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Is there a
   we can
“¿What can I offer,
how will I offer it &
   what for?”
                 El Mapa del Tesoro,
               A. Rovira & F. Miralles
Why don’t we turn it around…?

       What for?
        How? &
192,376,496 citizens
192,376,496 citizens

  67%      won’t EVER see a dentist

 75%   over 60 do NOT have their teeth

90% has caries/pathological mouth problems
Class C amounts to 53%
Classes ABC amount to 75%
Class C R$1,120 – 4,810 mhi
AB +R$10,380 monthly household income
192,376,496 citizens
192,376,496 citizens

 +128M       won’t EVER see a dentist

 +20M   over 60 do NOT have their teeth

+173M    has pathological mouth problems
Oral hygiene market expects
 20% annual growth rate

Brazil will become 3rd/4th
     market worldwide

(after US, Japan & Canada)
219,575 dentists in Brazil
  Average of 1/877 citizens,

 above WHO recommended average
           of 1/1500
19% world dentists
  are in Brazil…

 (while having just 2,73%
      of population)
Out of the
+219,000 dentists,

   located in
  Sao Paulo
Out of the
+219,000 dentists,

   located in
Rio de Janeiro
Just a USA example

     located in

    * State highest #
  * Average of 1/1351
* US has around 150,000
Population of         Population of
   +192M                  +312M

Dentists in Brazil    Dentists in USA

219,000 150,000
* Average of 1/877   * Average of 1/2083

  Because Brazil is
(very much) about…
“the desire to have
       beautiful and
    healthy teeth is
becoming constantly
  greater in Brazil, a
country where youth
        & beauty are
     important (…)”
Last data shows that
hospital market was
   expected to grow
 8% in 2009 while
     dental market
   expected   16%
Is there a problem?
736,000 results
 or 3,860,000
1,560,000 results
  or 3,720,000
This is a mess…
But you still need to choose.
      BASED on what?
This is STILL a mess!
You choose a provider with no
      idea of the cost…
Or you can do…

   4 dentists
4 appointments
    4 exams
  4 estimates
There’s another problem…

- It is expensive

- That’s why many
  people can’t go
  (67% WON’T!)
  (It’s 128M…!)
Similar business models offer…

        Average of

20-60% off
It’s not only about cost!
Who do I believe?
This is not just a mess for
citizens… Dentists are facing
    tough problems too!!
* Empty hours

  Dentistry is a
   business of
fixed costs, free
   time is too
* Management
In a
* Ratings…       business
             where trust
             is key, there
             are no tools
              for them to
- a criteria for choosing
- knowledge of pricing
- access to discounts
- a trusted point of view
- fill empty hours
- use management skills
- build a reputation
From a business
perspective, it feels like
    a huge mess…

Could we turn this…
…into this?
One more thing…
167M people
If our goal is to
   help citizens
 (and it is!), we
can’t forget those
 who can’t pay…
probono work
& sponsorships,
   we should
 promote oral
“For every smile
  you improve
  through us,
 we’ll improve
someone else’s
   for FREE!”
Back to business…
So, turning it around…

   What for?
    How? &
1. What for…?

Make choosing easier     Smarter practices
 Transparent info       Increased revenues
   Lower costs         Ability to build a brand

Let’s turn it around…

  What for?
  How? &
2. How…?

 Dentists & Citizens
represent two sides
of the platform that
     links them

+ Society will benefit
Let’s turn it around…

  What for?
  How? &
3. What…?

Multilateral Platform
    as a webpage
with iOS/Android apps

   …a community!
3. What…?
Have their profiles
Build a reputation
Improve their practices
Advertise to their real target

 Multilateral Platform
     as a webpage
 with iOS/Android apps

    …a community!
3. What…?

                                   Log in & search
                           Find ratings & reviews
                           Obtain huge discounts
Multilateral Platform       * Even in your dentist
    as a webpage         Choose best alternative:
with iOS/Android apps         * According to Price
                               * Or financing-wise
   …a community!          Schedule appointment
                        Obtain neutral consulting
3. What…?
Have their profiles
Build a reputation                              Citizens
Improve their practices                     Log in & search
Advertise to their real target      Find ratings & reviews
                                    Obtain huge discounts
 Multilateral Platform               * Even in your dentist
     as a webpage                 Choose best alternative:
 with iOS/Android apps                 * According to Price
                                        * Or financing-wise
    …a community!                  Schedule appointment
                                 Obtain neutral consulting
Let’s check the business model…

