's the whole
point... I admit, this may sound rather
odd first..."
" What will be my payment?"
"... so you accept?"
" With an appropriate payment, yes."
" Okay, well, then... tell your price..."
... and after getting offered a really
generous payment, I got my first bigger
'Gig'. We decided for a small concert first
to get to know each other better at the
newly opened concert hall, the 'Burned
... and truth to be told, it was a rather
enjoable evening...
Okay, listen up, everybody:
Another head hangs lowly, child is slowly
and the violence causes silence
who are we mistaken
But you see, it's not me, it's not my
In your head, in your head they are
with their tanks and their bombs
and their bombs and their guns
in your heads, in your heads they are
in your head, in your head,
zombie, zombie, zombie, e, e,
what's in your head, in your head,
zombie, zombie, zombie, e, e, e, o
Another mother's breaking, heart is
taking over,
when the violence causes silence
we must be mistaken
it's the same old theme since 1916
in your head, in your head, they're still
with their tanks and their bombs,
and their bombs and their guns
in your head, in your head, they're still
In your head, in your head,
zombie, zombie, zombie, e, e
what's in your head, in your head,
zombie, zombie, zombie, e, e, e, o, o, o, o, o,
o, o
- 'Zombie' by the Irish Group
'Cranberries', from the album, 'No need
to argue' -
*clap* clap* clap*
... yes, I really had fun this evening...
... and for the money I received for this
first time, I was able to complete the
student residence... well, there is still
something to add, but It'll be enough, till
Brian joins me... which will be exactly
happen in the next part... for now, I like to
thank you all for bearing with me through
this long, stressful chapter, and I'll hope
we'll see some day again...
... and now, still the unavoidable
Epilogues again...
" *sigh* Oh, Jerry..."
" Yes, dear...?"
" You know, I thought... since even
our grandchildren are out of the
house now... I just feel a bit old yet..."
" Oh, for me, you still look hot, girl..."
"... no regrets, choosing a weird
looking girl instead of a 'normal'
woman... like your other downtown
bro's in other apocalypse
" Well, since you call me 'Mr.
Apocalypse' for a reason... let's say, I
seem to have a fetish for the
" ... smart mouth... so, what do you
say then about a little...?"
[censored due to obvious reasons...]
" Grandma, everything okay...?"
"... wurrgl.... everything's great, dear...
but I didn't remember eating anything
for years, so why do I still...ah yes,
absurdities everywhere... *sigh* Alex
took three tries, and Amaryllis and
Antoine two... seems like my stats are
getting better..."
Epilogue II:
"... Aaah, wieder lebendig, danke,
Opa... Haha, ich bin wieder
d...aaaack!" [translation ~ alive again,
thanks, Grandpa...Haha, I'm
" ... dumdedumdedum...."
"... and I still don't think, it's a good
idea, Uranium, to let Dr. Lecter cook
our meals..."
"... Oh shush, Jack, he's the only one
with decent cooking skills... and so
far, he didn't kill anyone, right?"
"... true, but..."
" ... and don't tell me, you never drank
any cowplant milk, so what would be
the difference?...By the way:
Sephiroth, where have you actually
buried Simler? His Ghost hasn't
appeared for quite some time now..."
"... buried?"
to be continued... yes, this chapter is
finally over, honestly...
... I lied... XD... this chapter was hosted by
the Roomies from La Fiesta Tech... Happy

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Far away from Eden ep. 7.1. : History repeats ?

  • 1. Far away from Eden ep. 7.1. : History repeats ? Description: Chapter 7.1. of my apocalegacy: Campus, Vampires, Zombies, Demons - and Subplots, lots off!! Family Name: Wohnheimer Lot Name: Oasen-Wohnheim (5 Zimmer) Categories: Komödie,Lebensgeschichten der Sims,Satire
  • 2. " *ahem*...'Hello and Welcome to the next installment of Little Nemo's aka TwilightOutside's first (Apoca)Legacy ever, this time starring me, Beatrice Eden, granddaughter to the Founder Anais Eden, from Nemo's lost neighborhood, Edenville. For a quick background of'... no, this won't work, considering the fact I don't have an own introductory chapter... but I still advise anyone to read the former episodes first....well, let's continue here instead: 'Rules for the Legacy Challenge and Apcoalypse Challenge by Pinstar can be found at'.... oh, and the updated AC version for Bon Voayage in the Apocalypse Chat at or the exchange, of course..." ---- fun fact: Compare Beatrice's introduction with the introduction of episode 1 of this story...
  • 3. " 'As perhaps you've already recognized, like most other apocalypse challenges, we're at the campus at La Fiesta Tech, there are already enough fre...' no, this is offensive, besides, regarding the number of fre... of people not matching the common requirements of society in this neighrborhood - vampires, zombies, aliens and simselfs specifically- , 'normal' people start to achieve this status... Anyway: 'A short Look at my personality: I'm a virgo, with a personality of 4/7/8/3/3 - born 10/3/7/7/3. My turn-ons are custom hair and glasses, my turn-offs muscle's'... note to myself: change turn-on's/off's later...'...and I rolled popularity for myself - lifetime want become a hall of famer...'*sigh*, not achievably in college, hopefully an aspiration change'll help..."
