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20 April 2010
                            5th International Cloud Computing Expo
                                             New York
                                           Next Generation Data Center Summit

         Innovation in Cloud Computing
         Architectures with OpenNebula

                            Distributed Systems Architecture Research Group
                                   Universidad Complutense de Madrid

This presentation is provided under the terms of the a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
© OpenNebula Project Leads                                                                            1/24
Position in the Cloud Ecosystem
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula

                                     What                      Who
   Software as a Service
                               On-demand           End-user
                               access to any       (does not care about hw or sw)

   Platform as a Service       Platform for        Developer
                               building and        (no managing of the
                               delivering web      underlying hw & swlayers)

     Infrastructure as a       Raw computer        System Administrator
           Service             infrastructure      (complete management of the
                                                   computer infrastructure)
                                      Innovative open, flexible and scalable
                                        technology to configure your own
                                          IT resources into a IaaS cloud
   Physical Infrastructure
Transforming your IT Infrastructure into a Cloud
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula

Commercial Cloud Provider
•  Flexible and elastic capacity to meet dynamic
   demands of service
•  Ubiquitous network access
•  Pay per use and on-demand access

Building your Own Cloud
•  Optimize and Simplify Internal Operations
     •  Centralized management of all servers and services with dynamic
        resizing of infrastructure and dynamic allocation of capacity
     •  Higher utilization and operational saving of existing resources
        with server consolidation and removal of application silos
     •  Lower infrastructure expenses with combination of local and
        remote Cloud resources
•  Support new IT, scientific, or business Cloud services
Deployment Models
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula

Model              Definition                   Examples of Deployment

            Infrastructure is owned •  Optimize and simplify internal operation
            by a single organization •  SaaS/PaaS support
            and made available       •  IT consolidation within large organizations
            only to the organization    (Goverment Clouds, University Clouds…)

            Infrastructure is owned •  Commercial clouds providers
            by a single organization •  Special purpose clouds with dedicated
            and made available to       capabilities (HPC Clouds…)

            other organizations      •  Regional clouds to address regulatory or
                                        latency issues
                                     •  Community public clouds (Science
                                        Clouds…) to enable scientific and
                                        educational projects to experiment with
                                        cloud computing
            Infrastructure is a      •  Cloudbursting to address peak demands

            composition of two or    •  Cloud Federation to share infrastructure
            more clouds                 with partners
                                     •  Cloud Aggregation to provide a larger
                                        resource infrastructure
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula

    Challenges from Deployment and Usage Scenarios
     User and             Infrastructure          Business      System
     Workloads              Managers              Managers    Integrators

                   Designing a Cloud Infrastructure
                         Anatomy of a Cloud Architecture

                   Building a Cloud Infrastructure
                          OpenNebula as Cloud Enabler

Challenges: The User Perspective
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula

Required Functionality
•  Cloud interface and CLI to manage virtual machines, network and storage
•  Support for popular interfaces (Amazon EC2)

Profile of Service Workloads
•  Multi-tier service as basic management entity
                       •  Compute, storage and network capacity
                       •  Level of coupling between service instances
                       •  Security constraints
                       •  Variability of the demand
                       •  Elasticity of the services

                                                   Service as Groups of VMs
                                                   •  Service components in VMs
                                                   •  Inter-connection relationship
                                                   •  Placement constraints
Challenges: The Manager Perspective
Cloud Computing from an Institutional Perspective

Flexible, Efficient and Scalable Management of the Cloud
•  Administration interface for the centralized management of the cloud
•  Support for the definition of workload and resource-aware allocation policies
   such as consolidation (energy efficiency), load balancing, affinity-aware,
   capacity reservation, live migration…
•  Support any storage, networking and virtualization infrastructure service
•  Integration with existing processes and management tools in the data center
•  Management of several clusters to address different workloads

                                                     Scalable back-end
                                                     •  Virtualization
                                                     •  Storage
                Physical Infrastructure              •  Networking

Challenges: The Business Perspective
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula

Hybrid Cloud Computing and Federation
•  Cloudbursting at infrastructure layer, fully transparent to users
•  Scale-out decisions are taken by infrastructure administrators according to
   business policies

                                             Two levels of Collaboration
                                             •  Extend the private cloud using both
                                                partner and commercial clouds
                                             •  Create a federation of clouds

Challenges: The Integrator Perspective
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula

Open Architecture, Interfaces and Code
•  Integration with any product and service in the virtualization/cloud ecosystem
    such as cloud providers, hypervisors, virtual image managers, service
    managers, management tools, schedulers…
•  Support to build any type of deployment: private, public, hybrid and
   community clouds
•  Easy to enhance to support new functionality
•  Easy to embed into other Cloud applications and platforms
•  Liberal open-source license

Designing a Cloud: A Design Driven by Requirements
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula

             Requirements from Use Cases and
                  Deployment Scenarios

                    “One solution does not fit all
                 requirements and constraints, a
              properly architectured solution should
               fully align with your Cloud strategy”

                   Constraints from Existing
                Infrastructure and Processes in
                        the Organization
Designing a Cloud: Anatomy of a Cloud Architecture
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula
                                                                   Cloud User/
                       Service End-Users
                                                                 Service Provider

                     VIRTUAL INFRASTRUCTURE                              Cloud

                                                                                                 Adm Interface
                                                                       Cloud Management System
                      Virtual Machine Managers

  Physical Storage       Physical Machines       Physical Networking

                     PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE


Designing a Cloud: Design Parameters for Components
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula

 Component            Design Parameters                     Requirements of Use Cases and
                                                            Constraints from Infrastructure
 Physical     •  Memory and CPU per server            •  Memory/CPU requirements of service
 Machines     •  Number and scalability of servers       instances
              •  Hardware virtualization support      •  Elasticity of services
 Physical     •  Latency/bandwidth per network        •  Level of coupling between service instances
 Network      •  Number and scalability of networks

 Physical     •  Size, scalability, latency and       •  Live migration
 Storage         throughout                           •  Scalability of the cluster
              •  Organization: DAS/SAN/NAS            •  Performance
 Clusters     •  Number of clusters                   •  Workloads with different execution profiles
                                                      •  Scalability in one cluster
 Virtual      •  Hypervisors                          •  Overhead in service instances
 Machine                                              •  Licensing
 Interfaces   •  Administration interface             •  Required functionality
              •  Cloud interface                      •  Compatibility with existing interfaces
 Scheduler    •  Allocation Policies                  •  Energy efficiency, load balancing, affinity-
                                                         aware, capacity reservation, live migration…
 Hybrid       •  Cloudbursting                        •  Fluctuating demands
              •  Federation                           •  Security constraints
                                                      •  Level of coupling between service instances
Designing a Cloud: Flexible Cloud Manager as Enabler
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula

Cloud Manager to Orchestrate Cloud Infrastructure Complexity
•  Management of network, computing, remote cloud and storage capacity
•  Management of virtual network, machine and storage life-cycles
•  Workload placement and management of VM images
•  Management of information, accounting and security
•  Interfacing with any infrastructure service

                           Virt.                         Virt.
                       Interfaces                   Schedulers

                                    OpenNebula API

                              OpenNebula Core

                                       Driver API

                  Virt.           Virt.
                                 Virt.         Virt.
                                              Virt.           Virt.
                Compute       Storage       Network        Cloud

Building a Cloud: OpenNebula as Cloud Enabler
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula

          Technology challenges in cloud computing management from
                            business use cases

                           Open-source Toolkit
                                 OpenNebula v1.4

                            •  Open and flexible tool to fit into any datacenter and
                               integrate with any ecosystem component
                            •  Open-source released under Apache v2.0, and
                               distributed in Ubuntu
   VM                       •  Most advanced solution to build private, public,
                               federated and hybrid clouds
                            •  Based on standards avoid vendor lock-in and to
                               enable interoperability
                            •  Efficient and scalable management of the cloud
Building a Cloud: Features for Private Clouds
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula

                             Admin              Scheduler


                               Physical Infrastructure

 Feature                     Function
 Internal Interface          •  Unix-like CLI for fully management of VM life-cycle and resources
                             •  XML-RPC API and libvirt virtualization API
 Scheduler                   •  Requirement/rank matchmaker allowing the definition of workload
                                and resource-aware allocation policies
                             •  Support for advance reservation of capacity through Haizea
 Virtualization Management   •  Xen, KVM, and VMware

 Image Management            •  General mechanisms to transfer and clone VM images
 Network Management          •  Definition of isolated virtual networks to interconnect VMs
 Service Management and      •  Support for multi-tier services consisting of groups of inter-
 Contextualization              connected VMs, and their auto-configuration at boot time
Building a Cloud: Features for Public Clouds
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula


                                    Cloud API

  Feature                Function
  Cloud Interfaces for   •  Implementation of a subset of the EC2 Query API and OGF - OCCI

  Flexibility            •  The Cloud Service allows the implementation of new Cloud interfaces
Building a Cloud: Features for Hybrid Clouds
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula

                        Admin                     Scheduler


                       Physical Infrastructure

   Feature              Function

   Cloud Plugins        •  Amazon EC2 and ElasticHosts connectors
   Federation           •  Support for simultaneous access to several remote clouds
   Flexibility          •  Modular approach to develop new connectors
Building a Cloud: Ecosystem
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula

Open Community for Cloud Computing
•  Haizea Lease Manager (University of Chicago): Advance reservation of
   capacity and queuing of best effort requests
•  Cloud Management Console (SARA Computing and Networking Services):
   Web interface for OpenNebula
•  Virtual Cluster Tool (CRS4 Distributed Computing Group): Atomic virtual
   cluster management with versioning and multiple transport protocols.
•  DeltaCloud Driver (DSA-Research@UCM)
•  RESERVOIR Policy Engine (IBM Haifa/Elsag Datamat): Policy-driven
   probabilistic admission control and dynamic placement optimization to satisfy
   site level management policies
•  VM Consolidation Scheduler (DSA-Research@UCM): Periodic re-placement
   of VMs for server consolidation and suspension/resume of physical resources
•  Claudia (Telefonica I+D): SLA-driven automatic service management
•  Under Development: SUN Cloud API, vCloud API, VirtualBox plugin, dashboard
   for infrastructure management, new schedulers, SLA and security framework,
   Grid service manager, LVM and SAN support,…

Building a Cloud: Users
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula

Users (Different Levels of Use: From Experimental to Production)

Building a Cloud: Innovative Projects
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula

Innovative Projects on Cloud Computing

                             Resources and Services Virtualization without Barriers
 EU grant agreement 215605   •  Open source technology to enable deployment and
Service and Sw Architectures    management of complex IT services across different
     and Infrastructures        administrative domains

                                Enhancing Grid Infrastructures with Cloud Computing
                                •  Simplify and optimize its use and operation, providing a
                                   more flexible, dynamic computing environment for
   Proposal in negotiation
      e-Infrastructure             scientists.
        (2010-2012)             •  Enhance existing computing infrastructures with “IaaS”

                             Building Service Testbeds on FIRE
                             •  Design, build and operate a multi-site cloud-based facility to
   Proposal in negotiation
                                support research across applications, services and systems
New Infrastructure Paradigms    targeting services research community on Future Internet
  and Experimental Facilities
Building a Cloud: Innovative Projects
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula


             Telco Utility eGov SAP
                                                   Commercial Service Managers

                     Service Provider
                     Service Provider
                      Service Provider

                     Service Manager


   VMI                 VEE Manager

Source: RESERVOIR Project

                            VEE Host
                            VEE Host
                             VEE Host
                                                  Commercial Infrastructure Provider
OpenNebula as Building Block within Future Clouds
Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula

IT Resources will be the Next Utility
•  Future enterprise datacenters will look like private Clouds supporting a
   flexible and agile execution of virtualized services, and combining local with
   public Cloud-based infrastructure to enable highly scalable hosting
•  Growing number of domain specific and regional Cloud providers
   implementing a utility computing business model by offering pay per use
   resources on-demand
•  Public Clouds will be supported by a network of geographically
   distributed datacenters for high availability, end-user service proximity, legal
   and policy issues…
•  Public Clouds will be interconnected to meet fluctuating demands
•  Grid sites will offer infrastructure cloud-like interfaces to address the new
   resource access demands from the community


Funding Agencies
•  European Union: RESERVOIR 2008-2011, EU grant agreement 215605
•  Ministry Science&Innovation: HPCcloud 2010-2012, MICINN
•  Community of Madrid: MEADIANET 2010-2013 CAM S2009/TIC-1468

The OpenNebula Community

•  The OpenNebula Team: Ignacio M. Llorente, Ruben S. Montero, Tino Vazquez,
   Javier Fontan, Jaime Melis, Carlos Martín, Rafael Moreno, Daniel Molina, and
   Borja Sotomayor
•  … and many value community contributors from several organizations

Your support and contribution are very much appreciated!