                  Business Model Generation,
                  A. Osterwalder & Y. Pigneur
Key              Key          Value                     Customer        Customer
Partners         Activities   Propositions              Relationships   Segments

                 Key                                    Channels

Cost Structure                               Revenue Streams
Key              Key          Value                     Customer        Customer
Partners         Activities   Propositions              Relationships   Segments

                 Key                                    Channels

Cost Structure                               Revenue Streams
Key Partners     Key Activities   Value Propositions     Customer         Customer
                                                         Relationships    Segments

                                                                           Classes ABC
                                     market (+ info)
                                    Major discounts
                                                                             Class C
                                     (lower cost)
                                       Consulting                         Complex oral
                                     services (trust)                    health situation
                 Key                                     Channels

Cost Structure                                Revenue Streams
Key Partners     Key Activities   Value Propositions     Customer        Customer
                                                         Relationships   Segments

                 Key                                     Channels
                                   Increase revenues
                                                                         Mosts dentists
                                     (working more)
                                   Create reputation
                                                                          All dentists!
                                       - a brand!

Cost Structure                                Revenue Streams
Key Partners     Key Activities   Value Propositions     Customer         Customer
                                                         Relationships    Segments

                 Key                                     Channels

                                       More loyal
                                                                         Most companies

Cost Structure                                Revenue Streams
Key Partners     Key Activities   Value Propositions     Customer         Customer
                                                         Relationships    Segments

                                                                           Classes ABC
                                     market (+ info)
                                    Major discounts
                                                                              Class C
                                     (lower cost)
                                       Consulting                         Complex oral
                                     services (trust)                    health situation
                 Key                                     Channels
                                   Increase revenues
                                                                         Mosts dentists
                                     (working more)
                                   Create reputation
                                                                          All dentists!
                                       - a brand!