  • 4. " Hmmmm...'... this time, I start at an empty lot, to av...', no, not totally correct... in fact, I'll start at the 'former' empty lot my grandmother lived on(!)... with all the achievements she left here... 125 bottles of Elixir = 5 Legacy points... ... ...Somehow this place... it makes me admire my grandmother... she was an extraordinary Student... in honour of her I wont delete these objects - since they're restricted by the handicaps anyway, this wont be such a problem..."
  • 5. Ehrr... well, where was I...? Ah yes: ' to make it harder, Legacy handicaps were added, as it were: - The Apocalypse (obviously - though there wasn't a nuclear disaster, but vampires taking control over the neighborhood... watch chapter 2...), - Aspiring to do it the hard way, - Do it yourself, - Free roaming Ghosts, - Fearless, - Matriarchy, - Noble Composure, - One way street, - Presidential Physical Fitness, - Storyteller, - and True love... whew, that's 19 points in total... Originally 'middle of nowhere' was another handicap, but with the rule update for the AC with pets - who couldn't go to work without a carpool - Pinstar ruled, that these handicaps could not be combined anymore...'... okay, did I forget to mention something... ah, yes..."
  • 6. '...Okay, since the lot already costs around 200 Simoleons, we have to choose our equipment carefully...',.. yes, this is still a vital maxime, although unlike my Grandmother, I have a larger amount of cash - 9500,- precisely - to spend... and unlike her, the possibility to create a student residence - though sadly not a student union - for common generations, as long as one of our family stays here..."
  • 7. "... and, since my younger brother Brian will join me soon, I'll start right now... first step: after removing some of the bottles, I'll create foundation elements and buy one stilt - a non- talking one, basically to avoid further subplots -, then use it to place a floor at the next level..."
  • 8. "... so I'll have a roof covering the driveway I'll place now, while I add further foundation elements..."
  • 9. "... before I sell the luxurious chair from my inventory - a (non-restricted) gift from my mother for college and part of the Glamour accessory add-on - for additional 1200 Simoleons..."
  • 10. "... to add further build elements and also buy an expensive (and motive- regaining) hot car for campus and downtown excursions..."
  • 11. "... which I'll immediately start... and while I will do a first inspection to the 'apocalyptical' campus ground, I advise you to read the following sup- plot elements of this chapter, to gain vital information of the current state of the different fractions in our neighborhood... thank you, and see you hopefully later..."
  • 12. Location: F.a.f.E Simself Lair, former SimSim Prison by HaspHiba3: " And now...."
  • 13. "... Smile!" " Hello to you all!" " Wow, the first Simself crowd of 2008,... that's now... around 60 Simselfs on this lot!... we really get some traffic here..." -------------- from left to right: - LorinV60, completed the 'an apocalypse scrap book'-AC, writes the 'romancing the
  • 14. "Hi!" " Greetings to the readers!" "Kisses!" *Meow?* (translation: can anybody hug me, please?) ----- from left to right: - DrSupremeNerd - writes the Vetinary Legacy - Starfrostplayer - writes the Legacy of Doom -Legacy - BlueberryPie360 - writes the 'Bearly alive' Apocalypse Challenge - NoName aka Shadowyfigure24 - writes the Guild Wars Apocalypse - Trythalona's last Hope - Apocalypse Challenge - Dellyo aka Kathie - writes the 'Apocalypse in Death Valley'-Challenge - Wontons4life - writes the 'Dance the Apocalypse'-Challenge - Dwhalen213 and her Hubby Sean - writes the Legosta Twins - Apocalypse challenge - they started smooching on their own, I swear! - plus, Robbie the cat and his kitten Bette from the Eden household, gifted to the Simselfs to avoid starvation of them due to the culinary restriction.
  • 15. " Okay, once again, I'd like to welcome you all here at the F.a.f.E., hope you'll enjoy your stay, and advise to follow the common rules, such as not killing each other, don't pee in the pool, don't make babies with Gage... yep, he's here, though we temporarily banned him from the lot, in case anyone of you here is allergic to werewolf hairs...or Gage specifically... so, any questions?"
  • 16. " Oh, oh, I have one!" " Yes, Starfrost?" " What about Nemo? The story says, that Uranium has captured him to get control of this neighborhood and the vampires here... which is strange, since... well, we are inhis story, or not?" "... Starfrost, you know, you're breaking the fourth wall with that, right...?" "... and what I really want to know, is, what you're going to do about that? I mean, you sit here, partying around... has nobody thought of...ehr... a secret rescue team or so to...well, 'finding Nemo' ?"
  • 17. " Well, Star, if you really want to know, you should ask... Nemo himself!" " Ehrr.. Hello..." "Hey, it's him!" "Nemo's back! " Did we miss a subplot sequence...?" " Hey, Nemo, where's your doppleganger?" " Ehr, well.."
