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Far away from Eden Ep. 6.3.: True Evil?
Chapter 6.3. of my apocalegacy: Evil spreads, kids growing up - which side will they choose?
Family Name: Zombie I
Lot Name: zombini 2
Categories:Komödie,Lebensgeschichten der Sims,Satire
" Hi!
I'm Bethany Eden, and I'd like to
welcome you all to a new installment
of the 'Far away from Eden'-
Apocalegacy! In this Legacy, my
family tries to free our Neighborhood
from the grasp of the evil vampires.
For this, we have to obey many harsh
restrictions and handicaps - if you
want to know more about this, visit to read
about the Legacy and Apocalypse
challenge and/or visit for a great
community to chat and share ideas! "
" For a better understanding, you
should also read the former episodes
of our legacy - but to sum it up short:
step by step, my family was able to
push back the evil vampires influence,
by reporting about the vampire
problem in our neighborhood,
creating new vampires movies for the
screen, building a Counter army of
friendly vampires, and reestablishing
a proper education system,
introducing new classes like Hunting,
Woodcarving and Stabbing 101 etc.
Unfortunately, not only our creator
has been missing now for quite a
while - though Grandma means, that's
a good thing -, our neighborhood has
also attracted a lot of strange people
and creatures, like Simselfs, evil
Aliens, ugly werewolves and dancing
You know, at that time we really
thought: 'At least I couldn't get worse
anymore...' - boy, were we wrong...
but look for yourself..."
- Location: the Counts Castle (made by
Cokebuilder at, current
headquarter of the evil Vampire army and
the Leader of the cult of the Potty...
" Where the [censored] are my
"... the Count wears them."
" WHAT??!!"
left: Uranium Apocalypso, Co-Ruler of
the Evil Vampire Army and Leader of the
Potty God Cult, made by Ephemeraltoast
right: Purple alias Magenta from the
Rocky Horror Picture Show, made by
Ken242 at, hired by the Count
as Maid for his Castle...
Credits to Rock... ehr, Robinoli, creator of
'It's a legacy, Darling' and 'Apocalypse a
la Arduenna', for the inspiration ;)
the Count's Bedroom:
" Oh my, I'm so pretty, so pretty... too
bad, that I can't see myself in the
mirror, I must be such a perfect
specimen of manhood... what do you
think, Piff-Paff?"
"Owwwww, Mercy..."
The Count - Ruler of the Evil Vampire
Army - at least officially... clothing by
uncool89 at
Piff-Paff, alias Riff Raff from RHPS,made
by DxVid at, hired by the
Count, too - hey, it's not that they haven't
worked for strange guys before...
" I - don't - believe -it! What's wrong
with this sick... and more important:
what should I wear now? The meeting
is about to start and I can't hold it in
" Pfft...Why not?"
" PURPLE...!"
" I... have an extra pair of clothes from
a former friend left..."
... a bit later:
" [Prrt]... Now that's something to
remember... you're a hot...!"
" Rhys, don't do it, this joke is too
"... this is the second most disturbing
thing I ever saw, right after my sister
kissing someone she wouldn't marry..."
".. Brrr, disgusting! Aren't you ashamed
wearing such suit, you look like a.."
From Left to right:
Jack Buccaneer Thayer, from PurpleBunnys
'A Piratical Legacy', Criminal Mastermind
extraordinaire - and so sexy, it's almost a
Cecil Goodytwoshoes, from Professor Butters
'A Squeaky Clean Legacy' - greedy, ruthless
and evil - well, as evil you can be in a
Squeaky Clean Family...
Kirstial Legacina, from Orikes ' Pseudo
Legacy' - Arch-Enemy to her own family,
disturbed mother to the wrong child, and
tricked by vampires in losing her immortality
- more a victim then really evil..
Rhys Fitzhugh, from the 'Fitzhugh Legacy' -
trying to kill his family with the flu, seducing
his niece's boyfriend, playing mind games -
you have to love him!
" Grmmbl... are you finished now?
Remind me to kill the Count after
this... oh and also everyone, who
mentions things like 'Tramp',
'Patootie', 'Time Warp', 'dirty' etc in
this time... you've been warned! Now
move, I want to have this over as soon
as possible..."
Columbias Suit from the Rocky Horror
Picture Show, made by Ken242 at - sorry, couldn't resist to do
this... XD
" Ohoh, look who's there...!"
" What's this? Am I in the wrong
" Hey, Miss, shouldn't you take the
Elevator instead of the stairs... or use a
motorcycle at least, hehe.."
" *Sigh*, why me... Guys, meet my
other guests... I guess, you've already
heard of them..."
"... these are Emperor Palpatine, Dr.
Lecter and Lord Voldemort..."
from left to right:
- Imperator Palpatine from Star Wars -
Evil Sith Lord, (Ex-)Ruler of an galactical
Empire, Destroyer of the Order of the
Yedi knights, obsessed with moon-sized
Space Stations that can blow up Planets
and Blonde Boys that wear Black, have
Prothesis's and sound like they have Lung
- Dr. Hannibal Lecter from 'Silence of the
Lambs' - maneating Profiler, brilliant
Sociopath and connoisseur of the fine arts
- strangely, he mostly eats people, who
hurt his sense of culture and perfection -
isn't that like eating junk food?
- Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter -
Evil Sorcercerer and Archenemy of Name
Giver to the Book - Snakelike, Noseless,
manipulative - Uraniums lost twin
"... Mr. Krueger, Mr. Megatron and
Mr. Smith..."
from right to left:
- Freddy Krueger from 'Nightmare on
Elm Street' - Undead, teen-murdering
Psycho, Mother Nun, Father Nutcase in
an Asylum, kills his victims in their
dreams - what would Freud say to that?
- Megatron (Generation 1 to be precisely),
Leader of the evil Decepticons, currently
also Founder of the Robot Prettacy by
KTelgar, transforms into a Magnum .44 -
let's skip the discussion of the ability to
shrink, lose mass, or why it has to be an
object that can't move by itself...
- Agent Smith from 'the Matrix' - former
Security Program of humanity-
controlling Reallife Simulation degrading
people to mere batteries , later Freelancing
conqueror, multiplying himself like... a
virus... - became , what you hated?
".. General Sephiroth and..."
Sephiroth: Final Boss of the Game 'Final
Fantasy VII' - with Alien Genetic
enhanced Soldier employed by a ruthless
Company, turned insane over the fact how
he was made, wants to destroy the Planet
with a Meteor to absorb its Life essence
called 'Mako' to become godlike, wields a
big, long sword, calls the Alien his
Genetics are from his mother - yes,
another case for Freud...
... somewhere else:
" WHAT?!"
" I sense a disturbance in the... no, I
mean, there's something out... no, no, I
mean, I..."
" Can you finally decide, what quote
you want to use?"
"... 'I hereby wish to clarify, that the
following as well as the pictures before are
meant as a parody, even if not a good one
- in no way I, the creator, want to support
any criminal, radical or or racist acts at
any costs. If anybody reading this feels
easily violated I advise him not to read
any further - thank you....unnnnh..."
" Why did you say that?!"
" I... don't know... it just came over
"... and Mr. Simler from Germany."
Adolphus Simler, made by Dranore -
possibly the oldest Sim download at ever - it's not worth to mention
anything about him, only so much: he ...
will... pay...!!
" Wow... now that's what I call a
villain's meeting... I wonder, why she
didn't invite Skeletor, Magneto and
Osama Bin Laden, too..."
" Rhys, I'm sorry, but I can't share
your excitement... in fact, these people
kinda freak me out a bit..."
" Are you kidding? This is evil deluxe
- these guys are the big league!"
"... and that's exactly, what I don't like.
I'm a Criminal Mastermind, but I
prefer me and my family to sleep safe
at night..."
" Mee... you're boring, Jack..."
"... but still alive, nothing wrong with
"... Psst... I don't really get it...
Uranium said, this was a villain's
meeting... why did she invite these
" Kirstial... I don't think, you can call
them 'Nerds'... a better definition
would be 'Psycho's'..."
" Why? They are ugly, they surely
never had a girl for a date... and they
all look like they are collecting action
figures and play Ego shooters all
"... good point."