Cost Structure                                Revenue Streams

                                                          Ads & Sponsorhips
  platform, this is about

From dentists…

 FREE registration
 PREMIUM profile
BASIC certification
PREMIUM services
Água Rasa            Consolação          Mandaqui          São Miguel
Alto de Pinheiros           Cursino           Marsilac          São Rafael
   Anhanguera       Ermelino Matarazzo        Moema            Sapopemba
   Aricanduva         Freguesia do Ó           Mooca               Saúde
   Artur Alvim               Grajau          Morumbi                 Sé
   Barra Funda           Guaianases         Parelheiros           Socorro
     Bela Vista            Iguatemi             Pari              Tatuapé
       Belém                Ipiranga     Parque do Carmo        Tremembé
   Bom Retiro             Itaim Bibi          Pedreira           Tucuruvi
        Brás            Itaim Paulista         Penha          Vila Andrade
    Brasilândia            Itaquera           Perdizes         Vila Curuça
      Butantã             Jabaquara            Perus          Vila Formosa
  Cachoeirinha               Jaçanã          Pinheiros       Vila Guilherme
     Cambuci                Jaguara           Pirituba           Vila Jacuí
   Campo Belo               Jaguaré         Ponte Rasa       Vila Leopoldina
 Campo Grande               Jaraguá       Raposo Tavares        Vila Maria
  Campo Limpo          Jardim Ângela         República        Vila Mariana
     Cangaíba          Jardim Helena       Rio Pequeno         Vila Matilde
 Capão Redondo        Jardim Paulista         Sacomã          Vila Medeiros
      Carrão          Jardim São Luís      Santa Cecilia      Vila Prudente
    Casa Verde         José Bonifácio         Santana            Vila Sônia
 Cidade Ademar              Lajeado        Santo Amaro
  Cidade Dutra                Lapa        São Domingos      96 neighborhoods
   Cidade Líder           Liberdade          São Lucas     just in São Paulo city
Cidade Tiradentes            Limão          São Mateus
Abolição          Cidade Universitária          Guaratiba                 Paciência           Santa Teresa
        Acari                  Cocotá               Higienópolis             Padre Miguel            Santíssimo
    Água Santa              Coelho Neto            Honório Gurgel               Paquetá         Santo Cristo Centro
 Aldeia Campista              Colégio                  Humaitá             Parada de Lucas        Senador Camará
 Alto da Boa Vista            Colônia                  Inhaúma             Parque Anchieta     Senador Vasconcelos
      Anchieta         Complexo do Alemão              Inhoaíba           Parque Colúmbia              Sepetiba
       Andaraí           Complexo da Maré              Ipanema                   Pavuna             São Conrado
         Anil               Copacabana                    Irajá                Pechincha            São Cristóvão
     Bancários                Cordovil                Itanhangá          Pedra de Guaratiba    São Franscisco Xavier
        Bangu               Cosme Velho             Jacarepaguá                   Penha                 Tanque
  Barra da Tijuca             Cosmos                 Jacarezinho            Penha Circular             Taquara
Barra de Guaratiba          Costa Barros                 Jacaré                  Piedade                  Tauá
    Barros Filho              Curicica            Jardim América                  Pilares                Tijuca
       Benfica              Del Castilho          Jardim Botânico             Pitangueiras        Todos os Santos
   Bento Ribeiro              Deodoro              Jardim Carioca             Portuguesa           Tomás Coelho
    Bonsucesso               Encantado           Jardim Guanabara         Praia da Bandeira            Triagem
      Botafogo            Engenheiro Leal            Jardim acap          Praça da Bandeira             Turiaçu
    Brás de Pina        Engenho de Dentro                  Joá                 Praça Seca                 Urca
     Cachambi           Engenho da Rainha                Lagoa           Quintino Bocaiúva        Vargem Grande
       Cacuia              Engenho Novo               Laranjeiras                Ramos           Vargem Pequena
         Caju                  Estácio                  Leblon                  Realengo           Vasco da Gama
      Camorim                Flamengo                    Leme         Recreio dos Bandeirantes         Vaz Lobo
     Campinho             Freguesia da Ilha     Lins de Vasconcelos            Riachuelo        Vicente de Carvalho
Campo dos Afonsos    Freguesia de Jacarepaguá         Madureira                  Ribeira                Vidigal
  Campo Grande                 Galeão            Magalhães Bastos     Ricardo de Albuquerque         Vila Aliança
     Cascadura                Gamboa                Manguinhos               Rio Comprido           Vila da Penha
       Castelo             Gardênia Azul              Maracanã                    Rocha               Vila Isabel
       Catete                  Gávea             Marechal Hermes                 Rocinha             Vila Militar
      Catumbi                 Gericinó             Maria da Graça           Rocha Miranda            Vila Kosmos
     Cavalcante                Glória                   Moneró                    Saúde             Vila Valqueire
       Centro                  Grajaú                    Méier                  Sampaio              Vista Alegre
  Cidade de Deus              Grumari                    Olaria                Santa Cruz                Zumbi
   Cidade Nova               Guadalupe              Oswaldo Cruz
Example 1
SP + RJ = 96 + 163 = 249 bairros
 2 promoted dentists per bairro
R$100-200/month = 300k-600k/y
Example 2
 SP + RJ = 72k + 26k = 98k dentists
yearly certification fee of R$100-300
w/penetration of 5% = 490k-1,47M
- Free profile
- Premium profile w/adv features
- Basic certification of quality
- Positive ratings promotion
- Targeted ads & promotions
- Consulting services
    * Fee-per-service
From citizens…

 FREE registration
PREMIUM services
* Higher discounts
   * ASAP visit
From partners…
From employers…
There’s still lots of room to
   maximize revenues.

   Back to the business
Key Partners     Key Activities   Value                     Customer        Customer
                                  Propositions              Relationships   Segments
   Dentistry       Promotion
    KOL/DB          Platform
                 Key                                        Channels

                  SW Platform

Cost Structure                                   Revenue Streams
Key Partners        Key Activities   Value                     Customer        Customer
                                     Propositions              Relationships   Segments
   Dentistry          Promotion
    KOL/DB             Platform
                    Key                                        Channels

                     SW Platform

Cost Structure                                      Revenue Streams

        Marketing            Develop
        Expenses            SW Platform
A deeper analysis should follow
   but there’s only 2 similar
  business models out there.
Started May 2011 by
     Jake Winebaum

 Benchmark Capital
 & Mayfield F, $13M

     25,000 dentists
  from SMonica, CA
“The way this works, is we have pre-negotiated prices
with 25,000 dentists nationwide. That's a quarter of
all dentists. Those prices are 20 to 60 percent less (…)
       - Consumers can access those discounts
through our free plan, with a 20 to 30 percent
discount, or our paid plan, which is less than $7 a
month or $79 a year.
       - We've also got a small business plan, which
costs $49 per employee per year.
       - The model is a subscription membership
model, where you get the benefits of being in the
network, where we can offer these discounted rates,
which are attractive to patients.”
                                Jake Wineboum, CEO & F.
      Eye care, dental
        and cosmetic

