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Infidelity |
Infidelity is on a rampant rise as the world is becoming a smaller place to live in. With so many
'options' one just cannot stop the heart. Think you are getting into an emotional affair? You suspect
your partner has an extramarital affair? The rights and wrongs of these things have been debated
extensively but one thing's for sure, they spell infidelity. They leave behind a lot of trauma and
distress. Many a time, infidelity is the reason for broken families. Don't trash this fact, instead deal
with it upfront. Talking about infidelity with your spouse or the one you love will help you in working
things out.
11 Excuses Men Use When They Cheat
Are you having second thoughts about your husband's loyalty? Is he giving you reasons and excuses
to stay out late, which sound a tad suspicious and fishy? Have a look at some of the excuses men use
when they cheat, and see if your...
Types of Cheating in Relationships
Cheaters incorporate various methods to cheat in a relationship. There are several types of cheating
and knowing them will help you to recognize and deal with the cheater in a better way. This Buzzle
article will give you...
Myths and Facts about Cheating
If you thought the promise of 'I'll be faithful till death do us apart' really lasts, you would have to
think again. With splits-ville gaining more attention than ever, the statistics show us otherwise.
Buzzle takes a look at all...
Cheating Boyfriend Quotes
Caught your boyfriend cheating on you? Here are a few quotes to help you get over him and move on
with your life.
Why Do Women Cheat?
"Why did she cheat? Where did I go wrong? What did I do to drive her in to the arms of another
man? Forget that, why didn't she just tell me that she wasn't happy?" Questions. Questions. Let's
find out why women cheat in...
Is My Boyfriend Cheating on Me?
Are you losing your sleep over whether your boyfriend is cheating on you. Are you insecure and
paranoid about his whereabouts, when he's not with you? This article highlights some signs of a
cheating boyfriend. So let's start with...
Why do Men Have Affairs
Monogamy seems to be a thing of the past, as more and more men are having extramarital affairs
either at their workplace or over the Internet. So, why do men have affairs in the first place? In this
following article we will take a...
Cheating Wife Signs
Cheating wife signs can be very difficult to figure out. You check her call logs, interrogate her, check
her handbag, but every effort is in vain. Read on to know more about signs to check whether your
wife is cheating on you!
Signs of a Cheating Girlfriend
Sometimes you may suspect that your girlfriend is not loyal to you. But how will you come to know
that your girlfriend is cheating on you? This article talks about the signs of a cheating girlfriend to
help you find out the truth.
Signs of Infidelity in Women
What are the signs of infidelity in women? Yes, gone are the days when only men were considered to
be cheaters! Read on and understand that a woman too, can be the cheating partner in a
How to Catch a Cheating Husband
Knowing how to catch a cheating husband, requires that a woman to have a knack for spotting
something odd, and questionable, in her husband's behavior. Find out here, on how to catch him red
Virtual Affairs - Infidelity Redefined by Technology
Virtual affairs, or online affairs, have become very common, thanks to the easy access to various
means of virtual communication - like chat groups, role-playing games, and email. In this article, we
explore how virtual infidelity...
Signs of an Affair
A disloyal spouse can shatter a marriage or a relationship within no time. Communication gap and
sudden changes in the behavior of your spouse, will always give rise to doubts of infidelity. Whether
an affair is emotional, physical...
Dealing with Infidelity in Marriage
How do you deal with the emotional turmoil you experience when you learn that your spouse has
been unfaithful to you? Though nothing, except your own decision, can help make things simpler,
you may find this excerpt on dealing with...
Infidelity Quotes
Is infidelity a vice or is it a taboo that is becoming a normal part of the modern society? Know what
some famous people had to say about this nature of man through the following infidelity quotes.
Why Do Men Cheat?
'What makes men cheat?', a question that has been raised since generations and still, the answer is
infinite and indefinite. Be it boredom, curiosity, opportunity or just a desire for change, the main
reason behind a man's...