More Information

    More info, downloads, mailing lists at

Research References
•  B. Rochwerger, J. Caceres, R.S. Montero,D. Breitgand,E. Elmroth,A. Galis,E. Levy,I.M.
   Llorente,K. Nagin,Y. Wolfsthal, “The RESERVOIR Model and Architecture for Open
   Federated Cloud Computing”, IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 53, No. 4. (2009)
•  B. Sotomayor, R. S. Montero, I. M. Llorente and I. Foster, “Virtual Infrastructure
   Management in Private and Hybrid Clouds”, IEEE Internet Computing, September/
   October 2009 (vol. 13 no. 5)


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Innovation in cloud computing architectures with open nebula

  • 1. 20 April 2010 5th International Cloud Computing Expo New York Next Generation Data Center Summit Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Distributed Systems Architecture Research Group Universidad Complutense de Madrid This presentation is provided under the terms of the a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 © OpenNebula Project Leads 1/24
  • 2. Position in the Cloud Ecosystem Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula What Who Software as a Service On-demand End-user access to any (does not care about hw or sw) application Platform as a Service Platform for Developer building and (no managing of the delivering web underlying hw & swlayers) applications Infrastructure as a Raw computer System Administrator ᄎ Service infrastructure (complete management of the computer infrastructure) Innovative open, flexible and scalable technology to configure your own IT resources into a IaaS cloud Physical Infrastructure 2/24
  • 3. Transforming your IT Infrastructure into a Cloud Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Commercial Cloud Provider •  Flexible and elastic capacity to meet dynamic demands of service •  Ubiquitous network access •  Pay per use and on-demand access Building your Own Cloud •  Optimize and Simplify Internal Operations •  Centralized management of all servers and services with dynamic resizing of infrastructure and dynamic allocation of capacity •  Higher utilization and operational saving of existing resources with server consolidation and removal of application silos •  Lower infrastructure expenses with combination of local and remote Cloud resources •  Support new IT, scientific, or business Cloud services 3/24
  • 4. Deployment Models Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Model Definition Examples of Deployment Infrastructure is owned •  Optimize and simplify internal operation Private by a single organization •  SaaS/PaaS support and made available •  IT consolidation within large organizations only to the organization (Goverment Clouds, University Clouds…) Infrastructure is owned •  Commercial clouds providers by a single organization •  Special purpose clouds with dedicated and made available to capabilities (HPC Clouds…) Public other organizations •  Regional clouds to address regulatory or latency issues •  Community public clouds (Science Clouds…) to enable scientific and educational projects to experiment with cloud computing Infrastructure is a •  Cloudbursting to address peak demands Hybrid composition of two or •  Cloud Federation to share infrastructure more clouds with partners •  Cloud Aggregation to provide a larger resource infrastructure 4/24
  • 5. Contents Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Challenges from Deployment and Usage Scenarios User and Infrastructure Business System Workloads Managers Managers Integrators Designing a Cloud Infrastructure Anatomy of a Cloud Architecture Building a Cloud Infrastructure OpenNebula as Cloud Enabler 5/24
  • 6. Challenges: The User Perspective Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Required Functionality •  Cloud interface and CLI to manage virtual machines, network and storage •  Support for popular interfaces (Amazon EC2) Profile of Service Workloads •  Multi-tier service as basic management entity •  Compute, storage and network capacity •  Level of coupling between service instances •  Security constraints •  Variability of the demand •  Elasticity of the services Service as Groups of VMs •  Service components in VMs •  Inter-connection relationship •  Placement constraints 6/24
  • 7. Challenges: The Manager Perspective Cloud Computing from an Institutional Perspective Flexible, Efficient and Scalable Management of the Cloud •  Administration interface for the centralized management of the cloud •  Support for the definition of workload and resource-aware allocation policies such as consolidation (energy efficiency), load balancing, affinity-aware, capacity reservation, live migration… •  Support any storage, networking and virtualization infrastructure service •  Integration with existing processes and management tools in the data center •  Management of several clusters to address different workloads Scalable back-end •  Virtualization •  Storage Physical Infrastructure •  Networking 7/24