" Okay, now that we're all here, first,
I'd like to thank you all, that you
accepted my call... I guess, most of
you think, that was because you're so
popular and evil... but let me tell you
one thing, to make this clear: yes, you
are popular and evil, otherwise I
wouldn't have called you... but the
main criteria was: you're all BIG, FAT
LOSERS - and it will stay that way, if
you don't do, what I tell you to do,
" No Need to be angry, my Lord...and,
Mrs. Apocalypso, aside from the fact,
that your explanation wasn't very
friendly, I'm not totally sure how
your... scheme does fit with me... or
some of my colleagues here... "
" Oh, please, either in jail or being
chased by the FBI, cutting your hand
off and never get the girl - if you call
that a victory..."
" Ah, I see... you never read the book
and suffer from the bad influence of
the movie... remind me to eat the
Regisseur's heart later..."
" Bah, this whole thing here is a piece
of crap... I'm outta here.."
" Oh, Boohoo, Freddy... didn't Nutcase
Daddy hug you enough when you
were little? Actually you weren't even
my first choice too call, but Pinhead
was on vacation, so..."
"... Okay, that's it! Come'ere, then I'll
show you what it means to really
'loose' it, you Bi..."
" Oh shut up, all of you! Don't you get
it?! I chose you, because I know that
you, despite being Losers, want to
WIN! Your own happy end! Get it?!
No more: the Good win, the evil... no,
this time it's: EVIL FOREVER!"
[insert thundercracks, trumpets or
whatever you like , here]
" A... 'noble' request, Mrs.
Apocalypso... still, I'm curious, 'how'
do you actually want to achieve that
" Thank you, Mr. Smith, that's what I
just wanted to do... see, here we have
this neighborhood, under the control
of my very own vampire army
needhimanymore*cough*... its creator
isn't a problem anymore, and the
Simselfs here around are too busy
partying the money, he gave them,
away... if we act quick now, we can
soon melt this whole region into a
breeding pot of evilness... from there
on, it's just a small step to attack the
other legacys around - in fact, I'm
currently busy in other legacies too, to
create chaos or set the ground for a
"... and the legacy family here?"
"... I admit, they're still a nuisance to
me... sadly, my brain-dead son failed
to get me control over them... but
don't worry, their first 'victories' have
made them unobservant... in fact, I
already have a 'mole' in their family..."
" A mole?"
" Exactly! And I think, this is a good
opportunity to unveil him to you:
Gentlemen, meet my newest sla... I
mean associate..."
" ... Mr. Nicolai Wood!"
"Thank you, Mrs. Apocalypso - and a
good - or evil? - day to you all, Sirs...
ahh, I wish my Idol Loki Beaker could
see me now...!"
" Baah - a Traitor! I hate traitors! There
is nothing good about traitors, even
the ones who work for you!"
"...bad experiences, metalfreak?"
"... well, ugly fleshling, let's say, that
my idea, keeping traitors near by me
to have them under control instead of
backstabbing me when I don't expect
it, did never work out right..."
" Hey, now wait a second, yes? I'm not
a 'traitor'... at least not totally. In fact,
all I ever wanted to be, was to be a
mad scientist... or to be more
precisely, a RICH mad sientist,
considering me being a Fortune Sim...
and what am I now?! I'm a bloody
vampire trapped in a legacy family in
an ice-aged apocalyptical world, only
because a certain green girl made a
certain Count love sick and then
turned him down instead of choosing
him before he had this stupid
vampocalypse idea, making lots of
babies with him and therefore spare
the rest of the world some trouble! Oh
I wish, they'd never have existed,
that's why I swore myself to erase
everyone of them from this hard drive
"... and believe me, it wasn't easy...
killing Alex was easy to do... that
naive idiot... but you'll never really
forgive yourself for that, even if his
family is responsible for the whole
mess... "
"...Ben, on the other side, was almost
an act of mercy... his remaining 21
Brain Cells were already reduced to a
pile of rubble after his wife betraying
him, I only helped him a bit..."
"... I sense great power from
you...Your hate has made you
powerful... though I don't really
understand, why you chose the dark
side instead of fighting with them
against us?"
" 'Mad' - Scientist, remember? It's
more than just a job description, you
" *Snif*... Thank you, Nick, for your
heart-warming explanation... see,
that's what I ever say... who thinks
about us villains? We have feelings -
or at least we pretend to have them -
" Well, now that all sounds really
interesting and fluffy and stuff, but
besides the point, that you're asking
for our help, what's really in for us? A
happy end, okay, but under what
conditions? You rule, we obey? And
most important, how? We do the hard
work, while you woohooing around
or what? "
"Now, now, Sephiroth... one step at a
time. I assure you, that once we
succeeded, the result will satisfy you
beyond even your wildest dreams ..."
"... this isn't an anwser to what I've
asked, I still want to know how..."
"... Sephiroth!"
" ...What?"
" Dein Name - Sephiroth?"
"... Yes. Sephiroth is my name, any
problem with that?"
" Zat is a jewish Name, right?"
"... ... it's actually the Name of the Tree
of Life as a mystical symbol within the
Kabbala of esoteric judaism to
understand the nature of god and the
way he created the world
[quote/unquote wikipedia]. Don't tell
me you're getting racist now, just
because my name...?"
" Woo, finally some action after all this
stupid planning and scheming...! Ten
Bucks, that Seph kicks Simler's ass!"
" *Sigh*... great, just great... I haven't
even begun to play them off against
each other, and they already started
the killing spree..."
Hi, Bethany again!
Wooah, all these villains... see, I told you,
that the worst was just coming for my
family... though we just realized that
much, much later... in fact, at the time,
when all these villains arrived, I was still
a little baby, as you can see here...
...and my older brother Brian was only a
Toddler at that time - Grandma Anais
says, we have the same looks and eyes -
well, Brians eyes are blue, mine are... nah,
I really don't know, why they look so
"Bwian wuv yu all!"
... and my sister Bea was - well, just
Bea, the heiress.
Psst, psst - Don't tell her, but I think,
there was a time, when she thought, that
one day, we would compete about the title
of the heiress, because we're both girls,
and this is a matriarchy... truth to be told,
I never wanted to be heiress... I never liked
Nicolai...- though I don't know, if she
liked him then...
And these are my Grandparents,
Grandma Anais and Grandpa Jerry -
they're still soooo in love with each
other... though Grandma teases Gramps
sometimes, because he appears in so many
other Apocalypse Challenges lately... 'Mr.
Apocalypse', she calls him...
... Oh, and this is my uncle Alex - well,
he's dead, but sometimes his Ghost visits
us... he's a rather friendly Ghost, always
staying at his etage, and he never scares
anyone! Too bad, that he can't speak with
us, but he smiles all the time...
... not like my mother's husband, General
Benjamin Long - he only appears to see, if
the bed is still there, and then mostly
disappears again... it's strange, they say,
he's my father, and died mysteriously
before I was born, but I don't believe that,
it just doesn't feel right...
... and that's my Mom... she's the best
Mom, really, but sometimes she starts to
cry and then wants nobody near her... I
think she still miss Be... 'Dad'... I wish, I
could help her...
... I asked Uncle Tony - Mum's Brother
Antoine - what's wrong with her, but he
always avoids the subject... in fact, he
seems a bit cold and distant towards me...
but he's okay, in fact, he cares a lot about
us kids - though he always wanted us to
study, study, study...
" Hey, I've maximized Creativity!"
*Sigh* well, Bea studied all the time, she
was totally attached to her book - believe it
or not, she maxed three skills as a child
and had at least 8 Points or more in the
remaining ones... she said something
about: 'make Daddy proud' or so...
... with all these studying, of course,
nothing really interesting happened in
that time... only one day, Uncle Tony
surprised us, when he adopted a new Cat,
... as a spouse for our cat Ayn, who had
just lifted the last pet restriction as a
service pet - by the way, as you can see,
Ayn and Bea are rather close - in fact, I
think, she's the only friend - besides Mom
and Grandma and Grandpa, but that was
already as a Toddler - , she ever had as a
- well, and after a short time, Robby and
Ayn... nah, I won't tell, you already
know, what I mean...
*Meow, Meowr, Meowrrrr!* ('Okay,
Girl, follow me, so I can make you a
lucky girl...')
*Meeeee-ow* (~ something like
... sadly, we had to sell Robby after that,
since the food restriction made it difficult
to feed more than one pet in the household
- gladly, one of the Simselfs accepted to
take care of Robby... one good thing about
Simselfs, they always cause trouble, but
are also always willing to help - which
often causes even more trouble, though...
... and then it was already time for Brians
" Weeeeeeee...."
He turned out be a modest, playful, a bit
hyperactive and lazy, but also really,
really nice boy (3/4/10/10/7 and
Saggitarius, to be precise)...