Apology Letter for Cheating
Some of you may justify the act of cheating as being human, or a moment where you become
vulnerable. Whatever your reasons for delving into infidelity, an apology letter for cheating would
suffice if you can't do so face-to-face if...
How to Confront a Cheater
Finding out that your partner has been cheating on you can be quite a painful truth to learn and
cope up with. Hopefully this article will make the aftermath a lot less painful. Learn how to confront
a cheater as you read on...
Affairs With Married Men
Everyone frowns upon affairs with married men, but do they really know how and why it happens?
Let's try to figure that out in this article.
How to Deal With a Cheating Boyfriend
Cheating by any of the partner is the worst thing that can mar a relationship. This article will help
you in dealing with your cheating boyfriend.
Revenge Affair
Infidelity, resentment, and dissatisfaction in a relationship bring about the dark truths of revenge
affair. Here's an article on what this affair means, the reasons why someone enters in one, and what
are its effects on a...
How to Get Over a Cheating Girlfriend
Getting over a cheating girlfriend takes some time and effort from your side. You invest your soul in
a relationship and when it does not work, getting hurt is natural. It is important that you get over
the heartbreak and move on...
How to Get Over a Cheating Boyfriend
How to get over a cheating boyfriend, is a subject which often torments women. There are no rules
to this thing, however the most important requirement is that you learn to move on...
How to Save Your Relationship After Cheating
It takes a whole lot of guts, effort and genuine love to save a relationship, after one of the partners
has cheated. Read on for some useful tips on fixing a relationship after cheating...
Hiring a Private Investigator to Catch a Cheating Spouse
This write up shares some insights on increasingly alarming practice in US that is of hiring a private
investigator to catch a cheating spouse. Take a read...
Can Texting Lead to Cheating
Cell phones have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. Dangerously, these gadgets
penetrate our personal lives and cause many to stray. Find out what happens when texting goes
overboard and how texting is tantamount to...
Causes of Infidelity in Marriage
What are the various causes of infidelity in marriage? This question actually makes your mind
wander and takes out chapters in your life which you never wanted to see. This article is an honest
help for people who have been victims...
How to Recover from an Emotional Affair
Betrayal in any form can be heart wrenching. Read the following Buzzle article to know how to get
over someone who has cheated on you emotionally.
Why Women Cheat on Their Husbands
Why women cheat on their husbands? What is the
reason behind them having extramarital affairs? Read
on to find the answers...
Cheating Songs
Been cheated by the man/woman of your dreams?
Need some songs to suit your mood? Here's a list of
some of the famous songs meant for those who have
been cheated in love.
Facts and Statistics of Infidelity
Facts regarding infidelity give you an overview of the
cheating patterns of males and females in the
underrated institution of marriage. The article below
highlights some facts and statistics of infidelity.
Why Do People Cheat
What are the reasons that lead to infidelity in relationships? Here's a perspective on the subject.
How to Spy on Your Spouse
If you suspect that your spouse is cheating on you, and feel that the trust is broken, then things can
be pretty difficult to deal with.
Emotional Infidelity Quotes
Going through the following quotes will help you understand the primary aspects of emotional
infidelity. This article consists of a few quotes unfolding the psyche of emotional affairs.
How to Deal with Extramarital Affairs
What are the reasons that make a committed person stray and have an affair? And what should the
wronged partner do to cope with this situation? Read on to find the answers.
Extramarital Affairs Statistics
While statistics suggest that on an average 60 percent of men and 40 percent of women resort to
infidelity, the actual figure is expected to be way beyond these numbers.
Marriage Study and Cheating Gene
Are some men doomed to cheat in relationships? If you were to go by the findings of a research
study conducted in Sweden, indeed, it seems to be so. Men may blame their genes for failure in
Cheating in Relationships
There can be several possible reasons for infidelity in a relationship. This article will give you more
information on various aspects and effects of cheating and unfaithfulness in relationships.