    Signing patients &
doctors since 09/2011

 by Dr. Patel & others
  Mountain View, CA
Create a community
How do we do it…?
    Free first oral exam?
Incentives for participation?
Excellent community mgmt?
Generate trust
Establish & manage
What for…?
   Software platform
Databases with dentists
Stakeholders & Partners:
Dental plans &KOL in dentristry
Future development…

      …into other areas
Back to the basics…

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Initial Draft

  • 1. Is there a problem we can solve?
  • 2. “¿What can I offer, how will I offer it & what for?” El Mapa del Tesoro, A. Rovira & F. Miralles
  • 3. Why don’t we turn it around…? What for? How? & What?
  • 4.
  • 6. 192,376,496 citizens 67% won’t EVER see a dentist 75% over 60 do NOT have their teeth 90% has caries/pathological mouth problems
  • 8. Class C amounts to 53% Classes ABC amount to 75%
  • 9. Class C R$1,120 – 4,810 mhi AB +R$10,380 monthly household income
  • 11. 192,376,496 citizens +128M won’t EVER see a dentist +20M over 60 do NOT have their teeth +173M has pathological mouth problems
  • 12.
  • 13. Oral hygiene market expects 20% annual growth rate Brazil will become 3rd/4th market worldwide (after US, Japan & Canada)
  • 14. 219,575 dentists in Brazil Average of 1/877 citizens, above WHO recommended average of 1/1500
  • 15. 19% world dentists are in Brazil… (while having just 2,73% of population)
  • 16. Out of the +219,000 dentists, +72,000 located in Sao Paulo
  • 17. Out of the +219,000 dentists, +26,000 located in Rio de Janeiro
  • 18. Just a USA example 27,753 located in California * State highest # * Average of 1/1351 * US has around 150,000
  • 19. Population of Population of +192M +312M Dentists in Brazil Dentists in USA 219,000 150,000 * Average of 1/877 * Average of 1/2083
  • 20. Why…? Because Brazil is (very much) about…
  • 21.
  • 22. “the desire to have beautiful and healthy teeth is becoming constantly greater in Brazil, a country where youth & beauty are extremely important (…)”
  • 23. Last data shows that hospital market was expected to grow 8% in 2009 while dental market expected 16%
  • 24. Is there a problem?
  • 25.
  • 26. 736,000 results or 3,860,000
  • 27. 1,560,000 results or 3,720,000
  • 28. This is a mess… But you still need to choose. BASED on what?
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33. This is STILL a mess! You choose a provider with no idea of the cost…
  • 34.
  • 35. Or you can do… 4 dentists 4 appointments 4 exams 4 estimates
  • 36. There’s another problem… - It is expensive - That’s why many people can’t go (67% WON’T!) (It’s 128M…!)
  • 37. Similar business models offer… Average of 20-60% off
  • 38. It’s not only about cost! Who do I believe?
  • 39. This is not just a mess for citizens… Dentists are facing tough problems too!!
  • 40. * Empty hours Dentistry is a business of fixed costs, free time is too expensive...
  • 41. * Management skills…?
  • 42. In a * Ratings… business where trust is key, there are no tools for them to build reputation
  • 43. So…
  • 44. CITIZENS do NOT have: - a criteria for choosing - knowledge of pricing - access to discounts - a trusted point of view
  • 45. DENTISTS can NOT: - fill empty hours - use management skills - build a reputation
  • 46. From a business perspective, it feels like a huge mess… Could we turn this…
  • 47.
  • 51. If our goal is to help citizens (and it is!), we can’t forget those who can’t pay…
  • 52. Through probono work & sponsorships, we should promote oral health!
  • 53. “For every smile you improve through us, we’ll improve someone else’s for FREE!”
  • 55. So, turning it around… What for? How? & What?
  • 56. 1. What for…? Citizens Make choosing easier Smarter practices Transparent info Increased revenues Lower costs Ability to build a brand Dentists
  • 57. Let’s turn it around… What for? How? & What?
  • 58.
  • 59. 2. How…? Multilateral platform Dentists & Citizens represent two sides of the platform that links them + Society will benefit
  • 60. Let’s turn it around… What for? How? & What?