  • 18. " Nemo, wie konntest du Uranium entkommen? " "...I beg your pardon?" " Hallo, Deutsch? Du kommst aus Deutschland, also verstehst du mich doch... oder liegt das am Helm?" " Ehrrr.. ah, yes , now I understand you... sorry, no, it wasn't the helmet, I'm just not... well, used to German..." " Was?... I mean: What?" " Well, truth to be told, I'm not... well, I am partially, but... oh the heck, I'm not the 'real' Nemo... and no, 'he' didn't escape Uranium... okay, now it's out..." " ??? "
  • 19. " Oh, okay, to give you the whole concept: you know, that you can upload Simselfs to the exchange, right?" " Yes..." " Well, what you possibly don't know, is that, while there is now the possibility to download you at an unlimited number, it's still 'you', who appears in another creators/stringpullers etc. realm... limited in power, a bit different in character, but still you... it's like... living in multiple bodies at the same time... sometimes you don't know directly, where one of these 'Selfs' are, but deep within your subconsciousness, you still know..." " ??? " " I know, it sounds strange, but believe me, it's the case... I made this experience after what happened to me... or him... whatever..."
  • 20. " Well, to sum it up short... due to a rare combination of factors... the first Simselfs, m...him giving them enough money to make any fortune Sim insane, *sob*... growing custom content, writer's block etc... well, Uranium was not only able to capture m..him, but in the same process to... 'separate' him from his other 'Selfs' - it's like... 'corporeal schizophrenia' or so - so we don't know, where the 'real' Nemo is.... ...Okay, sometimes I...we can receive some of his thoughts, but we can't communicate with him, and he doesn't seem to know the place, where he's captured either... and finally, none of 'us' - power limit, remember? - has the power to control the neighborhood nor face Uranium... and no other Simself here as well, not even Ephemeraltoast, even if it's her Sim, but since it's not her legacy, so... well, only thing, 'I' can do, is to give comments to the storyline, as I've already did, while the actually storyline is written by the family and..."
  • 21. *crickets chirping* " Huh? Hey, where are you all of a sudden?... Uh, that's angsty... am I in the twilight zone?" " Nemoclone, what are you still doing there? Come in, there is a free place at the bubble blower for you...!" " Hey, my name isn't 'Nemoclone', I'm Nemo... sort of...*Sigh*, why does nobody ever listen to me....?"
  • 22. Change of Location... yes, that's still me, and I'm not 'Nemoclone', is that clear...?... well, insert metallic, electronic and mechanical sounds here for the atmosphere…
  • 23. "... Pffft, are you finished some day..?... damn, to think, how fast some other Sims are able to get a robot gold badge..." ------ the Countess: former allied to the Count, the 'official' leader of the evil vampire army - unofficially, a chipmunk could do better work - now on her own, officially trying to redeem herself by reversing the effects of the 'vampocalypse'... we'll see, we'll see...
  • 24. " Okay, that's it!! How often do I have to tell you, Countess, that a robot gold badge is not, I repeat, is NOT enough for what you want me to do... this involves great mechanical skills, knowledge... heck, I'll have to rewrite the basic of physic for that...!!!" ---- Note: Remember Albert Gieke? The Son of Lucy and Gerard Gieke (- the OfB Nerd) from chapter 2 (- little picture)? If not... well, read episode 2 and the following chapters... seems, that he has grown up...
  • 25. " Yeah, yeah, whatever... I'm a Pleasure Sim, why should I bother with these details, otherwise I'd have done this stuff myself... and didn't need to rely on incompetent idiots all the time... like your parents, for example... " " YOU... LEAVE MY PARENTS OUT OF THIS, YOU.. YOU CRUEL, INHUMAN...!!" " Watch your tongue, boy... I may rely on you now, but I'm not in the mood for another one of your stupid outbreaks.. and it's up to your choice joining your parents..."
  • 26. [insert spiritual music here:] " *Sigh*... she's so rough with him all the time... oh Gerard, we shouldn't have tried to delay your work, even if it was threatening the whole neighborhood..." "... yes, I know... but It would've been too dangerous giving her this technology... hopefully Albert has more luck than us... *sigh*, if only you hadn't been a secret spy of her trying to seduce me..." "Oh Gerard, I'm still so sorry... but at that time, and being a knowledge Sim... I just couldn't resist the offer to turn into a vampir, be a secret spy and conquer the neighborhood... can you ever forgive me?" " Oh, never mind... I'd have done the same thing..." " *Snif*.. oh, Gerard..."
  • 27. " *Snif* WAAAAH, you killed my parents, you soulless murder! I'm totally alone now! you even forced me to grow up before I could go to reopened college... I swear, one day, I'll take revenge and then you'll...!!!"
  • 28. " Bla, bla... yes, I know, you've told me already... sorry 'Fatman', but this whole 'Avenge-my-parents-death'- thing wont work, because I'm the one here, who strikes fear into the hearts of the weak and wears black... not to mention that I can turn into a real bat... now if you'll excuse me, I have the need bite to bite some people after this boredom... and don't forget, try to run and you'll regret it, you hear me...?"