Affairs With Married Women
What is it about married women that some men simply find irresistible? Charged with hormones and
burning with desire, most illicit relationships are a disaster waiting to happen. There are, however,
dangerous, rocky roads you can...
Cheating Men Signs
Cheating men signs are very obvious, if you observe your man carefully. Here are a few signs of
cheating men and reasons for what makes men cheat.
Falling in Love With a Married Man
Most women, secretly or openly, harbor a fantasy for older men. Well, there is something irresistibly
alluring about a married man, here is what happens for falling in love with a married man. Read on...
Signs She's Cheating
Lack of trust can ruin a perfect relationship. But if you have your good and valid reasons for
doubting on your girlfriend, then look for the signs in her behavior. This Buzzle article tells you
about the hints and signs that will...
Relationship Advice on Cheating Boyfriend
Knowing that your partner is cheating on you can make your life miserable. Here is a practical
relationship advice on cheating, that can help you ease your tensions.
Love Affair
Love affairs begin with 'we're just friends' and may even end there for some. However, they sure are
a reason for worry, if your partner is caught up in one.
Relationship Advice on Cheating Girlfriend
Need some relationship advice? Cheating girlfriends can leave you heartbroken and shattered for
life. So if you want to discern whether your girlfriend is cheating on you, then it is time you start
looking for signs of cheating in...
Is He Cheating - Signs
Are your once attractive and appealing habits, now bothering your husband? Do you think he is
cheating on you? Don't let it remain a question. Read on to find out for those, 'is he cheating' signs.
What to Do If Your Husband is Cheating
What to do if your husband is cheating? This is a question that can be quite distressing to answer.
But, don't despair! Read on to know what to do and how to get your life back on track when you've
encountered a cheating man.
Surviving Infidelity in Marriage
Surviving infidelity in marriage is a challenging task. It is one of the worst phases of life, but you can
get over it. This article analyzes the ways you can deal with infidelity.
Songs About Cheating
Has your lover cheated on you? Well, music can help heal the heart, my friend. Listed below are
some of the best songs that define infidelity.
Cheating Wife - What to Do
Women are deceptive beings, is a well-known fact. So, if you are faced with a cheating wife, what
will you do? How would you concretely know if she is cheating or not? Do you confront? Do you
forgive and forget? This article...
Signs of Infidelity in Marriage
Infidelity is a growing concern amongst the urban couples, as the avenues to socialize continue to
rise and the mind begins to wander. Signs of infidelity in marriage can either be glaringly obvious or
sneakingly deceptive and...
Emotional Cheating With an Ex
Emotional cheating with an ex can be a dicey concept to understand. What are the rules and what
are the signs? Well, you may not be as far away from knowing therapy chiang mai the truth as you
may think. Read on to know all about it.
Emotional Affair Signs
With hectic lifestyles, it is very important for people to understand the nature of the relationships
that surround them. The article below elaborates on the signs of an emotional affair.
Is She Cheating on Me?
The suspicion that your partner is cheating on you wrecks havoc with your peace of mind. In this
post, we're listing out certain sure-fire signals that your girlfriend or wife is seeking love elsewhere.
Why do Men Cheat on Their Wives?
Why do men cheat on their wives is a mystery that many wives would be happy to get an answer to.
There has been no definite answer to explain why do men cheat on their wives, but there are some
reasons which may help you understand...
Signs of a Cheating Boyfriend
Have you been feeling your boyfriend has not been the same with you lately? Read these signs of a
cheating boyfriend to find out if he is being unfaithful to you.
Signs of Cheating in a Relationship
Before drawing out a conclusions whether your partner is cheating on you or not, you need to
confirm your doubts by keeping a check on his/her actions.
Emotional Promiscuity and Relationships
Getting emotionally close to someone other than your better half doesn't necessarily indicate
infidelity, does it? What does it mean to be emotionally promiscuous, and how to avoid it? This
article shall answer all these questions.
What is Considered Cheating in a Relationship?