  • 8. Challenges: The Business Perspective Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Hybrid Cloud Computing and Federation •  Cloudbursting at infrastructure layer, fully transparent to users •  Scale-out decisions are taken by infrastructure administrators according to business policies Two levels of Collaboration •  Extend the private cloud using both partner and commercial clouds •  Create a federation of clouds Nimbus 8/24
  • 9. Challenges: The Integrator Perspective Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Open Architecture, Interfaces and Code •  Integration with any product and service in the virtualization/cloud ecosystem such as cloud providers, hypervisors, virtual image managers, service managers, management tools, schedulers… •  Support to build any type of deployment: private, public, hybrid and community clouds •  Easy to enhance to support new functionality •  Easy to embed into other Cloud applications and platforms •  Liberal open-source license 9/24
  • 10. Designing a Cloud: A Design Driven by Requirements Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Requirements from Use Cases and Deployment Scenarios “One solution does not fit all requirements and constraints, a properly architectured solution should fully align with your Cloud strategy” Constraints from Existing Infrastructure and Processes in the Organization 10/24
  • 11. Designing a Cloud: Anatomy of a Cloud Architecture Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Cloud User/ Service End-Users Service Provider VIRTUAL INFRASTRUCTURE Cloud Interface Adm Interface Cloud Management System Virtual Machine Managers Schedluer Physical Storage Physical Machines Physical Networking PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE Hybrid 11/24
  • 12. Designing a Cloud: Design Parameters for Components Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Component Design Parameters Requirements of Use Cases and Constraints from Infrastructure Physical •  Memory and CPU per server •  Memory/CPU requirements of service Machines •  Number and scalability of servers instances •  Hardware virtualization support •  Elasticity of services Physical •  Latency/bandwidth per network •  Level of coupling between service instances Network •  Number and scalability of networks Physical •  Size, scalability, latency and •  Live migration Storage throughout •  Scalability of the cluster •  Organization: DAS/SAN/NAS •  Performance Clusters •  Number of clusters •  Workloads with different execution profiles •  Scalability in one cluster Virtual •  Hypervisors •  Overhead in service instances Machine •  Licensing Manager Interfaces •  Administration interface •  Required functionality •  Cloud interface •  Compatibility with existing interfaces Scheduler •  Allocation Policies •  Energy efficiency, load balancing, affinity- aware, capacity reservation, live migration… Hybrid •  Cloudbursting •  Fluctuating demands •  Federation •  Security constraints •  Level of coupling between service instances 12/24
  • 13. Designing a Cloud: Flexible Cloud Manager as Enabler Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Cloud Manager to Orchestrate Cloud Infrastructure Complexity •  Management of network, computing, remote cloud and storage capacity •  Management of virtual network, machine and storage life-cycles •  Workload placement and management of VM images •  Management of information, accounting and security •  Interfacing with any infrastructure service Virt. Virt. Virt. Virt. Interfaces Schedulers OpenNebula API OpenNebula Core Driver API Virt. Virt. Virt. Virt. Virt. Virt. Virt. Virt. Compute Storage Network Cloud 13/24
  • 14. Building a Cloud: OpenNebula as Cloud Enabler Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Innovations Technology challenges in cloud computing management from business use cases Open-source Toolkit OpenNebula v1.4 •  Open and flexible tool to fit into any datacenter and integrate with any ecosystem component •  Open-source released under Apache v2.0, and VM distributed in Ubuntu VM •  Most advanced solution to build private, public, federated and hybrid clouds VM •  Based on standards avoid vendor lock-in and to enable interoperability •  Efficient and scalable management of the cloud 14/24
  • 15. Building a Cloud: Features for Private Clouds Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Admin Scheduler OpenNebula Physical Infrastructure Feature Function Internal Interface •  Unix-like CLI for fully management of VM life-cycle and resources •  XML-RPC API and libvirt virtualization API Scheduler •  Requirement/rank matchmaker allowing the definition of workload and resource-aware allocation policies •  Support for advance reservation of capacity through Haizea Virtualization Management •  Xen, KVM, and VMware Image Management •  General mechanisms to transfer and clone VM images Network Management •  Definition of isolated virtual networks to interconnect VMs Service Management and •  Support for multi-tier services consisting of groups of inter- Contextualization connected VMs, and their auto-configuration at boot time 15/24
  • 16. Building a Cloud: Features for Public Clouds Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Infrastructure Users Cloud API Feature Function Cloud Interfaces for •  Implementation of a subset of the EC2 Query API and OGF - OCCI Users Flexibility •  The Cloud Service allows the implementation of new Cloud interfaces 16/24