... and unlike Bea, he was more eager to
make friends, even with her...
" *Ahem*...Brian, will you have the
kindness to let go off me now...? I
need to go back to my books..."
" No chance, Bea, it's hugging time,
and you absotudelutley need a hug
" *Giggle* Okay, but only one more
...and Uncle Tony - but that doesn't
mean, that he never studied, actually he
was only a few skill points behind her, but
he didn't achieve most of them like she did
with learning but with... well, guess, what
our family does all the time (starts with
'Out' and ends with '-ing'...)
... okay, and then it was finally my turn...
... and boy, was everyone surprised, if
they realized my personality: a libra with
the stats: 5/8/4/8/10 - I'm the nicey-nicest
Girl ever born in our family, wow!
" Ten nice points? Hmm... perhaps
then not everything is lost with her..."
" Antoine, brother... I'm only telling
you this one time: if you - ever - make
Bethany sad, you'll pay, is that clear?!"
" Oh, calm down... I thought, I said,
that she seems to be okay, no need to
... there was a bit fighting between my
Mum and Uncle Tony at that time. I
didn't understood everything, but none of
them ever lost a word about it...instead,
they started the usual toddler routine,
with teaching me to talk and walk...
... and of course using the potty... though
while doing this, something strange
.. because the potty started talking to me!
"Praise be with you, young pup...
may the neverending bliss of the
potty god guide you, and..."
...I was so scared at that time, that Mom
needed the whole night, to calm me
I'm a bit embaressed to tell you that, but I
was in fact so scared, that for the
remaining days as a toddler, I totally
avoided the potty and rather wet my
diapers, then using... you understand?
... meanwhile, it was my sisters time
again to grow up... after all these studies,
of course everyone expected her to become
a Knowledge Sim, like B... 'Dad'..
... but to our surprise, she chose
Popularity like Grandma!
"I've nearly mastered my father's and
my uncle's path to wisdom... after
that, I will master my Grandmother's
ability of making unlimited friends,
... and she also mastered the ability of
having a cute nose, not like her... oh, you
know, who I mean...
... and only three days after her birthday,
she finally maxed all her skills...
" Gifted in all the necessary arts, I
shall now advance my horizont by
learning the tricks of the trade and
become a professional Pool Billard
Player and Dancer..."
...yes, she was totally insatiable in gaining
" Wheew... Bea, dear, let's take a
break, we've already played the whole
day now..."
" I'm sorry, Uncle, but I have to insist
to continue playing, till my
knowledge of queue and stick have
advanced enough to get a scholarship
next tuesday..."
"... I'm not sure, if I should be proud
or envious... I have gained all these
skills, but I didn't got that far till
Adulthood - okay, one more round,
but then we'll stop and talk about
business for a while, okay?"
" This is acceptable, Uncle."
... totally...
"...And if you want to sell an eskimo a
fridge, you'll need to..."
... and just when we thought, that she had
enough, learning every single visible or
hidden skill... she started doing haircuts!
" Expanding my knowledge of being a
coiffeur will also help me to achieve
my goal of getting friends by
adjusting them to my turn-ons of
Custom hair and Make-up, so I..."
- yes, yes, bla, bla, that's Bea, I'm happy
for her, but she can be annoying
... thankfully, even she isn't perfect...
" Oh, I'm sorry, dearest customer, I
must have been distracted for a
second. Please let it make up by
redoing you, I'll promise, it won't
happen again..."
... sadly it's a rare case, that she
" Mr. Hairdresser-in-funny-clothes,
though I know, that I could easily
readjust my looks in the mirror, I
want you to do it in order to learn
your tricks of hairdressing, so I won't
make the same mistake I did to my
dear friend Corey the Goth Kid over
there again... therefore, I let you
decide on the style you'll give me..."
" Oh, my... that is an interesting
combination of colors... the black
custom hair and the black glasses in
contrast to the white of my everyday
clothing... before we deepen the
experience, I'd like to take in a second
opinion, please wait a moment..."
" Corey, how do you like my new
" This is... how did you know, that
Black is my favourite Color?!"
" Ehrm... I guessed?"
" Oh, Girl, you're making me totally
hawt deep down in my black, gothy
"Oh my, Corey... I have to confess,
that with your Custom Blonde Hair
and Lipstick my attraction towards
you is similar - though we don't have
three bolts, your two Bolts are so far
the best matching for me in the
neighborhood, so therefore..."
" Ehrr... let's just kiss, okay?"
" *Giggle* okay, but no tongue
exercise the first time, yes?"
... and that was the amazing story, how
Bea got a boyfriend - and once she had
him, she even put this 'achievement' into
" By dating Corey, I have gained a
constant source for a Platin aspiration,
which helped me to top a teenager
career easily - Athletics, to be
precisely - to ensure myself another
Scholarship and the status of an over-
achiever, which will support..."
... and so on... she'll never stops...
... as a sidenote: Bea's future husband
Nick didn't care at all, what his future
wife did... he seemed to be totally busy
earning 100.000 Simoleons, earning a
Robot and Coiffeur Badge etc. - remember,
at that time we didn't knew, what Nick
really had in mind - and what he had
" Easy, Nick, step by step... soon you'll
control them all...hehehe..."
Meanwhile, we had to face another
situtation: one day, Ayn returned earlier
from work. It turned out, that she had
made a wrong decision for her Pet Squad
and was therefore demoted in ranks. A
short inspection though showed us, that it
wasn't her fault, but the influence of
nature itself, because she was heavily
pregnant and about to give birth - too bad,
that her employers wouldn't accept that
as an excuse...
... while we all enjoyed the wonderful
moment,when Ayn not only gave birth to
one or two, but three wonderful little
white kittens...
... we all loved them at first sight...
... but right after the joy, realisation
struck, that there would never be enough
food in the house to feed a 4 mouths...
... so we had to give them away as well...
... and so our wonderful Ayn, together
with her two little Kittens, which we
named Bette and Bernard, left the Lot...
... while we only kept Barry in the house.
It was - soooo - difficult to choose, but we
decided us for him, since he was the
smartest one of them, which would ensure
a strong Breed for later Generations.
*Meow?* ('Mommy?') ;(
... and now it was my time to grow up...
especially, since my... ability? curse?
whatever... to hear objects speaking had...
"...yes, little fella, play with the
bunny head, the Bunny is your
"...RAAAH, stay away from the
bearer of the blood, foul symbol, she
belongs to the potty god!"
... can you keep a secret? I didn't grew up,
because it was the time... it was rather the
shock...even as a toddler, if you hear object
talking, you know, something isn't right...
... and it didn't get better as a child...
"... come child, come to the bunny...
we're friends..."
"... NOOO... the potty, choose the
potty... it's your heritage!"
"...Noooo, come to Jumbok, Jumbok
wants Followers, too...
... guess what? That really helped... from
now on, there was Silence...
... still, I had questions...
"Uncle Tony, do you.. do you know
something about schizophrenic
attacks in toddler state?"
"...come again?"
"... Uncle, I swear, that the Potty
talked to me... saying something
about heritage and blood... do you
know, what that means?"
" Beth, stop telling these stupid
stories... pfft, talking toilets... what's
comes next? Did the Bunny Head talk
to you, too ?"
" Yes, yes he did! And then the
" Beth, I'll give you a good advice:
nothing of this has really happened!
And the only people, who think, that
toilets can speak or are higher beings,
are a bunch of religious fanatists with
a chicken's brain!"
" A religion? Uncle, perhaps..."
" NO! No assumptions, no wild
theories, is that clear?! Ask your
mother, if you won't believe me!"
...and with that, the discussion ended. I
didn't ask Mom after this, because the
sheer fact, that Uncle Tony insisted me
to ask her, made clear, that she'd tell me
the same - otherwise he'd never said that,
they're always over cross...
So I discussed the whole thing with my
brother Brian instead:
"...and then he said, it's not worth to
think about this anymore... it's just a
figment of my imagination..."
" Well, isn't it?"
" I'm... not sure, it was so real..."
" Well, I never heard the potty speak
to me... or the Bunny head..."
" Well, I did!"
" Aw, come on, Beth, the next thing
you're telling me, is that the magic of
disney is real, hahaha..."
" That's not funny, that's totally not
" Beth, what do you want: that we
believe you, or that we throw you into
an Asylum? But if it makes you feel
better: I believe you, okay? The Potty
has spoken to you, so did the Bunny
Head... and the Jumbok. Feel better
" Well, a little... I guess..."