  • 29. " Pffft, what a whiner... does somebody even count as a knowledge Sim, who never rolls the want to become a vampire, see his parents ghost etc. at all...? " *Bark, bark, Bark, Bark* (translation: Secret Agent Flea to secret Werewolf empire central: Elvis has left the building, I repeat, Elvis has left the Building... ) ---- Note: if you've read the former chapters, you now, that the dogs of the neighborhood are in fact spies of the secret werewolf empire... too bad, that there still aren't any werewolves yet, except Gage... and hey, I didn't thought that out, that was the 'real' Nemo, okay...?
  • 30. " Grrrr... and I still swear, she'll pay..."
  • 31. "... and I will get my revenge..."
  • 32. "... and you're going to help me with that, my friend, right?" ...oh, oh... to be continued... arg, why I can't just tell and show you ... damn limited-writing-and-sticking-to-the-story- arc-powers...
  • 33. Anyway, next Location: the Counts Castle, headquarter of the evil vampire army - and yes, it's Uranium Apocalypso from Ephemeraltoast's Apocalpyse A -Go- Go, who is really in charge, while the Count..., well...
  • 34. "... and if you steal my underwear just one more time, I'll skin you alive and wear you as a coat, is that clear?!!!" " Ooooh... but I like to wear these things, my love...*drool*..." " Oh, you...hrrgh... buy some yourself, moron!" " Uhhm... couldn't you do that for me, my Love... I mean, I'm a Count, what will people think, if I...?" "... I don't believe this, there are dozends of Counts out there, but I'm the one stuck with Count Crossdresser-in-the-closet...!... Okay, but at least make yourself useful then, go downtown, bite some people, and stop looking like a puppy at me, dammit...!" ---- Note: for the Counts hidden desires, watch the former chapter... Warning: don't get blind while looking at him...
  • 35. " *Sigh*... she's always so rough... awww, if I just weren't so in love with her..."
  • 37. ... both the Count AND the Countess... "...intoooo...."
  • 38. ...paid the downtown a visit,.... "...myyyyy...."
  • 39. ... and raised the local vampire population again... "....eyyyyessss...."
  • 40. ... and this time, they didn't even stop by biting only regular townies, Simselves were on their list, too, like Renee aka Cowforbrains (Ashbua Legacy, AgainLegacy et al.)- well, she already was a zombie and/or werewolf before, so being a vampire isn't that bad... "...annnnd...."
  • 41. ... or Willowdanin ( Armageddon Apocalypse Challenge).... ".....leeeeeet...."
  • 42. ...or MichelleFobbs (a Planetary Apocalypse -Challenge)... "....meeeeee...."
  • 43. ...or SnootCB (the Apocachocolypse AC)... "....BITE!"
  • 44. ...and now for a little Break from our regular schedule: "Bleh!... Hi folks, I'm the rich guy from bon voyage, who tramps around with his family... as you see, I've got infected with vampirism... so don't forget, to prevent getting any diseases while traveling to foreign countries, get your shots first, its better, believe me!" "Urrrrgl... right, dear citizens, health protection is important, say's zombie maior Goopy too... so if you go to vote this year,remember how important a functioning health care system is and vote again for Goopy!" ... this totally pointless election special was brought to you on request of zombie maior Goopy... sorry, these subplots have a life of their own, can't do anything about this... though my advise, if there is an election and you won't vote, don't stay at home, rather give it to Goopy literally... it won't count, but they're still part of the actual percentage of all voters, and can give politicians headaches, if their percentage of votes sounds lower... ;)
  • 45. ... and now - you all had your shots now, right? - up to a new location... insert hawaian beach music here.... "... Aaaah, that's life...." ... and yes, that's Sonicdude (the Valistor Legacy) again, Leader of the zombie army of this neighborhood... or rather, zombie dance group, or dancing army, or... whatever...
  • 46. " Daaad...!" " *grunt*.... Oh, please, what is it this time? First you scream: 'Are we there yet?' all the time on the way here..." " I did not!" " ... well, then it must've been in a movie I've seen... anyway, what're you complaining about? It's warm, the organisation of this place is great, interesting scenery..." " DAD, THIS IS..." ------ ... and this is his daughter Christ(!)ina... a pregnancy experiment with one of.. the 'other' Nemos in fact... poor girl...
  • 47. " ... HELL!!!!" ...replace hawaian beach music with punk and heavy metall, including screams of the damned, sounds of burning flesh, molten lava and... hawaian beach music in a loop for the rest of your life... oh, and again: this is parody-only, hopefully nobody gets offended by making fun of religious themes...
  • 48. " Ah, Ah, Ah, isss sssomebody here ssscreaming... oh, new guestssss... temporarily or permanent, yessss?" " EEEEEEEEKKSSS!!!!" " Temporarily... though with this brat I'm ready to take another vacation right after this one..." " Ah, I ssseeee.... zeeee 'villainsssss special', right? " " Correct... first I thought about Kuba,... what was the name of that place... Gu... Guan... anyway, Hell had better prices, and the exchange for souls was currently better than dollars..." " D....DAAAD, THAT IS...."