  • 61. 3. What…? Multilateral Platform as a webpage with iOS/Android apps …a community!
  • 62. 3. What…? Dentists Have their profiles Build a reputation Improve their practices Advertise to their real target Multilateral Platform as a webpage with iOS/Android apps …a community!
  • 63. 3. What…? Citizens Log in & search Find ratings & reviews Obtain huge discounts Multilateral Platform * Even in your dentist as a webpage Choose best alternative: with iOS/Android apps * According to Price * Or financing-wise …a community! Schedule appointment Obtain neutral consulting
  • 64. 3. What…? Dentists Have their profiles Build a reputation Citizens Improve their practices Log in & search Advertise to their real target Find ratings & reviews Obtain huge discounts Multilateral Platform * Even in your dentist as a webpage Choose best alternative: with iOS/Android apps * According to Price * Or financing-wise …a community! Schedule appointment Obtain neutral consulting
  • 65. Let’s check the business model… Business Model Generation, A. Osterwalder & Y. Pigneur
  • 66. Key Key Value Customer Customer Partners Activities Propositions Relationships Segments Key Channels Resources Cost Structure Revenue Streams
  • 67. Key Key Value Customer Customer Partners Activities Propositions Relationships Segments Key Channels Resources Cost Structure Revenue Streams
  • 68. Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Customer Relationships Segments Transparent Classes ABC market (+ info) Major discounts Class C (lower cost) Consulting Complex oral services (trust) health situation Key Channels Resources Cost Structure Revenue Streams
  • 69. Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Customer Relationships Segments Key Channels Resources Increase revenues Mosts dentists (working more) Create reputation All dentists! - a brand! Cost Structure Revenue Streams
  • 70. Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Customer Relationships Segments Key Channels Resources More loyal Most companies employees Cost Structure Revenue Streams
  • 71. Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Customer Relationships Segments Transparent Classes ABC market (+ info) Major discounts Class C (lower cost) Consulting Complex oral services (trust) health situation Key Channels Resources Increase revenues Mosts dentists (working more) Create reputation All dentists! - a brand! Cost Structure Revenue Streams Ads & Sponsorhips
  • 72.
  • 73. Since it’s a MULTILATERAL platform, this is about DENTISTS CITIZENS STAKEHOLDERS
  • 74. From dentists… FREE registration PREMIUM profile BASIC certification PREMIUM services
  • 75. Água Rasa Consolação Mandaqui São Miguel Alto de Pinheiros Cursino Marsilac São Rafael Anhanguera Ermelino Matarazzo Moema Sapopemba Aricanduva Freguesia do Ó Mooca Saúde Artur Alvim Grajau Morumbi Sé Barra Funda Guaianases Parelheiros Socorro Bela Vista Iguatemi Pari Tatuapé Belém Ipiranga Parque do Carmo Tremembé Bom Retiro Itaim Bibi Pedreira Tucuruvi Brás Itaim Paulista Penha Vila Andrade Brasilândia Itaquera Perdizes Vila Curuça Butantã Jabaquara Perus Vila Formosa Cachoeirinha Jaçanã Pinheiros Vila Guilherme Cambuci Jaguara Pirituba Vila Jacuí Campo Belo Jaguaré Ponte Rasa Vila Leopoldina Campo Grande Jaraguá Raposo Tavares Vila Maria Campo Limpo Jardim Ângela República Vila Mariana Cangaíba Jardim Helena Rio Pequeno Vila Matilde Capão Redondo Jardim Paulista Sacomã Vila Medeiros Carrão Jardim São Luís Santa Cecilia Vila Prudente Casa Verde José Bonifácio Santana Vila Sônia Cidade Ademar Lajeado Santo Amaro Cidade Dutra Lapa São Domingos 96 neighborhoods Cidade Líder Liberdade São Lucas just in São Paulo city Cidade Tiradentes Limão São Mateus