  • 17. Building a Cloud: Features for Hybrid Clouds Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Admin Scheduler OpenNebula Physical Infrastructure Feature Function Cloud Plugins •  Amazon EC2 and ElasticHosts connectors Federation •  Support for simultaneous access to several remote clouds Flexibility •  Modular approach to develop new connectors 17/24
  • 18. Building a Cloud: Ecosystem Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Open Community for Cloud Computing •  Haizea Lease Manager (University of Chicago): Advance reservation of capacity and queuing of best effort requests •  Cloud Management Console (SARA Computing and Networking Services): Web interface for OpenNebula •  Virtual Cluster Tool (CRS4 Distributed Computing Group): Atomic virtual cluster management with versioning and multiple transport protocols. •  DeltaCloud Driver (DSA-Research@UCM) •  RESERVOIR Policy Engine (IBM Haifa/Elsag Datamat): Policy-driven probabilistic admission control and dynamic placement optimization to satisfy site level management policies •  VM Consolidation Scheduler (DSA-Research@UCM): Periodic re-placement of VMs for server consolidation and suspension/resume of physical resources •  Claudia (Telefonica I+D): SLA-driven automatic service management •  Under Development: SUN Cloud API, vCloud API, VirtualBox plugin, dashboard for infrastructure management, new schedulers, SLA and security framework, Grid service manager, LVM and SAN support,… 18/24
  • 19. Building a Cloud: Users Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Users (Different Levels of Use: From Experimental to Production) 19/24
  • 20. Building a Cloud: Innovative Projects Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Innovative Projects on Cloud Computing Resources and Services Virtualization without Barriers EU grant agreement 215605 •  Open source technology to enable deployment and Service and Sw Architectures management of complex IT services across different and Infrastructures administrative domains (2008-2011) Enhancing Grid Infrastructures with Cloud Computing •  Simplify and optimize its use and operation, providing a more flexible, dynamic computing environment for Proposal in negotiation e-Infrastructure scientists. (2010-2012) •  Enhance existing computing infrastructures with “IaaS” paradigms Building Service Testbeds on FIRE •  Design, build and operate a multi-site cloud-based facility to Proposal in negotiation support research across applications, services and systems New Infrastructure Paradigms targeting services research community on Future Internet and Experimental Facilities (2010-2013) 20/24
  • 21. Building a Cloud: Innovative Projects Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula Telco Utility eGov SAP Commercial Service Managers Service Provider Service Provider Service Provider SMI Service Manager AWS VMI VMI VEE Manager VHI Source: RESERVOIR Project VEE Host VEE Host VEE Host Commercial Infrastructure Provider 21/24
  • 22. OpenNebula as Building Block within Future Clouds Innovation in Cloud Computing Architectures with OpenNebula IT Resources will be the Next Utility •  Future enterprise datacenters will look like private Clouds supporting a flexible and agile execution of virtualized services, and combining local with public Cloud-based infrastructure to enable highly scalable hosting environments •  Growing number of domain specific and regional Cloud providers implementing a utility computing business model by offering pay per use resources on-demand •  Public Clouds will be supported by a network of geographically distributed datacenters for high availability, end-user service proximity, legal and policy issues… •  Public Clouds will be interconnected to meet fluctuating demands •  Grid sites will offer infrastructure cloud-like interfaces to address the new resource access demands from the community 22/24
  • 23. Thanks Funding Agencies •  European Union: RESERVOIR 2008-2011, EU grant agreement 215605 •  Ministry Science&Innovation: HPCcloud 2010-2012, MICINN TIN2009-07146 •  Community of Madrid: MEADIANET 2010-2013 CAM S2009/TIC-1468 The OpenNebula Community •  The OpenNebula Team: Ignacio M. Llorente, Ruben S. Montero, Tino Vazquez, Javier Fontan, Jaime Melis, Carlos Martín, Rafael Moreno, Daniel Molina, and Borja Sotomayor •  … and many value community contributors from several organizations Your support and contribution are very much appreciated! 23/24
  • 24. More Information More info, downloads, mailing lists at Research References •  B. Rochwerger, J. Caceres, R.S. Montero,D. Breitgand,E. Elmroth,A. Galis,E. Levy,I.M. Llorente,K. Nagin,Y. Wolfsthal, “The RESERVOIR Model and Architecture for Open Federated Cloud Computing”, IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 53, No. 4. (2009) •  B. Sotomayor, R. S. Montero, I. M. Llorente and I. Foster, “Virtual Infrastructure Management in Private and Hybrid Clouds”, IEEE Internet Computing, September/ October 2009 (vol. 13 no. 5) 24/24