  • 49. " ....'HIM' !!!!" " Didn't I tell you to stop screaming, if other people are around... and he's the manager of this place, so would you please finally behave, okay?!" ----- Note: Remember 'him'? A tip: think of Eden... or just read episode 4 again...
  • 50. " Oh, no ssssweeaaat, Mr... Ssssonicdude, right? We've already had contact, yessss?" "Hm? Oh, yesss... I mean, yes, we did... you're still not going to hand me over hell, right?" " Ssssorry, I'm afraid not... and zissss issss your daughter, right?" " Yes... sadly, she didn't turn quite right... must've been bad blood from her mother.... you wouldn't possibly trade her against a vacation house here?" " DAAAD!" " Again I'm sssorrry, Mr. Ssssonicdude... ssspoiled bratsss aren't my favourite Ssssoulssss either... in fact, even my own ccchildren didn't turn out sssso...oh, well..." " You have children?" " Oh, yessss.... in fact, I've tried lotsss of timessss over zeee millenia to get a decccent heir... ssstill no sssuccesss, unfortunately...."
  • 51. "... Boss, have you time?" "...excussse me a moment... yeeesss, Maxssswell?" " There is a guy, who want's to speak with you... say's, he's your grandson..." " Oh for zzze love of... I mean, if you jussst ssspeak of 'me'... okay, sssend him over...." "... and there is another petition from the potty god followers, they're still complaining about the fact, that they are all sent here..." " I don't have zzeee time for that yet, jusssst double zzzzheir punissshment... oh, and ssstill no toiletssss for them, yesss?" " Sure thing, boss!" ---- Note: credits to Ophidia for making the Ssss... snake skin at mts2, and for pontiac 1979 to make Maxwell's horns... and to the guy, who made the red skin and uploaded it at the exchange...
  • 52. " ...Ssssooo..." " Ähh... Hallo, Opa... " [translation: Hello, Grandfather...] " Adolph... you're ssstarting to annoy me.... what issss it zzzisss time... again not allowed to artssss academy? Cccchurchill? Or jussst your favourite religssssion again?" " Ich... ich... sie haben mich gekillt... [translation: I... I... they killed me...]" " And now you're asssking me to... what?" " Ich...." " I told you, Adolph, zzzhat I wont tolerate your failuresss anymore... !"
  • 53. " Ich... Ich.... WAAAAH... *sob*!" " Ah, ah... Adolph.... ssstop crying.... I'm sssorry, my temper... you're ssstill my favourite grandsssson after all.... okay? Now come, I'll sssend Mr. Grim a note, you'll be ressssurrected in no time..." ---- Note: I think, I can speak for the 'real' Nemo as well, that this is again meant as a parody, and after all, It's 'Simler', not... but I already said last time, that he'll pay... prepare for more...
  • 54. " Ah, thisss boy isss driving me zzeee nutsss... but I'm ssstill proud of him... hisss father turned out to be zzza nearly complete failure, but he... had potenzzzial... too bad, zzzzat zzzis is ssstill no guarantee for intelligenczzzze..." " Brrr... I never understood, why they made you boss here... but if he's your son..." " Grandsssson, pleasse... and assss I sssaid, he'sss rather dumb.... though not the worssst of my ancessstors... well, that'sss the crosss with zzeee women, you'll never find zzeee right one..."
  • 55. "... *sigh*... and accctually it'ssss no wonder... becaussse I've already found zzzeeee right one... but...well, I wasss young at zzzat time, and then ssshe broke up with me.... I ssshould have forgiven her zzzat inssstead.... Oh [csssencored]...." ----- Note: watch ep. 4 again... ;)
  • 56. " Well... only for information... why didn't you at least try it then..or force her to come back to you, if it's stil 'you'..." " Sssadly, Mr. Ssssonicdude, this wont be posssible anymore... asss I sssaid, I wassss young, and it hasss been a long time ssssincce then... and ssshe never came down here, ssso...." " Wait, so you don't know...???" " What?" "... Hm...well, what if I tell you, that I know...uhm... a way, to get your girl back, alive and still sexy?"
  • 57. "... Do you mean zzzat... for real?" " Yes... yes, of course, now what would you give me for that, hm?" "... what issss your pricssse...?"
  • 58. " I want the HELL! " insert thunder cracks and DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN here...
  • 59. " The... Hell?! Are you insane?!!" " Hey, where did your funny 'Ssssnake accent' go...?" " Screw the accent, that's only for paying customers, and you're lucky, that I'm still bound to the contract, or I'd keep you here right now... and believe me, It'll be a feast for me, once you come down here permanently, to get the information out of you..." " Oh, this'll be a long time then, because once I've conquered the world... how many cowplant victims are currently living there...?" " You're pushing your Luck, kiddo..." " Okay, okay, how about a partnership then at least... 50% of hell's worth, okay?" " YOU.... 0,00001 %, not more..." " 49,9999 %, or we'll forget it..." " NO!" " then forget it..." " .... 0,05 %, and I'm really generous with that..." " ... 49,5 %, or I'll go..."