  • 76. Abolição Cidade Universitária Guaratiba Paciência Santa Teresa Acari Cocotá Higienópolis Padre Miguel Santíssimo Água Santa Coelho Neto Honório Gurgel Paquetá Santo Cristo Centro Aldeia Campista Colégio Humaitá Parada de Lucas Senador Camará Alto da Boa Vista Colônia Inhaúma Parque Anchieta Senador Vasconcelos Anchieta Complexo do Alemão Inhoaíba Parque Colúmbia Sepetiba Andaraí Complexo da Maré Ipanema Pavuna São Conrado Anil Copacabana Irajá Pechincha São Cristóvão Bancários Cordovil Itanhangá Pedra de Guaratiba São Franscisco Xavier Bangu Cosme Velho Jacarepaguá Penha Tanque Barra da Tijuca Cosmos Jacarezinho Penha Circular Taquara Barra de Guaratiba Costa Barros Jacaré Piedade Tauá Barros Filho Curicica Jardim América Pilares Tijuca Benfica Del Castilho Jardim Botânico Pitangueiras Todos os Santos Bento Ribeiro Deodoro Jardim Carioca Portuguesa Tomás Coelho Bonsucesso Encantado Jardim Guanabara Praia da Bandeira Triagem Botafogo Engenheiro Leal Jardim acap Praça da Bandeira Turiaçu Brás de Pina Engenho de Dentro Joá Praça Seca Urca Cachambi Engenho da Rainha Lagoa Quintino Bocaiúva Vargem Grande Cacuia Engenho Novo Laranjeiras Ramos Vargem Pequena Caju Estácio Leblon Realengo Vasco da Gama Camorim Flamengo Leme Recreio dos Bandeirantes Vaz Lobo Campinho Freguesia da Ilha Lins de Vasconcelos Riachuelo Vicente de Carvalho Campo dos Afonsos Freguesia de Jacarepaguá Madureira Ribeira Vidigal Campo Grande Galeão Magalhães Bastos Ricardo de Albuquerque Vila Aliança Cascadura Gamboa Manguinhos Rio Comprido Vila da Penha Castelo Gardênia Azul Maracanã Rocha Vila Isabel Catete Gávea Marechal Hermes Rocinha Vila Militar Catumbi Gericinó Maria da Graça Rocha Miranda Vila Kosmos Cavalcante Glória Moneró Saúde Vila Valqueire Centro Grajaú Méier Sampaio Vista Alegre Cidade de Deus Grumari Olaria Santa Cruz Zumbi Cidade Nova Guadalupe Oswaldo Cruz
  • 77. Example 1 SP + RJ = 96 + 163 = 249 bairros 2 promoted dentists per bairro R$100-200/month = 300k-600k/y
  • 78. Example 2 SP + RJ = 72k + 26k = 98k dentists yearly certification fee of R$100-300 w/penetration of 5% = 490k-1,47M
  • 79. - Free profile - Premium profile w/adv features - Basic certification of quality - Positive ratings promotion - Targeted ads & promotions - Consulting services * Fee-per-service
  • 80. From citizens… FREE registration PREMIUM services * Higher discounts * ASAP visit
  • 81. From partners… ADVERTISING SPONSORSHIP From employers… CORP PLANS
  • 82. There’s still lots of room to maximize revenues. Back to the business model…
  • 83. Key Partners Key Activities Value Customer Customer Propositions Relationships Segments Mgmt. Platform Dentistry Promotion KOL/DB Platform Quality control Key Channels Resources Platform SW Platform ”supplier” PR/Web Mgmt Cost Structure Revenue Streams
  • 84. Key Partners Key Activities Value Customer Customer Propositions Relationships Segments Mgmt. Platform Dentistry Promotion KOL/DB Platform Quality control Key Channels Resources Platform SW Platform ”supplier” PR/Web Mgmt Cost Structure Revenue Streams Marketing Develop Expenses SW Platform
  • 85.
  • 86. A deeper analysis should follow but there’s only 2 similar business models out there.
  • 87. Started May 2011 by Jake Winebaum Benchmark Capital & Mayfield F, $13M 25,000 dentists from SMonica, CA
  • 88.
  • 89. “The way this works, is we have pre-negotiated prices with 25,000 dentists nationwide. That's a quarter of all dentists. Those prices are 20 to 60 percent less (…) - Consumers can access those discounts through our free plan, with a 20 to 30 percent discount, or our paid plan, which is less than $7 a month or $79 a year. - We've also got a small business plan, which costs $49 per employee per year. - The model is a subscription membership model, where you get the benefits of being in the network, where we can offer these discounted rates, which are attractive to patients.” Jake Wineboum, CEO & F.
  • 90. Eye care, dental and cosmetic Signing patients & doctors since 09/2011 by Dr. Patel & others Mountain View, CA
  • 91.
  • 94. How do we do it…? Free first oral exam? Incentives for participation? Excellent community mgmt?
  • 97.
  • 98. Establish & manage partnerships
  • 99. What for…? Software platform Databases with dentists Stakeholders & Partners: Dental plans &KOL in dentristry
  • 100. Future development… …into other areas
  • 101. Back to the basics…
  • 102.