" Oh, oh, I guess, then it's..."
" PFFFT...Hahaha... Brian, you're the
right one... you think, everything can
be solved with a hug..."
" Well, it does, or not?"
"... okay, now you really did it, I give
" Haha, told you sooo...Oh, oh..."
" What? What's wrong?"
" Well, It's guess, it's time for me,
" Oh pfft, unfair... couldn't you just
wait for me? It's tuesday in three days,
and I bet, you and Bea go together to
College... then I'm all alone, and Uncle
Tony won't let me go downtown,
before I haven't maxed my body
... but what could I do? Brian was a
teenager now, and teenagers do teenager
stuff, and don't care so much for little
sisters anymore... though his faible for
hugs had influenced him deeply - and so
he became the first family Sim we ever had
in the family...
...and as I said, he went with Bea to
College two days later... still, he was able
to find a girlfriend in this time...
... get his first kiss from her...
... and did a Couple of Dates with her
Downtown... while I had to stay home,
doing my homework and study, study,
study... bof...
... but for a change, it was my Grandma,
who thaught me a few things - and told
me something about her life... wow, I
didn't knew, that Grandma was perhaps
the oldest Being on Earth and the most
successful Sim who ever visited Uni...
well, if Bea wants to top that, she'll has to
try hard...
... oh, and she told me, how Uncle Tony
'took over' Uncle Alex girlfriend... you
know, perhaps I should do that with
Corey, when I'm older... then again, I
don't think, Bea would care... damn...
... still, it was always studying, studying,
studying with Grandma, too...
... but hey, it paid out! A+ ! Watch out,
Bea... I'll get you, heiress, hehe...
...intoxicated by my success, I even woke
up Mom, to tell her the good News... well,
she was of course happy, but then she had
to go back sleeping fast, before she got
sunburn...*sigh* it's not easy, if your
parents are vampires and you're not...oh,
... Okay, back to study...*grmbl*...., At
tuesday morning, school had just closed
because of the snow, I finally maxed my
Body Skill - Downtown, here I come!
...and how much fun we had, I, Brian and
Uncle Tony (he drove the car): we built
... danced in the discothek - Brian's
girlfriend Ricky joined us for a short time
there -...
... and finally took flying lessons with the
bubble...oh, shoot, Uncle Tony says, I
shouldn't talk about that, because it looks
so similar to a thing forbidden in real
life... strange, why then make it available
for kids...?
... after what felt like days, we finally
returned home, just to see, how Barry -
you already forgot him, right? - grew up...
... into a Cat with a rather strange texture
- if you look closer, you'll see, that his fur
has some olive colors, but overwise he's
okay... we got him a job in Showbiz - not
that we need it, but it helps to feed him
enough at home and/or at work.
.. also nearly at the same time, Bea and
Brian applied for their scholarships: Bea
got 9.500 Simoleons for her achievements
- she thought about becoming a vampire,
too, but then decided against this, to make
making friends at day easier...
Brian got only 8750 Simoleons first, but
that was because he still had a promotion
in his job left - he took the adventure
career! After achieving this last Level, he
got 9500 $, then, too!
First, Bea winked us all Good-bye, and
drove away...
"Greetings, unknown NPC Driver,
please take me to the College Ground,
so I can start my quest for achieving
the ultimate number of friendships -
that, and a GPA 4.0 too, of course..."
...actually, I was a bit sad, when she left,
she might be annoying, but I wouldn't
want any other sister than her... ... well,
perhaps only now and then...
... when Brian then finally left, just
topping his career - he returned totally
stinky from work, but said, it wasn't
necessary to wash, he'd do that at the Trip
to college - I couldn't hold back the tears
anymore, I cried like a baby about him
leaving... and Mom did the same...
... what a luck, if you have grandparents...
while Grampa occupied Mom with a
pillowfight, I and Grandma played Red
Hands, and soon everything wasn't so sad
... because in the end, everything is gonna
be okay... we're a great family, and my
Grandma is the best Grandma in the
world- absolutely!
" I love you, Grandma!"
" Aww, my precious Beth... I love you,
... but with that, tuesday events weren't
over yet... we'd totally forgot, that it was
Uncle Tony's Birthday, too...
... where he'd turn into an
know, it's really strange... thinking, that
your grandparents son is now technically
older then them...
By the way: I asked him one time, why he
didn't just become a vampire, but he said,
that the mental image of him and my
mother, bot immortal and perhaps chained
together for eternity, made it easy for him
to abandon this option...
... thankfully, because of Ayn, who had
lifted the service pet restriction, Uncle
Tony remained totally stable... at least
... practically, the situation was a bit
" Alex! HEY! OVER HERE! Damn, you
stupid Goodytwoshoes... scare me
already! I'm tired of running around, I
want you to scare... HEY!... *groan*
you're only doing that to make me
angry, right?"
" ... and that's were I want to end this
chapter for now. I thank you all for
reading and looking after us, and
hope, we'll meet one day again. If you
still want to read some good stories,
go to - perhaps
you can even leave a comment there,
or visit the official Sims2 site."
See You!"
Epilogue I:
Location: Plutoniums temporary
headquarter - observer room:
"Hmmm.... no signs of real evil,
despite her little sisterly quarrel.... I'll
guess, I have to pay her a visit soon,
before she becomes too... but as she
said, everything'll be alright, hehe..."
" What... the Doorbell? Hm, I wonder,
who could that be?"
Plutonium Apocalypso: made by
Ephemeraltoast, Evildoer, No-Noser - and
the real Father of Bethany Eden...-
" Hi, Dad!"
" Wh... BOOGER? What're you doing
Booger Apocalypso: made by... CAS ;),
Son of Plutonium and his Wife Vanessa
(also: La-Fiesta-Secret-society-with-
dreads-Vanessa), an undead walking
corpse, and also named by her - ...actually,
Plutonium is his mother(!),
acknowledging that he got pregnant with
" Well, Mom said, I should go and
look, what're you doing, and she asks,
when you come home... oh and that
she wants to kill you for letting her
" Ehr, yes, well... Booger, Daddy is
currently a bit busy in this Legacy...
ehr, can't you just tell Mom, that it
will be a bit later? A few months or
" But... but Dad, I can't tell her that!"
" Oh, you can, Booger, you can, you're
my son after all..."
" No, really, Mom says, she'll kill me,
if I come back without you - and you
know she isn't joking with these
" Yeah.. well,... I can't help you then,
Booger... hey, why don't you just visit
the neighborhood, say hello to
Grandma Uranium and..."
" But, but... Dad, this neighborhood is
full of vampires... and zombies... and
it's cold and..."
"Hmmpf... you're really a difficult
case, Booger... and I don't have the
time now, to babysit you..."
" ...But hey, waitaminute... I know,
what to do... we're just doing the same
thing like the time, when your Mom
had migraine and..."
"N...NO, PLEASE, anything but that!!"
"Aw, come on Booger, it didn't kill
you last time, it wont kill you now..."
" but... but... but..."
" Pssst!... Hello? Yes, am I speaking
with...? Ah yes, see, I have to tell a
severe case of... yes, yes that's
correct... yes, absolutely...mmmh, yes,
the child's here, and he's totally... yes,
yes, better you come now
immediatily... of course, I'm just doing
my civic duty... hey, are you busy
tonight? Otherwise we could..."
"*snif*... not again the orphanage..."
" Bye son, have fun... and don't worry,
once I'm finished here, I'll find an
idiot, who'll adopt you in no time...!"
Epilogue II:
" Sephiroth, this was totally
" Hey, he started it! And don't tell me,
anyone will shed a tear for him...
Heck, I bet, people would PAY me for
doing that again!"
" That's not the point! Of course, it's
okay to kill him... but not in the castle!
You could've done it outside! Or do
you think, I want to get stuck with the
Ghost of National Simcialism in here
forever?! Even Evilness has its
... to be continued...
Epilogue III (the last one - promise):
"Hey, what about me? I wanted to be
in this story, too!"
next time, Sonicdude, next time, okay?

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Far away from Eden Ep. 6.3.: True Evil? 