  • 60. " Grrnghrmblnr... Last offer: 0,5 %!" " 49, 499999%" " You're kidding, right..?.. 0,1 %, and I'll get your daughter in exchange!" " Never...!...and I want a harem of demon chicks for her at least!" " DAD!" " A demon..?.. you'll get my grandmother at most!" " At least five demon chicks...!" " One!" "Three!" "NO!" "YES!" " Daaaddddy... *sob*" " Hehe, don't worry, sweetheart... if there's something, the boss likes more than punishing souls, it's striking a good deal... and this one'll take quite some time, I think... sooo, in the meantime, how about us spending some 'quality time' together, hmmm...?" " I WANNA GO HOME! " ... sadly, to be continued...oh, I see, we're through with the sub-plots for now... okay, finally back to Beatrice and her campus adventures...
  • 62. "... oh, hello, dear readers, sub-plots are over? Then, let me tell you now, what happened to me in the meantime... currently I spend some of my time at the Temporary Campus Club..."
  • 63. ... which was built, while the political instability still wont allow bigger buildings, if they aren't for vampires only... no great comfort, but enjoyable... we have a sauna, massage dishes, a camp fire...well, it's a start...
  • 64. ... and this is the Campus Temporary Centre...nothing big either...
  • 65. ... but at least it offers a basic standard of educational needs... CIP Pool, books, a big television screen for guest lecturers... most of our professors are actually guest lecturers, who adivse us via the media from outside the country...
  • 66. ... and, of course, an electronics stand with cellphones... still, there seems to be a lag from the overload of the communication servers even here at campus... this made it harder for me, to get in contact with the members of the secret society, that my Grandmother joined...
  • 67. Luckily, I was able to trace them down by old pictures, showing my grandmother with members of the society - like this one - or, according to time passed, probably his son, who just falls to the admirable money grabbing skills of this obviously treacherous NPC... I wonder, if I'll could achieve these skills, too?
  • 68. ...another member was Maja, actually the second person my Grandmother was ever friend of... she became the Connection student for Vampires at Campus, working for a better understanding between vampires and non-vampires... a honorable goal, Hopefully it'll work out...
  • 69. ... finally, since I'd achieved enough friendships with secret society members - the beforementioned as well as my Grandmother - I also became friends with our Prof... she knew my Grandmother, and immediately followed my Uncle's call, when they reopened campus... she had a safe place downtown, but no car, so I took her with me a few times... of course, this wasn't in any way related to the fact, that I was one of her best students...
  • 70. ...and still determined to my goal, to get even with my Grandmothers 'greatest' achievement... 130 best friends!... Admittedly, times are harder, friendships do easier end now... but I'll try hard, and I have some advantages unlike my Grandmother : Business perks for advance friendship, maximized skills... and a bigger pool of possibly friends, alive and undead, then she ever had...
  • 71. ... but of course, I didn't let my other skills go loose... so I achieved a Gold stylist Badge on my travels, be upright, this achievement was also connected to a loss...well, I've just had achieved my Silver badge together with Jon, a student I shared three bolts with (!)...
  • 72. ... when all of a sudden, the Count appeared, making him the next victim of his diabolical scheme... I only could escape with sheer luck... only to find, that the Count had strangely plundered the whole underwear section, just when I had enough money from styling to spend into new clothes...*sigh*
  • 73. ... but nevermind... while downtown, I met of course some of my family members, too... and also Nicolai, the spouse selected for me, when I was chosen Heiress... strangely, he wasn't too pleased seeing me here...
  • 74. ... but I added that to the fact, that I still had to study four more years, until we could get married and found the next generation... still, I already discussed the number of babies we'd need to continue the legacy... I suggested him to have three babies at least, plus additonal ones, if they weren't girls...
  • 75. ... his reaction, however... was bit a cold...
  • 76. ... and then he accused me of being a heartless monster... only thinking about achieving babies, like they were skill points... not to mention 'his' feelings, if he'd even get any right in this decision, if he even wants children... ...In fact, deep down, he was touching a nerve... I've really never thought about that... and I started to wonder, if it was the same, when my dear father, General Long, joined our family... had anyone ever asked him, when it was opened to him, that he had to marry my baby mother and have children with her...?
  • 77. ... with that in mind, I assured him, that of course he had a right to discuss the topic with me... only circumstances forbade, to decide against children at all... but if there was anything, to made this... sacrifice easier for him...?
  • 78. ... his anwser was quite... perplexing at first, but in the end somehow logical...: 'Money'!... well, as a Fortune Sim, he clearly suffered great from the vampocalypse and his restrictions, regarding buying new objects... so money was the only thing, that could possibly brighten his days... though I had hoped for... something else as a compensation..., but never mind...