How far does an encounter have to go before it is considered cheating? Read on to get the answer to
this question.
The Chiang Mai Wellness Centre
3 Moonmuang Road Lane 1
T. Pra Sing
Chiang Mai

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Infidelity |

  • 1. Infidelity | Infidelity is on a rampant rise as the world is becoming a smaller place to live in. With so many 'options' one just cannot stop the heart. Think you are getting into an emotional affair? You suspect your partner has an extramarital affair? The rights and wrongs of these things have been debated extensively but one thing's for sure, they spell infidelity. They leave behind a lot of trauma and distress. Many a time, infidelity is the reason for broken families. Don't trash this fact, instead deal with it upfront. Talking about infidelity with your spouse or the one you love will help you in working things out. 11 Excuses Men Use When They Cheat Are you having second thoughts about your husband's loyalty? Is he giving you reasons and excuses to stay out late, which sound a tad suspicious and fishy? Have a look at some of the excuses men use when they cheat, and see if your... Types of Cheating in Relationships Cheaters incorporate various methods to cheat in a relationship. There are several types of cheating and knowing them will help you to recognize and deal with the cheater in a better way. This Buzzle article will give you... Myths and Facts about Cheating If you thought the promise of 'I'll be faithful till death do us apart' really lasts, you would have to think again. With splits-ville gaining more attention than ever, the statistics show us otherwise. Buzzle takes a look at all... Cheating Boyfriend Quotes Caught your boyfriend cheating on you? Here are a few quotes to help you get over him and move on with your life. Why Do Women Cheat? "Why did she cheat? Where did I go wrong? What did I do to drive her in to the arms of another man? Forget that, why didn't she just tell me that she wasn't happy?" Questions. Questions. Let's find out why women cheat in... Is My Boyfriend Cheating on Me? Are you losing your sleep over whether your boyfriend is cheating on you. Are you insecure and paranoid about his whereabouts, when he's not with you? This article highlights some signs of a cheating boyfriend. So let's start with...
  • 2. Why do Men Have Affairs Monogamy seems to be a thing of the past, as more and more men are having extramarital affairs either at their workplace or over the Internet. So, why do men have affairs in the first place? In this following article we will take a... Cheating Wife Signs Cheating wife signs can be very difficult to figure out. You check her call logs, interrogate her, check her handbag, but every effort is in vain. Read on to know more about signs to check whether your wife is cheating on you! Signs of a Cheating Girlfriend Sometimes you may suspect that your girlfriend is not loyal to you. But how will you come to know that your girlfriend is cheating on you? This article talks about the signs of a cheating girlfriend to help you find out the truth. Signs of Infidelity in Women What are the signs of infidelity in women? Yes, gone are the days when only men were considered to be cheaters! Read on and understand that a woman too, can be the cheating partner in a relationship... How to Catch a Cheating Husband Knowing how to catch a cheating husband, requires that a woman to have a knack for spotting something odd, and questionable, in her husband's behavior. Find out here, on how to catch him red handed... Virtual Affairs - Infidelity Redefined by Technology Virtual affairs, or online affairs, have become very common, thanks to the easy access to various means of virtual communication - like chat groups, role-playing games, and email. In this article, we explore how virtual infidelity... Signs of an Affair A disloyal spouse can shatter a marriage or a relationship within no time. Communication gap and sudden changes in the behavior of your spouse, will always give rise to doubts of infidelity. Whether an affair is emotional, physical... Dealing with Infidelity in Marriage How do you deal with the emotional turmoil you experience when you learn that your spouse has been unfaithful to you? Though nothing, except your own decision, can help make things simpler, you may find this excerpt on dealing with... Infidelity Quotes Is infidelity a vice or is it a taboo that is becoming a normal part of the modern society? Know what