  • 1. Far away from Eden Ep. 6.3.: True Evil? Chapter 6.3. of my apocalegacy: Evil spreads, kids growing up - which side will they choose? Family Name: Zombie I Lot Name: zombini 2 Categories:Komödie,Lebensgeschichten der Sims,Satire
  • 2. " Hi! I'm Bethany Eden, and I'd like to welcome you all to a new installment of the 'Far away from Eden'- Apocalegacy! In this Legacy, my family tries to free our Neighborhood from the grasp of the evil vampires. For this, we have to obey many harsh restrictions and handicaps - if you want to know more about this, visit to read about the Legacy and Apocalypse challenge and/or visit for a great community to chat and share ideas! "
  • 3. " For a better understanding, you should also read the former episodes of our legacy - but to sum it up short: step by step, my family was able to push back the evil vampires influence, by reporting about the vampire problem in our neighborhood, creating new vampires movies for the screen, building a Counter army of friendly vampires, and reestablishing a proper education system, introducing new classes like Hunting, Woodcarving and Stabbing 101 etc. Unfortunately, not only our creator has been missing now for quite a while - though Grandma means, that's a good thing -, our neighborhood has also attracted a lot of strange people and creatures, like Simselfs, evil Aliens, ugly werewolves and dancing zombies... You know, at that time we really thought: 'At least I couldn't get worse anymore...' - boy, were we wrong... but look for yourself..."
  • 4. - Location: the Counts Castle (made by Cokebuilder at, current headquarter of the evil Vampire army and the Leader of the cult of the Potty... "Purple!"
  • 5. "Yeah?" " Where the [censored] are my clothes?!" "... the Count wears them." " WHAT??!!" ---------- left: Uranium Apocalypso, Co-Ruler of the Evil Vampire Army and Leader of the Potty God Cult, made by Ephemeraltoast right: Purple alias Magenta from the Rocky Horror Picture Show, made by Ken242 at, hired by the Count as Maid for his Castle... Credits to Rock... ehr, Robinoli, creator of 'It's a legacy, Darling' and 'Apocalypse a la Arduenna', for the inspiration ;)
  • 6. the Count's Bedroom: " Oh my, I'm so pretty, so pretty... too bad, that I can't see myself in the mirror, I must be such a perfect specimen of manhood... what do you think, Piff-Paff?" "Owwwww, Mercy..." ------------------ The Count - Ruler of the Evil Vampire Army - at least officially... clothing by uncool89 at Piff-Paff, alias Riff Raff from RHPS,made by DxVid at, hired by the Count, too - hey, it's not that they haven't worked for strange guys before...
  • 7. " I - don't - believe -it! What's wrong with this sick... and more important: what should I wear now? The meeting is about to start and I can't hold it in underwear!" " Pfft...Why not?" " PURPLE...!" " I... have an extra pair of clothes from a former friend left..."
  • 8. ... a bit later: " [Prrt]... Now that's something to remember... you're a hot...!" " Rhys, don't do it, this joke is too obvious..." "... this is the second most disturbing thing I ever saw, right after my sister kissing someone she wouldn't marry..." ".. Brrr, disgusting! Aren't you ashamed wearing such suit, you look like a.." --- From Left to right: Jack Buccaneer Thayer, from PurpleBunnys 'A Piratical Legacy', Criminal Mastermind extraordinaire - and so sexy, it's almost a crime... Cecil Goodytwoshoes, from Professor Butters 'A Squeaky Clean Legacy' - greedy, ruthless and evil - well, as evil you can be in a Squeaky Clean Family... Kirstial Legacina, from Orikes ' Pseudo Legacy' - Arch-Enemy to her own family, disturbed mother to the wrong child, and tricked by vampires in losing her immortality - more a victim then really evil.. Rhys Fitzhugh, from the 'Fitzhugh Legacy' - trying to kill his family with the flu, seducing his niece's boyfriend, playing mind games - you have to love him!
  • 9. " Grmmbl... are you finished now? Remind me to kill the Count after this... oh and also everyone, who mentions things like 'Tramp', 'Patootie', 'Time Warp', 'dirty' etc in this time... you've been warned! Now move, I want to have this over as soon as possible..." ----- Columbias Suit from the Rocky Horror Picture Show, made by Ken242 at - sorry, couldn't resist to do this... XD
  • 10. " Ohoh, look who's there...!" " What's this? Am I in the wrong movie?" " Hey, Miss, shouldn't you take the Elevator instead of the stairs... or use a motorcycle at least, hehe.." " *Sigh*, why me... Guys, meet my other guests... I guess, you've already heard of them..."
  • 11. "... these are Emperor Palpatine, Dr. Lecter and Lord Voldemort..." from left to right: - Imperator Palpatine from Star Wars - Evil Sith Lord, (Ex-)Ruler of an galactical Empire, Destroyer of the Order of the Yedi knights, obsessed with moon-sized Space Stations that can blow up Planets and Blonde Boys that wear Black, have Prothesis's and sound like they have Lung Cancer. - Dr. Hannibal Lecter from 'Silence of the Lambs' - maneating Profiler, brilliant Sociopath and connoisseur of the fine arts - strangely, he mostly eats people, who hurt his sense of culture and perfection - isn't that like eating junk food? - Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter - Evil Sorcercerer and Archenemy of Name Giver to the Book - Snakelike, Noseless, manipulative - Uraniums lost twin brother?
  • 12. "... Mr. Krueger, Mr. Megatron and Mr. Smith..." from right to left: - Freddy Krueger from 'Nightmare on Elm Street' - Undead, teen-murdering Psycho, Mother Nun, Father Nutcase in an Asylum, kills his victims in their dreams - what would Freud say to that? - Megatron (Generation 1 to be precisely), Leader of the evil Decepticons, currently also Founder of the Robot Prettacy by KTelgar, transforms into a Magnum .44 - let's skip the discussion of the ability to shrink, lose mass, or why it has to be an object that can't move by itself... - Agent Smith from 'the Matrix' - former Security Program of humanity- controlling Reallife Simulation degrading people to mere batteries , later Freelancing conqueror, multiplying himself like... a virus... - became , what you hated?
  • 13. ".. General Sephiroth and..." ----------- Sephiroth: Final Boss of the Game 'Final Fantasy VII' - with Alien Genetic enhanced Soldier employed by a ruthless Company, turned insane over the fact how he was made, wants to destroy the Planet with a Meteor to absorb its Life essence called 'Mako' to become godlike, wields a big, long sword, calls the Alien his Genetics are from his mother - yes, another case for Freud...
  • 14. ... somewhere else: "WAAAG!" " WHAT?!" " I sense a disturbance in the... no, I mean, there's something out... no, no, I mean, I..." " Can you finally decide, what quote you want to use?" "... 'I hereby wish to clarify, that the following as well as the pictures before are meant as a parody, even if not a good one - in no way I, the creator, want to support any criminal, radical or or racist acts at any costs. If anybody reading this feels easily violated I advise him not to read any further - thank you....unnnnh..." " Why did you say that?!" " I... don't know... it just came over me..."
  • 15. "... and Mr. Simler from Germany." ----- Adolphus Simler, made by Dranore - possibly the oldest Sim download at ever - it's not worth to mention anything about him, only so much: he ... will... pay...!!
  • 16. " Wow... now that's what I call a villain's meeting... I wonder, why she didn't invite Skeletor, Magneto and Osama Bin Laden, too..." " Rhys, I'm sorry, but I can't share your excitement... in fact, these people kinda freak me out a bit..." " Are you kidding? This is evil deluxe - these guys are the big league!" "... and that's exactly, what I don't like. I'm a Criminal Mastermind, but I prefer me and my family to sleep safe at night..." " Mee... you're boring, Jack..." "... but still alive, nothing wrong with that..."
  • 17. "... Psst... I don't really get it... Uranium said, this was a villain's meeting... why did she invite these Nerds?" " Kirstial... I don't think, you can call them 'Nerds'... a better definition would be 'Psycho's'..." " Why? They are ugly, they surely never had a girl for a date... and they all look like they are collecting action figures and play Ego shooters all day..." "... good point."
  • 18. " Okay, now that we're all here, first, I'd like to thank you all, that you accepted my call... I guess, most of you think, that was because you're so popular and evil... but let me tell you one thing, to make this clear: yes, you are popular and evil, otherwise I wouldn't have called you... but the main criteria was: you're all BIG, FAT LOSERS - and it will stay that way, if you don't do, what I tell you to do, comprende?!"
  • 19. " WHAT! HOW DARE YOU, YOU UGLY MUDBLOOD, YOU...!" " No Need to be angry, my Lord...and, Mrs. Apocalypso, aside from the fact, that your explanation wasn't very friendly, I'm not totally sure how your... scheme does fit with me... or some of my colleagues here... " " Oh, please, either in jail or being chased by the FBI, cutting your hand off and never get the girl - if you call that a victory..." " Ah, I see... you never read the book and suffer from the bad influence of the movie... remind me to eat the Regisseur's heart later..."