  • 79. ... and since there was a still a College house to build, too, I found, it was a good time, to try out the new options brought in with the Bon voyage Add-on... though I couldn't imagine, that there was actually a chance to dig up any treasures here, far away from any sea's or piratical acitivity...
  • 80. ... so I was more then surprised, to find anything at all during my digging... like bones...
  • 81. ... or water pipes...and of course, the water was still poisoned due to evil vampires activities...
  • 82. ... but even these misfortunes couldn't stop me from continuing this quest...
  • 83. ... and in the end, it paid out...happy, I was able to give my grandmother the achievements of my diggings for Nicolai...
  • 84. ... three treasure maps, which probably showed the way to three pirate treasures! " Pffft... couldn't you give me a real treasure instead? what should I do with these maps? Do you think, I'll follwo these maps now... only to find out, that there aren't probably any treasures, but perhaps only stupid medicin men, zen guys and bigfoot's instead??!" ... again, there were things I didn't really thought about... so I had to switch to another way to get money...
  • 85. ... but it wasn't until my Uncle Antoine, who visited downtown...
  • 86. ... to meet his new girlfriend, to help me find another solution... though this isn't about his new girlfirend, but his other friend...
  • 87. ...Ephemeraltoast, writer of the Apocalypse A-Go-GO... a real surprise for me, since my Uncle was normally rather... biased against Simselfs...perhaps it was really true, and age has... well dampened his sharp intellect a bit... " Haha, won again!" " Damn, how can you possibly win every time?" " Well, if you're always trying it with paper..." " That's not a paper, that's a treasure map, and treasure maps belong to pirates, and pirates always win..." " Well, this isn't a scissor either, it's a double forked Hook, and Hooks belong to pirates as well..." " Really?" " Yup!" " Damn..." ... then again, Simselfs aren't known for their sharp intellect, either...
  • 88. ... though there are exceptions... " Greetings, dear Simself, I'm sorry, but I just couldn't overhear you and my uncle talking about pirates right now... see, I'm currently on a quest digging for pirate treasures, but so far I don't know, where to search exactly... you can, by any means, provide me with any vital information about pirate treasures and possible hide-outs?" "... You know, you're a weirdo: you claim to be a Popularity Sim, but you're acting like a [censored] Knowledge you actually listen to your own words at all...?" "... Oh, I'm sorry, if my manner of speak causes you any inconvenience, if you want I'll try adapt it to a level better understandable for you...*ahem*... 'Hey buddie, got infos fer' me? I'm currently digging fer' nothing, that sucks... now gimme' some words already..." "... how did you actually get any friends at all?" "... ehr... I stun them?"
  • 89. "...whatever... okay, to answer your question: if you're searching for treasures, the best way to find them, is... to forget it! " "... I beg your pardon...?" " *sigh*, for someone so smart, you're amazingly dumb... girl, most pirates never ever even had enough money, that it was neccessary to dig the smallest hole in the ground... Tortuga, Port Royal... all these places were made to let pirates lose their money faster, then they could earn it... I'm surprised, that you even tried it... I mean, who would be so dumb to think, that they could actually find anything else, then..."
  • 90. - absolute unavoidable subplot sequence with Jack Sparrow and Frank the Stilt - "... bones, waterpipes... I'm starting to loose hope, mate..." " Oh, oh, oh, Captain, why don't we just hide a treasure first and then search for it? I bet, we'll find a treasure then!" "Mate, we're 'searching' for a treasure, because we don't have one..." " Ohhh, I haven't thought of that..." "... if we could at least find anything to get out us out of this neighborhood...too many Undeads here, Mate, I can tell..."
  • 91. "... well, anyway... if you really want to make money... Sing!" " ... I beg your pardon?" " *sigh*, Girl, you've got all 10 creativity points... just start singing and wait for other to give you money for that... heck, you can even make friends that way... never thought of that?" "... in fact, I've already thought about it... but found it a rather unlogical solution... I don't think, that people will share money under these harsh conditions..." " Oh, for the love of... tell you what, just do it... now if you'd excuse me, I have the need to ask a certain helmet guy, if all his Sims are Thesaurus addicted, but don't have any social skills..." ... uh, oh...
  • 92. ... though I didn't achieve the information I had hoped for, I followed the Simselfs advice... and was surprised, to find so many admirers of music, even in this harsh times...
  • 93. ... were it Simselfs or regular townies, at the disco or regular lots...
  • 94. ...with or without stink... *ahem*.. well, but I earned my first five thousand rather fast...
  • 95. ... though what I didn't expect, was the interest I seemed to cause for a specific fraction, the zombies(!)... of course, I was relieved, that they only wanted to talk with me, not devour me alive...
  • 96. ... instead I had the Honour, to meet the Leader of the zombies in our neighborhood, General Don Zombie... ---- Don Zombie, made my Maxis... and Candie020765 of course, was named General by Sonicdude, while being on vacation... see former... well, you know already...