  • 3. some famous people had to say about this nature of man through the following infidelity quotes. Why Do Men Cheat? 'What makes men cheat?', a question that has been raised since generations and still, the answer is infinite and indefinite. Be it boredom, curiosity, opportunity or just a desire for change, the main reason behind a man's... Apology Letter for Cheating Some of you may justify the act of cheating as being human, or a moment where you become vulnerable. Whatever your reasons for delving into infidelity, an apology letter for cheating would suffice if you can't do so face-to-face if... How to Confront a Cheater Finding out that your partner has been cheating on you can be quite a painful truth to learn and cope up with. Hopefully this article will make the aftermath a lot less painful. Learn how to confront a cheater as you read on... Affairs With Married Men Everyone frowns upon affairs with married men, but do they really know how and why it happens? Let's try to figure that out in this article. How to Deal With a Cheating Boyfriend Cheating by any of the partner is the worst thing that can mar a relationship. This article will help you in dealing with your cheating boyfriend. Revenge Affair Infidelity, resentment, and dissatisfaction in a relationship bring about the dark truths of revenge affair. Here's an article on what this affair means, the reasons why someone enters in one, and what are its effects on a... How to Get Over a Cheating Girlfriend Getting over a cheating girlfriend takes some time and effort from your side. You invest your soul in a relationship and when it does not work, getting hurt is natural. It is important that you get over the heartbreak and move on... How to Get Over a Cheating Boyfriend How to get over a cheating boyfriend, is a subject which often torments women. There are no rules to this thing, however the most important requirement is that you learn to move on... How to Save Your Relationship After Cheating It takes a whole lot of guts, effort and genuine love to save a relationship, after one of the partners has cheated. Read on for some useful tips on fixing a relationship after cheating...
  • 4. Hiring a Private Investigator to Catch a Cheating Spouse This write up shares some insights on increasingly alarming practice in US that is of hiring a private investigator to catch a cheating spouse. Take a read... Can Texting Lead to Cheating Cell phones have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. Dangerously, these gadgets penetrate our personal lives and cause many to stray. Find out what happens when texting goes overboard and how texting is tantamount to... Causes of Infidelity in Marriage What are the various causes of infidelity in marriage? This question actually makes your mind wander and takes out chapters in your life which you never wanted to see. This article is an honest help for people who have been victims... How to Recover from an Emotional Affair Betrayal in any form can be heart wrenching. Read the following Buzzle article to know how to get over someone who has cheated on you emotionally. Why Women Cheat on Their Husbands Why women cheat on their husbands? What is the reason behind them having extramarital affairs? Read on to find the answers... Cheating Songs Been cheated by the man/woman of your dreams? Need some songs to suit your mood? Here's a list of some of the famous songs meant for those who have been cheated in love. Facts and Statistics of Infidelity Facts regarding infidelity give you an overview of the cheating patterns of males and females in the underrated institution of marriage. The article below highlights some facts and statistics of infidelity. Why Do People Cheat What are the reasons that lead to infidelity in relationships? Here's a perspective on the subject. How to Spy on Your Spouse If you suspect that your spouse is cheating on you, and feel that the trust is broken, then things can
  • 5. be pretty difficult to deal with. Emotional Infidelity Quotes Going through the following quotes will help you understand the primary aspects of emotional infidelity. This article consists of a few quotes unfolding the psyche of emotional affairs. How to Deal with Extramarital Affairs What are the reasons that make a committed person stray and have an affair? And what should the wronged partner do to cope with this situation? Read on to find the answers. Extramarital Affairs Statistics While statistics suggest that on an average 60 percent of men and 40 percent of women resort to infidelity, the actual figure is expected to be way beyond these numbers. Marriage Study and Cheating Gene Are some men doomed to cheat in relationships? If you were to go by the findings of a research study conducted in Sweden, indeed, it seems to be so. Men may blame their genes for failure in relationships. Cheating in Relationships There can be several possible reasons for infidelity in a relationship. This article will give you more information on various aspects and effects of cheating and unfaithfulness in relationships. Affairs With Married Women