  • 20. " Bah, this whole thing here is a piece of crap... I'm outta here.." " Oh, Boohoo, Freddy... didn't Nutcase Daddy hug you enough when you were little? Actually you weren't even my first choice too call, but Pinhead was on vacation, so..." "... Okay, that's it! Come'ere, then I'll show you what it means to really 'loose' it, you Bi..."
  • 21. " Oh shut up, all of you! Don't you get it?! I chose you, because I know that you, despite being Losers, want to WIN! Your own happy end! Get it?! No more: the Good win, the evil... no, this time it's: EVIL FOREVER!" [insert thundercracks, trumpets or whatever you like , here]
  • 22. " A... 'noble' request, Mrs. Apocalypso... still, I'm curious, 'how' do you actually want to achieve that goal..?"
  • 23. " Thank you, Mr. Smith, that's what I just wanted to do... see, here we have this neighborhood, under the control of my very own vampire army *cough*andtheCountuntilIwon't needhimanymore*cough*... its creator isn't a problem anymore, and the Simselfs here around are too busy partying the money, he gave them, away... if we act quick now, we can soon melt this whole region into a breeding pot of evilness... from there on, it's just a small step to attack the other legacys around - in fact, I'm currently busy in other legacies too, to create chaos or set the ground for a take-over..." "... and the legacy family here?" "... I admit, they're still a nuisance to me... sadly, my brain-dead son failed to get me control over them... but don't worry, their first 'victories' have made them unobservant... in fact, I already have a 'mole' in their family..." " A mole?" " Exactly! And I think, this is a good opportunity to unveil him to you: Gentlemen, meet my newest sla... I mean associate..."
  • 24. " ... Mr. Nicolai Wood!" "Thank you, Mrs. Apocalypso - and a good - or evil? - day to you all, Sirs... ahh, I wish my Idol Loki Beaker could see me now...!"
  • 25. " Baah - a Traitor! I hate traitors! There is nothing good about traitors, even the ones who work for you!"
  • 26. "...bad experiences, metalfreak?" "... well, ugly fleshling, let's say, that my idea, keeping traitors near by me to have them under control instead of backstabbing me when I don't expect it, did never work out right..."
  • 27. " Hey, now wait a second, yes? I'm not a 'traitor'... at least not totally. In fact, all I ever wanted to be, was to be a mad scientist... or to be more precisely, a RICH mad sientist, considering me being a Fortune Sim... and what am I now?! I'm a bloody vampire trapped in a legacy family in an ice-aged apocalyptical world, only because a certain green girl made a certain Count love sick and then turned him down instead of choosing him before he had this stupid vampocalypse idea, making lots of babies with him and therefore spare the rest of the world some trouble! Oh I wish, they'd never have existed, that's why I swore myself to erase everyone of them from this hard drive forever..."
  • 28. "... and believe me, it wasn't easy... killing Alex was easy to do... that naive idiot... but you'll never really forgive yourself for that, even if his family is responsible for the whole mess... "
  • 29. "...Ben, on the other side, was almost an act of mercy... his remaining 21 Brain Cells were already reduced to a pile of rubble after his wife betraying him, I only helped him a bit..."
  • 30. "... I sense great power from you...Your hate has made you powerful... though I don't really understand, why you chose the dark side instead of fighting with them against us?" " 'Mad' - Scientist, remember? It's more than just a job description, you know..."
  • 31. " *Snif*... Thank you, Nick, for your heart-warming explanation... see, that's what I ever say... who thinks about us villains? We have feelings - or at least we pretend to have them - too..."
  • 32. " Well, now that all sounds really interesting and fluffy and stuff, but besides the point, that you're asking for our help, what's really in for us? A happy end, okay, but under what conditions? You rule, we obey? And most important, how? We do the hard work, while you woohooing around or what? " "Now, now, Sephiroth... one step at a time. I assure you, that once we succeeded, the result will satisfy you beyond even your wildest dreams ..." "... this isn't an anwser to what I've asked, I still want to know how..."
  • 33. "... Sephiroth!" " ...What?" " Dein Name - Sephiroth?" "... Yes. Sephiroth is my name, any problem with that?" " Zat is a jewish Name, right?" "... ... it's actually the Name of the Tree of Life as a mystical symbol within the Kabbala of esoteric judaism to understand the nature of god and the way he created the world [quote/unquote wikipedia]. Don't tell me you're getting racist now, just because my name...?"
  • 34. "GAH...KRIEG.. SAUERKRAUT... BAUMKUCHEN!" " HEY, YOU.... GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU FREA... AGH, HE BITES!" " Woo, finally some action after all this stupid planning and scheming...! Ten Bucks, that Seph kicks Simler's ass!" " *Sigh*... great, just great... I haven't even begun to play them off against each other, and they already started the killing spree..."
  • 35. Hi, Bethany again! Wooah, all these villains... see, I told you, that the worst was just coming for my family... though we just realized that much, much later... in fact, at the time, when all these villains arrived, I was still a little baby, as you can see here...
  • 36. ...and my older brother Brian was only a Toddler at that time - Grandma Anais says, we have the same looks and eyes - well, Brians eyes are blue, mine are... nah, I really don't know, why they look so strange... "Bwian wuv yu all!"
  • 37. ... and my sister Bea was - well, just Bea, the heiress. Psst, psst - Don't tell her, but I think, there was a time, when she thought, that one day, we would compete about the title of the heiress, because we're both girls, and this is a matriarchy... truth to be told, I never wanted to be heiress... I never liked Nicolai...- though I don't know, if she liked him then...
  • 38. And these are my Grandparents, Grandma Anais and Grandpa Jerry - they're still soooo in love with each other... though Grandma teases Gramps sometimes, because he appears in so many other Apocalypse Challenges lately... 'Mr. Apocalypse', she calls him...
  • 39. ... Oh, and this is my uncle Alex - well, he's dead, but sometimes his Ghost visits us... he's a rather friendly Ghost, always staying at his etage, and he never scares anyone! Too bad, that he can't speak with us, but he smiles all the time...
  • 40. ... not like my mother's husband, General Benjamin Long - he only appears to see, if the bed is still there, and then mostly disappears again... it's strange, they say, he's my father, and died mysteriously before I was born, but I don't believe that, it just doesn't feel right...
  • 41. ... and that's my Mom... she's the best Mom, really, but sometimes she starts to cry and then wants nobody near her... I think she still miss Be... 'Dad'... I wish, I could help her...
  • 42. ... I asked Uncle Tony - Mum's Brother Antoine - what's wrong with her, but he always avoids the subject... in fact, he seems a bit cold and distant towards me... but he's okay, in fact, he cares a lot about us kids - though he always wanted us to study, study, study... " Hey, I've maximized Creativity!" *Sigh* well, Bea studied all the time, she was totally attached to her book - believe it or not, she maxed three skills as a child and had at least 8 Points or more in the remaining ones... she said something about: 'make Daddy proud' or so...
  • 43. ... with all these studying, of course, nothing really interesting happened in that time... only one day, Uncle Tony surprised us, when he adopted a new Cat, Robby...
  • 44. ... as a spouse for our cat Ayn, who had just lifted the last pet restriction as a service pet - by the way, as you can see, Ayn and Bea are rather close - in fact, I think, she's the only friend - besides Mom and Grandma and Grandpa, but that was already as a Toddler - , she ever had as a child...
  • 45. - well, and after a short time, Robby and Ayn... nah, I won't tell, you already know, what I mean... *Meow, Meowr, Meowrrrr!* ('Okay, Girl, follow me, so I can make you a lucky girl...') *Meeeee-ow* (~ something like 'Men'...)
  • 46. ... sadly, we had to sell Robby after that, since the food restriction made it difficult to feed more than one pet in the household - gladly, one of the Simselfs accepted to take care of Robby... one good thing about Simselfs, they always cause trouble, but are also always willing to help - which often causes even more trouble, though...
  • 47. ... and then it was already time for Brians Birthday... " Weeeeeeee...."
  • 48. He turned out be a modest, playful, a bit hyperactive and lazy, but also really, really nice boy (3/4/10/10/7 and Saggitarius, to be precise)...
  • 49. ... and unlike Bea, he was more eager to make friends, even with her... " *Ahem*...Brian, will you have the kindness to let go off me now...? I need to go back to my books..." " No chance, Bea, it's hugging time, and you absotudelutley need a hug now!" " *Giggle* Okay, but only one more minute..."