  • 97. " Hello, Bea, I'm pleased to meet you... the Guys said, you're a really good singer..." " Thank you, Mr. Zombie... uhm, you're not going to devour me, right?" " Wha... no, of course not... unless you're bowl of chili in disguise... or a bottle of Booze... what wouldn't I do for some booze now..."
  • 98. "... I'm sorry to interrupt you, Mr. Zombie, but... according to my knowledge of the existing fractions in these neighborhood, aren't zombies... well, declared as evil forces? At least there was a claim, that they try to conquer the neighborhood, too, which means..."
  • 99. " Pfft... not this old story again...." " Is this an anwser to my question?"
  • 100. "... Mrs. Eden, I assure you... I never wanted this whole conquering-the- neighborhood-thing... I'm a rather peaceful guy, who just got a job he never wanted... believe me, I'd be happy, if I could live in peace with my family and with enough booze and chili, far away from the troubles of this neighborhood... "
  • 101. "... Hm, yes, this sounds convincing... still, I don't understand, why you're interested into my musical skills then...?"
  • 102. " Oh, rather easy, Mrs. Eden... see, the guy who actually called me here, wanted dancing zombies... don't know why... well,as I said, I'm not really into conquest... and since booze and chili doesn't even seem to exist here... why not spent my time with something useful at least...?... and well, dancing requires music, so..." " May I interpret the meaning of your words the way, that you... want to hire me to sing for your zombies?" "... well, yes, Bea, that's the whole point... I admit, this may sound rather odd first..." " What will be my payment?" "... so you accept?" " With an appropriate payment, yes." " Okay, well, then... tell your price..."
  • 103. ... and after getting offered a really generous payment, I got my first bigger 'Gig'. We decided for a small concert first to get to know each other better at the newly opened concert hall, the 'Burned Barn'...
  • 104. ... and truth to be told, it was a rather enjoable evening... Okay, listen up, everybody: Another head hangs lowly, child is slowly taken and the violence causes silence who are we mistaken
  • 105. But you see, it's not me, it's not my family In your head, in your head they are fighting
  • 106. with their tanks and their bombs and their bombs and their guns in your heads, in your heads they are cryin'
  • 107. in your head, in your head, zombie, zombie, zombie, e, e, what's in your head, in your head, zombie, zombie, zombie, e, e, e, o
  • 108. Another mother's breaking, heart is taking over, when the violence causes silence we must be mistaken
  • 109. it's the same old theme since 1916 in your head, in your head, they're still fighting
  • 110. with their tanks and their bombs, and their bombs and their guns in your head, in your head, they're still dying In your head, in your head, zombie, zombie, zombie, e, e what's in your head, in your head, zombie, zombie, zombie, e, e, e, o, o, o, o, o, o, o ----- - 'Zombie' by the Irish Group 'Cranberries', from the album, 'No need to argue' -
  • 111. *clap* clap* clap* "WOOOOOO!" "ENCORE, ENCORE!" " YAAAHOOOO..." ... yes, I really had fun this evening...
  • 112. ... and for the money I received for this first time, I was able to complete the student residence... well, there is still something to add, but It'll be enough, till Brian joins me... which will be exactly happen in the next part... for now, I like to thank you all for bearing with me through this long, stressful chapter, and I'll hope we'll see some day again... Bye...
  • 113. ... and now, still the unavoidable Epilogues again... " *sigh* Oh, Jerry..." " Yes, dear...?" " You know, I thought... since even our grandchildren are out of the house now... I just feel a bit old yet..." " Oh, for me, you still look hot, girl..." "... no regrets, choosing a weird looking girl instead of a 'normal' woman... like your other downtown bro's in other apocalypse Challenges..?" " Well, since you call me 'Mr. Apocalypse' for a reason... let's say, I seem to have a fetish for the weird....he,he..." " ... smart mouth... so, what do you say then about a little...?"
  • 114. [censored due to obvious reasons...]
  • 115. " Grandma, everything okay...?" "... wurrgl.... everything's great, dear... but I didn't remember eating anything for years, so why do I still...ah yes, absurdities everywhere... *sigh* Alex took three tries, and Amaryllis and Antoine two... seems like my stats are getting better..."
  • 116. Epilogue II: "... Aaah, wieder lebendig, danke, Opa... Haha, ich bin wieder d...aaaack!" [translation ~ alive again, thanks, Grandpa...Haha, I'm ba...aaack!] *dies*
  • 117. " ... dumdedumdedum...." "... and I still don't think, it's a good idea, Uranium, to let Dr. Lecter cook our meals..." "... Oh shush, Jack, he's the only one with decent cooking skills... and so far, he didn't kill anyone, right?" "... true, but..." " ... and don't tell me, you never drank any cowplant milk, so what would be the difference?...By the way: Sephiroth, where have you actually buried Simler? His Ghost hasn't appeared for quite some time now..." "... buried?" to be continued... yes, this chapter is finally over, honestly...
  • 118. ... I lied... XD... this chapter was hosted by the Roomies from La Fiesta Tech... Happy Simming!