What is it about married women that some men simply find irresistible? Charged with hormones and burning with desire, most illicit relationships are a disaster waiting to happen. There are, however, dangerous, rocky roads you can... Cheating Men Signs Cheating men signs are very obvious, if you observe your man carefully. Here are a few signs of cheating men and reasons for what makes men cheat. Falling in Love With a Married Man Most women, secretly or openly, harbor a fantasy for older men. Well, there is something irresistibly alluring about a married man, here is what happens for falling in love with a married man. Read on... Signs She's Cheating Lack of trust can ruin a perfect relationship. But if you have your good and valid reasons for doubting on your girlfriend, then look for the signs in her behavior. This Buzzle article tells you about the hints and signs that will... Relationship Advice on Cheating Boyfriend
  • 6. Knowing that your partner is cheating on you can make your life miserable. Here is a practical relationship advice on cheating, that can help you ease your tensions. Love Affair Love affairs begin with 'we're just friends' and may even end there for some. However, they sure are a reason for worry, if your partner is caught up in one. Relationship Advice on Cheating Girlfriend Need some relationship advice? Cheating girlfriends can leave you heartbroken and shattered for life. So if you want to discern whether your girlfriend is cheating on you, then it is time you start looking for signs of cheating in... Is He Cheating - Signs Are your once attractive and appealing habits, now bothering your husband? Do you think he is cheating on you? Don't let it remain a question. Read on to find out for those, 'is he cheating' signs. What to Do If Your Husband is Cheating What to do if your husband is cheating? This is a question that can be quite distressing to answer. But, don't despair! Read on to know what to do and how to get your life back on track when you've encountered a cheating man. Surviving Infidelity in Marriage Surviving infidelity in marriage is a challenging task. It is one of the worst phases of life, but you can get over it. This article analyzes the ways you can deal with infidelity. Songs About Cheating Has your lover cheated on you? Well, music can help heal the heart, my friend. Listed below are some of the best songs that define infidelity. Cheating Wife - What to Do Women are deceptive beings, is a well-known fact. So, if you are faced with a cheating wife, what will you do? How would you concretely know if she is cheating or not? Do you confront? Do you forgive and forget? This article... Signs of Infidelity in Marriage Infidelity is a growing concern amongst the urban couples, as the avenues to socialize continue to rise and the mind begins to wander. Signs of infidelity in marriage can either be glaringly obvious or sneakingly deceptive and... Emotional Cheating With an Ex Emotional cheating with an ex can be a dicey concept to understand. What are the rules and what are the signs? Well, you may not be as far away from knowing therapy chiang mai the truth as you
  • 7. may think. Read on to know all about it. Emotional Affair Signs With hectic lifestyles, it is very important for people to understand the nature of the relationships that surround them. The article below elaborates on the signs of an emotional affair. Is She Cheating on Me? The suspicion that your partner is cheating on you wrecks havoc with your peace of mind. In this post, we're listing out certain sure-fire signals that your girlfriend or wife is seeking love elsewhere. Why do Men Cheat on Their Wives? Why do men cheat on their wives is a mystery that many wives would be happy to get an answer to. There has been no definite answer to explain why do men cheat on their wives, but there are some reasons which may help you understand... Signs of a Cheating Boyfriend Have you been feeling your boyfriend has not been the same with you lately? Read these signs of a cheating boyfriend to find out if he is being unfaithful to you. Signs of Cheating in a Relationship Before drawing out a conclusions whether your partner is cheating on you or not, you need to confirm your doubts by keeping a check on his/her actions. Emotional Promiscuity and Relationships Getting emotionally close to someone other than your better half doesn't necessarily indicate infidelity, does it? What does it mean to be emotionally promiscuous, and how to avoid it? This article shall answer all these questions. What is Considered Cheating in a Relationship? How far does an encounter have to go before it is considered cheating? Read on to get the answer to this question. The Chiang Mai Wellness Centre 3 Moonmuang Road Lane 1 T. Pra Sing 50200 Chiang Mai Thailand