  • 50. ...and Uncle Tony - but that doesn't mean, that he never studied, actually he was only a few skill points behind her, but he didn't achieve most of them like she did with learning but with... well, guess, what our family does all the time (starts with 'Out' and ends with '-ing'...)
  • 51. ... okay, and then it was finally my turn...
  • 52. ... and boy, was everyone surprised, if they realized my personality: a libra with the stats: 5/8/4/8/10 - I'm the nicey-nicest Girl ever born in our family, wow! " Ten nice points? Hmm... perhaps then not everything is lost with her..." " Antoine, brother... I'm only telling you this one time: if you - ever - make Bethany sad, you'll pay, is that clear?!" " Oh, calm down... I thought, I said, that she seems to be okay, no need to argue..."
  • 53. ... there was a bit fighting between my Mum and Uncle Tony at that time. I didn't understood everything, but none of them ever lost a word about it...instead, they started the usual toddler routine, with teaching me to talk and walk...
  • 54. ... and of course using the potty... though while doing this, something strange happened...
  • 55. .. because the potty started talking to me! "Praise be with you, young pup... may the neverending bliss of the potty god guide you, and..." "EEEEK... MOMMY, POTTY CAN TAWK!" ...I was so scared at that time, that Mom needed the whole night, to calm me down... ... I'm a bit embaressed to tell you that, but I was in fact so scared, that for the remaining days as a toddler, I totally avoided the potty and rather wet my diapers, then using... you understand?
  • 56. ... meanwhile, it was my sisters time again to grow up... after all these studies, of course everyone expected her to become a Knowledge Sim, like B... 'Dad'..
  • 57. ... but to our surprise, she chose Popularity like Grandma! "I've nearly mastered my father's and my uncle's path to wisdom... after that, I will master my Grandmother's ability of making unlimited friends, too!"
  • 58. ... and she also mastered the ability of having a cute nose, not like her... oh, you know, who I mean...
  • 59. ... and only three days after her birthday, she finally maxed all her skills... " Gifted in all the necessary arts, I shall now advance my horizont by learning the tricks of the trade and become a professional Pool Billard Player and Dancer..."
  • 60. ...yes, she was totally insatiable in gaining skills... " Wheew... Bea, dear, let's take a break, we've already played the whole day now..." " I'm sorry, Uncle, but I have to insist to continue playing, till my knowledge of queue and stick have advanced enough to get a scholarship next tuesday..." "... I'm not sure, if I should be proud or envious... I have gained all these skills, but I didn't got that far till Adulthood - okay, one more round, but then we'll stop and talk about business for a while, okay?" " This is acceptable, Uncle."
  • 61. ... totally... "...And if you want to sell an eskimo a fridge, you'll need to..."
  • 62. ... and just when we thought, that she had enough, learning every single visible or hidden skill... she started doing haircuts! " Expanding my knowledge of being a coiffeur will also help me to achieve my goal of getting friends by adjusting them to my turn-ons of Custom hair and Make-up, so I..." - yes, yes, bla, bla, that's Bea, I'm happy for her, but she can be annoying sometimes...
  • 63. ... thankfully, even she isn't perfect... " EEEEEEEEEEEEKS!" " Oh, I'm sorry, dearest customer, I must have been distracted for a second. Please let it make up by redoing you, I'll promise, it won't happen again..."
  • 64. ... sadly it's a rare case, that she fails...*sigh* " Mr. Hairdresser-in-funny-clothes, though I know, that I could easily readjust my looks in the mirror, I want you to do it in order to learn your tricks of hairdressing, so I won't make the same mistake I did to my dear friend Corey the Goth Kid over there again... therefore, I let you decide on the style you'll give me..."
  • 65. " Oh, my... that is an interesting combination of colors... the black custom hair and the black glasses in contrast to the white of my everyday clothing... before we deepen the experience, I'd like to take in a second opinion, please wait a moment..."
  • 66. " Corey, how do you like my new appearance?" " This is... how did you know, that Black is my favourite Color?!" " Ehrm... I guessed?"
  • 67. " Oh, Girl, you're making me totally hawt deep down in my black, gothy soul..." "Oh my, Corey... I have to confess, that with your Custom Blonde Hair and Lipstick my attraction towards you is similar - though we don't have three bolts, your two Bolts are so far the best matching for me in the neighborhood, so therefore..." " Ehrr... let's just kiss, okay?" " *Giggle* okay, but no tongue exercise the first time, yes?"
  • 68. ... and that was the amazing story, how Bea got a boyfriend - and once she had him, she even put this 'achievement' into effort... " By dating Corey, I have gained a constant source for a Platin aspiration, which helped me to top a teenager career easily - Athletics, to be precisely - to ensure myself another Scholarship and the status of an over- achiever, which will support..." ... and so on... she'll never stops...
  • 69. ... as a sidenote: Bea's future husband Nick didn't care at all, what his future wife did... he seemed to be totally busy earning 100.000 Simoleons, earning a Robot and Coiffeur Badge etc. - remember, at that time we didn't knew, what Nick really had in mind - and what he had done... " Easy, Nick, step by step... soon you'll control them all...hehehe..."
  • 70. Meanwhile, we had to face another situtation: one day, Ayn returned earlier from work. It turned out, that she had made a wrong decision for her Pet Squad and was therefore demoted in ranks. A short inspection though showed us, that it wasn't her fault, but the influence of nature itself, because she was heavily pregnant and about to give birth - too bad, that her employers wouldn't accept that as an excuse...
  • 71. ... while we all enjoyed the wonderful moment,when Ayn not only gave birth to one or two, but three wonderful little white kittens...
  • 72. ... we all loved them at first sight...
  • 73. ... but right after the joy, realisation struck, that there would never be enough food in the house to feed a 4 mouths... *snif*
  • 74. ... so we had to give them away as well...
  • 75. ... and so our wonderful Ayn, together with her two little Kittens, which we named Bette and Bernard, left the Lot...
  • 76. ... while we only kept Barry in the house. It was - soooo - difficult to choose, but we decided us for him, since he was the smartest one of them, which would ensure a strong Breed for later Generations. *Meow?* ('Mommy?') ;(
  • 77. ... and now it was my time to grow up... especially, since my... ability? curse? whatever... to hear objects speaking had... spread... "...yes, little fella, play with the bunny head, the Bunny is your friend..." "...RAAAH, stay away from the bearer of the blood, foul symbol, she belongs to the potty god!" " EWEEKS! "
  • 78. ... can you keep a secret? I didn't grew up, because it was the time... it was rather the shock...even as a toddler, if you hear object talking, you know, something isn't right...
  • 79. ... and it didn't get better as a child... "... come child, come to the bunny... we're friends..." "... NOOO... the potty, choose the potty... it's your heritage!" "...Noooo, come to Jumbok, Jumbok wants Followers, too... " WAAAH! STOP IT! STOP TALKING TO ME! YOU CAN'T TALK, YOU'RE NOT ALIVE!" ... guess what? That really helped... from now on, there was Silence...
  • 80. ... still, I had questions... "Uncle Tony, do you.. do you know something about schizophrenic attacks in toddler state?" "...come again?" "... Uncle, I swear, that the Potty talked to me... saying something about heritage and blood... do you know, what that means?" " Beth, stop telling these stupid stories... pfft, talking toilets... what's comes next? Did the Bunny Head talk to you, too ?" " Yes, yes he did! And then the Jumbok..." " Beth, I'll give you a good advice: nothing of this has really happened! And the only people, who think, that toilets can speak or are higher beings, are a bunch of religious fanatists with a chicken's brain!" " A religion? Uncle, perhaps..." " NO! No assumptions, no wild theories, is that clear?! Ask your mother, if you won't believe me!"
  • 81. ...and with that, the discussion ended. I didn't ask Mom after this, because the sheer fact, that Uncle Tony insisted me to ask her, made clear, that she'd tell me the same - otherwise he'd never said that, they're always over cross... So I discussed the whole thing with my brother Brian instead: "...and then he said, it's not worth to think about this anymore... it's just a figment of my imagination..." " Well, isn't it?" " I'm... not sure, it was so real..." " Well, I never heard the potty speak to me... or the Bunny head..." " Well, I did!"
  • 82. " Aw, come on, Beth, the next thing you're telling me, is that the magic of disney is real, hahaha..." " That's not funny, that's totally not funny..." " Beth, what do you want: that we believe you, or that we throw you into an Asylum? But if it makes you feel better: I believe you, okay? The Potty has spoken to you, so did the Bunny Head... and the Jumbok. Feel better now?" " Well, a little... I guess..." " Oh, oh, I guess, then it's..."
  • 83. "... HUGGING TIME!" " PFFFT...Hahaha... Brian, you're the right one... you think, everything can be solved with a hug..." " Well, it does, or not?" "... okay, now you really did it, I give up..." " Haha, told you sooo...Oh, oh..." " What? What's wrong?" " Well, It's guess, it's time for me, time..."
  • 84. "... TOO GROW UP! YIPPIEH!" " Oh pfft, unfair... couldn't you just wait for me? It's tuesday in three days, and I bet, you and Bea go together to College... then I'm all alone, and Uncle Tony won't let me go downtown, before I haven't maxed my body skill..."
  • 85. ... but what could I do? Brian was a teenager now, and teenagers do teenager stuff, and don't care so much for little sisters anymore... though his faible for hugs had influenced him deeply - and so he became the first family Sim we ever had in the family...
  • 86. ...and as I said, he went with Bea to College two days later... still, he was able to find a girlfriend in this time...
  • 87. ... get his first kiss from her...
  • 88. ... and did a Couple of Dates with her Downtown... while I had to stay home, doing my homework and study, study, study... bof...
  • 89. ... but for a change, it was my Grandma, who thaught me a few things - and told me something about her life... wow, I didn't knew, that Grandma was perhaps the oldest Being on Earth and the most successful Sim who ever visited Uni... well, if Bea wants to top that, she'll has to try hard...
  • 90. ... oh, and she told me, how Uncle Tony 'took over' Uncle Alex girlfriend... you know, perhaps I should do that with Corey, when I'm older... then again, I don't think, Bea would care... damn...
  • 91. ... still, it was always studying, studying, studying with Grandma, too...
  • 92. ... but hey, it paid out! A+ ! Watch out, Bea... I'll get you, heiress, hehe...
  • 93. ...intoxicated by my success, I even woke up Mom, to tell her the good News... well, she was of course happy, but then she had to go back sleeping fast, before she got sunburn...*sigh* it's not easy, if your parents are vampires and you're not...oh, well...
  • 94. ... Okay, back to study...*grmbl*...., At tuesday morning, school had just closed because of the snow, I finally maxed my Body Skill - Downtown, here I come!
  • 95. ...and how much fun we had, I, Brian and Uncle Tony (he drove the car): we built snowmen..
  • 96. ... danced in the discothek - Brian's girlfriend Ricky joined us for a short time there -...
  • 97. ... and finally took flying lessons with the bubble...oh, shoot, Uncle Tony says, I shouldn't talk about that, because it looks so similar to a thing forbidden in real life... strange, why then make it available for kids...?
  • 98. ... after what felt like days, we finally returned home, just to see, how Barry - you already forgot him, right? - grew up...
  • 99. ... into a Cat with a rather strange texture - if you look closer, you'll see, that his fur has some olive colors, but overwise he's okay... we got him a job in Showbiz - not that we need it, but it helps to feed him enough at home and/or at work.
  • 100. .. also nearly at the same time, Bea and Brian applied for their scholarships: Bea got 9.500 Simoleons for her achievements - she thought about becoming a vampire, too, but then decided against this, to make making friends at day easier... Brian got only 8750 Simoleons first, but that was because he still had a promotion in his job left - he took the adventure career! After achieving this last Level, he got 9500 $, then, too!
  • 101. First, Bea winked us all Good-bye, and drove away... "Greetings, unknown NPC Driver, please take me to the College Ground, so I can start my quest for achieving the ultimate number of friendships - that, and a GPA 4.0 too, of course..." ...actually, I was a bit sad, when she left, she might be annoying, but I wouldn't want any other sister than her... ... well, perhaps only now and then...
  • 102. ... when Brian then finally left, just topping his career - he returned totally stinky from work, but said, it wasn't necessary to wash, he'd do that at the Trip to college - I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, I cried like a baby about him leaving... and Mom did the same...
  • 103. ... what a luck, if you have grandparents... while Grampa occupied Mom with a pillowfight, I and Grandma played Red Hands, and soon everything wasn't so sad anymore...
  • 104. ... because in the end, everything is gonna be okay... we're a great family, and my Grandma is the best Grandma in the world- absolutely! " I love you, Grandma!" " Aww, my precious Beth... I love you, too!"
  • 105. ... but with that, tuesday events weren't over yet... we'd totally forgot, that it was Uncle Tony's Birthday, too...
  • 106. ... where he'd turn into an know, it's really strange... thinking, that your grandparents son is now technically older then them... By the way: I asked him one time, why he didn't just become a vampire, but he said, that the mental image of him and my mother, bot immortal and perhaps chained together for eternity, made it easy for him to abandon this option...
  • 107. ... thankfully, because of Ayn, who had lifted the service pet restriction, Uncle Tony remained totally stable... at least officially...
  • 108. ... practically, the situation was a bit different... " Alex! HEY! OVER HERE! Damn, you stupid Goodytwoshoes... scare me already! I'm tired of running around, I want you to scare... HEY!... *groan* you're only doing that to make me angry, right?"
  • 109. " ... and that's were I want to end this chapter for now. I thank you all for reading and looking after us, and hope, we'll meet one day again. If you still want to read some good stories, go to - perhaps you can even leave a comment there, or visit the official Sims2 site." See You!"
  • 110. Epilogue I: Location: Plutoniums temporary headquarter - observer room: "Hmmm.... no signs of real evil, despite her little sisterly quarrel.... I'll guess, I have to pay her a visit soon, before she becomes too... but as she said, everything'll be alright, hehe..." *DING*DONG* " What... the Doorbell? Hm, I wonder, who could that be?" ------------------------ Plutonium Apocalypso: made by Ephemeraltoast, Evildoer, No-Noser - and the real Father of Bethany Eden...- Apocalypso!
  • 111. " Hi, Dad!" " Wh... BOOGER? What're you doing here??" ------- Booger Apocalypso: made by... CAS ;), Son of Plutonium and his Wife Vanessa (also: La-Fiesta-Secret-society-with- dreads-Vanessa), an undead walking corpse, and also named by her - ...actually, Plutonium is his mother(!), acknowledging that he got pregnant with Booger...
  • 112. " Well, Mom said, I should go and look, what're you doing, and she asks, when you come home... oh and that she wants to kill you for letting her wait..." " Ehr, yes, well... Booger, Daddy is currently a bit busy in this Legacy... ehr, can't you just tell Mom, that it will be a bit later? A few months or years?"
  • 113. " But... but Dad, I can't tell her that!" " Oh, you can, Booger, you can, you're my son after all..." " No, really, Mom says, she'll kill me, if I come back without you - and you know she isn't joking with these things..." " Yeah.. well,... I can't help you then, Booger... hey, why don't you just visit the neighborhood, say hello to Grandma Uranium and..." " But, but... Dad, this neighborhood is full of vampires... and zombies... and it's cold and..." "Hmmpf... you're really a difficult case, Booger... and I don't have the time now, to babysit you..."
  • 114. " ...But hey, waitaminute... I know, what to do... we're just doing the same thing like the time, when your Mom had migraine and..." "N...NO, PLEASE, anything but that!!" "Aw, come on Booger, it didn't kill you last time, it wont kill you now..."
  • 115. " but... but... but..." " Pssst!... Hello? Yes, am I speaking with...? Ah yes, see, I have to tell a severe case of... yes, yes that's correct... yes, absolutely...mmmh, yes, the child's here, and he's totally... yes, yes, better you come now immediatily... of course, I'm just doing my civic duty... hey, are you busy tonight? Otherwise we could..."
  • 116. later: "*snif*... not again the orphanage..." " Bye son, have fun... and don't worry, once I'm finished here, I'll find an idiot, who'll adopt you in no time...!"
  • 117. Epilogue II: " Sephiroth, this was totally inappropriate!" " Hey, he started it! And don't tell me, anyone will shed a tear for him... Heck, I bet, people would PAY me for doing that again!" " That's not the point! Of course, it's okay to kill him... but not in the castle! You could've done it outside! Or do you think, I want to get stuck with the Ghost of National Simcialism in here forever?! Even Evilness has its Limits!!" ... to be continued...
  • 118. Epilogue III (the last one - promise): "Hey, what about me? I wanted to be in this story, too!" next time, Sonicdude, next time, okay?